View Full Version : Best Star Trek Movie

Tharj TreeSmiter
2007-01-17, 07:12 PM
Ok pick one TOS movie, thats 1-6 and one TNG movie which is 7-10.

Mine are definitely Star Trek 2: The wrath of Khaaaaaan and First contact.

2007-01-17, 07:25 PM
The Final Frontier Kicks Ass. I don't know why people don't like it. It's Kirk versus God - the ultimate showdown!

(and God backs down)

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2007-01-17, 07:31 PM
Actually, Final Frontier isn't as bad as you're going for, Tharj. It just has deep-set religious issues. And was probably dropped on it's head as a baby movie. Repeatedly.

In other words, I concur with Tharj in all but his thoughts of Final Frontier.

2007-01-17, 07:43 PM
Okay, who is surprised First Contact makes 100% ? Thought so. But I'd guessed Undiscovered Country better rated, but people seem to really cherish Khan. Maybe because it was the movie they expected Nr. 1 to be.

I did find Final Frontier quite boring, but I'd like to see a Director's Cut, as I often heard that quite important parts were cut, making the movie much worse than it should've been. (But still: Scotty bumping into doors..pleease guys. :smallannoyed: )

2007-01-17, 08:02 PM
It seemed to me to be a longstanding rule that for TOS movies, odd numbers are bad and even numbers are good.

I have a more difficult time judging the TNG movies.

But here are my picks:
TOS -- ST IV The Voyage Home (Too much LDS in the sixties, I guess...)
TNG -- Generations

I also enjoyed ST VI -- The Undiscovered Country.

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-01-17, 08:10 PM
The Motion Picture or Voyage Home definetely. Wrath of Khan somewhere after.

Generations was great, and I liked First Contact alot, but the other two STANK!

I've heard they won't be making any more because they did so badly. I say, how about we have a few less special affects, a bit more plot and conversation, and try again instead of going and hanging your head in the corner.

Honestly, though I didn't really care all that much for the original series, I loved (most) of its movies. They just have such an epic quality to them. The Next Generation movies are sheer flash.

Roland St. Jude
2007-01-17, 08:25 PM
I would say,

Wrath of Khan
Voyage Home
Motion Picture
Search for Spock
Undiscovered Country

First Contact
Generations (it's a bit of a cross-over so it put it on both lists)

VT: Current scuttlebutt is that the next ST film will be a Kirk/Spock academy years story with new young actors. Shatner and Nimoy are consulting on character development and JJ Abrams (Lost's creator) has been hired to direct. They seem to have a script even. (http://www.startrek.com/startrek/view/news/article/38478.html)

2007-01-17, 08:39 PM
The Undiscovered County and First Contact for me. Khan was great, but it doesn't match VI in my mind. Generations was also good.

Many of the movies, though, felt like overly-long episodes. Especially I, V, and Insurrection. Not even particularly good episodes.

2007-01-17, 09:01 PM
Star Trek I was originally slated to be an episode, apparently. I heard it was adapted from a script for a third(?) series that got canned. Frankly, it shows.

I don't know about Star Trek V. I like it way better than Star Trek I or Star Trek IV. Spock's Half Brother, Kirk's mounted raid that goes wrong, Uhura's famous dance, Kirk calling out God "Why would God need a Spaceship?"

2007-01-17, 10:00 PM
First Contact. The borg are easily the best idea ever made, the more borg, the better. The borg were the only ones smart enough to realize their's no air in space so their ships don't have to be aerodynamic.... stupid sci-fi cliche' :smallannoyed:

2007-01-17, 11:21 PM
Of the TOS, The Voyage Home is definitely my favorite, though I like The Undiscovered Country a lot as well.

Of the TNG, First Contact (no surprises) is #1. The other three were tolerable, sometimes barely.

Star Trek XI is in the works, though there's nothing definitive known about it yet. The rumours are that it'll be a prequel of sorts, set shortly before Kirk's era, possibly even involving Kirk before the events of TOS.

2007-01-18, 01:16 AM
I’m partial to Wrath of KHAAANN! Myself

Though I do like insurrection due mainly because I got a kick out of the part when Riker flies the enterprise with manual control (a joystick pops out of a pedestal on the bridge). First contact isn’t too bad, I also liked Star Trek 4: The voyage home mainly due to the comparatively subtle comedy. Star Trek 6: The undiscovered country wasn’t too bad as well. in fact a lot of them are fairly decent movies, they’re just not as good as they could have been.

