View Full Version : Monk ACF

2013-12-22, 07:55 PM
What are all the Monk ACF and there Sources?

2013-12-22, 07:57 PM
Try this: http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1151316

2013-12-22, 08:03 PM
Try this: http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1151316

Thanks I will have to look at it while at home, link is blocked on my Work Computer.

2013-12-22, 08:09 PM
Thanks I will have to look at it while at home, link is blocked on my Work Computer.
Here you are:

Aquatic Monk (SW, p 50): Walk across water at slow fall speed, lose slow fall.

Broken One Substitution Levels (CV, p 36): add Heal and Survival
3rd level: Lay on Hands, replaces still mind
6th level: Tenacious Tracker, replaces bonus feat
7th level: Locate creature, replaces wholeness of body

Dark Moon Disciple Substitution Levels (CV, web): d6 HD
3rd level: Darkvision: Gain darkvision 60', lose still mind
7th level: Shadow Blend: Gain total concealment in less than full daylight, lose wholeness of body
12th level: Walk the Shadows: Gain dimension door to/from shadow, lose abundant step

Decisive Strike (PHB 2, p 51): Lose flurry of blows, gain ability to make one attack that deals double damage.

Draconic Fist (DrM, p 11): Lose Bonus Feat. Your attacks deal energy damage.

Durable (UA, p 58): Gain damage reduction as barbarian. Lose speed enhancement bonus and bonus to AC (but not wisdom to AC).

Feign Death (EoE, p 21): lose evasion, gain ability to appear dead

Halfling Monk Substitution Levels (RW, p 158)
1st level: Skirmish (extra damage while moving)
2nd level: Mobility instead of normal bonus feat
7th level: Size Matters Not (bonuses to grapple or use stunning fist on larger creatures), lose wholeness of body

Hin Disciple Substitution Levels (CV, web): d6 HD, halfling only
1st level: Bonus Feat: Stunning Fist or Underfoot Combat;
2nd level Combat Reflexes or Improved Trip
6th level: Blur of Motion: Gain ability to attack a Large or larger foe while using total defense, lose bonus feat, requires 5 ranks of tumble
9th level: The Harder They Fall: Nearby allies can attack a foe you trip while occupying its square, lose improved evasion (and the ability to gain it from other sources)

Holy Strike (CC, p 48): lose ki strike. When hitting an evil creature, your unarmed strike is considered good and does extra damage. Evil monks can reverse this, applying it to good creatures.

Invisible Fist (EoE, p 21): lose evasion, gain ability to turn invisible, gain blink at 9th level

Kalashtar Monk (RE, p 124): gain autohypnosis and knowledge: psionics as class skills
1st level: Psychic Insight (spend power points to improve grapple and stunning fist attacks), replace flurry blow
2nd level: Can select psionic feat as bonus feat
7th level: Wholeness of Body (can spend power points to augment wholeness of body healing)

Phoenix Discpile Substitution Levels (CV, p 46): must be lawful good
1st level: Purifying Flame (add 1d6 fire damage to unarmed attack 1/day per monk level), replaces bonus feat
3rd level: Resistance to Fire (5), replaces still mind
12th level: Fire Stride, replaces abundant step

Planar Monk (PlH, p 32): gain knowledge: the planes as class skill
5th level: Resistant Body (gain energy resistance), lose purity of body
13th level: Axiomatic Soul (gain spell resistance of class level +15), lose diamond soul
16th level: Ki Strike (unarmed attack treated as cold iron), replaces normal ki strike

Prayerful Meditation (CC, p 48): lose still mind. Gain bonus on saves vs spells and effects from chaotic creatures, or those whose alignment is opposite yours.

Skarn Monk Substitution Levels (MoI, p 47): add intimidate to class skills
1st level: Spine Strike (use arm spines instead of normal unarmed attacks)
5th level: Defensive Insight (+1 insight to AC for each point of essentia invested), essentia pool increases by 1, lose normal AC bonus
10th level: Shape Soulmeld, Chakra Bind (arms), replaces lawful Ki strike

Soulwarp Strike (CM, p34): Lose bonus feat. Once per level, can cause sickness with attack.

Spell Reflection (CM, p 35): Lose evasion, gain the ability to reflect spells targeted at you that miss.

Standing Jump (DS, p 10): Reduce fast movement ability to improve jumping ability.

Wall Walker (DS, p 11): Lose slowfall, gain the ability to run up and down walls.

Variant Fighting Styles (UA, p 52): Exchange bonus feats for select styles of learning.

2013-12-22, 09:05 PM
Thank you very much Drat, for the Broken One Substition levels does work like other substition levels, Discounting DM rulings that you havr to take all levels, so you could get Lay on Hands at 3rd then not take the Lvl 7 and get Wholeness of Body and have two healing sources?

2013-12-22, 09:16 PM
Thank you very much Drat, for the Broken One Substition levels does work like other substition levels, Discounting DM rulings that you havr to take all levels, so you could get Lay on Hands at 3rd then not take the Lvl 7 and get Wholeness of Body and have two healing sources?
Yep. To quote Champions of Valor, which is the book in question, "A character need not take all the substitution levels provided for a class."

2013-12-22, 09:29 PM
Yep. To quote Champions of Valor, which is the book in question, "A character need not take all the substitution levels provided for a class."

Nice, not OP by any means but nice.

2013-12-22, 09:38 PM
There are also a bunch in Dragon magazines.

There's a set of simple class feature replacements in issue 310 that trade monk abilities off for abilities drawn from other classes' lists like Rage, the Fighter feat list, Turn Undead, Damage Reduction, Uncanny Dodge or various bits of Ranger business.

There's the Chaos Monk in issue 325 that goes with the alignment shift you might assume from its name, as well as a variant Flurry that generates a random number of extra attacks.

The Sidewinder monk from issue 331 gets sneak attack and a natural bite attack but locks its feats into a kind of lame progression.

The Wild monk from issue 324 is the strongest monk variant, which trades its bonus feats for a Wild Shape progression. It's slightly slower than the Druid's progression, but much more powerful than the Wild Shape Ranger's, which is normally regarded as a very playable class.

Issue 346 has Sacred Strike - a pretty sweet smite attack that replaces Ki Strike and Improved Evasion, adding some bonus damage and Wis-based Save-or-Blind/Stun/something else a number of times per day based on Wisdom. It also has some less interesting variants that either multiclass better with Divine Casters or that can use their crappy healing abilities on allies instead of themselves.

Issue 340 has the Illuminated Monk sub levels that either trade Monk feats for bad skill feats or for Skill Mastery in a skill that can be reselected every day. The first of those options is pretty bad, but the Skill Mastery thing has some potential.

Then there are a bunch of alternative bonus feat selections in issues 309, 310, 334, 337, 346 and alternate monk special weapons lists in issue 330.

2013-12-22, 10:24 PM
There was a Brilliant Gameologist thread all about alternate fighting styles from everywhere, including dragon mag stuff. I'll try to find it and be back.

edit: found it. (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=10747.0)