View Full Version : The City of Foam, IC

2013-12-22, 12:54 AM
OOC thread.
Setting: the seaside City of Foam.
5th day in the waning crescent of the Swelter moon.
Oppressively hot.
Very severe thunderstorms from the sea.

The city slouches on the side of a shallow hill that slumps into a really quite beautiful sandy beach. The beach curves north and gradually westward from the mouth of a good-size river, which steadily discharges brownish-black silt and fresh water into the sparkling greenish salt water of a bay. The bay spreads out west, north, and south from the river and the city and the beach, out into a vast ocean. Storms come in from that ocean, sometimes huge storms, and - thankfully, only in stories - things.

More prosaically, every morning and evening boats come in from that ocean, where they have spent all day fishing the banks ten to fifteen miles off the beach. Every week or so a ship or two come in or go out, coasting north or south. The boats and ships flock at the wharves that jut out beyond the beautiful beach, into the bay.

To the south the coast continues to the big city of Meltwater (about 1000 mi or two months by caravan, about ten days - two weeks coastal sailing), and beyond, to the jungles. To the north the coast continues past Wrack, Spray, Goodfish, and a few other towns and cities, onward beyond the Northwood, to the tundras under the Real Mountains. Nobody knows what's past the Real Mountains. They stand tall and cold, visible at more than fifty leagues distance after traveling nearly two months north from Foam.

Three-four days' sailing westward, beyond the sheltered coastal Sea, stand the volcanic range of Twilight Isles that shelter the Sea from the Ocean. The Isles trail southward, til they come within sight of the mainland just a few days north of Meltwater. However, sailors say, to see land on both sides of the southward transit, means one has made an error of navigation!

Eastward, one can follow the Cloud River up to the Elfwall; or, crossing the river, one can venture into the Dry Lands where the wild elves roam. Cattle droves come out of the Dry Lands in autumn. There are feed lots east of the river.

Closer to the city, a days-wide belt of farmland circles the hill on the beach. About a sixty mile radius, several hundred thousand souls, scattered woodlots, but pretty much all flat fields on a coastal plain.

The city has no particular walls; or if it had them centuries before, they have been re-used. Throughout the city are fountains, dribbling or spraying. The city drinks from an aqueduct, which lunges sword-straight toward the sea from the distant Elfwall, the river veering miles sidelong of its granite pilings. The aqueduct discharges in a fifty-foot roar of falling water that churns into a vast granite vat, at the top of the hill. Around the vat is a fortress, from which the water is released through valves to ancient pottery pipes that feed the fountains.

The city is busy and loud and filled with commercial smells of fish, hot iron, spices, salt meat, grain dust, and wine. About 60,000 people bustle through the city every day. It is not as large as Meltwater, but it is the largest city of the northern coast - and once, it was the Capital of the Coast. The Hall of Justice still stands, and the dwarf guard still stand at the doors of the Hall. The crown and tabard still are marked on the coins of the city. These, and the aqueduct, remind the city of the Old Realm that the city helped to overthrow.

In the Hall of Justice the lord of the city ponders the Old Realm and its wonders. In their various hovels the elves of the city ponder the Old Realm and its wonders. In the taverns and sidestreets the stories are mainly of Old Realm wonders.

It's nearly three centuries since the Old Realm fell, and some folk of the city are beginning to wonder, what's now? Within the past decade, the City Foam has faced violence from barbaric pirates (coming from the Twilight Isles or down the coast), as well as diplomatic pressure from the burgeoning River Cities of the Central Plain (led by the more populous port of Meltwater, further down the coast). The lord of the city seeks power to protect its wealth. Although the Old Realm established complex and powerful wards to limit spellcasting within the city and surrounding land, learned folk believe those wards might be tuned, or even lifted, using knowledge long-hidden Beyond the Elfwall.

The goblins are a hardy and clever race, but somewhat deformed, and only about half human size.

The goblins keep their own towns in the middle foothills of the Elfwall, and possibly higher up in the mountains as well. They venture down to Foam in caravans, seldom, bringing with them wealth of metal ores to be traded for salt and cloth and produce. Although they may sometimes hire to human employers under long-term contracts, either singly or in gangs, goblins refuse to establish their families among humans. Their favored professions are skilled and laborious: drover, soldier, merchant, miner, crafter.

The firstborn of any non-goblin mother might turn out to be a goblin. For goblin mothers, the situation is a bit more fraught.

A goblin woman's first coupling with a goblin man is guaranteed to yield a child. Thereafter, no more children from that lover. Her first coupling with her very first lover is guaranteed to grant a goblin child. Thereafter, her first coupling with any other lover will yield a child of random race.

Goblins tend to have eldritch features. For example, many goblins are "slippery": nobody can exactly remember a slippery character's appearance, even a moment after looking away. There's a general impression - typically, for a goblin, "unsettling" and "small" - but complete failure of language to describe the features. Goblins seem mentally capable of living with this. Non-goblins raised by goblins develop severe mental disorders quite early in childhood.

Thus, there is a flow of fosterlings both ways, with goblin families sometimes straight-up trading infant for infant at a crossroads, sometimes haunting a village for weeks til they find just the right family for their changeling.

Non-goblins often have trouble understanding why an infant has appeared on their doorstep, but old stories caution that such gifts should always be accepted.

Goblins' name for their people is Firstborn, and they will sometimes (snarkily?) address those of other races as "little brothers."

The elves are an ancient people, long-lived, renowned for their learning and beauty, but slight in stature and sometimes greeted with suspicion.

West of the Elfwall, the elves may be found in their own walled enclaves within or adjacent the larger towns, or dwelling clandestinely in rural hamlets apart from other peoples. They keep to themselves in small clans, no more than six or a dozen families together, perhaps a few score folk in a clan. Their favored professions are solitary: hunters, fishers, scholars, craftsmen. Although they live simply, their hidden wealth is universally rumored.

In their hidden homelands, the dwarfs have complex and generally pacific societies. However, in every generation there are a few who don't fit in; and those few are deemed well-suited to ensure that the rest are left alone. Thus, toward the outward world, the dwarfs have established a certain reputation: Taciturn, tactical, rough-necked, unstoppable; always in action. The shock troops and bodyguards of petty despots. Feared, and fine with that.

At the entrance to the Hall of Justice, day and night, stand a pair of dwarfs in armor, with halberds and maces. Twice a day, a new pair come up from the basement steps next to the entrance, and the off-going pair descend. Their beards poke out under the visors that cover their faces. They say nothing to anyone. They stand like stones, but twice as wide.

All the captains of coasting vessels and many of the harbor fleet, wary of the falling weather-glass, had weighed their anchors and set southward, four days past. A few, incautious or unduly trusting the breakwater and wind-wards, remained with the lubberly populace.

This dawn dimly gropes through a howling west wind, which drives warm and somewhat salty rain against the wharves and those boats beached or anchored tight. The paved streets are streams, the dirt streets are mud. The markets are closed and the buildings are shuttered. Few souls venture forth.

Fighter - Steely Eyed; Upkeep; Weapon of Choice [Shortspear]
Cunning: -1; Commitment: +4; Charm: -1
Boiled Leathers, Light Shield, Reach Weapon [Shortspear]. AC: 12
Awesomes: 10; spent 0.
Signature character trait: Incredibly goal-focused. Once his mind is set to something, his every effort is put into accomplishing that task.

Brief background: Mother died in childbirth of her first and only child. Father slowly unconsciously resentful of Lugaid's theft of his wife, if only because it made his life harder. Raising a child by himself was made all the harder by his inherent laziness and increasing drunkeness, which fed each other in a vicious cycle that largely excluded a more proper raising of his son. As such, he didn't much care when Lugaid left in his teenage years to join to join the Aqueduct Patrol and better his station in life though effort, something Lugaid's father never bothered to do; a lesson Lugaid took to heart and determined to never let himself fall into.

NPC Relationships:
Neutral: A drunken father named Cornelius. Caring in his own way, but a drunk and a gambler. Times are either quite well or very poor as Cornelius' doesn't know (or chooses not) to take his winnings and leave gracefully.

In town on leave to receive an inheritance of a distant great-uncle, as he's the only next of kin the Hall of Justice could track down. Much to his infuriation, however, the estate and his uncle's possession are being held by the City of Foam "in safety" until a decently sized debt said uncle owes them is paid off.

The patrolman, clad in stiff leather soaked to the skin, angrily paces the marble tiles of the shadowed hallway outside the Magistrate's chambers. He had to leave his spear and shield with the dwarf at the entrance. The dwarf had looked with profound skepticism at the edge on the spear head, but had laid the weapon aside without inquiry.

He has been more than an hour pacing amid the small puddles from his own dripping armor, listening to the heavy wooden shutters creak and pop under the continual wind from the sea. A short time ago there was a distant noise of massive breakage. Since then, the wind only has grown louder. The rain smashes against the outer wall.

"Her honor will see you now."

Dwarf - Fierce & Proud & Proud & Fierce; Braids o t Clain
Awareness +1; Brawn +1; Charm +1; Commitment +1
No armor; Light weapon [Craftsman's Hammer]. AC: 8
Awesomes: 6; spent 5.
Ruinever did not come to Foam by choice.

