View Full Version : Questions about multi-weapon fighting

2013-12-20, 06:35 PM
Howdy all

So my group is switching DM’s and its time to start a new character (second D&D character ever). So let me get to the questions here.

I was going to make a Silver Brow human character and give him the Dragon tail feat, and also prehensile tail, then take multi weapon fighting. Now I understand that multi dexterity is obsolete with 3.5 so I don’t need to worry about that feat. What I’m curious about is that the multi weapon fighting feat says it replaces two weapon fighting.

First question. If my character was to be disarmed of one of his three weapons, can he still fight normally as a two weapon fighter without taking the two weapon feat? Probably I just need to cover my bases.

Second question. It seems unlikely that the gloves of the balanced hand would help out my triple wielding guy. Is there something similar for my situation?

Third question part of which is related to question 1. If I had a character that is duel wielding hand crossbows and assume he also had the hand crossbow focus (or light crossbows with rapid reload) so he could reload quickly. Would the prehensile tail allow him to fire both at the characters max number of attacks (assuming feats and full attack and whatnot) with the tail acting to reload both? Second part of this question is would multi-weapon fighting cover this duel wielding action or would you have to take both multi weapon and two weapon fighting to be able to switch from range to melee.

Fourth question. If you’re a humanoid who has a tail would it have its own body slot beyond the normal 12 (think its 12)? Probably can’t put glove(s) of endless (throw item here) on a tail.

2013-12-20, 08:39 PM
First question. If my character was to be disarmed of one of his three weapons, can he still fight normally as a two weapon fighter without taking the two weapon feat? Probably I just need to cover my bases.

Unless disarming takes off your actual arm, you still have MWF. Just consider TWF/MWF to be two sides to the same coin. If you have two hands able to wield weapons, you have TWF. If you have three or more hands able to wield weapons, you have MWF. If your physical form or number of arms changes, then just swap in whichever feat is appropriate to your number of arms.

Second question. It seems unlikely that the gloves of the balanced hand would help out my triple wielding guy. Is there something similar for my situation?

TWF and MWF are interchangeable. Thus, if you put on Gloves of the Balanced Hand in a form with three or more hands, then TWF would get swapped out for MWF. Likewise, if you already have MWF, you'd get Improved MWF.

Third question part of which is related to question 1. If I had a character that is duel wielding hand crossbows and assume he also had the hand crossbow focus (or light crossbows with rapid reload) so he could reload quickly. Would the prehensile tail allow him to fire both at the characters max number of attacks (assuming feats and full attack and whatnot) with the tail acting to reload both?

By RAW, the tail acts as an extra hand so... yeah, by the rules it can reload a crossbow. And I don't see anything that would prevent it from reloading multiple crossbows so long as it's free to do so.

Second part of this question is would multi-weapon fighting cover this duel wielding action or would you have to take both multi weapon and two weapon fighting to be able to switch from range to melee.

TWF/MWF don't care if you're making melee or ranged attacks. They work for both types of attack. If you have either TWF or MWF, your primary/offhand attacks can be either melee or ranged, whichever you prefer (so long as you can draw and wield the appropriate weapons without losing your full-round action).

Fourth question. If you’re a humanoid who has a tail would it have its own body slot beyond the normal 12 (think its 12)? Probably can’t put glove(s) of endless (throw item here) on a tail.

Humanoid with extra appendages does not get any additional item slots. You have to take the Extra Item Space feat to get another slot. You have to pick one slot that corresponds to the appendage. A prehensile tail should be able to support an additional ring slot. I'm not sure you could use a prehensile tail for a glove or arm slot... That's probably a DM call. But you can only pick one slot per feat. Even if a prehensile tail could count as an arm, hand, or finger, you have to pick one.

2013-12-20, 09:31 PM
Oh thanks very much for the clarifications Darrin.

You're actually the reason I even know about the tail thing. I was just skimming threads and someone had posted a link to your twf handbook. I'm still learning all the rules of the game so I usually read all the handbooks I see. So i was reading and then I saw the tail thing and mentally there was that noise a record makes when you pull the needle off. I can get ... a tail?and it holds things? Sold.