View Full Version : Warforged Juggernaut and healing effects

2013-12-23, 04:06 AM
Can a WF Jug who can no longer be healed by healing spells be healed by things like the vampiric weapon enhancement (+2 in MIC) other than repair spells what ways would one heal a WF Jug with immunity to healing spells?

2013-12-23, 04:18 AM
Healing Immunity specifies the Healing subschool and consumable spells/items. The Vampiric weapon effect, maneuvers from the Devoted Spirit school, the Vigor Aura from a Dragon Shaman and other stuff are all fair game.

2013-12-23, 04:28 AM
Hmmmm I must have miss-read it I knew it had what you said but thought it said something about supernatural healing abilities not working on it as well. After re-checking I see that It does not have that listed.

2013-12-23, 04:35 AM
Yeah, it's one of those things that can sneak by. I personally like the idea of entering Juggernaut with Crusader as the base, or at the very least taking Martial Study to grab a few maneuvers to provide healing.

2013-12-23, 04:43 AM
I know where I got it from now, Warforged as the base race are only healed 1/2 by supernatural abilities the cure damage. Page 23 Eberron CS: "However, spells from the healing subschool and supernatural abilities that cure hit point damgae or ability damage provide only half their normal effects to a warforged."

I believe that a crusaders healing is supernatural? So they would only get 1/2 of the healing from it, although I don't think that would effect the vampiric weapon in anyway, because it is not supernatural.

2013-12-23, 06:09 AM
One of the more humourous readings of the rules allows you to voluntarily forgo immunity of something. This includes the immunity to healing.

Fouredged Sword
2013-12-23, 08:11 AM
I hear something that sounds like a wand of vigor. Seriously, healing is cheep. The biggest loss is you can't be healed by the one effective in combat healing spell, heal.

2013-12-23, 08:20 AM
I hear something that sounds like a wand of vigor. Seriously, healing is cheep. The biggest loss is you can't be healed by the one effective in combat healing spell, heal.

Vigor is still a conjuration(healing) effect, so it doesn't work on Juggernauts despite working just fine on other constructs and normal warforged.

Fouredged Sword
2013-12-23, 08:46 AM
Then get a wand of repair light damage. Really, out of combat healing is done through low level wands. If you want to be self sufficient, take catalogues of enlightenment for the magic domain so you can operate the wand without a UMD check.

2013-12-23, 10:06 AM
Crusader healing maneuvers are described as being supernatural, but they forgot to explicitly say so. By the RAW, they're therefore extraordinary with really weird fluff, and there has been no errata to correct that, but many groups will houserule that anyway.

And another method to heal them is to put the Lesser Humanoid Essence spell on them, which will let Heal et al. work at full effectiveness, not just half.