View Full Version : Joke Character (One-punch man)

2013-12-22, 06:30 PM
As a side project, mainly for a joke, i want to recreate a character mainly based off of One-punch man (most of my players read manga and will appreciate the gag). The only two thing i want him focused in is unarmed damage, and str. Most abusive ideas you have that will not change him from human. Up to level 30.

Ideas so far
Human (he is human, free feat)

Paragon (kinda fits his own surpassing human pinnacle thing)

1st:improved bull rush
Monk free: improved unarmed strike
Monk bonus 1st: stunning fist
Flaw:power attack
Flaw:hammer fist (2 handed melee)
Background: toughness (allowed in game as extra feat but of low power)
Monk 2nd: combat reflexes
3rd:fists of iron (extra damage, 1d6 i think)
6th:superior unarmed strike (+4 effective monk levels for damage)
Monk 6th level: improved disarm
9th:breaking blow (some rokugan book, full round 1 strike, extra damage equal to 1d6 x str mod)
12th:improved sunder
15th: cometary collision
18th:combat brute (mainly for sundering cleave)

monk (LV 6) (decisive strike variant, PH2)

rings of force armor (+5 ac, unarmed +1d4 force damage, count as ghost touch)
monk's belt (+5 effective monk levels)
gauntlets of talon (+5 effective monk levels)

2013-12-22, 06:51 PM
Hrm. If you want to stay true to the source, I guess a d2 Crusader is the way to go.

Now then, how on earth do you do d2 damage with unarmed strikes...

For less cheesy stuff, I'm honestly not sure. While Caped Baldy is ridiculously fast and strong, he never really gets to use it. I guess Evasion is a given, though, as is Improved Unarmed Strike.

Probably not a standard Monk, though. The Flurry goes against the entire concept of One Punch Man.

2013-12-22, 06:52 PM
Ya thats why i decided to focus only on his punch strength. To avoid his powers less shown.

2013-12-22, 06:59 PM
Hammer Fist feat from Dragon Compedium let's you add 1 1/2 str bonus to unarmed strikes when you make a single unarmed attack. This combo's nicely with the Decisive Strike acf from phb II that swaps your flurry of blows for a single attack that deals double damage.

Hammer Fist says that you make an unarmed attack with both hands so depending on how you interpret that you could allow it to work with Power attack. Not RAW but still cool.

From there Barbarian and Fist of the Forest(CC) are decent dips for the str boosting rages and feral trance.

If you can bother with the prerequisites Monk of the Enabled hand from Dragon Compendium is pretty cool. It let's you target touch ac, do counterattacks off turn, and the coolest ability that lets you bullrush a target you hit and deal additional damage based on how far you punch them away.

2013-12-22, 07:02 PM
Monk of enabled hand fits better, nothing magical really about it's abilities (can fluff them to say touch ac because of his speed and str), hammer fist is thought did work for power attack? and decisive strike is perfect for getting rid of that flurry of blows. great ideas.

2013-12-22, 07:04 PM
There's a variant of Monk (Decisive Strike) that substitutes the Flurry for doing... double (?) damage with one attack in place of a full attack. It's from PH2.

2013-12-22, 07:08 PM
updated the top page with your great ideas. Max monk damage already. Btw don't worry about item cost, or questionable stacking. Character made to be a joke. Just nothing outrageously breaking rules.

2013-12-22, 07:24 PM
What about psionic fist and great psionic fist. Character is literally supposed to be able to beat anyone in 1 hit and am trying to replicate this without breaking to many rules. These two would add a decent damage and if he works like intended losing psionic focus shouldnt matter.
Another question does wild talent allow psionic focus?

2013-12-22, 07:29 PM
half minotaur template with changed fluff and a shrinking spell or something?

2013-12-22, 07:34 PM
Does half minotaur count me as large? if so is the war hulk class a good option to boost my STR? better question, since im allowing this character to go to 30 (meant to be cheese), should i take it only when at level 20, negating the 0 atk bonus it normally gives since it is subject to epic rules then?