After leaving his Dwarven homeland, he had some success as a craftsman in human lands. Unfortunately, he also had some success with human women. Married women, to be exact.

One of those was the the wife of an important Guild leader in the River Cities. It was a bad choice. Caught in the act, Ruinever fled for his life—only to find he had been blacklisted everywhere that Guild had influence.

Ruinever came to Foam hoping the city would need a skilled dwarf craftsman to work on the famed Aqueduct or, more likely, just to repair pottery pipes through the city.

So far he's found that humans mostly think of dwarves as beasts of battle. He doesn't want want to take a job fighting, but he's fast running out of money. He might have to.

He was just turned out of a low-end hostel at the lower edge of the Stonebuilt. Little more than a tenement, it was still too expensive for his taste.

Vortiver the Dwarf. Friendly.
Vortiver is one of the guards of the Hall of Justice. Turns out he and Ruinever have a third cousin in common by marriage. Vortiver has recommended several armed-guard type jobs that would pay better than a simple bouncer gig.

Sam Turnkey. Neutral.
Commissioner Turnkey is in charge of the Aqueduct operations and all public wells and fountains. Ruinever met with him briefly while inquiring about engineer work. However, Sam is far more concerned about increasing pressure from the River Cities, whence Ruinever came. If the diplomatic situation becomes tense, they could easily sever the Aqueduct far upstream, cutting off Foam's water supply. He asked if Ruinever would join a defensive force for the Aqueduct. It sounds too dangerous.

Mistress Nyvara. Decidedly Not Friendly.
Mistress Nyvara runs a fortune-reading racket in a poor part of town, which is about the only part Ruinever can stay in. She's respected and feared locally for her "powers." She also hustles constantly to keep customers coming in the door. She started telling customers that a "penniless dwarf" was bad news in their future and would be the "ruin bringer" for their families. Now he gets suspicious glances and closed doors wherever he goes. He's pretty sure she's a sham, but when he went to confront her she screamed as if he was attacking her. He steers well clear of her.

As the storm builds, he huddles in the doorway of an ancient mansion renovated as a boarding house. The warm, harsh wind roars and lashes rain near-horizontally along the street and sharp around the corner of the dirtied marble doorpost. The stone threshold is warm and wet; the heavy wooden door is warm and wet. Ruinever, also, is warm and wet. His beard and hair and clothing are stiff and wet and his moustache tastes of salt and fish. Wind-driven water ripples over the cobbles of the street. The world is filled with sounds of small things breaking and big things bending to the storm. A wooden shutter tumbles and clatters down the street, splintering apart as it passes.

There is a distant noise of massive breakage.

Elf - Perfect Accuracy; Pointed Awareness; Restless.
Awareness +3; Charm -1; Commitment +3; Daring +3
Elven chainshirt; Ranged weapon [Longbow]; AC 10.
Awesomes: 7; spent 0.

On the underside of Erdrin's forearm is a distinctive scar. There are three lines that join together to point towards his palm. This mark is a symbol of his membership in the Seekers. The Seekers are a inter-clan organization of elves whose mission is to uncover the secrets of a mythical elven empire that supposedly existed long before the Old Realm. It is unknown whether this empire was ever real. It is a very secretive organization; even full members like Erdrin don't know everything about it. Erdrin doesn't even know who leads the group or even if there is a central leadership. He is only in contact with a few other Seekers from his village. Currently he is being sent to receive something that has been left at an abandoned hovel, about an hour north from Foam.

Erdrin is a silent but very perceptive person. He mostly keeps to himself but gives off the impression that he is constantly observing everything.

Positive: Garnhoth Helnvir is a childhood friend of Erdrin's who left their village long ago moving to an enclave in Foam with his family. Erdrin hasn't seen him since. Garnoth was often full of energy, and the only time Erdrin would play as a child was with Garnoth.

The road north from Foam runs crookedly down the hillside, crosses a short and broad stone bridge built for wagons, then bends round the seaward side of a second hill to avoid the city dump at the landward side. This route, on this rain-wracked morning, first required Erdrin to struggle through calf-deep floodwaters that stream through the granite railings of the bridge. Then the road turned directly into the salt wind, which drove warm raindrops sharply into his downturned face. Now he is soaked through his garments, wet as a frog. Fortunately, the abandoned hovel should be just a half mile ahead, in the lee of the hillock that rises at the lefthand (seaward) side of the road. It's not impossible that Erdrin might be able to light a fire and possibly share some food with the shadowy fellow who supposedly found an ancient scroll in the city dump.

Another ten or twelve minutes slogging through the water standing on the sunken road, and Erdrin comes into the lee of the hillock. Under the bluff near the road squats a windowless stone building, the walls barely higher than Erdrin's head and the thatched roof caved in. The two pieces of the rotted wooden door lintel dangle at angles from their respective posts.

Despite the rain, Erdrin can see someone crouched just inside the doorway. For a moment, he feels intensely the rainwater crawling down his skin.

Magic User: Veil Touch, Power Hungry, Book of Power (The Grimoire of Xyrdendank the Poorly Named, Second Edition)
Commitment +4; Charm -1; Awareness +4
reach weapon: Staff (1 dmg); Robes (No armor, 8 AC)
Awesomes: 2; spent: 7.

Silzar set off to journey the world following his studies in magic. His parents are long-gone, and Silzar isn't one to make friends easily - subtle and quick to anger. Though, he's befriended a few traveling merchants and gypsies, who act as his eyes and ears on the road. He lives for his journeys, and is forever seeking greater power and lost artifacts in the darkest corners of the world.

The wizard sat in the corner of the Foamy Squirrel Tavern in the city of Foam. As rain poured down, he thumbed the pages of an ancient book in his hands.

He hears a sharp crash outside, breaking his concentration. He grumbles and slams the book shut.
"All I ask is a little peace and quiet..."
Deciding to make his way back to the local inn, he steps out into the pouring rain, winds lashing at his robes. He suddenly stiffens, and raises his eyes. He can feel something coming through the darkness. But what, not even the Wise can say...

Goblin - Dungeon-wise; creepy; slippery.
Awareness -1; Brawn -2; Charm -2; Daring -1.
No armor; Reach weapon [flail]; AC 10.
Awesomes: 12; spent 0.

A foundling goblin, brought by a despondent young widower to a crossroads north of Foam. His appearance is indescribable: when he's in direct view, his features slip out of the viewer's head too quickly to permit description. Non-goblins generally gain a measure of comfort by not looking directly at him. Goblins like to closely study his face while drunk.

The goblin has skulked since sunset within the roof-caved hovel near the city dump. It was a wet, wet night when small creatures sought whatever shelter from the wind and rain. Even the small dry spaces at the base of the old stone wall. It was a good night for snacking.

Zealous Acolyte of Questionable Piety: Divine Favor; Humility; Prayers of the Hurt.
Daring:+2 Commitment:+3 Charm:+2
light weapon: Studded Leather Bound Holy Book of Many Verses; light Armor (AC 11 w/holy item): Holy Vestments starched by the salty tears of starving orphans.
Four-Limbed Star of Piety, Bread, Cheese, Sm. bottle of wine, Ornate box of incense and ritual items, Soap, Bandages. 7GP 3SP
Awesomes: 9; spent: 3.
Alexi von Righteousgloryfellow grew up in meltwater under a hardworking lower middle class family, through this he had never needed much but was always in want of things other children had, but his family couldn't afford to provide. Whenever he would get on his fathers nerves with his pleading for the newest puzzlebox or whoop and stick his father would simply send him to the local church to have him assist the preachers with daily chores and prayers.

His father had hoped this kind of punishment would help teach him of hardwork and responsibility, but it mostly just caused Alexi to hold envy of those in the church as they did nothing but talk a couple times a week to the congregation and people would pretty much throw money at them and gave them so much respect! They even had kids from the neighborhood who would be forced to do the little bit of real work the preachers did have!

When he told his father he wanted to be a man of THE GOD, he was thrilled to say the least. Imagine his son being the divine connection between the people and THE GOD! It would bring much respect to the family indeed! His father saved much gold pieces over the next few years so he could send his son to the Seminary Schools so he may learn the ways of THE GOD through secular study and training. Even to this day his father knows not why Alexi wished to truly become a man of THE GOD.

At Seminary school, Alexi was made to do all the mundane tasks with the other students as they were over watched by the Sisters of the Measuring Stick. The sisters were always afoot watching with their scrupulous gaze, looking for the slightest indignation of their hardships. This treatment was called provided as training in humility and patience, and was the hardest of all the trials Alexi faced. He had seen many other trainees disciplined at the hands of the sisters, and the fear it wrought was great.

After a year of this treatment Alexi was allowed to begin the actual study of the Book with the preachers. He would spend 3 hours of the day listening with 10 other students to a preacher speak of THE GOD and his glory, and of all the things THE GOD wanted the students to be, all they had to do was to try and be what THE GOD wanted them to be and their lives would be happier ones. After these hours all the students were placed in a room and each student was given a rather large holy book of text to study, and they were expected to write their views and thoughts on its teachings. The students would do this for 5 hours, only finished when the call for lunch was given. After lunch he would be back to helping out with mundane tasking as the Sisters of the Measuring Stick would review the writings and discipline those who they deemed daft from their understandings, sometimes, if they were lucky, they wouldn't be caught in heresy but would simply be lectured for an hour.

Life progressed this way for another 2 years, until Alexi was given a position as a junior acolyte and was expected to help out the pastors and preachers with their daily lectures to the younger students for his final year. At the end of each week Alexi would have a conference with the pastors and speak to them about his beliefs in THE GOD and how he could best serve him and how he had served him thus far.

Finally after 4 years of training and education Alexi was free to return to the world from his cloistered life, best of all he was heading back to his home city of Meltwater to be apart of the church there, but his excitement didn't last long as he was told he would be sent out to establish a new church over 900 miles away, near the town of Foam. He would accompany a senior preacher and several other Acolytes to bring the word of THE GOD closer to these people.

Nearly as soon as the church had been established 55 miles away from the town of Foam, it had started taking in orphans from the land. Many of them sent out in hopes they would fair better elsewhere than in the homes of their starving and poor families. They helped out as much as they could, but being malnourished and so young they couldn't do much and it was left to the acolytes to continue with the tedious works around the church. It was at this moment Alexi realized that his choice in life may not give him the life he was looking for, he had made a terrible mistake!

Eventually the church started to fail and fall apart, so much of the tithe they received from the congregation was spent feeding and caring for the orphans the Senior preacher had brought in, and in fear of being punished by THE GOD, Alexi did not say a word about wanting to throw them out. Then several days ago the aged Preacher came to his Acolytes, telling them that if they wanted to continue this church here they would have to find homes for the children, but they must be sent to homes of good, solid beliefs of THE GOD so that these children would not go astray. With this in mind, Alexi volunteered to go on a mission to find homes for these children (taking with him some funds for the road!).

It is now that Alexi has made his way to the town of foam, and it seems he had left at the right time, to arrive in the calm of a storm that had pressed into the city.

The city slouches on the side of a shallow hill that slumps into a really quite beautiful sandy beach. The beach curves north and gradually westward from the mouth of a good-size river, which steadily discharges brownish-black silt and fresh water into the sparkling greenish salt water of a bay. The bay spreads out west, north, and south from the river and the city and the beach, out into a vast ocean. Storms come in from that ocean, sometimes huge storms, and - thankfully, only in stories - things.

More prosaically, every morning and evening boats come in from that ocean, where they have spent all day fishing the banks ten to fifteen miles off the beach. Every week or so a ship or two come in or go out, coasting north or south. The boats and ships flock at the wharves that jut out beyond the beautiful beach, into the bay.

To the south the coast continues to the big city of Meltwater (about 1000 mi or two months by caravan, about ten days - two weeks coastal sailing), and beyond, to the jungles. To the north the coast continues past Wrack, Spray, Goodfish, and a few other towns and cities, onward beyond the Northwood, to the tundras under the Real Mountains. Nobody knows what's past the Real Mountains. They stand tall and cold, visible at more than fifty leagues distance after traveling nearly two months north from Foam.

Three-four days' sailing westward, beyond the sheltered coastal Sea, stand the volcanic range of Twilight Isles that shelter the Sea from the Ocean. The Isles trail southward, til they come within sight of the mainland just a few days north of Meltwater. However, sailors say, to see land on both sides of the southward transit, means one has made an error of navigation!

Eastward, one can follow the Cloud River up to the Elfwall; or, crossing the river, one can venture into the Dry Lands where the wild elves roam. Cattle droves come out of the Dry Lands in autumn. There are feed lots east of the river.

Closer to the city, a days-wide belt of farmland circles the hill on the beach. About a sixty mile radius, several hundred thousand souls, scattered woodlots, but pretty much all flat fields on a coastal plain.

The city has no particular walls; or if it had them centuries before, they have been re-used. Throughout the city are fountains, dribbling or spraying. The city drinks from an aqueduct, which lunges sword-straight toward the sea from the distant Elfwall, the river veering miles sidelong of its granite pilings. The aqueduct discharges in a fifty-foot roar of falling water that churns into a vast granite vat, at the top of the hill. Around the vat is a fortress, from which the water is released through valves to ancient pottery pipes that feed the fountains.

The city is busy and loud and filled with commercial smells of fish, hot iron, spices, salt meat, grain dust, and wine. About 60,000 people bustle through the city every day. It is not as large as Meltwater, but it is the largest city of the northern coast - and once, it was the Capital of the Coast. The Hall of Justice still stands, and the dwarf guard still stand at the doors of the Hall. The crown and tabard still are marked on the coins of the city. These, and the aqueduct, remind the city of the Old Realm that the city helped to overthrow.

In the Hall of Justice the lord of the city ponders the Old Realm and its wonders. In their various hovels the elves of the city ponder the Old Realm and its wonders. In the taverns and sidestreets the stories are mainly of Old Realm wonders.

It's nearly three centuries since the Old Realm fell, and some folk of the city are beginning to wonder, what's now? Within the past decade, the City Foam has faced violence from barbaric pirates (coming from the Twilight Isles or down the coast), as well as diplomatic pressure from the burgeoning River Cities of the Central Plain (led by the more populous port of Meltwater, further down the coast). The lord of the city seeks power to protect its wealth. Although the Old Realm established complex and powerful wards to limit spellcasting within the city and surrounding land, learned folk believe those wards might be tuned, or even lifted, using knowledge long-hidden Beyond the Elfwall.

The goblins are a hardy and clever race, but somewhat deformed, and only about half human size.

The goblins keep their own towns in the middle foothills of the Elfwall, and possibly higher up in the mountains as well. They venture down to Foam in caravans, seldom, bringing with them wealth of metal ores to be traded for salt and cloth and produce. Although they may sometimes hire to human employers under long-term contracts, either singly or in gangs, goblins refuse to establish their families among humans. Their favored professions are skilled and laborious: drover, soldier, merchant, miner, crafter.

The firstborn of any non-goblin mother might turn out to be a goblin. For goblin mothers, the situation is a bit more fraught.

A goblin woman's first coupling with a goblin man is guaranteed to yield a child. Thereafter, no more children from that lover. Her first coupling with her very first lover is guaranteed to grant a goblin child. Thereafter, her first coupling with any other lover will yield a child of random race.

Goblins tend to have eldritch features. For example, many goblins are "slippery": nobody can exactly remember a slippery character's appearance, even a moment after looking away. There's a general impression - typically, for a goblin, "unsettling" and "small" - but complete failure of language to describe the features. Goblins seem mentally capable of living with this. Non-goblins raised by goblins develop severe mental disorders quite early in childhood.

Thus, there is a flow of fosterlings both ways, with goblin families sometimes straight-up trading infant for infant at a crossroads, sometimes haunting a village for weeks til they find just the right family for their changeling.

Non-goblins often have trouble understanding why an infant has appeared on their doorstep, but old stories caution that such gifts should always be accepted.

Goblins' name for their people is Firstborn, and they will sometimes (snarkily?) address those of other races as "little brothers."

The elves are an ancient people, long-lived, renowned for their learning and beauty, but slight in stature and sometimes greeted with suspicion.

West of the Elfwall, the elves may be found in their own walled enclaves within or adjacent the larger towns, or dwelling clandestinely in rural hamlets apart from other peoples. They keep to themselves in small clans, no more than six or a dozen families together, perhaps a few score folk in a clan. Their favored professions are solitary: hunters, fishers, scholars, craftsmen. Although they live simply, their hidden wealth is universally rumored.

In their hidden homelands, the dwarfs have complex and generally pacific societies. However, in every generation there are a few who don't fit in; and those few are deemed well-suited to ensure that the rest are left alone. Thus, toward the outward world, the dwarfs have established a certain reputation: Taciturn, tactical, rough-necked, unstoppable; always in action. The shock troops and bodyguards of petty despots. Feared, and fine with that.

At the entrance to the Hall of Justice, day and night, stand a pair of dwarfs in armor, with halberds and maces. Twice a day, a new pair come up from the basement steps next to the entrance, and the off-going pair descend. Their beards poke out under the visors that cover their faces. They say nothing to anyone. They stand like stones, but twice as wide.

2013-12-22, 01:43 PM

Erdrin is relieved to see his destination at last. Finally, he will have some amount of shelter from the heavy rain. "Hello, there!" he waves at the figure in the doorway revealing his scar.

2013-12-22, 08:41 PM

Ruinever frowns as the shutter tumbles down the street. He almost moves to go grab it, but then it breaks apart. So much craftsmanship destroyed because someone wouldn't hinge it properly. What a waste.

He doesn't mind the salt smell, but the sting in his eyes is painful. And he's soaked—everything is going to smell later. Actually, he kind of smells already.

"Ppfft." He blows water off his mustache. This is not the life he dreamed of when he left home. He needs to get his business in order.

When he hears the breakage, he doesn't move immediately. He spends some time considering what it could be. He supposes if something large collapsed, they will need people to repair it. But not until after the storm. Then again, maybe someone was hurt and could use help.

He holds one hand out of the doorway into the driving storm. It becomes more soaked.

"Well," he says to no one. "You're already wet."

He steps out of the doorway and heads toward the noise, in no particular hurry to get there.

2013-12-23, 07:39 PM

Scowling at the court clerk without even a thin veneer of patience, the patrolman does what he can to make himself presentable, tugging his tunic down into something resembling a straight hem.

