View Full Version : Player Warforge questions

2013-12-23, 04:39 PM
OK...this is a little odd and not sure how it works myself. My player asked can he have the throwing enchantment on his fist and bite attack granted by jaws of death feat (he aint playing a warforge just an idea).
As DM i really do not know if he can have throwing on his bite attack.

second question he wanted to know is can someone with snatch arrows catch his thrown fist or mouth if it works?

2013-12-23, 04:44 PM
1) To my knowledge, there are no rules preventing you from putting Throwing on a natural weapon, but there's also no rules to explain what exactly happens when you throw said natural weapon.

2) Unless the fist/mouth is ruled to be unusually massive, yes.

2013-12-23, 04:50 PM
Ok he brought up the question because of my explaining some cheese people do with monks and warforges and kinda stunned me. Never thought of someone throwing their mouth at you, as a secondary attack at that.

2013-12-23, 04:53 PM
I just realized, he can't. They aren't masterwork.

This was typed before I realized that:

I would point out to him that
1. First he needs to enchant them to +1. Required for all further enchantments.
2. I would recommend not doing this unless he drops the money to make them throwing and returning. Which, coincidentally makes your second question a non issue.

My ruling would be that no one would do the enchanting for just throwing. Remember, you still need to have someone actually enchant the items in question, which also means that he will be busy for a few days.

2013-12-23, 04:54 PM
ROCKET PUNCH!! :smallbiggrin:

You can do this with Kensai.

2013-12-23, 04:56 PM
actually he pointed out in the monk unarmed strike it says they can use any part of his body, so why can't he enchant his body, and as a warforge why can't he be made masterwork.
But kensai would be the correct way and i think completely legal way to do it.

oh and what about the second question, could someone with snatch arrows catch a thrown fist or bite?

2013-12-23, 04:58 PM
Kensai would work. And monks can't enchant their unarmed strikes, they just get some enhancements to let them overcome DR and become slightly less completely useless.

As a warforged, I would say he has to start with it. That or go about paying to get a new hand. In which case see the second part of my post, written before I realized about the masterwork rule.

2013-12-23, 05:05 PM
There's a feat in Savage Species called Detach which can do this, but it had regeneration as a prerequisite.

Spell Compendium has Blood Wind, a 1st level spell with a 1-round duration that allows a creature to use natural weapons as thrown weapons with a 20-foot increment. The limbs stay attached, only the force of the attack travels to the target. A continuous effect custom item (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/creatingMagicItems.htm) of a 1st level spell with a duration measured in rounds at caster level 3 (the minimum (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicItemBasics.htm#casterLevel) for Craft Wondrous Item) should cost around 24,000 gp. Blood Wind has a casting time of a swift action, so a wand of it would have the same activation time per Rules Compendium, so he could just get a wand of that and only activate it when he needs it, only costs 15 gp per charge.

2013-12-23, 05:27 PM
There's a feat in Savage Species called Detach which can do this, but it had regeneration as a prerequisite.And it's awful, since you have to manually rip off your own arm, causing you to take 25% your maximum hit points in damage.

About the only use for it is to stockpile your severed body parts with gentle repose and give them to your allies.

2013-12-23, 05:35 PM
I actually thought their was an item or something that lets your enchant your unarmed strikes?

2013-12-23, 05:42 PM
Necklace of Natural Attacks explicitly gives Throwing and Returning as example enchantments to put on a natural weapon. So providing you're using something like that, yeah, that's totally an option.

And no, you can't make a Masterwork Warforged, sheesh.

2013-12-23, 06:02 PM
thats the part i did not think work was a masterwork warforge, and that was the item i was thinking of.

2013-12-23, 06:27 PM
I thought i saw something like this for a warforged just dont know the book right now.

Also it says you can enchant thier fused on armor so technically you have to be able to make them +1

2013-12-23, 06:28 PM
+1 as armor, not as weapons. Although that is the basis I could see for getting a masterwork fist as a warforged. Also, I've heard the term "warfist" thrown around, I'm pretty sure it is an actual warforged racial weapon.

2013-12-23, 06:32 PM
I was pointing out it can be enhanced so you can make a rational leap from armor to weapon.
I think there is in one of the old ebberon books

2013-12-23, 06:44 PM
Also, I've heard the term "warfist" thrown around, I'm pretty sure it is an actual warforged racial weapon.Battlefist is. Increases their slam damage by a size and allows enchanting and special materials.

You'd probably need a Necklace of Natural Weapons for the bite, though.

2013-12-23, 07:01 PM
ok, this was all theoretical anyways, player doesnt want to play as one only how it would work.

still no answer is snatch arrows would allow you to catch it?

2013-12-23, 08:33 PM
still no answer is snatch arrows would allow you to catch it?

NEO|Phyte already answered "yes", and as far as I can determine, he's absolutely correct by RAW.

"Unusually massive ranged weapons" isn't explicitly defined by the rules, but it sounds like the intent was to rule out projectiles from siege weapons. Since a ballista is essentially a huge-sized crossbow, I'd say a huge-sized Warforged fist (or jaw) could not be deflected or snatched. How exactly did the Warforged get huge? Well, once you've got a Necklace of Natural Attacks, you can add the Sizing property (+5000 GP, MIC) to your fists/jaw/slam/etc. Not to mention the Morph Ball Trick (www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=128988).

2013-12-23, 09:14 PM
I missed him saying yes actually, oops.