View Full Version : Miss chances- does a karmic strike build need 'em?

2013-12-23, 10:47 AM
Exactly as the title suggests. I'm making a rogue/swashbuckler with karmic strike and Robilar's gambit, and I was thinking; Do I need miss chances or decent AC? Or otherwise, will there be a situation where I won't want someone hitting me? Ranged attacks are an obvious concern, which is why I got a ring of entropic deflection, but otherwise, will I need miss chances in melee?

Also, a quick question; When do the AoOs from Robilar's gambit/karmic strike happen relative to when someone attacks?

2013-12-23, 10:52 AM
A quick answer: Exactly as they say. Robilar's Gambit happens when the enemy attacks, you, while Karmic Strike happens when (if) they hit you.

I'd say the build could use some miss chances. Think about it: if their hits are better than your hits, then trading isn't worth your HP. If your hits are more effective person-killers than enemy hits, it means that you can avoid all their hits and kill them on their turn anyway.

That said, of course, you can wait a level or two after others. You don't need to devote as much WBL to it.