"About gods damned time."

Without a further word, he pushes into the courtroom past the single heavy oaken door that, given the current gale, is half as likely to end up as so much flotsam as hold closed the arched portal leading into the courtroom.

Stopping at parade reset directly in front of the judge's bench, he begins before whatever officiating ceremony might normally take place, angry words tumbling out of salt-dried lips, fueled by lack of sleep and a general surliness one has to maintain when leading other soldiers.

"Look, Your Honor, I know you're just doing your job and all, but this is an affront to my position within the patrol, a waste of my time personally, and just a general fracking nuisance. If you found me, you know I'm just a corporal and could never begin to come up with the sum this distant uncle of mine owes you people, so why even bother to send for me? Or couldn't you have done me the courtesy of mentioning it in the summons so I could've saved myself 5 days walk on my precious short leave, not to mention suffering the gods-awful inflation that's happening at the inns with this monster of a storm?"

Huffing in equal parts frustration and to get air in 100% humidity when he's used to the uplands, he stares defiantly at the robed magistrate, expecting an answer. Now.

2013-12-27, 12:09 AM
As the sodden elf approaches, the goblin rises and steps to meet him at the doorway, reaching up an empty hand. Erdrin at first cannot describe the goblin's features or posture. After a few moments, he decides the goblin is greeting him.

The crashing noise came from downhill, down by the wharves, amid the wooden warehouses, workshops, shanties, and shacks that form the Beachside part of the city. Ruinever struggles that way against the wind, dodging flitting and tumbling pieces of stormwrack: shingles, small boards, handtools, seashells, oddments. It is a powerful storm.

[roll0] Brawn v. [roll1] wind
[roll2] Awareness v. [roll3] debris

It seems like it will take a while more to get down there. The wind is so strong that the stormwater seems to be running uphill. Ahead, it appears that a pair of mighty trees are being lashed about among the buildings, but Ruinever recalls no trees so tall at the beach.

Very faintly, through the roar of the wind, comes the sound of someone shrieking for succor.

The magistrate reaches with a flick of her wrist and smacks down her gavel on the lectern where she sits. She stands, leaning with her elbows at the edge of the lectern nearest the corporal, hands down over the front. A casual stance. Her judicial toga emphasizes a maternal figure; Lugaid perhaps may envy her babies.

"What is an affront here, soldier, is your casual and contemptuous attitude toward this court. As you are my first and I hope only scoundrel of the day, I will be patient.

"In the patrol, you have earned a position of minor respect, in charge of a dozen men deemed fit to spend most their lives outside this city, safeguarding the water we drink. You earned your position by serving your duty, and now your duty is to watch over your men.

"In this court, I hold the power of law over sixty thousand souls. With that power comes duty. It is one of my duties to have found the survivors of decedents, and to have the survivors informed of the estate. To settle the estate, the survivor must present before this court, to waive or assert their rights. A summons is a legal instrument that this court uses to bring the survivor here, and because it is a public instrument, this court attempts to minimize how much of the survivor's business is put into the summons. You'll note the summons omits not only how much your uncle owed, but also how much is the worth of his estate. Aside from taxation, those are not public matters.

"Now you will stand there, corporal of twelve, and listen to me.

"Your uncle owed this city an obligation not payable in money. He was an avid reader, corporal. He read stories, histories, and texts, and he was a borrower. He borrowed from the University, there up the hill, certain scrolls and certain books. Those texts are not replaceable, corporal. They are lost, they need to be found, and I bind you as his survivor, by law to meet that obligation, which holds open his estate.

"Until such time as the estate is closed, your position in the patrol is suspended, citizen. The clerk of court will provide you a list. I trust you can read it? If not, he will read you it til you can recite it.

"Continued, til discharge of the estate's obligation." She straightens, and slams down the gavel. "Dismissed to the clerk." She exits by a door at the back of the chamber.

2013-12-31, 11:38 AM

Ruinever pauses, holding a hand before his face to try to shield it from the driving wind and rain. But there's no way to get a clearer view from this distance.

He frowns. Certainly a wind this strong could drive large trees about... but where did they come from? Were they perhaps actually the masts of a ship?

He decides to go closer and see if they really are trees, or what kind of debris they might be. And from the shrieking, they were banging up those houses pretty good.

((His hope is to advance close enough to get a better look at the "trees" and see what they are, but not go right up to them yet - after all, a sudden gust could throw one right at him.))

2013-12-31, 04:11 PM

Erdrin trudges through the water towards the goblin. "Are you the one I'm supposed to meet?" he inquires.

2014-01-02, 11:59 AM
As he continues toward the waterfront and into the wind, Ruinever steps from the paved street of the Stonebuilt district into the squishy sand that signals a street of the Beachside. Soon after, he takes a nasty clip from a tumbling, clattering plank that bounces unexpectedly sideways from a stray stone in the street.
mark one wound status from the missed Awareness roll last post ... note that the wind and rain will not cause wounds beyond the first status, but debris varies in size and may cause additional injury
The wooden buildings to either side are tightly shuttered, but loudly creaking and visibly bending under the continual fierce and sodden wind from the sea. With its roaring and breakage, the storm perhaps reminds Ruinever of a dwarf on a tear through a tavern. Just beside him, wooden hinge pins loudly shatter and another shutter comes loose from its window. As the shutter flies away up the street, he catches a glimpse of several people huddled at the far side of the little room, rain pouring in at them.

With a crash and clatter, a small shack a few hundred feet down the street bursts under the wind and smashes into a nearer building. Debris flutters through the air.

[roll0] Brawn v. 10 wind
[roll1] Awareness v. [roll2] debris

Moments later, further down the street, there is another noise of massive breakage. The two trees masts lurch and thrash in opposite directions, as the wave-borne hull of their ship thrusts through a warehouse and breaks apart. The prow, and the forward mast, topple across the street. The mast cleaves the roofs of two houses. Shrieks of pain and surprise leap through the howling wind. The warm and salty rain continues to batter Ruinever's face and body.

The goblin laughs, or coughs, and smiles a smile that shows too many too-sharp teeth. "Been waitin all night, listenin to ther wind. What you want?" it replies with a grating voice.

[roll3] Erdrin Awareness v. [roll4] Squint Cunning

2014-01-02, 03:34 PM

The elf frowns. It seems that the goblin doesn't know what he's talking about. He should know that Erdrin wants the scroll. "Do you have the scroll?" Erdrin asks with hesitation.

2014-01-06, 10:16 PM
"Hehehere's a fellow who knows what he wants," says the goblin. "And here's another who's got it." From somewhere he pulls a tube long and thick as his forearm. "Come in, and talk about a spell."

The sturdy dwarf makes no way against the raging wind. On the other hand, he cleverly dodges the debris from splintering shacks. Shrieks of fear and pain are threading through the rain around him.

The court clerk's expression is a mixture of sympathy and scorn. "Her honor is not one to be addressed like a new recruit," he says. "I've copied down most of her written order," he adds. "She gave it before your appearance ... fortunately! Here - you're assigned to special duty, to retrieve the items borrowed by your uncle, continuing until this list is assembled. I guess you could think it's a scavenger hunt, as if that will make it more amusing."

The list of items is a scroll about as long as Lugaid's burly forearm. It's covered with small writing in several columns:
Texts ... Objects ... Furnishings ... Miscellany

2014-01-10, 08:11 PM
Erdrin is relieved to discover that goblin does, indeed have the scroll. However, he is slightly confused. "A spell?" Erdrin asks as he enters the structure. He wasn't expecting the scroll to be magical in nature.

2014-01-11, 11:03 PM
"Sure, a spell," the goblin replies. "Come out of the rain and into the dark, and talk." It chuckles a skittery sort of a laugh. Erdrin by this time may be finding it disconcerting, how shadows seem to chase each other across the goblin's face. Its features appear to be ... well, Erdrin really can't quite describe to himself what the goblin's features are, exactly. There is that smile, though. Sharp teeth.

The goblin withdraws into the shadows of the hut, only visible its hand languidly gesturing with the scroll: come in, come in. "From me brother's uncle's library, it is," the goblin whispers. "Hist! Don't tell."

2014-01-12, 04:40 PM
Erdrin enters the hut and finds something to sit on. "I was told it was found in the city dump" he tells the goblin.

2014-01-12, 06:42 PM
"Near the dump," the goblin says with his scratchy voice. "Indeed, quite near. With a view." He chuckles again. Or is it more of a giggle?

"A-ny-way. Would you ... talk ... or simply trade?"

2014-01-13, 02:23 AM

Clutching his cheek where he was smacked by the plank, Ruinever pushes through the rain. He doesn't particularly feel called to try to help the residents of the unfortunate buildings, as he doesn't want the roof to come crashing down on his own head. But as he dodges a straw-seat chair tumbling up the street, he realizes he's no much safer out here.

Despairing, Ruinever looks about for a place to hide... a stout structure, perhaps, or any opening that his engineer's eyes suspect will shelter him from the storm.

