View Full Version : Avatar d20 Bending checks DCs

Dusk Eclipse
2013-12-24, 01:33 PM
A friend of mine wants to run an Avatar campaign using this ruleset (https://sites.google.com/site/avatard20/), which is pretty good in general, but we feel that many of the higher tier bending seeds DCs are too high considering there aren't many ways to boost your checks.

How are you supposed to reliably hit DC 35 to use the Flamethrower check when you only have ranks, skill focus and maybe +6 from wisdom? It is called the paragon of the stereotypical firebender, but as written only high level benders would be able to use it consistently. Never mind other stuff like lighting bending with a base DC of 45 (which by Avatar Korra's time is spread enough it is a low-pay job!)

We have though of reducing the base DC to make them more accessible, but not sure by how much. So far I have considered reducing it by 1/3 of the "printed" DC, but I haven't done the math to see if it would work yet.

Another thing, is there anything we should be wary of if we give all PC (and important NPC I guess) the benefits of VoP without the restrictions and expanding the bonus feat list?

2013-12-24, 01:36 PM
Well if you're using some D&D rules you could obviously manufacture a custom magic item. Masterwork magic items should be available even in the standard system so that's at least a +2 bonus. Are you using only the Avater D20 ruleset or are other D20 supplements available.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-12-24, 01:39 PM
Not really sure, but magic items are probably a no-go since he wants to be as close as possible to the cartoon's tone and setting. And there aren't any Magic Item in the D&D-way (or at least none I can remember). Masterwork tools on the other hand are definitely in.

2013-12-24, 01:42 PM
Well without knowing what sources are available there's not much I can do to optimize the scenario, obviously your modifier will be a big part of it. You could try to argue for some synergy bonuses from relevant knowledge (that fits what was seen in the show as well, particularly with characters who had superior knowledge or understanding demonstrating abilities beyond others, Iroh is a good example of this).

Other than that without having a good source list there's not much I can do to help, Skill Focus might be good bet, an item familiar could be argued for (Aang had his staff after all and that definitely boosted his Airbending) so I would see if the DM approves of that sort of thing.

Wait... Exemplar is kosher... well that's a huge boost to your bending DCs right there...

2013-12-24, 01:47 PM
Not really sure, but magic items are probably a no-go since he wants to be as close as possible to the cartoon's tone and setting. And there aren't any Magic Item in the D&D-way (or at least none I can remember). Masterwork tools on the other hand are definitely in.

Think of like Aang's staff or the fans from the previous avatar as 'chi-focusing' items that allow for better bending. The Avatar d20 bending system basically assumes that you'll put everything into your bending, including a +4 magic item to that bending skill.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-12-24, 01:49 PM
I'm not trying to optimize, and there is already RAW on synergy bonus (K:Bending is a skill), but still let's say at level 5-6 (where most our games start) you have 8 ranks+ 3 from wisdom, +2 from synergy and another +2 from a mtw tool +15 which is nice, but many seeds have DC base 25 and higher. I just feel the DC are too high to be used reliably.

Edit: I assumed the glider was a MTW tool.

2013-12-24, 01:56 PM
I'm not trying to optimize, and there is already RAW on synergy bonus (K:Bending is a skill), but still let's say at level 5-6 (where most our games start) you have 8 ranks+ 3 from wisdom, +2 from synergy and another +2 from a mtw tool +15 which is nice, but many seeds have DC base 25 and higher. I just feel the DC are too high to be used reliably.

Edit: I assumed the glider was a MTW tool.

It sounds like it'd be an item familiar to me, I mean he was very attached to it, it's given him significant bonuses. For example if you look at his first fight with Zuko, till he gets the staff he's comfortable to dodge, then with the staff he just wrecks him, that's more than a 10% increase in effectiveness I would say.

Well you really aren't supposed to be able to use all the seeds reliably at low level, at least not in the way the system predicts, it looks like a DC 35 and 45 are intended for 15th level up. +15 should be enough to reliably hit a +25 DC, if you're worried take Skill Focus, then a level in Exemplar, which should have you hitting a much higher DC at 10, +4 (Exemplar Bonus) +9 (Sort of, the ability to take ten on skill checks. +4 to + 5 Ability Bonus, + 2 Synergy, +13 Ranks. That's enough to hit a DC 32 check reliably, without an item, so you'd be hitting the checks.

2013-12-24, 01:58 PM
I'm not trying to optimize, and there is already RAW on synergy bonus (K:Bending is a skill), but still let's say at level 5-6 (where most our games start) you have 8 ranks+ 3 from wisdom, +2 from synergy and another +2 from a mtw tool +15 which is nice, but many seeds have DC base 25 and higher. I just feel the DC are too high to be used reliably.

Edit: I assumed the glider was a MTW tool.

There might be a take-ten, but you should also get Skill Focus if you can. In the end, there's more than a 50% chance of success for a lot of those.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-12-24, 02:20 PM
I checked the bending overview and I somehow missed that you can take 10 if you aren't rushed; even better you can take 10 in combat as long as you aren't in an enemy's threatened area. So we may have over-reacted to the high DC, though combining seeds is still quite difficult since the DC is base seeds DCs combined +4 (unless they are a template seed).

But in the end it is definitely playable as written.

2013-12-25, 01:56 PM
I highly recommend the last d20 supplement if you want to do avatar. Dc's are slightly lower and there are more feats to specialize in certain seeds as well as some items to boost your bending which stays completely in the theme. Just be careful because there are certain seeds and tactics that can be horribly exploited (I mainly found them with water benders)