2013-12-22, 07:38 PM
Does half minotaur count me as large? if so is the war hulk class a good option to boost my STR? better question, since im allowing this character to go to 30 (meant to be cheese), should i take it only when at level 20, negating the 0 atk bonus it normally gives since it is subject to epic rules then?

it doesnt just count you as large, it makes you large, granting all the benefits thereof. and thats a good plan, the only downside i see is a fluff one in that saitama is actually kinda short...

2013-12-22, 07:39 PM
lol ya i trying to figure out how i going to pull that off...i literally was going to use his exact image and dumb expressions. Make my player's think WTF before he obliterates someone way out of their league.

2013-12-22, 07:41 PM
since youre the DM, you could just make him medium, but i figured you wanted to remain as close to RAW as possible or else you could just make him a lvl 30 commoner and say "he hits and kills the thing" without even rolling a die.

2013-12-22, 07:46 PM
Did someone already say greater mighty wallop? From Races of the Dragon, this spell pretty much puts any creature within the damage cap of this kind of character. I ratcheted an epic level monk/wizard/etc of mine up to 16d8 punches with pretty much just that spell and INA.

Downside is it doesn't necessarily stack well with several other effects. Other downside is it's hard to get for pure monk, unless you are counting constant-effect item cheese (though that seems quite affordable by level 30, when a character can pretty much afford to buy half of the planet).

Dip StP erudite on a kung-fu genius monk and then go Tash and add psionic stuff to taste. Erudite can get the spell in question as a power, and it lasts long enough to easily cover the whole day with just a few (or optimized single) castings.

2013-12-22, 07:49 PM
greater mighty wallop...mmm. And ya i didnt want to use DM powers to abuse the character to bad, making items stack with questionable sure. Outright ignoring requirements, eh not to sure about.

2013-12-22, 07:50 PM
Currently Monk level 6 with unarmed damage of 20th level, and AC etc of 16th level?

SO 14 levels to go, war hulk saved for epic (if find appropriate way) to avoid BAB loss.

2013-12-22, 07:53 PM
I always like the DS ACF comboed with Knockdown. It might be Improved Trip it's been so long since I read it, but there is a feat that gives you a second after you trip someone which works awesome with Knockdown and DS cause all attacks are doubled until the next round with DS.

2013-12-22, 07:54 PM
greater mighty wallop...mmm. And ya i didnt want to use DM powers to abuse the character to bad, making items stack with questionable sure. Outright ignoring requirements, eh not to sure about.

If you are actually contemplating something active in a setting with other level 30 characters, a constant effect item will not be unbalanced. After epic levels, there are almost no ways that a monk can further increase their unarmed damage than some judicious dipping and items/spells/powers. Any monk that high of level that isn't taking advantage of (effective) size increases to damage is not going to keep up with the monsters appropriate to that level, or to the other characters. This is doubly true, because almost every epic feat designed for monks are patently terrible (with the possible exception of Infinite Deflection, Exceptional Deflection, and Reflect Arrows, which are obviously pure awesome).

Level 30 is some potent stuff. If you don't seriously make the challenges challenging in every way possible, then the party is likely to wipe the floor with them (unless the players are generally inexperienced).

2013-12-22, 07:59 PM
The point of this character is to max punching damage basically and look ridiculously overpower to those around him. Munchkin away if you can get the damage way up there without using magic, and without changing from medium human.
He will appear way before he should to basically pone a stupid exPC character turned villain. He based off saitama a character that 1-hit ko everyone. When we get to 30's he might make a resurgence if the party really wants to fight him.
My party has 1 good player who can use his brain pretty incredibly, a player who isnt bad but always thinks his spells should KO everyone or do things they don't (ghost sound should make trolls run away in fear for example), and one that just kinda sits there until battle starts.

2013-12-22, 08:17 PM
What about barbarian for their rage to further increase strength (got 14 levels that need filled)? Is rage really worth it for this build? What about 2 levels in fighter for bonus feats?
Plus a replacement for monk bonus 2nd, and 6th would be nice...they do not fit the build.