Awareness: [roll0]

2014-01-13, 10:25 PM
Pretty much all that Ruinever can see, either is blowing apart, or appears on the verge of doing so. The still-strengthening wind is beginning to shove him stumbling back up the sloping street, and also makes him feel a bit light on his feet. Meanwhile the former ship ahead of him continues to break apart, the rising waves continue to surge up the street, and now a different howling noise is growing above the continuously increasing roar of the storm. Though it's hard to tell direction, perhaps the howling noise comes from the thick-bodied serpent that is stretching its head upward from the harbor toward the swirling, night-black storm.

As the corporal tries to decide what to do with the cubit-long list of his uncle's borrowed possessions, one of the heavy wooden shutters rips off its hinges and tumbles sideways across the window. Rain bashes into the dim hallway; additional light does not. The sky beyond the window is clouded dark as night, and filled with swirling flying things. Through the window, Lugaid can see waves tossing about the scraps of the ruined Beachside district a half mile down hill, and beyond the flotsam, the harbor, where mighty snakes or tentacles rear up toward the sky.

"... ****." says the court clerk. He is a scrawny, pale, and balding man who came to work wearing a mangy beard and a stained green robe. "Some storm, huh? ... Hey, do you even know where is your uncle's estate?"

The tumble-down roof of the hovel shudders under a weight of mighty wind. The stone walls stand surprisingly sturdy. In the dim dark of a corner, the goblin pulls up its feet and wraps its spindly arms around its knees. "Y'can trade me a story," says the goblin. "This here, this ... spell ... is a key."

2014-01-16, 04:35 AM
"A key?" Erdrin asks. He seems very curious. He sets his pack down beside him.

2014-01-16, 11:11 AM

A lone Dwarven curse word tumbles out of Ruinever's mouth into the wind. He starts to scramble away.

Pausing briefly at one of the ripped-open houses, he does all he can for the people:

"Run!" he yells. "Sea serpent!!"

Then he takes his own advice, and runs uphill away from the harbor, gusts of wind helping him along. At first he has no set direction, only "away," but if he makes it a few blocks he decides he should head for the Hall of Justice. Foam's soldiers should be alerted.

2014-01-17, 11:14 AM
Before the storm wind knocks him prone, the dwarf finds shelter in a doorway only a few buildings down from where he started his day. The door is tightly closed, and the wind is far too loud for a knock to be heard. A ten foot fragment of ship mast cartwheels up the street, bouncing and splintering off the sturdy dwarf-set stone of the buildings.

After several minutes, maybe a quarter hour, the wind dies suddenly to silence. The near-night flares to the brightness of noon. Looking up, Ruinever sees clear blue summer sky.

The goblin moves its head. "Don't know," it says. "Opens path is hidden, was forbidden. I read on the case." It taps its fingers on the smooth bone surface of the scroll tube. "Don't know who hid, who forbid, where is, where goes. But seems like Seeker stuff." The goblin laughs. "Seekers like mysteries and danger, yes?"

2014-01-18, 03:17 AM
Erdrin stares at the scroll case while the goblin speaks. "Yes we do like mysteries." He looks up from the scroll and at the goblin. "Will you give me the scroll, then?"

2014-01-18, 12:41 PM
The goblin laughs in a carefree way. "Of course," it says. "Here." It hands over the tube, which is sealed at each end with wax. In the shadows within the ruined building, it is impossible to tell what color is the wax. Erdrin's fingers feel narrow, curling grooves etched on the surface of the scroll tube - perhaps those are what the goblin read.

Outside, the wind roars a continuous deep chord punctuated by sporadic sounds of rending and crashing. Deeper shadows flit across the already-dim light of the doorway. Rain batters against the outside of the building, and shoots downward through every opening of the tumbled roof. The inside of the wall is appreciably less miserable than the outside.

"...Well," says the goblin after a brief pause while Erdrin is considering what to do next, "No wood for a fire. Do you have?"

Into the sudden silence of a windless noon comes a noise formerly subdued by the stormwind - a sound of waves and water splashing. Peeking round the doorframe, Ruinever sees surf surging and spilling on the cobbles, barely twenty yards away. Boards, bodies, clay bricks, and other flotsam tumble in the surf. It looks like the sea has claimed most of the Beachside. A quarter mile away, the very tops of the wharfposts can be clearly seen beyond the place where dockside buildings once stood. Further beyond, a dark wall of cloud looms lightning-lit across the open sea. The sea serpent has vanished.

2014-01-18, 08:07 PM
Erdrin holds the case and rotates it looking it over for anything interesting. Then, he places it in his pack and pulls out a few small logs. "Here," he says as he lays them on the ground. Then, he reaches back in for some flint and steel.

2014-01-19, 09:43 AM
After a bit of fumbling around in the drips and splashes from the roof, the elf manages to get a smoky fire going with the smoke swirling and billowing up through the rain-soaked boards and thatch. The goblin scoots closer, holding out hands and feet toward the limited heat. The flickering orange flame-light only makes his features more evasive, with the disturbing glints of his cat-like teeth the only really distinguishable aspect of his visage.

"...So," asks the goblin, "what do you do with this key?"

Looking away from the harbor, Ruinever sees the receding side of a massive storm. Debris is scattered as far up the hill as he can see. Looking seaward again, he guesses that at a flat-out run he could reach the Hall of Justice before the next storm front makes landfall. There are a LOT of bodies bobbing limply in the receding water, and many more feebly crawling or struggling to stand among the carpet of wreckage left where the storm waves recently surged.

Still befuddled by the magistrate's rebuke, Corporal Lugaid clumsily rolls up the inventory of his uncle's borrowings and numbly stuffs the rolled scroll into a tube proffered by the clerk. Then he heads pensively down the rain slicked marble stairs, en route to the barracks where junior patrolmen stay while on leave. Maybe he can "persuade" his subordinates to help with this odd tasking.

2014-01-20, 12:04 PM

It takes a moment for Ruinever to believer the sudden reprieve. "'tis truly a gift of the gods," he breathes.

Peeking out, he sees the next line of storm clouds approaching, and he can be sure the gift is fleeting. The Hall of Justice still sounds like the safe bet... but people are dying down there. And the serpent seems gone.

With a trembling hand, he flips one of his last few coins...

(1= Heads; Hall of Justice. 2= Tails, Help the Survivors.)


Ruinever gulps, regretting the outcome already. But he had trusted his fate to the gold and, as the old dwarven proverb says, that is a trust not to be broken. He runs toward the wreckage.

His actions, in order:

1. A last scared look for any sign of the sea monster (if any, abandon this plan and flee)
2. Only go thigh-deep in the water, no deeper.
3. Throw rope to anyone flailing in deeper water, if any.
4. Check wounded-but-living, if any. Try to bind wounds and instruct them to get uphill before next storm, if they can walk.
5. Tell other survivors to help get people uphill. Warn of next storm.
6. Run up hill, carrying 1 person who cannot walk if needed.

((Of course, he may not get this far......))

2014-01-20, 04:34 PM
"Arcania's Beard!" the mage swore, feeling the icy knives of rain prickle his face. There wouldn't be much way to get to the inn safely, not in this downpour. It didn't seem natural. And Silizar paid attention to things that weren't natural.

Dodging a passing cart that muddied his robes, he looked for a safe place in the storm. He saw townspeople gathering toward the north end of the city nearby, at the Hall of Justice. It looked sturdy enough to withstand whatever storm this was, at least for now. Silizar began heading toward the building.

He ducked into an alleyway. He heard guards yelling commands, "Help the survivors! The damned sea serpent attacked!"

Silizar swore. Sea serpents, is it? Still, he couldn't bear to see people destroyed by a beast like that. He'd seen the damage they and others of their kind could do. He began hurrying, following guards toward the coast.

He finds a young man, a beam across his leg. Guards are helping to remove it. It doesn't seem broken, and the man is still conscious. He'd know what had happened and where more survivors are. Nearby, Salizar spies a dwarf aiding survivors as well. He didn't seem to be a guard, which struck him as interesting as well. He turned to the man, once the guards had freed him from the wooden beam.

"What happened here? Are there any other survivors?"

2014-01-20, 07:38 PM
The sea monster has vanished back into the harbor. So, too, has the storm surge - revealing gently sloped acres of broken boards, bodies, sand, and harbor muck. Amid the sea-wrack remain a few dozen sturdier wooden buildings, which Ruinever's training suggests were built on especially deep-sunk pilings. And of course above the high-water mark, pretty much everything still stands; Ruinever suspects not so much because the waves did not reach it, but more because the dwarf-set walls of the Stonebuilt stood proof against winds.

The "thigh deep" limit still applies, though, with reference to the drifts of dead fish, muck, debris, drowned people. Ruinever sees - perhaps for the first time - how roughly the surf can strike.

So far as aiding the wounded, there are many to choose from. Dozens are struggling out from under the rubble around Ruinever, who has advanced maybe a hundred yards downhill from the edge of the wreckage. Dozens or hundreds more already are staggering up into the alleys and streets of the Stonebuilt, not looking back as they head for higher land. All around, the dwarf hears choking sobs, outcries for loved ones, shrill screams and dull groans of anguish. His short supply of courage dwindles as he looks about for someone most in need of aid within a few dozen steps.
Pick a victim, roll the dice + stat to beat the target number... "cumulative" = repeated efforts are possible; x ??? = repeated efforts must be made in order to succeed; once you succeed, or give up, or fail, you can flee or move on to the next victim; but if your total rolls exceed [roll0], you won't make it to cover before the storm. Except that awesome points can be spent for haste, one point takes one off the total ...

a child trapped by the chest between two big splintery boards amid a pile of boards (Cunning 8)
a woman trying piece-by-piece to clear a massive pile of boards and sand (Commitment 20 cumulative)
a man trapped by his knee under a massive barrel (Brawn 9)
a person hand-crawling screaming over a heap of boards, their legs clearly broken (Brawn 8)
a person whose head only can be seen protruding from a pile of shattered wood that might have been a shack (Cunning 8 x 4)

roll in the OOC thread, please ... then narrate the results, in reply here.

