View Full Version : Planning on running a short comedy-style campaign, with misfitish adventurers. Ideas?

2013-12-22, 09:13 PM
So, I wanna do this in part to help my players improve their role playing; I'm going to give each of my players a character to play, each with it's own bizarre backstory. Because this is not intended to be a serious campaign, I'm ignoring level adjustments and giving each of them 15 class levels. I'm also ignoring the usual alignment restrictions on race, with regards to these particular characters.

I figure it may be fun to present the concepts here, and fish for ideas from you guys.

The plot is a typical "save the kingdom from a greedy dragon" thing, but perhaps the villain suffers from certain insecurities that make him feel the need to do this. Maybe he's a runty dragon that never actually shows his face and lets rumors build him up to be more dangerous than he actually is?

The characters:
Lawful good vampire nun(cleric of Pelor, her holy symbol protects her from sunlight, but still hurts her when she wields it. Frequently prays to Pelor for forgiveness, especially when she accidentally touches her holy symbol.)

Lawful neutral incubus monk of St. Cuthbert, ideas like above welcome.

Chaotic good mindflayer bard who constantly stuggles with his hunger, in much the same way the nun does.

Lawful evil half celestial blackguard(ex paladin), see above incubus.

True neutral Duerger barbarian/sorcerer(actually considering changing this to some form of Fey or intelligent magical beast).

Lawful good psion yuan-ti pureblood(do not have the stats for yuan ti, if you do, please share :D)

2013-12-23, 05:30 PM
Bumping for one more shot.

2013-12-23, 06:56 PM
Misfit strongly implies ineffectual, so a full barbarian wielding a two-handed great axe of plus some improbable number - when the enhancement bonus on the axe exactly evens out the fact that it's several sizes too large for him.

A full barbarian build that has caster stats, venerable with high Int/Wis or Cha, and str as a dump stat, would also be highly amusing.

2013-12-23, 07:25 PM
I can sort of see the vampire working out... what i'm mainly having difficulty rationalizing is the two outsiders; a non evil demon monk, and a fallen half celestial. At least for the latter, i imagine him losing some or most of his powers as a half celestial, but not really gaining any new ones except from his class levels. He'd most likely be a multiclass character, since blackguard only progresses for 10 levels and being a fallen paladin would already have all of them filled.

I love the latter suggestion btw. And maybe the gray dwarf, while not a single class barbarian, started out as a sorcerer and then later had a little barbarian training.

I'm actually working on the vampire right now, I want her to be more of a nun than a usual battle priest, any suggestions for how i might build her in this manner?

2013-12-24, 10:27 PM
Change of plans for the half celestial: I am going to make the blackguard an aranea. :)

2013-12-24, 11:06 PM
I'll be honest with you: I can't see how this would help a group with their role-playing. You're putting forward characters defined by their anti-type gimmick, which is just asking the group to be superficial. You'd be more likely to get role-playing if you made them all play human fighters with the same stats and feats, because the only point of difference would be the portrayal.