2007-01-18, 01:40 AM
Well I voted all the even numbered ones :P really I love 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. Not partial to the others though.

2007-01-18, 01:46 AM
I haven't seen any of the Next Generation films (*ducks*), so I can't speak for those. For the original series, The Wrath of Khan is by far the best; I still mist up at the end. Also, Ricardo Montelban. The Voyage Home is second.

I've heard somewhere that the original screenplay for The Final Frontier was way better; it had Satan pretending to be God and the crew of the Enterprise fighting off the legions of hell before they can be rescued (that, and the original Sybok character riding a unicorn-like animal that gored people). But then Paramount decided to make it stupid instead.

2007-01-18, 01:48 AM
The whale one! First one I ever saw!

2007-01-18, 10:13 AM
First contact and Khan just like everyone else. The other TNG movies made me feel like I watched a long episode and I felt pretty gipped. the TOS movies were all ok but some were definite standouts.

2007-01-18, 11:53 AM
I had to go with the classic Sci-Fi cool of Wrath of Khan. So many great quotes.... and Khan, despite only having one episode of TOS and one film to his name, is one of the greatest villains in cinema today.

Of course, First Contact is a close second.... those Borg were just awesome. And even though this probably isn't the most popular opinion, I liked Nemesis.... so that's #3....

2007-01-18, 12:39 PM
i'm going with a newer one. i really love first contact, so that's it for me. i thought nemesis was good too. but i guess they are all pretty good.

2007-01-18, 01:20 PM
I like ST2 the best of the originals, and none of the TNG ones were that great, but First Contact was probably the best.

Tharj TreeSmiter
2007-01-18, 01:36 PM
I liked generations although I think a much better ending would have gotten kirk back intot the nexus somehow. Killing him off like that was really lame. But First contact was the best of the TNG movies.

I also really liked undiscovered country though Khan is the best of the TOS movies. Even motion picture was good though, and the whales are fun although the stuff in the past is pretty dated now.

2007-01-18, 11:29 PM
Ok; some will proudly parade me around the streets in a limo, others will parade my severed head proudly out the window of a limo; but there MUST be a DS9 movie. That storyline DID NOT END.

But I voted for Khan; First Contact, and Undiscovered Country

2007-01-19, 02:31 PM
Voted for TWoK and FC.

My TOS ranking:
1. Wrath of Khan
2. The Undiscovered Country
3. The Voyage Home
4. The Search for Spock
5. The Motion Picture
6. The Final Frontier

As for Next Gen: First Contact was the only good one. Generations was mediocre. And speak not to me of "Insurrection" or - Great Bird of the Galaxy forfend - "Nemesis." Their suckitude shall never be forgotten.

2007-01-19, 10:35 PM
Ok; some will proudly parade me around the streets in a limo, others will parade my severed head proudly out the window of a limo; but there MUST be a DS9 movie. That storyline DID NOT END.

But how could you continue it? If the storyline didn't end, it didn't end in a way that makes it really hard to keep going (which means that it sort of did end). I would love to see such a project, but only if it didn't come off as being horribly contrived.

Tharj TreeSmiter
2007-01-22, 02:13 PM
But how could you continue it? If the storyline didn't end, it didn't end in a way that makes it really hard to keep going (which means that it sort of did end). I would love to see such a project, but only if it didn't come off as being horribly contrived.

Ya I'd be interested but I'm not sure how they would do it. Especially since they would need so much backstory explanation that it would be difficult to even start the movie.

2007-01-23, 08:01 PM
The Wrath of Khan although I came close to selecting First Contact.

Zar Peter
2007-01-26, 05:33 AM
I voted Voyage home. Spock in the eighties beats everything.

And First Contact of course.

2007-01-26, 05:49 AM
Ok; some will proudly parade me around the streets in a limo, others will parade my severed head proudly out the window of a limo; but there MUST be a DS9 movie. That storyline DID NOT END.
Sad thing is, the story did end. Most of the characters left for somewhere.O'Brien left to be an instructor at Starfleet Acadamy, Worf is the Ambassador to the Klingons, Sisko is with the Prophets, Odo went back to his people. That leaves Quark, Kira, Ezri and Jake Sisko to make a movie about.