There's no lack of candidates for assistance ... looking seaward, Ruinever sees he might have time to help some.

As the guards hurry on to their next rescue, the youngster tries to sit up and then coughs a wheezing cough.

"Sure," the young man says bitterly. His long dark hair is limp as seaweed against his face. Blood has trickled from his nose and when he coughs a little more sprays from his mouth. "Plenty ... survivors 'm sure. Look round." From his sitting position he reaches up to Silizar: "Gimme a hand up?"

As the wizard gently hauls him upright, the young man adds: "You must not be from here. It's the Krakenstorm ..." he hocks blood on the ground ... "and we spit in its eye for luck!" He starts to throw his right hand out toward the harbor, then flinches and settles for a timider waggle of his thumb. "But soon comes the wink of the eye, and let's hope we're in a stone house before then." Following the gesture with his own eyes, Silizar sees a wall of purple-blue rain stretching from surface to sky, all about from left to right. The foot of the wall is white with waves at sea, with rain at land. It seems to be running toward the ruined Beachside, fast as horses. At a limping pace, there could be time to get the young man back uphill and indoors, before the storm strikes again.
{check the first post to see how many Silizar starts with}
If Silizar chooses to aid the lad to safety, pick a stat and try to roll 7 successes (7 or greater) without having the total rolled go over [roll1] 60 honestly the random cap made that too easy to be fun; awesome points can be spent to reduce the total, one for one; fewer than 7 successes and the rescue fails - narrate a reason

roll in the OOC thread, please ... then narrate the results, in reply here.

After four days walking and begging for rides, Alexi stood near the doorway of a room that stank of the smoke made by wood and camel dung mixed as a single fuel. The room also had more pleasant smells - spiced stew, strong wine, weak wine, pipeweed - but all these were just accents to the heavy funk of the dung stove.

Alexi stood looking out at the rain pounding down into the mud of the packed-dirt acre enclosed by the low walls of the caravanserai at the foot of an ancient stone bridge. The bridge span disappeared into the wet less than halfway over, but he had been told that the City of Foam was at the far side. Today, however, seemed like no time to cross that bridge. It might be early in the afternoon, but looked dark as evening, and the rain had increased from a pre-dawn drizzle to its current relentless battering roar. A wind, also, was roaring, whipping the rain at an angle far from vertical.

Then - miraculous! - the rain swept past the doorway like a curtain, and the sun blazed clear in the sky above. It was just past noon.

2014-01-20, 10:18 PM
The wizard mused for a moment. Not a long moment, since he'd be musing in the underworld in more than that, in the midst of this storm. If there were survivors, there would be no chance for them. He'd save the young man, since he was kind enough to answer questions. Silizar hated when people ignored his questions.

Wrapping the man's arm over his shoulder, they rushed back toward town, and safety. They'd make for the Hall of Justice, at least to weather the storm. The storm...the man had called it a Krakenstorm. It seemed like what the Wise called a "hurricane," but it was stronger, more brutal. There had to be something powering it, and Silizar pledged to find out what. Who knew, there may be something powerful there...something that could make him even stronger. Or at least be a nice addition to his bookshelf.

They reached the Hall just as the storm began to tear deeper into Foam. The doors slammed hard behind them, and he helped the man into a chair. Silizar slumped into a chair next to the man, drained. He turned to the man in a moment. His eyes gleamed with the inner fire of the Wise.

"What is your name? And tell me more about this Krakenstorm..."

2014-01-21, 01:28 AM
With how quickly the storm seemed to have passed over, Alexi thought this might be a sign from THE GOD that Alexi should make haste to make it to the town. In truth he just wanted to leave this place, while grateful for the shelter he received from the storm he can not stand the admixture of smells emanating from the heathens inside. From what he had overheard those that were sharing the lodging were godless children, and in other times he would have taken a chance at conversion, but he would rather not have been thrown out into the storm.

With a deep breath Alexi began a quickened walk toward the bridge, being mindful to keeping himself dry and his vestments mud free, intentionally avoiding the big puddles as he journeyed across the field toward Foam.

2014-01-21, 07:46 AM
The young man sighs wheezingly, and starts to shrug, then abandons the gesture with a grimace. "Most years we get one," he answers. "Not like this bad, though. This one was extra." He squeezes shut his eyes and tears spill down his face making streaks in the salt left by the storm surge. "It looked like all of the Beachside was broken apart. That's never happened before ... if we only had known it was coming like this, I bet they would have let us all shelter here, right here in the Hall! ... Did you see a little girl with dark pigtails? Or a woman with dark hair like mine, but a gray streak? My name is Stellan, son of Gonsiagan, my dad's an old salt, he's on ship far south of this ... did you see a man my age, blond?" He goes on listing people by description, as the wizard Silizar ponders the Krakenstorm.

A couple of healers - only two! - are moving through the grand chamber (roughly 100 ft x 60 ft) that occupies the lower floor of the hall. People are packing in through the twelve-foot broad doors, and the dwarf guards who usually prevent that have vanished. Silizar recalls seeing them down in the wreckage, using the butts of their halberds to pry a roof beam off of somebody.

"Dry" and "mud free" are over-ambitious goals, which THE RIGHTEOUSGLORY denies to its Fellow. Followed by laughter and cries of "are you crazy?!" "Stupid southerner!" "No, really, get back here, that's not safe!" "Watch out, you'll be gone in the wink of the eye!", at the foot of the bridge Alexi sees, beyond and far above the aqueduct that stretches from the city to the right horizon, a sky-tall wall of purple and blue clouds veined with lightning. He will need either to return to the caravanserai, or to transition from dignified hasty walk to all out run as he tries to reach the toll house at the far end.
If Alexi chooses to continue across the bridge,
Roll d12 + relevant stat, 6 times, to represent each 100 yards of his race against the advancing storm. Total > 40 is needed to reach shelter before the storm "winks." You can spend awesome points 1 for 1 to modify roll results.

2014-01-21, 05:51 PM
Lost in thought as Foam is lost in storm, Silizar suddenly looks up, aware that the tears of Stellan, son of Gonsiagan were soaking into his robe. He rolled his eyes, Gods. I could water all my flytraps, wringing this out.

He pulled slightly away, making a semblance of caring.

"Calm yourself, Stellan. You're safe. There are guards out there helping who they can. Calm. Wait for the healers. I have work to do."

Silizar ran a hand through his gray hair, thinking as he surveyed the Hall of Justice. There were many flooding in...flooding...a Krakenstorm, was it? Given it was a coastal town, it was possible to be regular. But something about the ferocity of it nagged at the back of Silizar's mind.

"Not like this bad, though. This one was extra..."

Silizar paused. He began to look around for a vantage point to look out on the storm. If he couldn't find one, he'd have to go back outside. There was a chance that powerful magic was at work. And he'd be able to see it...

2014-01-21, 10:01 PM
There was no time to waste, it was obvious now that time was fleeting until the storm returned, and the choice to be made was to continue across the bridge and race the storm for nearly 600 yards, or turn back and flee back to the shelter he had just left.

The choice was simple, THE GOD not only gave him this opportunity to make it across but also those back from where he came would snicker and make fun of his half hearted attempt. For the sake of his reputation he would push the fear of the storm aside and and charge forward across the bridge and race against the dwindling sands of the hourglass that was his chance to stay dry!

Alexi Righteousgloryfellow waited no longer, his clafs tensed and began his time trial, alas he barley set one foot on the bridge when his foot came down on a sport that was half frozen over and he lost traction and began to fall, he flailed his arms searching for anything at all to help keep him upright.

"THE GOD shelter me from this misfortune!" he cried out, and it was then a mighty wind blew at his face pushing helping him regain his balance upright before smashing into the ground.

His moment quickly picked up, but his normal speed would not be enough at this point. The precious seconds he had wasted with his mishap would surely doom him to be frozen stiff in the storm now! oh how Alexi's own mind began to work against him, and his will failing as the clouds came closer and closer, and his headway to the shelter before him seemed to not close one bit. He still had some 400 yards to go!

The wind nipping his ears and the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end against the nearing elements made him feel like a trapped fox, cornered by hounds that were snapping ferociously into his den, each scrape of a paw and lunge of the muzzles drawing them closer to taking the life of their quarry, but as it would turn out it was the very wind itself that was a blessing! The gusts seemed to start lifting the weight off of Alexi and he found he was becoming rather fleet of foot! His speed increased as he approached the mid point of his goal, his spirits lifting as he was moving nearly twice as fast now, and the shelter before him seemed to grow and grow and grow in size as he neared.