2013-12-22, 08:31 PM
I've been working on the Body Augmentation handbook.

May I suggest getting as many limbs as posisble that you can manipulate with.
Warp Touch disease is an excellent choice, but there is also Girllion's Blessing. Then use the spell Fuse Arms. You can make both permanent with a permanency spell.

Since it's an untyped bonus, lets say you used Warp touch to get a few dozen arms. Then you switched out all those useless vestigial arms for real arms with Grafts. Then you uses girllion's blessing just to add a little more. Now you have say 40 pairs of arms. (It would take a long time and chances are you look like some sort of horrible mishapen mutant freak, but that's neither here nor there. Get a hat of disguise and suck it up, One-Punch Man.

Anyrate, your arms all fuse together into one pair of arms. Now you are looking so much more normal, but you also have +4 strength for each set of limbs.

That's +152 strength, untyped.

There is a downside, of course.

It's a spell. You walk into an antimagic field and it fails. All your limbs separate. You go back to being a bundle of tentacle grafts.

But besides that, yeah. You can reall pile on the strength. The only real limits are WBL and your DM.

2013-12-22, 08:40 PM
Fusing arm thing would remove the unusual look and grant the drastic strength sought, is their a way to make it permanent? He still needs to look like a bald dork.

2013-12-22, 08:41 PM
Now then, how on earth do you do d2 damage with unarmed strikes...

Small size?

2013-12-22, 08:41 PM
Class ideas would be appreciated too, seriously stuck after monk level 6.

2013-12-22, 09:58 PM
Why has no one suggested Sleeping Raven Infinite Blood Frenzy (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=7446.0) yet? Either Human Commoner 1/Warblade X or Human Binder 1/Warblade X should do the job.

2013-12-22, 10:02 PM
wearing a Monk's Belt gives you the unarmed damage of a 5th lvl monk, and a nice ac bonus to boot. If you are a monk, you do damage as if you were 5 levels higher.

2013-12-22, 10:23 PM
prob is i at level 20 monk unarmed damage already, can not go past that fairly with monk's belt.

2013-12-22, 10:35 PM
could you be martial monk with decisive strike variant

Emperor Tippy
2013-12-22, 10:59 PM
Decisive Strike Monk 1/ Rogue 1/ Swashbuckler 3/ Factotum 1

Take Craven and max Int. That gets you +HD (30 in this case) to damage with a sneak attack and +2x Int to damage.

Then there is Festering Anger + Strongheart Vest with 2 points of invested Essentia. Throw in Moment of Perfect Mind from Warblade 1, Swordsage 1, or Martial Study so that you can always make the DC 22 daily Will Save. That is limitless strength.

Joe the Rat
2013-12-22, 11:37 PM
Is there a way to reliably get someone flat-footed head on? Or can we get the crit range of unarmed strike up so Telling Blow gives us precision damage... whenever you pick up the dice, really?

Love the manga.

2013-12-22, 11:57 PM
Is around 1,500 damage per punch sufficient damage?

In my sig, I have a pure level 20 monk that does 1,900 damage per hit.

Remove Orc and Headlong Rush, and use the morphing property to change the primary weapon from a Rope Dart to a Cestus. (reducing damage by around 300)

2013-12-23, 07:59 AM
prob is i at level 20 monk unarmed damage already, can not go past that fairly with monk's belt.

From there you use size increases.
Greater Mighty Wallop has already been mentioned (get a CL 20 wand or something), there is also Improved Natural Attack (which you can get from a Fanged Ring, IIRC) and one of the martial art styles from Oriental Adventures (Empty Hand, IIRC) adds another +1. Ectoplasmic Fist is kalashtar-only, but kalashtar look human.
If you allow bonuses to virtual monk level to stack, you can get a lot of damage at a low level - Gauntlets of the Talon +5, Monk's Belt +5, Monk's Tattoo +4.

