View Full Version : Invocation Questions and Clarifications

2013-12-21, 02:56 AM
Simple questions of clarification that I am just unsure of.

1. Something like Baleful Utterance; really, you're just saying a word of dark speech. Can this be used while also making a full round attack? I'm thinking no, but maybe yes?

2. Darkness and Entropic Warding. Each gives a 20% miss chance. One from concealment, and the other because of being surrounded by chaotic energies. Do both of these apply? I would imagine not in a stacking manner (%40), but rather you need to roll two separate %20 checks? Or is it only one?

3. Miasmic Cloud vs. Breath of Night. Why on earth would you choose the ladder in place of the former? Because of allies? Pshaw. Warlocks doesn't need allies... is that the only reason? Also, do these clouds follow the Warlock? Or is it in a static position?

4. Hideous Blow. Can you apply this kind of single standard action attack to attacks of opportunities? Or single round attacks made after a movement?


2013-12-21, 03:32 AM
1) No.

2) It would be 2 separate checks. However, I think the RC made it so all miss chances no longer stack.

3) I think a wand would be better.

4) No. It's bad in every way imaginable.

2013-12-21, 04:28 AM
1. No, it's still an invocation, and like all invocations is a spell like ability, and like all spell like abilities it takes a standard action unless it specifies otherwise.

2. Two checks, because its from two difference sources/types of miss chance. One is concealment, the other is not. Note that if you get bonuses from the same type or source instead you'd only use one, whichever was best.

3. Miasmic cloud can only be cast on you, and Breath of the night is a fog cloud you can place at much greater ranges. Also Fog cloud blocks line of sight. If you can't think of why it might be a good thing your enemy can't see you, think harder.

4. Hideous blow is terrible. You get the one attack that's listed. That's it. If you feel the overwhelming urge to hit things in melee range instead of staying safely behind your meat shield, get eldritch glaive instead. You can full attack with it, and its a reach weapon. Plus its persistent, so you do have the chance to take attacks of opportunity with it.

2013-12-21, 05:23 AM
The concealment and Entropic Warding are 2 rolls, but if you want to combine them, the math is (chance of success against 1 of them)X(chance of success against the other)=(chance of success against both). So .8*.8=.64, so you just need to use percentile dice, and you have a 64% chance of success.

2013-12-21, 06:46 AM
I think most points have been covered.

Hideous blow is Hideous because

Standard action to use so

No Full attacks
No combining with other attack options like Charge, AoO etc.

It's an SLA so it provokes, unless you cast it defensively
Less chance of hitting because it's not a touch attack

Use Eldritch Claws (feat) or Eldritch Glaive instead

Eldritch Glaive

From Dragon magic
Can still provoke, but it has reach
Full round action to use so

You get a full attack
It doesn't work well with movement
Using it with Combat Reflexes can be hard

Touch attack for Eldritch blast damage

Eldritch Claws

From Dragon Magazine (#358) which might be an issue for you.
Prerequisite: Eldritch blast 2d6.
It's a free action to use which is handy.
Unarmed strike damage plus your Eldritch blast damage.
Interlocks with use of Eldritch blast (Blocks)
Counts as two claws (natural attacks)

2013-12-21, 08:35 AM
I think you would only "choose the ladder" if you needed to reach someplace really high up. :smallamused::smallbiggrin:

2013-12-21, 11:04 AM
Super awesome clarifications! Thanks a lot!

Does the fog/cloud follow you if you cast it on yourself though?

Eldritch Glaive, can I use it for the reach, and then when/if they are close enough, switch to my claw attack (if I have one)?

2013-12-21, 03:57 PM
Super awesome clarifications! Thanks a lot!

Does the fog/cloud follow you if you cast it on yourself though?

Eldritch Glaive, can I use it for the reach, and then when/if they are close enough, switch to my claw attack (if I have one)?

No it won't follow you. It acts exactly like the Fog Cloud spell. Check your PHB or the SRD for full details.

Technically yes, though probably not worth spending two invocations known. Simply taking a 5 foot step back and continuing to attack with the Glaive is going to be a better option most of the time. Unless you are some kind of cross class monk and really want the natural attack damage claws allow.

I suppose a one level monk dip, with improved natural attack and a large sized race would get you 2d6 from that natural attack, so it might be worth trying. My first instinct on casting classes is that anything that gives up spellcasting (or in this case invocation) levels is bad though.