View Full Version : PF - Wizard Crafter

2013-12-23, 10:50 PM
Okay, so optimization is really secondary here, or rather, the concept is most important.

Level 5 wizard, she's an academic scholar, little to know adventuring experience, has accepted an assignment in a large temple dedicated to a deity of love, where she will produce magic items for the temple in exchange for access to their libraries. Challenges will tend to be non-combat related, political/diplomatic.

I found the Hedge Magician trait to lower crafting costs. Are there any other traits or feats or archetypes or class abilities related to maximizing crafting ability or wealth?

Naomi Li
2013-12-23, 11:06 PM
Feat cooperative crafting might be worth looking into. (In the hands of an assistant)

Enrollment in a guild from Inner Sea Magic would probably help your character a LOT. The boons for accumulating sufficient prestige are amazing.

For mundane crafting, there are a bunch of improvements available, especially for alchemy. Unless selling prices are nerfed severely alchemists (crafters, not the class) can bring in a truly ludicrous amount of money with the right feats and starting capital.

If you're on Golarion, would you be working for Shelyn?

Also, you might want to look at the Downtime rules (available on the pfsrd and from the Ultimate Campaign book). Might find it helpful.

2013-12-23, 11:08 PM
The Valet familiar archetype (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/familiar/familiar-archetypes/valet-familiar-archetype) springs to mind. If the wizard is assisting someone else she might find the cooperative crafting feat useful as well, possibly.

2013-12-23, 11:15 PM
Hedge magician is good.

I hadn't heard of the valet archetype for familiar either, but it definitely looks good too.

I'd also suggest taking the leadership feat, bringing in a cohort that could aid in crafting (maybe a bard, cleric or even another wizard (who'd be her apprentice then), or possibly something different, like rogue or fighter, but then with the master craftsman feat so they could at least help out some)

hehe, just the idea of a familiar behaving like a Jeeves-like butler type to aid their master is pretty darn cool.

But really, you're going to have your hands full taking the various crafting feats you'll want.

2013-12-23, 11:26 PM
If you're on Golarion, would you be working for Shelyn?

Faerun/Sune. (The temple is the one a retired character of mine founded.)

Valet Familiar is awesome, btw.

2013-12-23, 11:40 PM
Check out the valet familiar archetype. One of my players in a RHoD campaign has it on his Dog familiar. He plays it as having a faithful doggie that brings his master tools while he's working in the lab and stuff.

Edit: eghhhhh swordsaged into oblivion. Bad (un)inspired! Bad! Always read the posts in a thread before you respond.

2013-12-23, 11:47 PM
Inless I'm misreading, isn't Spark of Creation (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/magic-traits/spark-of-creation-magic) strictly better than Hedge Magician? Both lower the cost of making magic items by 5%, but Spark of Creation also gives you a +1 bonus on Craft checks.

2013-12-24, 01:39 AM
Arcane Discoveries (can be taken by a Wizard in place of a Feat, so...they're essentially feats)
Arcane Builder (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/archetypes/paizo---wizard-archetypes/arcane-discoveries/arcane-builder), choose a type of Magic Item, you now create them 25% faster, and get a +4 bonus on Spellcraft checks.

Inless I'm misreading, isn't Spark of Creation (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/magic-traits/spark-of-creation-magic) strictly better than Hedge Magician? Both lower the cost of making magic items by 5%, but Spark of Creation also gives you a +1 bonus on Craft checks.

Hedge Magician does have one advantage: being in a "main" book and not a supplement :smalltongue:

2013-12-24, 05:05 AM
More of a general play hint:
Being able to create also means you are able to destroy / transform / repair / ... For example Fabricate can solve so many situating: turn walls into sand, forge seals&letters for social problems, sometimes even prepare battle fields.
And with just a single point in a Craft skill you can easily hit around 25 (take 10, class skill, Int, aid, Crafter's Fortune as L1 spell... 30 once you start adding magic items)

2013-12-24, 07:19 AM
Can't take two of the same type of trait, can you?

Spark of Creation is better, we'll go with that. Arcane Builder was already in the plans. And Valet Familiar now...

Too bad. Bonded items are sooo good. But for crafting, Valet Familiar rocks.