View Full Version : Picking spells for thematics

2013-12-21, 08:29 AM
So, building a Chaotic Good Killoren Bard for an upcoming campaign, and I've run into a dilemma. Specifically, Going Savage Bard10/Swiftblade 10 will net me two 6th level spells. I personally have three I've been looking at, Hindsight, Sympathetic Vibration, and Reincarnate.

The idea behind this character is he is a very very old bard (Right now I put his age around 561ish). The type that has seen it all and done it all. He has played in crossroads taverns and both the Seelie and Unseelie courts as well as the halls of kings across the land. He's Bard by trade, but a spy by talent so to speak. So he's been involved in a little espionage, sabotage, and removal of people from the public eye. Think a green version of Thomdril Merrilin (if you know who I mean). High points in his life include thwarting plans to invoke all out war between the Seelie and Unseelie court and the humanoid kingdoms (damned mindflayers), being the main event for our campaigns version of Woodstock, having the first inn he ever played at named after him, marrying a nymph, and last but not least, being nicknamed "The Wanderer".

Basically, what I am asking about is from a thematic perspective, how would you all go about building an international man of mystery?