With the items mentioned and allowing stacking, a kalashtar Monk 6 would have the base damage of a level 20 Monk (2d10), with 8 size increases on top. A Large Monk does 4d8 damage so if each increase adds 50% more damage you should end at 45d8 damage, if each increase adds +2d8 you end up with 18d8 damage. Of course, that's before Decisive Strike - so either 36d8 damage or 90d8 damage. Rolling a lot of dice like that would be fun, I guess.

EDIT: For this guy's strength score: 18 (base) +1 (level) +6 (belt of giant strength) + 5 (tome) +2 (prodigy of strength) = 32. That means he should be dealing an average of either 427 or 184 damage depending on how you're calculating the size increases.

Fouredged Sword
2013-12-23, 08:14 AM
Has anyone mentioned beast strike yet. Get a slam or claw attack, then boost that with greater mighty wallop as well.

2013-12-23, 08:54 AM
He is deliberately shown to not have any martial arts experience at all.
So it is a commoner with DR 5000/-, Str 5000, Dex 5000, Con 5000, Int 6, Wis 6, Cha 6

2013-12-23, 11:57 AM
He is deliberately shown to not have any martial arts experience at all.
So it is a commoner with DR 5000/-, Str 5000, Dex 5000, Con 5000, Int 6, Wis 6, Cha 6

Just like a Monk, then :smalltongue:

2013-12-23, 02:12 PM
Use weapon grafts. Build one of those crossbow-powered piston-hammers from Magic of Eberron into your hand and cast greater mighty wallop on it.

Also, some resources (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=10747).

2013-12-23, 02:17 PM
Thank you guys. Have a pretty good idea how to build him. I will post his final build when done.

2013-12-23, 02:18 PM
He is deliberately shown to not have any martial arts experience at all.
So it is a commoner with DR 5000/-, Str 5000, Dex 5000, Con 5000, Int 6, Wis 6, Cha 6

except the OP is trying not to rule 0 it. so he can use monk and refluff it (since refluff isnt technically rule 0).

2013-12-23, 02:32 PM
Now I think i might be able use about any magical item, not exactly replicating him just his looks and abilities without rule 0 anything.
Just just say his magical items hidden under dorky costume lol

2013-12-23, 02:35 PM
except the OP is trying not to rule 0 it. so he can use monk and refluff it (since refluff isnt technically rule 0).

The problem is that Saitama is shown to have completely surpassed anything remotedly possible for ordinary human beings. What you are building fits Silver Fang (and Prime32's suggestion is for Genos) - not the concept of One Punch Man.

2013-12-23, 02:41 PM
I basically need a character that looks human, and hits like a mountain. He based on saitama, and would like to keep him human looking. Not strickly copying saitama though.
Boosting unarmed strike to mass levels without magic is my goal. i can rework magical items no problem, psionic powers not sure about but leaning towards letting them slide (Genos doesnt believe saitama's strength came from training but something else so go BS reason for psionics to slide).

2013-12-23, 02:44 PM
The problem is that Saitama is shown to have completely surpassed anything remotedly possible for ordinary human beings. What you are building fits Silver Fang (and Prime32's suggestion is for Genos) - not the concept of One Punch Man.

which is why i suggested half-minotaur, fluff his reach as his quick reactions, his wieght increase as being because all those superhuman muscles are condensed into this scrawny little guy, and ignore some of the other stuff the template gives you. make him mechanically an elf to keep him agile.

2013-12-23, 03:19 PM
I basically need a character that looks human, and hits like a mountain. He based on saitama, and would like to keep him human looking. Not strickly copying saitama though.
Boosting unarmed strike to mass levels without magic is my goal. i can rework magical items no problem, psionic powers not sure about but leaning towards letting them slide (Genos doesnt believe saitama's strength came from training but something else so go BS reason for psionics to slide).

So what's wrong with a commoner that has somehow gained physical stats of unrealistic proportions?

2013-12-23, 03:37 PM
was taking half-minotaur kinda seriously but couldnt kind a way to keep it from changing him to much. That might work, hate to change it that much but if i can not find a better solution that will fix it. Plus liked the increased weight idea because all the muscles bound into a little form.

