View Full Version : Selective spell ftw!

Uncle Pine
2013-12-21, 05:33 PM
I've been recently thinking about using the Selective Spell feat on a future character of mine and so I was wondering how truly awesome this feat can be. Any idea?
So far I thought of:
1. Selective Locate City bomb: this will probably never see use at a table but it's still hilarious to imagine someone sitting safely at the center of an explosion with a radius of 10 miles/level while everyone else flies to his death. The same concept works for Explosive spells with decent radius.
2. Selective AMF coupled with Ironguard (lesser or greater) or the superior Ghostform (or similar spells) to achieve nigh-invulnerability since magic cease to function inside an AMF and mundanes can't affect you.
3. Selective wall of stone/iron/force to break others' line of sight and effect. Jack_Simth recently pointed out that this doesn't work because the various wall spells are Effect spells, not Area spells (but it would've been funny).
3b. ???

2013-12-21, 07:00 PM
Selective AMF

This one is Tippy's solution to everything, so I'd start with it.

2013-12-21, 07:03 PM
Its base generic use is good enough. It enables you to cast spells against enemies while party members are next to them and not hit your party members. Fireball is the stereotypical spell, and at high level it's great for Prismatic Spray.

2013-12-21, 07:27 PM
This one is Tippy's solution to everything, so I'd start with it.

Note quite. His solution to everything is more like "something something Ice Assassin Aleax of yourself something something Shapechange into a Zodar something something Lilitu something something My games don't use houserules" :smalltongue: