View Full Version : Illusionary Stone Walls

2013-12-21, 11:32 PM
Some quick Qs about Illusionary Walls

1) Does Stonecunning provide a bonus on will saves to disbelieve an illusionary stone wall or object?

2) Does Stonecunning allow a will save for passing within 10ft of an illusionary stone wall or orbject?

3) If you fail your will save to disbelieve a illusionary stone barrier, can you pass through it physically? Even if bullrushed? Do you take damage for 'impacting' an illlusionary barrier that you failed to disbelieve? If you can be forced through an illusionary barrier, does that automatically make you disbelieve it?

2013-12-22, 12:37 AM
1) No

2) No

3) Yes. Yes. No. Maybe, you'd at least get a disbelief roll.

Though the above assumes the spell Illusionary Wall or other such figment.

2013-12-22, 12:38 AM
1: No. Stonecunning only does what it says it does, and that is give bonuses to Search checks.

2: He would get a free Will save with his Search check, as that qualifies as interaction.

3: A figment, which is the type of illusion at issue here, is nothing unlike a hologram. It does not in any way exist in the mind of the observer, so the observer's mind does not fill in details to ake the illusion seem real. As a result, if you try to lean on an illusory wall that you believe to be real, you will fall through as sure as if you leaned on thin air. After such physical contact, you will have proof that the illusion is not real and it will become a translucent outline. It cannot do damage to you (shadows, however, can).

2013-12-22, 01:26 AM


Isn't the correct word Illusory?