His spirit was joyous as he feigned off the attacks of this plight, so much that he lost himself in a moment of child hood joy as he began a gentle slope down the bridge. He had decided to make a small leap to provide him with the proper moment to slide upon the waterlogged bridge. His weight and daring propelled him at even higher speeds now across the bridge. The wind behind him now being forgotten to the breeze flowing through his hair as he moved through the air. Of course he had forgotten all about not getting soaked, and this very course of action splashed all the standing water right up his vestments.

As he neared the bridge he prepared to get his footing again, and started his run over open ground to the wooden structure before him. It was only a couple hundred yards now, and he was determine to finish his noble feat despite the mud and who knows what else there may be upon the ground. Finally, winded and light of heart Alexi looked upon the door of his shelter to find it to be the customs house of the city. He looks back toward the bridge to find he cant see the other side anymore, but he still had plenty of time in the end to reach his destination.

However he has a moment of panic as he attempts to let himself inside, to find the door barred. He quickly pounds upon the door.

"Excuse me, I am an acolyte of THE GOD seeking shelter from the storm! Will you answer my plea favorably?

2014-01-22, 07:03 PM

Ruinever sees too many people to even hope to help them all, and he eyes the approaching storm clouds nervously. But he can't just leave them all, can he?

One dazed but intact young woman is making her way slowly up alone the debris, and Ruinever calls to her.

"You!" He waves at her, then points at a man trapped by one leg under a large barrel. "Give me a hand!"

With the stranger's help they're able to pry the barrel up and get the man out, though it takes some effort. The thing is full of saltwater and has a fair bit of debris atop it.

Glancing around, there are so many people in need of help that Ruinever wonders briefly why he chose this man... well he does look the sort that might need his home rebuilt, sturdier then before, he thinks. His stomach rumbles.

The wails of the grieving and injured demand more immediate attention, however. Glancing around he sees a man dragging himself along by his hands, both legs broken. He screams at every lurch.

Ruinever can't say why he turns away--the screams bother him, and perhaps it's just too grisly. But at least the man is free. He sees a woman with more immediate needs.

Grabbing his conscript by the wrist, he runs in that direction. The woman's husband or dad or someone is buried under rubble, and getting him out takes some effort. And time, Ruinever frets, but he's quick with moving stones and makes good progress. He can't help sighing at how the inexperienced human women take forever to move a single stone, cradling it like it's a vase, while he himself simply churns through them gopher-style.

Eventually, a bearded man is pulled from the rubble, alive if nothing else.

At that point Ruinever figures it's time to seek shelter, but a plaintive whimper catches his ears, higher pitched than the rest.

Looking around he finally spies a little girl caught between house beams, crushing her chest. He sucks in a breath of air.

"Can you walk?" he asks the bearded man. "Come on!"

As he runs to her Ruinever can see that some others have started rescue efforts too, which gives him heart. But the majority of the figures he sees have left the beachside and and stumbling to higher ground. Time is scarce.

"Can you hear me?" he asks the little girl. She chokes some dry-throated answer and then nods. "We're going to get you out, okay?"

He can't imagine why he has a sudden soft spot for a little human whelp, but he really wants her to be okay.

"I know it hurts," he says as he and his helper grab opposite beams. "But on three I need you to breathe out. Okay? Okay, one. Two. Three!"

The beams are yanked apart as much as they can be and the little girl goes tumbling free.

"Okay," Ruinever says, helping the girl stand feebly up. He eyes the approaching rain. "Okay, that's all we can do. We have to get out of here."

He surveys the people he's helped, and who have helped him. At least one of them can't walk, and he has doubts about the girl.

"Ma'am," he says to the woman with the bearded man, "You help your kin. My dear," he says the his woman helper, "Can you take this little girl? Gentle now. And sir," he addresses the man with the broken knee. "You're about to be carried by a dwarf. It's a rare privilege."

He hefts the man up onto his shoulders, and tells him to shut up if he complains.

Ruinever nods, pleased. It takes an engineer's mind to do anything right.

"Let's go!"

He leads them up the hill, with a destination of the Hall of Justice. He still hears that unnerving screaming: the man with two broken legs has hardly made any progress at all.

Ruinever makes a point not to look at him, and they leave him where he lays.

Brawn: [roll0] (for carrying knee bro)

((I will spend as many Awesome Points as needed to make sure we can carry/haul/drag all the people I've specified.))

2014-01-23, 04:49 PM
Silizar finds an open window, away from prying eyes. He closes his eyes and spreads his arms.

He feels the touch of the Veil and looks out upon the storm with fierce eyes. First looking out at the storm, he then looks within it, gazing at the soul of the storm itself. He cries out "I am Silizar Dagroth, son of Lucien the Wise! Reveal your nature to me, for I know the air's true name!

A huge clap of thunder shook the very foundations of the Hall of Justice. And as Silizar looked within the storm for the signs of the Veil being torn between this world and the world of magic, he knew he'd soon have an answer as lightning tore across the sky.

2014-01-23, 06:48 PM
There was no time to waste, it was obvious now that time was fleeting until the storm returned, and the choice to be made was to continue across the bridge and race the storm for nearly 600 yards, or turn back and flee back to the shelter he had just left.


"Excuse me, I am an acolyte of THE GOD seeking shelter from the storm! Will you answer my plea favorably?

The wind begins to be loud around the stone corner of the toll house, and the first few drops of warm rain bite like horseflies against Alexi's cheek. In answer to his desperate pounding, a face-sized window is slid back and a grizzled man of about forty years old stares out at the Righteousgloryfellow.

"Come in," says the grizzly toll collector, squinting bloodshot eyes. His breath stinks of wine and bad teeth. But he unbars the door and swiftly opens it, waving Alexi inside. A dozen or more folk are gathered within the cramped lower floor of the toll house - clearly caught by the storm, most of them peasants sitting next to the kind of huge produce baskets that get strapped to one's shoulders for transport. The baskets still are filled with summer vegetables, mostly zucchinis and peppers - these folks never made it to market in Foam.

"Are you a healing holy man?" asks a youngish elfen woman. She has beautifully braided hair, and high cheekbones that would be lovely but for a pustulent rash disfiguring the entire right side of her face.

Ruinever sees too many people to even hope to help them all, and he eyes the approaching storm clouds nervously. But he can't just leave them all, can he?


"Can you hear me?" he asks the little girl. She chokes some dry-throated answer and then nods. "We're going to get you out, okay?"

He can't imagine why he has a sudden soft spot for a little human whelp, but he really wants her to be okay.

"I know it hurts," he says as he and his helper grab opposite beams. "But on three I need you to breathe out. Okay? Okay, one. Two. Three!"

The beams are yanked apart as much as they can be and the little girl goes tumbling free.

As she gasps for breath and as Ruinever helps her to her feet, a few sharp drops of warm rain sting the dwarf's face and hands. In the harbor, the capsized ships and fishing boats vanish in a wall of white rain and lightning. Down at the edge of the harbor, the wind begins to whip up the wet sand and the broken boards. It is undoubtedly time to run for shelter.

"Okay," Ruinever says, helping the girl stand feebly up. He eyes the approaching rain. "Okay, that's all we can do. We have to get out of here."

He surveys the people he's helped, and who have helped him. At least one of them can't walk, and he has doubts about the girl.

"Ma'am," he says to the woman with the bearded man, "You help your kin. My dear," he says the his woman helper, "Can you take this little girl? Gentle now. And sir," he addresses the man with the broken knee. "You're about to be carried by a dwarf. It's a rare privilege."

He hefts the man up onto his shoulders, and tells him to shut up if he complains.

Ruinever nods, pleased. It takes an engineer's mind to do anything right.

"Let's go!"

He leads them up the hill, with a destination of the Hall of Justice. He still hears that unnerving screaming: the man with two broken legs has hardly made any progress at all.

Ruinever makes a point not to look at him, and they leave him where he lays.

As he staggers uphill, carrying a middle-aged man on his back, Ruinever begins to hear a shrill rippling sound behind him, atop the rising roar of the storm wind. Then it is joined by a heavy fluttering noise, then by screams of fear and pain, and sounds of breaking wood. Glancing back he sees that the storm wind is picking up the debris near the water and tumbling it generally sideways along the shoreline. The line of tumbling debris is approaching just a bit faster than he can run up the cobbled streets toward the Hall.

With the door of the Hall in sight, Ruinever begins to hear the unmistakable clatter and shatter of boards striking the seaward buildings of the Stonebuilt.

[roll0]Awareness vs [roll1] storm

He could run through a front garden and up into the porch of a stately home; alternatively, he could try to reach the Hall of Justice before the debris.

He cries out "I am Silizar Dagroth, son of Lucien the Wise! Reveal your nature to me, for I know the air's true name!

The lightning flash leaves purple shadows in Silizar's eyes. He knows those shadows, and closes his eyelids to see the hidden image.

A circle of elves and goblins, half-naked, clad in skins, dance staggeringly around a single tree amid an endless expanse of dry grass and dust. A young elfen girl is tied to the tree, and next to her stands an old goblin holding a knife. The sun burns down from a cloudless sky, closer to the south horizon than it stands in the City of Foam. The goblin raises the knife to the sun, and shouts from a parched throat some words in the speech of the Dry Lands. The circling dancers answer, as does the girl. Her voice is small and tired and scared. The knife swings down

Another flash of lightning strikes the image from Silizar's eyelids, clearing his mind. He opens his eyes to view the approaching storm.