(Continuation of the spoiler) The appearance of Worf in First Contact and Nemesis makes sense, but Insurrection? No way.

2007-01-26, 07:36 PM
*ducks quickly*
My favorite is "Insurrection" with "First Contact" as a close second.
I just love that Picard hooks up with a woman who could probably match him in intellect, and that Geordi regains his sight long enough to see the sun rise. I cry every time I see that moment.
I'm such a girl, sometimes.

2007-01-26, 07:40 PM
lol. I haven't seen any of the Star Trek Movies. Scifi doesn't really appeal to me Although I really likes Star Wars. I like more fantasy movies like LOTR etc.

2007-01-26, 07:52 PM
Tough choice - I went with TWoK, simply because of the battle in the nebula (very reminiscent of old submarine movies). First Contact was also very good, though.

2007-01-26, 10:38 PM
I thought wrath of Khan was the best, mainly because of the following line-

2007-01-26, 10:43 PM
I thought wrath of Khan was the best, mainly because of the following line-

Meanwhile, nobody's showing love for: "Nooo!!! Noooooooo!!! *smashes display case* The line must be drawn HERE!! This far, no further! And I will make them PAY for what they've done!"

Shatner gets props for over-acting while Stewart gets ignored for his great "Khan"-like moment. :smallbiggrin:

Jewel Thief
2007-01-27, 11:11 AM
I've only seen First Contact, Insurrection and Nemisis, of which I really enjoyed First Contact. The borg were a really awesome idea.

2007-01-27, 04:35 PM
Khan does it for me. Great fights, brilliant villain, awesome doomsday weapon, and big tear-jerker heroic death scene at end. I really enjoyed how we got to see Spock's quiet dignity, even in his final moments, and how Kirk was completely shattered at ( finally ) having to deal with the death of one of those closest to him ( cos he'd always managed to trick his way out of tight situations before ). And Reliant just looks really cool. :)

2007-01-28, 07:26 PM
The Final Frontier Kicks Ass. I don't know why people don't like it. It's Kirk versus God - the ultimate showdown!

(and God backs down)
Okay, time for you to be naturally selected. *gives Matthew a red shirt*

Oh, and Nemesis can never be forgiven. It sucked and killed off Data. You can do the first and make it entertaining, you can do the second and make it work, but you can't do both!

2007-01-30, 12:02 AM
I went with STII/First Contact as my choices.

I've always felt The Search For Spock has been a bit underrated. That film definitely had its moments of high-quality cinematic fromage: a battered Enterprise's return to starbase, the super-obvious Yoda ripoff when McCoy tries to book passage to Genesis, the Enterprise getting shanghai'ed, the self-destruct activation sequence, the brain-dead Klingon that doesn't recognize the self-destruct countdown, young Spock and not-Kirstie-Alley Saavik doing it on Genesis. I think it's a definite sleeper.

Lord Iames Osari
2007-01-30, 01:35 AM
Of TOS, my favorite is The Voyage Home.

TNG: Generations, the only one I've seen.

2007-01-30, 02:00 AM
Generations is kinda neat
First Contact is the best, Data rules
*crazy chick shoots data in the back with a machine gun, he turns around and she shoots him in the front a bunch of times*
Insurrection: it was cute in some ways but not very good
nemesis made me cry they had a franchise that could have been good but instead they decided to end any hopes of ever making another TNG movie worth watching

#1 stupid overly long episode
Wrath of Khaaaaaaan: now that's what I'm talkin bout great movie, great acting, great villain, good subterfuge.
search for spock: ??? why ???
Voyage home: if Star Trek were a comedy... ... actually its pretty okay as a comedy
The Final Frontier: I actually kinda liked it, kirk vs god was interesting
The Undiscovered Country: only TOS movie better then Khan, why? Good plot, good story, and a Klingon quoting shakespeare? "let slip the dogs of war!" love when the baddie gets killed off "to be, or not to be?" BOOM!!!

i voted for first contact and recommend it to anyone who likes a really good star trek movie.

2007-01-30, 02:01 AM
Okay, time for you to be naturally selected. *gives Matthew a red shirt*

Oh, and Nemesis can never be forgiven. It sucked and killed off Data. You can do the first and make it entertaining, you can do the second and make it work, but you can't do both!

