View Full Version : PF - Outsider Polymorphs?

2013-12-26, 10:19 AM
I'm trying to adapt an existing very thematic 3.5 character to PF rules, and

Are there no ways in Pathfinder for a spellcaster to take outsider forms such as angels or eladrin (azata now, I guess)?

Even Shapechange doesn't look up to the task.

Craft (Cheese)
2013-12-26, 10:34 AM
It depends on what you want. If you just want to look like an angel/grow wings, Synthesist Summoner's got you covered.

If you actually want their Supernatural abilities though, you're not going to find it, and for some very good reasons.

If you want the physical traits of angels while still having full wizard spellcasting, your only option is to ask your DM if you can make a Form of the Celestial series of spells, using Elemental Body/Form of the Dragon/Beast Shape as a template.

Also, I like Azatas. At least now they're distinct from "Elves, but Elfier." Still woefully under-supported, but hey, such is the fate of any good-aligned outsider type.

2013-12-26, 10:43 AM
If you want the physical traits of angels while still having full wizard spellcasting, your only option is to ask your DM if you can make a Form of the Celestial series of spells, using Elemental Body/Form of the Dragon/Beast Shape as a template.

Also, I like Azatas. At least now they're distinct from "Elves, but Elfier." Still woefully under-supported, but hey, such is the fate of any good-aligned outsider type.

This is what I want. (Only sorcerer, not wizard.) So doing so requires houserules...*sighs*

Also, yes, I love Azatas. I loved eladrin (3.5) and they're the same thing. I don't consider them "Elves" though. They were never elves, until 4e.

Eladrin in 3.5 and earlier were celestial "Fey" outsiders. Oh, they didn't have the fey type, but that's not the point. Angels don't have the humanoid type, either, and yet they are based on humans. Eladrin fit in line nicely with the symmetry of Archons and Guardinals.

2013-12-26, 11:35 AM
Of course, there's always the "true mind switch" approach, but that might be a bit on the evil side...

2013-12-26, 11:52 AM
The fluff isn't the problem. The main problem is that being an outsider provides many immunities from spells that affect humanoids. Other than that, how are you feeling about "Alter Self" into some Aasimar subraces?

2013-12-26, 11:55 AM
The lack of feathered wings is the main problem there.

(The character is already fey typed, so the immunities aren't the problem. Also, there are plenty of outsider playable races, so I don't see the type change being the main issue. I suspect it's the supernatural abilities, as mentioned earlier.)

2013-12-26, 03:49 PM
Did you check Monstrous Physique X?
Almost straight what you want, at most needs a bit refluffing on the wing style...