2013-12-23, 03:39 PM
Level 6 monk (hitting at level 20).

would shiba protector 1 be a good choice (wis mod to damage and atk, doesnt replace it just stacks it ontop)?

2013-12-23, 03:42 PM
another question, would half-minotaur allow thayan gladiator, if so would the first ability allow you to select unarmed strike?

2013-12-23, 03:46 PM
yes, but i wouldnt suggest that class. requires evil, which saitama is not :/

2013-12-23, 03:59 PM
If you're going to level 30 anyway, Permanent Emanation (Consumptive Field) would do it, quite easily. NI strength, NI durability. And if you get the Sudden Leap maneuver, also NI movement.

2013-12-23, 04:02 PM
Paragon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/paragonCreature.htm) anyone? Though let his CR count as his HD so that he doesn't die instantly to stuff like cloudkill or blasphemy.

2013-12-23, 04:18 PM
Ya i know which sucks it would of fit too. Anyways paragon might be good idk yet, and ill look into that field

2013-12-23, 04:19 PM
Paragon human actually fits since Saitama is beyond the pinnacle of human. Good choice.

2013-12-23, 04:21 PM
What does anyone else that knows one-punch man think about paragon template and saitama? It sure beefs up his stats and defenses alot.

2013-12-23, 04:23 PM
what about fist of zouken? I do not mind using psionics for this build as long as they only increase his hitting strength not making him larger or psi blast or anything. This would allow the psionic fist feats right?

2013-12-23, 07:11 PM
what about Totemic demonslayer. At 7th level in it i could have 3 tattoos:
Two lesser tattoos
Ape: if the bearer of this tattoo hits a single opponent twice in the same round with melee attacks, he can rend the opponent’s body. This automatically deals an extra 2d6 points of damage + double the demonslayer’s Str modifier. The totemic demonslayer does not have to activate this ability prior to making his attacks, but rather can activate the tattoo after having made two successful melee hits. Once activated, this tattoo’s ability remains in effect for 3 rounds.

Deinonychus: the bearer of this tattoo gains the ability to make a pounce attack as a deinonychus can. When activated, he can make a full attack when charging a foe. If he has also activated an allosaurus tattoo, he gains those rake attacks as well while using the pounce attack. This tattoo lasts for 3 rounds once it is activated.

And one greater
Triceratops: this tattoo gives its bearer the powerful charge attack. One a successful charge attack when this tattoo is activated, the bearer deals an extra 4d6 points of damage + four times his Strength modifier as if from a natural weapon. Activating this tattoo only allows the bearer to make one powerful charge attack before the effect wears off.

2013-12-23, 07:53 PM
As a side project, mainly for a joke, i want to recreate a character mainly based off of One-punch man (most of my players read manga and will appreciate the gag). The only two thing i want him focused in is unarmed damage, and str. Most abusive ideas you have that will not change him from human. Up to level 30.

Ideas so far
Human (he is human, free feat)

Paragon (kinda fits his own surpassing human pinnacle thing)

1st:improved bull rush
Monk free: improved unarmed strike
Monk bonus 1st: stunning fist
Flaw:power attack
Flaw:hammer fist (2 handed melee)
Background: toughness (allowed in game as extra feat but of low power)
Monk 2nd: combat reflexes
3rd:fists of iron (extra damage, 1d6 i think)
6th:superior unarmed strike (+4 effective monk levels for damage)
Monk 6th level: improved disarm
9th:breaking blow (some rokugan book, full round 1 strike, extra damage equal to 1d6 x str mod)
12th:improved sunder
15th: cometary collision
18th:combat brute (mainly for sundering cleave)

monk (LV 6) (decisive strike variant, PH2)

rings of force armor (+5 ac, unarmed +1d4 force damage, count as ghost touch)
monk's belt (+5 effective monk levels)
gauntlets of talon (+5 effective monk levels)

It's a shame that's not Pathfinder, because PF Monk + Power Attack + Vital Strike Chain + Mythic Vital Strike = One-Punch Man

2013-12-23, 08:22 PM
Has anyone even heard of Totemic demonslayer?

