View Full Version : Followers

2013-12-21, 12:31 PM
So I decided to make a leadership beast, mostly just to have on reserve if I want him, my GM is generally rather open about what can be used. 3.x any WotC books plus the Quintessentials and AEG's one word title line on a case by case basis. He already approved the Voldur (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=238557) as a race and most of my followers are going to be that, half-orcs second most common with some orcs.

Utilizing the Quintessential Aristocrat for the Orc Warchief and Sovereign classes plus a little Orc Warlord and religious fanaticism(Quintessential Cleric) thrown in, so a lot of followers, but not a lot of combat prowess.

For the followers I rolled the highest PC class levels as though it were a town, adding in Warblade as a common class(because it is the favored class of the character's race). I then took the top three classes so I wouldn't have to go and make basic stat blocks for a dozen characters. I rounded the weight of each class to more workable numbers ending with 20% druid, 20% barbarian, 10% warblade and a flat 50% NPC classes with the approximate DMG listed demographic(90% commoner, 5% warrior, 3% expert, 1% adept, 1% aristocrat). I used the peasant array for all cases and have made the following.

Commoner melee 50% of the commoners
Commoner craftsman 20% of the commoners
Commoner beast master 30% of the commoners
Expert craftsman
Aristocrat moneybags
Adept incarnum healer
Barbarian unarmed
Druid exalted shapeshifter 30% of the druids
Druid focused animal 70% of the druids

I am down to the warblade and I want him to be focused on support and defense, but I have never made a warblade nor a support character and I am at a loss of what to choose.

Also if you have any other ideas for other general rolls I could fill, suggestions are welcome, such as how I might handle ranged.

Edit: Should I focus on white raven with white raven defense or bolster saves with ironheart aura? I mean with 45% of the population as commoners, those saves could be very helpful, or should I just split the warblades into two groups like I did the druids, one white raven/stone dragon one ironheart/stone dragon?