View Full Version : Teleportation Protection

2013-12-25, 04:59 PM
To begin with, use an StP erudite to TMS into a shadesteel golem wearing skin of proteus to become human.
Next, acquire a spell blade weapon keyed to dimensional lock (cast by the StP erudite).
Then construct a spell clock keyed to greater anticipate teleportation every 24 hors (cast by the StP erudite).
Golem on top of spell clock, and just set these 'units' up all over the city in large towers. They won't take up much room, and they just tennis each other all day while infallibly preventing teleportation in any given location within the city, never requiring any sort of nourishment.

There are various ways to do this, but this one is particularly convoluted in its execution. I suppose the question is whether or not its viable.

2013-12-25, 05:12 PM
If you want to protect your city from teleporters just buy a Weirdstone (PGtF). It prevents teleportation just as well. Both methods can be circumvented by Wish. The Weirdstone is just cheaper.

2013-12-25, 05:23 PM
Totally forgot about the weirdstone. Though I doubt a solution exists, I'll search for something to counteract the 'wish issue'.'

EDIT: The wealthiest entities could just put permanent emanation: planar bubbles with limited magic traits to prevent casting of spells except by specific people, but that's not feasible, really.

2013-12-25, 08:11 PM
Is there anything there that functions against a good old fashioned master earth?

2013-12-25, 08:18 PM
Totally forgot about the weirdstone. Though I doubt a solution exists, I'll search for something to counteract the 'wish issue'.'

I don't believe there is one. There are all kinds of things you can do to make life unpleasant for people who Wish themselves in, and it can be made exceedingly difficult to *leave* once they have done so, but I don't think there is a way to stop people from using Wish from outside your area of control to come in. Not without going into homebrew and/or pure DM fiat areas to allow for counterWishes or Epic spells and items developed for that purpose and similar.

2013-12-25, 08:36 PM
Is there anything there that functions against a good old fashioned master earth?

floating city?

Also, I retract my statement about wish above, as wish would not be cast within the bounds of the planar bubble.

2013-12-25, 09:17 PM
Teleport cage (http://dndtools.eu/spells/city-of-splendors-waterdeep--16/halasters-teleport-cage--332/) cast multiple times has a similar effect to a weirdstone, but life is a good deal easier for those living inside the area as they can still teleport about the warded area.

Defending against wish basically cannot be done. Due to not technically being a teleport effect, nothing stops it. But that is the one fringe "tippyverse" case. Mass wish teleportation requires spell clocks or traps. Traps are cheese and spellclocks cost 130k.