View Full Version : IC Zombie Survival

2013-12-21, 07:40 PM
The game will begin on the 30th.

2013-12-31, 02:57 PM
I would like to see some talking between characters before the Apocalypse. Adds drama, you see? So, DoctorGlock your interviewing Parasomniac.

I will try to use their ic names. sorry.

2013-12-31, 07:59 PM
Earlier that day, Guy had pulled into town and set himself up in a cheap hotel. He didn't plan on using it for much except sleeping, and parking his truck because he hated being cramped up in a room alone.

Instead Guy headed to the only bar in the whole damn city that didn't seem like it was for gay hipsters and ordered a few shots of whiskey to start his night out right. There were plenty of people here, and he aimed to find someone with whom to spend the rest of the night drinking; be it a man's man to whom he could complain about the damnable Yankees or a woman he could be sweet on for a night.

2013-12-31, 07:59 PM
The restaurant's waiter Gives Fielder the check for spaghetti. Steve pays for it while asking Fielder how he likes wood chopping.
Reed you know Guy back from child hood memories. You're talking to him about guns.

"perhaps a .22 is enough then. And I've shot the heck out of the .22, and let me tell you, it has no kick at all, you're right."

"I know what you mean, I love shooting .22's, but it just doesn't compare to loading up the Ruger Redhawk .44 magnum and blowing holes in things."

And so on and so forth.
Joseph and Steve, you are pals from childhood. Don't ask how, you just are. you are picking at the Scampi The waiter gave you for appetizer.
Arturo you are Eating inconspicuously in a dark corner.

2013-12-31, 08:22 PM
Field sits eating his spaghetti and answering questions between mouthfuls. His large, muscular frame dwarfs the table he's sitting at. He tries to speak quietly, but his deep voice carries naturally.

"I really love what I do. It keeps me fit, lets me spend my days outside, and the people I work with are like my family. Sometimes it can be very stressful, and the weather can be a pain, but it's what I know and it's what I'm good at."

2013-12-31, 09:12 PM
Joseph pokes at the semi-warm shrimp scampi in front of him. It's alright, but a little disappointing for the dinner special.

"It's been too long Steve. Like, way, way too long. And knowing you, you're still crazy prepared against all that **** that never happens. When we're done eating, you're going to go lock up that piece I know you've got hidden god knows where, so we can go grab some beers."

2013-12-31, 10:41 PM
By the time Steven arrived into town, it was near sunset. Tired from riding on the freeway, he decided that he should head over to the bar, grab a couple drinks, check into a hotel, and call it a day.
Hopefully, it'll be a peaceful night. Steven really needed one.

Parking his motorcycle in the bar's parking lot, he shoved the keys in one of his pockets, and walked into the bar. He stopped for a brief moment to glance at the place. It isn't anything special, and nobody seems to be bothered by his presence. With a sigh, he helped himself to a seat at the counter.
"Can I get something to drink here?" He said to wherever the bartender may be.

2014-01-01, 06:03 PM
"We have fine wine imported from Missouri, We have beer From south California, and we have water." Says a Clean man who is obviously the Bartender.

2014-01-01, 08:34 PM
When Broacher walked into the Pisces he grinned. Old faces in odd places and all. He nodded to Joseph and gave his television half-grin.

"Long time, no see. Ain't seen you at the range for months either. We'll catch up, I'm almost late for an interview."

Flipping open his smartphone, he double checked the email. Yep. There was the man who matched the description. Fielder Cheney. Lumberjack by trade and possibly a lead for an interesting feature piece. Find out if there's a visual element today, worry about a pertinent angle later. Environment or economy- depends on the big topic next week.

Broacher slipped into a chair opposite the woodsman. Smiling he introduced himself and offered to pay. Company card and all. Small talk first. How are you, what's going on, what's your family, you like the business. Ease into it, then figure out if there is a story.