Ah, I liked Nemesis. Plus they recovered a body double of him AND scanned his brain in the movie, which means they can transfer his memory to the Data copy.

On a topically off topic note my mom went to school with LeVar Burton. Apparently he was called Bob and had a bubble butt.

2007-01-30, 02:04 AM
SDF the data wannabe was slower dumber not as advanced, was given datas memories, had no emotion chip, and was a stupid dumb bad idea.
B4 is not Data
only Data is Data
we watched him grow from little more then a robot to one of the best star trek characters of all time, no fan wants to watch a character grow and develop and entertain them and make them laugh just to see him get blowed up in the end to save a guy who should have died!

2007-01-30, 02:31 AM
I'm the lone voice for Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. I know it got panned by the critics for being "negative" but it was the very seriousness of the film, juxtaposed with the humor, that made me enjoy it more than any of the others. The whole sequence starting with Kirk obviously lying to the commander of Star Fleet (that Kirk is going to drop the Spock matter) through stealing the Enterprise is fraught with peril for Kirk and company, yet filled with humor:

Computer on the Excelsior's turbolift: "Have a nice evening;" Scotty: Ah--up yer shaft!"

Kirk: "You're suffering from a Vulcan mindmeld, Doctor;" McCoy"That green-blooded sonofabitch--it's his revenge for all those arguments I let him win!"

Sulu: "DON'T call me tiny!" after flipping the huge guard onto the floor.

McCoy, eyeing the closed space doors toward which Enterprise is quickly backing: "Are you just going to WALK through, Jim?!" Kirk: "Calm yourself, Doctor. And NOW, Mr. Scott." Scott works the controls furiously as the Enteprise backs toward the closed doors of the spacedock. Scotty: "Aye?" Kirk: "The doors, Scotty!" Scotty, slightly panicked: "Aye! I'm WORKING on it!"

Scotty, after Excelsior grinds to a halt: "The more they over-think the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain." Putting computer rods in McCoy's hands, Scotty says: "From one surgeon to another. I took them out of Excelsior's main computer drives."

That whole sequence, from Kirk's like to Scotty's joke, I regard as my favorite among all the many great scenes in 40 years of Star Trek--all of which, I will add, I have been around to see. :)

Then of course they finally had the courage to do something in Star Trek III that they'd threatened but never done on the series: Blow up the Enterprise. When I saw that in the theater for the first time, I cried. In the show you always knew it was an idle threat, not gonna happen because we needed the ship for next week's episode, but I still remember when it hit me that they really WERE going to blow it up in Star Trek III.

I'd also add the scene where the Klingon rather casually kills Kirk's son. Kirk is so upset that he tries to sit in the center seat but misses and ends up sitting hard on the deck instead. "You Klingon bastard, you killed my son." It chokes me up even writing about it.

Don't get me wrong: I love the Wrath of Khan too. I still cry at Spock's funeral, and of course who can forget Kirk's over-the-top KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! In fact Wrath of Khan and The Search for Spock are really two parts of a pretty tight story-arc. (You can probably argue that Star Trek IV forms the third part of that story-arc, and it too had some good material, but I found it too lighthearted to be a favorite for me.)

2007-01-30, 02:57 AM
I'm the lone voice for Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.
I didn't vote for it because I like STII better, but I definitely consider III to be the sleeper of the franchise.

2007-01-30, 02:59 AM
I didn't vote for it because I like STII better, but I definitely consider III to be the sleeper of the franchise.

Cool! It's nice to know I'm not the only one who enjoyed Search for Spock! :smallsmile:

2007-01-30, 01:04 PM
I voted for ST2:TWoK because of the powerhouse performance of the actors.
ST:FC has got to be a close second, especially for Picard's Monologue to Lily.
Then, I have to say it is really hard to choose between 3 and 6.

2007-01-30, 02:57 PM
I'm the lone voice for Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. (snip)

It's not that The Search for Spock is bad so much as that most people have other movies at the top. It's hands-down the best of the "odd" Star Trek movies, and may even be better than The Undiscovered Country, but the majority of fans (myself included) give top billing to The Wrath of Khan.

2007-01-30, 03:27 PM
Okay, I just have to say it...

KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN, which is actually my second favorite, I like #4 the best.