2014-01-24, 01:41 PM

With the debris tumbling up behind them, the Hall of Justice looks too far away. Closer by is a well-off townhouse, complete with garden and porch. The houses of the rich are always well-built, Ruinever reasons.

"This way!" he yells to his entourage. The wear and wounded turn with him following him up the porch steps.

Ruinever gently sets the man down and then pounds on the door. Three good, solid knocks.

"Open up, in the name of mercy, we need cover!"

He will pound three more times. If there is no answer in half a minute, he will remove the door with his hammer and let them all in.

Preferring to simply yank the hinges or pry back the door-jam to open it without breaking anything; if impossible he will just bash it in.

Commitment for dis-assembling a door: [roll0]
Brawn for breaking a door: [roll1]
Awesome points shall be spend as needed if the second rolls fails.

edit: If no one answers, Ruinever sizes up the door and decides removing it would take too long. With thee blows of his hammer, the lock is popped and the door swings open.

2014-01-25, 06:42 PM
Tanar shrugs. "I don't know. We'll have to figure out what it's for, what mysteries it contains, what secrets and clues we can find within." Then he adds, "Thank you for bringing it" and nods his head.

2014-01-25, 07:30 PM
Tanar shrugs. "I don't know. We'll have to figure out what it's for, what mysteries it contains, what secrets and clues we can find within." Then he adds, "Thank you for bringing it" and nods his head.

Given that non-committal answer, the goblin falls silent - no longer smiling. Indeed it seems to be deliberately ignoring the elf, while the rain hammers down and the stone walls leak wind.

Unless Erdrin says anything more, after a long time the wind and rain abate, the near-night darkness lifts, and blue sky is visible through the dripping roof. The goblin gathers itself together and makes a gesture that resembles a bow. "You are welcome," it says. Erdrin has a decision: where to go.

At the second knock, the door is yanked open. A fat old human female looms over the dwarf. She is wrapped in a robe that attempts but fails to billow around her hefty frame. Her frown multiplies her chins, but she stands aside and gestures broadly into the manse. "Come in," she says, "and shelter." The dwelling smells strongly of cats.

Dr. Azkur
2014-02-18, 09:45 PM

Unbelievable. The lengths these people will go through just so they don't have to do their jobs. I have a duty just as they do, but oh! I'm just a petty guard... incompetent bastards...

While heading toward the barracks, do I see the tentacles that could be seen at the judge's hall?

If not then I speak to whoever I find there.

2014-02-19, 08:53 AM
Your gear reclaimed, you shoulder your way out of the Hall of Justice and off toward the barracks, just as the storm reaches its peak. The howling, roaring seawind hurls shards and splinters and little stones, which pelt like javelins and bullets against your upraised shield. Ducking into the lee of a sturdy two-story stone building, you lean against the warm stones of its wall and wait.

After ten or fifteen minutes of hellish noise, there is a sudden silence that leaves your ears ringing. Looking up, the sky is clear and brilliant blue. The wind has utterly ceased. After some moments a new noise rises: agonized screams and laments, echoing up the streets of the Stonebuilt from the newer and flimsier structures of the Beachside.

Some options: continue to the barracks (a few blocks from the Hall, around the hill near the gates of the Mayoral castle); investigate the catastrophe downhill, in the Beachside; stand and wait for what's nextWhat do you do?

Dr. Azkur
2014-02-19, 11:55 AM

...seriously, one of these days- Huh? What mad god decided to make this city so noisy?!
At least the sky quitted dripping.

I continue with my previous objective, heading towards the barracks and do what I came here to do, the sooner I get it over with, the better. Hopefully there will be no further delays.

2014-02-19, 12:43 PM
Continuing toward the barracks, you have opportunity to partly extend and scan across the text of the scroll you were given. In addition to the lengthy list of borrowed items, you see also an address: The Scholar's Hope, which you recognize as the name of a sprawling walled mansion at the northeast edge of the Stonebuilt district. The mansion grounds overlook the swamp, graveyard, and dump at the north side of the river, outside the city. The outer grounds have for a long time been popular for picnics (when the wind is toward the swamps), and you vaguely recall visits there sometimes as a child ... but you had not realized that your own great uncle was the owner!

Arriving at the barracks, you find your squad scattered about the muddy courtyard. There has always been a low spot in the middle under the spear targets, and that now is a broad brown puddle. Several of the younger men are taking turns to jump in it and splash each other; it seems about calf-deep. Meanwhile the more senior fellows, those whom you trust to do as they're told, are standing together near the gate. They are Cinel, Garbh, and Croidhan, and unlike the juniors, they are fully armed. "Hail!" says Cinel when you enter the gate. "What's our orders, corporal? And what news from the town?"

Dr. Azkur
2014-02-19, 01:15 PM

Ah, the lads.

"At ease. Garbh, let the children know playtime is over and have them cleaned up, we have work to do. Tedious work.
Croidhan, you're fast, right? I want you to rush to the beach, I heard screams, if something serious happened I want to know it, investigate if you have to but don't get yourself in trouble. Meet the rest of us at The Scholar's Hope.
Cinel, come with me, we better get started, can't wait for the boys"
As we go on our way I explain to Cinel what we will be doing, excluding that this is about an my uncle's debts, but emphasising that the magistrate is enforcing this upon us.

2014-02-19, 06:30 PM
"Aye," says Croidhan Fleet. Spear and shield in hand, he sprints out the gate toward the Beachside. Strictly speaking the city's not proper ground for the Duct Patrol, but it seems like this a time of emergency when no one will mind.

"Aye," says Garbh. "YOU LOT OF FOOLS! GET YOUR GEAR!" he roars.

"Aye," says Cinel. He strides out the gate with you, headed cross-town through the broad streets of the Stonebuilt.

Wreckage and debris are scattered throughout the streets, mostly broken shutters from the Stonebuilt but also bigger scraps and shards of wood from the cheap buildings of Beachside. The clamour of agonies from the Beachside continues as you traverse eastward from the barracks past the Hall of Justice - where you cross a stream of citizens thronging up its steps and through the broad doorway into the foyer - and further around the hill on which the Mayor's palace is built. The noise of injured citizens fades a bit as you continue round the hill to its northeast side, away from the water... Ahead of you, Rush Street runs straight and broad past the gates of Scholar's Hope and further down to the swamp. At either side of the street stand pleasant stone houses, some with shops on the lower floors, all of them still tight-shuttered.

From the harbor you begin to hear the sounds of rising wind and flying debris. As you head down Rush Street, warm drizzle begins to fall on you, and looking up you see the sky half-blue ahead, half-black behind.

Options run for Scholar's Hope; duck for cover in a nearby doorway; something elsePlease pick an appropriate attribute for your chosen action, and roll that+2d10, here is your target: [roll0]

Dr. Azkur
2014-02-19, 10:28 PM

No no no no no...
...no NO NO!
I will not get wet again and this hideous task will NOT take any longer! CINEL, RUN. THAT IS AN ORDER!!!

Rolling commitment to complete this task once and for all.
I spend one awesome to add +2 to the roll.

Edit: Well ****

2014-02-20, 07:20 PM
In a flat out sprint you run further than ordinarily likely, Cinel just barely keeping up. It's helpful but not enough - before you reach the gates of the mansion grounds, the full force of the storm strikes your back and knocks you flat to the cobbled street. Cinel's right there beside you, as usual, and the two of you together crawl through standing water to the gates, soaked by rain from above and puddles below.

Mark one wound - scratched and bruised

Within the gate you keep low, and simply scramble into shelter along the base of the head-high stone wall. The storm has made an acres-wide puddle on the grassy meadow between outer and inner walls, and the path of crushed seashells shimmers under the wind-torn water. Meanwhile, shards and fragments of buildings clatter and tumble over the wall, littering the lawn. The impacts right over your heads can barely be heard above the continual roar of the gale.

It is not until evening that the wind settles down to a steady forceful breeze, one that still flings drops of rain but no more broken boards. As the clouds clear from the western sky, there is no brightening of the scene: the sun already has dropped behind the hill of the city, and the shadow of the mayoral palace spreads across the Scholar's Hope and the swamp below.

Cinel looks to you wearily, as exhausted as you've seen him - it's as if he's spent the whole day clearing brush from under the Aqueduct, instead of huddling under a wall to hide from the battering wind. "I wonder how's it back at barracks," he says. "Should we head back, sir?" He gestures toward the hulking mansion. "I don't think there's lights ... and we don't got a torch."

What next?

Dr. Azkur
2014-03-05, 05:58 PM

As covered in storm as a man can be, Lugaid thinks about patting himself in the back for arriving but immediately remembers he has not achieved a thing. After breathing and recuperating from the run he zones out... until he hears words that wake him up. He quickly and lightly shakes his head.

What did you say? Head back? And lose more time? You wish, kid. We finish this now. A watchman's gotta watch, you ever want to become a good one you gotta learn to watch in the dark too.
Time. Doors. Lights. Not having something is not an excuse. You can't get it, you make it, damn it.

I head toward the mansion, attent for the presence of fuel and a way to make it combust.