"So why do you do it? I mean traditional man with an axe and chainsaw style? Is it really economical in a mechanized industry? For that matter, how have new innovations impacted the job market for lumberjacks?"

2014-01-01, 09:00 PM
Reed sits at the bar, sipping coffee and brooding on his life as he studies his documents, his eyes flitting between his papers and his book. He just hopes that this time when he picks up James, he and his ex-wife don't get into it right in front of him.

2014-01-02, 10:56 PM
"Is that your sedan?" asked the waitress to Reed, (Breithmh). "It's being towed."

2014-01-03, 03:45 PM
Fielder takes a sip of his drink, washing down a mouthful of spaghetti.

"Well, I've always felt the the old way was better. Chopping with a regular old axe and saw takes longer, but it allows you to pick the best trees, it's also far more green than clear cutting. Now don't get me wrong, with all the proper permits we will clear cut certain areas, and we do use heavy equipment, but we haven't lost the art that the original settlers used when building there homes or gathering wood for the fire."

Sorry for the delay in posting.

The Parasomniac
2014-01-03, 04:20 PM
Arturo, positioned in the corner of the restaurant, sits quietly looking at a Google map overview of the area on his smart phone and occasionally taking a bite out of his angus beef burger between sips of his coffee. He'd never had a french roast before, it's definitely better than the gas station coffee he is used to.

"Now I can see why white people like these fancy coffees so much," thinks Arturo to himself.

He is clearly in no hurry.

2014-01-03, 06:07 PM
"Oh, crap! You gotta be kidding me!" Reed shouts as he hastily gathers his stuff, takes one last sip of coffee and runs outside. "Hey! Stop!"

2014-01-03, 06:26 PM
"Sorry, but you parked on the red zone, It says here '500$ ticket and inpounded.' " Says a worker to Reed

2014-01-03, 06:46 PM
"Come on, please. I'm trying to see my kid today. I cannot skip on him today. Please. Look, I'll move the car, I'll pay the ticket, just please do not take the car." Reed begins to feel a little choked up as he starts to beg.
Whoa, what is this? I don't cry, he thinks.

2014-01-03, 08:22 PM
Upon hearing the commotion outside, Guy stands up and saunters out to investigate further. Having a son of his own he rarely sees, Guy feels slightly moved by the man's plight. Buddy, yer gettin' paid whether or na' you tow his car, and it isn' lifted up yet. Why not just let him mov'it? I don't think ye really need th' extra bad juju, man. Don' ruin a man's day when h's off to get his kid. Might **** the poor kid up more than ye realize.

2014-01-03, 10:09 PM
"Alright I'll let off, but this is a warning. Move it right now."

2014-01-03, 10:54 PM
Guy nodded his thanks to the city worker, and then nodded to the man before heading back into the diner. If ye feel obligated, whiskey's my drink. He said as he paused at the doorway, then headed inside to find his old glass had emptied itself. Good bloke, doing the man a favor like that. Can't be too mad at him for trying though, just his job.

2014-01-03, 11:14 PM
"Thank you both so much." Reed pulls out his credit card. "Do you want me to pay you now?"

2014-01-07, 02:55 PM
Ok, certainly enough video to work with. This might actually be a fun little feature piece. Maybe not as fun as the aerial photography Janet pulled last week, but you can't get 'em all. Especially when you are up to your elbows looking for documents at the town dump... oh well, let's seal the deal, thought Steve.

"It certainly sounds like there is enough to work with and I think it could be very interesting to show the traditional roots of the business. The piece will air in a week, so what's a good time to swing by with a camera and see you and your team at work? Actually, you mentioned other original arts by settlers, does your outfit participate in that beyond the woodgathering?"

2014-01-07, 04:34 PM
"I know there are a few art collectives that buy unprocessed wood from us. They primarily use it for carving statues or cutting into smaller pieces to whittle. I personally do some whittling. Nothing spectacular, but it's a relaxing hobby. I don't have any with me, but when you come up to shoot the footage I can make sure to have some there in case you guys want to include it!" Fielder says then begins finishing the last of his meal and drink with a gulp.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out an iphone, he punches in a passcode and then fiddles with it for a minute.

