View Full Version : Fighter Progression/critique

2013-12-23, 07:58 PM
Lvl 7 1/2 ogre fighter (with 2 Z soldier sub levels)

24 12 20 10 10 8 ac 21(18 no shield) dr 4

+3 shocking greatsword

feats: Fearless, Weapon spec, Weapon focus, Power attack, Cleave Leap attack, Thick skinned, Roll with it, leadership, Skill focus:Intimidate

I'm thinking of going barbarian 1 next level and going lion totem alt class for the pounce instead of +10 move

the one after I'm going back to fighter and am thinking imp initiative and one of the following: Quick draw, Imp sunder, Imp Bullrush

Any thoughts or ideas?

2013-12-23, 08:24 PM
Your strength + BAB should be enough to give you a good to hit chance without upgrading your sword's enhancement bonus. A +1 Shocking _____ ______ greatsword would serve you better.

Your strength + power attack + your weapon should be enough damage per hit that you would not need the Weapon Specialization feat.

Spirit Lion is a good idea as you recognized.

Based on your strength and your size modifier, I would consider trying to get combat manuevers as side effects of your normal attacks. Say with the Knock-down and Knockback feats.

DR 4/- is not that useful at your level and will start to get worse as you level. So Roll With It + Thick-Skinned might not be worthwhile in the long run.

2013-12-23, 09:33 PM
umm, at level 7, wbl should be 19,000. your sword is worth over 32,000.

2013-12-23, 09:57 PM
Your AC is terrible. Of the CR7 monsters that might ever want to make attack rolls, a Cloud Giant Skeleton has +18, an Ogre Barbarian has +16, a Cachalot Whale has +17, an Elasmosaurus has +13, an Aboleth has +12, Gray Glutton has +15, Criosphinx has +15, Elephant has +16, Remorhaz has +13, 6th level Astral Construct has +17, Chuul has +12, Dire Bear has +19, Bulette has +16, Chimera has +12, and a Dragonne has +12.

So even against the low end, things are going to be hitting you about half the time or more often. Creatures with lower attack bonuses also tend to have more attacks, so you're going to be getting hit a bunch anyway. Don't waste your time with that tiny DR, since all of those creatures pack quite a punch. Get your AC up to at least 25 or so; maybe move some wealth from that ridiculously over-the-top sword of yours to armour?