2007-01-30, 06:50 PM
It's not that The Search for Spock is bad so much as that most people have other movies at the top. It's hands-down the best of the "odd" Star Trek movies, and may even be better than The Undiscovered Country, but the majority of fans (myself included) give top billing to The Wrath of Khan.

I know that many people regard the "even" movies as better than the "odd" movies but I've never viewed it that way. While the first film had its weaknesses, one of the frequently-sighted "weak" scenes, where Scotty flies Kirk around the upgraded Enterprise for three minutes, I really enjoyed. If you're not old enough to have watched the original Star Trek when it was new and then pined for over a decade for an oft-rumored return, you can't understand how it felt to come back and see her again--the way that Kirk felt. It was like coming home.

As for Star Trek IV, I found it both too politically correct ("save the whales") and too lighthearted. As Chekov falls nearly to his death on the air craft carrier Enterprise, the musical score plays light-hearted, comical music. The problem was an overreaction to the criticizm of Star Trek III for being "too dark." Actually III had, as I mentioned, an excellent juxtaposition of light and dark. IV could have used a little darkness to contrast the levity. I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy most of the humor--especially Kirk's comment that Spock did "too much LDS" instead of LSD (which might deliberately have been poking fun at the Mormon Church--LDS standing for Latter-Day Saints)--but I would have enjoyed it more if they'd contrasted it with something more serious (and I don't mean the goofy, "save the whales, save the world"). :smallbiggrin:

I will say that Final Frontier suffered from some serious problems, not least of which probably was letting Shatner direct himself. As his two awards for playing Denny Crane show, he actually has a lot of talent, contrary to all the anti-Shatner hype of the last 40 years, but he needs a good director to reign him in. I understand that in Wrath of Khan the director made him do dozens of takes to tire him out so that his performance wouldn't be so over the top. :smallbiggrin:

The Undiscovered Country did a pretty good job of constrasting light and dark. I enjoyed the return to Shakespeare, from whom Roddenbury often took inspiration, and the tradition of having someone falsely claim someone as their own (Chekov claiming that someone was Russian, the Klingons claiming Shakespeare as Klingon, etc.) I liked the way it dealt with Kirk's hatred of Klingons, harking back to (my favorite movie) Star Trek III.

Generations was really two movies in one: a good TNG movie, and a classic Trek short attached to the front. I know that fans had been clamoring to bring the two generations together, but I think this was a horrible error. If they wanted to kill off Kirk they should have had original Trek crew members around to mourn him--a whole movie with them. Actually it wouldn't have been so bad if they'd killed him off in Final Frontier, where he said he always knew he'd die alone. Of course we would have missed The Undiscovered Country, which I enjoyed, but at least it would have had dramatic integrity, like when they killed Spock. There wasn't a dry eye in the theater the first time I saw Wrath of Khan during Spock's funeral scene. Now THAT was a character death with some dramatic integrity. Killing Kirk in front of Piccard, who basically didn't care, had no drama at all. We'd seen Kirk get more upset at the killing of redshirts in the original series. Piccard could barely have been more indifferent. I think the TNG part of the movie would have been better without Kirk in it. That part seemed all too contrived.

Don't get me wrong--I LOVE the way Data reacts to the emotion chip. Data has always been my favorite character, and Brent Spiner is one of the two actors from TNG who stand head and shoulder above the others (Patrick Stewart being the other). His reactions to the emotion chip--from finally getting jokes he'd heard years before to laughing uncontrollably, to cowering in terror, to saying "Oh sh-t!" as the saucer section heads for a crash landing on the planet--really made the movie for me.

There was some good stuff in First Contact, but there was a lot I didn't really like about it. I found the whole "time travel; Borg take over the Earth but somehow the Enterprise survives unchanged" rather contrived. As an original fan of the original Trek, I didn't like the way they totally mutated Zephram Cochrane's character. From the original Trek we saw that Cochrane was no drunken bum, but if anything a rather morally strict (some might say a priggish) man. I also didn't think that they needed to bring in a stranger to have the talk with Piccard about being Ahab; Guinan (Whoopi Goldberg) would have been just fine, a natural choice. I'm also not sure about the whole concept of a "Borg queen." I know they carried the concept into Voyager (bar far the weakest of the Star Trek series) but the original concept of the Borg had then all the same and all generalized as part of their very being and what made them so hard to defeat.

Now having said that, I will say that the scenes with Data and the Borg scene I enjoyed more than almost any other part of the movie--once again Data stole the show. :smallsmile:

I have much more vague recollections of the last two TNG movies. For some reason, neither the high points nor the weak points really stand out, suggesting that while not bad they weren't great either, or maybe to be fair, that while I didn't hate them I didn't love them either. A Romulan clone of Piccard? Sure, Piccard is a good starship captain, but why go through all that trouble just to clone him? It's not like we're cloning someone who could take over the world, like, oh, Superman. Again it just seemed contrived. (I know I'm jumping over Insurrection, but about all I recall is people with creey skin getting creepy skin treatments while their environmentally-conscious wiser-than-thou parents lived in eternal youth back on their planet. Did the TNG crew actually appear in that film? :smallwink:) What I remember best about Nemsis is Data (yup, once again) sacrificing himself to save the Enterprise in a way designed to stop Brent Spiner from every having to play him again--and then the loophole provided by having the third Data-like android hum Data's tune at the very end. So if we really WANT another Brent Spiner Trek movie, we can always bring him back as that simpleton android. :smallbiggrin:

I gather, however, that TNG has finished its run so far as new Star Trek movies go. The latest rumors have a new Trek movie dealing with Kirk and Spock back at the academy. I already don't like the idea, as there's nothing to suggest they went to the academy at the same time, even though the show had many references to Kirk's academy days, so that it seems unlikely that they were there together. I think too that it would be difficult to find actors to credibly play Kirk and Spock at young men.

2007-01-31, 02:48 PM
The Final Frontier, with First Contact as a very close second. Personally I'd like to forget The Voyage Home ever happend. (Spock as a hippie? Save the Whales? Ugh.) Undiscovered Country was pretty good. I liked Search for Spock, but not as much as most other people tend to.

2007-01-31, 05:15 PM
The Final Frontier, with First Contact as a very close second. Personally I'd like to forget The Voyage Home ever happend. (Spock as a hippie? Save the Whales? Ugh.) Undiscovered Country was pretty good. I liked Search for Spock, but not as much as most other people tend to.

Actually, I enjoyed Spock as a hippie. It sort of lampooned our rigid attitude against hippies back in the 1960s. It also set up the "too much LDS" joke, which still makes me chuckle years later. :smallsmile: I agree though about "save the whales."

RMS Oceanic
2007-02-04, 05:55 AM
TOS: Wrath of Kahn. Epic battle, great music, awesome death/funeral scene. What's not to like?
TNG: First Contact: Epic battle, sexy queen, drunken pioneer of amazing technology. What's not to like?

On another note, I think Generations was a little bit of a let down. It feels more like a two-part TNG episode than a movie, and the premise of the movie, Kirk/Picard working together, lasts only about five-ten minutes. It's the crossover that I was looking forward to, and I feel slightly cheated by it's shortness.

2007-02-04, 08:08 AM
TOS: Wrath of Kahn. Epic battle, great music, awesome death/funeral scene. What's not to like?
TNG: First Contact: Epic battle, sexy queen, drunken pioneer of amazing technology. What's not to like?

On another note, I think Generations was a little bit of a let down. It feels more like a two-part TNG episode than a movie, and the premise of the movie, Kirk/Picard working together, lasts only about five-ten minutes. It's the crossover that I was looking forward to, and I feel slightly cheated by it's shortness.

I didn't find the queen all that sexy, and I'm not even sure I like the idea of the queen--it seems to run contrary to the whole concept of the generalized Borg--but I have to agree that the epic battle, great music, and awesome death and funeral scenes of Wrath of Khan. I also agree with feeling let down by Generations--it was an ill-conceived sop to those fans who wanted to bring together the two generations by any contrivance; it did feel like two movies--an original cast short and a full-length TNG film with a brief and emotionally-weak interaction between Kirk and Piccard. Contrast it to the TNG episodes "Relics" and "Unification" which brought together the generations in more believable and emotionally-satisfying ways.

I see that, alas, I am still the lone vote for Search for Spock; even Star Trek V: Is That Really You, God? got more votes! :smallfrown:

2007-02-07, 10:54 AM
I like first contact and undiscovered country.

Nemesis is a close third.