"Here, this is an example of what I do." He turns the screen, revealing an intricately carved wooden bear sitting upright. It appears to be no more than 3 inches tall.

2014-01-08, 06:58 PM
Arturo, a fellow gang member confronts you and gives a a walky-talky "Harry wants to talk to you." he says. Harry is your superior, and he likes you.

Steven, you notice the waitress wink at you. Joseph you notice it too.

The Parasomniac
2014-01-09, 03:25 PM
Arturo, a fellow gang member confronts you and gives a a walky-talky "Harry wants to talk to you." he says. Harry is your superior, and he likes you.

Steven, you notice the waitress wink at you. Joseph you notice it too.

Arturo takes the walkie-talkie, puzzled that the fellow banger knew where he was this early before the job.

"Okay holmes, I'll talk to him."

Making sure his phone is in his pocket and his backpack is with him, he heads to the men's bathroom and checks if anyone is in there, looking under the stalls to see if there are any feet.

2014-01-09, 03:50 PM
After taking care of his car Reed heads back into the diner to find the helpful stranger who kept him from losing the respect of his son. He sits down next to Guy and tells the bartender, "Get this man a drink." Then turning to Guy, he says, "I really can't thank you enough--wait. You look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?"

2014-01-09, 07:56 PM
Arturo, you find no one in the stalls.

The bartender brings out a beer to give to guy.

"I am here to give a live report, There was a homicidal that bit a passerby then attacked the paramedics that came for the bitten man. The Homicidal then got gagged and handcuffed. There is a rumor that there are zombies, but that is not...okay..." The reporter is talking to her com then says "There are zombies! everyone is told to stay in their homes and-" around the reporter there come screams and the reporter gets mauled to the face. Sirens start pouring around, then the screen goes blank.

2014-01-09, 09:38 PM
Ye really can thank me 'nuff, and y'have. I wouldn't dwell on it, buddy, I'd just ask you r'm'ber to help others when ye can. Guy said before finishing his current drink and grabbing the beer.

Turning to face Reed, he shrugged I really doubt it, I don't... know anyone from... Huh. Reed? Didn't we go to the same school or som'fin? Ye look like Reed, 't least.

2014-01-09, 09:52 PM
"I am here to give a live report, There was a homicidal that bit a passerby then attacked the paramedics that came for the bitten man. The Homicidal then got gagged and handcuffed. There is a rumor that there are zombies, but that is not...okay..." The reporter is talking to her com then says "There are zombies! everyone is told to stay in their homes and-" around the reporter there come screams and the reporter gets mauled to the face. Sirens start pouring around, then the screen goes blank.

Joseph walks up to the TV. "Ha! What is this, some kind of low budget horror flick? Or some kind of prank...?" He continues to watch the screen.

2014-01-09, 10:45 PM
"Most likely some sort of hoax," Steven replied as he smiled at the waitress as she passed by.
"These news folks will make up anything just to earn their next paycheck. To me, it is kind of pathetic."
It had been a while since he said anything, lost in thought about where his life is going. He lost his wife and son, he lost his job at his hometown, and now reporters are claiming that there are zombies. What else could go wrong?

The Parasomniac
2014-01-10, 07:55 AM
Since Arturo was in the bathroom I would assume he did not hear the news report

Seeing there is nobody else in the bathroom, Arturo raises the walkie-talkie to his face and presses the button to speak,

"It's me. What's up?"

2014-01-10, 10:52 AM
The man speaks to Arturo through the wally talkie."I'm afraid project 'analysis' failed. The so called zombies really were zombies. They are originating from the eastern states and moving west. You have to get out of there meet up at Headquarters." Arturo headquarters is an abandoned warehouse 5 mile north.