View Full Version : web-based initiative tracker, need some feedback

2013-12-26, 06:50 AM
Hi Playground,

I don't know if this is the right forum, but here we go.


A friend of me made a web-based initiative tracker, and asked me to post it here. Its a dynamic initiative tracker with draggable elements for your needs. It supports party creation based on URL. So you can create a list of your players and use that every week based on an URL.

He loves to get some feedback, and if it gets well received he might host it on a better website or something. The Initiative tracker are based on Pathfinder rules (Delay etc.)

It does not support mobile yet.
You can give your players unique colors.
You can reorder the fields to your own preferances.

Thanks for reading, and please tell me what you think, so I can tell him :D

Edit: and now i forget the link, Im an idiot XD here it is: http://initiative.site88.net/

2013-12-26, 10:54 AM
I personally can not get the site to work. I keep getting an "Unable to access network" error.

Octopus Jack
2013-12-26, 11:16 AM
Well it works rather nicely, the drag and drop function allows you to easily reorder party members into initiative orders and is generally clean and functioning well.

I'd be quite happy to use it in my games, especially online ones, the only issue I've found with it is the lack of numbers assigned to initiative so if factors influence them they can't be counted but that's very unlikely to happen in game.

Overall it gets the thumbs up.

2013-12-26, 11:32 AM
It looks nice and works fine, it's simple and easy to use. So far its a plus, I do have a couple of suggestion to things to add.

*Round tracker
An important thing of combat, can't track initiative without keeping the rounds of combat in mind. I would advise to keep it short (10 rounds should do) and easy so it fits the design so far.

A bit harder, and perhaps more personal, but I like to keep some notes on combat within the piece of paper I use. Things like what round a player got poisoned or what round a enemy got downed and started bleeding to dead. I noticed a lot of room after the name of a character (that or more players have short names?), maybe you could add a text-box there.

I am going to give it a test spin next DnD session, to see whether if it fits me initiative tracking needs.

P.S. I cant find the color function you mentioned, am I missing a button?

2013-12-26, 02:17 PM

Im the person who made the website and im gonna respond to some feedback here.

*Round tracker
An important thing of combat, can't track initiative without keeping the rounds of combat in mind. I would advise to keep it short (10 rounds should do) and easy so it fits the design so far.

I love this idea, definatly making this. Could be really usefull keeping track of spell timers and such.

A bit harder, and perhaps more personal, but I like to keep some notes on combat within the piece of paper I use. Things like what round a player got poisoned or what round a enemy got downed and started bleeding to dead. I noticed a lot of room after the name of a character (that or more players have short names?), maybe you could add a text-box there.

Should be pretty easy to make, i can definitly see this as a usefull feature.

P.S. I cant find the color function you mentioned, am I missing a button?

Yeah the original post i made to reddit got translated wrong. It was a list of features im looking to implement in the future.

the only issue I've found with it is the lack of numbers assigned to initiative so if factors influence them they can't be counted but that's very unlikely to happen in game.

I got a lot of feedback on reddit saying they would like a feature that would auto order the initiative based on numbers filled by the DM. Its a feature im tenative to build since its out the scope of my initial project but willing to investigate further.

I personally can not get the site to work. I keep getting an "Unable to access network" error.

Thats odd, i cant reproduce the error in anyway. Mind telling me what browser your using and wich steps you took to get the error.

2013-12-26, 02:51 PM
The question should be, how does it compare with the de facto dominant competitor? Which is probably the turn tracker on Roll20.net.

2013-12-26, 03:32 PM
The question should be, how does it compare with the de facto dominant competitor? Which is probably the turn tracker on Roll20.net.

Seems to be a different niche.

I'd be quite happy if it just let you upload a CSV with all the names of the creatures and was based of 3.5 rules with a round tracker + status/effects counter.

Besides those requests, this looks awesome. Wish I'd thought of it. :smallbiggrin: