View Full Version : DM's campaign log- Wrath Of The Righteous (PF & spoliers!)

Kol Korran
2013-12-26, 11:51 AM
After a long run (25 sessions), we had to put the campaign on hiatus, for an unknown period of time. We played up to nearly the end of the 4th module in the AP (Just before entering the Nyhandrian mines on Colphyr), We got up to level 15, Mythic tier 6.
The last 1-2 posts of the log include some ideas for the rest of the campaign.

I am no longer updating the log, except to answer questions and comments. Hope you enjoyed. Thanks!

Welcome to another campaign log! My group is short on time, mainly for DMs, so we have finally decided to try a pre-made campaign. Hearing decent things about PF, wanting to try the system (We're all 3.5 veterans, but not PF), and wanting something of an epic scale that will span all levels, we decided on Wrath Of The Righteous Adventure path.

I'm the DM, and as such the campaign log will include not just the story, but also DMing matters- choices of planning, of the gameד in session, and other such matters. If you are familiar with my previous logs (See sig if interested), than you know what to expect.

A few short warnings though
1) if you wish to play the campaign, I suggest not reading this log, as it will contain spoilers. If you are going to DM it? Well, you're welcome. Note that in various points I have made quite a few changes, since I thought that... well... things as written do not suffice. I hope this will make things more interesting.
2) The log assumes you have some knowledge of the setting and situation, I will not go into full details of everything. Otherwise it will be way too long.
3) We don't meet that often. about once every 3-4 weeks, which means that updates are somewhat long off. No one more than me wish I had a chance to update sooner!
4) I tend to write fairly extensively. Some people like it, some people don't. Some people who read through my logs think they are worth the read, but I'm not really in a position to know.

In this first post I will detail the beginning characters and our basic house rules (If you're really interested). The second one will be kept for quick navigation reference, and in the third I will start the actual log.

Player Characters
(Despite telling the players to build up background and connections in Kenabres, few did so. Real life can be a hassle at times. We intend to potentially "fill in the gaps" as we go along)
We used the 25 points buy, this supposed to be an Eic Campaign and all... Level 1

Andrew McClain, Aasimar paladin of Iomedae
Andrew is an angel-kin Aasimar, who's mother got pregnant with him while on the second crusade. He was born somewhat... different, and fearing the witch hunts his mother gave him to the church of Iomedae as a way to ensure that he is good and not dangerous. Andrew wishes to return the glory of Iomedae to the partially corrupt Kenabres, and to emulate the glory of his goddess. He fights with a long sword and a light spiked shield. The player has taken a crusader- type alternate racial feature.
Campaign Trait: Child of the crusades.
In the previous campagins: He played Red on the Eberron campaign, Jenny on the apocalyptic FATE campaign, and DMed "It began with a crash".

Senatef Aberdeen, Aasimar Cleric of Sarenrae
Yes, another Aasimar . This one however took the human scion alternate racial feature, and thus appear like a human, and is less scrutinized. Senatef, or Sena as people often call him, comes from a modestly wealthy family in Kenabres, distantly related to Andrew. (The two characters know each other) Senatef has always felt a close connection to Sarenrae, and took to her teachings easily, seeking to bring moderation and help to the crusading effort. He is often cautious, thoughtful, and ever watchful (Very high perception and sense motive). His family, displeased by the road Kenabres was heading towards, established the Knights of The Sovereign Order Of Sarenrae. (I'm still trying to figure out how to fit this order), which mostly practice temperance. The player is usually accustomed to playing bastards and vagabonds, so this is a bit different.
Campaign trait: Touched by divinity (Protection from evil)
In the previous campaigns: Ipix and Gabriel on the Eberron Campaign, D*ck mighty in the apocalyptic FATE campaign and Killpi in the "it began with a crash" campaign.

Harry, human evoker
The player wishes mostly to... kill stuff, and blow up what he can't kill. His evoker is definitely primed that way. He didn't give a lot about information about Harry, except that he is a very shy, timid and inexperience young wizard, but with a lot of power to him. For looks think of Harry Potter in the movies. (I think this is where the similarity will end). His arcane bond is to his wand. Banned schools are Enchantment and Illusion.
Campaign trait: Riftwarden Orphan
In the previous campaigns: He played Google and Grum in the Eberron campaign, The mutant and Bob in the Fate campaign, and Ayla the healer in "it began with a crash".

Andera, foreign human ninja
Now, other than him playing a TWF ninja I didn't know anything of the character till the actual session (Not like the player, he usually provides quite extensive info). He is a black human from a foreign country, who came to fight in the crusades for... some reason? I hope he will fill me up till next session. Fights with tow Wakizashi.
Campaign trait: Chance encounter.
In previous campaigns: He played Danves in the Eberron campaign, The preacher in the apocalyptic FATE campaign, and Glimji in the "it began with a crash" game.

John, Human ranger, two handed fighting
This is a very new player, been with us partly on the fate campaign, trying to now learn PF. We' unsure if she'll continue with us for long, since her real life is quite busy and she found little time to go over any of the material. Her character was being built in the socializing stage of the session. So far I know she wanted some sort of fighter with lots of skills, and that can deal great amounts of damage. Enter 2.1 meter John, rippling muscles with his great sword, and that his favored enemy is evil outsiders.
Campaign Trait: this was currently left empty till she figure things out a bit better.
In previous campaigns: The madam on the FATE game.

Some house rules
(Not that important, read if interested)
1) Players roll all the dice: I as DM roll no dice. Instead of monster attack rolls, there are PC defense rolls, instead of monster saves, there is spell/ power roll, and so on. DCs are known in most cases, or told once the decision to roll has been made. The main effects are:
- I can't fudge dice, and this gives the game more credibility, an enhanced sense of danger, and it takes things to unexpected places, which is always cool.
- A major time saver (5 players roll the attacks against them way faster then one DM rolling all dice). It also helps me keep my concentration on the battle instead of just numbers.
- It had made battles quite more engaging and tactical, with the players feeling they understand better the odds, and have more control of the battle.

2) "Roll with what may": I am a great believer in introducing outside influence into the game, forcing you to react and improvise, and create things you didn't expect. There is no "Foregone conclusion" in most cases. If the players are smart enough, or lucky enough, they can take things in places I didn't expect. I love it when it happens! There is a DC, and it's fine if it succeeds, it's fine if it fails.

3) "All is possible, not all is easy": I try to allow players to try any plan they want, but I try to put off resistance and challenge according to what they come up with. Some things are simpler, some are less...

4) HP: One each level the player rolls. If they come up with less than half, they take the "high end of the average" (for a d8 it's 5 hp for example). This gives a bit higher than average hp total, but not by much.

5) Diplomacy: We use The Giant's excellent diplomacy rules revision. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9606632&postcount=2) It had served us well in the past. HIGHLY recommended!

6) Identifying monsters: We take a bit of a different view of monster knowledge, mostly based on what we assume is the monster's rarity. Success in the knowledge skill gives the most noteworthy "shtick" of the monster, plus two other abilities/ defenses/ powers or such. for each 3 above the DC, they learn 2 more pieces of info.

Ok! Time to get to it then!

Kol Korran
2013-12-26, 11:52 AM
The Worldwound Incursion

Session 1, part 1- When all hell brakes loose! (Literaly) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16680738&postcount=3)
Session 1, part 2- Journey through Kenabres' underground (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16684358&postcount=4)

Session 2, Part 1- Mongrel alliance, Mongrel clash (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16730562&postcount=10)
Session 2, part 2- Battle with Hosila and her minions. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16734664&postcount=11)

Session 3, Part 1- The way out, Blackwing library (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16954096&postcount=13)
Session 3, part 2- Deeper into ruined Kenabres (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16968952&postcount=14)

Session 4, part 1- From Topaz Solutions to Anevia's home (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=17147909&postcount=18)
Session 4, part 2- Of Halls, Mentors, Heroes and The sword! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=17153080&postcount=19)

Level 4 crunch (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17288378&postcount=25)

Session 5, First part- Defender's Heart, Tower of Estrod. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17309348&postcount=26)
Session 5, Second part- Final preparations, War Council, Approaching the Gray Garrison (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17309539&postcount=27)

Session 6, Part 1- Into the Gray Garrison, Battle with Othirubo (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17456127&postcount=32)
Session 6, part 2- Second floor, The Schir and the desert demon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17472517&postcount=33)

Session 7, Part 1- Battle over the Wardstone fragment, Areelu's temptation (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17597183&postcount=41)

Our "The Worldwound Incursion" soundtrack

MusicRelated Scene
United we stand, divided we fall (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbtX06ZZ1t8&noredirect=1)Clydewell Plazea battle (Opening battle)
Northern pastures (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_VLtQ-1mdI)Relaxing at Neathholem
Freedom Fighters (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YP1QHVNHMAE&noredirect=1)Reaching the surface, seeing ruined Kenabres
Atrium Carceri (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpmAD4gcLMo&noredirect=1)Ambiance for exploring ruiend Kenabres
Full metal jacket- ruins (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEql5rc9X0A)Tension exploring ruined Kenabres
Another Atrium Carceri soundtrack (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxuvy-_F8iw)More exploring Kenabres
Archangel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaJ3WtWOQTw&noredirect=1)Hall of Heroes battle music
Heart of courage (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vygZV5n97DU&noredirect=1)Defender's Heart
Colossal (2,000) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO1jKOzs9oY&noredirect=1)Defender's Heart
Quake- Damnation (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=3gVOZnNRcJM)The Grey Garrison- slow
Power of Darkness (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wcdti-dzPVw)The Grey Garrison- fast paced
Requiem for soprano, mezzo soprano (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=6z2mf0kjEP8)TheGrey Garrison- swarms/ souls. soul swarms
United we stand, divided we fall (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbtX06ZZ1t8&noredirect=1)Also for the final battle :smallwink:
To Glory! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9mi__FaFhc&noredirect=1)Final battle
Queen- We are the champions (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04854XqcfCY&feature=kp)End credits :smallbiggrin:

The Sword of Valor

Session 7, part 2- Level ups, Interlude, Interview with the queen, and the arrival of Julian (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17623284&postcount=42)

Homebrew tactical mass combat rules. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?378446-Tactical-Mass-Combat-rules-%28Not-the-Paizo-strategic-battle%29&p=18285293#post18285293) (A different thread)
Armies and commanders of Kenabres (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18268149&postcount=78)

Session 8, part 1- The making of an army! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17870292&postcount=49)
Session 8- Part 2- Battle at Vilareth ford (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17885202&postcount=50)

Session 9, Part 1- Battle of Keeper's Canyon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17990998&postcount=63)
Session 9, part 2- First troubles, Approach to The Lost Chappel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18005932&postcount=64)

Session 10, part 1- Reclaiming the Temple of Welcomed Night (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18081537&postcount=70)
Session 10, part 2- Trouble at the camp, Battle of the Bloody Sands (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18088710&postcount=71)

Session 11, Part 1- Vescavor remains, A dispute at the approach (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18279929&postcount=82)
Session 11, Part 2- assault on the Drezen environs3 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18281700&postcount=83)
Session 11, Part 3- Reassessing & the tower assault! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?321974-DM-s-campaign-log-Wrath-Of-The-Righteous-%28PF-amp-spoliers!%29&p=18285191#post18285191)

Level 7, Mythic tier 1 statistics (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18376738&postcount=88)

Session 12, part 1- Nightly retaliation and John's "trial" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18435344&postcount=89)
Session 12, part 2- The Bridge, Nurah, Soltengrabbe and the attack on Drezen! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18436106&postcount=90)

Between session 12 & 13 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18498795&postcount=100) (Containing info relevant for session 13)
Session 13, Part 1- Matters of trust, entering Drezen (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18499239&postcount=101)
Session 13, part 2- The halls of Drezen, visions of the past (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18507428&postcount=102)

Session 14, part 1- The search for The Sword of Valor, Chorussia, Sena's call (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18611590&postcount=111)
Session 14, Part 2- The search continues, Kirandia, Getting lost. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18624352&postcount=112)
Session 14, part 3- The "Inside" Drezen, The choice, Shadow demon, Staunton Vhane (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18624794&postcount=113)

Our "The Sword of Valor" soundtrack

MusicRelated Scene
Black moon chronicles track 7 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbtX06ZZ1t8&noredirect=1"[/URL]Conan- Atlantean sword[/URL]Rebuilding Kenabres (Before the Queen comes)
[URL="http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=jDGcerrBDFk&p=n)Army march music
Fly swarm sounds (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?321974-DM-s-campaign-log-Wrath-Of-The-Righteous-%28PF-amp-spoliers!%29/page3)Vescavor swarm
All drums go to hell- buildingjumper (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=hIqrQR3n_34&p=n)Drezen environs battle music
Dragon roar sound effect (a few roars) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPSx_cSPw_0)Soltengrabbe roars, for build up
Dragon roar sound effect (One roar) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBD63LTJDOA)Soltengrabbe roars, for build up.
Lion roar sound effect (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnuyLcqC5LY)Soltengrabbe roar, for build up.
Some dramatic music (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=6XxmZ3oDpcA)Commander John's trial- dramatic music.
Audiomachine- Kill em all (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=wCtEmXBvuI4&p=n)Soltengrabbe battle music
Attack on titan- Shingeki no Kyojin (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5HBuZCc3us)Soltengrabbe battle music
Dark Ages (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=U0Dx3itM_q4&p=n)Final attack on Drezen
Heart of courage- extended (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=XYKUeZQbMF0&p=n)After conquering Drezen, before the Citadel
Blackblade- 2 steps from hell (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvDmhW4GziU)Gate of Drezen battle
Fallout New Vegas- End theme (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=c5PzaJELAJI)Exploring Drezen
The Grisly Grotto- Quake 1 (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=z4dPXQ8YFJI&p=n)Exploring Drezen
Dragon age- 63 Deep roads Explore (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=68yHJWgUm8c&p=n)Exploring Drezen
Titan dune, 2 steps from hell (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeIRhZmWy3g)Drezen battle music
Mercy in Darkness- 2 steps from hell (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=ScAVPpD-QWg&p=n)Sword of Valor
The hall of souls- Quake 1 (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=xAgZ5XWXiMA&p=n)Whispers od madness0- Dungeon/ "Inside" Drezen
He who brings the night- 2 steps from hell (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=CJlLVYWT-Hc&p=n)Shadow Demon fight
Blackblade- 2 steps from hell (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvDmhW4GziU)Staunton Vhane battle

Demon's Heresy
Group talk- dynamics, drama vs. action, roleplay and more (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18715248&postcount=122)
Session 15, Part 1- Downtime around the ruins of Drezen (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18715255&postcount=123)
Session 15, part 2- New arrivals to Drezen, Into the wild, Mad dog's Challenge! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?321974-DM-s-campaign-log-Wrath-Of-The-Righteous-%28PF-amp-spoliers!%29&p=18715563#post18715563)

Session 16, Part 1- Dragon's hoard, Canyon of legends, Celebration with a finale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18874213&postcount=138)
Session 16, Part 2- Lord of the Swarms, Random Encounters, Demonic dealings (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18874817&postcount=139)

Session 17- The lost expedition (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19011982&postcount=157)

Session 18- Paradox, trip to Drezen, Arulashee's redoubt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19153962&postcount=160) (Plus table of characters for level 11/tier 4)

Session 19- Sena's vision of the future, Battle of The Ivory Sanctum (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19298879&postcount=166)

Our "Demon's Heresy" soundtrack

MusicRelated Scene
Carry on- Tom Evens (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=a-5XCg2nUCI)Emerging from Drezen
Conan- Atlantean sword (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=ZcOmV8_77SQ)Early Drezen- rebuilding till reinforcements arrive
Lord of The Rings- Twilight and Shadow (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ezEiVyWzvo)Sena's temple theme
Conan- Mountain of power procession (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=ULKhAV1Ckfk)Reinforcements arriving at Drezen!
Conan- Theology/ Civilization (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=3ToTQEyLG4Q)Drezen town "normal business" music
Soundtrack of Wasteland 2 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNjHMK0BBLI)Wildrensess exploration
Medieval Anthem - Peter Crowley Fantasy Dream (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=nW_s8Z-uE48&p=n)Drezen Celebrations
bees buzzing - sound effect (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=4Kc6fjIEV3s&p=n)Lord of the Swarms area and battle
Titan dune- 2SfH (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeIRhZmWy3g)Lost expedition- Battle of the corrupted thane tree
Shadow of Mordor- Queen of the shore (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=ssgRZPZcodY)Lost Expedition- exploration music
Power of Darkness- 2SfH (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wcdti-dzPVw)Lost Expedition- room of horrors
Archangel- 2SfH (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaJ3WtWOQTw)Lost Expedition- The Fallen Fane (Golem battle)
Underworld - Come Scientist Destroy, Frankenstein Music (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=OdqcsqR4dmA)Guardian of Paradox
Battle From Hell mix (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=dGy70BxOQwY&p=n)Ivory Sanctum Battle music 1
Unchained (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=7zU3OZ6ICnE&p=n)Ivory Sanctum Vattle music 2

Mid Campaign Interlude- Night of the Purge, Julian's Ascension
Session 20, Part 1- Mid Campaign Interlude: Loot, Rebuild, Revelations, Arulashee's Path (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19604463&postcount=170)
Session 20, Part 2- Mid Campaign Interlude: Lessons and trials of Paradox, Night of The Purge (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19609270&postcount=172)

Session 21, Part 1- Julian's ascension (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19613416&postcount=174)

Our "Mid Campaign Interlude" soundtrack

MusicRelated Scene
Sky Titans, from Nemesis, Two Steps from Hell (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=iTCoziRD9Dw&p=n)Victory music upon returning to Drezen
Shadow of Mordor: The Caragors (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=gwtr45DWg-o&p=n)Night of The Purge
Underworld- Come scientist destroy, Frankenstein play (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=OdqcsqR4dmA)Lessons and visions of Paradox

The Midnight Isles

Session 21, Part 2- Preparing for the Abyss (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19631957&postcount=177)
Session 21, Part 3- Attack on the Midnight Fane (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19632334&postcount=178)

Level 13, Mythic Tier 5 table (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19679054&postcount=185)

Session 22, Part 1- Into the Abyss, Vazgral island (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19715318&postcount=191)
Session 22, Part 2- Getting to know Porphyry City (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19719002&postcount=192)
Session 22, Part 3- Porphyry, Way to the Flesh Markets, Cliffhanger! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19719500&postcount=193)

Session 23, Part 1- Minhago's trickery! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19986888&postcount=207)
Session 23, Part 2- Desperation, planning, and shadowy dealings (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19987705&postcount=208)
Session 23, Part 3- Short tempers, Rupture of Rapture, The Battle Bliss arena (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20005981&postcount=209)

Session 24, Part 1- Mayhem under the Battle Bliss arena (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20129452&postcount=212)
Session 24, Part 2- Nocticula's palace, Start of Demonic Negotiations (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20161602&postcount=213)
Session 24, Part 3- The Negotiations Intensify, A Feast, Odd Delights. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20222185&postcount=214)
Session 24, Part 4- Dances, A change, Final Negotiations (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20222198&postcount=215)

Level 15, Mythic Tier 6 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20252016&postcount=217)

Session 25, Part 1- Last dealings with Nocticula, boons and departing (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20417981&postcount=224)
Session 25, Part 2- Ambush on the shadow path, Coplhyr and Melazmera (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20474823&postcount=225)

Ending posts, Part 1- Why did we stop? Challenges running the campaign (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20475586&postcount=226)
Ending posts, Part 2- Rough sketches for the rest of the campaign. Where do we go from here? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20483155&postcount=227)

Our Midnight Isles soundtrack

MusicRelated Scene
Diablo II- Jungle (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=2c3j5_022Yk&p=n)Vazgral island- Jungle music
Diablo II- Hell (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=YgdkkG2Jl5w)Vazgral island- Jungle music 2
Diablo II- Kurast (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=JPAznGcX0L0&p=n)Vazgral island- Ruins
Planescape Torment full soundtrack! (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=dXF9I6OykBc&p=n)Porphyry City, background music
Tantric music collection (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5AVJV-9C6s)Brothel music (The Inn and Out)
1 hour of Arabian and Egyptian music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4izWydINP8)Rupture of Rapture
10 Epic songs collection mix (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=f71DWpgO9uw&p=n)Battle Bliss arena fight
[Dreamgasm 4 (Sweet spells of suxsex) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3GfZDed1do)Nocticula's Palace music
Passion and Sensuality Binural Beats Meditation Music (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=uIwrawLO_O0&p=n)Nocticula's theme (Audiance)
Scary Heartbeat Sound Effect (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=NV_agWzGFK8&p=n)On Killing...
Spectral Realm Whisper Voices (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=aaNYHeg9OSg&p=n)On Secrets...
Two Steps From Hell - Blackheart (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=EOrE2Qr1FMU&p=n)Leaves in The Storm dance
Camille Saint-Saëns - Danse Macabre (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=YyknBTm_YyM&p=n)Dance of The Dead
Enigma- Principles of Lust (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=CJ-TLZcS0Es&p=n)On Desire...
Posthaste music- Imminent Danger (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=1-kCNYVDOwc)Showdown with Minhago, Shadow path ambush
Diablo 1- caves music (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=B8klPYjS3ws)island of Colphyr

No more current logs folks. At least not for now...


Kol Korran
2013-12-26, 01:28 PM
Session 1, part 1- When all hell brakes loose! (Literaly)

The celebrations of Aramasse came close to the city of Kenabres, Mendev's border city, on the edge of the infernal lands known as the Worldwound. Lands of demons, corruption and hellish manifestations. Kenabres was protected by the mystical holy Wardstone, repelling all demons from the city.

The PCs were each accepted to finally join and participate in the crusades, and as such were called to the Clydewell plaza for the midday celebrations. It was a day of glory, rejoicing, and purpose.

Introductions at Clyrdewell Plaza
We started with each player coming to their seats (conveniently quite close together, on the third row), to start some humble introductions. Andrew, paladin of Iomedae came and met an elderly woman with white silvery long hair, looking like some sort of a wealthy merchant. He exchanged pleasantries with her, learning that she was one of the supporters of the crusades, and liked to come and meet the new crusaders. "The crusades are... injured, we need new blood. It always warms my hearty to see the young ones with their fire joining the cause!"

Next came Sena, nodding towards his cousin Andrew. He made some more conversation with the old lady, trying to ascertain her place in the nobility of the city, and discussing a bit of the "need to clear the blood, not just replenish it". Harry came close behind, but said little, acting all out of place, awkward and somewhat clumsy. John mad dog followed in, a big hulking man, with an air of "I don't give a sh*t about anything!", sat like a crouching lion. (His player was still uncertain of the situation, taking her time to get accustomed to it). Last came Andera, a bit of a peculiar sight here, with the lady's eyes immediately going to his sword, and welcoming him. He replied courtly, but otherwise kept his silence.

They chatted a bit more, but the players were etching to get things going, and so we did.

The Storm King cometh!
Trumpets were heard, and silence came on the crowd. Holrun, leader of the city came to make his speech, but then suddenly a new sunrise was coming from behind him... from the west? He too looked surprised and managed to turn when the church suddenly erupted and collapsed on him, as the Kite, the fortress holding the Wardstone exploded and disappeared in a great fire!

Moments later a fiery fiend appeared- the Balor known as The Storm King! The lady beside the characters suddenly roared in a voice not of a lady "Defenders of Kenabres, protect the city!" and lunged herself, shapeshifting in mid jump to Terendelev the silver dragoness, protector of Kenabres, and clashed with the fiend lord! H himself roared, and the fabric between planes weakened in many places over the plaza, bringing many demons of various kinds to fight the new crusaders!

Now, the adventure starts below the city, AFTER these events, but for reason I'll explain later, I wanted to play this out. Time for initiative! The Battle was a bit complex- The PCs were in the third row, but already earthquakes rocked and shattered the place, making gaping maws in the arena, with some people falling into them. Although there were quite a few people fighting nearby, the battle focused on the demons attacking the party, and the "showed cut scene" of the battle between Terendelev and The Storm King.

Accompanying music for the fight, United we stand, Divided we fall. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbtX06ZZ1t8&noredirect=1) (For this campaign I'll be using a lot of Two Steps from Hell tracks, preferably those great long repeating tracks)

"Deskari! Let your swarm devour allll!" Out of the air appeared giant locusts, of an obvious fiendish origin, with sickening colors, multiple eyes with a slight wicked intelligence. They were as big as small dogs, but flying and full of malice. the creatures sought targets, and 3 of of these fell on the characters, one latching to Mad dog's back, starting to hum strangely. Seeing this Harry blasted the locust with a magic missile, surprising the big man who didn't expect this from the feeble bespectacled man. Andrew, calling on Iomedae rushed and killed another.

But there were more! 2 dretches and a quasit also came in, and attacked the party. The others in the crowd were all fighting similar demons. Sena's keen senses however saved them from surprise, as to their astonishment two of the "crusaders" drew short swords and attacked them! "The demon lords will win this day! All shall fall to their glory!" (Two rogues).

The party was surrounded from all sides, with each having enemies to beset upon them. Meanwhile Terendelev and the storm king clashed and fought, with fire, ice, talons and swords, as the ground of the plaza shook.

The party also noticed some other individuals, a human woman archer who shot at the imposters, and tried to help Harry a bit, calling to others "Alert Arabeth! The city must not fall!" and a haughty looking tall elven male wizard, who sought to help Terendelev, trying to cast some spells to help her. (These are Anevia and Aravashnial, whom I'll call Aravash from now on. For those unfamiliar, these are two of the 3 PCs that will join the party a short while later). I forgot to portray Horus however. Oh well...

As the party attack back they are somewhat thwarted by the DR of the quasit and dretches, but Mad dog splits one in half with a great critical. (The player was very happy, she wanted to kick ass!). Andrew however is beset by the rogues, who manage to flank and SA him, while Sena tries to deal with the baffling quasit, who can't get past his defenses.

As Aravash takes a horrific fiery whiplash to the face, Andrew is brought down by a Dretch. The player is not happy. Harry manages to somehow tumble a bit back, and unleashes burning hands only to realize that... the locusts and the dretch all have fire resistance. It is then that he remembers that he should use his maximized knowledge skills...

Alarmed, Sena moves towards Andrew and heals him, despite distractions. Mad dog comes to aid him flanking. So does Andera, who manages to SA a cultist and kill it. Andrew is back in the fight, but with a grinning Dretch in the face. He decides to call upon Iomedae, and uses his smite evil ability (On a Dretch?", "Hey, it's either that or I'm dead!") and manages to kill it with his sword and shield spikes.

However ,things are still bad, as another Dretch fells Harry, and more and more people in the arena seem wounded or dead. More locusts appear, and one start harassing Andera. Sena curses, and uses a channel energy charge, restoring Harry enough, and even Anevia and Aravash a bit. (Aravash is down, shocked). Terendelvel looks badly hurt, and thoguh crusaders come to aid her, the Storm King lives up to his name and unleashes chain lightning, killing most immediately.

We continue the battle for 1-2 rounds more, before two huge fiends climb the sides of the arena, and unleash a great earthquake that tears it apart. Just as it happens, Terendelev is sqewered by The Storm King's fiery sword, killing her. As she falls, the party sees her casting with her last breath one last spell- feather fall, protecting the party falling down to the bowels of Kenabres.

The players were somewhat stressed. This was a big opener to the campaign, and they felt somewhat overwhelmed. But they did like it!

DM notes- Battle at Clydewell Plaza
In the adventure the party begins in a cavern deep below (the next part), and the DM tells them of what happened. They then go on journeying killing... maggots... cockroaches... flies and such. This felt wrong to me. This is an Epic campaign of a great fight against demons and it should start as such! So I scooped up the XP from encounters that seemed redundant to me, and used them for this one big massive encounter.

Goals of this encounter:
1. Open the Campaign with a bang!
2. Give the initial shock, desperation and chaos feel of the invasion.
3. Give the party an initial taste of demons and their abilities and such.
4. Unfortunately, AP assumes some measure of railroad, so This encounter also included a sort of "cut scene" of the fight between Terendelev and the Storm King, and the final fall to the bowels of Kenabres. I don't like this much railroading, but the players agreed to this when we discussed the adventure. Had they found a way to avoid the arena and escape, we would have played so.
5. Show a bit of the supporting NPCs.

Some Design Notes
The players seat are all in a row, the battle grid includes some big feasures. Going up a row requires jump DC 5, going down a row is free, and elevation bonus counts.
As to enemies: I had two dretches, ,one imp, two rogue 1 cultists and 3 "soul eaters" attack them at first. The soul eater is actually a fiendish stirge that sucks 1 point of the highest mental ability when it attaches. I wanted some sort of a very low CR locust fiend creature, to symbolize Deskari's involvement somehow, which I felt was missing. Thankfully there are stirge swarms in the bestiary so it will be easy to upgrade!:smallbiggrin:

The party was to survive for 5-6 rounds (forgot exactly), where new soul eaters appear every 1d3 rounds, and one dretch can replace fallen ones.

In the Bowles of Kenabres
As per the adventure, the party "somehow" lost consciousness, and "somehow" the ceiling closed above them (Debris and such? I'm no engineering expert) They were in darkness, and their city was getting decimated above. But first things first. Sena cast light "Is everyone allright?" Andrew rose to his feet, and used detect evil to make sure no presence of demons was found.

He didn't find any demons, but he did find quite a few bodies, and 3 live ones, other than the PCs. The party started getting up and gathering themselves. Sena immediately channeled more healing energy, bringing the burnt elf out of his stupor. "Where... where are we?! The Storm King! We must... My sight! What's happening?" It became apparent that the wizard was blinded, but more than just blinded- his face was heavily burnt, and his eyes were beyond repair.

They were comnforted to see the archer there "We need to get to the surface, quick! Help me get u... .AYIE!" Apparently her leg were broken. "You need to get message to my wife, Arabeth of the Eagle Watch!" (The party: "Wife? Adventures are getting progressive") Apparently the archer's leg was broken in a few places.

There was a third figure, surprisingly unhurt, an irritated and annoyed looking wealthy merchant. "Yes we must get up. The demons cannot be let to take the city. You lot seem capable enough, I'll pay you a handsome reward to get me back up!")

And so were introduced Anevia (the broken legged archer), Aravash (The blind elf wizard) and Horus (The merchant). For thos unfamiliar with the adventure the 3 PCs can tag with the party, but they each bring their own problems to the journey, and are conflicted between them. If the party helps them they later prove beneficial, but other they all have... how shall we say... somewhat grating personalities to deal with. I love them since they present opportunities for roleplay along the way, in a long way fraught mostly with combat. So it's good.

The party took an instant liking to Anevia. She winced in pain as Sena tried to check her (By the adventure curing enough can't mend her leg), and asked them to let go, but Andrew would have none of it. "We ALL come out of this!" He started to work on making a crutch for Anevia, when Horus, interrupted. "We are going to lug a blind man and a cripple through unknown tunnels, while the city burns above?" Mad dog's player agreed with him surprisingly (She's a new player, and as we've seen in a previous campaign quite cold in her calculations. It amuses us greatly. "He's right! Let's dump her!") But Andrew replied coldly. "As I said- we ALL come out of this!".

The adventure calls for a DC 15 heal check, but none in the party could make that. So I said they did manage but caused her another 1d10 damage. Aravash started issuing commands. "Right! Paladin, you'll lead in the front! I need someone to act as my eyes. Under proper guidance and with caution we shall make these demons rue the day!" The party exchanged glances, but Harry went to support the blind wizard (Hoping to gain access to spells in the future?)

The party search the cave a bit, there is only one way out, but they also find some silvery sheets. Aravash whispers with awe "Terendelev's scales?" and when Sena touches one he feels a special blessing in it- a refreshing power that can rejuvenate 10 people after a short rest as if they had slept an entire night. There are 5 such scales, and they are a 1-time magic item. The party takes these, and then seeks to head on. There are some more minor arguments exchanged, and Horus gets on Andrew's nerves. "You escort Anevia, I hold YOU responsible for her safety, if anything happens to her- you're to fault!" Horus hrummphs and seems to take affront, but does as requested.

Hoping they won't be too late, the party heads into the darkness, to the bowels of Kenabres...

DM notes- NPCs interaction
The adventure gives award for using the diplomacy skill to make the other members friendly or even helpful. I find the skill a bit lacking, and as said in the house rules section in the first post, we use a different version of the skill, that doesn't change the attitude, but persuades someone to do something.

I decided to let the party roleplay their interactions with the 3 NPCs, and just see where it will lead. They will gain their friendships if they do things to merit their friendship. Diplomacy can still be used to convince them to do stuff.

DM notes- Terendelev's scales
The road through the tunnels of Kenabres is long, way too long to do in one "Adventuring day". Which means the adventure assumes the party sleeps a few times at least in the caves. Only knowing the party- they will see the attack on the city so dire and ongoing, they would not stop unless they are broken from getting above.

In the end of the adventure there is a dungeon crawl that also assumes several "attack and retreat", which make no sense whatsoever.

I decided to give the party a tool to "keep on going" despite the urgency and superior challenges, but still a limited resource, which they must use wisely. I dislike the original Terendelev's scales in the adventure, which give some thematic powers usable some times a day for no reason. So I hope this is a good replacement.
Ok, here we'll end this for now, I gotta run. I hope you enjoyed reading, and will probably update the second part of the session tomorrow- Road to Neathholme, and an interesting tale of potential redemption? :smalltongue:

Kol Korran
2013-12-27, 11:11 AM
So where were we? Oh yes-

Session 1, part 2- Journey through Kenabres' underground

The following part of the adventure takes the party through a fairly long journey under the city, as they seek a way to return to the surface. As mentioned before I've scraped the initial encounters in favor of the Clydewell plaza encounter. There have been a few more minor changes, but nothing major.

The party started going in the tunnel, with Sena casting light every little while, and Andrew in the lead. The road was slow and tricky, having to deal with Anevia's broken leg and Aravash' blindness. Harry tried to comfort him, and struck a conversation. They soon learned that he was one of the leaders of the black wing archives, a library dedicated to the research of demon fighting. They gained some respect for him, though they understood that a blind mage is extremely limited.

Conversation turned to what just happened in the plaza. Terendelev's death bode ill, but more than that the explosion of the kite, and the (assumed) loss of the wardstone. "The demons could swarm in now, just as they had" remarked Andrew grimly. "More than that" called Aravash "The Wardstones are linked to each other, with one gone, the others might fail as well. The entire border might be open! We... How... "Aravash seemed to half break at this time. Surprisingly Horus was the one not to give up. "Demons have infiltrated the city even when the wardstone was in place. The crusaders fought them before, and they will again, if we just get to the blasted surface!" It might have won him some points with the party if he kept his displeasure of Anevia and Aravash a bit more closed.

Sena, who was always a watcher of people, watched the 3 closely. He did not like the tension, or what brew underneath it. Andera almost echoed his thoughts "The attack was extremely well timed and executed, and we saw traitors in the crowd. There was treason here, in the highest ranks." With that unease settling on them, they journeyed on.

The fight site
Not that long after they reached a small cave, with two dead figures laying in it. One dressed in the crusading uniform of Iomedae, the other... a strange creature, who seemed like a fusion of many different races into one humanoid body. I was surprised that no one in the party recognized this as a mongrelman, but better that way. Investigation revealed that the two fought, and then a shake must have loosened a boulder that killed the young crusader. The party rummaged through their belongings, getting some supplies, a potion or two, and a brooch in the shape of a silver bat sitting on a white mushroom. At first they thought it was a holy symbol, but realized it isn't. They contemplated as to the strange humanoid, and some wagered it might be some sort of a deformed demon of some sort.

Oh well, carry on.

DM notes
I refluffed and joined the loot from the two caves after the initial one, trying to create a bit more of a story. The original design gives a good chance of missing the brooch just because the party went to the wrong tunnel. Didn't seem that fair.

The forgotten temple
Some more distance in (And after quite a bit of pestering from Aravash "What is happening now?", "What do you see?" and so on) The party reaches a side cave, in which there is some sort of a stone building. They explore around it, but the only meaningful signs are on the doors- religious signs, old signs, depicting this as a small temple to Sarenrae?

Anevia was quite moved, but tried to cover it, complaining about her leg. Horus burst and mocked her, and she mocked him in return for "hiding your own faith!" (Eyes of some players go "ping!") and he in return yelled at her that he would not be scolded by a mere consorter with thieves! (second "ping!") But Andrew grew tired of this. "Enough! Both of you- silence now, and stay outside!" (The player joked that this was like dealing with his kids) Both were not that pleased, but at truce... for now.

Sena was immediately intrigued by the temple, but the old air of the place worried the party. They went into a small foyer, leaving the 3 NPCs outside "You watch over her!" Said Andrew to Horus. Sena opened the door to the inner chamber, in which he has seen an altar, and in front of it... an old dwarven cleric, shed with a warm light. Sena was confused " What the..." But Andrew allready sensed it's evil "It's a trick!"

And indeed it was a trick, as the Huecuvae's illusion faded, and he came lunging at Sena. Meanwhile they could hear Anevia yelling from outside, and some ectoplasmic creature came through the wall towards them! (Anevia was beset by one outside, the creatures could move through walls)

The battle was very quick, very one sided, as the party destroyed the undead quickly, with only Sena suffering some. Andera proved very nimble in tumbling past enemies to sneak attack them, and Andrew was caught with no maneuvering space and so threw... a chakaram? Oh well. Mad dog still proved as a massive damage dealer.

They then went one exploring the temple. Some loot, but also some writings on the back wall, starting with prayers, and what seemed like pleas ""Bring us light in time of darkness...", "From the burning fire let me return!" and more. They concluded this was a temple built long ago by a priest of the goddess, trying to repent for something, but not succeeding, and turning the other way.

Slightly depressed, Sena wished to consecrate the temple once more. I argued it could take about 15 minutes (The adventure says 8 hours, but as I mentioned before, this is an unreasonable amount of time in the situation). He was helped by Anevia and... Horus, who seemed intent on "purge corruption and return the faith". Their efforts were successful, and a soft light descended on the party, as well as the effect of bless for battles to come. (Only we... forgot about it :smalltongue: Still, worth the XP, no?)

Small note: The party later gets XP on bringing the NPCs alive with them, so at some points I try to challenge this, with having the NPCs attacked.

DM notes and design
The original design includes only the Heucuvae. But the original adventure is also planned for 4 characters, not 5, and the XP to match. I decided to add challenges that will also provide extra XP for the fifth character. That was included in the Clydewell plaza, but also on other accounts through out the adventure. In this case I added 2 extoplasmic humans.

I also about doubled the space of the temple. It looked extremely cramped and boring to fight in.

Cave of the ancestors, or "Of darkmantles and Crazy dwarves"
On wards into the darkness, the party trudged on. They finally reached a big cavern with big statues in it. "Statues? Bring me closer! Describe them to me!" called Aravash. As they came near however two dark figures detached from the ceilings, and tried to hit and grab Harry and Horus. The two darkmantles however failed, and a short and lethal fight started. Unfortunately I forgot to use their darkness ability before combat, which made the battle much easier. in about 2 rounds 1 beastie was dead, the other flew up, and those with crossbows started taking shots at it.

It was then that Sena heard some murmurs from further along, in a nearby tunnel. "They are coming to get us! Yes they are! Finally, they have come for us! They will not catch!" Now, this are the mad ravings of an evil dwarf wizard in the next cave who ran down here long ago, initially planned to be another fight encounter, but the party? "This must be some poor soul who fled the witch hunts down here, don't kill him, we'll try and persuade him!" said Andrew. I smiled inwardly- this may prove interesting!

They came close, and Andrew, then Sena tried their diplomacy against Millorn, but failed. Sena moved into his cave and sw him, protected by a giant centipede (another addition for challenge and XP), He tries again, But Millorn seems to be panicked now, mumbling strange things under his breath, as if to himself and some... other people?

Andrew came in, trying to do nonlethal damage to the centipede (Whom he mistook for Millorn's familiar) but failing. Mad dog and Andera use full movements to come from the other side of Millorn, which makes him panic even more, and he unleashes a color spray on them! Only it's made of various shades of grey dark. (The adventure says he worked into dark magic, I wanted to suggest that). This takes both of them out of the fight completely. Millorn, seeing how many there are, tries to retreat towards his escape tunnel.

Sena rushes to grapple Millorn while Andrew smacks away the centipede into unconsciousness, but Millorn slams two dark magic missiles into Sena, which disengages to heal himself with his last spell. Anevia comes in yelling "witch!" and tries to shoot him. This makes Sena tries lethal methods as well, While Andrew still tries non lethal. The combination (With some help from Harry. "Non lethal? what's that?") manages to take down the mad dabbling dwarf, severely wounded, but alive.

An attempt at redemption, and some rest
There is a slight argument between the characters, whether Millorn is a crazy evil witch, and should be killed, or should he be spared and questioned. Millorn has managed 1 or 2 more spells in the battle, and the party is exhausted and wounded. combining this with the fact that the wizard wishes to read the spells of Millorn's book, but haven't learned read magic", they decide to rest.

They debate whether to use one of the scales or not, but decide that there is not much time, and use it. Sena uses his last channel energy charges, healing the party nicely, before the scale sheds a warm silvery glow surrounds the party, and after 5 minutes they are refreshed. Aravash explores the cavern with the statues with the help of some others- they depict figures from the first crusades! "These must be made by the descendents!" he is excited. "There were rumors that some of the descendents, inflicted by the vile magic went underground. No one has ever seen this! It is a major discovery!" The characters mostly shrugged their shoulders, letting him jabber.

Harry studies spells while They go through Millorn's stuff. They find his spellbook, potions, magical cloak and a few other neat thingies, including a journal. I tried to make it mad scribbling in dwarven, but no one spoke that. So Sena learned Comprehend languages as well (He is such a conspiracy theorist!)

The journal depicts Millorn studying magic, but drawn to some darker paths, some "voices", some "oracles", "the great ones" (Call of Cthulu here we come! :smallbiggrin:) and some sort of... event... after which his writings become more and more insane. The spell's duration suffices just for a quick skimming of the journal, but there is mention of the great lords, servitude and more.

Andrew however takes pity on the dwarf, and awakens him, giving him a rousing speech of turning his life away from wickedness and dark magic. But the dwarf is adamant, talking about serving and bringing the great lords back, and so forth, confused by the party whether they'll kill him or let him go. (The party was conflicted as well). Andrew' player joked that if he pinged "evil" on the detect evil ability they should kill him. (And he did). Sena was quite ambivalent and unsure about him. disliking the dwarf greatly for dabbling in abusive arts. A strange turn came when Horus said "He's a dark witch, demon worshiper, I say burn him!" with anger and hatred in his eyes. To which Sena turned "You would burn a man?" and Horus answered "A demon worshiper yes! They deserve no more!" This made Sena choose to try and redeem him as well, and I think this sort of black marked Horus in his eyes. (Mad dog however said- "yeah! That's a good idea! He tried to kill us! Let's get his stuff!" (Face palm! :smallsigh:)

But it was Andera that made the real change. He came to Millorn "The dark lords will save you? Where are they now? where have they been for the past 50 years? while you were here, living underground, an outcast to the world? where is their great promise? Did their magic save you from us? If you live this day, it is because of the power of our compassion, and caring, not the dark gods" and so on.

It was beautiful! He confronted the dwarf turn after turn in each of his beliefs, shaking him, rattling him, while Andrew shows the side of light and benevolence. It was enough (with a good diplomacy check) to make Millorn stutter and utter confusedly "I... I... I don't know! So much... You said so much... Millorn needs to think! Can't think! They speak! They call! Always in my mind! But you say... A light?" and so on.

Where was Harry? He was copying spells from the book. Grease and resist energy. Most of Millorn's spells are illusions for some reason, which are fro ma forbidden school to Harry.

Tell the truth I didn't know quite what to make of this, so I played it by ear. It was enough to start the dwarf on the way of redemption. But will he join them? I was starting to think ahead, but the party had other ideas. Sena would not let the dwarf join "Enough that one of this voices tells him to attack us in the middle of a fight, and we're done for! one of those color spray spells can take most of us down!". So came the decision of what to do with Millorn. There was much debate, but Andrew's voice was the most dominant. "We will let him go. WITH all of his equipment (This brought lots of moans from Mad dog and Harry, slightly from Sena as well). He needs this to survive the caves. We can't set him on the right path and then take his means of survival away." Anevia was touched by this, and laid her hand on Andrew' shoulder "Your kindness and chivalry remind me of my wife Arabeth." (This made her a friend to the PCs, including the Xp that comes with that)

So they untied him, and gave him all of his stuff back, including the centipede which was awoken as well. He was utterly stunned, not comprehending. They traded a gold ring from the forgotten temple encounter for Millorn's potion of invisibility. As he took the ring The obvious joke came up. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz-8CSa9xj8&noredirect=1) Tell the truth, I've been playing Millorn a LOT like him.

They questioned him a bit about ways out, but he said that with the shakes he didn't know. The tunnels above belong to the "mole people". Aravash was surprised "We heard of them! The underlings, the tunnelers! People who live in Kenabres underbelly! I thought they were a myth!" They fared goodbye to Millorn, and headed onwards.

I awarded the PCs add hoc XP for achieving this.

Mad dog's player looks at Sena's player and shakes her head "Where or where is D*ck Mighty?!" (A reference to the FATE campaign)

DM notes
This was my favorite part in the entire session, and a really fun challenge. It brought more than any other challenge the different personalities of the party. I like that Andrew is roleplaying as a good, but sensible paladin so far. Not a stick in the mud.

I've decided that this act of kindness might be rewarded somehow in the future. Millorn will be back, and have the chance to fall again or redeem himself. Not sure how yet, though some ideas have come to my mind. I'll detail them in a later post.

Cave in and mongrelmen
The party so far likes Anevia, is ambiguous about Aravash, and dislikes Horus (Except for Mad dog, who likes him). They trudge further into the tunnels, and come upon a caved in guard post of 3 mongrelmen, one pinned by a large rock. Harry helps with his engineering knowledge, Mad dog pushes the rock easily, Sena heals them, and they quickly chatter with them, learning of Neathholme, the home of the Mongrelmen, who are the descendents of those crusaders influenced by the Worldwound magic in the first crusade, getting down.

The party asks them to escort them to Neathholme, to which their leader- Lann, agrees. Horus throws some insults, and Aravash makes "lovely comments" such as "Oh my! meeting the mole people! The burrowers! how exciting! We must see if they managed to scour a primitive existence..." But both were very quickly, very harshly shut up.

Deep chasm
I'm only including this since it's in the adventure- a deep chasm that the party (along with Anevia and Aravash) need to cross. It's quite pathetically easy, with a bit of innovation and thought.

Dead cultists
The adventure says that just before reaching Neathholme, Lann warns of a fierce fungus creature guardian, but that in actuality the cave is empty and includes some clues.

The warning however led to a stop in the game, where the party started to plan tactics and so on. It was allready late in the session, but they wanted to be careful, which proved like a big let down once the real situation was found. I don't quite understand the need for the warning... What is it supposed to achieve? spend spells or other resources for nothing? I suggest to just have the party find the dead cultists.

And they did- 2 dead bodies in the uniform of Iomedae, but with glaves, spiked gauntlets and even a Baphomet holy symbol. Sena destroyed the symbol in disgust.

Anevia became frantic "Those clothes are of a higher rank of crusaders! They must have infiltrated deep! Please, we must get to Arabeth!" While Aravash insisted that they could take a body to identify it above. "We might get it's spirit to talk and identify other traitors!" To my surprise, the party agreed! Mad Dog took one of the bodies upon him. They also enjoyed the two MW chain shirts, one going to Andera, another to Mad Dog. (This made Aravahs friendly, gaining his XP)

Welcome to Neathholme
The road from there was short, the party reached another small guard post by Mongrelmen, were greeted, and let in into the great cave and settlement of Neathholme.
We ended the session here. I think they managed to go through quite a lot in one sitting! Andrew and Sena's characters are the most dominant so far, with Mad Dog's the most detached, hopefully just because his player didn't have much time to go over the material and is new to the system. I hope this will change.

Current XP: 1,800 per character. They will level up next session, possibly even to level 3. The Mongrelmen' dungeon is coming up!

I hope you liked the read, please feel free to ask questions, leave comments, or just say what you liked and what not. :smallamused:

We'll play next Saturday, which means I'll update a few days after that.
Farewell for now!

2013-12-27, 04:32 PM
Good read, I especially enjoyed the part with Millorn. That kind of unexpected roleplaying is my favorite part of DMing.

2013-12-27, 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Kol Korran
Accompanying music for the fight, United we stand, Divided we fall.

Oh, I do approve. Perfect choice there.


Kol Korran
2013-12-30, 04:23 PM
I'm glad you like it Palanan and Eldaran!

Those of you that may have read my journals (The rare, the few, the ones with too much spare time on their hands :smalltongue:) know that I often put "In between sessions" posts, detailing design ideas and major issues I face as a DM dealing with the Campaign, this is one of them. If you're interested mostly in the story, just skip this and wait for the regular update. ("nothing to see here, move along citizen!" :smallamused:)

In between sessions 1 & 2: City ruins, Millorn's role, Issues with the first and second module

Ok, so I've been thinking of a few things that I may need to deal with, some in the near future, some a bit further apart. In no special order:
1) Issues with the "Incursion of the Worldwound": I remembered I made a thread awhile ago, while trying to prepare for the adventure, about Problems I saw with the module, and idea of how to fix it. If you're interested you can look In this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=314089) (It's not really needed, I'm including this mostly for completeness) I'll go into detail of tackling some of these problems as we play through the module.

2) The city ruins: The part that most appeal tome for DMing potential is when the party get to the surface, and then they must transverse the ruined city, not knowing who lived, who died, and if there is any hope. This has SOOO much roleplay potential, and in a way is quite a nice little sandbox. The locations on the map (The cultists' places and the 3 NPCs places) kinda lead the party in a direct route, but I'm thinking of potential changing this a bit. The module however doesn't deal well with this part, saying to throw a whole lot of simplified random battle encounters at the party to "fill the XP". They do have a few nice looking "special encounters", which I intend to use fully, but I dislike battles against XdY creatures...

So I want to put in other encounters- special challenges, whether operational, moral, fantastical or otherwise. Some general ideas:
- Use upon the characters background to put things in. Some ideas could be Sena's order's headquarters, or his mentor- John. Or perhaps Andrew' family, or fellow crusaders from the church? The other gave me very little info, so I'm not yet sure. I'm trying to urge them to provide me with something to work with. But knowing them, if they would write anything, it would be in the day of the game or the day before.

- I want to make the presence of the demons oppressive. Sure, the party could win some fights, but others should be over their heads. The need of subterfuge, of clever ruses and more to get where they need to. I want some of the demons to feel SCARY. You don't just slaughter your way everywhere through a demon infested city.

I need to be careful with this, and avoid too powerful demons because of: Very high skill checks (especially perception, sense motive, special senses and so on). If the party engages, I want there to be a reasonable chance of escape, and I want them to have the time to realize this is over their, and not be shot down in one blow. And lastly I need a reason for the powerful demons to have not just crushed everyone and everybody.

Suggestions are welcomed! :smallsmile:

- I want some ambivalent moral choices- such as needing to side with some evil doers to go over a barricade, or facing a too strong a force that guards captives, and more... still thinking of this.

Again, Ideas welcome!

- Lastly, I want there to be a leaking of the demonic/ worldwound influence into the city. Give it a somewhat alien and foreboding feeling. Looking for bizarre and "fiendish" occurrences phenomena, but fairly mild ones (though dangerous), mostly for flavor. I assume going INTO the worldwound would provide much more.


Basically I wish to create a small- medium set of semi- random encounters, that use the allotted XP quota to challenge the PCs in a more interesting ways then the simplified battles. This may take a bit of work though... :smallsigh: A bit of a lazy design on Paizo's part here.

Also, I'm looking for long tracks of foreboding/ depressing/ forlorn/ apocalyptic kind of music, to set the mood. Bring in the suggestions! :smallbiggrin: (Currently thinking of Lustmord stuff... :smalleek: creepy...)

3) The role of Millorn: I've been contemplating on how to use him (ALWAYS use something the players are emotionally invested in!) I was trying to think on how to fit him in the bigger picture. An idea occurred to me when I thought of Staunton Vhane (The main antagonist of the second module, I'll go into that another time). I want to build up Staunton from early on as a big bad ass villain, so that the PCs won't just meet him and go. "Hello! I'm Staunton Vhane! Your Nemesis!"... "Who exactly?".

So I thought to have Staunton and Millorn related somehow! (Cousins?) Staunton's name might be mentioned here and there, Millorn mightr hear that (If he joins the party) and relay stories about him, his history, maybe his downfall? I'm thinking that back in the days Staunton might have played as a devoted inquisitors and pursuer of withces. Perhaps he drove Millorn under the surface? Or perhaps he saved him from death, sending him to live in Kenabres underbelly? Millorn might also Be swayed to Staunton's side, making fighting them potentially risky, if the party wishes to save Millorn.

Other issues with Millorn:
- I wish to avoid playing him as the somewhat goofy/ silly sidekick, like Golum or Deekin from NWN's expansions. Disturbed, convoluted? yes. Silly? no. I need to think of how to add more depth to his character. Suggestions are of course welcome.

- Remeeting point: I'm contemplating where will the party meet Millorn. My current idea is atthe Defender's Heart, where he might be captured, and the party might have to sway in his favor. (Gahhh! Still like Golum with the incident of Faramir...). Or maybe he could lurk and follow them around in the city, watching them? In any case, 2 things need to be fully in the party's control- whether he joins them or not, and whether they try to redeem him or not. The player's guide gives some ideas of redemption (A whole point system). I need to review it and see if I like it.

- Class? one idea would be to have him continue as a wizard. But it feels redundant as there is a stronger wizard in place. Another idea would be to have him start take levels in Oracle, as his link to these maddening powers he worships. The revelations will have to be fairy useful and thematic from the get go, or he'll be quite weak. I'd love to have him impart sort of "visions/ warnings/ omens" to the party. A simple handy ominous forewarning device at my side? Could be cool.

4) Second module mass combat issues: I've looked briefly through the second module, and While I have some issues with it, The big one is the Mass Combats. They seem simplistic and very unfulfilling. I'll go into that later on, but the main two problems are that they engage just one character (The leader of the army) ,while the rest wait and twiddle their thumbs, and it's very uninspiring- basically just units clashing and bashing each other, with strategies acting as some modifiers. I'll try and understand the rules better (When I have the time), but in the mean time I opened this small thread to ask for advice (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=322565)

That is all so far. Gotta go and study now. Session on Saturday, should be good!

2013-12-30, 04:53 PM
Welcome to another campaign log! My group is short on time, mainly for DMs, so we have finally decided to try a pre-made campaign. Hearing decent things about PF, wanting to try the system (We're all 3.5 veterans, but not PF), and wanting something of an epic scale that will span all levels, we decided on Wrath Of The Righteous Adventure path.

First you picked a good one but one where in depth knowledge of pathfinder rules are a neccessity. Not only are you building Characters with pathfinder rules you using the New MYTHIC rulings which already have been errata on a few items and probably more to come.

I was once a 3.5 veteran and made the full time switch 2 years ago after completing Rise of the Runelords anniversary edition. (still the most brutal of all premades in PF) The rules are different in a few areas as compared to 3.5 Things actually got simpler and stronger. So I caution you about the "House rules" you made prior to never playing PF and keeping the rules you made under 3.5 or previous rules. I can say OK to the Health thing but the Identifying monsters has even overhauled in Pathfinder to be very similar to your house rule but some differences.

Alot of Vetern players who first try pathfinder love to keep the mind set of 3.5 characters but eventually when they keep alot of the old rules they use to go by they find they end up breaking rules ad the game. First you picked the campaign that makes the PCs the most powerful out of any campiang designed in pathfinder. Our DM who is running this (we are in book 3) wants to throw the dice at us already cause the MYTHIC system is freaking OP as ****. We have a Scyth fighter with a 30 STR already who Vital strikes for a cool 4d6+90 and crits on a 19-20x5 with plans on trying to 1 shot the finla boss in book 6. After doing the math if he crits in end game will produce over 3k damage in a single Swing that he can do to everyting around him and then Surge to get another huge shot. He is cleaving through bosses like butter and the Paladin archer is not far behind him in damage pushing around 180 for a full attack on a smited target.

3) The role of Millorn: I've been contemplating on how to use him (ALWAYS use something the players are emotionally invested in!) I was trying to think on how to fit him in the bigger picture. An idea occurred to me when I thought of Staunton Vhane (The main antagonist of the second module, I'll go into that another time). I want to build up Staunton from early on as a big bad ass villain, so that the PCs won't just meet him and go. "Hello! I'm Staunton Vhane! Your Nemesis!"... "Who exactly?"

WHy? Stanton Vhane dies in book 2.....against our party he entered the room with 2 Fiendish lackies.....Our fighter killed both lackies in a single swing and the Paladin smited Stanton and killed him with a full attack before he could even act. He really isnt much of the bad ass your trying to build him up to be. Not like the Real main badguy in book 2 a mythic shadow demon who possesses people.

Basically what Im saying is Give this pathfinder Trial a 100% try instead of on your first go changing the game to make different result then the creators Inteneded. Since your giving a test run anyways. I just dont want to see you get upset cause someone finds a way to break something.

Also going to say the Paladin drops in this campaign will make every other person wish they rolled Paladin. By end of book 1 they will have a Holy avenger (it will lvl up to full power but its a free drop of a weapon the paladin will never replace.) book 2 gives them a tailored suit of full plate that has Mythic abilities....

Things will be fun for your group tho and I wish yall the best....just try to give the game a chance without adding changes to it. Try your changes on the next run through.

Kol Korran
2014-01-01, 02:21 PM
Thanks for the interest and advice Bigbeefie! A few things I'd like to refer to:

So I caution you about the "House rules" you made prior to never playing PF and keeping the rules you made under 3.5 or previous rules. I can say OK to the Health thing but the Identifying monsters has even overhauled in Pathfinder to be very similar to your house rule but some differences.
I understand the concerns, but most of my house rules have very little to do with how things changed between 3.5 and PF, perhaps only the knowledge has any real significance. It worked quite well for my group in the past though. These are LONG standing rules, well tried and tested, I think they will work fine.

We have a Scyth fighter with a 30 STR already who Vital strikes for a cool 4d6+90 and crits on a 19-20x5 with plans on trying to 1 shot the finla boss in book 6. After doing the math if he crits in end game will produce over 3k damage in a single Swing that he can do to everyting around him and then Surge to get another huge shot. He is cleaving through bosses like butter and the Paladin archer is not far behind him in damage pushing around 180 for a full attack on a smited target.
This is actually quite worrying. I've been contemplating whether to go with the mythic rules or not, but with picking this AP, this is kind of the point, isn't it? I heard from a few people who played in this adventure that though the PC get a lot of power boosts, the enemies are not really worthy, and not up to match the increasing power and capabilities. I'm currently reading through the second module, and trying to estimate power and such. My player like to have tough fights, hard challenges, and EARN their XP (On the most part, they do like to just kick ass from time to time :smalltongue:). Currently my inpression is that a lot of the challenges in the campaign are fairly weak, and that the PCs are handled with quite caution. But I still have a lot to see. Just started this.

WHy? Stanton Vhane dies in book 2.....against our party he entered the room with 2 Fiendish lackies.....Our fighter killed both lackies in a single swing and the Paladin smited Stanton and killed him with a full attack before he could even act. He really isnt much of the bad ass your trying to build him up to be. Not like the Real main badguy in book 2 a mythic shadow demon who possesses people. And THIS is a very poor design! The shadow demon is just an encounter- the PCs are not even aware of it till they meet it. It's just a battle encoutner with some cool gimmicks and... that's it. There is no build up to it, no story, no emotional investment. It doesn't FEEL like a major villain (Hint: It isn't), It feels like almost a random encounter.

Staunton Vhane however has a build up from the tunnels under Kenabres! His note to Hosilla, his involvement in sabotaging the wardstone, his betrayel of Drezen, and more! And he is even an anti paladin, which is like the ideal counter for the major preffered class in the campaign. Sure, he was weak, but that is because he was designed very weak (Really his build is TERRIBLE! And soul shear? 45,000 for a crappy weapon like that?!) If I would design it, the shadow thing would be up there in the castle, as an interesting encounter to save Aron Kir (If he was lost). And Staunton would be much better designed, and down in the dungeons, barricading himself with his brother and beasties, as they use the Sword Of Valor for some nefarious purposes. Now THAT would be a befitting end battle, a climax, a fight with a worthy villain and his aids.

There is a lot to say for the adventure path, but there are quite a few things that can be bettered... significantly.

Basically what Im saying is Give this pathfinder Trial a 100% try instead of on your first go changing the game to make different result then the creators Intended. Since your giving a test run anyways. I just don't want to see you get upset cause someone finds a way to break something. Thanks for the concern, and I understand where it comes from. But I don't take this adventure for a "test run" My group meets about once a month, and we highly value our gaming time, and wish to make the best of it. Each time we play, we play for the maximum fun, not to test things out, or to go through stuff till the fun part comes. I try to make each encounter count in some way or another. We don't like "filler scenes". It falls to me to take the raw materials, and make them fit my group as best I can. I know what works for my group, what they expect, and I hope I can deliver.

As to what the designers planned. You see inklings of intention here and there, but it feels a bit messed up. Different parts (In the same module) feel as if they have been designed by utterly different people, with not much connection. And they tend to use "kiddy gloves" for quite a bit of it. Some parts suffer from a somewhat lazy design- "Lets stick a dungeon crawl of unconnected simplistic and boring here" Or worse "Lets just fill this part with all kind of stuff that doesn't advance anything that much to fill in XP".

I'm not saying a lot of it is like that, not even the most of it, but enough is. If I see something could be made better, more interesting, more fun, I'm intending to do so.

Also going to say the Paladin drops in this campaign will make every other person wish they rolled Paladin. By end of book 1 they will have a Holy avenger (it will lvl up to full power but its a free drop of a weapon the paladin will never replace.) book 2 gives them a tailored suit of full plate that has Mythic abilities....
This is worrying as well. I intend to try to make all members of the party feel special and potent in their own right, not second string to the paladin.

Things will be fun for your group tho and I wish yall the best....just try to give the game a chance without adding changes to it. Try your changes on the next run through. There won't BE a next time. I game with the same group, and it will take us awhile to get through it. We intend to make it the best we can, the first time round.

Thank you for your concern and advice. I know we may see differently on matters, but I hope you may like the log despite that, and may be amused by the way we do things. :smallwink:

Kol Korran
2014-01-05, 03:00 PM
Ok, so we played yesterday. The session had one intense debate, and two big and somewhat confused battles. So, without further ado...

Session 2, Part 1- Mongrel alliance, Mongrel clash

Before the Session
I asked the party to try and add a bit of background, in order to get a better feel to the characters. Some of them added information:

Andera Kanchar: (I was mistaken calling him Endare in the previous posts, but those are fixed now. Andera like Pantera. Confusing name). The character comes from Numeria. He was not deemed strong and sturdy, and so was not considered "Warrior/ crusader material". He was bold though, and went behind the enmy lines where he had the "chance encounter" with the mystery Desna worshiper, who saved his life. His boldness invited however a call to "The Black Flame", and organization of basically stealth demon killers, people who "think out of the box". His slew of ninja abilities represent this training, not an eastern heritage. He was sent to Kenabres to contact the local cells, but Kenabres fell before that.
Sena added a bit more info about an important character in his life- his Mentor John. This is a sort of a spiritual father figure to him, and Sena is highly influenced by him. One of the main mentors of his order, Sena regards his words highly. We agreed that John should be a sort of a philosopher warrior, compassionate yet stern, and very realistic, though spiritual. We know he has some divine connection, but not the exact class. We think level 5-6 if it would come to dealing with numbers. He asked me not to have John killed off the bat, which I respect and agreed to. The player wishes some roelplay experience with him. Also, the player seeks some ethical or morality conflict to his character. Need to think about that.
Mad dog: Her player finally had some time to read about the ranger class more, and a bit about the world. She wants Mad dog to be a cool, showing almost no emotions, big bad ass. She chose to say he came fro mthe outlying communities, that was infiltrated by cultists, who massacred most of the town, taking a great deal (Including her father and brother) as prisoners back into the worldwound. They performed some sort of a ritual on Mad dog (the champion path character trait) but he survived, and fled to the country side. For years he lived off the land, trusting only animals, not humanoids, and honing his hatred of demons. But he finally understood that he couldn't fight alone, and decided to come to Kenabres. When things went down fast...

Welcome to Neathholme!
Last we stopped the party Just came into the underground cavern, with the little lake, and the small island upon which the settlement of Neathholme stood. They traveresed by boat, and saw the few dozens of disfigured forms of the mongrelfolk, scurrying frightened into their houses. Horus rolled his eyes in disgust, while Aravash keep asking Harry to describe things.

Mood music- Northern pastures by 2SFH (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_VLtQ-1mdI)

Neathholme was a small place (The book says it has 38 people), and the party was led by Lann, their guide to the hut of Chief Sul, an overly fat, ratish looking Mongrelman. Andrew's player immediately called him "King Harry". (A character from the previous campaign who was nearly EXACTLY like him by some chance. :smalltongue:). We made a little conversation, with the chief welcomign the uplanders, asking them of the quakes, and they asking back. It was a fairly friendly conversation, though Aravash kept making remarks of wonder about "the primitive underlings", "the mole people speech" and other such remarks. There was a crowd gathering outside.

They learned that by he mongrelfolk accord, the earthquakes hit most of the city, caving in many tunnels, quite a few of their people were stranded or blocked, and they were working on that. As Mad dog dropped the body of the cultist he carried around, The mongrelfolk said that there were quite a few "crusaders" in the tunnels lately. "False cultists!" Claimed Andrew, but Chief Sul's wife- the witch Opoli remarked "Not all of them looked false to us!", with bitterness in her voice.

As Sena asked about a way out, Chief Sul grew grim, telling of a bad tribe that joined forces with some cultists, that blocked the only available way out. (*cough*railroad*cough*) "It won't be easy getting through them!" murmured Chief Sul apologetically. "It never is" answered Sena.

Chief Sul went about that some of the inquisitors were sometimes in the tunnels, hunting them down, but that the new ones, the ultists, seemed to have been doing some thing else. "These are not Iomedae's warriors, at least not all of them, soem of them worship Baphomet." Added Andrew. Sena approached him, whispering that maybe he should try and persuade them to his side, when Andrew whispered back. "I was just getting to that".

Social challenge time- The fate of the mongrelfolk!
If you've read the module, you'll know there is no way the alliance cannot happen. In the module Chief Sul himself suggests the alliance and all the characters need to do is say "Um... ok?". Yet it is worth XP, and has some reprecautions later on. (And I have a few more ideas for other possible uses of the alliance). So I wanted to make it a challenge. There was an effort needed here.

But D&D (And PF) usually resolve social issues with a single dice roll. Very little dram, very little tension. So I burrowed a mechanic from Fate Core- for social "combats", you do a Contest- in each "round", the two conflicting parties put their social efforts in, and roll against each other. If they succeed, they get a "win". the first to 3 "wins"... wins! However, you cannot repeat your previous point or strategy onwards. Depending on the crowd, motivations, needs and so on a speaker can gain a bonus to their roll (As to the diplomacy rules in our house rules).

In this event Andrew (Diplomacy +8), helped by the party's effort. O nthe other was facing Opoli, chief Sul's wife (+6, but she also had a better reltionship than Andrew did. granting her a +2, making it even. I forgot about that in the game though :smallfrown:).

Andrew began by Suggesting the Mongrelfolk join the fight against the demons, speaking of the Mongrelfolk chance to show the people of Kenabres, and end the persecution. Opoli launched after him, saying that they were hunted, persecuted, and driven underground for decades now- they are supposed to owe the uplanders now? (Both speeches drew upon motives. That was Opoli's main advantage, at least to start with. So they canceled each other out). Horus gave some remark that they don't need the wretched and misbigotten to join, they have enough trouble as it is! His words further upset them. Opoli's words proved more powerful, as the mongrelmen in and outside the hut murmured their anger. Andrew has failed to catch their attention.

(Opoli:1, Andrew: 0)

Sena, realizing the chance of failure, touched upon Andrew with his "touch of glory", instilling in him momentary greatness. Andrew tries to touch upon their ancestral pride- "You are the sons of the first descendents, the very first people who stood up to the demons, and fought them. Now that Kenabres is besieged, will you just let it crumble, will you just let it fall?" Aravash spoke out of turn "Indeed? The deformed tunnelers might be good! they are somewhat liek demons themselves, they could understand them better!" The party saw the faces of the mongrelfolk narrow, and started to understand the damage their allies were causing. Opoli however turned Andrew's words. "To go and fight? Yes, but with what? with the few dozens we are against the thousands of demons? With simple arms and armor we could scavenge? While the crusaders shoot at our backs? We are no warriors, we hide, we weather the worse, and we live!" Horus didn't help by spitting out "We do not NEED them! They will just be a burden, look at this wretched lot!" But Andrew's words lit an old flame in the mognrelfolk, and they could see their eyes lighten up, Chief Sul straightening a bit more in pride. Andrew was now listened to.

Andrew: 1, Opoli: 1

The party understood that Horus and Aravash were lowering their odds, but were confused at how to stop them. Mad dog tried a direct approach, and towered over Horus with a menacing glare. Horus however, was not easily intimidated, and exploded. "You DARE threaten me you big brainless lump?!" Horus' attitude jsut shifted another scale downward ("Enemy" on the house rules, in attitude, not practice). Andrew tried a sort of shared camaraderie, of the uplanders and the mongrelfolk against this evil, the Worldound, which will swallow them all. "Yes, you can stay, and hide, but the demons won't stop above. If upper Kenabres will fall, so will lower Kenabres. The time to make the stand against the horde is now, together, united!" Horus again exploded "United with them? With this rubble? We are losing time! This alliance will give us NOTHING!" Opoli seized upon this "You say united, yet even within your own ranks you are not. We shall ally with those who insult us? degrade us? Like you have done for decades? Humiliate us?" Sena partly panicked, and urged Lann "Say something!" Sena's pleading eyes worked, and Lann stepped forward. "They cuaght me and my party off guard, disadvantaged. They could easily have killed us, or past us by in their hurry. Yet they stopped and helped us, they saved Crel's life. These are good people.". Lann's words strengthened Andrew's speech, and the mongrelmen talked about raising arms. Andrew was winning them over.

Andrew: 2, Opoli: 1

Harry tried to talk to Aravash. "Please wise sir, I think it is best if we at this time let Andrew talk his piece, and support him with our silence," (One bad diplomacy roll later) "No young Harry, You are all young and impetuous, He will do well to listen to the words of his elders...". Sena tried to neutralize Horus. He turned to him and wispered angrily. "Will you stop this! You're hurting us! What do you want? They can help us!" Horus snorted "Making alliances takes time... a lot of time, which we don't have! If the alliance was worthy of anything, but it's not! I mean... look at this sorry group! Not exactly crusaders material!" Horus would not be placated.

Andrew decided to let Opoli speak first this time. Seeing that she was losing the argument, Opoli launched one last attempt. "We cannot hope to fight the demons! They are more numerous, more powerful, and we haven't fought in ages! Going to fight will not be some glorious fight! It will be our death! It will be suicide! The Mendevian army will come to strike the demons down, and Kenabres will be saved. But will Neathholme? our people?" (At which point Mad dog was convinced by her! :smalltongue:) Andrew paused for a few moments, for a dramatic affect. "Yes, You could run, and hide. And perhaps you'll live. But I look around and I see children. Children born to the dark, who lived out of the sight of the sun for their whole lives. Used to life of scorn, life of ever caution, a life in fear... Would you let them live in fear, as you have, and die in fear? Or will you raise your spears, face your enemy, challenge your fears, and lead yourself to a new age, a new life, a new future?" (This tocuhed me and the others so, That I considered this another motive touched, gaining another +5)

Opolis words of fear and terror held no sway against Andrew's message of hope and brightness. The crowd raised their voices, cheering loudly, and Chief Sul stood up. "It is settled then! We shall join the good fight above!"
Opoli looked disheartened, and turned away.

Chief Sul gave a few quick orders, then turned to the party. "I have sent messangers to the other tribes, to follow our lead. You can rest while we send scouts towards the bad tribe's territory". The party- "Other tribes?" (I think they just had This kind of moment (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0197.html) :smallbiggrin:)

DM thoughts on the social challenge
I think it worked quite well, and proved to be an interesting and tense social interaction. The module says that Horus and Aravhsial interupt, and I wanted to play that since it added a lot to the play. It did mean the party now kind of HATES Horus. (Mad dog's player wanted to ditch him. We reminded her she though he made a lot of sense last meeting...). I really like the contest mechanic! It can be used for other stuff as well, like stealth operations (With the opponent succeeding meaning not immediately finding the person out, but "homing in" on their location), and races and such.

Well deserved rest and... LEVEL UP!
Chief Sul said that he'll be sending scouts to see the location of the bad tribe, see if anything has changed. (This was a bit of an excuse for me to give the party a bit of resting time, plus I thought this would be a good place for simple interactions).

About the alliance: The mongrelfolk did not want to be shot by Kenabres Crusaders' when they go above, so they asked the party to seek whatever leadership remains, and make the pact with them. Chief Sul sends his speaker with them- Lann! So another NPC joins the party. Chief Sul askes the party to take care of the cultists problem in the bad tribe. As they agree he gives them the tribe's healing reserves to help in this- 6 CLW potions and 3 Lesser restoration. The party distributes these, including one potion to Lann, and one to Sena. Lann's relationship goes up one scale.

Why adding Lann?
The mongrelfolk have some interesting roleplay and gaming potential. I already have some interesting ideas of how to use them in the future, and I don't doubt my players will have some ideas as well. I wanted to "put a face" on the mongrelman, by Lann.

Also, If the party doesn't have someone to go back to the mongrelfolk once they make the deal, then they might need to trudge back. This way Lann does that. Yes, I know there are other solutions, but this feels better for me.

The party sells a bit and buy a bit, mostly a breast plate for Andrew, and a scroll of sanctuary for Sena. He comes to Opoli however, trying to placate her. She tells him that she hopes this will end with s few dead as possible. He talks with her a bit, and learn she lost two sons. He warms up to her, and holds her hands, saying he will try to do as much as he can for the mongrelfolk. She is not relieved, but doesn't begrudge the party... too much. "We mongrelfolk rely on each other. As the tribe have decided, so I shall abide. I will do my best."

As they try to sell some of their stuff they try to sell the brooch of the bat and the mushroom, which the mongrelfolk recognize, rushing to Chief Sul! He recognizes it as the brooch of his son, and is saddned by his death. Angry, he raches and hands Sena his +1 morningstar "Bash a cultist's skull for me, ok?" HE then turns his face, Opoli coming to comfort him. Sena seeks what to say, but doesn't find anything more than "I will do as you ask Chief Sul" and retreats in silence respectfully.

Anevia comes to rest by Andrew, and congratulates him for his success with the mongrelfolk. "Who would have thought, that in this darkness we would find allies? Your words were quite inspiring, and uplifting. They gave me hope." She eases the strain on her leg. "Arabeth used to say I always have soem trick up my sleeve, and she is... right as usual. I have a few things which I though I could use, but in my condition you might use them better." She gives Andrew her 2 alchemist fire and 3 smoke sticks. The smoke sticks become important later on.

Aravash stays by Harry. "I am more confident in this group abilities now. I was hesitant to harness my power to it, but I believe it could be done. Harry, if a dire situation occurs, try to direct me, perhaps my summons or other spells may help. Just make sure i don't harm the party. I... I do not wish to spend my power in vain, I do not know when I could red spells again." Harry agreed.

Last but not least- the Xp from the negotiation enabled the party to level up! Changes for those interested

Andrew gains the second level of paladin powers
Sena doesn't change much, mostly trying to spread his skill points.
Andera takes the vanishing trick ninja trick
Mad dog gains the "cleave" ability of his "two handed" fighting style.
Harry learns hydraulic push and... some other spell I don't remember.

About the "bad tribe" warren
The "bad tribe's caves" are a small dungeon crawl, and this comprised the rest of our adventure. A few notes for those who know the module, and for those who don't:
- There is one guard post, after which a small common room. From there the party can go south, towards the rooms of the main hold, and where the leader of the cultists (Hosilla) resides, or they could go North, towards the exit.
- The rooms are adjacent to each other, SO I decreed (As I knew my party would expect), that this will be a responding place- people won't just sit and wait patiently till the PCs reach their rooms. This meant this could turn (And it did) into a flowing hectic battle.
- With an added character (And especially Mad Dog the dealer of huge amounts of damage!) I needed to create more opposition- for challenge as well as for XP. I also got rid of nonsensical and meaningless encounters (An amoeba, 2 gars, and giant rats... really?) So you may see more opposition than it seems in the module. I will note it where I did).
- At some points in the map (First guard post, guard post before Hosill'a chambers, and the last guard post) there are sort of broken lines in the map. I wasn't sure whatthese were, so decided that these are sort of loose barricades the mongrelfolk made out of wood and stone. They proved very important as choke points, but also as obstacle for climbing and such.
- I apologize for the length of the battles, I tried to minimize it to the essentials, but this took a few hours in session time.

The approach- The ruse turned to a rush
Lann scouts ahead of the party a bit. (Andera was a bit upset to learn mongrelfolk have +13 to stealth!) As they all follow in line. We make jokes about "Fellowship of the ring" (characters at the moment!). They roll nicely for Lann's stealth, and he comes back, and I lay down the entrance to them. A very narrow long tunnel, ending in a small cave, with one door at it's back, and two mongrelfolk behind barricades.

Now the party understood well that if they don't take these two fast and quiet, then the entire compound will be alerted. They also knew that if they get close as a group, their armor and light source will alert them far before they reach the post. They first thought that Andera might take them out, but he couldn't see in the dark, being human.

They discussed a few options, when Andrew remembered his Aasimar spell like ability- Alter Self! (He is an angel kin Aasimar, he doesn't have Daylight). So a plan came- He will get close, Lann behind him, and LAnn will try and fool them, enough for Andrew to come close enough and surprise them. Andera and Mad dog would follow not far behind, being stealthy enough. The rest will rush ahead (Though they will be a few rounds behind) When they hear the commotion. This mainly reffered to Sena and Harry (Way to leave your casters behind! :smallamused:) as they just told the trio of NPCs to follow slowly afterwards. Horus was about to say something but they shut him up.

The plan worked quite nicely. Andrew turned his frame to a mongrelfolk, and approached, Lann closely behind him. Both were manage to fool the guards enough to get close and attack them! But they didn't kill them, and a small battle started, Andera comes in and jump hig over the barricade, and sneak attacks, Mad dog tries to do the same but fails. Lann flanked with Andera, but the mongrelman hits Andera hard for 7hp. This is the start of Andera's bad luck in these warrens. Mad dog impresses, and frightens some of the others with a lobotomizing critical. (The player is really into the gory decriptions). While Andera's luck is aweful here, Mad dog's luck is astounding! There are many more massive crits to come...

Sena and Harry start running.

Andrew left them and went through the door, seeing 3 other mongrelmen in various forms of getting ready. This was the main gathering room, with a southern door, a Northern door, and an eastern door (Which led to an empty pantry). Lann, Mad dog and Andera finished those outside quickly, and rushed in to help Andrew who was fighting the surprised and disorganized resistance. MAd dog severes an arm of a poor mongrelman , reaching for it's spear. The player adds "He looks at the dying corpse coldly, with hollow eyes, not breaking a sweat". Sena's player, sitting next to her, is adding diplomatically "You are... starting to make me nervous..."

One of the two Faces Lann, and stabs him hard, for 9 damage (6 left), and hammers on the southern door. "Wendaug! Wendaug!" (This is a mongrelwoman ranger, the closest they have left for a leader of their own) But no answer comes... Meanwhile there are soem noises from the northern door as well.

Fighting on two fronts

They dispose of the two remaining, and Andera moves to the south door, Andrew to the north one, And MAd dog to the middle door, as Harry and Sena reach the outside room. Wishing to take his enemies by surprise Andrew opens the north door, and find two cultists- one of Deskari, wielding a Scythe, and behind him a cultist of Baphomet with a glaive. With them are two tieflings, though one is not yet ready. The door proves as a choke hold, as Andrew faces the tiefling, and one of the cultists uses command, trying to have him drop his sword. Andrew shrugs the effect easily.

While Mad dog gets into the pantry, seeing some sort of a... nest for some beast, Sena gets in and casts bless, then moving to the other side of the southern door. with backs to the wall Sena and Andera listen- They hear some sort of a growl, and Sena's ears hear very faintly a bow being drawn. They await for whatever it is to come out.

At this point the battle sort of seperates to two- On the north Andrew opens in the door with eh enemies, and LAnn and MAddog from the sides of the door, through cover. They manage to slowly whittle away their enemies, with some magic missile help from Harry.

Meanwhile at the southern door Sena and Andera go "You open the door!" "No you open it!" Until Andera uses his vanishing trick and disappears. Openign the door he see an albnio monitor lizard blockingthe entrance and... A strange looking Mongrelwoman at the back, with 3 insectoid arms from her side and a stony lookign skin. This is Wendaug. She and her lizard waited here to block the path forward, but They don't see anyone! Wendaug shoots non the less and misses, and then Andera tries to tumble past the lizard, but fails, and the next round- fails again... The lizard tries to bite Sena through the corner, but the cover coupled with his high AC makes this almost impossible. Sena gets annoyed "Get past it!" But Andera's luck just proves futile (Even invisible). Then his invisibility ends and Wendaug shoots him, and he moves aside, wounded. Sena, worried, Takes out a smoke stick, breaks it and throws it into the room, blocking Wendaug's line of sight. The Southern room is covered in vapors, spilling out.

Meanwhile Andrew his hit, but kills the tiefling and pushes in, then a cultists dies, andthey push further in, Mad dog and Lann as well. Andrew is hit a bit more, and seems to "have had enough", and smites evil the Baphomet cultist. There are carvings and statues in this room, like in the cave of ancestors, only these look older, and not well taken care of. There are steps leading up, and Lann whispers longingly "The way to the surface", but they have no time for that yet.

Sena steps and smacks the lizard, and begin a small fight with it, within the cloud of vapors. Worried about what the archer might do, Andera tries another vanishing trick, and comes trying to jump over the lizard (Ninjas can really jump!) and gets behind it. It turns to strike it when Sena smashes it's skull against the door frame, dropping it dead. He looks at Andera "Now was that so tough?" Andera moves to where Wendaug was located, but sees she is gone. There is a hole at the side of the room however, wit ha rope ladder leading down.

The party decides that this is enough for now. The archer have moved below, but they can't just rush after it. They knew very well that there would be an ambush below.

Time to take a moment and think, They are not over this yet...

Design and thoughts
The party have acted really well here- They also got the surprise element, and stopped both approaches. I originally thought that the warrens would be alerted, and many of the enemies would have moved to the common room, attacking in unison, but there was no time for that, so in a way- the party DID take them in their separate rooms.

I moved the monitor lizard to Wendaug's room, since without some blocking, Wendaug is easily beaten. And it seemed like a more fitting idea for a ranger. This worked quite well, Sena's "Smoke grenade" Was quite clever thinking.

- 1 mongrelfolk in the 2nd room
- 2 tieflings with the cultists, to act as cannon fodder.

This concludes the first half (actually more like 2/3rds) of our session. In the next part the heroes go down the hole, and face the cultists leader (of the warrens)- The inquisitor Hosilla! (And her minions... :smallamused:) A battle which the party barely survives...

I hope I can write the second part this week, as time permits.

Kol Korran
2014-01-06, 05:28 AM
It looks like the last post was a bit overly long. I apologize for that, I'll try to keep things simpler. Note: I added mood music to Neathholme I used for the party's time there in the previous post. Just look for the link.

Session 2, part 2- Battle with Hosila and her minions.

Down the hole
Mad dog goes to guard the hole, while Sena heals the party with his charges, and they look through the equipment and battlefield. They find some MW equipment on the cultists, but also 2 CLW potions, and some scrolls. ("Cause fear? Sena? Not exactly appropriate..."). Mad dog keep hearing noises from below, and their suspicions that an ambush is being set are enhanced.

The hole goes 10 ft through rock, then another 15 feet till the ground, in whatever room it is (There is light there, so not all mongrelfolk). They think of who should go first, and somehow think of sending in the scout- Andera. He is not happy about it, but goes ahead.

As he gets down to the room, he sees a larger room, with two barricades, behind which are lined 5 mongrelfolk, with crossbows. There are also two cultist there guarding the gap, and bhingthem, near the door to the back, there is Wendaug, to the side of Hosilla- a human female cultists, with a glaive and a determined look in her face.

They all had ready actions... 5 crossbow shots, another arrow from Wendaug, and Hosilla wields a wand, and suddenly a force glaive appears behind Andera, attacking him! Andera takes nice damage, and then due to a command by a cultist, drops and fall to the floor. He decides to then vanish, and runs hiding behind the barricade, but the force glaive follows it.

We have a quick discussion- do spiritual weapon continue to follow even invisible creatures? We decided that yes, it does, but of course it suffers all the regular miss chance.

Andera's player curses. "Should have used the vanishing to get in!" and Sena adds "we should have thrown a smoke stick inside before descending...". Oh well, what's done is done!

Against the line, and Andera's courageous attempt
Hearing the barrel of shots and painful sounds from Andera, Andrew rushes down the ladder, and towards the barricades, with Lann following suit. They get shot somewhat on the way, but press on. Hosilla puts another force glaive on Andrew as well, recognizing the symbol of Iomedae on his shield.

Harry and Sena casts protective spell, and wait to follow Mad dog, who rushes down and to the barricades, climbing atop them quickly, a giant in the small room atop the wooden structure. Themongrelfolk drop their crossbow, and draw spears. Some attack Lann, others AMddog, both are hurt, but Mad dog fails his acrobatics and falls back behind the barricade, beside the invisible Andera, who drinks a potion to heal himself.

Andrew faces the scythe wielding cultist, as Harry descends, putting Magic missiles to Hosila, and gets shot nicely by Wendaug in return. Sena descends, and pulls out the scroll he got. He uses it on Wendaug, who's face turn to terror, and she bolts through the back door, inside.

There are a round or two where the party tries to break the line, and Hosila brings out more spiritual glaives, but most don't hit. The party's hit points dwindle. Andera then tries a very bold (If foolish) move- He disappears again, jump on the barricades and over the cultists, and gets to Hosilla, attacking her... with a natural one. The closest mongrel folk turn and attack him, wounding him even more, and Hosilla moves and drops him to -8 hp with her glaive! :smalleek:

"So... new character?"

The battle intensifies
Harry comes close, and burns part of the barricade as well as 3 mongrelfolk and the 2 cultists with a well aimed burning hands, causing about 45 hp total damage, probably the most damaging attack in the battle. This is enough to enable Mad dog and Andrew to push a bit in, but not close enough to Hosilla yet. Lann manages to kill a mongrel folk on the other side "You have forgotten our heritage, our past! I will show you the true way!" and tumbles towards Andera. In the next rounds he feeds him his potion of CLW, and Andera's last potion as well, not yet bringng him back.

And the others aren't faring well either. Hosilla directs the mongrelfolk on Andrew, and he is hit hard, down to less than 5 hp. Sena heals him, getting him back to the fight, But Hosilla's spiritual glaive cuts deep into him, getting him down to 4 hp... Harry launches force missile after force missile, surprisingly mostly at the mongrelfolk, not at the cultists or Hosilla :smallconfused:

Mad dog engages the Baphomet cultists to the back, but they exchange attacks without hitting. He tries a scroll ofcause fear on the range,r but Mad dog manages to with hold it.

Lann, Andrew and Mad dog face Hosilla, the cultist and 2 last mongrelmen. Andrew and Hosilla exchange bravado and insults. He hits her hard, but then she drinks her potion of CMW, and heals completely. The party groan, other than Mad dog, they are all to their single digits in hit point, and spells and more are lacking. Harry even starts looking through his attack cantrips... Sena debates with himself whether to use the healing charges or no, since they would heal the enemy as well.

Mad dog's rage
But Mad dog won't be denied! As Andrew changes position, Mad dog takes place in the spot between all of their enemies, and tries to power attack and cleave- first Hosilla, then the cultist. And Mad dog crits, quite beautifully! The party cheers as his sword tears through Hosilla's abdomen, cutting her in half, ("Finally! Some guts!" she exclaimed. Sena's player looked at her- "Ok, now this is getting too creepy!") We laugh that now we have a new "Google Kills!". The cultists panicked, and unleashed a negative energy blast, which nearly topples Sena and Harry (1-2 hp left).

"Google Kills"?
Harry's player played a psi-war half giant called Google in a previous campaign (Due to a parody advertisement that had the signature line- "Remember- we're Google, and Google can kill you!") Google missed most of the time, but when he did hit- it was usually a massive crit, and it almost always killed stuff, especially "boss enemies". The party used to joke they were drawing out time till he rolled a crit, which was usually followed by the claim "Google kills!"

As they "clean up what's left", Wendaug returns from her fear. Seeing the massacre, she runs towards the ladder. Mad dog, Andrew and even Harry come to stop her (Harry with a shocking grasp spell), but their luck runs out and they all miss her. Wendaug, under the effect of a Long strider spell, rushes up, and past the 3 NPCs (Though Anevia shoots at her), and runs away from the place, up to the city, taking the guards in the last outpost with her.

Returning mini villain or character? I imagine Wendaug could easily get friendly with the demons if need be, and she could easily stalk the characters through town, perhaps adding a complication. She presents an interesting opportunity, I will need to think about what to do with her, if at all..

The party have won, but just barely. Sena heals with the last of his charges, bringing Andera back to consciousness as well. No more spells, no more daily powers, and not so great on the hit points. But the cultists are dead, and the mongrelfolk resistance is done for.

Hosilla's battle design
- 1 mongrelfolk to the dining room
- Got rid of Hosilla's tiefling Uziel, and added two cultists.

Hosilla fighting on her own is a piece of cake. In order to be any kind of effective (A large part due to her spiritual weapon wand) meant that she needed some sort of defense. I also swapped a feat or two for her, nothing major.

I wanted the fight to be a big fight. Wendaug escaped so that gave enough of a reason to "rally up the remaining forces". The battle was TOUGH, mostly due to the meany enemies. Had Harry had another burning hands, or a mass area spell, this would have been much easier.

An important note in the battle was the entry hole- It functioned as it should- limiting entry to 1 character in dangerous circumstances. I was intrigued at what solution would the party find for it. Unfortunately they came with cool ideas only AFTER Andera was made into a pin cushion.

I'm worried if this battle wasn't TOO tough. The party survived quite a bit due to low damage by enemies attacks. It could have gone the other way. (The party rolled the damage against them on the table, as per the house rules. I roll nothing) But then again they were also almost never hit by Hosilla's glaives, so maybe it evens out? Anyway, it was close, real close. Had the cultists been able to unleash another channel energy, Sena and Harry would have most likely fallen.

They still had potions though. :smalltongue:

Aftermath- loot, clues, realization, and secret loot!
(Sena's player spoke determinedly "Next feat- Selective channeling!") The party moved to explore the rest of the chambers. The next room they have found a sort of a dining hall, but on it there were the dissected and mutilated corpses of several mongrelmen. Lann recognized the leader of this tribe. There was also a human, sliced from groin to neck, with a... Wakizashi? Upon checking, it radiated magic, and Andera took it as his own. (But he didn't question what the hell it was going here! I was hoping to work a bit with his back story. :smallsigh: Oh well) Sena gave some words, sending of the dead, but there was little more that could be done. Even Mad dog refrained from trying to search the bodies for loot, though you could see the urge on the player's face.

They found the kitchen, with the "butcher knife" (A MW hand axe. in the original adventure a MW dagger), and lastly the chief's room, a bit like that of Chief Sull, only much smaller. They found some loot, and then, like every good adventurer, they took time to look for secret doors.

And they did find it! (In the original adventure this was a secret room in their watering hole, and something that no one sane would search for, I switched it for the Chieftain's treasure.) Andera found the pit trap, and moved to try and open the lock, but failed, jamming the lock (Sena's player was joking about him quite a lot by now. "First you can't get by a dumb lizard, invisible. Then you nearly get yourself killed, and now you can't even open a lock? What kind of a rogue are you?") For some reason however Andrew carries a... crowbar. (Party: "Why does a paladin carries a crowbar?" Him: "Trust me, you don't want to know...") I don't usually allow this, but they did won a very very tough fight, so we went with forcing the chest open, and getting the great loot inside. I changed a few things, but they seemed to like it. (Arrow magnet to Harry, Ring of climbing to Mad dog, some scrolls and such)

Sena was pleased to take Hosilla's wand (Although a bit disappointed to learn it has only 4 charges left), and her jeweled prayer book o Baphoment. ("Oh, I'll take that!" He said hurriedly. If I know the player right he will find some use for it). But more interesting was The Orders from Staunton Vhane:
You will remain, for the time being, in
Kenabres, but know this: the city’s days
are numbered. Seek a place of safety—the
underground den of your mongrel lackeys should
suffice to keep you safe from the devastation
to come. I shall assume command of Drezen
shortly, and once Vorlesh has finished with
the wardstone and Kenabres is no longer of
interest to us, you are to return to my side.
Before you leave for Drezen, stop by the three safe houses
(Nyserian Manor, Topaz Solutions, and the
Tower of Estrod—the passphrase remains the same)to
ensure no evidence remains behind.
May Lord Deskari and Lord Baphomet watch
over you!"

Some things missing
Now you may notice that there are two changes from the letter in the module. First- I don't tell them what the password is (I think it may be more interesting if they have to figure it out or go without it) And secondly, you may notice there is an important piece of loot missing, which is also missing from the letter- The legendary sword Radiance.

For those who don't know, by the module the paladin is supposed to find Radiance, a powerful sword, which starts out simple, and through the adventure the PCs can unlock it's powers till it become a legendary Holy Avenger (With mythical powers I think). I didn't like this place as the founding place though, it lacked the feeling of a special occurrence. I wish to make the finding of the sword a special event, some sort of a special encounter (Or encounters) in the ruins of Kenabres. I'll detail on that in a future post.

Andera's player, amongst the few who have read the player's guide carefully, asks in a worried voice. "Wait, So Areelu Vorlesh, the witch that opened the Worldwound IS alive?"

We decided to end the session here.

XP: 4,160 per player

So, The bad tribe's warrens turned out to be composed of two big battles. (There is also another tiny battles with some demons, but nothing the party can't handle. Once they are back to strength). The first battle more fast paced, flowing and with a bit of a cinematic feel (The ruse, the rush inside, the battle at two fronts and so on). It was also less dangerous, and more light hearted.

The second fight was more of a clash between the forces, and grinding to find a position. The barricades had a BIG effect on the battle. And it called out for nearly all of the party's resources and abilities. It was fun, if a bit harrowing.

Hosilla doesn't make for such a good "boss"... Her melee abilities aren't that impressive, and her spells lack a punch. But in that constellation it worked, somewhat. I think I might have made her something other than inquisitor. The class works nicely for PCs, less for adversaries.

Ok, that's all for now. I hope I didn't bore you or dragged you too long with my descriptions. We shall play again in about 3-4 weeks, Which I may use to plan more. The part that I love most about the module is the ruins above, and I hope to make something special of them, including the finding of the Paladin's sword.

If you liked it, disliked it, have any comments or questions, please share. It helps keep the motivations going! :smallbiggrin:

Kol Korran
2014-01-10, 11:56 AM
A small update (No session post yet, sorry folks!)

I've been trying to find a better encounter to fit Radiance in, since the "ruins of Kenabres part" leaves quite a bit for the DM to fill in. I've started a thread about it- A test for the paladin's sword (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=323489&page=2), which is bringing up some good points. Ideas are mulling and forming in my mind. If you're interested, feel free to join the discussion.

Another thing that might interest you folks- we made a small humble wiki for our group. Our previous groups had elaborate wikis, but this one is simple, mostly to keep track of a few simple stuff. The "people" page works by the new diplomacy rules, and have some pics of the NPCs. The "Loot" page is mostly to help me calculate treasure and WBL stuff, as well as help the party distribute stuff. It is mostly filled out, other than Harry's part and some minor stuff. It will update from session to session.
Our little wiki site (http://wrathoftherighteous.pbworks.com/w/page/72079706/FrontPage)

Kol Korran
2014-02-08, 10:16 AM
Long time since I wrote. As I warned at the beginning- our meetings are usually about 1 month apart. This session began in the under warrens, but soon reached the ruins of Kenabres. I hope you enjoy!

Session 3, Part 1- The way out, Blackwing library

We left off after the tough Battle with Hossila and her minions, Wendaug escaping, and the looting of treasure.

Back tracking
Sena's player was worried. Much of their loot was comprised of heavy weighing items- armors, weapons and such, mostly of clutists. the player suspected there won't be any place to get equipment in the city (He's a pessimist in nature), and suggested getting back to Neathholme to trade their stuff. Sena and Andrew had another reason as well- by bringing back the bodies of Hossila and such, they could strengthen their commitment to Chief Sul.

The 3 NPCs argued against this though, wishing to hurry. but Andrew seems to persuade them. So they back track the short way to Neathholme. On the way they mention the 3 safe houses mentioned in the letter to Hossila (See previous session log), and both Anevia and Horus are surprised at the mension of the Nysserian manor. Apparently Kendro Nysserian borrowed money from Horus, and used that money to buy Arabeth' sword. "Why did you sell the sword" asked Andera. "To get the money needed for my gender transformation magic". The players was surprised at this, asking me "Is this your change?" As I explained this was part of the actual module they seemed pleasantly surprised "It seems modules are becoming progressive finally!" Aravash declares his concern at the possibility of infiltrating the Tower of Estord, as it has been a major archiving establishment. Andrew's face grimace...

At Neathholme they sold quite a few armors and weapons, mostly to buy the +1 deflection ring for Mad dog, and a few minor potions. Sena brought the bodies of the cultists to Chief Sul. "I pay a debt of generosity." His hand tightened on his morning star, which the chief gave him. "May your son be avenged, and may this bring your heart a measure of comfort". Sena suggests giving back the morning star, but both Chief Sul and Opoli refuse (A bit teary eyed). "This is rightfully yours, light bringer, use this to further vengeance in your struggles". The relationship with the mongelmen goes up a step. They are now more than allies, they are friends.

One maze before the surface
The party returns to the warrnes, and by Lann's guidance seeks the way up. I decided that wendaug alerted all remaining mongrelfolk and they all fled to the surface. (Didn't yet know what to do with her), but the last guardians stayed...

The party reached the cave with the built walls. They were quite cuatious about this, a lot of perception checks and so on. Knowing they are completely depleted of all daily powers and resources, they used Terendelev's scale once more. Feeling refresehd, they ventured in. Now, in the adventure these is a tiny simple maze to go through, with 2 dretch guards. I made them lay in wait, and near the end of the maze there are 2 small alcoves, where they attacked the leading person (Mad dog) from both sides.

One dretch started slashing, while the other unleashed a stinking cloud, which affected Andera and Harry. As the party tried to deal with the VERY tight confines to fight the two demons, Harry moved back, wretching and puking. Where he met another surprise- the invisible quasit that hid in the southern most alcove.

Quasit? What quasit?
As I mentioned before, I am adding more enemies due to the 5th member in the group, instead of four. In this place I thought a quasit could spice things up.

Now, the quasit's poisonous claws affected Harry quite a bit. In the front Mad dog and Andrew switch places through 5 ft steps, and Andrew comes under a fierce attack of the dretches. at the back, Harry Sena and anevia try to fight the quasit. The battle is short, as Andrew and Mad dog kill the dretches, and the quasit is wounded but disappears before it is killed.

Then a wicked idea comes to mind- what if it follows the party? with invisibility and crazy stealth it can't be detected, and it could add some nifty complications afterwards. Andrew also thinks of this, and suggest finding the bugger quickly, but they fail to locate it.

Recognizing the maze as a holy site for Baphomet (The module don't mention this, but I see no other reason for the maze to be there, and it fits thematically) Sena and Mad dog spend some time in braking 2 walls to make the maze a straight way. Horus grumbles that they are losing EVEN MORE time, but they disregard him.

With that, the party moves on.

Reaching the surface
The party follows Lann, who explains that this opening leads to a small mausoleum, with a secret room and entrance (The party think undead ahead :smalltongue:). They reach a tall ladder, and climb up to the third level of the crypt, which has sort of a balcony, from which they see Kenabres.

Music of revelation- Freedom Fighters (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YP1QHVNHMAE&noredirect=1)

As they hear the music, I tell them of what they see- proud, beautiful, thriving Kenabres is ruined now- black smoke, tears in the ground, distant lone screams, desolation of buildings, and the eerie silent of a ghost town, disrupted by the sound of demonic horns.

All 3 NPCs are distraught. Anevia falls to the ground, openly weeping. Aravash keeps asking Harry what he sees, to which the mage responds in a whisper. "You're fortunate that you can't witness this". Horus is shaken, taking a step back, but quickly becoming angry, saying he will revenge against the demons and such.

Andrew is shaken as well, but refuses to let it overwhelm him. Sena as well. It is at this that Horus erupts, openly blaming Andrew and Sena for wasting precious time in the tunnels, having them delay over and over again instead of getting back to the surface quickly and fighting the demons. His insults and accusations are severe, even for his usual style. The party doesn't respond kindly, and even think of not escorting him to his manor, as there are other pressing issues. Andrew decides to escort him however, even if it for the hop that he might later on help their fight. They speak of this in front of him, and he is appalled at their lack of concern for his safety. The relationship with him degrades, but he still joins them.

They then discuss where to go next. They have 6 destinations: The destination of each of the NPCs, and the 3 cultist safe houses. Now, I gave the party maps of Kenabres with the locations indicated. I made slight changes from the locations in the module, mostly putting Topaz Solutions and the Tower of Estrod sooner than the Defender's heart, wishing they'd tackle these places before reaching that place. But on the whole the placements are quite similar.

Andrew, feeling a better connection with Anevia, thinks of getting to her house first and foremost. But as they discuss with Aravash what sort of resources the Blackwing library could offer the fight ("What do you mean? It's the largest collection of info on demons and their ilk!") The party decides to head there first, as it is the closest place. (Which I think was the intention)

The quasit was hearing all of this, biding it's time...

Level up! Level 3
I nearly forgot about this. The party leveled up, and here are a few of the main choices:
- Sena took "Selective channeling" as a feat (To use it more effectively in a fight).
- Andera took "Shadow strike" (Mostly to be able to sneak in areas of partial concealment)
- Andrew took "improved shield bash"
- Mad dog took "Cleaving finish", we haven't decided on favored terrain yet.
- Harry took "spell penetration". His second level spells are scorching ray and some other fire spell (Which causes the target to ignite, forgot what it was)

Hp wise, Andrew and Mad dog gained well, While Sena and Harry not so much. The party was ready to start again.

Andrew's first vision
The party started heading towards Blackwing library, with Andera and Mad dog sneaking ahead of the party (Lann was over awed of the city, preferred others to act as scouts in the place he knew little of). Soon after starting however, Andrew's sight suddenly grew dimmer, dimmer, until an utter dark surrounded him, despite his darkvision. He felt a great despair, sadness, loss around him. Yet, after some more moments, he saw a tiny light, soemwhere distant, flickering, almost fading, fighting, zig aging quickly in the distance.

Andrew fell to his knee, sword struck to the ground, whispering softly ""Iomadea, there is always light in the darkness... Now I know it for sure!" The others were concerned, he sort of switched off for a few seconds, though it seemed quite a bit longer for him. Sena asked him to what happened, and Andrew relayed the vision. Sena felt encouraged by this "So we have allies in this!" Whiel Mad dog looked at Andrew questioningly "Are you ok? Feeling ill? Do you hear things as well?" But Andrew felt a new sense of purpose, and urged on.

DM notes
This is dealing with the sword Radiance. If you read the other thread discussing it, one of the forum members suggested a build up through visions, leading to the finding of Radiance, giving it more importance. I liked the idea, this is the first of such visions.

On retrospect, it's not that of a GREAT vision... I could have done more with it, but I hope the build up will be nice non the less.

Battle at The Blackwing library
As the party started to explore the city, I put the following as background dark ambient music:

Atrium Carceri, from Lustmord (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpmAD4gcLMo&noredirect=1)

As they neared the library, the made way through the shambles and ruins of the city. The place looked deserted, bodies in the streets, of demons, but mostly of the city inhabitants. Ruined buildings, burning smoulders and more. The city was the remains of a war zone...

As they reached the library, they saw the scale of devestation- there was no more library, it was a pile of rubble. All that remained was one semi standing building. "Lead me there!" Said Aravahs in a strained voice as he heard the news. As they got closer though, they saw one of the main doors opening, and someone, slightly charred and blackened, with a shield of Iomedae looking at them. "Who are you?" They explained quickly, and he smiled at seeing a paladin of Iomedae, and a cleric of Sarenrae "The demon host will be glad I've dispatched of you!"

This man was Caleb, a cavalier who turned to pillaging and killing. He blocked the entrance, and started by demoralizing them all, except for Andrew, who was resistant to fear. (the "Dazzling display" ability I think) and challenging Andrew, who quickly came close and was smacked HARD by Caleb (1d8+10 or 11 I think at full. I made slight changes to him).

As the party drew close, they heard Caleb shout back "Burn them!". Which put all kind of alarm bells with the party. Andera disappeared, and jumped through one of the halls oin the building inside, seeing 4 tieflings. 2 came to help Caleb sniping with arrows from the back, the 2 others were busy putting oil and burning 4 librarians! He got to engage them, but all the rest were outside, with Caleb's high AC blocking most of their attempts. Aravash kept insisting Harry to direct him to action, but Harry could think of no good idea.

Sena however had an idea- He pulled out his holy symbol and used Murderous command to make Caleb turn back and attack the surprised tiefling! (Caleb moves not under his accord, cursing "WTF?") This enabled the party to get in the room. The librarians started to burn, but the as they clustered around Caleb, they quickly defeated him, and with Sena's healing magic prevented from the librarians burning to death. With Caleb dead, Andrew called upon the tieflings to surrender and release the librarians (The party feared it would take them too long from their positions) and in return he will spare their lives. High diplomacy roll, and they agreed.

After math in the library
While Aravash was being welcomed by the librarians, the party was trying to investigate the tieflings. I decided their leader is called Harash. A small debate between the players as to Andrew's promise (Sena's player is a lawyer, he can come up with many meanings) but Andrews' player stuck by the meaning of the words.

Harash told them that they were raiders, from the Worldwound, where many tieflings lived. The masters said that Kenabres will soon fall, and they came in the after math of the city falling to look and kill. They did tell that most of the stronger demons have left to battle elsewhere, but didn't quite know composition or forces. This seemed quite odd to the party (With justification). The party tried a small attempt at redeem them, but Harash said their souls already belong to Deskari.

As the tieflings left, under the hateful gaze of all, Harash yelled "See you in hell!" To which Andrew replied "I'll bring a sword!" :smallbiggrin:

Loot? Loot! Caleb didn't have a lot of stuff, but Andrew took his heavy mace +1 as his primary weapon for now. There was also a burnt out spell book which Harry sat down to copy, with a few nice 3rd level spells. The module also has an 8th or 9th level "dimension something" scroll tucked into it, which I just removed. That was a bit overboard in my opinion.

The librarians told the party that the Blackwing was one of the first buildings attacked, and it was razed to the ground, by Xanthir Vang, a worm that walks. (Thankfully no one made knowledge checks, I forgot to check upon it). The demon took all the powerful magic items in the place, and destroyed anything but this small building. Aravash was truly devastated. "So I am the last...". Confused, Sean asked him "The last of what?" Aravash said he wss the last of the Rift Wardens, wot which Harry perked up. "The last of WHAT?!"

Harry's campaign trait is Riftwarden Orphan. So he tried and get some info, but due to the module not supplying any such info, :smallmad: I ended up with Aravash making some lame saying of "prophecy of someone with the power" and blah blah... Aravash said he will try to look more into the matter. (When I will.)

The librarians suggested to search maybe for Quendyss, a head researcher of the place.

A discussion then begins a new of whether to go to Horus' manor, or to the Nysserian manor. Andrew seeks mostly to gain Horus' aid in the fight, even though he won't help them directly (Horus keeps saying he can organize people to fight the demons, if he gets to his base of operations), While the others are mostly interested in what he can give them. Hearing that Horus has somewhat prepared to such an eventuality, Sena even suggests going there and raiding the place, and "burrowing" what they needed for the fight.

This was done without trying to hide it from Horus, which inflamed him, and he exploded. "You want to steal from me? After you dallied in the tunnels, carrying these two behind you instead of rushing to the fight, and now delaying once more to help these measly librarians..."
Which is when Sena back slapped Horus, sending him to the floor. "Youa want to say that about the librarians again? Every life. Every. Life. Even yours, is worth saving! What were you saying again?!" It was at this point that I understood I made Horus too much of an obnoxious person. He stood up, wiping the blood from under his nose. His face was angry, but slightly palacated. "You were right in this at least. I apologize, my tempr has gotten away from me. But you have no right to steal from me. I will give you some supplies, as we agreed, but no more. While I won't fight or deter you, I think your judgement is lacking, I will not follow you once we get to my mansion. I will raise my own resistance".

This has settled the dispute, and the party was ready to leave. Aravash decided to stay. "What remains, lore and people, are my responsibility now. We shall barricade ourselves, try to see this through. Thank you friends, and I'm sure Harry, that your destiny will come forth."

With that, the party left towards Horus' manor.

Ok, I'll stop here for now. Hope you like this. I will post the second part hopefully in the next few days. :smallwink:

Kol Korran
2014-02-10, 06:27 PM
Ok, time for the second part of the session, shall we?

Session 3, part 2- Deeper into ruined Kenabres

As the party started heading towards Horus Gwerm's manor, I decided to put a more jarring soundtrack. This was looped in repeat, to make the players... jittery. :smallamused:

The ruins music from "Full Metal Jacket" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEql5rc9X0A)

But there were a few more things on the way. I decided to use some of the "special encounters" that the module suggests.

Virgin's blood
Again Andera and Mad dog led, and near rounding a corner they heard a few templars, and a weeping woman. Mad dog hid, and Andera came into the light. He saw the templars having some tied woman, and speaking of some sort of a ritual. Andera tries to bluff the templars, so as to not to kill the woman. They speak that there is a special ritual, that requires a virgin's blood, that will make their weapons powerful. The party is quite a long way away, so Andera tries to buy time.

He sees they are not fully well, but doens't know why. He tries bluffing them, speaking of possession "May it is a lie?! Maybe it's something by one of the possessing demons, trying to trick you? Maybe one of you is possessed?" His bluff succeeds beyond measure, as the feverish templars turn to ccusations, and even shedding blood between them, till the others arrive. Andera tries to cull the confusion "We have a true paladin of Iomedae! He wil lsense and seek out the true evil!" He manages to convince them.

Fro mehre on the encoutner is fairly simple. Between Sena and Andrew, the party understands the templar's minds are wrecked from the tragedy of Kenabres, and have turned to folk tales and lost hopes. Sena is even suspicious of a demon fever. They talk with Horus, who agrees to shelter the men and care for them at his manor.

The woman (Rebecca) is grateful, and shares some of the rumors she heard:
- "The witch Areelu Vorlesh is planning on coming to the city soon to claim it as a trophy!" Andera is at unease with this, knowing she is quite powerful.
- "Lord Hulrun was killed during the attack and the demons have his body on display!" No real response from the party.
- "The Mendevian army is heading to Kenabres to save us, but who knows when they’ll get here?" Now THIS got their attention, but mostly in trying to figure out how she knows this. I didn't quite think of it, and fumbled a story about parts of the army getting outside of the walls, trying to contain the demons in the city, and some messages coming through. The party becomes suspicious of Rebecca, but also a bit encouraged. They start thinking of maybe holing up till the army comes, but Anevia seeks to continue on.

Horus Gwerm Manor
As they reached the fairly unhindered place, Horus leads them to a sort of an underground bunker. He yells at his first hand to open, and the man asks for a password. When Horus gets angry "Whatsort of password? why you..." The man opens "Just wanted to make sure it's you boss!" (This is a bit different than the set up in the module. I wanted to show Horus as having some people who believe in him, and some small organization)

The bunker holds about 30-50 people, but not all warriors. Horus immediately start setting into plan to "Get in touch with the contacts", but the party is quite unimpressed. Instead of the 1000 gp reward he promised, he gives them magical equipment of a similar value, especially designed to fight demons. The party wishes a bit to trade further with him, but the last of the niceties are gone.

Andrew seeks to make sure that Horus' people and "contacts" won't fight the party, and Horus agrees to that, but little else. It seems for a moment that harsher words are about to be spat, but both parties are quite tired of this.

Night descends, and the party think of perhaps sleeping here, this being a relative safe place. (Horus will agree to that, grudgingly). Anevia seeks to go on, becoming more desperate, but says "Whatever you decide. You have proven yourself time and again, to me you are champions". Well, after words like that...

The party moves on, towards Topaz Solutions (Before Anevia's house in my map changes). :smallwink:

Playing Horus
I think I may have gone a bit overboard with his character.s I think the module seeks to make him more... agreeable somehow, perhaps through revelations through Anevia. Well, didn't work this time. They will lose any further help he might offer.

Oh well, you win some, you lose some, eh? :smalltongue:

The Nysserian Manor
The journey there is by the dark, but is quite short. The place is a pile of rubble in a great crater in the ground. Nothing much to do here. The party thinks of perhaps trying to look through the rubble, but that will take too much time, and make too much noise. Onwards!

Second vision for Andrew
Once more, Andrew stops, as if being in another place. He can feels himself panting, sweating, running, hiding, avoiding. He knows the hunt is on, and that THEY are gaining. He must find a safe place, he must secure it, but where?

The the vision changes, and there is blackness, and a sole figure in white robes, but no face. There is sadness in it, but also resolution. It looks at Andrew with no eyes. HE can hear a clear resounding voice. "Will you take the fight?"

He answers with one word- "Always". The party starts understanding something is afoot.

Angelic Strings, Abrikandilu and return of the quasit!
This is another of the "special encounters" the module suggests, originally this it the "tailor's shop", but I made it into music instruments shop (I explain why at the end.

It's night now, and Mad dog and Andera sneak forth, when they hear screams. They rush forwards to see a shop called "Angelic strings", one wall devastated (with rubble underneath) and the doors flung open. Andera vanishes and comes close, seeing the Abrikandilu demon smashing a tuba, and also a Dretch and two of those locust fiends from the initial battle (Fiendish stirges who decrease mental stats instead of Con) He seeks to gain a better position, but Mad dog who hears the two shop owners screaming, rushes forth inside. The rest of the party are running to catch up!

Mad dog gets to the Abriknadilu and wounds it greatly, the terrified demon steps back and Shatters mad dog's greatsword! The player was in mourning, but drew her flail, and came after it. Andera first tried to fight the Dretch, but then followed Mad dog, as Andrew engaged the little green bugger. Which left Sena and Harry...

As Harry moved to strike from a logn distance, the quasit, seeing his kin, attacked him from surprise! He poisoned him more, and more, and Sena came to Harry's rescue. Thankfully, he memorized Bless weapon, which enabled him to penetrate the creature's DR, and together they managed to slay the flying demon, before it could disappear.

Andrew slew the Dretch, withstanding it's stinking cloud and cause fear (Dretch goes: "Wait, paladin?") and the others Kill the Abrikandilu.

The shop owners, Belthis and Nira Lumins thank the party greatly, and offer some meager, but special help- 2 Song Spheres. (This is instead of the module-s loot of well tailored suits... WTF?!) The party thank them, but are now worried what to do. Many of their resources have been expended, but they wish to continue, and also- If they wish to sleep, they need a safe enough place for that.

Song Spheres
This is an idea I had for some time. Mechanically this are "1 use bardic performance". These are song trapped in the sphere, and when it is crashed, the song is loosed. The party's spheres induce "Inspire courage +2" for 1 minute each.

However, I told the party they need to come up with the songs inside in order to use them, and when they break the sphere, they need to play the music. I hope it will be fun, eh? That is, if they will get to that the lazy good- for- nothings! :smalltongue:
So this is where we've stopped. It wasn't a spectacular meeting, without any special climax, but I think the atmosphere was good, and different kinds of encounters and roleplay.

Next session I think might be a blast! I'd like to see how they deal with the other two safe houses, and I hope to get to (If the players don't ignore it or circumvent it) to an interesting encounter where Radiance will be introduced, plus some other things... :smallbiggrin:

I'm not that comfortable with the very straight and linear design of the adventure. It's not what I'm used to doing, and neither are my players, but they seem to be having fun... I hope... Oh well, we'll see. Join us next time! (In about 2.5 more weeks)

Kol Korran
2014-02-10, 06:41 PM
The following links are just of some things I'm working on for the Campaign. Check if you're interested, not that important for understanding the story. Mostly for completeness:

1) Trying to find a way to integrate Sena's mentor- John, into the game. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=328612)

2) Discussing Song Spheres! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16969029#post16969029) :smalltongue:

3) Discussing the second module, and trying to improve it. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16955012#post16955012)

Nothing to see here, move along...

2014-02-13, 08:35 PM
I as DM roll no dice. Instead of monster attack rolls, there are PC defense rolls, instead of monster saves, there is spell/ power roll, and so on. DCs are known in most cases, or told once the decision to roll has been made. The main effects are:

How? Teach me oh master! lol.

Seriously, I'm always looking for ways to speed up my games (especially combat). If this works the way you say it does, I'd love to see how you make this mechanic work. (The math, etc)

EDIT: And -

Originally Posted by Kol Korran
Accompanying music for the fight, United we stand, Divided we fall.

Oh, I do approve. Perfect choice there.

I agree, Perfect choice!

Kol Korran
2014-02-14, 11:44 AM
Hey Nibbens, glad to have you as a reader. About your question-

The idea is quite simple really. The system is mostly used for player defense rolls (Instead of monster attack rolls) and players spell/ ability roll (Instead of a monster saving roll). Anything else that involves a d20 quite follows the same thing. A few more small guidelines follow.

Defense roll
The player rolls a 1d20+AC. The target number is 22+the monster's attack bonus. Reaching it means to have avoided the attack, not reaching it means you got hit. Criticals are on the lower spectrum of the d20 (1, 1-2, or 1-3 depending on the monster's attack usual threat range). players roll the damage done to them.

spell/ ability roll
This is basically the same. The player rolls 1d20+Spell/ ability's DC. the target number is 22+ the monster's save bonus. Same rules.

(Don't ask me why it's 22, but it works. I've tried many attempts, and the probabilities are the same as in rolling normally. You can try, it works. Some math guys tried explaining it to me, but I'm no math wiz. It works anyway...)

About Skills
Static skill checks are handled the same. For opposed skill checks I just let another person roll, but tell the bonus after it's rolled (Since then the character tested the difficulty of the task).

General rolls
All kind of random rolls and such I either tell the players the possible outcomes up front, or if that is not possible, I make the beneficial results be the high ones, and the negative results the lower ones. The players all know that in my game, "High is Better than low".

Things to note:
1) You basically means you can't fudge rolls. I suggest lowering slightly the difficulty when you start this, to get a hold of what is tough and what's not.
2) Battles behave unexpectedly at times. A simple battle becomes extremely tough, or a tough battle a walkover. I find this is a great thing, which creates many unexpected and fun moments in the game.
3) Players will probably become much more tactical, and often quite more involved. This is one of the most major benefits. They feel it is more... REAL in a way.

Good luck to you!

Kol Korran
2014-03-09, 05:34 PM
We played a session 2 days ago (It was postponed by a week) and it was... Wow! Excellent session, mainly it's final encounter and battle. We planned on playing 7 hours, but it got lengthened for about 9-10 hours! We it was very intense. The session started with continuing through ruined Kenabres and included some... unexpected approaches to what I thought would be straightforward encounters (I love it when the players do that!), and it ended with a major battle, and the completion of the paladin's quest for his sword.

It was a bit long, but will still be in 2 parts. Hope it doesn't bore you!

Session 4, part 1- From Topaz Solutions to Anevia's home

Last time the party were making their way towards Topaz solutions, and found an Abrikandilu and a few other demons while in a music shop. (The players forgot about the song spheres, and didn't pick music for them. Oh well... :smalltongue:)

We were back in the ruins, so I put this on again, for the mood:

Full metal Jacket- the ruins (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEql5rc9X0A)

Topaz solutions negotiations

Mad dog and Andera moved at the front again, till reaching Topaz Solutions shop- a single storied building, about 50x30 ft surface, with a single door. The windows seemed bordered up though. (I decided to make a slight change. The module puts looters here. I made the looters barricade themselves for the night. This little change proved to have some... interesting consequences).

Andera and Mad dog assumed the cultists (This WAS mentioned as a cultist safe house) have barricaded themselves in. Not waiting for the others, the two snuck from a side street to the building. Mad dog, always with an off the box approach, decided to climb the low building and look from an entry point from above. Andera meanwhile hand signaled the party to wait (Thanks Sena's senses and darkvision), and snuck around the buildings, listening at windows and such. HE heard the noise of some humanoids inside, there was a person at each of the three windows. They seemed half alert, like guards at their posts for a long time. There were even snores. Mad dog found a small barricaded venting hole (I decided there will be one. I liked the roof top approach. This was an alchemy shop after all) and through it he saw an elf staying guard, half awake.

Andera was a bit too ambitious though, and planned something with the doorway, but unfortunately he failed that stealth roll, and alerted the people inside. "Demons! The demons are coming! Get ready! Get up you fools! Kill anyone through the door!" Andera quickly jumped up and grabbed the roof, pulling himself up.

Sena's sharp senses (+11 or 12 to perception will do that to you). Heard the commotion and hushed words as well. "I don't think they are cultists..." he muttered to the rest. Hearing that Andrew called to them, presenting himself as a paladin of Iomedae, offering help and askign to get in.

The answer? "Oi! This is our place! Find your own dump to hole in! We don't need no paladin drawing them buggers here!" Andrew tries a different approach "We are trying to gather as much help as we can to fight the demons, and are making our way to get help from beyond the walls, we can help escort you from the city out!" Not exactly what the holed up wanted to hear though "Fight the demons? Brave the fiend infested streets? With you lot making noise and drawing them in! No thanks, we'll stay holed up here, whether the time till help comes, and survive! Which is more than I can say for you!" (Sniggers all around). Though Andrew has a decent diplomacy skill, he offered quite a bad deal under the circumstances, and failed quite miserably at this. Andera tried to explain this is supposed to be a cultists hideout, which they need to investigate. But the leader just scoffed at him "Cultists? The place was empty when we loo... I mean got here! There is no one here! Now bugger off!"

Andera tried his way (The looters were quite jittery at hearing someone talking from their roof). "What do you need? Food ?Water?". The leader, a dwarf by the sound of it laughed "Out of the kindness of your bleeding heart? No, we got enough to make it for a few days. Unless you got anything more appealing?" He then tried to mention Horus as a possible employer, but a quick know local roll for the looters proved as "Horus who?"

Negotiations weren't going well, so Sena (His player is a lawyer is RL) stepped forth.
S: "First of all, introductions are in order. I am Sena, cleric of Sarenrae. Who am I speaking with?"
T: "I am Tarum, leader of this bunch! Tarum's bunch that is!" (Sniggers)
S: "Ok, what do you want?"
T: "What do you offer?"
S: "What do you need?"
T: "Wha... make us an offer, something worthwhile, or else bugger off!"
S: (Guessing the type of people he's dealing with). "I can offer you gems, a few of them. I want to get inside and search the place for evidence of the looters, nothing more." (They found about 280 gp worth of gems somewhere before, I think in Hosilla's dungeon)
T: "Gems you say? Hmmm... Only you come in, no weapons!"
(Mad dog's player and Harry's player were strongly against this, fearing a trap)
S: "Me and one more, I'm not going in alone with the lot of you there!"
(Diplomacy rolls were made, a decent bargaining)
T: "Well, alright, but the gems need to be worth it, weapons down!"
Andera climbed off the roof, coming down to join Sena/ He had the best skills of the group, so they thought this is best. (Despite the tension between the characters). They got in, seeing the 6 humanoids inside, and the doors were closed behind them. Tarum demanded to show the gems. He rolled poorly on the appraise checks, and so was impressed with... 20 gp worth of gems only! "Yes, these will do nicely! We can sell them for a good price afterwards!" The party snickered, and Sena and Andera went on to search the shop, under the gaze of the looters (I don't think the party realized it by now. Tarum tried to hide the fact, saying they are just civilians who holed up here. The party apparently took him for his word).

Sena expected to find books, ledgers and such, but with Andera's help was surprised to find the trap door to the secret basement. They immediately closed it and talked in hushed tones, with Tarum utterly surprised at this find. "Hey, what's this?!" Sena hissed "It's a secret trap door, leading to a secret cultists base, as we have explained. Stay quiet or they will hear us! You still want to stay here?"

Which kid of brought this up... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZK-5tuRfcM&noredirect=1) :smallbiggrin:

It didn't took much more to persuade Tarum and his people to leave. Sena suggested getting to the Blackwing library and holing up with them. They left quickly. They went with their small bag of loot though! :smallwink:

Now the rest came in, and were ready to descend down...

DM thoughts
This was quite nice. I kinda expected first to have a small "break in/ fight in" scene, but the party approached it more realistically, less as a "kill the monsters, get the loot" kind of scene.

The diplomacy rules have proved very fun to use again. And made quite a difference between the approaches of the different negotiators, according to Tarum's bunch sensibilities and preferences. I like those rules very much!

Topaz Solutions' basement and trap room
The party feared an ambush below, and so went in down the stairs to the basement in single file, all the main PCs in front, the NPCs (Lann leading Anevia) at the back. The basement was a single room, as big as the store, and seemed to have been a combination of ab alchemist shop/ hideout, and small temple to Baphomet. The room had rotting heaps of vegetable matter in it, but was mostly otherwise vacant, stripped. In the middle of the southern wall was a large table with various alchemical stuff. On the wall Baphomet's sign. As the PCs descended into the room, just past the trap door, the mouth of the bull head of Baphomet spoke: —“Ahh... I hope you are among Iomedae’s slaves... I would hate to think of mere peasants wasting such a personal greeting from Lord Baphomet!”

As the magic mouth spoke, a tiny statue of a merilith on the table swung it's sword and broke a battle, which contained a special alchemical magical gas... Oh, and the trap door sut above the player's head, locking itself! To boot, some sort of a plant creature, so far hidden, rose from the heap to attack the party.

The entire room was a parting trap from the cultists. The plant creature proved pathetic, as action economy disposed of it before it could lay a strike (Mandragora), but the poisonous cloud was quite a hassle. It's a special item by the module, a sort of random effect inhaled poison, that can have different affects on different characters each round. Andera tried to unlock the trap while the party bashed the plant creature. It took him some time (We were a bit hazy about the lockpicking rules) but he finally managed. But In the meantime some suffered acid, fire, cold damage, wheezing coughs and bleeding and such. Once it was open they ran out till the gas was clear.

(Note: In the initial module the secret door doesn't lock. I know my players, and they would have ran out if nothing was stoppingthem, which would kind of nullify the trap, wouldn't it? I don't understand traps that give such an obvious way out)

Harry and Andera suffered the most from the gas, having the lowest fort saves. Harry especially. They went back to the room and found a chest, with some clerical clothes of Iomadae and Sarenrae, along with 5 holy symbols and a note "We have no use of these no more. We thought you should have something for your troubles!" aaaannd... they fell for that too. Harry, Mad dog and Andera picked these up, and Andera got poisoned by the contact poison on the symbols. He managed to save after one poison effect, but then continued to be grumpy about his 1 dex damage through most of the rest of the session!

The party realized they were tricked.

Where to next?
The party then went into a small discussion- to continue? sleep? Or use one of terendelev's scales? Sena for some reason was quite afraid of the dawn catching up, for two reasons- first, he thought that progress will be easier by night. Sure, the demons have dark vision, but that is limited to 60 ft, and they weren't hindered by day light. Secondly, he for some reason feared something really, really bad was going to happen when dawn came. (I don't know what triggered this). Andera sought to rest (He wished to gain his 1 dex back), but the rest also sought to continue on as much as they can. They were quite depleted, but not fully so.

Next came the question- where to next? They had 2 more destinations on their map- Anevia's house, which was a bit north of them, or the Estrod Tower, a bit west of that (by my changes, sooner than Defender's heart next). They decided to head for Anevia's house, find out what happened with Arabeth, and hopefully be free of Anevia (They were starting to get tired og the NPCs trudging along).

Andrew's third vision
If you remember from the past session, Andrew had 2 visions while traversing the city. He had another one now.

Previous visions summary
1st visions- Emergence: (Emerging from the darkness below, on the way to Blackwing) Andrew feels a great darkness falling. With it comes a powerful feeling of despair, loss, hopelessness. Then, from the darkness far away, Andrew sees a tiny light rising, and then zigzagging fast in the distance, a tiny light in the darkness.
Andrew, fell to one knee, "Iomadea, there is always light in the darkness... Now I know it for sure!"

2nd vision- Searching in the dark: (After Horus mansion, seeking the first Cultist safe house) Andrew feels himself as a hurrying figure, a hunted figure. Running, panting, fearful, becoming desperate... He feels him searching, seeking. He needs to secure it, protect it, deliver it to someone right.
Then there is darkness, and a figure in a white robe, face unseen. Andrew feels a direct question, simple one in his head. "Will you take on the fight?
Andrew replies "Always".

The current vision: 3rd vision- The burden and sacrifice: Andrew feels himself once more as the man carrying his burden. He is in a place with large columns, and many statues. In a way it is comforting, but the man also know the enemies close in on him. He is bleeding, losing blood, losing life.
The scene changes. There is a great battlefield, either in the abyss itself, or deep in the worldwound. Andrew sees his hand- a womans hand, holding a radiant long sword, slashing and hacking numerous demons. There is a lot of blood, a lot of gore, tiredness, fatigue… And he/ she know they will keep on coming, ever coming.
Again the darkness, and the voice of the figure in white from the second dream. Much blood, much gore, the fiends just keep on coming. "How long will you fight, How long will you stand? For one battle? Ten battles? A thousand? Will you make the sacrifice? How long before it will take it's toll?"

Andre gritted his teeth. "Till evil is destroyed". The rest look at him questioningly. Mad dog is quite worried about him. Sena however feels this is a powerful omen. They know not what to do with this, and move on.

Speaking of NPCs... Guess who?
So they started making their way north. I changed the music a bit, as it also fitted the next scene. Again from the previous session.

Another music of Atrium Carceri (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxuvy-_F8iw)

On the way however, Sena heard someone following them. His Perception was high enough that he heard the muttering "Yes... here they are! They walk amongst the stars as well... long? far? I shall see!" Sena groaned and nudged Andrew "We are not alone. Your friend from down below? He has followed us here..." Andrew immediately called "Millorn! N oneed to hide amongst the shadows! Come, show yourself!"

And the maddened dwarf came forth, hesitantly, without his centipede ("Wait, he ate it?!") playing with his dagger absentmindedly, slightly making shallow cut ion his fingers. He looked at them cautiously, peering.
A: "You have decided to surface Millorn? This is a big step for you! What have you done since?"
M: "I... I... I've been thinking. About what you and the dark person (Andera is black if I didn't mention this) said... lots to think about... many thoughts... many voices. Dark lords say one thing... you another... Millorn tries to think! But cannot find answer... So me come up, voices lead me to you." (Unfortunately the party didn't quite bite this last piece of info, despite other tries in the future.)
A: Did you learn anything? Did you start a new life? A new Journal? (Sena took his journal with him. Andrew gave him a blank journal as a new start)
M: Ah yes! Here! Millorn tries to make sense of this!" He shows the others his journal, who seem to have all kind of circles with strange writing in them, with arrows, lots of question marks, other symbols and such. Some think of slight retardation, Mad dog thinks these are the ramblings of a misunderstood genius.
Sena however is displeased: "This is unwise Andrew. We cannot have him follow us. He can turn either way, he can back stab us when we least expect it."
Andrew however looks at Millorn: "And how do you find the upper world Millorn?"
Millorn gaze upwards with awe. "The stars? I've been underground for more than 50 years. They are... magnificent! Distant lights, strange light, look! there a star! A soul? a fire? A star there too! So many? So pretty! So terrifying... Do they dwell there?" and his trail of thought wanders off...
(The party exchanges worried looks. Sena's player makes a joke: "Look master Frodo, at how he...")
Andrew decides: "We have started him on this path, we are responsible for him. Millorn, do you wish to join?"
M: (Quite desperately) "Yes! I come! You give me answers? Mind is so... full! Aching! Confused! I don't understand! So many!"
(More worried glances)
Andrew continues: "I shall try to help you find the truest answer for your soul, if you would listen and learn." And make a few other generalized sounding "wise advice" sayings. Sena's player laughs "You know, some major world fascists and dictators probably used the same advice. It's all a matter of interpretation." The party moves on. I gave Andrew's player Millorn's character sheet to deal with in battles, though I kept my own advice as how he behaves. (Mehcnaically he is a dwarf wizard 3, universalist, most of his spells re of illusion)

Return of Millorn, DM's thoughts
The main reason I made hi return was because the party liked dealing with him, and he brought interesting game dynamics around. Also, the campaign has a big emphasis on redemption, so I think it might be interesting to try this in the game.

A slight change from previous NPCs- I made him the responsibility of the player. First, this will make him feel more "real", and also it would lessen hassle for me.

Note: I don't mean to force Millorn on the party, and I have no exact plans or role for him yet. He's somewhat of an unexpected addition to the game, which I intend to play mostly by ear for now.

The refuge
(This was not in the original module. I added this scene for flavor mostly, as part of the "atmosphere enhancing" scenes they suggest to add in the module. This turned out more complicated than I originally planned.. Awesome! :smallsmile:)

Not that far from Anevia's house, Andera sees two children scavenging from one of the corpses strewn in the street (quite a few of them since the attack). They turn to flee but he manages to dissuade their fear, showing he means no harm, and offering help. A successful diplomacy check later, they lead him to a hidden refuge- a fallen store house, with part of it still intact.

As the party gets inside they see about 20-30 figures there, huddled civilians, hiding, ragged, some wounded, all afraid. 3 figures, by their uniform from the City's Watch come towards Andrew, who seems like the authority figure. (Sena goes immediately to tend the wounded and such), The conversation revealed that these guards managed to gather and hide these people, and are now protecting them till help will come. They have some fearful rumors ("Queen Galfrey revealed herself as a succubus and fled into the Worldwound—she’s the one who betrayed us!" and "The witch Areelu Vorlesh is planning on coming to the city soon to claim it as a trophy!") but Andrew tries to calm everyone down, certain that these are rumors spread by the enemy to strike fer in the hearts of the city. (Curiously though Andera totally believes the first rumor, and is astonished to learn that the Queen has betrayed them!)
The guards seek help, mostly material help, anything that could help them. Andrew talks about help coming from unexpected sources, like the mongrel folk from below (Motioning at Lann, which most are afraid from). They give some mundane equipment (most of their food and such). But Sena and Andera feel that if they are left here, with only these 3 fairly inexperienced guards to protect them, that they would soon die. "3 demons could kill them!" Harry laughs cynically. "3? One dretch would slaughter them all. They got no chance if they are found out!"

Which leads to a discussion. Sena wishes to take them all with them. Andera balks at the thought. "We are making enough noise as it is. 20-30 more people? We're sure to get more attention, and then they will SURELY get killed!" Mad dog doesn't like the idea of tagging along with so many. (We made Mad dog's check list for accompany NPCs: "Do they help us?", "Do they not hinder us?", "Do they shut up when told to?" If any of these comes as "no", then they should be left behind. :smalltongue:) There is a small heated debate, and they come to a compromise- Since Anevia's house is so close, they will go to check it out themselves first, and see if developments there might garner more options.

Lann thanks Andrew as they head out. "No one I know have spoken to uplanders about us like this. We thank you!" Mad dog's player is a bit annoyed at Andrew "Is there some potion or spell that can tone down the "goodness?""

Andrew on his part approaches Millorn. "So what heave we learned from this Millorn?" the dwarf seems puzzled "You... helped them? But why? You want somethign from them later? Carry favor with your light gods, yes?" (Mad dog says "I like the way he thinks!") But Andrew just replies. "Think about it Millorn. YOU tell me why we helped them later on.." The dwarf goes into contemplation.

DM thoughts
I thought this would lead to a bit of roleplay, some helping the hiding group, and moving on. I like it that the party thought this more through. The buggers might act as heroes despite what I think of them!

Anevia and Arabeth Tirabade' home
On the short way Anevia talked again about her wife, her own gender transformation, their love and such. She joked about it being so humble since Arabeth keeps donating most of her wages to charity (Most players rolled their eyes. "At least we'll get rid of her?") AS they were nearing her house Anevia shifted from nervousness to elation and back again.

The players started to make gmbles on what they will find. Most assumed Arabeth have died some grissly death.

So, upon reaching, they began to strategize the approach, even holding the anxious Anevia back. But Harry had ENOUGH! He didn't blow one single thing this session! So in an uncharacteristic move he rushed and opened the door. Sena, alarmed, rushed behind him.

In the house was Vagorg, an orc sorcerer who laid an Ambush to Anevia (They have a long history, he hunted her down, Arabeth busted him up and put him in prison, and more). He was invisible, thanks to a potion and an alarm spell, and had a few more spells ready. Seeing this wasn't Anevia, he launched at Harry, burning him with a scorching ray. Harry returned with his own ray.

This would have made an interesting battle, but Sena kept one last spell- Hold person. One failed will save later, and a pile up by the others, and Vagorg was tied up and bound.

Anevia Slapped him, seeking to kill him. A quick interrogation cleared that the demons broke the prison, and he has escaped. He came here seeking to lay ambush to either of the wives, and leave it as a display for the other. He did not know where Arabeth was though... Anevia seeks to kill him, and Andrew tries t opersuade her not to at first. The rest of the party are all for it. Andrew tries to find some sort of remorse in Vagorg, who laughs at his face, not backing down, but stating out simply "Well paladin, I am your prisoner. Shouldn't you hand me to the proper authorities?"

And Andrew gives Anevia his dagger, and they all walk out for a moment, when Anevia executes Vagorg.
Sena asks Andrew cautiously "You have doomed Vagorg, yet have saved Millorn, who undoubtfully killed many innocents as well. How do they differ?"
Andrew: "Millorn could be saved, Vagorg was beyond hope."
Sena: "Beyond hope? And you are the one to judge that?"
Andrew: "For now, in this situation, I am the only one."
Sena: "Hmmm... Beware of where that kind of thinking could lead..."

The party looted Vagorg (A unique magical Ranseur, which Mad dog took, and a wand of 3rd level magic missile, which went to Harry.) And a search in the small house revealed a stach of some healing potions, and a letter from Arabeth, saying that she went to Defender's Heart (A huge Inn, more like a big hotel), where the remains of the resistance in the city are gathered. She wrote the password so Anevia won't be shot, and added some gushy stuff. ("Wait, so we're not rid of her yet?!")

Andrew tries to teach Millorn the difference between the refuge and Vagorg, but the dwarf mostly sank deeper into his own thoughts.

Another tough decision
The Defender's Heart was some ways to the north, Estrod Tower to the west, and the refuge which they still sought to help a bit to the south. A BIG discussion came whether to head first to the refuge, and escortthem all to the Defender's heart, or to go to the DH first, and seek help to perhaps secure the refugees. (Which would also take more time overall)

And there was still the question of whether the resistance survived, or might the party find ruins and an ambush at the DH. Views and arguments changed back and forth, With Sena mostly calling to go first to the refugees, and go on, and Andera and Harry mostly calling to go scout and make sure the DH is ok first, maybe get some help to secure the big group.

The discussion last quite a bit, but at the end Sena was voted out, and the party decided to go to the Defender's heart. "You might have just doomed them all" muttered Sena, praying to his goddess to protect them, but followed suit.
Which is enough for now. I did say it was a long meeting, didn't I? I hope to write a bit more in the next few days. The next part became a huge battle, not of the module, but something of my own making, which turned out to be a blast! :smallbiggrin:

Please leave your comments, thoughts, questions and such, all are welcome.

Kol Korran
2014-03-10, 01:37 PM
Ok, so lets get the second part written! This part was quite a roller coaster blast!

Session 4, part 2- Of Halls, Mentors, Heroes and The sword!

4th and last vision
Having decided to head to Defender's Heart, the party thought of whether to sleep first, or use one of the scales. This discussion was much quicker. They decided to use a scale, since they worried that leaving the people in the refuge for too long would end badly, and also because Sena still feared something real bad is coming soon...

So they used the 3rd scale, and as the light washed over them, another vision came over Andrew: 4th vision- Final commitment: Andrew felt himself as the man, heavily bleeding, desperate, afraid. The man looked at a tall still figure, of some woman, over 3 meters tall. He takes out a sword, the same sword from the 3rd vision, only seeming older. "I entrust it to thee! Keep it safe!" And with his dying strength he sinks the sword into the leg of the woman, and dies with one sharp scream.

The darkness returns to the world, as it was in the first visions, enveloping all, sinking it into despair. Then the figure in white appears, holding a blade in it's hands, as if offering it to Andrew. "To fight for others, to brave the greatest horror, to sacrifice so other won't have to? Will you take the burden?"

Andrew replied "I already have". Unlike the other visions, he kept this one solely to himself.

A plea for help
Early morning was starting to come, and as the party made their way towards the Defender's Heart, they saw that the streets were quite deserted, other than the wreckage of the demons' invasion. The sun crept up with a sickly red light. It seems the voyage will go with little trouble.

As they were coming close to their goal, about 20 minutes walk away from the Defender's Heart, their goal in this entire night, and the place to possibly rest for the first time, they saw a young couple, ragged and wide eyed running towards them. These were Jess and William, civilians who told the party of the demons herding and gathering many people towards The Hall of Heroes, who has become entirely dark and feels... wrong. They managed to escape before reaching it, but they could hear tormented screams coming from the place, which seemed to have wrecked them both.

The Hall of Heroes was quite a way back, near the Tower of Estrod. Going back there would set them a lot back! They discussed very quickly what to do. They wanted to help William and Jess, but felt they also had a responsibility for the people in the refuge. They decided to hustle to Defender's Heart, and providing it stands, seek some help and head out quickly. Harry used his arcane bond to put Anevia on it so they could move faster, and they sped towards Defender's Heart.

"There is always some kind of twist, isn't there?" Sena and Andrew's players accused me laughingly

Wait, I don't remember this...
Those who know the module know that there is no encounter in the Hall of Heroes. I used the extra XP in the chapter to build up my own mega- encounter, in order to make a special encounter. So... yeah, hope you like it. :smallamused:

Quick arrival and quick departure at Defender's Heart
The party got there quickly, gave the pass word, and went in. Things happened quite quickly then as the party sought to go back to The Hall of Heroes. Anevia FINALLY was reunited with Arabeth, her wife, a half orc crusader of the Eagle Watch, who has become the leader of the resistance, with all the higher level NPCs dead! The Defender's Heart hummed with activity- there were quite a few civilians, merchants, warriors here, though... not as many as it would take to take over the city.

Buuuuut... there was time to explore all of this later. Andrew gave a very brief report of their journey, but emphasized the following:
- Lann was an ambassador from the mongrelmen, who wish to join the resistance. (We agreed to play this later).
- Please send help to escort the civilians at the refuge here.
- There were some cultists safe houses, only the Tower of Estrod was left to explore.
- But the main thing is that they have to rush to the Hall of Heroes. Arabeth explained that she can't send help with them now, their forces were spread over the city currently, but wished them speed and the god's favor.

Party: "Wait, so we're finally rid of one leg wipey moany?"
Anevia: "I will just say- You brought me hope in the greatest darkness, you carried me through danger and mayham, you showed what true courage means, and you returned my true love to me. I am in a life doubt to you".
Party: "Interesting. Lets get moving!"
Anevia's relationship has become intimate, the highest rank.

Sena however asked one more question "I seek Master John, of the Knoghts of Sarenrae. Did he survive, do you know where he is?" Arabeth could only tell him he took a group of soldiers and went into the city. The player can sometime guess my mind... :smalltongue:

This prompted Andera to inquire of members of his own spy organization, especially anyone black who's called Raat Mukdir (Night spy). Arabeth said that John spoke of being in contact with such a person. So they knew they needed to find him.

They left Lann and Anevia back, but Millorn ran along with them. Towards the Hall of Heroes.

Mentor John
The Hall of Heroes is a sort of a museum where the city commemorates the heroes of the crusades and the city itself, in a vast hall with many statues. It is considered one of the more sacred places for the city. It is also deeper inside. But strangely the party manages getting there with little to no trouble. As they get close, Sena gets a call from a window of a nearby mostly intact building. It is Amy, a fellow crusader from The Sovereign Order of Sarenrae (The player made up this order in character creation. A militaristic organization, following the goddess, but funded separately from the city's council). They quickly got in, and saw a room with 7 figures- 6 of them were junior members of the order, but one was John, Sena's mentor and father figure!

Image of John

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/MentorJohn3_zps24024f85.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/MentorJohn3_zps24024f85.jpg.html)

The player loves Russel Crowe's performance. And he just loves Gladiator! :smallwink:

The two rose and hugged momentarily. "Senatef! Child! I'm so happy seeing you here! I was afraid that..." there was a slight pause, before the smile returned to John's face. "But I see you have survived, and you seem... different now, since last I saw you." Sena also welcomed John, and deferred to him, somewhat subservient, and introduced his friends, and relayed the situation. John clapped his back. "It seems you have brought reinforcements. We heard of this situation not long before you. We came here to observe and gather info. It seems dretches, imps and many tiefligns are bringing people from every where into the hall of heroes, but we do not know for what purpose. The screams echo from there every so often..." (As if on cue there was a scream, and a strange... feeling in their bones. Everyone seemed unease). "We hear some sort of a faint repeating nosie from inside, as if of a hammer... we're not sure, but I fear the forces there ware way too much for us to handle. We need to go back and get more power."

Sena however refused. "I can't do that John. We need to go and investigate, and do it now." John tried to dissuade him "I appreciate your intention, you confirm choosing you. Indded the right sentiment! But this is no time for sentiment, this is wr, and I cannot let you throw your life on a suicide mission! Those demons come out afraid, and there is only one thing demons truly fear- more powerful demons. I don't know what sort of danger we're facing there!"

But Sena would not be dissuaded. "Then this is exactly why we need to go there. They are putting a lot of effort into it, and I'd wager this is a time sensitive matter. We arrived here for a reason- you don't know what's inside? We'll find out, and if possible, we'll act upon it! This is no time to "wait and see". We will go and seek out the meaning of this.".

There was another scream, and Andrew also said his piece. "Beside that- there are people getting tortured and most likely killed there. We need to save them. With all due forgiveness Commander, we must go inside." Andera was curious though- "Do you know of a Raat Mukdir?" John seemed surprised, but then smiled, thoughtful. "I know of their numbers and presence in Kenabres. We... collaborated on some matters. One of them spoke of making a daring theft from the Gray Garrison- it's the mian hold of the demons now. We think they are guarding something there. But he seem to wish to steal something special." Andrew perked his ears up. "Steal what exactly?" John shook his head "Something about the burned out light, or the ember, not sure".

Andrew and Sena's players looked at each other "You gave the moral speech, and I gave the strategic speech". "Isn't that what we do?" Their speech, (And Sena's close connection to John) enabled them to persuade Him and 4 of his soldiers to follow them. John clapped Sena on his shoulder. "Well well, you have grown much. We shall go with you, what is your strategy?"

I gave Sena's player John's character sheet. mechanically he is an Oracle 6, battle mystery, haunted curse. HE fights with a halberd, and has a mostly depleted wand of CMW. (Saved mostly for his soldiers). Though he does have great casting ability, for this scene he is quite depleted (can cast 3/2/1 spells).

Role of John
The player wants to explore the master- apprentice relationship. We both agreed that the initial encounter was somewhat... lacking, but hope to fix that in future sessions. I seek to both explore the relationship, but also challenge the player later on with facing less popular decisions from his mentor possibly (He seeks some kind of conflict).

I will go into John's short background later, when the two talk more. I'll just say that I have plans for John for the second part, possibly replacing both Sassoviel and Aron Kir together, in one character. Still thinking about it. But I think that for Sena to face John's addiction could be indeed interesting... :smallamused:

Hall of Heroes Layout and plannings
John had a map, so I put on the battle map of the Hall of Heroes on the table. A bit of explanation: The hall is big, about 27x16 squares in size. The main doors open to a big corridor that stretched forward, with two rows of columns. To the left of the hall were two big openings, to statue galleries of the heroes of the first and second crusade. The outer wall here was partly broken down, allowing entrance to either room, but there was some debris here (Rough Terrain).

To the right of the hall there two opening to a larger Gallery for the heroes of the 3rd and 4th crusade together. Further along there was an opening to a 5x5 room who functioned as a small temple and altar to the main 5 gods of the crusades: Iomedae, Sarenrae, Torag, Shellyn and Desna.

At the end the great corridor opened to a great wide Gallery, commemorating the high generals, mages, priests and such of the crusades, along with a statue of Terendelev.

So all in all there were two openings- the main doors (One was fell, so a person could enter, though through a 2 square opening) or the break in the wall leading to the galleries of the first and second crusade, about half way along the length of the hall. A wider opening, but there was quite a lot of rubble.

And there was also the trouble of darkness. The place was entirely dark (Demons have dark vision), but only Andrew and Sena could see. (Well, Mad dog too with a potion of darkvision) The party sought to get to the hall by surprise (They had Millorn's invisibility spells plus a few invisibility potions, just enough for them 5). However, the darkness made this complicated. They guesses there is one major "demon boss" inside, and sought to bring it down by surprise.

Andrew also had another issue here. "The hall with columns. The 3 m woman where the sword was struck. It fits the description of the Hall of Heroes, right?"

So the final plan was sort of like this: The 5 of them will sneak with invisibility from the side entrance (Greater chance to get to the boss demon sooner), and the others (John, Millorn and 4 soldiers) will get from the other entrance once they hear trouble start. (I ruled out it will take them 2 rounds to get to the doors at full run).

The party spread between them the oil of bless weapon. They knew they will need them. Sena cast 3-4 self buff spells, they drank the potions, and snuck ahead.

So far, so good?
As the party closed in to the opening they could hear some sort of a hammering, a noise that caused a strange vibration in their bones, a great unease. They reached the opening, and Sena, Mad dog and Andrew saw that in the main corridors were some grisly large statues of humanoid bones hammered together to strange monstrosities of statues. The noise was coming from a bit further in, still hidden by walls.

But Andrew saw something else- from across the corridor, in the other side, in the gallery of the 3rd and 4th crusade, there was a soft low light shining, seemingly from some statue. The party themselves couldn't communicate (They wanted to keep quiet), but Andrew's player just said: "I'm going for the sword!"

The party moved past the rubble without being detected (There was still enough light here for Andera and Harry), and as they progressed they saw more things: There were 5 large statues in the large corridor, nearly blocking it towards the gallery at the end. In which the party could see quite a few prisoners, tied and bound with ropes, and also quite a lot of blood, and flesh... Amongst the statues there was a flying gaunt creature, working with great speed over one grotesque statue, with the hammer and Kama. Andrew just knew this was not a normal fiend, but a half fiend, made of some other creature.

Thhere were more fiends there though. Ner the main opening, and standing guard over the prisoners were some tielfings, and also 1-2 Abrikandilu. As Andrew drew closer to the source of light he saw some other figure, currently with it's back to him, but definitely "wrongly made", covered i n gret robe, speaking in the Abyssal tongue (Which Andrew didn't understand). It was trying to deal with a long sword stuck in the stone of some past hero, along with an Abrikandilue who tried to wreck the statue. The two sounded frustrated.

Sena was worried about the statues. He thought of some kind of a dark ritual involving undead. they stopped there (Mostly since Harry and Andera couldn't see any further in without drawing light and burning their cover). They started to put the oils and such but...

Andrew went for the sword, and rolled quite low on his stealth roll. With 2 of the main demons with very high perception, and some lesser demons using aid another, a low enough roll was enough. The cloaked figure turned, it's cloak opening in a whirl, showing a red sand skinned lanky demon, whose face is dominated by one huge eye, surrounded with teeth. It spoke with it's horrid abyssal tongue, Harry understanding perfectly. "Intruders! Heroes come to the Hall of Heroes, and heroes perish as well!" The entire place was put on alert! Show time!

Who and what are the demons
There were 6 teiflings, 3 Abrikandilu, but also 2 major demons, special templated demons:
1) A half fiend Bone Cobbler. Changed slightly to use a KAma and light hammer instead of just two hammer.
2) An advanced Agash Div, a demon who specializes in curses and gaze attacks. I changed his resistance from DR 5/ cold iron or good to cold iron and good.

Battle joined!
Well, not exactly... They were still invisible. The demons knew someone was here, but not where or how. They could still...

But Mad dog had enough, and started the offensive by throwing a tanglefoot bag on the flying creature. (The Bone Cobbler). Well, time for some music!

Archangel from Two Steps from Hell (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaJ3WtWOQTw&noredirect=1)
(The party: "Didn't we hear that at the end battle in the Eberron, where there were dragons crashing on us? So it's THAT kinda battle!" :smalltongue:

The tanglefoot hit, but the creature stayed flying. It flew up and used some force on the ground, between the statues (Desecrate) The party felt the wave of evil emenating from that spot, but was too busy. Why busy? Because MAd dog just became visible, and so thetieflings and Abrikandilus came rushing. Sena Stepped forth, and unleasehd a Spear of Purity on the Bone cobbler, illuminating him for a second. In that second HArry cursed, since he recognized what it was (Very high knowledge skills) "It can make the statues to undead! Kill it before it does!". One Abrikandilue came from behind, and Harry drew his lighted dagger, sneak attackign it. Harry joined in with MM support.

Meanwhile, across the hall Andrew circled the Agash (averting his eyes) and tried to draw the sword. To his surprise he heard a rush of voices, spirits or whatever, entering his mind "Is he worthy? Not worthy? Must check! must test! Cannot give to anyone!" and then felt a rush of inquisitive mind barge into his. The sword would not budge.

The Agash didn'st see Andrew (Who was right next to him), but he saw the others, especially Sena who hammered his morning star on his shield, trying to draw as much fire as he can to himself. he moved and launched his spectral hand and Sena, easily hitting him, but failing to curse him. The demon called out (And somehow Andrew could understand him this time) "Kill them all, leave no one alive!" Two Abrikandilu rushed towards the frightened shrieking prisoners.

The battle intensifies
Mad dog, hearing Harry's warning, rushes beneath the flying bone cobbler but realizes he can't reach him. Instead he uses the position, reach, cleave and finishing cleave to take out 3 tieflings in one superb round. Unfortunately, moments later the bone cobbler, using the desecrated area animates the five bone statues, 4 of which turn on Mad dog, and bludgeon him to 0 hp in 4 strikes (1 a crit).

Harry and Andera try to off the Abrikandilu and 2 of the remaining tieflings, they are getting seriously cornered, and taking heavy damage. Sena curses, and channels energy to heal. Meanwhile Andrew feels the voices probing, checking "Is he worthy? Will he do? Can we trust him? Is he worthy?" and keep probing. He gets really frustrated, and suddenly concerned as he sees the two abrikadilus reach the prisoners, who cowers back. One bites and kills off a prisoner. The player is quite frustrated.

Harry hammers the Agash with some magic missiles (The only magic he has that doesn't dsuffer from resistance), and the creature dimension doors beyond Harry's line of sight, into the darkness again.

Sena worries for Mad dog, he moves in provoking attacks of opportunity from the skeletons, and Mad dog retreats to a safer place. Seeing the cleric's power, the bone cobbler calls for his skeletons to attack it (Did I mention they have several arms?) And Sena comes under attack of many blows. Thankfully his high AC prevents the worst of it, but then the bone cobbler drops down, and Smite Good Sena, very nearly missing him.

Harry and Andera have a tough time against their foes. Harry steps forth and unleashes burning hands, catching up many of their foes, but is then felled to the ground. Andera, who fights a desperate fight against the Abrikandilu shouts "When are they coming?"

The cavalry, sort of. And the sword
At that moment the soldiers arrive, with John and Millorn behind them. They barge in through the main gate and rush forward. One soldiers breaks out a sun rod, which lightens quite a bit. They start to fight the skeleton statues near them, while John goes on healing duty.

Meanwhile Andrew feels the voices still probing "Worthy? not worthy?" But he sees the Abrikandilu starting to kill prisoners. He just says "screw this", and intends to run towards the abrikandilu, drawing his sword. But as he lets go he hears in his mind a resounding clear voice. "Worthy!" And the sword slips into his hand. The players really liked that, and it caught them by surprise (I worried it would be too obvious). Andrew' player looked slightly shocked for a moment, but then smiled.

Radiance/ yet too be named sword.
This is Radiance, the special paladin's sword in the module. Currently it is a +1, cold iron, blessed long sword that can shed light as a torch (but is considerd a 3rd level spell for overcoming magical darkness), and the wielder can understand abyssal and infernal (Speaking it still cost skill points). This is a bit more than in the module, but very little)

The sword may gain power in future modules, and it is also a legendary weapon for purposes of mythic powers and such.

I gave the player the option of renaming his sword. He is thinking about it seriously. I wonder what it will be!

A great light shines from the ancient blade, as he runs with it across the gallery, the temple, towards the surprised Abrikandilu, yelling "Iomadaaaaaaaeeeeee!". The Agash is surprised and send his spectral hand towards him "You wish to die... Hero?" and this time the curse works, and Andrew's charisma is reduced by 6! (The player curses "So far for Smite Evil!")

Speaking of Smite, Sena backs away, healing, getting Harry back to action. defending from the barrage of skeleton weapons. The Bone Cobbler unleashes a cone of slow, but most except John and Harry succeed. The soldiers prove quite effective, taking down 2 of the damaged skeletons. Mad dog returns to the fight after downing a potion, and helps them.

As Andera, Harry and Sena fight the bone cobbler, the soldiers, Mad Dog, John and Millorn fought the remaining bone skeletons, Andrew keeps fighting the Agash and the 2 Abrikandilu, healing himself with lay on hands, and trading unsuccessful blows with the demon, (Always averting his gaze and frustratingly succeeding) trading insult in the best of boss fight battles' tradition.

Ending this
The battle turns mostly to a battle of attrition over a few rounds from then, till Sena finally manages to land a killing blow on the bone cobbler, and Andrew puts in a critical hit with the sword, and another with his spiked shield, damaging the Agash greatly. The Agash steps back "We shall meet again hero, I shall inform the great ones a Sword Wielder has been found!" And he Dimension doors and disappears.

This was quite late at night here, and most enemies were vanquished, so we decided to end the battle there.

A heroes reward
As the demons died or fled, the party breathed in. They were bloody, depleted of resources, but they were victorious. Suddenly, a warm light, a comforting bright light started to shine through the hall...

Heart of Courage, Two Steps From Hell (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vygZV5n97DU&noredirect=1)

The sense of a great evil was fading from the hall, filled in with the spirits, images and figures of past heroes... they floated towards the characters, touching them, welcoming them, hugging them, nodding to them. The party could see other figures in the crowd, images of the gods, who spoke from afar, but with a great intensity, compassion, resolution, kindness.

They could see the image of Sarenrae, with her fiery wings. "For choosing mercy over judgment". In their mind they saw the meeting with Millorn, they saw the sick soldiers who sought to sacrifice the virgin.

There was the colorful bird of Shellyn. "For seeing true beauty, where others see ugliness." They saw the image of Lann, Chief Sul, Opoli.

There was the image of the stern dwarf Torag. "For planning ahead, and keeping your wits in a tough situation". They saw Andrew's Alter self trick with the mongrelfolk, Sena's spell and acting fast to free the librarians at Blackwing, Andera tricking the diseased soldiers

The Saw the heavenly butterfly of Desna. "For protecting the weak, and keeping a promise, even when it's not convenient". They saw Anevia, Aravash and Horus, each with the trouble they brought.

And lastly the warrior woman Iomedae. "For facing fear, facing evil, and never, ever, giving up!" They saw their battle at the arena, their desperate battle against Hossila's cultists, and lastly them venturing here.

The five voices sang as a chorus. "For all of these, we thank you, our heroes. We can not offer more direct aid, but may this strengthen you for the battles to come!" The party felt great warmth through them, as they gained the gods' blessing.

Each got a +2 to one skill, +5 max hp, +1 to a save of their choice, and 1 extra feat.

As the gods and passed heroes faded away, the party could see the astounded faces of the soldiers, Millorn, and John especially. "The heroes... the heroes have returned!" Andrew, weilding his new shining blade came to Millorn, laying a hand on the astonished dwarf. "So Millorn, what have we learned from this?"

And on that note we ended the session! Oh, almost forgot- LEVEL UP! :smallbiggrin:

Each Player's XP- 9,220!

Hall of Heroes design
I had quite a few goals in this encounter:
1. In the next part of the adventure the PCs practically take on the role of saving the entire Mendev army. As such I wanted to give them some sort of... "qualifications" to do that, other than "you seem to know how to handle yourself" Which the adventure assumes. I wanted there to show of "heroism".

In the Gray Garrison the party is supposed to do all kind of tasks while they keep on attacking it, gaining the favor of Iomedae. However, I think that is entirely unrealistic, and the focus on Iomedae is a bit too much for my taste, especially when two PCs worship other gods. So I decided to put the reward here. I didn't grant the +2 for attribute (I think that is a bit too much)

2. I felt that reaching the Defender's inn is the turning point of the module. Up till then they just try to survive, from then on they are the forefront of the resistance. I felt there needed to be a suitable mega battle for transition.

The Hall of Heroes was a floating encounter that I wished to make before they actually reach Defender's Heart (Since that opens a whole new new of issues). This kinda worked, but it worked nicely I think.

3. I wanted there to be a battle for Sena and John to fight together. The party sought to split them up however, which was a bit a shame, but oh well. There might be more opportunities. Sena's player didn't quite know what to do with John. Coming from the main door proved to take a lot of time, so John barely acted. Oh well.

4. A final piece for finding Radiance. I took on the advice of some of the people in the thread about the quest for the sword, and used three main elements:
A) Visions: This was mainly as a build up to finding the sword, as well as showing a bit of it's history. I think the player answered nicely for each vision, though I think if he had the time, he would compile lengthier answers, I dunno. I put here the four visions under a spoiler for those interested. I think the player quite liked the visions, though he was possibly a bit miffed about them. I might need to do these better.
Visions in the ruins of Kenabres
1st visions- Emergence: (Emerging from the darkness below, on the way to Blackwing) Andrew feels a great darkness falling. With it comes a powerful feeling of despair, loss, hopelessness. Then, from the darkness far away, Andrew sees a tiny light rising, and then zigzagging fast in the distance, a tiny light in the darkness.
Andrew, fel to one knee, "Iomadea, there is always light in the darkness... Now I know it for sure!"

2nd vision- Searching in the dark: (After Horus mansion, seeking the first Cultist safe house) Andrew feels himself as a hurrying figure, a hunted figure. Running, panting, fearful, becoming desparate... He feels him searching, seeking. He needs to secure it, protect it, deliver it to someone right.
Then there is darkness, and a figure in a white robe, face unseen. Andrew feels a direct question, simple one in his head. "Will you take on the fight?
Andrew replies "Always".

3rd vision- The burden and sacrifice: (After Topaz solutions, on the way to Anevia's house) Andrew feels himself once more as the man carrying his burden. He is in a place with large columns, and many statues. In a way it is comforting, but the man also know the enemies close in on him. He is bleeding, losing blood, losing life.
The scene changes. There is a great battlefield, either in the abyss itself, or deep in the worldwound. Andrew sees his hand- a womans hand, holding a radiant long sword, slashing and hacking numerous demons. There is a lot of blood, a lot of gore, tiredness, fatigue… And he/ she know they will keep on coming, ever coming.
Again the darkness, and the voice of the figure in white from the second dream. Much blood, much gore, the fiends just keep on coming. "How long will you fight, How long will you stand? For one battle? Ten battles? A thousand? Will you make the sacrifice? How long before it will take it's toll?"
Andrew grits his teeth "Till evil is destroyed"

4th vision- Final commitment: (Leaving Anevia's house towards the Defender's Heart). Andrew feels himself as the man, heavily bleeding, desperate, afraid. The man looks at a tall still figure, of some woman, over 3 meters tall. He takes out a sword, the same sword from the 3rd vision, only seeming older. "I entrust it to thee! Keep it safe!" And with his dying strength he sinks the sword into the leg of the woman, and dies with one sharp scream.
The darkness returns to the world, as it was in the first visions, enveloping all, sinking it into despair. Then the figure in white appears, holding a blade in it's hands, as if offering it to Andrew. "To fight for others, to brave the greatest horror, to sacrifice so other won't have to? Will you take the burden?"
Andrew replies "I already have".

B) Secret personality tests. The sword/ god/ whatever tested Andrew 3 times:
- The plea for help from William and Jess, while so close to Defender's Heart. They were close to failing this, but their reasoning was good enough- they went there to save the people in the refuge, and left immediately after that was achieved.
- John telling them to get back, that it's too much for them. yes, I know, kind of a "meh" test. Maybe should have though of something better.
- The last test was mostly due to the visions- they build up to getting the sword, getting the sword, and so Andrew did just that- went for the sword. But the player did play him well enough, and let the sword go for protecting the prisoners, which was the last test- by letting it go he earned it.

What if he had failed the tests? Well, He would have found the sword as it is, but it would gain no further powers. Without the risk of Failure then should be no reward. Thankfully he did pass! :smallbiggrin:

C) Properties fit for the situation. The sword has 3 powers that helped the situation- the first is it's ability to overcome the Agash DR (Though it's DR is low- only 5), the ability to shed light, and to understand infernal and abyssal (This last power isn't in the original module). It's important to note that none of these powers are a MUST HAVE to finish this encounter. I don't like making choke points for players. (Even if the module kinda does).

5. LAst but not least- A tough, fun and challenging battle! The statues and the size of the skeletons made it so their movement was hampered, but that they proved as blocks as well. This proved to be a major complicating and tactical point in the battle. Also there were quite a few passages, but also enough places to be cornered in, so maneuvering became critical 9And Andera and Harry got seriously stomped there). Lastly some interesting choices, be it focusing on either the Agash or Bone cobbler, Sena needing to decide whether to do a healing or damaging channel, and the question of the prisoners and more.

So here we stopped, at a very suitable point. We were quite exhausted (Me especially, running a 9-10 hours session ain't easy!) The players were quite psyched, though I worry this last battle was a bit too much for our new player, Mad dog's player. She was somewhat at a loss at the battle...

Next session is about a month ago. The party still need to check out the Tower of Estrod, and after that... The Gray Garrison. I hope to use Defender's Heart to give a bit more place to roleplay some stuff- Arabeth, John, Millorn, Perhaps the return of Chief Sul and Maybe Aravash, and so on.

The party hasn't yet made their choices for the Heroes Reward, or the choices for 4th level. They are supposed to send me details in the next few weeks. I will post an update with their main 4th level features, for those interested.

Ok, this was a loooooonnng write. If you've come this far- thank you! I hope this was an interesting read! Please, leave a comment, question, anything. Knowing people read this does encourage me to go on. Thanks, and goodbye for now! :smallsmile:

2014-03-11, 04:57 AM
It has been an exiting read so far. Thanks for the write-ups :smallsmile:

I like your changes to the module, especially the start. I was impressed how you managed to wove in the actions of the party in the adventure so far to the god's speeches after the last battle.

Keep it up :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2014-03-13, 12:48 PM
Thanks Zombiemode! :smallbiggrin:

My players joked a bit about the Gods' speech. "Who us?". They thought I was quite stretching it with the "good planning and keeping your head in a tight spot" bit though... :smalltongue: But on the whole I do think they quite liked it.

Thanks again, nice to hear some people read the log and enjoy it. :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2014-03-17, 01:37 PM
Between Session 4 and 5- Group dynamics and planning ahead

In this post I intend to share my understanding of the place the characters hold now, and their dynamics. After that I intend to write about some issues I'm pondering about. I would love any advice you can bring, or just brainstorming as well... :smallamused:

This post doesn't include any log from an actual session, just some DM's thinking and prep work. If you're not interested, you'll have to wait for the next update.

The Party so far
1) Andrew: He plays a paladin quite well. I'm wondering if it's TOO well? He hasn't become obnoxious, but some players (Mad dog and Sena's players mainly) made a few remarks of slight annoyance. That may be however due to not quite disliking the tone of the campaign (Though we did agree to this before hand, so I'm a bit perplexed. :smallconfused:)

Andrew is also quite obviously the party's leader and main decision maker. I don't think this comes from the paladin status, but from the player's abilities to lead. He makes a good leader I think.

Now he has his sword, and is contemplating a name for it. He has also become Millorn's teacher, which should prove interesting indeed. I do think he will become the army's leader in the next module.

Mechanically he is VERY effective. They designed the paladin class quite well in PF. He is a force to be reckoned with!

2) Senatef: The player is probably the best optimizer in the group, and probably the smartest when it comes to tactics. Sena proves to be the voice of reason, and some suspicion. The party, especially Andrew have come to rely on his advice quite often.

He also acts as partner to Andrew's moral compass. It's a bit weird, since the player usually plays the bastard. And indeed, he has problems fully relating to the character, and seeks some conflict (Which will be somewhat hard in such a straightforward campaign).

A point that has just emerged in the relationship with John. It's a serious matter which I need to consider.

Mechanically Sena proves at once as a healer, but also tank. His AC is usually the highest, and he rarely gets hit. (But when he does he goes down fast. Amongst the lowest hp in the party, including Harry). Sena in many ways keeps the group up and functioning. Very low damage output, which frustrates him.

3) Andera: Andera is still somewhat of a mystery to me. He keeps changing tactics and approaches in every session. Due to REALLY lousy dice rolls he often comes to be a liability to the team and they need to save him, or he doesn't hit with his attacks and such.

Andera proves a strange mix of extreme caution, but when battle is joined he usually goes beyond the lines to SA the enemy. There is a friendly rivalry between him and Sena (Both players and characters), which adds quite a bit to the table.

I find it quite hard to find places to put in parts of his past. He is part of a secret semi- ninja spy organization. This is a big concern since the player is a major role player in the group. I have ideas of making Nurah of the next module somehow connected to him. I put at times hints of his organization in the game, but he seems to ignore it.

4) Mad dog: The player is a new one, and we play not very often, which leads to quite a lot of difficulty learning the game. It's her second experience with roleplaying total. I fear that she is getting quite lost. Andera's player tried to sit with her and explain things, but Andrew' player and me decided to make a simpler character sheet for her, and I will try to sit with her once or twice before the next session and explain the basic mechanics of the game more simply. She has no problems roleplaying, and is quite enthusiastic.

I really like her ideas, she id definitely the creative and unexpected element in the party. She often comes with ideas and strategies that the more experienced players, thinking mostly in games terms, do not think about. She does have quite a style!

Mechanically, Mad dog is a brutal damage machine, bashing left and right! The player enjoys that very much (She is... disturbingly... into gore and bloodshed... :smalleek:) which works out quite fine. I think she feels a bit limited at the "hit it again" tactic. We may need to find soemthing else for her ingenious mind.

5) Harry: The player wants to "blast and kill things". Unfortunately, despite my wornings about the demons' immunities and resistances, the player chose an evoker. He has become quite frustrated about having his damage potential so reduced by 70%+ of their enemies. He relies VERY heavily on magic missile. Perhaps he'll have some time to research another spell or something, I don't know.

He usually shy from the conversations and debates, but at time comes with some insightful remarks. In short, I need to find him more targets to blast... effectively. We'll see.

Things I'm pondering about: (WARNING! Possible spoilers!)
1) The role of the NPCs: So far the party has 2 meaningful NPCs with them- Commander John, and Millorn. Soon Arabeth will join them. And they may decide to keep Lann with them or not. Plus, I need to make some connection to Andera's organization, which may be with an NPC, or someone else? So here are some thoughts:
- The second module includes some NPCs, one of them a halfling who is a saboteur, and another who is addicted to shadow's blood, and come to desert the party. The module assumes these are found out fast, but I think... lets play on that!

I want to have John join the party on their quest to take Drezen, probably substituting Sosiel and Aron Kir. John will have the dark secret of beign addicted to Shadow's blood, and may at some point desert the party. HE'll be so ashamed at this, and will hide it from Sena. How will Sena respond to this? I'm thinking of making the halfling a double agent- on one hand she does work for the demons, but on the other hand she's the wife of the Raat Mukdir who gave his life to rescue Radiance, and I intend to try and have her connect with Andera. And there will be Millorn... The three won't quite like each other, and may try to undermine or influence the party against the other NPCs. As the sabotage and sowing of dissent becomes more clear, it may cause interesting conflict I think. And near Drezen (providing Nurah wasn't found first), John and Millorn may desert the camp (Each due to their own issues. John because of shadow's blood, Millorn due to something with his madness, or maybe he finds that the dark powers are spying through him, or maybe Nurah made him run) which will bring up quite a lot of questions about both, while Nurah keeps her schemes.

This sounds fun, but I'd like to put someone for Andera to interact with sooner. I thought to put Nurah with the forces at Defender's Heart, but then she will alert the demons or try everything within her power to stop the party.

Do you have any idea of an NPCs to bring for Andera? Or how to better the plot?

About Lann? I'm thinking of perhaps making him the leader of a small force of Mongrelfolk who joins the party on their way to Drezen. I think it may be nice, and add a small force of infiltrators who aren't effected by the Worldwound energies.

Arabeth? Still have to see what the party will think of her. I want to make her feel like a small time general and leader.

2) Areelu Vorlesh' revenge: I have discussed in one of threads some ideas for adjusting the Gray Garrison, but I still haven't found a satisfying solution to the last encounter. I asked I asked about this in another thread, for those who don't read this one. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=17194363#post17194363) I'm looking to make this end of the campaign much better than the... disappointing ending the module brought.

Again, any ideas on the matter are more than welcome.

3) Defender's Heart: I see this place as a major place for the party to roleplay in non-combat situation. The major NPCs, the Mongrelfolk who emerge, Their new roles as Chosen Heroes (TM), and all the juicy interactions in between. Still working on this, but I hope the party will enjoy it.

I'd really really like to put some sort of character for Andera to interact with. (I said that enough in this thread, haven't I? :smalltongue:)

I don't want to tip my hand before then next session (No great twists and surprises here), But I'd love to hear any of your ideas, what things you think the characters can find appealing, what can add flavor, interest, intrigue? All ideas are welcome! :smallsmile:

Ok, I hope I haven't bored you. I'm slowly working on adjusting some stuff for Defender's Heart and the Gray Garrison. I hope it will be a blast!

2014-04-02, 01:40 PM
Kol Korran I really appreciate the work you have put into the game! I am about to run this Adventure Path in the coming weeks for my group and was looking for a thread that had a GM that changed some stuff around. You really seem to add a lot to the game, which I often find myself doing. However with a busy schedule it often times can be hard to find the time. Unlike you my group wishes to play once a week which can be overwhelming to a GM.

Either way I just wanted to say keep up the good work and please post as much as you can about your game. While I haven't started I will surely be using some of your ideas and suggestions for the game. I'm not as far as you and haven't read the second installment yet so I'm not a lot of help for you yet. However I hope to be.

Last thing, I didn't have a account for this website till reading your thread. I literally made one just to tell you I read your work and wished to read more!

Kol Korran
2014-04-03, 11:29 AM
Kol Korran I really appreciate the work you have put into the game! I am about to run this Adventure Path in the coming weeks for my group and was looking for a thread that had a GM that changed some stuff around. You really seem to add a lot to the game, which I often find myself doing. However with a busy schedule it often times can be hard to find the time. Unlike you my group wishes to play once a week which can be overwhelming to a GM.

Either way I just wanted to say keep up the good work and please post as much as you can about your game. While I haven't started I will surely be using some of your ideas and suggestions for the game. I'm not as far as you and haven't read the second installment yet so I'm not a lot of help for you yet. However I hope to be.

Last thing, I didn't have a account for this website till reading your thread. I literally made one just to tell you I read your work and wished to read more!

Thanks BriceThe Red! :smallbiggrin: That quite cheered me up! We're playing on next Saturday (Had problems scheduling a good time). And I think it will be a blast. Tomorrow I hope to have a tutoring session with Mad dog's player: Understanding the character sheet, the types of actions and possibilities, and how to work with the other team members. I want to build her confidence enough to dare more. I hope this will work. She's a cool player (If a bit bloodthirsty :smalltongue:)

I intend to post a small crunch summary of the characters now they've reached 4th level. I don't have all the info from them right now, but will soon I hope. Harry's player is having some trouble choosing the extra feat, and his spells.

I have made quite a few plans for the Defender's Heart and Grey Garrison, mostly using the module, but with my own few additions. I changed the end to a large degree though, and I hope to see how they will respond to it. We might even take the campaign off the board and the adventure path, depending on a few choices they will make. If that goes, well... We'll roll with it.

Last thing, I'm going over all the threads concenring this campaign so far and adding the relevent tag words (See below the thread), in case anyone seeks to look at all the threads concerning this campaign. (As if this wasn't enough. :smallwink:). And again, thanks for the encouragement. It's really nice to see others like this too!

Kol Korran
2014-04-11, 08:10 AM
The session is tomorrow, and I'm working on some of it. I thought to put up a summary of the characters so far, crunch wise, after achieving 4th level, and receiving the rewards of the Hall of Heroes (+2 to a specific skill, +1 to a save, +5 hit points, and +1 feat). Hopefully you'll enjoy? :smallwink:

Race: Angelkin aasimar, celestial crusader race variant.
Class: Paladin lvl 4. (Recent gained abilities- Channel energy, Spell casting 1st level)
Hit points: 47 (Including the +5)
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 16 (started with 15), Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18

Traits: Child of the crusades (Campaign), Demon slayer
Feats: Two weapon fighting, Improved shield bash, Double slice.
Main skills: Diplomacy (Added his bonus +2 here), nothing much of note with other skills.
Bonus to save: +1 to will

Main pieces of equipment: "Radiance" (Or whatever it will be called), breast plate, Spiked light shield, heavy mace +1, chakrams (As ranged weapons), potion of CMW, a few other minor potions.

Andrew builds upon combining as many attacks as he can with his Smite evil ability, and healing himself and the party with his lay on hands, and now his channel energy. He is probably the best defended member of the party currently, and serves highly as Tank, along with Sena. Unlike Sena, he has the hit points to keep on standing (rolled quite well)

Race: Aasimar, Scion of humanity race variant.
Class: Paladin Cleric of Seranrea 4, Domains: Good, Heroism
Hit points: 30 (Including the +5 hp bonus)
Abilities: Str 16 (Started 15), Dex 13 , Con 10, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 16

Traits: Touched by divinity (Campaign), Eyes and ears of the city
Feats: Combat casting, selective channeling, Heavy armor proficiency (The bonus feat)
Main skills: Perception (Added his bonus +2 here), Sense motive (We call him the radar), Diplomacy
Bonus to save: +1 to reflex

Main pieces of equipment: Scale mail, Heavy shield, +1 Morning star (Chief Sul's present), quite a lot of wands, scrolls, potions and alchemical items. He's the party's repository of expendable magical items.

Sena Was debating between adding a level of fighter or continue with cleric. At the last moment he chose cleric, and used the bonus feat to take heavy armor proficiency, seeking to have as high an AC as he can have. He otherwise focus on having as many utility items as he can, in the forms of expendable magic items. He is a bit worried about playing the healer all the time, and not getting to do "cool stuff".

Race: Human, Black.
Class: Ninja 4, Scout Archetype. (Recent gained abilities: Vanishing trick, Sacred sneak attack trick, No trace, +2d6 Sneak attack)
Hit points: 36 (Including the +5 bonus)
Abilities: Str 10 , Dex 19 (Started 18) , Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 16

Traits: Chance encounter (Campaign), some trait that grants +3 to flank instead of +2?
Feats: Two weapons fighting, weapon finesse, Shadow strike, Blind fighting (The bonus feat)
Main skills: Lots! (Skill monkey after all) Main ones are Acrobatics, stealth (He put his +2 bonus here), disable device, escape artist and diplomacy.
Bonus to save: +1 to will.

Main pieces of equipment: 2 Wakizashi (One of them +1), MW chain shirt, various potions (Including dust of darkness which he's edging to use), scrolls and alchemical stuff.

Andera also fights two handed. His feats are aimed at enabling him to overcome concealment and such, that negate his Sneak attacks. Too bad his rolls really screw things up. :smalltongue:

Race: half elf
Class: Ranger 4 (Recent abilities: Favored enemy chaotic evil outsiders, two handed fighting style, desert favored terrain- for the Worldwound, Hunter's bond (Give half bonus to companions), Spell casting 1st level.
Hit points: 44 (Including the +5 bonus)
Abilities: Str 19 (Started 18), Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10

Traits: Stolen Fury(Campaign), demon slayer.
Feats: Skill focus survival (Half elf bonus), power attack, cleave (Combat style), finishing cleave, Intimidating prowess (The bonus feat).
Main skills: Climb, intimidate, stealth (added the +2 here), survival and perception.
Bonus to save: +1 to will.

Main pieces of equipment: MW chain shirt, MW great sword, flail, Ranseur of the gargoyle, ring of climbing, ring of protection +1.

Mad dog's player is coming into the game. She chose not to take an animal companion, since it complicates things for her, and she doesn't like always having to care for another weaker creature. Other than that- attack as many time as you can, as hard as you can. Against demons, using her great sword and power attack she comes to a nice +16 damage... not too shabby!

Race: human
Class: Wizard 4 (Bonded item, no familiar, evocation specialty, forbidden- enchantment and illusion)
Hit points: 24 (Including the +5 bonus) Harry has the lowest hit points by far from the party.
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 21 (Started 20), Wis 14, Cha 10

Traits: Riftwarden orphan (Campaign), Classically schooled.
Feats: Spell focus (Evocation), spell specialization (Magic missile), Scribe scroll (Bonus wizard), Spell penetration, dodge (the bonus feat)
Main skills: All knowledge skills, Spell craft (Which he added the +2 bonus to)
Bonus to save: +1 to Fort

Main pieces of equipment: Wand of Magic missile 3rd level (13 charges), Wand of summon monster I CL 3rd, Arrow magnet, some potions and scrolls.

Main spells: Mostly blasty ones. Mage armor, magic missile, burning hands, scorching ray, spontaneous immolation, shocking grasp, rope trick, resist energy, enlarge person.

Harry's player is having trouble with the character, as mentioned before. He ended up taking the Dodge feat mostly because he found nothing else that appealing. I even said he might change his specialty, but he sticks to his siege catapults. He has trouble with his spells as well...

Ok, I hope this will be a a bit of an appetizer. back to work!

Kol Korran
2014-04-15, 02:39 AM
Ok! The long wait is over! It's time for another session's log! However, an important note: I've updated Sena's and Mad dog's choices in the previous post. Sena decided at the last minute to not take a level of fighter, but stay a cleric instead (But took the heavy armor proficiency feat). And he has 30 hit points. Mad dog needed to update the choices from the Hall of heroes, mainly the Intimidating Prowess feat. The player wanted to be scary. :smallwink:

Ok, here goes

Session 5, First part- Defender's Heart, Tower of Estrod.

This sessions revolved mostly around Defender's Heart Inn. The Gray Garrison will be the final chapter of the module, and I thought this would be a great place to have some fun roleplay, give the PCs some place to express themselves, tie loose ends, and quite importantly- plant seeds for the final scene of the module. I have plans for the Areelu Vorlesh revenge, something that I hope will be more interesting than a mere fight with some babaus. But for that I needed to seed some suspicions. The party seemed to want something more than "A unified good front", so I was... obliging them :smallamused:. There was also the battle at the Tower of Estrod which turned... well, you'll see.

Finishing at the Hall of Heroes

Again the Heart of Courage music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vygZV5n97DU&noredirect=1)

Last we ended the session, the party just got the rewards from the spirits and/ or gods of the Hall of Heroes. Commander John, Sena's mentor stepped towards them. "The heroes... the heroes have returned." He looked at them all with some awe, as did the surviving soldiers. "The god have chosen you! Most of us strive to find a purpose, to make a purpose, but it seemed your purpose is made obvious- champions of the crusades!" Most of the party seemed nonplussed by this, but Sena grimaced.

Millorn approached Andrew "So much light! Warmth! So wonderful! Those are the dead? They welcome you? Welcome us? This gate to the next world? Are you dead?" Andrew tried to explain "These are the rewards you get for doing good. This is what you will get if you stay on the path Millorn, if you try to do better, to work better." But then Millorn surprised them "And what of the shadowy ones? The ones at the back? Like long, far, deep stars? Looking on us?" The party exchanged worried looks, and Andrew spoke a bit hesitantly "You... you see things others don't see, do you Millorn?" The dwarf was surprised "You don't see? What you don't see? They are all around!" Which got more worried looks from the party.

They were about to live when John commented. "Your sword Andrew. I recognize it from legend. It's power was thought to be lost. Yet... you revived it! My friend, one known as a Raat Mukdir in the Numerian language (Night spy) was set to steal it I think. Strange that he left it here." Andrew (Who between sessions got some of the sword's history transferred to him by the sword via email) commented. "Yes, he did steal it from the Gray Garrison, but he was found out, and hunted. in his last breath he stuck it in the paladin Yaniel's statue." The party was surprised, but Andrew commented "I'll explain later". John seemed to think I know the sword's name in the past. But each hero names his own sword. What shall be it's name?"

Andrew held it high. "I name it Sirius!". We exchanged glances, but the player explained- "The brightest constellation in the sky". "Isn't it in OUR sky?". "Just roll with me".

They decided to search for the Raat Mukdir, and found a mutilated body who was deboned. On it Andera found a ring of his organization ("The Black Flame") regional leaders- two circles with a constant illusion of a black flame inside. The ring was faintly magical as well (+1 to stealth, saves vs. fire, and poison). Andera claimed it. "It was the person I was sent to find. Too bad he had died. I hope anyone else might remain." This got Sena intrigued. "Sent to find? From where? Who are you exactly?" But Andera just replied "There are some secrets I prefer yet to keep to my own".

With that, knowing that more demons may come soon, they decided to make haste towards Defender's Heart Inn. True, The tower of Estrod was just by, but they were fully and utterly depleted after the last fight.

The idea here was to put a bit more roleplay for each character. A possible difference of opinions with John, making Millorn a bit more complicated, and with a mystery, and starting to (FINALLY) put some context to Andera's back story. He thought I ended it here, ut it was the start.

Defender's Heart Inn- Some respite and news from Arabeth

Defenders of the Earth by Two Steps from Hell (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO1jKOzs9oY&noredirect=1)
(Some inspiring but not fast paced music, one of an army gathering)

As they arrived they took a bit more stock of the forces arrayed in the inn. They don't seem that numerous, with a fair share of non-soldiers amongst them. Not exactly the great force of resistance they hoped for. Arabeth quickly came towards them, looking tired yet excited to see them leading the prisoners of the Hall of Heroes here. "I'm so glad you are back. Anevia has already told me much of what you've been through! You've been through quite a bit, I'm impressed! Come, unload your burdens, and let me update you as well on what is going on".

The party was given some room, and John motioned to Sena "We'll talk later. We have things to discuss" to which Sena just nodded. They went to a side room and sat to eat with Arabeth, as she relayed what has happened so far:
She and the other crusaders use this as a stronghold in the city, trying to gather info for when queen Galfrey will come, and oust demons. Their forces amount to 250 all together, 200 soldiers, 50 merchants and civilians.
The city was devastated in a few hours. A well-coordinated attack. Many of the top NPCs were hunted and killed. Many of the stronger demons left. Many of the other cities, including Nerosyan have come under attack, the queen was helping them. Rumors of masses of demons just on the outskirts, everyone is gathering forces. Not sure why the demons haven't attacked in full yet.

At this Sena interrupted. "If they are waiting they are waiting for something. By the rumors we've heard I'd say they are waiting for Areelu Vorlesh to come. My bet is that they are trying to lure Queen Galfrey, and kill her. Areelu will do that. This is a lure, a trap!" Arabeth seemed concerned. "This may be true. We will need to asses it. But we need to find better proof." At that she continued relaying the info:
The alliance with the mongrelfolk (Or First Descendents as she called them). Arabeth declared it despite some resistance from the troops. She greatly welcomes them. Lann was sent with some emissaries to bring their forces together, he knows some tunnels. He said it will take them about 1 day to arrive. Lann will lead emissaries to a close location. Near the end of her words, she relayed her frustration- but two weeks ago she trailed and battled a high ranking cultist, a former paladin of Iomedae known as Staunton Vhane. They battled near the Wardstone, but he escaped on a fiendish giant wasp. The warders of the Wardstone found nothing wrong with the stone, but he must have done something!

Suddenly Millorn erupted with surprise: "Staunton? My cousin?! Amongst the only few to survive Drezen' fall 75 years ago. He was so good? He fall? He like me now? All family cursed? He was bright! Shining! He made me run away and escape after..." He grew silent at this point. "What I did...". Unfortunately, the entire party decided to ignore him.

Arabeth told them to rest, talk to their close ones, and try to trade with the merchants- full exchange of goods at their full price. She heard from them about their search of the cultists places, and wants them to explore the Tower of Estrod once they are ready.

Market and equipment
It was shopping time. A house rule in my games is that people buy and sell equipment and full price. It makes it much less of a hassle to calculate WBL, and makes the party much less apprehensive of buying or selling stuff. Now I asked the party to tell me if there is anything specific that they'd like, but the bastards didn't mention a thing (Other than Sena, who wanted a full plate). Made little rules for availability (mainly for expensive or odd stuff) but mostly like in the module.

The party's loot at this point was worth around 32,400 gp, but was quite unevenly divided, with Andera at the lowest with 3,550 but Mad dog with 9,500 (Ranseur of the gargoyle and 2 rings). The party was happy with this though. They sold quite a few stuff (A few +1 weapons, and quite a few MW stuff along the way)
- Andrew's commissioned to have a cold iron light shield spikes with a +1 offensive enchantment. Plus an amulet of natural armor.
- Sena got his full plate, and Darkwood heavy shield (To lower ACP). They party also bought a wand of CLW which he carried.
- The party suggests that Mad dog will get medium armor, since he gets hit a lot. Butthe player doesn't want to reduce his movement or get a higher ACP, He does get a +1 Chain shirt, and a potion of CMW (Of which she come to rely)
- Andera also seeks magical armor and a MW wakizashi, but fails to find. (Poor dice rolls) But that leads to the next encounter.

Nayla Freyton, of the black flame
As Andera walked by what looked like an alchemist corner with a couple of soot stained men, a near by half elven woman, who seemed to be well dressed, a bit like a courtier looked at him in surprise. She rose towards him and whispered "May the black flame purge evil from the world, and our hearts". Andera is surprised, but tries to play it cool. He seeks to see one ofthe others, but sees only Harry who doesn't notice him. The woman courtesied to him, head bowed, and asks "Would you like to see what we have in the other room sir?" He is alerted, and become tense. he seeks Harry again, but he had moved by. Andera goes in, hand near his sword. As she goes in she motions to the alchemists to stay back, and locks the door.

She repeats her sentence and he replies "And out light will alight the flame in others". A smile comes to her face, a hesitant smile. "Where did you find that ring? It belonged to... a friend of mine". Andera cautiously explains, and grief comes over her momentarily, but then determination. "Then he too is lost. The Raat Mukdir who wore this ring was called Solvanus Senest (Shadow of a sunrise). He was our region's leader. He went especially after the sword, but he has sent some other Raat Mukdir to retrieve other special weapons and armor from the city. Solvanus was adamant about those - "They must not fall into the enemy's hands. But... they have not yet returned. I fear that we may be all that is left." She then looked at him. "And you! You remain, one of the only active Raat Mukdirs! We shall assist you however we can. me, my crafters, and our few spies, still in the city. You are our only hope!" (This led to a lot of joking around- "Andera Kanchar, you are our only hope!"

Andera seemed to take this in, think about it. "I will accept, for awhile... do you have any more news, plus I may need a few more tools...". They conversed a bit more. She confirmed the suspicions about Areelu- some of their spies heard she was about to come (I was building her up a bit towards the end), and a few rumors about the gathering armies at other cities, but few direct conflicts. She also replied a few rumors about some merchant in the south of the city with about 100-150 men fighting the demons, but unwilling to "deal with any more of Iomedae's wretched underlings!" The party groaned at this. He got his MW Wakizashi, MW thieves tools, and some shurikens from her, and went on to ponder things.

Tell the truth, I think this caught the player quite by surprise. He didn't know quite how to react to this. I cut it short, thought to add on later...

The idea was to give him something to start to play with. I wanted to make the organization more than a vague entity, or in other words- put a face to it. I decided on Nayla, since she can also play as a possible love interest, a friend, or someone the party mistrusts. (Beautiful spy in a demon campaign?)?

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/NaylaFreyton_zpsbbf08f09.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/NaylaFreyton_zpsbbf08f09.jpg.html)

Sena and John
Sena was trying his new full plate on, when John came to see him. "Come, let us talk". They went into another room, one made to house soldiers. John slept with his troops. As both took of their armors, Sena noticed the haunting spirits that were a part of John's oracle curse playing with his equipment, putting it aside, jumbling things up and the like. Some whispers came from the soldiers, but nothing both weren't accustomed to.

(It's important to note that the other players were focused on buying and selling and this point, and so didn't quite listen to the conversation) The moment they set down however Sena started. "I'm no Hero John. Look, Andrew has a shiny sword, and a resounding voice, and he does stuff. I've sort of jumbled into this. Trying to survive and get us through this. I'm no chosen one, despite what you think". John listened and smiled "A hero is not chosen by his destiny, by the fates, or such. He his chosen by the decisions he makes, by the dangers he is willing to face, by the sacrifices he is willing to make. Now, tell me your story".

Sena tells him the main points briefly, as if giving a military report: the dangers, the enemies, allies, constraints and such. At the end he finished "I'm no Andrew. I am just a man doing difficult things in a difficult time." John listened and put his hand together. "And what do you think of him? of the other companions?" Sena sighed "I see a good man, a devotee of his goddess, a possible leader of man. But I also see the potential of a zealot, of a fanatic, the making of a politician, who justifies his actions to his moral in any way that enables his conscience to live through his deeds. I see the potential for a dictator!" (The other players "So it costs how much? But if you sell that...") John's eyes grew grim. "I trust your judgement. But if this is so, then you are best to stay at his side. I saw that he values your opinion quite highly. You might be able to guide him out of wrong, to be a friend to him when needed, and lastly- watch over him if he begins to fall". Sena nods. "I shall be watchful for the time being."

"And what of your other companions?" John asked. Sena leaned back. "Well, Harry is a tricky bastard." (At this point the party suddenly realized he was talking about them, and tuned in). "He seems gentle, withdrawn, unfit for the battlefield, and yet... he unleashes great destruction, and revels in it!". John poured some water. "And the foreigner, the one associated with my dead friend". "Andera? He is an enigma enfolded in a mystery... We've fought and traveled for a few days now, and yet I know nearly nothing of him! I'm still trying to make my mind about him, not sure if I can trust him or not. Just don't send him against lizards...".

"And what of the strong man, the one called Mad dog?". Sena drank from his cup. "Mad dog relishes in destruction much more than the mage, very violent. Look, he is not very bright, he's a brute, but sometimes he has very clever advice." (At which point his player nodded in appreciation). John leaned closely then, and whispered "And what of the... dwarf? He isn't fully here. I fear he may be a liability. The worldwound has taken it's toll of me" His glass slid past and crashed to the floor. "But Millorn seems far more gone." .Sena grimaced. "Millorn? Not a friend of mine, Andrew thinks he'll make him change. I think he is some sort of a lunatic. I need to sleep with one eye open while he's around! Andrew tries some kind of a crazy experiment, I just hope it won't kill us all! Here, have this, maybe you can make sense of it!". Sena gave John Millorn's journal.

Sean sought John's advice on what to do next. John spoke they needed to wait for the the mongrel folk, and he may talk to Quendys the mage, he is the one gathering all of the information. Sena thanked him, saying his blessing "If God has purpose for you, he'll keep you safe in his hands. If not, God bless you." And went to see Quendys.

Sena and Quendys
Quendys is the leader of the Blackwing Library, Aravash' superior. Sena came up to the second floor and passed the guards, entering a sort of a war room, with lots of papers and a big central map of Kenabres. Peeking Sena could see lots of red marks of different shapes around the old city. He saw the solitary wizened wizard looking up. "Ah, yes. The heroes of the hall. How appropriate. And your friend with the sword. That would be good for moral. Quite useful. Welcome." I was playing him very terse, somewhat cold, like an unemotional professional. Slightly like a jerk. "How can I help you, Sena Aberdeen, protegee of Commander John?"

Sena looked at him "I think that Areelu Vorlesh will be coming soon. We need to find out what she looks for, and sabotage it somehow. They demons seem to be in the old town, lets attack there!" Quendys looked at him. "I agree there is something of import there, but we no not what. we may be able to amass some attack, but not against such forces, not without knowing where or how". Sena was frustrated. "So what shall we do?" Quendys spoke tiredly. "Your group had dealings with the cultists hideouts, I request you check the last one. It may have information we can use." Sena blinked. "That's all? What about other missions? There must be some strategic points, something else to do!". Quendys replied dryly. "Our forces are spread, but I may look for something. for now check the hideout. If you think of other ventures, please inform me or the other commanders, Arabeth and John". Sean decided to surprise him "By the way, there are survivors of Blackwing, Aravahs and some librarians". Quendys turned back surprised and shocked. "What? Thank the gods! I shall arrange an escort to them here quickly!" For a few seconds he seemed relieved, but then returned to his serious self. "Thank you for these news. Now rest, explore, and let me get back to my work". With that he was excused, and the players were highly suspicious of him.

I played Quendys this way specifically to keep with some of the seeding of suspicion- Millorn, Nayla, Commander John's warning, and so on. Also, good guys don't have to be nice.

I didn't quite expect the party to seek more missions at this point, though it is obvious. I thought they would be done with all the hideouts by now, and so will just rest, and then go for the Gray Garrison. A bit of miss planning on my part here.

Tower of Estrod (Or: "Mad dog delivers!")
Andrew spent some of his time trying to indoctrinate Millorn into the teachings of Iomedae, and Harry? Harry mostly waited for the chance to sling spells. The troops are not happy about Millorn, and Andrew finds they have someone keep an eye on him at all times.

They slept (The first time in this entire campaign, with Terendelev's scales so far), and woke ready to explore the tower. Asking John they learned that the place was ruined, toppled upon itself. It used to hold the archives of the city. As they are about to go they again debate about having Millorn join. He notices the tension and suggests he stays to scribe a scroll, but Andrew is adamant about taking him along.

As they near the tower, they notice that there are quite fewer demons on the way. Sena hisses "Things are getting serious!". They arrived at the rubble of the building. Only the entrance floor remained of the circular tower, with piles of rubble on top of it and spilled to the sides. Sena hears with his keen ears two talking voices some distance behind the door. The party tenses, and decide to send Andera to check the doors.

In the module, Hosila's letter mentions a password. I left it out, since I thought it might be more fun if they'll need to bluff their way in or do something inventive. a free password sounded too boring.

Andera snuck to the door, and tried to pick the lock. about 3-4 times... (We need to read the lock pick rules better). The players kept making fun of him, so he decided to climb on the rubble and look fo another way in. and he climbed up and saw two downfalls into the circular room. (A little change from the module. In it there are two piles of great rubble to the east and west of the tower, I made these down slopes of rubble inside).

It may be important to say that I've done two "teaching sessions" with Mad dog's player (She is new), and so she was etching to do things and act.

Mad dog decided to join, so he came and climbed, but failed his stealth. The cultists down below became alerted. "Tell Faxon!" said one, and another went running, while the other climbed on the down fall. Mad dog saw a human in armor coming up, wielding a scythe (They didn't clue in yet about Deskari cultists using Scythes). He wasn't sure if this was friend or foe (Like the looters in Topaz solutions) so he just came close, and told him to drop his weapon, readying an action to attack him.

Meanwhile, in the street, the rest understood something was coming up and were rushing towards the big doors. Andera snuck near the cultist through the rubble.

The cultist curses "For Deskari!" and attacks Mad dog. Being ready, Mad dog attacks first and nearly kills the cultist, but the cultist manages to crit (The only good thing about a scythe) for 33 hp! (Out of 44). As she likes gore, we describe the scythe coming from an under cut piercing her belly and diaphragm, spewing blood. She was quite shocked, but more importantly- very angry! "He's mine! No one touches him!" she threatened the entire group. Sena's player chuckled. "No one arguing with you here! You got the most testosterone around!"

The ones one the street try to bash the door, and fails. "Lets try aid another next time!"

Andera vanishes and sneaks down into the room, towards the steps from down below, where he hears voices. Mad dog attacks for max damage, and paint the rubble with organs and blood, picking up the scythe and jaming it roaring through the dead cultist skull.

Down below they fail to push in. Harry thinks "Maybe I have something..."

From below come the second cultist, 2 tieflings in breastplates (I added 2 tieflings rogue 1/ fighter 1 for extra challenge and experience) and lastly- Faxon- the tiefling witch, with the scorpion familiar on his shoulder.) Faxon see Mad dog covered in blood, and speaks darkly "Get him!". Andera waits for his chance...

Mad dog is worried (11 hp) and retreats on the rubble to drink his CMW potion. The tieflings make their way to the doors, while the cultist nd Faxon go after Mad dog.

Harry tries Hydraulic push (Through his bonded item) to force the doors open. Fail. I decide to say the door are damaged, weakening it's break DC.

Andera comes and sneak attack Faxon for good damage. Mad dog rushes towards the surprised witch and roars cutting of his head, using finishing cleave to kill the cultist and then cleave to kill... the scorpion familiar? :smallfrown: "No one gets away!"

The two tieflings decide it's time to run, and rush towards the other downfall, trying to run up it.

Outside they try bashing the door again. They think to maybe sit for tea? Mad dog purses, kills another, and the last is able to scamper outside, but then Andera falls upon him from above, putting his wakizashi in his back.

Mad dog comes and breaks the door with one kick, covered in sprays of blood and gore. "Will you get in allready? You bunch of wooses!" Andrew's player: "A cup of tea?"

The party finds some nice loot on Faxon (Including a wand of CMW 9 charges), and some loot downstairs as well. Most importantly however they found many documents: of the templars troop movements, of cultists here and in other towns, and most importantly, a letter:

You did well to report your superior’s mishandling of funds, and I trust that you will continue to serve as loyally in the weeks to come. You need not command the Kenabres Templars for long, for the city is about to die—I only wish I could be there to take part in its murder, for I have fond memories of my Red Morning Massacre. No matter, I suppose, for your mortal kin will all fall soon enough—as I said, Kenabres’s days are short. Vorlesh has already left to meet with our Lord’s daughter in the Abyss to secure a Nahyndrian crystal of the proper purity, and once she has what she needs, she’ll arrive in Kenabres to finish the job and turn the wardstones fully to our use. You will know when she succeeds, I suspect! Praise Lord Baphomet!

The party realizes this is the clue they've been looking for. They recognize Minhago as one of the topmost major demons of Deskari and that she is a Lilitu demon (But fail to recognize what is a Lilitu). They decide to hoof it back to Defender's Heart.

"If you just picked the lock!"
"If you just opened the door!"
"If any of you weaklings would have done ANYTHING? Hey DM, loot goes for the one with the most kills, right?"
(All in jest... well, except for the loot part. :smalltongue:)

Orignially I thought the tower would come BEFORE coming to Defender's heart. But then we went and had Hall of Heroes. I decided to leave the Tower of Estrod as the weak encounter it was, as a sort of a relief before the Gray Garrison. It worked out quite well as a stress reliefer, and enabled the new player to test hr new understanding of rules better.

Changes made:
- no password. Figure it out heroes, no need to and it ALL to you.
- I added to tieflings rogue 1/ fighter 1 as help for Faxon. Action economy would have killed him.
- an ability to come through the roof if they think of it.
Next part coming soon, last preparations, and off to the Gray Garrison.

Kol Korran
2014-04-15, 04:24 AM
Ok, lets continue!

Session 5, Second part- Final preparations, War Council, Approaching the Gray Garrison

The second part focused mostly on the last preparations. Along with closing some loose ends, and deepening some suspicions...

Back at Defender's Heart
It took a few hours to get to the Tower of Estrod and back. As they return they see that there are new arrivals- the Mongrel folk! about 350 of them, with odd assortment of weapons and armor. Chief Sul comes and hugs Andrew, then Sena. "Ambassador! Light bringer! Even in this dark times there are happy times! We have risen and come back!" They also see Lann, in better armor (Gained a level of fighter) gaining much respect amongst the mongrelfolk. The other "regular" humanoids however are not that happy, and seem tense. The party notices this, but decides there are more pressing matters.

Sena finds Arabeth, who is trying to ease the situation, and shows her the paper. "To the war room" she replies. Andrew and Sena goes there with her. Near it's door they see Anevia, bow in hands, acting as guard. She waves at them enthusiastically. Arabeth groans "I told her to rest, but she is so persistent when she wants something. She wanted to help." As they go inside they see another surprise- Aravash speaking softly with Quendys, while the librarians shuffle and go through papers.

Sena drops the loads of info. (The party: "Shouldn't we go through them first? Maybe one of them is a traitor" Sena: "I doubt his real name will be here". Both of them try sense motive but see nothign amiss, though they highly suspect Quendys. After a brief explanation Quendys thanks them "We will see about these. If what you say is true, then these may provide the missing link." Sena is adamant though, putting Minagho's letter. "What about this? This requires no pouring over." Quendys, Commander John and Arabeth reads it. "It seems this crystal is the soruce of our bane. And they wish to turn the wardstones against us. I will need to check my books and information to ascertain where they seek to do it, and how. But we will decide in a few hours. Our time to act is at hand. I suggest you make final preparations, talk to whomever you need (Party: "Make your final will?") and rest as you can. I shall call you when we're ready.

They are not that happy with such an answer, but comply.

Down stairs the tensions continue to rise, so Andrew takes the stage and give a short resounding speech: "My Brothers! Sisters! Soldiers of Kenabres of all race, kind or shape! These brave people here, the First Ascendants are one of us, of our blood, of our kin! We have hunted them, and yet they repay us by coming to our aid, no feelings of vengeance. People of Kenabres, this is the time of reunion and hope! They are part of our way to salvation! For victory, and triumph!" Due to his reputation, high skills and words, (and a decent roll) he succeeds greatly, and mongrelfolks clash weapons in unity with the uplanders.

Sena nods his head towards John, with a motion towards Andrew, John nods slightly backs, and watches not speaking.

The War Council
Shortly after Arabeth comes and motions each PC to discreetly come after her up. As they near the doors Commander John stops Andrew. "I'm sorry, I know that you care for Millorn, but this subject is way too sensitive, he is to wait outside." There are some tense moments, but Andrew accepts, and sends Millorn to "Watch over the people, tell me what you see, tell me what you learn". Andrew suspects Millorn has some oracular powers.

In the room they see the four leaders of the resistance: Arabeth, Quendys, Commander John and Chief Sul. Aravash is there as well, he hugs Harry, but sits aside for the most of it.

Quendys Begins his but quite well executed ("Read out text") speech:
"As horrific as recent events have been, we’ve come to realize that they are, in fact, merely a prelude. The razing of the Kite, the destruction of our wardstone, Terendelev’s murder, and the assault on the city were nothing more than opening gambits. The Worldwound is on the march in a more concentrated assault than we’ve seen since the fall of Drezen. It’s fair to say the Lord of the Locust Host is finally making his move. The end of this hundred-year-war is upon us, and it falls to us to ensure victory.

While the Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth were scattered, those who serve the Lord of the Locust Host himself remain concentrated in Old Kenabres. What we’ve heard from within the barricade they’ve erected is ominous. The cultists are waiting for something, and based on our own information and what you’ve managed to recover so far, it sounds like the vile witch Areelu Vorlesh will soon be coming to Kenabres. And it appears that we’ve determined what she intends to do.

When the wardstone was destroyed by the Storm King, it exploded and destroyed the Kite. The network along the border failed, but did not fade completely. I believe this is because a significant portion of our wardstone still exists, and that the cultists have taken it to the old garrison in Old Kenabres. From what we’ve learned, they’re hoping to engineer a way to somehow reverse the field generated by the wardstones—essentially, to use our own greatest defense as a devastating weapon.

The attack on Kenabres had a predictable result: causing the crusade to gather at the border to defend it. Some wonder why the demons haven’t attacked in stronger numbers. I believe that Areelu was counting on us massing along the border, and that if she can corrupt the wardstone field, she can strike a devastating blow against us all. In effect, we’ve lined up for the slaughter.

Vorlesh is surely seeking some object of great Abyssal power, likely the Nahyndrian crystal mentioned in the missive you recovered, and with it she intends to turn the source of our hope into an unimaginable nightmare. We cannot hope to evacuate everyone from the border—I doubt they would give up the defensive line even if they knew what the enemy planned. But we can still stop this from happening—we just need to have someone infiltrate the Gray Garrison, locate the wardstone fragment, and destroy it.”

While he said "Someone" he looked straight at the PCs. Commander John spoke next. "We've seen in the Hall of Heroes who the gods chose for this purpose. You have gone through a lot and proved yourself time and time again. We can send a large force in since that will alert everyone, and beside I doubt there will be place for large groups to fight in the Gray Garrison. For we have deducted that is the place where they hold the wardstone."

Sena was confused. "But... if something of it remain... why destroy it? Why not use it to rebuild defenses?" Andrew stepped in "I suspect a small fragment isn't enough for that. We can't take that risk anyway". Sena wasn't entirely convinced, but accepted this. (Always the suspicious bastard). Andera asked "But how do we go in? By the map there is a great horde of demons there!" Arabeth and chief Sul changed knowing glances. "That is where our combined forces come in. We attack simultaneously many places of import at once, drawing as many forces as we can." Andrew spoke "A diversion, but a very dangerous one". he spoke concerned. Arabeth nodded "Yes, but we'll be dead along all of Mendev's forces if we don't." Chief Sul bolstered "And we will relish the chance to fight once more! Now, MY people know their way under the city. They will lead you inside, past the defenses, close enough to the Gray Garrison, and then will fight inside the inner city, in covert attacks, hoping to cause yet more diversion." Andera exclaimed "You'll all be killed!" The leaders all looked grim. "Hopefully you make it fast enough inside so we won't".

This made the party squirm a bit.

Andrew put a finger on the south of the city. "What about Horus? Surely his men can divert more forces?" Arabeth shook her head. "His people fight valiantly, but they will not coordinate with us. I fear we're alone on this.". Andrew seemed to think. "What if... we place rumors that his forces are guarding something of great import, won't that draw many forces to him?" Sena gave a meaningful look to John. Arabeth shook her head. "I'm sorry, but that's... a tactic I won't take." Andrew was frustrated. "This is a desperate situation, it will help a greater cause surely, no?" (The party exchanged looks). Arabeth refused.

Sena asked a question. "But how do we exactly destroy this shard of the wardstone? It's a powerful magical item, no? You want us to just bash it?" Quendys pulled a rod and placed it on the table. "This is a rod of cancellation. It can draw the magical powers of an item and destroy it. Come close enough, and strike it. May take more than once, but it will eventually cancel it.

The party had a small discussion at who will hold it. They decided on Sena, who was surprised. ("In the toughest situations you always think of something and pull through!") he accepted the rod, with some reverence.

Andrew spoke "There are civilians here, who cannot fight. Send some soldiers, even the least experienced ones who won't help much in the diversion and send them over the walls, get them as far as possible from here. They cannot stay!" Quendys agreed and concluded the council. "We shall prepare the soldiers. It is vital that NO ONE of this room and the people Chief Sul appoints to you know of your mission. There may still be traitors amongst us. (Mad dog's player: "So which one is the traitor?") Prepare quickly, in about an hour we make our final assault!"

The party agreed, and grimly stepped outside.

Final preparations
As they went outside Aravsh came by. "Harry? Come to me, I may have something to help you". Aravash gave him a stash he found at the ruins of the library (as per the module). It's a BIG loot drop, especially 2 wands of 3rd level. Amongst these there is also a Chime of opening ("Great! So we won't have to wit for you to pick locks!") which i kind of debated about, but though it might fir for a final adventure.

Nayla also approached Andera. "Sir, I have some news! Some of our... associates have returned." Once in private chambers she relays some news. "I know you are going into the Gray garrison..." Andera interrupts "wit, how do you know?" She just gives a half smile. "I have some information about it. Senest have acquired the plans for the first level, where he sought the sword (I gave the party the map of the first level. It seemed that at least some of them would know it already due to life in the city). Also, some of our scouts have witnessed the building from afar. It is... wrong... it seems like it shifts from here to... somewhere else. strange sounds, voices and more come from it, not fully of this world. (The party grumbled). And last, we hear of the one who is in command of the place- a woman favored by Deskari, One called Jaslyn. She is supposed to have some power over life and death. (The party started making guesses, from cleric to Oracle to witch to wizard)."

Andera thanked her, but asked her of one more favor. "Have someone keep... an eye on Quendys. To see if he is suspicious, or does something fishy. But give him the benefit of the doubt, and do not engage unless he risks operations". Nayla nodded and went off. (Sena's player: "How much can you trust HER exactly?")

Andera told the party his findings, but wasn't ready to reveal his sources ("And how much will we trust you?") but they tried their knowledge skills and even asked John, Quendys and Aravash. Though they didn't learn more of who Jeslyn is, they did find out that the phenomena of the Grey Garrison slipping in and out sounds like it was made to touch the Abyss somewhat, having effects leak from it here. More grumbles.

It's one of the changes I made to the last chapter. Not in the original module. I wanted the PCs to have a small taste of the true Abyss. We'll see next session.

Andrew went to find Millorn. The dwarf was quite excited. "The new people, the under people! I've seen them before, but their color is different, many multi shining colors! Not like before! There seem to be something big, something at balance here, soon, then!" He mimicked with his hands as if weighing things. "But... things may not be as it seem" He exchanged hands "Many whispers, many voices, cannot discern!" The others disregarded this as gibberish, but Andrew was alarmed.

The party got some more money due to their discoveries, (As per module) and used it to equip themselves more. Much of it went to the two casters, who just bought many scrolls, wanting to prepare for what will come. Andera finally lucked in and found something (He failed on most of his other rolls)- Daredevil boots. I guess he'll be tumbling like no tomorrow now!

Time to head out- towards the Gray Garrison!
The four leaders came. I hoped for an inspiring speech from the PCs, or to do one from the leaders, but it was getting late so we skimmed through it: Laying out order for the troops, a few more encouraging words and the like, and people were heading out. John came to Sena, putting his hand on his shoulders. Sena spoke: "Look, I know you guys think you need to buy us time, but don't do anything too stupid! We don't need any new martyrs!" John smiled "Same to you. I... I knew this day will come, when you will be called upon great things. Since your birth... I... I just wished I could prepare you better. I guess you are as ready as you'll ever be." He hugged Sean and whispered "Be vigilant!". And then walked off. This left Sena quite confused.

Lann came to he party with a group of about 30 Mongrelfolk "This time I lead you, eh?" They decided to take Millorn with them, but they were quite surprised when Arabeth came to them. "I can't let you go alone. After what you've done for me, for my wife, for the city... I'm coming to fight alongside you." (The party, nearly all at once: "So SHE's the traitor!" I think I may have overdone it by this point) There was a short discussion whether to bring her or not (Mad dog's player against it) but they decided to have her join. Why? Because it will make the adventure more interesting. (I like my party! :smallamused:)

I gave them Arabeth char sheet ("Don't believe all it's written there! especially not alignment!") I made her a Cavalier instead of a Paladin, cause... well... we have a paladin, and I didn't want him overshadowed. I focused her on the teamwork feats and such. Harry plays her in battle.

They went into a nearby tunnel, and followed the mongrelfolk through them up till near the Arena. They went out, and Lann saluted the party. "See you again, on one of the sides!" and spread his folk into small guerrilla groups.

The party made their way towards the Gray Garrison, on the other side of the Arena. They passed where they started the adventure, it was shattered, a lot of blood, and no sign of Terendelev's corpse. They saw the Gray Garrison from afar, looking grim and... strangely stretched, as if close and far at the same time, with a strange hue to his walls. They hurried towards it.

Entrance to the Gray Garrison, battle with the Vermleks
The party went through some ruined buildings, and reached before the entrance. They saw two Deskari cultists (This time they recognized the tell tale signs!) but also two other figures- one of Kandro Nysserian (THe guy who sold Arabeth's sword) but also Hurlun?!

A perception roll away they noticed something moving under their skin, and them not moving quite naturally. "Zombies!" cursed Sena.

The fight was quick and brutal. The cultists tried to at as buffer to enable the Vermleks to summon dretches, but Mad dog got behind and hit hard and disrupted a casting. The party were rolling really well on this battle, and the only damage the vermleks dealt was due to a single mass inflict light wounds. The party was confused (And disgusted) by the wormy nature of the demons, but were to focused on the job at hand.

It was time to enter the Gray Garrison.

Each Player's XP: 11,060!

We ended it here, it was quite late! I think the next session will be the last in this module, and I wait to see what the party does with the last few encounters (Which I tweaked somewhat). Lets say there is a substantial surprise, and possible big twist at the end. As I said to the party "I may not fully adhere to the module, and some choices you make may alter it greatly".

We'll see, trying to set a date for next session. If you've enjoyed, or if you have questions, feel free to say something! :smallsmile: Till next time,

2014-04-15, 06:38 PM
Count at least two who've been motivated enough by your writings to create an account for the sole purpose of telling you that you're doing a fantastic job, and we hope you keep up the good work.

I was planning on running this AP with one of my groups and, while I very much like the general concepts behind the story, and I like where they were going with it, I feel that much of it was executed poorly and found myself searching the internet for a little inspiration on how to spruce things up a bit. I hope you don't mind, but I certainly think I'm going to be 'borrowing' a few of your ideas.

We look forward to learning where you will take things from here!

Kol Korran
2014-04-17, 04:58 PM
Thanks TLB! It makes me quite happy. I'ts a bit weird for me to play an adventure that is so linear, but I'm trying to make enough room for self expression and innovation in the game. But at some points it annoys me a bit as well, such as in the point where Sena wanted to do tactical missions in the city and I had nothing in mind to offer him other than "Go explore Estrod tower". I got a bit too occupied in what the module had to offer.

The next module features many events of mass combat (Which I hope to make interesting more than the bland rules they offer). And at least two of my players are quite savvy strategy and tactics wise (More than I am for sure), so they may become quite... innovative. We'll see how it goes.

I've finished all the preparations for the last leg of the module (There may yet be a few surprises). I did some reworking of the Gray Garrison, especially the end. I started working on the next module. I am coming to my final exams period (Med student), so I won't have much time to prepare. I hope to prepare enough in advance so as to not bog the game down. The module proves... challenging in that respect.

I hope to write some sort of a summary of the first module once we finish it (All kind of statistics, possibly a player survey of highs and lows and such). Again, we'll see how it goes.

If any of you ave any more comments, questions, or requests (Like builds or such), please tell me and I'll try to abide.

Thanks for the encouragement! I have but a few readers, but it's fun to see them! :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2014-04-21, 04:17 PM
The building of an army

If the party gets to the next module, they will have a chance to build up an army. (The next module gives them a very specific, and VERY small army, I'm trying to make it more interesting). I want there to be several army units that they could select, train, equip and so on. But I prefer them to not be faceless units, but rather units with some history and personality behind them.

So I'm asking your help! Please check the following thread, and contribute your wonderful creative ideas! Help make my game better! :smallbiggrin:
Armies of Kenabres (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?343618-Help-think-up-army-units-for-my-PCs-army!&p=17344385#post17344385)

Kol Korran
2014-05-03, 12:29 AM
Between Sessions 5 & 6

So, the meeting is one week from now. I thought to update about issues the group is dealing with, and the like.

1) Working on the 2nd module: I've been going through the second module, and trying to prepare stuff, so I'll have less work when we get to it. I am a med student, and have just entered the final exams period, which means I'll have much less time to invest in altering things to my liking. So far I've mostly worked on altering some of the Mass Combat Rules to something more tactical, more fun. THe mass combat rules are originally planned for hex-crawl fielding of many units, where the movements of armies over the map is important. But in the module all of that is nullified, so you basically get "we try to hit it again" kind of influence. So I am trying to make things more tactical, but it is TIME CONSUMING! THe players are highly expecting something of the sort, so I'm trying to fit their expectations.

I got the rules done .They are quite similar to the original rules, with a few additions. We'll see how it goes. As per the above post, in order to avoid just one player having fun with mass combat, I'm enabling recruiting more "armies" for the conquest of Drezen. I mean- a 100 soldiers' army? All of us here (Including the woman player) have been in the army. 100 soldiers is a small unit, definitely not fit for a conquest. And not that grand. I hop to have a 500-1000 men's worth of an army.

2) Mythical rules: THe players started looking through them, and to understand them. So far they think they might be cool, but they dislike how many new options and info they present (Especially Sena's player who both has very little time and is an optimizer who likes to get the best fit for his buck). Andrew's player gone through most of his low tier options, and is not that impressed. We're working on it.

3) Radiance Arabeth and Millorn: For the last leg of the module I'm trying to think of ways to make them more felt a bit. Less like NPCs stats, and more like NPCs personalities. Radiance needs to feel a bit more special, I'd like to make it felt more. Since this is the Gray Garrison, from which it was stolen, perhaps It might nudge people at stuff, or send emotions ant the like? Arabeth needs to be felt more. She's a major NPC but so far had mostly been neglected. There is the story of the sword she sold, but I kind of need more. And lastly Millorn. This last part could have a great effect on his view of good and bad, and the ability to fight it. But I'd like a way to portray this better. Any idea you might have?

4) Started to read the 3rd module: I started with Demon's Heresy. I'm not quite getting the party's motivation at the start of this- random explorers? Or they are again reduced to quest takers? I'm only at the start but there seems to be a loss of momentum here- Save the city, conquest an enemy fort and... sit and wait? Again, I'm just at the start. I hope it proves more interesting as I go on.

Comments are more than welcomed!

Kol Korran
2014-05-12, 03:53 PM
Boy am I beat! The final exams period is very tiring... Anyway, we had a session on Saturday, a very battle heavy one. The session went so- so... Sena's player was too tired, Andrew's player was distracted by real life problems, and I think there were too many battles, too few talks to my players' tastes. Anyway, Lets get to it!

Session 6, Part 1- Into the Gray Garrison, Battle with Othirubo

Last time the party just killed the Vermleks outside the garrison, and were ready to enter it, with it's strange twisting and "shifting out" properties. We didn't get to finish the Gray Garrison this session, but the party made great progress. The different players tried to help our new player, Mad dog's player play more tactically, and she liked their advice. She was trying her best through the session.

A few changes I made to the Gray Garrison
I made a few crucial changes to the Garrison, to make it more interesting. I will share these:
1. I found the idea of the party attacking, retreating and resting and then coming back with so minimal reinforcements like in the module unbelievable. Instead, the party needed to do this in one go. However, they still had Terendelev's scales (Two of them left), which enabled two "rests". However, not everywhere enabled this since...

2. I am a firm believer that the battle scenes at the final location of an arc should be memorable. The gray garrison's rooms are boring and constrained. So I added a twist- every now and then a rift may appear and some random effect from the abyss will happen. Either fire/ depressive wind/ a necrotic swarms of flies or summoned minor creatures and such. This usually happens in mid battles, but also by taking too much time exploring a location.

3. Encoutner strengths: Most of them are... well... pathetic. Also, it was very repetitive, dishing out the exact foes they killed 2 levels ago. I saw this in Estrod tower where Mad dog (with a little help from Andera) took on by themselves the entire place. So.... I took all of the XP from the escalations, and used it and the existing encounters XP to produce some a bit higher level foes. Such as tiefling fighter 2, or cultists clerics level 3.

4. Jaclyn's room: In the module she is in a TINY room, who will be crowded if there were reinforcements. I will explain it's change of design when I get to the room itself, but suffice to say I made it much bigger, with a lot of interesting terrain and conditions, and a LOT of reinforcements. A final battle should feel like one damnit!

5. Iomedae's rewards and such: I put them in the Hall of Heroes encounter. some of the things there are absurd. Like in the minotaur room, fixing some helmets or somethign which take EIGHT hours! Really?

I hope this all works out.

Entry possibilites and entry room
Mad dog looked for another way in other than the doors, and spotted the window at the first level (room 13a in the module). He climbed there, and found himself in a little coop (5x5ft room) with a door. Listening he heard some buzzing and words in abyssal from inside. He climbed down and there was a bit of a discussion whether to try and break the above door and go in, but they decided against it.

The front doo was locked though. Andera tried to unlock it, but this drew attention from guards inside. The guard asked "What's the matter?" In Abyssal, but only Harry understood it. He replied with some fast lie, which surprisingly worked! Andera finally unlocked it, but made too much noise. This time Harry's lies didn't work. "Intruders!" went the shout. Roll initiative!

Damnation, fro mQuake (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=3gVOZnNRcJM)
(This music was not a good choice. Not tense enough. we ended up replacing it later)

The party went in and fought a small force of two tiefling fighters lvl 2 (Heavily armored mainly, AC 20) and two sorcerer lvl 1. They quite easily overcame them, but not before one of the fighters run towards the stairs and called for intruders.

"Well, there goes the surprise!" Commented Sena sarcastically. "Let us hurry then! we are not sure how much the diversion will last."

The party decided to hoof it. They had the map of the first level, and decided to go towards the temple.

Where did he go?!
They stopped by the defiled shrine, with Sirius (Radiance) giving emotional pings to where it lay for so many years. They tries to quickly clean the altar, but as they did a sort of a rift opened and too mad dog inside it!

Mad dog appeared at the bottom of a gigantic heated cauldron, with what looked like souls trying to climb out and burning slowly. There were 2 quasits there having fun with the tormented souls. Mad dog quickly climbed to a relative safe spot and fought off the disappointing quasits for a round or tow, before he was transported back.

The party were very worried in the meantime, and Harry understood that was a soul cleanse torment device in the Abyss. He surmounted people were probably transported there. Sirius gave Andrew a feeling of "show reverence" so he knelled and saw the hidden message in the altar "Iomedae let us inherit thine arms". The party was confused about that, but were more worried about the rifts, and moved on.

The Battle with Othiburo and cultists
The party skipped the museum and went to the room towards the stairs on one side, the temple on another. As they debated where to go, another rift opened and a fearful spirit tried to shake their nerves. But Andrew's courageous aura helped most to overcome this, and he used his mercy to remove the shaken condition from Andera. They decided to head to the temple.

We decided to choose a more tense music. We chose the following:
[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wcdti-dzPVw"]Power of Darkness, two steps from Hell/URL]
(We ended up using this for most of the session)

There they met Othiburo, tiefling alchemist who stood near the west most point of the room, with 3 Deskari cultists (cleric 3) between him and the party. "You will not get to Jaclyn! Stop them before they get to my research!"

Mad dog roared, and went quickly in. Andera disappeared and went quickly in,m near Othiburo, who threw a bomb, missing Andrew but catching quite a few in the 10 ft splash (discovery), and Mad do caught fire! (another dicovery). Seeing this was the case, Sena cast Murderous command on Othiburo, which worked! The cultists then unleashed their spells: Hold person on Mad dog, catching him in magical hold, Sound burst and... Silence! Which covered most of the place where the party was.

Harry and Millorn cursed (figuratively) and moved to the former room till they could clear the silence. They then heard the museum door opening and 2 ABrikandilu slavering coming towards them. Andrew backed up to defend the squishy casters, while Arabeth pushed forward towards the cultists.

If this wasn't enough, a quasit appeared behind Sena, and another rift opened, sending another fearful wind on the front liners- Mad dog and Arabeth, bot hof which were now shaken.

Mad dog's player was not happy about all of this!

Andera sneaked attacked a cultist from behind, nearly killing him, while Othiburo used his crossbow to attack another. The party thought I cheated here- "A cross bow? He's supposed to use bombs! Why not a bomb?" But there was a reason... Sena came and took the ifre out of Mad dog, While Arabeth fought the cultists. Another bomb came, hitting Arabeth hard, also Splashing Mad dog and Sena. "We're screwed, arent we?" Said Mad dog's player. "Not yet we are!" encouraged Sena's player.

For the next few rounds they tried to push in, heal and kill the cultists while Othiuburo threw bomb after bomb, even getting Arabeth down to -5, and Mad dog to 0. Andrew managed to finally kill the two Abrikandilu (Hurt bad), And him and the casters came back, with the silence now gone. As they killed a cultist the other two started to unleash negative energy, but Andrew's channel attempts kept the party going.

Some of hte bombs hit the cultists as well, but due to a resist energy spell they were protected from the splash (which is why he didn't use the bombs). Luckily he ran out of bombs and they closed on him, battering him easily enough, with Andera killing Othiburo at the end.

Othiburo battle
Much tougher than I expected. The party really lacks ranged options outside Harry. The silence was quite effective, but I forgot to keep track of it till the player told me. The 3 cultist were a very effective enemy.

I never knew alchemist could be so effective as well! It was a good "lvl 1 boss battle".

Armory and Arabeth' sword
The party easily found the secret door, and after some fumbling remembered the sentence from the shrine and opened it. I changed some of the gear, but not all of it. For some reason a lot of the stuff went to Mad dog, who was allready packed with gear...
They also went to the alchemist's lab (former high priest room) and found Arabeth sword, the one she sold to Kandro for Anevia's magical transformation. I made this to a scimitar (Said her father worshiped Sarenrae) but Sena was still worried about accepting this. He still thought she might be a betrayer, and this a trap. But th lure of a +1 bane (evil outsider) was too much even for him. They also found a letter detailing how Kandro came trying to bargain the sword for a better life and having been turned to a vermlek. The letter was addressed to Staunton Vhane, and mentioned that the weapon will "take likely to your brother's touch". which worried the party greatly for some reason.

Dretches and an old acuqaintance

As the party explored another rift opened, with a dozen of the fiendish locust insects (Stat wise fiendish stirges). They were killed with lauhgable ease, but the party didn't want to wait for something bigger. So they sought to head up. Andrew worked on the locks, and got them open as the dretches inside started summoning. As Mad dog entered, a familir figure shot at him- Wendaug the mongrelwoman ranger! The battle was quick, and she tried to run up the stairs but andrew grabbed her and pinned her.

They interogated her quickly, and found of her hatred for the "uplanders" who made them all live underground in squalor while they lived in the riches. But she was also a survivalist, and just tried to live She didn't know much- she knew there were 3 levels, something really messed up at the top floor, and that a strange frightening one eyed demon came a few days ago- The Aghash Div.

The party offered her to join Chief Sul, and she heartily agreed, if they'll vouchsafe for her. But Sena sensed that she lies. They decided to lock her up in the armory bound till they finish with this. They can't be dealing with this now!

With that, they headed up the stairs.
Here ends the first part. I hope I will get to the second one soon! :smallwink:

Kol Korran
2014-05-15, 03:30 PM
Session 6, part 2- Second floor, The Schir and the desert demon

So our party was ready to head for the second floor. They guessed (correctly) that there will be resistance. And indeed there was- 2 tiefling fighter 2, 1 tiefling sorcerer 1 and 2 clutistss cleric 3. These basically replaced the many tieflings and low level cultists in the module.

Not that it made it a tougher fight. The party sort of disregarded the fighters, and headed straight for the casters, taking them down easily. Andera got near a door which seemed to be blocked with some abyssal writing on it, and decided to avoid it. While they were dispatching of the last of the resistance, a schir demon arrived from the library. Millorn cast a grease spell on it's halberd (Which we all thought was clever. Andrew was playing him) but it saved. The party ganged on it and killed it before it hit anyone.

So they arrived at the second floor. The rift's percentage didn't work on this battle, which may have made it easier. Still, quite a cake off.

This battle was according to the module the major part of defenses here. Time to explore!

Behind door number 2...
First came the matter of the blocked door. In the module the Preyton demon was locked here. I thought to put something more interesting, and put a Hungry Flesh ooze monster. As Harry tried to decipher the abyssal warning over the door, I improvised and said "warning. Side effect". That was enough for the party, and they left the room alone.

From here they sort of went counter clockwise.

Next they explored the room the Schir came from- a ruined and burnt library. They found a bit of treasure and carried on. Sena player was getting a bit fed up with the "dungeon crawl". We don't usually have those. We usually go for very swift dungeons, if we do them at all. I think he was getting to tired as well.

Next they went to the room with the buzzing that Mad dog heard when he climbed the window. After some debates Mad dog entered, and with one strike and cleaves killed the demon flies there. "What? That's it? We should have climbed!" his player moaned.

The next room proved more difficult.

The scrying room, the aghash div, and a near fatality
Sena opened the door to the next room, the scrying room, with it's bloodied walls and guts and gore all over the place. There were also 5 zombies there- 3 regular, but 2 that seemed to move quickly, and were armored and held great axes- 2 zombie juju of Sarkori warriors.

But from the pool rose a demon they fought before- the desert demon, the aghash div from the hall of heroes.

Mood music, Soprano of the swarm (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=6z2mf0kjEP8)
(Now THIS music was very well accepted! Set the tone just right!"

"Sword wielder, you have come! The fates are unclear, come, and let the sands solve it!" The juju zombies added. "Come, Jaclyn awaits for you to join us!"

The Aghash tried to curse sena with his spectral hand, but failed. Sena in return called upon Sarenrae, and consecrated the place, driving much of the blood away, returning some holiness to the scrying pool . The zombies moaned with unease. Millorn casts expeditions retreat on Andrew, who moves in up to the Aghash, meeting his challenge, but missing him. "Your faith is weak sword wielder!"

Andera and Mad dog goes in towards the Aghash as well, While Harry stays outside, and starts to burn the zombies. Being surrounded, The aghash dimension doors outside, and have a zombie block the exit, It now faces Harry and Millorn alone!

Sena unleashes a channel energy, taking 2 zombies down (but not the blocker), and wounding both juju. Andera destroyes the blocker, and Andrew decides to charge the desert demon...

Only an AoO critical from a juju does more than 50 damage ,sending Andrew to -10 :smalleek::smalleek: (For those new to PF, you die when you get to -CON score on PF). Suddenly the battle turned far more critical. The party however let Arabeth give Andrew a potion (She rolled the minimum. Didn't wake him up yet). While they focused on the Aghash, It tries to unleash a sand storm, but Sena in return does an AoO crit, and with a few more strikes from Mad dog, and Andera, manage to kill the demon, which turns to sand.

And with that, with Andrew on the floor at negatives, and the party quite depleted, we ended the session.

About the Aghash Div
While it is a very flavorful monster, I do think they work better as a support monster, than a main antagonist. Their curses are a serious hamper, but they just hamper, they do not fully threaten or kill. I think that in retro spect I might hvae chosen a different demon. Oh well... :smallwink:
Each Player's XP: 14,220

So, a bit shorter of a write up than I thought. Some comments:
- Our group doesn't seem to like long dungeon crawls that much.
- Only the Othirubo encounter proved any kind of challenge so far. The one with the Aghash turned to a problem due to the "orc with a great axe at low levels" lucky hit problem
- I wasn't at my best this session, nor were Sena and Andrew's players. Hopefully better next time, eh?

Next time the finale, and possibly the start of the next module. I hope you're enjoying, let me know! :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2014-05-26, 04:36 AM
Two small updates:
1) One of our player suffered a tragedy- his father died unexpectedly. We're postponing the game till he feels he'd like to play. So the log is postponed for an unknown time. I may put on some posts about planning and DMing issues, we'll see. I will post when we resume.

2) Before this happened, I opened a thread dealing with Rewrking the campaign traits (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?349208-Reworking-the-Wrath-of-the-Righteous-Campaign-traits-resolution-SPOILERS) in the 3rd module, "Demon's Heresy", since that was somewhat... disappointing. Biotroll had already suggested some ideas. Feel free to check it out and suggest soemthing too! I hope to start make it a serious matter in the second and third modules.

We will resume, it will only take a while longer. Some things come first.
Thanks for reading.

Kol Korran
2014-05-28, 05:19 PM
Ok, so some good news. The player finished the Shiva. (A custom jewish mourning period) and sent an email: "Ok, I want to kill stuff, even imaginary stuff. When do we meet?" I think he seeks a distraction.

So we'll supply one! We will probably meet next weekend, still trying to figure out exactly when. I have postponed doing the necessary work due to the finals and real life, but it seems I may need to do quite a bit in a hurry. Some things on the agenda:
1) Redo the first module's final battle and finale. I have had a new interesting idea that I don't fully know how to implement yet.
2) Think of the time between the end of the first module and the start of the second one. NPCs, changes in Kenabres, changes in the PCs themselves...
3) Mythic power: I may need to help Sena's player with it. He just don't have the time to go over the rules. I may need to simplify the process.
4) Andrew's player has been having second thoughts about his character. He might change characters. How to make the transition?
5) The start of the new module. As I mentioned a few times, I think the mass combat rules are as boring as hell. I have been working for a LONG time on improved rules that include some tactics. I just sent the players the copy of those rules, I hope these will work.
6) The party will also have the chance to acquire/ recruit an army. I want to have a selection of different units. I have made some progress there, but there is still work to be done.
7) Thanks to Biotroll I've come to some ideas on how to alter the extent that the campaign traits affect the game. I intend to have their story and complications start to affect from the beginning of the second module. This may need some prep work as well.
8) Design the first few mass combat battle maps and army statistics.
9) Go over the chapel encounter (Just in case the party gets there, I don't think they will) and get to know it well enough.

I think this is enough, no? Still, this is a great deal of the fun I get from being a DM. I like working on these stuff and making it work. (Boy, these modules take quite more work than I thought they would! :smalltongue:)

Ok, late night here, lets get some sleep!

Kol Korran
2014-06-01, 10:57 AM
Biotroll has been discussing some issues in the "reworking the campaign traits" thread, which might be more appropriate here, so I'm copying his last post here and answering it.

You are lucky to have such players. My group prefers to hack and slash withouth thinking too much about, well, anything. No tactics unless they get almost killed, and while they enjoy the story (or so they say) they aren't very active in roleplaying.
Well, Sena, Andrew and Andera's player really like tactics and strategy (A big reason why I'm trying to make the mass combat more interesting than two units just hitting each other). And they are alos quite big on roleplaying stuff. We're not that great roleplayers, but we have quite a few good moments. harry's player mostly lieks to kill and blast stuff, which is fine with us. Mad dog's player? She is new, but she loves the fights, and comes up with cool and innovative plans and stuff. Not always effective, but interesting. She is less tactical, and acts far mroe from instinct, gut feeling and emotion, which makes her an awesome addition to the party.

Aravashnial could recognize the PC after they restore his sight (if it is the blind elf, can't remember). And if they don't, the PC can overhear Quendys takling to Aravashnial about the missing expedition and how the PC looks familiar to the wizard that left with them. Or maybe they can talk about the Worm seeking to purge the information and mentioning that it is lucky, that the PC survived as he might prove vital for fighting him/they might use him in some ritual. I was thinking of something on those lines... I'm trying to make it simple enough since Harry's player doesn't go much for roleplay, but perhaps something a bit... puzzly? HE sometime likes those.

Also, it's good to see you will be playing again. Too bad the paladin is thinking about changing characters. Try to talk to the player why. In my experience it could be he feels overpowered by Mad Dog. The paladin is fighting with shield and sword, which is not very effective. One of my players played an elf ranger who twf with two longswords but decided to change the character after few sessions because of our dwarf fighter with greataxe. The paladin's damage output is lacking at this point and his special abilities and spells aren't enough yet to make a difference. (One 1st level spell is weak, and besides, Mad Dog can cast spells too.) Mad Dog is simply dominating the melee combat now. He hits harder, has more hit points and has some more skills than Andrew. (Also, Andrew got unlucky AoO crit, which might make him doubt his character as it almost killed him.) If it isn't about not being effective in combat, maybe he feels he isn't given chance to play the knighly archetype? And now with Arabeth (the half-orc paladin right?) he might feel overshadowed. Or perhaps it just isn't for him. As far as I understand it's not being overshadowed in combat (Andrew is effective enough, and acts as a tank while Mad dog is the striker). He just feels he lacks options... He always liked playign casters, and especially with playing Millorn on the side, well... he wants to sling magic again I guess. :smallwink: So far it seems he'll play a sorcerer, mostly battle control I think, but I'm not sure yet.

Oh, and Arabeth was changed to a cavalier in my game. Saw no reason to have a paladin of a higher level in the party to overshadow him.

If he changes character now, he might be one of the defenders in town, who disobeyed orders and came to help (or even was sent with some urgent message?). If he stays at least untill the end of the first book, he can join the queen and his new character might be someone assigned to help them. He will stay with Andrew til lthe end of the module (Really not far off). I was also thinking that his next character could be some aid to the queen as well. We'll figure soemthing out. Our group is notthat good with transitions (Usually it is Harry's player that switch). But we'll manage.

Thanks for reading!:smallsmile:

2014-06-01, 12:08 PM
2) Mythical rules: THe players started looking through them, and to understand them. So far they think they might be cool, but they dislike how many new options and info they present (Especially Sena's player who both has very little time and is an optimizer who likes to get the best fit for his buck). Andrew's player gone through most of his low tier options, and is not that impressed. We're working on it.
It may not seem like it now, but mythic tiers do greatly increase power (especially Mythic Power Attack). It's tier 3 where it really kicks in, but you should be ready for the PCs to rocket past the encounters as-written.

4) Started to read the 3rd module: I started with Demon's Heresy. I'm not quite getting the party's motivation at the start of this- random explorers? Or they are again reduced to quest takers? I'm only at the start but there seems to be a loss of momentum here- Save the city, conquest an enemy fort and... sit and wait? Again, I'm just at the start. I hope it proves more interesting as I go on.
Per the book, the special NPCs (basically the ones that have been woven pretty inextricably into the adventure path) get put into the positions of authority in the city while the PCs go around taking and completing quests. I would advise pulling that out entirely and putting the PCs in those positions of authority (as mythic heroes and the effective leaders of the Crusade who just retook the city, the idea of it being taken off them and handed over to NPCs who haven't done half of what they did might rankle). You could partly use the Settlement rules from Ultimate Campaign if you feel obliged to include mechanical elements, or you could freeform it.

Either way, I'd have them in charge, but also have them lead sorties out into the Worldwound. If there has to be somebody in charge of Drezen and it can't be a PC (or PCs), then at least have one of the group - or more - take Leadership and then get their cohort to take the reins. It ties it closer to the players that way. If you like, you could even have the players play as their cohorts for a session as they deal with stuff in and around Drezen (while presumably the mythic heroes are off somewhere).

Kol Korran
2014-06-02, 01:33 AM
It may not seem like it now, but mythic tiers do greatly increase power (especially Mythic Power Attack). It's tier 3 where it really kicks in, but you should be ready for the PCs to rocket past the encounters as-written.
Thanks for the heads up. I'm itnrigued at how much the mythic power points/ day will limit them, as every thing is based of them, and my players don't like stopping all the time, and usually go on playing till they are quite depleted. I am worried about the 3rd level ability to refresh all their dailies, but we've sort of been doing that with Terendelev's scales (The idea for them came from this ability in fact). Still, I'll keep a look out. The encounters so far were quite simple to begin with. I wonder how it will be with mythic powers. I needed to upgrade all the important ones so far to provide any sort of a challenge. (?And that didn't work all the time as well).

Per the book, the special NPCs (basically the ones that have been woven pretty inextricably into the adventure path) get put into the positions of authority in the city while the PCs go around taking and completing quests. I would advise pulling that out entirely and putting the PCs in those positions of authority (as mythic heroes and the effective leaders of the Crusade who just retook the city, the idea of it being taken off them and handed over to NPCs who haven't done half of what they did might rankle). You could partly use the Settlement rules from Ultimate Campaign if you feel obliged to include mechanical elements, or you could freeform it.

Either way, I'd have them in charge, but also have them lead sorties out into the Worldwound. If there has to be somebody in charge of Drezen and it can't be a PC (or PCs), then at least have one of the group - or more - take Leadership and then get their cohort to take the reins. It ties it closer to the players that way. If you like, you could even have the players play as their cohorts for a session as they deal with stuff in and around Drezen (while presumably the mythic heroes are off somewhere). Yeah, I read that about the NPCs taking over. It might go quite well with my group, as I'm not sure they want to deal with ruling a city and it's surroundings. Plus- more new rules and such (Some don't like the addition of mythic or mass combat, so...). We don't let use leadership adding cohorts, just granting some bonuses to mass combat and maybe ruling a city, but no cohorts or followers (We like to minimize "extra hands" to deal with. My players don't much like having the NPCs along for that reason). We'll see closer to when we get to the module. We got some ground to cover before that.

But having them engaged somehow in rebuilding and making the major decisions for Drezen (Whatever those will be, the module didn't suggest anything). Might be interesting and fun. I'll need tothink about it more. Got quite a bit to deal with before Friday. Thanks for the suggestions though!

2014-06-02, 06:23 AM
Thanks for the heads up. I'm itnrigued at how much the mythic power points/ day will limit them, as every thing is based of them, and my players don't like stopping all the time, and usually go on playing till they are quite depleted. I am worried about the 3rd level ability to refresh all their dailies, but we've sort of been doing that with Terendelev's scales (The idea for them came from this ability in fact). Still, I'll keep a look out. The encounters so far were quite simple to begin with. I wonder how it will be with mythic powers. I needed to upgrade all the important ones so far to provide any sort of a challenge. (?And that didn't work all the time as well).
There's a thread on the Paizo forums (in the Wrath of the Righteous subforum) that has a playthrough of WotR using the mythic ruleset with some modifications. One of the changes made was the restriction of mythic power regeneration to 1d4 uses/day, forcing players to think carefully before expending anything. It also uses upgraded statblocks (Scorpion's ones, found in the same subforum), and the players are still doing much better than one would expect.

The thread is called "combat experiences in mythic gameplay" (IIRC), if you're interested.

Yeah, I read that about the NPCs taking over. It might go quite well with my group, as I'm not sure they want to deal with ruling a city and it's surroundings.
One thing I'd suggest is adding in a questline about recovering the Lexicon of Paradox. It'll be much more important at the end of the campaign, but at the baseline you pretty much just get handed it after a bunch of NPCs/story-characters do all the work.

Kol Korran
2014-06-03, 11:39 AM
There's a thread on the Paizo forums (in the Wrath of the Righteous subforum) that has a playthrough of WotR using the mythic ruleset with some modifications. One of the changes made was the restriction of mythic power regeneration to 1d4 uses/day, forcing players to think carefully before expending anything. It also uses upgraded statblocks (Scorpion's ones, found in the same subforum), and the players are still doing much better than one would expect.

The thread is called "combat experiences in mythic gameplay" (IIRC), if you're interested.
Hmmmm.. .I've found it and started to read it i nthe little free time I got. Thanks. Though it seems they are testing the mythic rules not on Wrath of the righteous as far as I understand? I'm still trying to make heads of the thread.

Thanks, it might give me some things to think about and prepare to in advance!

One thing I'd suggest is adding in a questline about recovering the Lexicon of Paradox. It'll be much more important at the end of the campaign, but at the baseline you pretty much just get handed it after a bunch of NPCs/story-characters do all the work.
I don't know what this Lexicon is. I have read only up to the start of the Ivory Sanctuary in the 3rd part, is this something that comes later in the campaign? Or have I missed it? (Mostly skimmed over the third module, tried to get the main themes of it).

Kol Korran
2014-06-08, 02:41 PM
So, we played two days ago, and it was a blast! We finished the first module with a bang, and then went on to the next, with a few hiccups. :smallwink: A very fun meeting, I hope you will enjoy as well.

An important note is that Andrew's player wished to change character (He didn't like the limited options of a non caster). But he wanted to find a decent finishing point for Andrew as well. This happens at the start of the second module.

Shall we begin?

Session 7, Part 1- Battle over the Wardstone fragment, Areelu's temptation

Music from where we left last time (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=6z2mf0kjEP8)

Last we left the party after defeating the Aghash Div, but with Andrew at -4 hp due to a lucky zombie's axe. They quickly got him back to health using the many potions of CLW they hoarded (The module gives out LOADS of those!). Once he was back to his feet, they decided to explore the Scrying pool in the room. Sena cleaned it, and prayed for guidance, which came in the form of a short vision- he felt as if he was floating up the stairs to the third level, where he saw a hellish site: The floor as it was seemed ripped apart, like it was pulled and twisted, with gaps leading to abyssal depths. The place was partly transforming into the abyss! Parts of it seemed to connect to a desert, part of it to ice, and in the center thee was a sort of an island, a necrotic themed island, where Sena saw two prominent figures- one of a great black and red minotaur, and the other of a twisted wasted form, part elf, part insect- Jaslyn. Behind her, in the middle of the "isle" was the Wardstone fragment, shedding light. The favored of Deskari noticed his presence, and dispelled it.

Getting his senses back, Sena told the party what he saw, and they decided to explore the rest of the floor first, and only then ascend.

The exploration was brief- some minor documents, minor treasure, 1-2 more planar effects, and little else. The party discussed whether to open the blocked door, but decided against it. From the sounds of it there was some ooze behind (They were right, I changed the Preyton there to a hungry flesh)

They were ready, for the big fight, the last fight in the module, to destroy the wardstone fragment! (I was a bit surprised, they were somewhat depleted, but they decided to go on)

A few magical preparations (Skip if not interested). Mostly out of scrolls and wands and such, which the party hoarded till this point: Protection from evil on all 7 (including Arabeth and Millorn). Harry got Andrew and Mad dog enlarged, and cast shiled on himself. Sena cast Hide from undead on Harry, Mad dog, Andrew and Andera, and used a few scrolls to add all kind of defensive buffs to himself. (He likes playing defense). Mad dog who fers wht is to happen drinks a potion of invisibility.

With improved defenses, and their two melee bruiser enlarged, the party ascended up.

The final battle!
As the party ascended the stairs the came to a strange looking battlefield:

Pardon the quality

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/Lastbattleatthetable1_zps0541ec61.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/Lastbattleatthetable1_zps0541ec61.jpg.html)

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/3e5eccfd-4c94-460d-ba59-55e49863604e_zps0073a0e6.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/3e5eccfd-4c94-460d-ba59-55e49863604e_zps0073a0e6.jpg.html)

A magnification of the central part, Jaclyn's necrotic "isle" she's the green- baige miniature, the black bull in the fiendish minotaur.
http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/LAstBattleJaclynisland_zpsaadbd6a4.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/LAstBattleJaclynisland_zpsaadbd6a4.jpg.html)

A bit of n explanation is due: The characters are on the topmost right of the battlefield. going south of that the battlefield continues till it turns to red- n incursion of an Abysiall desert. From the characters and to the left and then down the battlefield continues till it meets an icy patch- an incursion of an abyssial tundra. There are gaps which are basically sheer drops into abyssal energy. (I was hoping for some pushes over edges and such). In the center there is a black place, an incursion of The Rot- an abyssal necromatic place, In which the Wardstone (Orange) has been placed, hoping that the negative energies will drain on the stone. The area is floating, and not attached by land to anywhere.

Enemies? The blue ones are zombies, fast zombies. (Jaclyn could easily zummon more of these using animate dead combined with remove paralysis on the many bodies in her isle). The green ones are dretches, and the red ones re Schir demons.

And then there re the tiefling summoners, in grey (Hard to see on the map), one for each zone, and focused around some abyssal crystal (There's always a crystal! :smalltongue:). The party didn't know what these were yet, but were worried.

I changed Jaclyn a bit. She raised her bow and mocked at the players. "You've met only mooks and pitiful underlings so far, but now you face a true force of the abyss!" It's go time!

As the start, so the finish- Divided we fall, united we stand! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbtX06ZZ1t8)

The party at both curses and is excited. Surprisingly, Mad dog's large size makes it hard for him to navigate the small bridges, he moves a bit to the south, but the schir, with his ability to see invisible sees him, and yells out.

The zombies try to move forward, some are baffled by the invisible mass of Mad dog. This is followed by stinking clouds of dretches. Thoguh the party makes their save (other than millorn), they realize they are gettign swamped. Sena shouts: "Andrew! Mad dog! Make us room, we can't be bottled here. Harry, you and I occupy the bitch, keep the pressure on her!"

But there are more suprises! The summoners each reach towards the crystal, and cast a summon monster spell, and portals appear near the party, an icy one and a firey one. The Blue portal sends a chilling wind on them (30 ft line, 3d6 damage, fort save 16 for half), while from the red one comes another schir.

Sena focuses and unleashes a channel energy, greatly harming the oncoming undead. Jaclyn curses him "I can make many more than you can destroy!" To which Sena just replies "You're probably right!" Harry moves behind Mad dog and targets Jaclyn with magic missiles. She shoots him, trying to disrupt him with her corrosive bow, but he manages to retain his spell, and wounds her nicely.

Andrew also channels, destroying the wounded undead, and tries to move to the other front, but finds it hard to move. Andera follows him, and targets a schir with holy arrows from the armory.

Then the black portal appears, two of them in fact- one near the island, another on the north west front of the battlefield, and the fiendish minotaur steps through it, roaring a challenge, and readying to charge.

The party thinks about having John jump the distance to the island, but he finds it hard to find a good spot (I made it difficult, but not impossible. It's odd that jump is now dex based in PF!). He settles for killing two dretches with a cleave. But then the shcirs (Other then the west most one) close on him and they start exchanging blows. Mad dog is locked in battle with them (To the player's frustration), which takes up most of his next rounds.

Meanwhile the portals spew more cold, and another schir. Andrew moves forward and engages the minotaur, "smite eviling" him. Jaclyn uses a wand for remove paralasys, intending to raise 14 more fast zombies next round and send them through the portal, but Sena notices this. He doesn't know what exactly she is doing, but he knows how to stop her- Silence... he puts it at the center of the island, effectively blocking the entire island! (Including the summoner who controls the portal). This may have been the winning move of this battle.

harry doesn't let go either and keeps sending more spells on her.
Jaclyn comes through the portal to cast dispel magic from a scroll on the silence, but Sena pulls out another scroll of silence and repeats the process. Harry manages to immolate her in fire, While Andrew dmages the minotaur greatly. The party is starting to do some good damage here!

To spice things up, increase the pace! To Glory, from two steps from hell (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9mi__FaFhc&noredirect=1)

But they are taking major damage as well. Mad dog can't hold up to the schirs and they drop him to a -8, Jaclyn decides to put some pressure on the heroes, and try and help her minotaur and comes to deliver a serious inflict spell on andrew, making him in the single digits as well.

Sena positions himself between the two, and heals them somewhat, when ndrew turns on Jaclyn and delivers two mighty blows with his sword and shiled, taking her to 0. And Harry finishes her with a well timed power missile! The minotaur then falls from a sneak attack from the disappeared andera.

Now, I try to take some advice from the Angry DM, and know when to finish encounters. This was basically over, as the party easily powered the rest. They were in high mood, and dredging through killing everyone and so on would just take a long time, and add nothing. So we decided that I'll narate a bit from here on, which went on something like this: They went through the dark portal (Which still couldn't move due to silence), and faced the summoner. He used a silver red bell which vanished. Nearly immediately they could feel some presence approaching, so they went to the wardstone frgament, and Sena used the rod of cancellation they got from Quendys to destroy it.

But it was not over yet! As the wardstone fragment shattered, sending out a great light, the party felt falling into darkness, feeling that something was very, very wrong.

DM thoughts- design of the final battle and execution
The final battle was supposed to be a few things- it was supposed to be tough, it was supposed to be a bit of a puzzle (How to get to the main island) and it was supposed to mke the players think and prsent them with quite a few choices.

In the original module the 3rd floor is one tiny room with the minotaur, and one tiny room with Jaclyn (And possible reinforcements if you'd like). That was quite absurd since a character can then just walk to the fragment, suffer a few AoO at worst, and destroy it with one action. Lame! :smallannoyed: So I tried something different.

The party could solve this in a few ways- either kill a summoner and take control over their portal to gain access. Jump to the place, find another way there or... just draw Jaclyn to where they were and kill her there. :smallamused: Jaclyn had quite a few option on her island as well- send the minotaur and heal him with necrotic energy (Through a wand, I changed 1 feat for undead affinity), Summon fiendish dire bats, shoot her +1 corrosive long bow (She had a big enough to hit bonus to hurt most) Hold person to anyone who got close enough, summon more undead, soul siphon for those who were close enough and so on...

But Sena managed to negate most of those. Good for him the bastard! :smallbiggrin:
All in all the battle felt a bit on the easy side (Though Mad Dog and Andrew were about 1 hit from dying) and ended fairly quickly (5- 6 rounds or so). The party commented on this however that for once, they acted as one group, with each doing his share and acting his role in the plan.
Good for them!

Areelu's Vorlesh offer
The five PCs found themselves surrounded by a soft white light, but otherwise in darkness. Then they heard the slow soft clapping, and saw Areelu Vorlesh, the half fiendish witch who opened the worldwound in the first place, sitting on a destroyed pillar and smiling. Sena's player cursed "I knew it! We weren't supposed to destroy it, right?" Mad dog's plyer was confused. Andera's player was angry "We did as we were told..."

Areelu began to speak. "You have done what none of us could. The wardstone would burn any demon or cultist who tried to get near. Though we destroyed most of it, enough remained to keep the border intact. But heroes? Righteous heroes? Heroes that were played right, led to believe they are saving the day? Those could enter and do our work for us. Provided they were told the right story, and were courageous enough, fool enough, or just gullible enough to do fall for the bait."

She then revealed the wardstone border failing, and the demons rushing in all over.

"Congratulations, you have highhandedly doomed Mendev, and all it's people, we could not have done it better ourselves. You are indeed great monsters, great demons, great murderers. There were many eyes: Those who's mind was preoccupied with the abyss for long" (She showed Millorn, looking at Andrew, voices whispering behind his eyes). "Those who bear our influence in their very blood, body and essence. (Showing Lann, with hateful thoughts towards the "uplanders", towards the great city they have built, while their people were in the dark) "Those who carry the shame of their actions, the curse of those dead due to their guilt" (John, with the spirits whispering in his ears. "You left us! We died cause of you!") And even one so distraught with love, she would pledge herself to the dark, for a chance to see her loved one again." (Arabeth praying fervently, crying, mouthing "Anevia, please! Just bring her back to me!")

The party seemed a bit confused at this. Mad dog's player didn't quite understand what was about with Anevia. I noticed Sena tensing a bit about John. (Mad Dog the Character by the way wasn't listening at all. He was thinking how hot she looked and if he could bed her. Players! :smallbiggrin:)

"Once we knew there were heroes, all it took was to move the right pieces (She makes a sort of a gaming board, moving pieces. The Aghash Div and, Faxon, the above 4, plus Quendys with emphasis. Party "So he IS the betrayer!") and let you do the rest… Give a few heroes little hope, to crush the hopes of hundreds of thousands."

She then turned specifically to each one:
"You Senatef, the ever watchful, careful. You were suspicious, yet you did nothing. You followed around, like a good little sheep. It was your inaction that led to this doom." The player did not respond.

"Andera, the vanquisher of demons, the spy, the cunning. You have failed to see the real danger, you have failed to see the scheme, and have led to your people to their demise." The player looked surprised, but dismissed this offhand.

"Harry, one so knowledgable, so wise. And yet so eager to destroy. You alone could understand the great magical energies in the wardstone, yet did you question? Did you object? Research? No… You came forth eager for destruction of a massive scale. Well, the destruction you have wrought is epic indeed." To which he just replied "Ah- huh!" (??)

"Mad dog, a nickname of a mindless rabid animal, eager for the kill, the slaughter, the mayhem. Congratulations! You and your friends are probably the biggest mass murderers in history, and the deaths of your fellow beings will be excruciating, painful, and their souls will fuel our armies. We have you to thank for!" (Mad dog was still lost in his "how to shag" contemplations)

And you Andrew, with your blind zealortry, and utter conviction of your just cause. You never stopped to question. Even now I can feel you trying to object, to find a way out of this mess, to justify your atrocities, to others, to yourself. You are impressive, but you have been blind. And in your blindness led your people to their doom!" Andrew rose up to her. "A lot of talk and little action! Come and fight me! One on one if you dare!" (The player informed me in secret that he sought a way to finish Andrew's story, and thought this would be an appropriate death. I had another idea though, one that I thought he might like better, later on).

She looked at them all. And then came to her pitch. "I see the power of the wardstone in you. I seek it. I offer you a reprise- You can live, you can flourish, you can become great, powerful, a terror to behold. Swear Allegiance to Deskari, and it will grant you power beyond your dreams! He favors greatly those capable, powerful and destructive enough, as you have shown yourselves to be." Something changed in Sena's player face. I din't quite understand it at that point.

Deskari's form, the gigantic humanoid insectoid with wings made of giant swarmed loomed above.

What is the alternative? Either serve, and relish in the riches, or Die, like your friends. She once more showed them. "The egg hatches" (Millorn erupting, a shadowy figure crawling out of him) "The tainted return to us" (Some Majestic demon commanding Lann and the mongrelfolk to turn on the others) "The warrior faces the past" (John has spirits face him, surrounding him) "Power meets greater power". (Quendys and Aravash try spells against the worm that walks, which then uses disintegrate to kill both) "The Lover returns her love" (Arabeth is possessed and comes towards Anevia who shoots arrows, and drive a sword through her heart, crying.) At this last one they suddenly questioned. "Wait, are we seeing things as they are or..."

But Sena interrupted her at this point. "Thanks you for sharing this info. I think your planned is flawed. I think you tried to trick us. I almost believed you till you told us why you need us, and I understood that all of this... charade, is meant to impress us. But it is YOU who needs US. You chatter too much, your arrogance has betrayed you." He motioned to the eyes of Deskari "And I think we know who is the pawn in this game, don't we?. I don't believe anything you talk about. You have shown your fear! WE are the force that could beat you! Thank you for delivering this freely." He then started slowly clapping, as she had in the beginning. And the rest? Well, they just joined in the clapping!

It was my hope that some might accept her offer, be demoralized or beaten enough. (My guess was on Sena and Mad Dog) but it apparently didn't work. Oh well! "You insolent! If you will not serve! You will die!

Throw init. Areelu wins (+16 to init after all). and starts with mass suffocation. At this Sena's player start shooting expletives "A 9th level spell? you kidding me?" Buuuuttt.. as per the module, the power of the wardstone saves them. As she casts the spell the light within them grows fierce, and attacks her! She creams, trying to get forward. The party's awareness shifts between her and the history of the Wardstone. (This is all narration, but a short one)

The fire starts to sear her wing and arm. The party sees the true vision- Wardstones all over the border over charge, killing thousands of demons, then all of them going inert. In the past, in 4635, PCs see the building of the first wardstone, with the herald of Iomadae- an angel with a halo of swords.

Areelu tries to walk towards, but is pushed back by the energy, much of the wing is and one arm are burned. In 4665, Hurlun burns the first 20 witches. In 4692, Storm king attacks wardstone, Terendelev nearly kills him. The Storm King escapes.

Areelu screeches, falls back, wing burned to bones and tendons, arm cracked, Areelu's skin burns, her horn splinters, flesh showing in half her body, skin burnt. In 4712, Arabeth fights Staunton Vhane near Wardstone, he escapes with fiendish wasp. Minhago the Lilitu demon speaks to Jeslyn atop the Gray Garrison "Wish for it darling mortal" Jaslyn- "I wish for the abyss itself make me a protector, help guard the stone till it's corrupted to Deskari's glory!"

One of Areelu's eyes melt, She shrieks to high hell, some ribs are showing, one arm is useless, the other already badly burned. The party sees Areelu's Vorlesh plan- the nyhandrian crystal used with the Wardstone to turn the many crusaders into demons. They see the silver bell appearing at her side and Areelu using the Imago lens to teleport back into the world.

Areelu lays on the floor, crumpled barely living, great strength of will. "I… Will have my revenge! Next time the ward stone won't protect you!" She then turns and despite the great pain uses some power and vanishes… (Mad Dog's player, as gore happy as she is, really liked the drawn out descriptions of Areelu's suffering. But she thought she was less "shag worthy" after all of that..."

DM design- Areelu's Temptation
Areelu isn't a fair match to the players power wise. But she could be roleplay wise. The module have her try to kill the PCs, get burned, and then send 6 Babau to a fight against super powered PCs. It cheapens Areelu in my opinion, and it gives no actual interaction between this BBEG and the PCs. I wanted them to get a small sense of her at least.

I did seem to mess up with her wanting the PCs for their power. This seemed to have tipped Sena's player off. But if did give him a chance to make a cool counter speech, and feel awesome, spitting in the face of the arch demon.

I did hope that at least 1-2 will find the offer appealing, which sort of make them "mini fall", and have effects that will accompany them on the next part ofthe campaign, but it didn't happen. Oh well. She did end up looking a bit ridiculous, but not overwhelmingly so. More importantly, all players got to snub her a bit and feel rebellious and "sticking it up to the boss" sort of thing. Which is fun! :smallbiggrin:

The PCs found themselves atop the wreckage of the great Garrison, with the sounds of fighting ceasing, and the remains of many demons below, with Lann's forces pressed against the building, protecting it. The day was won, and Kenabres returned!

They still felt the holy power in them, much less than before, but still potent, different. The wordstones' power, made up from the prayers of tens of thousands over the past century settled finally on them. And they could sense the last words- "Our last hopes are with you…"

Some end music. We are the champions, by Queen (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04854XqcfCY&feature=kp)

End of "The worldwound Incursion" module!

Each Player's XP: 19,720 (The big fight was worth around 20,000 XP, Areelu's temptation was 1,500 for each PC that didn't take the bait)

So we ended the first module. Spirit were high around the table, and the feeling was good. The party leveled to 5th level, plus they just got Mythic! There was a long time of trying to work out all of those details, so we took a humus and cake break, and worked on things, while I took a bit of time to unwind. I'll update with the level up and the start of the second module at a later time.

Hope you're enjoying, we sure did!

Kol Korran
2014-06-13, 02:44 PM
Sorry for the delay in updating this part. I'm learning for my finals, and it's wearing me out. I come back home and usually just want to rest. That said, I hope you will enjoy. No battles in this one, mostly some roleplay, development and the set up for the module to come.

Session 7, part 2- Level ups, Interlude, Interview with the queen, and the arrival of Julian

This part of the session was done in a far more relaxed pace. Quite a bit was dedicated to leveling up and the mythical powers. Andrew's player helped Mad dog's player, our new player with her choices. An important note to make is that we are brand new to the mythical powers. I've read the general system of these rules, but not the specific feats or powers. So we're trying this on a trial basis.

Conan- The Atlantean sword (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=ZcOmV8_77SQ&p=n)
(Some music of the recuperating Kenabres, amidst the ruins and devastation- a new hope.

The music escorted us throughout the second part of the session. Quite great for relaxing and hopeful music. So... about these level ups and mythical powers. A quick rundown of what the party picked.

5th level feat: Channel alignment (Chaotic evil)- Vs. Demons.
Mythical Feat: Extra mythic power.(For more uses of Inspired spell)
Path powers: Inspired spell & Heathen Slayer (Focused at Deskari believers).

5th level feat: Extra Ki
Mythical feat: Mythical Weapon Finesse
Path powers: Surprise attack (More SA) & Defensive move (More nobility)

5th level feat: Create wand (He has plans!)
Mythical feat: Mythical Spell penetration
Mythical powers: Wild Arcana & Eldritch breach (He REALLY hates spell resistance!)

Mad Dog
5th level feat: Dodge (The player really sought to upgrade her defenses. She felt Mad Dog got hit a LOT!)
Mythical feat: Mythic Cleave. (Oh my! :smalleek:)
Mythical powers: Sudden attack, Blow back

Andrew' player was about to change character, so We didn't deal with his leveling. We'll get to his character soon enough...

Wrath of the Righteous- The Sword of Valor

The Sword of Valor officially starts a few days after The destruction of the wardstone, with the Queen's visit to the city. I felt there was some roleplay to be had in these days, as well as some smoother transition, not to mention dealing with selling loot, buying items and the like.

Though they have won, it was a t a great cost. More than half of the city's population was dead, including it's most powerful defenders. The streets were littered with dead demons, caught by the blast of the dying wardstone, and the mongrelmen and the soldiers of the Eagle watch greeted the party with cheers, and some confusion. They have won, for now... but the wardstone's protection was no more. It was time to rest, grieve, rebuild and take account of the after math, and to come to terms with the new change the characters hve gone through. They have become... not mere mortals. And people could fill it.

In the next day people started returning to Kenabres from the surrounding region to which most have fled. These were the citizens, not the soldiers, though some armed forces did go with them for protection. The cries of the broken families, the victims and more tore through the city. But most stayed silent, the devastation was just... too overwhelming.

Funerals, mass funerals started to take place. Arabeth spoke at the mas grave of most of her unit. Quendys over the dead of his library, The mongrel folk held their own hushed and silent ceremonies, with Opoli weeping over the body of Chief Sul who fell, and Lann was just stunned, declared as the new chief. John searched for the surviving members of their order, Thew Sovereign Knights of Sarenra (More on tht to come), But foundonly about 90 or so. Nayla Freyton, Andera's confidant mourned the death of Senest, who led their order, and happened to also be... her husband.

Yet in amidst of all of this, rebuilding has begun. The Kenabres people knew very well that they must restore the city's defenses. As to the party? Well, all except for Sena were either outsiders or had no attachments. (Buggers! :smallannoyed:). Sena decided to think about it. They decided to worry more about loot (Players!) and understanding their powers.

About the loot- they sold the equipment they found in the garrison, or distributed some of it. They also found 5 wardstone fragments in the fort, each capable of restoring 1d3 mythic power points, once (Like a potion). They made some sells and bought some stuff (Sena bought armor and shiled enchantments, seeking to tank, as well as a headband of wisdom. Mad Dog upgraded his sword, Harry bought some scrolls and such). Harry built a wand of Sontaneous immolation. He LIKES that spell!

Amidst all of that, I sent the players some emails, on some small events/ changes they went through. (We all play with lap tops)

In the days after the awakening of the mythic power in new, you yourself different. As if not fully "normal" anymore. You feel like you feel things, sense things that are subtly more acute than you did before. You even dream…

You're not fully certain of the dream, But you feel two people who are at both connected and close, and yet opposite at the same time. A great desperation is felt strangely mixed with great elation, in a turmoil of emotions. One burning questions seem to sear through the two people's minds: "Have I succeeded or failed?!"
(Roleplay with this as you'd like)

In the days after the awakening of the mythic power in new, you yourself different. As if not fully "normal" anymore. You feel like you feel things, sense things that are subtly more acute than you did before. And it seems that Aravashnial feels this as well.

The elf speaks with you in secret. "Harry, we must talk. I was hesitant before, but I did some investigating, and I know a bit about who your lineage. You come from a line of Riftwardens. We explore the Worldwound and the planes. We seek to find a way to fight the demons, maybe even understand how the worldwound itself works. Few have evergotten even close to it. We have been an open sect in the past, but we have gone secret. Some of our members had… unconventional theories. I know that your parents went to the worldwound to try and prove something, but I know not what happened. Their records have been lost. Our members had long discussions about the paths to take, but all of that is moot, lost along with Blackwing. Unless We can find that wrom that walks, Xanthir Vang, who have stolen what we had. I do not know of it's fascination with our order…
(Roleplay with this as you'd like)

In the days after the awakening of the mythic power in new, you yourself different. As if not fully "normal" anymore. You feel like you feel things, sense things that are subtly more acute than you did before. But the past also haunts you… You dream of the ritual again.

The scarring, the torment, the screams, and the feeling that SOMETHING was changed in you. You're not quite sure what, and you have been able to ignore it all of these years. In fast, it may have fueled your power, your strength, your mighty combat prowess and skill. But now, after the recent events, after this "Ascension" You feel that thing deep inside of you, stirring, once more… (Roleplay with this as you'd like)

In the days after the awakening of the mythic power in new, you yourself different. As if not fully "normal" anymore. You feel like you feel things, sense things that are subtly more acute than you did before. Your prayers however have become… Interesting.

On a prayer to Sarenrae (Either at a place that survived, or some other place) You have felt great peace, as if soaring through the sky. And then… Suddenly a great feel of… betrayel? From someone close? You suddenly have the need for air, you suffocate, or breath just barely. And then you feel yourself in great darkness, one that even your darkvision can't penetrate… It's not exactly a vision as it is… a memory? The moment took about 5 seconds, and then everything returned to normal. (Roleplay with this as you'd like)

The events/ changes and the campaign traits
The players were quite confused by this, but most didn't do much about this. They felt (Correctly) That this was a start of things to come. I plan on making the campaign traits into something bigger than the lousy quests they had in the 3rd module, and this is the start of this. An important note is that I didn't give the upgraded traits as reward for finishing the module. They are VERY strong, and the party gets enough rewards. Plus- nothing got changed regarding the traits! Their improved versions will be awarded in the 3rd module, upon developing the trait's stories.

Harry tried to research more on the Worm that walks, but found little. Mad dog's player loved this, but didn't know what to do with it. Senatef however... He went to have a talk with Commander John, who was instructing some of the soldiers. They talked amiably, hugged and chatted. but Sena wanted to know more about the curse. "The witch showed us some things in her vision. Of you, and the curse. What happened in the Worldwound?" John was a bit uncomfortable with this. "A witch can lie quite convincingly, I would not trust her words". Sena insisted. "Yes, but you lie best while telling the truth most of the time, lying just at the crucial point. I believe there was truth in that. You never quite spoke of your expedition to the worldwound, or your imprisonment there." John sat down and sighed. "We went on a mission, a small group of crusaders, but we were ambushed, captured and... "He grimaced "tortured, quite extensively. It was there that I saw Sarenra's light, and with her help, I escaped, but not without being cursed by that blasted land." He seemed to grow quiet. "Sena... I do not wish to talk more of this. I've tried repressing those memories for a long time. I do not wish to go back there." Sena remained suspicious, but respected his mentor's wishes.

But there were more winds flowing in the city. The party heard rumors- while most of the city though of them as saviors, some resented them, accusing them at being bewitched and destroying the wardstone on the demon's behalf. So far these were rumors at best, but these worried the party non the less. Andera asked Nayla to send their people to infiltrate and find more about this, while Andrew went from unit to unit, troop to troop and tried lifting up their spirits, nd helping with the defense plans. Mad Dog? He tried to get drunk thoroughly. The past few days were quite hard on him. He needed some R&R.

Sena's commitment
He surprised with nice piece of roleply. He went to the mongrelfolk, who stayed in the more ruined places in the city. Though the Eagle watch has fully accepted them as comrades to arms, the rest of the city still didn't know how to deal with them, and mistrust still endured. Sena went to the mourning tent of Lann and Opoli, and sat with them for awhile, before talking to Opoli. "You have fought with us, and for this let me do full justice to you. I welcome you ll to be full members of the Sovereign Order of the Knights Of Sarenrae. You have fought beside us bravely, and I would be honored to fight aside you, in whatever happens!" This struck many of the mongrelfolk (And the other players, including me) in a bit of a surprise. "We... shall need to discuss this with all. But thank you!"

Sena wished to do more. "Please take me to Chief Sul's grave, I would like to pay my respects to him." He went there with Opoli, who upon his grave spoke. "I have lost my husband, I have lost all of my sons. And part of this is due to you. Yet... I hold you no grudge. You have done more for my people than anyone has. We shall be better for it, even if we have lost many... so many..." And then Sena's player did a nice improvisation. He knelt on his knee, and spoke respectfully. "You have lost everything, I have lost everything (He decided his family was killed). Please, will you adopt me as one of your children?" Opoli was struck, but she lid her hand on his hand, and accepted. "From this day forth, you are my son, Senatef light bringer! You are equal amongst my people" Sena hugged her as well (The party: "You sleek bastard! Hugging and kneeling much?") and returned to his group.

Interview with the queen
As the queen's troops approached the city more rumors began to spread- that she is an immortal, that she met with Iomadae, that she receives visions from her, that she is in fact a succubus aligned with the demons, which is why all of this has happened, and so on...

Some of her troops camped outside, but she and her knights rode in, surveying the devastation, the people, and finally getting to the Church of Clydewell, a ruined place, overseeing the plaza. Soon after, the PCs along with Quendys, Arabeth and commander John were ushered to meet her.

Queen Galfrey was in full armor, near the back of the church. With her was a middle aged halfling and another human woman, with mage robes. The queen turned to the party, with a weary smile on her face, before speaking to them (This part included a few "read aloud". I'm not that fond of these, but they worked here, with a relaxed party.

It's nice to meet you at last! I've heard quite a lot about you. Pardon me for going over the pleasantries, but there is wr going on, and I understood you are people of action. I have summoned you more than just to congratulate you, I hope you'll agree to my offer. Lets get to it then, shall we? While there are some narrow-minded souls among the crusade who blame you for the destruction of the wardstone border, I do not begrudge you for what you did. Far from it. From the sound of it, you saved entire legions of crusaders from a most vile fate by preventing Vorlesh from transforming them, and the blast of energy gave us the time we needed to regroup and prepare for what will certainly come next. But you understand the implications of what you’ve done, I’m sure—the wardstones are gone, but Iomedae has seen fit that you will be their replacement. I can think of no other reason that would explain why their power would have settled in your bodies and souls and didn’t merely fade into the ether. In time, the demons will regroup and reorganize—we can trust their inherent chaos to make this period of regrouping longer than it otherwise would take, but we shouldn’t underestimate them. They’ll be back soon enough. Already I’ve had reports from along the front lines that small groups of demons are attacking fortifications and settlements along the southern border.

But what intrigues me most is news from several reliable sources that as our fiendish enemies are starting to mass in the southern reaches along the Riftshadow within the Worldwound, they have left several of their northern lairs relatively unprotected. In particular, the fiend Aponavicius has taken the bulk of her army from Drezen, leaving it only moderately protected as she joins with the Storm King in Iz to, no doubt, plot greater attacks on larger targets like Nerosyan, Karcau, and beyond. The time is right to strike into their territory. Drezen was the first of our cities to fall after the First Crusade, and we lost more than our kin and our pride that day. We lost the Sword of Valor, a magical banner carried by the Inheritor herself during the Shining Crusade.

If Drezen could be retaken—if the Sword of Valor could once again be held by the crusade... well, I trust I don’t need to explain how well that would affect morale. But with the imminent attacks along the border, I cannot spare many to lead an assault on Drezen. And even if I could, a large army attacking the city would only draw Aponavicius back to defend the place. The obvious tactic is to send in a group of capable heroes with a modest but well-trained army to strike now, while the proverbial iron is hot. And this is why I’ve sought you out. If you can retake Drezen and reclaim the Sword of Valor, not only will you silence the fools who would brand you traitors for destroying the wardstone, but more importantly, you would bolster the entire war effort with your heroism. And I fear we need all the bolstering we can get!"

The party seemed quit e thrilled at this. They wanted to know more. The queen then motioned the halfling and human women to approach. "This here is Nurah Dandiwhare" the halfling smiled and bowed slightly. "She is a capable bard, as well as an astute historian, whose knowledge of Drezen and it's surroundings can be invaluable to you. She can also boost your troops moral as you venture forth to the worldwound, and you will need it!"

"And this" The human woman looked at the party evenly "Is Julian. She is a sorcerer of some power, whom we met on the road to Kenabres. When you destroyed the wardstone some of it's power settled in Julian as well. We think that... her power was connected to the wardstone. I believe Iomedae sent her to our path not by chance. I think her destiny lies with you. I would like you to take her on your journey!" Julian nodded, but seemed somewhat uncertain of the party, and they of her. A whole vibe of "Who the hell are YOU?"

Welcome Andrew's new character! :smallbiggrin: But there was a need to say goodbye to Andrew. The queen spoke to Quendys. "Master Quendys. I do not wish to reproach you. What you have done in the absence of a ruler is commendable. But we are at war, and I need someone to bolster my troops, give them hope, courage, and lead this city to a new age. Do you know of someone?" Andrews player took his que. "My queen, I will be most honored to serve this city, and rebuild it for the war effort. However, I do not hold to the same views of the former ruler. I do not go for witch hunts and persecutions. I will not be another Hurlun." The queen smiled a faint smile. "I hoped you'd take my offer. I heard quite a bit of you, Andrew who wields Sirius. You will make a fine leader. As to Hurlun? Well, let us say we had more than one difference of opinion. Stay true to your values, and inspire the city to them, is all I ask." Andrew knelt before the queen and offered his allegiance.

Sen and Johan exchanged glances (See their conversation in Defender's Heart) Sena took Andrew aside for a moment. "Well... This is a turn of events! I wish you the greatest luck and my full support!" (The party: "Licking your way up?") They exchanged and parted.

There was starting to be a commotion outside. The queen looked off the window, and started to stride out. "Come, there are things that need be done, and you need to be recognized for what you've done!"

She's a human female, sorcerer with the arcane blood line, 5th level. Her back story ties her to the wardstone at an early age, and later on wandering far and wide, till she started getting back, found by the Queen's army, and then imbued by some of the wardstones' power. (There is more to the story, but this is the jist of it).

Mechanically the player went a long wy to try and get more spells, including buying spell pages. Most of his spells are battlefield control (He wishes not to go on the blasty side. That's Harry's department). She has a hawk familiar, which Julian's player hope to use for scouting.

To keep things interesting, I allowed him to take the "Exposed to awfulness" trait and take the archmage mythical path (and powers later on)

Some feats and such:
(These included the Hall of Heroes bonuses. I didn't see a reason why not to add them)
42 hp
Cha 22 (Thanks to head band of charisma)
Feats: Silent spell, piercing spell, Spell penetration (+ greater), Expanded arcana (2 more spells of 1st level)
Mythic feat: Spell lore (Mirror image)
Mythic powers: Wild Arcana, Enduring armor
1st level
Air bubble, grease, mount, identify, ear piercing scream, hydraulic push, magic missile (From spell page), Ray of enfeeblement (Spell page), Break, Blood money, feather fall
2nd level
invisibility, mirror image, aboleth's lung.

Queen's speech, medals and knighthood!
They came outside to a temporary stage in from of the broken arena, where many of Kenabres' folks gathered, seeking to hear their queen. (A bit more read through. Mine this time). She rose and addressed the crowd.

"Citizens of Kenabres. It was in holy Aramasse, but a week before that the wardstone shook at Narosyan. We got the news fairly quickly- Kenabres was attacked, it's defenses overthrown, and a demon host ravaged it's streets. We tried to contact the leaders- Hurlun, the high priest, The general, but have failed. He was struck here, with many of our people, where the Storm King killed our valiant defender and friend, Terendelev…

My heart sank that day, for I feared for Kenabres, for you, my beloved people. But I prayed for The Iomedae, Sarenrae, Torage, Desna, Shelyn and other gods to grant us hope. A chance to fight and prevent the worst." (Pause, she looks at all, and then smiles). "And the gods have answered. From the ranks of mere recruits rose new heroes. First locked in the depths of the city they have brought us a new light, a new sword, and our long awaited brothers, sisters, family and comrades to battle. The first ascendants." (The queen knelt in front of the mongrelfolk. This brought awed responses from the crowd, and the party as well. She just gained points with them it seemed.) "We have done you great wrong, but no longer will you leave in the darkness. I welcome you to our homes, to our hearts, to our people. May the transgressions of the ancestors be redeemed by the children."

She stood up, and went towards the character, with Nurah in tow with a small brief at her side. "And from those recruits rose a few commendable, brave and resourceful individuals. For a demon may plot, scheme, betray, and confound, but they can never count for the rise of new heroes, protectors and defenders. I give you Kenabres champions."

She went to Senatef "The Medal of Clarity, for discovering the demons' plot, and the presence of cultists in our midst. The Medal of Valor, for killing the half fiend bone cobbler, in the Hall of Heroes." She pinned the medals unto his chest.

Next was Andera "The Medal of Clarity, for discovering the demons' plot, and the presence of cultists in our midst. (They all got it!:smalltongue:) The Medal of Vigor, for killing the fiendish minotaur at the gray garrison, and the Medal of Vigor, for coming back to the fight with Hosila the cultist after being felled".

Harry. "The Medal of Clarity, for discovering the demons' plot, and the presence of cultists in our midst. The Medal of Valor, for killing Jaslyn at the gray garrison"

Andrew. "The Medal of Clarity, for discovering the demons' plot, and the presence of cultists in our midst. The Medal of Command, for redeeming one that was lost" (Millorn got a lot better after the event in the gray garrison, forgot to mention it).

Mad Dog. "The Medal of Clarity, for discovering the demons' plot, and the presence of cultists in our midst.The Medal of Agility, for killing the cultist Faxon before he could act. The Medal of Valor, for killing Othirubo the cultist, as well as the Aghash Div demon."

The queen draws her sword. John gives them a look and they all kneel. The queen goes one by one, placing the sword on their shoulders. "I knight thee, champions of Kenabres, Knights of Mendev! Citizens of Kenabres, I give you your champions!" As the party rose to their feet there was applause, shouts and such. (The party REALLY liked that).

As the applause quieted down, the queen concluded. "Kenabres was struck, and the loss is great. The wardstones are no more, and their protection lost. But they have also suffered great losses, and have lost the initiative. And we shall cease it! As we stand here, in the rebuiliding of Saint Clydwell's cathedral, so shall we rise and rebuild, and more- we shall avenge those who died! We shall strike back, while the iron is hot, and we shall strike with such wrath, such might, with such a holy light that the demons will scamper back to the abyss from whence they've come! If the demons seek war, they will regret it! I declare the Fifth crusade begins today! We will end this war, once and for all!"

(More applause and so on... :smallsmile:)

Queen's interview and speech
I aimed to make the queen very approachable, friendly, someone the party can respect and relate to. Not just because of her title or paladin levels. As I understand she accompanies the PCs on later module, so they need to be friendly with her to some small degree.

I wanted to play out some sort of a ceremony with the PCs at the center, to give them some recognition, and a change that things are now different. Knights get to lead armies and to own land, which comes up real shortly.

As to the medals, I went with what the modules suggested. After the session Julian's plyer (Not Andrew no more, I need to get used to it as well) Commented about them. While they are nice (The party liekd them) they do not encourage group play, but rather a sort of a competition. He suggested making medals for soemthign a groups can accomplish. Plus, some were quite dumb- killing blow of an enemy? Whiel others are most likely to do more damage or affect. Or coming back to fight after going to negatives? It's not what you did, but rather what other did to get you back, and so on.

Tell the truth, I didn't give the medals a lot of thought, but he is right. I will try to think of new, more interesting medals for the end of the next module, that do not encourage competition as such. Suggestions? :smallwink:

Also, a bit of unthinking on my side- Julian didn't get knighted... She can't "Officially" lead armies. Though her player might have come up with an idea to circumvent that.

Starting to plan...
The party got back to the church, and Nurah pulled some of her maps to show the party (I sent the party via email a file with the general map of the worldwound and their location, of the march to Drezen, and of Drezen). They started discussing and asking questions. The Queen also sent Nulan, her elf advisor to help them with picking the units for their armies.

The module let the party have an "army" of 100 paladins of 4th level. We were all in the army though (Israel). And that sounds quite... absurd. Plus, I intended to make a more interesting rmy interaction than that presented in the module and the PF rules (The PF army rules are meant for kingdoms and hex combat, not fora straight route, where the armies just hit each other back and forth).

Edit from later on: Our homebrew tactical mass combat rules (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?378446-Tactical-Mass-Combat-rules-%28Not-the-Paizo-strategic-battle%29&p=18285293#post18285293)

Now this got a bit... complicated. and we stopped the session there. It was apparent that these new rules will need some digesting, discussing, and some decisions need to be made.

It seems we'll have TWO systems to try and get used to- mythic rules, and army rules. We all agreed we shall see them as we go. Gonna be a bit of a bumpy ride!
We ended the session here. All in all a good session- the end of one module and the start of another, with high spirits, and planning. At least 2 of the players (Julian and Sena's players) quite tactics' svy, I hope I will be able to challenge them. I worry a bit about the others though- Andera seemed suspicious. Harry... I can't quite read Harry. But Mad Dog's player? I feel she got a bit lost. Both due to the overload of gaining a level, mythic powers and now armeis and lrger scale tactics (Not something she that good at). She closed up a bit at the end. I've discussed this with some players, and with her along the week, but that will come in further post.

Currently I'm quite tired, so I'll go rest before the next leg of studying. I hope you all had a fun read, feel free to write your opinions, comments and questions, as always! :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2014-06-14, 06:53 AM
Hi again. I'd like to address 3 subjects:

1. Mad Dog's player's frustration: I felt her withdrawing a bit from the game last time. I assumed that she was intimidated by all of the new rules, and have asked the forum for some advice. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?355486-Integrating-a-new-player-in-a-veteran-group) Talking to her though it seems her main frustration comes from being told what to do and the good intentioned advice some players give her, which sort of stymy her creativity. I've been trying to address this, mainly encouraging her to make her frustration known to the other players, but willing to talk to the group myself, if she feels uncomfortable. Still no answer from her. We'll see...

2. The army rules: So far just minimal interest, but my players tend to look at the game only when coming close to playing it. Sena and Julian's players are the most active. Julian's player suggested a more narrative and dramatic sort of conflict resolution, focusing less on tactics and more on roleplay. We're discussing this as well.

3. I started to look for music for this module (I hope to give each module more of a feel of it's own.) So searching for new tracks, mainly on this thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?356653-Looking-for-armies-marching-and-mass-combat-music) Feel free to contribute!

Next meeting is on the 12th of July it seems. But Most likely I will update how the entire army issue goes before that. We hope to settle this before next session.

2014-06-21, 02:08 AM
I'd like to say that I'm the third to register just to thank you for posting this as I too am preparing to run WotR, if not until sometime next year after my brother and our gaming group wrap up Rise of the Runelords(Anniversary Edition), but as it turns out I already had an account here that I forgot about a long time ago!

Still I wanted to say thanks. I was looking for references and help(preferably from other DMs and GMs) with how to run it as best I can and I want to say that your campaign log has already helped me a lot. Many of the things you point out I hadn't even thought of, or did, but just not to quite the same extent. I particularly like the idea of the players participating in the opening fight for a few rounds before they fall into the tunnels, I always prefer to start things with a bang, and they usually like it too. Other things of note for me are the build up to finding Radiance, as well as the much more "boss battle" feel to the final fight as well as what came after.

I am already planning to make use of much of the changes you already made, and a few of the music selections(particularly the ones where they are first exploring ruined Kenabres), and so am looking forward to future posts on your group's progress. :)

Now I'm going to stop by that music thread some suggestions for you, as it seems the least I can do.

Kol Korran
2014-06-24, 07:39 AM
Hey Yuul! I've seen the post before but was unable to respond to it and... forgot. Thanks for the music suggestions in the music thread.

I'm glad you liked the log so far, It's far from perfect, but hey- people have fun and come back to play, right? I'm a bit worried about the mass combat stuff, but we'll see how it goes long. At worst We'll change back tothe way the module does it.

I've had a bit more time to read the third module, and the thing that I find the hardest is finding a good motivation for the characters to just explore the wilderness aimlessley. If I know them they will lots of ideas of what to do. Maybe we'll just go with them, I don't know.

2014-06-24, 11:58 AM
I've read through about as far as the start of book 4, and I too am a bit iffy about book 3. It's very sandboxy, which can be a good thing sometimes, but I worry what it will mean for my group. They have a track record of half the time overlooking hints and clues meant to be noticeable but still somewhat subtle, and half the time shooting off in completely unexpected directions(the kind that are harder to just roll with than some) when in sandboxy situations.

I've also been worried about the mass combat stuff, so I am going to see how your planned modifications work out(I glanced at the thread discussing it).

Though I haven't read past the early pages of book 4 yet, I can tell you that Queen Galfrey joins up with the party for at least a good portion of book four as they plunge into the abyss. Supposedly the other "Main" three or four NPCs(Irabeth, Anevia, Aravash, and Horus) also join in. Or have the option to anyway.

I am looking forward to seeing how you work with the campaign traits, and may incorporate some of it into my own game. Touched by Divinity, I like the potential, but I feel the plot as is has it falling rather flat. So I planned to improve it all along the way with hints and perhaps even a 'guiding voice' at times.

Still I wonder how you will roll with them.

Kol Korran
2014-07-11, 03:05 AM
We have a session tomorrow. Due to the current situation in my country (Israel) we ae half joking- half serious where to play, where is safe enough. (Though we do intend to play. We won't let it disrupt our life). And whether any of us might be called to reserve service before the session (We all do reserve service). Oh well, just a weird situation. Please don't make this a political discussion, it's not the issue here.

Due to the final exams I had very little time to work on the game or prepare. I'll probably try to do so this evening. Some other small updates:
1) We hope that Mad Dog's frustration will be dealt with in game. Both me and Julian's player will try to help her out more to express herself, and do mistakes to learn from them. Hopefully this will work.

2) A silent front on the army rules issue. Other than Sena's player who took quite some interest, the others seem to wait to the session to try it out.

3) I sent a short "end of module" questionnaire to the party. Only Andrew/ Julian's player answered it. (Lousy good for nothing players! :smallamused: ) I will try to post the main points later hopefully.

4) I've been thinking about the first mythic trial- Soltenberrge the mythical chimera. The module assumes they meet her at 7th level/ 1st tier, and she's a CR 9... It's my opinion that a mythical trial should be hard, REAL hard, so I'm trying to upgrade it to about CR 11. If you're interested in chipping in, feel free to check out the Soltengrebbe thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?361237-Soltengrebbe-beast-of-Drezen-Wrath-of-the-Righteous-spoilers!&p=17750953#post17750953)! Ideas will be welcomed! :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2014-07-29, 04:13 AM
Hey, I just wanted to mention in case someone is wondering what happened to the log, that we did have a session, but with how things are currently in Israel, the pressure from studies and a few other more minor things I haven't been exactly in the right mind frame to write the session log. I hope to do this a bit later this week. My head hasn't much been on the game lately.

I only posted one advice seeking thread about a sword for Andera. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?363787-Help-in-building-a-magical-sword-for-a-player) Feel free to suggest there if you wish.

Thanks, updates will come up soon I hope.

Kol Korran
2014-08-02, 07:44 AM
Ok, I'm back, sorry for the delay. The last session happened quite bit ago, but thankfully I keep some notes. That said, it wasn't all that dramatic. Most of the sessions focused on interviewing potential units and building the PCs army (The players preferred to leave it to the session instead to do it through emails) and then we had one battle in their march to Drezen. So not that much going on, but hopefully you'll enjoy just the same. We tried to roleplay it as much as possible.

Session 8, part 1- The making of an army!

Putting this again, if it helps Our homebrew tactical mass combat rules (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?378446-Tactical-Mass-Combat-rules-%28Not-the-Paizo-strategic-battle%29&p=18285293#post18285293)

The set up was that the party had 300 BP from the queen to "purchase" units for their army (It was an allocation of resources, since the units they didn't "purchase" stayed to protect Kenabres). I had 9 units who were a bit more experienced who sought to be in the PCs army, and the PCs could also use the building points to upgrade the units with equipment and resources, to make them more formidable.

Each Unit also had a representative to speak for the unit, which was my way of "putting a face" on the unit, and thus make it more of an NPC than a bunch of stats. The party decided they wanted to interview the units, and so we started. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the forumists, who may recognize some of the units as their suggestions (made in one of the side "asking for advice" threads).

The party also needed to allocate the commanders for the units, which could be themselves, or Arabeth, Commander John and Lann from their forces (More on that later). They also had Anevia as a front Scout, and Aravash and Nurah (The queen's advisor, a bard who joined them) as support casters. So there was a bit to handle.

The Queen's Knights (100 mounted human cavalier 4. Cost: 54 BP)
The Queen's Knights traveled with the Queen, and she offered their servie to the PCs. They were highly trained professional soldiers. The module gives the party a unit of 100 paladin knights, and this was my version of them. Statistics wide- they were probably the best unit- fast, good defense, good offense. But they were also the most expensive.

Their representative is Camilo Dann (A name taken fro ma very minor NPC later in the module). She seemed a bit surprised to be taken from the Queen's direct command, but accepted it. The general impression was tht though she accepted the PCs command, she was unsure of them, and didn't trust them enough. The party gathered they may have to earn her trust.

Surprisingly, it was Julian who conducted the majority of the interviews, despite being the newest one in the group. (You can take the face out of the party, but not of the player). She had the same sort of questions for all the troops:
1) What are your strengths? Your weaknesses?
2) How best can we use your force in battle?
3) Your experience at fighting demons? At fighting a siege? (This question was due to the party suspecting they will have to siege Drezen)
4) If you were ordered to fight alongside tieflings, how would you respond? (There was a captive tiefling unit, which we'll get to later. However the question was mostly used to the obedience and discipline)

Camilo answered that their main strength was their speed. They were used to intercept, or to flank demons. They struck fast, and hard. They had little experience of dealing with magic though. Camilo did not like the possibility of fighting alongside "demonic traitors", but would accept it, which was on the whole, the general answer they got to this questions from most units. I kept calling Julian "Sir" (Still thinking of the player as playign Andrew" which was a bit humorous.

The party decided to move to the next unit.

The main idea here was for the party to deal with a highly professional military unit roleplay wise, and a strong unit stat wise.

Eagles of Kenabres (200 lvl 2 fighters, poorly equipped. Cost: 34 BP)
The next unit was actually the remains of Kenabres' Eagle watch, Arabeth's unit in the city, as well as the other troops that fought for the PCs in the previous module, providing them the needed distraction to infiltrate the Gray Garrison. Their representative was Sergent Tam, a fairly young man, who was eager to fight under the PCs banner, which his entire unit viewed as great heroes.

They comprised a large unit (2 squares instead of one on the battle grid), which was an advantage and disadvantage at the same time. They were eager, but fairly inexperienced, and other than short range capability and cold iron weapons, didn't have much support. The party whoever was mostly concerned of their speed (20 feet base), which meant that tking them will slow down the entire march (7 days with all units mounted, 10 days with a speed of 30 ft, 14 days with a speed of 20 ft). The party wished to move fast, and so debated whether to take them and supply them with mounts (24 BP for 200 people) or leave them behind.

This led to a small discussion whether to take fewer units, but upgrade them better, or more units, and use numbers to their advantage...

As this discussion went on, the party moved on to the next unit.

I wanted to have some continuity with the former module, and though that continuing to fight alongside their fellow defenders-of-Kenaberes might be interesting. Mechanically wise they had great moral, and were a large unit, which was unique amongst the units. But this also meant that upgrading them cost more.

The first descendants (100 Mongrelfolk, 1st level rogues. Cost: 28 BP)
The mongrelfolk established themselves somewhat apart from the rest of the city's inhabitants. While the Eagles of Kenabres accepted them, most others still had suspicions about them, so they decided to separate themselves. As the party approached they saw Lann (Now a 2nd level fighter) supervising an urban guerrilla fight drill amongst his forces. As they approached he put his hands on Sena's shoulders. "Welcome Spirit, what brought you here today?" This surprised the party, who have just learned that Sena earned new name amongst the mongrelfolk- Spirit.

Lann answered Julian's questions. The mongrelfolk were used to fight from hiding, from ambush, and with stealth, and so their tactics focused upon that. Plus, they could see at night, which was an important advantage. Lann however commented that "While you and the eagels respect us, I'm afraid most others won't..." Lann however seemed uncomfortable in command, and Sena/ Spirit noticed that, but kept quiet. They too weren't happy to fight alongside tielfings, but "You gave us a chance, we'll give them one, though we'll keep our eyes open". Julian had one more question though: "suppose we capture our objective, suppose we get to hold it. What then? What is your long term goal?" Lann answered this simply "We wish to prove ourselves to your people. Perhaps then we'll "earn" our place amongst them. I but seek a place where my people could leave as equals, without fear." The party liked that.

Equipment wise they too were poorly equipped, but Sena (Who wished to lead them, as part of a roleplay opportunity) hoped he could upgrade them sufficiently enough.

As the pry moved on to other units, Sena departed. "I'll meet you later, I have some other business to attend to."

Again, I wanted to have some continuity with the past, and I thought the mongrelfolk presented much of a roleplay opportunity. They also brought some conflict to the army, as most units didn't trust them. Mechanics wise they were a stealth and ambush unit (Though not the only one) Lann could also be made a commander, though he fared much better with commanding the mongrelfolk than the other units.

Bartlet's hounds (50 halflings mounted on war dogs, 4th level rangers, long range capability. Cost :29 BP)

THe party moved outside of Kenabres, to where the units not native of Kenabres, who rode to help when the trouble started, were stationed. They came upon a great archery range, with halflings riding dogs and far away targets. A halfling in rich clothing, a cigar at his mouth and an open bottle of strong liquor approached them. "So you are the heroes! Damn glad to meet you! Me and me boys are ready to go demon hunting, just point us the way!"

Bartlet's hounds were a small, fast moving, stealthy unit with long range capabilities. They were great for scouting and archery support, but were extremely vulnerable, which caused quite a discussion with in the group. As to fighting beside tieflings? Bartlet spat and cursed the "backstabbing, wretched, thieving, scheming, murderous, treacherous scum!" He pleaded with Julian to not hire them, but agreed (Quite grudgingly) to obey a commander's command if it came to that. Which seemed to satisfy the party on that point.

This unit requires quit a skill to use right, due to all that's mentioned above. I also quite liked the idea of non traditional halflings with a "let me at them!" attitude! :smallamused:

Dunklehelm's mercenary company (100 dawrves, 3rd level fighters, well equipped including an engineer support. Cost: 43 BP)

The second most expensive unit after the Queen's Knights, and for a good reason- experienced, disciplined, and with good equipment, including an engineering support. Dunklehelm himself, the company's leader/ treasurer was found in his tent. Surprinslgy enough the dwarf proved to be some what of a philosopher-warrior though also quite a practical one. The party worried about the mercenary aspect, but Dunklehelm assured that while they were working under a contract, they will see it through, and that they don't work for devils.

Julian asked them about their long term plans- what will happen if they capture Drezen? "Well, that will have to be negotiated at that point, under those conditions." The party didn't quite like it. Julian wanted people loyal to the cause, and not just the money. (She also didn't relish needing to pay him over and over again) But as the others in the party mentioned- they were an excellent fighting unit... Tough choice.

The idea was to introduce professionals, who were not instantly loyal to the crusade. A more experienced voice, but also one with more gray morals.

Meanwhile, Sena and the Queen

in order not to dry out the player while the others interviewed the units, I turned to him. He approached the Queen at her command post in the cathedral. "My Queen, you know of Lann, the leader of the mongrelfolk. He feel that leadership was thrust upon him unprepared. This has put doubts in the leaders of his people and I fear- also in himself as well. I wish to strengthen his resolve, his confidence in himself." The Queen nodded. "I Agree, but I feel you do not come for advice, but with a plan?" Sena nodded, and went on. "I think that a simple ceremony, a word from authority, and perhaps a symbol of legitimacy can go a long way." Sena steadied himself, and went with his request. "My Queen, if I can arrange for a gathering of Lann and his community's leaders, might you perform a small ceremony, strengthening his position? Perhaps offering some symbol of your trust?" The queen sighed. "I wish people wouldn't put so much into these things, but if you think this is important, we'll arrange something. I would not want to send him to battle with such doubts. Arrange for them to come to the cathedral as the sun sets. We'll perform something quick, but which hopefully do the job. Will that suffice?" Sena nodded, and showed his respect again. As he was about to leave he just added one small thing "This did not come from me. I was never here!" To which the Queen just shooed him away.

Sena went to Opoli, and informed her that the Queen requested the presence of Lann and the community leaders. "What for?" asked Opoli suspiciously, but Sena ws just as surprised as she was...

Sena's player likes the mongrelfolk angle, and thinks it has a LOT of roleply potential. I'm trying to work with him on that. :smallwink:

Lions of Sarkori (100 humans. 3rd level barbarians. Moral support. Cost: 34 BP)
As the party approached their tents they could hear quite a lot of chanting, hymns, and a high spirited ceremony. They saw some priest, with some green coloring and clothes blessing the warriors. But as the party approached he made place to them. The priest, Jester Helton of the Green Faith (A character from the 3rd module which I thought should start appearing now) approached them, and answered their questions. The Sarkori were the original people from the land now occupied by the Worldwound. These were refugees, remnants that sought to revenge and bring battle on the demons. Quite high spirited, and eager for battle, they were in a way exactly opposite of the Knights of the Order of Sarenrae- they were wild, focused on strong offense, and fast moving (Barbarian's fast movement). They had drummers and such to lend moral support, and Mad Dog quickly liked their spirit, saying he'll command them.

They had pretty much the same approach to the tieflings s the Bartlet hounds. No love lost.

Roleplay wise, I wanted to bring the story of the people who had their land ruined. The 3rd module mentions them quite a bit more, so I thought to make an appearance here. Plus- barbarians can lead to all kind of interesting stuff.

Mechanically, This unit was designed to be Mad Dog's unit in mind- simple enough to use, and fitting his general method. I wanted to not complicate the player too much.

The Silver Banner (50 elderly humans, mounted. 5th level fighters. Well equipped Cost: 30 BP)

The party was about to go and see the tieflings, but a troop of riders approached them quickly. The Queen's representative rolled his eyes seeing them approach. "Not again!" The riders' armor seemed to have seen lots of battles, as did their weapons, and the riders themselves. But... they were a bit... elderly. The average age was around 60-65, but it didn't seem to deter the old knights. There was fire in their eyes!

The leader, one Dumas Ardent went straight for Julian. "My lady! I beseech you to accept us, The Silver Banner, on this glooorious crusade, to skewer demons, slay the vile, and have one honorable, valiant and bloody charge to the enemy's ranks, slaughtering them in the beauty and glory of righteous battle!" Apparently these were all well seasoned fighters, who were retired after many years of fighting. Dumas however brought them together once more, once he herd another crusade, probably the last crusade, has started. Between aching joints, baldy or white haired heads, and other such ailments these knights were fierce to the battle and to the fight!

The party were greatly amused by them, but also quite apprehensive. "Why do you want this? Don't you have families? Grandchildren and such?" The riders groaned, but Dumas surmised their feelings "What? And to die in the comfort of my fluffy bed? In the night? That is no way a warrior should die! A worthy death is with the enemies guts in one hand, and your own guts in the other, choking it's miserable life with it!" To which there was a general grunting of agreement.

Again, the party was amused, but worried nonetheless about "grandpa's army". As to the tieflings? "who cares? So we fight?" The party tired to easily let them know they'll decide a bit later...

Roelplay wise, they re both an experienced voice, and a hoot to have around. They consider themselves as equal to the party, and won't accept their leadership that easily if opportunity for glorious battle presents itself. They are a sort of a tip of my hat to Terry Pratchet's Cohen the Barbarin and his SIlver Horde.

Mechanics wise, they are the strongest offensively of all the units, but more vulnerable than if they were younger (less hit points)

The Tieflings' horde (200 tieflings, 2nd level rogues, no equipment but sorceres support. Cost: Free!)

Finally the party came to the tieflings. These were captives that somehow survived the destruction by the wardstone's lash of power, and were captured by the city defenders. They were supposed to be executed tomorrow, but their leader, one Qulis Long shadow, offered their servitude in return for their lives.

Now, to say that the players didn't trust them would be an udnerstatement, but Andera's player was quite intrigued by them. So he wished to interview Qulin. The tiefling, who's shadow didn't quite fit the play of light, and seemed abnormally long, postured and grovelled at the feet of the PCs. "Our souls are lost, we seek to lvie longer, before goign to the Abyss, we shall fight for you, serve you, if you spare us oh Master!" The party didn't quite like the grovelling, but habits of living with powerful demons who would slay you without a thought were hard to break, so Qulin kept on acting submissive and belittling himself.

Apparently, since they have failed in their goal, and even managed to live after their failure, their lives, and more than that- their souls were forsaken. They all faced great torment and punishment in the next world, so they sought to postpone that moment as much as they could. Not exactly the greatest motive to the opinions of some of the group. "How do we know you will not betray us to some other demon?" Qulin laughed mirthlessly. "Other demon? They won't see us worthy of the ash between their hoofs. We are forsaken, lost, worse then you are in their eyes. We are fully and totally lost, we wish to live longer." Julian though that they might be perhaps redemeed but Qulin explained "The worldwound tielfings put their souls to the Abyss, part of it is in demons' hands. We appreciate this suggestion, but it is hopeless, a mad thought. No, we are lost." Sena's plyer wondered- can their should might be found in the worldound perhaps? (Kching! Plot hook?! :smalltongue:) but Qulin seemed to have no hope.

"We know that you don't trust us, fear us. But we have no other hope, no other opportunity. We shall serve you Master, be your tools, your weapons, we are yours oh great lord, we shall do s you wish, our lives are yours..." and so on and so on.... they were decent warriors, with darkvision, a darkness ability, and some sorcerer support. They didn't have any equipment though (Not even provisions, all of the other units had enough for 2 weeks), but they did come for free. (The queen didn't plan on using them to defend the city, She wished to execute them), so upgrading them shouldn't take too much, wouldn't it?

Lann's ceremony

We turned to the ceremony. Lann came with some leaders of the mongrelfolk ot the Cathedral. Sena and Commander John also attended. The Queen came, with some other officials, and some knigths to give it some more dignity. "We are at a time of war, and so I apologize, but this will need to be brief. Though I paid my respect, my appreciation for your people Lann, I did not pay my respect to you. Pelase come, and Kneel". The surprised and shocked Lann came forward and knelt. "You have done much for the city, more than most would have in your condition. And yet, depspite suspicion from our people, you and your valiant clans come to fight for us once more. I cannot leve the leadership of one of my forces to a simpleton, so I knight thee, Lann, a Knight of the realm, a protector of Mendev. "And she put the sword to his beweildered shoulders. "Rise lann". As the stunned mogrelfolk rose she continued. "Your people are ones of action, and so am I. If you are to go and be my arms in the war to come, than You'll need protection." The Queen undeed her arm braces, and put it on Lann's arms. "With these, you are acting in my name. Your hand as my hand. Go forth and lead your people to victory!"

The ceremony seemed to have done the trick, at lest for the other mongrelfolk leaders if not necessarily Lann himself. Sena hugged Lann, and then him and John went to the order, leaving the mongrelfolk to celebrate. On the way Sena asked John of his curse, as the spirits haunting him (Oracle curse) seemed more ctive these last few days. John smiled and sighed. "It's just the tension I'm afraid. It's been a long time since I've been to the worldwound. I came to a teaching position for a reason." Sena stayed silent for a bit, but let it go. As they reached the order, Sena spoke out loud. "Tomorrow we go to battle, You brother John, wil lcommand the order, I will help guide another troop. We all have a purpose." And that seemed to have settled it.

Final army composition
The next part of the session included lot of discussions about which units to add, which not to add, who will command what, and what upgrades to acquire. Major points of discussion were as follows:
1) To bring the tieflings along or not? Most of the group were certain that they'll betray the party at some point, but Andera wished to lead them. They were intrigued by the possibility of perhaps redeeming them, but it seemed unlikely.
2) Other units that got some scrutiny were Bartlet's hounds (Aren't they too vulnerable?) Dunklehelm (Did't like their mercenary nature) and The Silver Horde (They were weary of leading the elderly to battle, plus thoughtthey might be TOO enthusiastic).
3) Who will command what. Quite a few changes here.
4) What upgrades to take, with first and foremost- who will take the siege weapons, and how many to take of those?
5) How fast should the army be? All mounted for 4o ft? 30 ft? 20 ft? The party settled on a speed of 30 ft, which meant they'll reach Drezen (hopefully) in 10 days.

In the end, it came up to the following troop composition:
1) The Queen's Knights: Under Command of Arabeth. Upgraded with engineer support, and a small stock of CLW potions.
2) Lions of Sarkoris: Under command of Mad Dog. Upgraded with better armor, and a small stock of CLW potions.
3) The first ascendants: Under formal leadership of Lann, but with Sena advising and tutoring him (We're using Sena's stats of command). Andera put his spy expert scout under their command. Aravashnial also joined the troops for magical support.
4) Knights of the Order of Sarenrae: Under command of Commander John, upgraded with short range weapons and the army's only siege engine (John is a siege specialist)
5) Bartlet's hounds: Under command of Julian (The player served in similar elite scouting and targeting unit,s he liked the idea). Upgraded with better weapons and armor, to increase survivability, as well as a small stock of CLW potions. Harry didn't wish to command a troop (Thinking he'll be more of use as magical support) and initially joined the hounds as well.
6) The Silver Banner: left to the command of Dumas! (He adds no command bonuses). Upgraded only with a small stock of CLW potions. That's the way to respect your elders? :smalltongue:
7) The tieflings' host: Last but not least, the party decided to bring them along. Not because they trusted them, but because Andera's player really wanted them, so they though to indulge him. Andera manged to get them cold iron weapons, short range capability, some better armor and provisions. They decided to add Nurah to their troop, both so she could boost their low moral, and also keep another eye on them. (But if you know Nurah's role in the campaign, you know what opportunities this might mean! :smallamused: )

And so, after a long process, the party had their army- some experienced soldiers, some over zealous soldiers, the mongrelfolk and tieflings who weren't exactly trusted. What could possibly go wrong? :smallbiggrin:
Enough for now, I hope I get to update about the first battle soon enough. The party decided to drop the mock battle I originally planned for them to get to know the rules, and just head straight for the march.
Next update! :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2014-08-05, 01:39 AM
Ok, the second part of the session.

Session 8- Part 2- Battle at Vilareth ford

(A small note: Sena's player had to return home around this point. so we tried to keep him and the first ascendents "in the background")

Next morning, each commander gives his own version of a rising speech to the unit they command (Nothing that special), and the party set out. The Tiefling host marches in front, as the rest don't trust them to be at their backs. I put this marching music:

The Black moon Chronicles, track 7 (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=jDGcerrBDFk&p=n)

The Silver Banner rides by the Lions of Sarkori, and the two units banter at who'll charge first. The party decides they may need someone to command the Silver Banner, and try and hold them in check. Harry surprisingly decides to take charge, and joins the group of battle hardened veterans. They are mostly amused by him (He's supposed to look somewhat like Harry Potter) and take him "under their wing",regaling the "youngling" with tales of battles and so on.

Originally the plan was for Andera, Mad Dog and Anevia to do short scouting missions ahead of the army, but they preferred to just leave it be, and roll with what Anevia brings them. And as they near the most northern settlement in Mendev- Vilareth Ford, where they are supposed to resupply, Anevia indeed comes with news- the ford has fallen! There is some black smoke rising, and she got close enough to notice the place is held by a large number of tieflings, and some dretches as well. There is little sign of the ford's people though...

The party goes into planning, and I put on the tactical battle map of the ford' surroundings. (I took a picture, but it got corrupted somehow. Sorry). Basically the army was traveling on the east side of a river, with forests mostly surrounding them. Vilareth ford was just beyond a bridge crossing the river, on the west side, there were also a hilly terrain to the west and south west of the ford.

Strategy was discussed. The party wished to gain info of what was going on, and so a plan of soem trickery came up. Andera, under the guise of disguise and magic, would approach with the tiefling host, and will try and get info, and learn of what happened there. Tell the truth, I think this was also a "loyalty" test the party had for the tieflings. A bit of a dangerous loyalty test, considering that Andera and Nurah will be alone there amongst 200 tieflings + who knows how many other enemies! :smalleek:

Before their approach though, The Bartlet hounds (Commanded by Julia) Will cross the river from the south, and make head for the hills, trying to get to a vantage point, and a look out. The First ascendents will travel by the cover of the forest up north of the ford, and will cross there, and will block any enemies escaping north. The rest will wait for a signal from Julian's eagle familiar. Anevia's report said that the tieflings looked mostly like an undisciplined bunch, and were mostly celebrating, so hopefully there were few scouts.

Julian and the hounds started this. They indeed managed to get close enough to the range of their long bows, hiding in the hills. They counted about 400 tieflings in the village, half looking more like raiders than an army (1st level rogues), while the other half looked more like an army (2nd level fighters). There were also Dretches strewen about, and a heavy smell of cooking meat. Julian didn't like this. Through the eyes of her eagle she saw the first ascendents finally reaching their position, and sent her eagle to Andera.

Andera spent the time disguising himself, with some help from Nurah's magic. He warned Qulin "Betray me and I'll have your hide!" Qulin groveled. "Our fate is yours oh master". The plan started to look quite risky to Andera all of a sudden. As they approached lonely from the woods, some lookouts from the village noticed them, and called an alert. It was just then that Andera's player realized that he doesn't speak Abyssal. It was up to Qulin to direct the negotiations...

The tieflign army unit along with the dretches crossed the bridge to meet with the new comers, highly suspicious. Qulin started t ogrovel and explain, with Andera desperately trying to read body language. A big horned demon, with fire in his eyes and breath (The Brimorak Commander) approached and roared at Qulin, speaking briefly, before striking him down, splaying the sorcerer on the ground. Andera almost panicked, but Long Shadow gave him a quick smile and warning look. The Brimorak yelled at them, and motioned them into the village. Somehow (and with lucky rolls on the players part) this worked. Qulin portrayed themselves as raiders and harrasers, coming to resupply.

The source of the smell soon became apparent- bodies of the villagers over roasting pits. Andera's tieflings entered the village, amongst the other tieflings, when all of a sudden (Maybe because the enemy forces were split? Half across the bridge), Julian gave the order to attack. A hail of arrows came upon the unprepared raiders, felling almost all of them in once concentrated Volley. "Betrayal!" Yelled the Brimorak, but surprise was on the PC's army side. The Sarkori lions as well as the Silver Banner rushed forth towards the enemy, but didn't reach them just yet, With the Queen's Knights just behind them.

The Dretches summoned another small army (one size less by our rules), and both charged the Banner and the Sarkori. The Sarkori took an aggressive approach, which enabled them to destroy the Dretch army, but at heavy wounds. They resorted to drinking part of their healing potions stock (Quite early in the march...) And retreating, while the tiefling army shot behind the dretches at the knights. Meanwhile at the village, both tiefling hosts started a battle between the buildings streets, tiefling fighting tiefling, and ANdera caught in the mess, not knowing who to strike or defend against! The engagement meant that the Bartlets couldn't fire, and so they moved more north to help catch escapees.

The battle was soon over though, The last of the dretches vanished, and the combined charge of the Queen's knights and the Silver Banner quickly cut down the tiefling army with few wounds. Qulin's sorcerers deployed their abyssal powers and gave the needed edge to strike down the heavily wounded tiefling raiders, cutting them all down. Qulin looked at Andera, somewhat bruised, but smiling enigmatically "As I said Master, our lives are yours".

But one thing did go amiss- As the tieflign army was trodden by the knights, Harry riding beside Dumas saw the Brimorak panicking, and then suddenly vanish- teleporting. "Crap!" said Julian's player. "Our presence has been exposed..."
We stopped the session there. For the first battle it went ok, with the specific battle stages of our system (Reconissance, Strategy and tactics, Ranged combat, movement and last melee). It was quite fast (Which was the point), but perhaps a bit too deadly. With the low hit points of hte units (Half their max according to their ACRx HD of the basic unit) An army could easily be utterly wiped out with one lucky roll (Which was close to happen with the Lions of Sarkori). We need to think about it , but I think we'll just double the army's hp. this will lengthen the battle a bit, but not by a whole lot, and might make the battle less swingy.

Our next session in on this Saturday (I took a loooong time to update this time. Sorry.) The next Session will probably include some inter army interactions, The battle at Keeper's Canyon, the PCs tackling the Lost Chapel, and generally getting into the Worldwound, and with some stuff that happens with it. I've made some adjustments, we'll see how it goes.

We'll be able to test this battle system more, and see how it develops, as well as see the mythical powers coming to play for the first time I think. Should be interesting. :smallamused: As always, feel free to leave comments, questions, or whatever you'd like! See ya!

2014-08-05, 09:06 PM
Unless you happen to have it another thread, could you give me your charts for the BP upgrades costs and the full statistics? I'm thinking of taking your approach when my group gets there.

I like this though, has more of an army feel to it.

Kol Korran
2014-08-06, 03:12 AM
Unless you happen to have it another thread, could you give me your charts for the BP upgrades costs and the full statistics? I'm thinking of taking your approach when my group gets there.

I like this though, has more of an army feel to it.

Hmmm... putting it in another thread (Homebrew probably) might be a good idea. That way people can look it over and possibly improve the system. As the hydra says- multiple heads are better than one, no?

I have it all on a file, but I need to figure out how to do tables on the forum. Some things are in tables, though fairly simple ones. I'm a bit swamped by other RL issues, but I'll try to see later if I can manage something. The rules are based on the strategic Paizo system to a degree, but with changes to enable it to be more... tactical, plus a few other small modifications.

I need to find the time and know how to be able to do it. I'll post a link here once it's underway.

2014-08-08, 04:34 PM
I've had fun reading your story so far. I just recently found it and sadly I will have to stop reading soon as my group has just reached the end of Book 2. I don't want to spoil things for myself if your group overtakes mine.

My group consists of:
Paladin of Iomedae
Cleric of Iomedae
Ranger spec'd in tripping and the Low Templar prestige
Conjuration Wizard (Me)

So far every single Mythic encounter has very nearly wrecked us.

We have taken steps to try to mitigate how broken Mythic abilities can be. For example, we decided that the Recuperation ability was far too powerful for spellcasters. Instead of regaining all spell slots, I regain a small fraction of them instead. We also decided that allowing Spell-Like abilities with expensive material components would be too broken (I.E. taking Divine Source path ability and getting to use Miracle to give ourselves free ability enhancements)

Our DM also warned us that if we don't take any defensive Mythic abilities, we will probably die. Multiple times.

Kol Korran
2014-08-09, 02:10 AM
Today is game day. Some of the party however mentioned that they DO NOT intend to take the dry river route, since if the demon teleported- then there will be some serious ambush that way. They might try to brave the steps, and travel the Worldwound's hostile environment to get at Drezen from a surprise angle. I have prepared for this... partially. We'll see what comes. :smallamused:

I've had fun reading your story so far. I just recently found it and sadly I will have to stop reading soon as my group has just reached the end of Book 2. I don't want to spoil things for myself if your group overtakes mine.
Unlikely. We play only once every 4-5 weeks, so this log updates slowly. we're not nearly as slow as PbP, but we're probably fairly slow for table top games.

My group consists of:
Paladin of Iomedae
Cleric of Iomedae
Ranger spec'd in tripping and the Low Templar prestige
Conjuration Wizard (Me)
Having fun? Anything in specific that you found more or less fun? Anything you'd suggest to change?

So far every single Mythic encounter has very nearly wrecked us.
Really? We're coming up to meeting Soltengrebbe (The mythic Chimera, beast of Drezeb. frost breath and all). From the little I read over the boards, it is considered a cake walk, along with the dwarf anti paladin (forgot his name, though I intend to do something VERY different for him) Only the shadow demon is considered a challenge...

We have taken steps to try to mitigate how broken Mythic abilities can be. For example, we decided that the Recuperation ability was far too powerful for spellcasters. Instead of regaining all spell slots, I regain a small fraction of them instead. We also decided that allowing Spell-Like abilities with expensive material components would be too broken (I.E. taking Divine Source path ability and getting to use Miracle to give ourselves free ability enhancements) Do you happen to have some sort of a "mythic house rules" list to look upon? I'd like to see what suggestions you might have. We'll probably use the mythic powers this session, see how it goes.

Thanks for sharing!

2014-08-10, 01:07 PM
I'm writing mostly on my phone so it is difficult to quote, so i apologize for that.

We just went with the standard army and the 4 adventurers acted as advanced scouts, taking measure of the enemy forces, killing any obvious leaders and other misc encounters, like the forgotten church side quest.

When we got to the city of Drezen we took out all of the other armies in the area and then the 4 adventurers did the crypt, the securing the bridge and securing the walls.

For the walls, i used mythic power to dimensional door into one of the towers along the wall. The two Brimrock there immediately sent up a flare and we had 6 more Brimrock appear for us to fight off. The next round the mythic chimera was upon us. The chimera had the mythic speed template in my game and blasting two ice breath and full attack, pounce, rend twice in the one turn that we had. Every turn it nearly killed one of us. Thanks to relentless healing we barely managed to survive. I think he tried to run away at some point but we got him somehow. Our DM decided that we did 1 Mythic Trial to become mythic, so it didn't make sense to only do 1 more trial to become mythic tier 2, so we didn't gain Mythic Tier 2 and Character level 8 until we defeated the Mythic Gargoyle in the castle

After that, we entered the castle and I had to keep using mythic power to use Shape Stone (because all of the doors are locked and we don't have high enough disable device to open them) to get around the locked doors. We came upon a Mythic Gargoyle that was a pain to kill. It can animate statues, magic jar statues and hide in plain sight at will along with other Mythic powers, like Hover (30' cone that provides cover.) We felt that we had to keep going because if we pulled back they could more then double their forces because all demons can use Greater Teleport once per day. We had to kill 2 succubus, 1 Advanced Ghast Knight or something like that (succubus kept dominating people), 2 Minotaur and an Alchemical golem, shadow mephit and Jorn (Staughton Vaughn's brother). Then we had to kill Staughton Vaughn, trying to keep him away from his brother because he wanted to kill him too. (We had captured Jorn because we felt he could be redeemed). Staughton Vaughn in one turn, Smited Good the Cleric, tripped cleric, AoO cleric, tripped Paladin, AoO paladin and then Whirlwind attacked. Then he somehow summoned a babau (Summon Monster V my character decided) as a free action. We were really hurting because we had already used much of our power throughout the fortress but somehow we won and retreated from the castle.

2014-08-10, 03:50 PM
We are all really enjoying the game so far and having a lot of fun role-playing things out.

As a whole, there are a bunch of things we could do to make our characters a lot stronger, but all of us feel we would rather enjoy the game and story instead of 1-shot-ing things all day long.

We don't really have a list of house rules that we use. We each kinda talk over our Mythic feat / spell choices with the DM and decide together as a group how to interpret its meaning. Some of the ones I talked to the DM about are:

Divine Source - Spell like abilities belonging to the domain you pick. You must pick your Alignment Domains 1st and if you ever change alignments the ability stops working for the alignment you picked (So if I take it as a Lawful Good person i have to take Law and Good domains before anything else). I was told that i could use Miracle to cast any divine spell but that I couldn't use it go gain +1-+5 to a stat (because that costs expensive material components.)

Mythic Metamagic - We decided that spells should not be allowed to go above 9th level. I saw in some other thread that a Cleric used a Mythic persistant empowered maximized Blade Barrier. I'm not sure how that worked because that would be a 13th level spell (Blade Barrier 6th + 2 persistant +2 empowered +3 maximized). We decided that Mythic Metamagic would not raise the spell slot of a spell that you cast using it, but that you also cannot go above 9th level with it either.

Mythic Vital Strike - No one in our party likes this feat. We don't use it and our DM doesn't use it against us. It breaks the flavor of either moving and attacking or full-attacking and facing the consequences.

Oh, and something I forgot to mention in my other thread. The halberd that Staughton Vaughn has is special. I'm not sure what it does exactly, but meta-game I am guessing it is an Intelligent weapon with the non-detection special ability, but my character has not been able to make heads or tails of it lately. Though my character has been acting a little out-of-character lately and my party has not yet noticed :smallannoyed:

2014-08-10, 04:24 PM
I would say that the shadow demon gave us the least trouble out of the entire book. I made a great knowledge roll and used communal protection from evil, made the check to cast protection from evil on Nurah and then I touched the Sword of Valor and summoned the Planarite. Then dimensional anchor (I forgot that the Sword of Valor prevented teleportation) and he died very very quickly.

Kol Korran
2014-08-12, 07:22 AM
Hey Devlear! Thanks for sharing your experience! Sounds like you're having fun!

For the walls, i used mythic power to dimensional door into one of the towers along the wall. The two Brimrock there immediately sent up a flare and we had 6 more Brimrock appear for us to fight off. The next round the mythic chimera was upon us. The chimera had the mythic speed template in my game and blasting two ice breath and full attack, pounce, rend twice in the one turn that we had. Every turn it nearly killed one of us. Thanks to relentless healing we barely managed to survive. I think he tried to run away at some point but we got him somehow. 8 Brimrocks plus Soltengrebbe alltogether? Sounds quite hard! And yet you survived... Hmmmm... I don't know when I'll have the Beast of Drezen fight the party yet, I guess it will depend on their actions. But I intend to buff it up somewhat. The party have 5 PCs, not 4, and the few places I've read consider Soltengrebbe not that powerful as it is. I intend to make a mythical challenge mythic indeed! A decent chance for a TPK. If you want to be epic- earn it!

After that, we entered the castle and I had to keep using mythic power to use Shape Stone (because all of the doors are locked and we don't have high enough disable device to open them) to get around the locked doors. We came upon a Mythic Gargoyle that was a pain to kill. It can animate statues, magic jar statues and hide in plain sight at will along with other Mythic powers, like Hover (30' cone that provides cover.) We felt that we had to keep going because if we pulled back they could more then double their forces because all demons can use Greater Teleport once per day. We had to kill 2 succubus, 1 Advanced Ghast Knight or something like that (succubus kept dominating people), 2 Minotaur and an Alchemical golem, shadow mephit and Jorn (Staughton Vaughn's brother). Then we had to kill Staughton Vaughn, trying to keep him away from his brother because he wanted to kill him too. (We had captured Jorn because we felt he could be redeemed). Staughton Vaughn in one turn, Smited Good the Cleric, tripped cleric, AoO cleric, tripped Paladin, AoO paladin and then Whirlwind attacked. Then he somehow summoned a babau (Summon Monster V my character decided) as a free action. We were really hurting because we had already used much of our power throughout the fortress but somehow we won and retreated from the castle.

You did the citadel differently than the module intended- they assuemd the party will explroe it at their leisure. A dungeon crwl where the party explores a bit, go out and rest, and come back again. This may explain why it was so hard. Though it is impressive that you've still made it so well, or it might mean the module as it is is just not challenging enough? I intend to give the Citadel an entire different feel, especially Staunton Vhane. (Again, most reports I've read considered him an utter cake walk). Lets just say, I think the party will be exploring Drezen at a run!

- various mythical abilties discussions -
I assume I'll discusss things with my party as they come along. I'll post my session a bit later, but we had the first uses of mythical power in it. Just a taste.

Oh, and something I forgot to mention in my other thread. The halberd that Staughton Vaughn has is special. I'm not sure what it does exactly, but meta-game I am guessing it is an Intelligent weapon with the non-detection special ability, but my character has not been able to make heads or tails of it lately. Though my character has been acting a little out-of-character lately and my party has not yet noticed :smallannoyed: I'm saying nothing! :smallamused:

I would say that the shadow demon gave us the least trouble out of the entire book. I made a great knowledge roll and used communal protection from evil, made the check to cast protection from evil on Nurah and then I touched the Sword of Valor and summoned the Planarite. Then dimensional anchor (I forgot that the Sword of Valor prevented teleportation) and he died very very quickly. I am reworking how it will be handled as well. It will be encountered BEFORE Staunton though, and Staunton, after the changes I make, will be the final encounter of this module.

Thanks again for sharing! I imagine your party will explore the third module before mine does. If you'll have some insights then, I'd love to hear them!

2014-08-12, 08:04 AM
So far every single Mythic encounter has very nearly wrecked us.

We have taken steps to try to mitigate how broken Mythic abilities can be.
What's the general optimisation level of your group, and what are the other steps you've taken?

We also decided that allowing Spell-Like abilities with expensive material components would be too broken (I.E. taking Divine Source path ability and getting to use Miracle to give ourselves free ability enhancements)
While a 1/day Miracle is nice, it's only 1/day (unless you're letting Miracle give you a straight +5). Picking a deity with the Luck domain via Touched By Divinity (or incorporating the Mortal Herald rules from Mythic Origins) will end up giving you as many SLA-uses of Miracle as you have mythic power available. Significantly more broken, of the "nigh-unbeatable" variety. Presumably the sort of thing you'd be attempting to avoid, but I thought I'd note it - the Touched By Divinity trait is extremely good.

I would say that the shadow demon gave us the least trouble out of the entire book.
Protection from Evil stops it stone cold, yeah. Standard adventuring gear should be a wayfinder with a clear spindle in it. Saves on ever needing to re-cast it.

2014-08-12, 10:11 AM
What's the general optimisation level of your group, and what are the other steps you've taken?

We started with 25 point buy which should put us way above the curve, but we also have 2 people that are completely new to the roleplaying, dice rolling thing and we (Me and the Ranger) are giving them advice if they ask for it but we are otherwise leaving every choice up to them.

I don't know everyone else's stat sheets but I am
Teleportation special / Conjuration Tiefling Wizard (Forbidden: Evocation/Illusion)

Feats: Spell focus(Conjuration), Augment Summons, Improved Initiative, Improved Familiar (Lyrikian Azata), Extend Spell, Worldwound Walker

Mythic Abilities: Wild Arcana, Flexible School(Divination), Mythic Paragon, Crafting Mastery

I have 1 Efficient Quiver, Wand of Daylight, Wand of Magic Missile CL5th and that is pretty much it. I can't be as prepared as I would like to be because I have had no time to prepare anything like scrolls and wands. Now that we have some downtime I plan on making several wands, rods and scrolls so that I can be prepared for anything.

I always get to go first and in the surprise round (Flexible School Mythic Path Ability) so I usually Haste, Enlarge, Enervation, Ray of Enfeeblement, Summon Monster, Create Pit. In large battles I use battlefield control spells and in 1 on 1 fights I use buffs and debuffs.

Cleric is supposed to be the tank. She has 36 AC, uses Radiance but only does 1d8+10 damage on a hit with +16/+16/+11 to attack rolls.

Paladin does all the damage. I usually enlarge him and haste him so he usually does on a smite round 3d6+2d6+1d6+31 damage with +19/+19/+14 to evil outsiders

Ranger also puts up amazing damage, but only against evil outsiders with 1d4+14 with +16/+16/+16/+11/+11

2014-08-12, 10:50 AM
Hey Devlear! Thanks for sharing your experience! Sounds like you're having fun!

Yeah, we have been having lots of fun so far. It had been many years since I last played before a co-worker started this new game up.

8 Brimrocks plus Soltengrebbe alltogether? Sounds quite hard! And yet you survived... Hmmmm... I don't know when I'll have the Beast of Drezen fight the party yet, I guess it will depend on their actions. But I intend to buff it up somewhat. The party have 5 PCs, not 4, and the few places I've read consider Soltengrebbe not that powerful as it is. I intend to make a mythical challenge mythic indeed! A decent chance for a TPK. If you want to be epic- earn it!

I agree. If the mythic encounters aren't suitably mythic then can it really be called a mythic adventure?

You did the citadel differently than the module intended- they assuemd the party will explroe it at their leisure. A dungeon crwl where the party explores a bit, go out and rest, and come back again. This may explain why it was so hard. Though it is impressive that you've still made it so well, or it might mean the module as it is is just not challenging enough? I intend to give the Citadel an entire different feel, especially Staunton Vhane. (Again, most reports I've read considered him an utter cake walk). Lets just say, I think the party will be exploring Drezen at a run!

I assume the DM changed that part because he didn't like being able to retreat when reinforcements can be so easily gotten. On my Knowledge roll I was told that if we waited they could probably more than double their forces overnight.

I am reworking how it will be handled as well. It will be encountered BEFORE Staunton though, and Staunton, after the changes I make, will be the final encounter of this module.

I like that idea. Staunton is the NPC that is mythic, not the shadow demon. That final battle was quite disappointing compared to when my party fought Staunton.

Another thing that was very pretty cool was the corruption forge fight.

Oh! And the hive queen fight. Several people kept failing Will saves and going temporarily insane.

So many moments in book 2 where you can learn a little more about the power players involved, chances at redemption and harrowing fights against time. Afterwards you say to yourself, "How did we survive".

I am very glad that your players are having fun and look forward to reading more of you adventure! :smallbiggrin:

2014-08-14, 03:36 PM
I downloaded Scorpian's updated stat blocks for all of the creatures in the Sword of Valor and I am pretty certain now that my DM is using the updated stat blocks.

Kol Korran
2014-08-23, 01:34 PM
So, we had another session, in which we progressed... not a lot. Strange session, something was wrong, as the game just didn't flow... It felt too complicated, uninspired, like we weren't fully in the game. I still don't fully know what happened, though I talked with a few players. Hmmmm... I'll get to that later. As to what went on the session:

Session 9, Part 1- Battle of Keeper's Canyon

On the last session we ended just after the party won the battle at Vilroth Ford. We started by seeing if the armies gained more moral, learned new tactics, or if the leaders gained new boons. The PF rules don't elaborate on that, so I had my small method. Some players liked it, some players didn't like starting with rolling dice though... Most armies moral picked up, and Mad Dog learned the "defensive tactics" boon.

As to the disappearing Brimorak. The party guessed that their surprise advantage was blown, though Nurah said that few demons report failure totheir superiors- a common practice amonst demons was to "reward" failure by a quick execution... If you have the "march to Drezen" map, you'll notice that a bit west of Vilroth Ford there is a way to scale up the plateau, and travel it towards Drezen. The spoiled surprise, along with the hazards of traveling inside a canyon (Reall, who have thought up THAT idea?) made traveling the plateau far more appealing.

A big discussion started. Sean asked Nurah of the dangers travelign the Plateau. She said the main danger was... unpredictability. The chaotic nature of the worldwound meant that there can be all kinds of random threats upon the steppe, amongst them changing landscape, elemental storms and more. There are only a few constant features of the world wound (The Ahari river bed one of them). So it was up for the commanders to decide their approach.

Tell the truth, going through the Ahari river bed sounded like a really strategically bad approach to me as well, so I gave the party this option, and planned the approach through the plateau. If they went there, they'll need to map. Which brought me to this:

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/March_to_drezen_hex_map1_zpsd2a2d6b1.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/March_to_drezen_hex_map1_zpsd2a2d6b1.jpg.html)

If you have read the third module, you'll notice it's not exactly the same. Things are moved a little. Checking both modules, one of them got distances and positions a bit wrong. Anyway, if the party had went up the plateau, they would need to navigate some hexes, which may have a few unexpected effects and terrain.

The uncertainty of the plateau decided the matter finally, and they decided to go through the Ahari river bed. Buuuuut, they will make sure they were properly defended! Expecting an ambush from the ridges, both Julian and Sena's player wished to place part of the forces (Those that could climb the cliffs) up in protective escort above the river. This led to a whole new discussion, of how IF to put forces there (Andera's player objected fiercely, not wantign to split the army, as it would take 1-2 turns to climb the cliffs. A lot of time in mass combat), HOW many forces? (Different opinions across the board here. The Queen's Knights, The Silver Banner and The Knights of Sarenrae had to go through the gorge, due to horses and siege weapons) and ON WHICH side of the Ahari river bed (Some thought to split, some not). In short- it was a real bugger. Andera's player tried to metagame, saying that the module probably assuemed that the army will all go in them middle of the gorge and could handle things, but this was met with disdain from the party. That said, we seem to have way too many military minded people (Comes from the entire party having served in the army, and some being history and strategy/ tactics students)

i probably should have intervened and put a stop to the arguing, but I usually consider the GM's job to give the situations to the party, and let them deal with it however they want. Still, this was a time killer... Finally they have agreed that all forces that could climb, will go on the north edge of the gorge, giving cover fire from above.

Approach to Keeper's Canyon
The party was edging to go. So we moved on. Sena had another idea, and decided that his mongrelfolk unit will scout ahead of the main force (About an hour distance). They were stealthy, crafty, and so made a good advance force. He joined them, but they kept him mostly in the rear, with his armor clanking. Amused by him, they tried to show him their skirmishing style, and the use of their strange language- mimics of animals, natural sounds and more. Sena tried to imitate, but was met with amusement. Lann moved at the front. (Sena wished to enhance their connection. He now intends to learn their language).

The first day march was now near the steppes, on the other side of the river, where the Worldwound touched a bit. I gave some description on the parched land, the scarcity of normal natural life, and so on... The army was on the verge of the cursed land, and could get a glimpse to it's effects. Also, Mad dog entered his favored terrain! (We decided it would be considered "desert")

The next day Sena's unti moved ahead again. Near sunset it reached the proximity of Keeper's Canyon. But the unit stopped, as it's foremost scouts detected enemy forces- dretches at the entrance to the gorge!

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/Keeprs_canyon_initial1_zpsa64505ba.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/Keeprs_canyon_initial1_zpsa64505ba.jpg.html)

The top is north. The dark units at the bottom are the PCs' army. There are hills and cliffs to both sides of the gorge, and the dry river path, now all sand is depicted by the orange blobs. The mongrelfolk noticed only the dretches at this point- the two green armies at it's opening. The rest were hidden...

Lann returned to consult with Sena. Immediately they sent one of the folks back, to warn the army. "We need to learn more!" They decided to climb the western cliffs. They seemed quite hard to climb, but with a few accessible places. Luckily for them, a perception roll noticed the wires attached to make a collapse. (I loved Sena's player's face- he didn't expect that!") Lann motioned to him- "To try and cut or go down?" Sena was always a daring one. "Cut!" He motioned. Luckily for them, they are all rogues, and with another successful roll, disabled the massive trap and alarm.

Stealthily, they climbed up, and moved slowly forward, until they suddenly saw other figures on the cliffs- tieflings! Armed with bows, looking down, in ambush to attack any who might approach the dretches. They relied on the trap to alert them if something happened, and were not expecting such a large force to succeed getting so close.

Still undetected, Sena told the army to hide, and await the others. As they hid, but a 150 feet or so from their enemies, Sena and Lann planned. It is worthy to note t this point a small but important fact I forgot to mention- Aravashnial was accompanying the troop as a support caster as well. Together with Sena, the force has 2 powerful casters on their side.

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/Keeprs_canyon_alons_approach1_zpse96e603e.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/Keeprs_canyon_alons_approach1_zpse96e603e.jpg.html )

The mongrelfolk are the most western troop, just south west from the tiefling. (Each square is 100x100ft)

Now it was time to wait for the main force to arrive...

The main army arrives, and the attack!

Julian somehow was regarded as the general army's commander (Though I don't quite understand why...). As the messenger arrived, She hurried the army, and grabbed to her horse tightly, as she sent her hawk familiar to fly above Keeper's canyon, and see through it's eyes.

Damn those hawks have terrific perception! :smalltongue: It quickly located both hiding tieflign forces, each on the cliffs aside the gorge. But the north ones seemed more serious, with longbows, better armor, and the rocks and such arranged as simple fortifications. The hawk returned to Julian, and she ties a message for Sena with what she has found (The hawk found them as well) and the hawk Reaches Sena, which is now very worried aboutthe long ranged archers. They might hit his force quite hard! He needs some way to stop it.

The army reaches it's point at the bottom of the battle map, but here the party goes into a very long discussion about who will attack, how, where, and so on. This drags for some time till I end this, saying they make so much noise and stall for so long that the enemy forces have spotted them. On to battle!

On the whole, it looks like two battles from this point- the mongrelfolk on the cliff, and the rest hurrying to meet the dretches and the long range archers. But a few complications occur.

Our mass army rules have 5 stages for any round (1 minute): reconissance, allocating strategy and tactics, ranged combat, movement, and melee. Sena whispers to his troops: "In the name of the first ascendents, in the name of Sarenrae! Fire!" And the mongrelfolk come out of hiding, launchign a volley on the highly surprised tieflings! "First ascendents! Charge!" yells Lann, and they close in on the shocked mongrelfolk, and manage to take them all down ij a quick battle (The unit has the "ambush" tactic, which really helped here. Sena himself cast bless as they charged, and Aravash? he threw fireballs at the long ranged tieflings, across the Canyon. To complete the attack Sena yells "Smoke sticks! Now!" And the troops use their alchemical items (Some of the provisions they got. They have 3 uses of various effects) to crate a smoke effect that will hinder the effectiveness of the long ranged archers.

This initial assault was HIGHLY effective and impressive, I'll give the kudos to the player. The shrieks of tieflings, with quite a few of them just fallign of the cliffs, driven by the mongrelfolk, plus the fireballs and sudden huge smoke cloud were enough of a signal for the rest of the army. "Charge!" The Queen's knights pushed forward, along with the silver banner, and even the Lions of Sarkoris (barbarians' fast movement). They closed most fo the distance, but at Julian's command will not come to the range of the long bows. So far, things were looking up!

Excorius, Incubus of pain, and other troubles.
The mongrelfolk success did not go unnoticed. The Long bow tiefling launched a volley on them, but the massive casualties that would have been had were halved by the smoke effect. "Aravash! Distraction!" yelled Sena, and the elf put a rain cloud spell (Forgot the name. 3rd level) over the archers. This will suffice for 1 round. "Fold back! Fold back!" Said Lann. Their short range was no match for the other archers.

But as they were moving back, a demon materialized before Sena, teleporting from the archers force. This was Excorius, the leader of the force. The module just mentions him as the army's commander, and that he might try and seek revenge later on. But I thought this would be an interesting opportunity to test how individual PCs might be targeted. Excorius held two Wakizashi (One of which magical, was supposed to be loot for Andera. He is far behind the others in terms of loot). I changed aa few of the demons's feats and such, to make it a bit more formidable.

Excorius mocked Sena, and engaged him in a fight. Sena was worried about the mongrelfolk, but asked them to go back, way from range of the bows. Some, Lann included, decided to stay, but couldn't much hurt the demon. But... that wasn't needed, as Sena was not hit even once! Sena has a very high AC compared to the others (27, where the rest are up to bout 20), and the demon just kept on missing him. Sena cast a few spells (mostly of protection), but moved on the offensive quite fast, managign to del not high damage, but decent...

Meanwhile, with Aravash' distracting spell, the troops felt sure to engage the dretches. As the mounted forces and the Lions of Sarkoris clashed with the two demon armies (Who summoned 2 other smaller armies (-2 ACR)) Something suddenly went wrong... Mad dog felt... something... inside him, as if ripping him. He felt as if his muscles were growing, and spikes were coming out of his skin, his face hardening, and another sense- a sense for life, for blood, rushing into his head, dominating him, trying to throw him into a maddened frenzy! ("I become more badass? cool!" the player chimed!) The lions were terrified, and put some distance between them and Mad dog, making signs of protection, yelling "demon!" ("What? I'm losing my army? Crap!" the player became very worried). AMd dog was able to control his rage, bu the urge to kill was strong within him.

But he was not the only one going through some... "revelations". Julian grasped her head, as a multitude of voices barged into her mind- those of the Bartlet's fighters, of the Queen's knights, but also of... the dretches! And these were clearest of all, speaking of hunger, despair, their miserable lives and more... Emotions, thoughts, urges and more threatened to overtake Julian. With a great power of will, she manged to function, barely, but the Bartlet's were suspicious of this.

Excorius challenges
Now, there may be a problem with our battle rules, when relating to single characters entanglements. A single "army combat round" is 1 minute, in which a commanding character can do 2 "just a PC" actions (Such as cast a spell or use an ability) and still command her army. but support characters (Such as Aravash, Nurah and so) or characters who face an enemy more directly get to play the full 10 rounds of 1 minute. This meant that as Sena played some rounds, the rest were waiting, and this is NOT a good way to run a combat.

Sena proved to difficult to Excorius, but he was attracted to the new development in the battle in the sands below, and so teleported to face Mad Dog. "interesting, interesting! And what might YOU be?" Now, as much as the battle was one sided against Excorius in the fight with Sena, here it was completely one sided against Mad Dog. he has a much lower AC, and got hit by a few crits (Wakizashi and improved crit means 15-20 range. And the demon causes another 2d6 damage on each crit as pat of his powers). Mad dog was soon fell, and as he did so, the transformation of his body- size, spikes, and blood rush reverted back.

Now here I may have been a bit merciful. This is her first character, and the defeat was a bit unfair. So instead of killing her, I decided that Excorius will want to see what happened with this new development, and let Mad dog live- perhaps this new holder of the Wardstone's power can be corrupted and turned? But there needed to be some loss, so it took his Ranseur of the Gargoyle (I knew the player was quite a hoarder, and she indeed take a HUGE offense at this. Possibly more than if Mad dog was killed? :smalltongue:). It could be used to scry them later as well. I don't usually coddle my players, and my usual rule is "deal with it". But this was the player's first character, so I was a bit merciful. Only once though. Meanwhile the Lions fought the enemies, and gave these two demons a wide berth, not sure what to make of this.

The demon then moved to Julian, and tried to fight her, (With some halflings trying to help, ineffectively). Julian managed to concentrate through the rush of thoughts in her head, and deployed mirror image spell after spell, and tried to use Aboleth breath on Excorius, but with a need to concentrate, touch attacks, spell resistance and saving throw, nothing worked! But the battle was a stalemate. Excorius couldn't destroy the images fast enough, and she couldn't affect him with her spells. Finally he smiled, bowed, and teleported away.

Single PC battles in a big battle, and PC power levels.
First of all- I should avoid single PC combats in the midst of a big battle if I can help it. This quite sucked. The battling player felt rushed because the others were waiting, and the others were... waiting. I'll need to think of a solution for this. Currently my idea is just- don't do it. Avoid it if at all possible.

Exocrius single challenges (This was not planned!) helped me realize the wide power and optimization disparity in the group. Sena could have probably taken him all by himself, without much damage. With Julian it was sort of a draw, and was up to a lucky hit, lucky spell, or Julian's spells running out. But with Mad dog? It was slaughter! i knew he was more vulnerable, but didn't realize by how much! Sure, he has tons of hit points, but when you are hit nearly every time, it doesn't help much. I will try to help her (perhaps with the other players) to rectify her low AC)

Meanwhile on the BIG battle
The Dreatches were dealt with, but their relentless brutality tactics, along with stinking clouds, enabled them to deal substantial damage to the Queen's Knights and the Lions of Sarkoris. Though it was not enough to inflict permanent casualties, that was "corrected" by the long bow archers, who caused some fatalities within the Queen's knights. They were soon dispatched by the tiefling host (Who made a detour to get to them) and a retributive volley from the Bartlet hounds.

The Battle of Keeper's Canyon was won! But not all was well. The Queen's knights has some casualties, and there were no replacement on this march. Mad dog's and Julian's forces were highly suspicious of them, ad the two of them didn't have an ide of what the hell just happened! And last but not least- Where did Excorius go to?

Entering the worldwound seemed to cause some complications. It was time to deal with the battle's aftermath.
We stopped for a Humus break and some talks, trying to figure out what happened and where to go from here. In the next part! :smalltongue:

Kol Korran
2014-08-26, 12:00 PM
Hey all! I'm back. Now, where were we?

Session 9, part 2- First troubles, Approach to The Lost Chappel

As the battle ended, Mad dog was revitalized, but the lions of Sarkoris formed a wide spaced ring around him, with weapons ready. They did not trust him. "Demon...", "Cursed!"... "Tainted!" Went all around him. jester Holsten, the priest spokesman of the Lions, tried to question Mad dog, see what happened what sort of danger he posed. Mad dog tried to explain himself, but did so quite poorly."I didn't meant to harm any of you! I mean, yes, I felt a blood rage and desire to slaughter, but I controlled it! I think... No! I don't know why it happened or how..." Holter shook his head. "Something, within you made you try to kill us... You controlled yourself for now, but in the future? You know not how it happened, why it happened, or if it will happen again. And you WERE a demon! How can we trust you?"

The player was quite distraught. "I am NOT losing my army!" and sought help from the others. But before they approached Mad dog, they too had things to deal with. Bartlet and his halflings raised bows towards Julian. Suddenly she was in the center of 40+ bows. "We saw something happened to you too... and the demon spoke of some influence... What EXACTLY happened?" Thinking quickly on her feet, knowing no real explanation could satisfy them for now, Julian opted to lie. She made a dismissive gesture. "The demon tried some sort of powerful spell on us. It affected mad dog, but I was able to resist it. A slight headache, but nothing to fear." She spoke with enough authority, enough conviction, and with a good enough story that it persuaded the halflings. "Well, just good to have you with us. That thing..." Bartlet motioned towards the circle of Lions. "Looked pretty nasty!"

Before getting down from the cliffs Sena addressed the mongrelfolk. "Today you have fought without fear, in perfect coordination, with unity, efficient and deadly. You have dealt a great blow to the enemy, but more than that. When I faced that demon, you wished to stay and help me, willing to endanger yourself for me, even when I wished you to stay back. For that I am honored, and humbled to fight alongside you, my brothers." There was a touching moment there, as they called him "Spirit, our brother". The bonds were forming, and quite fast.

Andera too had some words for his troops, though his style was more direct, more to the point, and less dramatic. "You have impressed me. You have done really well. I think you have proven yourself to any that would doubt you." Qulin Longshadow bowed deeply. "We seek to be your tools of destruction oh great lord!" Andera couldn't seem to get that groveling off...

As the different units got back together, the problem of Mad dog still remained. THe leaders of the armies convened quickly, by the sands. Sena was angered when he heard all that have happened. "We can't have this! mad dog, can you think of anything, ANYTHING that might explain this?" Which is when the player remembered the trait, and the ritual Mad dog barely survived. "I think... I think that past events may have triggered something. Inside. But I don't know what." Sena turned to Commander John. "Is this some sort of possession?" Juhn seemed grim. "it might be, but it seems different. Possessions usually do not alter a body so dramatically. They are more a matter of the mind. But perhaps a ready protection from evil could help." Which is when Jester intervened. "Mad dog, this seems to be a battle of will of some sorts. perhaps... perhaps if you had something to believe in, to cling to, such as The Green Faith. We could talk about it, meditate, and maybe it will give you strength. You have fought the demon, even when it felled you, and for that we are still willing to give you a measure of grace. But I will be by your side, provide help if needed, but if this happens again... we will take you out." Mad dog didn't like it, but appreciated the help, and vowed to prove himself to the army. As he went to talk with them, he stopped by Sena and Harry. "You both are smart. Find out what is happening to me!" They nodded, but knew very well that they didn't have a clue yet. Sena shook his head. "bad omen..."

Sena turned to Julian "And something happened to you to?" But she deflected him as well, keeping quiet for now, not quite knowing what to do with all of this herself. So Sena (the unofficial care taker of the greater army as a whole) went to check upon the Queen's Knights. They were grim, with Arabeth helping them bury the dead. The force have lost the equivalent of 4 permanent hit points (out of 32 starting hit points)and they were pretty beaten down by the Dretches final assault (11/28 hit points). Sena tried to console, but they acted professionally, and silently. He used his last channel energy charges to heal as much as he could, which was accepted graciously by the Knights.

They decided to make camp there. As the people were setting up the small tents, Harry and Aravash called for the leaders. "We have another small problem- That demon you fought? Well, he can teleport at will, but he can also assume any humanoid form he wants..."

A round of curses went around the table. "So we'll be watching our backs here all the time now?" Added Sena, highly displeased.

As to experience from the battle: The mognrelfolk moral went up by 1, up to the max of +4 (Fitted the story nicely), Julian gained a boon, and decided on Sharpshooter. The tieflings gained another tactic- taunting.

At early morning, they will enter the Worldwound.

Mad dog and Julian's transformations
The transformations are an attempt to make dealing with the campaign traits more interesting. Mad dog's transformation is mostly physical, along with rage. Based on the raider's leader appearance in the 3rd module. As to Julian? A more mental one, sharing the mindset of demons. The first time was a sort of uncontrolled telepathy, unable to deflect anything, with the demons being most prominent.

The DCs to function were fairly low for now, but this will increase. I hope to pepper some clues here and there as the game progresses.

The start of the Ahari River bed
Now, the module says that they don't want to deal with the effects of the blasted landscape of the Worldwound, and that it will appear in the third module. It doesn't. The third module just gives a list of wandering monsters. So I made a short "random chaotic worldwound effects" of myself. The Ahari riverbed gives some protection, and helps a lot with navigation.

The Silver banner, followed by the Knights of Sarenrae, and the Queen's Knights entered the canyon, while the rest of the forces climbed on the north cliffs, and kept watch while walking there. Choosing to follow the river and not the Plateau turned out to help quite a bit.

Mad dog, the expert wilderness man of the army, led the army, with the lions closely behind him. The going was slow, as the terrain was rough, up and below. Soon after entry the above force stumbled upon a field of hot mud pits. (First random effect, the landscape can change). But Mad dog's high survival skill saw them through, if a bit delayed. Next was the appearance of "wrong sky"- the sun not where it's supposed to be, the colors different. This confused the hell out of them, and Sena thought they went through some sort of a time leap. But harry comforted them, as the Sky sometime show the skies of the layers of the abyss. Had they been on the plateau it would have made navigation much harder, but sticking to the river, it made little real affect, other than disturb the troops, many of which made signs to ward off demonic influence.

As the night neared, mad dog saw something in the air, as if an opening, of something violent, flashes of fire and lighting. "Elemental storm! Down to the canyon!" he shouted, and luckily enough the forces managed to get down in time, before the thunderous mayhem of fire and destruction rolled over them. A short time after, they reached their camp.

Worldwound effects
So far they have traveled pretty unharmed. mad dog's survival skill is maxed through the roof. (Including the half elven skill focus) so I thought it should count. The Plateau would have made things more difficult .Still, they have about 20-25% to fail in any such obstacle. We'll see.

I didn't make my table elaborate (A simple roll of 1d6) since the travel should be fairly short to Drezen (And I had enough of other things to prepare). I will probably improve on it when starting the third module.

The start of The Lost Chappel adventure

As the army camped (All of it except for the Knights of Sarenra in the canyon. The mongrelfolk stood watch above) the lookout came running- gargoyles have attacked, and carried away 5 sodliers! The army was concerned, since they didn't have magical weapons against gargoyles (An excuse why it's just the party). Nurah thought she knew where they went- The is an old Chappel to Desna nearby. It was originally a star observatory, built upon a jutting spire of rock from the top of the canyon up, with the Chapel built on it's top, close to Desna's creation. The road up the spire is called "The Sky road".

Sena grimaced, and called for the party. "Lets do this!" The party was quite relieved to act as their own characters for once. They took their horses and hurried there. At the bottom of the 90ft spire however they met a strange sight- what seemed like a mass of broken statues (Gargoyles bodies), with some arrows sticking out of some. Andera checked the arrows, not of human made- crystalline arrows, though he could not decide on the source. But they could leave that mystery for later.

Second mystery to the chapel
I decided to use the chapel as away to further Andera's campaign trait story. The chapel for Desna is a place where the succubus from the third part (I forgot her name) visited soon before she was captured. There may be signs and clues here and there for someone else here. I just hope the party will try to understand it, and not just dismiss it, as they sometime do).

Th sky road, and the long fall
Sena had been waitign to use his favorite third level spell- meld into stone! he went into the rock, and started moving up, up, up, till he bumped into a gargoyle (my gargoyles are a bit different, and can meld into the places they guard). He palyed a bit of a chase with the gargoyle, in the stone, but managed to pass it. Reaching the ruined chapel, he started to map it quickly, as the spells time was waning, and he needed to get back. He mapped about half of the place, and saw the ghouls, the ghouls priest, and the half nabasu leader, in the process of removing organs from one of Bartlet's still live and screaming halflings...

This did it. He got quickly down, and even before he fully emerged from the stone he spoke. "We go up! NOW!" They knew they will have to face gargoyles, but they had little choice. The Sky Road in the old past was a circular ascending path around the spire, thus allowing the climber to both see the stars of the night sky, and appreciate the detailed star maps carved into the spire itself... but the path was very narrow- 5 ft, and there were no railings.

As they nearly reached the temple, at about 80 ft, 2 gargoyles emerged from the stone, trying to push Mad dog and Harry off. Mad dog resisted, but Harry fell down 80 ft like a brick. ("Harry's player left a bit before that, and Julian's player was playing him. He roamed through his spells. "Feather fall, feather fall. Why doesn't he have feather fall?" Harry crashed hard, down to 0 hit points down below.

A hard fight developed above, as more gargoyles came (6 total, double that of the module). They fought with claw, tooth and horns. Again I was amazed at how vulnerable Mad dog is, as his hit points went down quite fast (Though he was facing 3 of them alone at the head of the party). Sena was frustrated that they weren't demons, since then his bane scimitar was quite pathetic. And Julian's spells? Miss and go...

An awkward battle ensued, but at it's end the party was victorious. Harry was still below, having drank a potion of CLW. Sean wanted to move fast, and his urgency was accentuated by a shrill scream piercing the night...

But not all is bad! The party just leveled up to 6th level! (They gain everything except for "per day" abilities, including spells)
We stopped here. On the whole this was a somewhat frustrating session. Mainly due to the long debates and waste of time (We've since discussed this. I will give up to 15 minutes for major decisions. then, they'll just have to act), and the focus on leading armies, the complexity of it all, which took something out of the roleplay.

I hope I'll learn from this and be able to improve the game later on. The army with it's many units is starting to prove quite complex to handle roleplay wise. I keep forgetting about all kind of units or commanders (John, Arabeth, The Knights of Sarenrae), but the players also seem to like it (Or so I gathered).

About the Chapel: It assumes the party is 6th level, and though officially the party now IS6th level, they come a bit less prepared. I hope the mythic abilities will cover for that. I hope to put one more minor Mad Dog/ Julian transformation, and perhaps an encounter with Excorius, mostly for roleplay purposes (He came hereto heal). I am worried about Muagla, the Nabasu at the end. He seems very powerful, and I fear that the party might burn their resources on what they'll perceive as the "boss battle", with the half demon head of the Chapel.

I hope you are enjoying the read! We're supposed to meet next Friday. I think they might reach Drezen then. I will also have finished most of my Med School final exams, and maybe I will be more free (And update a bit more frequently hopefully? :smalltongue:) Thanks for reading! Feel free to drop a line.

2014-08-27, 12:49 PM
Awesome reading! I like what you did with making the commanders of the other armies more three dimensional. I can't wait to see what happens with the campaign traits you changed.

Kol Korran
2014-08-28, 01:32 AM
We're currently scheduled to play next Friday, but there has been a major development- Mad dog's player quit. She and Andera's player (Her boyfriend) have been having some difficulties lately, and they just broke up, and she doesn't wish to be around him too much. She assured me that she enjoyed the play, even with the added rules and such, and that she might join another group in the future, either without her BF or when things have cooled down between them, but for now she prefers to step out.

Bummer. :smallfrown::smallsigh: I really liked having her in the game. She put some effort into roelplaying nicely, and add various new ideas. Hmmmm...

This has led to another change however. Harry's player has been frustrated playing an evoker against demons, and he really missed hitting stuff. Apparently he has been thinking about changing characters (He usually does this every 4-6 levels), for a bruiser. So he talked with her, and they decided that he will take over running Mad dog, with some tweaks to the build and such.

Oddly enough, this fits nicely with the situation in the campaign- Harry will die at the bottom of the spire (Perhaps from crashing dead gargoyles? :smalltongue:) and Mad do will continue. I know Sena's player at least was quite anxious to move along, and didn't know if he could wait for Harry. Now they don't have to :smallwink:

So some shifts and shuffle. I thought about the first campaign I documented, and suddenly realized that Sena's player have played Gabriel in the past (Also a cleric), Julian's player played Red (Some kind of a high arcana prestige class, don't remember), Mad dog (previously Harry) played Google (A half giant superb massive damage dealer), and Andera played Danves (a Dusk blade/ rogue that played mostly like a skulking secretive rogue).

I guess people gravitate towards some roles it seems. :smallamused:

2014-08-28, 12:42 PM
Sorry to hear you are losing a player :smallfrown:
Our Paladin just recently moved to another city and another friend is going to be taking his place as a Barbarian. I don't know how I feet about losing our party head with all of his charisma and diplomacy. Not to mention all of the nice demon slaying that comes with Smite Evil but I look forward to the new party dynamic. I am using some of the downtime to swap out a couple feats and changing some skill points around so that I can now be decent as Diplomacy situations.

I find it easier to play a character that I really care about. I like to spend time with the DM and bounce ideas around with him to get a feel for the atmosphere of the campaign. What current events are happening and other things like that. If I remember the concept for one of my other characters is started off as "Someone who specializes in using magic but can't have magic himself" and that eventually turned into "Someone who uses magical trinkets to help him do his job, but he doesn't dabble in real magic because his wife was burned at the stake for being a Witch and it scarred him. For a time he also pursued people who use the Black Arts and persecuted them but has since found that his life had no meaning. He then decided to instead spend his life protecting and defending those wrongly accused while protecting others from the wrong doings of those who choose to use magic badly".

Kol Korran
2014-08-29, 06:16 AM
In my party the two who quite invest in the flavor of characters are Sena's player, and Julian's player. Both usually come with characters you can "feel", and that have a presence in the game. Though or some reason Julian's player hasn't been able to find her voice yet... :smallconfused: Sena is already showing his interest in the mongrelfolk, The Queen, His mentor John and more. He is giving us some great moments.

Harry/ The new Mad dog player focuses mostly on statistics, killing stuff and being bad ass when he can. Andera's player sort of alternate between roles, doing a bit out of something, and is probably the most rules-savvy player amongst us, and he helps move things along at times. However, he has really, really, REALLY rotten like with the dice, which has become a recurring joke in our group.

When I play? I am a player soooooo rarely, other than PbPs, that I get to think a lot about potential characters I'd like to play, and so I develop them quite extensively, though they have one thing in common usually- I live them quite a lot of room for development and growth. I prefer my character to have a solid base of personality, but with a lot of room ro respond and react to the party, the NPCs, the world.

I also get to write better journals as a player. (I have more time to take notes). The "It began with a crash!" journal demonstrates it I think, I'm just sorry it ended abruptly.

On another note: It seems Mad dog's change will include trading all of the ranger levels for barbarian ones. To tell the truth, I always thought the class fitted the play style far more. We'll see next week.

2014-09-05, 12:31 PM
Andera's player sort of alternate between roles, doing a bit out of something, and is probably the most rules-savvy player amongst us, and he helps move things along at times. However, he has really, really, REALLY rotten like with the dice, which has become a recurring joke in our group.

I can relate to that pain. It seems like our DM is constantly getting critical hits against us while another player in our group fumbles almost every battle. It is part of the reason that everyone in the group has invested some feats and mythic power in defensive abilities and resisting critical hits.

I also get to write better journals as a player. (I have more time to take notes). The "It began with a crash!" journal demonstrates it I think, I'm just sorry it ended abruptly.

I did read "It began with a crash!" after I read all of this journal. I have to say I was sad that it ended so soon. :smallfrown:

Kol Korran
2014-09-09, 07:47 AM
This session was a blast! A bit of everything- battles, inter party conflict, tense situation with the armies, and a short mass combat. Quite a bit more roleplay on this one, but we like it that way.

We also had quite an extensive use of the mythic powers in this adventure. So I'll have some thoughts on that as well...

Session 10, part 1- Reclaiming the Temple of Welcomed Night

That's the name I gave to the lost chapel. An old temple that was dedicated to Desna before it was defiled. I've been using this location to give some hints about the "chance Encounter" campaign trait, as well Arulashee herself. It was also meant to give Andera' player a few more chances for roleplay, though it ended up with other players doing so.

But first things first- out with the Harry, in with the new Mad Dog!
Last we left, Harry fell of the spiral to the chapel, but was able to drink a potion of CLW. Since his player changed character, well... the gargoyles remains fell on Harry, splattening him bright red across the rock, and accidentally damaging all magical items he might have carried for good. :smalltongue: Not exactly finesse, but gets the point across.

Harry's player now plays Mad dog, instead of the old player that quit (If you haven't read the previous posts). I gave him mostly free reign to change things. He is now a full barbarian instead of ranger, and he changed some gear to upgrade his AC by about 3-4 points. (We all noticed the hammering Mad dog have taken each battle). He also shifted some skills into perception, but on the whole that's it. He continues with the same campaign trait and complications thereof.

Hearing another scream from the temple, the party rushed off. They will give their farewells to Harry later.

Entrance and ghouls
At the ruined courtyard they again notice the remains of gargoyles, with crystaline arrows (Arulashee's arrows) in them. Andera retrieves one arrow, and again notice it is not of Mendev make, but of exceptional quality. He keeps it, but thinks no more of it.

Sena, anxious to get to the halfing who was cut open, rushes to the chapel room. But the ghouls have heard the cries of gargoyles, and moved to block the entrances. Mad dog and Andera open other doors, and notice two ghouls in robes in the back. One advances, while the other start casting some spell... Sena rolls a good spellcraft- summon monster 5?!? (The module says they try summon a Babau) They hear the name of Kabriri, demon undead lord of ghouls spoken a few times, and notice the desecrated altar of Desna, and Kabriri's sign above it.

But Julian moves and casts hydraulic rush on the caster, which manages to disrupt the spell (And get him very wet). The battle is quick and decisive from there- one Channel energy kills of the lesser ghouls, and the combined force of the rest manages to kill of the rest. Mad dog manages to do massive damage with a cirt, and basically disintegrates the ghouls with his strike. ("Mad dog can "channel energy" too!")

A matter of ethics?
Again, Sena doesn't spend time waiting and searching the prayer room, but rushes ahead. He finds the halfling, but not the winged demon (Nuklieth). As they get to him they see his stomach has been cut open expertly, and his internal organs removed, but he is somehow kept alive nonetheless. He is awake, suffering, but obviously on limited time, and beyond hope of any healing other thrn maybe a heal spell. The halfling looks at them pleadingly "Help me! End me!"

Julian moves to do a mercy kill, but Sena tries to interrupt, he wishes to question him, but Mad dog and Andera stop Sena. Sena asks me to use his channel energy to at least lessen the pain of the halfling, I allow it, but Julian then quickly kills the halfling. "He was under my command, my responsibility, my decision."

Sena does not accept this. "We could have helped him. I just wanted to ask him where his butcher was, and what danger he posed! We have to stop it, I think he may be using the organs of the kidnapped to somehow magically disguise demons to infiltrate our army! (What an excellent campiang idea! :smallbiggrin:) You act to rashly!". Julain snapped "And you think to much, he asked us to end him!". Sena objected "he asked to help him!"

At this point they both looked at me, and I said he asked both. Miscommunication. Sena's player decided to play the mistake nonetheless. "I think to much? You kill to easily, and not think enough!" Julian retorted "It wasn't simple!" And Sena retorted back "Looked simple from where I'm standing! Simply because he was YOURS".

As the others backed up Julian that the halfling asked to be killed, Sena relented. The player laughed "Don't confuse me with the facts!"

I talked with the player in the weeks before the session, about the previous session, and the reduced level of roleplay. We mainly worried about Julian's player, who usually contributes a lot to the game, and add great moments. But even the player said he couldn't quite find his voice with Julian. So Sena's player decided to try and push her, provoke her, challenge her, and let the player find more instinctual responses, which will start giving a more thorough base to the character.

He has done it throughout the session, you'll notice a few more "clashes". He's not trying to be a jackass, but to give Julian's player something quick and ready to play against, with little "plot" re precautions.

The cooler and battle with Nuklieth
The next room was a room cooled by magic, a sort of a grisly pantry. There were huge meat hooks, and from them hung 5 corpses. 3 were stripped on nearly all meat, but two were of Sena's mognrelfolk, and they were cut in a way that seperated body parts coming from different heritages. Sena fumed, and rushed to then next door, yelling, and opened the doro to Nuklieth' room

Nuklieth is a half nabasu humanoid, with some inquisitor levels, and he leads and care for the ghouls- "his children". two were here, blocking the door, intending to buy him some spell casting time.

Sena cast spear of purity, and managed to damage Nuklieth nicely, and blind him. "Die vile beast!" he said with fury and anger! Nuklieth uses hsi turn to heal somewhat. Andera vanished and snuck past the ghouls into the room, kills one ghoul, and gives room to Mad dog.

Julian here starts her routine of casting spell after spell and not passing the DR (which is quite harder than in D&D, which has two spells that make it a mockery) or saving throws. She ended up casting spell after spell and failing, but then succeed on a battle ending spell. Sorcerer! :smalltongue:

But there is time till that... Sena and Andera move to flank, and hit him, but Nuklieth smites Sena, and with the variety of spells already prepared (The party made ample noise), he takes down more than half of Sena's hit points! it is worthy to note that Sena has a very high AC (1aroudn 25 without any spell, can reach near 30 with spells), but he has fairly low hit points comapred to the rest.

Sena retreats to heal, but Mad dog delivers a great blow. Nuklieth jumps and flies up (The ceiling is broken) up to about 30 feet, while Julian keep being ineffective with spells.

it is at this point we all come to an interesting realization- None in the party can fly, and they have very little abilities (Other than Julians' spells) to deal with flying creatures... :smalleek:

As the party tries to think of what to do, Nuklieth unleashes a holy blight, but the buggers all save except for Andera. He disappears, and climbs the wall (Got some sort of speedy climber trick on the 6th level.) intending to maybe jump on him for sneak attacks or something...

teh rest have no idea... mad dog has some cross bow he thinks?

Julian's second trip to demonic telepathy

Julian's headache appears again. She suddenly seem to... "See"? Sena as a flaming sword, Mad dog as simple, but with soemthign hard deep inside, not himself, Andera as a shadow, but with trailing starts around and... she can hear Nuklieth's mind, but another mind as well! Nuklieth seems angry at the loss of his childern, and is surprised at the ferocity ofthis attackers. he asks help from the other mind, but it seems to wathc wantign to "See what they can do".

Julian shotus to the rest. "It got his boss nearby, prepare!" Sena's player grasp at this "How do you know this? You know what they think?!" But no time for that, perhaps the new headache focuses Julian, as she lets out an ear piercing scream spell, which dazes and harms Nuklieth.

Mad dog, without anything to do, just kill the last ghoul (Really, they are there just for the players to feel great, and block stuff. Didn't score a single hit! Sena just walks by them ignoring them.)

Andera throws shurikens, and uses mythic power for more attacks and to bypass it's DR, damages him nicely. .Julian magic missiles him, dropping it to 1hp. Nuklieth becomes desperate, calling for help! Julian, sensing this warns the others "Incoming!" Sena again seems surprised at her.

Remember me?
Excorius appears behind Julian. "What sort of an anathema are you? You can hear our minds? What sort of thing did you become?" Sena seems furious about this, but again- this is not the time.

Mad dog and Julian both attack Excorius, and mange to have him teleport. (Julian hears "They are stronger than we've thought! Vhane must hear of this! If the dwarf will listen! What is he up to now?") And so Julian got a confirmation that Staunton Vhane is indeed head of Drezen.

Sena decides to end this, and uses mythic power to cast spear of purity again, killing Nuklieth in a shining blast through the chest. it falls and crumples on the floor. Julian comments "The sword of vengeance is burning strong". To which Sena turns, obviously not pleased...

A matter of trust...

Feeling that the threat is over, Sena stops to talk. Or accuse more like it- "You hear their thoughts? Demonic thoughts? How can it be?" Julian tries to deflect him with humor "You just need to learn how to listen!" But Sean is not laughing. "you are full of Sh*t! This is what happened at Keeper's canyon? And you kept it hidden from us?"

Julian started to get defensive. "Why does it matter if I can hear them?". Sena responded "It may mean they have some link to you, some power over you. This Excorius was there at both time, maybe he got an influence on you!" (Ooooh! Interesting idea! :smallbiggrin:)

Julian lost some of her cool "Look fellow, I've been through a lot from these demons, and lost more than you can know. There is no way I'll be working for them! Don't fear, I won't join them." But Sena would not relent. "So you are like Mad dog- you passed the same ritual?" Julian's lips tightened. "No. Mad dog passed some ritual maybe, but he has proven himself. I passed no ritual, I just witnessed too many people die and suffer by these... creatures!"

Again, Sena would not relent. "Who? When?" But Julian pushed him off. "This is my private business, if I get to know you, maybe I'll tell you."

"We must know, we march towards..."

"Oh! I know full well what we march against! If you wish to know so much, you share! Why such a burning hatred!"

Sena was surprised, a bit taken aback. He gave it a moment's thought. "I saw that halfling, what that... butcher did... that ripper... I had to do SOMETHING!"

"He was my responsibility!"

"I too wished to help him, make him suffer less, and to avenge him! i have no patience for..." He kicked Nuklieth dead charred body "These creatures!" Sena was huffing and puffing, at some emotional turmoil. He turned to Julian "Now tell me!"

Julian began telling parts of her story- growing in an orphanage in Kenabres, and when one day she and some friends decided to sneak into the Kite and see the Wardstone on a dare. They got attacked by a demon who broke in. It killed the rest, but sent Julian into a months long coma. She didn't say it directly, but hinted that the Wardstone might have saved her. This was enough for Sena it seemed, though Julian did omit a few important details...

But something still didn't sit right. "I am a citizen of Kenabres, I would have heard of it if the wardstone was attacked!" Julian rolled her eyes. "Would you? This is exactly the kind of thing Hurlun would hush up."

Sena thought for a moment. "yeah, that makes sense. Look Julian, you came with the recommendation of the Queen, and I trust all who come from her. (Really? GO Nurah! :smallbiggrin: ) I am... just afraid that what happened to Mad dog will happen to you, a different stage."

Julain seemed to wave it off. "i just feel some sort of a screaming and rush of voices in my mind. I can handle it." (Just normal then?)

It was at this point the other two probably got edgy "Don't we have two more prisoners to rescue?". "We do? oh, then lets get going!"

Julian put her hand. "Truce?" Sena shook it. "Truce!"

Desna's observatory, and Andera's vision

Mad dog checks for traps and pick the lock- or just kicks the door to the next room. They immediately encounter utter silence (under a permanency spell), coming fro ma room that looks like a private prayer room, open to the sky, with tarnished remains of silver lettering on the walls- prayers to Desna. Most of the silver has been taken out, but some was still there.

And on the floor was a shackled tifleing, bloody and bruised- a sorcerer who was put here so she couldn't cast spells. Sean and Mad dog set on setting her (hey, adamantine sword), and Andera was ready to join, where he saw something.

A whispy, hazy figure was just where the tiefling was, incorporeal, kneeling inf front of Desna's symbol. Then it seemed to split, into two figures who felt to be... the same, yet different... They then joined back to the figure, who seemed to be praying. "Where is it? Show me, please! Where is the bell of stars?" Suddenly the figure, (Still with unclear features), turned around as incorporeal gargoyles (Part of the vision) came in. "I have been found out! No turning back!" The figure rose and pulled out a magnificent great bow, and shot the gargoyles with cristal arrows, and rushed out...

The vision ended quickly. Andera's player asked "Was the bow the one who belonged to the archer Andera saw years ago?" (Chance encounter trait). I confirmed it. They got out of the room into the second large courtyard, to talk away from the silence. Andera quickly recounted this, and the party get interested in the bell of stars. Sena manages to barely remember that it was some sort of a holy item of Desna, that got lost in the war, but little else. They decide to investigate this later.

Muagla the Nabasu
Which is when Muagla appeared (Nuklieht was helping it turn into a greater Nabasu. No upgrades so far). The party however didn't understand that, but just saw a big violent demon. Battle on!

Muagla opened with Mass hold person, and only Sena saved. The party was all "Oh ****!" but Sena used mythic power to cast remove paralysis, and got all except for the tielfing and Andera free.

Mad dog did what he knows, and charged. Julain also did what she knows, and tried to cast a spell, and failed. Here we go again... :smallfrown:

Muagla then flew up (The party was "we really need to find a decent solution for this!") and started summoning. Julian tried to stop him ,but failed, and a round later a Babau (only one) was summoned. Andera still couldn't make the save.

The party started fightign the Babau with Julian casting ineffectively, And Muagla using his enervation to bring some fear to the party. Sena started channeling alignment (CE... got a feat), which damaged a bit, but not much. They started using more and more mythic power for defenses and such.

This seemed like a really bad ending, but as the saying goes- try, try, trrrryy, TRY again! Finally Julian was able to affect Muagla with oppressive boredom. It flew with a bored look on his face. Sean suddenly had an idea, and puleld out a scroll of command, and manged to make Muagla "Fall"!

Before he owuld og down though, they positioned themselves around, and with a barage of readied actions, AoO and extra attacks from Mythic they slaughtered him as he came down. A sneak attack by Andera was enough to finish the job.

The demons of the lost chapel were dead now.

Finishing up

They found the last prisoner, a halfling that was but a bit bruied so far in the last room, a sort of storage. As they came back to the courtyard, I remembered that I didn't give any clue as to the cash oof potions. So a short sign of Desna's start leading t the chapel later, and the party were looking for secret stuff. They found the hidden compartment, but I made it openable only by a prayer to Desna. After a short trial and error, they figured it out, and found the stacks of potions. (Under my rules these were 5 sets of CLW potions for a medium army, single use) The party shortly debated whether to keep some for themselves, but decided the armies will need them much more.

In the course of searching for a way to open the cache, Sena did the best he could to restore the small prayer chapel and Desna's shrine. As he finished the party felt some sort of warmth, openness and thankfulness (They have just reclaimed the chapel by the rules, and gained extra XP). The tainted presence of Kabriri was gone, and after the thanks, so was Desna's. It was but a ruin now...

I didn't give any signs for it. ANd the players acted as part of their character, not because there was XP involved. They didn't know of it, and were quite surprised. Their actions:
- Cast a consecrate and broke the desecrate.
- Killed all of the defilers.
- Restored Desna's alter
- Gave all of the potions to their armies.

3 suffice.

They buried the bodies of the halfling and the two dead mongrelfolk in the church, and gave them a short prayer. They have descended the road of stars down the pillar, and buried what remained of Harry. They were quite tired by this point. Julian concluded "We began as 5, and now we are 4". Though the party was victorious here, they played it solemnly, with the dead kidnapees and Harry's death weighing on them. With that im ind, they headed back to the camp.

But they won't sleep just yet, as trouble was brewing back there...

I was quite pleasently surprised at how fun this little adventure was! I think it comes from 3 main factors:
- It's a short dungeon, with very clear concept battles. (Cliff gargoyles, Ghouls, Nuklieth, The Nabasu)
- Adding some touches to make it feel less of a dungeon, and indeed a place with history helped.
- Most of all, how the players added their own content and connection to the issues involved.

It taxed quite a bit of the party "per day" resources, though they didn't face a great deal of danger (Other than the point where Muagla caught them all in his Mass hold person spell... If Sena hadn't succeeded on a save...) But this was also to them using quite a bit of their Mythic power.

Most uses were either to cast more spells through the path abilities, or add extra attacks that disregarded DR (So main uses of casters and mundanes). Sena used a surge once, for a saving throw. Sena used the most (6 points, he has the extra mythic power feat), and Mad dog the least (about 2-3 times at most).

All in all, quite an interesting promo to these abilities.

This took about 2/3rds of the session, but was great fun. Spirits were high, and we were ready to move on to the next part. I aimed to have a few more diplomacy/ conversation/ army leadership issues, and we were just coming to that... :smallamused:

I believe I will be able to update in the next few days. As always, feel free to comment. :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2014-09-10, 12:59 PM
Onwards to the second installment!

Session 10, part 2- Trouble at the camp, Battle of the Bloody Sands

Now, one thong before I begin- none of what follows appears on the module. The first part stems from trying to lead a complex army, and specifically these units. The second part is another Mass combat which I wanted to add between the Lost chapel and the hive encounter. Just to keep these rules fresh, as well as try to add some flavor for a campaign plot. (I'll get to that). Anyway, back at the camp...

The standoff

As the party returned, with the two kidnappes in tow, Some of Sena's mongrelfolk rushed towards them, looking worried. "There is trouble in the camp! Some accusations and things are heating up!" The party grumbled, obviously tired and not wanting to deal with this, but they hastened their pace.

Near the camp Nurah came to them. "Glad you are here! The Bartlets and the Lions are edging for a fight, and the tieflings are on defense. Commander John is keeping them in check, but not for long. Quick!" She hurries the party to the center of the camp.

They were greeted with an intense scene- in the central area were the tieflings, with blades half or fully drawn, sorcerers in the middle, ready against the offenders- The Bartlets' hounds on one side, arrows nocked, and the Lions on the other side, weapons in hand, all intense, ready for violence, but Commander John's people, the Knights of Sarenrae standing as a defensive wall between them. The commander himself was in the saddle, shouting orders here and there, looking haggered, tired...

Julian was in no mood, and stepped forward. "ENOUGH! Lay your weapons down, NOW! Or You'll have to deal with me!" Her threat didn't carry much weight it seemed, the mood was heated up. (Bad intimidate roll). She tries something else. "What happened?" She yelled angrily. Bartlet steps forward "We saw them! Their sorcerers! Conveying with the demon lords! In our midst! We will not accept this!" There were cries of assent, and some turmoil. "Who saw this?" Julian demanded. four halflings and two barbarians stepped forth. "Allright, you lot- into the command tent! The rest, to your tents! NOW!" But this didn't work. They were not mollified...

Sena sighed, and stepped forth. He started by introducing the two kidnapees, and told that all followers of Desna would be gratified that they have reclaimed her temple tonight. He asks for the people to calm down, but they instead shout at Commander John "And who's he to suddenly grasp command? Who made him leader? We will not be subjugated to someone cursed by the gods!"

Sena tried again to divert the attention. He talked about the death of Harry. This touched Dumas Ardent, and the Silver Banner raised their swords in a salute. "He could never swing a sword to save his life, but he was a good lad! Go forth to the heavens Harry boy!" The party smiled at that. Sena tried to calm the others down. "We will hear your grievances, but I ask for the rest of you, go to your tents, and rest. It was a long night, we shall discuss it amongst the commanders. Go and rest." He succeeded, even though many grumbled. As they went to the tent though Sena could hear two of the barbarians speak silently "The cursed one's disciple speaks? Huh!" So... Sena got some reputation, in relation to John.

Inside the command tent

The tent got pretty crowded- all of the armies commanders, and the support NPCs (Anevia, Aravsh, Nurah), plus the 6 halfligns and human barbarians who... saw something. Julian wishes for Sena to cast a zone of truth, but even that meets with objection. "Why should we trust him? He follows John, the ghost damned! How do we know he isn't cursed himself?!" Julian heats up, and seeks to speak for John, but Sena stops her. "John can speaks for himself."

The commander looked... tired, his mind somewhere else. He spoke briefly, to the point. "I have shown my worth many times in the past. I have never stopped facing demons. I need prove nothing to no one. I seek to do the best for the army, accept it as you wish." With that he sat back down.

Julian decided to speak up for him regardless. "Where were you Bartlet when Kenabres fell? Or you Jester?" (The spiritual leader of the Lions) They both answered that they arranged their forces and marched to free the city. "Well, while you were marching, Commander John here arranged the city's last defenses, and led them against overwhelming odds, and without him we would have never managed to free the city!"

Bartlet seemed somewhat swayed, but returned an answer, along with input from Jester. "We heard he was captive in the Worldwound for many years! And that he somehow betrayed his people, and that they haunt him since! He is cursed by the gods for his cowardice!" (I saw Sena's player being alarmed by this. This part of John's history was only recently known to him, and as a rumor. It was supposed to be a great secret. I saw the wheels turning in his mind, yet he said nothing).

Sena decided to speak as well. He spoke of John's teaching against the demons, of the building of the Knights of Sarenrae, and he attributed his entire success, the groups' success at the grey fort to John. "This place, this Worldwound, it changes people. But John is no coward. When you face what he has, and dedicate your life to fight demons as he had, we'll talk of cowardice."

Their support of John was enough to mostly mollify the leaders, at least for now, and Sena was allowed to use a scroll to cast a zone of truth.

The halflings speak that they've kept an eye on the tiefling, and they saw their sorcerers gathering in a tent, made dark by their dark powers, where they chanted and speak with... some forces, but the name of Deskari was spoken quite a few times! "We cannot trust them!" shouted Bartlet. "They still worship the demon lords, and WILL turn on us given the chance! We cannot march with the enemy in our midst!" This got quite a lot of commotion going.

The barbarians told a simialr story- they have been watching the tiefligns, and saw quite a few of their regular soldiers speaking in Abyssal to the Worldwound, offering small sacrifices to it. "When will be the tipping point?" Said Jester Holten. "When will they decide it's better to fight for the enemy, and then attack us? They WORHSIP this vile cursed land! They cannot be trusted! We must now allow them to betray us when we are vulnerable!"

Andera turned to Qulin, his long shadow wrapping itself around him and moving at odd erratic angles. "IS this true Qulin?" The tiefling leader groveled low. "Partly oh master! The people are afraid! They do not know where to turn! We fight for you, fall for you, and yet these people do not trust us, talk about us behind our backs, hate us, curse us! Some feel they are all alone in this, and fall upon... traditions! They call the old powers, but we are lost to them Master! We are yours, your tools, your people! Please, believe us Lord Andera! We seek to serve! We seek to serve!" Qulin seemed vulnerable, anxious under all of the glares, and Jester yelled back "Groveling liar! He will say anything to save their skins!"

Julian has had enough, and she lashes at Jester. "The Worldwound has affected you as well! Look at what it has done to you- spy on your allies, accuse them, call for their demise before they have committed a crime! You say they are weak in nature, but you are weaker by far, and don't even realize it!" Along with a really bad roll, this has had a negative effect. (1 failure at the negotiation, attitude towards Julian downgraded). Jester brimmed and turned to Mad dog: "You will stand for this!?" Mad dog's player was caught by surprise, he preferred to stay away from these negotiations. He spoke briefly. "I trust the judgement of my friends, we can only win this together." Which of course, lowered his attitude with Jester as well...

This was not going well, but Sena has been thinking, and stepped forth to talk. "In Kenabres, this kind of sayings were said about the mongrelfolk as well- They are different, cursed, touched by the demons, untrustworthy, will betray us at the first opportunity... Everyone fears the different." He stopped a bit, letting this sink in. "But, and I believe Arabeth here could attest to it- Without them we could have never freed Kenabres. And in the darkest hour, they fought a losing battle, just to buy us more time. They would have laid their lives for us..." Again, a short pause, He then put his hands on the table, determinedly. "If we go by the road of hate, it will fail us. If this is the path we choose, then let us just pack our things and go home now. The demons have already won."

In the silence that followed, Andera stepped forth. "In Vilareth ford, Qulin and the rest of the tielfings werethe first to step into the demons' camp. Without their help, they enemy would be mroe unified, andthe Lions would have suffered many more losses. Yet, you still suspected them... In Keeper's Canyon, we went forth, climbed the cliffs of our enemies, and stopped them before any more deadly barrages were shot. And yet, you still suspected them... Well, I do not! I have fought with them there, and I will fight with them again, and I will fight with them, side by side, in the last battle of Drezen!" This vote of confidence resonated in the tent, but mostly with Qulin. This was the first time Andera made such a speech and appreciation of them. (Attitude went up).

(Some rolls modified by the arguments later) Most of the commanders were reassured and mollified over the tieflings issue. Only two remained... Bartlet seemed unsure (Open to a counter offer by the Giant's diplomacy rules), while Jester was insulted, shamed and angry. He strode of the tent with fury. The party understood this is not over yet. The commanders have dispersed, but the PCs were not over yet. Nurah complimented the diplomatic efforts, and went to talk with the common troops and ease their spirits.

Those who read the module know there is someone pulling the strings here- Nurah, the Queen's adviser. She is the betrayer in the midst of the army. In the module she puts an addictive drug, shadow blood within the belongings of the NPC that I replaced with John. Other than that she might interfere in the siege, but the module assumes she is found out quite quickly.

I decided to play her differently a bit. She was under the Queen's nose for Iomadae's sake! She knows well enough to keep her tracks. (And I'm not just talking spells to cover her alignment and hide her more... nefarious equipment. Her main influence is trying to turn the armies against each other, and against the commanders. It's amazing what some subtle clues and talks, as well as a suggestion spell here or there can do. persuade the tieflings that the others are against them, and maybe plant doubts that the demon lords have let "unworthy" to return to them, Tell the lions to "just look out for your army", and reassure and "understand" their suspicions, and so on...

Commander John is a special case. Currently she tries to shake him up for two reasons- first, he is the siege expert, and his unit hold the siege weapon. If he is discredited, the army is so much weaker. Secondly- It would devastate and compromise Sena's position- he will have to choose between the army, and his Mentor and good friend, not an easy choice. I was against her putting the shadow blood in his stuff so soon- it would seem too obvious, and he is intelligent enough to understand this. I hope for a better opportunity- there would be another opportunity.

Why these specific armies? The Bartlets, the tieflings, the Lions? Well, simply put- because they belonged to the 3 PCs that had problems to relate to their armies. As Sena has done, I wanted to push them a bit. This got a good response from Julian's player (Who seems to have decided Julian has a fairly short temper! :smalltongue:) and even Andera's player, who gave a cool speech. Mad dog's player... less so. Oh well, still good I think.

I use the Giant's diplomacy rules (Check the link in the very first post), but with a contest- either there is a competition between different sides to get "wins", (First 3 succeed), or just the best out of 3. They won with most leaders, failed with Jester, and Bartlet is sort of on the edge.

hope you like it!"

Damage control, private conversations

Julian went to Bartlet's private tent. She knelt down due to the low ceiling, and sat with him. This time she was much calmer, diplomatic, and... flattering. :smalltongue: "I need to know that we can trust each other. I know the dangers the tiefligns represent, I do not fully trust them either, and if they might turn on us, they could danger the whole army..." As Sena, she gave it a short time, letting him know she is with him. "But... we need them. I am willing to give them another chance, they can change. I am asking you, not commanding you, to put your trust in me. Not them, but me."

Bartlet thinks about it, and accepts. "Very well, the Queen trusts you, and so shall I. We shall keep an eye on them, but will give them a chance." Julian smiled, "that is all I ask!"

One problem averted.

Andera called for Qulin, but was quite stern with him: "This... speaking with the demon lords, is unacceptable! They are your enemies as well now! We cannot have people calling on them at this time! You will talk to the people, and have it stopped!" Qulin again groveled "Of course Master Andera! Your will be done! I shall tame them with an iron fist! We will serve you fully oh lord! "Andera was getting tired of the groveling, but couldn't manage to change that (I was having way too much fun with it! :smallbiggrin:)

And Sena? Well, Sena's sleep will wait. He had a few talks in mind, the first with Lann. The mongrelfolk leader, who was of course present at the talks, turned half amused, half sad at Sena "So this is the art of diplomacy? Squabbling like toddlers?" Sena was dumbfounded for a second, but then replied. "Sometime it is, we do with what we get. Look, I don't trust those tielfings. What I said was for the commanders' benefit. I don't think they are anywhere like our folk. There is a big difference." Sena walked beside him and talked softly "But we do not have a say on who's to blame just on thought, on who should die, and ho will be saved. Now until they do something, we cannot act, just watch." Lann nodded but stayed silent for a few moments. Finally he said "I know you got something in mind, what is it Spirit?" Sena sighed, tired of all of this mess as well. "I want your people to keep watch, over the entire situation. Not to trip the tielfings, or Bartlets or such, just... watch." Lann nodded, and went to mourn the two people who died in the Chapel.

Next? Jester Holten. He came to the priest's tent, which seemed irritated at him coming. He forced a smile "Come man of Sarenrae." But Sena spoke directly, beyond simple niceties. "Jester, do you trust me?" Jester's face darkened. "I do not know... You follow the cursed one, and you have come... unhamred form a battle with a demon who easily felled Mad dog. I can't say I'm not suspicious... and that Julian!"

Sena doesn't aplogize for her, but he does defend himself. "The reason I survived the demon was Sarenrae's protection, and Commander John's teachings. You will hold THAT against me?" Jester hesitated. Sena however pushed forward. "Let's talk straight. I don't trust the tieflings completely as well. I agree we should keep an eye on them, but if we aren't going to give them a chance, we are sealing our fate. What we expect of them, they will become. If we see them as traitors, they will be so."

Jester laughed bitterly. "You speak like a true optimist, like a true priest of The Redeemer. But we, my people, have lost so many to their kind, we have lost our cities, our wives, our children, our country to the demon spawned! We have been betrayed too many times, and we know their evil, it cannot easily be turned!"

They exchange a few more views (didn't write those down), but Sena finishes with the following. "Let me propose something- I will make SURE we know if they intend to betray us. My mongrelfolk will observe. You can't catch them yourself. You can of course, watch them yourself. I respect you, your warriors, your courage and your ways. Let us work it out, we cannot have the army fight itself."

With the arguments and good diplomacy (including the last mythic surge) Sena manages to avert the worst for now, but doesn't revert the Lions' suspicious. They have escaped the worst, for now... Jester seems to think, and observes Sena. "Maybe you and the others ARE changers. We shall give you the benefit of the doubt."

Lastly Sena went to John. The commander was removing his armor, and talking to Nurah, who tried to reassure him that he has done well. She smiled at Sena, and left them to talk. "Are you ok? Luckily you were there, or we would have no army to return to." John laughed bitterly. "Luckily you have arrived, I was having little affect on them. This is a... complicated army to run." John sighed, closing his eyes. "I think we shall all be tested before this is done. The worldwound tests all." Sena seemed worried, and put a hand on his mentor's shoulder. "John, I know you have doubts, but you are still the person I hold most dear. I hope you will keep doing as you do. We need you." John smiled, and patted Sena. "Thanks, but now it is time to sleep. We may not have much time till we need to march. It has been a loooong night!"

Sena rose "Indeed it has. Indeed it has." And left

Some of you must be thinking- doesn't he notice there is something wrong here? Thing is- I'm sure the player does. But he also wants to see where this goes, and play out the relationship (Or so I believe) and so is willing to let his suspicions be. (I think he understood something was wrong from The start of this module).

The player have asked me to not make John a betrayer/ Darth Vader type. In a way I will play upon this a bit. John will stay a good guy, but might make some mistakes, if the party doesn't stop things in time. But the player would like this I think, he believes in inner conflicts, and hard decisions.

Continuing the march, day 6, The battle of Bloody Sands

Next morning, (A bit late) The army was moving again. The two mounted units and The Knights of Sarenrae (With the siege engine) traveled in the gorge, while the rest above the cliffs on the north bank.

Random Worldwound rolls: First they met some bad omens- the sky looking weird, the sounds of spirits bemoaning and asking for release. They rolled or moral, and both the Queen's Knight and the Silver Banner's moral decreased. (I should have played it out more, but the session was coming near to a close.)

nest they found necrotic vermin in some of the units provisions, but Bartlet's hounds somehow had extra provisions (A mistake from messing with the army files? Or did they buy? Never mind) ,And were able to replace that.

They were coming on a narrow point in the canyon, riddled with little caves in the cliffs, when suddenly the sands in front burst with a large host of bloody skeletons, and in the armies midst rose mud elementals! And worst of all, 2 packs of about 100 Vargouiles each came shrieking from the caves, towards the above armies.

But all of the armies had ranged weapons, and after Julian learned that Vargouiles could take out a head with a kiss, she used her mythic points to add fireballs! These along with the barrage of arrows decimated the vargouiles while the Silver Banner and Knights of Sarenra managed to dispatch of the elementals.

The bloody skeletons proved a bit difficult due to their DR, but The Lions, mongelfolk, Tieflings and Queen's knights ganged up on them from all sides and ripped them apart! All in all, the battle proved to be far easier than I expected, but the group felt good about doing something fairly simple for once, and scoring a good victory. They managed to get a bunch of upgrades (tactics or boons) For different armies, which was appropriate, giving that they are soon coming upon Drezen...

A bit over 2 days from now. But first- the Hive of the vesecrators... :smallamused:

Each player's XP: 30,330

So we stopped here. I hope you enjoyed reading, we had a blast. I imagine that in the next session we'll reach Drezen, for which I'm still contemplating a few surprises and the first mythic challenge- Soltengrebbe!

As always, feel free to ask, leave comments or just say hi! :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2014-09-11, 11:40 AM
Between Session 10 and 11

Been some time since I've done one of these posts. The game feels to be heating up, and coming to the siege of Drezen will be a big thing. So here are some thoughts and stuff, in no particular order :smalltongue: :

1) Player logs?!: We have discussed the reason behind the decreased roleplay, and Julian's player said that part of the deal was that between sessions we lose the "Feel of the game" with our sessions about 4-5 weeks apart. Yes, they can read my (far shorter and bullet point) description of what the main things were, but the atmosphere, the momentum, and such.

So he suggested an idea- the players will write logs as well, but from the character's point of view. Each session one player will use some of my notes to write some "key scenes" from their character's perspective, with an emphasis on giving it a "story feel".

Since I know quite well that writing these logs can be time consuming, I suggested they would split the session between several players each session, and so each will need to write less, and we get a taste from a few angels. The idea will "Be considered" with hesitation. Most of the players aren't writers, and they have little time as it is. So I'm doubtful that this would work, but I'm also hopeful. If this goes, I will put these "In character scenes" as an addendum to the session logs.

2) The vesecrators' hive: I must say I'm somewhat worried about it. The swarms are immune to weapon damage, and most (if not all) of Julian's spells are nto area spells. I also worry about their ability to destroy equipment- worse then the rust monster! Only Mad dog's adamantine sword is impervious, everything else can, (And most likely will) be destroyed. I'm hesitant about this.

Buuuut... on the other hand, they come to the challenge knowing what they face (Knowledge checks permitting), and they have their mythic power (Though Julian blew 2/5 of it in the battle of bloody sands on fireballs). Also- you're the freaking heroes? Deal with stuff! I'm intrigued at what they might come up with for this! (I would say they'd take Aravash, but he used his fireballs as well)

3) Soltengrebbe: This is probably the key point in the siege, other than attacking the fort itself. And this is the first Mythic trail. I will use the Scorpion's alternate statistics suggest by Alleran. (They look damn nifty!:smallamused: I especially like the multiple heads granting it double will saves, and the upgrade to the power attack).

But, I'm alos looking for some good music for the battle. Something that convey both something epic, highly dangerous and lethal, and a heroic moment. I will most likely be using one of the Two Steps from Hell tracks for this, but feel free to suggest.

Soltengrebbe music thread

4) The Attack on Drezen itself: The module goes all about making it an "unconquerable" fortress, but then it just give some bonus to defense to the forces inside, and it looks like a remarkebly boring battle. I wish to make it more interesting. Some main challenges in the battle I'm thinking of:
- The fortifications confer SERIOUS advantage. Without finding a way to deal with them (Breaking them up, Somehow opening the gate- the party allready has infiltration plans, or soem subterfuge) a direct assault will be suicide.

- Special forces: i want to put something that requires special consideration. Perhaps some flying forces, perhaps a small unit of high level demons (babaus and up?) That are deadly to face head on, perhaps with extensive defenses or power ups.

- Some sort of a magical grand defense. I am making the Drezen citadel into something more than just a place, but also a magical device unto it's own. Part of this I will keep secret for now, but part of it I imagine as exerting some exotic effect on the battlefield- Perhaps it can summon a spirit host (On the lines of a spiritual weapon, just mass size) To attack enemies from afar for a few rounds. (Like those with the siege engines? Or the archers?) Perhaps it can exert ifnluences such as a mass fog cloud, or small elemental storm or such? Need to think of it.

- Commanders: In most battles, the party has faced a minor commander. In this I want there to be at least three commanding different forces. For reasons I can't explain right now, Staunton isn't one of them. One might be Excorius, but I have no idea who the other two are. I want the party to face the closest thing to an "Enemy PC group" in armies.

Not yet sure how to bring it all in together, but Thinking about it.

5) Nurah's shenanigans: Thinking past the last session, it becomes clear who Nurah's next target is- Sena. He acts as the (unofficial) leader of the army, the soother of tensions, and the army's main healer. So I think she will focus her efforts on discrediting him, Commander John and his mongrelfolk. Plus, She just might try to sabotage the party's sole siege engine. She needs to try to do this, but without being stupid.

And yet, I might need to give the party's attempts to watch the armies some credit. Perhaps the mognrelfolk will find something.

An interesting point might be- Will Nurah try to contact Excorius? (He can really help her spreading misconceptions with his abiltiy to assume other forms and teleport) If so... How? Can the party take advantage of that?

Just sharing some thoughts. Feel free to suggest your own ideas (Or music tracks :smalltongue:)
Till next time!

2014-09-11, 04:53 PM
It sounds like Nurah is causing quite a lot of trouble for your armies. I used some of my spells to allow our part keep awake all night in disguise wandering the camp and we caught her delivering the shadow blood to Aaron's tent, but we did not suspect betrayal and so she escaped.

I agree about the hive. It is a very dangerous place being immune to weapons and all of their fire resistance and the screeching. Our Paladin eventually just got tired and charged straight through the cave and somehow picked the correct path to find the queen.

Kol Korran
2014-09-12, 02:07 AM
It sounds like Nurah is causing quite a lot of trouble for your armies. I used some of my spells to allow our part keep awake all night in disguise wandering the camp and we caught her delivering the shadow blood to Aaron's tent, but we did not suspect betrayal and so she escaped.

Well, the module kind of makes her a fairly minor threat. They even say that she's supposed to be found out before they reach the siege. But I think that kind of trivializes her, and the enemy- it makes it look like the demons have ineffective spies, and quite downplays the potential of Nurah as a feature.

It is my belief that in order to feel that in order to remember an enemy, to feel that it has engaged you, and that overcoming it meant something, you need to not just breeze through them. It needs to challenge you really, confound you, make you make mistakes, trick you or so on. You need to come and respect it.

I don't intend to make Nurah impervious to being found out, or have some super duper abilities. (I'm playing her stats right of the box except of adding a permanently invisible Handy haversack to keep her more hidden stuff in. A spy in the Queen's court will need that. Plus, I changed one feat for Skill focus (bluff)). But she will act smart, and try to avoid drawing unneeded attention to herself. I'm adding a few mistakes she might make, but subtle ones. A very obvious one might be that due to the march and siege quickly progressing, is that she is acting quite fast, and I hope the PCs will realize that it's unlikely that SOOO many troubles will be on their army so fast.

If she sabotages the siege engine, it will become clear that there is a betrayer in the camp. She is trying to put enough confusion and "Likely suspects" before this happens, and then use her high bluff to place the blame on someone else, or at least to reflect it off her.

I agree about the hive. It is a very dangerous place being immune to weapons and all of their fire resistance and the screeching. Our Paladin eventually just got tired and charged straight through the cave and somehow picked the correct path to find the queen.

Hmmmm... worrisome. Did you guys survive with your gear intact? I don't have the stats in front of me, but from what I recall the swarms can destroy practically anything in 2-4 rounds or so.

Edit: A thread discussing music for the Soltengrebbe battle (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?371426-Looking-for-music-for-a-Mythic-challenge-WoTR-spoilers!&p=18098281#post18098281) (Added it to the previous post as well) :smallbiggrin:

2014-09-12, 08:28 AM
Hmmmm... worrisome. Did you guys survive with your gear intact? I don't have the stats in front of me, but from what I recall the swarms can destroy practically anything in 2-4 rounds or so.

Edit: A thread discussing music for the Soltengrebbe battle (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?371426-Looking-for-music-for-a-Mythic-challenge-WoTR-spoilers!&p=18098281#post18098281) (Added it to the previous post as well) :smallbiggrin:

None of our equipment was destoyed. I don't know if the DM just didn't see the ability (because he really loves breaking our gear) or if the Major Image I cast to make it look like we were just a rock fooled them. The nice thing is I made my knowledge planes check to know that they are mindless so I just cast a simple illusion. My reasoning was that Vermin and Insects are too stupid to know that rocks shouldn't be able to move.

Kol Korran
2014-10-15, 01:48 AM
So the group is about to meet on Saturday. This time we had a very long delay between sessions, due to RL issues, and a Shadowrun session in the middle. My head was focused on other things, and if that was the thing with me, I can't quite say what it will be with my players.

I've also been doing quite a lot of thinking in lieu with some changes in my life. For those interested, you can check them here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?374477-Thoughts-upon-the-role-of-roleplaying-in-my-life) (Warning though- not actual game related! And long... you know me :smalltongue:)

I've talked with the SR GM about the problem of playing every so often in long running continuous campaigns. There are two main problems here as I see:
1) The players lose track about what happened, they lose the continuity of it all- NPCs, current goals, not to mention small nuances and subtle things.
2) Once people come to a session, they seek to have the blast there and then. There is less patience for a build up for several sessions, as that build up is lost, and what you get is an "on the way" adventure, which feels disjointed and lost.

So my thoughts is something on the following lines (I'll ask this as well on the general roleplay forum): I'm thinking to sort of change the structure of the session to feel more like self contained episodes in a long running series. Think of Buffy, Babylon, Deadwood, Firefly, and lots of other shows- each chapter posed a problem, a few different kind of scenes, mostly dealing with the problem, but 1-2 with hints to the bigger story, and usually some sort of an end scene/ climax to seal up the chapter and current problem.

Using these mind frame- providing an "inside the session" problem, with it's own dealing and climax, will help the players focus their minds and attention more, and will give them their "roleplay dose", which they've come to get this month. The climax is especially important for that!

I think this is why the former session (Dealing with the temple, camp trouble, and battles in the sands) went quite well- The temple gave a concise "in session" problem to deal with, and gave a nice climax which the party loved. I noticed that after it there was some unwinding, and losing of attention. But even then- the players were mollified- they had their fix, and went along amiably.

This is also why the session previous to that (The Battle at keeper's canyon) did not work well. It was just a progress along the route, but without any concise problem to deal with other than "get through obstacles" (Which is always kinda boring) More impotently- there was no resolution, no climax to the issues presented there- The teleporting demon, and the changes Red and Mad dog went through.

There was no outlet of frustration, no conclusion, no finalizing the session, and so it felt incomplete, unsatisfying. Had they scored other major victories, that could be forgiven. But without them, well, there was no excuse...

Climaxes are IMPORTANT!

Now this may be problematic, since players will do what players are won't to do, and won't prescribe to any preplanned time frame or plan. But... I think if the GM has this "inside session problem resolution leading to climax" mind frame, he can adjust, improvise and make sure SOME sort of a climax (Even if not the initial one, which may be delayed to later sessions, altered or such) takes place.

As in the series, each chapter usually have a few hints about larger things, and 1-2 scenes that progress these. These are ok, as long as:
- They stand up enough in the players' memories, they are big enough, influential enough to leave a lasting memory.
- They are not the main thing, and do not fully deter from dealing with the main issue.

Notes for the coming session

The party is supposed to go through the vesacrator's caves. Yeah, I'm gonna scratch that. It's a boring encounter, which feels "on the way" (Like Keeper's canyon) which does not add to the main problem at hand.

What will be the main problem at hand? Handling the siege of Drezen! A few things about this. As the "Issue" of the session, it will be preparing for the siege, with problems without and within harming their way. My idea is to make it feel tenuous, a big effort of dealing with quite a few stuff, with the main problem is trying to keep the army functioning. Main efforts:
- Getting the 6 objectives outlined in the module (the 3 mass battles, and 3 party- battles)
- Nurah's shenanigans: Sabotaging the siege engine (There may be a replacement), turning the army against itself, Making Commander Johan leave
- Retribution: There is of course Soltengrebbe, but I'd like to add some stuff... How about- the Vesecrators? Descending upon the army to madden it, to destroy it's equipment and so on? With a queen in tow? Won't that make it interesting? I also plan on a possible assassination attempt by Excorius, perhaps... not sure.

So, quite a lot of elements here. No set out plan, just knowing the pieces, and adjusting to the players' actions. But, what about the climax? So a few ideas:
- The currently planned climax is Soltengrebbe. I intend to have quite a lot of in session build up for her (Wounded soldier- "the Beast of Drezen will take you!", and lots of other mentions. I want to find a few sound bites of a lion/ dragon roaring and play them sporadically, as she bellows behind the walls). The big advantage is that she can appear anywhere, and that defeating her pretty much wins the siege (Other than... um... the actual castle). Problem is that she is a tough challenge for even 7the level party, so I need to see they get there at least.

- But what if they don't? Then there is a fall back- Nurah and Excorius. I intend to play them as have known each other during these few days. I will plan some appropriate betrayal (and hopefully it's foiling? :smalleek:) to give the party a battle with them, and perhaps a few summoned demons. Or perhaps even... some of their own troops, who have been "persuaded" by Nurah the party are monsters? Perhaps during one of Mad Dog's tranformations? "The demon has returned! We must kill him!"

Again, this is going to be fluid, and call for some nice timing. But I DO intend to give the party some sort of a climax. and resolve at least ONE of the two major issues in the game (Winning the siege/ main threat of Soltengrebbe OR the problems within their own camp). Hye perhaps they'll be able to manage even both?

Hope this works. Thanks for reading!

2014-10-15, 12:29 PM
Could you publish the stat blocks for the armies you made for book 2?

Thank you

Kol Korran
2014-10-16, 11:29 AM
Could you publish the stat blocks for the armies you made for book 2?

Thank you

I will try to. Note that though the stats are quite similar to those used in the Mass Combat Paizo Rules, Some of their meaning have been modified to our rules. I have been asked before to publish our version of the rules, and I hope to get down to it. Been a bit busy.

I've put two armies of Kenabres here. If you're interested in the enemies, I may do them later. The armies written here are BEFORE any upgrades the party got for them.

I don't much know how to use the tables function on this site, so it's in a stat block instead:

Queen's Knights
Face: Kamilo Dann, 4th level female human cavalier.
Composition: Medium army, 4th level human cavaliers, heavy warhorses.
Size: 2 squares
ACR/ Init: 3/ +3
hp: 32
moral: +1
move: 4 (Mounted)
DV/ OM: 16/ +6 (Long range ability)
Tactics known (Max): Fast movers, Cavalry expert (bonus) (2/3)
Resources: Mounts, Improved armor, Improved weapons (Cold iron), Long range weapons, 14 BP supplies
Special: Mounts (Included), Challenge- May increase OM by 2 against a single army, -1 DV for others., Tactician (Included)
Consumption: 7
BP cost: 54 BP

Eagles of Kenabres (Formerly the Eagle Watch)
Face: Tamm Stern, a young male human fighter 3. Possibly Arabeth (Cavalier 5)
Composition: Large army, 2nd level human fighters.
Size: 2 squares
ACR/ Init: 3/+3
hp: 32
moral: +2
move: 2 (+1 vs. fear and routing)
DV/ OM: 14/ +4 (Short range ability)
Tactics known (Max): cooperative fighting (2)
Resources: Short range weapons, cold iron weapons, 6 BP worth of supplies
Special: 2 extra feats (included), bravery (included)
Consumption: 3
BP cost: 34 BP

First Ascendents (Mongrelfolk)
Face: Lann (Possible leader), Lily (Female mongrelfolk rogue 2)
Composition: Medium army, 100 1st level mongrelfolk rogues
Size: 1 square
ACR/ Init: 2/ +2
hp: 20
moral: +2
move: 3
DV/ OM: 12/ +2 (Short range ability)
Tactics known (Max): Ambush (2)
Resources: cold iron weapons, short ranged weapons, alchemical items (3 uses), 4 BP worth of supplies
Special: Sneak attack- +1 OM when flanking or ambushing, Stealthy- +4 to hidden movement, Darkvision.
Consumption: 2
BP cost: 28 BP

Knights of the Sovereign Order of Sarenrae
Face: possibly Commander John.
Composition: medium army, 100 3rd level fighters
Size: 1 square
ACR/ Init: 2/ +2
hp: 22
moral: +1 (+1 vs. fear and routing)
move: 3 (Armor training)
DV/ OM: 14/ +3
Tactics known (Max): Defensive wall (2)
Resources: cold iron weapons, improved armor, healers (Can be moved to other units by Sena), 10 BP supplies.
Special: extra feats (included), bravery (included), armor training (included)
Consumption: 5
BP cost: 37 BP

Lions of Sarkoris
Face: Jester Holten (Cleric of the green faith 5)
Composition: medium army, 100 3rd level human barbarians.
Size: 1 square
ACR/ Init: 2/ +2
hp: 24
moral: +1
move: 4 (fast movement)
DV/ OM: 13/ +4 (12/ +6 in rage for 2 rounds)
Tactics known (Max): Fight on the run (2)
Resources: Improved weapons (cold iron), moral boosters, 6 BP worth of supplies
Special: rage (included), fast movement (included)
Consumption: 3
BP cost: 34 BP

The tiefling host
Face: Qulin long shadow (Sorcerer 5)
Composition: large army, 200 3nd level tiefling rogues
Size: 2 squares
ACR/ Init: 3/ +3
hp: 26
moral: -3
move: 3
DV/ OM: 13/ +3
Tactics known (Max): Dirty fighteers (2)
Resources: casters (Abyssal sorcerers)
Special: Darkvision, sneak attack, Darkness 1/ day, Tiefling resistances, evasion
Consumption: 4
BP cost: Free or execute!

Bartlet hounds
Face: Bartlet!
Composition: Small army, 50 4th level halfling rangers, mounted on riding dogs
Size: 1 square
ACR/ Init: 1/ +1
hp: 10
moral: +1
move: 4 (mounted)
DV/ OM: 12/+2 (+4 vs. demons) long range capשbility. +1 ranged fighting style
Tactics known (Max): Expert shooters (2)
Resources: Mounts, cold iron weapons, long range weapons, expert scouts, 16 BP worth of supplies.
Special: low light vision, favored enemy demons (Included), ranged fighting style (included), stealthy
Consumption: 8
BP cost: 29 BP

Dunklehelm Mercenary company
Face: Possibly Dunklehelm (Fighter strategist 5)
Composition: Medium army, 100 3rd level dwarf fighters
Size: 1 square
ACR/ Init: 2/+2
hp: 22
moral: +1 (+1 vs. fear and route)
move: 2
DV/ OM: 13/+4 (short ranged)
Tactics known (Max): Full Defense, Dirty fighters (2)
Resources: Engineer support, short range weapons, cold weapons, alchemical (3 uses), 12 bp worth of supplies
Special: Darkvision, 2 extra feats (included), bravery (included)
Consumption: 6
BP cost: 43 BP (+2 if Dunklehelm commands)

The Silver Banner, Crusaders of the Last Wall
Face: Dumas Ardent, 5th level venerable fighter
Composition: Small army, 50 5th level old fighters, mounted on warhorses.
Size: 1 square
ACR/ Init: 2/+2
hp: 18 (Reduced for age)
moral: +2 (+1 vs. fear)
move: 4 (mounted)
DV/ OM: 14/ +7
Tactics known (Max): relentless brutality (2)
Resources: mounts, improved weapons (cold iron), improved armor, 10 bp worth of supplies
Special: 3 extra feats (included), bravery, armor training, weapon specialization (included),Old (-1 hp per ACR. -1 DV. Included)
Consumption: 5
BP cost: 30 BP

4 Commanders other than the PCs:
5th level crusader.
Cha modifier: +3
Soldier: 9
Moral bonus: +6
Leadership: +8
Boons: Bloody but unbroken
Special: Drill sergeant- - for 10 minutes adds +1 DV or OM

Commander John
Oracle of battle 6
Cha modifier: +4
Soldier: 10
Moral bonus: +7
Leadership: +10
Boons: Siege Specialist, Triage
Special: Battle Cry: For 1 round +1 bonus to all.

Lann, Mongrelfolk hero
Mongrelfolk fighter 2
Cha modifier: -2
Soldier: 5
Moral bonus: -1
Leadership: 1
Boons: None
Special: When leading the first ascendants gains +4 to moral and leadership

Dunklehelm, mercenary leader
Dwarf fighter tactician 5
Cha modifier: +1
Soldier: 8
Moral bonus: +3
Leadership: +5
Boons: Loyalty
Special: Will only lead his company

Kol Korran
2014-10-17, 06:23 AM
I'm preparing forthe next session. As part of it I'd like Julian's "condition" to become harder to resist, and with more consequences. The idea is that she comes to develop the mind of a demon slowly. First came the telepathy, and understanding of their language but.... what next? Maybe become prone to suggestion from them? perhaps her sources power maybe become tainted with abyssal power somehow?

Does any of you have any cool idea on how to portray this? THis need no be the end in itself, but a step on the way. Ideas folks? :smallsmile:

2014-10-17, 07:25 AM
Perhaps something along the lines of a chorus of infernal voices in her head that become more omnipresent and insidious as her exposure continues. Maybe starting as just an occasional easily ignored whisper in her ear, but as she continues to be exposed to the corrupting influence of the Worldwound, the whispers become voices, which become compelling commands. Perhaps a Wis/Will save every week/day/whatever (maybe just during specific times of stress, when a person might be inclined to act out of character anyway) you feel is appropriate, or be forced to take some course of action that would be detrimental to herself or her party?

I would be inclined to say some slight physical manifestation would be in order, but I think Mad Dog might have that arena pretty much covered.

The idea of altering her source power to Demonic would also be very mechanically clean, but the transition itself might be a little odd, if you're simultaneously removing her existing source power. It also lacks a bit of flavor, IMO.

Just my immediate thoughts. Hopefully someone (maybe myself) will come up with something better!

2014-10-17, 02:47 PM
Thank you, this is great.

Kol Korran
2014-10-18, 10:29 PM
(EDIT: The TLB, I like your ideas, still thinking of exactly how to implement)

We had a GREAT session tonight, really fun, really engaging. I wished to try for the episodical session structure, leading towards a climax, but the party took things in a totally unexpected manner, and despite me trying to adjust, my intention didn't work. Damned players! :smallamused: Despite that, we had a hoot of a time, and I hope you'll have fun reading this as well!

This was a 9 hour session (We decided to play longer due to the long delay), So I may seperate this into 3 parts, we'll see how it goes.

Session 11, Part 1- Vescavor remains, A dispute at the approach

First thing first- after the battle in the magical trap, the party armies and leaders got quite a bit of Mass Combat experience, and got to improve some things:
- Sena chose the defensive tactics boon, upping his mongrelfolk defenses
- Andera learned flexible tactics.
- Mad dog trained some sniper support
- Julian trained her forces as sharpshooters.

The party was feeling as if they were gaining experience, becoming more seasoned. Time to move on.

Worldwound woes
As they moved on they faced great oppressive heat (the random "events table" I mentioned). This affected the Lions of Sarkori, The Bartlet hounds and The Silver Banner. The effect was decreasing provisions and hit point by 2, and moral by 1. This posed two problems: The provisions were becoming problematic. The armies started with provisions enough for two weeks. They were coming on the end of the first week, abd they didn't have enough to finish up the second. They hoped to raid some in the Drezen surroundings.

Secondly, more importantly, The Bartlet were 2 hit points down. To most armies it didn't matter much, but the mounted halflings are a fragile troop, with 10 hit points total! This started a discussion about wounds, which led to a bit of a surprise where we found most units were already wounded, mostly the Queen's knights, and the tieflings. The silver banner and lions were also a bit wounded but not much. The Sarenrae healers and Sean's channel energy helped somewhat, but left some to be desired. "We're not exactly coming to Drezen top shape, are we?"

The adventure doesn't have anything like that. The second module says the third does, but the third just has a table of wondering monsters, so I made something up! The idea was that there will be events to affect moral, provisions, hit points, and such- things that grate on an army, and wear it down slowly. Enough to feel that the Worldwound is an inhospitable place, and that it takes it's toll. It worked quite nicely.

Basically the party rolls 1d6 3 tiems for an event (I was a bit lazy here), and the leading survival expert (Mad dog) throws against a certain DC and can help circumvent or mitigate the event. Also, in most cases, being down the canyon helps.

The table was initially planned if the party will try to reach through the plateau (West to the first mass battle. Villi... something ford.) but it had been slightly adjusted here.

Vescavor lair, or "The furnace!"
The party progressed, still 4 of their forces above the canyon, and 3 inside of it. Anevia came back with strange news- there was a narrowing of the canyon, which seemed lined with some ores. There were many gaping holes in the ground there, about 10 ft diameter each, about 20 of these holes. In a flash of an idea, Nurah calls this "The Furnace"- a were molten ores slip from the abyss to this place, and cool down. Sometime the demons come mining different metals here. (Which also explains the Vescavors)

The place is eerily quite, like nothing lives there. Now, those who've read the module will go: "There are supposed to be huge swarms there!" Bear with me, I'll explain a bit later. :smallwink:

The party curses. They decide to let Sena scout ahead with the mongrelfolk. They approach above the canyon, above the holes. Sena's keen percpetion hears some sort of a buzzing, but faint. he descnds, making some noise as he nears the holes. The vescavor swarms from inside rise up to meet him, and he uses mythic power to meld into stone. He notice the entire area covered with a slight goo with bluish freckles inside (Vescavor poo! :smallbiggrin:) but first eh tries to resist the confusing jabber of the swarms. He easily makes it (Will 13?! Really?!)and the swarm doesn't notices the mognrelfolk, and returns to their caves. (2 swarms total). With some time left to his spell, he goes to explore the twisting caves, the humming echoes through the tunnels.

Sounds of the swarms! (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=YvZNEcqWf0w&p=n)

He even find remains of a bigger creature, as big as an ogre, which left claw marks like a large insecticide."The Queen!" and in typical gaming fashion- "We need to findher and kill her, and dissipate the swarm!" Who watched enoguh alien movies, who!? :smallbiggrin:Sena returns to this troops, and they return to the main force.

Aravesh recognize the creatures and their ability to devour objects, confuse and traumatize. He assumes that this has been some sort of a hive, or breeding grounds, but knows not what have made it move. Oh, and as a tiny swarm, they are immune o weapon damage. :smallannoyed:

Bug hunting!
The party starts to think what to do. One idea they have is to use their engineer core to build some sort of a cover, keep the swarms down with wall wind (Mythic power), till they cover them up, and then pass quickly. But the crisscrossing tunnels kind of nullify that... After this idea and that they decide to go and kill the swarms, bringing Arvash with them since he got one more fireball (But he also gets full XP! :smalltongue:)

They try to sneak, but Sena's full plate makes enough of noise, and they welcome the rising swarm. Julain unleashes a prepared "Diamond Spray" (Cool spell to bypass demon's resistances) which I accept as effective damage since it fills an area, Aravash follows with a fireball, but they have resistance. Regardless- nicely wounded. Sena tries to stop the jabber with an area silence. "Hey, turn the humming off! Silence!"

The swarms approach and cover all except for Andera (Who took time to hid a bit away. "I just watch and take XP!") All except Julian manages to move away, so the swarm doesn't devour their belongings. Julian, lacking anything big, has her wand of hold person nearly destroyed (Broken, we decided it has some misspell chance). Mad dog gets confused by the jabber (Ok, so 13 IS worth something :smallwink:) and... hits himself!

Sena has a "dope!" moment as he remembers his signature abilty, comes close, and channel energy (evil outsider) and decimates the swarm.

We done here, right? "Hey Mad dog, roll another will save" (Rolls and fails)

I decided to "relocate" them. They are now in Drezen, and will act as another "retaliation" other than Soltengrebbe. I wanted to pose them as a threat to the army, and give them a more meaningful, more stressful, more interesting place other than a "monster on the way to destination". The queen, and her massive swarm, will appear later...

Why did I leave these two swarms? Well, as a build up mostly, (Now they know there will be such a threat, and it will be more exciting!) but also as a fun "starter battle to the session. We are coming upon Drezen itself, which is full of mass combat, I wanted to give the party a bit more "party" time.

Here we go again! or "You don't want to get me angry!"
As Mad dog failed his save, he once more underwent the transformation of becoming a sort of a half demon- bigger strength, spikes, bloodlust and wanting to kill his friends, the works! Only this time the DCs were higher... Andera tries to trip him but fails, and mad Dog charges and the surprised Julian, and knocks her down to 1 hp! (The player used rage and all). Julian, stunned, moved back and used her half broken wand which held Mad dog thankfully (Not such a high will save.

(Party in joke: "Beauty & the Beast!!)

Sena heals Julian, while Andera grabs his sword. Sena tries to cast protection fro mevil (As they suspected would work) but it fails. They then quickly manage to subdue him since he can't break the enchantment, until he makes his save to control the rage and returns to himself.

Immediately, Mad dog apologizes to Julian, offering to be her bodyguard and protect her from now on. "From whom exactly?!" She exclaims. Sena's players (Always looking to spice things up) raises up an important question "Wait, you also went through something, no? How do we know you won't try to kill us as well!"

"Oh it's completely different! I don't have a blood lust, I just have many voices in my head trying to confuse me!" Andera becomes alarmed "Many voices in your head? Can they learn about us?" (Interesting idea there :smallamused:) Julian, with her usual talent, deflect the issue back to Mad dog. "Aravash, do you understand this?" The wizard is unsure. "We need to explore it. I'd say it's some sort of a curse, but a very powerful one, or some sort of a transformation trigger. It seems that the unbalancing of his mind by this Vescavors managed to trigger this."

With no real answer at the moment, they decide to head back, Deeply frustrated that they found no real solution to the problem. Sena speaks one more thing to Aravash. "What went here, stays here, ok?" Aravash agrees, but is obviously weary of Mad dog.

With Harry gone, and Julian focused nearly entirely on the Arcane, I just realized that Aravash can assume the role of "NPC sage" for the party. I originally assumed that Harry and perhaps Sena will conduct some research to the matter, but now it seems that Aravash for a dispenser of some plot or the like. Could work quite well really!

He is also the most likely NPC to follow them in missions. I need to restat him for this adventure.

7th day of travel, and trouble brewing at camp!
The party manages to go past the vescavor breeding ground and make camp further along. Tomorrow they are supposed to reach Drezen at mid day. But the party decides to move only half the distance tomorrow, and let their army rest (heal up a bit) They wish to come to Drezen at full strength. They are worried about their provisions, but decide to risk it.

The days travel bring them to hauntign grounds (random event), where tormented spirits wail and moan, affecting the moral of about half the armies. (-1) they bypass another heat wave, and finally rest in the canyon, near the ramp that will lead them into Drezen surroundings themselves.

They start making camp, and send Anevia with a few mongrelfolk,and a few bartlets to scout the grounds, a mission that will take all night. (I had the possibility of roleplaying a scouting mission, but the party decided to skip it, and use the basic info). But not all was well.... They could hear some commotion. And they could see Arles Jhestander, The second in command for The Queen Knights, a respected soldier, veteran of many battles, also an ex paladin (Still good, but lost heart at one time) rises with his horse on a small uprising, and address the vast armies.

Arles appears eariler in the module as a simple social challenge, speaking of dismay and despair. I wanted to make his appearance at a more opportune time, and nothing liek just before enterign Drezen! But his words are not fully his. He believes them so, but they come out of conversations, manipulations and even 1-2 suggestions by our dear friend- Nurah. :smallbiggrin:

"Look at us... Like sheeps to the slaughter! We are doomed! We are going to our end. I have stayed my words till now, out of respect to the Queen's wishes, respect to our leaders, praying for Iomedae's guidance, but I can hold my tongue no more! For if we I will not speak, I am as responsible. We are 700 only! 200 of which are tielflings! About to tackle the most fortified fortress build in the Worldwound! Led by cursed leaders, and an evil omen over our heads! We must head back, and do it now!"

Mad dog to my surprise, tried to tackle him: How can a coward 9Speaking of his past and when he lost his paladin status) speak of turning back? How can one who lost his way, try to show us a new one? How can one who was punished for turning back, ask that of us now?"

Arles answered "And how can one, with a demon inside him, can speak of fighting demons? One who's own troops fear to follow?"

We decided Mad dog's attempt will count as "Adi another", (since it is easier), and he got a bonus due to tacking an "aspect" of Arles, but poor dice roles screwed that.

Sena however, sought to be heard. He took off his helmet, and strode forth. "Well Arles, it is such an interesting time you have chosen to bring this up! We've been striding in the Abyss for several days now, and now, just before we finally come to do what we were sent for, you bring this up? You held your tongue due to... respect? We are not dictators, you could have spoke at any time! what is behind this?"

"I have prayed, and sought guidance, and I have found it! Iomedae showed me the way! You are leading us into a trap, and your leadership is not worthy at all! One who had the demon in him, one who consorts with tieflings, one who consorts with the sons of the worldwound, and one who's lost more than I ever did, and is cursed till this day!"

It was at this point that they rolled their diplomacy, adjusted according to the deals they made. Both were considered to hold a similar regard, though Sena a bit more. And Sena won this. Again, I ran this as a contest.

Currently: Group/ Arles= 1/0

But the party was worried. Arles seemed to be speaking the truth. They thought he was manipulated, perhaps through his prayers, and "Iomedae's guidance" (Close to the truth, Nurah helped to "interpret" her will...)

But Sena was furious now. "You can say what you want about me, but the mongrelfolk have SAVED Kenabres, and you will not besmirch them or their contribution and loyalty! I hear only slogans, hollow words, Understand this- The First Ascendents are OUT of this bantering game!"

Julian strode forth, and gave one hell of a speech! "Quuen's people, brothers, sisters... How many times have we heard the word "Impossible?" Not so many days ago it was siad that Kenabres was "Impossible to save.". And yet it is saved, and safe... because of us. Silver Banner. ("Mmmm? Aye?") how many times were you told the battle is unwinnable. ("HA! More times than you got years youngling! Why, I'll tell ya of...") Lions of Sarkoris- You have been driven away from your homes, and told not to fight, for the land is lost, that it is impossible... is that so? ("No! For Sarkoris! We shall restore you!") Queen's Knights, did the Queen ever sent you on a mission where there was no hope, on a futile mission? Do you wish to disappoint her now? ("For The Queen! For Galfrey!")

and she went on! "Fear... I know fear. Arles knows fear as well. He was punished for fear (zing!) But I call for you- have courage again! Iomedae faced the impossible several times as a mortal, and accomplished it every time. (Here he started making accounts of such acts.) Arles, it is human nature to fear, it is a knight's nature to overcome. Become what you have always been, deep inside, and let us storm this fortress together!

- Arles retorted with word more shaky It is said that you too have some influence in your mind, that you hear the words of demons. (Party perked up "How does he know that?!" Excorius told Nurah.) and all your words come from the words of tainted, cursed, warped and worse!

We decided these will be 2 rolls. Julian had massive bonuses (+5 to one argument due to deal. 3 tiems +5 for the 3 armies who's aspects she tagged very, very nicely) Still, one was a lousy roll (we decided he misquoted some facts about Iomedae, and religion, verging on blasphemy), so one success, one failure.

Currently: Group/ Arles= 2/1

Arles, seeing he was losingthe argument, lashed out more: "Why should we trust them? These.. sweet talkers? We are so amazed by their power, but where did they get it?! They said they have met with the Worldwide Witch Areelu Vorlesh, and that they managed to SURVIVE"? She is said to be second only to Deskari itself? And yet they met her, and walked away? What did they sell for their lives? Their souls? Or maybe OUR souls? All of us, led to the slaughter, in the demons game- play with your prey, taunt it, torment it, and only then kill it! Raise their hopes, and crash them down! Do not be fooled!"

Andera then strode and spoke a bit sarcastically. "I agree with Arles! There are demons in an unconquerable city, so lets turn tail, head back to the Queen, hide behind the broken Wardstone, and wait for the demons to come to us... Arles you say we are the work of demon's trickery? How do we know it is not you who is tricked, used? Ye,s we have met Vorlesh, and she tried deception with us, (And here he went to explain it all truthfully)..." Andera then turned to the entire army, shouting to be heard. "Don't you see? They are trying to make us work against each other! Turn on each other! Will Iomadae give her hand, her consent to this?"

A good speech, and a good roll, and the party won! There were chorus of people suddenly trying to think of all these words, and of the bigger task ahead, and putting away their differences. Arles rode down slowly, Kamilo turned to speak with him. The party wished to do so as well, but Sena first wished to address the entire army as well. (Some of this speech may be a bit familar. :smalltongue:)

"Army of Kenabres! Tomorrow we march on Drezen! Let this be the glorious fight that it should be! I think I may say this- even if Mendev will stand for a thousand years, this may be our finest moment!" He let some cheers go up, but cut them quickly with a glare and clang on his armor. "But let me say one more thing- there is another crusade amongst us. We WILL NOT attack the weak amongst us! We WILL NOT prey on easy targets! If ANY of you have any problem with the mongrelfolk or with commander John, you have a problem with ME! They have proven themselves many time, and I will not stand and see their reputation be dragged in the dirt no more!"

Sena, as can be imagined, was really fed up with this (As a character).

Oddly enough, the party did not pursue to talk with Arles no more, and though they understood that SOMETHING was going up, they still suspected some sort of outside influence, or at the worst- Excorius.

From the crowd, Nurah smiled, but inside she was thinking "Time to up the stakes"....
This is so far for this update. The next one will include the stormy entrance into Drezen territory, a twist of plans, and... casualties! :smalleek:

Hope you enjoy! I will try to update as soon as I can.

+1 moral to all armies (Some needed it)

Kol Korran
2014-10-19, 01:09 PM
Session 11, Part 2- assault on the Drezen environs

This next part deal with the strategic planning and the tactical mass combat where the party's army struck into the Drezen environs. It would be difficult to understand the surroundings without havign the map in the module, but I'll try to make do.

The war council- making plans
Since I don't know what sources you have, and I can't post the map, I'll try to explain the environs. Skip it if you have the map.
- The Ahari gorge divides the environs to north zones and southern zones. The army approaches from the east. The slope enabling the siege and horses to come up on the south bank, in the SE corner. The gorge can be passable to climbing forces, but not to mounted ones or siege weapons.
- "The south bank" is a long strip of roads and ruined houses, stretching to the west. For clarity purposes it is divided to two segments: SE bank, and S bank. From the SE bank there is a bridge crossing the gorge up north to a hill called Paradise Hill. From the S bank there is another bridge north leading to the fort of Drezen itself. to the west of S bank there is a mist shrouded cemeteryץ
- The cemetery can access only the S bank.
- Paradise Hill and Fort Drezen comprise the north half of the map. There is a side branch of the gorge separating them too. Near the top of the territory there is a broken bridge spanning the two.
- Drezen Fort is quite big, and with in it a big citadel. The walls are slightly damaged, but stand tall, and though most guards towers are non functional, 4 remain- 3 near the main gate, and one towards the small ruined bridge.

Ok, I hope this makes things clear, though I hope you do have the map in front of you.
Anevia returned with the other scouts, bringing news. She allocated 6 main targets, 3 of them for mass battle, 3 for more "surgical strikes". She first emphasized that the place looks deserted, a bit like a ghost town. The forces seem somewhat disorganized, disjointed. She pointed out the following targets:
- In the south bank, they spotted 2 medium armies of dretches (100 each), along with a big host of tielfings (200). A bit to the west were humans- cultists serving the lords, seemingly better equipped.
- Paradise hill is a paradise no more. It was used for luxury apartments and workshops, but now it is in ruins, but has some fortifications. There are some tielfings there, with long bows, but also an army of Schir demons. Something is going on there though, as some tortured shouts come from there.
- To the west of the south bank there is a mist shrouded cemetery, and the dead walk in it- ghouls and skeletons, with rotting crusader armor on their bones. There seem to be an area of darkness within, unpierced by light, but the scouts couldn't defer what it was.
- The bridge leading to Drezen directly has been weakened, and four Aurochs are tied to the pillars, ready to break it down. The place is guarded by a small group of tielfings, but if a massive army will come close, it would surely be felled. If the bridge isn't saved, mounted troops and siege weapons may not pass the gap!
- The four surviving towers od Drezen hold siege weapons. With the height benefit, they could out reach groudn siege weapons. These need to be sabotaged in order to succeed. All 4 towers...

Another info comes from Julian's familiar- her hawk. It circled around Drezen itself. It saw some Schirs, some cultists, tieflings, dretches, but also some worrying signs- The citadel itself grew in some pulsating greyish red light. Something very, very wrong about it. Also, there were some pillars just at the front of the citadel, glowing in a neerie pale grey light, and some strange.. structures? placed around the citadel. But the hawk surveyed it but slightly, for it suddenly felt something, some presence, some power, staring back at it! and so it flew.

Ok, Planning time!
As usual with this group, they started making overly complex plans. Two things worried them- capturing the bridge before they'll decide to drop it, and avoid being caught between the cemetary and forces from paradise hill if they rush to the bridge.

Feeling another "no end in sight" discussion coming, like in Keeper's Canyon, I limited the discussion to 10 more minutes. And it seemed to have focused them on a different plan alltogether! They planned to strike to the SE bank, and WHILE FIGHTING THERE rush towards Paradise Hill and conquer it, trying to catch them by surprise, and then pushing all the forces into the hill, and fortifying their base of operations there. Then, possibly rebuild the broken bridge to Drezen, thus not needing to rely on the "suicide approach" bridge to Drezen. Plus- they'll need to face only one tower, which they intended to sabotage.

I loved it! Time to try and put things to action! As the party gathered their forces and set the army in motion Julian's player did a quick tally "Wait, I counted more than 2,000 people we're facing all in all in this siege? With our 700? Against a fortified location?" Sena's player replied "Let's hope they are reaallly disorganized!"

A bad beginning...

Drezen mass combat music! (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=hIqrQR3n_34&p=n)
The armies come close, and I put out the tactical map. Most of the area has ruined buildings, which gives the enemy a home advantage. Reaching the SE bank, they first meet with two armies of Dretches, and a larger unit of tiefling rogues. The army moves cautiously but... the Lions move far ahead, and meet the Dretches head on. Within 1 round the two dretch armies tear through the Lions, destroying the army! By our rules, Mad dog escapes with half hit points, but that does little to ease his mind.

Sena's player ask: "Who in their right mind rushes straight at them ahead of the army?!"
Mad Dog: "Barbarians?"

Which is exactly the time when this is heard, all over the Drezen Environs coming from Drezen itself.

Soltengrabbe roars! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPSx_cSPw_0)

The party: "What the hell was that?!" But there were other things to worry about. Through out the session I would use various roaring clips to have the party WELL aware that something BIG is hungry! :smallamused:

Another roar (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBD63LTJDOA)
A bit more hungry sounding (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnuyLcqC5LY)

Mad dog retreated and joined the Silver Banner. "For the Lions!" Dumas shouted, which became their battle cry through out this battle. The armies engaged, and suffered some wounds but managed to destroy the forces. The tiefling in the meantime moved towards the bridge of Paradise Hill, when they noticed a new danger/

The cultists from the western parts of the south bank were hidden at the edge of an open field, covering the bridge. They held long bows, and an open space between them and the armies of the PCs. They needed to time their assault right, or else a good volly could repeat the case of the Lions.

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/south_bank1_zps0cedde1f.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/south_bank1_zps0cedde1f.jpg.html)

PC armies to the right, Bridge in brown to the north, and cultists to the left.

Triple charges! And Paradise Hill
The Queen's Knights and the Silver Banner can move fast, and have timed their dual charges to catch the archers before they could fire! Yet even in close combat, while not a match to the two mounted troops, they could occupy them for a time, and inflict wounds.

But the army wouldn't wait for them to join. The tiefling strode over the bridge, and surveyed the hill- 2 armies of tieling long archers, an army of quasits (?) which went and turned invisible, and an army of Schirs...

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/south_paradise1_zpsc86b75fc.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/south_paradise1_zpsc86b75fc.jpg.html)

At the top the two red are the tieflings, between them the Shcir army. The quasits have disappeared. 4 forces are at the bridge, with the tieflign occupying it's length. Below the two mounted units face the cultists)

And the Schirs rushed powerfully charging down, while the tielfing taunted them (Tactic), and their sorcerers cast defensive spells (Resource). Those, along with good rolls made it that the Shcirs didn't hurt the tieflings TOO bad. though the tielfings failed to hit them at all. ("That is what happens when you are mooning the enemy instead of fighting it!")

Remember that saying about bridges and bottle necks? Well that is exactly what happened here. The Schir- tieflign conflict locked the battle, as the two tiefling archer units came down and started shooting. More than that- the quasits went soon after the Bartlets. With focused fire and a lot of effort they got them down before they could make real damage, But meanwhile the archers were doing small, but persistent amounts of damage, as was the "main event"- the tielfings were worn down slowly, and they barely damaged the Shcirs, who proved to be a TOUGH unit!

They needed a change...

The feint and victory

So the tiefling quickly withdrew! and went back, with the other armies forming a sort of a cul de sac.

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/cul_de_sac1_zps1f08f01d.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/cul_de_sac1_zps1f08f01d.jpg.html)

I rolled a dice to see if they'll fall for it. (Obvious tactic, but not too smart and winning so far) They fell for it... As they came in the party gathered round their forces and managed to dispose of the Shcirs. One of the tiefling unit's broke due to moral and fled, and I decided to end the battle there and just declare they kill the last unit.

Two major battles were one, but one unit was lost, and the rest were nicely battered and wounded. They quickly rushed to the hill, to find what was there (with some scouts to quickly gather resources from the south bank, and prepare to make this a temporary base, from which to plan further attacks on Drezen! And lets not forget, the Schirs were guarding something here...

But before we get ahead of ourselves... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPSx_cSPw_0)

It's still not the end of the session! In the next part I'll discuss some preparations, ideas, and the party trying to tackle a "surgical strike" which turns out to be a bit of a fun mess!

I hope you're enjoying, please feel free to comment!

Kol Korran
2014-10-20, 08:23 AM
Hey, I told you it was a long and busy session! :smalltongue:

Session 11, Part 3- Reassessing & the tower assault!

Now, as the party checked up what resources they had left, I was trying to think on the terms of "an episodical session with a climax" (discussed in one of the previous entries), but it was tricky: They were still 6th level, so Soltengrabbe was still out of reach, and besides- it was waaaayy to early in the siege for that! The outing of Nurah also felt a bit too early. (I tried to give sublte signs... perhaps too subtle?) I still wanted to see if they could stop Commander John from his decline.

What about the Vescvor swarm? That could work as the first retaliation, can it? I heard the party talking about their less than optimal resources, and needing to get the army back to shape. They were thinking of rest? Good, The Vescavors will attack at night!

Taking stock and holing in!

Just s the armies crossed the bridge they called for the engineer support (With the nights of Srenrae, under Commander John) to barricade the bridge enough. "Who will guard it?" I asked. " 2 armies, at all times!" They answered. ("Target for nightly ghouls attack- check!").

The armies, though victorious, and without any fatalities, were pretty well wounded up. Sarenrae's healers, Sena's powers and some army potion stocks were used to heal up most, though not all of the damage. They debated about maybe to save the potions, but Sena replied- "After what we did? There will be a retaliation, we must be ready!" At which point I put the roar again. "AND WHAT IN THE ABYSS IS THAT?"

But first of all, experience from the battle! Sena and Andera both take a boon called "Sniper support" (Granting them more damage) The armies and leaders are pretty maxed out now in terms of new abilities. Unless they get more levels, charisma, ranks in Profession (Soldier) or the leadership feat. In this regard the army system worked nicely, putting the armies at quite competent just before the last battle of this module.

The party found quite a few things in their search and looting- some provisions, not a whole lot, but giving them a bit more breathing room. They also found a damaged siege engine! (Will take 1-2 days to fix), and most importently, they found captured crusaders (Not the class. Fighters by class), who were captured by demon raids and in excursions into the Worldwound. They thanked the armies, and vowed to fight for them. With all of the defeted armies, it was easy to refit them, and Mad dog took command over them, calling them "The lucky bastards!"- A name which raised a few eyebrows, but perhaps it's more of a wishful thinking after how he has rolled this session.

The Lucky bastards told them that they were slave force, and "entertainment" for the demons here, but that Drezen would house many thousands of demons in the past! Aponavicious (A top merilith general) took almost all of the forces to fight the armies of the south, leaving Staunton Vhane, a most loyal and devout Anti Paladin to guard the city. The dwarf seemed both a highly prized serevent, and a tormented toy to Aponavicius. Rumors say that he has went into the citdel, and sealed it up... Something is going up, some sort of dark magic...

And they lso tolf of Soltengrabbe, the demonic chimera, prized pet of Aponavicious. Nicknamed The Beast of Drezen, it is highly ferocious, and of great power! ("So those are the roars... Yay!" Sena said sarcastically...)

Composition: medium army, 100 3rd level human Fighters
Size: 1 squares
ACR/ Init: 2/ +2
HP: 22
Moral: +2 (+1 vs. fear and route)
Movement: 3 (armor training)
Attack: 14/ +4 (long range)
Resources: Improved weapons (Cold iron), long ranged weapons, Improved armor
Special: Bravery (Included), 2 Extra combat feats (included)
Consumption: 4

John in the meantime comes to his own. He still seems weary, tired, but starts arranging this camp, the siege. He gives directors to the engineers, send people to check the fallen bridge and gorge, manages supplies and guard post and so on. After doing that John set up command and lookout posts at the top of the hill, on the hill's fortifications, and started viewing the Fort, studying it, using Nurah's map. The idea was to give him a feel of a siege specialist, (as he add a +3 to their siege score). It was also to show that he is worn down a bit. I saw a look of concern on Sena's face, but he quickly got swept in other things.

A small matter about John: I thought the siege would take longer, but it seems the party is going to use Blitz methods (Pardon me any history buffs if I'm mistaken)- They plan on striking hard, fast, and keep pushing, not letting the enemy time to regroup. I originally planned for a slightly more prolonged siege time, but it seemed I will need to speed things up. First retaliation tonight, in which Nurah will do her best to undermine Commander John's position. Unless great measures are taken, John will crumble under the stress, use too much Shadow blood, and will abandon the group and head to the fort (taking the role of Aron Kir n the module). However, the players have often surprised me, I wouldn't be surprised if they... um.... surprise me again. (Lousy sentence! :smalltongue:)

Speaking of which- the players wanted to start building the north bridge, linking Paradise Hill and Drezen as so as possible! But there was a guard tower watching that place, with siege weapons! So they decided to take it out! They debated whether to do this tonight, or now, and opted for now. At night the enemy has advantage, and they still have element of surprise- having attacked by armies, and seeing them all bunkering up, the enemy wouldn't expect an elite group taking down their towers now, would they?

Now, the party lacked on a few resources- Sena's channel energy was used up, (For the armies), Julian used most of her mythic power to cast fireballs on the previous battle (Forgot to mention that), and a few more minor things. But on the whole they were pretty up and ready!

In my mind: "Um, attack now? But the Vescavors, the climax? Um... how... ohm just roll with it and see where it goes!"

Easier done than said!
Two more "minor" things to do: Job for the engineers: Either continue to barricade the hill, work on the siege engine, or start building the bridge. Tell the truth I didn't plan on "daily" missions for engineers, but this seemed reasonable. They decided to start working on the siege engine.

Secondly- how to approach the tower? There were troops on the walls. I decided on a stealth roll to get to the gorge, climb down, climb up, and another stealth to get to the wall, and another climb up, or whatever solution they come up with.

So about those solutions: They manage to sneak well to the gorge, (Lots of ruined buildings and long distance). There Andera reminded me of his "wall climber trick", which made hi ma little spider man. Julian joined him by casting Spider climb, and Mad dog climbed well all on his own. As to Mr. Full Plate Sena? He used his favorite spell- "Meld into stone". Just before the party got up into view Julian spammed invisibility spells, ans do all got close and up to the wall.

When something strange happened. As Sena entered the Fort's wall he felt something strange, a presence, a being in it! He was forcefully expelled from the wall, with one clear image in his mind- It was Staunton Vhane! This worried and alarmed the group (Mostly Sena) but not enough to abort mission. Luckily, the guards didn't notice him being expelled (good roll), they were looking at what was going in Paradise Hill.

Don't split the party! Or... "What is plan B?"
Up close they heard some strange guttural huffing sound from above, and a sickly odor drifted down. Andera quickly recognized the sound- a Brimorak! (They met one at Vilroth Ford). "Oh Sh*t!" they thought (For some reason they thought these were really, really strong!).

The party wished to climb up first, and sort of scout. They decided Andera and Julian will go up, with her invisibility and spider climb. Julian als ohad another plan. "When I drop a coin down, make some noise!" She told Md dog. Up they went (Both invisible), and reached the top, where a lone Brimork was having a bit of a shouting over a few tieflings on the walls. It seemed that the fort keep lookouts on the walls, but not the entire forces. Sena's player wondered "We are fortifying in front of their faces and they are not on full alert?" He grew worried, remembering the presence in the walls. (The module doesn't mention guards on the walls, but it seemed silly to me to have only the 4 Brimoraks. Plus it added tension- the dismantling of the siege engines needed to happen FAST!)

Julian then dropped a coin. Mad do dutifully made some noise, which Drew the Brimorak to look over the barricade, when Julian cast Hydraulic rush with piercing metamagic, but rolls lousy! The Brimorak is awash with water, and looks back, eyes, horns, mouth and sword flaring with fire! Time for Initiative.

Andera rushes and stealthily pus a roe down (Why just now?) and Mad dog and Sena begin the long climg. Meanwhile The Brimorak starts to summon another, and some tiefling shoot at the (now visible) Julian. Julian has more bad luck as she tries another Hydraulic push and fails, and the Brimorak comes toward her and breaths fire on her.

Andera has an idea, rushes invisible past Julian whispering "Retret! I'll handle this!" nd dives stelthily under the siege engine, hiding between it's mechanism. Julian wishes to argue, but then 3 other Brimoraks teleport in! "Retreat! She yells, and jumps over the wall, casting feather fall.

Not over yet!
Andera alerts me that he is going to take 20 to disassemble the siege engine. He is sure he can hide here. Last thing they'll expect this time! Mad dog and Sena dropped from their short climb, and Sen cas Magic circle vs. evil, wishingthe others to stay near him for protection against the archers. But here were bigger problems- the 4 Brimoraks teleported down to block escape.

Squeals of joy came from Mad dog's player! Julian's player: "What? You think to fight them? We need to escape!" Md dog's player "Oh no... Now, we're going to kill them all!" I think he was frustrated from nearly killing Julian t the start of the session, then not doing well with the Arles negotiation, and finally losing his army! He wanted to kill stuff!

So he charged at 1, and with two strikes (one from Mythic power) took it's hit points down to 1! Sena licked his lips. "i see they use fire... Lets take that advantage away, shall we?" and cast communal resist fire. And just in time, since the Bromiorak unleashed 4 fireballs on them!... To nearly no effect with saves and such (Mad dog suffered the most- 10 hit point)

Which sort of prompted this... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5X5zh00rdg) :smalltongue:

The 6 tieflings on the nearby walls keep shooting at the party kept shooting them, but had little effect (Julian had her mirror images, Sena's armor was sky high, and Mad dog had tons of hp) it was fun for the party to disregard them as annoyance. However, more troops were rushing. I gave the party 3 rounds before dozens of tieflings will be on the walls.

The battle was quick and fierce- Julian kept not having luck with her spells, using ear piercing scream as her main shtick at the end, Mad dog just took down most of the hit points of a brimorak, and then moved to the next, letting Sen and Julian take it down. The fiends tried dispelling their spells, (but didn't succeed taking out the communal resistance from fire) and a few other stuff, but indeed- without fire power, tey were pretty useless. The party took 3 down, and wounded the fourth, before it teleported away. As they ran off I let a few more volleys of arrows on them, but to no avail. The party managed to escape

The party defeated the Brimoraks, and Andera was left under one of the siege engine, withe a few dozens of tieflings and humans on the walls. He was successful though, and his total "take 20" was high enough, so he decided to disable it so as to look functional, but fall on itself if used or examined closely. He suggested that he might find a way or time to sneak to the other towers? He can disappear for a short time using his ninja tricks however...

As interesting as it was, it was time to end the session. But not before one last detail- Level up! and just barely! Level 7- attained! :smallbiggrin:

Each Player's XP: 35,013.
So we stopped here. A very good session, people felt good, and engaged. I told two of them before about my idea for "episodical session design", and they commented that not every session needs a climax. Hmmm... Perhaps not? This session went unplanned on many places (I love it when they do that!) and it was quite a hoot!

I believe the next session will see the battle over Drezen itself after some fashion, and probably all three major events I planned as possible climaxes for this one- the Vescavors, Nurah and Soltengrabbe!) I hope to put a post with the updated characters (For level 7), including their army commanding stats and their armies. If any of you wish to me to post anything else, I will try. I am going to try and post the mass combat rules, after a fashion as well.

Leave a comment, question, or whatever. It helps to know people are interested.

Kol Korran
2014-10-20, 12:35 PM
I started transferring and updating the Mass Combat rules to This thread on the homebrew section (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?378446-Tactical-Mass-Combat-rules-%28Not-the-Paizo-strategic-battle%29&p=18285293#post18285293) It will take some time to finish it, about a week give or less. Going over this stuff takes time, but the two first sections re there already, so take a look if you want. It should be on my signature now as well, and once complete I will put it in the log and the "contents" post t the right place.

That thread is open to review, comments, questions and whatever, as always. Farewell for now! :smallwink:

Kol Korran
2014-10-25, 01:48 AM
And the Mass Combat write up is finished! Well, at least the initial version, before comments. Feel free to look it up (Link in the post above). I'll be putting a link to it on the "contents" post (Second post of the log, along with the links to the sessions) and on the relevant session (I think it's the second half of Session 7)

Kol Korran
2014-10-27, 10:33 AM
Little response so far, oh well...

Anyway, We will probably meet in about 2.5 weeks, so a bit of an improvement overall. The party is a bit anxious about the coming session. Some thoughts:
1) I think the session will mostly deal with the rest of the Siege of Drezen, with somewhat complex retribution attempts from the defense. As I mentioned earlier, I think this session will include a lot of "climax moments". One I'm looking forward to dealing with is the potential leaving of Commander John. Though Sena is of course the most involved with him, Julian's player, and the other two as well to a lesser degree grew fond of him. I intend to have a preliminary talk between Sena and Commander John, a sort of a last talk, and the last chance to turn the tide, before John leaves. Sena's player is an excellent roleplayer, and I wish to see what he will make of it.

2) Nurah's true face will also finally become apparent. Either the party will find her out. (She will make 1-2 mistakes now that she's under pressure), or she will have one final surprise, alongside the attack by...

3) Soltengrabbe! I have an idea of how to use the beast of Drezen to invoke more awe, horror, and a sense of great danger. Not telling anything yet, but it might be quite intense. I'll be using the homebrewed set of statistics that was suggested earlier, along with... another set of statistics. You'll have to wait and see.

4) The campaign traits: As the module is fast nearing it's end, I'll be givign the party a few more clues this session. They have been a bit lost with the few clues so far. I'm going to put in a few more dramatic touches now, elaborating a bit on the link between Julian and Mad dog's story, a few more puzzling info about Arulashee, and even Sena will get a glimpse of his story... Hopefully this won't be too lost on the party. I hope to use Aravash here as a "plot giver".

5) And then there is Staunton Vhane. I assume you've guessed I have done something quite different with him than the module suggests. I have indeed, he is something... not quite natural now. I'm not yet certain of the details, but in a sense the party will get to know and face him for an elongated time. Which brings me too...

6) The citadel of Drezen: I'm weary of this dungeon. The party disliked the Gray Fortress Dungeon at the end of the first module. It felt too long for them, and they kind of hate a multitude of small, yet ultimately insignificant battles. We play far too rarely to spend time on this stuff, dredging through encounters just to wear resources and get XP. So I'm looking for ideas on how to change this.

Anyone was able to minimize the dungeon to fewer more dangerous, more cinematic encounters? My current ideas are:
# Make a list of the XP, and the main interesting encounters, then add lots of support in some form to the main antagonist (Those succubi I remember), moving that XP there.
# Put some other limitating conditions, that warrant extra XP for their complication, but without taking so much time (A pressing time limit, some of the citadel being wrecked upon them and the like)
# Staunton Vhane himself will feature in many parts, in differing challenges. So he might make for lot of the XP chunk himself.

I'd love to her experiences from you folks about whatever worked, didn't worked, and the like in the citadel. Or any other ideas you think would be fun to implement. So bring it on!

Kol Korran
2014-11-08, 04:52 PM
Our session is next week, but in order for me to prepare the players have sent the 7th level updates to me. I'll be posting them here, and now that I've learned to do table a bit, it will be slightly more nifty.

Here goes! (Do remember that all character got +1 feat, +2 skills, +1 to a save and +5 permanent hp from the trial at the Hall of Heroes (Replacing Iomedae's benefits in the first module).

StatAnderaJulianMad dogSena
RaceHumanHumanHalf elfAasimr (human scion)
ClassNinja 7 (Scout)Sorcerer (Arcana bloodline)Barbarian 7Cleric of Sarenra 7
HP53 (pre lvl 7 roll)558647 (pre lvl 7 roll)
Abilities (Heroic scores)10, 19, 12, 13, 10, 1610, 14, 14 ,12, 10, 20 (22 with headband)19, 14, 14, 10, 14, 1016, 13, 10, 10, 18 (20 with headband), 16
TraitsChance encounter, group fighterExposed to awfulness, Arcane temperStolen Fury, Demon slayerTouched by divinity, eyes and ears of the city
Regular featsWeapon finesse, two weapon fighting, shadow strike, blind fight, extra ki+ 7th lvl feat?Eschew materials, spell penetration (+ greater), Expanded arcana (twice), metamagic- silent, still, piercingSkill focus (Survival), power attack, cleave, finishing cleave, weapon focus (great sword), dodgeCombat casting, selective channeling, heavy armor proficiency, alignment channel (Vs. Chaotic evil)+ 7th lvl feat?
Main skillsStealth, acrobatics, Disable device, diplomacy, bluff, UMDBluff, diplomacy, intimidate, spellcraft, perceptionperception, survival, acrobaticsPerception, diplomacy, sense motive
Main magic itemsMithral chain short +1, +1 cold iron wakizashi, daredevil boots, bunch of bane arrowsHeadband of charisma, cloak of resistance +2, 4 spell knowledge pages+1 Adamantine great sword, demon defiant breast plate +1, defense boosting itemsHead band of wisdom +2, full plt and shield +1, +1 cold iron demon bane scimitar, bunch of scrolls
Special class features:Tricks: Vanishing trick, sacred sneak attack, wall climber, sudden disguiseHawk familiarRage powers: Superstition, reckless abandon, witch hunterDomains: Heroism & good
Mythic pathTricksterArchmageChampionHierophant
Path signature abilitySurprise attackWild arcanaSudden attackInspired spell
Path abilityDefensive moveEnduring armorFlash of rageHeathen slayer
Mythic featMythic weapons finesseSpell lore (Mythic spell)Mythic power attackExtra mythic power

Kol Korran
2014-11-21, 01:24 PM
We played this Saturday, but I didn't have the time to start updating till now. It was a roller coaster of a session- fast paced, with the party taking the initiative, quite a few highlights and in general- it was a blast! We were having fun, so the session dragged on to a total of 11 hours of gaming! Phew! It was hard to run the session, but it paid dividends!

Edit: I initially thought to post this in 3 parts, but I see the second and third part are fairly short, so I'll bunch them both to the second part.

I'll be posting the session in 3 parts, due to the length. The first part deals with some traits developments and the deal with Commander John. The second deals with the events leading to and including the battle with Soltengrabbe and the last part is the final mass combat assault on Drezen itself! (And the consequences)

I hope you enjoy as we did, here goes!

Session 12, part 1- Nightly retaliation and John's "trial"

A starter as a reminder for the group (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPSx_cSPw_0)

The saboteur!
Last we left Andera was up with on the north east tower, under the siege weapon, as the rest of the party retreated back. He decided to try and get to the other towers, and disable them as well. He used his trick Sudden Disguise (Enabling him to use disguise self effect for several minutes), and made himself appear as tiefling. Knowing Abyssal he made his way towards the second tower, trying not to draw attention from the tieflings and the cultists. He manged to get to the second tower, one of two over looking the bridge, and in a quik moment dove under the siege weapon and disabled it as well. He chose not to risk trying to get to the tower across the gate (The increased vigilance of the gate guards worried him. It's so long till he rolls really bad... This player is known for it!) and uses his disguise again to walk part wy back, then vanish and down the walls.

However, in all of these wanderings he did notice a few things:
- There were quite a few dretches in the keep, about 300-400 of them. Also about 200 tiefligns, and 200 cultists, both units seemed well armed and disciplined compared to the troops they've met so far. There were also about 100 Schir demons. Quite a few forces... More than their own army!
- There were also a few... disturbing structures inside. First there were 4 big crystal concentration, glowing in a soft sickly red greyish light, around the citadel. Secondly just in front of it was a sort of a... twisted maze of a sort? It had white translucent light flowing in it, and strange moans coming from it. Lastly there was the citadel itself- it looked as if the same red greyish light of the 3 structures was glistening of it's walls, only deeper and more intense. Andera had no idea what these things may mean, but some other info partly hinted at it:
- Andera heard quite a bit of dissatisfaction and division within the forces. Some were loyal to Aponavicius and Staunton, while others groaned that Staunton should have acted till now, and "why does he hide in the citadel all this time? We haven't seen him for weeks!" But others were afraid of him. It was apparent that the dwarf invoked quite a lot of fear...

With 2 siege weapons dismantled, and some new information, Andera the sneak made his way back to the troops. Meanwhile, back at the camp...

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/Drezen_map_empty1_zps7c9f239c.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/Drezen_map_empty1_zps7c9f239c.jpg.html)

Now, I used the bridge being approximately 200ft to measure everything else, the illustrated map in the module has no scale. I added a few stuff there, some of my own design to make the final battle more interesting, some due to my party's interest:
- The 3 red rhombuses (I think that is how they are called). These are tools of command Staunton will use in the last part of this session.
- The red squid/ start thingy near the gate and the entrance to the citadel is another surprise. Probably the most dangerous one, with a few hints along the session to it's meaning. The party faces it at the last session.
- Note that the fort is quite HUGE, even for the 900 or so troops stationed here. I wanted to give the place a feeling of being vastly deserted, and also allow the party's armies place for stealth and clever maneuvering.
- On the map, to the NE you may notice the broken bridge. The party thought of restoring it, so I positioned it if it comes in to play.

Interrogation and visions

General background siege music (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=hIqrQR3n_34&p=n)

As the party reaches back, Lann stops Sena. "We have scouted in the area of the south bank battle. Someone has been there after the battle. They have left a message". He gave Sena the short message "Wait for my signal. There have been delays. The Harvest is almost ready". I may have been too cryptic, but the party couldn't make heads or tails out of it, and ended up disregarding this entirely.

Aravsh approached the party, and informed them that there were few survivors amongst the enemy, and that the commanders are interrogation them. As the party reached the main tent, they learned that Commander John has left upset, finding it difficult to stomach the interrogations, and Nurah left after him.

The party decided to watch, as Arabeth and Bartlet took a few more aggressive "strategies" with the tieflings and schir. As Arabeth struck one, Julian suddenly had a vivid recollection: She remembered the demon who struck her at her youth (Exposed to awfulness), back when she snuck to the wardstone chamber. But this time she remembered a few more things:
- First she remembered there was a woman there, elven woman, with a jade dress, and complementing jade eyes, speaking of "We need more subjects! Maybe those close to the stone could with stand it?" He eyes were cold, nd made Julian shiver deep inside. "No... this one is too weak, she won't survive the night".
- But the more disturbing thing was the demon that struck her- It's spikes, build, look. It looked like a worse version of Mad dog in his transformations.

Bartlet took a knife to one of them, and as this happened Mad dog has his own recollection- his entire village put to tests, checks, and the same green women. "Xanthir said it would work! Why doesn't it work!" He again saw her jade, freezing eyes, as she caressed him and his... brother... "These will do nicely. We'll make demons out of them yet!"

Julian immediately called to stop this (Though the party joked about getting a lot of visions- Slap! => vision. Kick! => vision.) Arabeth was dismayed "They are but demons! They deserve nothing better, and understand nothing else!" Julian spoke "We shall not become as they are!" The interrogation yields some info though- Staunton and Aponavicius had a strange relationship- he was both her favorite commander, but she also treated him quite roughly. A sort of "I like you while you behave, or amuse" kind of relationship. She left him in command of Drezen though, but he has gone inside and... never showed his face again. Something has... happened to him, which scares everyone in the surroundings. Something strange and unnatural even in demon standards.

Staunton was not the only one to go through the change. Aponavicius herself went through it, as well as her chimera Soltengrabbe (Cue in another roar), her red dragon (The party: "WHAT?", "but it died", "Phew!"... Just made me want to bring a mythic undead dragon :smalltongue: ) and a few others. One schir snorted at the party "You are the big heroes? They said there were 5 of you, now 4! We'll have thousands! Vorlesh promises new age of demons!" This did worry the party, but with their usual ability to ignore anything that doesn't require direct dealing with, they put it aside for now.

A few other rumors: Cultists going into the graveyard and digging a lot at night. And also something about a betrayer that they caught and is now held by Staunton Vhane forces. "They will soon break her, or boil her soul!" These lowly demons didn't knew who was the betrayer, but they confirmed she flew and fired a deadly bow (The party did make this connection, which intrigued them greatly.

The trio (Andera was still on his mission), went and talked privately. Sena lucked and identified the green eyed demon- Jerribeth of the Jade (From the 3rd module). Here I messed up bit cause I forgot to reread the info about her, so gave only basic info, and her connection to Xanthir Vang. Julian was quite worried about Mad dog:
"Someone like you nearly killed me years ago, and you nearly killed me with those swarms a few days ago. I don't want to risk a third incident!" Mad dog tried to beg forgiveness and swear it won't happen again, but this didn't go that far, but Sena again questioned how much was Julian safe, which she tried to deflect, and gave up her chase of Mad dog. They dispersed to their business...

The interrogation was there as a sort of a minor info dump.Give the siege a bit more context ,a bit more "personality/ life". I didn't do it well though- it didn't motivate action and protectiveness from the players. They were spectators here, and this usually leads to bad gaming. Same goes to the visions. I needed to perhaps play them out more, and give the party some sort of influence on them, a few defiant lines, maybe something they my have noticed back then, or so on.

In short, this could have been done better. Not that much of a loss, but not good either.

Mentor and student
Sena went to visit John. As he came near he heard Nurah whispering to him " You know you will need to share this with someone. You can't burden this all by yourself. If you feel like it..." She noticed Sena "Ah! Splendid! Maybe you can brighten his mood." And then left.

As Sena approached John he heard his haunting spirits (Haunted curse) much louder this time. Some calling "Betrayer, murderer, deserter!" and such. Sena's player's eyes looked at me with suspicion. (We had a deal that John won't be a sort of a Darth Vader when discussing his character). Sena set next to his mentor, father figure, dear friend whom he looked up to.

John looked kindly, but tiredly at Sena. "Ahhh... You have returned from yet another successful mission, I am sure of it. It has becoem a habit- you try on impossible things, and triumph where others fail. Like in The Hall of Heroes, like in the Gray Garrison, like in the Temple of Welcomed Night, and leading this army into this forsaken land. I am proud of you." He put his hand on Sena's shoulder. "You have indeed surpassed all expectation, and I can fully say that I have nothing left to teach you. You have went beyond everyone's forecasts. I am proud of you, as proud as I can be!"
Sena's ears pricked up. He didn't like where this was going apparently. "Well thank you, MASTER, maybe you feel I have surpassed you, but for me you will always be my teacher!"
John sighed, looking more tired. "Well, that may be, but now I have been your teacher for so long, yet you show little need of me. I f at ll, you rely more on these new friends you have. As it should be. I have been a teacher for so long, ("Teacher? Betrayer!" went the spirits) that I have forgotten to take care of my own burdens... My spirits, they are becoming stronger now, demanding their pay. I have too long ignored them, and now they demand their price. I must attend to it. Fear not! I will remain your adviser and lead the Knights of Sarenrae, but I will attend to my own matters as well..."
Sena looked somewhat respectful, somewhat pleading. "Perhaps if you will share this story, perhaps then I can understand what the spirits are all about, perhaps I can help?"
John agreed. "I owe you this much, yes. It is not something I am proud of, and it... haunts me. Years go, I was part of a mission that went into the Worldwound, not that far from here in fact (This pertains to the lost settlement in the 3rd module), where there was some research to conduct. But something... went wrong, and the leaders of the excavation, who are Andrew's parent (I emphasized this to Julian's player, but was replied with "Not playing him anymore!") have called upon a harsh and terrible decision- execute most of the expedition's members."
Sena's face reddened "But why?" John looked miserable. "I don't know exactly the full details, but they were part demon somehow, and becoming worse." (Oddly enough, no one made the connection to Mad dog and Julian's story :smallfrown:)
"Me and a few others were exempt, and carried out the execution, and ran off with whomever we could. But some demons pursued, and so me and a few trailed off, as a decoy, and were captured. We were then kept and tortured for a few years, with the demons using various techniques to control me to kill or torture my friends, till I didn't know if it was my decision or the demon's decision..." John seemed to take it hard here, Sena listened intently. "They... they follow me still."
Sena tried to console. "But none of these were your decision! You were forced to it!" John smiled weakly. "I taught you better than that- we always hve decision. I could have disagreed with Andrew's parents, I could have chose not to torture my friends, but I think my real sin is... not trying to make amends when returning. Sarenrae has given me power to escape, but the curse followed me. When I returned to Kenbres the whispers followed me, and yet I would ignore them. I could have tried to make retribution to the families, commemorate the dead, but I... I just fled from the responsibility. And it is haunting me now."
Sena looks confused, desperate, he did not like what he heard. "Maybe you cn make up for it now?" John replied "I am trying. The worldwound sends tests to test all. I must stand my own." (I tried to make it look like John wasn't telling the entire truth, but the player didn't want to question him.)

Xena decided to leave the subject alone, give John some time, but brokw another subject. He brought up the note that Lann told him "Can we be the harvest?" and also brought up Jerribeth of the Jade. "What do you think?" John asked him. "I think we may have a traitor, but who might it be?" John looked at him wearily. "Whomever it is, it will be one of the lest obvious. Demon infiltrators are good at what they do! And as to the demon of Jade..." John wrceked his memory (He has a high history modifier). She is known as one ofthe most cruel, competitive, and elusive demons we know. She could get everywhere, and seduce her way easily, though we have ascertained she is not a succubus."

Sena thanked John, and with mixed feelings, left outside.

The idea was to give a bit more background, but also allow a bit more conversation place and roleplay before what is to come (See nightly retribution further along). I wanted to portray John as tormented, but that some of his choices re his own. I do not intend to go back on my deal with Sena's player (Make him aa betrayer/ blackguard), but give enough place for doubt on the matter. Mostly- I want to present the player with an interesting dilemma- how to treat his friend, even with facing some of the horrors he did? Albeit "mitigating circumstances".

8th day summary and plans, before sleep

By this point Andera has gotten back. As to the siege status, the party were at:
- Start with 10
- 2 battles won: +5
- 2 enemy siege engins sabotaged: +2
- Commander John, Siege engineer: +3
- Nurah's sabotage: -3
- 1 day passed: -1
- Army lost: -2 (Not in the original module, butthen gain- it doesn't uses multiple armies)
Total: +15.

The army's moral was considerbly better than the start of the day, but they were still worried at the imposing walls of Drezen, and "we sttruck first, now it's their move!"

As to the party? They allocated guards and decided on the following:
- The engineers must first make the broken siege engine usable (1 more day), then go and fix the bridge.
- they must explore the rumors about Staunton Vhane not being liked by the forces. Perhaps that could be used to their advantage?
- They need to get hold of the bridge, in case fixing the broken bridge takes too long, and to keep options safe. (Mounted troops can only pass by those routes)
- They need to create another diversion for Andera to take down the remaining 2 siege engines.
- They need to find out about the prisoner in Drezen. Perhaps they could mount a secret rescue team?
- Scouts to check out the graveyard and the darkness within better.
- And last but not least- the question of a traitor. The party had various ideas. They agreed it needs to be one of the command staff (a bit through meta gaming, but also due to needing to be in a position of influence). Some suspects were Qulin Long shadow, John, and the most prominent one strangely- Aravsh?!? ("He always tries to be helpful!") but with no real ideas. Julian thought to have them all strip of their magical items and cast zone of truth or discern lies or such, but they knew no one will agree to that treatment. No, they will have to find the traitor the old fashioned way.

So... a lot of options! They decided to tackle them in the morning.

Dreams and visions

Not to leave Andera and Sena out, I gave them some visions themselves. Yeah, I know dreams are really overdone, but couldn't come with anything else.

Andera's vision: he feels himself making a feverish prayer, some of it in celestial, some of it in abyssal, alternating, fighting, his hand scratches the wall, the other tastes blood, icor burning blood. "Where are you? Where are my skies? I have lost the Bell of Heaven. Sky mother, I am so far from your light…"

The party assumes this is the prisoner, only they think of an interesting interpretation- she is like Mad dog! She has become half demon and is struggling to contain it. The party now wishes to find her more than before!

Sena's vision: He feels more than see... some sort of a light, chained, contained, Looks inwards… Inside there is a hardened shell, a statue, a core, a diamond. Sena is in a warm, comforting, wet place, (Julian's player: "The womb?!" Correct!) reaching out when suddnely the light reaches out, and a great shimmering power envelops…

Sena's player seems confused, but answers "Where Sarenrae points, I follow!" (And Squeaky wheel gets the kick! Please tell me you know the references! :smallwink:)

Niightly retribution

But not all is over yet! For The forces of Drezen are sending combined efforts to bring an end to the invasion...

Attack of the vescavor swarm! (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=YvZNEcqWf0w&p=n)

The party were awoken (All were asleep by random rolls, so chain shirts) by this great buzzing. The Lucky Bastards (With Mad dog) and the Bartlets (With Julian) were guarding the bridge to Paradise Hill (The unbroken one) and the rest were up on the hill. Look out stations near the gorge alerted for the coming of a large vescavor swarm army (8 squares big, each square 100x100feet). The party asked "We got replenished right?" I replied "Not till morning!". Party "Damn!"

The party's initial attempts to fight the swarm prove ineffective (Immune to weapon, and most spells are out). After a few rounds Sena luckily remembers the queen, and spots her! Only these few rounds prove critical:
- The swarm descends upon the tieflings and Queen's knights. Not only does it do damage, but it destroys some of their equipment as well (Reducing DV and OM by 1 each round).
- 2 ghoul armies from the graveyard sneak in (Ambush tactic and sneaky) and engage the lucky bastards by the bridge. The bastards fight back valiantly, destroying one army before the other retreats)
- A ghoslty figure (The projection of the berbalan from the vault in the graveyard) comes and attack the Bartlets, sapping their strength! Julian face it solo, and scorches it well with her scorching rays. It disappears for now.
- Most alarming however is the sudden explosion and fire from the working siege engine! followed shortly after by Nurah's shouts "Stop commander John before he reaches the other siege weapon!" (At which point Sena's player looks at me "You bastard!" :smallbiggrin:)

Sena is torn between going after John, and trying to take down the queen. He decides that his priorities for the army come first. At this point the plyers surprise me by not wishing to face the queen as PCs, but use their armies! At first I disallow pinpointing her from the army, but as Aravash (Played by Sena), successfully uses glitterdust on it, I allow it. After 2 mroe rounds of focused fire by the Bartlets, mongrelfolk and the tieflings (Who have disengaged) the blinded queen dies, and the swarm disperse.

In the meantime, Julian has broken off her army, and come to face John, just before he reaches the tent. There is a strange maddened look upon his face, his chain shirt shows blood. Julian faces him, tries to web him between some tents, but he then pulls a wand and tries to activate it, suddenly going "oh sh*t!" and disappearing. Julian recognizes the spell as... teleport? (The party: "A wand of teleport? Pretty strong! We should get it! face palm! :smallsigh:)

The Silver Banner, led by Dumas find John at his tent, (With no signs of web Julin noted later) somewhat dazed and out of it, and bashed him "As appropriate for a betrayer!" Before Julian reaches the place and puts a hold to things.

All in all the armies survived the attack. The Queen's knights suffered many injuries, and lost 3 DV/OM (They scavange equipment to make up for 2). The tiefligns similarly, and the Berbalang jumps in again(fully healed thanks to fast healing), and damages the Bartlets nicely.

But all of this matters less. Now they have to deal with Commander John.

The entire attack was meant to confuse the player, and force them to divide their attention. The swarm was easily made, with my idea is that they fight the Queen as a party. Their decision to use the armies took a bit of adjusting, but I allowed for it.

CompositionLarge Vescavor swarm army
ACR/ init7/+7
Size8 squres
DV/OM17/+7 (See gibber and immune)
Specialgibber (succeed on moral or lose -4 to attack)
immune to weapons
traumatizing (Army moral vs. 20. Any below are lost to madness)
ravenous: reduces OM/ DV by 1 every turn

"Trial" of Commander John

A music after the battle, nd for a bit of emotional tension. (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=6XxmZ3oDpcA)
(Suggested by curious-puzzle! Thanks a lot!)

The spirits in the camp after the last sudden attack, and the loss of the siege engine (For it was utterly destroyed), are in turmoil, rage, anger, seeking vengeance. Into this John, looking shocked, dazed, in grief and at a loss, His spirits churning accusations and hard things, is dragged by Dumas and two of his soldiers, towards one of the raised platforms of the hill. Upon it the various army leaders are gathered, in various states of emotion. The party heads straight there, just as Nurah (:smallamused:) puts herself forward to speak with the crowd. "I have known John for sometime, and he is a good man, but I have seen him! In the attack, I ran towards the armies, when I heard something from the siege engine tent, I called two of the Knights of Sarenrae (The two stood there, at obvious discomfort, and were questioned briefly, sying the sme basic story), and we entered, seeing John working on the engine, talking to two tieflings and mognrelfolk, all of which ran. John cut me deep (She DID have a nice slice of her side. Sena healed her- apparently he trusts her?) and ran straight for the second tent. Thank Iomedae that Julian was there to stop him!"

John himself looked miserable "Perhaps I have done it... reality, shadow, it is all a mix now. Perhaps I am a monster." The man looked broken. Andera called at him. "You admit it? What did you do?" Julian intervened "What do you remember? Not what you think, what you ACTUALLY remember!" John, not finding any more reason to resist, spilled that he has fallen to the use of the drug known as Shadow's blood. At which some of the more knowledgeable in the NPCs cursed.

(Shadow blood is a drug used in the campaign to lower Aron/ John's mental defenses. Comes from shadow demon) Nurah looked at John pitifully. "It is as I feared, he has fallen under the influence of the drug, and has acted in it's evil influence." Sena interjected "Wait! But that means that he is tricked, that someone tried to influence him!", Nurah agreed. "Indeed, must be one of those mongrelfolk or tieflings that were with him, the half demons vanished into darkness, the other under the tent flap into the chaos. We should search the two armies well! But it matters not- Commander John has been security risk amongst us, and nearly cost us the crusade!"

Accusations flare up against the tielfings and mongrelfolk (Due to the previous days and Nurah's efforts, the ground was ripe). Andera even questions Qulin, who's shadow envelopes around him protectively. Qulin promises to purge any betrayers from his camp with feverish admonitions!

Nurah tries to sway the army more, but presenting her position as caring for the army, the queen's representative and to ease John's own soul and suffering. Sen seems torn, and can't decide. As Nurah gains favor, suddenly Dumas calls for a field execution. It is Julian that comes to the front. "Wait! This is wrong. Something is amiss here! This man is being used to divert us, tear us! I agree, he is a security risk, we will lock him up, and judge him AFTER the siege is over, and decide his fate properly, not in a hashed out manner like this!" The crowd hesitates (The party did mange to protect his name before. Julian continues "This hill has prisons, the bastards have seen the worst of them. We shall keep him there, and make sure that The Knights of Sarenrae themselves guard him."

Julian's words resonate in the crowd, and John is locked down below. Andera begins a search with his scouts over the tieflings, and Sena leaves the command of the First ascendents (Mongrelfolk) fully to Lann. "I wished these were other circumstnces, but..." Sena's voice broke a bit, when Lann put his hand on him. "I understand brother Spirit". Sena then went to the Knights of Sarenrae, and took command of them. "I don't believe it. There is something else behind this. John's actions have disgraced us. I will command this force. This is temporary till brother John returns and redeems his name. I'm sure of it." This decision will prove most important later on in the session, in the siege of Drezen.

Sena then quickly searched John's tent, and found 3 empty vials of shadowblood, 1 full. He went to his cell, and knelt before it, whispering to John. "These have made you do this?" John looked hollow. "They were a temptation, Sarenrae was testing me, even if through betrayer. THIS was my decision, and yet... I failed, I was weak, I gave excuses." Sena was angry "Stop this! You were under demonic influence!" John looked down, not meeting Sena's eyes. "They lower your defenses, but where are my decisions? Where does the demon begin, and where do I end? I am... I am sorry Senatef..." At that John went to the far end and would speak no longer (I thought this is an appropriate ending at this point, and the party wished to move along).

Frustrated, grieving and confused, Senatef went up, to a troubled sleep. Tomorrow the siege continues... The player commented: "This reminds me of the story from Neverwinter Nights 1, where Arabeth's lover was killed, which started her descent into being an Antipaladin..." :smallamused:

Phew! This took much longer than I've thought to write! I think this covers about half the session or so. Hope you're enjoying! I will be putting the second and third part together into one second part. No need for too much splitting.

Kol Korran
2014-11-21, 04:25 PM
Session 12, part 2- The Bridge, Nurah, Soltengrabbe and the attack on Drezen!

Morning news- Commander John is gone! His cell lock is picked clean, and the Sarenrae soldiers are killed. On the wall is written "I'm going back to the source" (The shadow demon inside Drezen). A watch post said John stormed past them, and cast hold person on them. a long post said that the gtes of Drezen opened up for him, and welcomed him.

The party awoke a bit dismayed, but at least- powers recharged! (Including the 7th level spells and such). After a brief discussion the party decided that they will first capture the bridge, and then maybe will give Andera his diversion to go sabotage the other siege engines.

"So it this the last of him?" Asks Andera, concerning John. Sena shakes his head slowly "I have feeling we'll see him again..."

The Ahari bridge massacre

They grew close to observe the bridge, and saw the 8 tieflings, 4 chained aurochs (For which they for some reason decided that they have over 100 hp each? :smalltongue:), and Barrid, the sorcerer at the back. Andera snuck through the gorge to behind the bridge, enough to get close to Barrid, while the rest? 3 invisibility spells and one silence got them to about 20 feet of the tieflings, to unleash the onslaught!

And what a decisive onslaught it was! The battle was a joke! Sena started with smite evill on the tiefligns (Very surprised to see them fall so easily), Julian started spamming grease spell on the beasts to stop them pulling, Md dog charged to kill them quickly, and Andera did quick work of the surprised Barrid at the back. (Andera took the Step up feat which works EXCELLENT against casters! Disrupted him nicely!) In 2-3 rounds the battle was over without a single hp lost. A real "strike team" operation!

Crappy encounter, which is supposed to be tough, but really isn't. None of the participants have good perception skills to notice the chשracters, so they just... sit and wait. But good enough to let the party feel awesome! :smallamused:

I let the party retreat a bit and check the magic items (Especially the wand of teleportation), When I sprang the next surprise on them!

It is time... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnuyLcqC5LY) :smallbiggrin:

But first, closing up loose ends

The party heard a great roar, and saw a big shadow flying... not towards them, but towards their armies on Paradise Hill! Here I may have made a mistake. The party wanted to use this as a diversion for Andera to go sneak (Apparently they didn't think of Soltengrabbe seriously), but I hinted they think they may need their entire strength. Julian's player was annoyed at me "A DM should never hint!" (I hven't so far, but I wished for Ander's plyer to experience this fight as well). Hopefully not a big mistake... :smallfrown:

Julian conjured tow mounts, and the party bolted, casters on one horse, mundane on another. But an Ambush has been set, by none other than Nurah, Brother John (with Wakizashis?), 15 rogue tieflings and 3 sorcerers. ("Wait, so he is a betrayer?") Nurah casts grease on Julian's horse which falls in the middle of the bunch, but Mad dog spurns his horse to jump over the blockade of tielflings and "Can I jump from my horse on her?" Me: "Um... Sure... give me athletics 15" Mad dog jumps in mid air and comes burying his sword in the surprised Nurah. Andera also jumps and lands near John, each wielding two Wakizshis. Andera hisses "There is no redemption for the likes of you!" and used mythic power to do an impressive sneak attack for more than 50 damage! AS he hit him, the pain made the mask of Brother John slip away to reveal... Excorius!

Seeing this Sena rose "ENOUGH!" And cast Smite evil, killing most of the tieflings in the way. Julian kills excorius with MM and threatens the others "Run now, while you still can!" Nurah tries to move 5ft back and cast displacemקnt, utterly shocked at the onslaught. Mad dog finishes the job and buries his sword through her skull down the length of her body. (This player seems to like grisly descriptions as well!)

Without further ado, the party heads towards the mess with Soltengrabbe.

My version of things is that While Nurah was plying her subterfuge to the army, she noticed Excorius, and somehow contacted him. HE then supplied her of the demon's blood, straight from the source (Teleport is a wonderful ability), and used his own shape shifting skills to sow confusion, such as in last night, where he masqueraded as John ("Activating" a teleport wand). This was the meaning of the note "Wait for my signal".

They now wished to give Soltengrabbe as much time as she could to wreck the armies (See soon enough). I initially thought the Nurah might be able to escape (She's a crappy combatant), but failed that.


Awesome battle music! (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=wCtEmXBvuI4&p=n)
alternating with
More great music! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5HBuZCc3us)
(Suggested by kornwiser! Thanks a lot)

There is some distance from the bridge to Paradise hill, not to mention an (albeit short) delay on the way. This gave Soltengrabbe 3 rounds with the armies. We rolled randomaly and she fell (of course) on the Queen's knights (They suffer the worse of the burnt) She attacked them for 3 "army rounds" (3 minutes) before the party could get there. The army didn't manage to damage her, due to her resistance.

CompositionFine demonic mythic chimera
ACR/ init4/+4
hp40 (each hp= 3.5 hp for regular play
Moral+4 (to death)
DV/OM14/+4 (See Significant defense, great speed, breath weapon)
Tacticsrelentless brutality
SpecialSignificant defense +15 DV (Epic)
Great speed- 2 attacks per turn
Breath weapon- 1 attack, if "hit" than ACR damage

On the way to her the casters casts a few defensive spells. They meet her chomping down a horse on top of a hill, the other armies soon disperse, recognizing hero stuff in the making! Mad dog charges on his horse again, and uses mythic power to bypass her DR, damageing abotu 40 out of her 140 hit points. Andera attacks, misses and vanishes. Soltengrabbe uses her mythic power to breath swiftly, and then full attacks Mad dog, dropping him into about -22! (From about 80). Thankfuklly due to mythic he doesn't die immediatly.

Sena appraoches, and uses mythic power to cast commune protection from cold on him, the horse and Julian, Soltengrabbe approavhes and tries to smack him, but misses. the party is surprised at Soltengrabbe's second turn in a round! Julian tries to slow her, but her many brains ability helps her win against that.

Andera then begins his routine of comign to her invisible, sneak attacking with mythic power and hten bvanishing. She uses full attack after full attack on Sena, but he turtles in and evades nearly all attacks (Really High CR), while he uses his channel smite (the 7th level feat) to struck harsh strikes on his own. Julian's spells are ineffective.

With Mad dog's initial heavy damage, Andera's continual decent blows, and Sena's tanking they manage to bring Soltengrabbe down!The party rejoiced in their victory, as the thrilled and cheering armies came to greet them!

All in all I think it was a bit too easy. I wonder at Senatef nigh impenetrable armor. Hard to challenge like this... Still, the party felt awesome! :smallbiggrin:

I've been using the altered stats of Soltengrabbe, which were suggested by Alleran earlier in the thread. I post them here for the interested...

XP 9,600
Female advanced mythic chimera (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 44, Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures)
CE Large magical beast (demon, mythic)
Init +10/-10M, dual initiative; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +17

AC 24, touch 11, flat-footed 22 (+2 Dex, +13 natural, –1 size)
hp 142 (12d10+76)
Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +7
Defensive Abilities three brains; DR 10/epic and cold iron or epic and good; Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 21

Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (poor)
Melee bite +18 (2d6+6/19-20), bite +18 (1d8+6/19-20), gore +17 (1d8+6 plus trip), 2 claws +17 (1d6+6) Power attack: -4/ +12/ +8
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks mythic breath weapon, mythic power (4/day, surge 1d8), crushing jaws

Str 22, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +12; CMB +18; CMD 30 (34 vs. trip)
Feats Ability Focus (mythic breath), Improved Critical (bite), Improved InitiativeM, Iron Will, Power Attack (-4/+12)M, Weapon Focus (bite), ToughnessB
Skills Fly +8, Perception +17, Stealth -2 (+2 in scrubland or brush); Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +4 Stealth in scrubland or brush
Languages Draconic
SQ demonic

Crushing Jaws (Ex)
If Soltengrebbe hits a creature with both bite attacks, it savages its prey as a free action. This deals 2d6+1d8+9 points of damage. In addition, the victim must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save to resist being staggered by the pain for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Strength-based.
Demonic (Ex)
Soltengrebbe's transformation into a mythic creature has infused it with many demonic resistances and immunities. It counts as if it had the demon subtype for the purposes of effects that have additional effects against demons.
Mythic Breath Weapon (Su)
Soltengrebbe's breath weapon is usable once every 1d4 rounds, deals 6d8 points of cold damage and 2d8 piercing damage in a 40-foot cone, and allows a DC 21 Reflex save for half damage. The save DC is Constitution-based. If Soltengrebbe expends one use of mythic power, it can be used as a swift action.
Three Brains (Ex)
Anytime Soltengrebbe attempts a Will saving throw, it rolls twice and uses the better result.

Mythic tier 2+ aftermath

First of all- Tier 2 changes:
- Julian: Took Eldritch Breach. Her two mythic spells now are ray of enfeeblement+ hideous laughter (She changed the last from Mirror image which did not work as she thought)
- Andera: Took combat trickery, seeking combat control.
- Mad dog: Took burst through. He wants to charge!
- Sena: Took faith reach (Mostly for communal spells)
The party got some extra hp, amazing initiative and increased their main abilities by 2 each.

The party got Excorius and Nurah's equipment back. They especially liked the handy haversack (I gave it a secret compartment where Nurah kept the vials of shadowblood), and the w nd of modify memory ("That explains a few things!") And Andera of course took the Wakizashis, both magical (1 of them spell storing, another by suggestions in the forum- a +1 sword turning to +3 for sneaks and confirm crits). A heavy boosts to his magical abilitiesm, but he lacks behind the rest by faaarrr...

The armies were of a VERY high moral (After the bridge and Soltengrabbe), but the Queen's Knights were beaten up bad (more casualties), and the betrayels of some tieflings took 2 permanent hp of Ander's army.

All in all the Bartlets were 3 hp down (Doesn't seem like a lot, but 10 is their max), Queen's knights at -15, tieflings at -7, and a few other minor injuries to the armies. Not to mention the unconscious Mad dog. Sena became angry at everyone drinking his channel and spells (Mad dog took a LOT to heal), but dispensed it till he was dried out, and still the Knights were not that good...

Andera takes this opportunity to give his people, now free of their betrayers a new name- "Deskari's bane!" (Also a sort of a precaution, putting them FIRMLY on one side of the conflict). Qulin mulls over it... "I like it! I t means problems maybe, but we are your servants, Deskri's bane, and we shall be your weapons.... maassttterrr!" (Cue in profound groveling, and rolling of eyes)

Parley at the gate

What next? The turn of moral was too good to pass up! Julian said it "I bet the enemy really didn't like seeing their champion beaten down! Lets go shake them up a bit more, and give Andera a chance to take down the other two siege weapons."

So the party did something unexpected, and quite lovely! :smalltongue: They cut off the 3 heads of the chimera, and rode towards the gate. On the way Andera rolled off and went into the gorge, sneaking. As the other trio reached the bridge they put the heads on display, and Julian called out loud. "My the lord of this land show itself!" (:smallbiggrin:) They did not quite expect the outcome.

A sort of a dark presence loomed over the bridge, and the ghost image of Staunton Vhane, They could feel his power over the troops, a gripping hand of terror. "You dare the affront of speaking with us?"

Julian didn't flinch "We have slayed those on Paradise Hill, we have killed your spies" (She threw the bodies of Nurah and Excorius. "And we have easily killed your Champion. I come to offer you surrender!" This was met with a great sinister laugh from the wall, one hollow and grave. "You have only faced the outside of Drezen. Come, clash on it's walls, and bleed!"

Julian tried to spar some words with him, giving Andera good time to sneak to the walls, but she was caught "Such paltry tricks? we shall double the guard, for any sort of approach. None gets into Drezen!" (The party joked "You do not simply walk into Mordor!") Andera managed to sneak well enough to avoid detection, and hid back in the gorge.

But there was aa second reason to coming here. Julian makes a final ultimatum: "Well it was nice speaking to the wall that cannot surrender. Tomorrow Drezen will fall! None that will stay tomorrow will survive. The dwarf is stuck within, but the rest of you can still turn away. It is not your way. His soul is chained to the wall, sorcery is all around you and still- it doesn't help! We give you till tomorrow, run away or be destroyed." With that the party left.

Now, to tell the truth I wasn't expecting this, but I let Julian roll intimidate against Staunton's intimidate, and she managed to persuade some forces. 2 dretch armies and 20% of the shcir army hp were removed from the siege. As you will see, this may have saved a few armies later on!

Andera wited till dark and made his move. though the DC were harder, and meeting the last surviving brimorak in the last tower he manged to evde everything, sbotage the engines, and make his way back.

At night the berbelang attacks a bit, nothing much to report...

It is at this point that we come to the near 9 hours mark of our session. But we decide to play on!

Day 10, the siege of Drezen!

(Apologies: I can't for some reason rotate the following pics. If anyone can help in this, I'd be much obliged. Thanks!)

It is Julian's birthday! "I'd like a fortress as a present!" :smalltongue: The party decides to forgo the graveyard and such, but insted to attack the fort today. The plan is fairly simple:

From the north east, near the broken bridge, the siege engine of the Knights of Sarenrae (Under Sena) will try to bring the wall down, and draw troops outside, and away from the main gate. The other non mounted troops (Tieflings under Andera, Bastards under Mad dog, and The mongrelfolk under Lann) Will try and occupy such troops and maybe force a way in. If possible, the siege engine will be moved towards the gate. (They assumed the enemy can't launch, or won't want to launch a massive offense outside of the walls)

At the south, the mounted troops (Bartlets under Julian, Queen's Knights and Silver Banner) will either use the siege engine to bring down the gate, or will force their way in otherwise (They didn't quite have a plan for this). The big idea was to splint the enemy's forces, and try to lure them out, since facing them ll at a defended choke point won't succeed.

This also meant splitting the party- Julian alone, Sena with the siege engine, and the rest on his side. Julian's hawk familiar will deliver messages.

Dark ages from 2 steps from hell. Very befitting music! (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=U0Dx3itM_q4&p=n)

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/099398aa-6d2e-4868-a75e-5625145ff57f_zps4b027bdc.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/099398aa-6d2e-4868-a75e-5625145ff57f_zps4b027bdc.jpg.html)

North is to the left, east is up... Grrrr...In the east I joined the map of Paradise hill, where the initial non mounted troops are gathered.

As the forces were getting to attack position, they could see enemy forces. Tieflings over the NE walls, Cultists over the gate, and another groups of cultists on the walls between them. Dretches and Schirs were not seen yet. Sena gave the order to start the attack, and heaves of stones flew to Drezen's walls.

Did I mention the player rolls well? He hit the walls hard, and put in a dent. The Bartlets let out a surprise volley on the cultists at the gate, and retreat. The fort tries to reply, but their catapults cave in on themselves. Andera looks pleased! :smallamused: The PCs' catapult lets down another barage and takes down a wall, but the fort had more surprises- the trapped ghosts of former crusaders rise from their maze like structre (not that the PC know of it), and rush from the walls straight towards the Knights of Sarenrae! In here is hows how frutious is is that Sen commanded them, since his defensive spells, Smite Evil and channel energy gives the army SOME ability to fight back. (I originally thought they might need some strike team inside).

Between fightingthe ghosts the army manages to retreat a step and takes a second wall section down. A large tieflign army along with a dretch rmy come to the gap to stop approaching armies.

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/Drezen_map_first_broken_walls1_zpscfc35d26.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/Drezen_map_first_broken_walls1_zpscfc35d26.jpg.htm l)

This time north is down. To the east (Left) Sena's forces are engaged with the ghost army (White). out of the walls come the tieflings (Red), and dretches (green), the cultists are still on the walls for the meantime (blue)

If you need a job done, call a wizard

The tiefligns try to engage the ghosts with sorcerers alone, while the siege engines are being held. Julian, seeing through the eyes of her hawk doesn't like this, and tries to come up with ways to open the gate. Knock? too big... hmmmm...

Meanwhile, Sena's channel energy finally takes down the ghosts, but they see their energy flowing back to the fort, and soon after they appear again!

Julian decides it's enough, the siege engines won't come this battle. She picks two sturdy crusaders, casts mirror image and invisibility on the 3 of them, calls for the forces to make some diversion, and teleports them 3 to one of the towers near the gate. She imagines that there is a mechanism there. We roll, and she rolls lucky and picks the right gate. The 3 rush down and face the Brimorak left to guard it! One mythic hideous laughter later, and a knock on the door leading, the two crusaders start opening the gates! Arabeth signals to the QUeen's knights "Charge!" They come to clash with the Shcir army (A dretch army behind them), with the Silver Banner coming close behind, and the Bartlets starting shoot out with the cultists up the wall

(This took a bit of improvisation, but her logic seems cool enough)

Ducks in a barrel
On the other side, the armies leave the Knights of Sarenrae (Who get one or two parting shots before being engaged in the weakened ghost army. They lose power each time they are destroyed), and start a shooting match with the tieflings, and then cultists who join. Sena, who leads this side, has enough and makes a crucial mistake. "Enough! Engage them!" He calls to the others.

The 3 armies comply, and climb down the gorge, but the enemy just comes to the top of the gorge and start shooting them down, not enabling them to get up! The tieflings suffer heavy losses, the bastards moderate.

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/Drezen_map_battle_of_gorge_and_gate1_zpsbb9d7252.j pg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/Drezen_map_battle_of_gorge_and_gate1_zpsbb9d7252.j pg.html)

Again, north is down. The forces to the east are in the gorge, with the enemy blocking them from up. At the gate the Queen's knight (South, or up) against the shcir, the other armies behind them

Could go either way!

A few tense rounds pass. One one side Sena manages to shrugs the ghosts again, and manage a shot at the tiefling Army. Andera's army uses darkness on the cultists, and manages to scamper up and fight, but nearly gets wiped in the process. The potions from the temple of welcome night are drank left and right. Sena curses deeply as yet more ghosts form. Nearly out of smite eveil and channel energy.

On the other front The Bartlets deal good damage, but tke good damge as well, and nearly disperse. Julian uses the dimension doo wand to get to a clean tower, and launches fireball after fireball and the cultists, showering the knights below with charred heathen meat.

The Queen's Knights however meet Staunton's presence commanding the Shcirs! They prove tough, and The Queen's knights also suffer heavy losses. His presence is enough to instill a routing check every turn (The reason the others don't face this is because is presence is in the fort's territory only.

The party roll about 4-5 20s on defenses and such. a very close call. Finally the Shcir fall! (Thanks to Julian's previous demoralizing speech), but Staunton presence disperse the Silver Banner. The enemy tieflings fall as well, and the Lucky bastards climb to fight with the tiefligns against the cultists.

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/Drezen_map_near_schir_dead1_zps3e27aa50.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/Drezen_map_near_schir_dead1_zps3e27aa50.jpg.html)

North is to the right. In the east Sena's army is still occupied with the ghosts, while the others are getting out of the gorge. The Knights are at the gate, with the green dretch army in front.

Finishing it off

Though the Queen's Knights are triumphant, the dretch army charge, along with Staunton Vhane's presence annihilates the army (Arabeth escapes). After that it's fairly over though, Julin continues to blast from her perch, and with the Bartlets takes the last of the cultists and dretch army. The bastards engage the cultists and enables Andera's army to retreat, while the mongrelfolk go inside and wreck the ghost-generating-maze, and last tiefling army.

Opposition annihilated, the rest of the army enters Conquered Drezen!

The cost: The Silver Banner, The Queen's Knights, Tielign at 2 hit point (and suffered casualties), and Bartlets at 2 hit points. plus the others wounded to various degrees. But the feeling of elation great!

Happy birthday Julian!:smallbiggrin:

Each player's XP: 50,263 (Almost 8th level. That went by fast!)

We finished the session here. It was a terrific ride so far. This also concludes the mass combat part (At least for this module) and I may talk about it in a further post, when I get the time. I intend to talk about our experiences with mythic (Now having played with it for 1 tier).

But for now- sleeeeeeep! :smallsmile: Please, add a comment, a note, or a question. Responses really help a lot!

Kol Korran
2014-11-22, 05:20 AM
This post deals with conclusions from Mythic play, as well as conclusions from our Mass combat rules, army management, and how they were used in this campaign.

Experiences with Mythic play- Tier 1

So, we have played with the first tier of mythic power till now. How did it play so far? Well, the surge has almost never been used so far. (Maybe because it's just a 1d6). Each character used mythic power nearly solely for their path signature ability- the casters just used it to add a lot of spontaneous spells, and the mundanes added their powerful attacks (Either rolling twice and choosing the best or making it a sneak attack) not considering DR.

The effects?

More caster versatility. For prepared casters, such as Sena, it means less dependency on scrolls (He hasn't used any since he got Mythic power), and "having" more utility spells. For spontaneous casters (Such as Julian), it means having a much more varied "spell list" to choose from.
More caster power: since the spell level is only limited by the highest level the caster can cast usually, these extra spells are almost always from the highest spell level, givign the caster in effect a bunch load of extra spells of this high level, often more than lower levels! Sena for example was spamming Smite Evil left and right in the siege battle and the previous battles. I am less worried about this now, but as mythic power points increase by 2 for each level, this may mean a LOT of spells. It's the only problem I have with mythic power so far.
More attacks, and more powerful- DR becomes a sort of a joke. (Soltengrabbe's epic DR didn't help much). Since the extra attack of the mundanes can be added to any round (As long as there was any attack there), the players spam as many extra attacks as the mundanes do spells. They often hit more and cause decent- serious damage.
The "Hard to kill" Ability is a life saver. It saved 1 or 2 characters from dying (I think it was Mad dog on both cases :smalltongue:). Though I like the "double hp to die" aspect, I do miss the bleeding to death and tension it caused.

On the whole though, s Julian and Andera's player said- it gives the characters a feeling that they are something special, unique, beyond the normal constraints of others, or in other words- Mythic... So I guess it does get the feeling across. I did feel some challenges were easier to deal with, but not by a whole lot. It also makes the game less... clunky, since the characters (mostly casters) have more options, and thus they get stuck less and move the game more.

So all in all, I'm for it. I will discuss with the players about the "spamming the highest level spells" aspect with them before the next session, see what they have to say.

Leading a low level complex army
Well, this has been quite a ride! Some of the conclusions here are things I've been discussing with another forumist- Haktar in the Mass combat rules thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?378446-Tactical-Mass-Combat-rules-%28Not-the-Paizo-strategic-battle%29&p=18438133#post18438133), but others pertain more to this campaign:

Though I haven't played out the Paizo version of the siege, the players LOVED the mass combat, though it took some time to get used to. On the whole They loved dealing with the combats themselves, with tactical decisions, placing of troops, movement and such. A positive experience.
In retrospect, I should have allowed only the characters to be army leaders, with all of the other NPCs to maybe add tctic, a bonus, and ability or such (Like Aravash as a support caster). The reality is that the players cared mostly for their own armies, and gave a lot less attention to the others. The amount of "NPCs" (Which included both commanding NPCs, face NPCs and the armies themselves) was too much for me to handle, or for the players to keep track off, and we kept forgetting about this or that (The Knights of Sarenrae were all but forgotten till the last battle, Qulin kept getting overlooked, and Aravbeth was in the background for most of the time). I suggest to focus on a smaller army (Number of units equal to number of PCs), and adjust the challenges accordingly.
Inter- army arguments: This was mostly to how I played out Nurah, the prejudices and such in the army. I think it added to the game, but as Julian's player said in the last session: "This is the most undisciplined, rumor mongering and problematic army I've ever seen!" He is right about it, but perhaps it is worth to lower it down.
For me at least as a DM it is hard to keep on the strategy track of all of the enemy units. Furthermore, adding the +4/-4 tactic to potential relentless brutality (another +4/ -4) makes for devastating suicide squads. I've avoided it most times (Due to the enemies trying to also... you know.. preserve themselves?) but these combinations are indeed problematic. Haktar suggested to forgo the strategy track altogether, which gives these tactics a more unique feel as well. But my players kinda liked having something extra to play with (There are notthat many options in mass combat). So we'll see
Ranged combat has proven quite powerful when facing a non ranged combatant (Like in the combat with the vargoiles, elementals and skeletons). One track that Haktar suggested was to try and make the different kinds of units more specialized (Melee, ranged, mounted, ambush and so on) through tactics specific to them. Might make things more complicated, but I need to see if this can be done.
A major thematic problem is having individual characters (Usually PCs) acting on the battlefield in "normal game speed (6 seconds rounds), along with the mass combat game (1 minute rounds). This showed it's ugly head in the battle of Keeper's canyon with Excorius challenging three characters to single combat, which ground the game to a halt, with 3 other players twiddling their thumbs. In the last battle Julian also embarked on her own, but this for some reason went much faster- into the tower, kill the brimorak, open gate. Then out and blast the cultists from a distance. So I'm not sure about this... I think with 2 or more characters it would be very difficult to manage.
Consumption: I haven't touched upon this a lot in the log. All armies had supplies for 2 weeks, but I had some supply destroyed (Due to Worldwound effects or Nurah's sabotage). This came to be a hassle to keep track of these for some reason- who has what, who transferred how much consumption to whom, and so on. All in all- it didn't really interested anyone! Maybe on a more strategic or logistic minded game it would have matter, but not in this very focused and linear siege. (Not to mention they finished on the 10th day) I'd suggest to either keep it in the background entirely, or to have all the armies pull up their resources together, and just deduct the total consumption from that.
Learning boons and tactics: Though it was difficult to gasp in the first 2 battles, it soon after became easy for the players. The armies and commanders were sort of saturated after they captured Paradise hill, which was the sweet spot. Haktar suggested maybe altering the mechanics also deepening on winning or losing. We haven't yet come to a conclusion about that. (As I feel a loss could potentially teach you MORE)
Players' learning curve: The players understood how the mass combat works (more than less) at the battle of bloody sands (The ambush with elementals and skeletons). So I think it took about... 3 battles? The battle of Keeper's canyon proved very difficult to grasp for some reason, but I'm not sure why. Perhaps the introduction of Excorius and his challenges at the second mass combat made things too difficult to grasp. The players are not all fully certain of the 5-phses-of-mass-combat, but on the whole they understand how things work.

All in all a good experience. Some rough edges and things to work out (I heard there is mass combat at the fourth module as well? :smallamused:) we'll work things out.

For now, the aftermath of the battle, and the citadel of Drezen awaits!

Kol Korran
2014-11-25, 03:32 PM
For those intrigued, or who wish to participate and help me design, I've added This design thread: Remaking the Citadel of Drezen (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?385371-Remaking-the-Citadel-of-Drezen-of-the-Sword-of-Valor-module-spoilers!&p=18451728#post18451728)

Red Rubber Band
2014-11-25, 08:27 PM
Thanks for the campaign log, I very much enjoyed reading it :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2014-11-30, 10:26 AM
Thanks Red Rubber Band! It's nice to know people are reading and enjoying! It strengthen the resolve to keep this going!

Hola folks, I need your help!

The thing that always gets me the most about planning a session is... treasure placement. Now, I've tried to check the total loot value they give in the module up till it's finished, but it is utterly ridiculous, They go way, way beyond the WBL, and the party is already super strong...

So, here's the deal: I've decided to allocate treasure myself. I've already done Soltengrabbe's treasure (Which the party will find in the broken tower in the courtyard instead of inside. I thought to link it more to the struggle itself), Which is supposed to bring each character to about 35,000 gp value (Though they may decide to divide things differently, up to them). I see that the module is supposed to end around mid 9th level, which means around 55,000 each...

So this means I need to find 20,000 per character, or 80,000 loot worth in total. Some main things to keep in mind:
- Most of this should be in item form, not much in coin, gems or art, unless it's cool and fancy! :smalltongue:

- A fair deal should be used by Staunton Vhane, who is by my making a CR 12, mythic tier 4 ghost (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/ghost) He will have the "Grave trapping", ability giving him the ability to use several items as if they were ghost touch. I'm thinking up to 3 items, but these should be powerful and thematic. In need of improving defense, hitting with touch attack and Charisma in general. His equipment can take up to 50K of the entire loot, but it doesn't have to be. It does need to feel like a special loot.

- I seek to have 3 "corrupted/ evil" items that the party could try to return to good by reversing the corruption forge. Details later, cool items first. These can be items on any of the other sections I've mentioned.

- The Armor of the Pious Templar (Or whatever it's called). I'd like to put in some sort of a similar object, but for a none paladin? Maybe something that all might use- an interesting choice? Not sure how to approach this. Perhaps a small relic from the time of the Sarkori people?

- Not all items need to be usable by the characters, but I intend for about 2/3-3/4 to be so.

- The Sword of Valor of course is not included in this.

- Slight tweaks or changes are welcomed of course. It's not like I keep things straight and narrow! :smalltongue:

A bit about the characters and items:
- Andera: Just got two fairly powerful Wakizashi, and a con +2 belt. Need things to help him survive better. The player looks for efficiency in a magic item first and foremost.

- Sena: Very high AC, but he likes to add to his defenses. The player likes "wild cards"- unexpected versatile things to be used cleverly. Does not need any more healing or spell help- he got that more than covered.

- Mad dog: Straight forward player- like stat boosting items that add up. Likes to sort of "go nova". He gets hit and dropped a lot. Needs better defense (I was thinking Mithral full plate of some sort).

- Julian: The player likes versatility and covering up any weak spot. He likes to have some sort of a solution for anything that may come. Mythic spells take care of that to a degree, but he likes more. If surprised, he gets hammered down quite easily.

The undistributed items from Soltengrabbe's horde:
Bag of holding type 3
Rod of Empower, minor
Boots of striding and springing
Helm of the fortunate soldier AA change of name from this one (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/h-l/jingasa-of-the-fortunate-soldier)
Long arm braces
ring of protection +1
I hope this helps, I often suck at magic item placement and choosing. Do you have any ideas for cool items that worked good with your game?

Thanks in advance,
Kol. :smallsmile:

Red Rubber Band
2014-11-30, 08:23 PM
Nps. I've enjoyed all of your campaign journals. And despite people saying that they're reading... sometimes you just want some affirmation!

A bit about the characters and items:
- Andera: Just got two fairly powerful Wakizashi, and a con +2 belt. Need things to help him survive better. The player looks for efficiency in a magic item first and foremost.

- Sena: Very high AC, but he likes to add to his defenses. The player likes "wild cards"- unexpected versatile things to be used cleverly. Does not need any more healing or spell help- he got that more than covered.

- Mad dog: Straight forward player- like stat boosting items that add up. Likes to sort of "go nova". He gets hit and dropped a lot. Needs better defense (I was thinking Mithral full plate of some sort).

- Julian: The player likes versatility and covering up any weak spot. He likes to have some sort of a solution for anything that may come. Mythic spells take care of that to a degree, but he likes more. If surprised, he gets hammered down quite easily.

Andera - Maybe boots with per day Abrupt Jaunt/Dimension Door? It can be used defensively or offensively. Or something with swift action invisibility? Oooh. Benign transportation! But then you'd need to shore up Mad dog's defenses as I'm assuming they'll be the target for it most of the time.

Sena - How about miss chance? Blur, Mirror Image? Is it the Twilight enhancement on armour that gives miss chance?

Mad dog - I'd agree with either AC, health, or miss chance. Health probably not something to boost, my stat views have been tainted by other RPGs I've played lately :smalltongue:

Julian - Add a class feature from Factotum :smallbiggrin:

Kol Korran
2014-12-01, 11:29 AM
A quick update!

We tried scheduling the next session, but we couldn't find a time till a month and a half from now. :smallsigh: This bummed everyone, but I was set to rework Drezen to something more interesting (To my group at least), and started to set to the project.

But... The players didn't like the long delay, and blessed their little murderous souls, they moved and shuffled things to make room for a session... this Saturday! :smallbiggrin: But... this means I hve very little time to prepare (I got plenty of other things in my life). Oh my... :smalleek:

Should I just fall back and try something simpler? The work ahead is complex, and calls for quite a few unorthodox design. And I don't have enough time for it...

Bah! I laugh at the face of a time limit! So I've decided to face a CR 13 design challenge? Time to bring in all the resources and DM class abilities, along with potions of cola and tea (I don't drink coffee), and work a few hours more. Sleep? I scoff at the face of sleepiness! Lets make this a Drezen worthy to be remembered! :smallamused:

Ok, humorous boasting aside, I will need to work faster on this. I usually mull and think ideas through, shape them better in my head, I may need to forgo that to an extent for now. I'll try to keep up the main design process notes on The "Remaking the citadel of Drezen" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?385371-Remaking-the-Citadel-of-Drezen-of-the-Sword-of-Valor-module-spoilers!&p=18451728#post18451728) thread, in case you're interested, or wish to help. All help would be apprecited. I hope I'll have enough time to update it.

Nps. I've enjoyed all of your campaign journals. And despite people saying that they're reading... sometimes you just want some affirmation!

Andera - Maybe boots with per day Abrupt Jaunt/Dimension Door? It can be used defensively or offensively. Or something with swift action invisibility? Oooh. Benign transportation! But then you'd need to shore up Mad dog's defenses as I'm assuming they'll be the target for it most of the time.

Sena - How about miss chance? Blur, Mirror Image? Is it the Twilight enhancement on armour that gives miss chance?

Mad dog - I'd agree with either AC, health, or miss chance. Health probably not something to boost, my stat views have been tainted by other RPGs I've played lately :smalltongue:

Julian - Add a class feature from Factotum :smallbiggrin:

Thanks for the suggestions! I see some of the ideas coming from 3.5. We're trying to stick to PF material only on this one though. As to your ideas:
- More movement options, especially some sort of teleportation might be cool for Andera indeed. Need to find something pathfinder-y for that though.

- Sena: I'd prefer to avoid using a miss chance mechanic. The player sort of dislike it and we keep it only to realy unique opponents (Such as Staunton Vhane) as the extra dice slow down game, nd they sort of ignore the enemy's abilities entirely, unless he can counter this ability specifically. No... for Sena I think some sort of an "Unexpected strange but versatile item" might be more appropriate. He loves those. I don't need to strengthen his defenses more. He withstood nearly 15 attacks from Soltengrabbe.

- Mad dog: I'm thinking more and more about some AC boosting item. Can mithral full plate be worn by someone without heavy weapon proficiency? Not sure. But looking for something a bit more... interesting...

- Julian: We don't use a factotum (Never seen one in play). I was thinking some sort of stave, mage robes or the like.

Suggestions folks?

Red Rubber Band
2014-12-01, 08:47 PM
Thanks for the suggestions! I see some of the ideas coming from 3.5. We're trying to stick to PF material only on this one though. As to your ideas:
- More movement options, especially some sort of teleportation might be cool for Andera indeed. Need to find something pathfinder-y for that though.

- Sena: I'd prefer to avoid using a miss chance mechanic. The player sort of dislike it and we keep it only to realy unique opponents (Such as Staunton Vhane) as the extra dice slow down game, nd they sort of ignore the enemy's abilities entirely, unless he can counter this ability specifically. No... for Sena I think some sort of an "Unexpected strange but versatile item" might be more appropriate. He loves those. I don't need to strengthen his defenses more. He withstood nearly 15 attacks from Soltengrabbe.

- Mad dog: I'm thinking more and more about some AC boosting item. Can mithral full plate be worn by someone without heavy weapon proficiency? Not sure. But looking for something a bit more... interesting...

- Julian: We don't use a factotum (Never seen one in play). I was thinking some sort of stave, mage robes or the like.

Suggestions folks?

Sorry, I'm not really knowledgeable on PF. I guess I was hoping there were some PF versions of the stuff I suggested :smallredface:

I'd still second looking at the Factotum abilities. Slap one or two of them onto an item you give Julian or Sena and see what kind of mischief they get up to. I may also really like Factotums...

Does PF have armour enhancement? I swear there was one (in 3.5) that allowed armour to be worn if someone had a lighter proficiency... oh, it may have been just making it out of mithral...

Kol Korran
2014-12-02, 05:30 AM
Sorry for bombarding with help posts, but I've put a side thread dealing with Making finding the Sword of Valor into a (hopefully) fun riddle (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?386408-Help-me-make-the-riddle-of-The-Sword-of-Valor). I'd love any inspiration on the matter! :smallamused:

Sorry, I'm not really knowledgeable on PF. I guess I was hoping there were some PF versions of the stuff I suggested :smallredface:
I'm not that knowledgeable of PF myself. We keep finding things we did a bit wrong. Andera's player is our rule adjuciator. I never know the rules of a game that well, I just make up scenes and try to make them work! :smalltongue:

I'd still second looking at the Factotum abilities. Slap one or two of them onto an item you give Julian or Sena and see what kind of mischief they get up to. I may also really like Factotums... I've only seen factotums mentioned very favorably on these boards, as better than rogues and ultimate skill monkeys or such. But I don't have the source book, or the time to go looking for this. Sorry.

Does PF have armour enhancement? I swear there was one (in 3.5) that allowed armour to be worn if someone had a lighter proficiency... oh, it may have been just making it out of mithral... I don't really know. I will try to look into it.

Red Rubber Band
2014-12-02, 07:48 PM
I've only seen factotums mentioned very favorably on these boards, as better than rogues and ultimate skill monkeys or such. But I don't have the source book, or the time to go looking for this. Sorry.

I can give you a brief run down. Might prompt an idea or two.

Factotums are on page 14 of Dungeonscape.
They get Inspiration points per encounter which they use to boost their abilities and cast spells. Though it's not treated as casting, nor are they treated as spells. More like using an SLA that has limited use per day.
Inspiration points can do things like give them a competence bonus equal to their Int modifier to skill/ability checks, saves, AC (dodge bonus), attack rolls; they can also get d6/point spent of sneak attack-like damage, or d6/point spent of healing (like channelling); spending 3 points gives them an extra standard action; 2 points and they can ignore someone's spell resistance for a turn; 4 points to avoid an attack or spell that would reduce them to zero or less hp; they (at 19) also gain the ability to emulate 3 different extraordinary abilities that are from character classes (eg Flurry of Blows).

Edit: What about something like Karmic Strike or Robilar's Gambit for Mad dog? Seems like a retaliatory kind of character. Hit ME?! I'll CRUSH YOU!

Kol Korran
2014-12-07, 07:30 AM
Hey there folks! I'm sorry for the latest bombardment of "help me design this" mini threads, and that I haven't updated them much. I've been working all the time I had to actually design stuff, as beside the main map I've changed most of what Drezen is about.

We played yesterday! And it was a hell of a session! :smallbiggrin: I will get to that soon, but first of all a few things that happened in between sessions, very briefly:

Between sessions 12 & 13
1) 8th level! I've went through my notes, and somethign bugged me- through my calculations the party was supposed to be 8th level, not just short of it (adding things up). Xp got aa bit messy when we had the 5th player, but I saw that by calculations the party was supposed to be a bit ahead of 8th level when conquering Drezen, supposing they got most of the things done (Which they did. We added the cemetery and dark vault to it). This was on purpose, since I had my general ideas for Drezen a long time ago, and entering it meant getting some the "level up" mechanical benefits quite complicated. Plus, it was a befitting enough place to level up.

So I talked with the players, aand we agreed to be 1,000 Xp fter 8th level, or 52,000 XP per player.

Main level up changes:
- Julian got 4th level spells. Some new spells are black tentacles, deep slumber.
- Sena got his 8th level domain powers- Holy lance (Make a weapon holy a few rounds a day), Aura of heroism (Gives heroism to allies a few rounds a day). Also- a second attack.
- Andera: Due to his archetype he is a skirmisher (Can sneak attack if he moves at least 10 feet). Also took the "bleed" rogue trick (Can cause bleed damage of 4 hp/round).
- Mad dog: Not many changes that I'm aware of, didn't send me the sheet before we played.

2) Talking to Julian and Sena's player they've been wondering how to improve the roleplay within the group. We decided to try and get the players to open up, and add a bit more conflict possibly to Julian. This turned out interestingly at the start of the session.

3) I've been working myself off to complete the changes to Drezen. In order not to drag you up along with all the details, I'll summarize the main concepts here:
- Drezen is a trap, putting a time pressure on the party so they can't rest.
- Staunton Vhane haunts the place, and "accompanies" the characters on their journey, adding complications.
- Most low CR encounters have been scrapped and their XP used to bolster fewer, but tougher encounters. Most using the stats of the book, but some different.
- The sword of Valor is not at the end, but actually a complex riddle, which the party must solve in order to get to where Staunton resides. There are no dungeon steps to below.
- The Shadow demon possesses Commander John, and will pose a very different fight experience for the party. It also comes before Staunton's Vhane's spirit, which is drastically changed. (I fear both encounters may well be a TPK :smalleek: )

Ok, enough said, time to write about the session!

Kol Korran
2014-12-07, 11:28 AM
( Important note: If you haven't read the "between sessions" post above this one, I suggest you do. It explains a few important things between sessions.)

So we played last night, a shorter session- 8 hours. :smalltongue: It was a good session, some roleplay to start, and then a lot of tense battles and tense atmosphere. Without further ado...

Session 13, Part 1- Matters of trust, entering Drezen

Last we finished, the party just conquered Drezen, though at a heavy price- the Queen's Knights were butchered at the gate, and the remnants of the Silver Banner veterans were mostly killed by dretches, and stray demons. The Knights of Sarenrae were the last to enter, brignign the siege engine with them. As they entered Senatef drew his sword "For brother John!" The knights seemed uncertain, but then drew their swords and joined the call, followed closely by the mongrelfolk. Andera, tending to his heavily wounded army, looked angrily at Sena. Rooting for the traitor? he thought, but said no word.

(A small discussion comes between the players about what happened, and if brother John has been traitorous or not. Sena's player is convinced of his innocence, and that he has been a pawn. So does Julian's player, though he is quite worried about how easy it is to possess him. Andera's player however thinks that this may have just been the catalyst, but that he has "turned to the dark side", and is with us no more. Interesting... :smallamused:

Make yourself at home

Heart of courage extended (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=XYKUeZQbMF0&p=n)
(I thought it was a good victory music)

The armies were quite battered, but on the whole felt a feeling of great elation! But it was dampened by the eerie image of the citadel- it was covered by a sort of a sickening reddish web. Sena commanded the Knights to surround the place, and the mongrel folk to go on the walls, and post a look out. With that settled, the party and armies went to deal with some of the after math:
- The crystal constructions which Staunton Vhane used to command the troops were crushed, the crystal might be quite valuable, but they did not know how much.
- The magical contraption that summoned the spirit turned out to be a sort of a small maze built upon bodies of templars dug from the grave yard. As Sena and Julian though of how to subvert the magic, Mad dog went by the straight way and just rampaged and destroyed all of the maze.. :smallwink:
- The armies find improved weapons and armor, enough supply to last for some time, and their moral rises.
- Lann also found Excorius temporary house, which held the ranseur of the gargoyle that he lost (under a different player, in Keeper's canyon)
- They found Soltengrabbe's loot! Unlike in the module, I moved the loot to the tower inside the courtyard, which I have made her home (I wanted to connect between her defeat and her loot more closely). other than money loot they found:
The undistributed items from Soltengrabbe's horde:
Bag of holding type 3
Rod of Empower, minor (Went to Julian)
Boots of striding and springing (Went to Sena)
Helm of the fortunate soldier AA change of name from this one (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/h-l/jingasa-of-the-fortunate-soldier) (Went to Mad dog)
Long arm braces (Also mad dog)
ring of protection +1 (Andera)

You might note that the party doesn't have a tendency to distribute loot equally, but rather by whomever it fits or whomever wants it if there is no taker. Andera's player keeps being not interested in anything very tailored to him... Oh well... :smallannoyed:

Out of the command staff, fewer remain- Arabeth is bloodied but has survived. Anevia hugs her as she sees her. Qulin and Bartlet are tending to their people, while Aravash examines the strange web. Julian joins him, and tries to dispel it, using the mythic version. The web disperse slightly, and resumes. They decide to leave it for later. It's time to discuss the situation.

In the command tent, tension rising

Which is when I sent Julian's player an SMS, about something we've discussed, we'll get back to that later.

The party and the other commanders find a building, and Arabeth spreads the map they have of the citadel. I hand over to the party the grid less and marker less map from the module's file, one copy to each. I did this for two reasons:
- The party in game had a map of the citadel, though without the wreckage and debris (I "fixed" that by providing info fro ma few prisoners. Yep, not ideal, but works)
- Mapping takes a long time, and it is tedious. The Drezen exploration is supposed to be fast paced, tense, and on the run (sort to speak), I didn't consider mapping it as the main challenge, only a hindrance.

A free image of a very similar map (http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=drezen+map&FORM=HDRSC2#view=detail&id=D344E4AAAF2EADD4A43FD5483E3BE806E5B96EA0&selectedIndex=2)
(It is not exact, some rooms, doors and such have been changed, but it'll do if you don't have one and wish to follow things. If you have the module's file better follow that.
Two important changes to the map: No stairs down F19, and F6 is instead joined to the room south of it, and has no known secret doors)

Julian is all serious. "So, what is our goal?"
Senatef answers simply: "Find the banner, kill the dwarf!".
"And how do you suppose to do so? What is our strategy?"
"I don't yet know! We need to find a way through the walls first..."
Julian pressed on. "We'll need power. What sort of power do you have Senatef? What power dos your goddess vest in you? And you Andera? Mad dog? What sort of magic do you have? What abilities?" (No one found this questions strange...)
Mad dog looked at her. "I kill demons. Hit them hard."
"So, just straight physical prowess..."
Andera got annoyed. "What do you mean? I sneak on them and hits them where it hurts! But now I can store some power in this sword! Sena, can you put some useful spell in it?" Julian also looked to hear what sort of spells Sena has.
Sena however responded rather tersely "The power given to me comes from my goddess, as does the responsibility for it. I will not just give it to someone whom I barely know and shares nearly nothing with me, and who consorts with demonic folk! I do not trust you!"
(Oh no you didn't! :smalltongue:)
Andera became furious "You don't trust me?! I'm not the one possessed with demons like Mad Dog and Julian! And I did not try to protect a traitor despite all proofs otherwise!"
Sena responded coldly "We know that brother John was not at fault, but you are right about Julian!" He turned to her "I don't know you either, woman with strange powers, speaks to demons! You said you came from the Queen, but we saw Nurah! How did you come to be at her side!"
Julian hesitated a bit, and answered "I... did some assignments for her, became trusted enough." (When the party didn't even flinch, I was ready to face palm. This never happened, but they never before did ask) Julian tries to deflect "But anyway, I'm not the one who nearly killed us! You don't trust me, but you trust Mad dog?"
"He fought with me at Kenabres! He's shown his worth? How long do I know you?!"
"About a week less than you know him! I haven't shown my worth?!"
Mad dog at this time threw his hands in the air, and left to throw rocks at the red web barrier... :smalltongue: Arabeth tries to stop the flaring of spirits. "What's the matter with all of you? We've conquered Drezen, and now this? What happened?"
But they ignore her. Sena continued with Andera "He who belongs to some secret organizations, converse with spies and scouts, skulking around."
Andera burst again "And you? You who time and time protect your... mentor... even though it's OBVIOUS that he was up to something, either possessed or of his own accord! You walk in blindly! What you say is just your theory, and nothing more!"
Julian tries to come things just a bit. "Ok, so we don't know about each other, let us talk, reveal all, out in the open, right?"
Mad dog returns, "regular rock don't work. I need magical rocks. Can yu make me some magical rocks?"
Julian ceases on this possibility of conversation. "i will try, but what is your motivation here Mad dog?"
Mad dog shrugs. "Kill demons. Save Kenabres. Kill more demons." And goes looking for some magical rocks.
The conversation goes on like this for a few minutes, with the other commanders trying to intervene, as accusations and distrust flares up, until Julian suddenly seems to have a slight shock, and shakes... "What just happened?"

They ask her what happened. "I was in a dark place, a pit, a prison, but not physical, but rather mind. So filled with utter despair, but with accepting it. A darkness so vast, so profound, so nihilistic... it was horrible, it was Staunton Vhane. How long was I gone?"
Sena seemed to think nothing of it "Oh, it was just a second ago..." Julian shook her head. "No, it was when we entered the command tent."
Now... THIS shocked them. Sena's player especially it seemed. Sena spoke in a bewildered voice "I never even realized it wasn't you! The could have been amongst us all the time, and we would never know! How did it feel?"
Julian seemed troubled. "It felt as if my mind was sort of leaking, spreading, merging with demonic minds... Staunton's was the strongest one here..."

I sought to advance the affliction to Julian has through her "exposed to awefulness" trait. So far the player treated it positively! A sort of free telepathy? Why not? He easily made most of the concentration checks.

The player sought to bring more roleplay into the group, possibly more conflict, but something else for the group to deal with. I decided it with him before the session that Staunton will "semi- merge" with him- both aa glimpse on Staunton's mind, and a chance for a bit of a different roleplay. We discussed the basic limits of the play (Knows mostly of Senatef, (Through the imprisoned John) doesn't know the rest, doesn't much know of Julian's past other than the basics, seeks to learn of the party's strategy, motives and capabilities. Knows how to bluff basically, but not above making mistakes here and there.)

The player loved it, though he is worried of the implications. It had an unexpected effect of making the players realize how much they don't know of the other characters, which led to the following.

Everyone is alarmed. After a quick conversation they decide they had better know each other a bit better in case of various imposters. The 4PCs go to another tent, Sena casts protection from evil on all, and they begin. Sena goes first, telling of his birth to a noble family, which first supported the Kenabres government but later on decided to form a small knighthood organization- The Sovereign order of the Knights of Sarenrae. He told of his long connection to John. He mentions but briefly the devastation of his family's estate, and the death of his family in the attack on Kenbres. (Julian softly speaks. "I'm so sorry... I now understand your anger and determination more. And your connection to John" Sena thanks her, a bit embarrassed)

"What I believe in? Don't do what your god tells us to do ,but what your heart does." (Andera- You sure she heard that?)
"Why am I here? To PROTECT. The city, my teacher (Here I failed, miserably), and those who came with us, you amongst them." ("Well thank you very much!")

Mad dog wasn't much into this, but repeated a bit about his village coming under attack from cultists, most killed, some experimented upon, and then him leaving to live in the wild. "My motive? Said it already! Kill demons. Save Kenabres. Kill more demons!"

Andera tells of his chance encounter with the Desnan archer woman in his childhood, and how he seeks to return the favor. He tells a bit about the secret organization for which he works, enough to make the others understands that it's goal is to hunt down demons and imposters, by stealth, cunning, and playing unfairly. Julian and Sena makes aa very interesting suggestion- "So you might train the mongrelfolk in this? Or even your tielfings? Deskari's bane?" Which I though might be an awesome idea, but... Andera doesn't fully trust them. "It would be hard to persuade the order to enable such beings into it's ranks!". Julian "But the tieflings could be the perfect spies!". But Andera was unsure... "Perhaps a select few... it takes time. Not time that we have now. Let us focus!"

Julian finished. "Unlike you Sena, I was not born to a wealthy, I was an orphan in Kenabres." She speaks of her seeking to see the Wardstone, getting hit be a demon, the wardstone saving her somehow. Being give to the care of Father Cristopher of the Iomedae church, and later Brian, and then a complicated life on the streets of Xer till she came back to Kenabres, only to find it destroyed, finding another fragment of the Wardstone which has awakened more sorcerous power in her than she ever knew (Mythic ascension). She was escorted to the Queen, who tied her power to the other PCs.

"I don't know why I'm here, but it all ties to these horrid dreams I have. I don't intend to run no more, I ntend to face my demons, and the road seems to be with you!" Senatef responded. "I do not belive in coincidences. You were first struck by a demon, saved by the wardstone to which you have returned, and now we will fight these demons together!"

The party seemed satisfied with this. A few brief experimentation made it clear that the web responds to mythic power, as Mad dog came near it, the web receded. "So... it's just us?". "Yes, but first we rest. On the morrow."

In one of our previous games ("It began with a crash" in my sig) the group dynamics were a HUGE thing, which made things a lot better, mostly due to an interesting triangle between three characters. Sena and Julian's players (Mostly Sena's) have been trying to create something similar in this campaign.

We don't much expect Mad dog's player to join. He adds his bits, but he doesn't like the acting part much. He is very concise about what he wants, of which I tend to deliver in enough amounts. Andera's player is part here, part there- at times he give fabulous acting, at times he seems very guarded, uncooperative and suspicious. And so far in this AP he was resistant to most hooks me or the players tried to throw at him.

Sure, this wasn't the best of play, but I hope it will help ease up into something more later. Anyway, I try to clear off pushing to play, just providing enough hooks and responses to make things interesting, if you bite. :smalltongue:

Springing of the trap

Julian released her eagle familiar, and made the ritual to bind a greensting familiar before sleep. Worried that Staunton Vhane might come into their minds (They forgot it's due to Julian's condition, or they just didn't take any chance) They sleep with some guards on each, just in case! :smallwink:

At morning they give a few last orders: Arabeth takes the Lucky bastards to clear the cemetery (Just a flavor thing), Anevie takes a few mongrelfolk and horses, and heads towards Kenbres ("We need mroe troops, supplies, engineers, and various professionals and craftspeople if we wish to keep this place!". Lastly, Aravash and Qulin Longshadow start to research into the strange crystals structures, and Bartlet commands the fort's battered troops while they are gone.

Qulin adds a Vampiric touch spell (3d6) to his master's sword (Andera) and bids him success.

Though there are potentially several approaches to the fort (through ballista bolts holes or the summoning beacon tower) The Party decides not to risk climbing (cough*Sena in fullplate*cough) And heads through the main doors. Mad dog's player- "Now we get to kill stuff?". "Yes, now you kills stuff..." :smalltongue: The party reaches the main doors, and the reddish web recedes back, they enter to the dusty, forsaken outer gatehouse (F1) of Citadel Drezen...

(I suggest that if you haven't read the major conceptual changes I've made to the citadel in the "in between sessions" post, that you will read it now. It helps clarify things.)

When the doors swing and slam shut behind them. In front of them, behind the bars, appears Areelu Vorlesh, or an illusion of her. She still hasn't healed since the last time the party met her at the Wardstone Chamber, but she seems to not notice the pain, and carry herself regally. The programmed illusion speaks in a powerful, beautiful, menacing voice "Heroes of Kenabres. Though you have won once, This time I am prepared. Though not all demons would agree, I have forseen the Queen's plan, and with the sacrifice of dear Staunton, in whose halls you now stand, the trap has been triggered. You have sought the Sword of Valor, and now it will seal your fate! Enjoy watching your army die of the red ache, as you sink the depth of despair that is Drezen!" (With a bit more intonation it sounds quite ok!" :smallwink:)

Andera cursed "This changes nothing!" But they suddenly heard cries from outside. They rushed towards the balista ports and noticed two things- First, the web had considerably thickened into redidsh ghost chains, writhing and sliding around the citadel. Secondly- their army was in trouble- varius red lesions and sores were appearing o nthe alarmingly fast.

Julian exclaimed "We have not time! We need to finish this quickly!" Andera rejected "It is just an illusion! So we will make mistakes!" Senatef gave him an angry glare "I'm not taking that chance!" Mad dog just rushed to the partly rotten bars, and pushed them aside...

As the progressed they heard an echo, from the walls, from the ceiling, the floors. A somber, dispassionate voice, dejected, emotionless, cold. "Many boasts, many words. It matters not. You are now here with me. In my Prison. My tomb. You tomb. Our grave, our end."

The WotR AP has a recurring problem- it has some interesting villains, but absolutely no build up. As I guess Areelu is either THE greatest or the second greatest villain of this entire campaign path, but other than a short and disappointing appearance in the first module, I haven't seen mention of her in the 2nd or 3rd module. I believe it is vitally important to keep her as a main nemesis of the party in some way. So she has set this trap (Her relationship with Aponavicius complicate matters). She has a major role in the fate of Staunton , on which I wish to build to show her as well. Lastly, she is one of the only powers capable of such a feat as the rapidly advancing disease outside and the red barrier.

The party wasn't impressed though. Players rarely are. Haven't mastered that feat entirely yet! :smallsmile:

Battle at the inner gate house

The party rushes past the long walkway, seeing figures of dwarves in ascending age, and ascending "Bad assery" depicted in the statues. As the reach the doors before the main inner gate house of the citadel (Separating F2 and F3) Sena begins casting his defensive spells: Magic vestments, circle against evil, resist energy fire and Aura of Doom (Which became quite a big factor in the game! He becomes an utter buffer/ debuffer tank.

Julian listens and hears something behind the door, but this helps not, and Mad dog opens the door to... two fireballs coming their way!

Dark Blade, Two steps from Hell (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvDmhW4GziU)

(The battle takes place at the top of F2, before the doors, in F3, and the bottom of F4(
The two fireballs came from two brimorak demons near the doors to the main hall (F4). Andera shoots at one with an evil outside bane arrow (He has been hoarding those since the first module). Mad dogs rushes to the bars, trying to lift them, when he comes under a hail of arrows from the east ramp in F3C, laced with acid.
Sena's Holy smite kills the brimorak, and wounds severely the other, blinding it.
Julian is enthusiastic and tries a black tentacles spell on the half orc archers, but rolls a 1 for it's grapple. She and Andera are then surprised when 4 gargoyels emerge from the top statue in F2 (In my game Gargoyles don't look like statues, but can meld into any worked stone)and rush at them.

The brimorak teleports away (Behind the western most door of the west ramp), while the archers hit him again, and get away from the tentacles. With those gone, the battle seem to shift to the gargoyles but also a Vrock with 6 mirror image which suddenly appears! Mad dog rushes back past Julian and gargoyles, (using the "burst through" ability of his path), and manages to land a solid hit on the demon, which lands some nice gashes and wounds in return!

Sena rushes to heal, when suddenly some of the ceiling falls upon him! "I am Drezen, and I will use it as a weapon if need be!" Staunton just ripped and flung part of the ceiling at him, but it can't penetrate his armor. (I ruled it as a violent thrust of telekinesis, which Staunton has). regardless, Sena's healing and Aura of doom helps quite a lot! He hers the Brimorak behind the western door (In the real map the wall to there is ruined, and there is debris), and climbs the debris, only to find that it is an illusion, and he falls into a 10 ft tip, with poison laced daggers, which again, don't penetrate the armor (Though he uses Mythic power for a surge)

The battle with Gargoyles and Vrock isn't going so well, Mad dog is hit a lot, and so do Julian and Andera, without inflicting a lot of damage (Julian has the worst luck with dice! :smallsigh:) .Sena can't get of the hall, but tries casting area spells (Another Holy smite), While Staunton tries again to land rocks on him.

The Brimorak, now with a summoned brimorak opens the west door, and approach the pit (The summoned one can't get close due to the circle), They try dispelling Sena's spells but fail. The 4 archers arrive at the north door, opens it and come close to the bars, and unleash arrows.

Julian manages to dispel the Vrock's magic mirrors, and Mad dog manages to kill it with fury, and cleaves+ finish cleaves two gargoyles, the party (Except Sena), hide behind a wall, Mad Dog desperately drinks potions. The Vrock left nice gashes in his hide. Senatef, unable to climb out of the pit on his own, decides to use the "generous" help from Staunton Vhane, and climbs on those rocks part way through, and kills the Brimorak, and the summoned one goes away as well.

Julian has had enough! She rushes about half way to the bars, and unleashes an empowered diamond spray (Thanks to her rod), and makes minced meat of the half orcs.

The party takes a breather- it was a tough fight, and demanded quite more of them than I anticipated. (Mad dog was down 91 hit points, the rest about 15-30, and they used quite a few spells, even a few mythic power points).

This battle basically took the enemies of 4 encounters- F1, F2, F3 and F4 (Plus a little helping hand from Staunton) and used them in a somewhat dynamic battle. The demons' teleportation makes of a very interesting power. The ramp, the pit and the bars added a lot to the battlefield to my opinion. It was quite fun!

I was surprised though of how taxing it was on the party. For some reason I expected them to waltz through this, other than the Vrock.

The battle also gave me an estimate of how challenging the battles felt for the players. It challenged them nicely, and seemed to be quite on par with what I have planned. So as a Lithmus test for challenge, this went quite ok!

Staunton's voice returned. "It matters not. They are expendable. As I am, as you are, as is everyone... They have served their purpose- battle after battle, spell after spell, power after power, wound after wound, Drezen will grind you."

Senatef was defiant "What will you do? Throw another rock at me?". "No, I will do what I must, what needs to be done, and watch your armies die outside." ("Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me..." ) Julian tried a different tactic. "Staunton, I have been in your mind! Embrace hope! Seek the light! It needs not be so dark!". Staunton would have laughed, if he was one to laugh. "You seek to feel me with hope? I understand hope, I was once mortal. I know what it can drive people to do. Demons, Aponavicius, do not fully reaalize it's power, it's drive in you. But I do, and so does Areelue Vorlesh as well, for she was once mortal as well. But I now understand there is no hope. Just acceptance of futility. You too will learn... Drezen... I... will show you..."

The walls were made clear for a few instants- panicked, suffering soldeirs were outside, the red welts growing bigger, starting to bleed.
I'll stop here for now. I hope to finish with the second part soon, when the PCs delve into the depths of Drezen and it's difficult challenges, understand part of their predicament, and learn more about the people involved.

Hope you're enjoying! :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2014-12-09, 07:26 AM
Session 13, part 2- The halls of Drezen, visions of the past

With the sight of their armies echoing in their minds, and the ever presence of Drezen/ Staunton Vhane, the party decided to explore. They decided to look for the Sword of Valor, and decided to search for a secret entrance into the secret room where the Sword of Valor was held in past days- F7 on the map. (In my version F^ was just a part of the room below it, and they knew not where the secret entrance was.

A free image of a very similar map (http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=drezen+map&FORM=HDRSC2#view=detail&id=D344E4AAAF2EADD4A43FD5483E3BE806E5B96EA0&selectedIndex=2)
(It is not exact, some rooms, doors and such have been changed, but it'll do if you don't have one and wish to follow things. If you have the module's file better follow that.
Two important changes to the map: No stairs down F19, and F6 is instead joined to the room south of it, and has no known secret doors)

They went over the pit and through the gap in the west of F3 (Not on the free map), and towards the north-south corridor beyond, when something changed...

First vision

They were suddenly on the worldwound, part of a big troop of soldiers, not unlike one of their own armies, somewhere unfamiliar to them... The soldiers wore symbols of Iomedae, and most seemed quite serious, some glancing at the reddish yellow worldwound sky above...

But not all were serious- there were a small bunch of soldiers in quite high moods, even joking. One of them was commander John! Only... he didn't have the markings of a commander, and looked... 25? 30 years younger? And quite different.

"Hey Marekai! This is taking too long! When the hell are we goona kill some demons! My, get me a Balrog and I will show you some demon slaying!" Young John was in high mood. Sena, alarmed and cuatious approached him. "Sir John..."
"Ain't no Sir steward! Keep that for the McClanes up the line! Them be running the show, not us grunts!" (Julian's player picked up on theat- McClane, was Andrew's family's name!)
Sena nodded respectfully. "What is the goal of this force? Were are we going?"
John laughed "Why, to kill some demons or such! Isn't that right Borosus?" Another big and serious soldier, but just as young gave a dismissing wave. "Nah, The McClane got this expedition looking for something deep in the worldwound. They say they found something that might change the crusade or something..."
Suddenly a trio of robed figures rode by. "Hush! We do not speak of such matters!" The 3 mages looked serious, one tall in the middle, old and grim. Another to his right looked small and shy. The last was... Quendys, whom the party met back at Kenabres! The three gave some stern stares and rode on.
Meanwhile, Andera surveyed the force, and noticed 3 big carts.... not something you usually bring for forays into the worldwound. He got close and looked under the coverings- supplies, but not for an "in and out" quick expedition. There were things here to prepare for a settlement. One that could last a few years...
John slapped Sena's back, almost if he was some college buddy. "Stick with us, we got some demons and fun coming! Worldwound? Peh! We'll show them a thing or two!"
Sena replied "So you are experienced knights?"
Marekai laughed. "No, just out of the academy. But we will be once this is over! This is supposed to be glorious! Even for lousy Sarenrae worshipers like this bugger here! He just want to shag her!"
John scorned but laughed at Marekai. "hey, don't talk like that about her! Besides, she's hot!"
Sena was having enough, and grabbed John's arm, trying to get his attention. "What is it you seek?!"
Suddenly John's face changed.. as if struggling, as if trying to focus, and his voice came as his present day, serious, full of intent: "Seek that which was lost, and free it with the power the gods vested in their chosen ones!"

With that the whisps of this vision faded away, and the party was back at the corridor of Drezen. Mad dog replied slowly. "Well... that was quite odd. I didn't like it. Not at all.". Sena was Shaken, but Julian laid a comforting hand, and spoke to the air. "Let the past rest..." Sena spoke hoarsely "John is here! He is trying to talk with us!" Andera was doubtful "Orthis could be an illusion to lead us astray. The pwoer the gods vested in us? The power from the wardstone." (The party realized they will somehow need mythical power to "free" the Sword of Valor). "We should be weary to not let our reserves down too low.

At which point the hollow, impassionate, stoic voice of Drezen returned. "It matters not. Drezen will grind you. Sooner or later, you will fall. Even your power will hold just for so long. All flames die. Even the bightest ones. Darkenss endures."

Not wishing to deal with him at the time, the party decided to continue.

Getting to know you
The party continued south on the north-south corridor, and turned left into what appeared to be a dining hall. HE place looked deserted, but recently used- some dishes, cuttleries, although things looked fairly orderly, if with a thin layer of dust on them. To give the place the proper atmosphere, I put on the following music.

Fallout Las Vegas ending theme (I think) (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=c5PzaJELAJI)

Unfortunately Andera's player knows the music well, and it gave him other associations. Oh well... The party set out to search the corner of the room, for a secret door, when two wraiths rose from the floor and attacked the party. The battle was very quickly with the party's lucky rolls they avoided getting hit, but Sena used two more of his channel energy charges, and Julian a spell or two.

Staunton Vhane spoke through the battle "You speak of hope? These two belonged ato a special order of paladins- the Hammers of Heaven. And now? What hope is left for them? They serve as the new protectors of Drezen. They, me, you don't matter..."
"You were part of them?"
"Yes I was."
"This was your home?"
"I... I was born here, I served here, I died here, and now it is my prison, my tomb, and yours. I AM Drezen. Nothing more, nothing less."

The wraiths are not part of the original module, but they are part of the arsenal that Stuanotn Vhane uses as Drezen to grind down the party- the avalanches, the wraiths, and some things later on. They serve a few goals:
- first, they enhance the atmosphere that Staunton is always present, and haunts the place.
- Secondly, the party start leaning of his powers even before meeting him, but not to the full extent.
- They add another time pressure.
- They enable to make battles less or more challenging by adding complications.

Except for key locations, I have a limited number of "extra challenges" that I can throw at the PCs, limited by XP and such. The wraiths are a simple complication.

The party continues to the room to the west (In the map it looks like a corridor with a tiny room to the north. These spaces are joined in the original map). In here they found a kitchen, probably serving the dining hall they were just in. The party does a quick search here, but is disturbed by the eerie quiet and "deserted fell" of the place.

They go to the hall in the west, which connects north, west, (In which there was an avalanche) and south to the barracks and parapets. Here they saw marks of an old battle, mainly old blood. "This was the hall of the Sentinels of Dawn... A valiant group, which died as well... Since then the place have been used by countless demons, used for endless perversion and debauchery. Their memory exist only in my fading spirit. For all their valor, deeds and courage- where are they now?"

Sena was greatly disturbed by this, as was Julian, but she advised to carry on. As if to agree, the walls turned transparent, and they saw the forces outside, some of the welts starting to ooze blood, some of the troops lying on the floor... Still focused on finding an entrance to the secret room, the party headed to the northern corridor, and searched the eastern wall.

"You keep on seeking... We all seek for things. And for what? For the price of finding what you want, is having something you once wanted..." (Credit to Neil Gaiman and the Sandman comic novels for this line. :smallwink:) But as those words echoed, another vision formed, but of a different kind: They were in a much busier Drezen, teeming with dwarves, with Staunton, dressed in a magnificent full plate bearing a mithral hammer on the background of a great light (The symbol of the Hammers of Heaven), strode to a great hall, knelt, and spoken to some figure in the shadows of great burning hearths.

"I come again, and ask of thee, for I have found no answer! WHY will we not attack? Why do we stay behiond these walls, cowering while the demons run rampant? Is this Valor? We should march into battle, and lay waste to those abominations! We have lost hope of the sky citadel, and now we lose hope of here as well? Are we so guarded that we will not venture beyond our walls?" There were hushed conversations and murmurs, but Staunton Vhane just prayed, silently to himself, but loud enough for the part. "Iomedae, put your trust in me, your servant. Guide me, show me, make me the righteous sword of your judgement, of your might, of your glory! Show me the way!"

And with that the vision faded... The party had nothing to say of this, but ventured on towards the western chapel (F5)

The party indeed didn't explore the place, but I had the place planned with some story and atmosphere of one of the troops that formerly guarded this place- The Sentinels of Dawn, and the current occupiers, led by the barbarian Jestak, that killed all of them in the madness of imprisonment.

I divided Drezen into areas, which helped me look at the fortress as a whole- gate, main hall, mid-south west section were for the sentinals of dawn,. east for the hammers of heaven, north east (Including the room with Kirandia and so) another order. Above the main hall the officers greeting hall, to it's west the officers quarters and planning room, to the north a museum + defenses, and at the north west wizard's tower and beacon.

The inheritor's chapel

As the party opened the door, they saw four templars kneeling in prayer before... a vision of Iomedae, but an overly sensualized one. "Ah, succubus" The players mumbled, but decided to try and play to see where it leads. The succubus turned to the party "Heroes! I have sent an image of me, into this darkest of places, to make for you a safe place, and help your cause."
The party squirmed uncomfortably. "How can this be done?" Sena asked.
"My power here is limited, but if you put more holy power to this place, restore my church, my pwoer here will grow!" Senatef's player bought this, and tried a sanctify spell. "More! More power! Perhaps, Perhaps if I will give you my direct give, a holy power..." This intrigued the party, but Mad dog took the reins, and approached her. "What sort of a gift?" the vision of Iomedae smiled at him benevolently "Just a blessed kiss on your forehead... Let me bless you, champion of champions! With great power..."

She didn't finish the sentence cause Andera had enough and shot an evil outsider bane arrow at her. (also causing bleed- SA) :smalltongue: She hisses "Attack them! They are demons in disguise!" The 4 feverish templars rose to attack, but Julian and Sena got her charm person dispelled between the two of them (Using mythic power), and Mad dog grabbed the last.

When the statue of Iomedae behind him suddenly animated, with the stone warrior wielding a very big stone sword "Even the symbol of your faith is mine here." Stated Staunton dryly, as he attacked Mad dog. He starts trading blows with the statue as the rest of the party tries to talk the templars back from their misconceptions about the situation. The succubus in the meantime is a bit away, summons a babau, and the two appear at the south of the church (With the Succubus having taken some bleed damage in the meantime, planning on using vampiric touch to restore herself).

But as she appears, Andera sighs, tumbles his way towards her and attacks twice (Usning mythic power) to cut off her head! Mad dog manages to destroy the statue, and so the party comes to rest.

A specific location intervention of SV. Mad dog's sword makes it less of a problem, as it bypasses hardness (Made out off adamantium). I gave the statue a large great sword instead of slam attack (2v construction points or something)

Of templars and another vision.
Soon after the battle, again the room shifts and they are in a fairly wide, but simple and a much more primitive looking building. This looks like a Sarkori building. This place looks like a mess hall turned into sleeping quarters- quite a few sleeping bags and piles of equipment around, but there are a few people here- John, his friends Marekai and Borosus, and two Sarkori women- looking lithe, strong, a bit "primitive" in matters of clothing and the like. One of them lies cuddled with John, as they caress each other, and the other at Marekai's lap. John again laughs. "Don't worry Lesh. I told you- once this little boring expedition is over, I'm bringing both you and your sister to Kenabres, and then we will mount a second expedition to find your people!" The other woman, with Jade green eyes (Thankfully the party recognized her as Jerribeth of the Jade in disguise), "But what they inside old place for? What they searching? They must not waken old spirits! very bad!" Even though her speech was broken, her voice was mesmerizing, powerful. Marekai patted her thigh, and kissed her. "Don't you worry! the McClanes and Nethir are smart people."

Sena asked cautiously. "Who is Nethir?" John turned surprised. "Oh, didn't see you there steward! Nethir? One of the mages, clever one. all the time in the ruins." Andera was more curious "What sort of ruins?" John dismissed it. "Ah, some kind of old Sarkori ruins, they think from before the war even. McClane is certain that their is something major here, but while them geniuses work inside, we keep watch for any demons. Been real slow though, Not a demon in months!" He then kissed the attractive Lesh' cheek.

Borosus snorted a laugh. "Besides, if anything comes out, Lesh will take it down with that bow of hers. I swear woman! I've never seen such a shot!" She gave a smile, and rose to hold her bow, which Andera recognized from his vision in the Temple of Welcome Knight, of the woman praying to Desna.

This REALLY alarmed the player. "Wait, but she is Jerribeth' sister?"
The others: "Maybe before they were demons"
"Jerribeth is supposed to be for a long."
"So the archer woman is also a demon?"
"But she's a good person who got turned to demon worship and tries to get back!" (Really? :smallwink:)
"Maybe half sister, or tribe sister?"
In any case, Andera's player was quite troubled that his archer woman might be tied with Jerribeth and evil somehow, or that she might be a demon herself.

(Back to the vision) Sena tried something- He grabbed John's hand, and drew his attention. "You know me! You know you do! And these are demons!" For a few moments there was confusion in John's eyes, but then he laughed it off. "Don't look so serious steward! The sarkori are no demons, even though women in generally are!" The the three soldiers laughed, while Jerribeth did quite a convincing "I'm so shocked- what is he talking about?" act. As Sena tried again John again seemed lost, trying to focus, as if to reach, trying to collect his thoughts, and spoke briefly. "Not all is it appears. Some things hide, some things are hidden by other forms. But nothing can fully hide their true nature..." and the vision/ dream/ memory faded...

Julian spoke "The sword of valor is in a different form, or hidden or something." Sena added "But it should somehow retain hints as to itself. Andera was more worried about the archer (Lesh)- "Do you think she's a demon? Can she be redeemed?" At which point Staunton Vhane joined in, and gave a bit of explanation on the nature of demons (In my world at least) "Demons are not as mortals are. They are rarely full beings. They are manifestations of ideas. All include malice, but some are mroe focused on this or that idea, like a succubus is focused on deceit, sexuality and seduction, and an Abrikandilu is the ugly destroying the pretty, they lack the fullness of a mortal soul, but are more purified convictions of the idea that they embody... She has no good in her."

Julian, ever the defiant spoke against this. "Has no demon ever redeemed?" Staunton Vhane hesitated. "A rare few at most, but..." Julian cut him out. "So it IS possible, that is all we needed to know!" Staunton continued "You do not see- a mortal is created with good and bad in itself, which might enable turning to either side. A demon does not have that in itself. It is thoroughly evil." Sena turned this around "So what about you? You were mortal? What about your soul?"

If Staunton could laugh, he would have. "My soul? My souls is forsaken, belongs to the void. I have long ago given up on any shred of... "good" within me. "Where is your dead body?", "Where you will not find it." And will speak no longer...

With that done, he party focuses entirely on the templars, and don't search the temple. They manage to gather that they have been here about 7 years, but they believed that Iomedae has made a sanctified place to protect them here ("Sometimes demon would even pass through and didn't see us!") A sort of a semi real chapel within the demonic fort, all for their prayers and their... um... "help"... in trying to make "holy god child warriors". (Julian's player laughed- "I know many people who were held in a LOT worse conditions than these! :smallbiggrin:)
The party decided to take them with them, and Sena even healed one (Was hit by the statue in an AoO). With 3 charges of his CLW wand (about 10 charges left at this point)

But Julian's player demand that they have a name. "Nameless NPCs die too easily!" (Oots reference :smalltongue:) So... Here are Caleb and the gang! (3rd level warriors, half plates and halbereds) Or as Mad dog's player calls them- Cannon fodder 1, 2, 3 and 4. :smalleek:

There are sets of visions from two sources- John and Staunton. The first set the ground to the next adventure, link some stuff, and give basic hints about finding the Sword of Valor (And of course some nice roleplay opportunities), while the others give much subtler hints, but serve mainly as a way to portray Staunton Vhane in a different way.

Trap room

The party did find the secret door in the chapel, but before entering they went. "Wait, we know it can't be here, so why to go in?" butt..... they went in anyway. (F7) The room held statues of the Hammers of Heaven paladins, and the Sword fo Valor on the south wall. They left Caleb and the gang outside, and as predicted, the door locked, Deeper darkness was cast, the big statue got animated, and poison gas filled the room. But Senatef used mythic power for communal delayed poison, and the statue was easily taken care off. With that settled, they reopened the door and went outside.

(This brought up this lovely quote from "Space balls" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7XVcqZodAM) :smalltongue: )

The welcome hall

The party (and Caleb's gang), went into the main hall (F4)- in the original map the northern doors are blocked by debris, as are the north eastern gallery and the east door to the chapel. The ceiling of the room is made to look like a night sky, with various gems to look like stars, although many were taken. On the north west gallery there is a mural depicting the dwarves Quest for the Sky, and on the north wall between the two doors (Up from the pile of rubble. There is a Scythe of Deskari over broken weapons of the five crusading faiths (Sena took the Scythe down and Julian fixed the weapons through mending. I didn't quite know the spell, so I enabled this) As they were in this room, another vision came upon them.

This time it was Staunton Vhane, walking through the halls of Drezen, still wearing his shiny Hammers of Heavens armor, but Drezen is bloody, and the sounds of violence and suffering feels it, as multitude of demons kill templars all around, from Babaus to much tougher demons. Staunton is in shock, seems on a nervous breakdown. He mumbles silently. "Me... Mine... I... I did this. A ma beyond redemption. I killed all of these, I made Drezen fall... Beyond absolution, forsaken, lost..."

The doors to the main hall opened, and Aponavicius, the Merilith general slithered inside, with the smiling Jerribeth of the jade (Dressed as an elven war leader) followed inside. Aponavicius pointed her sword at Staunton. "You... betrayer... will be my puppet!" And as Staunton knelt, the vision ended.

Sena speaks angrily at him "What DID you do?" Staunton replies solemnly. "I sinned. The sin of pride- I wanted, I knew what was right, I will lead, I acted... I took the great banner, seekign to lead a glorious war, and by that making a swift, brutal defeat..." Staunton was not answering anything else.

Julian was worried. "We need to find the banner, and quickly. We explored but a bit of the fortress, we don't have a lot of resources left." the party surveyed the map, and decided that the most hard to reach place (due to the boulders) was the north west tower. Sena used stone shape to clear some way to the doors to the great hall, and they went in.

The room features serve two purposes: First they add atmosphere, but also... they could be the sword of Valor. I tried emphasizing this, but the party seemed intent that they will kill some big boss and find it. (We ARE programmed this way. Heck- the module does it this way!) So they don't even search the rooms much (As they didn't search the church) Oh well, they'll learn.

Damn, that's big!

The officer's hall used to be a huge place, with quite splendor, all that remained however are the 3 ever burning hearth in the north wall, east and west wall. The ceiling here was meant to represent the morning sky, but a lot of tiles have fallen off since, and the golden globe meant to represent the sun is quite cracked.

But these are minor issues, cause in the center of the room is a gargantuan statue of Deskari, and with Staunton's force, it moves! (I didn't have a gargantuan miniature, we may do with a huge that was positioned to cover enough space). You could almost see the tears of joy in Mad dog's player's eyes.

Mad dog and Andera charged, and started chipping at it's hit points, but the statue replied, and mad dog had to use two mythic points to evade the gargantuan Scythe!

But, this was not all, for the ghost of Staunton Vhange himself appeared near Julian and Sena. "How long will you stand?", "How long will you?!" (This was the last battle of the session, I felt they needed to have it count! :smalltongue:) Stauton passes through Sena's armor with a corrupting touch, but lucky rolls hasd it that he suffered little damage.

Julian is more worried about the statue, lets one of her mirror image take an AoO and finds a spot to try a malfunction spell on the statue. Sena tries a 5ft step, but Staunton follows (Step up) He summons instant armor (Force armor), which later saves his hide a few times. Staunton comments stoically. "I admire your determination, but does it matter? Battle after battle, blow after blow, till we finally fall..." Andera tumbles back to try and hits Staunton, leaving Mad dog alone vs. the Deskari statue, and lands a small hit on the ghost. "Strike after strike, the endless battle, the endless dance, the game we play, and all for naught. A pointless exercise in futility".

Mad dog does nice damage to the statue, which in returns nearly kills it with a confirm... only he has the helm of the fortunate soldier (from the Soltengrabbe loot) which negates this one critical (otherwise it would have been an almost certain instant kill)

The rest of the battle is short: Mad dog trades blows with the statue, while the rest tries to gang up on Staunton. A haste spell from Julian, good rolls from Mad dog, and a ghost touch holy weapon (from the domain power) on Senatef manages to take down their foes at the end. A great point in the battle is when Mad dog hits the statue 3 times in a row, crumbles it, then extends his arm (Longarm braces) to hit Staunton, and again with a sudden attack! A whirlwind of pure destruction. (Though he took quite a bloody beating! Hanging on the 10-20 range after some healing)

As Sena destroyes "Staunton", the fort replies. "This was but an minor apparition of mine, a fragment of my real power. I cannot die, for I return, again, and again, and again. While your power dwindles. I have told you- Drezen will grind you. This is my prison, my tomb, our grave, our end..."

The party greeted their teeth, they have won, but it has been a tough fight, and took quite a bit from them. How much more punishment can they stand?

Each player's XP: 65,100.
Current Mythic points: Julian- 1, Sena- 4, Mad dog- 4, Andera- 5

We ended things here, the session was a lot of fun, and quite exciting, though (As Julian's player said) "Quite worrying. We've explored about 1/4-2/5ths of the place, and expanded about half our resources...".

The plan so far worked quite nicely:
- The beefed up battles are more fun for the players.
- The visions are received well enough. (I especially like how they are starting to tie John, Arulashee and Jerribeth together.)
- Staunton Vhane comes out nice, an antagonist that interests them, and does not feel TOO cliche.

What doesn't work is trying to actually look for the Sword of Valor. The players are looking for the "big boss" and expect to find it there. We'll see next session. I think that the other visions might help narrow things down.

The atmosphere is tense, but fun, which is great! I'm happy everyone found somethign to relate to in the session.

Oh, and finding the sword of valor isn't the end of things, there is still the shadow demon, along with John, (Which might be a reeaaall doozy!) and in a place not easily accessible by mortals- Staunton Vhane awaits.

I truly do fear TPKs for those encounters... :smalleek: :smallbiggrin: Thanks for reading! Please tell me what you think, your ideas, questions and the like.

Kol Korran
2014-12-09, 01:50 PM
Hey folks. Our next session will take place on the 2nd of January. (Happy new year? :smalltongue:) Until then I'll be working on a few issues, most of them concerning the next module, a few about the end of this module:

1) Downtime in the third module: Again, I'm not much of a fan of the system they put out- mostly number crunching and shifting, and little if any kngdom management. I've put this thread to discuss this and other matters. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?387328-The-quot-Demon-s-Heresy-module-Downtime-management-amp-time-limit-%28Possible-spoilers!%29&highlight=demon%27s+heresy) I've asked the players about it- Julian's player would like the opportunity to perhaps start a mage's order, build a more permanent home, and such. But Andera's player is quite opposed- he feels there is little precious gaming time as it is, and that we should focus on the adventures themselves, and not "side tracks that do little to promote the plot or characters". Which he is half right, only I think that personal projects may bring a lot to the depths and involvement of some characters. (Though now I finally realize why he repels any hook I put on to enhance interactions between him, the teiflings, the spy network in Kenabres and so on) So we're at a disagreement, and trying to find a solution. Sena's player is undecided, and Mad dog's player hasn't chimed in with his opinion yet.

We think of simplifying things so that each player (if they want to) can have 1-3 projects they are undertaking in their downtime, and I plan (Possibly with them), possible decision points and/ or challenges that will help shape the final form of their project, and give a sense of accomplishment. Perhaps some more minor benefits, perhaps some XP, don't know yet.

2) The challenge with the shadow demon and John: I'm still not fully satisfied with it yet. John will be possessed, and will try to make it look like he has fallen, but I want there to be some tough decision for Sena. Should he save John or the wounded outside (John is in one direction, Staunton Vhane in an entirely different direction). Maybe between John and a friend? (The shadow demon drops John near some danger, and possesses another, who is in some other danger?) Maybe the road to Staunton Vhane requires someone to die? (John? Sena? Caleb and company?). Not fully sure here. There are plans for the encounter, but they can still be changed.

I'm aiming at a tough decision, a bit like in the first spider man movie when the green goblin holds his girlfriend by 1 rope, a bus of children by the other. But Unlike in the movie, I'd like to make it REALLY hard (though not impossible) to do both. (Green Goblin: "Spider-Man. This is why only fools are heroes - because you never know when some lunatic will come along with a sadistic choice. Let die the woman you love... or suffer the little children? Make your choice, Spider-Man, and see how a hero is rewarded!")

I am also quite sure that unless the party falls for the shadow demon masquerading as John who has fell, that they will try to break the demon's hold by talking, I'd like to give them a try. You might check this and a bit more mechanical possession questions here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?387487-How-to-break-a-possession-%28Through-powers-or-through-roleplay-%29&p=18508693#post18508693)

3) The riddle of the Sword of Valor: it is mostly ready, but more ideas are welcomed. You can check things here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?386408-Help-me-make-the-riddle-of-The-Sword-of-Valor)

4) Looking for some good music: For when the PCs battle the shadowdemon, (Looking for insidious slithery sounding music. One that makes you suspicious, but also reasonably fast paced) and for when they battle Staunton Vhane (One of doom, gloom, inevitable fight, or possible huge slabs of rocks falling or such. :smallwink:) suggestions are welcomed!

That's all for nowa bit of time to rest, and think. Next session we're ending the module

2014-12-10, 04:25 PM
Your journal is excellent as always. I can't wait to see how will your players fare, almost makes me wish I could be at the table too. :smallsmile:

I've been thinking of playing this campaign with my party, as it seems quite simple: hack and slash some demons and then do it again. Exactly what my players need, but you made it into something better. Guess I will be using at least some of your ideas should we decide to play it.

I'm going to give you some suggestions on music, but don't know how much you will like it:
Quake 1 soundtrack - Hall of souls (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAgZ5XWXiMA&index=3&list=PLl1QTmJ3lxchVZqNX2V7LkZ3HxoNhCuUI) - maybe too technological, but I like it as background music. Grisly grotto (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4dPXQ8YFJI&list=PLl1QTmJ3lxchVZqNX2V7LkZ3HxoNhCuUI&index=4) might be better.
Dragon Age: Origins - Deep roads (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68yHJWgUm8c&list=PL05E74F0AB06F62ED&index=63) probably better for background as well.
Planescape Torment - Fortress of Regrets (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0Ttd6XnlPk) shame it's so short, only 2 mins.

I'll try to check your other threads if I get the time to do so. I'm interested in how you plan the adventure to go. Good luck.

Kol Korran
2014-12-11, 10:49 AM
To All: I've putten a sort of a "track list" for each module in the second psot of the log (under the entries for each module, in a spoiler). Hope this can help those who wanted a more organized list.

Your journal is excellent as always. I can't wait to see how will your players fare, almost makes me wish I could be at the table too. :smallsmile:

I've been thinking of playing this campaign with my party, as it seems quite simple: hack and slash some demons and then do it again. Exactly what my players need, but you made it into something better. Guess I will be using at least some of your ideas should we decide to play it.
Thanks for the praise! :smallredface: It's a fun hobby. The thing that interests me as a player the most is the difficult choices people make, portraying interesting and in depth characters, and last overcoming challenges. I've read more and more of FATE core for some time now, and it is quite appealing, but my group tried FATE core and we lack detail, and the "overcome a challenge" more. And yeah, they quite lack hack and slash to a degree, I'm just trying to make it a bit more interesting the "just" hack and slash. So far working ok, we'll see.

If you need any off my notes, I keep nearly all of them on word files. I'll be glad to share them, though in many cases they are adapted specifically for my group.

An important note: The modules are designed to be VERY EASY on the characters, from what I experienced, and that many other DMs commented upon on various other threads upon the net. Most people felt like they were easily hacking their path through it. If that's your aim go for it. If not, I suggest to ramp up the challenges.

I'm going to give you some suggestions on music, but don't know how much you will like it:
Quake 1 soundtrack - Hall of souls (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAgZ5XWXiMA&index=3&list=PLl1QTmJ3lxchVZqNX2V7LkZ3HxoNhCuUI) - maybe too technological, but I like it as background music. Grisly grotto (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4dPXQ8YFJI&list=PLl1QTmJ3lxchVZqNX2V7LkZ3HxoNhCuUI&index=4) might be better.
Dragon Age: Origins - Deep roads (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68yHJWgUm8c&list=PL05E74F0AB06F62ED&index=63) probably better for background as well.
Planescape Torment - Fortress of Regrets (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0Ttd6XnlPk) shame it's so short, only 2 mins.

I'll try to check your other threads if I get the time to do so. I'm interested in how you plan the adventure to go. Good luck.

I love these! the music I was using for exploring Drezen got Andera's player thinking on Fallout all of the time (Which is the problem with using well known music) these would do great. Once they get to the next "level" (Sort to speak, my semi-replacement for the dungeon, they could work even more. Thanks!

Oh, and by the way, some forumist (forgot on which thread) showed me a lovely tool- "The Infinite looper" (http://www.infinitelooper.com/)- basically, you find a track you like on the net, and just copy it's address there and voila! It repeats itself endlessly! So better than looking for looped tracks, much simpler.


Kol Korran
2014-12-13, 04:27 PM
(EDIT: I've just noticed that the first link in a few posts above is broken. Here is the link to the original thread dealing with the Demon's Heresy matters (including Downtime mechanics. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?387328-The-quot-Demon-s-Heresy-module-Downtime-management-amp-time-limit-%28Possible-spoilers!%29&highlight=demon%27s+heresy) )

We have different tastes in the party: Julian and Sena's players wish to roleplay a few leadership challenges, or partkae in a few personal projects. But Andera and Mad dog's player just wish to get on with as much "straight adventuring" as possible.

So... a compromise- We'll roleplay a few "Leadership challenges", and I will work with the two interested players, partly outside screen, partly on, but nearly entirely by roleplay (Maybe a few dice rolls, not much). We'll NOT be using either the downtime rules or the kingdom management rules. Hmmmm... :smallconfused:

Anyway, I've put on Yet another thread ("Leadership challenges") (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?388106-Challenges-of-leadership&p=18528028#post18528028) if anyone wants to suggest anything. You folks know the characters involved mroe than the random forumists, so your input would be greatly appreciated. :smallsmile:

2014-12-16, 02:09 AM
Hey Kol. Just wanted to say that i've enjoyed this log very much and i can't wait for january 2.

Kol Korran
2014-12-21, 01:34 PM
Hey Kol. Just wanted to say that i've enjoyed this log very much and i can't wait for january 2.
Thanks Equilibria! It's always nice to know that people are reading and enjoying.

In Between Sessions 13 & 14

1) We are trying to move the session to this weekend. The players are quite antsy about the whole "trapped in Drezen" thing. :smallbiggrin:

2) The discussion about leadership and down time after (IF) they capture Drezen, led to quite a lot of interesting discussion about roleplay, mainly between myself, Sena's player and Julian's player (Who also DMs at times. He DMed the "It began with a crash" campaign).We are all frustrated at the seeming lack of interparty roleplay in this campaign. We usually have a lot more. After some long discussions I came to some conclusions... Soem regarding my DMing style, some about the players:

Stressful play: Perhaps it's the nature of the campaign, but more likely it is me- I tend to create very tense, very stressful, "It all depends on us, lets hope not to mess this up!" kind of atmosphere. Julian's player claims that the players become all "battle ready/ alert", and try to handle the overload of threats, so they are not open to just roleplay their characters. Sena's player is a mroe natural character, and he actually thrives under pressure, but the rest are not so.
Julian's player suggested to put in some less-plot-centric situations, that enable roelplay, where the consequences of the interaction don't greatly affect the big game. I put a lot of roleplay opportunities (Such as a whole lot of army troops and commanders) but the players are stressed about these as well, as these can impact the adventure greatly. He mentioned that he put such light hearted occasions in his adventure, specifically to enable the party to ease up, lessen the tension, relax a bit and goof up slightly. And he is right- those occasions were quite a lot of fun, and enabled even Mad dog's player (Who is the least roleplay prone of us), to indulge.
On the whole Julian's player said that his very basic structure for adventures was "build up=> build up=> climax=> relaxation and goofing off=> build up...". With the current campaign path, we had buildup up to 4 levels at a time, so people just don't have an outlet, and not enough relaxed opportunities.
Something we all noticed about the Adventure path, is that there are very few "big events/ turning points/ twists". The entire first module led to the Gray Garrison. The entire second module leads to the Siege of Drezen. Now, I'm not sayign that there aren't big battles en route, but there are very few actual major decision points the characters make, that can change the outcome or shape of the adventure. And decisions define character, and are the best opportunities for roleplay. In our "home made" campaign each 1.5 levels could turn the entire situation around, and character decisions had a lot of weight. This agency is taken from them in the Adventure path... I wonder how to fix that... :smallfrown: The third module is more free ranging. Perhaps I can adapt it.
Sena's player feels strongly that good interparty roleplay come from interparty conflict. He has tried to do this a few times with Julian, with Andera, but to little success. Which leads to some plans he has- he intends to make a fairly major character development in the next session, as he feels the entire situation in Drezen, the culmination of a successful siege that seems to end in disaster, calls for it. The change might create some new bonds with the other PCs, but also some new conflicts. We're discussing this heavily on emails. You'll see the results once we play.
Lastly, we decided that IF the party survives Drezen, that we will open a discussion in the group about expectations from the adventure path, from roleplay with NPCs, inter- party roleplay, and a few other issues. We feel we need to see how we all stand upon this.

3) Julian's player has been writing short scripts and such (It helps him get into the character's mind). We've discussed her beliefs a bit, and he sent me the following. Brian is a priest of Iomedae that has been a sort of a father figure to her. This takes place shortly after she touched the last fragment of the Wardstone (Post explosion), and got her mythical powers (We changed things slightly to fit his idea of Julian)

“It is silly, I will not go. It will only get these people killed.”

“You must go, child.” Brian replayed calmly. Unlike Brian, who at least kept a calm posture, I was furious.

“I am not a child anymore!” I yelled and stomped my leg on the ground. Gods, I do behave like one, and for the first time since a very long time. which infuriates me even more! Brian was not moved.

“The Queen believes you are destined to go, along with the heroes of Kenabres. This is a great honor.”

“An honor that will get me and many others killed. What do I know of leading an army? As you might recall they threw me out of the Iomedae scouts, and even in the orphanage I made a mess.” I could hit him when he smiled at my words.

“I can’t forget that, yet I also recall that where ever you went, the others always followed you, to whatever mischief you decided to do. And besides, you will not lead the army alone, there will be experienced army commanders by your side and also the rest of the heroes of Kenabres”.

“Ha, great. The heroes of Kenabres. A group of people that no one heard of before, surfacing from the tunnels beneath Kenabres with a small army of deformed men, and then destroying the wardstone that defended Kenabres from the demons. You might as well send a group of demons along.”

Brian sigh “Look at me Julian” He used to do say that when I was a small girl and did not want to listen to him. I looked into his eyes, holding his gaze. He looked very serious. “This is not just the queen asking you to go, Julian. All those powers you showed as when you woke, they are not something someone just get. You were chosen not by the queen but by the gods themselves, and for a reason. And with great strength comes great responsibility.” “The gods?” I asked, my voice rising “Where were your gods when my friends were slaughtered by the demon? Where were they when I was thrown out of the Bakers? Where were they when I lived in the streets for so many years? And where are they every night when I ask myself why I survived and my friends died. Can you tell me that Brian?” Brian kept his gaze locked into mine “Maybe, just maybe, those powers and the chance to go against the demons were granted to you so you can get an answer to that last question. Have you considered that?” and with that he left my room, leaving me staring at the door, confused.

4) Something that comes up on occasion during play, but which Julian's piece made me realize even more- a rising theme in our campaign is "the role of a hero"- this was thrust on the party, and all except Andrew the paladin, don't feel themselves heroes, even though it is apparent that many will consider them living legends (After the deal with Drezen? for sure!) So I'm thinking to try and explore it a bit. Stay tuned! :smalltongue:

Other than that, I keep thinking up things for the game- some reworking of The Drezen challenge (I keep changing the way the shadow demon encounter works. Not quite satisfied yet), the time between modules and the start of a city (I wish to put some more relaxed encoutners there), and the basis of the next module and exploration of the wordlwound. More open ended, so I may need to prepare to lots of stuff.

Till next time, Kol.

Kol Korran
2014-12-23, 03:30 PM
Hey folks, some small issues I could use your help with:

1) Random events of exploring the Worldwound (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?389498-Random-events-in-a-demonic-land!-%28Hex-crwl-exploration-Flavor-mostly%29). I think this thead could prove a useful tool to whomever runs the third module (And possibly the second as well)

2) This thread deals with Sena's player's idea for his character development for the next session. I tried to void some issues, but there are probably spoilers there. Still, if you wish to help, I'd love to have it: What haunts a man (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?389504-What-haunts-a-man-%28Or-will-haunt-him%29)

Kol Korran
2014-12-31, 03:43 AM
More between Sessions 13 & 14

Sorry that this isn't a game update. We play on Saturday, and so far it looks like a hell of a meeting. A lot has been going on in the background:
1) I've been doing quite a lot of work, both reworking and adjusting Drezen to fit the concept I have in mind for it better, but also on future stuff, namely the 3rd and 4th module. Lots of ideas, thoughts and concepts. I hope we could make it interesting enough. One thing I really don't understand is why-oh-why are there so many "demons of temptations" in this adventure path? All looking like very seductive, scantly clad women with wings and various demonical markings (usually horns or tail)- Arrelu Vorlesh, Jerribeth, Arulashee, that lilitu demon that keeps escaping the PCs in the 4th module (forgot her name),Nocticula, Nocticula's second in command, That "talent agent" succubi, A WHOLE CITY/ PLANE FOR SUCCUBI! Weird... just weird... There are plenty of other themes for demons.

Anyway, back from the rant, Getting a bigger perspective of things enables me to plan better. I do like The Midnight Isles' premise of going to the abyss... We'll see.

I'm quite sorry that Drezen doesn't come more into the fore in these two modules, after the party have conquered it. I guess i may have to input some thigns of my own. Speaking of which, I would love your help with the "Populate Drezen" thread! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?390610-Help-populate-the-growing-Fort-town-of-Drezen!&p=18595839#post18595839)

Also, another "help me with music" thread! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?390312-Looking-for-specific-atmosphere-music-threads)

2) Sena's player has been working with me quite a bit on his character. He feels that the desperation in Drezen, having all these people whom he was responsible for die outside are a big strain on Sena, strain that will lead to quite a change. I quite like this interplay. He will have some interesting things to play out in this session, providing he survives. I need to make sure he doesn't get too much spotlight. It's quite odd, but just yesterday Julian's player came to me with nearly the exact concerns and ideas that Sena's players came up with! :smalltongue: Without revealing too much, we decided that I do not have time to work something fully out with him till the session, so he will roleplay things by ear now, and we'll think up something next. I'm starting to have some ideas already though, lets see what he comes up with though...

3) Commander John- does he reek? Andera and Sena's player have been dueling/ bantering/ arguing over the web over John's innocence- Did he betray them? Was he under the influence of drugs? Did taking drugs that were associated with demons not betrayal enough? What makes the man innocent, in a military rule? and so on... sometime in jest, sometimes with serious underlines.

I'm so going to build on that in the shadow demon's encounter!

4) And another issue that steers up the group- Julian's suggested organization that she wants to put up in Drezen- a sort of a secret police organization. The player is terrified that with the demons' abilities to assume various forms and tempt mortals, that they will try to corrupt/ influence the powers in Drezen once they start rebuilding it. This stirred up a small hornets nest- talks about becoming a dark regime, that inhibits human rights, and those saying it is necessary in an outlying outpost in demon lands and more. Quite a lot of back and forth on this, with no real agreement.

Interesting... :smallamused:

5) And all of this is IF the party survives Drezen. I' m quite worried about the shadow demon encounter, which is both very interesting to play roleplay wise, and combat wise, but can be disastrous, mostly as the party will come there with little resources.

But the encounter with Staunton Vhane, the Haunt of Drezen? I fear for a TPK. :smallfrown: Still, this is supposed to be a death trap, and the end of the module. They just might pull a fast one like in the last module's end battle (Where Sena used silence to lure the boss out of her safe place). We'll see. Something to look up to!

Last thing- the players are all excited/ worried about the coming session, so I hope it will live up to the expectations. I'm in a sort of a buzz myself while working on it! :smalltongue:

Thanks for Reading,

Kol Korran
2015-01-04, 09:26 AM
Hello again. We had... an excellent session yesterday- very tens,e very exciting, but which took a lot of us (At least from me!). It was supposed to last 7-8 hours, but ended up 11 hours long. (Our second longest session ever, topped only by the last session in the "Many facets of darkness" campaign). The session was quite... intense, but in a good way! :smalltongue:

I will divide it to 3 parts, due to length. Pardon me for doing so. Hope you enjoy the ride!

Session 14, part 1- The search for The Sword of Valor, Chorussia, Sena's call

A link to the map again, and a quick recap if you need it

A free image of a very similar map (http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=drezen+map&FORM=HDRSC2#view=detail&id=D344E4AAAF2EADD4A43FD5483E3BE806E5B96EA0&selectedIndex=2)
(It is not exact, some rooms, doors and such have been changed, but it'll do if you don't have one and wish to follow things. If you have the module's file better follow that.
Two important changes to the map: No stairs down F19, and F6 is instead joined to the room south of it, and has no known secret doors)

The party entered Drezen seeking the Sword of Valor and Staunton Vhane, (SV from now on) but found out it is a trap, designed by Areelu Vorlesh, with the haunting ghost of SV in the center of it, harassing them. As they explored, they had visions, both from SV's past, but also from Sena's mentor, Commander John. The visions showed that long ago he was on an expedition, led by Andrew's parents, with his friends- Marekai and Borsosus. They also showed that they were involved with Jerribeth of the jade and Arulashee (Though the party only knows her as "the archer woman",) as humanoids trying to charm the.

Commander John sent two clues through his visions:
"Seek that which was lost. And free it with the the power the gods vested in the chosen ones!"
"Not all is as it appears to be, Yet you cannot evade it's true essence."

The party battled a few foes, a trap, and ended up fighting a gargantuan statue of Deskari (With Mad dog soloing it with the use of mythic points, and the ghost of Staunton Vhane, but it was only a weaker apparition of his, he could not be so easily killed...

Third vision
The party is currently at the officer's hall (F17). Though they have won, Mad dog suffered great damage. Healing his empties the last 16 charges on the CLW wand the party has. They have a partially depleted CMW wand, with about 12 charges or so... That, combined with about 1/2 spells, and low mythic points, made them edgy.

The hall had a golden globe in a blue tiled ceiling, mimicking the sky, but heavily deteriorated. There were 3 hearths, 1 of them with an ever burning fire, but the party was disinterested. As they debated on what is next, another vision befell them.

They were in a big underground cavern, there were about 30 people there, all kneeling, praying, in a religious fervor, John, Marekai and Borosus amongst them. Sena understood that the sermon had to do with Iomedae somehow. He tried to get closer to the center, seeing Daria McClane, Andrew's mother, a powerful priestess conducting some ceremony.

Meanwhile, Julian noticed Jerribeth and "the archer woman" at the back, looking tense. She tried to confront them, but the vision objected, immediately their composure changed to entirely relaxed "Do... do we know you?"

Suddenly there was a great light, as something... holy, powerful, beneficial, appeared in the center of the room, the party could just see some figure in white, a great light emanating from it. John and Marekai cried "We never saw we would see such a thing!" Julian turned to the two demons, who tensed much more, and discreetly fled.

Sena turned to John, grasping his hand, clling for his attention. "What is happening here?" John looked back at him, more serious, older, as he knows, as if speaking from afar, trying to concentrate. "This was the core we sought, and so you too, must seek the core of Drezen, the dwarven fort." and with that, the vision faded...

Command room and SV's room

Mood music (The grisly grotto) (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=z4dPXQ8YFJI&p=n)
(Thanks to Biotroll! :smallwink:)
The party didn't quite understood. "The core if Drezen?" they debated a bit, but decided it must be underground- in the vision there was an underground cavern, and dwarves live underground, no? While originally they thought to go to the tower (F22- F23- 24), they decided to head west instead. They thought the shape of the rooms there looked important. (?? :smallconfused:.... :smalltongue:)

In the map in the link it doesn't quite show the rooms correctly. F18 is long and diagonal, and has doors leading to f19 (without stairs) and f20 which is a big room with 3 smaller adjoining rooms. they went to f18 instead.

The room looked a bit posh ()In dwarven standards, even after years of demon mutilation). The center of the room held a long table with the map of the Worldwound and surrounding lands around it, with a few metal gloves chained to the table, radiating faint magic. There was a big shattered mirror (This will be important later), and two book cases. This was Drezen strategic planning room, or war room. Examining the gloves they understood they can create mage hands over the tables, to move pieces.

There was also the Sword of Valor! "Hey, isn't that what we're looking for?" Said Mad dog. But of course it was but a fake. SV speaks, and tries to tell of the campaigns they have led against the alliance from here, but Sena just shuts him up. (He gave a nice little speech from LoTR, but I forgot what it was). "We are spending too much time here!" Sena was stressed.

They decided to go to F19 (I think they meta gamed a bit and hoped to find stairs down :smallwink:). The place proved to be spartan in decor, with but a few beds, a table, and a few chests. A quick inspection found to interesting initials- SV and JV. Sean found an old family tree of the Vhane family, including his brother Joran, and a nephew- Millorn Vhane! (From the first module. The players- "I guess mental instability runs in the family). There were marks there,but no one knew Dwarven. Sena pulled a comprehend language scroll- SV was marked as holy man and commander, JV was a priest and blacksmith, Millorn was a mage and... outcast.

Sena calls to Staunton "So this is your cousin? we met him." SV replied "Yes, a lost case, lost after me, lost for a long time." Julian retorted "Is he lost? We helped him, and now he is the disciple of a paladin no less, doing much better now! You could come back too". For once, this got a laugh of Staunon, a sad, grim laugh. "The madness he has seen pales compared to what I've been through, what I've done, what I've become... I am far beyond that. That paladin of his..." Sena again cut him out "You don't speak of paladin! You, you have never truly been a paladin." SV was nonplussed "Perhaps it is so... it doesn't matter what was, matters what I am..."

At which point another vision came. Of this very room, a longtime ago, with SV talking to an elven women with green clothes and Jade likes eyes. The two figures faded and moved around the room, near the table, on the bed, holding each other, SV pushing her away painfully, and her persuasive words came again and again. "Your heart seems true, not like those here"... "If we only had the true power of Iomedae behind us, we could win this war"... "A leader to lead us to glorious battle! Our army will follow you!"... "Trust what's true in your heart, not in your mind"...

Then the image faded to another scene- SV was climbing up a hill in the SV, excited, determined, holding the Sword of Valor banner. He brought it to the elven woman. "Here! Now where is my army! Time to do battle!" She laughed "Your army? Here is your army!" A few hundred demons climbed the crest of the hill, and with a horrible shriek all teleported... And so the vision ended.

The party, and SV were silent. They found his journal, but had little time to read. Sena just went towards the last entry. "It is time. Areelu Vorlesh has one last task of me. A highly painful one, but perhaps it will be the end? I will be free? It matters not, what must be done, will be done. If this is my punishment, so be it. I deserve nothing less..." Julian also looked for any info on the Sword of Valor, but saw that section ripped out.

Pocketing SV's journal, the party heads out.

Chorussia's lab
The party goes back to the officers' hall, then up to F16- part northern defense, part museum, with mural of dwarven victories defaced by demon occupation. They find three banners, of the Hammers of Heaven (The unit SV belongs to), the Sentinels of Dawn and the Mithral Pure (Two other units that protected the place). Sena wishes to maybe use his mythic power to try and transform one, but Julian persuades him to look for more clues first. "We're too low on mythic power, and we won't rest for a long while yet!" they check the room just to the east- supply of oil, wood (that had rotten) and ballista bolts. They make a very quick search and move on.

As they reach the tower, (F22), they rush up, (F23 is one big round room in the module), but neither them nor the Babaus in the room get surprised. Roll init!

Battle music- Titan dune (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeIRhZmWy3g)

Mad dog charges at a Babau, thankful yet once again of his adamantine sword. Sena cast channel vigor on himself, (Choosing to hate himself) and he rushes into what looks like a... demonic lab? In the center there is a 20 ft lon glowing rune of Deskari, with smallr runes to it's side and top, a rune of flesh, bone and blood (Thanks for investing in abyssal!). And there is a tiefling caster there. She yells "Do not let them interupt me!" There are 3 babaus other than her.

The diabolical with casts a wall of force around her. The party curses... Andera and Julian advance, Julian takes one of the demons out with hideous laughter (Which proves to be a VERY useful spell). Mad dog and Andera bash some of the demons, while taking damage, but Sena focuses on Chorussia. With inflamed anger he calls "Shut up b*tch!" and uses the same trick he used at the last battle of the last module- he cast silence inside of her wall of force! Unable to cast (I think I should give my casters silent spell? :smalltongue:) she dismisses the wall of force, and moves to the back, both Sena and Andera rush to her while Md dog and Julian finish up the Babau.

She tries to capture them with black tentacles, but they manage to escape, Julian throws at her magic missile, only to be swallowed in her ring! (Ring of forcefang). But the battle is effecively won, As Andera kills her. Sena seems strangely gleeful. "You have met your fate, witch!"

The party search the corpse and the room. they find what looks like a diabolic mage's library, and some magic items. With the forcefang ring going to Sena ("Finally! A ranged attack!" This ring proves to be quite useful, and Julian charges it to it's 9 missiles). But they also find a strange box- with lead, cold iron and demon ichor padding. In it lies what looks like a fastened and secure metal potion container. Even getting close to the empty container feels... evil, wrong, diabolical... the party closes the lid careful, and checks the notes quickly, noting just the "Highly volatile" notes. They pocket them, feeling they have no time.

Julian examines the Deskair rune and three smaller runes, while they fade. She doesn't know what it is, but the bigger rune is comprised of many smaller runes, and it's a... replica? clone? of something else? And it's tightly tied to the three runes of flesh, bone and blood. But the weirdest thing is that this witch was looking for ways to... break it?

Sena urges on "We have no time for this!" So they decide to ascend.

Chorussia is orginally in the dungeon of Drezen (Of which there is none in my campaign, well... not in the traditional sense. :smallwink:). There she was supposed to be in the middle of a ritual to collapse Drezen. From there I got the entire idea of "Drezen as a trap". Here though she was trying to do the opposite. Later on the party finds the REAL rune in a much more central place. THis was a clue, a build up, mostly the relation to the three runes. Chorusia works under Aponavicius, and resented being trapped here, and tried to reverse Areelu's spell.

As to the container- it hold an empty Nyhadrian Elixir- the potions that can make demons and such ascend. The notes include info about it, the info the module wishes the party to discover. I thought to leave it to give the party a bit of a glimpse to the future, and maybe they could even come up with an interesting idea of what to do with them.

The "silence to ruin a caster's safe zone" trick is quite useful. Using the wall of force was supposed to be her shtick, to cast spells from there. Oh well, party got to smash face! :smallbiggrin:

Sena's call
As the party reached the top of the small tower (F24), they found a ruined beacon of summoning. But more than that, they could finally see outside of Drezen- they could see the troops outside- some suffering, some not moving anymore...

Andera is furious! "Staunton Vhane! You cowardly spirit! Come out here!" SV replies in kind "We do not play by your codes of "honor", "valor", "courage". We aim to win, by every deed necessary. We do not fight... "fair." Andera rages "We shall show you what is unfair!"

Sena however, is taken by the sight, he moves to the edge, looking all around, and falls to his knees. "So it is all true... it wasn't just a trick..." SV replied" Why should we lie? When there is NOTHING you can do to prevent it." Julian, worried at Sena put her hand on his shoulder. "There is nothing we can do here, we are wasting time. C'mon, let's go!"

Sena reeled around angry "And do WHAT? We don't even know what we are looking for! They are dying out there!" Mad dog steeped forward "We will kill this ghost, that must be tied to it!" Julian tried to comfrot Sena. "Look, I feel the same as you do, more than you know. But Mad dog is right, we need to stop Staunton, that will probably help!"

Sena will not be consoled. He turned to the dying troops. "But this is OUR fault, we led them here." Andera retorted "We were tricked, it's not out fault." Sena snarled back. "But WE. LED. THEM. HERE!" Julian tried to calm him. "You are right, we are responsible, which is why we must hurry and try to do something about it." Sena looked at her intently for a few seconds, and replied. "I will do something.

Sena turned, and looked up, putting his arms aside. "Sarenrae! Hear me! I always went your way! Where you pointed, I followed! Now look on my bretheren, your followers, our army, help me, help us ease their pain, I will sacrifice myself for that if need be!" (Players rolled their eyes a bit)

Sena continued. "I lost my fathers, my mother, my brothers and sisters, and now my brethren and other brothers of mine. it is my fault, my fault alone. My fault that John has disappeared, my fault that they are dying here in this place, because of Areelu Vorlesh. I don't have the power against these demons! They are acting unfairly, unjust, not with temperance, with patience... I call for you to even the score! Just once- show them that we are not alone! I don't care if I'm one of the chosen ones or not. My life is as equal as theirs. My life is as expendable as theirs. Hear me Sarenrae!"

At which point Sena felt as a sort of a warm presence inside of him. Not exact words, but impressions "Not expendable! Higher role. Greater purpose in the struggle. You cannot take the power you request. Too much, endanger. Risk everything."

Sena was furious. "Higher role? SO they would just die because of that? I can take it, use me! ease their pain!" At which he got impressions again. "No. Not ready yet. Too much power. Risk you. Risk all. Not yet child. Their sacrifice for you. hundreds for tens of thousands and more... many more. Cannot risk. Greater good."

Sena was furious. "Greater good?! That was an excuse for lots of atrocities!" The reply came. "Yet at times it is true. Sometime it is a must. Cannot risk. Trust me... trust me..."

Sena's voice broke. "Trust you? Like John trusted you? Where is he now?! Answer me!". The presence was still warm, accepting, trying to comfort, to soothe "He did as needed. He will be saved. Trust me... trust in me... trust Sena, child. Not ready yet."

Sena's tears ran. "I wish none of this has happened" and he remembered John's words long ago "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

Sena was lost, on his knees... when something, another presence, womanly, intense, raw, and amused was in his mind. "What do you feel? In your heart? I can help you. Do you wish it? It can shatter you. I accept that...". Sena's eyes opened "I accept, with all of my heart!" The presence seemed to pull "then open it!"

Suddenly, Sena stood up as if hit by a jolt, and there was a wailing, and spirits rushed towards Sena encompassing, pressing into his body, and some surrounded him, much like John's spirits did. Sena's eyes were ablaze, though he could feel the dying, their pain, their whispers, cries, in a far off way. "Thank you, thank you for giving me what I need to ease their pain". The presence felt as if smiling. "Just trust your heart, your deeper heart. It will guide you!"

At which point Julian exclaimed "What the blazes just happened?!"

The player and I have been working on this. He saw Drezen as a serious breaking point for his character, a crisis of faith. He also didn't quite feel in tune with the Sarenrae principles, and sought some power he could relate to more. Not telling yet which power it is, though the party suspect a demon pact. (It's not).
The player thought (and pushed) towards the tower for this scene, but I was ready put a similar scene if they went elsewhere. The effect of the spirit will mostly be flavor, though Sarenrae was not kidding- there is a cost (though apparently not that high as it turned out).
This is enough for the first part. I hope to write more as soon as I can. Thanks for reading!

Kol Korran
2015-01-07, 05:55 AM
Session 14, Part 2- The search continues, Kirandia, Getting lost.

At which point Julian exclaimed "What the blazes just happened?!". Sena dismisses the concern. "I got what I needed- to ease their pain, it's the least we could do." Andera was more suspicious "Who did you talk to? You made a deal? With a demon?". Sena scorned at him. "Not a demon. Sarenrae did not give us what we needed, the other one did. I trust her." Andera stung a bit more "Like you trusted Sarenrae?" Sena dismissed this again. "As Julian said, we are wasting time! She will give us more guidance!"

At which point he cast Divination (using a mythic point) "Where is the core of Drezen?" The amused woman's voice came "At the center of dwarves toil, in a place of metal and fire!" Julian guessed it on the spot- "A forge! We're looking for some sort of a forge! But I'm not going until I know what sort of a pact you made- what did you give in return?" Sena replied "Just myself, my heart." It was Andera's turn to scorn "Good forces will not ask for a sacrifice!"

Suddenly Staunton Vhane voice chimed in "You do not yet know the meaning of sacrifice". Sena shouted at him "I am not like you! You were tricked by lust! By ego!" Staunton gave another mirthless grim laugh. "And you? Where is your ego? And I was "tricked" by trying to do the right thing, as you did". Julian was worried "How do you know who it was?" Sena dismissed "It was a force for good, it did good". Julian exclaimed at him "The gods do not interfere we directly!" Sena smiled "They have interfered through out my journey, or else what would you call my spells?" Julian was not convinced. "Not in this way though!" Sena continued his smile "Not the gods we knew, but this one does..."

At which point a transperant spirit appeared rushing from the troops. Sena knew it as Tyrus, a soldier in the knights of Sarenrae, but the voice surprised him, it was a much softer woman's voice, and the layer peeled to show it indeed was a woman. The party felt that this is Alisha, age 22. She hovered for a few seconds, her last thoughts 22, also known as Tyrus. "My family wouldn't let me, but I love Dean, and it's the only way I could follow him. If only I had told him…" before she spirt slammed into Sena's body, the shock injuring him.

This seemed to have settled matters "We ARE wasting time." They decided to head towards F20 and the three adjoining rooms (In the original the NW room was part of the main room. They thought that if those were officer's quarters, maybe there would be a forge there? or it could be the core... :smallconfused: On the way Andera hissed "I think you are taking us down with you!"

Since here onwards every so often a spirit would appear from the armies (Except for the tieflings. This may come later), speak a bit of it's dying thoughts/ impressions, and slam wound Sena. Many of the suggestions (Like the one above) are from LokiRagnarok (Thanks a bunch!:smallbiggrin:) on this thread that I posted just a little while ago. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?389504-What-haunts-a-man-%28Or-will-haunt-him%29) The spirits also mke it hard for Sena to cast any spells (Concentration 17+ spell level). Both of these effects were what concerned Sarenrae.

4th vision of John
As they reached the officers quarters they found themselves once more in one of John's visions. This time a battle was going on, between some of the crusaders and other humanoids, but with demonic signs similar to Mad dog when he is manifesting. John was in tears, and they saw Andrew's Father- Altus McClane- "Hold them off! We must get those two! Hold them off!" John fought his way past some "demons", till he saw Marekai. With tears he fought and killed his ex-friend, and then a woman, with blooded lower portion. He killed her, when he heard suddenly the sound of a baby crying... The woman, nearly dying just called out, in her human voice "He was protected by the light! Don't take him!" John went and saw the newly born baby, and raised him.

Sena again gripped his arm "Where is the forge", but John seemed quite lost. Looking at the baby, at Sena, at the baby, at Sena. "Betrayal leads to more betrayal. The betrayer tainted the light, till it shines more more." and the vision ended.

Quarters of Aponavicius

More exploration music- Dragon age deep roads (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=68yHJWgUm8c&p=n)
(Thanks to Biotroll! :smallamused:)

The party entered F20, which turned out to belong to Aponavicius the merilith (now gone to lead demons army to the south)- vast strange mural, on the west wall lots of instruments of torture, on the east a few bone statues, and quite a few racks for weapons, all gone. In the center there was a round coiling depression- her bed. The party searched the room quickly, and then wen to the SE door.


The party felt calmer here, as if the horrors of Drezen are pulled back. Andera took it as a good sign. "So she is good... but then why was she with Jerribeth? They are sisters? why was she a part of all of this?" Julian theorized that "The archer might be going through what Mad dog is going? But maybe she found a way to fight it?"

Since I don't do the dungeon as it is, but rather heavily modified version, I decided to move her cell from there as well. I did so with the forge of corruption (Later)

As they returned to the main room, another spirit appeared- Kanis, a mongrelfolk. "Why we die here? We got out of the caves for this? So much pain, so much death, and all for..." (force wound slam). They entered the next room in line, which was lined with shelves of skulls, mostly humanoid, but not just- of many various species. There was an orb at the end of a staff there, which felt evil. A detect magic found out auras of necromancy and evil, but they couldn't identify what it does. (Lousy spellcraft rolls).

Mad dog wanted to smash it, but the party decided to pocket it as well.

(The inspiration for this room came from Planescape torment)

The last room proved to be a small weapon smithy, quite clean. They searched yet found nothing, Sena tried to pour his mythic power (spend a mythic point) to the forge, which did nothing, and dissipated. they decided to serch more.

in the main room they came upon another vision, this one was Staunton's. In this very room, as he was tortured extremely- blood drained, hooks in his skins, or cuts into his inner organs, slowly pulling ,tearing, and an albino looking human, with a symbol of Shax, the sadistic god, cutting and... deboning Stautnon. Staunton was obviously in great pain, but Areelu Vorlesh was next to him, caressing him. "Endure this dear Staunton, only great suffering will suffice fro what we plan."

Mad dog noticed something in the shadows- A shadow demon. He confronted him directly "Who re you?" The shadow demon seemed surprised but then responded. "Me? I am his jailor!"

At which point Staunton cried through the pain "Is this enough? Is this enough punishment? Finally?" Before the vision dissipated.

The forge
The party continued the search. They decided to head for the NE wing. They saw signs of The Mithral Pure" there, another order that was killed long since. If you go from S16 through the south east door, and then the door east you get to a small square room, which had a few crashed barrels, and a few newer ones, containing... water? They then went east, to the room with many exits, and chose the door to the south, where they came upon the... Corruption forge!

This also exists in the module, but in the dungeon level, so I transported it here. It is something major for the party to find out. It enabled demons to transform holy weapons and armor and such into unholy ones.

The party finds the strange forge, with many runes, but do to crappy knowledge skills and ranks (Sena put 1(!!) ranks in knowledge religion. :smalltongue:) They just understood the thing "was evil". They found Joran Vhane's notes (in code), two lanterns- one beat, old and broken, the other with a silvery glow, though dusted, with mithral runes ("Shine thy way!") and some tools.

The party manages to theorize that THIS is where they changed the Sword of Valor's form! (In fact, this is where they tried... :smallamused:) Due to the clue from the divination ("Center of dwarves' toil, place of metal and fire) they figure out it must be here. They try various things- lighting the "Shine thy way" lantern, casting consecrate, Andera tries to climb up the chimney, but nothing works, they try to move on.

Kirandia/ Meresne
They go north and then east, to the barracks of the Mithral pure (With signs, two mithral chains and more), but the prisoner attracts their attention- an old haggard man calling out curses to them, trying to reach his sword. This is the succubi Kirandia under guise. Though Sens is suspicious, Kirandia plays the "was charmed and now is forgetful" act to the hilt, and the party decides to trust "Merense, the greatest duelist in the west!" and "free" him and give him his sword. They then go on to completely forget about him, assigning him to guard Caleb and the other 3 templars they saved from the other succubi earlier on (forgetting about them all...

Getting lost
Then begins a long process of practically searching every other place (nearly) in Drezen. They reach store rooms, ore rooms, bathing place, the chapel of Torag, the SE barracks (used to belong to the Hammers of Heaven) who were utterly destroyed by a long occupation of the Vescavor swarm that attacked them on the siege, but they didn't found anything that convinced them that "This was it". Staunton Vhane tries to regale them with sayings such "How many more die while you dally here? This is futile, it is beyond your reach" and so on, but the party just ignores him. except for Sena that seethes "We shall find your blood, and we shall cleanse it from this place!" (He is certain that the solution is by SV blood, due to the vision of torture). Quite aa few more spirits, Bartlets, Sarenraes, Mongrelfolk coem and imbed themslves in Sena, and he uses more and more charges of his CMW wand. Andera notices that oddly- no tielfings appear. But Sena speaks nothing of it.

Lones, 24, mongrelfolk- This is as a spirit taught us! We should have lived a good life! It is because me and the others stole from the ruins the night before. We should have told the others, we thought the gems could help make a new life!
Beans, Halfling- Russel, don't die! Come on boy, you gotta leave through this! That potion didn't help him enough. Here, have another, it's my last one, c'mon russel, you can't…
Goma, 33, human Sargent- Those privates still owe me 12 GP! Sarenrae and all that, I didn't go through all of this to be cheapened by whole 12 gps!
Ruak, 16, mongrelfolk- memories of a last meal, of faces of family, of father giving him some advice, sending him on his journey.
Halek, halfling- I don't realy feels my arms anymore… it's good, the pain stop… I wish I could see… Or maybe not. I wish I could stop to hear… the pain, the praying… Ah… here comes silence…
Dean, 23, human- Why? Why? Sarenrae, please hear me! I never wanted this! The army! The crusade! To die out here in a cursed temple! I just went along with the others! Please! Let me leave! I will …
Nura, mongrelfolk- Spirit! Brother! Where are you? Where are you? Help us! Help us! Please! Don't forsake us! Not now! Spirit! Brother…
Banya, halfling, 28- "Bartlet he still tries to rally us, to save us, he doesn't have a clue. The old bastard, he's just a big softy. Never before have I seen him cry. Not once in 10 years. Are we really that bad? I'm losing my sight…"

The Sword of Valor
So the party returned to the forge. Sena tries using his mythic power to transform the mithral lantern, but to no avail. Julian spoke calmly "We are losing ourselves. This IS the center of dwarves toil, we found nothing better. Lets observe the clues that John told us" So I went over them again:
"Seek that which was lost. And free it with the the power the gods vested in the chosen ones!"
"Not all is as it appears to be, Yet you cannot evade it's true nature and essence."
"This was the core we sought, and so you must seek the core of Drezen, the dwarven fort."
"Betrayel leads to more betrayal. The betrayer tainted the light, till it shines more more."
It was this last clue that solved it for them, they have forgotten about it. "So it's not the silver/ mithral lantern, but the beat up crappy one!"
So Mad tries to transform it, and...

Sword of valor's music- Mercy in Darkness, 2SfH (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=ScAVPpD-QWg&p=n)

The party have found the Sword of Valor! (Finally! :smallwink:) But before they could examine it, Kirnadia betrays them! (SV- "Haven't you yet learned of the theme of Drezen- betrayal after betrayal...") She tries to dominate Mad dog, who uses mythic power to block the attempt. She looks confused "I thought you were the simple minded one!" Mad dog grinned "I'm the one who kills!" And jumped at her. But Julian obviously didn't have time for this. She used hideous laughter, which took her out for the fight for 2 rounds. And 2 rounds is all it took, where Andera cut off her head once and for all Sena' was beside himself, cursing "betrayer!"

As they won, another vision from John descended on them. He was in a cave, with no exit, but with a great chasm in the middle. A dark and foreboding one. And he was tortured, in many ways, as well as made to fight all kind of demons, but also other captured templars, pushing some into the hall. And between fights, there was a shadow demon beside him, cutting it's arm, and letting him drink from his blood, with John's arms rolling back. "Finding the key to your prison, is one thing. You must also find the door out. "

The party examined the sword of valor. Again, crappy rolls and crappy ranks let them know very little of it's powers. The banner was somewhat intelligent, and communicated in impressions, slight emotions and the like. They felt it's power was very low, very few "charges" as it is. They could feel it could partly rejuvenate them (A sensation similar to that of the Scales of Terendelev). It could shed a powerful light, or use a minor sort of miracle (A sort of limited wish, in regarding for spells, but with divine spells more than arcane). The party decided to use nothing for now.

They felt the Banner pulling. Julian took it with her (As only she had 2 free hands), and they moved. Julian felt that the banner helsp ease her fears, her loneliness, her terror of this place. It led them towards the broken mirror at the war room (F18) As the light from the banner shone, the visage beyond the mirror looked like another place, with mist and shadow...

Sena called. "We are coming for you Staunton! Where are you now?" Staunton replied. "You have found the way to my prison, but it is still far from over." Sena returned. "We are coming, and we'll END you!" And with that, the party entered Staunton's Prison...

I thought this would be an interesting little puzzle to explore. It lso gave me a chance to show John and Staunton a bit, and some of the expedition to the worldwound that will be a major part of the next module, as the party come to deal with their campaign traits (Again, thanks for that discussion Biotroll!)

I was worried that the riddle was too vague, but from later on the party told me that once they had all the clues, and knew of the forge room's contents, that it was obvious enough. (Which is good- never design a riddle the party shouldn't solve, unless it's for a bonus content). SO this went well. The "going through most of Drezen rooms" was a bit annoying, but just a bit, and it gve the place a feeling of space. We didn't dally about it too much, so it didn't took a lot of game time.

I also wanted to let the Sword of Valor itself play out a bit. In the module the party just finds it in the end of the module, and then forget about it as they get to the third. It's practically nonexistent. I wanted to have the party seek "A light in the darkness" sort to speak. Which will have a few powers. Also, each time the banner's power gets used, I put up the music. :smalltongue: which also helps put an impression.
This has been a long part, but There is a storm outside, and I have some free time, so I'm going to start writing the third part immediately. Hope you enjoy!

Kol Korran
2015-01-07, 09:40 AM
Session 14, part 3- The "Inside" Drezen, The choice, Shadow demon, Staunton Vhane

Sena called. "We are coming for you Staunton! Where are you now?" Staunton replied. "You have found the way to my prison, but it is still far from over." Sena returned. "We are coming, and we'll END you!" And with that, the party entered Staunton's Prison...

At this point it was about 23:00-23:30 or so. We usually end at midnight. I asked them if they wish to continue. They voted yes! :smallsmile:

The party found themselves on a very odd place- just outside of the Drezen fort! But everything looked a bit eschewed- slightly wrong, slightly blurry. Looking behind them they could see only mist. Whatever this place was, it extended just around Drezen. Looking up the skies were starless, and filled with shadow. They could feel powerful magics pervading here (The 3 effects pervading the shadows), and what sounded liek whispers, barely audiable whispers, like those in... Staunton' mind?

Music for the "inside" Drezen- Whispering halls, Quake (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=xAgZ5XWXiMA&p=n)
(Thanks again Biotroll! :smallsmile:)

Abyssal Infusion: The dungeon is strongly chaostic- and evil-aligned as a result, and lawful and good spells and spell-like abilities are impeded (Concentration DC 20+ spell level to cast) Know Planes/ Arcana 20
• Unhallowed: An unhallow effect (CL 20th) suffuses the dungeon. A dimensional anchor is tied to it that affects all creatures save for chaotic evil worshipers of Deskari. Know religion 20
• Whispers of Madness: Demonic spirits haunt the walls of the dungeon, and while their constant whispering never becomes loud enough to allow intelligible speech to be heard, the constant susurrus grates on the mind. At the start of every 10 minutes spent in the dungeon, non-chaotic-evil creatures must succeed at a 17 Will save to resist taking 2 points of cha damage as the whispering slowly drives them mad—a creature that takes an amount of Charisma damage equal to its Charisma score becomes afflicted by a random insanity. Knowledge dungeneering 20 http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemasu gon thtering/afflictions/madness this is a mind-affecting sonic effect.

Sena's magic circle crashes under the abyssal infusion.

Staunton Vhane spoke, as if greatly tired "Finally, we come close. Finally my punishment, my price will be complete."
Sena snarled "Oh, you will be redeemed! By fire! My fire!" Julian tried a more moderate approach "Staunton, the deeper you have went, the higher you can climb!" Staunton gave a tired laugh. "Really? You have sw what I have done, what was done to me... You think a few passing words could change all of that?" Julian stayed without an answer to that. There is no reason in resistance. It is a done game, it is futile!"

When Mad dog's player surprised me "Resistance is never futile, only you are futile, for you have given up, and that is really why you fell. Now you, everything you have done, will be gone, destroyed, returned to ashes, with your ashes!" (The longest he has said in a few session!)

The whispering madness take their toll of Andera, nd he loses 2 Cha.

Another spirit, coming from the court of the fort, came into view: Kell, 40, healer- "And here I thought the gods have forgiven, but Sarenrae hasn't forgotten. Well now I'll atone, for that one murder long ago. I am sorry Linda Toll, If I could take it back I would…" The party decided to get inside.

The courtyard and Theruk Null
As the party rushed towards the gates of the Drezen citadel, they saw their troops, as if half real, suffering, some still, Julian saw Bartlet, himself oozing and bleeding, trying to keep his people together, the place felt desperate, with a great suffering, wit hslight spirits here and there anchoring themsleves to Sena.

As they pssed near the Maze of Souls (The structure that was used to house the templars ghosts in the siege) they were suddenly stopped by the albino torturer of Shax, and three others who seem more "real", they were trying to fix the broken magical maze, but quickly turned on the party: "You broke it, they are free! Only two prisoners now. The dwarf and human. I think I'll take you too!"

These were Theruk null, the vampire assassin, and his 3 Vampire spawn (The module has more , I decided this was enough). He tried to dominate them, but Sena just cast communal protection from evil the round before (Though again, due to lousy ranks and rolls, they didn't know what these were! He cast it for the +2 defelction :smalltongue:)

Mad dog and Sena tries to attack Therul, but have a hard time bypassing his DR (and fast regeneration), Julian in the meantime uses storm step and diamon spray to mke quick work of the vampire spawn. As Theruk's attack drain 2 levels from Mad dog, and then from Sena they start to take it seriously. Sena reaalizes this is an undead, and tries to use channel energy, only to meet his channel resistance and the uhnallow bonus, to cause little damage. Mad dog's player seethes "Vampire" (He really hats them) and uses his remaining mythic powers to hit and bypass his reduction, so does Julian, so does Andera, and so does Sena, who finishes with a crit searing light to the face. The party manages to succeeds, but other than Andera, they are enitrely out of mythical points.

"So you have killed my torturer, and yet he took more out of you. The battle never ends, never ends... How long will you stand?". "Longer than you!" retorts Mad dog.

Julian and Sen use their wardstone fragments to return some mythical power (3 to Julian, 2 to Sena. They got this at the end of the first module). But as this is not enough, they call upon the power of the Sword of Valor

Sword of valor- Mercy in darkness (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=ScAVPpD-QWg&p=n)

The banner gives them half their max hit point, half their their spells and "per day" abilities (Rage, ki power), but not mythical power. With the renewed spells Sena casts restoration on himself and Mad dog. And tries a Circle against evil, twice, since the first can't get past the abyssal infusion. The whispering madness take their toll of Mad dog, reducing his charisma by 2. (Oh and Andera finally succeeded in a save. he requested my to write "Andera finally made a will save!" so I do. :smalltongue:)

Current XP: 74,600 per players. "You bastard!" yells Mad dog's player jokingly. (Mu ha ha! :smallamused:)

This proved a tougher encoutner than I expected, mainly due to Theruk's DR. I didn't have him use a dagger, since.. well... that is dumb when he can do level drain with his fists.

I used the courtyard t oremind the party both of the troops, but also of the siege and the bigger world outside, and to give the feeling that SV IS Drezen, once more.

The hard choice
Another spirit came- Fey, mongrelfolk: (Images of little brothers). Smile, "I hope this was enough. They promised us. As equals. We gave our blood, now our souls. I hope this is enough. Leave free Gull, Mali, Petero, mother, father, live…"

They rushed towards the gates. But just as they reach the citadel, Staunton Vhane's ghost appears: I don't know- Either you wish to be heroes, or it was thrust upon you, whether you like it or not, it does not matter. Here is your heroe's reward. Every once in awhile some psycho will give you a choice. An impossible choice, in which you cannot succeed. Come for me, and your mentor John, in Soltengrabbe's tower dies, (Which is outside of Citadel Drezen, a few hundred feet away) a horrible death. Dally and spend precious time to save him, and more of your people will die… Which will it be, heroes? You play by the rules, demon kind is not bound by them... As I said- we do not play fair...and therefore it will eventually win… What shall be your choice?" And with that Staunton faded.

I could See Sena's player conflicted, but Julian spoke to him: "There are 3 possibilities here- we can go after John, we can go after Staunton, or we can split. (?:smalleek:?) It is your choice Sena, but for what it's worth- I think we should go after Staunton."

Andera said "You lot should go after Staunton, I will try to free John. If he is just held simply, perhaps I can do this alone. (?!:smalleek::smalleek:!?). I... I misjudged your sacrifice Sena. Mad dog agreed "To Staunton we need to go."

Sena still looked conflicted. "You cannot go alone Andera, though I thank you. In this place we go together." Julian spoke to him, laying her hand on his shoulder. "Think about it Sena, You know John, and I saw what he taught you. What would you think John would tell you to do? He will not forgive you if you let your people die just for him."

This sealed it, and with a heavy heart, Sena reached for the Drezen citadel doors, when another vision came upon them, one of John's visions: They were somewhere in the worldwound, about 10-20, few and beraglled, led by John, who now, though still young, had the face of a man who's been through the worst the worldwound would offer. 2 scouts came. "They are after us, gaining on us." John seemed to think, but only a little. "You two, come with me, we'll create a decoy, draw them off from the rest. The rest of you, get to Kenbres as fast as you can!" John then handed someone a baby, the baby that belonged to the demonic Marekai and his wife- "Take care of him. His name is Senatef."

"You Bastard!" Said Sena's player... He didn't see this coming, but apparently he liked this twist.

Inside him, Senatef heard the voice of a woman. "How does that make you feel? Use it! Harness it? It will guie you to your goal!" Sena used a divination "And where IS my goal? Where is Staunton Vhane?!". The answer was simple "Straight ahead, at the center, at the heart..."

Inside Drezen, the Shadow

Inside Drezen (F1) There is a strange room, but from it's shadows the shadow demon (Eustryox in the module) formed at the back, with a deep chasm between him and the players. "I am the warden of this prison. You will NOT have my prisoner!"

He who brings the night (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=CJlLVYWT-Hc&p=n)
(Not the best of music, but decent enough)

Andera vanished and jumped the chasm to the other side, and stood by the demon, but then 2 wraiths came through the walls to attack Mad dog and Sena, starting to drain their strength. Sena started by channeling, as the Shadow demon unleashed a shadow evocation dragon's breath, with Mad dog failing and suffering good damage.

Andera begins his routine of AoO the shadow demon, than full attacking him and then vanishing, while the demon tries his SLA abilities, while the rest fight the wraiths.The demon, not being able to pinpoint Andera, flies over the chasm and pounces on Sena, hitting him nicely "SO that was your teacher? I'll have you next!" Sena moves out of the stinking cloud (Shadow conjuration), and used his Forcefang ring to blast him "What did you do to John?!" Seeing this effective against the incorporeal demon, Julian follows suit.

The demon changes tactics, and uses magic Jar (into the door. I didn't remember the spell right, and also forgot he leaves the body behind, and that he needed a gem. Sorry. :smalltongue:). But a quickt detect magic showed the door as magical, and Julian used diamond spray to shred the door to pieces. They ganged up on the demon, but he quickly died due to... bleeding damage! :smallwink: (From Andera's attacks). Indeed one of the more embarrassing deaths we've had yet.

The original (ANd to my opinion more interesting) shadow demon encounter was in Soltengrabbe's tower, with him possessing John, I'll just need to use it's elements for soemthing else. As the module requires two mythic trials, I had him teleport here without John and fight the party here.

Not exactly a great fight, but oh well... Had I done it again I think I would have awareded the mythical trial (though not ll of the XP) just for making the choice to help their troops instead. Seemed importnt enough for me. I don't quite know.

I used the following statistics for the shadow demon, suggested on another side, but made a bit weaker due to meeting him a level before. I kept the same XP since the party was more depleted (Mainly from Mythic power)

XP 12,800
Male advanced mythic shadow demon (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 67, 294; Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures)
CE Medium outsider; (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar, incorporeal, mythic)
Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft., see in darkness; Perception +25
AC 29, touch 25, flat-footed 22 (+7 deflection, +4 natural, +6 Dex, +2 dodge)
hp 135 (10d10+100)
Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +11
Defensive Abilities endure sunlight, incorporeal; DR 10/cold iron and epic or epic and good; Immune cold, electricity, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison; Resist acid 10, fire 10; SR 21
Speed fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Melee 2 claws +14 touch (1d6+7/19-20 plus 1d6 cold plus grab), bite +14 touch (1d8+7 plus 1d6 cold)
Special Attacks mythic power (4/day, surge 1d8), possession mastery, pounce, rake (2 claws +14 touch, 1d6+7), shadow blend, sprint
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th; concentration +21)
At will—deeper darkness, fear (DC 22), greater teleport (self only) telekinesis (+16), summon (level 5, 1d4 shadows 75%)
3/day—magic jar (DC 24), shadow conjuration(Stinking cloud Fort 21 or nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds DC 20 Fort ), shadow evocation- Dragon breath (DC 22 12d6. Belief 20%)
1/day—summon (level 5, 1 shadow demon 90%)
Str —, Dex 22, Con 21, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 24
Base Atk +9; CMB +16 (+20 grapple); CMD 36
Feats Ability Focus (magic jar), Arcane Strike (+3), Blind-FightM, DodgeM, Improved Initiative
Skills Acrobatics +9 (+7 while jumping), Disguise +13 (+33) Bluff +19, Fly +27, Intimidate +18, Knowledge (arcana) +17, Knowledge (local) +17, Knowledge (planes) +17, Perception +25, Sense Motive +17, Stealth +19; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Common; telepathy 100 ft.
SQ improved shadow form, shadowblood
Endure Sunlight (Ex)
Eustoyriax does not possess the standard shadow demon weakness of sunlight powerlessness.
Improved Shadow Form (Ex)
Eustoyriax adds his charisma modifier to all natural attack damage rolls. His claws become partially corporeal when attacking, allowing him to grapple opponents without being considered grappled. This ability also gives him a natural armor bonus to AC equal to his mythic rank, and additional immunities beyond those possessed by standard shadow demons.
Possession Mastery (Su)
Eustoyriax can use magic jar three times per day. If the target successfully saves against it, Eustoyriax can spend one use of mythic power to force the target to reroll, taking a -2 penalty. He can only do this once per casting. When he affects a creature with this ability, he can use all of its abilities, including spellcasting. If the target is protected against possession, he can try to dispel the effect as if he had cast dispel magic (CL 13th) on the target.
Sprint (Ex)
Once per minute, Eustoyriax can increase its fly speed to 240 feet for 1 round.
Shadow Blend (Su)
light spells of 2nd level or lower do not negate this ability.

The party found in him a diamond (I originally planned this as both his magic jar and for raise dead if it will come to that). and two "shadow pale stones"- stones that changed their color according to the light. The party know nothing of these yet (I thought it as a nice loot, and possible power component for spells)

The party has finished a mythical trial (1st out of 2) and gained 9th level!
Mad dog takes "improved critical" With a huge grins on his face.
Sena takes Demon hunter.
I forgot what the others took, though Julian took a lot of spells (Through bloodline, human favored class bonus and more. Wizard? Who needs a wizard?)

The Sword of valor gave a sensation of helping more. Using it used almost all of it's powers, but enabled the party to feel as if rested for a day, so they got their full spells and "per days" powers back. They've used some spells and potions of lesser restoration to get theri strength back, and continued on.

The whispers of madness took their toll from Andera- -2 to charisma. Another spirit came- Shane, halfling, 22- "I am sorry mother, father" (Images of arguing with the father, angrily living home). "I did what I felt was right. We have to fight. I just wished… If I could talk to you again fa…"

End to righteousness
In the long hall (F2) I handed wach player a piece of paper:

To Sena:
The spirits around you, they suddenly shriek in horror, and more, many more come. Though the others don't know it yet, you do- all of the troops outside are dead. They are finally dead. And it is ALL your fault. You have failed them.
But the spirits, they want revenge! They grow around you, and call for vengeance! They create a spell with their combined power, One to paralyze you, and then kill you.
Roll Will DC 17, in silent.

You can roleplay your character's reaction, but without letting the others know what is exactly happening! As to the roll, just tell me if you succeeded or failed.
To Andera
From the shadows to your back, you suddenly feel the power of Staunton Vhane coming towards you. A shade, that none of the others can see, and it is coming straight at you. It's presence is filled with power. Paralizing power… and it's coming to end you!
Roll Will DC 17, in silent.

You can roleplay your character's reaction, but without letting the others know what is exactly happening! As to the roll, just tell me if you succeeded or failed.
To Julian:
This place, it is taking it's toll on you Julian, and though you have tried to hold it, your mind is slipping away, so silently that no one arounds you even seems to notice it. And Staunton Vhane is getting in. You feel his power, his emptiness, his despair, his grim acceptance, trying to push you away, wipe you out, make it as if you never existed.
Roll Will DC 17, in silent.

You can roleplay your character's reaction, but without letting the others know what is exactly happening! As to the roll, just tell me if you succeeded or failed.
To Mad dog
You have felt it inside you, the demonic awakening, but now it is stronger. You feel this place, this prison, unlocking your inner demon without restraint! This time, if you don't stop it, it might replace you, take over, and then kill them all!
Roll Will DC 17, in silent.

You can roleplay your character's reaction, but without letting the others know what is exactly happening! As to the roll, just tell me if you succeeded or failed.

All except for Andera saved (He did mention he never makes them. :smalltongue:) But this time he used mythic surge to succeed. When the party's spell craft went high enough (finally!) they realized this was a Phantasmal killer spell, with slight variations. The players were alarmed (I lmost never use save or die spells. I keep them for other occasions).

They moved on. the whispers took their toll from Mad dog- -2 to charisma. The whispers were affecting much faster now...

The trap, and what would have happened if they failed? (NO bearing on the story, just if you're interested)
In the module, the trap appears near the last challenge. I thought it was quite befitting mainly to the prison of SV. In the module, the "greatest fear", is four identical phantasms of Deskari. I knew the party will never buy that, so I went with more "personalized" fears. And indeed- they didn't catch up to it. Though I was bummed that keeping things secret from everyone meant they had little room to roleplay in.

To Sena:
The spirits have paralyzed you, but this is just the start. You feel their souls, cold, hateful, demanding, entering your body, and with a violence that surprises you, they enter your body, intent or ravaging it, your mind, make you suffer and die!
Roll fortitude save DC 17.

You can roleplay your character's reaction, but without letting the others know what is exactly happening! As to the roll, just tell me if you succeeded or failed.
To Andera:
Staunton Vhane has you paralyzed. He comes to you, and looks at you with cold dead eyes. He then reaches with his hands, who go into your heart, and into your head, and then you feel him "messing" around with stuff. "It is inevitable… only endless suffering, as you will know now…"
Roll fortitude save DC 17.

You can roleplay your character's reaction, but without letting the others know what is exactly happening! As to the roll, just tell me if you succeeded or failed.
To Julian:
Staunton Vhane's has you paralyzed, inside your mind, expanding. There is considerable pain in the process, as you almost feel you head cracking, but the pain is across your personality, your being, trying to break you, shatter you…
Roll fortitude save DC 17.

You can roleplay your character's reaction, but without letting the others know what is exactly happening! As to the roll, just tell me if you succeeded or failed.
To Mad dog:
You can feel the demon's form taking shape, in a fast, violent matter- muscles that are not your own, blood not of yours, the demonic spikes tearing through your body. But more than that- the demon mind, tearing through your own. Soon, there will be no more Mad dog, only mad demon.
Roll fortitude save DC 17.

You can roleplay your character's reaction, but without letting the others know what is exactly happening! As to the roll, just tell me if you succeeded or failed.

Had they failed this as well, they would not die. The module suggests to have them at bleeding, and then inflict the "psychosis" insanity on them (They turn eveil and plot to kill the party). I liked the idea of a mental break (Though being e medical student with an interest in psychiatry, and hypo-manic to boot, I find the PAIZO definitions simplistic, somewhat insulting, and on many accounts- just plain wrong. Google? Wikipedia?), but I didn't like the "psychosis" idea, since any of the characters could easily kill all the rest without much effort if they wanted to. So instead I went with personalized mental breaks as well. The mental breaks were different due to how roelplay heavy the player was, things we've talked about (like the results of possible strain on Julian, I may still use that) and their will saves.

Multiple personality: Staunton Vhane.
Save DC 17 (For curing purposes)
Effect –6 penalty on Will saving throws and Wisdom based skill checks; multiple personalities (see below)
Julian's mind broke… She believes that Staunton has possessed her. That he seeks to teach them all the meaning of hopelessness, of there being noway out. At times she acts fully convinced that she is him, possessing her. But she believes that as Staunton has shown her a lesson in futility, so he shall show the others, while he takes more and more of her mind.
Every morning, and each time the Julian character is rendered unconscious, (But not right now in the adventure in Drezen. This comes AFTER you manage to deal with Staunton, not right now, though she does feel Staunton has implanted "something" in her mind) She must make a Will save against his insanity’s DC. (Including the penalty) Failure indicates that Staunton Vhane's personality takes over. How Staunton Vhane's personality comes to be is up to you, but on the general lines above.
Curing the Insanity can be fast or slow, depending on how the party plays it out.
Phobia of the undead and the dead.
Save DC 14 Effect As long as in the proximity of undead or strong death themes (Cemetery and so on) The character is shaken (no save). If confronted with it (Takes a standard action) must save against the DC or become frightened for 1d6 rounds.
Andera has contacted a phobia of the undead and death themes. He feels they have bested him, and thus fears them greatly, and will try to avoid them if possible. This includes any strong death related theme.
Curing the Insanity can be fast or slow, depending on how the party plays it out.

Mad dog
Psychosis- losing sense of what is rel, and what is not.
Save DC 16
Effect –4 penalty on all Wisdom and Charisma-based skill checks; cannot take 10 or take 20; chance of becoming confused (see below)
The strain on Md dog has been too much. He knows not what is demon magic, their magic, his plane, another plane, what is real and what is not. He has intermediate psychotic episodes, seeing things, hearing things, or doubting what is right there.
When ever in a stressful situation (Such as combat) roll against the Insanity's DC. If you fail, you act confused for 1d6 rounds.
Curing the Insanity can be fast or slow, depending on how the party plays it out.

Save DC 19
Effect –4 penalty on Will saves and Charisma-based skill checks; cannot receive benefit from or attempt the Aid Another action; cannot willingly accept aid (including healing) from another creature unless he makes a Will save against his insanity’s DC.
Betrayal, Betrayal, Betrayal… First Nurah, Then Staunton, Now the very spirits you wished to aid (Sena believes they are laching to him, trying to suck away at his life, not knowing he is aiding them.
Who will betray you next?
Sena's mind has broken due to the recent events. He now believes that the entire world is out to get him. Julian, Andera, Mad Dog, even John! (I suggest to let yourself be persuaded to a degree until you leave Drezen… "The lesser of two evils" sort of…

Curing the Insanity can be fast or slow, depending on how the party plays it out.

Battle at the gate, getting close
The party reached the inner gate, at were met by 2 salamander and 2 babaus (Mad dog really like Slalamnders, cause he got some elemental resistance power from fire). Mad dog rushes to them, and get hit by spears and critted by aa tail, though he keeps on soaking damage, and the heat does little to him. Andera tries holy smite, but the abyssal infuses stops him. Julian casts haste, and Andera gets into flanking.

The battle turns interesting, as the doors in the north open up, and a dwarf, looking a bit like Staunton rushes in. "Help me! Can you help me? We can change him! Not too far gone! please if you could..." When SV ghost appears "YOU will NOT betray me brother!" and attacks him.

While Mad dog and Andera battle the Babaus and Salamanders (Mad dog is having a blast by the way:smallbiggrin:) Sena and Julian come and try to coax information/ save Joran Vhane from his brother, while attacking the spirit. They do little to persuade him, as he pleads his brother to stop hurting him, and pleads them to help his brother. SV's spirit focuses it's entire efforts on Joran, but gets the dwarf to 2 CON before the combined efforts of the party destroy the spirit. "Have you not learned, I cannot die!" Julian retorted "Oh! Soon you will!"

Having saved Joran (Sena uses lesser restoration on him, though he highly distrust the dwarf), Julian speaks to the dwarf: "We can only try to make his spirit to go peacefully,He is too far gone. He suffered greatly, endured greatly, all we can do now is try to send him to his eternal rest. Look, Joran. I know nothing of the gods, but Sena here and maybe others will try to pray for him. I promise you we will do anything in opur power to ease his fate, to help him just... rest in peace. (I asked the player if he meant it truthfully, he did).

This managed to persuade the dwarf, who was partly in tears. "I never meant for this. I thought I could call him... Blast!" He then looked at the party. "Ok, we have little time- The next room is the rune's room- A great big rune of Deskari, that fuels the different powers of this place (The abyssal infusions, the whispers and so on) There are three runes powering it- the rune of flesh (To the east), Bone (To the north), and blood (To the west). I know these re kind of vaults that holds his remains, which that witch Areelu used to conjure this mess! Unsolve this, and you may weaken the rune.

Julian inquired. "And Staunton?" Joran half shook his shoulders. "His spirit is tied to the place. I'm not sure if to the runes, or not. I am just sure it's the only place where he can... depart."

Andera looked worried. "These vaults, runes, any way to open them?" Jorna half brightened "Oh, not sure, but I heard the witch do a small incanttion. Apparently some sort of spells, the stornger the better, can weaken a rune. It went like this:
Transform the flesh.
Mend the bone.
Call the blood.
The party didn't quite knew what to do with this.

Ok, the party was ready It was already 2 AM. "Shall we continue?" They decided to mach on!:smallamused:

Final spirit, Deskari's rune, Staunton Vhane
Last minute preparations: Julian cast haste on all, and Magic mirror on everyone (We ruled that "self" spells are "touch" spell). Anders used cat's grace and shield of faith potion, Sena casts righteous might and windwalk and Mad dog? He sharpened his sword.

Just before they entered, another spirit appeared, of Mentor John- Had to get in, they found it! They found the sword of valor! There is a chance, I knew it would work. Is that enough? It was a trap, it had to be, they needed inside information, if I can only get to them. Borosus? Marekai? I've saved your son… They have a chance, Had to be inside, to provide them information. Ah... I see...You all come for me now… I see… I'm sorry… I hope it's enough… I'm coming to you. Farewell Sena, my child…

And so John has passed away. Sena froze for a moment, and then, quite dereminantdly, opened the door.

Staunton Vhane's battle- Drakblade, 2SfH (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvDmhW4GziU)

The room was not as the opening court in Drezen. Rather, it was a huge room, occupided by a red Deskari rune, and at it's side and top the other three runes- Flesh, blood and bone. Yet in the center, at the Eye of Deskari, was Staunton Vhane. The spirit they have encountered before? A mere pale apparition. Staunton was not just spirit though, for he held a cold Iron Eathbreaker, with a malicious unholy energy, and his foll plate was made of dark living chains, which wriggled and snapped in the air.

The room, as they entered it
A clear view


From the game, as they entered the room

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/20150104_0245041_zpsd23912d6.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/20150104_0245041_zpsd23912d6.jpg.html)

The players are nice enough to give me speak for my villains when they meet them. "At last, it has come to this. Heroes you are, and a last stand it is. Whether you or I win at least, I will be free. Let us end this!"

They didn't want to say anything though, and mad dog simply charged! A chain snaps t him, trying to disrm him, but he shakes it off. He hits him and crits! followed by a sudden attack, they do nice starting damge. On the way he meets SV's gaze, which burn through him (Corrupting gaze ghost ability), getting his charisma to like 4 or 5. Unfortuntely, I forget about this for the rest of the battle... :smalltongue:

"Impressive" Staunton retorts, and strikes back with his hammer, taken out mirror images. (As the battle continues, this move with the mirror images, plus the haste saved the party's asses it seems. Julian plays quite the "batman sorceress" at times).

The plan was for Mad dog to occupy SV, and for the rest to work the runes, but the plan quickly falls out. Julian advances to the rune on the west (Blood), while flying, and Sena between Mad dog and the one of flesh, unsure. The rune glows, and a directed dispel magic effects all, dropping out Andera's haste, Sena's righteous might, and Mad dog's shield of faith. But that's not all! Through chaotic forces, the room is suddenly filled with storm powerful winds. The wind smacks Julian to the rune, and a wratih comes through the wall, Andera falls due to the wind,m but the rest are unaffected. It seems the rune itself is safe to walk on though, free of winds.

The wraith misses Julian due to the images, but Julian is unsure how to progress as well. Sena uses mythic power to cast burning disarm on staunton, who lets go of his hammer "I don't need this, and start attacking Mad dog with his hands and sudden attacks. Some attacks hit, draining his constitution, some attack miss, taking down images. Staunton also Smite goods him, which raises his AC to 40. Formidable.

Seeing this, Sena abandons his plan, and moves towards SV and attacks him with a holy weapon (Holy lance ability). SV at first tries to heal himself with an anti paladins' corrupted touch, but later declares a smite evil on Sena as well (Julian's player whop played a paladin said it was possible). With his high AC he proves quite hard to hit, so Sena starts packing offensive spells on himself, the main one is "Smite abomination".

Julian tries to figure out the rune, but the wraiths disturbs her, and on a successful hit takes 6 str damage out of her! She uses invisibility, and there wraiths goes to flank with SV. Andera in the meantime gets through the winds to the rune, and runs on it (Using n action point towards the rune of flesh

Which is when the great rune flashes again, and this time all of it's edges sprout long bars to the ceiling, making the room several prison cells. "Welcoem to my prison!" says SV. Andera curses as he reaches the end of the rune but is blocked by bars. Mad dog and SV are in the same 10x10 central "room, while Sena is behind him, and attacks through the bars. Julian uses storm step to both hit the wraith and move through the bars (I rule this form of "teleportation" does not move through the planes and is therefor not subject to the unhallow effect).

I forget that each time the big rune flashes, the whispers of madness act again, and a dispel magic is added. :smallfrown: Complicated battle.


SV taks down Mad dog's last image, and tries to affect him with the curse touched, but Mad dog manages to barely save using mythic surge. Mad dog starts burning mythic power jsut to try and evade both SV and the wraith, nd his constituion goes down in moderate pace, and even 1-2 hits to his strength.

Sena finishes all of his castings, and get to about a +25 to hit. Still, with the bars SV has an AC of 44, but good dice, and some mythic surge have Sena hit nicely. Julian saves Mad dog's ass by granting him 7 more images. Andera? He checked the "lock" of the vault (DC 30), but abandons it to kill the wrtih with holy arrows. ("At least I did something!" He says jokingly. He has the worst luck :smalltongue:)

I remembered the corrupting gaze, which gets Mad dog to 3 charisma when he hits him, critting delivering good damage. SV is on 21 hit points. I now (Finally!) think to use the bars, and SV moves beyond the party's reach, intending to heal, "I will at least prove a good fight!" but Sena focuses a searing light spell on him. "No you will not!" And sears Staunton Vhane out of existence, with a final "freeeeeee...." escaping.

I decide to not play out the minor runes and narrate stuff- the great rune keeps on using various powers, as they open the runes, each eliciting a different creature- blood puddings (blood), rot grub swarm (flesh... or what was left from the flesh), and a bone golem (bone. duh!) The party is happy they didn't try to tackle the runes! (Undoing the runes would have each broke one of the effects, and decreased SV Charisma by 1, or 2 for bones)

The spell was broken, Staunton was beat, and finally- the party has won Drezen! They also completed their second mythic trial for this tier, and gained the third mythic tier, placing them ad Level 9/ Tier 3.

To tell the truth, I've forgotten quite a few things here:
- SV's corrupting gaze.
- Using him more intellegently, like moving behind bars, healing himself and blasting them with his gae, telikinesis and armor of chains.
- The dispel magic of the rune in each change (I forgot just once, but still)
- The whispering madness of the rune each time it changed.

But oh well, such is the game. The party still felt it was quite challenging. I do feel like it could have been more interesting than mainly a slug fest between SV, Mad dog and Sena.

Julian's spells quite saved the day here, as the rest have noted. Mad dog would have long been a corpse by now if not for them.

If you're interested in the mechanics, here is SV, and the runes:

Staunton Vhane CR 13/ Mythic 4: 15/ 15 MP
CE ghost dwarf Anti paladin 10
Init +6; Senses Darkvision; Perception +11
AC 29/31, touch 19/21, flat-footed 27/29 (+10 armor, +7/+9 deflection, +2 Dex)
hp 154 (174) Aura of despair- -2 to all saves, 10 feet.
Fort +14/+16, Ref +10/+12, Will +14/+16 (+4 channel resist)
Speed 30 ft fly.(+10 feet for charge)
Sudden strike (Mythic power): swift. Two attack rolls, use best, add +4 to attack
Smite good (4/ day): +7 to attack, + 10/20 to damage, +7 deflection.
Heaven's fall: Earth breaker +1 unholy (Boon: crush+ vicious) +15/ +10 for 2d6+ 2d6 unholy+ 2d6 vicious+ 1d4 ability damage. Heals 5
Ghost Corrupting touch (Standard): +12 touch for 11d6 damage Fort 22/ 24 halves damage
Touch of corruption (Standard attack, swift heal): 13/ day, +12 for 5d6, + curse, Fortitude 22/24 negate cruelty.
Draining touch: +13/ +8 for 1d4 ability damage, heals 5

Range and magic
Armor of chains: As an AoO or intended, +14/+12 grapple/ disarm can throw a chain up to 20 feet to start grapple, the target gains the entangled condition (Escape Artist DC 20 to slip free, break DC 28, hardness 10, 10 hit points, concentration DC 18 to cast spells while entangled).
Can also disarm, and take weapon. (Needs to disarm in return. Up to 2 chains active at a time.
Telekinesis: Violent thrust +17/+19 for 10d6 damage once in1d4 rounds. Or Bull rush/ Drag with +17/+19. (Success move 5 feet. Every 5 beyond- move 5 feet more)
Corrupting gaze: 30 ft, 2d10+ 1d4 charisma. Fort 22/24 for no charisma damage. Avert eyes- 50% no gaze, SV gains concealment 20%, if total cover, then total concealment.
Heal by corrupting touch. (see above)
Spells: DC 17/19+Spell level: Protection from good, Command x2, Eagle's splendor x2, Hold person, Dispel
Magic x2
Trust betrayed- 1/ day- Unholy blight effect. (5d8) 40 ft radius (Magic item ability)

More mythic & ghost
- M: Into the grave I take them. (grave trapping + channel touch attack through weapons)
- M: One with the haunt: Can use vehemence for huge items as well. Manifest at -4 HD, -6 Charisma and now items.
- M: Fleet warrior (Full attack before/ after move)
- G: Corrupting touch
- G: Corrupting gaze
- G: Draining touch
- G: Telekinesis (Flavor- pulling of chains, taking down the castle)
- G: Vehemence: Can animate up to huge items.

Str - Dex 14, Con 0 Int 13, Wis 10 Cha 24 (+7)/ 28 with Eagle Splendor (+9)
Base Atk +1o; CMB +12 (+14 Grapple); CMD 22 (+dwarf)
- 1st Step up
- 3rd Combat expertise
- 5th improved grapple
- 7th Weapon focus earth breaker
- 9th Improved critical (Eathbreaker)
- Mythic 1: extra mythic power
- Mythic 2: extra ghost power
Skills Intimidate +18, perception +18, fly +12, sense motive +6, know religion +7, spellcraft +6

Rune made out of some Mythic power.
Vaults: Open lock DC 35. Spells can reduce DC by double their spell level, degrade by 1 spell level each turn. Using the spell also enables breaking the "lock" (Break DC 30). Knock gives a caster level +10 to check. Dispel magic vs. Caster level 20. Knowledge arcana 20 or spell craft 25 per lock. Killing SV lowers all DCs by 10
"Key" Spells: Flesh:Transmutation spells. Bone: Cure spells. Blood: Conjuration.
- Vault of flesh: Abyssal Infusion: The dungeon is strongly chaostic- and evil-aligned as a result, and lawful and good spells and spell-like abilities are impeded (Concentration DC 25+ spell level to cast)
- Vault of bones: Unhallowed: An unhallow effect (CL 20th- Magic circle vs. Good. Resistance +4) suffuses the dungeon. A dimensional anchor is tied to it that affects all creatures save for chaotic evil worshipers of Deskari.
- Vault of Blood: Whispers of Madness: Demonic spirits haunt the walls of the dungeon, and while their constant whispering never becomes loud enough to allow intelligible speech to be heard, the constant susurrus grates on the mind. At the start of Every rune change spent in the dungeon, non-chaotic-evil creatures must succeed at a 17 Will save to resist taking 2 points of cha damage as the whispering slowly drives them mad—a creature that takes an amount of Charisma damage equal to its Charisma score becomes afflicted by a random insanity. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/madness

Deskari Rune:
Caster level 20. Changes every 2d3 rounds. WHen change trigger whispers+ dispel magic (targeted) at all. Roll 1d6 (DC 18 for all) :
1- Prison cells: All of the runes are bars DC 23 to pass.
2- Boiling mud pits. Only the rune is safe to walk. Otherwise boiling mud- difficult terrain, causes 4d6 damage per turn. Fort half
3- Blade barriers: The run creates blade barriers- 6d6 damage Ref avoid when appears or half to pass.
4- Complete darkness, not penetrated by Darkvision. Only the rune and 5 ft from it are lit.
5- Cracks of the damned: tentacles for a +14 modifier. (If pinned takes 1d6+4 damage) Reflex evade
6- Unholy storms: medium creatures fall, large one can't move.

Plus, every 1d6 turns A wraith (1-3) or Babau comes (4-6)

Each Player's XP: 89,850

End of "The Sword of Valor" module!
It was about 4:15 AM, so we stopped here. The party had a real blast, it was a good session! :smallbiggrin:We'll play out what happens next time, quite a lot to deal with!

The second module has ended finally! I ope you've enjoyed the ride! :smallsmile: We have gotten a bit of a break that we can play in about 2.5 weeks from now, on the 23rd, where we shall begin the 3rd module- "Demon's Heresy!"

Kol Korran
2015-01-07, 09:48 AM
Sorry, I pressed "Submit reply" before writing the end comment. I also fixed SV's battle music, all fixed now.

Red Rubber Band
2015-01-07, 08:31 PM
Very cool write up.
I really like the extra effort you put into getting the players to RP and immersed in the storyline.

Kol Korran
2015-01-08, 01:49 PM
Very cool write up.
I really like the extra effort you put into getting the players to RP and immersed in the storyline.
I just try to build up possibilities, and go with whatever the players tell me. I don't think we've done any particular roleplay other than Sena' calling.

The next session will start with a bit of a group talk, about what sort of roleplay we'd like in our game, what is too little, too much, how some characters feel they haven't yet "found their feet" (Julian and Andera), and how to try to work up more towards cooperative roleplay (Sena's call and such was all nice, but involved mostly himself. We want things that involve everybody).

This came up due to the talk about the start of the third module- upon finally getting Drezen, and the party's involvement in it. We suddenly realized that we got quite different expectations, which differ from past campaigns. We hope to make something of it.

Kol Korran
2015-01-09, 03:22 PM
Ok, so it's two weeks before the next session. I have vague general ideas about how to play things, but no concrete crunch yet for the module. As I see it, this part of the campaign is more "sandbox" in nature (though it lacks quite a bit of what it takes for a "Real" sandbox). The focus will be exploration, not just the hex crawl, but also mysteries and such. I see the game revolving around the following major themes:

1) Drezen as a growing community, and it's problems. This may be a lot or a little, depending on how much the players wish to focus on it. So far, this is a bit hazy. I got a few ideas before, but not fully sure how to run this.

2) Dealing with the party's past and campaign traits. This has two major efforts:
- The place where the McClanes' expedition went to years ago with John, and discovering what went wrong there (Some hints from John's visions). This will advance/ resolve many issues with Mad dog, Julian, and even Sena and Andera to a degree. This is entirely homebrew, and I may cancel several locations to make this one work. Not fully sure yet. This will take up some thinking. Since this is about exploration, I'de like the party to be able to find clues as to the location.

- The other effort will be tracking down Arulashee. Here too they will need to try and find clues to this effect. Only as a last result will I give the "dream from Arulashee" I think. I think trying to track down the annis hag that herself is trying to hunt down Arulashee could be a fun deal.

3) The dragon. I would like it to be more than just a straight up combat, but some build up. I'm thinking that it may be attacking or in some other way opposing Drezen. Maybe it's threat is also what prevents armies from just marching out?

4) The Ivory Sanctum, and the party's two min opponents- Jerribeth (Who by now has become very central to the party's interests), and Xanthir Vang. I want them to retaliate, fight back, not just wait in place like so many good computer game villains. The module give some ideas, but I need to think of more. Jerribeth especially, with her shape changing and seductive (and wish granting) abilities, may be interesting, especially Julian's "Sleepless eye".

Xanthir Vang... I'm less certain of, except of maybe unleashing some sort of a magical offense of some sort on the party/ city / allies or such. Not sure...

5) The actual exploration of the worldwound terrain and it's features. I'm trying to generate more interesting random encounter. I'd appreciate any ideas, so I'm linking to this thread again, thank you. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?389498-Random-events-in-a-demonic-land!-%28Hex-crwl-exploration-Flavor-mostly%29&p=18569100#post18569100)
And all of this before even putting in what the party is planning- the party is discussing quite a bit about what to do in the coming session. Mad dog's player is quite excited about buying new gear, Julian's player has quite a few plans for Drezen, the city, her new home and so on, Sena's player has a few ideas about his new roleplay, and Andera's player has been quiet so far. Should be an interesting, if possibly bumpy start. Not fully like a campaign that is less constrained, but good enough for now, people are having fun.

Any thoughts, ideas or the like are of course welcomed. Till next time,

2015-01-11, 07:21 AM
Hello again, I know its been months. I had honestly thought you had stopped updating, but as I found out a few days ago(been catching up in reading since), the site's subscription system stopped sending me emails! :smallfurious:

Anyway time is finally rolling around to the point where I will be starting my own runthrough of this AP, so I was again browsing for things like this that could help me make it better for my players, while also solving problems before they even come up. Which is how I found out that you had in fact been updating, I just wasn't getting my notification emails. :smallfrown:

I also have my own special circumstances for my game. Despite original planning, due to group availability mine will be a two player game. To balance things out I've given them some generous starting abilities and access to the old 3.5e gestalt mechanic, which may very well create problems of its own, but we'll see. Still, I'm looking forward to it!

Kol Korran
2015-01-11, 04:51 PM
Hello again, I know its been months. I had honestly thought you had stopped updating, but as I found out a few days ago(been catching up in reading since), the site's subscription system stopped sending me emails! :smallfurious:

Anyway time is finally rolling around to the point where I will be starting my own runthrough of this AP, so I was again browsing for things like this that could help me make it better for my players, while also solving problems before they even come up. Which is how I found out that you had in fact been updating, I just wasn't getting my notification emails. :smallfrown:
Glad to have you back Yuul! And yeah, I know the problem. I had it while reading other logs. Usually they go so fast past the pages! :smalltongue:

I also have my own special circumstances for my game. Despite original planning, due to group availability mine will be a two player game. To balance things out I've given them some generous starting abilities and access to the old 3.5e gestalt mechanic, which may very well create problems of its own, but we'll see. Still, I'm looking forward to it!
Hmmmm.... Just two players? I never before used the gestalt rules, so it's up to you. There is still the problem that if one person gets incapacitated (Say due to a failed save), that takes out half the team. (For example Millorn can take them both down with a single color spray and such). If possible, I'd suggest to let the NPCs contribute more. At the start Anevia's arrows can be more prominent, and you can easily get Horus to chip in the action. Later on, feel free to have some of the other NPCs just join the group (Arabeth for example would make a fine addition, if tweaked a bit).

On the other hand, if both characters have decent stealthy skills, then you might enact stealth missions easier (Such as in the siege of Drezen or so). In any case, I'd advise to start in what I do with all of my groups- While you still try to get the feel of the group and their capabilities and pwoer levels, play things a bit on the low side- if you're adjusting difficulty of an encounter and you're not sure if to amp it up or down, amo it a bit down. reinforcement can always arrive, and you can make your big battle later. And if you'd like to discuss stuff, feel free- I'd love to hear about your own experiences with the AP.

If you want to use any of the music files I used here, there is a (fairly) new addition on the content post (Second post of the log I think?) Under each module you have a soundtrack table in a spoiler, for ease of use. (Mine as well :smalltongue:)

And again, glad to have you back!

Kol Korran
2015-01-14, 04:36 PM
The legends of heroes

I've been thinking about this. Some people have called the party heroes, and they definitely done some heroic things- Saved Kenabres, received mythical powers, brought the mongrelfolk back, survived the Hall of Heroes, Faced Areelu Vorlesh and "damaged" her, Conquered Drezen, Saved the people from the lost temple, Found the Sword of Valor, and manged to defeat Staunton, and Areelu's infernal magic and curse (Again).

The party members don't feel comfortable with the concept of them being heroes (They even think living outside Drezen, not fully comfortable with it) I'd like to explore the effects of gaining a "hero's status" on them. They are supposed to by mythical heroes, people who come once in a lifetime, how do others see this?

I'd like to show influences of the PCs' legend spreading. I've thought about several things that I'd like to incorporate in their stay and repeat visits in Drezen:
1- New stories, new songs about their exploits. I'm thinking of having a small company (Or maybe a duo? Trio?) of performers (Bards?) who retell and re enact the party's exploits in Drezen, in a small theater, or even in the local inn. The stories will be somewhat exaggerated, with some details wrong, showing the PCs in a bit more... flamboyant and livid way then they were. I also think there might be some popular songs starting to circulate. Enough to maybe embarrass the players, or compliment them. If any of you readers would liek to give a crack at this feel free, I will try myself though my more artistic skills re... lacking.

2- Fans/ followers: I'm thinking of various people who seek inspiration from the PCs. This can come from kids who follow them around, maybe acting out games ("No! I am Mad Dog!", "I want to be Sena! Die demons!") or maybe cohort willing to work for them/ act as retainers/ wish to adventure with the party. Or maybe even a small personality cult, like what happened with G'kar on Babylon 5 at the last season? I think it could be funny! Also, maybe some suitors, or such? I think some in the party might like that.

3- Names. I'd like the very names of the party to carry new cultural meaning. First of all, I think that the public, through the new tales and songs might give the party new titles/ names. Currently I'm only thinking of "Andrew Light Bringer!" and "Mad Dog the Demon Slayer!" (The player is a fan of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", so this could be funny. I might even put a sound track to that effect). Need to think of names for the others, feel free to suggest.

Secondly, I'd like things to be named after the party, ave them feel it carries weight. A warrior could name his sword based on one of them, a place could be named upon them, a new born baby, for good luck?

The general feel that I'd like the party to feel is that their actions get noticed, big time, and that they are quickly becoming a part of Mendev's culture, in a way that is not fully controlled by them, something that at least to some degree, has a life of it's own. Through this I think we could explore a bit what it means, to be a hero, even if you don't feel like one (Though I feel the party does start to feel like one).

I'm amused by the possibility of the party traveling to the Abyss (Fourth module) And then someone recognizes them and acts like a fan, or hearing a song or tale about them. Could be funny.

What do you all think? I would love to hear ideas. Looking for stuff also for Andrew and Harry, besides the current characters. Most stuff at start will be about the happenings in Kenabres, but slowly their actions in the conquest of Drezen, and what comes afterwards might become more popular, and known.

Hoping this will go well!

Kol Korran
2015-01-21, 07:32 AM
2 days to the game, I'm updating with the current build choices, for those interested.

Level 9, mythic tier 3

The short version of leveling to 9th and attaining 3rd tier is:
- Andera took the follow step feat, and the vanishing trick ability, and mythic blind fighting for mythic.
- Julian took yet again expanded arcana, and the arcane metmastery ability and spell lore feat (Currently 6 mythic spells: Hideous laughter, disple magic, deep slumber, fireball, Slow and black tentacles)
- Mad dog took improved cleave, improved cleave mythical, and penetrating damage.
- Sena took demon hunter, and the sleepless and enduring spell abilities, by taking "extra path ability" with his mythic feat.

For more "in detail", you can check the table:

StatAnderaJulianMad dogSena
RaceHumanHumanHalf elfAasimr (human scion)
ClassNinja 9 (Scout)Sorcerer (Arcana bloodline) 9Barbarian 9Cleric of ??? 9
AlignmentCGCGCGCG (Previously NG)
Abilities (Heroic scores)10, 22, 12 (14 with belt), 13 (15 with head band, 10, 1610, 14, 14 ,12, 10, 23 (25 with headband)22, 14, 14, 10, 14, 1016, 13, 10, 10, 21 (23 with headband), 16
TraitsChance encounter, group fighterExposed to awfulness, Arcane temperStolen Fury, Demon slayerTouched by divinity, eyes and ears of the city
Regular featsWeapon finesse, two weapon fighting, shadow strike, blind fight, extra ki+ step up, follow stepEschew materials, spell penetration (+ greater), Expanded arcana (X3), metamagic- silent, still, piercingSkill focus (Survival), power attack, cleave, finishing cleave, weapon focus (great sword), dodge, Improved critical (Great sword)Combat casting, selective channeling, heavy armor proficiency, alignment channel (Vs. Chaotic evil), Demon hunter
Main skillsStealth, acrobatics, Disable device, diplomacy, bluff, UMDBluff, diplomacy, intimidate, spellcraft, perceptionperception, survival, acrobaticsPerception, diplomacy, sense motive
Main magic itemsShadow mithral chain shirt +2, +1 sure strike cold iron wakizashi, +1 spell storing cold iron wakizashi, daredevil boots, headband of intellect, belt of constitution, bunch of wands and potions, cloak of resistanceHeadband of charisma, Lesser rod of empower, cloak of resistance +2, 4 spell knowledge pages+1 Adamantine great sword, helmet of the fortunate soldier, long arm braces, Ranseur of the gargoyle, demon defiant breast plate +1, defense boosting itemsHead band of wisdom +2, full plate and shield +1, +1 cold iron demon bane scimitar, , boots of striding and springing, ring of force fang, bunch of scrolls, bag of holding type 3
Special class features:Skirmisher archetype.Tricks: Vanishing trick, sacred sneak attack, wall climber, sudden disguise, bleeding attackGreen sting scorpion familiarRage powers: Superstition, reckless abandon, witch hunter, fire resistanceDomains: ??
Mythic pathTricksterArchmageChampionHierophant
Path signature abilitySurprise attackWild arcanaSudden attackInspired spell
Path abilityDefensive move, Combat trickery, Defensive moveEnduring armor, Eldritch Breach, Arcane metamastery 1Flash of rage, burst through, penetrating damageHeathen slayer, Faith's reach, Enduring spell, Sleepless
Mythic featMythic weapons finesse, Mythic blind fightSpell lore x2 (Mythic spell)Mythic power attack, mythic improved criticalExtra mythic power, extra path ability

Kol Korran
2015-01-26, 04:27 AM
Group talk- dynamics, drama vs. action, roleplay and more

The 15th session started with a talk in the group, concerning roleplaying conversations, actions, characters agendas and game expectations. There was nothing here that dealt straight with the adventure, and a lot of party background (other campaigns) were brought here. I'm including this here, since this partly affected the mood of the game, and since there are some good points made here. Also, if you have read other logs of mine, this can also hold some perspective.

Buuuuuuuttttt.... I understand if you're not interested, so it's all in a spoiler, so feel free to skip ahead to the next postif you want to get to the actual gaming.

I started this by noting that Andera's and Mad dog's player are more focused on moving the plot and getting to the action, while Julian and Sena's players were more interested in conversations and drama.
Julian's player mentioned the "It began with a crash!" campaign (Which he DMed) and said how much fun the roleplay there was, mostly inside of the group, and wondered why it's not the same here. Apparently he read the log again preparing for this talk, and he thinks a big deal of it came with the campaign's inherent conflict with magic users being banned, and us (At least myself who played Lynn and Andera's player who played Glimji) built our characters in light of that, and spurned interparty conflict from the get go. Here, in the "Wrath of the Righteous", the party was very cohesive and united from the start, with no inner conflict to begin with...
Andera's player rebutted that he doesn't always like the conflicts, as they sometime get out of hand, or unpleasant. He then moved to that he'd rather we follow things tied to the main plot, as this is a written module, with not that much room to improvise outside. He quite disliked things done "just for flavor" who don't advance the plot, and don't involve the other players (Liלק Sena's little speech with Sarenrae and the binding of spirits)- to him, it means that he just sits and wשtches someone plays his own little drama, while he came here to play. Mad dog's Player interjected and said that while he doesn't participate much, he likes listening to cool stuff others do. It's harder for him to roleplay spontaneously, but he likes watching others do so.
Julian's player thought it was cool for some people to "take a moment" every no and then. He mentioned gain the campaign he DMed, When Lynn met alone to meet her brother, which most in the party liked. But Andera's player's beef was with it happening too much, for too long periods ("5-10 minutes is ok, but 15-30 minutes on one speech?" (He was talking about some of the stuff Sena's player did at times)
Sena's player t this countered. "I keep trying doing stuff with Andera, so does the DM, but you don't follow any hook!" He mentioned how in nearly all past campaigns (Including some who don't have logs) their interactions livlied the group, and how much he loved that. But Andera's player mentioned again that he found some of these interactions hard to deal with, and not always his cup of tea. Julian's player interceded here, mentioning contrary to past campaigns, the character of Sentef feels very HEAVY in theme. You cannot really have lighthearted interactions with it. Everything is big, major, influential. He mentioned that when Sena tried to cause some conflict with Andrew "becoming a tyrant" that he didn't know how to deal with it, and were it not a PC played by a friend, they might have come to blows.
This has spurned a whole discussion about limits. Sena's player has "pushed" some of us in his game, as he believed that good conflict can spurn great roleply, but at some times this has led to moments of impossible dilemma for the player on the other side. When he killed an innocent while with Lynn, or Ipiks constantly pushing on Danves.or when he pushed Andrew, Or when in pirate campaign (Not logged), his familiar killed captives in secret while they were trying to figure out what to do with them and so... Sena countered that this WERE possible dilemmas, which could have created great moments. He said he shoots everywhere, and see what develops, but he feels he is making most of the initiative.
I stated that we're not all that good player as he is... Andera's player said he didn't like the conflicts all that much, Some of it was good, some annoying. The rest of us seemed to like them, up to a certain limit, when they possibly made us make decisions we didn't want to try in the game. I suggested more open communication about the limits people have, and what avenues they'd like to explore.
Julian' player raised as an example the secret police organization he wants to build in Drezen, which on emails Andera's player fervently objected to. They try to deal with it, but come to an impasse. I suggest the "Yes, and..." mindset of improvisational acting and gaming. They seem to consider it.
Having made enough points to work with, we decided to go on with the game

Kol Korran
2015-01-26, 04:29 AM
So, we had a most... unusual session three days ago. Most of it revolved around the downtime in Drezen, and quite a lot of roleplay surrounding it. This takes the big chunk of the session. Then comes the start of exploration of the Wounded lands around Drezen, which turns out fast, a bit confusing, and with a surprise ending, for both the players and me!

We started with a small discussion about roleplay, group dynamics, and so on. Check the previous post, if interested.

Session 15, Part 1- Downtime around the ruins of Drezen

Last time: Staunton Vhane's spirit rushed side, trying to heal itself "At least I will make a worthy opponent", But Sena turned to him, and casting searing light burned his spirit "No You won't!" The party then opened the magical vaults powering the Rune of Deskari and fought the creatures within, finally breaking the seal...

The "Inside Drezen" returned to the real world, and they found themselves in the abandoned ruined main hall of Drezen once more, only this time, without the prevailing feeling of evil and death. Drezen was now just... empty... Julian collapsed to the floor (4 Str) "Well, what a birthday!" Mad dog strode to her (Charisma 3 or so), and pulled her up, having her lean on him. "Happy birthday sis..." Sena cast a few healing spells, and they strode to the inner gate.

Where they met Joran. He was ashen faced, kneeling down, crying "Is it... is it really over? I don't hear my brother anymore..." Julian held herself on the Sword of Valor's pole "His spirit is free at least, the evil has released it's grip." Joran was in an emotional turmoil, so she tried to comfort him "We shall try to do what we can for him, give his remains a proper burial" But Mad dog roared "He got what he deserved!". Julian looked at the barbarian, then at Sena "We shall make what we can to help him rest peacefully, won't we?" Sena's mind was elsewhere though, the spirits around him whispering. "What? Oh right, yeah..." Julian motioned Joran up. "Come, you are the last survivor, you can tell us best what needs be done to redeem this place. And you know, we have found a relative of yours! Millorn?" Joran's face darkened. "We do not speak of him!", Julian patted him "Oh, maybe you should... I heard he got quite a bit better..."

With that, they went outside.

Back at the courtyard, Day 1

Emerging from Drezen- Carry On (Tome Evans) (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=a-5XCg2nUCI)

The sight outside was not a pretty one- many of their troops had died, the others sickened by some disease, though no longer fast spreading. Bartlet looked grim, patting a dead halfling and her dog, Qulin Longshadow was moving between feverish and oozing tieflings, And Arabeth with the Lucky Bastards look all shocked!

Lann however, limping and his arm swollen looked at the party, and raised his spear up high, and saluted! With that, some of the others saw the party as well, and gave strange salutes as well, understanding that they must have stopped them all from dying.

Sena was beside himself, and rushed to use as much healing as he could. Julian pulled forth the Sword of Valor, holding it with the help of Mad dog, as they raised it up high. The banner shed some light over the courtyard, soothing and easing pain. She then leaves the banner with Mad dog, and goes over to Bartlet. "I'm Sorry, I'm sorry". Bartlet looks at her, but says nothing, though she sees streaks of tears on the stern halfling's face. She crumples beside him and cries, he pats her as well.

Qulin, his shadow looking weak, his leg twisted strangely and some sorcerers come to Andera, and prostate themselves before him. "You have done the impossible Master! We were sure the anger of our previous lords was upon us! But YOU! You defied them! and You've won!" They all bowed and whispered his name. "We are forever yours Master, forever yours! We shall never give up!"

Sena was beside himself, and Lann came to him "What happened there Spirit?" But Sena just shrugged him tightly "My Brother, my ONLY brother!"

Arabeth strode to where Mad dog and Andera stood with the banner "You have found it! But t such a cost!" Andera then, being silent for so long, spoke with great vehemence. "Betrayal turned this place grim more than once! Demons turned good hearts to treachery, treason and death, but now it is purged!". Arabeth looked at the banner "So Drezen is taken?" The party looked at each other, for some reason uncertain, before Andera strode forth, and called out loud.

"People of Kenbres, of Mendev and beyond! We are joined here now, at the first victory of the fifth crusade! We are all heroes this day! Though it seem grim, you shall remember this day, as will all! This is the day we stopped defending, stopped protecting our borders, but struck inside, started fighting and claiming back what is ours! Your great grandchildren will sing of this day, when we took Drezen out of darkness, into the light of new hope!" (I was really pleasantly surprised at him speaking up such!)

Bartlet and Lann rose and called out "For the fifth crusade! Heroes of Drezen!" And the cheer quickly went up, despite the death. Sena then added "And remember- you have faced Death, Looked in the eye, and death looked away!" (Ummm... quite a few corpses around you might disagree with that, but ok. :smallwink:)

After the initial shock
With that, Arabeth took charge and started arranging the remains of the army. About 3/5th of the army survived- 23 halflings, 48 mongrelfolk, 64 Knights of Sarenrae and 122 tiefling (They started 200 initially, plus the 100 Lucky Bastards. Add to that the Lions of Sarkori, The Queen's Knights and The Silver Banner, there were a lot of dead bodies... Taking Drezen had been costly.

The min concerns were safety- putting up a guard, burying the dead, taking care of the living, and managing supplies. We let The NPCs deal with most, though Julian insisted to find the Lions of Sarkoris fur proper burial, and Sena made a sort of a field hospital with any remaining healers of the Knights.

Basically I wanted the time spent in Drezen to mean something. I count "meaningful periods" in Drezen- any time the party took some time that I deemed the curse outside could progress- looking for the sword of valor, exploring rooms extensively and so on. I didn't count up exact minutes, but just added up such "meaningful periods". Every 4 or so, it meant more would die. I put up a dice for each force based approximately on how "tough" they were (Halfling the most, mongrelfolk second, then knights, then tieflings. The Bastards weren't there when the curse hit) and rolled in advance. The party got experience according to certain stages of people saved. Not a lot, but enough to matter. They got in about half way or so

Julian called Mad dog aside "We have a problem. We need to research about ourselves." Mad dog agreed "You do the research, you tell me who to kill, I'll go and kill it!" Julian agreed with a smile. "Though I mostly trust the others, they won't understand fully. I think we have only each other to trust in this!" Mad dog looked concerned "I need to be brought down quickly!" Julian nodded "I think I may have something for that, But I think we may need to remove ourselves from the city?" Mad dog thought "Show me a target, and I'll go for it!" Julian contemplated "That is the problem, we don't know where to go yet..." She then went to Aravash and spoke to him discreetly about it. "We found a witch library in the tower, take whomever can help you, maybe the tiefling sorcerers, and check for any clues..."

Andera tells his scouts (people from his order) to look for any irregular behavior, as there may be demons about. (Julian's player- "But that is what my organization is all about!").

The party goes back inside and takes the remains of Staunton Vhane's equipment, (He could use soem with ghost trappings): His armor of chains, his earth breaker hammer and his tainted mithral amulet. All 3 magical , all 3 unholy, which frustrated the party a bit. Julian also took Staunton's unmagical helmet. She looked at it, then put it in her bag.

Day 2- Julian's conversations, Chorussia's notes, Mad dog's growing problem, Andera with Joran

Downtime music, amongst the ruins- Conan, Atlantean sword (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=ZcOmV8_77SQ)

Most of the party slept, except for Sena (Who took the "sleepless" mythic ability upon getting to level 3) He worked through the night, tending to the wounded, except for resting for 1 hour, in which he meditated, going over several names over and over: "Areelu Vorlesh, Jerribeth of the Jade, General Aponavicius, Xanthir Vang, The Storm King... Areelu Vorlehs, Jerribeth of the Jade..." He was focusing on anger, focusing on revenge! The party all felt their health, their power, their essence replenishing faster, much faster. The forces they felt in the scales of Terendelev, and later in the Sword of Valor itself, were now part of them. They were becoming something a bit else, not fully mortal (I tried an in game description of how the "recuperation" power feels like.)

Julian began her morning with Bartlet, who a bit like Sena, was counting revenge. He drew a small bottle of liquor. "5 survived when the demons burned my village, quite famous for it you know? I swore that each time we deliver sweet vengeance, that I will drink for my people. Would you drink with me Julian? It's the third bottle, I hope I will get to see the other 2 drank!"
Julian drank and chatted a bit, before broaching her subject: "I was thinking Bartlet, perhaps it's time that you let your people, and yourself, off the revenge crusade? You have been on it for long, and have done plenty, but perhaps it's time to settle down? Bring your families? I would be honored to have you here, and feel safer for it. Perhaps give it a chance?"
It takes little to persuade Bartlet, the recent loss of about half his people made him reconsider. Julian suggested to bring in their people "Make it home, not just an outpost! But for you I have another idea..." She seeks to make him part of her organization at first, but he seems to straightforward, so she opts to persuade him to head up Drezen scouting. He agrees, thinking his remaining troops will suffice for that. He thinks of enlisting the mongrelfolk for that too. "Sneaky folks, know how to keep hidden and silent."

Sena receives a Sending spell from the Queen, short and to the point: "Well done! Help comes in 3-4 weeks. Hold Drezen! Maintain image! Sending reinforcements and supplies. Do not engage till then! Mendev owes you! He answers her kindly, and goes to discuss with the others. Julian and Mad dog are frustrated at needing to stay (Mad dog wanted to leave PRONTO) But they all agree they are the best defense the armies got.

They debate where to put the Sword of Valor (It needs to be displayed on a wall of a building), but decide right now moral is more important, so Md dog carries it around all of the troops. Arabeth uses some of the troops to dig many, many graves in the cleared cemetery, and Julian joins Joran for the burial of Staunton's remains. The dwarf seems distraught, keeping saying things like "Why didn't you listen to me? Why were you so thick headed?" and so on, Julian tries to comfort him, and sees him holding the holy symbol of some dwarven god (Droskar) "You worship him?" Joran tries to hide it quickly. "No, not any more... Stupid god! Useless god!" Julian, the agnostic retorts "Are there any other?"

Sena continues with his healing and tending, with his people worried that he haven't slept and yet functions as if fresh! Andera went to try and decipher Joran's ciphered journal (I think he didn't trust him), while Julian decided that while Aravash goes over Chorussia's library, she will pore over her research notes. And she found quite a few interesting details:

Chorussia was a sort of a research assistant, sent to Drezen by... Xanthir Vang, to observe reactions of subjects who imbibed a "Nyhydrian potion".
Chorussia showed great unease at handling the potions. The evil was overwhelming! "What are they made of? Certainly not something of this world! Neither Xanthir nor Jerribeth will tell me!"
The elixirs cannot be teleported, and their content is quite volatile. Must be handled with extreme care! Thanks for the special containment vials and boxes, and their stabilizing effects, they can be handled fairly safely. Xanthir said he and the others are working on a process to speed the purification of the elixirs, as their production is yet too time consuming. until that happens, each elixir should be handled with care, and is precious.
Imbibing the elixir has one of two affects- it either make the creature "ascend" (Gain mythic status) and become much more powerful, or it outright kills it. Chorussia hasn't been able to establish any pattern. Apparently it only works with those strongly evil so far. Good subjects die instantly. (The party- "Damn!" :smalltongue:) The potion becomes unstable once it's top is opened and must be imbibed t once, otherwise it explodes. No room for second thoughts!
Drezen received 5 elixirs. So far it killed 2 out of 5 subjects. (The survivors are Staunton, Soltengrabbe and Aponavicius. It managed to kill a young dragon). If only it could be used as a poison, but the sickening aura identifies it immediately.
The demons receiving the elixir have become so powerful, that they are unmatched by most of what the crusaders throw at them. There are probably several dozens such "Ascended" by now, but Areelu aims much higher- hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands? If Only Xanthir will be able to refine the process... (The party- :smalleek: We must stop it before it happens!" Good party... good party...) He is a genius, a mind so powerful and sharp, beyond those of most demons. If anyone can do it- he could! Touched by the genius of the very abyss!

I didn't made these up. The elixirs appear on the 4th module which I partly read, along with their boxes, the crystal and so on. Nice info, which I thought part of it could be delivered now.

But Julian is a busy woman, while the notes take her most of the day to decipher, on breaks she talks to Andera, about her idea for a covert "Drezen inner secret police" to look out for any signs of problem makers or demons in the city. The two have a long discussion (Andera refuses, mainly on the grounds that he dislikes policing your own people secretly. "We should be able to trust our own people! I will not betray the very dignity of our people, the trust they put in us!" While Julian insists that in a place like Drezen, in enemy territory, there WILL be trouble from the populace, or those who wish to forge the place in a different image than the four of them have for Drezen. "C'mon, you know how it works! Don't you think the queen knows about us? That she has informants in our army? How do you think she knew we conquered Drezen so fast?" (Um, sending, scrying, divination, commune...) They discuss this lengthily (I didn't follow it all), but at the end came to an agreement "Only if it is to monitor demon activity, nothing else!". This was the stipulation that Andera required, and Julian agreed to it. ("Yes... and...?" :smallamused:)

Night has come, and I think at this point I felt that Mad dog had nothing to do, so I put the next complication in their way, hoping to give him something to play with. Mad dog has been going around all day with the Sword of Valor, and helped lift stones and remove Debris. Suddenly, while he was in Drezen alone, he woke up... He saw himself on the floor, feeling tired, as if after a rage, and indeed he felt the leftover of fury leaving his body. He understood he once more transformed, but looking at itself, he saw that this time the transformation didn't revert fully- He stills had spikes on his hands, and on his back, and a set of horns on his head. He felt that his condition worsened, and that now his transformation was also linked to his rage. More than that, it seemed like he had tried to bash and rip the Sword of Valor, who lay thrown aside... (Thankfully it's a minor artifact)

"Um..." was his thought, and then he remembered. He drank a potion of invisibility, and quickly made his way out of the building, towards Julian's tent. (For some reason none of the party felt like living in the citadel. As Julian player's put it: "It's where we work. Would you like to sleep where you work?")
MD: Are you alone?
J: (Waking) Yes I am. Why are you invisible?
MD: Part of the problem.
Julian realizes this may be a crisis- if any of the other people see this... She casts invisibility on Mad dog, and tells him to rush to the war room. She then wakes Andera and call the ever working Sena, and they go there. "We have a problem." "What is it?". "It... will be come apparent."

As they saw Mad dog they both cursed. Sena, who has learned more about the Abyss (Increased his knowledge (planes) by quite a bit) understand that Mad dog is transforming into a half demon. from what he knows however, half demons are usually the result of a willing voluntary pact between a mortal and demon, which can either kill or empower the recipient in return for some sort of a pact (Such as the one of Areelu Vorlesh). But Mad dog never made any kind of pact or deal... They go back to his past (The Stolen Fury trait) where his village came under attack of demons, who captured most people, and tortured and experimented on them. He remembered Jerribeth by his side, caressing his cheek "He would make fine specimen", but nothing else.

The party decides to consult aahigher power, and Sena casts commune, once more feeling the connection to the enigmatic entity he contacted before. He could smell the perfume of a woman, and could almost sense a smile...
They then started to question, but they became quite confused and a bit all over the place.
The questions:
1) Are the queen's forces coming to Drezen? (Sena shot this before the others could object. I swear he can be too suspicious and paranoid for his own good) "Yes".
2) Is there a pact behind Mad dog's transformation? No.
3) Can the process be reversed? Unknown.
4) Can we find answers to this problem in Drezen. "Partly found". (I meant about the visions of John, but this apparently made the party think of Chorussia notes and the items they have found)
5) Can the banner reverse the process?" Unlikely
6) Are the elixirs mass produced safely? Not yet (Sena was thrilled by this "So we need to act fast!"
7) Is there a way that he can remain himself despite the transformation? Improbable.
8) Are the elixirs tied to the process. No.
9) Is Drezen going to be attacked by demons before the reinforcements arrive? Unknown. (She does not see the future)

The main thing they have learned is that it's not tied to the elixirs. Julian come to the conclusion that this was tied to John's visions- the place of the expedition (Bingo! :smallamused:) Andera thinks this might be tied to the archer woman who fled Drezen. Perhaps she found the reverse process? (Cool concept! I might adopt it somehow, she might help in the process somehow!)
Sena replies :We need to seek the source.
Mad dog: "That's what I've been saying all along!"
Julian looks at Mad dog, with his horns and spikes. "But we don't know where that is yet. I can put illusion spells on you, to make you appear yourself, but they are limited to 1.5 hours and don't go through close scrutiny..."
Mad dog waved her away. "I cannot be seen like this. When anything important may happen, I will use your magic, but till then, I will stay out of sight. I'll be in the room with prayers to Desna, the anti magic room. And you!" He looked at the others with part menacing, but mostly desperation "Get researching already!"

Sena follows him , and close the door on him, and sits in Aponvicius "bed", pulling out Staunton Vhane's journal. "Well, I'm not about to go to sleep, lets get into the mind of a lunatic..." And began the long read.

Mad dog gained natural attacks- spikes and gore. When he rages, he roll a DC 20 will save or he frenzies- +2 to all physical abilities, the start of wings, a bite attack, and -4 to all mental abilities. Oh, and he attacks and tries to kill the closest targets till the rage passes after 1d6 minutes.

This was development of Mad dog's condition, and I planned to do it later, but did it sooner, perhaps due to "Wanting to give Mad dog something to play with". I thought they'd find some way to deal with it that will enable Md dog to interact somehow, but didn't expect him to just lock himself away. This was a shame as this meant he became non active, despite attempts to bring him more in. Thankfully, the player enjoys listening as well.

Maybe I should have expected it, after the "chase the mutant" event in the FATE campaign... hmmmm...

But the night was not over yet. Soon after going to sleep Andera was woken by one of the tieflings, saying that Joran Vhane passed them and was making speed to live. Andera jumped, send one tiefling to wake Julian, and went after the dwarf with 3-4 other tieflings.

He caught up with Joran some distance to the south (Dwarves don't move so fast) Joran was distraught.
J: "Leave me alone! I don't want your help! You will just end persecuting me... perhaps I deserve it, but leave me alone!"
An: "You have indeed helped ruin this place, now you have a chance to redeem it. We need your experience and knowledge to make this place a new!"
J: "I know you crusaders! You will show me no mercy! It's not as if we would show you! Back off, I warn you!"
An: Look at me, and who marches with me. I have lead a host of tieflings here, and they came to no harm! Undo the forge of corruption, let us make it into something new!"
J: "So I am to be your slave? Your minion! I will serve no one! I will be a free man!"
(Tiefling: "He is a good master..." :smalltongue: )
An: "By my word, you will be free. I seek to lord over no one, help us, and earn your place amongst us. Or will you go gain to demons, who will punish and abuse you? Make a new start with us, a new life."
Joran shed another tear, and accepted.

As they got back Juian looked at Andera bleary eyed. "People keep waking me, what is it this time?" Andera changed the subject, and uncharacteristically, swept her in his arms "Would you look at the stars?! Such beauty! You don't see them like this in Kenabres! It's Drezen' sky!" Julian looked at him questioningly "You ok?" But Andera just laughed and went back to his own tent, with Joran slinking away...

Back in Aponavicius room, between flipping pages, Sena intoned "Areelu Vorlesh, Jerribeth of the Jade, General Aponavicius, Xanthir Vang, The Storm Lord..."

The "Joran escapes" piece was to give Andera something to do, and possibly an NPC to interact with later. It seemed to have worked nicely enough.

As to the count of days: I decided to make the threat of Xanthir Vang perfecting the process better a real threat. So there is time limit (And a few events here and there according to the time schedule, such as will come in the end of the session quite unexpectedly.

Don't worry, while this particular day was VERY busy, the days become less busy later on...

Day 3- Staunton Vhane's Journal, Staff of valor
By noon, Sena finishes reading the Journal, and relay the info to the party and selected NPCs:

The Journal begins a few years after the betrayal of Drezen. It depicts decades under Aponavicius, her trying to break him, torture him. First as a sort of gladiator, then as prime soldier, then as troop trainer, after as army commander.
Areelu Vorlesh coming into his life, teaching him, nurturing him, guiding him. Making him a spy for Baphomet. The journal depicts special relations with her- as she is the only one who understands mortals (having been once herself). A lot of her nihilistic teachings of despair, loss of hope, inevitability and such come.
Staunton mention very cryptically spying in Kenabres. He mentions turning Jerribeth's experiments (The party perked their ears!) into something bigger- not corruption of body or mind, but corruption of soul. And not by individuals, but on a massive scale- The Wardstone is the key. He also mentions that Areelu is greatly displeased with Jerribeth for pursuing... something she wasn't meant to, demoting her to serve as aid for Xanthir Vang, in the Ivory Sanctum, which also functions as the headquarters of the Cult of Baphomet in this region. (Mad dog's player nods "Now we have a target!")
Discussions with Joran, as he slowly descends. Joran wishes him to seek the dwarven gods, seeks a god more alike him Droskar. Slowly falling into worship, but not true worship. "We are all touched by desperation. Him, me, Millorn. The Vhane line was doomed all along…"
Building of the Corruption forge, a project of Aponavicius- turn relics and holy tools of war into evil. Frustrations at the lack of success with the Sword of Valor ("Damn thing keeps changing it's shape!"). Joran has a use yet, as he knows well how the things works. Made quite a few items for Aponavicius and other generals.
The witch cometh- Chorussia comes with some Babaus. 5 Nyhadrian elixirs: Aponavicius, Himself, Soltengrabbe, Xacabra and the dragon (last two died upon drinking. He mentions plans of Areelu to transform most of the powerful demons. The witch stayed to oversee the effects, on behalf of the Region's leader, Xanthir Vang.
Met Xanthir Vang on a visit, comes from the elusive Ivory Sanctum. He feels quite powerful, but wrong. The worm's past is shrouded with mystery- where did it come from?
The last betrayer: Found Arulashee. She sought to find the bell of heavens. Keeping her in the anti magic cell that Aponavicius has. She still prays to Desna, as if that could ever help her… Hired an annis hag called Jaruunica, follower of Sifkesh to track her down- cannot turn ethereal or teleport. (Andera nods "So Arulashee is her name... and she IS a demon. We better find her fast!")

The Journal is useful, and gives the party a few leads: Jerribeth and Xanthir Vang can both be found in the Ivory Sanctum, and there is also Arulshee who have fled... where? Jaruunica may be a clue

The party decides to put the Sword of Valor on display, finally weary that demons might teleport in. They put it in the main hall, with a guard of 10 soldiers always there. As Julian places the Banner, it's pole detaches. "You'll need valor on your way" She senses, as this becomes her new staff!

The player wants to create a legendary item. One thing he really wanted is to have aa staff that grows in power, and finally becomes really power, like "Staff of the magi" or such. We talked on emails, and I thought to have a staff that start small, and gains powers through adventuring. After the session we have come to some... trouble regarding it.

Anyway, here is the Staff of Valor:
Powers not requiring charges:
- Remove fear 3/ day.
- Continuously grants a +4 vs. fear to holder.
- Can shed light up to 30 feet, 60 feet as 3rd level spell. 1 charge doubles range and increases spell level to 4, for 10 minutes/ level.
Powers requiring charges (In PF a staff has only 10 charges, but can be recharged by sacrificing spells into it)
- Eagle's splendor- 1
- Heroism- 1,
- Bolt of Holy Wrath-1 (As lightning bolt, but holy damage. Doesn't affect good, neutral suffer half damage)
- Summon IV (Only good)- 1 charges

The party seeks to leave soon (Especially Mad dog), but they remember the queen's message, and decide to wait her out. After the mention of the Ivory Sanctum being the center for Baphomet in the region, Julian asks Sena to give him their prayer book (Which they found under Kenabres on some random cultist) and sat to read, As Sena returns to heal. Andera starts deciphering Joran's notes with Joran's own help.

Day 4- The corruption forge, Sena's "closed circle"
Andera manages to get the basics, but with Julian manages to find out what is needed to turn the corruption forge into the purity forge (Just as in the module). They are worried about the need for Hallow spells for each attempt to purify the forge, since they have enough just for 2 attempts.

Sena finishes healing (He was using all slots and mythic power he could for cure disease, with the healers helping otherwise). When that is over he relaxes, and sets to meditate. As he does so, several wasps come into his tent. He notes them only as three land on his hand, look at him, and then sting him, as in three points of a triangle. A wasp then buzz by his ear and in her buzzing he hears the woman's voice again. "Now that you're more free, how do you feel?" Sena smiles, recognizing the wasps and three points as signs of Calistria. He marks a circle around the red sting marks "I feel like I've come a full circle."

And talking of which, he casts "Speak with dead" to talk with John (We changed the details a bit for this one casting).
S: Thank you. I know of your sacrifice. Both now in Drezen, and years ago, when you saved me from that place, and the affliction that caught my parents. You... are still my friend, and I miss you. I have it in my power to raise you, do you wish me to?
J: (who looked far more at peace) "My battles are done dear Sena, I am in Sarenrae's embrace now. No, My path has come to an end, now it is your time."
S:What do you wish to be done with your equipment? Do you wish it buried with you?
J: No need for that, I will not need it. Use it as you see fit, a way that it could be of use.
S: And where do you wish to be buried?"
J: My only wish is that it's holy ground. I find the mere possibility of returning as an undead not to my liking.
S: Mad dog has gone through more transformations. We think they originate from the place you were in in the visions, do you remember where it was?
J: (who looked pained) I have done a lotto try and forget that place, and I did not keep track of the road there. I only remember it took us more than week to get there, and that we traversed a great plateau before getting there. I'm sorry Sena, but I remember no more".
S: "Goodbye my friend, my family, and rest in peace. I shall miss you."
J: We shall meet again, dear Sena, when the journey's done..."

A wasp once more buzzed by his ear. "You carry a heavy burden, but do not carry it alone! Use the others, revenge requires many tools- Julian seems crafty, powerful, and smart. Andera has guile, trickery, and subtlety, and Mad dog he... has his uses." Sena nodded to himself. "Not alone..."

And with that his spirit left. Sena gave Lann his equipment- armor and weapons, save for his holy symbol, which he kept, and a CMW wand.

Days 5- 14 Some buildings, and the purified armor
They got purifying the forge on the first attempt! they put Joran working on purifying Staunton Vhane's armor of chains first. Meanwhile Julian started building herself a small house in the fort of Drezen (Courtyard), and assembling trophies from adventures so far: Staunton's helmet, Soltengrabber's mane and hide, the empty shard of the Wardstone, Nurah's battle horn, Harry's broken bonded wand. She planned on collecting many more.

While Julian was working about this, I sent an email (We all use laptops) about her own... changes:
For all outward appearances, and the way Julian feels, the "telepathy/ mind break" that Julian experienced fades away. Julian may well think she has overcome it, with the ordeal of overcoming Drezen.

However, every other day or so, she "lets herself go" more easily, acting more freely, more manipulatively, more seductively (A bit like a succubus, but I'll let you find your own voice in it, your own way to roleplay it). Each time it stays for about 1d6 hours.

You do not turn evil, but you do turn less good. For that time you are chaotic NEUTRAL, feel free to act accordingly. Though there are changes to Julian's behavior, it's not as if someone else is dominating her, but rather she explores and gives in to other sides of her.

In game terms it's a bit like Julian is under the effects of a suggestion, only there is no demon casting the spell. In fact, when Julian listens deeply, it's her own voice that urges her on. Her own self? Perhaps…

It's important to note that at least at the start, The changes are somewhat subtle... Most likely Julian herself DOES NOT consider these odd, and will only think something is wrong if she's confronted with the consequences of her actions. (Most of which are quite subtle). However, I'll leave it to you to see when Julian makes that realization, be it sooner or later, as you wish. I think this can be fun.

As to the game, her actions may be somewhat disruptive, but not altogether destructive or harmful (Yet). She still views the party and Drezen as her friends, but she places her own self and desires higher than she did before, and doesn't mind playing a trick or two (or five) on them. What's the harm after all?

I did not spring it out of the blue entirely on him. We have discussed similarly themed changes (The player thought something on the lines of a multiple personality disorder). I thought this would be a smoother transition.

What happens is that After receiving various impressions by demonic minds, Julian's own mind is slowly starting to turn demonic itself. According to Julian's personality, and the player's own favorite demon, I've suggested to model it after the succubi. The player himself doesn't quite know what's happening (Though I'd hazard he would make a good guess). all in all it turned to be an interesting roleplay- as you will see. :smallwink:

Sena in the meantime furnished a small temple. He chose Chorussia's room (The tower, originally Soltengrabbe's room in the module), and cleaned it up, put a Hallow spell on it (With Zone of truth), put the symbols of the five crusade gods (Iomedae, Sarenrae, Desna, Torag and Shellyn) iin a sort of a circle on the walls, and made a simple circle in the middle of the room, with three pointers from it towards Iomedae, Sarenrae and Desna. (This was Calistria's symbol in a sort of a simple disguise. He knew very well that others might recognize it. but thought it was appropriate for the goddess to at least partly hide it. One last final touch- Sena used stone shape in order to create a grave in the room, where he buried John, on Hallowed "Ground".

On the 13th day Aravash called Sena to the forge. Joran managed to purify his armor- a shining sleek looking Mithral Full Plate. "My brother was slowed and chained by these shackles of evil. Removing them, this armor will grant you great speed instead! (Mithral Fullplate of speed). Now, with his new armor, Sena called the major people in Drezen to his new temple- the party (Though Mad dog decided to remain in his chamber), Major NPCs (except for Qulin), Some of the Sarenrae's knights, mongrelfolk, halflings... about 30-40 people, tightly packed. Sena steps into the circle in the center (The hidden symbol for Calistria) and speaks:

Sena's temple music- LoTR, Twilight and Shadow (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ezEiVyWzvo)
(The player chose this himself. The music idea is catching on! :smallbiggrin:

"Thank you all for coming, for the past few weeks and especially the past two, we have suffered a lot but we all worked together in a common cause. Just a few months ago we were complete strangers, some even saw each other as enemies, who doesn't deserve to live."

"But now we are united, in our cause! Before we will continue I will tell you that I am not myself. I have changed, I saw things that changed me, The person who left Drezen is not the same person who entered it. (Speaks of John's vision) John didn't betray us, if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have succeeded in our mission, it was his plan all along. If it was my choice, he would be declared a saint!"

"As for myself, as I said- I am not the same man. When I was standing above me, on the platform looking over Drezen, saw you all suffer, dying, losing hope, I did what I could to ease your pain to preserve your life- for it is my fault, my blame, like John before me... I spoke with Sarenrae, but she for her reasons, and I do not doubt her (Julianwas in a playful mood and whispered with Andera "Didn't doubt her! Yeah right!"), denied me the possibility to help you all (Andera: "Look at him taking the credit!"), But I didn't lose hope. And for that I paid the price." At this point the presence of the spirits rushed across the room, though not an intimidating manner, but rather a calming, serene one. "You see it as a burden, but I do not. They are not my burden, but my reminder. And for that I return to the cause."

"I call for any that would join me! That we will erase any trace of demon footstep, any stain of their corrupted essence, they will be eradicated, purged, and blasted from the surface of this earth! I lost my family, friends, birth city, everyone I loved, known and cherished!. And even lost my beliefs… (Some in the crowd took a breath at this, looking worried) Because of these demons (Julian: "That will bring him followers1")... There will be no more crusades! This will be the LAST crusade! Our children will not live in this! Will you fight with me?!" At this point most of the crowd cheered and raised their hand in agreement, as Sena turned round in his circle, seeing them all. Some figures however, especially from the Sarenrae Knights, and Arabeth as well, looked uncertain...

Sena didn't worry, He stepped out of the circle and spoke. "In this place, everybody is equal, so if anyone wants to speak, just step into the circle and speak.". However the crowd seemed a bit shocked by the speech. Lann stepped forth. "I will fight with you Spirit Walker!" A few made similar oaths but most left quietly. Arabeth came to Sena, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I didn't know some of this. Are you... Are you sure?" Sena looked at her squrely. "Yes I am!" She squeezed his shoulder again, and left.

Julian was the last to remain. She waited till they were alone before she stepped close to him. , "Sena, although sometime I look cynical, I do appreciate your cause, and if you need help, I will be happy to assist." And she placed her arm on his, somewhat casually... Sena heard again "What do you feel?" and Sena answered in his thought. "Tool!" openly however he said "Thank you very much Julian, it will be quite helpful. Julian plays with flattery. but there is no service without cost, what shall it be?" Julian was confused (As the rest of us) "What are you talking about? We are friends, nd relied on each other these past two week, or haven't you noticed?" She said playfully.

Sena's player started to panic (I did say that he can be too paranoid for his own good, right? :smallwink:) Julian looked at the floor, and marked the symbol with her leg ?(Decent knowledge roll) "So you pay attention to Calistaria now, do you?"

Sena, who put some flammable oil in the groove of the circle, stepped inside the circle and ignited it (He likes Drama). In the circle of fire he spoke gravely, excitedly, passionately. "Yes, I am first of the revenge that is going to give the demons their final battle!" Julian cast resist energy and stepped through the flames in front of him (More drama :smallbiggrin:) and put her hand on his shoulder "And I will be with you, every step of the way!" Her hand slid down to his "I trust you with my life, I hope you feel the same Sena..." Sena nods a bit confused, "I do, but keep this all... secret for now, ok?" Julian accepts and then just leaves the circle and the room.

The player really started to panic! :smalltongue:


I assume it's from some sort of a game, it's supposed to represent the faith in Calistria, but with his own... intimidating tone.

Days 14-19, Soul gem, The Sleepless eye, Concerns about Sena
Aravash started to work on the unholy mithral amulet. Andera was approached by Qulin in his tent. "Master, oh great master! We wish to offer you a token, a promise! The demons keep our souls tied somewhere, in a Soul gem as part of our pact and servitude. Though we cannot retrieve it, We have crafted a similar tool, one that represents our commitment to you, our promise, devotion and dedication to you Master!" Qulin gives him a rough reddish orb. "If our souls are freed, they will be transfered here, for we are yours Master, for now and forever!"

This made Andera lose it. "No! I do not wish to hold your souls! I am NOT your Master! For the last time, stop bowing to me! I do not keep slaves!"
Qulin seemed panicked, prostrating profusely "We have offended you Master! Punish us! We are unworthy!"
Andera forced him to sit across him. "Look, I don't want you as slaves. You don't need to follow me, you are free!"
Qulin tried to wrap his mind against the new concept. "No, we are never free, we are created, born, bred to serve. Serve YOU Master!"
Andera tried a different approach. "Look, what happens to a quasit when his master dies?"
Qulin blinked "It's spoul gets sucked with his master's soul into the Abyss Master, as we shall follow you to your death!"
Andera sighed "Ok, bad example..." :smallbiggrin: "Look, back in Kenabres, after you were captured, why didn't you follow your masters to your deaths? You tried to do something else instead, offer yourself to us- BETRAY your master. Why did you do that?"
Qulin was more confused "We... we were afraid."
Andera urged "Who made that choice, who chose against their master."
At this Qulin allowed himself a sly little smile. "I did, along with the sorcerers."
Andera moved on. "You see, there are times you must heed no master, in which you must choose for yourself, in which you are YOUR OWN master!"
This idea shocked Qulin somewhat. "I do not understand Master, you speak confusingly. We try to learn, to adjust, but your people's ways are so confusing, what would you have us do?"
Andera sighed "I wish you to build a new community here, everyone with their own free will, with no master. The day is not far when I will have to leave you (Qulin looked panicked), and on that day, you will hve to choose for yourself, without anyone to tell you what to do. You will have to see what YOU want to do." Andera looked at him seriously. "I want you to be your own people. I want you to be free."
Qulin seemed lost in thoughts, quite a few new ideas in his head. "Yes, our own masters? I will have to talk with the others about it... (Diplomacy roll persuaded him to accept) Thank you Mas... Thank you..."

(This small piece was one of my favorite parts of the entire session! :smallsmile:)

Julian and Andera also discussed forming the Sleepless eye. They laid some of the basic foundations:

The organization will focus on possible demon infiltration or influence in Drezen.
The main building will be a major inn. It will have secret doors to an underground complex which will be the headquarters. The Inn's owner/ operator will have to be a very trusted person. (Bartlet is suggested)
They will try to recruit Anevia as the head of the organization on a day to day basis. She seems quite capable, and she can be trusted. Arabeth will know of the organization (Due to her relationship with Anevia), but will be kept out of it's actions, for plausible deniability (Plus she can't bluff well). If possible, Aravash will lend magical support and knowledge.
The first recruits will be Andera's spies (The remains of the expert spies, who came from Kenabres), about 8 currently. More recruits will be gained from the general populace.
Interviews will be made in Sena's temple (With the zone of truth). Sena may lend a hand, but due to his new unknown allegiance, he will kept in an "advisory/ support" role, and not fully in.

Sena in the meantime speaks with some of the Knights of Sarenre. Apparently their heavily wounded order seeks to join with the mongrelfolk to form a joined order. They will put Lann as it's leader (They saw him with John's equipment as a sign). They are however worried about Sena's dispute with Sarenrae. "We understand you have doubts, nd we do not really doubt you, but... we worry for you. If you feel alone, if you feel lost, come to us. We are your family, we re your brothers!" Sena Nodded, accepting "Sarenrae teaches patience and temperance. I believe the road ahead may require more... extreme measures. If you find me unworthy, or off-the-path, I will accept it." They tried to soothe him "No, we are your friends and allies, just... we worry..."

On the 19th day the amulet is purified. Aravash presents it to them "Trust betrayed is now forged to The Bond. When once it fueled the unholy energies of an anti paladin, we have redeemed the holy spirit inside of it, weak, but bears strength to the righteous arms" After some debate Andera took it.

The bond mimics the paladin's "Divine bond" ability- it enables the wearer to add +2 enchantment equivalent to the weapon of the wearer. The bonus can be divided between two weapons if the person wishes.

Days 20-24, Preparations for coming
Aravash started to work on the Orb of Souls, fails near the end of this period, and starts anew.. Julian kept more and more company with Mad dog, who started getting frustrated, depressed and resentful (The character, not the player) "When the reinforcements come, we leave quickly, and find out this Ivory Sanctum!"

Sena starts having a small cult of followers, mostly mongrelfolk and Sarenrae's knights, about 20-30 people in all, Speaking of "The Spirit Walker", and having a few people follow him around as a sort of n honor guard. Sena takes to it, and invites them to his temple, conducting philosophical discussions (If I take a lamp and shine it toward the wall, a bright spot will appear on the wall. The lamp is our search for truth... for understanding." :smalltongue:)

Arabeth and Bartlet become worried of Mad Dog, and come talking to Julian and Andera. "Where is he? He hasn't been seen for some time. People think he must have gone scouting in the wilderness, but it's an awfully long time..." Julian tried to wave it away. "He is dealing with some personal issues." Andera added "Yeah, struggling with his own personal demons." (Sena's player face palmed). Arabeth was concerned "Like what happened before?" Julian replied "Of a similar nature". They didn't look that convinced, but Just replied "Well, for now we trust you, but it is odd..."

(To tell the truth I should have breached Mad dog's disppearance earlier, but forgot about this with all of the other activity going around.

Some of Bartlet's scouts returned on the 23rd day "The reinforcements are nearly here! A whole LOT of people, with carts, supplies, building materials, and lots of troops!" Bartlet was pleased, but spoke with the party. "Look one small thing, but important. After they arrive, and settle enough, we need to have some sort of celebration, for the new comers who will probably be worried about this new place in the midst ofthe enemy, but for our current troops as well. It has been a hell of a ride, and the people need a break, something to be happy about, you know? What with Sena as a new prophet, all the deaths, and this new things with the tieflings goign about sying "What do I want to do?!?", we kinda need a break, ya know?"

The party agreed, and waited with anticipation for the new population of Drezen to arrive. Especially Mad dog, for whom this signaled the coming departure.

This is a good stopping point. A lot of roleply up to this point. There is still some more ahead, but not a whole lot.A very unusual session for us so far, but on the whole quite a lot of fun. Hope you are enjoying!

Kol Korran
2015-01-26, 07:44 AM
Session 15, part 2- New arrivals to Drezen, Into the wild, Mad dog's Challenge!

The second part had a somewhat different feel. The party was now edging more to get to the adventuring. So despite some new NPCs appearing, the party mostly focused on making sure things are settled and then get to exploring. And that turned to end up in quite a surprise for us all!

Day 25- Reinforcements have arrived
Knowing the population is about to come, the party came with a small honor guard and some of the NPCs to greet the new comers. Julian even cast disguise self on Mad dog (Our house rules say that any "range: self" spell is a instead "range: touch") Mad dog stood some distance way, not wishing to draw attention. And finally, the new population of Drezen was arriving!

Conan- Mountain of power procession (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=ULKhAV1Ckfk)

There were many! (The total population of Drezen with the current troop numbers about 2,300, thousand of them soldiers...) There were many mongrelfolk, some of which are children, soem are sick, most of the population from under Kenabres (About 420 total), A sizeable popultion of dwarves, with the look of craftsfolk and soldiers upon them, their eye glued to the ancient dwarven walls of Drezen (About 460), Quite a few humans who by the look of them are from Sarkori decent (600), and about 700 Mendevians from various races, though mostly humans. (and to that add bout 120 tieflings already in Drezen).

The party was excited to meet them all, but Julian was surprised to see a familiar figure- Father Brian! He is a figure from her past, who sent her to an orphanage long ago. She has some resentment to him, though on the few occasions she met him he seemed truly concerned for her, seeking to do help her. Their last encounter was in Kenabres, when he had introduced her to the Queen, before she joined the crusade (I put a previous installment of her journal somewhere on the log, and will do another on the next). Stat wise he is a middle aged cleric 7 of Iomedae.

J: Well... I'm not sure if I'm happy or not to see you here! What are you doing here!
B: Ah Julian! You never cease to surprise me with your kind words and bountiful tact. I came cause the Queen wished me to come. This place is important to her, and she wishes capable people in it.
J: Is that the only reason? (Said sarcastically, testily)
B: No. I... I came because you were here as well. There are dangerous times ahead, and I know you feel I've let you down before. I come here to offer what help I can. You will need all the help you can get!
J: (A bit flustered) Um... Ok, for what it's worth, I think I am happy you came.
B: (smiling), Well, that will have to do for now. I will go and get settled, and see how I can help. The people will need the blessing and guidance of the gods. I will... see you later, when things calm down a bit?

We are not quite sure what sort of a play we'd like with him. We're trying to see where it will go. Oddly enough it comes after Commander John was buried, but it's not supposed to be the same characters. We'll see.

The next familiar face brought smiles from some, groans from others. Leading a series of heavily laden carts, there ws Horus Gwerm! "Don't touch that! If you'll break it I'm deducting from your salary twice as much!"As the merchant reached the party, he opened in a small but to-the-point speech: "Ah! The "heroes" of Kenabres!... Look , there is no love lost here, I'm sure. I'm still uncertain if your little shenanigans with the wardstone haven't doomed us all, but for better of for worse- we're all the way in this now! And if this miserble gods forgotten outpost can be used to fight the demons, it will need all the help you can get! it will take time for the economy here to boost up, but through my resources and connections I will be able to supply you better than most of this rag tag will! But I expect to be compensated accordingly! Now, with all due respect, of which there isn't much, let us get this sham on the road!"

Andera looked at him menacingly "Just watch your step Horus!" and whispered to Julian "Maybe we should put someone in his organization as well." (Julian's player laughed "What happened to "not spying on your own civilians?" Andera's player "There are civilians, and there's HIM!")

Sean was delighted to meet him, and came to shake his hand. "I'm so glad to meet you! together we shall fight demons and screw as many of them as we can!" Horus looked shocked and suspicious. Julian welcomed him with a slightly flirtatious smile "We haven't met, but I heard some about you. I'd be delighted to do business with you!" Horus snorted, and waved a finger "No look here! One thing I learned from the start is "NEVER trust a beautiful woman! Get away from me you! Business only!"

On the whole, the party quite liked seeing him around it seems! :smalltongue:

The main reason I brought him was because he elicited the most emotional response out of ll the NPCs in the first module. And he's fun to play! :smallbiggrin: Mechanically I kept him as in the module- aristocrat 4, rogue 2. His relation towards the party, though he doesn't show it has improved to neutral. Part of him coming was to appraise them again- perhaps he was mistaken?

He offers a benefit: Drezen is considered ruined and it's market is kinda limited. Dealing with Horus enables an upgrade of one level (Base value- 5,000, purchase limit 10,000 at the start), and this rises when Drezen will be rebuilt. But he requires a 10% fee.

Another familiar face came close near enough, but he was hard to recognize- a well kept dwarf, with his hair in a tie, his beard as well, wearing the robes of a lowly acolyte of Iomedae! Mad dog was like "Millorn?!" The dwarf came, and spoke... sanely for once, though it felt like he was constructing his sentences slowly. He spoke calmly, respectfully, saying how sorry he was for the trouble he caused, and how Andrew showed him the way of Iomedae, and that he now wished to make himself a better man. Andrew preached that the road requires hard work and toil, in the center of being, and has sent the dwarf to help.

Sena greets him warmly. "A man seeking to be a better man is always welcomed here. Come to my temple, where you can worship Iomedae if you wish!" Julian also spoke to him "I have heard about you, and what you are going through. You know you have family here? Joran Vhane?" Millorn face darkened "They do not like me, I have been the black sheep of the family" Julian put a hand on his shoulder "Well, now you may be the torch of light to show his way out of the darkness. Isn't that right Brian?"

Brian smiled "So... these new friends teach you some wisdom?" ("No, still 10!" :smalltongue:) Millorn was still uncertain "I am at the start, I am not sure I can teach or guide another.", "Well, perhaps that is part of your path as well?"

Millorn also brought quite a bit of response in the first module. I thought continuing his story here, perhaps with Joran might be interesting.

He is Wizard 5 (generalist), and he has the "craft arms and armor" feat (I gave it in case they killed Joran or something)

They continued on, when Anevia came! She first gave a big hug to Arabeth, and then handed the party a scroll. "The Queen knew I was coming even before I got there, still I think I provided some information. She wanted you to have this!" Before reading, Julian whispered to her "We'll need to talk later, I got a job offer."

(The scrolls is based on that of the module, with a few minor changes:
"To the Heroes of Drezen—
Words cannot convey my gratitude for what you have done. I wish that I could say the worst is over, but as you must surely know, the liberation of Drezen is but the first of many steps. You are poised to serve in a way that no others among the crusaders can match. Use Drezen as a base of operations. Set out to explore the Wounded Lands to the south and west for anything else we can use against the demons. You, being on the front lines, doubtless have already isolated several possible leads to investigate, but do not hesitate to consult those I have sent north with you. Father Brian, Irabeth, and the rest will aid you in this great endeavor.

Word of your success and Drezen’s liberation has already started to spread, and already I see the results in the faces of my soldiers. They fight with renewed morale, new hope, new determination. This is the first real victory since the first crusade! Our increased tenacity will hopefully occupy Deskari's forces and generals for awhile longer, though I do not now how much. Use this time to strike a true blow against the forces of the Abyss, and seek information on their plans. I trust your judgment fully. Keep me updated of your doings.

I am sending some forces and supplies, to assist you. I wish I could have sent more, but the demons' attack are spreading our resources thin. I trust you to make good use of it. With your aid, I now feel that victory is finally something we can hope for.

The less military population came last, and seeing the party they kept shouting, saying, whispering, pointing. "Mad dog the Demon Slayer!", "Sena The Defiant!", "Andera Silent Wrath!" And so on. (No name for Julian yet, and Harry died). What topped this however was a gnome atop a loaded cart, singing out loud, and calling to the people to sing the repeating line, in the newest song of the Mendevian Crusades- Into the Grey: (From the adventure of the Grey Garrison):
Into the Grey" by Clussen Heart
"When the time has come, and the abyss was ready
They went, into the grey!
When the loss was thick, and the sorrow heavy,
They went, into the grey!
Against evil horror, and demons many,
They went into the grey!
To save us all, They charged head into the fray,
They went into the grey!

Andrew Lightbringer, With his sword so bright!
Mad Dog the Slayer, with rage and might!
Andera Silent Wrath struck hard and fast,
Sena the Defiant made them last,
Harry the Wise Fire proved the demon's dismay.
They went into the grey!

Minions of the abyss they faced and fought
They went into the grey!
Demons and monsters tried all for naught
They went into the grey!
Through abyssal legions, and powers so vile
They went into the grey!
Again and again, they will not be defiled
They went into the grey!

At last they faced the demon lords,
Wishing to turn us all into their mindless hordes,
The enemy outnumbering, all corrupt and decay
Led by a sorceress of death, dark and dismay
But there was no turning back, no fighting another day,
They went into the Grey!

Remember young and old, remember Those few
Who went into the grey
Who many demons fought, and many demons slew
Who went into the grey
Who have fought for us, in the hour so dire
Who went into the grey
Who have dared the abyss, dared battle it's fire
Who went into the grey

These are the heroes of our time, remember their way,
Of those… who went… into the grey!

The players were quite amused by the song, but other than that we just moved on.

i mentioned in one of my earlier posts the desire to explore the echoes of heroism. These are all manifestations of the party's growing fame and recognition.

But there was also a goodbye. From the lucky bastards "We wish to go home, we have been in captivity for about 15 years, we must go back and see if we have a family left, a home left." The party was sorry to let them go, and Julian tried to make them stay, but in the end they settled that they will have a home here in Drezen if they want.

The new army (about 1,000 people, but less experienced than most of the troops the party led), started to get their bearings, while the population started making a sort of a small shanty town on the various banks and places. Arabeth and Aravash were the ones designated to take command of the situation, and Anevia was called to prepare... Celebrations!

Day 26- First bearings and near final arrangements

Regular "in town" music- Conan, Theology/ Civilization (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=3ToTQEyLG4Q)

There re all kinds of small happenings- Julian looking for a place and a person to build the Inn with the secret base for The Sleepless Eye, Sena meets with Opoli in a warm hug ("I was twice orphaned, but now I have mother!"), and the NPCs devise the basic building plans for the small town. (Building walls, building a Quarry, farms in the hostile terrain). As discussed with the group earlier, they prefer to deal only with major decisions of running the city, and not with all the downtime or kingdom building detailed mechanics, keeping this mostly to the roleplay level. The rest is in the background.

Julian meets Brian in the citadel. With Commander John gone, and with a decree from the Queen, he is the main religious figure (After Sena).
J: "So, what are your plans?"
B: The people will need moral, faith, perseverance. I heard Sena built a small temple, but it will not suffice for such a large population. I will build another temple, on paradise hill.
J: For Iomedae?
B: For the five gods, and a place for any worship that does not wish harm to our people. Look, Julian, I know you never trusted the gods, that you feel they have been disappointing you, but... The people do need them."
J: (Rolling her eyes) "We've been over this, let us not start again. Look, I was thinking, when you're free, I'd like you to come see my house. I've made one. For myself. We could maybe share a story or two?
B: I would love that. Now, if you don't mind me saying- I have been here only a day but I have heard a lot about Sena. he seems very... intense. Do you trust him?
J: We watch each others' backs, and for something else- you are a man of knowledge, of wisdom. Have you heard of the Ivory Sanctum?
B: Heard of it? yes, as a sot of a rumor. We know it's the headquarters of Baphomet here, but all of our efforts to discover it were futile. They do an excellent job keeping it secret. Most of their operatives don't even know where it is, as they meet their leaders of site. And it's heavily warded against magical divination, for sure.

Sena, The ever weary, seeks some weavers to weaves a few copies of the Sword of Valor to place all around.

Day 27- Final preparations
Aravash manages to turn the orb of soul into an orb of linked hearts (Enable using Sending 3 times/ week, to 4 peoples simultaneously, or 8 if used in the location of the room of bones, only purified) The party decides to leave it t the citadel, so they could be reached while exploring. They decide not to wait for the earth breaker (Which Mad dog doesn't want anyway, not after investing in Improved Critical for his great sword)

Horus and a few merchant have set a sort of makeshift shops, and the party finally decides to go shopping! They got just enough equipment to sell worth of 30,000 Despite various differences in party wealth, and Mad dog being the poorest of them all (He didn't end up receiving an unholy item turned good, and Julian got the Staff of Valor), Mad dog decides to split the loot evenly. "It will balance itself out later" The market is not large, they but some potions, and some upgrades to defensive items at Horus "We're doing FINE business already!", but nothing major so far.

The party understands that they still have no real clue of where the Ivory Sanctum is, Arulashee or Jaarunica the hag. So they decide it's time to just set out into the wild and explore. (Finally!)

I show them the basic map, explain distances and rules (I sent them links to read, but being players- they didn't). The initial map includes the hexes that Bartlet's scouts and some mongrelfolk explored.

I carry a mistake from Sword of Valor, when I accidentally added another hex to the road (I think its how I calculated the distances in the module0. So in my version of the wounded land there is an extra row of hexes if I'm not mistaken.

I could find no suitable single A4 sheet hex map to fit the one the module posts, so I'm attachment regular ones, side by side. Not ideal, but not bad. I marked each hex on the map with a number, and wrote down description (Such as rough, secret, hunting grounds and such) according to the random hex crawl rules. I used the random rolls, and it came out quite nice I think. I'll get to the random table later.

The Current mp the party has is this:


The full map I have is this. Not many changes of terrain with the original module. Though some changes of location. (Note that I didn't had good color to note the forest to the NW, but it's there :smalltongue:)


Day 28- Heading out!

Exploration music- Wasteland 2 soundtrack (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNjHMK0BBLI)

The party decided to head to the SW: Difficult terrain- lots of rough ground, canyons, fissures and more. Mad dog leads them (Has the highest Survival), and they decided to just cross the hex, trusting that the scouts have researched it. They near the ned of the hex with no encounters whatsoever.

As they sleep Sena keeps watch (Sleepless, and with darkvision). He keeps intoning softly "Areelu Vorlesh, Jerribeth of the Jade, General Aponavicius, Xanthir Vang, The Storm Lord... Areelu Vorlesh..."

Each Hex usually takes 8 hours to cross (But rough terrain such as this doubles the time, see exploration rules. Merely transverse a hex does not let you know what's in it. For that you need to spend time to explore it. (2 days for a regular hex, 4 for rough or one with canyons and such). This lets you know of the main things in a hex. Things that try to remain secret (Such as the Ivory Sanctum) you need a good perception check for.

Random encounters: I have them roll on three occasions: once during a day (15%), once during the night (20%), and once when entering a new hex (10%). A bit different and more lethal supposedly than what the module suggests, but so it is. They haven't met 1 encounter in this day and the next 2! I use a mix of some of the battle encounters presented in the module (At the end) and some from the tble I compiled thanks to some playgrounders On this thread here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?389498-Random-events-in-a-demonic-land!-%28Hex-crwl-exploration-Flavor-mostly%29)

Day 29-30- SW, Scorsizor!
On the next day the party continued SW, and again decides not to explore. They then decide to keep heading Sw, following the canyon, until they reach the view over the lake of lava, and the valley of the ashen river. For some reason they decide not to explore the hex, and think up where to go next (This wasn't rough terrain, so they had more movement.) On the original map, they are nearly at the Molten Cascade (Point I)


Only here I look at my notes, and make a decision, that probably changed how this entire module would look. You see, at Day 30, 5 days after the arrival of masses of population to Drezen, I decided that Scorsizor, the Woundwyrm, will pay Drezen a visit. I initially thought the party would still be there (For the celebration, turning items to holy or for their own agendas), and that they will have a little face off with her. (Similar to what I will soon describe). I was intending to build Scorsizor as a threat, build her up, make her a menace.

Now, I also shifted some locations on the map, and one of my decisions is to have her lair at the Molten Scar location (M on the map), which puts the party's location on a direct flight route towards Drezen.

So my thought here was: They are not at Drezen, but I will let them have some foreshadowing here. So I told the party they see the shape of a huge dragon flying over. I thought that they would hide, let it pass, and deal with it later.

But... As he later put it- Mad dog has been cooped up in a tiny chamber with nothing to kill for nearly a month, and his nerves were popping! The barbarian jumped on a boulder and roared at the dragon "Come here you coward!" and bellowed.

My thought: Oh ****! They are level 9/ tier 3! She's CR 15, and a freaking dragon! And I'm using the improved stats from that link Alleran told me. Still, choices are choices. Scorsizor the Woundwyrm heard a challenge, and swept to meet the intruders on her turf!

The party hid/ cast a defensive spell, as the huge best landed. "WHO DARES TRESPASS ON THE DOMAIN OF SCORSIZOR, SCOURGE OF THE WORLDWOUND?" She roared
Mad dog was not impressed: "We re the Bane of Deskari! Come to kill them all, and who are YOU?"
Scorsizor:"YOU? You are the fools that dare anger the Merilith? I have made my deal with her, but not with you! If you wish to live in my shadow, you will do this at my sufferance! For your continued existence, I demand tribute! One worthy of ME!"
Andera tried flattery: "Oh Mighty Scorsizor, your name and greatness go far and wide! We do not seek to fight you, but maybe... something else?"
Her eyes squinted: "You dare negotiate with a dragon wormling?! We demand, we do not... "Deal!""
Julian tried a different angle: ""Well mighty Scorsizar, we haven't come here to surrender! You are old and experienced, and faced many foes before. Your name gone far and spoken with awe. But we have almost single handedly taken Drezen, a feat not done by any other, and defeated many a great demon! I ask of you- maybe a path of cooperation?" (Julian threw a very high intimidate, and succeeded)
Scozsizor seemed uncertain: "Hmmmm.. Impressive little mage, you do not flinch in the presence of those greater than you! Courage or foolishness, I wonder... Very well, give me tribute and I shall let you live!" She sniffed the air "Give me something worthy, like that staff in your hand, and you may go... for now.." (My thought here is that they'll have a sort of a defeat- losing a magic item, but will evade a TPK)

But it seems players aremore loath to lose a magic item than to lose lives. Julian already prepared to battle, When Sena tried one more thing. "Mighty Scorsizor, I am willing to trade. We got read of the Drezen demons, and we seek the Ivory Sanctum, do you know where it is? We could pay for it." Scosrsizor does not know, but she tried to play the game, and they bantered a bit more , but there came to an impasse.

My thought: Damn, no other way out of it.
Scorsizor roared "I tire of these little games! Now you die!" Fight! Fight!

Woundwyrm battle!
Andera charges, but fail to connect, Julian casts mythical deep slumber, but hey- Dragon! (The party fought one dragon ina campaign long go, and much weaker. And they rolled crappy on knowledge rolls).

Scorsizor full attacked Andera and dropped him to -15! (The party: Oh Sh*t! :smalleek:) The party guesses she uses acid (From some descritpion) So Sena casts communal protection from acid (108 hp)

But Mad dog had a challenge to keep, He charged her, and took an AoO that hit heard (2d8+30 on a bite!) but manged to hit the dragon, not much, but enough. Julian casts hates, but then Scorsizor full attacks Mad dog, who evades about half her attacks (With liberal use of surge) but still get damaged heavily, and is also grabbed. "These are the saviors of Drezen?" (In my mind I was thinking. "Oh crap!")

Sena comes close enough, and channel energy once, and then gain using a mythic point (Amazing initiative). This brings Andera back, and gives Mad dog a fighting chance. And Mad dog fights indeed. He decides to rage, knowing he might go into a mindless Frenzy, but manages his save. Rolls a nat 20 and break loose of the grab! He uses sudden attack and hits nicely, only to be sprayed with acidic blood (In the suggested stat every hit on Scorsizor is "rewarded" by a spray of highly acidic blood), Thanks to the magical protection, he is unharmed.

Andera awakens, jumps to his feet and draws the wand of dimension door, hoping to maybe get them out of this somehow! Julian fails in her mythic Slow, nd the party starts to doubt if calling out a dragon to a fight was a wise idea.

At this point I notice that some of mad dog hits harmed her nicely, but she still has about 125 hit points. However, Sena can hit her, and Andera is back on his feet. Thinking to maybe void a TPK, I decide she will try to grab Mad dog and then fly off to the lake of lava to throw him there. But she misses her bite (Damn surge! :smalltongue:) and continues to attack Mad dog, though he barely evades the grab, but he's down to about 7 hit points. Mad dog manages to stand against Scorsizor toe to toe.

With the help of some healing (Sena repeats 2 channel energy), but then Mad dog attacks and.... crits! And he does over 130 damage!:smalleek::smalleek: I'm shocked, the players are shocked, as Maddog thrust his sword into h her belly, and jumps up roaring, gutting and slicing the dragon! (Andera adds her last words: "Triiiibbbuuuuute!")

I look dumbfounded. These level 9/ tier 3 characters just killed a CR 15 dragon, which was supposed in my plans to be major part of the module, on their first encounter in the wounded lands, kind of at random. "Scorsizor WHO?" they laughed. Yet though I felt a bit disappointed (All I managed to do with her was full attack, I had such plans...) The party told me that it was great battle, and that they realy feared this battle was it.

So with that we ended the session, with a HUGE chunk of XP, enough apparently to level them up (Along with some things they manged to do in Drezen before) Level 10! Also- 1 mythic challenge! Now the party worried about 2 things: How to get the head back to Drezen to show off, and to get to her lair quickly enough before others rob her.

Sena's player laughed: "Just like old times! We mess round a lot, and just wait till you crit! Google kills again!" (Reference to nother logged campaign.

First of all, I used the following statistics. From the link Alleran suggested, with a few slight changes:
XP 51,200
Female variant woundwyrm (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Bestiary 61)
CE Huge dragon (chaotic, evil)
Init +5; Senses blindsight 120 ft.; Perception +22
AC 30, touch 10, flat-footed 28 (+1 Dex, +1 dodge, +20 natural, –2 size)
hp 225 (18d12+108)
Fort +17, Ref +14, Will +12
Defensive Abilities acidic scales; DR 10/good and lawful; Immune acid, dragon traits, gaze attacks, illusions, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, visual effects; SR 26
Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average), swim 30 ft.
Melee bite +26 (2d8+15 plus grab), 2 claws +26 (2d6+10 plus grab), tail slap +24 (2d8+15 plus grab), 2 wings +24 (1d8+5)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks breath weapon (100-ft. line, 20d6, Reflex DC 25 for half, usable every 1d4 rounds), constrict (2d6+15), entropic breath, maw of the Abyss, rake (2 claws +26, 2d6+10)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +23)
Constant–entropic shield, freedom of movement
1/day- Greater dispel magic- 4 spells if targeted, or all creatures in 20 ft burst,
Str 31, Dex 13, Con 22, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 20
Base Atk +18; CMB +30; CMD 42 (46 vs. trip)
Feats Critical Focus, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack (-5/+15;+10;+5), Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical
Skills Acrobatics +19, Bluff +18, Diplomacy +15, Fly +18, Intimidate +26, Knowledge (planes) +23, Perception +22, Spellcraft +23, Survival +22, Swim +22
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic
SQ tenacious grapple
Acidic Scales (Ex)
Scorizscar produces a highly caustic mucus that coats her entire body. Whenever Scorizscar is hit with a weapon or weapon-like effect (such as spiritual weapon), the attacker suffers 6d8 points of acid damage (no save). The acid spray can reach up to 10 feet away from the woundwyrm, so even attackers using a reach weapon can be affected by it. Scorizscar's acid is so strong that it ignores up to 10 points of acid resistance, and deals double damage to protection from energy (acid) spells. This benefit also applies to her breath weapons.
Entropic Breath (Su)
Instead of a line of acid, a woundwyrm can exhale a 30-foot cone of acid fog (half movement, -2 attack and damage, no range, no 5 ft, 2d6 acid damage each round) that persists for 1 minute. Any creature that begins its turn within the entropic breath becomes confused (Will DC 25 negates) for as long as it remains within the cloud and for 1d6 rounds thereafter.
Maw of the Abyss (Su)
As a full-round action, a woundwyrm can attempt to suck creatures and unattended objects in a 15-foot cone into a vortex in its maw. This acts as a drag combat maneuver (CMB +30) against creatures, and acts as a Strength check with a +10 bonus to break objects. Unattended objects weighing less than 100 pounds are automatically drawn into its maw. Creatures and objects alike take 1d12 points of sonic damage per round within the cone. While using this ability, a woundwyrm cannot speak, use its breath weapon, or make attacks or attacks of opportunity with its bite attack.
Encounter: Scorizscar's lair is filled with unstable planar rifts due to the long exposure to her own chaotic energies. There is a rift at the lair's entrance that the characters have to cross in order to enter the cave, and the cave can be seen clearly through the rift. If a character crosses the rift, it attempts to devour the magic affecting the character at that moment. Make a caster level check with a +15 bonus as if using greater dispel magic (the rift can dispel up to 4 spells). After that, the character appears on the cave, at a random location (roll 1d4; 1-north, 2-south, 3-east, 4-west). Since the character appears in the air a few feet over the floor, he will fall prone unless he succeeds on a DC 15 Acrobatics check.
If a character tries to use a teleportation effect (such as dimension door) to go through the rift to the other side, the chaotic energies will tear him apart during the teleportation, allowing him to cross to the other side without losing any active spells, but suffering 5 points per caster level of the teleportation effect.
At the start of each round of combat, every character has to make a DC 25 Fortitude save or be affected by the chaotic energies inside the cave. Roll on the warpwave effect table (keketar protean, Bestiary 2) for each character that fails the save and apply the effect. Change the result on a 20 to the following: "Portions of target’s body are disintegrated (as the spell, 30d6 damage)". All the effects are at CL 15th. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Secondly, How did Md dog get to do 130+ damage? well...
basic damage while raging is 2d6+13 (+6 to strength, +1 magic), +2 against spellcaster (A rage power)
Mythic power attack adds 4.5 for each -1 to attack so that another +13. This specific bonus is doubled BEFORE the critical multiplier (Again, Mythic power attack)
Mythical improved critical improves the multiplier to x3.
So... [2d6 + 15 (base)+26 (Mythical power attack]x3= 6d6+123... One hell of a critical hit! :smalleek::smallamused:

Each players' XP: 105,200! (Just enough :smalltongue:)
We ended the session here (Really, it was a good point to finish). This may change some plans for the module in the future, but we'll see. They sure did that extremely fast! I think this module may well take less sessions than the previous ones. I'm giving it 2 more, 3 tops.

Hope you're enjoying, happy dragon slaying to all! :smallamused::smallbiggrin:

Red Rubber Band
2015-01-26, 08:37 PM
Very cool session! That was a big surprise, but would have been an awesome way to end a session.

Kol Korran
2015-01-29, 08:39 AM
Very cool session! That was a big surprise, but would have been an awesome way to end a session.

Thanks Red Rubber Band. It was a good way to finish the session, the party was really pumped there (Sena's healing didn't quite compensate for all the damage Scorsizor did, and he has burned nearly all of his mythic power on surges to help evade her. They kind of assumed he will die this round. Those extra hp from the rage saved his bacon here!)

We're set to play on the 20th of February. So in the meantime I have some things to contemplate:

1) Weight of Scorsizo'rs head: The player have voiced two main concerns- getting the head back and flaunting it, and finding her lair before others loot it. I've opened a thread that discusses the first question. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?394704-How-much-does-the-head-of-a-huge-dragon-weigh) (Quite interesting really. I'm not good with this stuff. Some interesting arguments). The second idea? Hmmmm... No ideas yet, but My bet is that the party will get there before anything conceivable will both realize she is dead, and dare venture there.

2) Duration of the module, both In game, and OOC: The party is moving quite fast on the terrain. I for some reason imagined wilderness exploration to be more taxing in game time, but that may be due to no random encounters yet. Maybe that will change. I don't quite now why the party avoided exploring all of the hexes, perhaps they are looking for clues? If this continues, then they very well might find Arulashee and The site of the Lost Expedition (More on this a bit later) Sooner than expected. I think... I think the party might go through this module with quite a fast pace. I give the module 2, maybe 3 sessions tops till it comes to it's end. Which is interesting, but fine with me. I'm just worried that many of the party's plans for Drezen take quite a bit of time to build, so the party might finish the module before those come into fruition. Which might be a bit of a shame, since the next module takes the party into the Abyss, so they won't have much more interaction with Drezen. (I haven't read the fifth module yet, though I understand somewhere there is a mass combat involving it?)

Not quite sure what to do about this. My current thoughts is to use the few instances when they might come back into Drezen (Bringing back the head, bringing back the codex from The site of the expedition, Maybe bringing Arulashee back) to put more significant situations/ encounters in the town. Not fully sure what yet. I originally planned for various occurrences for leadership decisions, but I'm coming to think that I may have to focus it on the villains, and retaliation. Which brings me to....

3) The roles of Jerribeth of the Jade, and Xanthir Vang: Oddly enough, this feels a bit like a repeat case of the second module- they do some build up for the "second in command" (Jerribeth, or previously Staunton), with nearly no buildup whatsoever for Xanthir Vang (Or the shadow demon). I have build up (As I had before), on this minor build up, and now Jerribeth features mainly in the party's concerns. Mad dog and Julian figure out she's responsible for their condition, Sena blames her for the death of his parents, and Andera wonders at her connection to Arulashee. But all of this is from rumors, visions, not from a direct encounter.

I think she may need to make an appearance, and a memorable one. In many ways, I feel that she fits the role of "Major Villain" here better than Xanthir Vang. But how to incorporate her? I'd love to here some suggestions, but my current idea runs something on the following lines: When the party first come back to Drezen (Perhaps for festivities for the new arrivals, coupled with Dragon Slaying), Jerribeth is already there... under guise of some humanoid, or perhaps influencing others through suggestions or dominate (I'm away from my computer, I don't recall directly what powers she has). I'd like to build on her role of "the corruptor" so I'm thinking she may have several influences:
- She may be able to trigger Mad dog's condition more fully (Maybe with a tougher save DC?)
- She may be able to trigger Julian's condition more fully (Make her truly think demonic, alignment change and such)
- She may corrupt/ control/ charm some of the party's allies, to sow suspicions, say things/ act, even maybe attack the PCs (Especially if the above two are triggered)
- She may have a small host of elite monsters (Mythic?) with her, like the drake rider, or maybe 1-2 retrievers from Xanthir or such...

The main idea is to turn the festivities into a complete and utter chaos, from the PCs side, from the NPCs, and from the demons' side. I think it could be fun, interesting to see how the small Drezen reacts, but possibly quite complicated (I'll be using those stats that Alleran suggested, and Jerribeth seems like quite a threat there! But then again, so did Scorsizor).
At the end, I'd prefer her to escape but that could be difficult. I'll need to think about how to do this exactly.

One important thing about this. I want this to be a real threat, enough that it'll be quite likely that 1-2 PCs, or some NPCs might die here. The party will most likely have enough diamonds to raise dead, but So far none of the villains caused any death of a PC or someone close (Other than John, but that was somewhat his own doing), so this will lend more "credibility" to Jerribeth, make her feel more of a threat, and will hopefully have the players be more invested in destroying her. She will have accomplished something, and the PCs couldn't stop her. I won't fore it, and the PCs have been able to surprise me in the past (Quite recently actually. :smalltongue:) so this may change. But as something to aim for...

As you see, this idea needs quite a bit of thought and development. Feel free to suggest.

4) Campaign traits and the Lost Expedition: This part will be 95% my own addition to the game. The party will most likely find the remains of the settlement where the McClane's expedition went, where John's visions described, and some of the truth behind the story. In this place they will (Hopefully) also find the codex mentioned in the 4th module, which will enable them later to close 1 permanent rift, and may hold the secret to reversing Mad dog and Julian's cure.

Embarrassingly enough, other than about 3 ideas I haven't planned anything for this place:
- There will be some remnants of the Lost Expedition. This may be in the shape of half demons mooks, 1-2 fallen (As in the module), and maybe a few "demon minded in human flesh" (Like Julian)
- I liked the idea of the mythic vrock in the module, but more than that the idea of a whole flock of vrocks in the cliffs above mentioned briefly in the file of the monsters stats I keep mentioning. There, while the battle with the mythic vrock and 1-2 other vrocks ensues, others make a dance of ruin every 3 rounds. I mainly like the idea of a flock of them. I think there will be a "nest" of them on the cliffs about the place.
- In the Sarkori ruins themselves I'd prefer there to NOT be demons, but have the place guarded by creatures, traps and motifs of the Green Faiths or such... Perhaps elementals, fey, and they like. I'd like to give a somewhat different challenge for once, a bit of a refresher. I imagine a small dungeon, but it's not planned yet. The place is a sort of a mystery, a puzzle, where they learn more of the magic that led to Mad dog and Julian's condition, about the origins of Xanthir Vang, and of a missing celestial (Which due to Biotroll's suggestion, will be found in the Fane of Baphomet). The ruins themselves are sort of old druidic but also dal with plane magic, but old, and "primitive" looking... Suggestions are welcomed.

5) Arulashee: I'd like to cautiously explore the possibility of either a deep friendship, or something more romantic with Andera. This depends on how much farther the player might like to take it, and if the time of the module will allow it (The 4th module assume you leave her behind! Why, I don't know. Though I fully expect the party to take her along). If not, I will try with others maybe, if any show an interest. Not sure how to pursue this, we haven't yet tried something like this before, though I don't think we have any discomfort bringing this to the table. We'll see.

6) The Ivory Sanctum: I love the idea of Jerribeth (If she survives), trying to have the PCs kill Xanthir Vang, and the fly demon (Again, away from the computer), trying to have the PCs kill Jerribeth. In any case, I plan to play the sanctum not as a slow "Explore room by room" dungeon, but rather as one functional unit. I'd expect no less from a place, where most inhabitants have telepathy and teleportation. I think this will end in one massive and dangerous battle, which HOPEFULLY will finally pose the threat I think an end battle should pose. But.... this means a HELL of a complicated battle to run. and I had trouble with the Staunton Vhane battle... I will need to find a way to simplify things for me, but I think this will pose a good ending to the half point of the campaign, no? :smallamused:

Feel free to comment, respond, crack jokes, or whatever you feel like. All is welcomed!

Kol Korran
2015-01-29, 04:52 PM
Sorry to nag. I put a few small editions into the last session, and I have something new for you, at the end of this post:

Part 1
- I added Sena's temple song. You can either look for it in the appropriate section (Music is always in center page), or look through the second post of the log in the "Soundtrack" section for the module.
- I also added Sena's new emblem/ magic symbol at the end of his speech in the temple, and the big with Julian. It's in it's own spoiler. Both of these are from the player.

Part 2
- I fixed numerous spelling mistakes. Sorry for those! For some reason I didn't notice them at first.
- I added music we used for when they went exploring the wild. It's immediately after they start exploring, or you can use the second post soundtrack for this s well.
- I added the players' mp t the end of their exploration, where they met Scorsizor. It's under it's own spoilt, just a bit under the added music, clearly defined.

Julian's story
The player did a little write up, just after the previous part, about Julian's past, and just before her recruitment in Kenbres. Both give some insight to the characters, the way she behaves, the relationship with Brian, the gods, and her own powers. I liked it, and suggest to read it if you're interested, though it's not a must.

I remember the events in details as if it was yesterday. I dream of it often, too often. But it happened almost seventeen years ago. I was six and I was running and laughing at the great gray corridor leading to our goal, the wardstone chamber. I remember the corridor in details, the echo of my footsteps, the heavy smell of burning oil from the lamps along the walls, the nerves laughter of my friends from Ethel's orphanage who dared to follow me again into one of my daring adventures, this time to sneak into the wardstone chamber in the great keep. Adventures that got us all into troubles time and again, but still they followed.

I remember the awful smell of sulfur and rotten eggs that suddenly filled the corridor, and the hideous face of the demon who stepped into the corridor from the wardstone chamber. I tried to stop and run, only to fall and skid on my back towards him, stopping at his feet. He looked like a giant to me as he ducked his head and entered the corridor, taking one big step above me. I remember my friends crying and screaming, the sickening sound of bones breaking and then a terrible silence.

I sprang to my feet and ran to the wardstone chamber, there were dead soldiers lying on the floor all around. I dared to look back and was terrified to see the demon closing on me with a frightening wicked smile on his black face. I remember wandering if his teeth were red or was it blood. And then the pain between my shoulder blades and my astonishment as I saw one dark talon emerging from my chest covered with my own blood, lifting me to the air. The demon was laughing, a strange sound I never heard before, but there was no mistake in it. Than darkness crept in and took me and the pains away.

I woke up in pain, yet the pain was not what woke me up. The loud angry voice did.
I was lying in a bed and my entire chest hurt, I could smell sweet incense, clean sheets and it felt like my chest was bandaged. I kept my eyes closed, I already learned that it best to pretend sleeping when adults were angry, especially if I was involved. Sometimes it postponed the punishment.

I recognized mother Ethel's voice immediately. Mother Ethel was the head of the orphanage and she was angry. When mother Ethel was angry things went bad, her punishments were the hardest. “I must insist your highness” she was saying “I am sure you know that we take good care of the children, we will take care of her as always. She belongs to the orphanage, and yes, she will be punished for her responsibility of what happened to the others who ran with her. If not for her they woul all still be alive.” She was right, if not for me my friends would still alive. I could see in my mind the demon stepping above me and hear the cries of my friends. Jenny, Tomas, Ronald, Nicole and Nolan. “The demon is the one who killed them, not the child. if you need someone to blame he is the one” a new voice I did not recognized said. It was calm and soft voice, a man’s voice that drove the cries of my dead friends away from my head. “But surely you can see her responsibility, your holiness, if not for her they would never have been there in the first place” the softness in the stranger voice disappeared, there was power in his voice, power of a man who knew his superiority “The responsibility for keeping the children safe was yours, not the child's. I am sure this responsibility is not behind you capability. But enough, the child stays, at least for the time being”

Mother Ethel stormed away without a word, I knew that angering her will only serve her more reasons to punish me later, but I didn’t care much of it then. “Although Ethel is a rude woman, and I very much doubt she is the right person to take care of children, I must agree with her, your highness. I cannot see why you want her here.” a new voice, a younger voice, said. “She has been unconscious for five days now, we must help her” said the one they called highness “The lesser priests can do that, you know that better than me. I can arrange for her to be moved to the temple infirmary, though, as you said before, she has been out for five days and her chances are not good here or in the infirmary.” There was a long silence. I could hear my heart beats like a drum in the silence. “We cannot let her die, Brian. She is special.” The silence was thicker and longer this time. I was almost tempted to open my eyes and see if the two were gone. ““We owe it to her mother”.

Sixteen years later I was riding back the great city Kenabres, the fortress of the north, the wardstone sit, the untaken city, the city I was born in, the city who fell to the demons army only a few days before. I will not tire you with the details of Christopher’s death, the one everyone called your highness, a high priest of Iomedae and the only one I dared to call father. I will not tell you the long story of how I was sent with a foster family to the southern city of Xer only to find myself in the streets at the age of thirteen. I will even won’t bother you with the events that woke the sorceress powers within me. I have traveled long, loved, hated, won and lost.

I was about two days walk from Kenabres when I started meeting people fleeing away from it. Tales of demon invasion, of the wardstone distruction and of slaughtering in the streets was told by every man, woman and child I met. I was about to turn back when an army scouting unit appeared. They asked all the civilians to join them and promised a safe place to stay and the protection of the queen’s army. At that point a safe place looked like a good plan to me.

It was evening and I was warming my hands by a fire. The moon was showing its pale face through the great oaks treetops and the cold wind of the north blew through them. Men and women, fathers and mothers were siting hugged together with their children, desperate expressions on their faces. Some less fortunate missed a parent or a child and their soft cries carried through the wood. Some children were alone, the next generation of the orphanage, if they were lucky. Or maybe not.

A middle aged man was walking among the refugees, talking to them, trying to lift their spirits, he was dressed in plate armor and the tabard of Iomedae covering its front and back. As he passed by my fire he stopped, staring at me “Julian? Is that you child?” I was not called child in such a tone for a very, very long time. When I was, it was either patronizing or pity. It took me a second before I recognized Brian, Cristopher's aid. He looked much older, his hair was mostly grey now, and his chin was not as strong as it used to be, but his blue eyes were the same.

He came and hugged me, a hug I did not return “Still angry with me for sending you to Xer? It was the best for you Julian, your dreams did not stop haunting you in Kenabres.” I kept my hands folded across my chest and he took a step back “Don’t talk to me about my dreams. And yes, living in the streets of Xer for so many years did me great, thank you.” The look of shock on his face angered me, did he really expect me to believe he did not know? “What? What do you mean? I sent you there with the Baker’s, they wrote me time and again you are fine, and getting better” “Really? I guess they lied” I replied acidly. “When all this will be over I’ll…”, “Don’t” I stopped him, sighing. I should let the demon of the past go, or at least try to. That what Christopher always told me. “The past is over, I don’t want you digging for ghosts, not mine anyway. Just drop it”. It took him few seconds to calm “You have grown wise child, Christopher would have been proud”. “Christopher is dead” I replied coldly. The pain was clear on his face and I regretted my words. Maybe he didn’t know? Maybe he did care? “Will you at least accompany me back to my tent? I’ll arrange a better place for you to stay. For old times sake.” So many questions were running through my mind. Was my anger with Brian unjustified? Did he not sent me with the Bakers just because he did not want a young girl running around in the temple, bothering him? Did he really think it was the best for me? Did he really believed I was taken care of by the Bakers? I was lost in thoughts, staring at the fire. His presence brought so many memories I thought I left behind. He took my hand and I followed, a turning point in my life I regretted many time in the weeks to come.

Kenabres, four days later. The queen’s army did not need to storm the city, nor did any of us fight any demon. While the queen’s army was advancing to the city a group of heroes fought their way to the Hall of Heroes, slaughtered some of the major demos there, reclaimed the legendary sword Radiance and then, with the help of the mole people who surfaced to aid the city, for everyone surprise, they fought their way into the wardstone chamber. Something they did there destroyed the wardstone that was tainted, or so I have been told. Then, the out leash of power that was released killed all the demons in the city.

A day after we arrived to the city I was searching for the wardstone chamber among the remains of the great keep of Kenabres. It was not an easy task as the wardstone keep was destroyed by the wardstone explosion, yet, I felt I had to try and find its remains, even if I did not understand why. It just felt like the right thing to do. Brian did not like me searching for it, but he could not sway me from my decision. Finely, he gave up and decided to come along, despite my protests.

I spent most of the day digging through the rubble. It was evening when I crawled through a tunnel among the debris and found myself in a mostly destroyed room. Even in its current state I recognized the room I kept seeing in my nightmares almost every night, the wardstone chamber. Brian crawled right after me, barely managing through the narrow tunnel. Some of the wardstone fragments were still there, still glowing faintly, like a dying creature. As I reached for one of the fragments I could hear Brian’s alarmed voice “Don’t touch…” it was too late, my hand closed on one of the fragments.

The world spanned around me. I saw hordes of demons marching. I saw armies of men facing them. Great battles raged. Demons slaughtered men and men drove them back. New waves of demons arrived, dark waves threatening the sweep over the face of earth. The armies of men were falling, losing. And then a line of power, of light, stopped the wave of darkness. Somehow I knew it was the magical defense line of the wardstones. Than the line exploded with a searing flash of light, pushing the darkness back, but then fading.

I opened my eyes. I was lying on the floor of the wardstone chamber. The fragments of the wardstone flickered and died. Wisps of light were traveling from the fragments to me and were absorbed in my body. What the hell? I though as unconsciousness claimed me.

I woke up and kept my eyes closed. I was lying in a bed. Old habits die hard I guess… Brian was talking to someone, reciting the story of what happened in the wardstone chamber. I thought Brian knew when to keep his mouth shut. What the hell was he thinking? Unlike the last time I was almost killed in the wardstone chamber this time I did not feel weak, I did not feel pain or ill. Actually I felt power running through my veins. I never felt so much alive and so strong before, I could actually feel the power of my magic burning in my fingertips.

It was time to stop Brian, he already said too much. I was as surprised as everyone else as I found myself jumping, no, not just jumping, it was more like flying to my feet from the bed. Several armed men in full plate drew their sword instinctively. And then I did something that surprised me even more, in a blink of a thought a powerful magical force surrounded me like an armor, and a long list of spells I did not knew even to exist ran through my mind, only waiting for me to pick one and lunch against my opponents.

Brian looked alarmed “Julian, calm down, you are with friends. And, umm, in the presence of the queen”
What the hell was happening to me? The magical power was etching through my entire body, but it was not driving me, I was in complete control. I was the one who created that magical armor force in a blink of a thought. I never knew how to create such a force. And so many spells? Before I woke I knew how to cast about twenty spells, now I knew how to cast hundreds of them. Why? How could that be? And why the hell I was in the presence of the queen?

Sh*t, only now it downed to me, the queen. I dropped my force armor as I dropped to my knee “I apologize my queen, I meant no offense” I said to queen Galfrey, who was sitting by a table on the far side of the room. She only smiled and looked at a woman who was standing beside her, wearing a mage robes “It looks like you were right, the wardstone either gave her, or awaken within her powerful abilities”.

(The start of this chapter encompasses the short piece I posted before. If you wish to move ahead of it, just go tot the bolded part marked Two hours later Also, the player used some of Queen's speech from the log itself in his own journal, so some things may look quite familiar. )
“It is silly, I will not go. I will only get these people killed.”
“You must go, child.” Brian replied calmly. Unlike Brian, who at least kept a calm posture, I was furious.
“I am not a child anymore!” I yelled and stomp my leg on the ground. Gods, I do behave like one, and for the first time since a very long time, which infuriated me even more. Brian was not moved.
“The queen believes you are destined to go, along with the heroes of Kenabres. This is a great honor.”
“An honor that will get me and many other killed. What do I know of leading an army? As you might recall they threw me out of the Iomedae scouts, and even in the orphanage I made a mess.” I could hit him when he smiled at my words.
“I can’t forget that, yet I also recall that where ever you went, the others always followed you, to whatever mischief you decided to do. And besides, you will not lead the army alone, there will be an experienced army commander by your side and also the rest of the heroes of Kenabres”.
“Ha, great. The heroes of Kenabres. A group of people that no one heard of before, surfacing from the tunnels beneath Kenabres with a small army of deformed man, and then destroying the wardstone that defended Kenabres from the demons. You might as well send a group of demons along.”
Brian sigh “Look at me Julian” He used to do say that when I was a small girl and did not want to listen to him. I looked into his eyes, holding his gaze. He looked very serious. “This is not just the queen asking you to go, Julian. All those powers you showed us when you woke, they are not something someone just get. You were chosen not by the queen but by the gods themselves, and for a reason. And with great strength come great responsibility.” “The gods?” I asked, my voice rising “Where were your gods when my friends were slaughtered by the demon? Where were they when I was thrown out of the Bakers? Where were they when I lived in the streets for so many years? And where are they every night when I ask myself why I survived and my friends died. Can you tell me that Brian?” Brian kept his gaze locked into mine “maybe, just maybe, those powers and the chance to go against the demons were granted to you so you can get an answer to that last question. Have you considered that?” and with that he left my room, leaving me staring at the door, confused.

Two hours later I was kneeling in front of the queen, the polished floor of the church of Clydewell smooth beneath my knee. The queen was clad in full plate armor, the tabard of the kingdom blue and red with its shining swords atop it. Light breeze carried the murmurs of the crowds through an opened balcony overseeing the great plaza beneath the church, where the surviving citizens of Kenabres gathered to see and hear the words of the queen.

“Rise Julian, today we have no time for formalities. I will not impose on you to go to war, but I do hope you have chosen to honor my request.” Could I put my dead friends to a final rest by accepting? Or is this some divine plan to make sure I’ll join them for my part in their deaths? “I will go your majesty, I just hope not to fail you as I have no experience leading an army.” The queen smiled “Good, and do not worry, you will lead only one of my army units accompanied by the unit’s commander to console you and help you. The rest of units will be led by the heroes of Kenabres and together you will form a council to lead the army. Have no fear, you are not alone.”

No sooner as the queen finished her words the great doors of the church opened and a group of men entered. Leading the group were two men, a tall and handsome warrior in plate armor, his figure almost angelic with its blond hair, deep blue eyes and pale skin. Must be an Aasimar I thought, and a paladin by the holy symbol of Iomedae on his chest. Next to him walked a man also clad in plate, he was almost a head shorter with black eyes and hair. The symbol of Sarenrae, goddess of Compassion and peace was imbedded on a magnificent silver necklace around his neck. Funny I thought, men of faith. How naïve.
Behind them walked a shorter man, wearing no armor and looking as if he wanted to be anywhere else but here. Although he did not looked like any sort of a warrior I sensed he was powerful, the power of magic was with him and it was strong despite the fact he looked only at his twenties. Next to him walked a man wearing dark clothes, though it seemed to me he had some sort of a light armor underneath. He had dark hair and light brown skin and was holding himself like a dancer with athletic body and confident movements. He was not from Kenabres, or even Mendev, His features were not Mendevian or from anywhere near. The last man at the group was a giant of a man, maybe a head taller than the tall and handsome paladin, with wide shoulders and a powerful built, his arms as wide as any human legs. His dirty brown hair ran long on his back and his unshaven face were rough.

A man standing by the doors announced their coming “Queen Galfrey of Mendev, the leader of the Mendevian Crusades, please accept the newly joined recruits of the crusade.” He waited for a moment before continuing “Andrew McClain, a paladin of Iomedae” and the tall paladin knelt gracefully “Senatef Aberdeen, Cleric of Sarenrae” the black haired man knelt beside the paladin, bowing his head to the queen “Harry the evoker” the small man walked to the other side of the paladin and knelt, looking a little embarrassed “Andera the foreign” The man bowed with flourish “and John, Mad dog, a ranger” the announcer finished with a distaseful expression, as he called John’s nickname. John mad dog took his place next to Harry with two large steps, placing his fist on the ground as he knelt. He looked more like a bear ready to charge than a man before his queen.

Unlike the announcer, it looked like the queen held little regard to formalities, she waved the group to stand “Rise my crusaders, It's nice to meet you at last, I've heard quite a lot about you.” The group rise and came to stand next to me, in front of the queen, eyeing me as questioningly as I eyed them. “Pardon me for going over the pleasantries, but there is a war going on, and I understood you are people of action.” She said. “I have summoned you more than just to congratulate you, I hope you'll agree to my offer. Let’s get to it then, shall we?” the woman was business without the bull**** of most politicians. I was beginning to like her. The men exchanged looks and return their full attention the queen, who continued “While there are some narrow-minded souls among the crusade who blame you for the destruction of the wardstone border, I do not begrudge you for what you did. Far from it. From the sound of it, you saved entire legions of crusaders from a most vile fate by preventing Vorlesh from transforming them, and the blast of energy gave us the time we needed to regroup and prepare for what will certainly come next. But you understand the implications of what you’ve done, I’m sure, the wardstones are gone but Iomedae has seen fit that you will be their replacement. I can think of no other reason that would explain why their power would have settled in your bodies and souls and didn’t merely fade into the ether. In time, the demons will regroup and reorganize, we can trust their inherent chaos to make this period of regrouping longer than it otherwise would take, but we shouldn’t underestimate them. They’ll be back soon enough. Already I’ve had reports from along the front lines that small groups of demons are attacking fortifications and settlements along the southern border.”

I looked at the men as she spoke, they all listened carefully, Mad Dog was scratching his unshaved cheek, Harry putting his hand into his pockets and out again several times, Andera unmoving, a human statue, and both Senatef and Andrew focused and intent, they all looked ready for battle. So this are the heroes of Kenabres, I thought, they all looked skilled and confident, well, maybe Harry was not so confident, but still skilled. I doubted very much how I could help them in any way, with or without my newfound powers.

“But what intrigues me most” the queen was saying “Are news from several reliable sources that as our fiendish enemies are starting to mass in the southern reaches along the Riftshadow within the Worldwound, they have left several of their northern lairs relatively unprotected. In particular, the fiend Aponavicius has taken the bulk of her army from Drezen, leaving it only moderately protected as she joins with the Storm King in Iz to, no doubt, plot greater attacks on larger targets like Nerosyan, Karcau, and beyond. The time is right to strike into their territory. Drezen was the first of our cities to fall after the First Crusade, and we lost more than our kin and our pride that day. We lost the Sword of Valor, a magical banner carried by the Inheritor herself during the Shining Crusade.”

What the hell have I gotten myself into? War, crusaders, magical artifacts, leading an army to storm an ancient ruin? Have I completely lost my mind? As the queen was speaking I was begging to wonder how I was going to back of my accepting to join this group of suicidal heroes.
“If Drezen could be retaken” the queen continued “if the Sword of Valor could once again be held by the crusade... well, I trust I don’t need to explain how well that would affect morale. But with the imminent attacks along the border, I cannot spare many to lead an assault on Drezen. And even if I could, a large army attacking the city would only draw Aponavicius back to defend the place. The obvious tactic is to send in a group of capable heroes with a modest but well-trained army to strike now, while the proverbial iron is hot. And this is why I’ve sought you out. If you can retake Drezen and reclaim the Sword of Valor, not only will you silence the fools who would brand you traitors for destroying the wardstone, but more importantly, you would bolster the entire war effort with your heroism. And I fear we need all the bolstering we can get!"

While I was thinking how the hell I was going to dodge this arrow and run back south for my life, the five men seemed thrilled at this, they all started asking questions of Drezen, the ruined city they should conquer and the troops they will receive. The queen smiled at them approvingly, but raised her hand to silence them, she motioned to a Halfling at the side of the room to approach. "This here is Nurah Dandiwhar" the Halfling smiled and bowed slightly. She was at her forties, with a long blonde braid, and wore bright green tunic "She is a capable bard, as well as an astute historian, whose knowledge of Drezen and its surroundings can be invaluable to you. She can also boost your troop’s moral as you venture forth to the worldwound, and you will need it!"

"And this" The queen mentioned at me "Is Julian. She is a sorceress of some power, whom we met on the road to Kenabres. She too was granted with some of the power of the Wardstone. We think that... her power was connected to the wardstone. I believe Iomedae sent her to our path not by chance. I think her destiny lies with you. I would like you to take her on your journey" They all looked at me, and I had no choice but to nod meekly at the queen’s statement.

“One last thing” The queen continued "Hulrun, the ruler of this city had sadly perished by the hands of the demons. The city of Kenabres need someone to bolster the troops, give them hope, courage, and lead the city to a new age” the group exchanged looks and then Andrew the paladin spoke "My queen, I will be most honored to serve this city, and rebuild it for the war effort. However, I do not hold to the same views of the former ruler. I do not go for witch hunts and persecutions. I will not be another Hulrun." The queen smiled a faint smile. "I hoped you'd take my offer. I heard quite a bit of you, Andrew who wields the legendary sword Sirius. You will make a fine leader. As to Hulrun? Well, let us say we had more than one difference of opinion. Stay true to your values, and inspire the city to them, is all I ask." Andrew knelt before the queen and swore his aligned to the queen and Mendev. Why should I be surprised? The only one I liked on first sight will be left here while I’ll go to be killed by demons. The gods must be laughing their asses off now.

The crowd cheered as the queen and the heroes went to the balcony overviewing the plaza. While the queen gave them some medals and spoke to the crowed of their great deeds I sneaked out and back to my room. It was time to end this joke and go back, to Xer maybe, I’ll keep a low profile and let the storm pass. I’ll do a little good for the heroes, probably mess things up for them. It’s best for everyone, I thought as I threw my clothing to my bag. I must have been very distracted by my thought because I did not hear the door open “I thought I’ll find you here” Brian said and I jumped with surprise “sorry, I did not mean to scare you” he added.

I stared angrily at him “You!” I said with voice full of anger “You will not do this again. Once you sent me off to Xer to live on the streets and now you try to send me off again, this time to die” Brian looked hurt at my words “I guess there in nothing I can say that will convince you that I mean only the best for you, is there?” “No, nothing” I said with angry finality “I accept this, even though it sadden me” he said calmly “But please, walk with me, for years there was something I wanted to show you when you grow, and it seems now you are a grown woman who make her own choices”. “I don’t care, I’m leaving.” I said “I’ll give you my own horse Julian, but before you leave I think you would like to see this, it’s regarding your mother, your real mother” I dropped my bag to the floor.

It was not a long walk, and we walked in silence, I did not ask Brian where he was taking me and he kept his silence. Eventually we reached the damaged building that was once the famous Hall of Heroes. Some soldiers and civilians were cleaning the broken stones and the filth left by the demons, but the place still stank. I followed him till he stopped, resting his back on one of the old statues “What?” I asked “You took me here in hope to inspire me? You must be kidding me”. “No Julian” he answered “Look at the statue Julian, I took you here to meet your mother” my mouth dropped open as I raised my eyes to the tall statue, the statue looked exactly like me.

Diane Bearstorm, the legendary sorceress who killed countless demons and eventually assassinated by a human woman she saved from the demons. I looked at her beautiful, sad face, then I looked at Brian, then at the statue again and then I slapped Brian so hard his lower lip was bleeding, and stormed out. I ran to my room, I told myself I will never let anyone see me cry, but I could not hold my tears this time.

Several hours later I knocked on Brian’s door, as he opened I could see he did not cure the wound on his leap, though he could easily done so. “I’m sorry about that, I shouldn’t have hit you” I said while sitting in a chair he offered me “It’s nothing, and I guess I deserved it” he said “I shouldn’t have dropped this like that on you, especially in such circumstances”. Brian took a deep breath and lower his gaze to the floor “You must have been asking yourself why now, why we haven’t told you this years ago”. Ho, he was right, actually when I realized what I was seeing in the hall of heroes it was this thought that made me hit him so hard. All those years thinking I was not wanted by my parents, another burden thrown away to the orphanage and all this time they knew. I only nodded my head, keeping my eyes down. “The killer who killed your mother Julian, she was not acting alone, she belonged to an order who swore revenge on your mother and all her kin for destroying and exposing so many of them. They had to hide you in a place no one will think of, and they thought no one will think the daughter of the great Diane Bearstorm will be given to the orphanage, they were right.” They?” I asked “Yes” Brian said “Christopher and the heads of the church, I was not part of this back than” there was one last question I needed to know “Who were those cultists, who killed my mother?” Brian looked into my eyes this time “The cultists of Baphomet” he said.

So many years I have been alone. I was responsible for the death of my friends. I had to live in the streets as a young girl. I always blamed myself for this, for all of this. I always believed that it was my fate designed by the cruel humor of the gods and that even my true parents did not want me, as if somehow they knew I was bad luck. But now, all of this had new face, this all happened because of the cult of Baphomet. Nothing of this would have happened if not for them, and yes, they were going to pay. I will go with the others to Drezen, I heard many cultists are there. They will pay with blood. And nobody will know of this, this was my crusade and my alone.

Hope you like it!

Kol Korran
2015-02-01, 03:54 PM
I thought of sharing with you 3 subjects. One that does not directly concern the log, and two others that do:

1) I've recently started collecting campaign logs! I've started the archive of logs here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?392323-Campaign-logs-archive-Story-time!) Currently we have about 30 logs, so feel free to check other stuff out! You can access it also through my signature.

2) I've started a thread to discuss the many possible problems and changes to the full adventure path. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?396097-Wrath-of-the-Righteous-What-changes-have-you-made-to-the-adventure-path-Spoilers!&p=18749980#post18749980) Feel free to check it out. Warning- tons of spoilers! If any of my players are reading this- keep out of it!

I've finally read through the last 2 modules (Not to extreme detail, but to get the structure and themes). which spurred out the thread. This will also change some plans I have for the future. I think I have a better understanding of what will be needed for foreshadowing events, build up and so on.

It will start from the next session, with the site of The Lost Expedition. Just need to wrap my head around what I want to do exactly, and how to implement it game wise... :smallconfused::smallamused:

3) Julian and Sena's player came up (each individually) with the idea of the taking the Divine Source mythic ability. We're still discussing this in group, but I've asked a few questions On this thread about divinity and the ability here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?395814-Golarion-Mythic-Heroes-Gaining-Divinity-and-the-Divine-Source-ability)

Hope you are all enjoying and that I'm not bombarding you with material, threads and the like. Now move along, nothing to see here, move along...

2015-02-03, 06:55 AM
I finally registered to this forum to thank you for your journal.

Last summer I decided to GM the Wrath of the Righteous AP and searched for journals to see opinions and issues other people experienced. Since then I read your journal and really like what you get out of it and stole some of the ideas.
This thursday my players will enter the grey garrison ;).

Now Feedback for your current concerns:
I like the Idea of Jerribeth going into the offensive. I find it really disappointing that there is no more mass battle for so long after the battle for drezen. So let Jerribeth gather an Army to retake Drezen to bring her the favor of her superiors.
You can begin slow: The suggested disguised attack from her with some monsters will be a reconnaissance mission for her to see how strong the defences are. Then she begins to gather troops. Here a babarian tribe, there some Tieflings, Dretches and some harder troops. She know that troops need something to do or they get bored. So she send some out to attack the drezen caravans to stop it from receiving supplies and troops.
The players have to manage the safety of the caravans with patroling troops and so on.
Soon they should get a clue that there is a threat for drezen and they can't explore so freely (enemy troops crossing there way and so on).
They have to prepare drezen for this threat.
When they act fast, maybe they can attack the enemy forces before they are prepared (or is it a trap like the one for Shaunton Vhane :smallbiggrin:)

Kol Korran
2015-02-03, 02:11 PM
I finally registered to this forum to thank you for your journal.

Last summer I decided to GM the Wrath of the Righteous AP and searched for journals to see opinions and issues other people experienced. Since then I read your journal and really like what you get out of it and stole some of the ideas.
This thursday my players will enter the grey garrison ;).
Good luck to you and your party Gustl! Tell us how it went!

Now Feedback for your current concerns:
I like the Idea of Jerribeth going into the offensive. I find it really disappointing that there is no more mass battle for so long after the battle for drezen. So let Jerribeth gather an Army to retake Drezen to bring her the favor of her superiors.
(+ other ideas how to implement this)

Actually I checked. There is NO more mass combat in the AP. In the final module there is a big army coming, the party find a way into Aponavicius personal command place, kill her, they win, yay! :smallannoyed:

I've talked about it in the thread I opened for dealing with the entire AP (my last post in this log), but I plan on maybe have soem mass combat then, one big final battle.

But having another mass combat so soon? Hmmm... :smallconfused: I will need to think about this. The army Jerribeth will need to collect will be fairly big, as Drezen has about 1,000 soldiers guarding it, and the walls and so on, and the characters are of a higher level. Might be workable, I will need to think about this some more. An intriguing idea.

2015-02-05, 02:00 AM
But having another mass combat so soon? Hmmm... :smallconfused: I will need to think about this. The army Jerribeth will need to collect will be fairly big, as Drezen has about 1,000 soldiers guarding it, and the walls and so on, and the characters are of a higher level. Might be workable, I will need to think about this some more. An intriguing idea.
It's a good time. They had the Drezen Citadel and most of the 3. module between the last mass battle and this attack (enemies has to get enough troops).
The defenders have some time to prepare for defending Drezen, but they also have a lot of other things to do: Repair buildings, managing caravans and look that every new inhabitant of Drezen is doing his duty and have everything they need.
Yes, there are the inner walls of Drezen, but it's not enough for all people, and way from enough food in the citadel storage rooms to sit out a siege.
Also most of the imported goods have to be stored outside in the city. All this means, that the defenders have to fight outside the walls (I know the first thing my players want to build are defensive points at stratigic points of the outer city border).
Maybe Jerribeth want to barter: "Kill Xanthir for me then I won't attack Drezen and bring the troops to an other region."
Then when the players are gone, she attack (betrayal is a demonic thing ;)). Depending on the decitions the players took for the Defense, the situation in Drezen is better or worst when the players come back. And have there stand-off with Jerribeth

If they don't fall for the lure, they can first fight Jerribeth and then go for Xanthir.

Kol Korran
2015-02-06, 04:48 PM
Sorry for the late response. Crazy days at work.

It's a good time. They had the Drezen Citadel and most of the 3. module between the last mass battle and this attack (enemies has to get enough troops).
Hmmmm... the siege took about 3 days, but Exploring Drezen took but a few hours in my rendition. After that? 30 days currently. So... about 35 days total. Not exactly a time to gain an army, but maybe if the module lasts long enough, but I'm not sure. I'm not sure if it'll last even 1 more month! But I'll keep this in mind.

I'm worried though that this kind of behavior (raising an army), doesn't quite fit with the "Baphomet super secret spies" thing... An army is hard to hide, and most such activity is done by the Deskari worshipers. Still, something to consider. I see Jerribeth commanding smaller death squads or the like. Small squads, of elite demons/ cultists kind of thing.

The defenders have some time to prepare for defending Drezen, but they also have a lot of other things to do: Repair buildings, managing caravans and look that every new inhabitant of Drezen is doing his duty and have everything they need.
Yes, there are the inner walls of Drezen, but it's not enough for all people, and way from enough food in the citadel storage rooms to sit out a siege.
Also most of the imported goods have to be stored outside in the city. All this means, that the defenders have to fight outside the walls (I know the first thing my players want to build are defensive points at strategic points of the outer city border). Good points there. Good points indeed! :smallamused:

Maybe Jerribeth want to barter: "Kill Xanthir for me then I won't attack Drezen and bring the troops to an other region." Thia sounds intriguing- Jerribeth bartering, though it seems a bit crude for what I thought of her. From the stories of Staunton Vhane and what little there is in the module she seems to lure by desire (Not necessarily sexual like succubi, but rather by manipulating people by what they want), or If she has the upper hand, she just takes what she wants. Threatening? Hmmm... :smallconfused:

Then when the players are gone, she attack (betrayal is a demonic thing ;)). Depending on the decisions the players took for the Defense, the situation in Drezen is better or worst when the players come back. And have there stand-off with Jerribeth I don't think the Drezen forces will have much chances against her and other high demonic forces. Now that Julian reached 10th level, I'll expect of them to rely on sending spells from Brian or the redeemed orb to alert them of an attack, and then just teleport back. I think I will need to count on the PCs being there when any kind of danger threatens Drezen. I'm generally thinking that Jerribeth and some demons (Will have to be stealthy, invisible or able to change shape) will arrive in Drezen, cause some mayhem, and the PCs deal with them, only to then face Jerribeth. Though that needs some work.

Or another way is to have Jerribeth retreat and return in the 4th module, trying to reclaim Drezen when the party is in the Abyss. Not sure how it'll work, I have never played at those levels. Will have to think about it.

Thanks for brainstorming ideas with me, even if I don't take all of it in. It helps understand how things could/ might/ should work. :smallsmile:

If they don't fall for the lure, they can first fight Jerribeth and then go for Xanthir.[/QUOTE]

Kol Korran
2015-02-06, 05:30 PM
Requesting your help here. I've been trying to think of the site of the last expedition, but I'm coming up with nothing. I'd greatly appreciate any help you might suggest on the matter. I opened a new thread for this:

Help me brainstorm a dungeon for the Lost Expedition! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?397120-Help-me-brainstorm-a-dungeon!&p=18779970#post18779970)

Your help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Kol. :smalltongue:

2015-02-19, 02:41 AM
Well, once more the subscription system hath failed me. I shall have to just check in every so often then.

I have to say I found the turnaround dragon fight to be both amusing, and terrifying, the latter being picturing my own players in the same situation. They will have more power, but at the same time there is only two of them.

I am uncertain how I will play out the campaign traits myself, as again I only have two players, and one of them(The Cleric/Warlord(3rd Party)) has no deity of worship. He is instead one of those cleric's following an ideal. Typically, if I remember right, this means some unknown force is backing him outside of his knowledge. There are ways I could use this, but am presently unsure. Either way, if he takes the divine trait, I'll have to think of something. The other player will be a Paladin/Fighter, fairly straight forward. Such durability, especially when coupled with lay on hands healing, will serve them in good stead. Or I hope so anyway. We were going to start this past Monday, but there was scheduling conflicts, and then Thursday(today) but the roads here are still icy from a bit of winter weather a few days ago, so we will start next week instead.

Kol Korran
2015-02-19, 05:54 AM
In Solution as far as I know you can't follow an ideal. All divine power comes directly fron the gods and their like (As it is in forgotten realms ) but you can play it differently of course.
I'D highly advise to include some relation to religions for all characters, as the crusading faiths come up A LOT during the game. (It is a crusade after all).
I have never played Gestalt or with just two characters. They may rely more on the NPCs, especially later on.
Good luck on your game!

2015-02-19, 06:33 AM
While the vast majority of clerics revere a specific deity, a small number dedicate themselves to a divine concept worthy of devotion—such as battle, death, justice, or knowledge—free of a deific abstraction.

There ya go :smallwink:

(Quoted from the pfsrd cleric page)

Anyway, thank you, as I will likely need some luck once things get going. I am really looking forward to the Paladin's character, as his character is(initially) going to be pretty hardcore against demons(don't talk/negotiate/show mercy to/with demons) and the player looks forward to seeing him grow to showing compassion and redemption along the way. Luckily my players both read the player's guide like I told them to. :smallamused:

They also complete a writing assignment I gave them in addition to general written background. Said assignment was the 10 minute background(google it). It even gave me the possibility for someone to, like John in yours, replace some of the numerous often forgotten NPCs. Personally I think player's are more likely to care about someone's strange behavior and disappearance if it's a friend as opposed to someone they just met.

Kol Korran
2015-02-20, 05:35 AM
Hey all! The Session is today, and due to the nature of the module, the party might end up doing anything, and be anywhere. Will they find the Lost Epxedition? Arulashee? More dealings in Drezen? The Ivory Sanctum? Who knows?

If anyone might be reading this in the next few hours, Any music suggestions forthe followings are appreciated (Totally forgot about that!):
- Battle with Jerribeth.
- What might fit the site of the Lost Expedition (Sort of ghost town, or perverted magic theme, or such. Looking for battle and atmospheric music)
- Music for Arulashee herself (Possibly for visions to Andera. Looking for somethign soothing, but somewhat troubled?)
- Some sort of a good horror music?
- Some music for... Paradox... Yeah, I have no idea what exactly I'mn looking for. Looking possibly for something alien/ bizarre, but also hauntingly beautiful?

And now to you Yuul:

While the vast majority of clerics revere a specific deity, a small number dedicate themselves to a divine concept worthy of devotion—such as battle, death, justice, or knowledge—free of a deific abstraction.

There ya go :smallwink:

(Quoted from the pfsrd cleric page)
I know that as well, and it is true for generl PF worlds. I just thought the Golarion world had an exception, like Forgotten Realms. Then again, who cares? You party, make what you want with it. I'm sure am no Golarion expert!

Anyway, thank you, as I will likely need some luck once things get going. I am really looking forward to the Paladin's character, as his character is(initially) going to be pretty hardcore against demons(don't talk/negotiate/show mercy to/with demons) and the player looks forward to seeing him grow to showing compassion and redemption along the way. Luckily my players both read the player's guide like I told them to. :smallamused: That is an interesting character .You cn have a few NPCs on the way to help with this development. Might think of changing some NPC to a tiefling maybe, to spark some interest and growth.

They also complete a writing assignment I gave them in addition to general written background. Said assignment was the 10 minute background(google it). It even gave me the possibility for someone to, like John in yours, replace some of the numerous often forgotten NPCs. Personally I think player's are more likely to care about someone's strange behavior and disappearance if it's a friend as opposed to someone they just met. I like the 10 minutes background. Quite handy! My players don't like it so much though. The main "in character" players (Sena and Julian's player), find it too simplistic, While the other two can't be bothered really. But it's a good tool, at least to start thinking up a character. Kudos to your players!

Kol Korran
2015-02-25, 09:10 AM
We had... a very bizarre and unexpected session on Friday. Ratching up the challenge, many twists and turns, LOTS of teleports, and random events quite changing the game. It was an intense, but... somewhat weird experience. All in all good, but left the party in quite a mess.

The session also had considerably more roleplay on Andera's part, and even to some extent from Mad dog. It seems the conversation we had eased some underlying tensions maybe? I hope you would like it.

A small yet important note: Julian's player did not like the staff of Valor for his legendary item, so we retconned that he used it's power to upgrade his headband of charisma to +4 Cha, +2 int (Linked to sense motive skill), which will be made into a legendary item (Julian calls it "The Flame")

Session 16, Part 1- Dragon's hoard, Canyon of legends, Celebration with a finale

As last we stopped, the party just killed Scorsizor (Bastards! :smalltongue:). It's day 30 since they have dealt with Staunton Vhane. The spoiler contains the map so far, as a reminder, they are on the most SW hex, overlooking the cliff to the SW, over the lake of lava. Oh, and they reached level 10!


So, First matter of Business? "We need to find her hoard! Before others do!" They think of using speak with dead, but decide upon a divination first. "Where do we find the dragoness hoard?" Asks Sena. the amused whisper of Calistria comes from Scorsizor's dead head. "Three circles: First of fire and earth, then of warped reality, last of the monster's mother.". Through knowledge checks the party realize the last is for Lamashtu, and that many of her temples re open to the sky, to enable dragons and other flying beasts, at least where its' worshiped openly.

They decide to go south with the cliff, seek a way around the Lava. They come upon the Site known in the module as the Molten Cascade, basically a view point over the area. They get a basic layout of surrounding hexes, including the size of the lava lake, and the woods to the east. They notice two particular things: A sort of a.... fuzzy cloud to the east, over the woods (In the module it's the location of the Grunnhuld Wintersun Palace, but I changed that), and a sort of warped light near the south west of the lave lake (The location of the molten scar, but that has change as well)

As presented, most of the "campaign traits linked" module encounter (Except for maybe Arulashee's redoubt) are absolutely pathetic and crappy. And each on it's own is a cake walk with the party coming at it at full strength. I've made a few major changes:
1. Scorsizor's lair is now on an island on the lava, in the location of the Molten Scar. I thought this might be a far more interesting battle site with a dragon- over a lake of Lava, instead of just some cave. I've used some suggestions from the updated monster stats file by Scorpion, but I'll get to that.
2. I've piled up a few of the "campaign traits linked" encounters together, into a bigger site of the Lost Expedition. Basically, the Wintersun barbarians, the vrocks of the molten lava and the forgotten fane monsters are now all at one location, with upgraded stats, and a few other surprises. If the party is going to tie up some loose ends, they will have to work for it! I've put it up in the north, near where the fane was, right by the lake
3. I've added one more location: sort of a major swarm place, just because I really like the updated stats for the Derakni encounter that Scorpion did. Plus, the party needs the XP (The xp charts just don't add up. I think the module's creators assumed the party will meet quite a few wondering monsters) It's in the forest where the Wintersun palace was.

There is a brief discussion about getting over the lava lake- fly is too short of a time. Air walk lasts only 100 minutes, so that's out as well. We discuss teleport, but I rule they have to see the location somehow at least, and they don't like the possibility of a mishap with a lake of lava...

They will have too hoof it! :smallwink: The party think whether to go to the forest or the lava, but end up going for the lave, rightly assuming that is "the circle of earth and fire". They continue south east, and decide to rest for the night. Julian using mythic power to whip up a secure shelter. They all sleep, except for Sena, who keeps watch, and keep his litany- "Areelu Vorlesh, Jerribeth of the Jade, Xanthir Vang..." and so on.

The random encounter table whips up nightmarish dreams. Julian and Andera see themselves as slaves in a strange demon infested city, used as coins of barter, with ll manner of vile things taking place there. They are fatigued for the next day

On Recuperation and on Random events
It might have been expected that the party will use the recuperation power they got on the 3rd mythic tier more often- spend 1 mythic power, heal half your hit points, and recharge everything except mythic power, and move on! However, the party (Especially the casters) came to rely quite heavily on their mythical power, so they rest to keep it up.

As to the Random events, as I mentioned, I made my own table with the help of the forum, to replace the one made by the module. About half of it is battle encounters, but the other half is... strange stuff. The nightmares just happen to be the first they encountered. It gets weirder as we continue. :smallwink:

Day 31- Canyon of legends
Fatigued, Julian Conjures 4 mounts to all of them, and they continue. They traverse difficult terrain, which slows them down considerably, And stop to rest again. Julian, Obviously a woman of some luxury, decides that the Secure Shelter will be mandatory from now on, and creates another.

Another random event, but this one is quite... different. It's an idea by the reader Biotroll, that came to happen. Sena, in his guard, heard... something happening outside the shelter. He woke up Mad dog, and went to investigate, only to find a new tear, a sort of a new canyon near their shelter, but within it some faintly glowing runes, all around the walls. And the place seems inhabited as well, as He could hear the flatter of large wings, and an irritated muttering. coming closer Sena some some figure robed in tatters, with it's back to it (From which sprouted two feathery wings) looking up at some rune. "Damn it! Shifted again? New place? Bugger! Must take care of the library..."

Sena coughed, uncertain "Um, hello?" The figure turned to it, and he saw it was a harpy. It looked at him irritated. "What? What do you want? I'm busy"

S: "I would... like to look at the library?"
H: (Feigning innocence without much conviction) "What? What library? No library here! Go away! Shoo! I'm a hermit, a LONELY hermit! As in not wanting to see people! This is my... hermiting place! Go away!"
S: "Maybe I could help? Where are you from?"
H: "Me? I move around a lot!"
S: "A hermit that moves around?"
H: (Makes a face) "Life is full of wonders and unexpected things, go out to look for them! Like... now?"
Intrigued by this more, Sena descends and researches the nearest rune.
H: (Jumps towards him, angrily) "Hey, Don't touch that!"
S: "Maybe I can help, what are these for?"
H: (More annoyed) "This is a collection, I'm making a study of legends and stories"
S: "Maybe I could help?"
H: "Hey! You're trying to steal credit!" (The academy will never accept it! :smalltongue:)
S: (Backs off a bit, trying a different approach) "Maybe I could answer YOUR questions?"
H: Seems intrigued "Hmmmm... What world is this? Where am I?"
S: (Confused) "What world? Um, Golarion?"
H: "Hmmm.. this place again. Oh well!"
S: (making a bit of a leap, but correctly) "These are the stories of worlds?"
H: (Proudly) "Stories of their greatest legends, greatest stories- good, bad, works to endure! I collect them!"
S: (Highly intrigued) May I seek some stories? I have a few people that interest me.
H: You'll have to share good stories first! Some you experienced!
S: "Let me tale you a tale then..." he at first tells her of killing Scorsizor. She rolls her eyes? "Really Dragon killing? Boring!" So he tells her the story of the Gray Garrison, and the story of Staunon's Vhane's trap and defeat. As he tells it to her, she touches the stones, whispering concentrating, and two runes start to appear, form out of the rock.
H: "Good stories. What stories do you look for?"
S: "I seek stories of Areelu Vorlesh, of Baphomet, and of Deskari!"
The harpy looked for some time, and brought Sena to some runes. "For two short stories, you will gain two short stories. Who interests you first?" Sena chose Areelu Vorlesh.
H: "There is the story of the great tree an open skies, the story of the book and the three, the court of great darkness, or the story a great tree and a heart full of giant worms. What will it be?"

Sena chooses the book and the three. He sees Areelu Vorlesh, anlong with two others- One he knows is Wyvern the Numerian wizard (it;s a nickname), and another is a Sarkorian God caller, called Opon. And they are conducting some sort of ritual with a strange book of leather, bark, papyrus, paper, ivory and more (The Lexicon of Paradox, from the 4th module). But the two were deceived by her, they understand that she is trying to use the book for great evil. Wyvern turns to fight on her, while Opon grabs the book and flees.

As Sena comes back from the short story, Kreecha the Harpy nods at him "And the second?" Sena chooses Baphomet. She looks again, and finds several runes. "One of a prison in hell and an escape, One of shaking hands, and one of a mine. Sena chooses the mine, and sees a great mine, in some other place, some other plane, an abyssal plane. The mine is secret, and his walls exudes the evil aura the elixirs have. He sees a semi angelic, semi minotauric figure, working on something, and he can feel Baphomet's presence "Soon my daughter, soon we will be ready!"

Sena decides to cal for the others. As they come Kreeacha mutters "Always 4-5 heroes. at 6, maybe 3, but never saw more or less. Odd that..." :smalltongue:

Sensing the party had mostly enough of this, she offer to learn of their stories (Andera tells of the march and the siege, Soltengrabbe and Nurah), and offers three things of THEIR OWN stories in return. "What sort of things?" Ask Julian. "Stories yet unsure, yet untold, but much in the liking."

Mad dog goes first, and he sees himself near some sort of a raging wall of energy, which he knows is a portal to another plane. He is fighting some giants, near huge churning bustling machine. "Watch out!" He hears. And The Queen dashes to stab one of the giant,s fighting alongside him. Kreecha whispers "And so the first portal was closed."

Julian goes next. She is in a place of great shadow, but a place of negotiations. There is a definite presence of Deskari and Baphomet there, but though they definitely wish her harm, she is no danger. But there is a third presence, an immensely powerful presence, and it ask Julian. "And what do YOU offer me?". (There was a storm in RL, and a sudden great thunder accompanied the question. We all laughed). Kreecha intoned "And so the negotiation that will decide the fate of worlds was taken".

Andera was last. He saw them all going through endless twisting landscapes- mountains, marches, deserts, forest, and yet t the same time, it was ll just one big ivory dungeon. Suddenly they reached high mountains, where they could barely draw breath, and saw gigantic spiked stone ball, hanging suspended from immense chains, changing it to the peaks of mountains. "And so they came to free the prisoner from the most dangerous prison in the worlds".

They thank her, but she comes quite amiable to them. "Oh, we got many stories. My father was part of one, with a prophecy of a chosen hand fighting a twisted hand, a mage of Red, an angel rising, and my half giant father! Also the stories of Lynn the frustrated, Glimji the even more frustrated, and Killpi, and honest business man... of a sort... " (All of these were references to characters in previous campaigns, which the party was mused by. Sena asked about Gabriel, a former character that sacrificed itself at the end of the first campaign, and they did Mentioned Bruthus, my own character "He who dies a LOT!" (Thanks guys!:smalltongue: nice to be remembered) and so on... I won't bore you more)

Amused, with some new hints, stories and such, they went to sleep.

This entire encounter was Biotroll's suggestion on the "random encounter in the wasteland" help thread. Originally it was supposed to just be humorous and talk about old characters (Which we got to last), but Sen surprised me by wanting to know the stories of existing characters. So I improvised on the spot.

Thankfully I read the rest of the AP, so I knew a bit more about what is planned, and some characters, though I've made quite a bit of my own material for Areelu Vorlesh. I then improvised some more with "stories of the future" for the rest, again, from the coming modules. See if you can guess?

1st Dream of Arulashee
Andera dreams of the Succubus. He sees her fully for the first time, with the bell chiming above her, in her temporary sanctuary. She seems to be praying: "Desna, Lady of the spheres. I have been found! I have dealt with some, But the hag, Jarruunicka, is powerful. Please, I know that I have wronged, many times before" (Shows pain, self doubt, torment) "But am I all alone?" Suddenly the succubus seems to sense Andera, and looks straight at him, a bit surprised, a bit relieved, bit terrified "Am I all alone?"

Andera is surprised from this, and retreats, ending the dream.

The module assumes that when the party is ready, Arulashee will send a dream to show the person with the Chance Encounter trait her location. I wanted to play on this more- some more roleplay that makes the transition from "I barely know you" to "I save you!" slightly more gradual. If not by much. it gives a bit of opportunity for more roleplay, more build up (I think by now you've realized I'm fond of this :smalltongue:) And also a small challenge- can he gain her trust? Shouldn't be that difficult, but it's nice to play it out, no?

I think I caught Andera's player by surprise here. Oh well.

Day 32-33: Scorsizor's hoard
The next day they decide to rope down to the canyon, and whipped more mounts, skirting the lava lake, looking for the disturbance they saw from the molten cascade. On the next day they reached it- They saw a small island in the lava, with the air twisting strangely about it, and a ruined temple in it's midst.

One teleport later, they were standing in Scorsizor's hoard, but the island had chaotic energies affecting it. Andera gave a cry as he suddenly turned to a lizard (Baleful polymorph) While the rest made their saves. This was odd, since we rarely play at these levels, and so didn't know the spell, and didn't know how to break it. (I assume we may make more spells blundering as we go along), but we found that break enchantment returns him, and after two tries we had Andera back. As the party scooped the treasure (I kept it mostly the same, with slight changes. They liked the stone skin wand and Mad dog got a new sword- col iron, +2 evil outsider bane. He :smallbiggrin: ) Suffering a few more minor influences for the time it took to put the stuff into the bags, the party then finally teleported back to Drezen, to Julian's house!

I took heed of the advice Scorpion made for the dragon's lair encounter. Summarizing it here:
Scorsizor's lair: On an island in the lava pool, over a pool of overheated basalt, lies the temple for Lamashtu. Recently created.
Uponpassing the warped barrier to the island each character is subject to Greater dispe (Up to 4 magical effects)

Various magical effects. Fort 25 to ignore. Once per 1d4 rounds if Scorsizor is present. Once every1d4 minutes if she isn't.

d20 Warpwave effect
1 Target takes 2 Strength damage.
2 Target takes 2 Dexterity damage.
3 Target takes 2 Constitution damage.
4 Target takes 2 Intelligence damage.
5 Target takes 2 Wisdom damage.
6 Target takes 2 Charisma damage.
7 Target gains 1 negative level.
8 Target is blinded or deafened for 1d4 rounds.
9 Target is confused for 1d4 rounds.
10 Target is entangled by filaments of energy for 1d4 rounds.
11 Target becomes fatigued (or exhausted if already fatigued).
12 Target becomes nauseated for 1d4 rounds.
13 Target is stunned for 1d4 rounds.
14 Target is sickened for 1d4 rounds.
15 Target is staggered for 1d4 rounds.
16 Target gains 4d6 temporary hit points.
17 Target is affected by a heal spell (CL = 15).
18 Target is turned to stone.
19 Target is affected by baleful polymorph (CL = 15 CR).
20 Portions of target’s body burst with energy of a random type (choose between acid, cold, electricity, or fire),
dealing 4d6 points of damage of the appropriate type to the target.

Lots of scorched and heated rotting bones, the smell is overwhelming, Along over heated basalt. Remains of raids and such. Weighs a few tones in total.

18,680 sp (1868 gp, 373.6lb) +4,820 gp (96 lb), +260 pp (2,600, 52 lb)
Gems worth 450 gp.
Holy Mythral and gold Symbol of Iomedae worth 500 (Blade of Iomedae- belongs to church inquisitors/ commanders/ special agents) Unmagical
Wand of Stoneskin 20 charges (10,400)
Spell knowledge page: stinking cloud (9,000)
Lion's shield (9,170)
Cold Iron +2 Evil outsider bane greatsword (18,350)
Belt of Dwarven kind (14,900)
Scroll of Heal (1,650)


Drezen prior to celebrations!

Again the town music- Conan's civilization/ Theology (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=3ToTQEyLG4Q)
The party reaches Julian's house. They have heard quite a bit of commotion outside. Discussing what to do with Mad dog, Andera disguises him. (They get pieces of the dragon and other beasts, making it look like the horns and spikes are trophies that he wear, barbarian style!:smallamused:) Julian complements it with a "disguise self" spell.

Before they go out, Julian changes attire to... a much more alluring and revealing outfit. The party raises an eyebrow but decides to not inquire for now. As they go out they see the town is quite busy! Anevia spots them, as she directs various people. Apparently the twon is preparing for the celebration of New Drezen. Anevia is dumbfounded how the party slipped by her scouts, but matter not. She is in charge of the celebrations, which will take place tonight, (Now that the party arrived), while Arabeth takes care of protecting the place.

"So what have you been doing?" She asks them. They tell her of Scorsizor. "Really? A dragon? Wow! You brought something back?"
The party goes "Um... so we forgot something..." Two teleports and strength boosting spells on Mad dog later, and they appear back with Mad dog lifting Scorsizor's head above his near the gate, and dropping the massive thing down. Julian shouts "People of Drezen! This is what will happen to all that threaten Drezen, Scorsizor learned it the hard way." As expected, the populace is quite stunned, joyous, and erupts in great cheers for the party, especially "Mad dog, Dragon Slayer!" Sena casts sending to Arabeth and Anevia, asking them to hail Mad dog, but they do not. He is puzzled, especially by Arabeth somewhat angry look at him.

Then the party goes each on their own businesses, before the celebration starts. Andera goes to his people, trying to learn more of what happened. Not much: The dwarves are fairly secluded, but working hard, Scouts have spread around Drezen, Horus is quite active making contacts and securing the best locations and guards for his business. One little odd bit is that the Mongrelfolk have recently had private conversations with the tieflings, about "cultural things". Andera listens, but decides not to investigate further.

Sena casts sending to the queen (He uses most of his mythic spells on that ,while Julian mostly on teleports) informing her of the developments. he then searches for Lann, who appears to be visiting Qulin Longshadow in his tent, there is seem sort of ritual going on? Sena calls him aside, asking what is all of this. Lann greets him warmly. "We have been accepted, but they have not. We have seen them proving their worth, time and time again, so we decided to follow Sarenrae's example, her patience and acceptance, your example, and welcome them to us. This is a ritual bonding between tribes, which we had in the under tunnels of Kenabres. We shall make them our friends tonight!" Sena listened a bit grumbling. (He didn't like the tieflings and since his transformation saw them as the demon's agents) but left it aside. "Um... well.... yes. Keep up the good work."

He then sought Bartlet, and found him with Aravash, sitting in one of Horus' liqueur stalls. "Ah! Senatef! Or should I say Spirit Walker? You guys killed a dragon, eh?" Senatef buys an expensive drink for the 4 of them (Including Horus, who brings an orange yellow liquid "Striaght from Katapesh!") He chats up to them, trying to learn more as well. Apparently they weren't able to turn Staunton Vhane's hammer yet (Failed roll), but will start anew again. Not much other than that, except for getting ready for the celebrations. Apparently Cullen Heart, the Gnome bard that made the song for them before (Previous session) is putting up a show later on!

Julian called for Andera "We should talk with Julian about the organization" .They got her into Julian's house, and suggested she would head a secret organization (Called "The Sleepless Eye") which will be responsible for detecting hidden threats to Drezen within it, be they demonic or not. Anevia readily agreed, but they came to a disagreement about how much Arbeth would now of this. Julain and Andera worried that she might be too straightforward for such an endeavor. "We don't need the broadsword, but the dagger, know when and when not to strike. Precision work".

Anevia said she would not hide things from Arabeth if asked directly, and that she will know of the organization existence. Arabeth usually trusted Anevia in matters more... subtle, so most likely she will not ask her. But if asked, Anevia will notlie to her wife. Julian and Andera are not that happy about it, but accept.

They go to some details. They task Anevia with making a financial plan (Will be in the background), find suitable candidates, interview them in Sena's temple (With the zone of Truth), and find a location for a base of operations: Ideally some inn with a secret underground base.

Anevia finally leaves, and then Julian turns around and locks the door, and quite confidently, obviously, comes unto Andera. (Player's action, not mine). Andera is surprised, but he looks at Julian and plays along. "What happens in this room, stays in this room, right?" Julian caresses his cheek. "But of course..." The two start taking of clothes, getting close, smooching and the like when Julian seems suddenly lost in thought, and she gets up, confused. "I... I don't know what came on me. I'm sorry, I don't usually do this..."

Andera was confused "Look, what I felt was real, your intentions, our intentions are real." Julian seemed confused "even this dress, it's not really like me, sorry". Andera looked at her suspiciously. "C'mon Julian, what is this game?" She looked deeply embarrassed "I'm sorry, please, I'll buy you a drink at Horus!"

Andera turned away "Horus?! Well, that was a mood killer!" Julian changes to her normal clothes, and they both go out, both confused, both exasperated.

I'll give it to both players, they played it nicely! Julian's player wanted to play the affect on him more, and Andera's player trusted enough to play along.

The party, of course, found the whole thing hilarious. Through out the rest of the session a lot of jokes were mde about Andera's.... pent up frustration. :smallwink:
"Can't I make a will check?", "Don't you mean a Fort check?"
"I'll start a grapple!"
"Do I get experience?"
"We got here this time, next time we start from this point, right?"
"Can I sneak attack?"

I was quite surprised by Andera's player, who flowed and played quite casually with the situation, he was quite a bit tenser before. Perhaps the talk helped?

Sena called for some of the leaders to his temple before the celebrations: Arabeth, Anevia, Aravash, Bartlet and Lann.
Anevia tried to breach the silence: "Hey Sena, so what is this about? You've been... acting a bit strangely of late." Arabeth was more direct. "You act all high and mighty, full of importance! You order me through a Sending?! You weren't like this before Drezen!"
Sena agreed "You are right. Drezen changed me. In Drezen I saw the past,the present and the future!"
A: "What have you changed to? You used to be a friend!"
S: ""I summoned you all. I want to give you a report of progress. You are the leaders of Drezen, we are only visitors. Most of the time we will not be in the city."
A: "Reports? Summoning? Why do you talk to us as if we were your hirelings, all formal and the like? You speak like a man on a holy mission!"
S: "I am a man of a vision. I really believe that we finally have a chance to rid those demons for once and for all!"
Aravash and Anevia cast doubting looks. "Do you have a plan?"
S: "Yes, but first we need to find a few places: Finding the right clues, instruments, to close the warp once and for all. I don't know the cost or the price, and for that I am only a man of vision, to transform this vision to reality, a visionary needs a sword, and you my brothers, have the ability to be the sword." he turned to Aravash "You have great knowledge of demons, you can train the troops, our casters, and provide strategy!" He turned to Arabeth "You are a born leader!You have managed to secure Defender's Heart while all of..." But Arabeth cut him off.
A: "Why are you preaching to me? Giving me a speech? I know well enough what I can do. We've been through this together, remember? Nor does Aravash or the others need to be reminded. What is this Sena?"
Sena was confused, a bit taken aback. "I thought we would come to an agreement, and understanding, about how we would work and..."
Arabeth cut him off again. "Why do you talk to us like this? We are your friends! We have fought together since Kenabres, we know each other, and we all share your goal!" She put her hand on his. "You have taken the role of a leader upon you. This can distance you, I know. You have lost people, I know, we all have." The others nodded. "But don't distance yourself from us."
Sena spoke in a low voice. "There is a difference between losing people in battle, than what I have seen." There was anger in his voice, though not to them.
Anevia came smiling "look, we just worry about you, you know?"
Sena was silent for a few moments, before uttering a strained "Thank you."
"Well, what formal response!" Laughed Bartlet, trying to ease the tension.
S: "Do you have any news?"

Aravash seemed to have some, so Sena casts a sending for the other party members.
As they arrived, Aravash said that from his estimation of the tales of the lost expedition (From John's visions) he estimated that the expedition was 100-200 people strong. Which means that their base had to include a fairly good water source. Also he suggested to contact Quendys, one of the survivors of the expedition (He's the mage who gave the cancellation rod from the first module). They contacted him through sending, and he replied. "Don't go there! Madness lies there! The place had soggy muddy ground, and corrupted trees. Near the end." (I hoped this would have them try to ask about such places, but they didn't. They had more info in the library, the Sarkori themselves and so on)

Anevia called. "Come! Enough time for that later! It's time to celebrate! :smallbiggrin:

Drezen' celebrations!

Celebration theme- Celtic Medieval music- Peter Crawley (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=nW_s8Z-uE48&p=n)

The party joined the celebrations. Horus opened up quite a few drinking and eating stalls, though there were many smaller one. The party found one ran by two tieflings! The duo sold a yellow-orange juice. As they spotted Julian, they gave her one. "For you it's free! Best of the Justa!" (Ok, so I didn't come up with a very imaginative one). It had a very string and slightly spicy flavor, if a bit lumpy. "What's it from?" The two tieflings brimmed "Best the worldwound can offer!" Julian quickly swallowed, and set it aside, deciding not to try more.

There was music around, and duos of tielfings- mongrelfolk in light of their new allied ceremony. The dwarves and Sarkori population were mostly in their own sections, but even they joined the festivities a bit.

Julian noticed Brian, amongst the others, looking amiable and amused.
J: "I heard you've been busy!"
B: "You too! Killing dragons lately?"
J: (Shrugs smiling) "Oh, the usual."
B: "My, aren't you modest!" (Smiling as well) "You know how many knights we lost to that old lizard? Getting rid of Scorsizor will improve safety greatly!"
J: (Shifting focus) "I heard you were trying to build a temple?"
B: "Yes, but Arabeth says it can wait. She has military experience, and to her the defense of Drezen comes first. But..." (Brian motioned to the different groups) "We have many people from many places. We need to enable them to worship their beliefs, their gods in a common place, a unifying place. A... spiritual defense if you will..."
J: "I will see what I can do..."

The party also came to some tents with pillows, coverings and several employes offering drinks, massages, and such. The place was headed by a middle aged woman, who introduced herself as Madam Muriel. "This is my little help for the Drezen soldiers. One can go on tense for so long, no? Welcome to Madam Muriel's Comforts and Relaxation". Next to her stood a man in armor, with a smirk on his face. "This is Valen Cayhound. He... keeps the peace".

Deciding they don't need the services ("Don't you Andera? Been a... hard day" :smalltongue: cheeky party) Andera took Sena aside for a moment:
A: "You know, I'm thinking there is something problematic with Julian..."
S: "Such as?"
A: "Well, you've seen how she's been acting lately, and... the dress she wore before?"
S: "So she feels a bit more free and relaxed, what's the harm? Is that all?"
A: "I... just keep an eye on her. I'd value your take on this."
S: "Oh, I will"
(Sena's player was having fun here, trying to goad Andera's player. They wanted to play Julian's situation out)

Everywhere they all went, they were greeted with cheers, salutes, drinks and the like. They even had a trio of children following them. "I am Mad dog!", "No, I am" and so on.

A royal visit

It was then that Anevia came to them. "There is a visitor in the tower. Better go and meet her." The party guessed rightly that the Queen has come (She can teleport to Drezen. Not evil) and went to meet her on the tower (Above Sena's temple, where the beacon used to be). She was there, still in her armor, with the elven wizard Nulan (Who helped them pick their armies in Kenabres), a priest and two guards.

The Queen smield at them. "It is high time I said my thanks. Fighting near Nerosyan has came to a stalemate, and we got a bit of a reprieve, I thought to come for a visit". She loosened a few straps of her armor, though she kept it on. "Appreciate these moments of relaxation, and doing nothing. To us it's a rare privilege."

The party bowed. As they did, Julian cast silent still detect magic. She detected lots of magical gear ,but nothing coming from the people themselves. She relaxed a little. The Queen sighed. "So... You have now led people to war, to conquest, to death. How do you fare?"
Julian's answer was serious, a bit bitter: "How can we possibly, fare? We were responsible for the deaths of so many. We are not the same. "
Mad dog replied stoically: "We've been... better..."
Sena however took the questions hard, rubbing his temples: "I am not myself..." he said half to himself.
The Queen looked at him: "It changes you, doesn't it?"
Sena looked up, his face sad, angry, confused, focused: "It's not because of the battle we fought, or the soldiers lost in the assault, at not that's not the most of it… But what took place afterwards- the demons tricked us, when we entered Drezen, all of our troops got sick by a magical curse, which tortured and killed them rapidly, and we were helpless! As we tried to figure out how to help, I made another revelation that my biological parents were transformed to demons and John had saved me, and then I lost John... And finally, I have been conflicted with my beliefs. When we destroyed Staunton Vhane, and came out of Drezen, it was as if walking to an open graveyard. It is not easy to bear… all in a matter of hours... just hours..." Sena looked distressed, as if living through it again.
The Queen looked a bit shocked: "I sent you here..."
Sena dismissed this. "We should not look for responsibilities, for blame. In the end it is the demon's fault. But I vow this to you and all- For as long as I live, demons will die!"

The Queen turned, thoughtful, and looked at the celebrating people. "Good. We need you to kill demons. For now you all are symbols, and I wish you to remain so. For them you are heroes, but do not come to ruling. When you have to make demands, taxes, laws, judge between factions... Your heroic status will quickly fade. No, for now we need you to battle, not rule." She looked upon Anevia, who was walking with Arabeth "I've put Arabeth in this position, though I wonder what it will do to her. I like Arabeth for her simplicity and sticking to her values. I wonder how the compromises she will have to make might change her..." The Queen looked lost in thought. Julian chimed in "She got Anevia for that. both for love and support, and to figure out the trickier stuff." The Queen smiled "That she does. The position sometime makes relationships difficult..." She snuck a quick glance at Nulan, the elven wizard "But those two seem to make it work."

Sena breached a subject that was burning in him. "She will need Anevia to find possible traitors, like Nurah!" The queen bowed her head. "Ah yes. I fully apologizes for sending her with you. She was part of my second circle, and have fooled us all. I have made a mistaken. I still do, and will in the future. The quality of crusaders and scrutiny have fallen since the second crusade, but that is no excuse. I apologize fully for having her danger your entire mission." Sena was more worried about something else "She got real close to you. She may have learned quite a few secrets." The Queen nodded. "That she may have. The enemy seems quite well informed."

The voices of music came from below, and they set down a bit more. The Queen approached Andera: "I her you are the freer of tieflings? I guess we needed a Numerian for that. Do you trust them?"
Andera looked shy "I just negotiated for their dignity. They did the rest."
QG: "Do you trust them?"
A: "I trust them as they are now. They can still easily fall. None f us is immune to darkness." (He shot a suspicious look at Julian".
QG: "I can't say I trust them, but I trust my people to make their own judgements, and I trust you Andera..."

The Queen tried to have a conversation with Mad dog, but he just shrugged and was very humble. "I try my best. Sometimes it happens, sometime not."

Q: "And you Julian? How was my choosing you so far? How have you dealt with the sudden change?" (This refers to Julian's journal, and how she was thrust to join the others in the crusade)
J: (Shrugging again) "They are the heroes of Kenabres. I helped along. And how have I dealt? In the battles many people died. and with them some of you dies with them. Some deal with it hard" (She looked at Sena) "Some of us just shove it deep down inside of them."
Q: (Seeming alarmed) "That is a dangerous path to take, I do not wish to lose you too!"
J: "All we can, is but to fight with our demons. Outside, or inside" (I loved that answer! :smallamused:)
Q: (Sighing) "you are the daughter of Diane Bearstorm... Bloody stubborn woman! Do you know how she got her name? Temper of a bear, mercy of the storm. Once she was set on something, nothing would dissuade her. Last time we heard of her she learned of the where about of Minahgo in the worldwoud, she still didn't forgive her for the Red Massacre. We lost her too..."
J: (staying quite stoic) "Well, you have the advantage of me, at least you knew my mother...

The Queen went to overlook over the celebrations again. "This crusade. We shall all commit everything we have to it. It is the last one... I wonder, how much do you know of how it began?" As the party acknowledged their ignorance, she continued "We think it started with the death of Aroden (He was the god preceding Iomedae). But a few years later, The Worldwound opened. The Sarkoris imprisoned their arcanists, fearingthey would mess with the impossible, and open a tear from the abyss to their world. So they put them in great tree-towers. We think that Areelu Vorlesh was imprisoned in such tower, but paradoxically, this has fuelled her to seek a way to revange. We don't know how, but she somehow managed to open the rift, in Threshold. We were unable to get close since. But we have no idea how to close the tear. I have been there when this happened, a century ago. We managed to gather up for the first Crusade, as Iomedae chose me to lead it. But little did we know what will come up later. The fight... takes a lot from you. In this century I've lost friends, family, and love was... a luxury I couldn't afford" (Again a quick glance to Nulan, the mage). I will see it through though."

The party listened. She continued. "We know she has SOME sort of a plan, some agenda, but we don't know what it is." The party told of their last findings with the Nyhadrian crystals. "This is great news, but just... making stronger demons, is not enough. Though it explains some of the powerful demons we have met. I feel there is something else behind this. But I will tell you this- this is the LAST crusade. This struggle will end, one way or the other!" (The party missed the slightly fatalistic approach of the Queen, oh well).

Sena raised his glass "I will drink to that!" The party gave one last toast, and then the queen strengthened the straps of her armor. "It is time for us to leave. Keep up the good work. I hear there is a show, enjoy it! I... cannot come. In here- you are the heroes" She put the guard of her helmet down, and they teleported away.

This is not a part of the campaign. In the campaign, the Queen's next appearance is at the start of the 4th book. So why did I bring it? For 3 reasons:
1. A bit of history and information on the crusades and Areelu Vorlesh, plus mentioning Threshold, for the final chapter of the campaign.
2. The Queen gives an interesting perspective to the toll the crusades take- the toll on the leader (I try to build up something about Nulan the wizard- a love she cannot allow herself to love). The player like the Queen's character, and find her quite amiable.
3. Build up to the fifth adventure "Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth." (Spoilers about it from here on! be warned!
I will exchange the queen for the outsider herald. I want the party to have some emotional investment in who the prisoner is. None of us is a Golarion expert, so calling her "The Herald", cn easily work (I've given her the benefits of the Herald in the end of that module). I am trying to make some more encounters and meetings with the Queen prior to that event. Make the characters like her enough, so when she is taken, it might shake them as well and motivate them for action.

A show with a surprise ending!

The show was taken on a make shift stage, south of the bridge of Drezen. The party go honored sets in front with Arabeth nearby, Anevia taking over her. Clussen Heart, the gnome bard who made up the "Into the Grey" song, announced the start of the show. Though some of it was as they remembered where were quite a few... embellished parts. In a quick overview:

As Kenabres fell, the five gods decided to look upon heroes. There were short scenes how each god in disguise sought the PCs (With Harry instead of Julian), and posed question like "What is Courage?", "What is Patience?", "What is Honor?" and so on. With the party giving philosophical answers. (Andera took notes. :smalltongue:)
The scene with the Hall of Heroes came forth, but with far exaggerated demons).
A scene in Defender's Inn, where the party understand they do not have enough people, and so some go to seek more allies- the mongrelfolk, tieflings and such. (Andera: "Wait, what?")
Battling their way through the Gray Garrison, till they were captured by Areelu Vorlesh, who tied them ll to the Wardstone, and offered them all great temptations (The kids at the crowd all going "Don't do it Senatef! No Mad dog, she is lying!")

The show was supposed to end with the wardstone bursting, and the light "burning" Areelu Vorlesh. Only though the illusory flames hit her, the player seemed unphased, turning to the crowd she whispered loudly, a whisper that was heard through the crowd. "These are your heroes? I'll show you your rel heroes!" And changed to the green clad elven woman, known as Jerribeth of the Jade! (Mad dog's plyer was happy- "Now we throw init?"

Battle with Jerribeth

Stats for Jerribeth.
I am using Scorpion's stats (The file I've mentioned quite a few times. The only change I've made is to change Destruction to Harm in her spell selection.) The Stats make her very strong. This became quite strong.

She also has a power tied to the campaign traits Julian and Mad dog has- she can use her corrupting whispers power to affect people touched by her research with a +2 to DC. If failed, this triggers transformation ( Stolen Fury), or revert to chaotic evil (Exposed to awfulness). However, the affected are not dominated by her. It does not count against her maximum controlled.

XP 76,800
Female mythic glabrezu (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 61; Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures)
CE Huge outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar, mythic)
Init +10/-10M, dual initiative; Senses darkvision 60 ft., true seeing; Perception +26

AC 34, touch 8, flat-footed 34 (+26 natural, –2 size) +5 barkskin +5 shield of faith!
hp 246 (12d10+180)
Fort +22, Ref +10, Will +15; +8 resistance vs. mind-affecting
DR 10/epic and good; Immune fire, electricity, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 27

Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee 2 pincers +21 (2d8+16/19–20), 2 claws +21 (1d6+16), bite +21 (1d8+16) -4/+16/ +8. Vital strike just double.
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks corrupting whispers, mythic spell-like abilities, mythic power (6/day, surge +1d8), rend (2 pincers, 2d8+16)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th, concentration +23)
Constant—true seeing, fly, mind blank
At will—chaos hammerM (DC 21), confusionM ( Bigger table DC 21), dispel magicM (Two spells, counter two rolls), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), mirror imageM(1d4+5 images), reverse gravityM (80 ft high, 2 10 ft cubes, no save unless can grab. 1 rnd/ level, fort or nauseated. DC 24), unholy blightM (5d12 damage + sickened 2d4 DC 21), veil (self only)
5/day—power word stunM (1 creature, no save, -30 hit points, 101-150 is 1d4 rounds, 51-100 is 2d4)
1/day—summon (level 4, 1 glabrezu 50% or 1d2 vrocks 100%)
1/month—wish (granted to a mortal humanoid only)

Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 16th; concentration +23)
7th—greater scrying (DC 24)
6th—heal (160 hit points) ,Harm (160/ 80 hit points, Min left 1, DC 23 sve)
4th—divine power (+5, 16 temp. hp)
2nd—barkskin (+5), bull’s strength, eagle's splendor
1st—obscuring mist, shield of faith (+5)

Str 33, Dex 11, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 24
Base Atk +12; CMB +25; CMD 35
Feats Improved Critical (pincer), Improved InitiativeM, Lightning Reflexes, Persuasive, Power Attack (-4/+16)M, Vital StrikeM
Skills Bluff +28, Diplomacy +24, Disguise +23, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcana, local) +9, Knowledge (planes) +12, Knowledge (religion) +18, Linguistics +9, Perception +26, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18; Racial Modifiers +8 Bluff, +8 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Hallit, Necril, Undercommon; telepathy 100 ft.

Special Qualities change shape (any humanoid form, alter self), powerful blows (pincers, claws, bite), simple divine spellcasting
Other Gear cloak of resistance +4, jailer's dungeon ringUE, prisoner's dungeon ringUE, iron key (works on all doors within the Ivory Sanctum except those to areas Q12A and Q19), bejeweled key worth 1,000 gp (opens the secret door into area Q12A), mithral key worth 600 gp (opens the door to area Q5).

Change Shape (Su)
Jerribeth can use this ability as an immediate action to either assume humanoid form or return to her true form.
Corrupting Whispers (Su)
As a free action, Jerribeth can force one humanoid creature inside her telepathy range to make a Will save (DC 23) or be dominated for 1d6+1 rounds, as per the mythic dominate person spell. If the target fails, it is considered to be Chaotic Evil for the purpose of establishing what actions are against its nature. Jerribeth can only have one creature dominated in this way at a given time. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Mythic Spell-Like Abilities (Su)
Jerribeth can cast the mythic version of some of her spell-like abilities. She can do this without having to spend uses of mythic power a number of times per day equal to her mythic rank (6). If she spends one use of mythic power, any of her spell-like abilities can be cast as a swift action. This quickening can be done only once per round.

Julian prepared to cast a counter spell, Sena cast Prayer, and move toward the stage. Jerribeth spoke to Mad dog's mind "Slayer? Slayer of Drezen? Slay it for me!" And she used her power and managed to trigger his transformation! Spikes grew, horns grew, and Mad dog entered a mighty berzerk rage, with the people around him utterly terrified! (+4 to all physical, -6 to all mental, natural weapons go up a die, and he tries to kill whatever is closest. This time civilians) Party goes: "Oh Sh*t!" Jerribeth flies up, and tries to cast mirror imge, but Julian dispels it.

Andera vanishes, and drinks a potion of fly, flying towards Jerribeth. Mad turns and full attack+ cleave, killing 4 civilians. Panic hits the crowd, many starts to run away Arabeth tries to shoot Jerribeth, but doesn't mange to bypass the many magical defenses.

But Jerribeth acts again in the same round (Mythical initiative, like Soltengrabbe), this time she targets Julian with her corrupting whispers. "Mind seed, revel in your true nature!" and Julian fails the save, and turns chaotic evil. Party goes "We're screwed!" Jerribeth casts Mythic confusion on some of the crowd and gaurds, that just dds to the mayhem. "People of Drezen? You seek your heroes! Look at your heroes! Look how they fall upon you!"

What does chaotic evil Julian do? Casts invisibility, and rushes to steal the Sword of Valor! She spends the next few rounds doing so, but is effectively out of the combat.

Mad dog continues killing around him, while Sena and Andera tries to combat Jerribeth, as she flies around, towrds the edge of the city. On her first "turn" in a round, she combats the PCs (Power word stun on Andera, Reverse Gravity on Sena), but on the second she keeps casting confusion and the like. The combat is short, as she leaves the town in quite a chaos, with the party managing to damage her but slightly (One successful attack by Andera, and a smite evil spell by Sena, plus a disple magic dropping her shield of faith) but on the whole, Jerribeth leaves before All of the NPCs arrive. Mad dog and Julian (Who was caught in mythic confusion, started to hit herself) finally get out of their state, but the damage has been done. Jerribeth has sowed the seeds of distrust, shown the heroes' incompetence, and caused great fear and panic in Drezen.

Mad dog came out of his rage, lying down, with Arabeth' sword on his neck "Stay down demon!"
I will finish this part here. Due to space.

Kol Korran
2015-02-25, 11:49 AM
Session 16, Part 2- Lord of the Swarms, Random Encounters, Demonic dealings

First of all a small debt, which I couldn't put in the previous post due to space:

DM design
Yes, she was supposed to be strong. She and Xanthir (Though I consider her more) are the half-of-the-campaign BBEGs. She needs to be a real threat. There were a few reasons for this encounter:
- Build up for Jerribeth. They had enough through stories and such, the needed an in-person meeting.
- Build up a spite. Nothing gets players more than n enemy who has gotten the best of them. Now they'll be looking for revenge.
- Spice up things more in Drezen, though this has backfired a bit. (In the next part).

Why didn't Jerribeth just kill the players? One, she was worried that if she stays there long enough the party might get enough help to hamper her. Secondly- She is somewhat sadistic, and likes to toy, and seek the city on the players. Last, but far from least- she has some plans for the players, for which she needs them motivated enough, but hopefully without the support of Drezen (Leading her to Arulashee, getting the Codex of Paradox, and oof course- Killin Xanthir Vang for her)

I'd just say that I was also fully prepared that the party will find a way to beat her. They've continuously surprised me in the past. If that was to be, that was to be.

"Stay down demon!" Arabeth told Mad dog. Her voice strained.
Mad dog didn't like to be threatened. "Move your sword."
Arabeth didn't waver "What the hell just happened? How do I know you won't turn on me demon?!"
Mad dog spoke menacingly. "You don't, something really bad happened, but this won't help. MOVE your sword!"
Andera was close by, and came quickly, trying to diffuse the situation (Sena was between the confused population, trying to mitigte the effects of Jerribeth's confusion spells): "Arabeth, C'mon! This is bad, but we know this was the demon's fault! It's not the first time demons tried to make us turn on each other!"
Arabeht shot him a glance. "I know, but... I heard the demon's mind!" (Some other people nodded) "This was in you? All along? And you... didn't tell us?" (Broadcasting telepathically is a free action, no? :smalltongue:)
Mad dog tried to stand up, but Arabeht pushed her sword down on him "Stay down!"
Mad dog was still quiet. "Look, I'm not going to attack you, but we need to deal with this!"
Arabeth was unsure "How can I trust you now Mad Dog?"
Not knowing quite how to deal with this, and seeing a lot of confused, frightened, but also angry town folk nearing in Mad dog bellowed "SEEENNNAA! GET IN HERE!"
Andera still tried to convince her "How many people here killed others due to confusion spells... How many..."
But Mad dog cut him off "SENA! JULIAN! Get here NOW!"

Julian comes in first, Sena a bit later. The mood in Drezen is not a pleasant one. The party speaks quickly in whispers amongst themselves.
MD: "We need to teleport away from here quickly!"
J: "I agree!"
But Andera and Sena wish to speak, to try and make the others understand. They call in to the leaders at least. (Arabeth relents with her sword).
A: "You have seen what have happened. We will fight Jerribeth on her own grounds. You are now in charge on making things better, she will not come for you, she wants us- to posses us, to control us."
S: (Turns to the general populace) "My people, sons and daughters of Kenabres. The enemy may shatter our bodies, but may not shatter our spirit. Even now they tried to cease it by force. We cannot imagine what awaits us, and so they cannot either. Jerribeth of the Jade indeed came here, but as you see she eventually ran away. (Shouts of "Ran away? She strolled away!") I ask of you now, to be strong, to be united, don't forget our achievements we made until today, and how the evening began! You need to understand that all of you fought bravely against superior powers before, and we were triumphant, and it may not seem that today we had the upper hand, this is only a set back." (This final comment angered the crowds, were some people still hugged their dead fellows "A SET BACK? You call this a set back?")
Julian spoke more to the point: "You have not come here to fight, to die, to fall to the demons, we were surprised, Jerribeth tricked us, sent us against another. And yes, today we have lost. There is only one way to respond. We will kill Jerribeth of the Jade, and bring back her body. We will go now, to ensure your safety. We return with her head to regain your trust." She then turned to the party grimly "Lets go demon hunting!" With an empathic nod from Mad dog, the party then teleported.

Sena's speech did not go well, but Julian's speech has (With the help of Andera) and they JUST BARELY managed to pass the DC to calm things down partially in town.

DM Design- After math of Jerribeth
The party chose to Teleport away, but they didn't quite have to, as they have succeeded in their diplomacy, the crowd would have been placated well enough to allow things to continue, if more somber. And then they would have to deal with explaining Mad dog and Julian's condition to the rest.

I think it's this latter part that drove them away (Combined with the belief that Jerribeth will focus on them, so if they leave the town, they reduce trouble to it considerably). Again, I should have expected it. Mad dog's player has faced a similar situation twice before, and at both times chose to utterly distance himself from the population. The first in another campaign (Te FATE core post apocalyptic campaign. In my log if interested), and more recently, while they waited in Drezen.

Sena's player really wanted to stay and try to work out things in Drezen, but he was outvoted. The party has exiled itself...

Strategizing and plans
The party teleported to the hex west of the cloud in the forest they've seen (In the module, where the Wintersun palace is. They rely on the clue from Quendys about distorted forest). Julian created a secure shelter, and they got inside to talk.
J: I'm as dumbfounded as you are about this... I just... cared for myself, for my profit, and how to screw all else. I wasn't myself... I think"
A: "You disappeared. where did you go?"
J:"I... I sought to steal the sword of Valor. Use my magic to move it, then teleport to the demons, as they would surely offer a great price. Only it wasn't a suggestion, a compulsion, it was... me..."
S: (Rubbing his temples) "So you tried to take the sword of Valor, mad dog was killing people, and Jerribeth didn't even much glance at the rest of us, we barely scratched her!"
J: "If we can't stop this, I will leave you. I endanger you more even than Mad dog! Mad dog killed lots of people, but had I stolen the sword of valor, I would have doomed Drezen!"
S: "I... I need to think." And with that he left outside, to meditate. The rest turned to sleep.

A few moments later however Julian received a sending from Brian. "Don't know what happened. I am still an ally. Send for me for a secure place, if you need a place in town." Sena also received a Sending fro ma surprising source- Horus! (Good UMD) "You don't like me, but You are our best hope. If you need to resupply, send me where and when." This quite surprised Sena, but he continued his meditation, with an emphasis on "Jerribeth of the Jade".

2nd dream from Arulashee
In his dreams, Andera met Arulshee again. This time near the cliffs where she saved him as a child. "I remember you. We have met before… I saw you, foolishly inside the Worldwound. You were courageous, adventurous, where I was trying to be cautious, hiding, biding my time, learning. You acted, and from that I learned, and became courageous as well. For you I have exposed myself to the demons, For you I have made my first step on the difficult path. I am glad to see it was worth it." (She smiled softly). "You have grown much Andera. A man who will stand for what he believes in. What do you believe in Numerian man?"
This time Andera did answer: "For now I believe only in my own intuitions, everything around me is changing all the time. I know that we have to stop this evil, and I think we can do it. Where are you now?"
Arulashee inquired further, not yet ready to reveal her position: "And what do you call, consider... Evil, what must you destroy?"
Andera answered resolutely. "What we have seen tonight. Jerribeth". Arulashee backed away in pain.
"Yes, I know of your connection."
"So you know she is my sister?"
Andera pushed on. "For all my life I was looking for you, I was trying to find a way to make us equal, to repay the debt. We gave each other a chance. I now need your favor again. I cannot fight Jerribeth alone."
Arulshee backed away, as if taken back by the idea "I... I'm not sure I can fight her, she is still to strong, and I'm not fully..."
"We CANNOT fight her! She can control two of my companions!"
Arulashee seemed confused. "Maybe, maybe you can find me and..." But then there were sinister runes in a circle appearing round them, and the dream broke.

Day 34- The Lord of the Swarms
Waking, the party made their way into the woods to the east, into the cloud. The "cloud" turned out to be swarms of vermin of various types. They made their way into the wood, always to where the swarms were thicker. Sena used a "Repel vermin" spell (Using mythic power) which did good in protecting them. till they reached a small canyon, a sort of a rupture in the ground, from which the swarms erupted. (In this location they had to roll against swarm distraction as long as they weren't in Sena's repel vermin protection)

From the chasm rose two Vescavor queens, about 6 vescavor swarms, and last but not least- The Lord of the Swarms- A mythic Derakni (Again, using the stats by Scorpion). Fight!

More tolerable buzzing soundeffects (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=4Kc6fjIEV3s&p=n)
(Mad dog's player couldn't stand the ones I used for the Vescavors

Julian opens with a mythic empowered fireball for 15d10 damage! she wipes up 4 swarms, and damages the queen nicely, the Derakni less so. The Lord of the swarms hisses "My swarms!" and shoots a quickened enervating ray at Julian, and launches his personal swarm at her, which poisons her. Andera and Julian focus on the swarms' master, while Sena heals up poisons and lashes with holy smite, while Mad dog kills the other queen. All in all an easy fight though Julian was close to dropping (12 hit points, 3-4 con). Sena casts two restorations to bring up the ability damage by Julian and Andera, and the party goes exploring. They find a bit of treasure (Andera like the demon slaying arrows.

DM Design
The encounter is a bit "off". There is nothing special to gain story wise from it. It exists for 3 reasons:
1. To remind the party of the "Deskari- vermin demon lord" theme.
2. Nice "let loose" fight".
3.Originally the swarms were supposed to take the role of the Grunhuld Wintersun barbarians- disrupt supplies and harass the city. But the party got to them before they could act. This is becoming a habit! :smalltongue:

As the clouds of vermin disperse, the party debates what to do. This IS a forest, but the ground is baked, not soggy. Despite that, they decide to explore the hex fully (Will take 2 days).

Day 35- The Wandering Village, The Glaberzu and the wish

As the party explores, the roll positively for a random encounter. Andera sees what looks like a deserted village. They go into in, but other than hearing echoes of a once living village, find nothing of note... except for the mists. Mists surround the village, though they are not harmful. The party leaves the village, to find themselves... somewhere else, definitely not the forest! They are in a great canyon, with an ashen river, and two Plateaus on far off to their sides. (I let the party roll a percentile dice. All hexes are numbered. They came in the same hex where in the module it's supposed to be Scorsizor's lair. "L", middle of the map. I gave them a new map, they started mapping from it.).

It is already night, but they feel like they are on aa time pressure. So they rest for an hour using Recuperation, and keep going. At first they think to use teleport to go to a known location, but then decide to check the closet plateau first (Left) They get to it, but then roll for another encounter, and again- positively.

As they reach the base of the plateau, they see a demon chained to strong magical chains to it, and protected by some sort of a disruptive field. Quick knowledge notes it's a mighty Glaberzu demon! The thing writhes in torment. "Release me! And I'll give you a wish!" (Glaberzus can grant wishes to mortals 1/month)

A: "Who bound you here?"
G: "My master, long ago, I have failed it! Release me! No tricks! No manipulation! Just release me and let me begone!"
(The party don't trust him, rolls a bunch of sense motive, but find nothing)
J: "I don't think it is worth it! He will just go around killing more people!"
G: "Noooooo! I'm done with the mortal plane! I will go back to the abyss! Release me!"
A: "We need the wish! We need any advantage we can take! It could help us find the places we seek! (it could) It could help with Julian and Mad dog's situations (It could, but they didn't really discuss it)
MD: "It will do not good. He is a demon, it will bite us."
(In here I described my philosophy on wishes. Basically, I think that 9th level spells should be useful, and not require epic rule lawyering. The wish is granted by the intent, not the wording)
G: "No tricks! No lies! You get the wish you chose! I don't care! Just free me!"
A: We can try to teleport to the expedition's site!"
S: "We will only cause evil..." but Andera interrupts him
A: "Cause more evil? How much more evil will the demons do while we blindly search for it! We have no clue! I have sacrificed as much as you- don't preach me about doing evil, you who have allied with some unknown force!" He turns to the demon "Will you attack us, block us after we release you?"
G: "I don't care mortals! Just let me be free and I will let you be!" (more sense motives, more nothing. A high bluff and poor roles)

They decide to vote. Andera and Julian wish to free it, Mad dog wants to kill it (Though the strange spell it is in protects it. Julian makes a roll and I mess up the DC, so I tell her she doesn't know what it is. It is a variation of imprisonment). Sena is... undecided.
Andera remarks: "Well, aren't we holier than a paladin now. How more will die while we fool around aimlessely?"
They think of perhaps using the wish to teleport to Arulashee, or have Arulashee be summoned here! (Awesome idea! Even if it subverts a whole part of the adventure)
Andera asks a few more questions: "Will your master know?"
G: "I don't think he even remembers I exist!"
A: "What will happen when I free you?"
G: "I will grant you your wish, and grow to the abyss" (Andera rolls just 1 below the demon's bluff, and I tell him he feels the demon is tense, at unease, but they disregard it)
They decide to risk it. They describe what they know of the expedition site (I rule they just need to identify it clearly, like in scrying) "Once we free you, teleport us there!"

Wish granted, with a twist
Andera touches the imprisonment chains, and the demons does become free, only to be replaced by Andera! The glaberzu then whispers "And now for your wish! Mohagrk thanks you!" and teleports the other three to the expedition site! (Just in the connection of the ashen river with the northern lake). The party curses, and finds itself in a primitve looking sarkori hut. As they go outside they see what looks like withering trees and plants in semi wet ground (A bit like a marsh, but not quite so), and a large tree in the distance.

Julian studies the place enough for a teleportation spell, and then teleports back to Andera's location, now bound with the chains. Cursing they try various methods- a summoned creature, break enchantment, disable device and so on. Julian finds out it's imprisonment. Which means they need the Spell Freedom, a 9th level spell to free him. Despair strikes the party...

We decided on Andera's new theme song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6G88y9g1lI) :smalltongue::smallwink:

They realize they must find another creature, at least of half of Andera's power to touch the chains willingly. Andera thinks of maybe using the gift of the Orb of Souls the tieflings gave him, but doesn't find how to do so.
Sena: "This will teach you a lesson not to do deals with demons! They always screw you up!"
Julian: "We need some evil bastard and trick them…" (Too bad the trickster is taken :smallamused:).
They even bring up maybe calling Qulin Longshadoow, to "take one for his master", but don't consider this seriously (Would have been a GREAT piece to play out!)

Sena has an idea, buffs his will save sky high, and tries to release Andera. He makes his save, but does not free Andera. Another idea is to teleport to Nerosyan, and look for a scroll of Freedom, or maybe talk to the Queen?

Some desperation grasps the party. They start discussing leaving him there. (And t the table, jokingly, making a new character. This surprised me. Giving up so easily? C'mon!)

Sena and Mad dog get annoyed again: This. is. why. you. don't make. a .deal. with. demons!
Andera's player seems quite amused by the entire situation really. The party decides on Julian's plan- Find suitable demon, find a way to bring it back with them, and then a pumped up suggestion spell.

They try to teleport to the expedition, roll poorly, find themselves on the plateau to the east, and teleport again. (Julian is burning through her mythic power like crazy with these)

DM design
I quite liked it. And for the record, I think Andera did the right choice- it gained them the location of the expedition earlier than expected. (Which they could find by wandering about, clever use of divination spells, being clever with some clues, or through Arulashee) and it makes for a MUCH more interesting story than "Hey, you'll just trick us, lets leave you here."

This was a challenging encounter, mainly due that I had only very brief info on the encounter:
"Chains of eternity
A Glaberzo (Name is Mohagrk) persuade 30, (Friendly), bluff +23 sense motive +15 (Due to imprisonment)
Variant Imprison spell. Free by touching chains, switch places. Will 28 to save."

I kind of improvised all else. Julian's player was upset that his spellcraft/ arcana roll should have figured out that it's an imprisonment spell. While this my be true we:
- Don't back track.
- I have myself forgot many things about enemies and such, and we do not back track.
- I'm not at ll sure what difference it would have made- they would have still known it's captured by a mighty spell, and offers a wish in release.

Andera's player was a bit upset after the session that many things they tried didn't work, and the Demon's high bluff. I may have not judged some things correctly, that's true, but I do not apologize for the demon's bluff (Which was lowered by 5 points, and mainly Andera tried to challenge it. I wonder why Sen didn't). Plus, they got one hint, but didn't use it. The entire Encoutner was a trickery encounter. Oh well...

As to the solutions suggested: They had a few quite creative ones. Early in the encounter I decided on this: Freeing Andera needs to require something that isn't simple, since Imprisonment isn't tricked that easily, and the demon would have been freed some time ago.

It is not the base for why some ideas failed. (I for would go with Qulin, or using the Orb of souls in an imaginative manner. They just thought touching it.

This encounter added a significant complication, added some lovely roleplay, and took the adventure in an unexpected direction, which are all big pluses in my book. The party are worried they would lose Andera, but I think they just need to be creative, and don't lose heart.

We had a small discussion about how this encounter was ran. I may have done some mistakes, but I will try to learn and move on. On the whole I think it will be a very memorable and fun encounter.

Lost expedition- Vrock Fight!
As they reached the place, Julian casts fly on Mad dog, to fly up and try realize where they are (That enabled maping the hex), but as he came down, a trio of Vrocks (One mythic), all with mirror images rose to him from the direction of the great tree. They damaged Mad dog nicely, but Julian noticed the battle. Together she and Sena blast with Smite evil and Empowered mythic fireballs, as Mad dog dives! dives! The vrocks retreat, but the two casters manage to take out two of them, as the mythic vrock (The one from the Molten Scar encounter in the module, just better stats) gets back to some sort of a... nest in the big tree.

It was middle of the night. They don't really know where they are. Julian has 2 mythic power left only, Mad dog is moderately wounded. Andera is captured. And ahead lies the unknown expedition site, with the strange tree, and it's vrocks... And lets not forget that Jerribeth is still out there... somewhere...

So we decided to end the session here! :smalltongue:

Each player's XP: 119,200

So.... this was a bizarre session indeed. From the Canyon of worlds, Julian's "odd behavior", Jerribeth, the demon and such. It took the party into a whirl. Impressions were mixed after the session. Andera's player was half amused, half upset. Julian's player seemed tense, but he said he liked it- he liked the new challenge. Sena's player was a bit bummed out- a lot of things he planned didn't go as he planned, and he doesn't like to be surprised. But he too seems to have liked a "worthy opponent", finally.
A: "So, when are you taking the Divine Source ability?"
S: "Don't know. I don't feel so godly after this session".

So it's a definite change, though other than the Jerribeth encounter (Which I was fine if it took the opposite direction), I didn't plan for.

I do love the random encounters. Half of the table (20 encounters in all) is combat, half is "weird stuff" happening. I like that kind of stuff happening, and it was interesting to see. Hope you're liking the read so far, drop a line if you can!

On final note: Next game will be on the 13th of march, which is Friday the 13th, which might work quite nicely, with some of the things I have in mind... :smallamused:

2015-02-25, 04:51 PM
Question, do you know where can find the up to date Scorpion statblocks? The supposed thread for it has a link that leads to a document with no information and I can find any other links.

Kol Korran
2015-02-25, 05:19 PM
Hey Yuul. I just checked the link I used, and it does give an "Whoops! There seem to be a problem downloading the page" or some like. But I downloaded the original file. Send me an IM with your email, and I will send you the file.

Anyone else who wants the file as well, feel free to IM the same.

Kol Korran
2015-02-26, 06:01 AM
I've started to work on a set piece scene in the Adventure Path. I would love your ideas and help with it:

Demonic Dealings: Negotiations in the courts of demon lords (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?400729-Demonic-dealings-Negotiations-in-the-courts-of-demon-lords)
(Contains a major spoiler from the 4th module, be warned!)


2015-02-27, 01:58 PM
I love the Jerribeth Encounter.

Kol Korran
2015-02-28, 03:53 AM
I love the Jerribeth Encounter.
Hey Gustl! I'm surprised, as this was the least liked encounter for my party. I think the party feels it was too one sided. (Though they did use poor tactics) why did they not even try a dispel magic or dispel evil on Mad dog and Julian I don't know).
what "worked" in the encounter, do you think?

2015-03-02, 01:33 AM
Hey Gustl! I'm surprised, as this was the least liked encounter for my party. I think the party feels it was too one sided. (Though they did use poor tactics) why did they not even try a dispel magic or dispel evil on Mad dog and Julian I don't know).
what "worked" in the encounter, do you think?
This Encounter showed the Group how Jerribeths mind work. She don't want to kill the PCs, she also want to destroy their reputation and Legend first.
Also they know that without a plan it will be nearly impossible to defeat her. And they have to find a way to control their trait-powers before facing her again, because she can trigger it.
It's a devastating setback but it will be double-rewarding when they finally kill her.

Maybe this attack was a plan from her because she want the players to find the "tome of paradox" and disable the last anti-demon-wards so she can claim the tome?

Kol Korran
2015-03-02, 03:44 AM
This Encounter showed the Group how Jerribeths mind work. She don't want to kill the PCs, she also want to destroy their reputation and Legend first.
Also they know that without a plan it will be nearly impossible to defeat her. And they have to find a way to control their trait-powers before facing her again, because she can trigger it.
It's a devastating setback but it will be double-rewarding when they finally kill her.
Those are exactly the effects I was aiming at. I think the party only half saw that.

Maybe this attack was a plan from her because she want the players to find the "tome of paradox" and disable the last anti-demon-wards so she can claim the tome?
Right on the nose! Spot on! Nice deduction...

2015-03-02, 07:44 AM
Maybe you could bring your players to the right conclusions. Ask the players of the more analytical Characters, what they think why this happened and what problems they had.
So you don't give them the Infos but bring them to recap the situation.

This Friday my players will destroy the wardstone-fragment :)

Kol Korran
2015-03-02, 12:27 PM
Maybe you could bring your players to the right conclusions. Ask the players of the more analytical Characters, what they think why this happened and what problems they had.
So you don't give them the Infos but bring them to recap the situation.
Oh, the players will come to these conclusions on their own I assume, just not right now. Julian's player is already thinking of countermeasures. (For some reason they forgot "Protection from Evil") I will let them deal with it. They hate it when I give them too many clues. Sena's player understood that Jerribeth intentionally didn't kill them. He currently thinks this is just so she could taunt and ruin their reputation. They will learn more

This Friday my players will destroy the wardstone-fragment :) Cool! The encounter with the bone oracle (Jaslyn? Forgot her name) was a fun one, though I totally remade the encounter. Sena's player got over it smartly though with Silence. What are your plans for the encounter? How are you handling it? How are you handling meeting Areelu Vorlseh after that?

2015-03-11, 06:45 PM
Had my first session two weeks ago, with the second taking place tomorrow. Would have been last week but the onslaught of icy roads prevented it.

Anyways, my two players have made it to the outskirts of Neatholme, and it's been an interesting trip. I did something similar to yours and designed an opening battle as opposed to a crappy dungeon crawl fending off oversized vermin, and my players enjoyed it. Once we hit the cave tours, they thought(when presented with an image of the character) I did an very nice Horgus voice. The sad thing is I've forgotten how exactly I did it, oh well. Aravash's blindness and persistent questioning on what was happening and what did they see was also a hit. Surprisingly Anevia was the character least payed attention to, but at least I managed 2 out of 3. The Huecuva was an interesting encounter, in that it managed to lure the two to being only 10ft away whilst playing the role of a mute reclusive priest(the paladin needs to get in the mindset of 'Detect Evil' when things seem fishy). The opening claw attacks, one a crit(confirmed), the other a miss, nearly dropped the cleric, but that was the only real highlight of that fight.

The darkmantles went down quick, despite their darkness ability, as the one player caught in the effect(the other, the paladin, was on the other end of the room describing the statues to Aravash) was an Aasimar and thus had darkvision. A daylight spell-like ability later and the flying things were doomed. Millorn was probably something of an anticlimatic highlight, in that the players, as they heard him start talking during the fight with the darkmantles tried talking to him from just around the corner. In a conversation that took up about half an hour, mainly due to Millorn's crazed circular logic, ended with the dwarf being convinced they were not witch hunters and letting them pass in exchanged for most of the pair's rations. The dwarf himself wandered off further into the caves the player's had recently departed. I can probably use him later if I give him a few levels.

I am looking forward to tomorrow and the dungeon-esque battle that will be included.

Kol Korran
2015-03-12, 09:22 AM
Had my first session two weeks ago, with the second taking place tomorrow. Would have been last week but the onslaught of icy roads prevented it.

Anyways, my two players have made it to the outskirts of Neatholme, and it's been an interesting trip. I did something similar to yours and designed an opening battle as opposed to a crappy dungeon crawl fending off oversized vermin, and my players enjoyed it. Once we hit the cave tours, they thought(when presented with an image of the character) I did an very nice Horgus voice. The sad thing is I've forgotten how exactly I did it, oh well. Aravash's blindness and persistent questioning on what was happening and what did they see was also a hit. Surprisingly Anevia was the character least payed attention to, but at least I managed 2 out of 3. The Huecuva was an interesting encounter, in that it managed to lure the two to being only 10ft away whilst playing the role of a mute reclusive priest(the paladin needs to get in the mindset of 'Detect Evil' when things seem fishy). The opening claw attacks, one a crit(confirmed), the other a miss, nearly dropped the cleric, but that was the only real highlight of that fight.

The darkmantles went down quick, despite their darkness ability, as the one player caught in the effect(the other, the paladin, was on the other end of the room describing the statues to Aravash) was an Aasimar and thus had darkvision. A daylight spell-like ability later and the flying things were doomed. Millorn was probably something of an anticlimatic highlight, in that the players, as they heard him start talking during the fight with the darkmantles tried talking to him from just around the corner. In a conversation that took up about half an hour, mainly due to Millorn's crazed circular logic, ended with the dwarf being convinced they were not witch hunters and letting them pass in exchanged for most of the pair's rations. The dwarf himself wandered off further into the caves the player's had recently departed. I can probably use him later if I give him a few levels.

I am looking forward to tomorrow and the dungeon-esque battle that will be included.

Glad you guys had fun Yuul! In my game as well Horgus got the most attention, then Aravash, and Aneiva nearly none at all. I guess it's how much the NPCs might push the PCs triggers...

Warning about Hossila- She can incapacitate half the team with a single spells like "hold person" or such (Any save or suck really). Watch out for that. If Lann is accompanying them, let him help in the fights. As he is partly a rogue, this can help a lot. Maybe even let Horgus help, or Aravash.

In my game the situation quickly developed into all of the opponents down the hole being grouped together, including the archer who fled there. It nearly killed the party, and those were 4 characters. Maybe it's better to play it out as originally planned in the module, with the battles being separate? Not sure, you know your party better.

Good luck with the game!

The past several weeks in real life have been hectic in many ways. I haven't had the time to work on the game at all other than the "demonic dealings" thread. I may have a bit of time to work on it tonight, but not likely. Luckily I have done the work till the end of this module, so it's supposed to be enough, I hope...

We'll see, we'll see...

Kol Korran
2015-03-12, 04:16 PM
I have just recently learned that Sir Terry Pratchet has passed away today... :smallfrown::smallsigh:
He had quite an impact on my life, as he had on others. In his way, I think he made the world a funnier place, more clever place, a more humane place and a better place.

There are threads dealing with his death, I just wanted to mention it here, in case someone has missed it, and may be reading this.

I think we shall make a toast to him tomorrow, on our game night.

Thank you Terry. For everything...

2015-03-20, 04:34 AM
I saw that you'd started this a while ago but have been avoiding reading it because I started the game myself as a player.

Well, a total party kill before we'd even levelled up means that I can catch up now.

2015-03-21, 03:09 AM
Great reading!! I registered just to let you know.
I envy your players, they have great luck to have you as their GM.
Looking forward for your next post :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2015-03-21, 05:20 AM
Hey folks, our game was a week go but I didn't yet get time to update. Lots to do in real life (Was ill, a complicated case of a patient of mine, elections, tests to study to and more...) I hope to be able to do so tonight or in the next few days.

I saw that you'd started this a while ago but have been avoiding reading it because I started the game myself as a player.

Well, a total party kill before we'd even levelled up means that I can catch up now.
hoverfrog! The frog that hovers... I'm still sorry that I couldn't finish up the game with Reshk the shifter, but things are becoming crazier by the month! I barely manage to think and plan for the real life game... :smallsigh:

TPK before leveling up once? Brutal! Did the crazy dwarf Millorn kill you? (He has a TPK potential if played right), or something else? Now I'm curious. Feel free to comment). We're nearing the end of the 3rd module now.

Great reading!! I registered just to let you know.
I envy your players, they have great luck to have you as their GM.
Looking forward for your next post :smallsmile:
Thanks for the compliements! :smallsmile: I'm as lucky to have such great players. They make it all so much more interesting and worthwhile!

2015-03-21, 04:50 PM
TPK before leveling up once? Brutal! Did the crazy dwarf Millorn kill you? (He has a TPK potential if played right), or something else? Now I'm curious. Feel free to comment). We're nearing the end of the 3rd module now.We made it past Millorn and found the mongrelman village. The crazy dwarf wasn't actually much of a challenge.

We were off to attack the evil mongrelman lair and just got overwhelmed. I'm thinking that we should maybe have levelled up before attacking it.

Have a read (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?351515-WotR-The-Worldwound-Incursion-IC) if you like.

Kol Korran
2015-03-22, 03:06 AM
We made it past Millorn and found the mongrelman village. The crazy dwarf wasn't actually much of a challenge.

We were off to attack the evil mongrelman lair and just got overwhelmed. I'm thinking that we should maybe have levelled up before attacking it.

Have a read (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?351515-WotR-The-Worldwound-Incursion-IC) if you like.
By the module, you are supposed to level up in the village when you suggest an alliance with the above ground forces in Kenabres. That should have landed you enough story could to level up.
The village is also the only place to exchange gear in the following time (my group used it to buy better armor).
Seems the dm may have missed that. The den of mobgrelfolk custody mat be quite brutal at 1st level...

Kol Korran
2015-03-25, 08:47 AM
Hey folks! Sorry for the long delay. We had a session about a week and a half ago, but I got swamped by RL obligations, so I didn't have the time or the mood to write a log post. But now I do!

This session dealt mostly with sort of a mini dungeon that I've made, collecting some of the other "campaign traits" encounters over the wounded lands, and putting it all into one dungeon. The session featured mostly battles, but some sessions are like this. Still, a 9 hours session... I hope you enjoy!

Last thing- I ws a bit sick and not feeling all that well, so I may have missed keeping notes here and there. Also, this ffected the end of the session a bit, but we'll get to that... Oh- Only 1 part this time!

Session 17- The lost expedition.

Last we stopped, Andera was captued by an Imprisonment variation spell, and the rest of the party got transferred to the location of the Lost Expedition, which was in some sort of a soggy ground, an old Sarkori settlement. The party finished fighting off some vrocks, including a mythic vrock (Vorimeraak from the Molten Scar encounter) who fled to a big tree over some building a bit further away.

The party then debated what to do. They had the idea that Julian will use a charm monster spell to get a monster on their side, and use it to free Andera. Problem was- Julian had only 2 more mythic points left... They were quite sure the lost expedition held quite a serious battle.

Still, They can't keep Andera waiting, can they? :smalltongue:

Battle of Winter Sun hall, and the corrupted thane tree

Noticing the soggy ground, Julian cast fly on herself, and Sen cast air walk. Mad dog still had a few minutes of fly left on him from the battle with the vrocks, so they all flew on. The soggy ground had no effect on them.

As they approached the building with the big tree, Sena remembered that this must be a Thane tree- trees used by the Sarkori to keep arcane casters locked and restrained. Although this tree looked fairly small, and wrong somehow... It grew out of the center of the stone building (The Wintersun Hall) They were easily noticed, and a battle took place.

Titan Dune by 2SfH (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeIRhZmWy3g)
(I used it before, but forgot to put a more specific theme here. Worked nicely though)

As soon as the battle started Vorimeraak started dance of ruin with 2 remaining vrocks up in the tree's branches. The party recognized it for what it was, and decided to try and keep out of the zone of effect. :smallsigh:
Out of the building rush 4 sort of fiendish/ demonic looking humanoids who look to be either of Sarkori descent, or from Mendevian descent? "Half demons!" Shouts Julian. 4 more wait on top of the building with bows. (These are "upgraded" Grunhuld barbarians- Half fiend barbarian 5) The party also notices someone near the door of the building, looking out...


Well, target rich environment just calls for a barbarian, so Mad dog rushed ahead! yet as he approached the party could feel some... effect trying to stop him, a deep slumber effect coming from... the tree? Sena noticed some of it's bark moving, and a sort of a whisper coming from it. Yet with a mythical surge Mad dog saved.

Sena himself was taken by surprise at a sudden angelic transformation! He grew wings, a halo, and was too stunned to react. (The player tries to create a build up towards the "Divine source" mythic ability he wishes to take in the next mythic tier) This had an unexpected effect, as the barbarian half demons hissed in fear "They send another to help the gurdian?" Which perplexed the party, but they put it aside.

But then Marhevok (The powerful barbarian in the Grunhuld Wintersun encounter... Upgraded stats and half demon barbarian 11) rushed out. "Angel! You come to join your brother?! Not if We can stop you!" He rushed towards Mad dog and hit him hard, like a hammer with his fist. The party noticed these barbarians, and especially Marhevok look A LOT like Mad dog looked when he transformed. Mad dog gritted through the pain. "This is the source!"

As the vrocks continue to dance, Mad dog gives Marhevok his own "Mad dog treatment", nearly killing the barbarin in 1 round. The tree seems to party heal it with a sort of necrotic energy, as Marhevok gets scarred dead flesh. Sena flies in and blasts the half demons twice with his channel energy ability (Works against demons as well) Seriously damaging most. Julian sens her flying scorpion familiar to touch Mad dog and give him 6 mirror images. (That spell is probably the most used defensive spell in the party, and to the best effect)

The frost drake comes as well, spits a ball of ice and creates and ice sheet but... both Sena and Mad dog flies. Marhevok uses Blasphemy, but both save as well. :smallannoyed: They both then retreat just before the dance of ruin has it's effect (I forgot the mythic Vrock's ability to cause it early), and Julian tries to charm Mrhevok but... fails... 1 more mythic point? "Shall we teleport, or try to capture another?". Mad dog is furious. "We END this! Nor running away!"

The party all flies, the arrows of the roof barbarians barely hit, and the ground barbarians are either dead or wounded. Instead of starting another dance of ruin, the 3 vrocks join the fight. Sena and Julian damage them nicely with spells, while Md dog goes down and kills both Marhevok and the frost drake with the help of a crit! Only to have Marhevok rise as a sort of half plant zombie! Julian curses "This is strange- the tree uses some combination of druidic and necromatic spells, but how can it be?" Sena who is close enough sees a figure moving in the bark of the tree, sort of a woman, trying to peer at them, observe them, especially the angelic looking Sena.

Sena crushes Zombie Marhevok with bone shatter spell. as the three vrocks come to him and Mad dog, and releease spores which entangle and deafen Mad dog (The Mythic Vrock's mythic spores). Julian flies deals with the last of the barbarians with a diamond spray, and then flies closer. (The rood barbarians just run away)

The battle remains between Sena and mad dog against the Vrocks. Some stunning screeches, more channel energy and hits, and more mirror images down, it comes down to Julian using baleful polymorph to turn Vorimeraak into a little water salamander! The vrocks seek to escape, Mad dog grasps one, Sena casts on it touch of idiocy, and Julian charms it!

One vrock charming

The charmed Vrock looks at her puzzingly "Help me!" She calls to him, using her best understanding of the succubus mind that infected her "I am the same as you! We were sent here to test the defenses, and seek out the one truly powerful demon for a great task at hand!" The vrocks fights against Mad dog and Sena "And what of these mortals?" Julian calls them off "They re but underlings, they have a purpose, as do we all!"

The Vrocks is still a bit suspicious, but Julian keeps pressing "We have a very important mission from Jerribeth herself!" THis alerts the vrock. "The mistress? But we were put here s her guard! Why you attack us?" Julian keeps on the show nicely "Guard? You call this a guard? We tested you, nd most failed... All failed, except for you...". The vrock added "Chuga." Julain nodded "except for you, mighty Chuga, mightiest of all vrocks, who will be rewarded nicely!" (I suck t coming up with names on the spot :smalltongue:)

"Let us go Chuga... we need to rest, but then we will go to your reward!" All the while Sena tried to look t the figure in the tree, which looked like a sort of a sickly woman, made out of bark, looking back them, but currently not attacking them... The party moved back towards the settlement, to sleep and return to Andera tomorrow.

DM design- Battle of the Wintersun hall and the corrupted Thane
This battle held 3 elements- the flock of Vrocks (4 vrocks+ Vorimeraak), the Grunhuld barbrians (8 half fiend barbatin 5+ Marhevok- half fiend barbarian 11 and his frost drake) and lastly- the Thane tree. The tree acted as a sort of an intelligent spell slinging trap. (It's a corrupted Hamdryad, with the spells altered slightly for necromatic effects)

I must say that the battle proved A LOT easier than expected, despite pulling the encounters together, using upgraded stats, and the tree, and having only 3 party members, 2 of which with severely depleted mythic points. Which just goes to show that the modules' encounters are absolutely not challenging and crappy. Sorry.

Encounter stat blocks
Human barbarian 5, Half demon
CN outside native
Init +6; Senses Perception +8
AC 21, touch 142, flat-footed 17 (+6 Breast plate, +4 Dex, –2 rage, NA +3)
hp 61 each (5d12+25)
Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +5; +1 vs. traps
Defensive Abilities uncanny dodge immunity to poison; acid, cold, electricity, and fire resistance 10
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk battleaxe +14, (1d12+12/×3) PA -2+6
Ranged mwk composite longbow +10 (1d8+8/×3)
Special Attacks rage (11 rounds/day), rage powers (no escape, scent) Smite good (+2 attack, deflect, +5 damage)
Str 26, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +5; CMB +10; CMD 20
Feats Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack (-2+6)
Skills Intimidate +6, Perception +8, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +5, Survival +8
Gear BP, heavy wooden, mwk battleaxe, mwk composite longbow (+4 Str) with 20 arrows

Male human barbarian (savage barbarian) 11 Half demon
CE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +13
AC 22/ 28, touch 14, flat-footed 15, (+6 Breast plate +2 Dex, +3 dodge, +3 natural, –2 rage+ 4 Bark)
hp 180 (12d12+99)
Fort +12, Ref +7 (+3 vs. traps), Will +8; +2 vs. fear, +3 vs. traps
Defensive Abilities improved uncanny dodge DR 10/ magic, resist fire, acid, lightning
Speed 40 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +21/+16/+11 (1d10+10/19–20), gore +16 (1d8+5) PW (-3/ +6) Vital strike x2!
Smite good (+3/ +11)
Unholy blight 5d8 DC 17

Special Attacks greater rage (26 rounds/day), rage powers (lesser fiend totem, renewed vigor [2d8+8 hp], strength surge +11)
Str 30, Dex 18, Con 24, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +11; CMB +18; CMD 32
Feats Dodge, Improved Critical (unarmed strike), Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Vital Strike, Power Attack (-3/ +6), Toughness, Vital Strike
Skills Acrobatics +16, Bluff +12, Intimidate +15, Perception +13, Survival +13
Gear Breastplate unholy symbol of Baphomet with an inscription in Abyssal that reads “Jerribeth”

XP 25,600
Female advanced mythic vrock (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 69, 294; Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures 184)
CE Large outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar, mythic)
Init +14M; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +27
AC 32, touch 14, flat-footed 27 (+5 Dex, +18 natural, –1 size)
hp 209 (11d10+149)
Fort +16, Ref +14, Will +10
Defensive Abilities block attacks; DR 10/epic and good; Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 24
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average)
Melee bite +18 (1d8+8/18-20), 2 claws +18 (2d6+8/18-20), 2 talons +18 (1d6+8/18-20)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks entrapping vine(1/3 rnds, 2d8 all around, fort 24 or entrap, deaf/ blind/ speak, 10 rounds cause 1d5 each round. Bless/ holy water stop), fleet warrior, greater stunning screech (Fort 24, or stun 1 round, stagger 1d4. Mythic- swift), manic dance of ruin, mythic power (5/day, surge +1d8)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +20)
At will—greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), telekinesis (DC 20)
1/day—heroismM, mirror imageM, summon (level 3, 1 vrock 75%)
Str 27, Dex 21, Con 29, Int 18, Wis 20, Cha 20
Base Atk +11; CMB +20; CMD 35
Feats Blind-FightM, Combat Reflexes, Improved InitiativeM, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack (-3/+9)M
Skills Acrobatics +19, Fly +17, Intimidate +19, Knowledge (arcana) +18, Knowledge (planes) +18, Perception +27, Sense Motive +19, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +15, Survival +19; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common; telepathy 100 ft.
SQ augmented critical (natural weapons)
Entrapping Vines (Ex)
Vorimeraak can release a cloud of spores from her body once every 3 rounds as a free action, affecting all adjacent non-demons. If she expends one use of mythic power as a swift action, this attack can be used before the 3 rounds have passed. The spores deal 2d8 points of damage on the first round as they grow into ugly vines; for the next 10 rounds, they deal 1d6 points of damage, entrap the affected creatures (10 rounds, hardness 5, hp 10), and make them go blind, lose the ability to speak, or go deaf (determine randomly). A Fortitude save DC 24 negates the entrap effect and the condition. The vines can be destroyed by casting bless on the creatures or by sprinkling them with holy water. This is a disease effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Greater Stunning Screech (Su)
Once per hour, Vorimeraak can emit a shrill screech. All non-demons within a 30-foot radius spread must succeed at a DC 24 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round and staggered for 1d4 rounds after the sun ends. If Vorimeraak expends one use of mythic power, this power can be used as a swift action. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Manic Dance of Ruin (Su)
Vorimeraak can expend one use of mythic power to dance and chant as a full-round action, after which she releases a crackling wave of energy, dealing 5d6 points of electricity damage to all creatures within 100 feet (Reflex DC 20 for half). Each additional vrock that joins in the dance adds 1 to the DC and an additional 5d6 points of damage, up to a maximum of 20d6. The dance immediately ends and must be started anew if any of the participating vrocks is slain, stunned, or otherwise prevented from dancing. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Twisted Hamdryd
AC 30, Resist acid, cold electricity 30 hp 190. SR 27 (Extends to vrocks in tree), Wis 18,
Persuade: DC 34, Wis 18, Sense motive +20. May pause at any sign of "good beliefs", attack with vigor if Arulashee is present.
The Hamadryad can cast the following:
• CL 12:
- Deathly sleep: Deep slumber, DC20 will, If asleep any round DC 20 fort or gain 1 negative level.
- Blood tangles: Entangle. DC18, If entangled also bleed 4 per round)
- Death chills: Up to 80 ft from the Dryad, 20 ft radius, Reflex 21 or 10d8 half cold, half necro, If fail also grasped in ice (Escape DC 22, Break 20).
- Murder: Confusion (DC21) With only kill nearest!
- Poison: Attack + 16 for DC 21 poison (6 rounds, each round 1d4 con)
- Dread plnt warrior: (On allies up to 8 in 20 ft spread) Bark skin (+3), Natural weapons, Mass cure moderate only as necrotic energy- temporary hit points.
- Animate dead as ppore corpses ( One action, +4 strength, +3 armor, 30 hit points. Channel causes only half damage.

Meanwhile, back at Andera's prison.

Andera's theme- looking for freedom, D'jango (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=_bdOTUocn5w)

As the party was doing battle, who jumped in to see Andera if not... Jerribeth! She was surprised to see him there, but smiled at him. "Well well, of all the people that could have freed that wretched Mohagrek, it comes to you?"

Andera, feeling so far secure with the prison's protection, spat at her. "So you captured him? What do you want now?" She was bemused by him, and sat on nearby rock. "Oh, he proved to be an impetuous and disrespectful competition. I got a gift from Baphomet, and thought to show him my... displeasure. But this? I didn't arrange this, but it does put us in a... peculiar opportunity. Where are your rag tag team of friends by the way?"

Andera kept silent, but Jerribeth interpreted it wrongly. "Oh, they left you here? You will stay here for a long... long time, you must know that? But I... I hold the key to this prison, and I can free you, if we come to an... agreement?"

Andera laughed bitterly "Dealing with demons is what got me into this mess, forgive me if I don't exactly rush to hear your trickery."

Jerribeth looked at him sternly. "Look, I understand you mistrust me, but where Mohagrek had only trickery to use, I offer a straight up reward, and a joint purpose- you wish to harm the Deskari forces? Strike a blow against Areelu Vorlesh? I can help you there! Your little party is looking for an item... a book... which the witch have lost, and would like to have, but if I get it, it will raise my status, and will harm hers, and I could drive their forces away. I can help you find the book, and bypass it's guardians, and all you need to do is deliver it to me once you pass it's last guardian... Hell, I'll even tell you where the Ivory Sanctum is, so you can come and kill Xanthir Vang, which will please me greatly... What do you say?"

Andera was not so easily persuaded though "There is a trick, there is always a trick! If you are so strong, how come you haven't passed this guardian?" Jerribeth looked annoyed "It proves especially efficient against my kind... I assume your people will find it easier to bypass". Andera thought "No way. I don't know what this book is, but if you want it, then I sure ain't going to give it to you!"

Jerribeth grew a bit angry "So you'll rot here for ever? With your friends gone, in the middle of the wasteland?" She then seemed to think. "Very well, if no the book, then my sister... a succubus who has erred of her ways. I believe she may seek you. Find her, and alert me, and I will come to del with her personally. She is "a wretched demon" as you say, surely life of a lowly demon is worth your freedom?"

Andera was skeptic "How will you even know?" Jerribeth pulled out a couple of scrolls "I will enchant you with quest spell, to ensure your cooperation, and a small item you could break to alert me and allow me to scan your location better. That is all I require."

Andera thought a bit more. "Sorry, but no deal." Jerribeth grew more tense "What is it you want Andera? I can offer you a wish. Free of charge, no complications, no trickery, no strings. As long as it doesn't hurt me... You want power? Money? You want... Julian? She is comely and beautiful, isn't she? I can have her want you, desire you, love you. (Her player goes "Hey!" than thinking about it "Might be interesting")

Andera laughed "Thanks, but no thanks. I swore- no more demon dealings! I will only regret it later." Jerribeth' jade eyes narrowed. "Very well, stay here and rot for a few days more and than we'll see!" And with that, she teleported away.

DM design- The Jerribeth encounter
I wnted to give Andera's player a bit of play time, since he was out in the fight with the corrupted tree. It also served to showcase Jerribeth bit more, and the friction between Baphomet nd Deskari.

3rd dream of Arulashee

A bit later, Andera dreamed of the succubi Arulashee again. This time the scene altered between the prayer room in the temple of welcome night, and the holding cell in Drezen, with the prayers written on those walls glowing in silver. "Words have power. They can either set you free, or point you in the right direction at least" said Arulashee as her hand trailed over the words.

She looked at Andera with her red eyes. "In my prayers I have heard you spoke words as well, shown others freedom as well, others thought to be beyond hope, beyond redemption. What have you seen in them?"

Andera thought. "Their evil is not core corrupted evil. It is a sort of naivete, something they were taught, but which they didn't learn anything else. A bit like kids really. It is hard for them to unlearn their old ways, and learn new ones."

Arulashee looked t him intently "At what would you see in me?" Andera responded "You too have made change." Arulshee turned from him "Have I? I tried to do good, but does it justify the horrors I have done before? I m not like those... children... I have chosen evil, and am solely responsible for the corruption or death of hundreds, if not more people and souls... It is... so hard..."

Andera responded "Every battle is it's own battle, every choice stands on it's own. If you do good, that in itself will change the future." She looked at him quizzingly "You have faith in me?" He responded quickly "I do. If for the sole reason that your sister wants you dead, you must be a great force for good." She looked t him oddly "What strange... recommendation. But, I have been tempted so many times, have gone back on some times as well" Andera tried to comfort her "You have gone so well..." But she interrupted him, frustrated, angry "Done well? I've been fighting this for two decades? This doesn't seem to end! For how long?!" Andera responded with his hand on her shoulder "I have seen a paladin turn his ways to the utmost of evil. If this can be done one way, then it can be done in the other as well"

She seemed gratified by this, looking at him. They were again in her tower, with the silvery bell above, who struck again, and the words of protection on the walls shimmered and faded. "She is coming close to succeeding, she is..." But the dream broke.

Day 36- Into the site of the Lost Expedition

"Today Chooga is goign to be great?"
"Great and powerful Chooga will be!"
"Now Chooga, touch the chains, and change places with this mortal, whom Jerribeth favors, and you will live forever!"
"I'm a demon, I allready leave forever?"
"Power! Great power! Don't you trust me?"
Good enough bluff roll
"Um, you come back and free Chooga?"
"Real quick, reaaaalll quick!"
And so Andera gained his freedom! "Hey, guess who gave me a visit?"
Sena went to the vrock. "You are SUCH an idiot!" and turned away.
Teleport back to the site of the lost expedition.
"Um, so Chooga wait here for you to come back? Hello?"

DM design- releasing Andera
I thought the party went through enough trouble and it made sense enough to work. I might have played it less... silly with Chooga... but the experience have exhausted itself, and Julian had quite fun with it. I always envisioned the vrocks as high end dumb brutes of demon kind, so it kind of fitted.
Plus, Julian has very high social skills, as will become apparent near the end of the session. All in all, quite good fun.

Back at the site of the expedition, the party exchanges experiences. They wish to explore the relation between Jerribeth and Arulashee more, but first this place. With the half demons they fought, the party think there might be a key to Mad dog and Julain's situation deep inside.

J: "So what do we do about the tree?"
MD: "We crush tree!"
S: "Maybe we should try talking to it before? It didn't seem hostile at the end, mybe we cn learn of this guardian they mentioned?"

So the party goes to the tree (They smash a few more plant- zombies on the way), and meet wit hthe corrupted Hamadryad in the tree.
HD: "Who are you? What do you seek here?"
J: "We... came to put right what was wrong."
HD: "First were the druids, then came Opon, (There was a slight twinge of pain here) making us guard it, then the crusaders, also wishing to make things right... and last the demoness, with her minions and powers, all unsuccessful. But it changes all, twists all. Why would you be any different?"
J: "We are not like the others, we have more power, more ability to do what must be done. What is guarded inside?"
HD: "You come and do not know? It is the key, the change, the impossible, the Paradox." (The party was confused at this, which was sort of the point)
J: "They all seek it, but it changes them, we can handle it. Please lt us through.
HD: "No! I gave my word, a promise! Opon, Opon my love. Only to those who are worthy. This place hides it from the witch. If she sees it- the world would end!"
J: "We are also enemies of the witch, and seek to oppose her, to undo what she has done here, restore you, restore Sarkori. Let us gain what we need to change it back!" (The player was guessing quite nicely through all of this)
HD: "No! The witch is strong, is powerful! Many before you came, l succumbed, succumbed, it my not be revealed, not yet, not yet..."
J: "We are no mere mortals, and we have defeated the witch and her minions many times. We are no mere mortals, bestowed with the power of the gods, we re the only hope!"
The Hamadryad hesitated "My love, Opon, I made you a promise..."
J: "Think, what would Opon do if he saw all of this? If a chance to turn it back, to defeat Vorlesh was given? We re that chance!"

And the Hamadryad relented, and some of it's branches and bark moved side to reveal a stairway of natural steps going down below. "The waters will not stop you... Beware of the demoness' minions, they have gotten far inside, and re trying to undo the guardian."
Andera rose: "What IS the guardian?"
HD: "Something they tried to bring to gain access, which was not as they expected...

First halls and three broken seals

Lost Expedition exploration music- Shadow of Mordor, Queen of the shore (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=ssgRZPZcodY)

The steps go down bout 100 feet. They don't keep quiet, and the two sentry templars of Baphomet sound a horn. The battle is laughably short and ridiculous, with only Md dog hit bit by a glaive. (He needs to get his AC up).

They find themselves in what appeared to be lodgings of the pst inhabitants of the place. They find markings of the Sarkori, of Iomedae's templars, and recently of demonic inhabitants. They decide not to explore the lodgings, as that will tke time, but to move on. But before that Sena raises John's spirit (I allow this with the use of "Speak with the dead")
S: "John, I think we have found were you were, is this the place?"
J: "Yes, yes it is. Were McCaine sought something down below, along with the mage Xan."
S: "What happened here?"
J: "They weren't able to get to... whatever it was. pardon me, but I was a mere soldier then. We resorted to summoning a celestial, Lady McCaine performed the ceremony, yet it did not go as planned. Soon after, well, you saw- madness, demonic possessions, the entire expedition went up in flame. Sorry, I can help you no more..."
S: "Thank you John. Are your restful in the afterlife?"
J: "That I am my child, that I am..."

the party fidn a sort of a door/ seal, but broken off. They notice tracks that heavy things were carried and dragged on the floor through here. Andera finds some metal scraps "Brass? Why?" but they don't know.

As they descend they come to three rooms, one after the other. The first has big stone pillars and crevices, with water flooding the floor but not spilling into the gaps, due to some druidic runes. The party is cautious, but traverses this place with no problem. Next they reach a long twisting tunnels with runes of air and fire, and again they manage to go through unharmed, the runes disabled or broken. Last there is a room with a lot of fungi and animal skeletons, but all at rest. The party realizes these are past defenses that have been broken.

Room of horror

Deep below, as they follow the signs of dragged materials, the party come to a large room, with a summoning circle near it's end. They recognize it from John's visions. As Sena and Mad dog approach to explore, something twists inside the room and monstrosities appear!

Power of darkness (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wcdti-dzPVw)
(Again, a general battle music, haven't got time to prepare something more specific)

In front of them appeared a mass of teeth, eyes nd flesh- a lesser gibbering orb! To their sides appeared two writhing changing floating masses sprouting teeth and tentacles (Chaos beasts) battle was joined!

The party sves vs. the gibbering, but Sena and Md dog each get hit by 3 rays. Mad dog is wounded, and Sena's Ariwalk is dispelled. Julian advances with mirror images, and Andera hears something from behind, and sees a bodak emerging from the shadows, and flees from it inside. "We got some kind of death gaze undead behind!"

Sena and Mad dog face the chaos bests (Though they do not know what they are yet). A power Sen got from the trickery domain enables him to teleport a short distance when they miss him, so he evades most attacks. Mad dog crits... only to find that they re immune to crits...

The party is surrounded. Julian quickly casts a wall of ice where the bodak came from, effectively neutralizing it from the fight. The gibbering orb keeps shooting rays and affecting the party, but they get much more alarmed by the chos beasts when one hits Mad dog and he melts into blob of Jelly, all of his equipment falling down. (Party goes: "WTF?") Andera keeps along a solid hitting for low damage and being invisible. His steady attacks keep on puling up, but slowly.

Julian and Sena re the two remaining targets. Julian tries to keep the Gibbering orb neutralized as well with walls of ice, and hold monster spells, while Sena tries desperately to reverse Mad dog condition. He succeeds once, twice, but each time the barbarian get hit gain by the chaos beasts and reverts to Jelly. He loses more and more wisdom...

The party starts to worry of a TPK. They her sort of distant echo- "The improbable, the impossible, made real..."

Mad dog asserts control over his form, (naked and... um... dangling) and rushes to grab his sword, standing near the gibbering orb. Meanwhile Andera kills a beasts that has taken out Julian's last remaining image, and she returns control of his form to Mad dog. Sena battles the other one.

The Gibbering orb grabs at Mad dog, but the barbarian shakes it off and starts cutting big swaths of meat, splattering eyes and teeth all across the room. Sen uses flame strikes, and Julian as well doesn't skimp on spells, till at the end they get the weird things dead and gone. (With the Bodak still hammering at the back). The room reverts back to how it was. Mad dog is furious, but the rest just tell him to hurry and get dressed, and to continue. They DID NOT like this surprise.

I wanted to have the party face something they re not ideally suited for, and which can be quite terrifying, which has worked quite nicely! It did feel like a terror experience for them, mostly due to not knowing the monsters (No appropriate knowledge skills), them being immune to crits and sneak attack, and the chaos beasts frightening power. They are used to rely on Mad dog.

I used the XP from the lost expedition site in the module, along with a bit more I added myself.

The fallen fane- Who's your golem?

The party reached big cave. There was a big gap in the middle, with three stone arches (With debris) crossing it. On the other side were 6 templars of Baphomet, along with the eidolon of Zandera- a twisted beast of 8 legs, wings, bite and claws (I'll call it Sven), and a big brass golem in the shape of Baphomet. The party rightly assumed that this was a golem! Zandera herself ws invisible, upon hearing the party coming close. Battle was joined!

Archangle from 2SfH (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaJ3WtWOQTw)

I was using the stats given in the file by Scorpion, which added the golem as the main antagonist here, and it sure proved to be!


Julian starts with communal stone skin (She uses blood money for this. The player has been witing for this since character creation! :smalltongue:) And Sena opened with confusion (Through trickery) that affected Sven and 3 templars, basically taking them out of the fight, or having them hitting each other.

Andera moves unseen towards the other platform, while Zandera treis to dispel Sen'a confusion and fails. It is then the Golem's turn, as it "air walk" charges at Julian from across the room, in immense speed! He hits her hard, and the wound seems to fester (Cursed wound) The party is... worried.

Mad dog attacks the golem, and damages it, only to see it fixing itself, and having a second turn! It attacks 4 times, Julian and Mad dog, wounding both greatly, nearly dropping Julian. They shift their attention completely to it now!

"Who's next?"
"Um, Andrew?"

But Julian's player is smart one, and he finds a spell called Apparent Master, and takes control of the golem! I debate shortly of whether the golem is supposed to be immune to that spell (With it being immune to all spells with SR), but the spell seems so specific to take control of golems, that I allow it.

Julian takes control of the golem! Sena tries to heal, and finds out the affects of the cursed wound on BOTH Mad dog and Julian, only some of the healing passes. "We need to get rid of it's real master and quick!" Shouts Julian. Andera, on the other side of the chasm, tries to find Zandera amongst the confused templars and Sven.

Zandera shouts and tries to control the golem, but Julian barely manages to control it, and shouts "Kill your former master!" It comes ot her nd hits her nicely!. Md dog stays to guard Julian and Sen, and in the meantime kills the templrs that came close enough, Andera comes close to Zandera, and finds her on the next round, when she... gains control of the golem. Back it flies to the party.. and this time it focuses all attacks on Julian, taking down her images, and hitting her again (She was healed by Sena in the meantime, who curses again at the cursed wound he just healed).

Julian gains control of it again! But this was her last mythic point... Sena casts silence on zandera location, but she moves outside of the are and gain regain control of the golem. (mad dog's player was rolling for her. The rest of the party goes "You really want to kill us all, don't you?") The golem comes between Sen and Julian on one side, and Mad dog on the other. Too bad, since Mad dog has wardstone fragment, but he misses throwing it to her (rolls a 1) and it falls on his side. This time when the golem hits Julian, it drops her to negatives, and hits mad dog severely as well.

"Ohhhhhh craaaaaappp!"

But Sen thinks quickly, and uses it's Master's Illusion power to cast a veil on themselves, making Julian appear ded, and them both as templars! I check under the constructs' entry, and they re affected by glammers! The golem think it's job is done, and he flies back towards the start point...
Zandera is trying to battle Andera (Both have improved invisibility), and deal with the strange golem, plus the confused templars and Sven. It buys the party enough time to heal, and get the wardstone fragment. Julian uses it, and comes back to with 2 mythic power.

She then takes control of the golem, just as Andera manages to kill Zandera! The battle is then mopped up quickly, but with one big question hanging- what to do with the baphomet golem?

DM design- the fallen fane
This takes directly from the encounter by the same name. I used Scorpion's stats here. The golem my have been bit... too much, though I still think Mad dog could have hit him nicely had he even tried... but the battle proved more amusing as it is. The golem was used to try and corrupt the guardian next on, with powerful unhallow effect tied to it.

XP 19,200
Unique clay golem (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary; Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures 224)
N Large construct
Init +20/+0, dual initiative; Senses darkvision 60 ft., see invisibility, low-light vision; Perception +0
AC 32, touch 16, flat-footed 24 (+7 dodge, +16 natural, –1 size)
hp 170 (13d10+40); fast healing 20
Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +4; evasion
DR 10/adamantine, epic and bludgeoning; Immune construct traits, magic
Speed 90 ft., air walk
Melee glaive +26/+26/+21/+16 (2d10+12/x3 plus cursed wound)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks glaive, mythic haste
Str 24, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
Base Atk +13; CMB +21; CMD 31
Feats Power Attack (-4/+12)B
SQ magic enhancement
Cursed Wound (Ex)
The damage a clay golem deals doesn't heal naturally and resists magical healing. A character attempting to use magical healing on a creature damaged by a clay golem must succeed on a DC 26 caster level check, or the healing has no effect on the injured creature.
Glaive (Su)
The statue of Baphomet is sculpted wielding a glaive made of clay, resembling Aizerghaul. It has a +2 enhancement bonus and counts as epic and evil for the purpose of applying damage reduction.
Mythic Haste (Su)
The statue of Baphomet is supernaturally fast, and is always considered to be under the effects of a mythic haste spell, but instead of the usual bonuses, it gets a +5 bonus to its attack rolls, and a +5 dodge bonus to its AC and Reflex saves.
Immunity to Magic (Ex)
A clay golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.
• A mythic move earth spell drives the golem back 120 feet and deals 3d12 points of damage to it (no save).
• A mythic disintegrate spell slows the golem (as the slow spell) for 1d6 rounds and deals 1d12 points of damage (no save).
• A mythic earthquake spell cast directly at a clay golem stops it from moving on its next turn and deals 5d10 points of damage (no save).
• Any magical attack against a clay golem that deals acid damage heals 1 point of damage for every 3 points of damage it would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. A clay golem gets no saving throw against magical attacks that deal acid damage.
Magic Enhancement (Su)
The statue of Baphomet is under the effect of air walk and see invisibility. These effects cannot be dispelled.

Aftermath and leveling up!
In the battle, in his attempts to battle Zandera, Andera went after her a bit to the room beyond, and felt it is strange, impossible, bizarre. The party was weary of continuing on, but they well understood that Jerribeth sent these cultists, and if they delay too long, she might arrive. As to the golem:
A: "Maybe we should control it? It can sure help us a lot?"
S: "You really like doing deals with demons don't you? What if it changes side or goes berserk in the middle?"
J: "It was made by Baphomet cultists, for Baphomet. I say we try and deactivate it. Besides, we allready got a mindless golem who goes all crazy on us."
Mad dog nodded affirmatively. :smalltongue::smallamused:
And with a series of a few on-the-spot-skills they indeed deactivate it, while Sena rested for n hour and regained his powers.

The party also leveled to level 11. This caught some by surprise, we rarely ply t such levels, and it's a it weird for us ll, especially ll of the new spells. The party hadn't fully planned on what to take in this level, so that will be in the next session. (Will be in the next post)

With that partly settled, they decided to head on, to the last room, to Paradox.

Guardian of Paradox

The next room was a small one, and held but one creature, and one item. The item was a strange looking book at the far wall, made out of papers, papyrus, bark, lead sheets, leves and stones, a jumbled up collection of papers, as to the creature:


Music of Paradox- Come scientist, destroy, Frankenstein music (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=OdqcsqR4dmA)

The beautiful strange creature seemed angelic, but as the party grew close, they also felt, more than saw, that it was also demonic, and devilish, and... none of the above... Julian spoke "Paradox". The being opened it's eyes. "I am it's guardian, of what is improbable, impossible, made real... nd who re you, to seek Paradox?"
J: "We are the heroes who seek to close the worldwound, reclaim the land that was!"
This seemed the wrong answer "I was used to open the worldwound, half way. The witch Areelu Vorlesh used us to join the worlds, partly. This is Paradox, why would I wish to undo it? Why would I care for heroes?"
A: "Tell us of the witch"
P: "She sought to end the world, to bring the two worlds together, and she almost succeeded, were it not for the one who stole me, hid me, so I will not be used again. Yet so many seek to use me, and none understand. Why are you worthy of Paradox?"
J: "We are heroes of exceptional power, we have the power of the gods in us!"
P: "And so have so many others. This is not pradox, this is ordinary. We are a compilation to the works of countless mages and arcansits, seeking to make be what cannot be, join realities, join worlds. What does it matter to me, your desire to save the world?"
Andera was still suspicious: "You sid she opened it half way. What happens if we try to close it?"
The being looked at him, with eyes of depths unimaginable "You could either close the rift, or if you fail- open it entirely. All end outcomes are made... possible from the impossible."
Julain tried a different knack "Look in us. We have been affected by your power, me and the one beside me, we are part demons"
It looked inside. "Yes, the demoness and her limited understanding of joining. You are children of paradox indeed, but are you progenitors of it s well, servants? You both re a consequence, not a cause."

The party was a bit t a loss here They prepared for a fight, but thinking that the golem and the rest and Jerribeth herself weren't able to get by it, this did not look promising...
Sen became frustrated: "Why do you stop us? We will do what needs to be done! We shall pay the price! We will see this thing to this end!"
The being looked calmly at him: "And why should it matter to me?"
Julain got mad, and tried to move forward "We shall just take it!" But quick as an arrow, a sword rose, very sharp, at her chest. "Julian Bearstorm, you have not yet give me a reason to entrust myself to you."
"I seek revenge!" She seethed.
"And why should I care?" replied the angel/ demon/ devil.
"I feel... attuned to this book. I feel I can understand so much by it..."
"You seek understanding?" Asked the being.
Suddenly something dawned in Julian. "Yes, I seek understanding of Paradox. Of the gods' power. I seek to make the impossible... possible. look into my mind and you shall see."
"You seek to hold paradox?"
"I seek to BECOME paradox!"
(The party was slightly confused at this. Julian seeks to gain divine status, but not be connected to any god. We understood she aims to use the book to do just that!)

After a very good diplomacy roll (rolled a 20!) and a very good deal (forwarding the goals of Paradox) Julain succeeded! The being let her pass. "Just know, that when you take me out of here, there is no turning back. For whatever the outcoem will be, it will come to some sort of and end. One you might like, or not..."

Julian went and took the Lexicon of Paradox. The party achieved a mythic trial, and gained a mythic tier!

I was very tired nd unfocused by this time, and messed a bit the end of this encounter (Rewards and the like) so we decided to reply these 5 minutes again on the next session.

DM design- guardian of paradox and the lost expedition
Lets face it- ll of the small encounter locations (Barring perhaps Scorsizor) are quite laughable and don't pose even a minimal challenge. So I decided to group some of them into something that will close up most of the characters campaign trait stories (More on that in the next session), and will pose a more interesting challenge, while also providing some more info of the general story, and tying a few loose ends up. I think that all in all this went well, though if I hd the time to sit down and plan it more, perhaps it would have been better.

As to the Guardian of Paradox encounter- it will close a few more loose ends (next session), but it is not a "specific answer" puzzle. It was meant to be entirely open ended, and otherworldly (The music hit GREAT here!" I think that was achieved. It is the intelligence of the book, which wanted to do wht it's purpose is- make the impossible possible. I was willing to let the party suggest different things and go with whatever seemed plausible. Julian surprised me here, I thought this might come later, but it ws a good arguing point- her wanting to wrest divine power from the gods, so we went along with it.

Battle was possible with this creature, but it would have been a very difficult battle indeed, and a very confusing one, though not impossible.

Each party member's XP: 167,500 Level 11, tier 4!

We ended the session here. Quite tired and beat, but in good way. The party have made a major accomplishment. They felt that the horror room battle and the golem battle were really tough. Tell the truth, I expected the party to arrive here with Arulashee (She knew where the expedition was, and could lead them here), so this may account for some of the difficulty, but the golem was quite... strong as well.

Arulashee's redoubt remain, as does the Ivory Sanctum, and fixing relations in Drezen... Not to mention- what will the party do with the Lexicon of Paradox? Next session is but week and half away (on the 4/4), so at least there is only a short wait. I hope to update the current character sheets status (level 11, tier 4) by the weekend.

I hope you're enjoying yourself! Feel free to comment.

2015-03-26, 09:19 AM
Sounds like an exciting session! :)

Well after a few more delays, looks like my group will finally get their second session today which should be interesting, given what I saw from them the first time around. Assuming no more cancellations, I'll give you a brief summary in the next few days. Again, thank you for writing this up, it has really helped my planning.

Kol Korran
2015-03-29, 02:17 PM
Hey Yuul, good luck with your game!

I have been having some gripes with the AP recently. Some big issues that trouble me:

1) While Andera's and Mad dog's players are content to just go on with killing stuff, overcoming obstacles, and so on, both Julian and Sena's player wish to explore some other themes, mainly the influence on Drezen and the war, creating "The Sleepless eye", Sena's focus on revenge and transformation into something else, exploring divinity through "Divine Source" and a few others. But there are two problems with this:
- Once Drezen was won, there is little to no more dealing with it. More so, the 4th and 5th module take the party to other planes, thus entirely removing any meaningful interaction with the forces back home. Which makes exploring most of what they wish to do in the game... highly problematic. Some of Sena's transformation I can deal with in the adventure, but most of other things need a steady base where the party interact with, affect, and that goes through changes...
- The adventure moves at a VERY high speed! Their mythic abilities hastens the campaign in two ways: First, they enable them to do much more, faster, better. Secondly and more to the point, they are considered more powerful, and thus they need tougher challanges, which grant them more XP then expected, which makes them level faster, gain more mythic tiers, and so on... They are SPEEDING through the levels. (In game terms), so this is also quite... problematic.

2) Interaction with NPCs, and tagging them along: Due to the mythical abilities, and mythical challenges, the NPCs don't stand a slight chance of being useful while tagging with the party. Some of the players voiced that it would be interesting to take them along, but that they would likely die on the first few rounds of battle, or would require the party to keep saving them. I hope that Arulashee's case will be different (She is mythic, and high level) and possibly Queen Galfrey (Which I plan to upgrade a bit with the Herald effects in the 5th module). But all the others- Arabeth, Anevia, Aravash... they are lost to the party by now as companions. The 1st and 2nd module enables more interaction, but from the 3rd onwards, the PC are REALLY a set apart class...

3) High level play and many abilities: As I mentioned, we have rarely played at such levels. (2 times only I think), and that was without mythic abilities. In the last session we were constantly checking upon all of the new spells the two casters kept throwing, and Mad dog kept trying to calculate his damage with what bonuses are relevant, what not, and so on. And I started losing some track of enemies abilities since about Staunton Vhane. Here and there I forget a defense, an action, an ability or such... And this was only at 10th level/ tier 3. I am somewhat worried at how much more complicated will the game become as we level and power up. Oh well, I guess we'll play and see...

Just wanted to share some frustrations, nothing else. :smallannoyed::smallwink:

Kol Korran
2015-04-23, 09:58 AM
Sorry for the long delay in posting! I was as swamped as an Atlantean cursing the gods.
Our last session was fairly short by our standards, about 7.5 hours total, but still quite a lot of fun. I added the leveling up table and comments in a spoiler after the end to the Paradox encounter, since some of the choices were affected by it. Hope you enjoy!

Session 18- Paradox, trip to Drezen, Arulashee's redoubt

Back at the room of Paradox...

Music of Paradox- Come scientist, destroy, Frankenstein music (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=OdqcsqR4dmA)

Julian took the Lexicon of Paradox, feeling it's strange unfathomable energies. Behind her, the part angel, part demon, part devil, all combined and none of the above approached Sen and Andera. He put a hand on each, they were close, yet far apart, and so was it.

"You two are set apart, yet linked. For when the crusaders summoned this vessel, and when the minor demoness sought to possess it, Paradox made the impossible possible- It made an exchange of essences- part of mine, for part of the demoness sister (The party: "Arulashee!") Thus we are both creatures that cannot be, yet are. But I gave part of my essence to another..."

The figure started to... unravel, as if unseen strings were slowly pulling out of it, making it less and less... in existence.

Paradox turned to Sena: "You, child of of crusaders, child of crusaders' foolish friend, adopted once, adopted twice, child of many parents... I add one more to your line, for I see in you my essence of long ago..."

It turned to Andera: "And you, who were saved by my twin, sister in essence... She has worked long to spread my gift onwards, and so have you, upon others of her kind..."

It pressed it's hands on their backs "To you both, I give the rest of my essence, do with it as you will." And a surge of energy struck them both, making them gasp. It turned to Andera and tore a feather out of it's own wing "Give this to my twin, it may help her fully become, or end, as I have."

The frayed, translucent, unraveling figure turned to Mad dog and Julian. "The demonesss sought to control Paradox, but she gained only a misunderstanding of it. She has affected you both with her misguided ignorance, but that will not do to my carriers. I tire of it..." It raised a transparent hand "A slight change, pull, twist, and the power is gone. An effect will remain, a sort of an... essence scar, if you will. The little demoness will have no direct power over you, but know that she has learned to evoke the basic demon in all mortals. The scar will remain, do with it as you will." With that the curse on Julian and Mad dog was undone, though Mad dog retained some demonic features on his body (Cosmetics only), and Julian still felt some of the succubi self inside.

The almost gone Guardian of Paradox, now barely seen, but a face remaining spoke to them all.
"Julian Bearstorm, who seeks to understand Paradox,
Senatef Aberdeen, who is becoming Paradox,
Mad dog and Andrea, who in your way have touched, and my spread Paradox,
Listen to me! I am coming out of hiding. My purpose will be done. By you, or by the witch, who will undoubtfully seek me, it matters not. There is no going back!"
And with that, it faded...

There were a few other treasures there, (I used combinations from the encounters made to make the dungeon), but most notably were the book itself, which Julian took, and the Sword of the guardian- Aa blade of strangely indiscernible shape. Sena took it, and it changed shape, matter and essence with a thought. Sena wielded it pleased, entranced, as it changed shape to a holy scimitar.

The party also all felt stronger, as it some of their inner conflict was resolved.

DM design- rewards of Paradox
The party just gained the improved campiagn traits! In truth, Julian nd Mad dog had some work up till now, but Sena's story and Andera's... less so... I plnned on having Sena sense the guardian from afar through out the module, but forgot entirely about it. I also planned on Andera gaining his improved trait when rescuing Arulashee, but I also imagined them saving her before getting to the Lost Expedition. I didn't want him to feel left out. This seemed like a mjor point in the campaign, so I decided to just hand it all here.

Way does the book dampen mythic power? I put it to liken it more to the Suture in the sixth module, and to give it a feel of something of mythic power indeed.

The sword of Paradox:
- At it's base, it's a 1 handed +2 blade (Slashing or piercing). Other than that it can be modified quite radically. The wielder, using a swift action, can change any or or of the following:
- Type of weapon, as long as it stays a 1 handed blade (So it can be a dagger, long sword, rapier nd so on)
- Material the weapon is made of (Adamantine, silver, cold iron and so on)
- Alignment of the weapon (So it can be considered good, chaotic, evil and so on)
- Any combination of magical abilities that add up to +2, on top of the weapon's initial +2 which cannot be changed. (So flaming and keen, holy, and so on) If this gives the weapon an alignment opposed to that made above, both stick. Hey, Paradox. (So it can be a holy evil sword)
- The Sword of Paradox is considered Epic for the purposes of bypassing DR.

I think it's nifty, but not too powerful. I assumed either Andera or Sena would take it, as a unique kind of weapon. Sena took it, and is currently using it as a +2 cold iron holy sword.

Julian however is quite worried about the Guardian's last warning, that Areelu will surely seek it. They understood it as quite imminent! (Sometimes the players take your words in unexpected ways. I meant it as a general warning that she'll be interested. They knew that Jerribeth wanted to outsmart Areelu Vorlesh, but didn't come to the conclusion that Jerribeth have kept this a secret.) Julian spoke to them "Let get out of here, before our Nemesis comes to find us." The party cast mislead to make the room as is, and Julian casts nondetection on the tome.
Sena, still holding the sword, became fascinated with the book. "Give me the tome Julian" he asks in a bit of a faraway voice. She hesitates, but give it to him. Sena then seems withdrawn, as if speaking to some inner vision. The party became worried after about a minute, and Julian asked. "Give me the tome back Sena!" This broke him from his reverie, and he handed the book back, with a strange look of peace on his face. As he did so, his aura (The clerical aura of good) vanished... to be replaced with... nothing.

Julian was worried: "Are you ok?"
Sean replied with a smile: "I'm fine, Just know this- The Quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little, and it will fail, to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while the Company is true."
The party exchanged glances "Are you SURE you're ok?" Sena however waved it off.

Sena's player addition- Sena's vision
(The player sent it to all of us after the session. He wanted to play it wit hthe rest not knowing what vision he had in the meeting, but informed us all later on. Now... When I asked for some clarification of the vision (Which is wholly his), he explained it's a bit of a riddle,a turning point for Sena and how he will act from now. Suffice to say that he sees himself as... a sort of aside/ above/ away/ not part of the direct conflict, which will reflect in his choice of path ability- Beyond Morality.

The player is a lawyer, and loves playign with words, punctuation and so on to give different meanings. He left some punctuation off, to give alternate meanings. I present this here as he sent it to me. Tell the truth, I'm not fully sure where he is taking this, but as long as he and the group are having fun, it's all good! :smalltongue: He warned me that some parts my red a bit... off...

Sena held the book and felt it's power, Thinking to himself: She has given it to me freely. I do not deny that my heart had greatly desired this. Or I will destroy all or enslaved them all – No matter which way I choose my revenge will be complete either way. What have become of me?

Image: You really want to know the truth?

Sena: Who’s there?

Image: I am who I always been – sees Sena himself. You both are a dying people… Obsessed with each other's death until death is all we can see and all we deserve. The first started it, and will you continue until there are no more of you both. If both sides are dead, no one will care which side deserves the blame. It no longer matters who started it. It only matters who is suffering. Your hate blinded you and you cannot see the battle for what it is, and the Quest stands upon the edge of a knife, stray but a little, and it will fail, to the ruin of all. But you have the opportunity, here and now, to choose… the image projects it’s self into sena

Andera examined the guardian's feather, and was suddenly washed in a surge of memories, of fighting against waves after waves of endless demons, and suddenly blinded, but with a flash he came back. A voice suddenly came from his sword, spiteful, vengeful, and belligerent. "I'm awake again! I smell demons! Who holds me? Andera of the Blackflame order? Goooood! Let us spill some more demons blood!"
Andera, perplexed, asked his sword: "Who are you old fighting spirit?"
The sword replied, almost laughing mischievously. "Me? I'm Chandi! Slayer of demons!" (The player told me the name means "silver" or "silvered" in Hindi)

Julian looked at Sena, then Andera and his demon blood seeking sword, then at Sena, and Andera. "Any more surprises?" When she felt the power from meeting Paradox and gaining the Lexicon wash over her, and suffuses her headband, that she worked on for some time now, with mythic power. "Brilliance" She named it in her mind.

Mad dog spoke: "Can we go now?"
J: "Yes but where? I need to Study this tome, we need to head back to Drezen."
A: "We cannot take it there! Jerribeth really wants this, she will burn the place!"
MD: "And she surely has spies in Drezen. She WILL know we are there."
Julian thinks: "We can teleport to my house, no one is there. No one needs to know we got back!"
The party discusses some stuff, and end up deciding that Julian and Mad dog will teleport to Julian's house, and Sena will use word of recall to get back to his temple with Andera and use illusions and such to go and equip themselves in the town.

Before teleporting, Sena cast shield other on Julian "You are the student of Paradox, and I shall be your protector." And with that done, they teleported.

Level 11/ Tier 4 upgrades (Skip ahead if not interested)

A quick summary:
- All characters added the +2 ability bonus to their main abilities.

- Mad dog took critical focus (To make sure his critical reach home) and Titan's rage- going bigger, and even MORE ability boosts. A monster indeed!

- Sena now sees himself as sort of becoming paradox, and mostly the guardian of Paradox, which he sees as the group, and mainly Julian. As such he took the universal path ability Beyond Morality (Basically he has no alignment, can use abilities of all alignments with no re precautions, and doesn't suffer from alignment based powers, such as blasphemy, smite good and such). As 11th level feat he took Divine Intervention (To better protect you my dear).

- Julian took Selective Spell as her feat (The player liked the mythic empowered fireballs, but wants to avoid hitting party members). As a path ability he took the universal path ability of Legendery item, turning his head band "Brilliance" to such. (We worked on it since the Staff of Valor, which I mentioned right at the start of the module). It currently has 3 powers- eternal bond (The player don't want to lose it), Adroit (can use it's power to add +20 to diplomacy), and powerful (2 more uses per day, so 4 total).

- Andera also opted for a legendary item- Chandi! (An ancient spirit of his order, newly manifested in the sword). It's 3 powers are undetectable (Which means He can't be detected by magic or senses while invisible! intelligence, and spell casting (Can cast "Dimension door" once per day). His 11th level feat is Improved Critical (Wakizashi)

The table:

StatAnderaJulianMad dogSena
RaceHumanHumanHalf elfAasimr (human scion)
ClassNinja 11 (Scout)Sorcerer (Arcana bloodline) 11Barbarian 11Cleric of Calistria 11
AlignmentCGCGCGBeyond Morality
Abilities (Heroic scores)10, 24, 14, 13 (15 with head band), 10, 1610, 14, 14 ,14, 10, 25 (29 with headband)24, 14, 14 (16 with belt), 10, 14, 1016, 13, 10, 10, 23 (25 with headband), 16
TraitsChance encounter, group fighterExposed to awfulness, Arcane temperStolen Fury, Demon slayerTouched by divinity, eyes and ears of the city
Regular featsWeapon finesse
two weapon fighting
shadow strike
blind fight
extra ki
step up
follow step
Improved critical (Wakizashi)Eschew materials
spell penetration (+ greater)
Expanded arcana (X3)
metamagic- silent, still, piercing, selectiveSkill focus (Survival)
power attack
finishing cleave
weapon focus (great sword)
Improved critical (Great sword)
Critical focusCombat casting
selective channeling
heavy armor proficiency
alignment channel (Vs. Chaotic evil)
Demon hunter
Divine Interference
Main skillsStealth, acrobatics, Disable device, diplomacy, bluff, UMDBluff, diplomacy, intimidate, spellcraft, perceptionperception, survival, acrobaticsPerception, diplomacy, sense motive
Main magic itemsShadow mithral chain shirt +2
Changi +1 sure strike cold iron wakizashi
+1 spell storing cold iron wakizashi
daredevil boots
headband of intellectBrilliance- Headband of charisma +4, wisdom +2
Lesser rod of empower
4 spell knowledge pages
Lexicon of Paradox+1 Adamantine great sword
+2 bane cold iron great sword
helmet of the fortunate soldier
long arm braces
Dwarven beltSword of Paradox
Head band of wisdom +2
Mithral full plate pf speed
Lion Shield +2
boots of striding and springing
Special class features:Skirmisher archetype.
Tricks: Vanishing trick
sacred sneak attack
wall climber
sudden disguise
bleeding attackGreen sting scorpion familiarRage powers: Superstition
reckless abandon
witch hunter
fire resistance
eater of magic
Domains: Deception
Mythic pathTricksterArchmageChampionHierophant
Path signature abilitySurprise attackWild arcanaSudden attackInspired spell
Path abilityDefensive move
Combat trickery
Defensive move
Legendary item- Changi:
spell caster (Dimension door)Enduring armor
Eldritch Breach
Arcane metamastery 1
Legendary item- Brilliance:
Eternal bond
Adroit (Diplomacy)
powerfulFlash of rage
burst through
penetrating damage
Titan's rageHeathen slayer
Faith's reach
Enduring spell
Beyond Morality
Mythic featMythic weapons finesse
Mythic blind fightSpell lore x2 (Mythic spell)Mythic power attack
mythic improved criticalExtra mythic power
extra path ability

Back at Drezen

We decided to deal with each couple in their own turn. Sena and Andera first. They thought that the temple will be empty, but it turned out to be occupied.

Sena's temple music- LoTR, Twilight and shadow (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ezEiVyWzvo)

The place was packed with some of Sena's followers/ cult. Mongerlfolks, Knights of Sarenrae, and others. "Spirit walker! He has returned!" They exclaimed, excited. Sena, never one to forgo appearances, cast angelic transformation, and white wings spread from his shoulders, and an angelic aura appeared round him. Andera swore under his breath "What about going in inconspicuously?"

Some of the cult followers have prostrated themselves, but Sena bid them to rise. He looked older, more mature, having gone through an ordeal "My sons and daughters, The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it. But this all of the town needs to hear." And with that he flew to nearby window, and flew out of the citadel towards the main square.

Andera cursed, climbed out and used his disguise power to make him appear like a normal town's folk. Chandi spoke excitedly "What are those Andera? They look like demons, but they feel... better?" Andera whispered back. "Not quite demons, they are trying to improve. It's hard to change old habits, but they are doing their best..."

As the duo was going towards the main square, we turned to Mad dog and Julian

Julian's house

Julian's house was empty, but not untouched. The place has been investigated, turned and checked, thoroughly it seems, though with some respect. Nothing was missing, except the old drained wardstone fragment.

Julian put mage locks on all windows and doors, and sat down to read, but not before handing Mad dog a broom. He looked at her puzzingly. Julian pushed the broom at him. "What? I don't clean!"

The main square

Sena flew majestically towards the main square, in front of Drezen gates, right nearby the Horus Emporium. He set down upon a high stone block. Soldiers rushed to see him, with Bartlet in tow. Sena looked down with glowing eyes. "Well, I see your hospitality have gone down hill since last we met!" Bartlet gave him a worried smile. "Usually the "guests" give more of an announcement. We knew not who or what you were! Why, with the wings, and stuff..." Sen dismissed the spell, returning to look like himself. "Is that better?"

Andera was watching the crowd however, looking for anyone who might take a special interest in Sena's... High profile arrival. Arabeth came quickly, looking at both relieved and agitated. "Senatef! You have returned! Are you ok? Are the others? Have they returned as well? You hve all left under... disturbing circumstances..."
S: "Well, after our talk of friendship just the day before, it looked like we didn't hve as much friends as we assumed."
Ar: "You went away, without us settling the matter, we could not..."
Sena was brimming with low cold anger: "You gave us no option but to flee. Our first priority was to make sure the safety of Drezen, and for that we had to go away."
Arbeth was trying to apologize: "We have all made mistakes in this mess, what has transpired here..."
S: "We all know that it was part of Jerribeth of the Jade's plan to confuse us. And to plant mistrust amongst us. But we need to be united if we wish to fight and win against the demons, against their trickery! For the future, we need to trust each other, even now words are reaching the ears of those infested enemies by spies by lies."
Arabeth seemed somewhat mollified. "Why have you returned? Have the others?"
Sena drew his figure up. "I have some news, but they are not for everyone..."

At this point a mongrelfolk woman, partly in tears, partly enraged stepped forth. "More secrets? Wht about trust? Or are we not worthy of your trust? Like we were not worthy to know of Mad dog the demon, endangering us?!"
At this Sena grew angrier "You are misleading and you are wrong! Jerribeth has the power to control and convey any one of us. What are you talking about you don't know the forces we are dealing with."
Lyra, the mongrelfolk woman spoke against Sena "We learned tht you knew of the dnger he posed even before! Aravashnial the mage knew of it, but none of the others! Why have you kept this a secret!? He... he killed my husband... Oh Gerrik..." She broke down crying.
Sena's anger was partially tempered, his words held some softness, yet were harsh at the same time. He spoke s much to the crowd as he spoke to her: "Everyone here knew the risks. Everybody, I know your pain, I have lost…. my real parents, my adoptive parents, even John, who meant a lot to me. We cannot always tell everyone everything (There were grunts of anger from the crowd) but we did EVERYTHING to lead us to a better future. Especially concerning the mongrelfolk. And if you think you will feel better or that this is what your husband wants, my blood over his…" He drew his dagger, and threw it to the ground in front of her, as he came down, removing a plate of his chest. "Will killing me ease your pain Lyra?" The poor woman shook with sorrow and grief. Sena turned to the crowd. "Alll of you! Do you think that persecuting us will help you? What do you want? You want blood? Let us aall join in killing demons! If not, then kill me! I have nothing more to lose!"

Sena's performance and speech hit home, and some cheers went for him in the crowd, though there was still some confusion. But he did sway much of the crowd. Arabeth came towards him, speaking more softly "You sure know how to make an entrance!" Sena came to her "Is it this bad?" She gave him a grim look. "The sudden disappearance, after the mess gave a shock to the town. People are unsure what to think..."

Andera's investigation

As Sena spoke, Andera made an observation- Aravash who came rushing seem to pause, as if thinking of something, or hearing something, then he turned and walked back, trying to look nonchalant (As much as possible). Andera followed.

He quickly came upon a trio- Aravash, Qulin and Anevia. "The alarm has went off. Someone is using Sena's speech to sneak into Julian's house!" Anevia looked concerned. "We can't call the guard that will alert whomever is inside! We'll just have to take them ourselves. Ready your spells!"
Which is when Andera made his appearance. "No need for that, it is Julian."
Anevia was surprised. "So you all came back! I see why you wouldn't want your presence known though."
Andera agreed "We are trying to get a sort of n advantage over Jerribeth. We hoped to go in unnoticed, and avoid calling attention. But this may prove problematic now... How have things been in Drezen?"
Aravash looked troubled. "Trouble. There was some inquiry, and I let out that Mad dog's situation was kept a secret, which was not taken well... There are some forces, those from the people who didn't fight with you, journey with you, who do not fully know who you are, which call for a more thorough investigation. The dwarves especially. Apparently there is some noble amongst them, who claims Drezen to be dwarven fort, and the latest development proving you not knowing how to handle it... He seeks to have trial, according to old dwarf laws, as this is dwarven hold."
Andera Grimaced. "Anything else?"
Qulin spoke (Andera noticed no groveling this time, not even a "Master"): "Horus is putting lot of effort into making friends, even supplying some of the other merchants with his guards, and helping the building process at nearly cost expenses..."
Andera did not like the latest news (The party is quite conflicted about Horus. Some think he may be decent after all, some think he is up to something)
Anevia asked "So what's now? What is the plan?"
Andera thought for a moment. "I'm not fully sure. Now that our presence is known, this my change things. If possible, lets play it as if only Sena has returned. We aim to resupply, and achieve another goal, which I cannot tell you about. And then, hopefully fast enough, we leave. How goes the Sleepless Eye?"
Anevia laughed "You're looking at it's leadership, the three of us. I recruited 5 more so far, and no exact base of operations yet, but we'll come up with something..."
Andera nodded. "Very well, Lets go on our businesses then."

DM design- arrival to Drezen
I didn't expect that. I thought they might be going back to Drezen only after killing Jerribeth. So I improvised the whole lot. The parts about the dwarf noble and Horus just came from one of the many "help me with..." threads I put up. Apparently the party got caught up in some details, like the suggested trial and such. Oh well!

Town stuff

Normal town music- Conan civilization/ religion (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=3ToTQEyLG4Q)

Various stuff done in the town:
- Staunton Vhane's hammer- Heven's Fall was redeemed by the purity forge. However, Mad dog preferred his own weapons, and couldn't sell it. He keeps it s back up weapon for now.
- Party sold bunch of stuff, and bought some items. Amongst them: Andera bought a belt of bodily perfection, and quite few demon bane arrows. Sena bies scroll of raise dead (They re expecting major trouble).
- Julian upgraded Brilliance absorbing power from other item she has. Brilliance is currently +4 Cha, Int, +2 Will (I house ruled that legendary items can do so, in order to keep them relevant later on).
- Julian tried exploring the Lexicon of Paradox, which proved... difficult- we rolled will saves per hour, and it damaged and at times drained her wisdom. However, rolling skill checks and saves seems quite boring. I have an idea for something better which I will discuss in a future post.

Anevia came for a sneak visit at night. (When all were present in Julian's house)
Ane: "So what have you all found?"
J: "Jerribeth had a special influence on me and Mad dog, but we broke it."
MD: "We did it... paradoxically." (Stig dish!)
J: "We have more, but it might endanger the entire mission... or can we?"
S: "NO!"
And: "If we do it, than Jerribeth will surely find out. We cannot risk that!"
Julian reluctantly agreed.
Anevia sighed: "Well, it pains me that you have to keep secrets, but I understand the need for it."
Julian stops her before she leaves: "We need to discuss this trial... I want you to look into it, see who is the leader, who is pushing to make it happen, and find whatever you can learn about them!"
Anevi rolled her eyes "I know my job! But from the way things are going in the city, you will need to win the hearts of the people, not just find out who's after you."
Julisan gave her a warm, yet dangerous smile "Oh, we intend to do just that!"
They converse about the Sleepless Eye and a few other matters, while Sena goes outside.

Sena had a few ideas in mind. At first the player thought to raise Lyra's husband. But the others talked him out of it. "Are you mad? Then EVERYONE will come after us, and we can't quite raise them all, can we?" (About 40 people died in Jerribeth "confusing spamming" rampage.) He also has few minor conversations, mostly to keep in touch with contacts. Julian also decides to go into Drezen to see Father Brian, and on the way stops by some soldiers, encouraging them to spread the word. "No more in hiding."

As Julian came to meet with Brian, he gave her a hug. "Well, I understand you're causing distress amongst the demons!" to Julian's curious inquiry he elaborated "The scouts found a few small bands of tielfing coming near Drezen, but seemingly more curious than harmful. With the death of Scorsizor, the taking of Drezen and stirring up troubles... like you know how, well... It seems there is confusion and power shifts in their ranks. Though we are not yet sure, we captured only low underlings."
Julian then sought to have Brian talk to the spiritual leaders of the other faiths on their behalf, also inquiring a bit about the gods themselves, for her... particular research.

Final dream of Arulashee

As the party slept in Julian's house (Each came in their own magical way, and Sena kept watch, going through his list of targets) Andera dreamed of the succubus again. He was in her tower, with the bell above, and the protective words around. She looked at him, drawing a breath, and then continuing "I will do what I have never done before. I will put my trust in you, Andera. Will you hunt me as well? If so, let be it. I tire of running, and the bell's power will fail soon. My trust, my faith, my soul with you. I hope it is warranted."
Andera approached her. "Tell me where you are, so I will show you your trust was not misplaced". She then took his hand, and they launched up through the tower into the sky, several kilometers, to see the place from above. Andera saw the plateau where the tower was, and a light in the forest showed him the place.
A: "And what of the hag, what forces does she have?"
Ar: "I have destroyed some of her demons, but they are too many. Desna'a bell protects me, but she comes close to breaking the spell!" She turned to him. "Hurry! There is not much time, a few days at most!"
They were again in the tower, and the words shook round them. "I am coming!" sid Andera, before the dream ended.

DM design- dreams of Arulashee
The module suggests one dream which is like the last dream, to enable the party to find Arulashee. I added more for a few reasons:
- Some build up of the character which they wish to save.
- To give Andera's player a bit more "spotlight roleplay time" for his character alone. He was only half way interested."

Day 37- Going to rescue Arulashee!

Andera informs the party of the dream, and they decide to get to her immediately. I drew the second plateau on the party's map. Unfortunately, the description was not enough for a teleport. They thought to scry on her, but reaaalized that if that was so easy, than she would have been found allready.

Then Sena's player find the 6th level spell "Wind walk", which can transform the party into sort of semi clouds, and enables them to travel at ludicrous speed. They decided to teleport to Near Scorsizor's lair, and just fly from there!

The spell calls for white clothes though, so the party got some white garbs for them (Prompting the "Here come Men in White, Galaxy Defenders!" :smallamused:).

Suddenly spoke: "You all know it's a trap, right? She suddenly trusts him? Right after we got the book?" But the party decides to risk it. (Damn! That could have been a cool idea! Oh well...) They teleport, turn into semi wind vapors, and start their speedy flight towards the hex with the ruined temple of Desna. Near the place they turn into themselves again, and use tons of spells, and some potions and such to buff themselves up.

The slaughter

The party turned to vapors again, and scouted the ruined temple. For those who haven't read it, the place is a ruin, with most of it open to the sky and thus observable from the party. The place has quite a few monsters around CR 10 (A derakni, Hezrou, 2 rift drakes+ incubus 3rd level riders, A Bebilith, and a group of minor opportunists such as Grimsalks and will-o-wisps. Oh, and Jaarunica, the hag, which is hidden under the only fully covered portion. There is also Arulashee's tower, which is protected by a Forbiddance spell, but she isn't supposed to come up till late.

The party saw it all, except for Jaarunica, the Hezrou (In a well), and the Bebilith (Inside a nest made out of retreivers' bodies. With their semi translucent stte, no one noticed them. Surprise was on the party's side.

The party decides to try and tackle the Derakni first (They think it may be mythic, like the one they fought before). They appear on the wall, and launch a coordinated attack!

To Glory, Two steps from hell (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9mi__FaFhc)
(I didn't have time to prepare specific music for this. I picked something for a valorous attack!)

Andera jumped unseen, and Changi exclaimed "Bloood!" happily as the blade struck home. Julian shattered the surprised derakni's bone with a spell. Sena, looking like a large, iron skinned glowing angel, wielded the blde of paradox aand hit it from above, And then Mad dog jumped on it, nearly killing it. It then died out of bleed damage (Andera's bleeding attack)

And the battle started rolling, in a pretty similar manner, with a slaughter of all the demons. The battle is supposed to be a rolling battle, and I indeed played it so, with only Jaarunica delayed a bit to cast some spells.

andera, still invisible, ran towards the NW Drake (With Chanig whispering: "Soo much demon blood, after such a long time!") Julian halped him by turning the drake itself into a small turtle, with the surprised rider falling down bewildered, but quickly rushing towards the party, but bumping again the invisible Andera.

The other Drake spitted it's ball of slowing acid, but only damaged the party a bit. It then flew and clashed with the onrushing Sena. The rider managed to even hit Sena bit (Who was surprised. His sky high C means he is almost never hit).

The Hezrou comes from the well, it's stench itting the party, but Mad dog goes into a titan's rage (Mythic path ability), grows enormously, and rushes over the wall to meet the Hezrou. One ttack, and another with sudden attack, BOTH are confirmed hits, and the battlefield is splattered with Hezrou bits... :smalleek:

Bebilith comes out, tries to capture Sena with a web (It ws out of range for anything else) nd the Grimslake start to burrow.

Next round- Andera gives 3 succesful sneak attacks and 4 pieces of incubus rider fall down. Sena was a bit dismayed at this "How can I compete with these two damage output?" (He does round 20-25 with all spells if he goes into melee). "You're not supposed to, you do enough otherwise". Julian fears the bebilith, and so she "hold monster" it, as Mad dog progress towards it. Sena exchnge hits withthe rider and drake.

On the next round, with the Bebilith still held, Andera grumbles "Wish I could be there..." But Changi whispers "I can take you there!" and moves him by dimension door on top of the Bebilith, where Andra sinkCHangi through it's eye in a beautiful Coup-de-grace!

As Andera slides off it's carapace Mad dog grumbles "Still only counts as one!" :smalltongue:

Sena then manages to kill the incubus rider, s half the grimslakes come under him, and half near Mad dog and Andera (hey sensed Andera through tremorsense, but knew not where he was). Mad dog starts pest control, squashing ugly worms... Will-o-wisps come and zap various targets, to little effect.

I decided that Jaarunica comes out now (Nt even having been able to complete casting her preparatory spells) She dispels Sena' Righteous might, and he's a bit bummed that he's no longer super big angel...

Jarunica yells “Why do you even care about this creature? In life she was filth, and was judged, condemned, and even exalted for her wretchedness. Do you hear me? Judged by your own gods! She seduced and killed hundreds, if not thousands! Why do you care?"
S: "Because YOU care!"
J: "We just like to do things our way..."

I decide that this battle is pretty much over, better have some drama out of it. Arulashee comes out. "You came! You actually came!" She shots at Jaarunica, but all arrows miss.". Jaarunica is beside herself "Heresy! I will put an end to you!"

Julian is annoyed: "Enough of this!" And uses her rod to cast selective empowered mythic fireball (15d10, leaving the party unaffected. Not bad for blasting!) and kills off the grimslakes, though the will-o-wisps are unaffected. Jarrunica is alsodamaged, but not lot. Sena blasts her with two channel energy, damaging some more. But she cares not, and rushes to Arulshee and confirms!

Or not? Sena waves his hand "Not on my watch!" and uses divine intervention (A feat) to make Jaarunica reroll with a penalty, missing the succubus.

Then Mad dog rushes to the witch. crits, confirms twice, and since his multiplier is bigger that means x5 his damage- his roll was 10d6+205... :smalleek::smalleek::smallfrown:

I did mention this battle was an utter slaughter, didn't I?

Chandi was a bit bummed out it didn't make the kill. "Oh... she wasn't demon anyway..."


Ar: "Andera, you have come as Desna promised!" (I gave the party some description and a pic of her, and included the many symbols of Desnan worship)
An: "You have not changed since the dreams..."
J: "Welcome to our team!"
Ar: "I never thought anyone would risk their lives for me..."
S: "Any enemy of Jerribeth, is a friend of ours!"
Julian quickly corrected this: "Not just anyone who opposes Jerribeth, but anyone who opposes evil, such as you."
Arulashee seemed uncertain "You do not know what I have..." but Julian waved it off "What's in the past is in the past."
An: "The power of your change, of your repentance, of transformation gave me much inspiration. With the tieflings I led, with Millorn, with others..."
Arulashee seemed a bit relieved "If you have manged to change them so, maybe so could I?"
Sena was mesmerized by the symbols of Desna: "Many things are possible, that were not so. You re a demon, yet a follower of Desna, whom she chose. Isn't that itself amazing?"
Arulashee was a bit perplexed. "Yes, she gave it to me." She didn't catch Sena's drift. She didn't know of Paradox.
Julian had other pressing matters: "DO you know of the location of the Ivory Sanctum?"
Arulashee nodded, confused. "Yes, I do. It holds the most powerful servants of Baphomet and Deskari in this region. Why?"
J: "We must go there. We must end them."
Arulashee seemed to hesitate: "It is in what's left of the Green Gates forest but... I would go anywhere with you, I cannot repay your debt, but... I fear that demonic presence, especially that of Jerribeth, may be too much for me to handle. I may freeze, or even... worse... the seed of evil is still strong in me, if evoked."
Julin put a firm, yet comforting hand on her shoulder "We all have to fight our demons. outer demons, inside demons, real ones and metaphorical ones. We all have to fight them."
Mad dog coughed: "Um, maybe we should get out of this place first? If it's scried upon, we'll have reinforcements soon enough."
Julian held a hand to Arulashee "Will you come with us?"
She looked at them, put her hand inside Andera's hand "I trust Andera, and his friends. I will come with you!"
Andera turned to her: "What is your plan?"
She looked on resolutely "To continue on my path to redemption, and help you however I can."
Andera looked at her. "And I shall help you!" (Changi: "We'll stab her in the back afterwards, right? Right?" :smalltongue:)
Mad dog: "Right! So... what's next?"

Each player's XP: 191,500

The party discussed some options. Julian player's wantto go back to the city, the rest do not, and they don't know how to deal with Arulashee now. Enough to deal with in the next session, I'm sure.

I hope you're enjoying, drop a line if you do! :smallsmile:

2015-04-23, 05:48 PM
Right when I think Mad Dog couldn't get any scarier, he goes and takes titan's rage. So now the berserking half-demon warrior who cut a dragon in half with a single swing is also 10 feet tall. Next session he'll probably be breathing fire and have skin made of adamantine.

Kol Korran
2015-04-24, 12:06 AM
Right when I think Mad Dog couldn't get any scarier, he goes and takes titan's rage. So now the berserking half-demon warrior who cut a dragon in half with a single swing is also 10 feet tall. Next session he'll probably be breathing fire and have skin made of adamantine.
His strikes were that powerful do to critting so well, but he did take improved critical, focus criticial, and mythic improved critical. He very much builds on the savagery.

Need more chaos beasts! :smalltongue:

But yeah, the entire party is becoming quite powerful- Sena and Julian with their instnt super spells, Sena with his un-hittability, Julian with her super effective disabling spells... Mad dog with massive damage output, and Andera cannot be detected while invisible, and deals serious damage himself.

I wonder how they would deal against Jerribeth and Xanthir Vang now...

2015-04-24, 04:17 AM
Thanks for posting, I waited eagerly.
How do your group takes Mad Dog's being so powerful? is it OK with them? doesn't he overshadow the rest?
although I have not been next to the table (sadly :)), it looks like besides Mad dog the rest are rather balanced, you never wrote of exceptional damage from Andera or Sena side, and it looks like Sena's and Julian's spells damage and percentage of success can be considered normal, again, only from what you wrote here.

Kol Korran
2015-04-24, 06:39 AM
Thanks for posting, I waited eagerly.
How do your group takes Mad Dog's being so powerful? is it OK with them? doesn't he overshadow the rest?
although I have not been next to the table (sadly :)), it looks like besides Mad dog the rest are rather balanced, you never wrote of exceptional damage from Andera or Sena side, and it looks like Sena's and Julian's spells damage and percentage of success can be considered normal, again, only from what you wrote here.

The main reason that I'm writing up Mad dog's damage output is because this is what the player enjoys, and so does the rest of the group. I write enough of what the rest of the group does (Most of the talking, decision making and such), so I like to give the character some stage time at what he likes. He mostly stays out of main game for the most part, with the player being kinda shy.

I think they re sort of balanced, though at different things- Sena is the tank, healer and care taker of the team. Julian is the woman with the right tool for the right job, focuses on battlefield control. Andera is super maneuverable, gets where the others can't, and second greatest damage after Mad dog. Though granted, he has come to his element only in the last 2 levels or so. And all of these 3 are good conversationalists (Though Julian seems to be the one with the best skills when push comes to talk... Now with Brilliance able to give her +20 on a skill check 4/ day... well... :smallwink:)

The entire team, since they've started this module feel like a team of damn super heroes of a sort. They have stormed over most encounters (Some encounters in the Lost Expedition re exceptions). All in all- Big Damn Superheroes! I may need to upgrade things down the road... We'll see...

Though on the whole we're having quite a lot of fun!

Kol Korran
2015-04-25, 01:43 AM
So time for some in between session planning:
1) Julian's ascension to divinity: At first I thought to have her roll skill checks and saves s she researches the book. (This is planned for the interlude between the 3rd and 4th module). But that sounds SOOOO boring for such an event! So I've started exploring a more roleplay intense possibility. You can check these two threads:
Help with designing an unusual experience- Paradoxical divinity (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?409452-Help-with-designing-an-unusual-experience-Pradoxical-divinity)
Help me understand Divinity in Golarion (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?409731-Golarion-Help-me-understand-Divinity-in-Golarion)

2) The negotiations with Nocticula: I am still trying to think of this scene. I already posted a thread or two in my previous posts, but the following pot deals with how to portray such beings as Nocticula. How to play them.
Roleplaying supernatural beings of great power/ essence/ insight (And-so-on) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?409215-Roleplaying-supernatural-beings-of-great-power-essence-insight-%28And-so-on-%29)

3) New RL changes: I am starting my internship at the first of May, and I still don't know how demanding that will be. On top of that I'm in a new relationship, which goes well, but demands it's own time as well. So I will see how much I can invest in the game itself. Hopefully it won't be too detrimental. We'll see...

Kol Korran
2015-05-24, 12:23 PM
We played a session about 2 weeks ago, but I was so swamped with RL commitments that I couldn't update till now. It was a short session (By our standards)- about 6.5 hours or so, and comprised mostly of one HUGE battle. You'll see...

Sena's player, always one full of drama and roleplay wanted to play out a little piece with Arulashee in Drezen, but when he asked the party about them joining in, they preferred he roleplay that bit before the session, so there is a a little roleplay with him alone, solo-style, before the actual session.

Also, our first fatality! :smalleek: Who died? Read on...

Session 19- Sena's vision of the future, Battle of The Ivory Sanctum

I shall begin with the pre-session solo play with Sena, and his plans for Drezen. Prepare for some nice Drama! :smallamused:

An invitation for the future.

To allow Sena to play out his plans for the city, we concluded in party that they'll teleport near the city. As the rest of the party rested after the battle at the redoubt, Sena talked to Arulashee.
S: "You seem uncomtfortable among us. You don't need to be, you are amongst friends."
Aru: "It's just... usually crusaders would have attacked and tried to kill me on sight. It takes getting used to not being hunted." She gave a nervous laugh.
S: "I would like to show you something. Do you trust me?"
Arulashee hesitated for a few seconds, but then replied. "You are friends with Andera. I trust you."
Sena extended his hand: "Come with me to the city, I would like to show you what we have accomplished."
Arulashee moved uncomfortably. "They won't like me there. You are one thing, but most won't give me a chance..."
S: "I would like you to see what I now see. What I have come to see anew, what you too have helped me see!"
Aru looked at him curiously. "What is it that you speak of? What do you see?"
S: "The future... A world where there is a place even for people like you, for people like me, where we are all the same."
She looked at him perplexed "You see us as the same?"
Sena smiled at her, a warm, yet slightly sad smile. "You say you have the blood of many on your hands. And what if I said I have the blood of many on mine? Also made as a part of a... deal... a choice... No one here..." He glanced at the other party members "Is exactly as they seem..."

At this Arulashee looked at him with a new curiosity, but then changed her appearance to that of a comely half elf (I have tons of pics on my lap top for the time I played in PvPs. Comes in handy for on-the-moment-NPCs). "What name would you like me to take for our trip to the city?"
Sena smiled. "It's not for me to choose... What name shall you choose, for your new future?"
She seems to think about it. "I shall go by Lash. I think."
S: "A fine name. For the trip there, you shall be my apprentice".
With that, Sena cast Word of Recall on them both, into his temple.

"What do you see?"
As they appeared in the temple, some of the followers of the Cult of the Spirit Walker" bowed with awe "He has returned again! How may we serve thee?!" Sena tried to have them stop bowing, but to no avail. He whispered to Arulshee "Part of the problem of being a religious icon. I really hate this."

He avoided the fuss and just took her to the roof. He showed the people and workers of Drezen. "What do you see?"
Aru looked: "I see much life, much work. There wasn't so much when the demons ruled this place."
S: "Look deeper, further, what do you see?"
Aru: "I see regeneration, rebuilding, remaking."
Sena swept his arm, showing a few mingled groups of tieflings, mongrelfolks, and others. "nd how is that made possible? Nothing is as it seems to be. This is the future, working together for a better world, in cooperation for freedom. We are no longer enemies, we have put aside our differences, to build something greater than ourselves, that will continue. The future."
Arulashee looked at the tieflings: "These are the freed of Andera? Those Desna told me about?"
Sena spoke warmly. "Yes, and they are not alone- there are also the mognrelfolk, who were shunned by the rest of us as pests, rats. And they too, like the tieflings, now work in unison together with us all. As you see, the world is changing."
Aru: "Yes, I have felt it. But to actually see it?! That is something else..." She seemed a bit disturbed, conflicted.
S: "You have only seen the start..." He took her down into Drezen, and made their way towards the main squre, while he cast several Sendings to the leaders and main groups in the city, calling upon them to meet him there.

Sena's vision of the future
a duo wanted to meet them before though. Near the gates of the citadel they met with Arabeth and Anevia.
"Sena! You hve returned! Where are the others? You have left in such a hurry? Who is this?" Anevia in particular was curious, examining Lash the half elf intently.
Sena moved in the way. "This is my new apprentice. Is this a way to show hospitality?"
Anevia deflected. "Oh, I'm just a people person, I like to know people, especially new ones. I don't recall seeing her in Drezen, and I make it my business to know the people here..." She looked at him quizzingly.
S: "Well, she is my friend from afar."
Ane: "Well, every friend of yours, is a friend of mine."
S: (A bit testingly) "remember you said this." And with that they just moved along ,towards the square in front of the gates, near where Horus Emporium was quickly being established.

By the time they arrived there, there was already quite a gathering. Sena got up on a sort of a make shift stage, and addressed Qulin Longshadow. " We haven't spoken in a long time, and never had a decent conversation. I come to you today, for counsel, for warning, for redemption... For the future, all in one combined. Choose one, and you will know all."
Sena's cryptic words made the sorcerer uneasy, and his shadow shifted and twitched. He did not like being in the center of attention. "Why have you called us here Senatef?"
S: "I saw what you have become, you are no longer servants, you no longer call anyone master, you are on your own. And for that I must say that I have misjudged you.
Q: Misjudged me how?
S: "In our first conversations, we asked how can we free you, you said that you can never be freed. You said your souls are linked to a higher power, like all tieflings." (Sena is referring to a bit of flavor we made on the spot, that the souls of tieflings serving the demon lords were tied to those of higher demons, that they served. The tiefligns gave Andera a symbolic "Soul stone" which can anchor their souls if their original soul stone is negated).
Qulin hissed in warning "It is not matter to discuss in the open, it is displeasing to most people souls"
Sena pressed on: "What if I can free you?"
This go a lot of tieflings mumbling. "What do you mean?"
Sena bowed, his head low to Qulin and the rest. "For as long as I live, I swear I will do my best to find the demon holding your soul stone, and free your souls. Just give me it's name."
This got many more mumbles. "You will do this for us?" Qulin spoke with him more silently "We only know that last it belonged to a Coloxuss demon called Oodkalakat". (The player informed me of his plan, so I made some... adjustments :smallwink:)

Sena stood. "And now for the warning. We know that Jerribeth has the ability to control minds, and people. I fear that till we shall release you completely, there is some possibility that she will be affecting you."
Quylin smiled: "Don't you think you should tell that to them?" He made a motion at the crowd, and leaders "She will seek prime targets, not us, who are already distrusted."
Sena paused and gave it some thought. "You are smarter and subtle than I thought."
Sen addressed the crowd "Do you want to know the truth?! A lot fo you think that our presence is a threat of the city. Partially you are correct, for we have the ability to change the future, to fight. As long as we are alive, there is hope, and what Jerribeth and the others try to do is quench this hope. But what is this hope? Simply to destroy all demons, or try to build something new, something better?"
Again he called upon them. "What do you see?"
The crowd mumbled, not seeming to understand.
Sena continued. "The real threat is not our presence, but what the city represents. For the first time, the full cooperation between races that was impossible, inconcieveble- the mongrelfolk, who were feared, distrusted and reviled. The tieflings- Our enemy, now with us, rebuilding the city. This is the future-cooperation, putting aside differences for a better world, and after all of us will be gone, the dream will be bigger than all of us. THIS is what Jerribeth and her associates want to destroy! This, the vision of a new world, a world where we can all live, and join in!"
This got more mumbles and discussion in the crowd.
Sena's voice dropped lower." And now for the other part of the truth. Yes, everyone know that Drezen is in risk, but I think that for this dream which is bigger than all of us individually, we must make sacrifices, and sometime the ultimate sacrifice. I too was blinded by hate! When we stood upon the roof of Drezen, watching the armies dying suffering, my heart was hardened, and the blood of many is also on my hands. "
Opoli broke in " Spirit! You cannot take the responsibility on your hands! It was Vorlesh who created that trap!"
Sena "Thank you dear lady, but I know my sins, and the price I will eventually pay for them. No more lies, no more politics, only one cause, one truth... On the roof I called for the divine to help. And help it did, lessening the suffering of some. But I was blinded by hate, and I saw the tiefligns as demons, as collaborators and allies of our enemies, and I did not extend this help, this lessening of suffering to them. I let them suffer and die..."
A lot of tiefligns seemed mightily agitated and angry at this.
"I was mistaken, but for this sin, I need make reparations. And for this sin, and for them showing me what rel change is, I will free them. Nobody even thought that they could even act differently from what they re, from their... nature... but change they did. Now I understand- they are free men, and free men they are! If I had the ability to change my decision, I would have done it, but I can only change the future, as any of you can. So to redeem myself, I make an oath now, to all of you as my witnesses! I will not rest, and lay down my arms until the tieflings will be in their rightful place as equals!"
Sena gave a slight pause and then continued. "I believe we need to work together, and know the truth, no more lies, no more politics, no more spying. Let us work together for a better world, better future, one that everyone can work together in a common cause, and be free. Lets be free from the past, and look for the future.
he bowed to the tieflings again, Qulin in particular. "Do you accept my offer?"
Q: "You were never in debt to us Senatef... We will forgive in time. We have known cruelty, we have known hate, but thanks to Andera and the rest of you, we have also known another chance, and forgiveness. We will forgive you, but if you will forgive yourself, that is another matter... That is part of the teaching of Sarenrae" the last was said with a smile.
Again Senatef turned to the crowd. "I stand with you, listen to your hearts, and I ask you only one thing: Enough with words, this is time for action! If you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, Join me! Join me for a better world, for a better future. And stand beside me, not as a ruler, but help rebuild this vision. This is no more merely Drezen, a defensive fort! This is a place of hope, of opportunity, of a new era! Let us make this dream possible!"
The crowd broke off and cheered "For the new Drezen! For the future!"Some tiefligns turned angry, but quite a few bowed a sign of honor, and some showed simple holy symbols of Sarenrae.

As Sena got down from the stage, he whispered to Arulashee "This is your new future as well. Join us..." The risen succubus seemed quite stunned by the events. (I decided his speech will give her a +3 on her saves in the trials of redemption she might make in the future)

As a last act, Sena reached to a big rock, left from the ruins, that haven't been moved yet, and used Sculpt Stone to create a rough new sign for Drezen, and the vision of the new future:


Horus was thinking "I can make pins for that!" With that, Sena cast wind walk on them both, and they left.

Sena's player told the party in advance the rough lines of what he planned to do, and asked them to join in. He though of something a bit more elaborate, with Andera joining the talks (And his confession), with the mognrelfolk, Julian with the town leaders and so on. But the party decided that they wish to focus on the action this time in the actual session (Though Julian's player wanted to join in with Sen, but then opted not to).

Tell the truth, I was disappointed at this. :smallfrown: I like the "talky" bits quite a lot. So we opted to have Sena come to the city before hand and ply his vision out. The player likes to be a big move, and really likes transition and developments of character. I hoped this proved decent enough. He liked it enough. I'm just worried that of how to have it impact play in the future, with the following modules taking them far away from Drezen.

The full session begins- Welcome back?

Julian was trying to read the codex again, but again she felt as if she was losing her sanity. She needed some longer term plan on how to counter this. Perhaps the help of Sena or Brian.
Aru: "Well, that was something to think about. Ways of redemption, of a possible future, nothing I thought was possible."
Sena. satisfied, went on to meditate adding "Oodkalakat" too his list.
Andera's player however became quite suspicious (Even though he agreed to Sena's player doing a solo play) and started to question Arulashee "How did you remember Drezen?"
She spoke of the times of demonic occupation, the cruelty, the fear, the brutality.
And: "I hope Sena didn't try to make him convert."
Aru: "No, he tried to show me a possible future... one I might have a place in..." She said thoughtfully.
And: "Do you think you have a place?"
Aru: "I have been sking this myself for a logn time. Mortals souls and demons sould are different. Mortals feel they can make a change. I saw the tieflings. Perhaps I can as well?"
And: "Well, we are different as you say. No other demon could truly change their nature. Yout think you can?" (Sena's player wanted to intervene, but Andera's player specifically said he spoke with her alone. We ddin't quite understand what he was getting at)
Arulashee looked at him confused, hesitating: "I hope so... I... I don't quite know... I've seen the tieflings, the one called Qulin Longshadow? He is unlike any other tiefling I have encountered. He seems... different..."
And: "I am not fully certain of the change of tielfings. They have made some changes, but their minds can still be easily affected by demons. It is still too soon... As to you, I am afraid that you might not go fully through this, that Jerribeth might be able to affect you."
Arulshee seemed quite stunned by this. (As was most of the party) Her mood darkens. "I... maybe you are right, maybe I am of a danger... I don't... I don't know... But Sena- He spoke of his sins as well, of his trial of redemption" (She explained this briefly) You know him better than I do..."
And: "I am not sure anymore... Tell me Arulshee- do you still feel the temptation of demonic nature?"
Aru: "At times, I feel the urge, the brutality, especially when near demons themselves. At times I have given myself to it, which is why the road to redemption is so long! Some steps ahead, some steps back..." The rising confidence of the succubus seemed shaken. "He spoke of freeing them, the tieflings, getting their soul stone.
(The party discussed the soul stone briefly- basically it binds the souls of departed tieflings to it, for a demon to draw from later on. Tieflings under the servitude of the demon lords host tied their souls to such. The Drezen tieflings bound their souls all to one such stone)
Arulashee joined Sena in meditation.
Aru:"I am trying to understand if I'm strong enough to do this"
S:"I believe you are. Some times in times of need, belief is all you need."
Julian intervened "It's all too philosophical. If you wish to be good, just act so. It's all you need. Don’t waste your time in the gods."
Aru "But Desna has led me all this way!"
Julian "Then she has an interest in you. You have a role in her plans, nothing more. But you? You have your own self. Your destiny is in your own hand. Pick your way."
With that, Arulashee went into deep mediation, confused from all that occurred this day.

DM thoughts- Arulashee redemption and inter-party rivalry
Andera's player surprised me here. He has some rivalry and suspicion of Sena's player (Who often played bastards in the past). I guess his suspicions suddenly rose after Sena's solo play, and he decided that the player was trying to pull something under their nose, especially with Arulshee. Somehow the remark by Arulashee of "It's a lot to think about" got him in "conspiracy mode", and he tried to "undo" whatever Sena has done. And since Sena has obviously tried to strengthen her resolve, then he tried to break it... :smallfrown:

Sometimes his suspicious nature gets the best of him I guess. We didn't address it in session, and perhaps we should have (The other players also didn't understand this). I hope to address it before next session, although some damage has been done. I negated the +3 to saves Sena gave her with his speech.

Entrance to the Ivory Sanctum- The Brazen Bull

The party rested, planning to get to the Ivory Snactum the next day with Arulashee guiding the way. She said the place was guarded by basilisks, in a chasm deep in the remains of The Green Gates, an old forest of Sarkoris that was corrupted.

Next morning, Sen cast Wind Walk, and they quickly flew to the Ivory Sanctum. They landed near by the chasm, and start castign various buffs and protections. But they decided to leave Arulashee behind, and not join them to the Sanctum itself. Andera and Julian thought she might prove a hindrance, if she comes near demons, and though Sena advocated for her, ("She should come with us! She needs to face her fears and challenges!") the final decision was to leave her behind... Bummer... :smallfrown:

The party desceneded into the chasm, towards the end of this module, where the Ivory Sanctum awaits, and within it- Jerribeth and Xanthir Vang...

Ivory Sanctum music- Chopper (Zero Dark Thirty - Alexandre Desplat) (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=JwNiAD7gIis&p=n)

They go down the small rift, and see various remains of petrified creatures. "basilsks... Remember to close your eyes!" But they do not see the reptiles. As Julian cast detect magic she see something faint in a wall, when a gorgon steps out and breathes! All but Sena are petrified!

(The gorgon in question ia a mythical beast replacing the basilisks in the module, and appears in Scorpion's file. I liked it, so decided to play it.)

Sena tries to charm it with the powers of trickery, but the mythical gorgon got a second save each round, and mnages to save. It then bites Sena, and quickly swallows him! (Quick swallow, outer dimension belly) Sena starts to burn under the fires of the gorgon's belly!

Mad dog and Julian manage to break off the petrification ht does in however (Petrification works differently in PF than in 3.5). Julian tries to polymorph the gorgon, to make Sena rip it apart, but fails. Mad dog rages and hits the brazen bull nicely, but the creature has lots of HP.

Sena manages to cast resistance from fire, but can't help himself gettign out. But a mythical hold monster plus a coup de grace from Mad dog rips a nice swath through the creature, and lets Sena out, a bit singed though... "I guess things have changed since Arulashee last been here...". Sith, Julian's green sting scorpion clicked and sithed at Mad dog "This one has BIG sting!"

Negotiations and trickery at the gate

The party quickly managed to find the illusory entrance and portcullis to the Sanctum, but here I decided to play things a bit differently. As the module assumes the party speaks with Jerribeth, I thought this would be the perfect place for it, with some barrier enabling a conversation. Informed by the Brazen Bull's death, Jerribeth awaits in the main hall of the Sanctum, with 4 half fiend mintaurs (s in the module), and the Scion of Baphomet (A mythical half fiend minotaur anti paladin, from Scorpion's files). As the party tries to find a way to open the portcullis, she addresses them.
Jer: "My oh my, you ARE competent! No wonder you managed to spoil Vorlehs plans! I have an... interesting deal for you..."
Jul: "What's the deal?"
S: "Sorry for killing your pet!"
Jerribeth laughed "Pets come, and pets go, they are ll expendable. Look, you hate m, I hate you, and so on. I know very well you've come to kill us all, be heroes, and ll of that. But Here is what I suggest-You can fight me, my minions, and demons, and come much weakened to face Xanthir Vang, that mangling pack of disgusting worms. He's quite a threat, let me assure you. But I suggest o let you have free passage, kill the hep of wriggling flesh, and have a run of the place. I say you managed to kill him, and get back to the Abyss, to a new position of power, what do you say?
The party suspect her: "How do we know you won't betray us?"
Jerribeth is amused "Please! I'd be offended if you DID trust me! But in this case our interests lies mutually. You have proven capable. I have an interest in abyssal politics, not this tiny realm, and if possible, I prefer not to face you- as I said, you've proven quite worthy. You might prove a bit too much of a challenge. If I can get my way without the risk, what's the harm?"
Julian" We made a promise, we need to kill you."
Jerribeth gave an exasperated sigh "So it's about honor, keeping your word, and all that heroic crap?"
Andera replied "No. it's about ego, you should understand."
Julian tried to shaken the minotaurs "We have killed many, the Brazen bull included. Do you really want to face us?"
But Jerribeth laughed "Really? With minotaurs? Fiendish minotaurs? Servants of Baphomet, lord of minotaurs? Pleaassee..."
Andera tried to bluff: Well guys, she has a point, we need to reconsider: He succeeded well enough, but used this to discretely draw his wand of dimension door.
Jerribeth looked at them amused. "Oh! You got out! Capable indeed! Poor Vrock... I can throw in a wish if you want. Anything to help you get that miserable sack of flesh out of my way... i will even"
But that's when Andera used the wand to get himself, Sena and Md do right next to her!

It's GO time!

Ivory Sanctum Battle mix- Battle from Hell (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=dGy70BxOQwY&p=n)

Changi delights "What a blood I smell here!" And sneak attack the surprised Jerribeth, and goes invisible. He sees Jerribeth is surprised, blinking "Where re you, you miserable wretch!" (She can't see him sue to the undetectable quality of Changi).
Julian casts mythic Black tentacles on Minotaurs! She captures all except for the Scion.
Jerribeth uses her maddening whispers to try and madden Mad dog, but he barely succeeds with mythic power,. thankfully her power is not overwhelming, due to their success at the Lost expedition. She tries to move 5 ft and teleport away, to cast buffs and return more prepared, but Andera uses Step up and again sneak attacks her, disrupting her teleportion!
Sena manages to use Dimension anchor but stops her! "Well well, my revenge today will be complete"
Mad dog goes to titan rage! Full attack! And... again double crits! Why against all the bosses? :smalleek: 205+ 17d6. Kills her. Takes her down. 273 damage. Splatters of Jerribeth flies in ll directions in less than 1 round into combat! And I had such plans!:smallsigh: But kudos to the party, they executed this quite nicely! :smallamused:
That said, I decided the Kalavakus in the back send telepathic messages to ALL of the compound (Even Xanthir Vang and his forces) about what just happened. If the party can take Jerribeth out so fast, they'll need EVERYBODY!

Tense pause and preparing

The Scion quickly retreats into the western corridor (Where the minion troops are)
Kalavakus try to enslave Mad dog. Fail in both attempts and both dominate.
Julian and Sena both try to block reinforcements- Julian (Still near the gate, outside of the compound) casts Wall of ice on the western corridor, while Sena casts wall of stone on the eastern corridor, while Andera and Mad dog go and engage the Kalavakus demons (Which prove to be ineffective against both)

Meanwhile, the rest of the compound prepares- The templars try to break the wall of ice, the Black fire adepts cast defensive spells, as does Xanthir Vang and the Coloxus demon.
The Neg thlagu are blocked by the wall of stone, and move south towards the door leading to Jerribeth quarters. The Scion of Baphomet teleports there too with the Coloxus, preparing to attack from the est while the rest attack from the west.
The captured minotaurs in the meantime get bombarded by fireballs from Julian, and Sena buffs himself yet even more...

All hell breaks loose!

In one round, all fronts appear!
First come Xanthir Vang with two mythical apocalypse locust and His upgraded retriever (All from Scorpion's files). Xanthir himself is using improved invisibility, so the party don't notice him at first. The retriever quickly breaks the ice wall, and allows the templars in. It's eye rays hit Julian and Sena, but don't manage to petrify/ disintegrate them. The Apocalypse locust breath, but do little else.

Sena opens the doors to the east, meeting the Scion and Coloxus, while the Neg Thalagu crawl on the wall above invisibly into the room. Sena manages to block the attacks. The coloxus tries casting confusion bu the party saves.

The 8 black fire adepts appear at the edges of the temple and fighting zone with dimension doors, while the others cast resilient spheres (Both fail to encapsulate Mad dog) and fireballs. Sena's resistance to fire serves him nicely, but Andera and Mad dog are hi.

The party really fears the Retriever. Julian, deciding it is the biggest threat, tries casting Apparent Master on it but fails. It glows with protective runes (Protection from spells, giving it +8 against spells) which block it.

Sena is the nsurprised to have 33 lightning bolts coming at it from the ceilings as the Neg thelagu cast from the ceiling and appear! I show them their pics, and the party goes "Wtf? Does are ugly ******..."
Mad dog and Andera then focus their attacks on the Apocalypse locust, and Mad dog's titan rage ends, and he becomes small. He decides to save his mythic power for now.

The party becomes ware at Xanthir Vang who uses cloud kill and Disintegrate, but does not manages to find him (Um... purge invisibility? True sight? For some reason the party didn't think of those... :smallconfused:) The party starts using their mythic power a lot just to save.
The retriever focuses his attacks on Mad dog and grabs him strongly ,damaging him greatly. Mad dog Md dog comes to try and help clear the road for Sena to heal Mad dog, and with 3 attacks kills the Scion!
The cultists throw various dispel magic, taking down some of Sena, Julian and Mad dog's buffs. Things look not so great.

Julian manges to occupy both the retreiver and Xanthir Vang's attention by succeeding to grab control of it (Just barely) With apparent master. "Drop him and go fter Xanthir and his minions!"
Sena suffers yet more lightning, while the cloud kill sucks at everyone's' constitution slowly. Some templars die due to Xnthir's cloud (He really couldn't care less), and though the retreiver drops Mad dog, Xanthir drops him even more with a spiked pit! Mad dog spendt the rest of the battle trying to get out!
One of the cultists managed to encapsulate Julin in a resilient sphere. "Fire them all!" Shouts the worm that walks, and the 7 remaining cultists focus fireballs on Sena, who manages to withstand them with his resist fire and ward shield. Andera however, who stand near him, does not. (This is also when we learn that ninjas do not have evasion?! WTF?) Andera cant take the damage and... dies...

:smalleek::smalleek: First fatality of our game! With Andera dead, Julian still out (And captured in sphere, Mad dog down a spiked pit, and Sena surrounded from all side, things didn't look good. Sith, Julian's scorpion looked and clicked. "yep, we're all toast!"

Fighting back!

Ivory Sanctum Bttle music 2- Unchained (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=7zU3OZ6ICnE&p=n)

Sena grunts "1st things first!" With faith healing he uses Breath of Life on Andera, and manages to bring him back to the game. ("He got better!" :smalltongue:) He then uses a mythic action to channel energy, healing all the three inside for some needed hit points. Changi then uses it's dimension door to put them behind one of the statues in the temple, hidden to the others.
Julian dimension doors herself out of the spheres, and keep directing the retriever, which turns and kill 3 cultists with some crits and eye rays! This turns Xanthir attention again to control it (And with no more quickened spells)
A bit better now, but still fighting. Mad dog was still trying to climb out.

Protecting the files
At this point the opposition consisted of Xanthir Vang, the retreiver, 4 cultists, the Neg Thalagu, the Coloxus, and 2 cultists. I decided to put another twist. The coloxus partly panicked "Protect the files! Burn them! They must not get them!" The templrs both rushed towards the strtaegy room, just beyond the western corridor.
Andera, back to life, hears this, and uses his wand of dimension door to get him and Sena to block them. They see the surprised Coloxus there, trying to get in the door (I decided the room is impervious to teleportation, and so he teleported just outside it. Sena casts hel on Andera, who in the next turn moves and kills the coloxus.

Xan in the meantime gains control over the retriever, tries to find the missing duo , with spells and such, but to no success. The cultists start bombing Md dog with Magic missiles and lightning, but the big fellow manages to soak up damage, but gets wounded more and more... The Neg Thalagu position themselves near the gate, ready to strike at Julian, but she goes into improved invisibility.

Julian uses an empowered mythic fireball, and kills of the neg thelagu and some cultists, and damages the retriever. Xan, in return, summons 3 Babaus outside the gate ,who pinpoint Julian with their see invisibility, and enable Xanthir to launch a maximized fireball on her. He then moves to the opening mechanism to open the gate for the retriever, who moves close to the gate. I suspected Julian would move to cover, but she just keeps pumping fireballs, the second one manages to capture Xanthir Vang! Now, he has resistance fire 20, but he also suffers 50% more damage from area spells... from empowered mythic fireballs... He gets damaged severely, and Julian sees the flaming remains (The spells also catches enemies on fire) and she yelled to the others.

Sen hears this, and rushed back to the main room, and cast flame strike, and with holy searing fires killed Xanthir Vang! Some of his spirits then whirled around,m saying "Thank you, thank you, thank you..." and slowly dissipated into the aether, and Sena breathed deeply in.

The rest of the battle was quite easy, with the party breaking down the retriever and the remaining cultists down. The Battle of the Ivory Sanctum was won! :smallbiggrin:

DM design- fight of the Ivory Sanctum
I wanted to play out the "Jerribeth Vs. Xanthir" idea which the module suggested, but the party preferred assault. I figured that taking down only some of them at a time would prove far too easy, as the battle in the redoubt proved laughable. So I intended for the whoel complex (Or most of it) to attack the party t once at some point, even if they did go with Jerribeth suggestion, she would attack them with her powers from behind.

The battle mostly took place in the main hall nd temple, which was good, since it allowed some maneuvering space. I'm glad of that.

It was quite difficult to ply the battle due to the mount of forces involved. In a previous campaign we has a battle of such a scale (The Silver Flame Cathedral in the "Many Facets of Darkness" campaign), which helped me prepare better- I prepred sheets of data for groups of enemies with main stats (AC< attack, saves and such) and main shticks. Still, quite a difficult battle to to run! It totally exhausted me!

Xanthir proved fun to ply, but it was extremely hard to bring his full offensive power to play due to limited actions (Even with his quicken rod). Unfortunately he got caught in Julian's fireball which took about 120 oh his hit points... too bad...

The cultists, as casters, proved quite an interesting diversion- with fireballs, dispel magic and resilient sphere they proved interesting .I fiddled a bit with the 3rd and 4th level spells, dividing them into groups of 2, each with slightly different spells. not much of a difference. As support they work quite nicely.

I kept forgetting the Neg Thalagu. They feel so much out of concept with the temple, that I think I missed 1-2 turns with them. They felt quite not belonging, and a needless distraction. I suggest replacing them with something else.

After math and looting!

We had a humus break, and in the meantime I gave them all of the loot. The main loot in the plce comes from two sources: Xnthir Vang's stuff (He carries a LOT of loot), and the secret vault of the temple (We skipped the battle and trap there, there really was no point to it).

Amongst the loot of the temple the party found two interesting items: Robes that belonged to Julian's mother- Diana Bear storm, and the Warlord's Plate- A breastplate belonging to ancient Sarkori Warlord. The two are tailored items. The Breast plate I prepared for Mad dog to also have some special item, while the robes I put there a long time ago instead of Yaniel's armor, with the same idea in mind for the Julian. I forgot she already had Brilliance, and didn't really need another items. Oh well...

All in all, huge amounts of loot, but they are supposed to have loot equal of 15-16th level. Did I mention they hit 12nd level, and 5th tier? :smalltongue:

The party also found Xanthir's Research notes, Jerribeth notes, and the Strategy room's notes, but we decided we'll deal with that in the next session.

"Quest" items:
- Cult of Baphomet strategic encrypted notes.
- Xanthir Vang's encrypted notes.
Coins+ Gems+ Art:
- 14,000 (Minotaurs' gear)
- 6,000 (reagents from forge)
- 10,000 (Vault)
- 450 (wines and candies from Ustalav and Numeria)
- 10,800 (Templar's gear)
- 8,200 (Xanthir Vang's treasure)
- Cloak of resistance +4 (16,000)
- Exquisite clothes (4,500)
- Exquisite jewelery (6,500)
Xanthir Vang:
- Quicken metamagic rod- 3/day, up to 6th level (75,500)
- Lesser maximized metamagic rod- 3/ day, up to 3rd level (14,000)
- Staff of conjuration, fully charged. 10 charges. (82,000)
- Wand of mirror image, 6th level, 8 charges (500)
- Black robe of the archmagi (75,000)
- Headband of mental prowess +4 (Int, Wis; grants ranks in Bluff and Sense Motive)- 40,000
- Ring of major fire resistance- resist fire 20. (28,000)
- ring of protection +5- to deflection (All types of AC)- 50,000
- rod of withering- melee weapon, like light mace, damages 1d4 con+ 1d4 str. DC 17 fort negates. (25,000)
Xanthir's lab:
- Spell books (12,000)
- Lore books: +10 on planes, arcana, history, naturr, spellcraft, Dungeoneering. +5 on religion. (800 pounds, 12,000)
- Alien looking Mithral wonderous raven figurines (7 eyes, 5 legs) 3,800
- 2 empty chests of Nyhidrian crystals.
- 4 Ambrosia- Mythic items. Takes 1 minute to eat, return mythic power to full. (10,000 each)
- Art objects from Black wing library (13,500)
- Flying Carpet 5x10 (35,000)
- Wand of inflict serious wounds, 40 charges (9,000)
- Wakizashi of the planes (22,300)
- Rod of persistent spell- 3/day, up to 6th level (32,500)
- Pearl of power, 6th level (36,000)
- Warlord's Breast plate: +4 to AC, +2 to int and cha (Linked skill: Intimidate). Adds Intimidating prowess as a feat, 3/day can cast heroism on others as a swift action. (66,000)
- Robes of Diana Bearstorm: Resist lightning 20, +2 con, Beast shape II (Large bear) 1/ day (CL 10, 1 hour), +1 CL for electricity and sonic spells. (61,500)
Neg-Thalagu (Brain collectors):
- Various alien looking gems of flesh and other worldly substances (4,200)
- 2 potions of enlarge person (50 each)
- 4 potions of unnatural lust (300 each),
- 2 CSW potions (750 each)
- Manual of bodily health +2 (55,000)
Magical forge:
- +1 unholy scythe (18,000, can only sell to evil)
- broken +1 keen glaive, (9,000, if you fix 13,500)
- broken assasin's dagger. (5,150. If you fix 7,725. Can only sell to evil)
- 6 empty chests of Nyhidrian crystals.
Strategy room:
- Jar of Locust Swarm (Cannot sell)
- Wand of resilient sphere 10 charges (5,200)
- Wand of dispel magic 10 charges (2,250)

End of Demon's Heresy!

Each Player's XP- 299,500! (Never thought we'll see such numbers in play! :smalleek:)
We stopped here. The party loved the battle, said it was one of the best and most tense sessions ever! :smallbiggrin: It was quite a lot of fun, but draining as hell! Not something I'd like to do every session. :smalltongue:

Next Session is in about 3 weeks. We'll have a short interlude, in between modules, and then- Into the Midnight Isles! Into the Abyss!

Kol Korran
2015-05-26, 03:05 AM
So... half of the campaign is over. This last module was characterized by several aspects and issues:
1) Power level: The characters have become quite powerful. I'm not sure if the module's opponents are too weak, the players became optimized, or that the mythic rules are just THAT power changing, (probably a combination of all 3), but the characters sure felt powerful, super hero legend style. Which is one of the purposes of the campaign, but it is still something to get used to.

2) Characters coming into their own, finding their voice: Be it Sena who changed his vision to the future, and is finding more and more his voice in this crusade, Julian whose conflict with godly matters comes to a point with her finding the Lexicon of Paradox and seeking to steal divinity, and even Andera, with his relations with the tieflings, A bit with Arulashee, and the appearance of Changi, which adds quite a lot to the play (Mostly on the comic side). Andera's character, who felt to be more lacking behind in terms of power and effectiveness, is coming to his own, and is now on par with the rest. Mad dog, well, he kills stuff...

3) Travel: My summary is that hex crawl may be fitting to lower level characters, but now with overland flight, teleport, and the ability to conjure enough magic to circumvent most natural (and unnatural) obstacles, makes overland travel a joke, and a nuisance at most. I think the later modules approach of just assuming teleportation between key locations could have been applied here as well.

4) Fast progression: The party finished the module in about 5 sessions, the fastest so far, and they progressed very fast, despite spending some time in Drezen in "non XP" activities. This is partly due to the power levels, but maybe this is also due to me joining several locations together. I originally planned a time frame of 66 days before Xanthir finishes his research (I wanted there to be a possibility of partially failing here. Had he done that, Mythical monsters down the road would have been stronger, gaining a template or such) But the party finished this under 40 days. (And about only 12-13 days since they actually left Drezen). Zooming away!

Some in the party find it exhilarating, some find it quite hard- leveling almost every session or so. The advancement feels too fast to get accustomed to new powers and abilities.

5) Conflict between adventure and Drezen: The players kinda split into two interest groups- Sena and Julian's players had lots of plans for Drezen, population and so on, but Md dog and Andera's players wanted to get on with thea ctual adventure. This caused quite some tension in the group, and we tried to compromise with some time here, some there, which went kinda ok I think... A main problem with pursuing Drezen projects is that they progress far slower than the party did with their adventuring, and now the party will go to other planes, and leave it behind. Which ends up meaning that the party won't see much of the fruits of their planning and investment in this campaign. I hope to build on some stuff for the final module- City of Locusts (Such as troops coming to the final battle against Aponavicius and her armies, only Mass Combat style) but not sure how to work it out, and I think it will be a little too little, too late.

So what's up next?

1) The interlude: The campaign shifts gear at this point. The party goes off to the planes, and detaches from all of the story of those who journeyed with the party so far (With partial exceptiosn to maybe Queen Galfrey, and maybe Arulashee). As such, we're going to play a little interlude, with several goals to it:
- Show the effects of the party on the campaign: unraveling the network of Baphomet spies, and giving the Crusade enough moral push to start finally pushing INTO the worldwound. The idea is to give the apprehension that this was a turning point.

- Give some time to finish up projects in Drezen: Sena's vision spreading, Julian's sleeping eye, and maybe an abbey to her dogma as divine being (I'll get to that in a moment). Also development of some of the NPCs. Basically I'll be taking the evolution of some of the characters in the last module and applying them much sooner, like Aravash building another library, Horus becoming more reasonable and so on. The idea is to give idea of characters changing, progressing. Cool ideas for some characters are welcomed!

- Julian's exploration of Paradox, and (potentially) gaining the divine source ability: The player seeks to explore divinity, but Julian herself has a chip on her shoulder when it comes to the gods. So we'll play it that she (might) find a paradoxical way to attain divine power regardless. I've mentioned a few threads dealing with it (A few posts above), and we're going to make it a special roleplay occasion, a bit like a vision quest, with a few stages, defining IF Julian gains divinity, and what shape will it be. The player and I talked and agreed that it would be more interesting if there is a real chance of failure. I'm Julian will need to come with some creative way (quite open) to a problem. If she gives something interesting enough roleplay wise, and which makes (paradoxical) sense, then she gains it. If not, she'll have time to think until gaining the next mythic tier.

- Character rebuild: Another way to show passage of time and growth, I'm allowing some character rebuild/ retraining under certain rules. The characters also have a more liberate access to market, and after the monty haul of the Ivory Sanctum, they got quite a lot of money to spend. (I was a bit worried that it didn't fit 12th level WBL, but as someone mentioned it, they are equivalent of 15-16th level characters with their mythic tiers). I'm putting the rules for the purchase and rebuild under a spoiler, as I sent them to the Players:

Purchase and rebuild rules
Rules for mid campaign rebuilding
In all of the following changes, you can only take an alternative option (Say another feat) who's perquisites are those as of the level you took it. (If you took a feat on the 6th level, you cannot take a feat that require 10th level), or similar equivalents (Like having 10 ranks in a skill).
You cannot exchange an option on which other options rely, unless those have been changed as well (For example, you can't change power attack if you also have cleave, until you change cleave as well)
In the downtime of the half campaign you may do all of the followings:
- Change up to 3 regular feats.
- Change up to 1 mythic feat.
- Change up to 1 path ability.
- Change up to 3 class choices that are gained once every 2 levels or so (Rage powers, ninja tricks)
- Change 1 choice that is chosen at 1st level (Domain, bloodline)
- Change 1 archetype.
Funds and equipment:
- You have free access to buy any items of 20,000 gp and below.
- You may find items up to 36,000 at a 65% chance. You may only try once per magic item category, though the sub categories of wondrous items are each considered a separate category (So once per weapon, armor, rod, shoulder slot, belt slot, and the like)
- No items can duplicate spells or effects over 7th spell level. (7th is allowed)
- 7th level scrolls are allowed, but only 2 (And are subject to the 65%)
Note: You may come to places in which you have a higher ranger market, but also at an added cost. So choose how you want to spend your money.

2) The Midnight Isles: In the Midnight Isles, I see three main location that I want to perhaps alter or enhance, to make a special roleplay experience:
- The plane itself: I like the idea of using the planar traits and the various play on the senses to add atmosphere and a feeling of an alien place to the game. Not quite sure how to do this, but one idea is to dim the lights at the table to 2 dim levels depending on the light in the plane. May cause trouble though. Another idea is music, but I need GREAT music for this, something immersing enough, but also alien. Need to think of this more.

- Porphyry city and gaining notoriety: This can be played more like a contained sandbox, not going just by the suggestions in the module .I see a lot of place for creativity and ingenuity here. Two of the players like Shadowrun, and this might fit their alley greatly. Also- roleplaying the biggest metropolis in the abyss, mostly inhabited by demonic being should be quite a challenge!

- Negotiating with Nocticula for the fate of the world: Now, if this isn't the stuff of legends, I don't know what is! I see this as one of the major center pieces of the entire campaign, and certianly it's most "conversation oriented" one. I have touched upon it in the threads I mentioend above, so Iwon't go into it any further, but suffice to say this should feel spectacular, a one-in-an-era event, and tense... very, VERY tense! :smalltongue:

I hope you're keeping track! See you next time!

2015-05-26, 03:04 PM
So Mad Dog completely annihilates another boss with one swing eh? :smalltongue:
And I've got to remember that trick with the dimension door so I can use that.

Kinda sad that the gang won't be spending much time in Drezen once they leave for the planes, but hey, players are always latching on to stuff that's supposed to become mostly irrelevant later. I'm not really familiar with the later modules, but would it be possible to move whatever it is that's enabling their planar adventures to Drezen instead of wherever it's supposed to be? Then they'd be closer and would be visiting Drezen at least one a module as the returning heroes.

Kol Korran
2015-06-02, 12:18 PM
So Mad Dog completely annihilates another boss with one swing eh? :smalltongue:
And I've got to remember that trick with the dimension door so I can use that.

Kinda sad that the gang won't be spending much time in Drezen once they leave for the planes, but hey, players are always latching on to stuff that's supposed to become mostly irrelevant later. I'm not really familiar with the later modules, but would it be possible to move whatever it is that's enabling their planar adventures to Drezen instead of wherever it's supposed to be? Then they'd be closer and would be visiting Drezen at least one a module as the returning heroes.

The next two modules are tightly tied with the planes. A major problem with the adventure paths is that each is written by a different author, and is supposed to be an adventure by itself. That is cool, but the connection between modules, and more impotently- the keeping of ongoing, campaign long theme is very thin if at all. For example- the 3 NPCs who started the first module are pretty much forgotten, as is the Sword of Valor, Drezen, And even Arulashee is assumed to be staying behind once they embark on further adventures (Even though the 4th module is so incredibly juicy if she comes along!) The final module, the end game is particularly vexing at this, as the module doesn't take into account ANY of the former doings of the party, and just assumes that "finally the enmy has noticed the party, and so they step up their final plans." What a load of Bull***! I'm trying to find ways of integrating the modules a bit better together, but with so- so success.

I'm gonna explain a bit of why the next modules cant easily be transcribed to a in GOlarion, in a spoiler, in case people don't want to know.
Midnight Isles: The party learns that The forces of Deskari and Baphomet are mining the crystals needed to make the Nyhadrian elixirs in an abyssal realm called the Midnight isles, ruled by a demon lord known as Nocticula, the first Succubus, demon lord of lust, darkness and assassinations (In fact, her entire realm is made up from the essence of assassinated demon lords.

That in itself could probably be copied to other locations, but the party also learns that the demon lord are negotiating with Nocticula, trying to have her join their invasion of Golarion, and the PCs are sent to negotiate in the names of Golarion itself. The module makes this quite simplistic, but I intend to make it more... interesting.

The entire module takes heavy emphasis on the alien environment and experience.

Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth: The former module ends with the party killing Baphomet's daughter, him trying to avenge and stepping in the Midnight Isles, and telling them that he has kidnapped Iomedae's Herald into his realm- the Ivory labyrinth, just before Nocticula steps in and kills him (His spirit then reverts to his realm). This is a cut scene of a sort, which is problematic, but I'll deal with that later.

The party is tasked at finding the Herald, and either rescuing it, or putting it out of it's misery. They need to go into Baphomet's own realm, which is like an entire plane which is a dungeon, seek the most secure of all prisons, and find it there. I intend to make it a bit more interesting later on hopefully, but we'll see.

Again, a major theme here is exploring the strange abyssal realm.

City of Locusts: The end is near, Areelu Vorlesh triggers the events that will et the WOrldwoudn spread and engulf much of Golarion. The party has a limited time (FINALLY!) to stop her, but they need to acquire several tools and such in order to enable them to close the rift forever. This takes place back in Golarion, and focuses on central location within the Worldlwound, ending in Threshold.

Some crazy over thetop battles there, but hey, the party are supposed to be like ECL 25 when they start it.

Kol Korran
2015-07-30, 11:15 AM
Wow... it's been nearly two months since I posted on the log. Real life has been tiring, consuming, and quite a bit busy. We had two sessions in this time, that I need to update. The first deals mostly with downtime between the modules, a sort of "Mid Campaign Interlude", which... didn't go so well. Some tension in the group rose, and what I thought was good plannign turned into a poor execution.

Still, from mistakes I learn. The second session dealt with a few more Interlude matters, and then preparing to the journey to the Abyss, and the attack on the Midnight Fane, which was quite a bit of fun.

So... I got two sessions to update. I'm not sure I remember all of it, but I do keep quite detailed notes, and I think I got most of what happened. it may take me a little while to update, I hope you enjoy what's coming. :smallamused:

Session 20, Part 1- Mid Campaign Interlude: Loot, Rebuild, Revelations, Arulashee's Path

We decided to start with dealing with the ludicrous amount of loot the party got from the Ivory Sanctum, upgrades and the like. This took a looooooong time. I asked the party to deal with this before the session, through emails, but they... didn't. :smallannoyed: So we ended up spending quite a bit of time from the session's start dealing with the loot. They also just remembered to deal with the rebuilding. :smallsigh: I'm spoilering the info, in case you're just interested in the story. But if not, then you can take a peak.

So, some of the main changes:

Julian got: Persistent spell rod, Lesser maximize rod, Black robe of the archmagi (Turned to white in the purity forge), Diane's robes (Julian's mom. She intends to merge their properties with the white robe, can't do it quite now).
Julian's equipment upgrades: Brilliance (her headband) got to +6 Cha, +4 to int and wis. She also upgrades her belt to +4 dex, +2 str, +2 con. She likes her attributes!
Sena got: Rod of quickening, Headband of mental prowess (+4 to wis and int), Rod of Withering (Sena wishes to merge it later with the Blade of Paradox, can't do it right now), Pearl of power 6th level.
Sena's equipment upgrades: Sena upgrades his armor to +3. He also buys a Mallable Holy symbol (He mostly likes the ability to change the shape of the symbol, which goes with his developing beliefs. The ability to change the shape of the channel energy is just a nice bonus to him). He also buys the Mite of the Heirophant. He likes being masked, and the diplomacy bonus. Sena sold his Lion's shield for a light shield, to be able to hold the rod of quicken in his non weapon hand. Sena also buys a cloak of resistance +5, not liking failing saves.
Andera got: Cloak of resistance +4, Wakizashi of the planes (Andera joined it with Changi's properties), various wands (Mirror image, cure serious wounds, Resilient Sphere, dispel magic)). Manual of bodily health +2.
Andera's equipment upgrade: Andera adds the "ghost touch" quality to Changi, which is quite fearsome weapon indeed by now! He also upgrades his armor to +4
Mad Dog got: Ring of protection +5, Warlord's Breastplate (The custom made unique item).
Mad Dog's equipment upgrade: He manages to add the "defiant" property to his Warlord's armor. With the ring, his AC even surpasses Sena's, which takes the group by surprise (Though that is prior to spells). Lastly, he buys boots of flying. He doesn't like being stuck in pits...
Miscellaneous: They gave Xanthir books and library to Aravash and the city. They think about purchasing a holding bag for the books (Give a hefty bonus to knowledge rolls) as a portable library. The 4 Ambrosia were divided of course between them.
They sold a ton of stuff, worth in total 207,275 gp. Despite some difference in gold value, they decided to distribute the wealth evenly. (Mad Dog's player, who's value was the least, insisted.
Total "Value" at the end: Julian 270,000, Mad dog: 222,500, Sena: 265,400, Andera: 264,925. It may seems like a lot, but with the characters being 12th level/ 5th tier, (And about to hit 13th) they are equivalent of about 15th level characters. The WBL should be between 240,000 and 315,000 per character, so we're t about the right place!

First, a quick summary:

Julian: She took Display of Charisma as her 5th tier power. Brilliance also has the Adroit (Diplomacy) power. With each effectively able to give +20 each to diplomacy, (+40 together), And a +25 at her basse (Very high charisma) she can be a killer diplomancer. Other than that, she focused on metamagic (She got silent, still, selective, persistent and the new dazing metamagic feats). She invests heavily into social and arcane skills.
Sena: Takes Mythical Heavy Armor feat (To shore up his "touch AC" defenses), and takes Display of Charisma (He views this as sparks of divine insight). He spreads his skills more, putting more into diplomacy, bluff, and the various knowledge skills. Still quite a bit short on skills though.
Andera: Takes the Master disguise and ghost step tricks (He remvoed 1, I forgot which). He also takes Mythical Improved critical. He upgrades Changi to minor artifact, now capable of casting dimension door on his own 3/day. He removes Combat Trickery from the path abilities (Which he never used) and takes Master of Escape.
Mad Dog: Precision power, Mythic Dodge Feat (To avoid really crucial attacks), and chnged Reckless Abandon to Intimidating Glare (To work with his armor)

I got the character sheets before the rebuild. My plyers still haven't sent me the ones after it. Once I get it, I will post a table.

Back at the Ivory Sanctum
That dealt with, we go back to our story, just after the battle at the sanctum (We assume all of the purchases tak place in the interlude afterwards behind screen).
Mad Dog: "So.. .what's now?"
Julian: "Lets destroy this place!"
Sena: "I propose we do something else- Consecrate it. Everyone can destroy but such a revenge is more subtle, and more sweet..."
Julian: "I like it! We're in agreement!"
Sena: "Then it makes it better. Please, return to Drezen, I will need to work on this place for two days. I will return later."
Andera: "What about your followers?"
Sena: "They will know what to do. They know I'm busy." Sena then turns to Arulashee, who came after the battle, lookign at everything stunned, bewildered. "I will need your help in this matter." Arulshee, surprised, agrees to stay.

The rest of the party teleports to the main gate of Drezen, with Mad Dog lifting the halves of Jerribeth' body above his head. They quickly head to the makeshift stage near Horus Emporium, as the people of Drezen rush to see, with Arabeth quickly coming to greet them: "heroes of Drezen, you always bringgood news! What do you bring today?"

The Victorious Return, Interlude music: Sky Titans from Nemesis, Two Steps from Hell (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=iTCoziRD9Dw&p=n)

Julian speaks clearly. "I made a promise- I promised you that we will come back after we kill Jerribeth. And return with the proof. Well, this is Glaberzu, we have destroyed her, and she will haunt this city no more!" With that MadDog threw down the halves of Jerribeth to the floor, at the astonished crowd, who quickly rose up in cheers and excited applause!
Julain waited a bit, and continued "She was with another menace" She spread the remains of Xanthir Vang, charred distorted worms "These are the remains of Xanthir Vang, the Worm that walked, Who was foolish enough to oppose those who would reclaim this land and rebuilt it!" Aravash, greatly affected, stepped forth and bowed before her.
Julian: "In the city of Kennabres the worm to the wlk has done a terrible to your order, the Riftwrden, of the Black Wing library, we hope these will start to rebuild it." With that she gave him the stolen relics from the library, and Xanthir Vang's books.
"People of Drezen This land Will! Be! Free!" The crowd burst into more applause and cries of excitement.
Opoli, and others of Sena's cult called out "The Spirit Walker, Where is he?"
Julian accosted their fears: "Have no fear my friends. We have found the Sanctum of the Ivory Snactum and he will destroy it and will be with us in two days..."
She then turned to the crowd at large: "We all are proud of the people of Drezen.
"This will be the right time to honor those we have lost to reclaim the city. Those who have foguht and died on the way here, taking it back, and the ones who died of Jerribeth. Tonight we have a reason to celebrate, tonight we need fear no more!". The crowd cheered for the heroes of Drezen, and celebrations were ordered.

A work of Consecration, annd spiritual talk
Before startign on the work of consecratign the temple to Baphomet, Sean relaxes bit, and then sends a message to Aravash and Qulin Longshadow: "I have a mission for the two of you, seek information about the demon Oodkalakt, who holds the Soul stone of the tiefling host." Qulin replies "You ave the thanks of me and my brethren."

Sena then talks to Arulashee. "Before undertaking such a task, we need to pray, and contemplate." They do so in silence, after which Sena speaks to her:
S: "I believe you have been here before".
Ar: "Not like this!"
S: "What do you feel?"
Ar: "I feel Alien."
S: "To this place or in general?"
Ar: "To the world... or so I was. After you have shown me your new vision, your idea of the future... I thought that maybe... I could fit there... Somehow." She then gave a sigh. "And yet, I could not overcome my fear, and you could not trust me to fight with you. I was not courageous enough."
Sena's player shot an angry look at Andera. "What do you believe? I don't ask about the logic, about belief. Think about the answer- why didn't you come?"
Ar: "Mostly due to self doubt, and being a danger to you all..."
S: "Who persuaded you so?"
Arulashee gave another desperate sigh. "The rest".
Sena offered her a chair (This part coems from the last season of Babylon, if you recognize) "Sit".As she came to sit, eh took the chair from her.
"Why did you sit? Just because I ordered you to sit?" She looked a bit stunned. He then spoke, more gently "Sit please."
But she would not, and shot him an angry glare "I don't like these games"
S: "It was to make a point."
Arulashee started "look…" but Sena cut her our "No, you look! I care only of what you are going to do in the future, not of what you've done or have been in the past. I too, have done a lot in my life."
She gave a mirthless hollow laugh. "Not as much as I have!"
Sena replied: "We are not in a comptetition."
Ar: "But you are a mortal, our very essences are different. There never a demon that changed. Why should I be the first?"
Ar: "For you have done something magnificent and extraordinary."
(They have a conversation about change, and the meaning of it. Unfortunately I lost track of this)
S: You are not merely a demon, you are a person, and as such capable of decision, and of change Every day is a struggle."
Ar: "I'm not sure I am strong enough."
S: "And if I say that you are?"
Arulashee would not answer...
S: "If we can take for example a lake- throw a stone to the lake. Wht will happen?"
Ar: "Ripples"
S: "An effect- even the simplest things have effect. Each day you have a choice to do good, or to do bad. Yes indeed, because of what happened it's more difficult, and you need more resilience in order to not slide back to the past. But what determines between good and bad is our actions here (he pointed to his head) and what feel and believe here (he pointed to his heart). And maybe you think my opinion doesn't matter, and that you don't have a place. You will be the judge. I think… no... I believe, that you are strong enough, that youhave a place, and believe that you have a very important destiny."
Arulashhe was caught up in his words: "You don't know me at all, what do you see in me?"
Sena looked at her kindly "I look in her eyes, and see your soul. We are connected. We are both creatures of Paradox, and our new life was forged by it. We are both the same. We are both sides ofthe same coin. Together we make the coin whole."
Arulashee seemed moved. "I need to think of this. Let us go on with the consecration. I will help any way I can."

Sena makes a bit of a show of it. He uses his ability to rest for 1 hour to regain his abilities to cast loads of Bone Shatter spells, to wreck the place and the temple. He also then spends one day to remove the Unhallow Spell on the temple, and another day to cast Hallow on it. He uses Sculpt stone to put his mark, the new mark of Drezen in the ruins, and lastly closes the place with several walls of stone.

As they work, Sena continues to challenge her: "We have two days here, make use of it. If you wish to help, that is good, but you need to think for while. Think about the questions- Think about who are you? What do you want?" (Babylon features greatly in Sena's player's inspiration. :smalltongue:)
After some time working, Arulashhe replies "Who am I? I am adrift. And what do I want? I just want to find an answer"
S: "Then Join me, I ask the same questions. I don't doubt myself as you are, but I also have blood on my hands, to redeem myself. "

At this point I deemed it appropriate that helping Sena was an act of redemption. Andera roleld a save for her- 1! Failed....
Arulashee was still in doubt. "You are a good friend, I do not... have friends... but I don't think you understand. "
S: "You are a wise woman, but I don't think YOU understand. But it seems you need more time. I am changing, and my proposal still stands- join me."
Ar: "I will join you, even if just for the companionship"
S: "I will be honored if you will wear this." He offered her the pin of the Vision of Drezen.
Arulsahee accepted it. "I will honor Drezen"

As they stand outside the throughly "reclaimed" ruins of the Ivory Sanctum, they breath together. "It is done. Let this be a sign of our determination. Let us go home..." And with that, he used word of recall to take them both to his temple.

She returns in her image as Sena's apprentice, the half elf Lash. a big discussion starts in the group- Do they let the people of Drezen know who Lash is? What she is? They don't mznage to come to a conclusion. Julian and Sena's player wish to have her known. "We have lied to them before and we ate crap because of it. We can't lie to them again!" But Mad Dog and Andera were not sure. they thought it might undermine their entire achievements till now, especially since they themselves were not sure of her yet. (Sena was the only one who had full confidence of her. The rest did not).

The long talk with Arulashee was the first of many "small arrangements" that Sena had in this session. He interacted with practically every NPC in Drezen, some shortly, some at more length (I probably haven't written down notes for all). This got to be somewhat bothersome, but I understood this only after the session ended. Needless to say, the other players got somewhat annoyed at him hogging the spotlight for so long.

I should have noticed this earlier, in session.

The Queen's Visit
Shortly after Sena returns, The Queen arrive at the city as well, with her small teleport-sized Entrouge of her mage Nulan, an Iomedae's priest and two bodyguards. The party wait as she gives yet another rousing speech, giving her thanks to the heroes, saying that the demons were held in check, and tht the wr effort and the struggles of Drezen give rise to new hope and moral to the troops. The crowd cheers, nd she retires with the heroes to the war room.
S: "Ok, now for the truth".
The Queen seems tired all of a sudden, sits down, as Nulan puts a hnd on her shoulder, concerned, but she puts it away. "We are at a stalemate with the demons. The reclaiming of Drezen, and the Sword of Valor did indeed give a much needed moral boost, but as most such things, it is fading. And the demons are starting to attack swiftly again, wear us down. We have tried a few counter maneuvers, but it seems their infiltration runs deep. We are stopped and out routed at every turn. We are not making any headway in the war effort, other than stop the advance. I am not sure how long this will last..." But she then looked at the heroes, and smiled "But I hear you have been doing miracles again? You beat Jerribeth, and The Worm that Walks! That's excellent! Now, what have you found? I assume you found something that can help us?"
The party offers her the notes from the Sanctum. The main pieces of information are as follows:
- Xanthir's research into the Nyhadrian Crystals, and that all of this, even the destruction of the Wardstones, is just an experiment for some grand project Areelu Vorlesh is planning.
- The elixirs are made from crystals on some other abyssal plane, and transported here. The plane is the Midnight Isles, the plane of darkness, rueld by the demon lord Nocticula- the first succubi, risen to demonlord status, mistress of seduction, lust, darkness and assassinations.
- The Nephilim Hepazimerah herself, Baphomet's own daughter sees the operations of mining the Nyhadrian crystals in the Midnight Isles. The notes however do not say where in the Isles are they located.
- Minhago, Who orchestrated the Red Massacre, hs fallen from grace with Baphomet, after her fiasco with the Wardstoen Fragment. She is tryignto redeem herself, but it i unknown how.
- The forces of Deskri and Baphomet are trying to ally with some other demon lord! But which one, this is unknown, as the notes re heavily coded. The Queen is most alarmed by this. "We braely manage agaisnt two demon lords. Against a third? This must not happen!" She takes the notes for her sages to decipher.
- There are also a lot of coded messages of the Bahpomet spy network. She takes these eagerly as well.

As the pary finishing discussing the main findings, Julian speaks cautiously. "My Queen, in our adventures we have found something else, that may help end this, or at least shed a light, ofthis whole war."
The Queen looked intrigued. "What do you mean?"
J: "How did the war start?"
Q: "With Areelu Vorlesh. She manged to tear a way to the Rasping Rifts, Deskri's domain."
J: "How did she managed to do it?"
The queen looked confused. "We never manged to make sure, but we assume Deskri gave her a lot of power... Why, what have you found?"
But before Julian continued, Sena stopped her. "Shouldn't we perhaps talk about this with the Queen alone?"
J: "yet her aids might help us, they are people of vast knowledge."
S: "And yet her top liens have been infiltrated."
At last, the Queen agreed to talk with them privately, but she wished to keep Nulan with her. "I trust him with my life." (The entire party went: "Ok, so he's OBVIOSULY a traitor. :smalltongue:)

More alone, Julian continued, and explains about finding the Lexicon of Paradox.
The Queen and Nulan were both thrilled "So we can use it to close..."
S: "Or completely open the rift apart. The key was half turned. Using it again may save the world, or doom it entirely."
Q: Where did you find this?
Julian explains about the expedition nd the guardian. paradoxical angel.
the Queen semeed as if a new fire hs been lit in her, excited, thrilled, determined. "Why has it been given to you?"
J: "It was given to us by paradox because we are part of the paradox. My Queen, you are pure..."
The Queen laughed. "The decisions I've made, the sacrifices, the losses, I am far from pure, believe me!"
Andera stepped in: B"ut you are chosen for Iomedae, her leader on Golarion."
Q: "Yet, he gods have chosen you. This is great news! We will use this Lexicon, and close the rift!
Sena was alarmed by her enthusiasm: "Queen maybe we should reconsider."
But the Queen will not be deterred: "NO! We will do this! We shall end this war! Once and for all! You have done the impossible, can you do it again?"
Mad Dog rose excited: "YES!"
Andera tries to calm things down, with Nulan helping:"We cannot rush into things! We must understand what's at stake, what can and cannot be done." It taks a bit, but they calm the queen somewhat.
Sena had more questions though: "What if we manage to close the rift. What happens for those who live in this world, such as the tieflings?"
The Queen though assured hun: "If they learned to live with us, accept our ways, then they shall live with us. "We do not deal with petty vengeance, we are not Harkun."

As things seem to have settled, they chatted a bit more amiably.
J: "I understand this war is not easy on you. "
Q: "I have been doing this more than a century"
J:"Maybe the tide will change."
Sena speaks to the Queen about his vision for a new world, wanting to prepare her for the news bout Arulashee. She listens, and says it is a commendable effort, but that she cannot think of it now. "When the time comes."
Sena decides to reveal Arulashee. But before that he asks the Queen "I wish to show you to someone, someone who may greatly aid our efforts. But I want you to promise me not to harm this person, I want your word for it."
The Queen narrowed her eyes. "I trust you Sena, but I do not give my promises lightly, or blankly. You seem agitated, and there seem to be a danger."
J: Look your majesty, at this interestingtimes people go through a lot of changes, war, killing, people find new ways. Do you think you can trust us and in our judgement."
The Queen was confused, but alert: "I cannot speak only for myself, though I value your opinions greatly. I am the country, and as such I cannot simply trust, though I value you greatly."
J: "Even if our opinion do not see eye to eye?
Q: "You are speaking in riddles. Why is that so?"
S: "My first oath is for you your safety and regards. My second oath, is to kill those for whom we fight to give freedom an I will not rest. (Sena goes bit about his duties, oaths, past and so on... lost it a bit here) The bottom line is that I need your assistance in order to make the draem true- a word can make a lot. You saw what happened with Lann. . In our quest we found a demon that is trying to redeem herself."
The Queen and Nulan gasped, and then turned angry, and cautious: "That is impossible! Demons cannot turn! You have been tricked!"
J: "The impossible was made possible by the paradox itself. It is not a demon anymore, it is something different."
S: "I am connected with her by the paradox. We are two sides of the same coin. This woman has knowledge and understanding of our enemies. She is staying on the crossroads. We need your help in helping her."
"A successful diplomacy roll later) "I will trust her for this. Show me to her.
Sena goes in front to prepare Arulashee.
Ar: "What does she want?"
S: "You said to me you don't have a place. What if I tell you you were wrong.?
Arulashee gave a wondering smile:"I will be surprised. Does she know who I am?"
Sena was nervous "Be calm! I will help you. Just wait here" Sena started pumping out buffs, in case he will have to step to protect Arulashee from the queen.
As the party (Plus Queen) arrive atthe door ofthe temple, where she resides, Julian turns to Galfrey. "Before we meet her- she is quite famous. She is the former demon Arulashee." Nulan curses, the Queen as well. "Do you know of her, her past? She was oen of the gretest demon spies, an assassin, infiltrator, saboteur! Her very life, essence is one of concealment, trickery, lies and deceit? And you think you can trust her?!"
J: "Yes we do. Desnais her guide now. She is on her way."
The Queen shows great concern, but Julian manages to gain her trust, for now. They go in, and Queen meets demon.
The Queen greets he teeth, but greets Arulashhe: "In this time of Paradox, I trust these heroes, who vouch for you. On my behalf you are... welcome..." This was a bit too much for the queen to bear (nd this was going on for quite some time), She turned away and walked.
Ar: "I Never thought she would greet me like this!".
S: "We are making the impossible possible."
I deemed this another possible test of redemption. This time they rolled a success!
Arulshee fell to her knees, crying: "Thank You Desna for leading me this way, I see this more clearly now. If Iomedae's chosen has accepted me, maybe I do have a place."
Sena hugs her, and sens a message to the Queen afterwards: "My oath to you stands still, and foremost. I know it was difficult, especially due to the history. Thank you." The Queen does not respond. The Queen and her entrouge leave, after agreeing that her sages will try to decipher the coded messages as fast as they can. Meanwhile, Enjoy the short break, the hero status and rebuilding Drezen. The Queen urges Julian to explore the Lexicon of Paradox in order to find a way to reverse the process. "Anything Julian! There MUST be a way! There MUST!" She emphasizes on her. Julian promises to explore just that, even though she has her own agenda in exploring the Lexicon.

Arulashee has gone 1/4 points towards redemption.

Time goes by... various happenings in Drezen
Here we assume time goes by, the characters change some of their training (Rebuild), and they use teleports to prosperous cities, plus Horus connections and so on to make purchases, enchantments and the like. Julian is mostly engrossed at learning the Paradox, with Sena aiding her to restore her mental faculties when the madness gets at her. Andera tries to learn more of demonic doings in this area, and Mad Dog just kicks back and enjoys his hero status!

Andera talks with Anevia, Aravahs and Qulin in the Sleepless eye. After taking down the Ivory Sanctum, the whole structure of demonic dominance in the area crumbles, and hearing the news of the tiefling host, many other tieflign tribes make their way to Drezen, turning sides! Within a few weeks, the city almost doubles with new tieflings "immigrants", and the turmoil grows a lot. But Sena's new vision, his cult, and Qulin's teachings go logn enough to keep a shallow calm over the city. Many of the new tieflings find the "new ways", challenging and baffling. "They will learn, or else WE will deal with them." Reassures Qulin.

Anevia explores into Sena's "New disciple", a bit more, and the party decides to tell the leaders finally, despite Mad Dog's objections. "We can't have them find out on their own" Andera says. The news come... with raised eyebrows, but they accept her enough.

Meanwhile, Sena continues to try and help Arulashhe on her spiritual path. At one night, they seem to get closer...
Ar: "I cannot express how thankful I am to you. You keep showing your faith in me, your belief, your convcition, even when I have not."
S: "We are two sides of the same coin..."
Arulashhe came closer to him, and tentatively laid her hand on him. She then laughed. "I'm Embarrassed!" She laughed nervously.
S: "Don't be, not with me."
She came closer. "Who would have though? A succubi, embarrassed?"
Sena put his hand on her hair. "I will never harm you. I will let no one harm you. Even in the temple, when the hag came for you, I will not let her."
Arulashee came into his embrace. "Yes, you intervened, you stopped her..."
Sena smiled "Let me relieve you of your embarrassment, let us come together, and I will protect you, share with you..."
They came together, closer, coming to a kiss, when suddenly her head came back, looking at him curiously. When she spoke, it was as if someone was speaking through her, with a soft, rich, amused voice.
Ar: "There you are! I ave been looking for you! You have gone amiss! What has... happened to you? Your aura... your soul... I can't quite see it no more. It is if it is... not there? Not part of the universe? Not part of me? Hmmmm?"
Sena cursed "Calistria! I have given you my pact at the tower of Drezen. This has not changed! What is this?"
Calistria gave a wicked smile, using Arulashee's face. "You have been gone. I was soooo worried! You seem... out of place, out of touch... like you're gone to me? Where have you been my champion of champions?"
Sena looked angry, and broke off the embrace. "You need not worry. I have changed, but our pact still stands."
Calistria seemed amused. "Oh, Worry? Not so much. Curious? Very much so! You are... something new! Something I haven't yet seen. Hmmmm? I wonder..." She walked slowly around him, seductively, reaching with a hand to touch-not-touch him. She came to kiss him, but he stops her. "Enough! Leave her out of your games! I am yours, she is not!"
Calisria laughed "As you wish, my champion! Just don't go missing... I'll be watching..." and with that her influence left Arulashee. Sena went to her, but she turned away. "Not... not now... perhaps some other time..."

Andera's player, worried about where Sena might lead her, decided to have a talk with her on her own. I swear the rivalry between these two has been getting out of hand lately. :smallmad:
An: "You could go on the path you deem for yourself, and it may help. But for ages you prayed for Desna, and me also. But if you wait for the power of others, for others to save you, guide you, you will never achieve your freedom. Desna is strong, yet still, where hs she led you? Why is this taking so long? The gods are not interested in us, they do not look for us. If you want to make a change, you need to put your own meaning for it. I wouldn't just pray all the time. Don't wait for a miracle. Make your own way! You were my mile stone. You gave me the motivation. We ARE bound, like Chandi. Find your own meaning."
Ar: "But Desna has shepered me for so long, she has gotten me this far!"
An: "It's time to let go of prayers of Desna, don't wait for her. Forge your own path! You seek a revelation from outside? Why don't you make a revelation by your own actions?
Ar: "The queen has accepted me. Is it not progress?"
An: "You are not a demon anymore."
Arulashee was relieved: "You believe I am not a demon anymore? What shall my meaning be?"
An: "This is for you to find, something will drive you there, but you must act, you must strive!"
Ar: "I shall try to seek my meaning, whatever that may be…" and she hugged him.

Sena also made other "small talks", with various NPCs, mainly trying to consolidate his vision. I won't add these here, lost track of those.

I will start with the second part soon enough, where a bit more action is to be had, and a bit of a... philosophical debate...:smallwink:

Red Rubber Band
2015-07-30, 10:31 PM
Is the rivalry between those two that bad? :smallconfused: I guess the player's motivations will effect the character's motivations... have you talked to them individually about it?
It's probably due to the time lapse, but I don't remember it being at the dirty looks across the table stage.

I've got a character who, at the moment, spends a lot of time talking to anyone and everyone. I try not to do it in game time, but make a note of it with my DM and we set up a mini PQ or RP session in between our usual game times. I understand time is very precious, but if Sena's player does it in game then everyone else's time is being wasted.

Because of this decision I've ended up doing another two usual game sessions worth of RP in the past few months (on top of our normal play time). It's time consuming, but that's the way my character is currently going. He learns the names of everyone beneath him, and will ask for their culture's stories for any nugget of knowledge he can dig up. It frustrates my DM to no end, but because he wants his world fleshed out and hates to half-ass it he goes along with it. We've both learnt a lot more about the people and history of the world, which makes it all the more fun to play in over numerous campaigns.

Kol Korran
2015-07-31, 09:30 AM
Heya Red Rubber Band! I'll answer your post after this one. I'd like to get the second part of the session posted first.

Session 20, Part 2- Mid Campaign Interlude: Lessons and trials of Paradox, Night of The Purge

At this point the session took a different feel, and a different pace. I shall explain:
I agreed with Julian that her search for ascension to demi-godhood should be a bit more special than just taking a mythical power. We decided to make it a sort of a philosophical challenge: The paradox will teach her, test her, and poses an open ended riddle/ dilemma to her. Now, while I knew this would appeal to Julian and Sena's player, I also knew it would most likely bore Andera and Mad Dog's player.

So... I decided to split the party, sort of. I gave a sort of a rolling combat challenge to Md Dog and Andera, while I gave the other two some "philosophy" to deal with.

Julian, with Sena as a spiritual guide, came upon two excerpts within Paradox, that dealt with the basics of divinity. I sent the two players the excerpts by mail, and let them ponder them, while I went to the other two.

Night of The Purge, Temple of Shadowy Exchanges
The Queen summoned Mad Dog and Andera. "We have deciphered most of the content of the notes from the Sanctum, and they reveal the entirety of the demonic infiltration into our ranks! No wonder we were routed at each turn, they have gone deep, deep into our forces. But now we have the advantage! We know where they are! Andera, I will task you and Mad Dog to lead the assault on the prime targets. Our forces shall all strike in one night, one swift strike, to purge our ranks! Your takes will be to deal with the tougher cells, and hopefully find the one crucial piece of information which we have not deciphered- Which demon lord do Deskari and Baphomet wish to ally with?"

And so, after a bit of preparation, Andera spoke to assembled forces in Nerossyan, some of them belonged to his order, the Black Flame, but this time he spoke as the leader of the strike. "Well friends, this is a test of our performance and efficiency. What we do today might change what will come later, how much innocent blood will be spilt later. Just remember why you are here. Remember this and what you have learned. You know what to do, give no mercy! Let the Purge begin!"

Music for Night of The Purge- Shadow of Mordor: The Caragors. (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=gwtr45DWg-o&p=n)

They were given two targets: A wondering priest with a group of followers, going between camps and giving encouragement. The files called him "The Embedder", and apparently he was responsible for gettign soem key information from the fronts. A demon under disguise, but they knew not what demon. The second target was a small temple of Shellyn, mostly visited by the nobility of Nerossyan, Apparently this was a center of operation, but also where "exchanges were made".

But Mad Dog and Andera would not go alone. With them came a dwarf couple, a mage and cleric called Harkun and Hilda (9th level both, not mythic), as support and transportation. The players got emails with their short character lists. I thought it might be fun to let them have simple casters for this run. :smallwink:

Andera decided to hit the temple first. Knowing they need information, not just corpses, Andera thought to try out some subterfuge first. They came close to the door, and listened "They will strike at us soon! You heard what happened to Jerribeth! We must move fast!" A second voice answered "Only 4 left. We make the last exchanges and bolt away!"

Andera disables the lock, vanishes and goes inside. He sees two priests in a very dark church. He doesn't see the 4 shadow demons lurking. He comes close to the priests, when Mad Dog loses patience, and gets inside. They see him, call for an attack! The Shadow demon emerge, and one of them possesses Mad Dog! :smalleek: (Sena's player: "What? You didn't use protection from evil? Have I taught you NOTHING?")

Harkun and Hilda (AKA "Red shirts" by the party :smalltongue:) try to dispel and block the influence with a circle of protection, While Andera goes to town on some shadow demons (Good thing he upgraded with ghost touch!) The two priests start shooting spells, but together the red shirts and andera free Mad Dog, and from there it's short work. A shadow demon hisses "I will alert the Rune!" and teleports away. One of the priests is grappled, restrained and tied. It's interrogation time! And Mad Dog seems to take great pleasure from this interrogation, who quickly yields that there is a small library of a noble that acts as a center for the information the spy network gathers in Nerossyan. There is some sort of a magical thingy there- A special Rune... The party thinks it's the nickname of the wizard, and teleports there.

For this encounter I put 4 shadow demons, and 2 "Mother of Beasts" clerics (By this I mean the entry in the PFSRD) upgraded to 11th level each. I aimed at a quick fun encounter, with possibilities for subterfuge as well as combat. They opted for combat. :smalltongue: It wasn't supposed to be that hard. Part of the idea of the Purge, is to have Andera and Mad Dog have some fun and feel great. Also, it ws quite hard for me to adjuciate approximate power level, with their two casters gone replaced by two lesser casters, which they didn't fully know how to operate. So I tended towards the lower scale.
Went quite easy though.

First two excerpts of Paradox, and the first vision

Music for the Paradox- Come scientist destroy (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=OdqcsqR4dmA)

1st Excerpt: Elements of Divinity

Elements of Divinity
(From the words of "Wyvern" Crass, researcher of the Forbidden arts.)
Sarkorian fools! Imprison me?! Don't they understand! Bah! Of course they don't! They don't want to understand! What with the Green Faith and all, all we do is belief, we do not THINK! We do not Understand! But follow like sheep. But I try to, and I hope that my work here will prove useful to someone, somehow, out of this damned tree tower of Threshold! Arrest me for my experiments? But how can we understand if we do not test?! Fools!
My life work has been trying to understand the nature of Divinity. For I wish not to be a servant to masters who's agenda I cannot fathom. You reader, I hope will understand this…


What differs the arcane from the divine? What are the "core elements of the divine?" It is a bit hard to decide, as there are many theories, but the main components, though more complex than this simple naming, are three:
1. Positive energy: This elusive and strange energy, named so by stupid priests who do not fully understand it's meaning or it's opposite- Negative energy, is one of the primal forces of the universe, and it is tied directly to the gods power. See the priests, oracles, druids and such, all have a connection to it, and it's most well known form- Healing. A power that the arcane was not able to mimic, other than by the power of Wish or similar, which manipulate the very basics of the universe- the energies themselves.
Positive energy is not just healing, for it is a power that binds together ideas. (Which will lead me to the next point, soon enough). In it's purest form, it binds LIFE. That's a central element of divine magic, most of it focuses on aspects of living beings. It deals less with affecting matter (Though it can do that as well, nothing is as simple as we'd like to believe!) But in it's focus and prime there is life. Life is a complex culmination of multiple ideas, including Materia (Body), Anima (Spirit), and Consciousness (Soul). Positive energy can bind and rebuild all, which is a feat we haven't yet been able to accomplish.
We have been able to tap Undeath or negative energy. Most undead are stripped of one or more of the three elements of being, and have the others "transformed" by negative energy. This easier to access usually, and is more limited to destructive energies. Unfortunately, Undeath becomes fueled by desire for positive energy, as that is a distressful existence, and that help sate it. I guess the druids may be right about that… But still, we must learn! Sacrifices must be made!
So the gods have a tie to the primal energy of life or undeath, making and unmaking. That is elemental to their power. Life is at it's core…
2. Ideation: Unlike proper wizards, those damned heathen worshipers come by their powers by "faith". But not just that- it's a faith in some ideal, some concept, some IDEATION which gives them power. For you see, the gods, and all the power that come from them rely on an idea, and it's interpretation.

A cleric, a paladin, a druid, an oracle and even witches who do not follow the core ideas of their faith… lose power. The idea itself has power, and it flows from the universe or god (Not sure about that yet. Needs more research), unto priests, followers and such. It's the idea trying to take shape and spread itself through the world! Kinda like those mangy disease those tree huggers are all about! Godly indeed! Huh!
Yet some gods die, and sometime more than one god share the same power, which means that there are different approaches to different powers. Even that damned Iomedae doesn't follow the exact same ideas of Sarenrae, Torag or the rest. Nor do demon lords…

An important thing about the core ideas of divine beings is that they are inexplicably tied to soul/ consciousness/ morals… Each deity has a link to such an idea in his or her portfolio. Some great bloody cosmic war of ethics or such? A battle for our souls? Who bloody cares! I do not wish to be a soldier in this war!

So divine power comes in the form of adherence to an ideal, concept or such, which somehow revolves around living beings as well. You need to somehow connect these to the greater ideas of the universe. But how? Well… that brings us to:

3. POWER: Face it, those damned super beings are just way too powerful for us to tackle. (yet… Give us some time…) It seems there need to be a great source of power that enables a divine being, be it a deity, semi deity or quasity deity to act as a link to the positive energy as a source, through the link of an idea.
This has been the most vexing point yet. Access to divine power has so far only been through the Absalom Starstone, which few have dread, fewer yet have survived. All the other gods exist from time immemorial, and have their power ingrained in the origins of the universe.
The 3 elements, to my understanding so far, are interlinked with each other: Power enables to access the positive energy, but it itself grants power, all formed by ideation and so on. Quite a mess so far, but as far as I've been able to get
My bet is that if we ever try to gain great power, we need to somehow incorporate these 3 elements: A link/ emulation/ contact with primal positive (Or negative) energy, an ideation strong enough to spread and link to the universal powers, and power, a whole big bunch of it!
Depressing really…

2nd Excerpt: Beings of the universe

Beings of the universe
(From the writings of Opon, God caller)
Strange, that people call us heretics. For we are truly spiritual! That we summon small gods, reflection of the divine source within us, is to defy godhood? I say it is the opposite- it is to express your unique soul, give it form, life, enrich the world and all that's in it! That the souls of many are tainted by the dark teachings is not to say that this cannot be used for good. I have thought, learned and prayed much about this. I have also spoken many times with the witch Vorlesh, and she is wise and keen of mind. But I digress.
Divinity… What is this unfathomable and otherworldly idea? Who are these beings? What differ them from us? Who are we? What are we? And what is the connection. I shall try to answer these, in short, with hopes that if I perish here at Threshold, that my work will remain and enlighten others.
Every child will see that there are different classes of beings- there is the earth, the plants, the animals, us mortals, the outsiders of the outer planes, and the truly powerful beings that exist seemingly as part of the very fabric of existence itself- gods and their like.
Are we so different? In a way yes we are, but in another way, we have much similar. No, please, do not consider this as heresy, but read on. If my words do not make sense, feel free to seek your own understanding.
(Long and detailed observations of various beings)
All of these show that in essence, all beings are comprised in a way out of 3 components, or parts there of:
1. Materia/ Body: These are the "physical elements" that build us, and the world. The earth and air and such are built from it, but so are we. Yet, without the other elements we are not alive, but just bodies. We are alive by positive energy, while the undead are by negative energies (I've had some conversation with a mage called Wyvern. Interesting fellow, if a bit odd to deal with). I know some mages have been able to motivate beings made entirely out of Materia, or have they found ways to bind Anima to them? I'm not sure. Plants are an excellent example of beings made mostly out of Materia.
2. Anima/ Spirit: This is at its basest the element of energy, motion, life. It is the DRIVE of life. It is instinct, primal thinking, primal being. Animals are excellent examples of beings made primarily our Materia and Anima, but with little mind.
3. Mind/ Soul/ Consciousness: The element of choice, morality, and going even against the basic principles of life, of survival. It is this that enables not merely living, but BUILDING, and creating greater ideas, concepts, and things that transcends the mere individual's existence. It is this component that ties us mostly with divinity. Mortals are comprised of all 3 components, but their soul is not fixed, not rigid, unlike the outsiders such as demons, devils and celestials, who are comprised primarily of soul, which defines them far more sternly than it does it does us.
It is for this reason that the gods seek to shape the world's soul through us- mortals. It is for this reason I think, that religions exist- to shape the souls of mortals, and thus shape the souls of the world. I do not fully understand the connection between mortal soul to that of the divine beings, but I do have a theory.

We know that various souls, after death, can be attracted to the planes, perhaps even become outsiders. But we also know there are stronger beings- the divine beings. I have so far been able to identify 3 "steps" of divinity:
1. Quasi deities: These are immensely powerful beings, yet still fully themselves, though they exert the power of their linked deity's portfolio and influence. They can channel their powers through followers (Usually priests and the like), but in themselves they are still themselves. The gods' heralds, Champions of deities and the like fall into this category.
2. Semi-deities: Most known here are the numerous Demon lords (Only Lamashtu was able to become a full goddess, no one knows how). These beings are more powerfully linked to the outer planes, and their power usually ties closely to their own plane. They have a physical existence, but also a metaphysical one, one of an idea, a concept, a theme, a portfolio. Unfortunately I do not understand this duality fully, but the demon lords seem more withdrawn from Golarion itself.
3. Full deities: Mostly the gods. These beings seem to have transcended mere physicality, and have joined their soul with the soul of… the universe? An outer plane? The positive and negative energies that Wyvern is talking about? Though at times it is recorded that they have taken physical form, for the most part I believe they have none. I believe they are, indeed, a force of nature… This Starstone, which might enable the rise of new gods, with mortal origins is an interesting concept, which I haven't explored fully.
My point? I guess my point is that the beings rise/ fall/ transcend or descend. Between mere Materia, through Anima, and to Soul. To become more divine, one must become more… "Soulful", though I do not fully understand how. As the gods seem to focus on the core concept of morality and powers of the universe, perhaps such a pursuit is most fulfilling. Yet I do not think this must come from direct worship of a god. If we have soul within us, do we not also have divinity within us? Are we not, in some small way, divine ourselves? Are we not glorious?

Now, Julian's player was bit sick, and it was starting to get late. He didn't quite like trying to wrap his head around all of this, and what does it mean for her quest of divinity. Sena's player also seemed troubled. After the first duo reached a good stopping point, I returned to Julian, as after seeing this, she was absorbed to a vision by Paradox.

Julian was inside a huge room, only the walls conferred it was not exactly a regular room- she was inside an enormous tree, hollowed out to fit for living spaces. And there were two othervfigures in the room- one looked like an old man, in ragged clothes, ragged hair, but very sharp and keen eyes. This was Wyvern, the necromancer. The other was a tall man, fairly lean, quite clean, with the tattoo of a spiral on his forehead, and a look of contemplation about his face. This was Opon, the God Caller (Sarkori Summoner). These were the two writers of the articles, and also the ones who first helped Areelu in her efforts, and then tried to stop her, when they realized their mistakes.

Julian knew where she was, or t least, what place this vision was supposed to represent- Threshold, the prison that held the Sarkori mages, where these two and Areelu Vorlesh wee imprisoned more than a century ago, and where she tore open the rift to the Abyss. This is where it all started. Sena too was drawn to the vision, but as a sort of a partial ghost, an adviser. Julian was at the center.
W+O: "We are here to help you, clarify your teaching. "
J: "Who are you? Wyvrn and Opon died long ago..."
W+O: "We are their impressions, their representations, we are them in the Paradox. We are your teachers, at least for this part. What is the question that stands before you?"
J: "What is power? True power, enough power to enable the transformation. That is the main obstacle you posed Wyvern, was it not?"
Wyvern smiled a half maddened smile, but a very perceptive and inquiring one: "Did you find such power? What source will you draw from?"
J: "I found myself in these travels, and through that ,I found my power."
Wyvern seemed disappointed, Opon intrigued. Wyvern responded. "You try to circumvent the answer with religious nonsense. Don't mangle words with me. I'm asking about TRUE power!"
Opon interjected. "And what of values, principles, core beliefs? If one seeks to become more spiritual, one must have deeply ingrained beliefs. If you do not believe in yourself, if you do not have conviction, this will not be..."
Julian answered, with a clear and resolute voice: "I have already learned my lesson, came to my convictions, at the age of seven. You are ideas, as we all re- we are all built of ideas. I have very strong beliefs- I wish to teach others, help others, to learn how to help themselves. Not to wait for others to help you- not the gods, not other people, rely on yourself. Only in this way, all would be free."
O: "These values have at times, though not often, been stated by others, by other powers, some of them already divine. What makes YOU so different?"
J: "Only I can make the needed change. They will not rely on me. I will empower them."
Wyvern laughed sarcastically "Well, at least she has the nerve and audacity of the gods! But enough with this! The key here is power! Without power, all of this jumble of fancy word is nothing!"
J:"Ideas themselves are power, as is life, they all intermingle, is it not?"
Wyvern was disappointing again. "You're dodging the question..."
Julian thought. "In the Wardstone fragment, when I touched it, I got real power. The power to wield any spell, with the quickness of thought, at my disposal. Something no other mage before me could, the only one who can do the same is Senatef, but my sources aren't divine."
Wyvern finally smiled, but it was Opon who asked the next question: "Have you asked yourself of the source of this power?"
This seemed to catch Julian a bit by surprise (Or it might be that the player was tired), but the vision changed. Julian was now in a silvery-bluish-white space. There were multitudes of small lights all around them, thousands of them, in the space all around. Julian could hear the whispered prayers "Protect us from...", "Guard us from...", "Lend us strength to overcome..." and so on. She was inside of the Wardstone, and these were the prayers of thousands, who kept it's power alive before, who gave her her mythic power.
Prayers: "We are the belief that is the source of your power. We gave it to you, as an instrument to defy and oppose the demons. Yet now you seek to defy the gods themselves, the gods for which we are offered, which we serve. Why should we grant the power to you?"
Julian greeted her teeth, and answered: "I do not defy the gods, ignore them. They are meaningless- with all their power, and yet there is so much suffering. They do not truly care, and so I will forge a new path.
Pr: "Why should we trust you? Can we trust you?"
Julian didn't rise for the bait. "Judge for yourself. What I have lived through, what I have done so far, what I am willing to do. I wish to better life on this world."
Pr: "So do the gods we are offered to, the powers that invested your power. Why are you different?"
Julian stepped towards the prayers at this, as if challenging them: "How long has the Wardstone been there? Has it advanced the war? No, it only postponed it. It stopped the demons, but did not push them back, did not stop the atrocities, did not solved this situation. We'll end it! I'll end it! And in all of this, in the worry for "the grand scheme of things, the greater good", a lot of people were neglected, forgotten, lost. Bad things were allowed to happen to them. This will not happen- I will teach everyone to fend for themselves, care for themselves. Only when we care for the unnoticed person, shall we win this war!
The prayers shifted their interests to the ghost of Sena. "And yet your adviser here, your dearest friend, is a messenger of the gods. Does he defy the gods as well?"
Sena answered: "I did not say that. I believe that our efforts help the ones of the gods, and in her way, Julian helps the war effort."
Pr: "And yet you no longer worship one of the 5 gods, and you are... detached?"
Sena tried to avert attention: "That may be, but our goals, our hearts, are still the same. Julian has the power, and the purpose."
The prayers turned to Julian again: "If we give you the power, you might destroy the world."
J: "I cannot for see the fate of the world. But... as I see it, the issue is not just the world, but everything in it- from the child of the street, the forsaken refugees of the invasion, everyone that was forgotten. The issue is to CARE. You need to take action, I do not defy the gods, I ignore the gods. I just need the power."
Some of the prayers rattled: "You speak in such a hot rage! This is foolish!"
J: "Not foolish. I have a strong willful soul. Actions speak louder than words."
Sena intervened: "Although I am the servant of the gods, the gods are not free of that. The gods also make mistakes acting… not wisely, acting rashly at times..."
Julian finished with the following: "You have misjudged one thing- gaining this power is not a gift, not a blessing, it's a responsibility. When I gain this divine power, the idea will become bigger than me- the major issue of me, and the road I will represent. This is the core of my soul, and that will spread. Is that not worthy enough?"
(One excellent diplomacy roll later, adjusted for good arguments) The Prayers were silent for a short while, before answering. "Julian Bearstorm. You have our trust. When the need comes, we will grant you the power to make the transition." And with that, the vision faded...

First of all, I'd like The Evil DM who helped me in one of my "requesting assistance" threads, and sent me the first chapter of his campaign world, from which I took quite heavily to draw the main concepts expressed in the excerpts. He did some fabulous work! If you're reading this, thanks a lot! :smallbiggrin:

I wanted to do a few things with the first two excerpts:
- Give some structure, some feel of the main concepts of divinity, and divine beings. I thought this was essential, because none of us realy dealt with these questions, and for a person who seeks to become a divine being, well... it seemed important.
- I wanted to show a bit more of the Areelu- Wyvern- Opon triangle. It didn't come out so well, but it was nice. Also, linking again to Threshold, another little piece of a build up for the end of the campaign.
- I also wanted to remind them of the origins of their power, and the campaign. Julian's player suggested in our email conversation to be confronted by the gods themselves. I felt that might be a bit too problematic, since she DID try to "steal" power from them, so the prayers were a good enough substitute. Plus, in the Midnight Isles they meet a demon lord, and in Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth they meet a god. Both events are supposed to be important, so I thought not to jump the gun before then.

Wards and runes
Harkun and Hilda knew the mage and his library, and were surprised. I agreed to let them teleport inside the building, to what appeared to be a scrying room. They startle a young scribe woman. She bursts into tears, saying an awful lot of frightening things were happening here. Andera vanishes and tries to go in the corridor towards the big library room in the back, but on the way he triggers a greater ward spell, with a phantasmal killer. Andera barely makes the first save thanks to a mythic surge. The scribe reveals herself as a succubus, and tries to dominate Mad Dog, but he succeeds on his save, rages and cuts her down. Battle is joined!

Music for Night of The Purge- Shadow of Mordor: The Caragors. (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=gwtr45DWg-o&p=n)

Andera uses master disguise to make himself look like the succubus, and continues to the room ,triggering two more greater wards, one of an electrical discharge (10d8), the other of disintegrate. Andera manages to save, but stops, weary of other runes on the way. Meanwhile the red shirts put some buffs on Mad Dog (with the all important protection from evil), and Mad dog rushes past Andera to the room.

Or at least he tries, just upon entering, shimmering lines rise from the floor in front of him, and a big glowing rune, a living one, tries to cast slow on him. It moves incredibly fast- Mythical creature! Other than that there is another succubus inside, the shadow demon that escaped and... "Hey, where is the mage?" Mad Dog focuses his attacks on the strange living rune, finding it quite hard to hit it because of it's two-dimensional amorphous state, making it impervious to criticals, sneak attacks and quite a lot of damage...

The shadow demon and succubus start throwing spell like abilities, and the red shirts try to negate these, as well as heal Mad Dog which is zapped continuously by the Rune. Andera has an idea, and ghost steps through the wall into the room at a different angle, gets up to the shadow demon, and gives it one final, terminal surprise...

More powerful spells (Cone of cold and the like) emerge from a point above them in the room- the invisible mage! Mad dog continues to focus on the rune, and Chandi teleports Andera next to the succubus (In order to bypass the many wards in the room, which he suspected, and rightfully so) who suffers the same fate as the shadow demon. The mage spells prove... quite ineffective unfortunately. :smallfrown:

Andera finishes the mage with a quick spider climb up the shelves and a jump unto the mage, for a critical hit and a sneak. The mage falls, as Mad Dog finishes the rune, which twinks out of existence, disabling the wards at the same time (Sort of it's "babies" :smalltongue:). it damaged Mad Nicely, but Hilda was able to keep him going.

"We were supposed to take him alive!" Andera regrets, but they have another idea- Speak with The Dead. We jump back to Julian and Sena in the meantime.

I used the Living Rune, but made it Mythic (Mythic initiative, enabled it to cause more damage, and a few other minor stuff). The mage was an upgraded Cypher Mage, though he was quite a disappointment. Other than that- 2 succubi as aids. The rune proved a nice challenge, but the DCs of its powers weren't enough to hamper the group enough. (Mad Dog has great saves while in rage), so it ended up a bash contest between Mad Dog and it.

I quite liked Andera's masterful maneuvering in the battlefield. The Big room had about 12 greater Wards in it!

I quite liked the Living Rune Idea, as a sort of a magical constructs that aids the spy network. It was nice in Theory, though they only interacted with it battle wise. Oh well, some things work better, some less.

Third excerpt of Paradox, and the second vision

While the other two were having their battle, Julian and Sena's player were trying to ponder the following.

Music for the Paradox- Come scientist destroy (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=OdqcsqR4dmA)

Of edges and transformations
(From the writings of Areelu Vorlesh)
I don’t know what's worse! That they caged me here in Threshold, or that they caged me here with these… incompetent weak willed! They do not have what it takes to make a change, they all theorize, think, contemplate. They have long forgotten how to act. I will find a way.
And they are so caught up in definitions- Something is THIS, or THAT. Foolery! The first lesson of witch craft is that we are all BECOMING, In various degrees. Something becomes what it is if it is not willing to change, to move on, to transform. Like the bunch of mages and arcanists here. Fools! They hold soooooo much power! If they only had the nerve to act upon it!
For I know what it means to make a change. They condemned me for my own… transformation. It was necessary, and it was not as difficult as one would imagine. It is just finding the right edge, and then creating NEW definition, either by crossing it, taking what is on the other side, merging it, or creating something brand new, with it's own new… edges… This in essence, is how one creates a Paradox. They don't even understand this simple fact, for they fear coming close to the edge. If you want to change, you must risk. No playing it safe. On the verge is where you will find potentiality, possibility, choice, and innovation. They like to stay in their safe definitions, safe world, safe... "understanding" as Wyvern calls it. You must undo understanding, and proclaim a new one if you seek to make a real Paradox.
We witches live on the edges, we exploit them, and manipulate them. And the land of Sarkori is the ultimate edge- the edge between worlds, where they touch, intermingle, and are almost one with the other. No… It was not difficult to find the soul of the succubus, or the essence of what this meant, what defined it, and what were the edges of this definition. Where is one a succubus, and where is one mortal? Where do the two exists? Where is the definition made… unclear? And what will you risk for it? For there is always risk. This was my first lesson in… Becoming. I have learned much from it, from this new body, new soul. The lesson will help in the plans to come. For this is but the beginning…
And how does one become? One find a place were two situations touch. Opon says we have the divine, the soul within us, and in that we are like gods. I don't know, but I know where my soul was greatly like that of a succubus, where I became close to the idea of it, to the essence of it, I could find a new way to merge the two, into something new. No such deals with demon lords, for then they control it. I will make a deal on my own terms, if I can find the right candidate/s. I need this strength, this power, this soul… It grants me so much more understanding. Wyvern has theories about becoming a god. I have no interest in that! I have bigger plans, if I can make them… They will all pay, all of them! But if one could transcend close enough to "godliness", then maybe? Where do mortals and the divine have a common edge? What is divine about mortals? What is mortal in the gods? Where is the edge?... Maybe that's how the first demon lords came to be… Who knows…
I wonder what might be worthy of coming close to such an ideal though? Artists have been at times said to come close to the divine with their works, some priests as well with their spirituality… Various heroes of legends have moments of "edges" in their stories. Opon says we are all "godlings" in our way, if only our souls were close to divine ideals, divine doings, divine essence enough or some such nonsense… Still, he's a smart man. Hmmm….
Come close to the edge, where definitions are blurry, and have the power, determination and courge to reshape your own definition into something new- to change nd become different. Trickier said than done. But I think I'm nearly there…This tome, which speaks to my mind in such strange ideas, these people, for all of their foolery, have some interesting theories. Nearly there… Nearly there… Lets find the edge of this world…

Again Julian (and Sena) were drawn into the vision in Paradox. Again they were in Threshold, and one a singular chair sat Areelu Vorlesh, smiling wickedly at them.
Vorlesh quickly came challenging: "Many seek divinity, power, to change. What makes you so special?"
J: "I am willing to go on the edge."
Vorlesh eased into her chair. "So you've read what I wrote, but what does it mean... what does it mean to you- Willing to go on the edge?"
J: "It means I am willing to become something that is greater than myself."
Vorlesh seemed bored, testy. "You're just repeating the last conversation, we've been here before, this is not what I'm asking. What is the edge for you?"
Julian started to become confused. "To give up part of myself."
Vorlesh gave a dismissing wave "You give well repeated hollow slogans. Did you understand what an edge IS?"
Julian started to stammer a bit "I will make it better, I will..." But Vorlesh gave a disgusted sound, turning away.
Sen stepped in, on Julian's behalf: "Contrary to you Areelu Volesh, who stabbed the universe and twisted the knife, it is not the case of Julian, She will do it differently.
The figure laughed: "You think I am Areelu Vorlesh? I am an echo, a teacher of the paradox, of her own voice. But I am not the witch, I am her teachings."
She then turned to Julian, more seriously. "There will be a price. "
Julian did not flinch. "I understand I will lose myself in order to do what must be done."
But Vorlesh snarled and chided back. "Martyrdom is not a price. You claim the right because you feel you are worthy."
Julian shot back. "No, doing because no one will do it."
Vorlesh challenged: "You think you have the right?"
Sena intervened: "I will change the word "Have the right" to "Obligation"."
Vorlesh turned on them. "You dwell in the old lesson. I have taught you what I thought. It's up to you to find the edge, and transform." And with that, the vision faded. Julian's player cursed. He felt that he missed something here, but the party talked it over- She will have to CREATE a suitable edge for herself, a place where her definition blurs, and that she can cross. But what will it be?

This time a lot of the credit goes to NichG (again from the assistance threads) His idea formed most of Vorlesh' lesson- to find an edge where the border between mortal and divine gets obscured, and then pass it. This is the challenge Julian needs to solve in order to make the transition. However, I prepared no specific solution. It is intended as an entirely open ended riddle, up to the player's creativity and ingenuity. Together with gaining the sufficient power (From the prayers), this should suffice fro the transition.
It also enabled me to play a bit of Areelu Vorlesh (Or an impression of her). Again a bit of buildup.

But.... the hour was late, and the player was not feeling that well, and couldn't quite come up with a quick solution. He understood the basics of the riddle: Find a way to blur definitions, where the components of divinity is a connection to positive/negative energy (Or more simply- life/ creation or death/ destruction), ideation (Which she had quite strongly), and power (Which she gained). But the player was stumped...

As he thought of the matter, Andera and Mad Dog brought the head of the rune mage, and Sena cast Speak with Dead. Some questions and answers:
Q: Is the traveling priest (Of the second target, which they left, assuming they escaped) a spy?
A: Yes.
Q: Where is the portal that leads to the Midnight Isles, to the supply of the Crystals?
A: The Midnight Fane. (This later enabled them to locate it with scrying. I intended for the queen to reveal this, but they were smart enough about this).
Q: Is there a spy in the Queen's inner circle?
A: There was, Nurah Denidwher.
Q: Which demon lord do Deskari and Baphomet try to ally with?
A: Nocticula, ruler of the Midnight Isles. (Bingo!)
Q: Have they secured her alliance, or of any other demon lord?
A: Not yet, as far as I know.
Q: Who did you report to?
A: I reported to Jerribeth.
Q: Who do you report to now?
A: (This caught me a bit by surprise) Urasthella.

Last thoughts
The session by this time felt a bit like a loss. With the initial time spent on the loot and rebuilds, then Sena taking up a lot of solo time, some tension rising between Sena and Andera's players, the idea of dividing the group backfiring (At the end it just meant that 2 players were inactive for long periods of time), and Julian's block, meant feelings were a bit grumpy, and not all that high.

Sena's player, sensing this, called to continue the game, to try to come to a solution to Julian's dilemma, and come to a more satisfying session ending. They came up with some ideas: That Julian needs to die, or come very close to (Which she rejected), or maybe pregnancy (The player rejected this immediately, on grounds that that's a terrible reason to have a child, and that it sounds way too chauvinistic to him- that she can progress only by getting pregnant).

Sensing that people are tired, that we need a break mostly, I called the session to an end.

So, the session did had it's moments, but quite a lot of it just didn't work right. I hope to learn from this. Julian's player later informed me by email that he liked the riddle, but needed some time to think it through, and not just on the spot, and especially not late t night after about 8 hours of continuous play. (Our sessions run long, if you didn't realize it yet. :smalltongue:). Tell the truth, when I planned this, I expected Julian's ascension to come LOT sooner in the session, but with the loot stuff and various things people wanted to roleplay (Mostly Sena), this got quite delayed.

Ok, So now i got one more session to write to get the log up to date. First I'll answer Red Rubber Band's post (I didn't forget) and a bit about how we dealt with the tension between players.

Kol Korran
2015-07-31, 10:01 AM
Is the rivalry between those two that bad? :smallconfused: I guess the player's motivations will effect the character's motivations... have you talked to them individually about it?
It's probably due to the time lapse, but I don't remember it being at the dirty looks across the table stage.
There has been a sort of a rivalry ever since Sena's player joined the party. (The "Many Facets of Darkness campaign" in case you've read it.) It stems from a certain clash of personalities. Sena's player tends to play "the bastard", likes a LOT of Drama, intrigue, and so on. Lately, he got quite invested in this campaign, and just started to interact with EVERYONE. Andera's player is more guarded, direct, suspicious, and likes to focus on the major points, and move things along. They have been jesting, mostly friendly, in the group, but from time to time tension rises (Usually when Sena's player cross some line unintentionally, in his desire to provoke more roleplay. (He likes to provoke responses). We usually talk things a bit, they go more low key for some time, till it escalates again a bit. Though it is not by meaning harm, just a severe clash of styles.

I've got a character who, at the moment, spends a lot of time talking to anyone and everyone. I try not to do it in game time, but make a note of it with my DM and we set up a mini PQ or RP session in between our usual game times. I understand time is very precious, but if Sena's player does it in game then everyone else's time is being wasted.

Because of this decision I've ended up doing another two usual game sessions worth of RP in the past few months (on top of our normal play time). It's time consuming, but that's the way my character is currently going. He learns the names of everyone beneath him, and will ask for their culture's stories for any nugget of knowledge he can dig up. It frustrates my DM to no end, but because he wants his world fleshed out and hates to half-ass it he goes along with it. We've both learnt a lot more about the people and history of the world, which makes it all the more fun to play in over numerous campaigns.

Sena sounds like he plays somewhat like you play. Problem is, we don't have time to allocate for more play (Him and me are the busiest people in the bunch. It is mostly because of us that we can meet only once every 4-5 weeks). At times, when he really wanted to play something solo, I managed to meet him an hour or so before the session, but this is rare.
Andera'sa player wrote me a very angry email after the session, that his time is precious, and he doesn't feel like playing second violin to Sena's "drama bouts", which often do not involve the rest of them. Truth be told, this is also in large part because they either don't initiate roleplay, or purposefully don't bite hooks. Sena's player does spend some time on his own agendas, but he also made quite an effort, time and time again to try and involve the others. They just improvise slower, and are more cautious, where he doesn't quite care, as long as "something interesting happens", even if it is to his determent.

Now, usually I don't much intervene between players. I believe that at our ages, we are all fairly adult, and grown up. They should be able to talk to each other and solve things. I am not a kindergarten teacher. That said, I felt that in this case Sena got a bit carried away (His solo time this session was nearly 2 hours!). So I decided to talk with him, it felt like he was going a bit overboard with his excitement.

The talk went well, we came to the following decisions:
1- We keep roleplay, in group or even just between us, just for the major points, the big stuff. If he wishes to "strengthen bonds", give orders, or the like, and if that can be done with a sentence or two, then we will do just that- summarize it with a sentence or two. "I request Aravash to look into X and Y", "I tell Brian I will help him build the temple with the spells I have", "I keep giving religious lectures to forward my vision amongst the common people, and so on". That said, major roleplay pieces, are played fully.
2- Sena's player has a tendency to go on and on... He likes to talk, and make big speeches, big dramatic scenes. Which is awesome and has led to some great moments. That said, when I feel he starts to "overflow", and when the major points have been made, I will give him a small sign to "wrap things up nicely", which is his cue to find a good ending to the current roleplay.
3- What we can roleplay (and that deserves roleplay, as according to the first decision), but does not need involve the group, we shall try to roleplay before the session. I hope that will help him get his fill.

The talk was good. I was waiting to see what will happen next session... Time to write that up as well, no? :smalltongue:

Kol Korran
2015-08-01, 06:19 AM
In between sessions I've talked a bit with Julian's player. He was considering the riddle- "Create an edge and cross it"... At the end he came up with an idea that fits his style. You'll see as we go. It took a bit of bending of rules for story and cinematic effect, but I thought it was cool, and so I agreed to it.

Session 21, Part 1- Julian's ascension

As we met, the start of the session got delayed a bit, but for good reasons- Sena's player took Andera's player aside, and they talked for some time. I don't know exactly about what, (It was private between the two), but it seemed to have a good effect. The two came to the table more mollified, more at ease. As they were talking the res of us three (Mad Dog's player, Julian's player and me), commented "Those two... They add so much to the game, but every once in awhile... Yeah, but this time it got a bit out of hand...". Still, the tension seemed quite reduced.

Julian's player also surprised me while we waited. He thought Julian's transformation should have some hindering effect on her, transitory, but that will have her deal. This surprised me, and we discussed ideas. We came up with a sort of an idea, see how it goes...

Creating an edge and crossing it.
The party notified the Queen of their findings. She was not pleased, to say the least. "Nocticula? She is one of the most powerful demon lords, but also the most elusive ones. As mistress of darkness and assassinations, she knows how to keep her secrets. From what I know, she hasn't taken an active part in the cosmic game for a few centuries now. We haven't got the slightest idea of her motives, and of
her real personality... This is bad news, I don't know how we could deal with her... But if she joins forces with Deskari and Baphomet? The crusade will surely crumble... This cannot be allowed to happen! We shall need to act fast. I shall consult my sages and will talk with you soon. But at least we now know of the Midnight Fane. I believe my sages will be able to find the location." So the party now waited, as Julian delved deeper...

After the last vision with Areelu Vorlesh/ Paradox, Julian thought hard for quite some time, and did some research, into magical theory, but also into the Paradox again. After a few days, she called upon Brian and Sena, asking of them to gather the people of the city on Paradise Hill. She needed to speak with them.

Julian flew there on her carpet of flying, and indeed, soon enough the curious people of Drezen gathered. She spoke near the top of the hill, near the place where Brian started erecting a temple to the five gods. She addressed the crowds at sunset:
"People of Drezen, of the mortal races! You have come to this place against all odds. This place has been taken by the forces of evil a long time ago, and was a symbol of depression, of oppression, for anything that stands against freedom. I say today: Bring me your poor, your sickened, your forgotten, your beaten. Bring them here, because this place will become the place of freedom, of personal freedom! Today Drezen is still struggling, for food, for water, for a new life against the Worldwound. We need to take a stand and do something. You have all acted by coming here. Still, I cannot ignore the people in the street, begging for food and water, fighting over resources that should be free for everyone. So today here I promise to do what needs to be done so all will get a new chance, which all of you can do by your own self, through decision, through action."

Julian, through her research into the impossible, into divine power, tapped into both. She started casting a complicated spell, drawing greatly on her mythic reservoirs, to make... a change. The land around her started to change- from the parched, infertile, dry land, it started to reform into a more agreeable land, a more fertile land, a healthier land. Some of the plants, used to the chaotic energies and the desert like environment of the Worldwound twisted and grew, more strong, more verdant, more alive, and here and there even some grass grew, some flowers. The noise of water, coming from a new fountain on the hill, one of clearer water, good drinking water. The air itself, which was stifling, dry, became fresher, a bit of moisture in it.

Behind Julian a great big oak, which will from now on be the symbol of Julian's faith, grew in a rapid rate, at the top of the hill, to a great height, verdant, powerful, alive... A symbol of hope. And near it rose a massive rock from the ground, which will be the basis of Julian's new order- Abbey of the Forgotten.

Yet the power needed to create this small miracle, this terraforming of the environs of Drezen, was a lot to take in. Julian was in a trance, that drew from her power, from her life, from herself. The ritual was draining, and in it, she came upon another vision...

The player found out the mythical spell- Terraform, on which we based the effect in play. Though it's a 7th level mythic spell, and though Julian's effects exceed the spell's effects somewhat, I allowed it, with both of us agreeing that it called for a bit more of a price. We agreed upon a greater expenditure of material resources (She put around 20-30,000 into this, can't remember), A drain on her mythical power till she reaches 7th level spells (2 mythic power less of her max), and lastly, the physical/ roleplay effects (Coming up later). Since this was mostly for roleplay purposes, and the ability was supposed to be originally just her taking the mythical universal ability of Divine Focus, we thought this was enough, and a cool effect.

How does it relay to the riddle? Mainly as an act of greater creation- it involves Positive energy/ creation, it involves ideation (Her core ideas), and certainly a lot of power. It is also an edge, where she does something that mimics divine creation, and there are a lot of witnesses to see this, and believe in her. So I deemed it cool. Flashy and grandiose, true, not exactly my first choice, but awesome non the less, and the player liked it!

Third vision- The core of your belief- What does it mean to be good?
This time, Julian found herself In the orphanage that she was in as a child. She was being punished for some mischief- she was put in a small dark cell, with the Mother of the orphanage saying "And stay there till you realize what you've done!" and closed the door. They were alone in the dark room. Though Alone may not quite be the case, for there were others there, representations of important figures in her life- Brian, Sena, Andera, Mad Dog and the Queen. These were their representations in her own mind. (Important note: The players played the figures representing their own characters in the visions!)
She heard the voices of the Prayers, of Paradox, Of herself- as she is now, but also the voice of the 7 years old, locked up in the darkness, alone. "Who are you? What is your core? You claim to be good, but many divine beings are good, with many different representations of "good"... What does "good mean to you?"
J: "Never to be helpless. Never to let others to be helpless, never to be left alone, be locked way, to do everything In your power, to help those in need. Stop ignoring, the greatest crime is to stand aside and not get involved."
Andera's sword, Changi, sprang up from it's hilt, and took the form of a socrpion. "Slit the witch'es throat, her heart is filled with cruelty." (Motioning toward's the Mother superior outside the room)
Andera however spoke differently: "Will you do it upon the school mistress, will she like it in the dark? If you were in her place, will you do it upon her?"
J: "Vengeance is never the answer." She put her hand on Andera's cheek. "You of all have proven compassion for others. We shall give a second chance. That's what binds us."
S: "Even vengeance against those whose entire goal and drive is to tap into the basest of instincts, and cause great cruelty? How can you say we cannot avenge against those people?"
J: "Simple my friend Sena, we shall act out not of vengeance. But of justice."
S: "Sometimes vengeance IS justice." (Chandi whispered: "Listen to the priest!")
J: "If it comes to prevent greater suffering, it is justified. Each one of us is given his own code of morality, and ability to understand, and take decisions. Each one of us has proven already that they act not of impulses, but what must be done. If that demands us to take a stand, than we do it."
The Queen spoke: "I am of responsibility, of unity, of leadership. You will need to make hard choices, impossible choices. To sacrifice some to save others. To hurt in order to heal, or plainly survive."
J: "Life is full of decisions, sometimes that means taking decisions over the life of others. I f it needs to be done, I will do it."

The vision changed to another event from her past. Age 11, when she led her friends on a dare ,to sneak into the Wardstone Chamber. There she met a demon, or a sort of a demon, looking a lot like Mad Dog had in his monstrous transformations. She saw herself, facing the demon (Who at that time beat her into a coma), some of her friends dead, some dying, some fleeing, and the beast towering over her. "How will you act, when you cannot do all, save all, for all power is at the end- limited..."
J: "I will stop the demon. We try to do our best, Not necessarily the "greater good", just good."
The demon above, challenged her: "And what about your responsibility? It was you who had led here, despite great many dangers, for your own pride, for your desire of mischief. because of you they have died, suffered..."
Julian's voice, taken by surprised, hesitated, but then answered, a bit cracked: "Yes, this was my responsibility. It was my fault..." She became a bit withdrawn, remembering...
Chandi spoke harshly, against Julian: "She brought them here, stab her heart! She will go on to betray others!"
Again Andera posed a different view, speaking to Julian, talking about her younger self: "Has she wronged you? She tried, yet failed. She tried her best. Will you not forgive her? Are you mad at her?"
Julian spoke weakly, yet harshly: "But I brought them here, they are dead!"
An: "If you were them, will you not forgive her?"
J: "I... I do not know…." She was shaken.
Sena strode in: "I do not believe in coincidence, where you lived, while others died. Every death has it's purpose, every surviving soul has it's purpose, there is a plan."
Julian looked at him, somewhat furious, but with a smirk of contempt: "A divine plan?"
S: "There is a bigger picture we live in. Forces that are not as obvious or seen as we may think."
Chandi: "Bigger picture, bigger shmicktcher! She brought them here. She is responsible!"
S: "You cannot understand everything."
J: "I need to think about it. I do not know how they would look at me. But if the bigger picture includes the death of small 6 years kids, then I reject it!"
S: "Even if one of them would have grown to be a tyrant with the blood of millions on his hands?"
J: "Yes. Now he is a kid. You do not kill if they will become tyrants. You can change destinies. All destinies can be changed. You do not serve the sentence before the crime!"
Sena bowed to Julian, liking her answer: "Still, you did not have the power to change anything. Guilt leads to no where."
Chandi chortled: "She betrayed them! Slit her throat, slit her throat!"

The vision once more changed, to the streets of Xer. This was a mixed vision, spreading across several years, first her abusive foster family, then being thrown into the street upon manifesting the first sourcerous powers, then surviving in the mean streets, amongst gangs and more, becoming tough, lean, mean...
Andera spoke of the young Julian once more: "If you could advise her, what would be your advice to her?"
J: "I will advise her to do what I have done. I have never stood down to anyone, even if you are kicked in the face, do it screaming and scratching."
Chandi: "Who brought it to this situation? Her parents?"
Andera joins with Chandi to form a big scorpion. Talked about the foster parents: "They have abused you, thrown you to the street. What shall you do to them with your new found power?"
J: "My foster parents? They need to be punished, but not in order to take vengeance, but so that they will not hurt everyone else. They should pay their due according to the law."
S: "So there need to be a retribution. You will become a goddess, your word will spread, be a law, be a power, what retribution will you order for them? It is your call..."
J: "My retribution is my ability to forgive. At 14, I would have plucked their eyes out. Now... I just wish them to not hurt others..."
At this point Brian stepped forth: "You have lost families, rejected families, can you find a family again? My dear, dear child..." There was sadness in his voice, regret, and great caring for Julian.
J: "You ask how not to be alone. People who share my belief, my comrades, those who will follow they way I believe in, not followers- friends. I believe I have found them. Their have their own faults, their own greatness. Mad dog who is very clear, Sena that calculates, and There is Andera who's compassion leads his way along with his swords, and you, who took care of me in the past. They are my family, you are my family."
Sena bowed, Andera returned to his original form, and Brian just wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. "So this is what GOOD means to new, Julian Bearstorm."

She received her first domain- the Good domain.

Once Julian made the transition, I thought it could be cool to have a vision for her gaining her domains. The first a significant alignment domain, the second one a more general one. I wanted to challenge her by important figures in her life, and her past. Then the idea came in one of the assistance threads, to bring the group along for this! So we talked in emails (Without Julian's player) about these visions, their place in them and so on. Sena and Andera's player took a great interest in this, and planned a few challenges accordingly, which I think went fairly nicely. Mad Dog's player felt this was not quite his niche, so he stayed out of most of it.

Sena wanted to do this in a similar fashion to two pivotal challenges in Babylon 5, where the person under interrogation is asked quick questions, given little time to answer, in order to draw out the most real answers, things from the subconscious. (He is a lawyer, and has at times used a similar tactic against people on the stand). Julian's player answered quite nicely I think. He came quite prepared about what her vision should be, and his grasp of her character.
The two Babylon conversations, watch them, they are quite cool (MAJOR SPOILERS if you haven't seen the show):
Babylon 5, Order vs. Chaos. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJLKtXxnGr4)
Babylon 5, Who are you. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buaVRE4pExM)

Fourth vision- The Core Teachings
The vision changed, partly returning to reality, Julian saw the masses beneath her, on the hill, all viewing her, and the change to Drezen in amazed awe, many of whom prostrated themselves in front the floating glowing form of Julian. And in this, she saw others beside her, her trio of friends, but also many of the other companions and caretakers of Drezen. She heard the voice of the prayers again: "You are good, but in what way will you act upon it? What is the core teaching of action to them? They will look up to you, what shall you say to them?"
Julian looked around, as the NPCs each spoke, bowing to her:
Anevia: "I am vigiliance. Do what needs to be done, by any means it takes to do it."
Arabeth: "I am honor. Trust, companionship, camaraderie and responsibility."
Bartlet:" I am the grim humor. When it's darkest, look for the light. Find the positive."
Aravash: "I am wisdom. Seek knowledge, seek understanding, seek enlightment."
Lann: "I am the hard worker. Put your weight, and work yourself up, despite hardship, despite prejudice, despite resistance. Through persistence and determination, I move on."
Qulin: "I am redemption, I am hope. A change of ways is always possible."
Brian: "I am the father. I love, I care, I grieve. I am family."
The trio had other things to say though.
S: "I am hope for a new way, a new vision."
Mad dog does not speak, just nods.
Andera: "When the house behind you burn, and people flee it, you can heal them, or stop the fire. Will you save the people wounded, or stop the fire from harming more?"
J: "I will stop the fire." She answers instinctively, but then she seems to hesitate. "You have brought a dilemma, which is impossible to decide right now. Each situation is different, with it's own details, it's own influences. When you are in the situation, you will know."
To the prayers she answered: "My teaching is very simple- always do the best you can to help others. I do not know what is the best way, until I will be in the fire."
Andera pressed on: "This answers nothing, by what way will you stop the fire, or decide? Choose the tool, choose the way."
J: "The fire is chaos- war, demons, many things, but for each evil, there is good. Good can counter it, and still you always have to see those that hurt, and help the best you can. Fighting is one way, but is not enough. Healing is needed as well as fighting.
S: "So you rpesent hope, a new way?"
J: "There has always been hope, it just need not be ignored."

We decided to end the vision here, as it seemed that the central experience has been played through, and Julian has spoken her piece. True, she did not quite come to a final teaching, but her main agenda- helping others to learn to help themselves, and not ignore people for the greater good, has been clear enough. She gained her second domain- Healing.

And at last,the transformation of Drezen, tied to the transformation of Julian, was completed. Along with a whole new look for her! :smalltongue: (The player likes visuals, so he came up with the following pic to show her after the transformation)

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/Julian%20transformed_zpshp8rcqqc.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/Julian%20transformed_zpshp8rcqqc.jpg.html)

Sena has also gained Divine Focus, as part of his transformation into something... new... But the player preferred to not make a big deal out of this, and have it be far more subtle. He liked Julian's story and how much her player had fun with this, so he opted out of drama on this one. :smallwink:

On the whole, the player loved the experience, even though the riddle stumped him a bit at the end of the previous session. He felt it gave the ascension a different feel, a special event, and he was pleasently surprised at the paticipation of the others in his visions! I think that on the whole, this went quite well (The other players liekd it too!). Sure, we may not have done the best of dialogue or such, but then again, it was not scripted, and we are not exactly improvisational actors or accomplished speech makers.

I think this gave an extra feel for the simple feat. It took quite soem work from me to figure things out, and decide what to put in, what to leave out, but it went well. As to the riddle... It was essential that it would be open ended, and dependent mostly on the player's creativity, which worked quite liek a blast. Hope you liked it!

Julian, now a divine being, stood in front of the great oak of her faith, near the basis of the abbey that will focus on teaching everyone self reliance, self defense, and self accomplishment, and she stood in front of the amazed and bewildered crowds of Drezen, many of them fallen before the rise of this new being.

Yet she could not see... well, not in the regular sense. The ritual has taken it's toll on her. Her eyes glowing, Sena quickly noticed soemthing is wrong, and came to her aid, trying to look as a front guide to her.

Arabeth, as stunned as the rest, asked her: "What has happened here?"
Julian looked at her, not seeing a woman, but a dull great sword, nicked and well used, yet still quite sharp, with a soft inner glow. Yet she saw no buildings, not the earth, the water, just many different kind of auras, souls... "This is still me, everyone can support and help themselves for their own food and water. This city will be a refuge in this desolated land and for those who seek shelter. People of Drezen, I hope that you have learned, and not just received. I hope that each and everyone of you will care for the other. Remember this- good can be done by everyone. This place is safe now, make it safe for others as I have made it for you."
With that she turned to Sena, who looked... stranger than the rest of the auras- it was as if he wasn't quite there. Something... flickering, not fully existing, as if not fully in sight. Yet she trusted him, squeezing his shoulder. "I m tired now. Lets go home".

I will stop here for now. The second part will start The Midnight Isles module, preparations, final decisions, and the attack on the Midnight Fane. I hope you enjoyed this! And I hope I will have the time to write the second part soon. Gotta go now! :smallsmile:

Red Rubber Band
2015-08-03, 01:35 AM
There has been a sort of a rivalry ever since Sena's player joined the party. (The "Many Facets of Darkness campaign" in case you've read it.) It stems from a certain clash of personalities. Sena's player tends to play "the bastard", likes a LOT of Drama, intrigue, and so on. Lately, he got quite invested in this campaign, and just started to interact with EVERYONE. Andera's player is more guarded, direct, suspicious, and likes to focus on the major points, and move things along. They have been jesting, mostly friendly, in the group, but from time to time tension rises (Usually when Sena's player cross some line unintentionally, in his desire to provoke more roleplay. (He likes to provoke responses). We usually talk things a bit, they go more low key for some time, till it escalates again a bit. Though it is not by meaning harm, just a severe clash of styles.

Sena sounds like he plays somewhat like you play. Problem is, we don't have time to allocate for more play (Him and me are the busiest people in the bunch. It is mostly because of us that we can meet only once every 4-5 weeks). At times, when he really wanted to play something solo, I managed to meet him an hour or so before the session, but this is rare.
Andera'sa player wrote me a very angry email after the session, that his time is precious, and he doesn't feel like playing second violin to Sena's "drama bouts", which often do not involve the rest of them. Truth be told, this is also in large part because they either don't initiate roleplay, or purposefully don't bite hooks. Sena's player does spend some time on his own agendas, but he also made quite an effort, time and time again to try and involve the others. They just improvise slower, and are more cautious, where he doesn't quite care, as long as "something interesting happens", even if it is to his determent.

Now, usually I don't much intervene between players. I believe that at our ages, we are all fairly adult, and grown up. They should be able to talk to each other and solve things. I am not a kindergarten teacher. That said, I felt that in this case Sena got a bit carried away (His solo time this session was nearly 2 hours!). So I decided to talk with him, it felt like he was going a bit overboard with his excitement.

The talk went well, we came to the following decisions:
1- We keep roleplay, in group or even just between us, just for the major points, the big stuff. If he wishes to "strengthen bonds", give orders, or the like, and if that can be done with a sentence or two, then we will do just that- summarize it with a sentence or two. "I request Aravash to look into X and Y", "I tell Brian I will help him build the temple with the spells I have", "I keep giving religious lectures to forward my vision amongst the common people, and so on". That said, major roleplay pieces, are played fully.
2- Sena's player has a tendency to go on and on... He likes to talk, and make big speeches, big dramatic scenes. Which is awesome and has led to some great moments. That said, when I feel he starts to "overflow", and when the major points have been made, I will give him a small sign to "wrap things up nicely", which is his cue to find a good ending to the current roleplay.
3- What we can roleplay (and that deserves roleplay, as according to the first decision), but does not need involve the group, we shall try to roleplay before the session. I hope that will help him get his fill.

The talk was good. I was waiting to see what will happen next session... Time to write that up as well, no? :smalltongue:

Well, it just so happens that this character is much more of a "know the people" person. My last character was completely self-absorbed and only made a handful of meaningful relationships outside of the party :smalltongue: Any other roleplaying was with other party members unless it was a Personal Quest. In which case the quest was, you guessed it, personal.

Usually when solo time gets out of hand our DM, or the player, will say, "Hold on a sec, maybe we should do this another time". But most of our group is quite happy for each character to get their chance in the spotlight and the DM will try to somehow fit the players, if not the characters, in to the event. For example, we recently had a mage duel that lasted about 2 hours (out of game), or ~10 rounds in game. There was some prep time, an explanation of the rules for the newer players, and we were constantly munching on food, but damn that's a long *** battle between two people. The way we got around this, and probably extended the time significantly, was involve everyone each turn into describing what their character saw. Each person added a bit on. I know it cannot always be like this, and just cutting RP short really messes with the vibe. And I guess it seems a little bit different for you guys, as every session half turns out to be "Sena quests for an answer and tries to drag everyone along" :smalltongue:
Something that our DM does is talk to each person after the session to see how it went. Although it seems to be just me lately... not tooting my own horn, but I think out of the three* people he could speak with I have the best advice insofar as telling him what worked, what didn't, and how the others reacted to it.
*There is a fourth, but they live together, so I'm not counting him as I know they talk near on every day about it.

Kudos to Sena's player for making the constant effort to involve everyone. And also for understanding the situation that he seems to have unintentionally created.
It's good that, even though you're not a kindergarten teacher or their parent, you stepped in and had a discussion with the source of the dissent. Hats off.
Wow! Sena and Andera had an actual conversation together that seemed to work! Adulthood sure is grand. I now live in hope that someday certain people I know reach it... Got to love people being grown up about situations like this. These things are what you want in a group. Communication, Composure, and Respect. (We'll just ignore the angry email by Andera part :smalltongue: To be honest, they could have done a lot worse. So that's a point in their favour)

Anyway, I'm stopping this because I've fluffed on way too much. Hopefully it makes sense. I've been interrrupted about a dozen times so far :smallbiggrin:

The player found out the mythical spell- Terraform, on which we based the effect in play. Though it's a 7th level mythic spell, and though Julian's effects exceed the spell's effects somewhat, I allowed it, with both of us agreeing that it called for a bit more of a price. We agreed upon a greater expenditure of material resources (She put around 20-30,000 into this, can't remember), A drain on her mythical power till she reaches 7th level spells (2 mythic power less of her max), and lastly, the physical/ roleplay effects (Coming up later). Since this was mostly for roleplay purposes, and the ability was supposed to be originally just her taking the mythical universal ability of Divine Focus, we thought this was enough, and a cool effect.

This is a trait that I really like in a DM. Someone who is very happy (or just happy) with bending the rules for a rule of cool ruling...
If it's an epic fight and requires an epic (duh) conclusion or a last ditch effort to push us over the line the DM will go, "Explain what you're doing vividly and you'll get bonuses, and I'll hand waive some of the mundane **** so that you can do this without the possibility of rolling a 1 on something." Basically we paint a (series of) picture(s) and the detail gets us slight immunity to bad luck :smallcool:

On the whole, the player loved the experience, even though the riddle stumped him a bit at the end of the previous session. He felt it gave the ascension a different feel, a special event, and he was pleasently surprised at the paticipation of the others in his visions! I think that on the whole, this went quite well (The other players liekd it too!). Sure, we may not have done the best of dialogue or such, but then again, it was not scripted, and we are not exactly improvisational actors or accomplished speech makers.

I think this gave an extra feel for the simple feat. It took quite soem work from me to figure things out, and decide what to put in, what to leave out, but it went well. As to the riddle... It was essential that it would be open ended, and dependent mostly on the player's creativity, which worked quite liek a blast. Hope you liked it!

Really enjoyed it. Would have been awesome to be a part of!
I'm not sure how your group is with reminiscing, but our group constantly chat about previous characters and the shenanigans they got up to. Some conjecture happens with what they could be doing now that they're under the DM's command, and the talk usually ends with some fingers crossed so that we may not have to face them in the future.
Hopefully this is one of those times your group talks about!

Kol Korran
2015-08-04, 07:49 AM
Heya Red Rubber Band! Glad you enjoyed the writing so far. Out group does reminisce, but about the oddest things at times... For example, at a session in our first campaign in a sort of a dungeon made out of memories of dead personalities (Long story), Andera's player invented a spur of the moment personality called "Mobold the Dwarf", who for a reason I can't quite remember, got huge laughs, even though he persisted in game time for about 4-5 minutes. Strangely, it's one of the characters they most remember. :smallconfused: Oh well, players....

I do ask what worked and what didn't after the session. It became such a habit that most of the group just go "It was cool! Stop asking allready!" Unless there was something specific that was especially cool or especially irksome.

Just wanted to answer this before starting the second half of the last session. Finally got a bit more time. Catching up! (I hope to be able to finish this before I have to leave). Here goes! :smalltongue:

Kol Korran
2015-08-05, 10:59 AM
Session 21, Part 2- Preparing for the Abyss

Julian's "condition"
So Julian slept, While Sena stood guard outside of her door. Her home has become a place of congregation, with a great deal of the people of Drezen coming there, quite confused, yet filled with awe, that they have just seen something special.

At morning Andera came to see Julian, yet Sena stopped him.
S: "You need to give her some time. She is part of the process now."
An: "The process?"
S: "Yes, the new way. I cannot fully explain it now."
An: "You talk about your new symbol? The new pins many of the people in town are sporting?"
Sena hesitated for a bit. "That as well, it's a part of it. We need to give Julian time to rest."
An: "I have no time for this. We need to understand what just happened there. She slept enough." And with that, he used ghost step to just go through the wall.

Julian was awake though, She was at her table, seeming tired, but otherwise soemwhat refreshed. She looked at the enterign Andera in strange white eyes. "Ah, Andera the scorpion."
An: "The Scorpion?"
J: "I... I see things differently now. I think I see souls, or impressions of them. Maybe a part of the divine power... It's strange. I can't see the rest of the world, and even what I see, only from close up."
(As discussed at the start of the session, Julian's player wanted to "pay a price/ mark a change". She can now only see sentient living things, as a sort of a soul, and up to 60 ft. She is blind to the rest of the material world. She can target creatures, but not see unliving matter.)
Sena entered as well, a bit flustered. Julian turned to him, but her eyes were a bit as if searching. "Sena, you are here as well?". Sena bowed. "I am the guardian of Paradox, and you are it. I promised to protect." Julian looked at him with focus. "I can barely see you. You are as if barely flickering on the edge of sight... But thank you."
Shea asked Andera and Sena's help to prepare food. And then she sat to eat. After a few bites, she seemed a bit more relieved.
J: "This spell took more effort than I thought!"
An: "I am not sure it was a spell. More like a sortof a small miracle! How did you pull it off?"
J: "I grabbed some of the divine power, it was very draining. But it affected my sight- I see Andera like a scorpion, Sena flickering, it is... quite odd. The images do not always confer to the being. They are a bit confusing..."
Andera thought for a few moments: "Well, it could be helpful to find some infiltrators. I do not know how to translate. Maybe we can try it.".
Julian turned to Andera: "Perhaps. But It makes things... difficult. Andera, will you be my guide?"
Before Andera could answer, they could hear a bit of a commotion outside. People understood she has awawkened.
Sena was worried of this: "There is a crowd outside. I don't think you should go on in the city in your situation."
Julian however did not agree. "People need to see me now." She finieshed her meal and spoke. "Sena, I appreciate you, but eave me and Andera alone." Sena bowed, and let to guard the door again.
J: "Andera, it's not easy for me, but you remember ages ago, when I wasn't quite myself, and things went weird between us?" She coughed a bit. "Well, as I was... transforming... I saw you in my visions, have you seen them yourself, or only me?"
Andera looked suspicious: "Not that I remember."
J: "Well, I told you in those visions that I appreciate your compassion. I trust you, and if it's ok with you, I wish you to help me in this predicament, and be my eyes."
An: "No problem in the city, but what's next?"
J: "When fighting will come? When fighting will come, I will be there. We will act. Trust me."
An: "I hope so. Just remember. But when fighting comes, I go for the source of the fire, I can't stay behind."
J: "Of course."

Julian's player also wanted to involve the rest of the group. Part of this handicap he proposed was to have him rely on another character, and strengthen the roleplay between the two. He chose Andera's player, to enrich the interactions. Sena had enough already. Andera's player also feel more at ease roleplaying with Julian's player, so this bode well. The agreement was that he will guide her physically, her hand on his shoulders, outside of combat. The player had an idea for that.

Fourth Module- The Midnight Isles

Queen's visit- "Your next mission, if you chose to accept it."
Julian goes outside, her hand on Andera's shoulder, and Sena as a barrier between her and the people. She gives a short speech (We were now edging for a bit more action, so we just skipped the specifics), in which she called for those who can, when not working, help Brian in building the Abbey of the Forgotten, which will be the first outpost for teaching self defense, self reliance, and the responsibility to help others and do good, as you can. Julian's first temple, of a sort... :smalltongue:

"We got company. I swear she must have some very good spies!" alerted Sena, as the Queen was making her approach yet once more. The crowds parted, but the group decided to convene at the Citadel, and discuss things more privately there.

The Queen herself was quite amazed at Julian's transformation, but did not comment on this other than. "You never cease to amaze me. This is good! We may need some miracles in the time to come. You have already done so much! Thanks to The Purge, we have been able to eliminate the infiltration in our camp, and now our plans, efforts are not immediately known. We have been able to deal some major blows to the demons laying siege to Narossian, and have even been able to push int othe Worldwound itself! Our army is marching to Raliscard, the front line military hold of the demons, lost to use in the second crusade. I shall return to lead it after finishing here, but finally- the initiative is ours! We are striking back!" The group seemed pleased at this.

The Queen explained the situation: "I come to you, to ask you yet once again of a great service. I have asked of you many great things before, and you have always delivered, but this time... It is different. I need you to go into the Abyss itself, into the realm of Nocticula, demon lord of darkness, lust, and assassinations, into one of the greatest centers of evil in creation, into The Midnight Isles... While in the past we could lend you some support, I fear that on this dangerous mission, the most dangerous of all before now, you will most likely go alone. I... am uneasy of this... I am not fully convinced that I should send you into the great darkness, but I see no one more capable, and the stakes of this venture are... well, we never played for higher."

She sighed, and then continued. "It seems all of our latest discoveries converge on this matter. The Nyhadrian crystals are mined somewhere in the midnight isles, an operation we suspect is headed by Hephazimerah herself, daughter of Baphomet, and source of the new powerful demons we have seen this far, as well as being crucial to some nefarious plot by Areelu Vorlesh. Whatever it is, it can't be good. But possibly more alarming, are the attempts to ally with Nocticula herself. I... we... my sages... have not been able to learn anything new of this most enigmatic of demon lords. She is a mystery. But she is also one of the most powerful demons in all of creation. The Midnight Isles is her realm, her reflection, and is composed of the bodies of great many demon lords she assassinated, which now form the hundreds of isles in the archipelago that form her domain. If they ally with her, the crusade is as good as over. We will lose. The world will lose... This, above all else, must be stopped." (Sena's player cursed silently. "Oh F***!" :smallamused:)

The group listened, and so the Queen continued. "We have located The Midnight Fane, which is the portal through which the Nyhadrian Crystals are being transported. For some curiosity, they cannot be teleported ,and so they must be transferred by non magical means. It is located deep in the Worldwound, in an old defiled Sarkori temple to Pulura, goddess of the stars, the cold and the void. We know from Xanthir's notes there is a foundry there. So my proposal is this- We go to the Midnight Fane, we shall use scrolls to get us there. We shall attack it, destroy the foundry, and you shall trvel through the portal to the Midnight Isles. Julian, in your... studies... have you foudn a way to cloe the portal?"
Julian has, a sort of a ritual, which she will discuss later, she was not fully sure, but she theorized it could work. "Excellent!" The Queen's spirits seems to have been lifted. "We must try this!" Nulan seemed excited, yet worried. The Queen continued. "Once you cross over though, you are on your own. I do not know where in the isles does the portal lead, but hopefully you might find some clues as to the location of the Nyhadrian mine. I suggest making headway yo Porphyry city, or Allushira, as it is also known. We know that Nocticula has erected this massive metropolis as a place of commerce, the biggest one in all of the Abyss, full with various demons, and other extraplanars. It is said to be one of the most corrupted places in the universe, filled with all kinds of sin, debauchery, temptation and schemes, yet it is also your best bet to get information, and also get the attention of Nocticula herself."

The Queen paused. "I... am not sure how to approach this. Odd, isn't it? That for this most important of missions, I have no information to give you..." She gave a mirthless laugh. "Try to find out about the negotiations, about Nocticula, and stop this. Whatever it takes! I put my trust in you..." They could see the heavy burden on her. "And lastly, find the mine, and put a final stop to Areelu's plans."

She gave the party a few moments to let it sink in. The enormity of the task ahead. She then continued. "Prepare for the journey well. It is unlikely you will see Golarion, or Drezen for awhile. I suggest you use Aravash' expertise on the planes to learn more of where you'll be going. Also, your new... friend..." The Queen's eyes narrowed a bit "Might provide some very useful information. Nocticula was the first succubus, and many of them revere her. Succubi are said to hold positions of import and influence in Porphyry city, perhaps she could help. Prepare, but do it quickly. We do not know how much time we have. In 2-3 days at the most, we leave."

Andera noticed something. "We?" The Queen smiled. "Yes, we. I will join you in the attack on the Midnight Fane. I will need to see this ritual that Julian proposes to close the portal with my own eyes! If this can actually be done... do you realize the implications? We have a tool to end the war! There is no way I will miss this! I must see it!" Nulan approached her "My Queen, but the danger! It is far behind enemy lines, we cannot allow you to risk yourself on such a..." But the Queen stopped him, smiling. "I know of your concerns Nulan, but I have to do this. Both to see the ritual, and to give these heroes a last farewell, before they travel into the abyss on our behalf!" The party was a it doubtful, but agreed.

With the main things said, the Queen relaxed a bit, and turned to Julian and Sena. "You two have gone through a lot of changes in this past few months... I know what it means. There are many rumors as to my long life amongst the people, some spread by me... They think I use Sun Orchid potions, but it is different- Iomedae has made me her herald, her messenger, her icon on Golarion. She has infused me with some of her essence, which has some benefits, some hindrances." She looked at them both, and then caressed Julian's cheek. "I hope you bear the change better than I do. It... separates you from others. You are no longer fully mortal..." She then left to prepare herself.

Preparations for the Abyss
Most of this we conducted not in roleplay, but rather amongst us as players and DM. We assumed that the following info they can get from Aravash, Arulashee and Brian. Most of this comes from the module, with a few little tweaks of my own. I sent the party maps of the realm, from the module (Which looks like a huge archipelago, with lots of isles, some bigger, some smaller. A BIG place.) and of Porphyry city (Which is a city in the middle of the big lake, on the biggest isle, which looked quite cramped, and purpulish). I don't think I can reproduce these maps here, but I hope you get the idea. I put most of these under spoilers, in case you know the module, and do not wish to read it again. (The changes on the whole are minor. i mostly increased the penalties for conditions)

Considerations when traveling to the Midnight Isles:

Banishment: When the PCs travel to the abyss, they are considered outsiders, and so are subject to Banidshment, Dismissal and Blasphemy. The demons there are not. They are considered Native to this place. As per the module, the party decides to buy a few scrolls of Plane shift and Greater teleport, for is some of the group get sent back to Golarion, while others are in the Abyss, ?(They mostly worried about Blasphemy). Most of the scrolls are with Andera.
Constant Midnight: There is no real cycle of a regular "day" as we know it in the Midnight Isles. The sky is either completely dark (Granting full concealment), or it has a moon, and some "Stars" , as Notcticule decide to adorn the "sky" at that time (Granting partial concealment). In total the "Day" is about 16 hours, each period lasting about 8. I decided to have spells lasting a day conform to this, and not go with the module's suggestion of 24 hour spells lasting as such, since that would be too much book keeping without any real benefit in experience.
North Isn’t North: “north” indicates the direction to Nocticula’s private boudoir, deep within her palace in the city of Allushirra. (I explained that long distance traveling might be quite difficult).
Altered senses: Things feel different, the sounds, smells, noises. In many ways, it is an alien palce, which plays tricks on the senses. -5 to -10 on perception or related skills. (This is more than the module's suggestion, since that penalty is pathetic, and I wanted to make it feel like having a real effect).
Divinely Morphic and Sentient: Nocticula can alter the Midnight Isles at will, as can the Abyss itself, but she generally avoids doing so as she is quite pleased with the shapes her defeated foes have assumed. Sena's player was quite confused at this. I explained that as said in the exceprts, higher beings, such as demon lords, are not just shape, but also an idea, and a place. The entire of Midnight Isles are an extension of Nocticula. In some ways, she IS the plane. The party gave a few more delicious curses. :smallwink:
Strongly Chaos-Aligned and Strongly Evil-Aligned: A –4 circumstance penalty applies on all Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based checks attempted by creatures that aren’t chaotic or evil. The penalties for the chaotic and evil components of the alignment trait stack. (This is more than the -2 suggested by the module, for the same reasons specified earlier). Sena smiled at this, as the choice of "beyond morality" started paying dividends.
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the chaotic, evil, or darkness descriptor or of the shadow subschool are enhanced. CL +2
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the lawful, light, or good descriptor are impeded. Concentration 25+ spell level.

The Porphyry city- Allushira:
This the mostly learned from Arulashee. Apparently she has lived there for a while, in her more demonic days, but it has been ages since she has been there. She was somewhat hesitant about relaying her connection to such a place.

Population: This is the biggest metropolis in the abyss, and caters for demons from all of it's layers, plus quite a few more visitors from other places. "Many demons? How many are we talking about?", "Oh a few millions... plus a quite a lot of slaves from around the planes, and other kind of extraplanars." The group? "F***, that's a lot of demons!" Other than Mad Dog who just grinned widely. "So it will take us a bit slower to clean up the place."
Trade: Porphyry city is the major trade hub of the Abyss. Anything, ANYTHING can probably be bought and sold there- from items, slaves, experiences, sensations, information and more. The place caters greatly for delights and pleasures, of many kinds. However, counterfeits, schemes, and charging high prices is quite common. For game purposes, the party can assume there is no purchase limit there, but prices are usually 10-20% more. Plus, not everything they buy is guaranteed to be "Kosher".
Morality: Porphyry city prides itself being submerged in sin. Slavery, abuse, addictions, violence, and much more is common everywhere. The many succubi cater for any kind of temptation, most of them not quite healthy. Brutality and violence in the streets is common, and power plays a great deal. The place sports many powerful visiting beings, so it may be wise not to draw too much attention to yourself. Nocticula rarely intervenes, and the place is chaotic and extremely dangerous. The only rough rule is not to disturb the flow of the city itself and it's commerce. Nocticula is known to never intervene directly, but rather use-
Shamira: An immensely powerful succubus, and not of the tempting kind. With wings of fire, and a furious temper to match, Shamira is the ruler of Porphyry City in Nocticula's name and sees to it's continuous operation. Shamira holds tremendous power, nearly matching that of Nocticula, and is her Herald on the plane. In Arulashee's words- "I really suggest to avoid her if at all possible. Do not irk her temper- none have survived it before."
Succubi: The succubi holds a special place in Porphyry city. They are considered a sort of elite, and holds many places of power and import. They are the main owners of property in the city, and nearly any place accepting visitors (Of which there are plenty), is owned by one. It is practically impossible to find an inn that doesn't serve as a brothel of some kind as well.
Nocticula's Boudoir: Does not exist in any specific place. It is rumored to exist as a sort of a demi plane that can open to any place in the Midnight Isles, as Nocticula sees fit. You cannot get there, unless Nocticula shows an interest in you, in which case an opening will become apparent.
Regions: We decided to discuss these as the party gets there, but some names such as "The Flesh Markets", "The Ten Thousand Delights" and "The Virgin's Ribs", were thrown, just o spice the imagination a bit... :smalltongue:

The party grew a bit grim about this. "Well... we'll fit right in!"
"We may need some good disguise. We cannot just fight our way there."
Mad Dog: "We can't? Says who?" but even he said this jokingly. This seemed to pose quite a challenge...
"How do we get Nocticula's attention in such a place?"
"Don't know. We'll get there, and then see..."

Sena wished to talk with Arulashee more, now that he knew they were going to a place connected to her past.
S: "How do you feel? telling us of Porphyry?"
Aru: "I do not know how I feel. It is the place that once was home, and now... It poses the greatest danger to us all, to you..."
S: "Are you afraid of the Isles?"
Aru: "I'm afraid of the effects of the demons on me. In the Worldwound, if I was close to a demon or few, I felt the surges of evil within me, at time I froze, at times I ran. A few times, it turned me to my darker sides. But to face a whole city? Teeming with them?"
S: "I promise you this- If you will fall, I will catch you."
Arulashee smiled a sad smile. "I fear I may stab you in the heart as you do."
Sena paused for a moment, and made sure that no one was listening: "I have a question for you: before you tried to get close to me. Was it you?"
Arulashee was embarrassed, confused: "I think it was me, but maybe it was the succubus in me? I don't quite know for certain."
Sena thought for a moment more, than asked her to revert to her true form. Confused, she turned to her succubi form. In passion, he tried to kiss her, but she backs away. "I am not sure this is the right time!"
Now Sena was confused: "My feelings are for who you are, and what your are. We are both connected, more than we both understand!"
But Arulashee foudn this confusing: "The path of passion, desire, love, is central to who a succubi is. The road is difficult as it is, I don't want to evoke those qualities, that set of mind again?"
Sena challenged, was not deterred: "is true love the path of the succubi?"
Arulashee was conflicted: "I need to be one with myself, before I can be with another." Sena looked downfallen, so she quickly added "It's not that I don't want to, but I can't, right now."
Sena nodded, understanding,m and hugged her, while casting the angelic appearance spell. Their wings, that of an angel, and that of the demon enveloped them both in their warmth, making a small cocoon of intimacy. Sena whispered to her "Remember that- I love as you are! You are unique, you are the future. You are strong, and I can see that even if you have doubts about you, I do not. Maybe I am a fool, but hope is what we have right here, in these situations. And if you will fall, I will catch you." Arulashee trembled a bit, but could not respond. He hugged her again, and then let her be.

Portal closing ritual:
Now, having read the sixth module itself, which DOES deal with closing the last portal, I saw that the authors of the different modules did not in fact correlate between the two rituals, to make them anywhere connected. So... I devised new rules for the ritual, to resemble the last ritual a bit more, something on a smaller scale... This differs somewhat from the ritual in the module, making it a bit more complicated.

Preparation: One person reads various passages from the Lexicon of Paradox. Since the lexicon was written in at least 7 languages, the person needs to know them all, or... use comprehend languages. As he does the reading, he nominates the main characters linked to the closing of the portal. These need be unique figures, with great power. Of those the party knew, only themselves, the Queen and Arulashee might fit. (The sixth module enables only the party, but I wanted to make these two more significant, since the party interacted with them, and respected them). These designated participants are called Primary, and will be the main force to try and either unravel or increase the portal. ("The key can be turned both ways...") Other people may help, as Secondary participants, who can then act as a sort of "Aid another" to the main effort, though the bonus increases to a +5.
Once the participants have been linked, Each of them tries to invoke and either unravel the portal (Closing it), or extending it (Making it bigger). The portal, as Julian understood this, is made up of frays/ cords/ links from the two worlds, having been tore open from their own worlds, now intertwined in each other, sort of like a mesh of threads, a sort of complicated lock of a sort. Each person may try their skills at affecting this. This is basically a skill check or similar. One must be close to the portal for this (Within 20 ft), and the process takes 1d6+4 rounds. This is a full round action.
Potential skills that can be used: Disable device/ Perception (Seeing better the threads, guiding others), Knowledge planes, Knowledge Arcana, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device.
You may also cast a 4th level or higher good aligned spell. In this case you make a concentration check. This replaces a skill check.
You can also Smite Evil. In this case you use your attack instead of a skill, but adds a charisma modifier instead of a strength modifier.
The DC was not known for Julian, as this changes from portal to portal, but it was fairly high. The process is draining. If you fail, you lose some of your life force (Permanent negative levels) and you're stunned.
If any attempt is disrupted (Similar to disrupting a spell), the threads will start to unravel quickly, unless the other participants are able to close it before it fully unravels. The time frame in which this can happen was not known to Julian (Again, changes from portal to portal), but it seemed to be quick, and a real danger.
Sealing: Lastly, a portion of the Lexicon must be thrown into the portal. The massive energies and research of the planes imbued in it, enabled the closure to finalize. Julian theorized they may need just one page for this.

The party made a few more small purchases and the like. But they were soon ready. They did not quite have a plan (It amazes me how often that happens), but just decided to "get there, and roll with it." There was another small matter before going.

Before we go...
The NPCs asked for the party to come together on the night before they intended to leave. To their surprise, they offered their help, to join the party in their journey to the abyss! They offered to accompany them. The module rightfully says that the NPCs are no longer on par with the party's power, and will probably not fit with adventuring. Yet, In case the party got attached, they can accompany the party, and each offers small benefits. I wanted to offer this opportunity, since it may enrich the roleplay later on, and also- the party have often surprised me! :smalltongue:

Anevia spoke first: Hey, You guys are going to look for info in that place, looking for rumors, and such, right? I can scout ahead in the city and find rumors, I've been doing this in Drezen and Kenabres for longer than i can remember. After all, it's just one big city. Right? Right?"
Andera thanked her: "You've been with us from the start, and jelpd us greatly on the way, and here with the Sleeping Eye. But you will not blend well there. We need you here, to continue on the work. Thank you Anevia." Anevia by this point is a level 11 rogue. She could help a bit with the random rolls in the city to look for useful info.

Aravashnial: My group, the Riftwardens, have focused on studying portals our entire lives. This is our great research! Please, I can help perhaps with the portal. After all, it is what we have studied all of this time!"
This got the party curious. They ended up agreeingthat he will teleport with them to the location, but will not venture in until all opposition was taken out. Then he will see how he could help with the portal, but afterwards return to Drezen. Aravahsnial by this point is a level 11 Conjurer and he adds some bonuses to checks needed to close the portal.

Arabeth: "My strength is at my sword. I will come with you, and protect you. I fear I may be a bit known amongst demon folks, I have hunted and purged quite a few in my time. It may help to have a reputation there, but it may hinder as well. My sword is yours."
Andera talked: "We need your judgement and rulership more than your sword. You have done good in Drezen, and we'd like you to keep doing so. Where we're going, we have to fight on our terms, I fear that your sword better serve here." Arabeth by this point is a level 11 Cavalier. Her reputation helps a bit in drawing Nocticula's attention. (Though I must say, that this is odd that the party itself, having done what it has done by now, does not provoke a particular attention by the module. Oh well...)

Horus of all people, suprised them by offering himself: "Going to the demon's hive? You poor naïve goody two shoes bastards! You will be swindled out of your money faster than Julian makes a smart comment, Sena makes a speech, Andear eyeballs someone or Mad dog kills something. I can make sure you're not swindled that high…"
Andera, who never liked him, thinks of maybe taking him there to die, as a sacrifice or something, but only in his thoughts. The group reclines the offer. Horus is considered an 11th level rogue, focused on social skills obviously. He can lower the extra prices.

Brian: "I can come with you, and provide you with support and succor in this darkest of all places. I too, like Arabeth, have a reputation… Julian, consider this. You have gone through something... marvelous, but not fully explained now. You may need all the guidance you can have in such a dark place." It was obvious he wanted to join her, protect her.
But Julian replied warmly: "Thank you Brian, you have always looked out for me, even when I did not wish it. I see it now. But I need you to stay here, continue the work I have started with the Abbey. It is not less important- as I've said, the small things must not be forgotten by the bigger things. I shall have my friends to guide me, support me, and offer wisdom." She put her hands on Andera and Sena's shoulders. Brian is an 11th level cleric of Iomedae. Like Arabeth, his reputations is somewhat known. (I gave him the influence of the cleric of Shellyn in the campaign, forgot his name).

And at the last, there was Arulashee. She seems to have thought of this for awhile, and spoke softly: "I will go with you, as asked, but the corrupting power of an entire plane… I'm not sure if I I will be help or a burden. Plus Nocticula's influence on me may be more… direct… I think I may be of great help. I have been to Porphyry, even if this has been a longtime since. I know how it acts, it's currents, it's feel. But I can also try to offer assistance from afar... through a kiss. If I do this, I will be able to contact the one I kiss even through the planes, and offer some assistance. It will not be as direct, as immediate, but it may be safer, if my resolve does not stand, and I turn. (This is the preferred path in the module. Despite having Arulashee join for the ride, in a perfect that just screams roleplay with her along, and after they went to so much trouble in finding her, the writer of the fourth module seems to not want to deal with her, and writes the entire module as if she stays behind, offering guidance through her connection to whom she kisses. I swear, I just don't get the writers at some points. Well, many points, but some points more than others...)
Andera questions her, uncertain of her ability to cope with so many demons, with a plane that is in it's essence evil, and with Nocticula herself. As the player said "Too much is riding on this adventure, to have unnecessary risks along". Still, he questioned her: "Be honest, how do you feel about it? Can you withstand this journey?"
Arulashee swallowed: "I do not know. I think I have become stronger in these years, and with your company I grow stronger still. But this... it is beyond the scope of what I have faced so far. I do not know."
Andera turned to the rest of the party, knowing well that at least Sena is determined on bringing her, especially after the Ivory Sanctum, where she was left behind: "I do not want to hurt her, if she becomes evil, she can pose a great danger to us. Not only is she capable and strong, but she also knows more of us than any enemy. If she goes to them..."
Sena stepped forth, willing to vouch for her to come: "If this happens, I will neutralize her. I believe she is strong and able to withstand the corruption!"
Andera was unsure: "She already said that even weaker demons, such a a babau can affect her. The entire plane? Full of the strongest demons? I think she need not come with us. But she can come with us to the Fane."
Sena was going a bit angry (The character, not player) but remained fairly calm: "You know my opinion. If you want to try the Fane first, I agree."
Mad Dog surprised then, coming to Arulahsee, looming over her and smiling in his slightly awkward way: "I think we'll manage with you. Trust yourself, and we'll trust you. Or if you become... not well?" The huge half elf shrugged, and smacked his fist to his other palm. "We will give you head calibration!" (This is a reference to the first Avengers film, which the player loved. Guess which character he loved most? :smalltongue:)
Sena again emphasizes: "I can neutralize her if need be, I have the spells!"
But Andera was uncertain: "Can you? She is quite strong willed, and may become stronger in this place, and have the aids of lots of demons to fall on. Not everything is under your control. If she turns, and then joins forces with the enemy, will you bet the fate of the world on this?"
Sena would not answer, but his stance meant that yes, he would.
Julian cut the discussion. "She will come with us to the Fane. It will enable us, and her, see how she functions. I believe that there MIGHT be SOME demons, some of them quite powerful, there." She looked at the succubus, which seemed like a multi colored shifting ball of colors, between light and dark, swiveling in confusion and chaos. Arulashee swallowed again, nodded, and smiled nervously.

Basically, up until the start of the 6the module, this is the last time they see the NPCs that escorted them from the start, as in the 5th module they go quite quickly to another part of the abyss yet once more. So there will be a long absence from them.

I quite liked how things turned out with Arulashee. Both Sena and Andera care for her, but in different ways. And while Sena's player is interested in adding her to continue their joined story, and for roleplay potential, Andera is quite wary of serious complications down the line (And for a good reason! :smallbiggrin:) He was always the cautious one. This throws a complication in planning, as the module assumes she stays behind. Oh well, I think I may have a few ideas to toy with here. :smallamused: In the words of Mr. Burns... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_crvGziPn3g)

It was time to go!

Apparently the entry I thought to post is too long, so I need to make another post. So I'm cutting this here. Next post coming soon enough though. :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2015-08-05, 12:19 PM
Session 21, Part 3- Attack on the Midnight Fane
Ok, last part, I swear! :smallwink:

First approach of the Midnight Fane
Nulan has previously gave the party a scroll of greater teleportation and they've seen the entrance through scry spells (We skipped over that). They correlated their arrival with the Queen's little company.

They appeared near the broken wind swept hill that held the Fane, deep in the Worldwound. Our 4 heroes with Arulashee and Aravash accompanying. They were met by the Queen, Nulan, and her few bodyguards. "They will stay behind, give us some time to attack, covering our backs. Once we strike, demons will most likely come." Nulan started drawing a circle, to summon celestials, and the priest and Aravash started preparing themselves. Nulan, forthe first time, smiled a bit. "We will keep them busy, give you time. Just don't wait too long. My Queen, hurry back. Our army awaits." She herself was enthusiastic, bright, alive. "Once I see the portal closes with my own eyes, I will."

As their backup started preparing, so did the party. Sena cast loads of buffs, and a circle against evil on Andera (Who had the weakest will save) and... Arulashee. Julian was on her flying carpet, using this as a mode of transportation. She cast echolocation, enabling her to see the outlines of physical surroundings, as to not fully incapacitate her. (I was a little disappointed here, since this spell kind of circumvented her entire blindness, but as this was mostly for roleplay, I agreed. Sh intended to cast this only before combat heavy areas.) Mad Dog flexed his muscles. "Finally! Lets kill something!" Andera however suggested caution, and trying subterfuge. "Lets first see what we're dealing with here..." Arulashee strung her bow, and breathed in deeply, in her true form, feeling ready.

Queen and Andera leading, they came to the big double doors of the temple, the markings of the old goddess worn out, with markings of the demons new. The doors were not locked, and so they entered. As soon as they did, they felt the energies of the abyss in this place, and heard a great noise from further down the hall. "The portal is near!" whispered the queen, excited. (The abyss exerted some of the influences of the plane, only to a much lesser degree).

As they progressed a bit deeper (I can't quite put the map of the dungeon, but it's surprisingly small. distances are very near) There was a door to the left, an an opening tot he right, as well as continuing up ahead, with a great noise coming from there. But to ther ight the opening came up to a small platform, with a large statue of Deskari (A bit resembling the gargantuan statue of Deskari they fought taking the citadel of Drezen, only far better made). The statue boomed in a great voice. "Behold the glory of the lord of the locust host!" But did not move. (As per the module).
Andera: "Well, thee goes our surprise. Golem?"
They recognized the voice as a magic mouth spell. they were unsure of what to do, and so contemplated for a few rounds, till the incubus from the room beside the golem, came to check out. (These are the lowly workers of Fane).
The leading incubus was surprised. "Who are you?"
Andra tried to bluff quickly. "We came to get the Nyhadrian crystals! Bring them to us quickly!"
In: "Don't you mean elixirs?"
Julian flew above, looking all powerful and majestic. "This is just my lowly minion, he is sometimes weak of mind, and doesn't know what he speaks. Bring us the elixirs! Now!"
The incubus was terrified. "Of course, who shall I say sent you?"
Julian went for full intimidation. "You dare question me?! Do as I said!"
The incubus groveled. "Of course! Of course! i will go tell Mustafen and Urasthella at once! We thought the next shipment is due in one more week!" and he quickly scrambled away.
Julian: "This isn't going to work, is it?"
Andera:" No.... probably not."
Sena (Sighing): "Here we go again..."
Mad Dog just smiled widely.

Battle of the Fane
As has become accustomed with the party, due to dealing with demons (Who have telepathy you know, and can alert most of the complex quite quickly), and he way I run things, and the way the party likes it, this very quickly turned int one big messy battle that involved all (Well, nearly all, I'll get to that later) forces in the Fane.

But first things first. Andera reminded them. "Golem?" Julian grumbled "Golem." (In the module the Golem doesn't attack unless attacked or ordered to). With a quick spell, Apparent Monster (Oddly enough, from the last fane they did battle in, under the Lost Expedition) and took control of it. I kinda expected it, though I hoped they forgot this tactic. :smallfrown:

"What do we order it?" asked Andera. Julian thought "Attack any demon that it sees!" The golem raised hs scythe, ready to strike the suddenly terrified Arulashee "Other than her! Other than her!" Shouted Julian quickly. Sena grumbled "This is starting great!" Julian revised the command, not wanting to deal with the golem in battle when it comes. She motioned him to the door the incubi came from. "Don't let anyone come from there!" The golem moved into position.

"Ok, that got one path covered, we go for the door, or down the hall?" Mad Dog motioned for the big doors down the hall with his sword. "We go for the big noise. It's where all the fun is!"

Now, at this point I'd like to point out a strange peculiarity in the design of the dungeon, and adventure expectations. The entrance leads STRAIGHT to the main room, where the foundry is, and it even says it makes a tremendous amount of noise. Yet, for some strange reason, the module is written as if it's expected that the party will go through all of the rooms surrounding the foundry (Most of them leading to it as well by the way), before approaching it. Odd, but knowing the party, I kind of expected this approach. They like hitting the main events first. :smallbiggrin:

And so, with glorious swords held high, Mad Dog and the Queen rushed ahead, and burst the doors into the Foundry's room. This was a fairly big room, at it's center a huge machine, with whirring adamantine blades, churning the tough Nyhadrian Crystals. These were fed to it by a couple of Ash giants, whom the Fane used as cheap labor, from the surrounding hills. There were two more incubi here, moving towards the south wall, though it was empty (The party missed this at first. They were moving to see if Urasthella, behind the secret door might need assistance). But perhaps the most striking feature in the place was the violent, flashing white purple lights and a whirling chaos, portal to the abyss, occupying the full eastern wall.

The noise was tremendous. Andera, invisible, went straight to one of the giants, cutting it deep with his blades. Arulashee on his heels, coming in and shooting many arrows, hurting the giant some more. Mad Dog and The Queen rushed at the other giant, hitting it fiercely. The enemies not being demons, some of the attacks were less potent than usual, but the damage still massive. Meanwhile, Sena and Julian started to control the combat. Julian cast an ice wall on the western door (From which the rest of the Incubi could come, as well as Mustafen, the Fane's mythic alchemist and his minion. She didn't know all of this of course, but she liked minimizing help, on principle). Sena turned back and blocked the corridor with a thick wall of stone. The battle was isolated, or so they thought...

The enemies consisted of the has giants and incubi (minions), but 3 other powerful beings- Mustafen, a capable mythic alchemist, Ursathella, a mythic Lamia (I used the improved version from the files Scorpion made, that I mentioned before), and the last... well, you'll see. All three started preparing spells and such in their respective places. The party had a little time to deal with matters.

With the combined forces of the party, the giants and incubi quickly falls to the blades, arrows and spells of the party. One giant does manage to land a heavy blow on Mad Dog, but the Queen quickly lays her hands on him, healing him of the most damage. She fights well (15ht level paladin, as well as herald powers). Andera, worried about the big machine and it's blades, goes to disable it while invisible. Meanwhile, the incubi try to come from around, but... a Golem awaits, and they hear their terrified (Yet abruptly short) screams. The door there slams, they won't be coming that way. Sena is also alarmed at strong strikes on the wall of stone, as the last Ash giant, who slept in the room they didn't explore at the start, comes after them, and tries to break down the wall. Sena's player is a bit annoyed, and find it important to remind me. "It's a THICK wall." It will give them quite a few rounds.

Once the enemies are ready though (it takes them about 3 rounds), they try to attack simultaneously. From the west, the ice wall shudders, and suffers damage as Mustafen use his fire bombs on it. From the south the secret door to Urasthella's domain opens, and the Lamia, with many spells around her, comes slithering in. She first shoots a ray of disintegrate at Sena, thinking he is an angel, and hits him! Or not? He uses divine intervention and at the last moment reality reshapes itself and the ray hit the wall, disintegrating part of it.

yet Above Urasthella, another figure enters, flying majestic, a woman who exudes tremendous power.

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/Diane%20Bear%20Storm_zpspz0riv3k.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/Diane%20Bear%20Storm_zpspz0riv3k.jpg.html)

This woman looked... human, not a demon. This worried the group. Sena, using display of intelligence easily succeeded on the knowledge check, and cursed, shouting at Julian: "This is Diana Bearstorm!" This was Julian's mother... (Party: WTF?)

Diana floated, and her white eyes focused first on Julian. "Dear daughter, You have grown along nicely, but you side with the losing side. Let me show you what true power is!" She uses dominate monster on Mad Dog. (Andera's player: "Wait, isn't that a 9th level spell?" Me: "Why yes, I think it is!" :smalltongue:) Mad Dog manages to save just barely, rolling luckily on his save and mythic surge. (Sena: "Phew! That could have turned real ugly!")

Julian is confused. "Mother! I will take care of you!" and tries an incapacitating spell, but Diana shrugs it off easily. "Julian, dear daughter, I need no taking care of! You are far beyond the scope of your power!" Sena, who panics a bit, tries to buy more time, and erects another wall of stone, blocking Urasthella and Diana, who screams in frustration. Meanwhile, Mustafen launches another bomb on the wall of ice.

Mad Dog, The Queen and Sena (Flying) come close to the wall, knowing it will not stand for long. Arulashee positions herself to shoot at whomever comes in first, while Julian... thinks, confused. Andera shouts at the rest. "Give me more time! Nearly there!"

Urasthella disintegrates the wall, and Mad Dog roars attack her and... misses? Her AC is sky high with all her spells. The Queen however, uses her Justice aura to grant Smite Evil on Urasthella to them all, including surprisingly- Arulahsee. With her hefty bonuses, hitting the Lamia becomes possible. And both Queen and Arulahsee hit her several times. Yet the Lamia hits Mad dog fiercely with her many attacks, wounding him deeply, more worrying then that, her strikes were draining his mythic power! The party raised eyebrows, this is the first time they've seen anything like this. They certainly considered the Lamia a major threat.

Julian looked at Diana, and concentrated. "What do I see? With this sight?" I was a bit surprised at this, As we've decided on this just at the start of the session, so I was improvising. Thinking quickly, I told the player. "You see nothing there. Not even the flickering of soul like in Sena's case, just nothing there." Julian thought for a moment, and then called out, confused. "Mother, you are an empty shell! I have sought to meet you for so much time, but now, you are as nothing, empty!" This choice of words, though incidental, struck deeply at the core of the matter. Suddenly Diana's features seemed terrified, shocked "How did you know? How did you know?" and Diana gave one scream, and vanished. (Explanation will come later) For now, the party was content to not face her. Though Julian wanted answers!

Pissed, Julian focuses on Urasthella, who in the meantime acted quite quickly (The Mythic initiative many of the monsters in the campaign have, allowing them to act fully, twice in a round), nearly dropping Mad Dog, if it wasn't for Sena's healing. Julian casts on her Greater Dispel, and takes down some of her spells. Sena, liking the idea, uses the Quicken Rod to cast another greater dispel, taking down her last defenses. Quite more vulnerable, Ursthella is hit by the many arrows of Arulashee, the holy sword of the furious Queen, and she screams in rage. Arulashee is exhilarated, filled with the holy power of the Smite Evil. "This feels good! This feels right!" Sena notices this, and smiles.

Suddenly the great machine's noise comes to an abrupt stop, and it rattles disfunctioning. Urasthella screams "No! What have you done?!" (Andera: "Well, I just pushed this big red button...") But Mad Dog seems to have had enough, and slices her, cutting snake's body and tail from upper torso. He huffs ab bit, fresh wounds over his body, his mythical power somewhat drained. He looks at Julian and Sena. "Thanks. She was such a pest with those spells on!"

I decide that with the fall of the main opposition, the rest flee. The Ash Giant stops striking the wall and flees, and Mustafen orders his Mutated flying gibberling minion to draw the golem's AoO, and flees the place. The party doesn't even lays eyes on him! :smalltongue:

As the party breathes in after the short but furious fight, the see some sort of shimmering in the portal, as something invisible passes it, flying. They hear a woman's voice, frustrated, angry, but also afraid. "Not again! Curse you! I will have my revenge!" For a second the party thinks to pursue, but Both Andera and Sena stop the party. "We need to finish here..."

Aftermath, Minhago and the husk
This was starting to get late, so instead of a room by room description, I gave the general layout. They find Urasthella's lair, with the shrine to Deskari, they find Mustafen's lab, and destroy the process that makes the elixirs, and they find some of the supplies. Some treasure, but nothing too outstanding. "Loot to sell at Porphyry" Andera mutters.

They do find a small room, that looked as if someone has just recently moved into it. And behind a curtain they find something... quite odd- what looked like a human sized fleshy husk. Sena, again using Display of Intelligence identifies it for what it is- it is a husk a lilitu demon can use to imprison and suspend the life force of a victim, which the demon can then use to imitate. Julian speaks in a constrained, silent rage. "Lilitu? So this must have been Minhago. And my mother must be in there..." The Queen added "We learned that Minhago was responsible for securing the Wardstone fragment in Kenabres, and that she fell out of grace of Baphomet once you foiled her. I wonder what she does here! Still, if Diana is here..."

They quickly managed to identify the spells needed to open the husk securely, and managed to do it without killing Diana. As the husk opened, Sena healed the slumbering figure, and she opened her eyes in horror. Julian quickly hugged her. "Mother, it is me, Julian!" The Queen also came to hold her, having known her as a friend. "Diana! You were gone for so long! We have tried looking everywhere for you! We though you died!" But the awakening figure had more pressing, terrified matters on her mind "Minhago! Where is Minhago! You must beware, she..." But Julina comforted her. "She is gone, we drove her away, for now..." Diana, who looked like a broken shell, barely alive, broke into tears. "How.. how long have I been gone?" The Queen supplied the missing information, since about a month after Julian was born. Diana has gone hunting Minhago, after she killed her lover, and has not been seen since. As this was explained to Diana, she looked wonderingly at Julian, not fully comprehending, amazed, confused, at awe. Julian herself was quite distraught, and at an emotional turmoil.

I was surprised by the group then. "We need to hurry. Alarm has surely reached the surrounding area. We can't Nulan can't hold forever, we need to deal with the portal." Julian was deeply conflicted. She turned to the Queen. "Give me a minute or two. I will be right back, bring Aravash and start without me." And with that she teleported with her mother to Drezen, to Brian.

Seeing her, Brian's eyes flew open, and he rushed to her. "Diana?" Julian looked at him, at her. "Mother. I have wished to see you for so long..." She looked at her, pained. "Yet I have to leave you again. I have to stop the demons, stop Minhago, Stop all of this. Once and for all. Brian, The Queen, they will take care of you. I hope I will have the time to talk more with you, but this will have to wait. But this... this moment, finally meeting you? It was worth all of the adventuring this far, all the horror, suffering. Mother!"" They hugged for a few long moments, confused moments, charged moments, and then Julian stood up. She looked at Brian, he looked at her nodding. Nothing needed to be said, and she teleported back. Sena came to her "Are you ok?" But Julian was stoic. "Not right now, but I will be. Lets deal with the portal."

Minhago is the recurring villain of this module. As usual, for some reason the recurring villain is met and dealt with before the final villain (Hephazomeh) Of which the characters barely know (Just like Staunton Vhane and the Shadow Demon, and Jerribeth and Xanthir Vang). This continues to confuse me. I am making changes, you will see later I hope.

By the module, Minhago first appears in the Fane, yet she is too terrified of the party, due to them foiling her plans at Kenabres (I REALLY would have liked there to be some emphasis of that in the first module, it would have made the build up for her so much more... making sense, and not seem coincidental and out of the blue). So she uses Project Image to confront the party. cast through it. In the module, she uses the image of Yaniel, who was the original paladin who wielded Radiance (The mythic sword found on the first module, which Andrew took, and that stayed with him when the characters were changed). But Yaniel would mean nothing for the party. So I decided to use Diana, as a sort of a closure for Julian.

What I didn't think of, was the time pressure I put the party on. I totally forgot about it, though they didn't. So instead of having some longer time for a reunion, this felt kind of rushed, and "on the way"... I booped a bit here, but I think Julian will find a way to converse with her mother sometime later, though I don't fully know how. At least it makes for a juicy motivation against Minhago! :smallbiggrin:

Sena asked if this fight was worth a redemption trial for Arulashee. I deemed that it did, yet at the roll she failed again! (The players rolled for her) Sena grumbled. "You gotta be kidding me!" The fight for good, beside the Queen reassured her, but not fully yet.

The XP for the fight got the party to 13th level! yet they decided to finish with the portal first, and deal with leveling up later.

Closing the rift

Aravash came, and the party quickly gathered. Julian explained the ritual again. She would designate them four, the Queen, and Arulashee as the primary participants, and Aravash as a secondary one. The Queen though brought an important question: "If Julian's ritual works, and we close the portal, you will remain on the other side. Aravash and me will rejoin Nulan and teleport from here. But..." The Queen turned to Arulashee. "Where will you go? To the Abyss, or with us?" For once, the Queen did not show such hostility. Arulashee answered with more confidence than before. "It felt good to be under your grace, and to fight alongside you. If you'll agree, I will join you!" and the party agreed! After seeing her in a fight, and with her new resolution, there was no objection.

so the 5 of them came to the portal, and crossed it. This was not easy, as the energies sought to disrupt them. Weaker creatures it may have stunned, or killed, but not the party, they have entered the abyss, the effects of it's essence affecting them to the full effect. They took a small distance from the portal, and started the ritual.

Eech participant chose their way to try and unravel the threads joining the planes, and mend them together. But after but a round of concentration, something... someone, moved within the energies of the portal! A great demon, a Mythic Nalfeshee, protector of the Abyss roared "You will not harm the abyss! Insolent fools!"

Arulashee is the first to respond, critting the demon with a holy outsider bane arrow, damaging it nicely! It howls in pain, and the party gives a cheer. The Nalfeshee creates it's nimbus of chaotic light as a free action, and unleashes a mythic chain lightning on them, with all evading! Thanks to the mythic saves this mean absolutely no damage! :smallfrown: Once more the party goes into a little song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5X5zh00rdg)! Cheeky bastards! Sena recognizes the harmful effects of the nimbus, and warns the party. Mad Dog tries to intimidate the demon (Surprise round, can't get close), and Sena uses Harm on it, but it saves (Sena has faith' reach, enabling him to cast touch spells at a distance).

As other mythic bosses before, this creature also has Mythic Initiative, and acts before the rest oncem more with the Nimbus stunning both Julian and Andera. The concentration breaks, and the Rift starts to break, and spread! "No!" The Queen shouts. "We must stop it!" The Demon grins at Sena "Nice trick you guys did there with the snake woman, let me try!" And uses greater dispel on Sena, takign down his 3 major buffs.

Arulashee continues to hit the demon, and he grows angry, flying out of the energies of the portal, and lashes at her with claws infused with powerful abyssal energy (I used the upgraded version from the file) But Sena used divine intervention to block the incoming claw, surprising the demon. With such close proximity, Arulashee held herself against the corrupting power of the demon, trying to affect her soul, but she withstood the test and shook the effect. Sena called at her "If you fall, I will catch you!"

Sena uses a spell to restore Julian to functionality, while Mad Dog comes to the demon, and hits him hard, twice. The demon turns on him, hitting with both claws, with divine intervention negating one attack. But the other claw is infused with chaotic energies, bringing the effects of touch of chaos (No save), and hefty damage. Mad Dog growls in response.

The Nimbus catches them again, and stuns Mad Dog, but before the demon attacks him again, the Queen jumps roaring through the portal, and slays it for good. The portal shakes, starting to unravel and grow. "Quickly!" The Queen yells and go back to her position. Sena restore the stunned ones quickly, and they try to control the ritual again.

The DC is 40. Aravash' bonus manages to counter the effects of the abyssal evil energies. The party all uses mythic surges, and try to close it.
Andera treats the thing like a complicated magical trap, and uses Disable device, with a total of +32, and succeeds.
Mad Dog helps noting the energies of the portal with his perception, a total of +24 and succeeds,.
Sena uses uses knowledge of the planes (Again with Display of Intelligence) for a total of +32 and succeeds.
Julian casts dispel evil, concentrating on amending the portal, for a total of +44 (With Display of Charisma) and succeeds.
The Queen uses Dispel Evil too, with a +36, and succeeds.
Arulashee uses UMD with a +32, but fails, with the portal taking some of her life force (1 Permanent level).

It takes only 4 successes to make it, and the party manages to stop the portal from coming out of control, 4 rounds before it happens! With the threads between worlds being unwoven, and then being mended, the rupture closes quickly. The Group sees the Queen raising her sword high, exhilarated, shouting for victory, before the portal closes finally.

The lights are off, there is only the lonely cave. They are in the Abyss, The Midnight Isles now...

Small, but important final note: I deemed this another trial of redemption- participating in the closure of a portal between worlds. As Sena restores her lost level, he sees a new light in her eyes. She progressed one mroe step! (2/4 points of redemption). Sena's player: "Sweet!"

Each person's XP: 361,366!
We finished here. It was long (9 hours or so) and very satisfying session! The players really liked it, and despite some of the focus being on Julian, all quite loved the visions and her change. I think they also like the step up in matters of challenge- visiting the abyss, how to manage in a city full of demons, Dealing with a demon lord, and so on... It feels a whole new level of epic, which got their attention I think!

FINALLY caught up! For those of you who have waited and read, thank you. I apologize for the long delays, but life can cause delays. I hope you liked the read. Our next session is in next Friday (14/8/2015), and the party is mostly concerned with the level up, and a bit with plans. (nothing too concrete).

That's it, I'm gonna go have fun with my friends now. Thanks for reading!

2015-08-07, 06:41 PM
I just wanted to jump in and say that I am suitable impressed. I just discovered this thread Monday and have been catching up to the story with any free moment I have. I haven't played Wrath of the Righteous (or DM-ed it either. Bad! Bad, player!) but I just couldn't resist. I can't wait for the next installment!

I've kind of adopted your "player's roll everything in combat" rules. We just tried it out on Wednesday and, after the initial hesitation, my player sort of took to it with enthusiasm.

Kol Korran
2015-08-08, 02:15 AM
Glad you like it Aldonuran! A small note if you might play or DM the adventure later- Though the general story is as in the module, and there are quite a few things I've left as written, I have also done quite big sweeping changes in other parts (The big fight in the Arena at the start, The attack on the Gray Garrison, Handling the army and all of the mas combat stuff, Entirely rewriting the citadel of Drezen and Staunton Vhane, and so on...), so it may not be quite the same. Strangely enough, one of the main reasons our group finally decided to play a written module, was because I expected to have much less time to write my own things. Andera's player, who also DMs another PF group, and GMs a Shadowrun group warned me of this, saying that I will spend quite a lot of time reworking stuff to fit the group and our style. Boy was he right! I may have been spending MORE time on refitting the adventure to our needs. But the group quite likes it, and I enjoy that, so I am willing to go up with the frustration of altering things that I think could have been done quite a bit better. Some where in the log, in the posts between session posts, there is a link about the main problems in the adventure path, if you might be interested.

As to the "players roll all the dice" rule. I implemented it once I started DMing for this group, and it is the single most beneficial affecting mechanical rule we have had up to date I think. I wrote my thoughts on it in the first post, and maybe later in the log, so I won't go into that. I'll just say I heartily recommend it. :smallamused:

2015-08-08, 09:54 AM
I definitely approve of your alterations to the material and how you tailor fit the existing material to your players. I especially love how you re-purposed the encounters using the experience so that you could challenge your players and make the encounters more meaningful. No pre-written adventure path is going to fit every character concept or player expectation and I always expect some deviation from the material. If I ever run this adventure, I'll most likely use some, if not all, of your alterations. :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2015-08-09, 12:55 AM
Hey there folks! I'm asking for help again. Now that the party has entered the Abyss, I want to make it a really fun and cool experience! I've started to new threads, asking for soem assitance in building up the proper atmosphere, the proper "feel" of traveling to the abyss. :smallamused:

I'd love it if you can contribute. I'd like to make this awesome!
Abyssal exsploration music thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?433048-Looking-for-inspiration-for-music-Abyssal-Jungle-Abyssal-Metropolis)
Abyssal exploration themes, scenes, flavor and encoutners thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?433049-Looking-for-flavor-descriptions-encounters-scenes-for-a-trip-to-the-abyss)

Thanks a bunch! :smallwink:

2015-08-09, 01:10 AM
Finally read the whole thread, after finding it earlier this week. You have some really good ideas, and I like how the log reads both like a story and mechanically.

I have to say I was disappointed when Andrew was retired from the main adventure though, I have a soft spot for paladins.

Kol Korran
2015-08-11, 06:20 AM
Before I answer ComaVision, just one small thing: I'm working on Friday's session, and I'm thinking of turning the exploration of the initial Abyssal Isle into more interesting. But to do that, I'll need to know more of Golarion's history, mainly it's lost civilizations.
I've opened a thread about it, and would love any help you can give. The thread holds nearly no spoilers at all, if you're worried. Echoes of Lost Civilizations, Island of Vazgral (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?433397-Echoes-of-lost-civilizations-The-island-of-Vazgral&p=19658666#post19658666).

Thanks in Advance, Kol! :smallwink:

Finally read the whole thread, after finding it earlier this week. You have some really good ideas, and I like how the log reads both like a story and mechanically.

I have to say I was disappointed when Andrew was retired from the main adventure though, I have a soft spot for paladins.
Glad you like it! Its always nice to know. :smallsmile:As to Andrew leaving, yeah, Kinda felt the same way, but the player felt quite limited in his options compared to the casters, and wanted a more interesting character mechanically. He also had the idea of exploring SOMETHING to do with a succubus, and felt that just won't work with a paladin. But true to game mechanics, the player is still sort of the unofficial leader of the party, even as Julian, though we don't take "leadership" hard... Strangely enough, this has enabled another player, the one who played Harry,to feel more comfortable in taking Mad Dog's role, which he quite likes. So in all, it ended up good.

Kol Korran
2015-08-15, 10:38 AM
Heya folks! We had an excellent session yesterday (10 hours! Phew!) Which had some interesting new dynamics, pace, and sort of challenges. Something a bit new. And it ended, quite a cliff hanger... I hope you like it! Hopefully, I'll be able to post it in the coming week.

Meanwhile, the players have finally sent me their updated character sheets, so I'm posting the character table here, for those interested. (I tried to change the order of categories a bit, and make it read better. i hope this works out. :smallamused:)

Level 13, Mythic Tier 5

StatAnderaJulianMad dogSena
RaceHumanHumanHalf elfAasimar (human scion)
ClassNinja 13Sorcerer 13Barbarian 13Cleric of Calistria 13
Mythic pathTricksterArchmageChampionHierophant
AlignmentCGCGCGBeyond Morality
HP141159 (Due to improved Campaign trait- +3 hp/lvl186124
Abilities (Heroic scores)12
25 (29 with belt)
13 (15 with headband)
16 (18 with headband)10 (12 with belt)
14 (18 with belt)
14 (16 with belt)
12 (16 with headband)
10 (14 with headband)
26 (32 with headband)26
14 (16 with belt)
10 (12 with Breastplate)
10 (12 With Breastplate)16
10 (12 with belt)
10 (14 with headband)
24 (28 with headband)
TraitsImproved Chance encounter
group fighterImproved Exposed to awfulness
Arcane temperImproved Stolen Fury
Demon slayerImproved Touched by divinity
eyes and ears of the city
Special class features:Skirmisher archetype.
Tricks: Vanishing trick
Sacred sneak attack
Wall climber
Sudden disguise
Bleeding attack
Invisible Blade
Ghost step
Master disguiseArcana Bloodline
Green sting scorpion familiarRage powers: Superstition
Intimidating glare
Witch hunter
Fire resistance
Greater fire resistance
Eater of magic
Domains: Deception
Good (Divine source)
Liberation (Divine Source)
Path signature abilitySurprise attackWild arcanaSudden attackInspired spell
Path abilityDefensive Move
Legendary Weapon (Chandi)
Mirror Dodge
Menacing Whisper
Minor Artifact (Chandi)
Enduring armor
Eldritch Breach
Arcane metamastery 1
Legendary item
Divine Source
Show of charisma (Extra path ability)Flash of rage
Burst through
Penetrating damage
Titan's rage
PrecisionHeathen slayer
Faith's reach
Enduring spell
Sleepless (Extra path ability)
Beyond Morality
Divine Source (Extra path ability)
Display of intelligence
Regular featsWeapon finesse
Two weapon fighting
Shadow strike
Blind fight
Extra ki
Step up
Follow step
Step up and strike
Improved critical (Wakizashi)Eschew materials
Spell penetration (+ greater)
Improved Counterspell
Expanded arcana (X2)
Metamagic- silent, still, persistent, selective, dazing, quickenSkill focus (Survival)
Power attack
Finishing cleave
Weapon focus (Great sword)
Improved critical (Great sword)
Critical focus (Great sword)
Furious Focus
Intimidating Prowess (Breastplate)
Combat casting
Selective channeling
Heavy armor proficiency
Alignment channel (Vs. Chaotic evil)
Demon hunter
Channel Smite
Divine Interference
Spell Penetration
Mythic featMythic weapons finesse
Mythic blind fight
Mythic improved criticalSpell lore x2 (Mythic spell)
Extra path ability (Display of Cha)Mythic power attack
Mythic improved critical
Mythic dodgeExtra mythic power (Sleepless)
Extra path ability (Divine Source)
Mythic heavy armor
Top skillsStealth +31
Disable Device +28
Acrobatics +25
Escape artist +24
Climb +22
Bluff +27
Diplomacy +24
Intimidate +18
Know (Arcana) +17
Spellcraft +17Intimidate +24 (Breastplate)
Perception +21
Survival +17
Acrobatics +12Diplomacy +18
Sense Motive +18
Perception +18
Knowledge planes +13
Signture Magic ItemsChandi- Minor Artifact (Through universal path)
Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 10
Eternal bond
Wakizashi of the planes
Precise Strike
Ghost touch
Holy (Imbued by Amulet of the Bond)
Dimension door 3/day
True strike 3/day
Brilliance- Legendary Item
Headband Cha +6, Wis, int +4
Adroit (Diplomacy)
Adroit (Sense motive)Warlord's Breastplate +4
Int, cha +2
Gain Intimidating Prowess
Heroism 3/ day (Only on others)
Defiant (Evil outsiders)
Sword of Paradox-
+2 transformative (One handed blade)
+2 worth of abilities, changed by wielder (currently Holy)
Swift action- change material and alignment
Considered Epic for DR purposes.
Path signature abilitySurprise attackWild arcanaSudden attackInspired spell
Main magic itemsBelt and headband (Above)
+1 spell storing cold iron wakizashi
Mithral shirt +4, shadow
Daredevil boots
Cloak of resistance +4
Ring of protection +3
Ring of major fire resistance
Amulet of the Bond (Add +2 worth abilities to weapon. Currently holy)
Bag of holding II
Wardstone Fragment
Lots of wands
Lots of arrows
Belt and headband (Above)
White robe of the magi
Amulet of natural armor +2
Ring of protection +2
Rod of Persistent spell
Lesser rod of maximize
Lesser rod of empower
4 spell knowledge pages
Flying carpet 5x10
Handy Haversack
Lexicon of Paradox
Belt of Dwarven kind
Great sword cold iron +2 evil outsiders bane
Heaven's Fall (Staunton Vhane's earthbreaker)
Ring of Protection +5
Amulet of natural armor +3
Cloak of resistance +2
Helmet of the fortunate soldier
Ring of magic fang
Long arm braces
Composite Longbow +2
Boots of Flying
AmbrosiaHeadband and belt (Above)
Mithral Full plate +3 of speed
Light wooden shield (To hold rod)
Cloak of resistance +5
Rod of quicken spell
Pearl of power 6th level
Boots of jumping and striding
Mitre of the Heirophant
Malleable holy symbol
Bag of holding III
2 Incense of meditation
5,000 gp worth of diamond dust
5,000 gp worth of incense
Scroll of resurrection
Scroll of raise dead
Lots of scrolls

2015-08-16, 07:29 AM
I've been running through this game with my real life group. The introduction worked really well. I had the whole party in a tangle wondering if they were supposed to have run for it rather than stay and fight. After the session I explained that they weren't supposed to do anything other than play their characters as best they could. They took defeat by overwhelming odds quite well and spent some time recovering in the undercity and trying to find a way out.

Like your group they've elected to spare Millorn. The redemptive arc of the game has really inspired the players. Now I'd quite like to foreshadow the later parts of the game by building on Millorn's history. I'm considering having him as the younger brother of Staunton Vhane.

Millorn Vhane was never a warrior like the brother he worshipped as a hero. Staunton had all the drive and the skill at arms that he lacked. Nevertheless he followed his example and joined the crusades. Though his own contribution was not nearly so worthy as Staunton's he had the respect of his peers. When Staunton turned from the side of good he revealed his secret to his brother, hoping that the pair would work together. Millorn could not bear it. His hero was revealed as a traitor by his own words. He fled in horror, never telling anyone of what he had learned. It played on his mind though and whenever he assisted a crusader in battling the demonic forces of the Worldwound he held in the back of his mind that that crusader was also a traitor. After many years he could no longer bear it and retreated to the caverns beneath Kenabres to try to put his thoughts in order. Solitude and deprivation have done nothing to help him over the years and he has slipped into insanity. After all, if even his paladin brother should fall then what hope is there for someone like him.

Kol Korran
2015-08-16, 11:49 PM
I've been running through this game with my real life group. The introduction worked really well. I had the whole party in a tangle wondering if they were supposed to have run for it rather than stay and fight. After the session I explained that they weren't supposed to do anything other than play their characters as best they could. They took defeat by overwhelming odds quite well and spent some time recovering in the undercity and trying to find a way out.

Like your group they've elected to spare Millorn. The redemptive arc of the game has really inspired the players. Now I'd quite like to foreshadow the later parts of the game by building on Millorn's history. I'm considering having him as the younger brother of Staunton Vhane.

Millorn Vhane was never a warrior like the brother he worshipped as a hero. Staunton had all the drive and the skill at arms that he lacked. Nevertheless he followed his example and joined the crusades. Though his own contribution was not nearly so worthy as Staunton's he had the respect of his peers. When Staunton turned from the side of good he revealed his secret to his brother, hoping that the pair would work together. Millorn could not bear it. His hero was revealed as a traitor by his own words. He fled in horror, never telling anyone of what he had learned. It played on his mind though and whenever he assisted a crusader in battling the demonic forces of the Worldwound he held in the back of his mind that that crusader was also a traitor. After many years he could no longer bear it and retreated to the caverns beneath Kenabres to try to put his thoughts in order. Solitude and deprivation have done nothing to help him over the years and he has slipped into insanity. After all, if even his paladin brother should fall then what hope is there for someone like him.
Heya hoverfrog! Glad to hear you've started the campaign. I rememebr your DMing style from the Savagae Tide Mythweaver game, and I do believe your players have one hell of a DM! :smallamused:

It's interesting that your group also decided to try and redeem Millorn. In my group I have unfortunately played to much the "crazy dwarf" angle, so that most of the group ended up not trusting him enough. It would be itnerestign to know how your group handles it.

Iended up also having Millorn be related to Staunton Vhane (I had him be his cousin). Note that the second module allready has a brother for Stauntonh- Joran Vhane, who handles the corruption forge. My group opted to leave Millorn behind in the care of Andrew, but he later came to the Drezen, after it was conquered, at the start of the thrid module, and he and Joran (Whom the party also started o nthe way of redemption), became the twon's magic blacksmiths, and operators of the purity forge.

Some things that I think are worth considering with Millorn's redemption:
1) From the point of getting Mythic tiers, most NPCs are much weaker than the PCs. This isn't much of a problem in the second module, but fro mthe third onwards, the PCs feel like they are just in their own league. few NPCs can match them- Arulashee the succubus, and possibly Queen Galfrey. If you see the characters becoming really attached to him, you might need to consider either having him be redeemed before or at the start of the third module, or find a way to add mythic to him. Otherwise he becoems a burden.

2) You need to think how you handle redemption- do you use the rules in the campaign's player's guide, roleplay, or soem other idea? Think of this in advance, and make sure the players feel if they are making progress.

3) Without risk...: There should also be opportuinities to fall back. In the second and thirdd adventure there are NPCs that can easily corrupt or make Millorn doubt himself/ stray from the path- Nurah the traitor, and Jerribeth. You might find other ambivalent situations in which Millorn's resolve may be tested, and in which the part'ys guidance may really shine.

4) In general, but esspecially if you are using Stauton as his relartive, I really really advise to read the next 2 modules. The tie of Jerrbieth- Stautnon Vhane- Arabeth, goes through the three modules. You can use Millorn to foreshadow places and events, and increase the party's awareness of these 2 major antagonists. I suggest to read the entire campaign for other reasons, but I'll get to thatlater.

5) Does the party know of Millorn's class? Cause if not,with a few changes, he might also play asa bard, or a witch. Tese classes may be more useful to your party if they mostly need a support role. Just an idea. The Withc class especially has quitea bit of flavour that can fit him.