2013-12-24, 01:11 AM
Would any of the melee soul melds be worth a look?
Thinking of focusing of a single melee done as a charge.

If i have looked at this right a monk hitting at level 20 large should be doing 4d8? and i am a paragon human with a strength bonus of +11, flying kick feat, expend greater psionic focus +4d6, holy strike variant +1d6 vs evil, with a atk bonus of +34 i would use power attack -5 to add 5 damage, rings of force armor +1d4, and a +20 luck damage from paragon human...
now have some questions, could decisive strike be done as a charge (i am little tired and not sure) if so that would double unarmed damage done, and would totemic demon slayers triceratops charge +4d6 +str modx4 be a good add?

so far a charging strike is

4d8+11+1d12+4d6+1d6 vs evil+ 5 power attack +1d4 force+ 20 luck damage

The three tattoo earlier combined together (if that would work can someone second check?) would add a full attack during charge, and if two strikes hit 2d6 + 2x str mod, and if i use the powerful charge attack alongside it 4d6 +4x str mod added to the charge chain presented above.

2013-12-24, 02:45 PM
Headband of Perfect Excellence: this pure silk cloth is worn as a headband. It grants the wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom.
Is this head slot item worth the +6 to three stats?

Sandal’s of tiger leap: these sandals allow the wearer to make devastating flying kicks. The wearer must have 5 ranks of jump or tumble to use them. On a charge, she can perform a flying kick. Treat this as an unarmed attack that deals double normal damage.
Would this stack with the charge info given above? If so would it only double the 4d8 damage?

2016-04-16, 08:54 AM
could you post a full build of this character i find it interesting

The Vagabond
2016-04-16, 10:04 AM
I'd say, if you want your character to serve the same place as Saitima, you could just have him be a commoner with power attack, infinite hit die, Str Infinite Dex Infinite Con Infinite Int 7 Wis 13 Cha 5, evasion, and other abilities. Permit him to take -1 on his die roll, to automatically fail once in a while.

You can't attack him, but you die. You could probably deal wis damage or Cha damage, such as with Ego Whip. But he's way over your league.

2016-04-16, 10:32 AM
If you are actually contemplating something active in a setting with other level 30 characters, a constant effect item will not be unbalanced. After epic levels, there are almost no ways that a monk can further increase their unarmed damage than some judicious dipping and items/spells/powers. Any monk that high of level that isn't taking advantage of (effective) size increases to damage is not going to keep up with the monsters appropriate to that level, or to the other characters. This is doubly true, because almost every epic feat designed for monks are patently terrible (with the possible exception of Infinite Deflection, Exceptional Deflection, and Reflect Arrows, which are obviously pure awesome).

Level 30 is some potent stuff. If you don't seriously make the challenges challenging in every way possible, then the party is likely to wipe the floor with them (unless the players are generally inexperienced).

Just as an aside, we're writing a game that addresses these concerns and many others.

Here's our version of the Monk, please see what you think of it. Just be aware, it might look like 3.5 or Pathfinder, but we've changed everything about the game all the way down to the base mathematics, so if you have any questions, please ask.


2016-04-16, 11:48 AM
Typical ubercharger build?

2016-04-16, 06:36 PM
I basically need a character that looks human, and hits like a mountain. He based on saitama, and would like to keep him human looking. Not strickly copying saitama though.
Boosting unarmed strike to mass levels without magic is my goal. i can rework magical items no problem, psionic powers not sure about but leaning towards letting them slide (Genos doesnt believe saitama's strength came from training but something else so go BS reason for psionics to slide).

Remember, there's an entire 'school' of heroes in the One Punch Man world who get superstrength from wearing tank tops. Saitama's 'origin' is actually slightly less ridiculous.

Edit to add: Can you use Pathfinder stuff? The original version of Pummeling Style (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/pummeling-style-combat-style) might be useful.