If you want, I'd love to discuss any quesations or ideas you may have for the first mdoule/ campaign. Somewhere in the log there is a link to a thread discussing all of the major problems, (and possible solutions) that I saw for the campaign. I wrote it at the end of the second module/ start of the thrid I think, not sure (I need to update it, I have new ideas).

However, I have to go now, I will try to write some issues that I think are critical to consider i nthe first module tommorow.

Good luck to you and your group! :smallwink:

Kol Korran
2015-08-18, 02:41 PM
Nothing like a 28 hours sift to get you going! Anyway, I'm back and rested. After playing soem of the adventure path, I'd like to make a few suggestions. Some of them are more long run, and some of them pertain to the first module:

1) Read the rest of the adventure path: I think Paizo's approach was that each module can be played on it's own, but by doing so, and by having different people write different modules, there is a problem- there isn't a very good continuity between the modules, and cross module themes and issues do not carry well. There are multiple examples: The campaign traits who are dealt with very poorly in the third module, Drezen becoming irrelevant after the second module, Arulashee (The risen succubus) becomes forgotten and doesn't join the party after the 3rd module. After the 4th module the entire plot with the Nyhadrian crystals just changes abruptly. In short quite a few problems.

Also a major problem is build up. A lot of foes met in later modules are mentioned in passing in earlier modules, but with no real build up till you meet them. This includes Staunton Vhane who is mentioned very briefly in the first module, Jerribeth and Xanthir Vang who are barely mentioned in the early modules, and two of the most major villains- Areelu Vorlesh and Minhago (I'll touch on the Minhago subject in more detail later).

So I suggest to read the module, no need to delve into statistics, but get he jist of the major story, decision points, antagonists and possible problems so that you could work them out later. Knowing what will come enables me to weave the continuity of the campaign much better. I read it all only in the fourth module, which meant I missed out on a few opportunities earlier. I'll touch on some of those.

2) The Campaign Traits: These are... quite badly done... both mechanically (My players barely used them) but also in terms of story and character development. Let me explain:

The character traits force a major event or so in the character's life, not exactly something the player envisioned for their character. Player have ton of ideas, but by using the stories in the campaign traits, it forces them to include elements that they didn't really want to incorporate. More than that, the Campaign traits tie directly to type of classes and Mythic paths, meaning that if you play a certain kind of class, you practically MUST pick one trait only (Chance encounter for sneaky types, Divinely touched for Divine casters and so on). In my group, one player (The one playing Andrew and later Julian) happen to choose a different trait than the one fitting his class, since another character (Harry) already had it. I allowed him to not tie it to the mythic path, and I think it enriched his options, and made his character much more interesting, and even made the mechanical benefits more useful, and more balanced.

Past APs if I understand used the campaign traits to tie the group together, but here belonging to the crusade and the initial events are enough of a binding factor.

More over, the campaign traits are supposed to be dealt with in the third module, but their handling is... crappy at best. Basically, each character has a certain location/ encounter in which a bit more is revealed about their campaign trait, and this counts as a mythic trial for her. The conclusions are quite badly written, unsatisfying, and feel quite like the author was told "You need to include this in the module!" and just wrote something offhandedly. Since most players didn't envision such elements in their characters to begin with, this adds little if anything to the game.

Mechanically, the improved traits are... mostly uninspiring, mostly due to them being tied to the. They strengthen the already very strong aspects of the character, and thus create one of two results- either it makes the character more extreme, and more unbalanced, or it doesn't really add anything significant to an already strong capability, and is thus useless.

Julian's player, who took the trait belonging to the guardian path, got useful abilities for a mage (Ability to reroll for incapacitating attacks, and later om +3hp/lvl), which was much more useful. Andera used his trait ONCE in the entire campaign. Sena not even that. Mad dog got a bit more overpowered by his improved campaign trait. Their benefits are for the most part- boring.

So, enough Jabber. My suggestions?
- Forgo the campaign traits altogether. Let the party have the entire selection of traits to make more varied and interesting characters. Tie the background THEY write and want to play into the story somehow.
- If you do use the traits, I'd suggest to disconnect between trait and mythic path. You'll get much more interesting characters, and much more useful traits this way. (A warrior with the Chance encounter powers, A Rogue who is divinely touched, and so on)
- If you do use the campaign traits, Work out a better story resolution for them in the third module. I've tied the campaign traits into one big story and location, as you might see through the build up in my work on the second module, and in the third module with the Lost Expedition, which also ties the story of Arulashee, Jerribeth and the Lexicon of Paradox. Find whatever suits your party, not what suits the module.

3) Pressing time: I've talked with a few people who played the first module, and the same problem arises in most groups- The initial scene, and the situation of Kenabres being invaded, and the party under the surface, brings a tremendous sense of urgency for the party. Many groups, who take roleplay a bit more seriously, will not agree to rest for 8 hours to rest while their city is being invaded. But the module gives no room for that, and being at low levels, the party may need to rest quite often. Still, it's 2 full levels of encounters before they even reach the surface!

How you deal with it is up to you, but you need to consider this, if your group show similar thinking. I turned the Terendelev scales into a sort of "fast rest" limited resource, while Some others enabled "auto resting" upon leveling. Something to consider.

4) The attack on the grey garrison: The module gives a hell of a crappy reason why none of the major demons protect the Wardstone, the KEY to turning the entire crusade army into demons. With such importance, you'd think they'd put some more defenses around it, no? It always irked me... In my campaign, in the last session when the party met Minhago briefly (And I had to remind them of her part in the protection of the Wardstone), the issue of the demon side seeming utterly incompetent ,pathetic and laughable in that scenario came up again. This single event breaks up any sense of a capable, dangerous, competent foe. They are considered fools, idiots, cartoon villains... I have realized that to a point, this has colored the rest of the campaign so far...

The module goes even further suggesting the party attack in waves, retreating, resting, attacking again and so on. Now I ask you- if you knew someone was attacking the key point to your whole super evil plan, would you leave it so poorly defended? Thankfully, this point is easier to fix, since the party by that point is quite capable of taking the entire garrison in on attempt, even though at some difficulty. I roleplayed it's encounters close to the real thing, with a bit of an added difficulty, and it went ok.

But what about the first problem? The demon side leaving no serious defense of the Wardstone feels just so... inexcusable... After this last session I gave this a great deal of thought, and if I had to do it again, I would do it as this:

Minhago, the lilitu, a CR 17+ demon (Depending on the version you use) Is the one protecting the Wardstone. She has an underling (Jaclyn) who helps in doing atrocities around the city, and raising skeletons and such. But Minhago is the definite guardian of the Wardstone.

As the party travel in the city they hear rumors of the two, mostly of Minhago, some of Jaclyn. You know- build up. Once they reach the Defender's Heart, They hear from the leaders of the rebellion of Minhago, her reputation, her superbly overpowering them and everyone here. Though an attack on the Garrison may be possible, It is impossible with Minhago there. She could obliterate them all )You can have Minhago be aware of the forces at Defender's Heart. She does not consider them a real threat, and also looks forward to the corruption of the Wardstone turning them into demons)

Now, either the NPCs suggest it, or the PCs come up with it, but the rebellion, instead of it being used as a diversion for the forces surrounding the garrison, it is used to divert Minhago's attention. Basically, the rebellion needs to create a diversion, to draw out Minhago to a different location, and enable the PCs to attack and destroy the Wardstone.

What can such a diversion be? I suggest to have some options, but let the PCs try to think up their own. There might be some locations Minhago cares for in the city, which she will protect if attacked on mass, or maybe an item she covets, or such. In general principle, I'd try to have the party research Minhago's history, story and personality, and then use part of her demonic personality characteristics to draw her out (Her greed, her devotion, her hatred, her contempt, he pride and so on). This will make her downfall all the more potent, as the party used the demonic flaws to gain their victory.

A passing thought, but it could be cool if the entire rebellion other than the PCs and accompanying NPCs will be needed for such a distraction. A suicide mission really, since they have no real hope of defeating Minhago when she appears, just to occupy her time, enough for the party to succeed. You might add that the expected results of destroying the Wardstone is releasing so much magical energy, that it will destroy everyone near, so the party is also on a sort of a suicide mission (Depending on whether you think the party will like this kind of theme). This grim but fatal effort, to save the rest of the crusade, may give a real heroic and righteous feel to the end of the module, with a twist of the Wardstone turning them to mythic instead of destroying them.

How to play it in session? One way is to just have the party run the grey garrison after someone tells them Minhago has been lured out. I think though, that if I could, I would place two grids- On one you play out the Grey Garrison, on the other you play the scene of the rebellion fighting Minhago (Each player gets to control some red shirts, which are quickly recycled as Minhago cuts a swath of destruction), You can really play out Mihago's power and cruelty here, and also her failings. You can even use the mongrelfolk as something that greatly piques her interest (She may wonder as to these strange "half demons" who all with the crusaders) It gives her much more presence, and gives the excursion a much more pressing time limit.

At the end battle, I'll have Jaclyn staying behind as the protector, not wanting to Alert Minhago to avoid her anger. But near her death or when the party gets 1-2rounds away from the Wardstone, you pull the twist! Jaclyn (Or maybe a status spell or an alarm spell around the Wardstone) alerts Minhago, who immediately teleports back to the room!

Expect an "Oh Sh*t!" moment from the group! There is no way in hell they can beat her, but thankfully there is another "win" button- destroying the Wardstone! The party acts in 1-3 crucial rounds, trying to just get close enough to the stone using superior numbers, trickery, diversion, or just glorious foolish bravery to get the to the stone and destroy it! I think this will make a bloody epic ending! Minhago is almost destroyed (or is destroyed but is brought back), and the party meets her later on, with a far more intense background between them.

(Minhago as built makes quite a fitting opponent- though at this level she is practically unbeatable, she lacks any area attacks, and most of her spell powers either require long casting, can be stopped with protection from evil, are protective in nature, or have an effect in a campaign, not just in a battle. For the most part she can function as a melee beast, but melee fighters can be maneuvered around...)

It makes the capturing of the garrison so much more rewardring, makes sense, and memorable. First tricking Minhago out, which takes some clever thinking, as well as a great deal of courage and sacrifice. It takes battling Minhago at the end, who did not just desert her post, which is a unique, memorable, and thrilling challenge, a suitable ending to the module, and a suitable challenge for a mythic ascension. And it keeps the enemies as a real powerful, competent, and not an idiotic threat.

5) Areelu Vorlesh: Again, the end of the module makes her look pathetic, incompetent, and a laughing butt. My party still makes jokes on her, even though I tried a different approach than in the module, who didn't work quite so well admittedly. I'm not fully sure how to deal with this, though if you include Minhago or some other powerful guardian, you may opt to leave the Areelu encounter out altogether. You can have her image appear before the Queen and the party, or some other threat and the like, but not be defeated as overwhelmingly as this. Not a failure of this magnitude be tied with her directly...

I got no certain solution here, but you really need to consider this. This set the tone for the rest of the campaign, and how serious the group takes the enemy.

Good luck! I'd love to hear about how your game will progress! :smallamused:

2015-08-19, 09:15 AM
I've not read that far ahead so I should get on that really. We've actually started.

Kol Korran
2015-08-19, 10:46 PM
Oh, I know you've started (How would the party meet Millorn otherwise?). Good luck to you!

Suggest at least reading up to the end of the third module. The campaign sort of divides in half at that point-shirts ending all the interactions in the material plane with the main recurring NPCs, and starts traveling the planes. The scale of challenges also scales significantly.
If you can, I'd suggest to along the fourth module,mainly the interaction with Monrovia who becomes a major player in the second half.

Would love to hear how your party will do.

Kol Korran
2015-08-23, 03:52 AM
Ok, I finally got a bit of free time and disposition in order to write the session's log. This session took the party into the abyss, the island of Vazgral and Allushira, the Porphyry City. There were two main challenges here:
- To portray a different plane, an alien plane, with it's demonic inhabitants and feel.
- A lot more room to improvise, and respond accordingly.
I tried preparing as such, which I'll explain as we go along. The session was a long one, about 10 hours long. I think it may take 2-3 parts to write it all. Shall we?:smalltongue:

Session 22, Part 1- Into the Abyss, Vazgral island

(Small note: I keep mixing Vazgral and Valzgar, I just can't quite capture the name in my mind, They are both the same. Sorry for some confusion)

At the entrance

Last we stopped, the party has just closed the Midnight Fane portal, with the Queen raising her sword in triumph, just before the portal closed, leaving the party in a dark cave, on the abyssal plane of the Midnight Isles...

And they could feel it's effects already, as the evil essence of the plane seeped into their minds, their souls, oppressing them (-4 to all skills and ability checks involving mental attributes, as explained previously)
J: "Andera! What is this? What is happening?" (Julian as you may remember, is blind, and can only see auras of living beings)
Andera whispered ominously. "We seem to be at the source of evil, the abyss itself..."
Arulashee gritted her teeth and concentrated for a moment. As Sena became concerned she replied. "It has been a long while since I felt the taint so strong... Yet I am ok, I think I can withstand it."

The party then discussed whether to go on or to rest. Sena was apparently depleted of all of his high level spells, Julian and Mad dog nearly emptied their Mythic power reserves. Only Andera was fairly ready to go. So Julian used her last point of mythic power, and created a rope trick. They climbed up to the extra dimensional place to rest...

Sena's suggestion
While resting, Sena spoke: :"We are in the beginning of the endgame. We need to find a way to defeat Nocticula, or weaken her so she cannot be such a great help, or destroy her. I doubt we have such a capability, but maybe some else can. Calistria is Nocticula's rival, since they have an overlap in devotees and believers. Maybe we can convince her to lend us help, to harm or defeat the demon lord. I have... made a pact with her, on the rood of Drezen. Our pact is one of revenge, which she promised to help me gain."
Julian was suspicious. This is amongst the few times Sena';s change and worship was brought up, and never before so directly: "What exactly do you do for Calistria"?
S: "She wants me as he devotee, as her follower. Yet for something as big as I suggest, she mightcall for some price..."
J: "You made the pact with Calistira, she gave you something?"
S: "She helped me lessen the pain of those who died. I did this to reduce their suffering."
J: "This is commendable, but what did she take in return? You owe her a favor?"
S: "She wanted me to be her follower. She promised revenge, for my heart was harder, and I saw all evil outsiders as my enemies, but the tide has changed, I want to destroy all the forces that impede freedom. Mainly because of what happened with the tieflings. That is why I'm trying to find their soul stone. We need to prevent fear, and liberty. I will revenge."
J: "While I will strongly aid in your causes, but what do you think Calistria is expecting from you?"
S: "In the long run? One of her major powerful subjects- We are quasi gods, and Andera and Mad dog are similar in power as well."
J: "Indeed, I think the gods will try to pawn us into their game..."
S: "And now we have the possibility to take the game on our side, our terms. Calistria would love to destroy Nocticula. If we can bring her to our side, we may have a very powerful ally!"
J: "First things first- We are treading on a very shaky ground. We are on the home plane of Nocticula, this is her most powerful place. In here, she is too powerful, we can't kill her.
S: "Weaken her?"
Julian gave a smile: "Persuade her!"
S: "I'd like to talk with Calistria, we'll need to strike a deal."
J: "If we hurt Nocticula, we only make her side with the demons more."
Andera chimed in: "We don't need to mess with the demon lord! We just need to destroy the negotiations! Find their delegates, blame them for something or kill them. End of story!"
S: "I agree, but we need some ace in the hole! Some back up plan!"
An: "You are the only one who trusts Calistria, we do not."
S: "You misjudge me, I do not Trust her…"
J: "We know nothing about Nocticula, about her power. Before we decide, we need to gain more information."
Mad dog added his own opinion: "If we weaken her, maybe Calistria herself would come in and finish the job?"
Andera: "Maybe we could kill some demons, some servitors of Nocticula and make it look as if Nocticula killed them?
(And the game just turned into a shadow run game! :smallbiggrin: Julian and Andera's players also play Shadow run from time to time. This sounds exactly like a mission from that game!)
S: "I believe those who will talk with Nocticula are very high powered demons. We are outgunned, and out matched."

The party became more solemn, not liking the odds. They decided to try and make a plan of action.
Mad dog: "Kill all demons?"
Julian: "Lets find our way to the city, and there try to learn more. Of Nocticula, of the delegation, of what we face. THEN we decide how to act!"
Arulashee raised another complication: "We need to decide how we approach the city. Coming as we are will gain great attention, both from the demons who inhabit it, but also from Nocticula herself... Porphyry City is said to be open to all visitors, but quite a few demons may not like our presence there. (Mad dog grinned widely "So?") If we go hidden we may go more easily, but also be less noticed by the greater powers..."
Julian though though of a different problem. "How do we... get to the city in the first place? Where are we?"
Aru: "I do not know. We are in a cave, I'll need to see the surroundings. Demons mostlyteleport through the isles, but one the more inhabited isles there are teleportation devices, that link to Porphyry, for the transportation of non-teleporting slaves. We may try to find such a place.
An: "Can't we just teleport there?"
J: "Alas, for that I need to see the place at least once..." (Talking about teleportation. The party seems to have forgotten their scrolls of greater teleportation? :smallconfused:)
Se: I can try and scry it for you!
J: "But I need to actually see it, which I cannot now..." (I'll hand it to the player, he did roleplay this handicap more in this session!)
The party checked various illusion and transmutation spells to cover their appearance. They settled mostly on Veil.
S: "If we change our appearances? What is the least suspicious?"
Aru: "The most common inhabitants are cambions. There are quite a few tieflings as well, and numerous slaves. I guess... you might play as my slaves?"
Mad dog: "I can be a bodyguard"
J: "Will you be recognized Arulashee?"
Arulashee was uncertain. "It has been a long time since I've been there, a few decades... Yet demons leave a long life. Some may remember me, though I doubt it."
Andera came up with an important detail: "We better look like tieflings, since we don't have telepathy. If we look like cambions or such, some will expect us to use telepathy back."
The party settles on Sena and Mad dog looking like powerful tiefling bodyguards (They had the most impressive looking equipment) Julian as a sort of a cursed sage Arulashee keeps, and Andera as her guide.
Sena was still at unease with this plan: "We need an ace in the hole, and we need to make it before we go in there!"
But Julian put a stop to this currently: "Truthfully? We can't hope to harm Nocticula, Nor will Calistria dare confront her now. We need to understand Nocticula's strengths and weaknesses. Now let us rest..."

I liked the talk about infiltration. The module deals quite poorly with this (Just saying they'll need a DC 30 disguise check in town) But this was fun. The idea to have the party pretend to be Arulashee's entrouge came at a bit of a surprise, but which later on worked nicely to portray her some more.

As to involving Calistria. Sena's player wanted this, mostly to up the ante quite a bit more, which he thinks will make things more exciting. Julian and Andera's player think the goddess is up to something, and do not trust her.

I will say it here just once- I have some plans concerning Calistria and Nocticula, though these are long term. Hopefully we will get to see those later on, though probably not soon...

Stepping into Vazgral's jungle
At the end of the rest, the party climbed down the rope, and they immediately use the Veil spells to change their appearances. Julian decided not to use her flying carpet, as that will not be fitting for a salve. They walk out of the small cave into the jungle (Note: The module has a few encounters in the caves. Why? I do not know. They fight crystals and such. Pointless, utterly pointless. I kept the XP for other things) They exited into the environs of Vazgral...

Vazgral music- Diablo II jungle music (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=2c3j5_022Yk&p=n)
(Thanks a lot hymer!)

As they reach the jungle, they find they are at the base of an enormous black pillar, going way high. The immediate surroundings looked like some sort of ruins. But more disturbing then that were the sky- Blackness, dotted here and there by faith points of light... sort of "stars" Nocticula made, but not real stars, and not in any known pattern. (20% Concealment)

Andera: "The darkness all around! Fake stars! An evil place!"
Arul: "I... I do not know where we are..."
MD (After a good survival roll): "There are some demonic footprints here... possibly Babaus, also some Vrocks, though they seem to fly and land here... The trail does not continue)
Sena used Display of Intelligence (We flavours it as connecting to cosmic knowledge, and thus gaining "insight") His eyes opened: "I know where we are! Island of Vazgral, made from the demon lord of ruined city, jealousy and loss..."
An: "Yeah, but how do we get out of here?"
They looked at the pillar rising above them. "Maybe there is some clue higher up?" Seeing no one close, they decided Sena and Mad Dog will fly up using the carpet, and Arulashee will accompany them. Andera stayed with Julian below...

As they flew up, they could see a lavish jungle spreading miles around, and at places huge black pillars, but no sign of a settlement. Here and there some ruins, but nothing more... But they also saw massive gigantic flying creatures all around, like tremendous eagles, with the hint of lightning around them. They could hear them howl, yet suddenly their call was like a cacophony of a moaning crowd!
(Se: "WTF?") Not watnign to waste time exploring all of the runes of the huge pillar, they started to descend.

Meanwhile, below, Andera sees... dead people! Or at least he sees the trees to suddenly be composed of remains of souls of a multitude of people, stretching ever so slowly, as if reaching, trying to hold something, in pain. Julian sees the remants of silvery threads moving agonizingly on the trees, before the image fades away.

Andera: "There was a great disturbance!" (In the force? :smalltongue:)
Party: "We need to get the hell out of here!"
The party discusses teleportation again, but Julian still can't see. Sena suggests Windwalk, but they no not how to navigate this hostile terrain, and a lot of it is over seas. (I gave them the map shown in the module, there are a few hundred miles from Porphyry). The party is at somewhat of a loss...

The module basically skips Vasgral. The party sees the remains of aan old temple conveniently in sight, goes there, solves a small riddle, and teleports to Porphyry.

I thought that this place could make for a nice intro into the Abyss though, and help the party get a bit of a feel before entering Porphyry. So I made finding the temple, and exploring Vazgral into a small riddle.

Also, it is the island of ruined cities, jealousy and loss. I really wanted to explore the three aspects, as you will see.
Note: I quite accepted that the party would try and teleport to Porphyry. I didn't try to stop them. Surprisingly enough, it was Julian's player who showed the unexpected obstacle. (I don't know the spells well enough to have caught up on that one). It made for an interesting play though!

Jungle creepers!
As the party debated, I decided enough time was spent, and had them roll on a random table I made for Vazgral. It came up monsters! The party was distracted, but Arulashee made her perception roll, and managed to warn the party of the incoming demons- a bebilith and 2 Strige demons! (I made a few random battle maps for the exploration of the isle).

Julian saw one of the demons' auras, and was a bit pissed, and shot a disintegrate ray at it, damaging for 91 hp! (1 left! :smalltongue:) Arulashee kills it and hurts the other, and Sena uses confusion (From trickery) to stump the bebilith and wounded Stirge demon. The battle goes very easy, and they curbstomp the critters.

Through the jungle, and Vazgral's afflictions
Still, the party knows not what to do. Julian thinks to try finding a local to help, and decide to contact the spirits in the trees! Nice, though I haven't prepared for it. I suggest a Cha check to try and contact them, but Julian rolls abysmally and so does not make contact... (Too bad, could have been a fun conversation!)

The party is stumped. They discuss all kind of other options and idea, but do no act. I tell them to roll randomly again. I check my notes- "Loss"... I tell them to roll will saves, and Mad Dog and Andera lose. No one really knows anything has happened, but I send the two the following email:

The island you are on is composed of the essence of A demon lord, and part of his theme was Loss. It has inflicted you now…
Think of something the character has lost. This could be a person, a place, an item, a relationship, part of herself, or anything you feel that was important to you, but that you have lost it, and this causes you great pain. The feeling of loss consumes you, and great depression, a feeling of "What's the point?" takes over…

You have lost something very dear to you, and it is never, ever, coming back. Roleplay to that effect.

IMPORTANT: The character does not understand that she is under an influence (Think of this like a very strong emotion spell), she feels the TRUE depth of such a loss, and this depresses you.
(I suggest starting subtle, but letting things gear up more quickly.)

How does it end? I won't tell you quite now…

Mechanical impact:
Loss- Your will and desire to live, participate, flounders… You become self absorbed, and can't get help from "Aid another" or flanking, You cannot receive any moral boosters, and you suffer -2 to will and AC.

Suggestions of Loss (You're NOT limited to these):
- Julian: All of the impacts from your past, the forces you lead in conquest of Drezen which were lost, the loss of eyesight, feeling that you have lost some of your humanity, of what you were
- Andera: The loss of most of your order, the many lives lost on conquering Drezen, Harry, losing faith in the gods/ Desna.
- Sena: Losing part of yourself in the transition, Brother John, Your former parents.
- Mad dog: Loss of family long ago, Harry, loss of people when attacking Drezen (Especially the Lions of Sarkori?), being away from the real world, now fully in the abyss.
- Arulashee: I'll keep that to myself…

Andera seems to like the idea. Mad dog who roleplays less, likes it less, but tries to think up something...
Sena has an interesting idea, of trying to use Windwalk to fly to a nearby island (Matters not which) which may be more inhabited, and use the teleportation connection there. He REALLY doesn't want to trudge through the jungle. The party thinks it's too complicated. (I started to feverishly try to think up the make up of different islands! Phew! :smalleek:) They decide to try and walk and find more clues.

Vazgral music- Diablo II Hell (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=YgdkkG2Jl5w)

Mad Dog starts leading them through the jungle, but they make hard progress, what with Julian walking blind, the darkness, and deep vegetation. Sena tries to distract himself and... Arulashee, and seeks not-too-abyssal flowers, and pick them up for her! :smallsmile: Andera just rolled his eyes. "He finds the oddest time for this... As if there is a point to it? We're lost here, look at the stars! No light, no sun... just darkness... We're lost, and it's all so hopeless!" (The party exchanged glances, but didn't react yet)

Sena and Julian, when crossing some wetter patches, notice that they are stepping in pulls of partially congealed blood. Suddenly the moisture they breath has a distinct taste to it... of fresh blood. Sena is a bit freaked out and uses magic to fly out of the pool.

Shortly after Andera and Mad Dog notices they are being followed... sort of... Some shadows seem to detach, and follow them on the branches of trees, sort of whispery shadowy threads of snakes, with white eyes, like dead stars... But whenever you look at them, they fade away. Andera found this depressing. "The shadows are coming for us... they are all around us... hope can we escape?"
Julian: "We REALLY need to get out of here!"

Not making much progress, I have them roll again. This time it's "Jealousy". Again Mad dog and Andera fail, and I sent them the following email:

The island you are on is composed of the essence of A demon lord, and part of his theme was Jealousy. It has inflicted you now…
Choose one of the other party members, and decide on something you are jealous of him/her. This can be an item, power, relationship, past deeds, condition or more. You are jealous of this, and want either to have it as your own, or make sure the subject is not so. There is some animosity/ grudge/ minor hostility towards the character.

You're deeply jealous, roleplay to that affect.

IMPORTANT: The character does not understand that she is under an influence (Think of this like a very strong emotion spell), and you think this is just how things progressed in your relationship. But please, keep this in character!
(I suggest starting subtle, but letting things gear up more quickly. )

How does it end? I won't tell you quite now…

Mechanical impact:
Jealousy- You're distracted: you take - 3 to all skills and -2 to attacks while the character is within 100 ft. or involved in the same partaking.

Suggestions of jealousy (You're NOT limited to these):
- Julian: Her rise to divine status, her new religion, her power, her good looks, her new sight, her flying carpet, her rod of persistent spell, her headband- Brilliance.
- Andera: The ability to disappear and not be noticed, the ability to maneuver around the battlefield, Changi, the fellowship of tieflings.
-Sena: His new status that makes him impervious to alignment effects, his followers, connection to the gods, his angelic look (What he uses the spell), rod of quicken, Sword of Paradox.
- Mad dog: his great strength and endurance, his ability to kill everything, his simplistic look on life, his great sword, his armor, his boots of flying.
- Arulashee: Her good looks, "being special/ chosen", her connection to Desna, her many unique items (Starbow, boots of speed and more)

Sena also disliked being lost. "Shall we talk with Calistria?"
An: "It is hopeless! It will not help!"
Julian was a bit annoyed now. "Are you depressed?"
An: "Wouldn't you be? Going in this place in circles, having no clue where to turn?"
Sena: "Hey, he's got a point!"
J: "Enough of this, the pillars must be the answer! Sena, make us into clouds and take us to the closest pillar!"
S: "That's a powerful spell to use for just a short navigation, perhaps something else?"
Arulashee intervened: ""Look, you feel it starting to feed on you, drag you down, the Abyss, but the thing to remember, in all of your depression, is to continue on, to strive on!"
An: "And to which direction shall we continue exactly? Random path number 1? Or 2? Or 3?"
Aru: "I am confident with Mad Dod's skills..."
Mad dog interrupted "Oh be quiet you wench!" Now THIS surprised the party! (They are used to Andera being grumpy. :smalltongue:)
Sena: "Mad Dog! You are not quite yourself!" (And in his thoughts: I cannot allow you to not be yourself... You can smash like like a rusted tin can...)
Julian decides to try and study the two, and sees an emotion effect.
Arulashee to Andera: "I have saved you, and you have saved me, and so we shall do in return. We shall find a way."
Julian casts dispel evil (From her domain) on Andera, and succeeds!
Andera: "Yes, there is a way!"
But then Mad dog reminds me that Dispel evil can't undo effects that Dispel magic can't dispel. I tell Julian that she failed.
Andera (rewrite): "No, thee is not! We are all doomed!"
Julian suspects it's a curse, and she and Sena use remove curses, and succeed. Andera: "On second thought Arulashee, I see your point!" :smallwink: The curses are believed to be removed, but Andera's Jealousy stays. Still ,the party decides to just play with it.

Sena does end up using Windwalk, taking the party with him above. He looks at the pillars, and tries to make some sort of an understanding, a revelation. He uses Display of Intelligence and rolls high enough, to understand the pillars are positioned as sort of way points in a... vortex... whirlpool. Understanding this he flies the party towards the center of it, a pillar just beside a fairly large ruin.

The party could use divination, scouting from above and more, but yeah, the pillars were the key. The pillars each held around them the ruins of an empire or so. They might explore the ruin, the spirits within it, but the idea was to track to the most recent ruin. The pillars and ruins are in a sort of a vortex indeed, as Vazgral was the encompassing doom.

I made the exploration thus: If they walk the jungle, they rol lfor survival to get to another pillar. On the way I added some "abyssal sensorial weirdness", to give the place a bit more flavor, to which the party responded nicely. If they don't find a pillar, or if they delay significantly, They roll again on a sort of a random Valzgar table.

-You hear the voices of great birds, Amplified, Sounding like a moaning crowd.
- The trees looks strange suddenly, as if they are a conglomerate of bodies, souls, trying to reach you…
- As you walk on the wet patches, you are certain they ae blood. The moisture tastes as blood, hot, moist, yet it makes you thirsty, so thirsty…
- The moon light makes you see the shadows, and they are moving on the trees, slithering, like serpents, who's eyes are cold, dead stars…
- Your footsteps sounds like gnashing of teeth. Sharp, Hard, biting.
- Your body feels odd, it is not quite your hand, it feels as if it belongs to another, like it is a glove, of something inside, trying to dig out.
- There are worms behind your eyes, looking through it, tugging at the eyeball, tring to suck it in.
- You suddenly can hear nearly nothing, just wind, strong wind, and the sound of a storm, quickly approaching. There are voices of people "Man the sails! All hands on deck!"
- Your saliva tastes sweet, very sweet, more and more sweet, till it becomes all sticky, gooey, almost unbearable!

1d12 (I just like them)
1-2: 5 CR 10 demons (Bebilith, Stirge demon, Mature nabasu, Fiendish rock
3-5: 3 CR 10 demons
6-8: Lost ruins: Force of ruins and add +4 to finding pillar
9-10: Loss: As in mail, Will DC 22. Recurrence +2 TO will save. Curse effect, DC 23 to break. If fails again under Loss, then DC rises by +2.
11-12: Jealousy: As in Loss, same rules, except as in mail.

Temple of Nocticula
On the way Jealousy strikes again, just Mad dog. He sends me a message that he decided to be envious of Julian's smarts.

Vazgral ruins music- Diablo II Kurast (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=JPAznGcX0L0&p=n)

In the ruins, the party goes through the wreckage of an Empire that seems fairly recent, they even notices some of the gins, the flags- The Empire of Cheliax, who fell due to inner strife, and possibly competing devil worship. Yet the players are uninterested, and quickly look for a teleportation ring or such.

As they go they get affected by the power of ruin. Each rolls 1d20, and doubles by 500. The result is the minimum value of an item that Valzgar ruins permanently... This is the first time that Mad dog's and Andera's low rolls are effective.
Mad dog rolls 1,000, but decides that the island wrecks his +2 Longbow. The bow crumbles, it's wound break, it's string snaps.
Andera rolls 2,000, and let the island destroy an arrow of slaying (Pretty much ineffective at this point). The arrows brakes, and the end seems blunts from millennia of time...
Sena rolls 8,500, and find it really difficult (Most of his equipment is quite expensive). He ends up giving up his malleable holy symbol, which turns to a lump of clay. Sena grunts, and pull his back up symbol.
Julian rolled a 20- 10,000... She too find it quite difficult, but ends up giving her lesser rod of maximize. The item cracks, and loses it's magic, as if that has passed centuries ago.
Arulashee lost her Swallow Tail braces (Campaign Item, some minor bonuses and an ability to cast dream) "It doesn't matter. It's the least of my sacrifices. Let's move on." She answered the concerned Sena.

The party curses, wanting more than ever to get out of this place. They manage to finally reach their destination, a ruined temple of Nocticula (Note: I played this nearly exactly as in the module, except for the effects of not succeeding with the ritual) The place is in ruin, as is the rest of Vazgral. They see 4 statues of Nocticula at the end, plus an altar, with what looks like a skeleton covered in heavy moth. From the looks of it it belonged to some demon. Coming close to the alter, they see an inscription on in "I tried Nocticula! I tried! I've tried to tame the island, but it ruins all, degrades all, I have failed you our lady in shadow, but I tried... I tried..." The alter seems like a sacrificl alter, with a blood drainage and chain on the side.

This was aa flavor piece, but Sena grabs unto that, believing there needs to be a blood sacrifice, he cuts himself and bleeds over the alter. Nothing happens. He then decides it must be one of the statues. As to the statues:
- Nocticula holding a heart high above. A smile on her face in Triumph.
- A seductive pose, tempting smile and posture.
- An assassination pose, aiming her hand crossbow at a target, eyes cold.
- Hidden posture, with her wings and tails all around her, hiding her, only her eyes apparent.

Now, Tell the truth I goofed here a bit. Each statue also had an inscription at it's base, which was a clue, but I mixed that up with some clues coming from a knowledge check (Later) that I missed these throughout the encounter. :smallfrown:

Sena rushed to the Statue holding the heart, and before the party could stop it bled over it. They heard a soft rush of noise and then a resounding "Not likely!" Before the trap sprang- Shadows loomed around, and tried to grasp the party (Reflex DC 24), if caught, the shadow congealed into the form of a succubi, and tried to kiss each member, (DC 24 Fort to avoid 2d4 level drain, and DC 24 Will to avoid getting "Succubi smitten"- A curse effect that has the player be more easily affected by succubi- -5 to their saves against their powers from now on).

Fearing this strange trap, the party used their mythic surges and managed to avoid everything. Understanding they need to think it out, they sat to try and understand. Various theories came up, till I decided for another abysmal sensorial weirdness: Sena felt s if his right hand was... not his, as if it belonged to someone else, and that there was something in it, trying to dig it's way out. Julian felt something tugging at her eyes, and KNEW there were worms behind her eyes, latching on them exerting pressure. The sensations lasted for about a minute, but were unsettling enough.

J: "This is getting out of hand! We need to be away from here SOON!"
An: "Oh? What is it? Something you can't just whip a small and solve all of a sudden? Why don't you do some magic stuff, and get us out of here? You're just teasing us!" (Jealousy)
But Julian was too concerned with the situation to respond. But Sena, really disliking the feeling of his hand, tries to bleed on the covered statue. "Not likely!" as the shadows come again, this time grasping Mad Dog and Sena. As the shadows kiss them, Sena breaks off "Get away! My heart belongs to another!" But Mad dog get "smitten by succubi" (Though he did not know how to play it for the rest of the session) Arulashee is impressed by Sena "Not many can withstand the temptation of the mistress in Shadow..."

Andera jumps at him: "Will you stop acting like a fool and bleeding over stuff?!"
Sena: "It is always blood with demons!"
An: "Perhaps not always? We need to think about this!" ("Sometimes it's tongue!" :smalltongue: Kudos to whomever gets the reference!)

The party tries to think of Nocticula's portfolio- Darkness, lust, secrets and assassinations. These seem to fit the statues, except for "secrets", which gets left with the statue holding the big heart. The party tries looking for secret buttons, leverages, invest mythic power into them. to no avail. I hint with Arulashee: This is her temple, and passage is supposed to be accessible to most demons, at least succubi. Sena again uses Display of Insight (For religion) and recalls a prayer to Nocticula- "lie in wait in hiding , present yourself to seduce , strike the killing blow when the target is enthralled , and then offer the target’s heart to the Lady in Shadow." They manage to figure out the order of the statues from this.

Sena thinks, and then casts darkness on the covered statue. The statue seems to move, and keeps a slight motion about it! The party has made progress. But they are stumped by the second statue (The temptress).
Sena: Maybe a spell of "Unnatural lust?" I have a potion for this (From the Ivory Sanctum)
An: "Maybe just a charming spell. Hey Julian! Why don't you snap your fingers and casting something, like you always do?"
Sena uses the charm power of the trickery domain, and the statue comes to life as well! But as to the third statue- the assassin, again stumped. Annoyed, Julian tries another charm person, and is responded by "Not Likely!" This time the shadows grabs her, and the kiss draw 2d4 negative energies on her! As the kiss ends, Julian collapses, of breath, looking more grey. She is pissed, but Sena rushes to her and restores her. the two statues reverts back to normal.

The party thinks again. Andera uses dust of darkness on the first statue (He carried it from the lair of evil mongrelfolk! Battle with Hossila!) Sena uses his power again, and they come up on the third statue once more. Julian thinks that it requires a death spell, and Sena casts "Slay living", and it works too! The third statue comes to life. They feel the air and surroundings around the temple becoming fuzzier, as if on the verge of moving...

But the last statue quite stumps them. They come up with different theories (Like trying to dislodge the heart and taking it to the first statue), but dare act on none. Sena and Julian have burned through quite a lot of mythic points.
Mad dog: "Oh, I trust Julian! She is smart, and cunning. She will think of a way to solve this! She always does."
Andera: "She just whips up the perfect spell, for the perfect time, Little Ms. Magic fingers, with her mojo!"
Julian's player was embarrassed "What kind of a curse is this?"

At the end they decide a wholly different approach. They have Arulashee UMD the statue with Julian and Andera helping her, which works great. The last statue moves, and from the her a great darkness emits, with a laugh of "That's more like it!" as the darkness envelops, and they feel... movement, only to appear somewhere else, in a great building. From the sounds of it, they have arrived at a massively inhabited place- Allushira, the Porphyry City.

I kind of fell into a trap here, playing it "by the book"- the riddle, though it had a few ways of solving (You could do certain acts, not just spells), still required a fairly specific way of solving. I hate using riddles like that, and prefer an open riddle, more like a situation, to which the party will respond. This kind of riddles, where you "need to get into the riddle maker's mind", are quite often very frustrating, and don't allow for more creative ideas (And the players did come up with some). I might have dealt with it better, but on the whole the player were ok with it. Oh well. :smallconfused:

So... The island in the module doesn't serves any purpose other than the temple riddle (Oh, and the trap by the module just sprigs up some shadow demons... Really? At this level? With their power? Utterly pathetic). I think the place can give the Midnight Isles a feeling of a bigger place than just Porphyry, and give it the sensation of a tropical, magical, weird place, Which was my main intention.

As to Jealousy and Loss. Andera played a bit with both (And he is still under he effect of Jealousy). These worked as a nice distraction and fun for the party (They quite liked it), and added some conversation difficulty, in an island on which they are the main, if not sole, talkative people.

The party totally circumnavigated exploring the different ruins (Had some of Azlanti, Thassilon, Mwangi and so on), so I can't tell how that might work out if someone tries it.

On the whole, the players found the island at times frustrating, but also quite a different experience, which they liked. The most evocative responses came from the abysmal sensorial weirdness stuff... Hmmmm.... :smallamused:
I'll stop here for the time being. It looks like aa good stopping point. Next time Will feature the party's first foray into Porphyry, as well as some improvised but cool negotiations. :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2015-08-24, 02:24 AM
So it happens to be that I'm sick. :smallfrown: On the plus side, I am at home, and so I'll try to complete the session's log. I'm a bit woozy, so I hope I get everything right. Still, notes can help significantly. Now, arriving at Porphyry...

Session 22, Part 2- Getting to know Porphyry City

As the darkness dissipates, the party finds themselves in what looks like an old, partially ruined temple. They happen to surprise a hulking Thanadaemon, who lounges there. The Daemon rises up, speaking in the deep, hollow voice. "The portal was closed and unused for decades. Who comes forth?" As the party though of what to answer, Arulashee took charge, acting with confidence, disdain, as if brushing the tall daemon aside. "My purpose and concerns are mine alone! These are my slaves. Now move aside! I have business to conduct in Allushira!" And she just strode past it, with the party surprised, but sort of cow towing behind her. They left the long abandoned temple to Vazgral to the busy streets of the demon city.

Porphyry Music- Planescape Torment soundtrack! (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=dXF9I6OykBc&p=n)
(Thanks a lot for suggesting this Eldan!

At this point I reminded the party various key facts about Porphyry. (It's been awhile since we played). I won't go over them all here, just some key points:
- Allushira is a trade hub, mostly for demons, but Nocticula has extended commerce to all kinds. This doesn't mean it's a safe place, (Far from it!) but if you're attacked, then it's by individuals, not by the very forces of the plane.
- The place is HUGE. It can take 2-3 days fully walking to cross it length wise, or 1-2 days width wise. Most demons just teleport. For others (Such as slaves), A quick way of transportation is the skiffs of the Thanadaemons, who travel the numerous canals of Porphyry. The price can be pricey, but some Thanademons can also deal with souls.
- The thanaedaemons are also a sort of "crowd control" force. Nocticula uses them to subjugate disturbances to the city. On the whole, violence is not an issue, but you MAY NOT harm the city or how it operates.
- Nocticula is the ruler of The Midnight Isles. Porphyry is ruled by her second in command- Shamira. An immensely powerful succubus, with flaming wings (A whole fire theme), who is a much sterner, brutal, and lethal succubus, who deals with major threats to the city.
- The biggest trade is in slaves. There are hundreds of thousands of slaves here, from all kinds, for all purposes. The city has them in abundance. The city also caters for all kind of sins, temptations, desires and fetishes (Not just of the sexual kinds).
- Succubi hold a special position in Allushira, and form a sort of "higher class". That said, people can rise far above them, and succubi can become really low. It's more a matter of power- the main currency demons understand.

As they got out of the temple, they were amazed at the sheer amount of demons- Cambions aplenty, here and there dretches cleaning, some succubi, Babaus, vrocks, even a Glaberzu! Arulashee whispered. "We're in the Virgin Ribs! The slums of Porphyry. We better move somewhere else."
Sena whispered back "Where might the delegations be?"
Arulashee answered: "In the Ten Thousand Delights (Inns, entertainment and luxury district) or the Terrace of the Favored Mistresses (A nobility district, for especially powerful succubi)."
Andera hissed "We'll need to find a place to stay first. That island took a bit from us. We need a place to think." They decide to head for the Ten Thousand Delights. Only that will take them a hell of a long time to get there by foot! So they go to a canal, and see a Thanadaemon. Arulahsee motions him. They talk with the long fellow, who is disappointing they don't have souls to barter with, but agrees for gold. Which is when we find... that the party is nearly broke in terms of actual money! They pull everything together, and pay the Daemon (about 1,500 gp total) and find they have about 800 gp left... Oh my...

Arulashee sits at a reserved sit, while the rest are told to squabble near the bottom of the skiff... The Thanadaemon stirs the bot slowly, but expertly, goes under a bridge, and then mists surround the skiff, and it emerges under another bridge, but the sounds are greatly different. Within a minute the skiff navigates in a huge body of water ,with various boats and other skiffs, and stops at the side. "The Delights Mistress..." Sena clambers and offers to give her a leg up, but she kicks him in disdain, opens her wings and flies up. The "tieflings" climb up as well.

Julian is starting to have a real headache- the numerous evil auras are straining her vision, making it hard for her to think! She moans and groans, when Andera snarks at her "What's the matter? Can't just use that spell of yours to make you see? Or make us a place to stay? How come you've all of a sudden gone skimpy with your spells, hah? Stop moaning, don't be such a bother!"

Julian seeks to answer, but all of a sudden, quite artificially, total darkness descends. The fake stars in the sky blink out, and now it's total, utter darkness above. Arulashee, Sena and Mad dog can see with darkvision (Thanks to Dwarven Belt in Mad dog's case), but Julian and Andera are not so lucky. "lets find a place already" Julian says, tired.

They go searching, the place is full of taverns, inns, brothels, strip joints, pleasure houses and more (Many times all in one!) As they travel they see something odd- the darkness seems to add more depth, more texture, more details to buildings that seemed... plainer before... Even alleyways open up. The party realizes this place is different at full night than partial night...

They get fascinated enough by it all, that they don't notice the shadows emerging to attack them! (Random encounter) 8 Greater shadows, 4 from over a canal, 4 from the sides of shadow alleys, lunge at them! Mad dog, Sena and Julian are hit (Each once), but luckily roll quite low on strength damage.

Andera curses, turns invisible and releases the Ioun torch in his belt. The light coming up draws some attention from nearby demons (The city usually runs dark. And tieflings usually have dark vision). Andera hisses to Chandi "Let us act!"

Julian manages to get up some mirror images, but 4 get taken down, Sena also gets hit quite a bit, but manages to negate one attack with Divine Intervention. Still, some strength down, he cannot really suffer much more! Arulashee, seeing his strength dwindle, shouts in worry and defiance, and uses her starbow radiant cone power, to greatly damage and kills some of the shadows. This too, gets some attention... Sena is touched by her worrying though...

He activates his mythic armor proficiency to have his armor bonus apply also to touch, making him much more resilient! He then attacks using channel smite and kills two more (greater shadows have very low hp!) If the party wanted to go fully incognito, they have drawn sufficient attention here...

A vrock and a hezrou reach into a bag and pull out tiny kind of demons, basically orbs with legs and a big mouths, who run near the battle field as if sniffing the air... (Cachaodaemons) The party don't quite understand, but they are busy.

Mad Dog and Andera attack and kill. Julian looks at the shadows' aura, seeing mostly tremendous tortured hunger. She kills the few remaining with magic missiles, only to hear Andera "Sure! If I could just shoot magic arrows to do the work for me!" Julian sees the last shadow, almost in gratitude "thank you..." before it dissipates away.

The cachaodaemons go around where the shadows were, but find nothing. The Vrock and Hazrou call them back, and put them back in their place. The party realizes these are used to collect souls, for souls gems, used for trade in the city.

As the battle ends, Arulashee looks atthe paler Sena, Struggling under the weight of his armor. She caresses his cheek and helps him. "I will catch you if you fall... Strange, in this darkest of places, I feel the closest to you, the most secure with you by my side." Sena, had he any color left, would have changed it! :smallwink:

I have upgraded the random encounter table for Porphyry a bit. Again, I find that for the most part, it seems like the designers didn't take into account the party's mythic tier's effect on their ECL when designing stuff. Oh well...

I also made a separate table for "Sights of the city", which is also for flavor, a bit like "abysmal sensorial weirdness" in Valzgar. I wanted the city to feel more then just a location of goals, but something that lives and breaths more...

About Notoriety: The module assumes the party is trying to get Nocticula's attention. The party needs to get points on a "Notoriety score", and different acts can grant them different points. One of the possibilities is "Showing your true colors", or basically- walking around like the champions of good that they are. But... this gets them more encounters, and more lethal ones. The party opted to not do that. Another way is by getting into fights, but I decided that it'll be only for fights who are CR+2 at least. No real interest in mopping a bunch of lowly cambions, is there?

But I also added another score, Which we'll just call "Getting noticed". This is to judge whether Minhago managed to locate the party. In the module, Minhago flees to Porphyry after the Midnight Fane, and she sends an assassin, and maybe conftonts the party once, before they are supposed to track her down and kill her. I... Have different plans for Minhago in my design, (If you've read some of the "help threads" you may know), but she stills seeks to learn more, and maybe kill some of the party, with a bigger teams of possible assassins (This will be quite imporant later).

For each encounter in which the party drew sufficient attention as not fitting their disguise (Such as in this encounter) I rolled a percentile die to see if this got to Minhago, (She placed lots of informants in the city, expecting the party to come) in which case she'll start tracking the party, and sending assassins. To my surprise, This single encounter sufficed! But it would take some time for Minhago. She'll come into play later...

Julian casts Darkvision on Andera.
An: "Well, about time!"
J: "Are you ok, I do not last.."
An: "I do lust!"
J:"Something is strange about you..."
An: "We're in a strange place!"
J: "We're always in strange places!"
An: "Not as this!"
J: "...Are you becoming a demon?" looked at Mad Dog "It's not like it hasn't happened before"
An: "Why, because you have spells you think you know everything? What you cast a "detect demons" spell?"
J: "And you?! Every time you have a difficult situation you just disappear!"
An: "My power is limited,not like yours, dropping spells at every corner"
J: "Why do you keep trying to disrupt the conversation?"
An: "So why don't you just cast a silence spell on me!"
J: "You're becoming as grumpy as Chandi!"
An:"So many times I have almost died, fighting at the front, while you stayed away!"
J: "You did die, at the Ivory Sanctum, remember?" (The players were having fun with this little roleplay :smalltongue:)
An: "Yes I remember! And you didn't even enter the gates the entire battle!"
J: "I really can't tell where you were. Every battle you go "poof!" and we don't see you till it ends.
An: "I wouldn't have hid if I had an arsenal of blasting spells!"
J: "Oh, I've grown tired of this, lets just find a place to sleep!"

Rest and improvisational negotiation "The Inn and out"

(I was improvising this whole part on the fly. Oddly enough, I didn't quite prepare a place to stay for the party! :smallwink:)

Sena restored the party, but the party really wanted to get out of the streets. I gave various inn/brothel names ("At your pleasure", "Guilty pleasures", "Hot and heavy", "Touch of flesh", "Pleasant forgetfulness", "The longing ends", "Kiss of forever") but Andera's player cracked a joke "Why don't we go into The Inn and Out?" We liked it so much that we made that the brothel they chose.

At the entrance there was a plaque, with various prices for "items":
- Mortal woman, willing.
- Mortal woman, unwilling.
- Mortal man, willing.
- Trained Incubi
- Trained succubus
- Torture available! Prices varying on degree of abuse and dismemberment..."

Brothel music- Tantric Sexuality (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5AVJV-9C6s)

A small but important note to be made here: Porphyry City is a demonic city, and a great deal of it's content can be quite extreme, sexual, brutal, hurtful, and more. I've made a conscious decision to not go very had or very deep in how much we describe things, roleplay things, and so on. This also goes for a choice of music. You can find much harder things in Youtube if you look for them. (I spent some time looking for musics for possible brothels/ inns and other "experiences". I know my sensibilities, and my players sensibilities, and while some might be willing to explore quite hard stuff, I don't think this is the game for it, and I also think others will find it quite uncomfortable. I declared this to the group, that I'll limit how deep we go. It's enough for us to mention things in general terms (For example the "menu" at the brothel) and not delve into them.

If that's a problem to you, feel free to discuss it, but that's how my group plays. We focus on the heroics side of the campaign, not wishing to turn it into porn. I hope we'll not hurt anyone's sensibilities later on though...

The place looks like a dark, exotically furnished lounge, with a strip stage and poles in the center, what looks like a bar and eatery at the side (With some odd noises coming from a diner. The meal still alive?) and a few more secluded spaces, looking luxurious. The place' patrons ranged from cambions, low demons but also a succubus or two. At the stage a bruised and suffering looking Aasimar woman danced, with skimpy clothes, white skin and eyes. The party noted this.

An incubi, dressed in finery came towards Arulashee. "Ah Mistress! Thank you for honoring this place with your presence." We have the finest rooms for you, and the stable or pits for your possessions..." Arulashee played her part. "I require rest, but nothing too fancy at the moment. A simple place, but with enough space, and I'd like to keep my... possessions close. I may have tasks for them or would like to..." She gave a sly smile "Extract pleasure"

The incubi (Named Chulakat) bowed. "Of course, we have a few rooms on the first floor, with some cages and pens for them if need be. It is comfortable, not the best, but will surely suffice!" The room was quite expensive (about 250gp per night), but for now the party agreed.

Andera the succubus
As they went up the steps, Andera whispered. "Go ahead, I'll be right back." The party went up, but Andera used his Master's Disguise, to look like an exceptionally cruel succubus.

"She" came down, and went straight at the barman, a cambion looking bored. She looked critically at the dancing aasimar. "Is this all you have here? This pathetic show?"
The cambion looked alarmed. "We have others, if you would speak with mistress Hannet..."
But Andera waved him away. "She displeases me, send her away."
The cambion tried to apologize. "But, in the middle of... "
Andera would have none of this. "You dare argue?! Send her away!" (Successful intimidate) The cambion did as asked, but also called Chulakat to talk to... the newcomer...
Chu: "Mistress! I haven't seen you come in! What can we do to please you?"
An: "After the sorry act I've seen? Not much..."
Chu: "Would you like talking with mistress Hannet? I'm sure she'll..."
An: "No! I would like to learn of your... competition..."
Chulakat was confused: "Oh, you're taking over?" (It's not that hostile takeovers, quite literally, were uncommon after all. :smalltongue: I thought it might actually turn out to be a fun idea!)
An: "No, I do not."
Chu: "Then why do you wish to know?"
An: (Bluff check successful) "Lets just say I have my reasons... Which place caters for mortals specifically?"
Chu: "There are many places. It all depends on the individuals. We specialize more in a specific desires or groups of sins. Surely you know this mistress?"
Andera tried to push to other ideas, trying to find a place that might harbor a delegation: "Is there anywhere that caters for demonic vermin, (Deskari) or with pleasures including swarms? How about Minotaurs?
Chulakat smiled: "Some people like to dine on various insects, of get poison treatment. I hear the intensity of some poisons can be quite mind engulfing to some. There are also rasping baths, where one goes into a bath with a swarm of vermin, biting, itching, crawling. Soem find it quite delightful... As to... Minotaurs? (Chulakat seemed more thoughtful) They re not exactly known planar travelers. Hmmm... The closest thing I can think of is "The Brass Horn", it's a bar near the arenas, where some fighting demons and gladiators go. It has a huge horn, said to be from legendary minotaur, over the door. (I was improvising fast here. I thought to perhaps use it to direct later to the Battle Bliss Arena in the module)
Andera was pleased at the information. "Good to know."
Chulakat: "What is thy name oh mistress?"
Andera: "I'm Seela. Remember that?"
Chu: "And for which high mistress do you work for?"
Andera panicked slightly, but responded well "Is it your plce to question me? I swear, minions these days!" and left...

"One soul at a time."
The aasimar caught some attention with the party. As Andera (as a succubus) was getting up, Julian came down (Having cast tongues and echolocation). She sought Chulakat.
J: "My mistress sent me. She wishes to buy the aasimar dancer."
Chu: "Really? Quite an interest the whore gets. But it's up to the mistresses to discuss. If she wishes, come and meet Mistress Hanet here in about half an hour." Julian groveled and went up.

Upstairs, the party tries to think of how to approach this. Sena and Andera object at first:
S: This puts the entire mission at risk, we cannot risk exposing ourselves.
An: She is just one slave, amongst thousands!
J: We'll save them all. One soul at a time if need be."
This convinces Sena. "Right! Right action!"
Aru: "I shall assist how I can." Sheseemed tense.

Sena suggests to come as a mortal extra planar to help, but they think it would be weird to have a mortal joining with a succubi just to buy this slave. At the end they just decide to go as they are, as slaves to Arulashee.

Meanwhile, I try to think of a good price to her, and end up deciding on 10,000. I think this can easily be a test for Arulashee (even if improvised, since she takes the main role in it), and think this is a fair price (As well as being the price of tiems she might give for a redemption trial).

They come down, and Chulakat leads them to a more secluded booth. Hannet looks like well experienced succubi, and a slightly cheap, slightly elegant hostess. She has 2 Cambion bodyguards, and an apprentice succubi. She calls for the aasimar (Named Jasmin), and order her to strip. She naked assimar shows sign of bruises, and some rough handling. She stands there, devoid of hope and care, lost. Sena almost draws his sword.

H: "So... you hav an interest in my star attraction? So many demons love the chance to spoil, hurt and use the partly divine. Almost like breaking the arms of an angel, you know?" She leaned back, smiling "Such things don't come cheaply..."
Negotiations start at 20,000. Arulashee manages to get it down to 13,000, but the party is worried about this. They just don't have the money. Julian casts a still silent message spell to Arulashee "Give me a name of someone important! Leverage! I'll happen to mention, then punish me!" Arulashee sends with telepathy the name of Imangaleht (Owner of the Battle Bliss, which I previously decided might know Arulashee).
Julian speaks "Mistress, Imangleth will never…"
Arulashee snaps and smashes Julian's face. "Be silent!"
With two good bluffs, this works! Hannet wants to get on Powerful Cambion's good graces, thinking Arulashee works for him, and negotiation reduce the price to 7,000. With no money, the party exchanges Mad Dog's long arm braces (From Soltengrebe's treasury, he used it maybe twice! :smallwink:) and Julian's elven boots (Never used). The party even gets room for the week.

The party goes back to the room, with a promise Jasmin will be sent shortly after, after she's "cleaned up". In the room Arulashee hugs Julian. "Thank you, for letting me be a part of this. It is no wonder you have become what you are! A true champion of The Forgotten!" Arulashee makes her redemption save- 3/4!
Jasmin is let into the room while the hug takes place, and is in shock- A succubus hugs tiefling? Thanks her? Julian sees her confusion, and dispels the veil spell, showingthem all as they are.
Jasmin's shock intensifies, and she falls to the floor, prostrating herself. "Please! I didn't mean to see you! I'm sorry! Please don't..."
But Julian stops her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Rise child, you have nothing to fear here. Please eat, you seem to be starving."
They let her eat, heal her, and comfort her.
J: "Tell me child, how did you end up here?"
Jasmine tells a story of how she came from Ustalav (One of the only Golarion nations I know!) and came to fight in the crusades. She was an aide to a warrior group, who got caught near the Worldwound border.
Julian: "I can banish you to Golrion. We can send you to a safe place. It's a town called Drezen. We have many friends there, they will take care of you. Would you like that? (Oddly enough, the banishment and dismissal spells don't say how it is decided where you end up on the other plane. We decided it's a bit like teleport in that regard"
Jasmin is utterly besides herself, in tears, not believing. "You're toying with me? Can this be real? Home? Really home?" She burst into gratuitous cry. "You are from the gods! You are angels!
Mad dog "We ARE the gods."
They try to get some more information from her, but other than simple rumors (A bit on Shamira and such) nothing of import. The party does leanr of 5 luxurious borthels. (If they go to them they can gain a bonus on gather information rolls)

Julian asks Andera to write a letter to Brian, explaining things. The party gives her some some of their money (About 100 gp) and Sena gives him the Pin of the new vision of Drezen. Jasmin stands there crying, thankful, overwhelmed, when Julian waves at her. "Goodbye". and Sena casts Banishment on her.

I decide this was quite cool, and gives them some ad hoc XP, on top of Arulashee's redemption trial.

The entire Inn and Out and the negotiations were totally improvised. I think it went quite well. The player absolutely loved this scene! (Even Mad Dog to an extent). I often tend to improvise with a strong basis of setting, but here it was more free flow. I'm quite pleased with how I did here, as improvisation is my great weak spot. The reason I prepare so much is to be able to improvise smoothly enough, due to understanding enough of the basics of the set. Here I did somewhat without it, and it worked not bad! A later improvisation in this session... less so... :smallwink:
I'll stop here. We got one more part, though it is shorter. I hope to get onto it soon enough. Possibly today. Got a small errand to run. I hope you like what you're reading so far! :smallamused:

Kol Korran
2015-08-24, 06:40 AM
Ok, lets get it done with!

Session 22, Part 3- Porphyry, Way to the Flesh Markets, Cliffhanger!

After sending Jasmin back to Drezen, the party finally rested, with the trial of Valzgar andtheir first "night" in Porphyry behind them. Sena Did not require sleep, and so he spent the time talking with Arulashee. Strangely, the conversation turned to his childhood, mischief here and there, moments with Brother John and the like. She found this charming, that he could recall the man he has been with her, despite his commitment to his path. With a remaining mythic point he brought a hero's feast, to eat with her, while the others rested. The two become closer, and hold each other, embrace each other, and for them both, for this time, it is enough... (Despite jokes from the other players! :smallwink:)

After the rest of the party awake, they are again faced with the same problem since entering this realm. "So, what is our strategy now?" I use this opportunity to hint by Arulashee that if they may want to seek audience with Nocticula, they need to gain her attention, by doing note worthy deeds (The Notoriety Score mechanic). She suggests the four basic approaches- Pick fights, show your true colors, seek high profiles events or accomplishments (Via Gathering information. This is the main suggestion in the module), or try to seek out Shamira. She explains that the last option should be the very last, as Shamira is known for her temper, and her "extracting payment.".

Sena wishes to find Oodkalakat, the coloxus demon that's supposed to hold the Soul stone of the tiefling host. He uses scrying and sees him in a partially rounded room, going over documents, bored. He decides to try and spook him, and uses message through the scrying. "I see you! Where are you? We need to talk!" Oodkalakat gets nervous, foes to big ornate doors, opens them and... the scrying fails. "Anti scrying area" says Julian.

He is the coloxus working for Vallexa, the succubus in Rapture of Rupture. I decided her room has anti scrying measures. Would make sense, no?

Commune with Calistria
At this point Sena suggested again. "Perhaps we should try and talk with Calistria now?"
This time, the party agreed. Sena used his mask (Mitre of the hierophant) to call her. Now, a small change we've made just for roleplay, is that she basically can answer in more than "Yes/ no/ maybe", but generally to that effect. Just speak like a more real person, and not an automated answering machine. :smallwink:

As Sena called her, he could see a ghostly mask detaching from his, turning and floating in the air. Part male, part female, part laughing, part crying, an eye closed, an eye open, and changing... all the time. "Yes? One lost to sight?"
Sena: "I have the most disturbing news about your rival Nocticula- The demonic forces see to ally with her, and bring her influence and power to Golarion!"
Cal: "I find it interesting, intriguing, amusing, and troublesome." she said, almost as if rhyming a song, not really concerned..
Se: "I know that you do not desire for it to happen- she's powerful and a rival. Do you have any contacts on her plane that I can use."
Cal: "Not anymore... Gone they are."
Se: "Do you have anything that can help us?"
Cal: "Such as?"
Sena was a bit frustrated at this. Julian whispered "Information".
Se: "What does Nocticula wants?"
Cal: "Unknown, tricky little wench! But she seeks to gain power, and searches sources of deep philosophy. To what end? It is not known."
Se: "What are her weaknesses?"
Cal: "Uncertain. Over contemplation perhaps? Plans within plans... Some say she seeks perfection in all."
Se: "Can you intervene?"
Cal: "Never directly." The mask seemed to be amused, and shying away.
Se: "Can you bring your own organizations here?"
Cal: "Unlikely in time, and none f them is as strong as you, dear, invisible champion!" The mask seemed as teasing, playful.
Se: "Do you have any weapon/ tool to use?"
Cal: "Yes, I call its Senatef Aberdeen!" The mask was amused, thankfully, Sena was amused as well.
Se: "Do you think we can deal with this demon lord?"
Cal: "It would sure be fun to see!"
Sena hardened. "If I will manage to do this, what will you give in return?"
The mask feigned ignorance: "Do this? What do you mean by that? You speak in riddles sena, usually this amuses, but not in matters such as these. These are serious matters!" but at Sena's silence she continued on. "I do not seek Noctciula's... end, she has been inactive and silent for a longtime. Better the demon you know than the one who will fill it's place, yes?"
Sena continued: "What sort of information can you provide on Nocticula?"
Cal: "She plays some sort of a larger, deeper game . She plays at politics, but also something bigger, no one knows exactly what. Makes a lot of strange explorations, questions, investigations. Quite intriguing really! And with that, I shall depart. Good luck to you my champion!"

Sena was frustrated. "Well, that was helpful!" He then tries to commune with Sarenrae, but he just hears Calistria's voice again. "I said you'd be MINE!" said in an amused tone, but also with a definite hint of harshness, and a definite manner.

Why is Calistria being so difficult? Well, first, it amuses her. Secondly, as I've tried to show, the party are amongst the most powerful tools she has, they are basically IT. There is little she can send there that'll be effective as them. And thirdly, it has something to do with the secret behind Calistria that I'm keeping, and that might be revealed later. Hopefully we'll get there...

The party though of the info they've got:
An: "Maybe we could try finding the mine first, and then destroy it for her?"
J: "She seeks perfection... that doesn't give us much. A bigger game? Too vague... We don't really have anything to offer her."
S: "What we can do is ruin the other's reputation. The mine can be good for that- if they built it under her nose? If it's a secret?"

They don't get much more than that, but decide they do need to get Nocticula's attention.
MD: "Ok, lets go pick up fights!"
J: "Maybe we could just go to Shamira's palace and make our selves known?"
S: "I'd like to go and find this Oodkalakat first! He was tallying numbers, probably in some sort of slaves. Where are the biggest markets here?"
Arulashee: "These will be the flesh markets..."

The party decides to go there, and go by foot, possibly to draw some attention or fights. I decide it's about 8 hours walk away (They do not want to use the skiffs, low on money). After a bit more banter from Andera and Mad Dog about Julian's smarts and spells, the party has enough, and after checkign them they cast additional remove curse, and take out the last effects of Valzgar. We had our fun with those... :smallamused:

Journey through Porphyry- Seeing the sights

Porphyry City music- Planescape Torment soundtrack (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=dXF9I6OykBc&p=n)
(Thanks again Eldan!)

It was again the fake sky, with points of lights...Again under Veil, the party heads out. I decide to cut the journey into 4 parts, each with it's own "scenery roll" and "random encounter roll". At the first leg of the journey the party comes upon a torture yard, with various torture devices, with many different victims on it, and a Cambion calling for all to test these on their slaves! He speaks liek a salesman as verious demons use the... imaginative... implementations there for their sick pleasures.

Julian immediately wishes to help, butthe player stops himself "Damn it! I'm thinking like a paladin!" To which we responded "Um, goddess of the forgotten?" The party discussed this quickly, and at the end retracted up to sight, and then Sena cast Project image (Trickery domain) near the yard, and then cast 2 banishments to take many of the prisoners away, to Drezen! A lot of confusion ensued, but the party just hurried away. I deemed it cool enough to award a bit more ad hoc XP.

As their random encounter they meet "an eager merchant" (as the module says). I have them meet with a small market who sells larvae of creatures of all kind. An eager merchant came to them with some wriggly stuff in his trolley. But the party just wished to hurry on, and didn't continue the interaction.

Ob the second leg, the party comes up against strange platforms, some of them raised, some sunken, with a sort of a shimmering half transparent field around them. Into one of these entered a strange shadow- caterpillar insect, through the shimmer, like a sort of a portal. It waited a bit, when a hardened dwarf, with impressive gear came from the side of the shimmer. They gave a quick fight, until the shadowy creature enveloped the dwarf, gave as sort of a crashing and reaping noise, and exuded the dwarf's bloody bones... "Some sort of... a bloody chess?" They theorized. (The players liked the idea, but wanted to move on)

Near the end of this leg the party were in a much more crowded area (Residential area), and were ambushed by 6 cambions. The battle was quick and brutal, but the party at least got some gear to sell later on. They needed the cash!

On the third leg, the party came upon one of the sources for Porphyry's waters: Multitude of slaves, and souls as well were tied to sort of entrapment, and they were tortured enough to shed tears, some real, some soul tears, which were collected and drove to the many canals. A group of Thanadaemons were standing guard there. The wailing, sobbing could be heard loud and clear...

Chandi wishes to kill the Daemons, but Andera hushes him. "They are Nocticula's force. We cannot go against them." They think of maybe trying banishments again, or maybe Andera invisible with disable device, but at the end they just accept that the horrors of the city are just too many, even for them, to fix... To my surprise this seem to have an actual affect on the players, they take it seriously. Hmmmm... With heavy hearts, they continue.

Battle of the Deraknis
As they are on the edge of the Flesh Market districts, They roll on the random roll for the aabyssal encoutners table (Which I altered a bit). There they roll for 6 Derakni. I remember that Minhago is allready supposed to be tracking them, and decide on the fly that this is one such "Assassins" group. A decision which I thought will be mostly for flavor, but turned to be quite important.

As they cross a big canal over ram shack bridges, the group of Derakni flies over them, and suddenly shout "It's her! The others must be disguised! Get them! Get them!". Battle commences!
Julian casts "chain of light" on the Derakni who spoke, and have it tumble down chained (Thankfull still on the bridge). I grunt... too many new spells which they keep on springing! :smallannoyed:
The Derakni open with quickened enervation rays, Julian, Mad Dog and Andera are all affected. Sena uses Divine Intervention to block the ray against him. The Derakni then close but manage to hit only Arulashee with their stings!
Mad dog and Sena both attack, Mad dog uses Channel smite, Mad dog just uses... Mad Dog, and kills. Andera, with his mythical improved critical, starts doing serious criticals and double criticals! Changi gets excited. "Yes! Sweet demon's blood!"
Andera Triple threat! 79 and 109. Chandi cuts it through the neck. "yes! Yes!"
Derakni uses enervation on Mad dog. Again divine intervention. Mad dog blocks sting.
Julian raises mirror images, but get hit nontheless, 7 negative levels allready...
Arulashee tries to help her, and shoots the nearby Derakni. The group lays out the offensive, and quickly kill the last of the Derakni, with one captured.
I decide that the battle was big enough, and the party was flashy enough to consider this a notoriety worthy fight. Notoriety= +1!

Should have really expected that... :smallwink:
Julian casts Dimension door on the chained Derakni- Akak! (Sorry, it was late night, the best I could come up with). Sena restores Julian's negative levels.
Akak: "What?! You cannot threaten me! When I die, Deskari will take me!"
Mad dog: "Oh, is death the worst you can think of? You will talk with my friend here, if not you will talk with ME!"
Julian: "You have already disgraced yourself to your master. You can decide to avoid talk, but then we will use ALL of what this city has to offer... Or you can just talk, and if we're satisfied with your answer, we'll let you go." (Not a bluff). Julian decides to use her full diplomatic power, with brilliance and a display of charisma (In hinder thought, this qualified more as an intimidation check, but it wouldn't have mattered anyway). With her stupendous bonuses (about +63 modifier?! :smalleek::smallfrown:) She has no trouble convincing the Derakni.
Akak tells that his group has been resting a bit in Porphyry, and that Minhago has tracked them down, and offered them a job. She gve the description of Arulashee, and said she would contact them.
Mad Dog: "Wait, how did you find us in this huge city?"
Akak: "She told us where you'll be! She told us to watch over the canal, and look for you."
Mad Dog: "How long ago was that?"
Akak: "About half an hour ago..."
Sena: "She is following us!"
Julian turned to the crowd of demons, who were taking an mused interest (A bit like Ankh Morpork approach to trouble in the street- free street theatre!) "Minhago, you worthless piece of a demon! you failed time and again against us! You failed with capturing my mother! With the Wardstone! With the Midnight Fane! You are a worthless excuse for any kind of demon! if you have any shred of a true demon within you, you should have faced us yourself!" Again, Julian uses the full power of her charismatic powers (Though I deemed this as a bluff). And she did touch on the major motivational points in Minhago's character. I was dumbfounded! I have planned to use Minhago further along, and NOT have her confront the PCs for now. But, both dice and roleplay deemed it appropriate that she would interact with the PCs... somehow. In her character, I felt that this should be the case.

And so, Minhago appeared, at the far end of the street. This was show time!

Each PC's XP: 423,544!
In session we tried a bit of banter, but The players were quite tired (10 hours session), as was I, and I was ill prepared to play Minhago as I think she deserves. (I barely read her powers till that point). So we decided to start the next session with her appearing. True, that will give me PLENTY of time to think of how she'll react, and get plenty of nasty, but the players quite like that, and a good challenge. So we ended the session here. Next time, we start with an old western shoot out! :smallbiggrin:

I hope you've enjoyed reading. I've tried a few new things this session, and enough of it was made out of improvisation. The players loved the session, and told me they do get a feel of the city (If not a very detailed one), but we're getting there.

Next time will start with Minhago, possible complications from there on, hitting the 2-3 "major notoriety events" of the module, and hopefully- The negotiations, which is something I've been waiting for, and building for, a long, long, long time... :smallamused:

Kol Korran
2015-08-28, 03:05 AM
A bit of an update between sessions:
1) I'll be going on a vacation between the 7th-24th of September. We've tried arranging a session before that, but weren't able to. So, it seems our meeting will only be at about the 26-27th of September or so. :smallfrown: Couldn't be helped.

2) Julian's player is having some health problems with his back. He is in the process of taking care of it. He should be ok, but you can't help but worry a bit.

3) Julian's player also decided to undo Brilliance' "Adroit (Diplomacy)" power, so not to get another +20 to Cha. We talked, and She'll keep Display of Charisma, and still be quite powerful, but not overwhelmingly so and beyond measure. It was the player's suggestion, he felt the end of the session went a bit overboard.

4) Sena's player suggested an interesting idea: In battle, each player chooses a "battle theme song" for his character, that gets played when it's their turn. (We are all with laptops), while the monsters ply the general music. There is still a debate on that. Julian's player hopped in and suggested to do photo shop edited pictures for the different characters. That too, is still debated.

5) I've been having a bit more free time now, and my head has been running around thinking of lots of D&D/ PF stuff- The confrontation with Minhago, Negtiations with Nocticula, another campaign I've been wanting to run for years now (Only disjointed ideas so far), FATE core ideas and more... Oh well...

6) Thinking towards the end of the campaign (Yeah, I know it's a long way off), I've been thinking of maybe making some mementos of it:
- A huge picture, with the PCs, main NPCs, Antagonists, and maybe a bit of a scenery (Worlwound?). Could get very pricey, not sure how to get to it. But still a long time head.
- Perhaps make a CD/ Playlist with all of the tracks of the campaign? Perhaps with a short description before each track. ("Battle at the Arena, where it all began...", "Music of Paradox", "Jungles of the Midnight Isle of Valzgar"...)
- Maybe a short file/ booklet with some of the more memorable moments in the campaign- funny/ tense/ dramatic conversations/ speeches?

I've thought to do something of the sort for the "Many Facets of Darkness" campaign, but it fell out. Need to check if this is possible again. After several years of playing this, it could be nice to have something more visual/ audio to show for it, no?

So that is what's up with us currently. Mostly silent front. I imagine it will get more involved when we come close to the session. Hope you're enjoying the read,
Kol. :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2015-09-01, 08:10 AM
A small idea that sprang in my mind, about the end of the campaign, though there is still a long time to go. (Doesn't deal with actual campaign content, rather making a memento at the end). Thinking about this for this campaign, but it's really a general topic.

Feel free to make input: End of Campaign Souvenirs (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?438306-End-of-a-campaign-quot-souvenirs-quot&p=19755614#post19755614)

2015-09-01, 12:10 PM
How do you keep your party moving my group has played 3 sessions albeit 3 or 4 hours at a time, but they are just now getting to Milorn. I added a single fight, but that should not make it take so much longer... I couldn't even tell you where all that time has gone.

Kol Korran
2015-09-01, 11:33 PM
How do you keep your party moving my group has played 3 sessions albeit 3 or 4 hours at a time, but they are just now getting to Milorn. I added a single fight, but that should not make it take so much longer... I couldn't even tell you where all that time has gone.

Hey Karchev. Without hearing more of how your group plas I can't really tell why is you pace slower- Are they having trouble with rules? Do they take a longtime to decide on stuff? Are they heavy roleplayers, who delve deeply into interactions? (Such as with the 3 NPCs), or maybe they socialize between players much, less in the game?

Some things that help the pace in my table:
1) We come to PLAY: Usually some come a bit earlier before the meeting, and we talk until about 15-20 minutes into game time at most about RL stuff and so on. But once the game starts- we're in it! We may have a short (10 minutes or so) Humus break (A small tradition in our sessions), but even then we usually just eat while we play. We my throw OOC jokes or comments here and there, but for the most part- we PLAY! Our gaming time is rare as it is, we treasure it.

2) Keeping pressure: Nearly at all times, I try to have some sort of a pressure on the party, either from outside occurrences (The city is being invaded! You can add thumps/ shakes, or at times sounds coming down) or inside pressures (Anevia complaining about the pain, all 3 NPCs pressuring to get to their locations). Keep some pressure, and convey a feel that things are happening, it's essential!

3) DM's push: Sometime my players get into long discussions about what to do, how to do it and more. I let it play out for a bit, but then I hint at the players that it's time to make a decision. Either by an NPC (Maybe provide a clue if needed as well), or just by me saying "Ok guys, we need to move it along. So... what is it, I need a decision now". It's part of your job to keep the pace going.

I hope this helps. If you could tell me more of how your group plays, I may have more suggestions.

2015-09-02, 07:03 AM
We have some weird dynamics we play at another players house with him and his wife which leads to a bit of tension between them that is part of the problem, but I think its mostly we don't show up to play and players are always up getting things soda or snacks when their turn rolls around trying something I saw suggested to more engage players called popcorn initiative, where the player who goes picks the next player until everyone has gone it engages people more having to be ready to act at any time the last player in the round picking who starts the next round. This has seemed to get people more in game so I am going to try adapting your having the players roll and see if that makes them feel more important even when its not their turn in initiative. thanks for the great log has helped a ton already getting my group rolling.

2015-09-02, 04:56 PM
Hey Kol! It seems I've got a lot of reading to do! I'm only up to Session 2 with Mil... Mill... Milorn? What was his name? LOL. Regardless, great change from a fight to a roleplay encounter with an NPC. It's always fun to see that happen in a game.

That seems to be the staple for my group - taking combat scenarios, tackling the bad guy, questioning him and trying to convert him. They want a minion army. lol.

Regardless, can't wait to read more... and you have a lot of material for me! haha.

Kol Korran
2015-09-02, 11:46 PM
Hey there Karchev, Nibbens!

Nibbens, my log is quite extensive. If you find it to your tastes, then cool. Many don't though, and find it too long,too extensive. That's cool as well. I don't try to appease everyone's tastes. So if it works for you, then awesome. If not, then awesome as well.

Karchev, I'm not sure it's the "players roll all of the dice" that keeps the party in tune. They were pretty much this way in a previous campaign (Ran by Andrew/ Julian's player, I never wrote a log for it... That was SOME story though!)

Our players keep most snacks near the table, for easy reach. The only times they go to the fridge is to get cool drinks. But it's done by the player who has JUST finished his turn.

I asked one of my players what kept the attention, and he commented "Well, the battles are quite fierce, and you keep on springing surprises! You need to keep your game on!" So maybe it's about making tense enough encounters (Or at least most of them) in order to keep the feeling that battles are risky, and demand the party's attention! The first battle I set for the Campaign (The Clydewell Arena battle) managed to set the tone for the entire first module. The party was quite nervous and edgy after that, so they kept focus. As I said before- keep the pressure on.

A side note: Now that we're at the fourth module, I came to rethink the end of the first module, but I wrote it quite late in this post here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19693753&postcount=188). Most of the advice is quite solid I think, but the one about having Minhago at the end of the first module is untested, and may be risky, though I think it would make such a more fitting end to the module! But it requires quite resourceful and creative players! If your players go just "hack and slash" it's a death sentence... be warned. ]

Good luck to you both with your games!

2015-09-03, 08:18 AM
I asked one of my players what kept the attention, and he commented "Well, the battles are quite fierce, and you keep on springing surprises! You need to keep your game on!" So maybe it's about making tense enough encounters (Or at least most of them) in order to keep the feeling that battles are risky, and demand the party's attention! The first battle I set for the Campaign (The Clydewell Arena battle) managed to set the tone for the entire first module. The party was quite nervous and edgy after that, so they kept focus. As I said before- keep the pressure on

Thanks ill give it a shot and sewe how it turns out good luck with your campaign and hope to read more after your vacation.

2015-09-04, 03:05 PM
I love reading this "journal" as it were. but While I'd like to run the module/AP myself I can't find the final book for it to download. Any suggestions?

Kol Korran
2015-09-05, 06:38 AM
I love reading this "journal" as it were. but While I'd like to run the module/AP myself I can't find the final book for it to download. Any suggestions?
I just bought the modules on the Paizo site. We all chipped in, not that expensive.

Kol Korran
2015-10-06, 11:30 AM
Not a session log yet...

We had a long delay in play. I've gone to a long trip in Romania, to see my "roots" as it were, and had a paper to work on, to publish, and the rest got a few other real life matters (Sena's player's relatives died, Julian's' player got back problem, and got bitten by a snake, and so on) so we had a bit of a hiatus.

The group played without me. They did a sort of an introductory session for Shadowrun. Andera's player and myself know the game somewhat, but Julian's player really wants to GM it. But he wanted to understand mechanics and flow of the game better, so Andera's player ran an adventure for them three. They had a really good time, and loved the game. Most likely after this campaign is over 9Though that will take... some time. :smalltongue:) Julian player will run a small campaign for us in the futuristic magic infused Shadowrun world! :smallbiggrin:

But with all of this time between sessions, I have been thinking... About the next session- Some about the negotiations with Nocticula (Which I feel will be a center piece of the campaign. Altered it quite a bit), but also quite a bit abotu where we left off- at the cliff hanger, with Minhago just appearing after being taunted by Julian's impressive charismatic skills.

And I have an idea... Note, the following will probably contain quite a few spoilers, both to how the campaign is supposed to happen, but also to my changes to it, and how it may work out next session. (Providing the players don't find some way to change things. They do that quite a bit! :smallwink:)

So... Minhago appears. But how should the encounter go? From my end, this depends mostly on 3 factors: Minhago's personality and perception of the party, Minhago's resources, and Minhago's desires.

I'll start with the resources first: The module have her hire a unique kind of assassin, a sort of a half shadow/ special fey-demon (Forgot it's name and exact type, away from books) Bysserius or something. The improved Scorpion's statistics make it an interesting opponent. I decided to add other encounter (mostly from the Abyss Encounter table in the book, As the Derakni merceneries were) as other possible hirelings. I wanted the party to feel harrased.

It is also quite likely that she would be able to hire various magical services and lower hirelings, such as demons/ items to coordinate the hired assassins, and such. I haven't detaield it fully though.

As a combatant though... she is quite underwhleming. She has quite good protections. (Including some fortification against Mad Dog's crits, and mythic blind sight agaisnt Andera, and superb SR). but she can't inflict much carnage on her own. The lilitu are built as manipulators, charmers, coercers, and so on. Not as direct combatant. Hmmmm...

At first I thought to have her throw everythign she has, all of her assassins at the party, trying to stall the party with talks, while an underling demon uses sending to call on the hired groups, who prepare 1-2 rounds and then teleport. But... I had a problem with this:
- First, It feels like an entirely panicked act on her side, and I want her to feel more as someone who was once arrogant and foolish, but is now savvy and smart. I'd like her to trick/ fool the party (She's supposed to be a schemer after all, right"?) throwing everyone at them just felt too much "brute force".
- Secondly, The party has engaged her in the Midnight Fane in a bit over a day. Though the party will probably not notice it, I find it a bit hard to believe she will be able to arrive, report enough to superiors, set a safe base of operations, spread enough infromants, and hireall of the groups.
- Lastly, if the party defeats all of the assassins, she'll have nothing else of import to throw at them...

Another matter, an important one, is her history with the group- they have done the impossible and destroyed the Wardstone, shamed and disgraced her in front of Baphomet, and since then, from all reports, they have done amazing things one after the other, defeated impossible foes, and Sena and Julian seemed to have becoem soemthing... far more powerful, and different. The module describes Minhago as terrified of the party, and in a way, I agree. So attacking them directly might be quite foolish, even suicidal. Minhago will need to find a leverage, a way to weaken the party, get an advantage on them.

So... maybe split them up? Maybe kidnap one? Minhago has the powerful ability to Dominate Monster, but only once a day. And Protection from Evil protects from that. But... what if Minhago could get once character away from Sena' 10ft circile of protection (Or dispel it), and then dominate them. and have the, teleport to her safe base, into a prison? (She'' send the mental image through telepathy, and the prison will be secure against scrying). A sort of 3 stages process, possibly within the same round:
- Dispel magic circle/ get character away from it.
- Dominate
- Have dominated character teleport.

And then leave minions to attack, while she goes back to her kdinapepd character. being dominated, it could easily be made to comply with charms, and have brand put upon it. Then is functions as a puppet to Minhago, and supplies a LOT of infromation abotu the group.

At first I though that she might try and get Julian- She seems to have underwent through a lot, but also- it would reveal the existence of the Lexicon of Paradox, even get it to the hands of the demons. But though this would be an AWESOME twist to the game, It may be very difficult to play out- Julian's player (presuming the plan actually works) get separated from the party, most likely made chaotic evil, and then even made to fight the party. This will leave either him or them waiting for a long time, and worse- may put them against each other lethally.

So it's problematic... Julian is a tempting character, but problematic to play. Plus- Minhago may rightfully fear to try this on her, as she seems the most powerful, and most unknown of the party.

Then an idea struck me- Arulashee! Now THAT is a perfect target! Taking her out of the party keeps the players working together, and not split. Plus, whatever transition she goes under, could be veiled as her turning back to her evil self- can the party trust her? Has she turned to the dark side? Or can she be redeemed? Also, Some of the players already shown some attachment to her, so this might get great responses (Especially from Sena, who sees himself as her romantic partner, and Andera, who always stood between liking her and not trusting her). She also has a lower will save, and might stay behind to shoot arrows while Sena charges ahead after Minhago...

The more I turned the idea in my head, the more I liked it. And when I then though of the negotiations? Well, that just made things perfect- You see, In my version, the party meets Nocticula, but not alone. The emissaries of the demons come as well, and they are non other than Minhago (providing she survives), Hephazimerah (daughter of Baphomet, head of the mine, the end boss of this module) and Areelu Vorlesh herself... Nocticula institutes a "no violence" rule while the negotiations are in effect, and so the party lives in her palace, negotiating against these leaders of the demon hosts, for the fate of their world. In order to not having all of the negotiations fall on Julian, I decided that Nocticula will rule that in each stage of negotiations, only one member of each side can talk, and they cannot repeat (unless all have spoken, they need a few successes before failures). So it will be several rounds of 1-on-1. But the party are 4 people, and the demon emissaries are 3. But what if Arulashee is made corrupt by Minhago's spells, brands and the like, and comes as their 4th emissary? (Mostly to throw them off balance, and have her hit all the most private and intimate points in the party) She would seem utterly corrupt, and turned to the party. Will they think her gone? Redeemable? When she speak against them, tries to undo their work, how will they respond? Will they try to save her? Or forsake her? And what oh what, will Nocticula think of all of this, especially since the redemption of demonic essence is a matter in which she takes a very, very, very big interest? :smallamused:

So, the plan for the initial encounter as of now:
- Minhago stalls for 2-3 rounds, while a minion sends a call for 2 assassin groups- Nyzzerius, and one other. Minhago's image herself is but her projected image. She is invisible, and flies above the party.
- Monsters apepar. She uses her projected image to quicken charm monster various demons in the street, and her regular actions to charm some more, all the time taunting the party, trying to get their melee guys to come after her projected image, and mostly to have Sena get some distance from Arulashee if possible. By telepathy, she calls on some demons with dispel magic (or greater dispel) to prepare to use that on Sena, and maybe counter spells the other may cast to try and save Arulashee.
- When the timing is right, and Arulashee is unprotected, Minhago Tries to dominate her. She then sends a telepathic image of the prison she is to teleport to. Then, either by a scroll, spell, or power by another minion (or herself, though that will take another round, which she'd prefer to avoid), Arulashee gets teleported.
- Minhago says a few parting taunts, and then teleports herself, leaving the party to fend off the rest of the attackers, only to meet them later at the negotiations, after having branded (under the armor, in places not easily seen) and charmed Arulashee.

What do you think? I'm not that of a great tacticalt thinker. I'd love any kind of advice on how to better Minhago's chances in pulling this off. I'm worried about the will save (Minhago's DC is about 31 after Eagle's splendour, Arulashee had a +13 or +14 to save, which makes it possible, though hard and the party might decide to use her surge).

If you have other ideas on how to whiff away the party's succubus, that could be quite... sweeeeet! :smallwink: I'd love some evil minds at work here!

We play next Friday, on the 16th. Should be a long session, probably the most tense one yet! I'm eagerly looking forward to it! It's time to game time!

Red Rubber Band
2015-10-07, 07:53 PM
This choice to use Arulashee reminds me of my DM and something he throw at us.

It's evil. But it fits, it works, and there's nothing logical your players can say against it.
And if Sena's player likes emotional growth and turmoil as part of his characte, well... he will love this arc.

Kol Korran
2015-10-09, 01:22 AM
This choice to use Arulashee reminds me of my DM and something he throw at us.

It's evil. But it fits, it works, and there's nothing logical your players can say against it.
And if Sena's player likes emotional growth and turmoil as part of his character, well... he will love this arc.

What did your DM use? Maybe I can learn a trick or two? :smallwink:

The party might well come up with things to do against it. They have surprised me quite a few times before. If they can think up something, then they will evade this. I do hope to succeed in this, since that will be one of the few times "team demons" succeeds, and that could set quite a tone to the negotiations... It can give them a far gloomier, more sinister feel, and add tension, which is good.

I haven't yet worked out the mechanical details (I had very little time to actually sit down and look at abilities and such, even what I wrote above is mostly from memory), but I'll have a bit of free time on Monday and Tuesday, so I hope I will be able to find something suitable.

Again, if any of the readers have any ideas how to make the kidnapping of Arulashee more successful, anything that a master mind manipulator demon like Minhago might have thought of, I'd appreciate the help. (And no worries- my players ill too! They love some twists and a good challenge! :smallbiggrin:)

Kol Korran
2015-10-23, 11:42 AM
Hey all! Back form a long break. We played Last Saturday, but it took me a bit of time to get the free time to write a session log. Hope you're still with us!

I planned for the encounter with Minhago (Some thoughts in the previous posts), and assumed that after that the party will get to attracting more of Nocticula's attention (The module's Notoriety Score), and get to meeting The Lady in Shadow herself, for some tense negotiations! I even prepared a few props, to make the session a bit more intriguing. :smallwink:

But... things turned out quite differently. The first battle took quite long (About 4 hours! :smalleek:) And through the party into quite a loop. Things got... messy afterwards. This session was somewhat chaotic, and took some improvisation, but with a few really cool moments in it!. Hope you'll enjoy!

The session ended up taking about 10 hours. Hope I will get to write it fast enough. Ok, here goes...

Session 23, Part 1- Minhago's trickery!

Ok, last time we stopped, the party was nearing their journey through the city of Porphyry towards the Flesh Markets, where they wished to track down Oodkalakt, the demon which Sena learned held the Drezen tieflings' soul stone. Nearing the markets, they were attacked by a group of Derakni demons, defeated them, and upon interrogation learned that the lilitu demon Minhago was trailing them, and sending assassins after them. So Julian goaded her to appear, and the session stopped as she appeared at the far end of the street.

Mindnight Shoot out! :smallamused:

Start of session Notoriety score: +1! (The battle with the Derakni).

We all know where it's gonna lead, don't we?

It was at this point that I realized quite a silly mistake on my part. I planned for quite a lot of possibilities, challenges and so on, but totally forgot what Minhago was intending to say at the start of the session!

I decided between sessions (You can check the previous posts) that Minhago probably still fears the party, to engage them fully. So I decided that she'll decide to use this opportunity to try and hit them hard, where they least expect it, and maybe gain some valuable information in the process- She will try to kidnap Arulashee!

Her talk ended up with a not very convincing attempt to stall the characters, making some threats, and offering to exchange secrets. Julian however was unto her from the start. "You ran once before, and now you're stalling?" but the party played the game, mostly so they could also cast a few buffs, use some powers... Julian used still silent spells, while Sena used powers and abilities that didn't require somatic or verbal casting.

In short:
Active spells when the conversation began:
- Julian: Echolocation. (She couldn't really see Minhago at this range, but directed herself to where her voice came from).
- Sena: Circle of protection from evil, Eagle soul, Magic vestment (On his shield)
- Minhago: Told her accompanying Coloxus demon to start contacting the assassins she contacted- Nezzerius (A specific Half indiku shadow templated demon in the module), and 4 Baregara demons (Adapted from the specific abyssal encounters in the module. Sort of large savage ape like demons, with no heads but gaping mouths in their chests). She uses a telepathic suggestion spell on Hezrou in the waters of the canal to come fight for great rewards, on her mark.
Her image was a projected image. She herself was invisible about half way on a roof between the party and her image, and also hiding (This becomes important later on). She waited to seize a chance...

1st round of both side stalling:
- Julian: silent stilled Circle against evil. (The party knew from their knowledge rolls and previous encounter that she has powerful charms. Between Sena and Julian, they wanted to keep the entire party covered).
- Sena: Liberation domain power.
- Minhago: Nezzerius contacted and informed via Sending by Coloxus. Minhago makes quickened telepathic charms on the Glaberzu in the street.

2nd round of both sides stalling:
- Julian: Silent stilled protection from evil on Mad Dog. (The party REALLY feared he might fall under enemy's control. And he tends to charge away from the circle's protection)
- Sena: Elysium call domain power.
- Minhago: Abergara demons contacted and informed. Minhago makes quickened telepathic charms on the Leader of a small Vrock group in the street (About 6 Vrocks). The vrock pass it to the rest...
- Nezzerius cast invisibility, and prepares to teleport.

This was about as long as pretenses could hold up. With Mad Dog seething, Andera easing his sword, and the charade so obvious on both sides, the scene suddenly exploded!

Battling Minhago's many demons, and Nezzerius appears.

The scene was complex, as there were many combatants: Minhago and her projected image, 1 glaberzu, 2 Hezrou, 6 Vrocks, and a few cambions who just wondered about, and didn't quite get what was happening ,but tried to get in on the fun (utterly ineffective, mostly as distraction/ obstacles). To that mess Nezzerius and the Baregara demons joined in soon enough...

Titan Dune, by Two Steps from Hell (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeIRhZmWy3g)
(I didn't manage to find quite a fitting music for these scene, and ended up using this again)

Julian starts by casting True Sight on Mad Dog. He sees the projected image for what it is, but he does not spot Minhago hiding herself, as his perception isn't high enough for her stealth. The party is quite worried at this, thinking she might be polymorphed into one of the demons in the street, or have access to magic that defeats true sight.

Sometimes a simple mundane skill check is enough. Magic can usually be countered some way... :smallwink:

Nezzerius, the sneaky shadow master crossbow user assassin teleports invisible some distance behind the party, over the canal. he has no place to hide, counting on his invisibility, yet Mad Dog sees this new threat ,alarming the party. They get a bit agitated. Julian sees the assassin with her "soul vision", seeing a twisted shadowy sharp form of a... fey? She doesn't know what to make of it. Julian grunts her teeth. "Be prepared! She will probably try to bring the whole damned city upon us!" Mad Dog hears this, grips his sword, and smiles blissfully! :smalltongue: He rages (No titan rage), and activates his boots of lying, getting to the surprised shadow creature, yet misses it.

Sena hears this, and using his quicken metamagic rod starts laying many protective buffs over himself and the party,preparing to do this for the next few rounds. He moves a bit closer to Arulashee, with him and Julian covering the entire party with their circles of protection. "Stay close to me!" he whispers to the succubus. Minhago sees this, awaiting her chance.

With a telepathic command, she calls on the vrocks. The 6 come around the party, and unleash their stunning screams. With 6 saves, Andera and Arulashee fail, and are stunned, dropping Andera's swords, and her bow. Minhago herself tries to throw Julian int tto he canal with her telekinetic powers, but Julian resists. "Is that the best you can do?" she calls the challenge again.

The Glaberzu springs up 5 mirror images, and approach. At this point i'm surprised by the player's wariness of the demon. They remember Jerribeth, and are unsure how much weaker this one might be... The 2 Hezrou climb from the canal to the edge of the street. One manages to bite Arulashee, and tries to grapple her but fails. With vrocks blocking 3 sides, and the Hezrou from the fourth, the party is kind of surrounded...

Behind the Vrocks, the Baregara demons teleport in. The party gets more worried... but also very much more determined! :smallamused: It seems all of the pieces are on the board...

Shooting range, first fatality! :smalleek:

Now, at this point I need to emphasize something about Nezerius- I'm using the altered statistics block, (Created by Scorpion). In it Nezzerius has a unique ability- it can summon shadow doubles, which are exactly like it, except for Spell like abilities and lower hit points. He can summon them for a limited number of rounds per day, as a free action. In hindsight, I think that Scorpion must have used him as a solo encounter, and prepared this ability to make it a reasonable threat, as well as deal with action economy. In this encounter however?

Seeing Mad Dog so close, and having been informed of his deadliness by Minhago prior when she hired it, Nezzerius steps back, and summons his 4 doubles in a circle around Mad Dog. And then all 5 of them, use rapid shot to fire 4 bolts each (They are master crossbow users), with deadly aim...

Mad Dog get hit with 7 of the bolts, but two of them with a crit! The party sees their melee monster getting machine gunned, and he falls, and dies! (The party: "What the hell?! Oh ****! Oh ****!") Mad Dog's flying boots keep it suspended in the air, a bloody dead bolt punctured body... The party gets real tense about it. "Who to focus on?!" Shouts Sena. Julian calls to him "Get him alive! We'll get Minhago!"

Sena complies with Julian's plan, Activates his hastened armor, and with his Faith reach uses Breath of life and quickened Heal spell (From Rod) to bring Mad Dog back to the land of the living (184 HP). Mad Dog takes a deep breath, but He is still in deep trouble- Nezzerius and his clones are all around, grinning at him, and ready to load more bolts...

Don't split the party?

Julian, fearing the shadow assassin, and wishing to draw attention from it, teleports all of them EXCEPT for Mad Dog, (:smalleek:) towards Minhago's illusion! The other group of demons is now behind them.

Minhago's illusion just smiles, and steps back. The real Minhago, still hidden, calls out telepathically "Engage them! Great riches and rewards from Baphomet itself!" The vrocks bring up mirror image and fly towards the party, with the Glaberzu angry at them, stepping on a building above the party and trying to grab Arulshee again, yet fails. "I will get the rewards!" It roars. The party notices the focus on Arulashee, but takes no heed of it. "They have something with her", and shrug it off. Minhago, seeing where her target ha moved to, urges her Coloxus to move closer but keep hidden and silent.

Andera comes out of the stun, and calls out to Changi, left on the floor of near the canal. "Changi! To me!" The sword copies and dimension doors itself (It can cast the spell. Pretty neat trick! :smallwink:) to his hand. He then vanishes, swiftly climb up the building and stabs the surprised Glaberzu!

The hezrou approach, but not close enough, The Baregara split their efforts- 2 charge and try to grab Arulashee, while the other tow cast dispel magic on Julian and Sena. Sena has his eagle soul drop, Julian her Echolocation. She is indeed blind now, except for her soul vision...

The fight intensifies!

But she can still see Nezzerius (Atthis point the party think the clones are other who have come, and not magical creations. Still, they think it is the leader). She unleashes mythic disintegrate on it, and hits! 39d6! This wounds the fiend greatly. He sees her now as a big threat! Him and another clone goes towards them, and go int othe ethereal... The other 3? Keep on shooting Mad dog! He is hit hard, and is now bleeding.

Mad dog, Not liking the situation, also finds out that as he died (briefly) his sword fell into the water. Not wantign to leave it, and wanting some cover fro mthe 3 shooters, he dives in into the fetid canal, and grabs his sword, wondering what hell do now, alone in the waters of the demon city, bleeding, with the 3 shadowy assassins hovering above...

But he is not the only one without a weapon- Arulashee's bow was left on the canals' side as well. Without her weapon, she turns towards the Glaberzu. Her demeanor changes as she draws on her succubi powers, suggesting to the Glaberzu VERY strictly to run away, that these champions have killed far worse then it! The Glaberzu falls to her power, and turns away.

Sena, his call for revenge high in his blood, casts genie blood, and flies in a whirl wind to the midst of Vrocks, Hezrou and Bargera. He seeks to focus their attention on him, and plans a nasty surprise... Minhago however notices this, and how he moves way from Arulashee... Only Julian;s power next to her. Time to make her move...

Minhago's strike!

The vrocks and hezrou indeed gang up on Sena, who deflects them all with ease. Andera attacks on of the Bargera that attacked Arulashee, suddenly worried. The Glaberzu teleports away, but Minhago needs it no more. She mentally calls upon the Bargera "Dispell the mortal sorceress spells! All of them! Now!"

The Bargera cast 4 dispel magic on Julian. It is enough to fell her circle of protection from evil. Hoping there are no more magical protections, Minhago, (Who have slowly maneuvered herself closer) appears and direct her ring of spell storing at Arulashee, casting a quickened Ill omen on her (Forcing her to roll twice on her next save, takign the worst). She then uses her Dominate Monster ability, and manages to control Arulashee. Telepathically, she tells her" Comply with the coloxus spell, and fool the party as you have betrayed them!".

The Coloxus, who also waited till this point, comes rushing, and casts teleport on Arulashee. At the final moment she turns to the party, unwillingly playing the betraying demon. "So long suckers!" before she vanishes... Sena barely reads something is off (She has a high bluff skill, but the spell does speak that it's easier to see that the person is not himself. It was a compromise), before his loved one vanishes.

Minhago sneers at the party "I was once overconfident. Felt I was beyond harm. Invincible. I have learned my lesson, now it's time you learn yours!"

At the table, the party was quite stunned. They quite thought that Arulashee has betrayed them. Sena's player was dumbfounded, and Julian's player cursed "This was too planned from the get go!" Andera's player fumed, while Mad Dog's player just tried to think how the hell he was going to get alive out of this one! :smallfrown:

(I'll touch on design a bit later, after the fight.)

It's not over yet! A desperate fight!

Julian, quite angry at being tricked, but seeing a clear target unleashes a chain of light spell on Minhago, who easily evade it. (The player is somewhat stunned by her high saves! :smalleek:)

Nezzerius, seeing Julian occupied with Minhago, and Mad Dog by his clones, goes after the closest target- Sena. He let out a prismatic spray, but it faisl to affect Sena, but... mostly damages the minions (Two vrocks turned to stone, one vrock and Garbera sent to another dimension... nice!) Sena would grin, but right now he is FURIOUS with rage!

And with that, he lets out one powerful holy word, blinding, deafening, and killing various demons around him- Vrocks, Herzou, Cambions and Nezzerius itself. The demons are terrified, and most are quite out of the figth. Yet this does not sate the holy man's anger! Yet party safety's first! He flies towards Mad Dog's position, hoping to draw attention and heal their main warrior. Nezzerius, woudned heavily and blinded, slips into the ether again...

The scene splits between two main sites: Mad Dog, Sena, 3 clones and 2 Bregara chasing, and on the other side Julian and Andera, against the last Baregara and... Minhago herself...

The battle looks bad... :smallfrown:

Mad Dog thinks to attack the clones, as he rises from the water though he meets readied shots, and his hit points fall to 0! :smalleek: Thinking quickly, he deactivates his boots. which makes him fall into the water again, where he grabs a potion and drinks it.

Andera dimension doors next to Minhago and attacks her. He hits, but to his surprise her heavy fortification armor manages to block his sneak attack! More, here unholy aura sps at his strength. She turns to him, and tries to lash with her claws, not hitting, but smiling.

The Baregera next Sena keep taking down his spells. while the 3 clones see the new threat and pepper the the divine tank. But unlike Mad Dog, the bolts all go "tink! tink!" on his armor and falls off. Mad Dog from below hears the diverted attention, and gets ready.

Meanwhile the Baregara facing Julian attacks and grabs her! She tries to make it drown with Aboleth lung spells, but fails... He pushes her at the gaping mouth in his chest, which starts to gnaw on her. The player... doesn't like the image... :smalltongue:

Minhago calls out to her assassin "Where are you? Come back Nezzerius! Finish them!" She herself tries to claw out Andera, with one claw actually hitting, but he uses mirror dodge to go to the street, to help Julian. "She is too strong for us now!" He hisses, as he slashes and chops at the big beasty demon.

Minhago turns to the party. "i have been overconfident before, I will not be again. I know why you have come, and would love to see your world's full ruination, soon to come! Now, I have to go and meet... an old friend of mine!" She smiles, and goes to where Arulashee was teleported, to make sure nothing might go wrong and endanger her capture.

Nezzerius, Not trusting his blindness, and heavily wounded state, and having witnessed both mythic disintegrate and holy words, decides to teleport away, think up a new strategy... The clones fade away, and the party is able to finish off the rest of the Baregaras, as well as the many disabled demons.
As Andera kills the Baregera holding Julian, she falls from it's grasp, bleeding (Brilliance saved her life casting cleanse on her while grappled), and coughs. Andera helps her up as the enraged Sena and Mad Dog carve a bloody path from the demons in between.

Sena looks at Julian, rage suddenly turning to grief... "Now what?" :smallsigh:

DM's design: Minhago's trickery
Some of the following is discussed to some degree above. But I will touch on few subjects, that might be of interest/ frustration:
- It wasn't a fair fight! Not all battles are... and demons don't play fair. Minhago is supposed to be one of the masterminds of the demons' side. An infiltrator, betrayer, charmer, and more. She plays smart. Plus, after failing Baphomet with the protection of the Wardstone, her learning of the party, their many successes and quick rise, and the new not-fully-understood transformations of both Julian and Sena, she is weary, and preferred to not take many chances. So she brought in her assassins. Yet, the battle was not as one sided as it may have seemed- The main problems were actually figuring out Minhago's goal here (Which was hidden well), Minhago herself (Hidden as well), and... Nezzerius. Which brings me to:

- The deadly Shadow assassin: He proved quite more powerful than I imagined! Mostly due to the clones ability. That sure changed the scales. Mad Dog actually managed to block the majority of the hits, but enough htis, with such a focus on ranged damage, made it pile up real fast! In retrospect, the modified Scorpion version of Nezzerius should probably be used as a single encounter. Originally that was the idea, but with the last minute change of last session, I decided Minhago would bring it here.

- Dominating Arulashee: Julian commented (In play) that it seemed quite well planned. Well, it was, but not perfect. First, the protection from evil spells could have held. When Sena flew off, it was the chance. At first when both Julian and Sena had their circles up, both covering all party members, I thought Minhago's plan wouldn't succeed. She relied on the Beragara's dispel magic powers to work. (Originally I had her hire them for this specific purpose, as Sena relies heavily on buffing, and the rest also tend to use quite a few protections). Thirdly, Arulashee was the focus of a few demons attacks before her capture. Hezrou bite, Glaberzou claw, and Baregara claw. Yet the party wasn't that worried. Lastly... there was the invisible Minhago and coloxus. While Minhago was quite hard to find, the coloxus was less so, though invisible. After putting True sight on Mad Dog, they didn't put any on the others. The plan had a few possibilities off failure.
I don't force things to happen. But if the party faced a powerful schemer and mastermind, I would play her with a decent cunning. Had the party was able to protect/ save Arulashee, or even just evade the combat (It looked fairly against them from the start, especially when Mad Dog fell), I wouldn't have pressed the matter. But it played this way...

- Arulashee's final act: 2 main questions apply here, for rules sake: First, does agreeing to a teleport from the coloxus constitutes "acting against her nature". I deemed that it wasn't, otherwise you can't much do a lot with dominate. Things in the future WILL be against her nature, but quite a few things will happen till then... :smallamused: Secondly, the dominate spell says it's a DC 15 sense motive check to see the person acting unnaturally. But that comes in a paragraph portraying how the dominated person focuses on one activity totally, so it takes time, and not a few seconds after the domination. Also- what if the dominated affect is to act, to bluff, to deceive? I decided that Arulashee's bluff score was 15 less for this. Sena rolled close enough to know something is a bit off, but didn't quite know what.

- Why did Minhago and Nezzerius escape? They should have pressed the advantage! Well, yeah... Minhago may have faced the party, and had a good chance of killing some, or all. But... first, SHE doesn't know that. All that she have learned so far is that the party succeeds against great odds, impossible odds even (The trap of Drezen? Jerribeth machinations? Taking out the entire Ivory Sanctum in a single battle?), and she is quite afraid of them. I am playing her VERY cautious. She has just captured Arulashee. Now she will corrupt her, break her, turn her against the party, and learn their secrets, especially the secrets to their newfound power... The second reason is that Minhago HATES the party, and seeks not to simply kill them. That won't be enough. She seeks to make them suffer, see them fall, crawl, see their world turn into ash. Break them... She is major corruption demon, with a BIG grudge against the party. She seeks to make them fully suffer! And now, with her new... "acquisition", she plans to make life very, very interesting, at a most crucial point! (More to come).
Why did Nezzerius turned away? More simple- it saw the battle turn heavily against him. The mythic disintegrate had it very wounded (About 20 hit points), it was blinded by Sena's holy word, and his clones didn't seem to make a dent in Sena's armor. Plus- Minhago just bailed, and most of the other demons were incapacitated. It was time to cut loses, retreat and think things over.

The party stood in the middle of the bloody carnage. A few more distant onlookers quickly got away, though the impressive battle has left it's mark (More notoriety). They were bloody, with many spells expended, but worst of all...

Sena walked to Arulashee's fallen bow, near the canal ,and took it in his hand slowly, closing his eyes. "What now?"

The Bright side?
Though the party hadn't defeated Minhago and Nezerius, I gave them the XP for he demons they did kill. Enough to level up to level 14! :smallamused: But the party was not comforted by this. "We lost big time. We do not DESERVE to level up!" was Julian's player's sentiment.

Main changes: Julian got 7th level spells, and chose the finger of death spell. Mad Dog took took the energy absorption rage power, and Andera took the Mage Bane master ninja trick (3rd party, but I allowed it).

The Party's Notoriety rose to +5 (+2 from 2 battles. +3 from impressive attention getting battle).

We stopped for a little break while the players updated their characters, and contemplated ways of action....

I will stop here. Hope to continue soon.

Kol Korran
2015-10-23, 02:59 PM
Ok, second part!

Session 23, Part 2- Desperation, planning, and shadowy dealings

Arulashee's disappearance puts a big gloom on the party. Sena tries to scry her, and Minhago, but finds that he is blocked by some protection. He grunts in anger. But then depression creeps on him, and he feels shamed, sad, and falls mostly silent, deep in thought, responding laconically, with a shallow voice.

The party isn't doing that Great. Sena hs but a few spells left. Mad Dog has no more mythic power, and is quite wounded. Julian is heavily wounded as well, with about only a third of her spells slots open. Andera though is unharmed and has most resources still. :smalltongue:

As the street starts to fill up, with many new onlookers, the party thinks they need a place to hide, and regroup. Back to The Inn and Out? Not now that they have gotten so far to the Flesh Markets. And besides- now they might be quite known... So they seek a small place, get a room and think.

A discussion immediately opens about Arulashee- has she played them as fools all of this time, just waiting for aa chance to betray them? Andera (Who surprisingly suspected her most) didn't think so- "You saw Minhago cast something on her from her ring." (They didn't bother making a spellcraft check). Also, why wait till now? And why go away, and not help Minhago against us?"

Julian thought, and agreed. "Indeed. Minhgo was there to capture her. Once she had her, she quickly disappeared. She was her target."

Sena is silent, and does not respond.

Julian thinks "We know of a few names- Minhago, Arulashee, Nezzerius, and that Oodkalakat" (Not the same coloxus). Sena burst at this "I already tried scrying! They are blocked! And you really think I care about that low life demon? What do we do NOW?!" At the end of the outburst though, he fell back into his gloomy mood.

The party is stumped. Julian though concludes. "In any way, we are in no shape to battle Minhago or her plans now. We have to rest, and think. Maybe.. .we can come up with a plan after some rest." Sena was angry, but complied. He spent the rest of his channel energy and few spells to heal the party. They then went to sleep, with Sena in his meditation keeping watch, adding a new name to his list of vengeance "Minhago!"

Andera's innovative reaching out.
It was at this point that Anders' player wanted to try something... special, outside the rules. "I have had a life time connection to Arulashee. She saved me, we saved her. Desna connected us, and we spoke from afar, in dreams. Maybe, Maybe I can contact her again?" I was intrigued, so I asked him to continue, see whee it goes.

Andera turned to Sena. "Give me her bow. It is a holy relic of Desna, and connected to Arulahsee. Lend it to me, and I will try to reach her, through dreams, as she have reached me." Sena, in his grief, handed him the moon bow mournfully. Andera pulled out the crystal arrow, which he found in the Temple of the Welcome Night (The second module, the lost Chappel. He kept one arrow as remembrance of that event). With bow in one hand, arrow in another, he laid down, and tried to concentrate, and pray to Desna...

Liking this, I allowed this, but for a price. This would drain some mythic power from him (3 points for the next day). Andera felt... Something... A divine presence?... Linking him, through the bow, through the arrow, unto...

Andera stood in total blackness. He saw Arulashee, TWO Arulashee. One was the one he knew, but she was on her knees, crying, in pain, with various arcane marks on her body, that Andera recognized as lilitu brands from Sena and Julian's explanation earlier, mainly on her torso and abdomen, places hidden by armor. (This was supposed to be a secret later on, but This was cool to warrant such a hidden discovery). Most worrying of all, the figure was nearly faded utterly, as if it was draining away...

But between her and Andera stood the other Arulashee, Seeming strong, confident. With a sly mocking grin on her face. "Oh, the savior! Have you come to say your final goodbyes?"

Andera, not knowing what can and can't be done in this realm, tries to trick her. "I don't care about old Arulashee! She walked with Sena, and left me! I despise her for that! I have seen Minhago and her power, I am more interested in what you and your masters has to offer. I don't plan on being on the losing side..." Andera surprisingly decides to use the Campaign trait, to have his bluff "roll" be a 20! With added bonuses, the evil side of Arulashee is just intrigued enough to bite. But she is no fool...

"Hmmm... you seem sincere! But you are fool of trickery. How can I trust you?" Andera replied "What do you wish of me?" She smirked. "The head of one of your companions!"

Andera is surprised by this, and tries to bluff again. "You've seen their power! If I do this, I need a quick way to get away! Where can I find you, immediately, so I can escape to safety?"

This works less well. "I cannot give you our location. I do not fully know it myself. Minhago does. Get a scroll of sending or something, and contact her once the deed is done. She will let you know!" Andera thought quickly, and tried to catch a glimpse of the fading tied Arulashee. The other one looked smug. "Soon she will be gone, and only I shall remain, after being lost all this time! Decades under her! Finally free! Send my thanks to Sena, send him... my love!" She said with a smirk.

Andera tried to think. In this dream world, he tried to make it look as if he's retreating, but then sneaking past her, to the bound fading figure. He succeeded, and came behind her. He looked down in his hands, and willed the bow, and the arrow to his hands, and then put it in hers,whispering in her ear ""You still have the bow and arrow of Desna! believe in her, in us, in yourself and we will find you again! We will find you!" He felt her hands grasping the moon bow of dreams, grasping the one sole arrow, tightly more than Mad Dog ever grasped his sword! And with that, the dream ended...

He awoke, but with no bow or arrow in hand. Sena was puzzled, as despite him keeping watch, he must have gotten distracted, and haven't seen the bw and arrow disappear! Alarmed, he went to Andera. "Tell me!" Andera told it all, word for word, with Sena looking pained at the mention of "send him my love." Sena ws silent, thanked Andera, and went to his place. he had conversation of his own to make!

DM thoughts- Andera's dream reaching
I personally really loved it! It had all kind of beautiful touches- The bow, The arrow, The connection with her. Andera- the ultimate sneak, senaking even to dreams, even beyond one's own subconscious (Sort to speak). I thought it was really cool, really creative, and a lovely piece. So I allowed it.

In my original plans, if Arulashee was captured, later on she might appear, with a bit question of whether some of her good self is still there, or has she been corrupted utterly. This may make this question more obvious, orgive mroeincentve to the party, but still- it was cool! And they deserved it.

The last bit, with Andera sneaking and giving her her bow and arrow? Wow, I was inspired! I just rolled with it, and I intend to make it important somehow. I have no idea how yet, but I'll try to think of something.

Another talk with Calistria
Sena decided he needed all the help he could get. With what Andera told him, time was of theessence if they wish to save Arulashee. So he cast commune, and once more the mask on his face drifted off and turned in mid air, looking at him amused.
Calistria: "Well, this is becoming a habit!"
Sena was a bit rude: "I don't have the mood for chit chat. We made a pact once."
Ca:"Yes, we did. I do not forget such things. So what is it now, oh unseen one?"
S: "What do you want?"
Ca: "That is quite a broad question, but in this matter? I want to see where this will lead, I'm curious…"
Sena was getting angrier. He was hoping for soem sort of a trade of favors: "Anything specific that you want?"
Ca: "To learn… of True things." Unlike most responses of Calistria, the tone of this answer was without joking, quite serious.
S: "Well I learned something true, and it was taken from me! Where is she?"
Ca: "Beyond my power to know. Butr... not in a good place probably…" (The player laughed, Sen himself fumed)
S: "Goddes of revenge, of retribution. How can I revenge what have been done to me. What do you want?"
Ca: "I told you what I want, you don't seem in the mind to listen... But revenge is best served, unproportioned… The real question is:What do YOU want? What is important, to YOU? At this time, NOW?"
Sena was left speechless, thinking. The mask smiled a curious smile, and floated back to fit upon his face.

DM thoughts- communes with Calistria
An agreement between me and the player is that the spell should not be abused, and that it may be used in major events. This was such a one, so we played it. Also, wediverge from the spell's descriptions of "questions and yes/no/maybe answers", as that is quite boring. We prefer some conversation, with me keeping a sort of a tally upon "answers", though most times we just come to some conclusion, and that's it.

Why is am I playing Calistria as so difficult? A few reasons: First, this is the plane of a demon lord, and so she is not expected to have all power or even be omniscient here. Secondly- Sena IS her most powerful agent here, by far. Third, she is a capricious goddess, and does seek to see what choices will Sen make. He is an unknown quantity to her, an experiment of a sort. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I have a certain plan of play with Calistira, which I have hinted about in the past, which would later on might explain her behavior.

I must say that I quite like Sena's dealing with religion. He talks more in terms of bartering, trade, deals with the goddess, than outright worship, which is... interesting. Keep tuned! :smallwink:

One thing to note: The last question that she posed to Sena IS important. It runs on similar lines as the question of the Vorlons and Shadows from Babylon 5, which the player takes great inspiration for. This came as a sort stroke of improvisation, but the player got the hint.

Doing some leg work
After resting, the party tried to think again what to do. Julian had an idea. "You tried Arulashee and Minhago. But what about that shadowy creature? She called it Nezzerius? Maybe you can locate him?" Sena scried, and managed to see it, in some sort of an ethereal space (Actually, a bit of my bad. I forgot he can go to the ether only a limit rounds per day! Oops!) From the vauge etails on the ether it seemed he was near some people. They thought to greater teleport there (With Julian having access to 7th level spells), but the description was not clear enough.

By this point, in all the thinking and trying to come up with a solution something weird happened. Julian and Sena's players were searching the PFSRD for any kind of spell that could solve this. They kept on looking, looking, discussing spells, while Anderas player suggested "We're near the flesh market, lets go search for info there! In this big city someone must know something!" But the two players were quite reluctant at first, still searching for that one spell. It took them a while to accept his plan, though grudingly, a bit with an attitude, like "this is so simple and lame!"

DM thougths- Over reliance on spells
I've noticed it slightly before, but on this occasion it became far more clear. With the mythic abilities Wild Arcana and Sanctified Spell, (Or however the divine version is called), the casters have basically every spell in their spell list at their hands. This lent to a form of... well... toput it bluntly... laziness. They think less of solving things through smarts and playign the world, and more in terms of "just finding the correct spell for THIS problem." Strangely enough, this comes from quite creative players. This was a bit more with battles, but as spell levels progressed, the reliance on spells to save the day becomes more and more evident. The two players didn't even consider looking for information or solutions outside their spells. Yeah, I know this is partly why you wanna play a caster, but still- weird... :smallconfused:

Porphyry City music- Planescape Torment full soundtrack (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=dXF9I6OykBc)

The party casts their long lasting buffs, and go to the Flesh Markets. This time the sights of mass auctions and sales of slaves, of nearly any kind of creature, do not really get to them. Nor the horrors, the tortures, or the various sights and sounds of suffering. They have become somewhat more jaded, and much more goal oriented. Amongst the trades of all senses, pleasures, items, sins, experiences and more, they start canvasing and gathering information.

Andera seeks any information about delegates from Deskari or Baphomet. Yet outside learning that such envoys might get to the place of Nocticula herself, he discovers nothing.
Sena seeks about Oodkalakat. The coloxus clerk is known well enough- He recently started to work for an aristocratic succubus mistresses, known as Lady Vallexia, who actually have a place in the market, called "Rapture of rupture", Which she uses to test potential artistic talents, to bring into the Terrace of Favored Mistresses (A sort of aristocratic quarter, for the elite of the city). He explores more of her, learning she is quite sophisticated, very easily bored, has powerful magic and can be quite deadly.
Julian asks about Nezzerius. With her high social skills she manages to learn that it is a unique kind of assassin, bred in the special vaults of Nocticula's elite assassins herself. He now works as an independent, but he might be contacted through a branch of the assassin's guild here in the market. (Okay, i was kind of improvising quickly)

Still trying to solve with spells, Julian tries casting Vision. First of Minhago (Spell check) and then on Nocticula, which succeeds! I am a bit stumped... I have some info I planned on the demon lord (The module comes with very very little). So they give me a mintue or two, and I come up with the following basic legends:
Notcicula was the First Succubi, made out of mortals first deep concepts of lust, manipulation and betrayal. She rose quite quickly through the ranks, proving smart, assassinating her superiors, and taking the demon lords' life blood. Then, about 350 years ago, came an era which the demons call "The silent Darkness"- Nocticula, always mysterious, seem to have withdrawn from the world completely into her palace. She was seen a handful of occasions since, and usually uses delegates to run her religion, Porphyry city, and more. She has been absent from major occurrences for that time, though it is said she watches many things, and invite those of import to her palace. Few leave. It seems she has some greater plan, some philosophical concerns and questions, as some of those she sends, go to ask existential meanings. She uses powerful demons, as a sort of supervisors and managers of Porphyry. She brought Shamira about 80 years ago. An immensely powerful Succubus, but surprisingly with no known origins. Previous "overseers" of Prohyry usually vanish when she deems it, perhaps go serve in her palace, perhaps killed when they get to be too much of a threat. In the past two centuries, Nocticula mostly communicates through The Sisters of The Last Embrace- Specially trained and blessed succubi, who acts as her mediators, servants, elite assassins and bodyguards. There is much uncertain about her, but her love of a good challenge is quite known. Despite being an assassin, she always took risky targets.

I agreed with the player that I may think of a few more things between sessions, and might add these. Though these seemed to have satisfied them somewhat.

Shady dealings- A deal with a demon

The party again is stumped. Andera suggest an interesting idea- "Lets try to contact Nezzerius. He failed in his mission, perhaps we can play on his pride? Maybe turn him against Minhago?" Sena seethes "I want her head!" Mad Dog heartily agrees, and puts his hand on Sena's shoulder. "Me too, but this may lead to her." Sena agrees, and send a Sending to Nezzerius. "You failed once. She left you there. How much to hire you? Can we meet?" I find this quite interesting, and it fits with how I see Nezzerius (The module also suggest they might turn him on her) So Nezzerius replies. "Interesting... Meet to talk. Assassins branch in meat market. 1 hour."

They manage to find the building, which was fairly unassuming, yet with a subtle and fine architecture. After explaining themselves they were brought inside, to a room with an anti magic field, a big glass in the middle, and a room beyond. An elegnat succubus sat at the corner. "Negotiation room" Julian commented. "Safety measures?" She said, feeling the anti magic field, not quite liking it.

After a bit of time, Nezzerius teleported into the other half (Which had no antimagic field). For some reason, I accented him a bit like a cliche rastaman. :smallconfused: > :smalltongue:. The shadowy floating assassin grinned at them "You wanted see me? Talk? Then talk." The party felt unease at the presence of the Succubus, but Nezzerius gave a shrug. "Guild practice. Till think is safe. Not much to do. Now talk."

J: "In what way can we use your talents? Eliminating/ extracting?"
Nezzerius just nodded. "Can do both."
S: "We want to find someone, and extract them." Julian added "You won't go in alone. Once you find her, let us now, and we attack in force, combined!"
Nezzerius seemed unpleased. "Me guess who you talk about. Problem. Allready employed. Bad business to not finish. Bad name. This be tricky. This be dangerous. This high pay!"
Andera intervened. "I thought you're a business man? Just an honorable business man?" (This got great laughs from the party, a reference to older character's of Sena's player. In previous logs- Killpi the murderous halflign posing as a businessman, and D*ick Mighty, a powerful, but highly... "determined", business man. Sena's player was amusely offended "What? I'm not like him!")
Nezerius shrugged, and gave a smile. "I do business. Last business, not work so well. Problems. May be way out of it, work for you? Maybe, if pay right!"
Julian looks atthe succubus, not wntign peopel hearing of them. "lets talk details. Can we have some privacy?" Nezzerius looks at her, and she promptly goes and leaves.
J: "Ok, so how much will it be to locate Arulashee, and then help us free her out of wherever she is?"
Nezzerius seemed to conemplate. "You ask go agsint former employer. Minhago strong. VERY strong. Many allies, resources. Not easy. Very Dangerous. But... first thing- If we do this, you give true oath, you no harm me, me no harm you. True?"
The party, except for Mad Dog, agreed to this. He still remembered having died to a barrel of arrows. Yet, the party sort of convinces him. Nezzerius takes their word for it, for now.".
Sena, in a strange turn of events, tries to convince Nezzerius. "We can offer you much! If you succeed, I can offer you more! You can be a great asset to my cause!" Which gets him some worried, soem funny looks from the party. Yet Nezzerius disregards. "Not like goody causes. Now, what we saying, EXACTLY."
The party hashes out some details. Basically they want him to find where Arulashee is being kept, notify them, and then they all go in (with Nezzerius), and go in to extract her. If they happen to kill Minhago, all the better, but that's not the main goal. There is disagreement in the party of whether to have Nezzerius help them. Mad Dog really doesn't trust him.
Nezzerius again emhapsizes the danger, the difficulty and such. Julian cuts to the chase. "I hear negotiation,"
Ne: "How much you pay?"
S: "How much you offer?"
The party tries to deal and negotiate, Andera even suggest "We soon go to talk with Nocticula, we can put in a good wordfor you, have you on her good side!" To this the shadowy demon finally laughs, a weird, joyless laugh. "She is on on one's sides. Just her own..."
At the end Nezzerius offers: "100,000, half in advance, half when find. If want me to fight, 70, 000 more. What you say?" (Note: By the module Minhago wants to pay him her ring of spell storing, worth 50,000. Nezzerius goes for a high base negotiation. The party sees it as it is. :smalltongue:)
The party haggles quite a bit, with Sena keepignto try to lure the demon towork for him. Finally Julian makes the her diplomacy rolls- 47! (With both Andera And Sena failing in the "aid another" tests. By our house rules, the DC is either 10, or theoriginal DC -10, which ever is higher). The demon scoffs at Sena "You work from heart, from passion. You be dangerous. Not trustworthy!" also at Andera "You I don't trust, you speak what the other wants to hear!" but Julian's impressive charisma and roll. (47!) gets him to agree for 30K now, 30 K upon finding where Arulahsee is being kept. The party decides to forgo his actual fighting assistance. He grins at Julian. "Hear you want become a goddess, yes? So you do true bargains, like good gods, yes? You remember me, eh goddess?"
Sena grunts, and gives the demon his pearl of power of 6th level. "The first payment" and also gives hi ma scroll of sending "Inform us quickly!"
Julian adds to finish this up: "I trust on your expertise"
Nezzerius accept the payment, starting to mutter to itself: "Minhago, Minhago, where to look for her? Ah… maybe…" and then he teleports.

Sena looks back at the others, still somewhat pissed off, but relieved they've got Him working for them. "Well, that went... however that went. Now what?"

DM thoughts- Hiring Nezzerius
I liked this idea, for this is one of the real dealings with demons, that didn;t involve killing them .I feel that had I prepared to play him better, I might have done better, but it's ok I think. He got quite mixed responses from the party.

Not sure how to deal with him yet, or his mission. I want it to pay off to some degree, not sure exactly how.

The party is becoming more and more desperate... Interesting... :smallamused:

I shall stop this part here. Gotta go and sleep. One more part to go, where the party's pent up frustration leads to some... interesting results. Also, a real PC fatality! (With no Breath of Life!) Who was it? Next part! :smallwink: (Hopefully in the next few days).

Kol Korran
2015-10-28, 07:45 AM
I got caught up with a few RL matters. But I'm back, lets finish telling the session's tale. :smallsmile:

Session 23, Part 3- Short tempers, Rupture of Rapture, The Battle Bliss arena

After hiring Nezzerius, the party was stumped again. For some reason, some thought it would take him a minute or at most an hour or two to find where Arulahsee is held. When they realized it might take longer (At least day or two), they decided to try and focus on other stuff in the meantime, even though their minds weren't fully in it. They decided to head for Rupture of Rapture, where the succubus Vallexia was interviewing potential performers, and where they thought the coloxus Oodkalakt may be. With frustration, and a short temper, they followed the beheaded doves pointing to the place...

On the way Julian got a Sending from Queen Galifar: "Repelled siege!Marching in force to attack Raliscard, inside Worldwound! Moving fast, taking the initiative. Your situation?"
Julian didn't quite know how to answer her, or had the mood to. She answered a bit cryptically: "In Porphyry, seeking way to do this..."

DM notes- Sendings from the Queen?
Why Sendings from the Queen? For 2 reasons: (Warning! The second one is a major spoiler!
1. I want the party to feel that the war on Golarion is still progressing. That things there won't stand still. I plan on having inter planar sendings from the queen and maybe forces in Galifar from time to time. To keep the party at least minimally connected.
I mentioned a few times before, that at the end the next module, which originally focuses on the party saving Iomedae's Herald from Baphomet's domain, will be changed to save the Queen herself from there. (I changed her fluff to make her the mortal herald of Iomedae). She gets taken by Baphomet's forces while the army attacks Raliscard, near the very end of this module.
I want to keep the party remembering her, be aware of her at the war. We play so infrequently that I don't want the party forgetting about her existence. Takes a it of "relationship maintenance" :smalltongue:

Rupture of Rapture- gaining an audience

The party made it's way into a small courtyard, filled with various hopefuls and wannabes, trying to practice, impress and perform various deeds and the like. Various music prevailed the place.

Rupture of Rapture- Arabian music- 1 hour music track (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4izWydINP8)
(I won't fully cal lit that, but meh, it gets the feel I was aiming for. More of what Disney or the like would call "Arabian music". Oh well...)

The party was not in the mood to chit chat. Noticing the main bluish- purple round stylized building, they headed straight for the entrance. The 4 succubi whose job is to sift through the masses of wannabes, stop them. "Hold applicant! Who wishes to come to Vallexia, the illustrious patron of finer arts?"
Sena was a bit confused, but tried to play it. "We heard she wished to see new talents? New things?"
The head succubi snorted in derision. "And YOU think you fit? Mere tieflings? Smelly tieflings? You aren't even dressed right! Pathetic! Move aside wormlings! Next!"
Sena nearly lost it there and then, ready to unleash another holy word spell, just out of anger, but Julian stopped him. She dismissed the veil on herself, and the crowd suddenly gasped and moved aside, as her impressive looks and semi goddess aura was revealed.
Julian talked severely. "We do not deal with mere... lowly servants! Move aside, before you incur my full wrath!"
The succubi seemed fearful, but tried to stood her ground "We are chosen by her, loyal to her, her offsrpings..." but then she stopped, as if hearing something, before moving aside. "Yes, the Lady Vallexia will see to you now. Please wait in the reception for 1 minute, before entering." She bowed and made way for the party, headed by Julian, to enter.

As they entered, the party found themselves in the room which they scried upon earlier, with the coloxus Oodkalakat at the table. Seeing him, Sena approached him, with great intensity. Again, he was not much in the mood for chit-chat. "I know you! You have in your possession a soul stone, of a group of tieflings!" The surprised Oodkalakt stammered, and tried to see who these people were, and why they were asking him of this, when they came to see Vallexia. He tried to talk his way out of it, saying he deals with various soul stones, having made various deals and the like. (I play him like a weaselly small minded bureaucrat, with slurping sounds as his fly tongue comes out every once in a whiel in agitation). The party tries to press him, but Vallexia summons them to enter.

"Entertaining Vallexia"

The party enters the high born succubus' interview room. She sits upon her floating chair, with her tail slaightly tapping on it's side, in a bit of impatience. She herself is dressed like a high noble, with a sophisticated look, and a book at her hand, quill at another. In the room there are also two big cages, in which two warrior like woman are imprisoned, with a defeated look upon them, and a feel that they are not exactly mortals. They were playing music for the succubus, mere broken slaves by now. "Celestials..." Sena mutters, and quickly identify them as Valkyries, of Iomedae most probably. (The original module has lilends captured here, I changed it a bit, to present a more challenging fight if they come to that).

The lady Vallexia gave them an inquiring look, but then smiled politely. "Well, you did make an entrance. You seem to be seeking me, but I know so little of you. Who are you, to seek me?"
S: "Well, it seems like you are a great lady, you seem very respected, and scholarly. (She nods), We needed to talk with you for some time now..."
Vall: "That may well be, but still doesn't answer my question, manners and form are important!"
J: (With a slightly disinterested and mocking tone. "Me Julian."
Vall: "Of which house, of which prodigy, and what is title?"
Julian seemed a bit perplexed, and Andera intervened: "I am Andera Kancher… From Numeria."
Vall: "Numaeria? Yes, I've read about it! It's on Golarion, isn't it? Quite a quaint little place, isn't it?"
Andera was surprised: "You haven't been there?"
Vallexia gave a dismissive bored waver: "I have long since stopped visiting that plane. Why go there, when everything of real interest comes to Porphyry? To me? Besides- visiting the Worldwound and all of that... Not really, fashionable this century, more of a simpletons thing..."
An: "Hnmmm... A lot of your race seem to find it quite... engaging. A lot of souls to tempt, and so on..."
Vallexia gve him a more critical look: "Well... my "race", has many variations, opinions and the like. I'm not one of your common street succubi."
Julian decided to answer her now. "I am Julian, of Drezen, freed Drezen."
Vallexia took an interest in that. "Yes... I have heard of curious changes on Golarion. Are you..." She looked at her unusual look "One of them?"
Julian answered squarely. "I am not alone in the changes in our world, I am one of them, but not the sole one."
Vallecia lifted her quill and wrote briefly in her book."We shall see..."
John watches her tail "I am John, barbarian champion of Drezen."
She looked at him with a light interest, but mostly a certain disgust/ refrain. "Yes... I can see why..."
S: "And I am Senatef, And I lead the new way."
Vallexia wrote a bit more in her book, but then confronted the party: And what is it that you seek here? I seek new talents, performances and amusement for my house, yet you seem to have your own Agenda?"
J: "Our presence here concerns a possession of one of your minions." (She quickly explains Oodkalakat and the soul stone)
Vallexia is quite displeased: "You came for that little Dretch? Is that why you bothered me?!"
The players quickly discuss an idea- they think they might be able to learn more of Nocticula from Vallexia, one of the nobles...
Sena: "Maybe you should know that the Silent Darkness is coming to a close." (A term in the previous post s a legend telling of Nocticula's withdrawn in the past few centuries)
This perked her interest: "Really, how may that be, and how would you know?"
The party a bit jumbles this up, talking about an alliance with other demon lords, about dedicating the plane's forces to the war on Golarion, dragging the Elite succubi with it, but they fare poorly...
Vallexia makes another dismissing wave, this time with some annoyance. "Always rumors, no one will know what she will do. Have you come to waste my time with such prattle?"
An: "Perhaps we can trade information?"
Vallexia laughs "With you? Rumor mongers? I come here to seek talents, skills, creativity, not to gossip with off worlders with out a clue..."
Mad dog asks: "Skills in what exactly?"
Vallexia smiles, reclining "Surprise me, amuse me, entertain me. I am open to new, innovative things..."
Sena tries to impress by casting some sort of an ethereal spell. (I forgot) She is displeased. "Many master magic, it is not something... NEW... I hope you have better?"
The party gets around to the fact that SHE also has an interest here.

Julian answers in a song, with rhymes and such, that she seems to think might fit. (The chracter even has 1 rank in perform), yet the player rolls poorly, and she is displeased. "You have a powerful presence, but you lack training, finesse, control. Maybe practice for a few years, then come back."

Andera decides to try to make a performance, along with covering an attempt to free the valkyrie. He suggests an acrobatic fear, and then makes jumps on the bars, and then jump to the other, trying to KICK the lock and disable it. I like the idea and allow it with a hefty negative modifier, yet he succeeds, before making another jump to the bars near the ceiling!. His performance does impress Vallexia, though she scolds him for the lock. "I have went to a great deal to purchase these little toys, and train them appropriately. Please do not try this again? Hmmmm?" To his surprise, at a small nod from the succubi, the Valkyrie obediently goes to the door, and locks herself in again! Andera is horrified! "What has she done to break them so?" Impressed by Andera, she talks excitedly. "Hmmmm... what form, what agility! Yes... I think you could be of great interest to the ladies in the court! You'd make a very good show. What do you say, my... Numerian Tiger?" (The party got a bit of a kick from Andera's new nickname! :smalltongue:)

At this point, after all they have went through, Julian quite lost her patience. "Since I failed you, please allow me to try again, I have made a new spell, one that I am sure will impress you my lady!" Julain manages to intrigue her, and using metamagic mastery to cast it as a still spell (A mythic ability) she surprises her with a finger of death! The succubi is hit an fails her save, nearly dying! "No one insults my poetry!" :smalltongue:
We roll initiative, but Julian acts first, and again casts finger of death, killing the surprised succubus, before anyone could act. :smalleek: Sena looks at her astonished. "I don't know what that was, but I like it!"
This "Battle" is finished so fast, and in total surprise ("Sneak attack finger of death b*tch!") that Vallexia hadn't managed to call an alarm. Andera goes quietly to the door, and as quietly he locks it.

DM thoughts- Rupture of Rapture
This went a bit weird. First because the party was there not to gain known in the city (The Notoriety Score in the module), but due to the Soulstone side quest, and so didn't quite try to impress her. Secondly, nerves were frayed, and the tempers short.
Playing Vallexia as a snotty nose up noble didn't much help either I guess. :smallwink:

Finishing up in the rapture
Julian went straight to the astonished Valkyries, and opened their cges. "You poor souls have given up on hope, and I do not believe In giving up on hope!" She gives them a small arousing speech, and besseches them to go to Golarion, and then to Drezen, and join the forces there, and her Order of The Forgotten. They kneel in front of her, profusing their thanks. "Yes Goddess!" (The player: "Now THAT I like!" :smallbiggrin:) Sena sends them to Golarion, and the player is pleased. "First the Aasimar, now them. The legend spreads. We now have two celestials to our cause!"

The party then goes for the loot. Now, I haven't quite prepared for them to kill her (Yes, I know, Silly me!) and so look in the module and give the loot straight from there. She got some serious loot! Amongst other things: Belt dex +6 (Goes to Andera), Ring of telekinesis, Scroll of limited with, and... The Book of Infinite Spell?! (From what I understand it's a sort of a minor artifact?) The party doesn't quite loke the book though- for the casters it's quite pointless, and Andera and Mad Dog don't like the negative level. So they just store it for now...

Sena goes to check Valleixa's book. I made her note taking just for the feel of an educated scholar, so I improvised a bit here. The party finds their names, with little remarks, such as:
"Julian- New ascendant? Source of power? How to tempt?"
"Mad Dog- Dangerous. Can be tempted/ controlled? Potential for games?" Mad Dog was quite alarmed, as he purposefully introduced himself as John, not Mad Dog. The party realized they have some reputation, which they didn't quite like...

Sena wished to interrogate Valliexia's corpse, but failed with his "Speak with dead" Spell. They explore the back room, finding her teleportation ring, but couldn't figure it out (They thought it was for summoning demons). One thing was left- dealing with Oodkalakat.

Andera uses the Master's Disguise trick to make him look like Vallexia, and goes to sit on her thrown. Mad Dog and Julian are turned invisble, while Sena refuses. He wishes the coloxus to see him. Andera calls it in.
The edgy colocus enters, and looks atthe room confused- Only Sena from the guests, and the valkirie gone? "Only one here mistress?
An: "Close the door."
Oodkalakat does as bidden, looking around (And at the very intense Sena) quite nervously. "Were are the signers mistress?" (Julian's player: "Can I just give him THE finger allready?")
An: "I have sent the others elsewhere. "I made a deal with these people, and I need the orb of souls you have
Ood (A bit whimpering): "But... it's mine! I wanted to save it for later..." but Vallexia/ Andera brooks no argument. Whimpering, he reaches into some recesses and produces the softly glowing orb, and hand it to Sena. Brings the orb, Andera give it to Sena. .
Julian's player "NOW?" Andera's player nods. Julian appears with a anger of death, and the coloxus dies with a dying murmur of "Mistress! assassi..."

Pleased with that, Sena speaks with the demon's dead body via speak with dead:
S: "What do you know about incoming delegations?"
Ood: "Many succubi try to speak with Nocticula. I don't know who!"
S: "Where are they?"
Ood: "All around the city. How should I know?"
Sen goes more infuriated: "How to get into the palace?"
Ood: "You can't! Only Nocticula invites!"
Sena: "How do you release the souls from orb of souls?"
Ood: "Why would you want to? Good price! Maybe breaking spells? Sanctified spells? Don't know! Maybe Thanadaemons know?" (The party is pleased with this answer)
Sena tries to be more specific: "What do you know about delegations who come to persuade Nocticula to attack Golarion?"
Ood: "People talk to Nocticula? Really?" The party finally realize he is quite a small level bureaucrat.
Sena: "What is the circle at the back used for?"
Ood: "Transport slaves for entertainment, to her mansion. They don't long live. (The party pats Andera: "We saved you Numerian Tiger!" :smalltongue:)
Sena, disgusted, finishes the interview by stepping on the coloxus dead head, squashing it under his boot, with a fetid squelch. Mad Dog however, decides to chop off Vallexia's head. "Perhaps we can use this, to intimidate others..." The yput the two demons bodies in the cages, and think about leaving a message. They end up with writing all across the wall one word- "Minhago!" In case something liek this happens again, they will do it more, and maybe get some "Unwanted attention" on her hide. (Julian thinks of leaving "She said I didn't know how to sing. No one says anything about my singing!" , but ends up deciding against it. :smalltongue:)

Feeling they have finished here, Sena once more turns to them. Pleased they got the Soulstone, but quite troubled about the rest of their predicament. "Now What?"

The party's Notoriety Score: +10! (+5 from the previous fights, +5 for killing Vallexia. Had they all impressed her and she lived, they would have gotten +12...)

Some understandings and concerns I had at this juncture
After dealing with Vallexia, it dawned on me that I may have created a certain problem: After Arulashee was taken, the entire focus of the party got turned to rescuing her, with all other concerns pushed aside. It took me this long to understand it fully- the party didn't try, or even care about getting noticed and actively getting Nocticula's attention no more. And I didn't have Arulashee there to remind this, or focus them. Oddly enough, once more, I underestimated the party's single mindedness at times, when something really gets to them. And capturing Arulashee certainly did this in a big way. (Calistira's final question to Sena in the commune was important- "What is important to YOU?" she wished to see whether he will pursue his own personal goals, or the more world-responsible pressing goals, such as stopping the alliance between demon lords).

I was worried about the Notoriety Score. It doesn't allow for that many opportunities raise it. Basically there are having a lot of random fights in the city (Which was quite boring, and time consuming), displaying your "true colors", which the party preferred quite sensibly and smartly to avoid, and other than that a few choice accomplishments: Killing Minhago (Which they didn't), Killing Nezzerius (Which they didn't, and which was currently unlikely), Entertaining Vallexia (Which they killed), Winning at Battle Bliss, and dealing with Shamira...

Even if they won at Battle Bliss, this still wasn't enough... So... A deal with Shamira, or coming up with something else? But more than that, I was worrying about the party's interest and fun. As was evidently expressed in the Vallexia encounter, not even Julian's player (Who quite likes these sort of encounters at times), really cared, and the party was stressed, and pissed off.

I was considering throwing off the entire Notoriety Score away, and ply things as the feel right "story wise". Yet as I was thinking, I was also trying to run the session, so this got delayed. But one thing was certain- We can't play the "Gain Notoriety game" for much longer. It was losing appeal, FAST![/SPOILER]

Really... now what?
The party discuss options. Julian once more tries to take a look at objectives:
We have 3 targets:
"We need to free Arulashee. We won’t do better than the assassin probably. I suggest we focus on the other stuff" (Sena groans deeply in frustration, his mood darkens)
"We also need to prevent the delegation with Nocticula! This is urgent, but we don't know much what to do, except gaining her attention. Ideas?" The party is somewht stomped."
"And we need to put a stop to the mine. Perhaps Arulashee is even there, but we got even less of an intel about that." Julian ponders. "We need to get more high profile. Lets think."

The party gets a few ideas. One of the first one to jump, is to keep killing the city's noble succubi! (Murderis always the first option! :smallannoyed:) The party thinks that if they will kill half a dozen or so of the nobles, this will get attention for sure. But is it the right kind of attention? The party thinks of using Vallexia's teleportation circle to get into the noble quarter (Terrace of The Favored Mistresses) but for some reason don't pursue it. (As I listened I gulped down inwardly, knowing I have nothing prepared for this, the module never tried to explore this. This involved a highly complex region, with tons of complex high level NPCs. had this happened I may have called the session to an end, since we played quite long, and this mean quite more preparation, or improvising widely but inappropriately)

Another idea that Julian had came from one of the random "city descriptions" that I made in the previous session- about small platforms in the city, which display sort of pieces of a living deadly mortal chess-like game. I was quite impressed here, and though of how to improvise that. (I never really expected them to try and elaborate on this. It never ceases to surprise me that the things they get hooked on sometimes are the ones I gave the most little consideration to! :smallamused:). Julian thought they could either play in such game, or run one, and thus gain much respect amongst the nobility, a bit like celeb athletes or such.

They decide to try and follow this route, but learn on how to approach it in the Inn and Out. So Julian makes them all appear as tieflings again, and they teleport to the room there.

DM's gripe- Porphyry city
For such a major location, in which the party is EXPECTED to search for various opportunities, the info in the module is way, way, way to scarce and thin! Ever since they came to it, despite having done quite a considerable amount of "fattening the fluff up" for the city, I am improvising left and right. Really, the info given for the city is just plain insufficient! :smallannoyed: Even for the most mildly "goes beyond the trail" kind of group. I am quite disappointed in this..

At the Inn and Out the party goes down, find the hosting incubi Chulakat, and start a chat.
Chu: "Ah! I suspect the lady is enjoying her new acquision?" (Talking about the Aasimar from previous session)
j: "She enjoys it quite a bit. She wants someone to join the games, the platforms in the city? How doe one join these?"
Chulakat shrugs his shoulders "Oh, the entrtainment of the mistresses. They find suitable... contestants and call for them. The platforms are used by the mistresses to test their new found subjects, followers, champions and slaves."
An: "What do you win?"
Chulakat smiled. "Depending on the bet. The game can be between 2-6 mistresses, and the wagers... vary greatly. It is a... "sport"... for the nobles. The crowds prefer simpler entrtainments, like the arenas. We like the fights, the blood..." (Sena whsipered: "Oh! We will give them plenty of blood allright!")
This kind of intriuged the party, finally biting a hook. "Arenas?"
Chulakat suggested the Battle Bliss Arena. The party thanked him, and went to check it out. Full night (No stars in this plane) has descended...

Enter The Battle Bliss!
The party goes looking for the arena's manager, a high level cambion bard called Irmageleth. On the way the party discusses quick strategy. "Hey, if he's a known person, we can try killing him as well? Like with Vallexia?" Julian answer "I say we give him 3 questions. If not- Finger of Death!" Talk about trigger happy! :smalleek:

Irmagaleht quickly comes to view the party, explains about the fights taking place in a small, yet exclusive arena. Julian is worried baout fighting slaves, but Irmagaleth agrees them to fight demons. He says that their top gladiator is non other than Galderfang!
The party gives blank stares. "Is he good?"
Irmagaleth looks atthem bewildered. "You have not heard of Galderfang? The flyign death? The killing storm of blades? The Gladiator before all fall?!"
Party: "Um no... But we understand you like him?"
The ring manager looks at them suspiciously "You're not from around Porphyry, aren't you? You don't look like any famous gladiators I know off..."

Mad Dog grins, lifting his sword: "We're VERY famous where we came from, and were going to be just as famous here…"
Irmagaleth seems suspicious. "Maybe we'll start you smaller? I don't want to get the crowd's expectations up. We provide quality fights! Not just rabble!"
Mad Dog makes a few experimentive swings with his sword. "Nah! We'll start from him, and the go higher... You know, really tough guys?"
Irmagaleth likes his approach, but asks for some demonstration. Mad Dog goes to a nearby statue, rages and titan grow, and lifts it up with incredible strength, wanting to get on with it. A successful intimidation roll, and Irmagaleth looks highly pleased. "Well well... it seem you lot might prove... intriguing. I'll arrange the battle in 2 hours. Need to get the patrons in..."

The party whittles the time near the ring, listening to all kind of rumors, such as "Did you know someone killed lady Vallexia? Cut of her head! Just like that! Some say Minhago was there, left a message! Wasn't she in some big fight the night before? What is she up to?"

Irrmagaleth finally calls for the party, and bumms Sena by notifying them all that they may not enter with any magical effects allready active, though once the battle start, all is permitted. "Just give us a good fight! Something to watch, you know? A good show! The crowd loves it! And... try not to die to soon, will ya?" Sena curses as he takes his buffs off.

The crowd enters, and Imagraleth gets to the center, giving an introduction. "Succubi and Incubi, Demons and visitors, ladies and slaves! I welcome you to another gory fight of bloodshed and violence! Welcome to the Battle Bliss! In this corner, we have the one, the only, the slayer and decapitator, the slasher and numerous killer, GALDERFANG!" (Roars of excitment and such... the party yawns...)

"And in this corner, strangers to our marvelous city. Are they brave enough? Or are they fool enough, to dare death in the Battle Bliss?! I give you..." At this point he turned to the party, not quite having gotten a stage name from them. Andera suddenly roars "WE ARE THE NUMERIAN TIGERS!" :smallbiggrin: Which gets quite a lot of roars as well, though.. .confused ones... ("Numerian what?", "Who are they?", "A TIGER? In Porphyry?" :smalltongue:)

Eeeeeeeenterrrr The Battle Bliss!

Battle Bliss arena fight- A compilation of 10 epic tracks (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=f71DWpgO9uw&p=n)
(I searched for something fast paced, and quickly changing, pumping up the blood a bit, eh?)

Andera acts first, and dissappeared, fast going to the middle stage and climbing it. The crowd boos greatly as he vanishes, not liking it. (It was amongst several attempts of mien to hint that a more "impressive arena battle" will be better appreciated- more notoriety. Didn't work. The party was in killing mood) Andera was surprised by the energies of the stage, improving his ability to hit! (There are 3 stages in the arena, each gives some bonuses if you're on it)

Galderfang Teleported to the middle ring as well, and used his other actions to wield his blades impressively, gettign much applause from the crowd, and calling a challenge to the party. "Numerian Tigers! Fight me openly! Not like thieving skulks in the night! THIS. IS. BATTLE BLISS!" :smalltongue:

Mad Dog rises, flying, raging, growing! And yet as he strikes, Galderfang blocks his attack. "Brute strength, you know not how to fight! I will show you true killing skills!"

Sena uses his quicken rod and starts pumping buffs on himself, alsu using genie blood and flies high above the arena, again gettign booed by the crowd. "We will show you a fight!" He yells... from a safe distance...
Galderfang shouts back "All I see is cowards! Is this the courage of your Numeria?!"
The gladiator then turns on Mad Dog, with a devastitng full attack: Mad dog is hit by the Scizore, Critted by the gladius, hit by and trident nd get hit by a mythic Sudden attackfor another hit by the Scizore! Galderfang Slashes, stabs and chops Mad Dog brutally, gettign him down to 42 hitpoints! The incubi's power to increase pain also hits him, and MAd Dog is staggered underthe pain. The party suddenly thinks this mightbe an actual threat! :smalleek:

Andera tries to hit Galderfang, but his attacks are blocked by some unseen armor, despite the minimal "Gladiator clothes" shown in it's pic (Glammered armor, though it did not hve any affect other than AC) He tries menacing whisper "This is your last battle demon. We are your DEATH!"" Galderfang seems Shaken from the hidden attacks and whispers (I forgot to add the bravery bonus! :smallsigh:) and tries to reply "Coward Shadow! Show yourself!" The crowd again shows his dissatissfaction with the cowardly attacks!

Julian cares not though, and unleashes one highly effective spell- persisted Mystic Slow. Galderfang fails his save, and gets turned from a fast deadly full attack monstrosity, to a slow motion warrior. The crowd gasps seeing their champion so!
Andera tries scaring him again, yet fails, and fails to hit. Mad Dog though hits, and HARD! He delivers great amounts of damage, yeteven the party is suprised to see the gladiator bloodied well, but still standing!
And Galderfang won't go down without a fight! He attacks again, and adds another ttack with Sudden attack, both hit Mad Dog squarely, one of them a crit!
The slowed Gladiator, focuses his strikes, and kills Mad Dog! :smalleek:The Barbarian falls down, bloody gashing wounds all over his body, with a cheer from the crowd!

The party panics a bit, as they quickly check Breath of life and see it didn't quite work as they thought it did, and with the amount of negative damage Mad Dog incurred (Including the end of rage), he is just too far gone... Breath of life won't save him. (I didn't get into this ruling. The players brought it up briefly after the first battle of this session, but now rechecked it).

Imagrelath called out pleased. "First death for the Battle Bliss! This may be a short fight!" He looked at the party angrily though, having expected them to provide... More entertainment.
Sena tries to think up ideas, but can't think up something fast enough. Despaired, he putts to more buffs on himself, and descend upon Mad Dog's body, wanting to protectit from further harm, and draw Galderfang's attention. "Now face ME!" He says angrily!

Yet he doesn;t getthe chance, as Andera delivers a few quick cuts, with severe damage. The Gladiator coughs up blood, but still stands! Then Andera uses a mythic surprise attack, and finishes him! Galderfang topples bloody, with Changi through his chest, nd the crowd going silence in the middle of the cheer. Gladerfang has fallen!

Yet the party is not pleased, as next to him, lies the body of Mad Dog... :smallsigh:
This... has not been a good day...

DM thoughts- The Battle Bliss and Galderfang
The improved version of Gladerfang proved to be quite a powerful foe (I used Scorpion's file stats). Yet the Battle Bliss fight itself is kinda boring, for 3 main reasons:
- The party fight only a single opponenet. Even the player commented on this: "Wait, we're a group that fights only one demon? Aren't we supposed to be against a group of demons?" Fighting an opposing team of gladiators would indeed make it a more interesting, a more tactical one. More choices and threats, yeah?
- Galderfang is a single melee opponent. And as have happened here, he has NO way of countering debilitating battlefield control magic. So... basically, one successful spell takes him off. (Pretty much as has happened here).
- The module tries to make the arena more engaging with various terrain and magical effects of areas. But with one opponent, who is most likely to get tackled by another melee from the PCs, there is little if any real reason to move around. Plus, the DCs of the negative effects in the ring? Quite laughable...

Had I ran it again? I'd use a team of gladiators, some what similar to a group of adventurers. Also, I'd make several winning conditions- such as "capture the flags" or such, to make the movement on the battle field (And it's various effects) more interesting, engaging, and provide more choices then "Kill the rest of them.

Each PC's XP: 538,744!
Notoriety: "The Numerian Tigers!" +20 (10 from before, +10 for killing Gladerfang. They could have gotten more, had they done an "entertaining fight!")

Final thoughts for the session:
- We ended here, for several reasons: The session took 10 hours and we were tired. The players needed to think what is their next move, and frankly- So would I! The initial battle with Minhago, and the twist of the captured Arulashee has thrown things out of hilter to big degree! I was quite surprised at how personally the group took it! Some became depressed (either cause they liked and worried for her, or because knowing of the big set back it put them in), some became angry (They did NOT like being tricked!) but they all became very engaged in the game!

- I need to think of whereto take this. The party's focus is nearly entirely on saving Arulashe, with secondary on getting to Nocticula. And they haven;t got any real clue of how to do either... Meaning, I need to think things through for next session. As it is- this ain't working. The party has Notoriety of 20, with the module putting the goal at 40. And the party have used up pretty much all of the suggested options (Though I did play Minhago as trying to evade them instead of battling them to the death), except for... Shamira... which is a serious encounter in itself. (Though from what I gather, the party has other ideas entirely, mostly revolving around killing lots of important people... :smalltongue: Ahhh... D20 and the lessons it teaches... :smallannoyed:)

- Mad Dog's player also surprised us at the end, telling us he might wish for Mad Dog to stay dead, and try a new character! I think dying twice in a session got into him somewhat... But also, the player likes changing characters from time to time, when he grows bit bored of their mechanics. This took us by surprise, and we decided to talk about it later. (I'll discuss it in future posts. Not certain as of now).

- In short, the players came to the session feeling they are going to OWN it, but got played upon, and shocked. I did hoped that if Minhago's scheme would work it would shaken confidence a bit, and shaken things up (Especially before the negotiations with Nocticula, where overconfidence can be deadly in the extreme), but I think it went a bit too far than I expected... Have I broken them? :smallfrown: Hopefully not... This has been a TOUGH seesion, both for them and me...

But... if I know my party, in the next session they will come up with something clever, outrageous, and will stir things up in return! They are good at doing that, those bastards! :smallamused: That's why I game with them, no? (That and the Humus breaks! :smalltongue:)

-I will probably discuss a few re-planning matters over the next few posts:What about Mad Dog's player? New character or old one? What effect would Andera's dream intervention will have? Hiring Nezzerius? To stick with the Notoriety score, or go for something else? I'll try to think of these and more... Not sure when, when I have the time until the next session.

Talking about the next session- we set the next game for the 20/11, about 3 weeks from now. The party has already started planning, over emails... I hope you've enjoyed the read. Feel free to comment, question, argue, critique or whatever. All is welcomed. :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2015-11-07, 12:47 PM
Between session 23 & 24

The next session is in about 2 weeks. Quite a few things happened in my personal life (Which may well have an affect on the game as well), but there are a lot of other planning matters. Since most of these are relevant specifically to this group, and this specific game, I won't post a lot of "external help thread links" here, but I'd really appreciate the help of any of you readers. Some of these ideas quite stomp me for now.

But first things first!
1) Big personal RL developments: I recently got engaged! And more than that- a week after my fiance and me learned that she is pregnant! :smallbiggrin: We have been a bit shocked, but we're immensely happy and thrilled. The party knows we are engaged, but we haven't told about the pregnancy yet, we want to see the first ultrasound check before we do (It's tomorrow, a small superstition we have). I plan on bringing some wine and such to celebrate at the session, which will also double for a part of the negotiations. :smalltongue:

But... this has got me thinking, about trying to incorporate family, pregnancy, and child raising along with gaming. Especially considering how time consuming my preparation seems to be. Julian's player, who has 2 kids of his own, tried GMing a few times in the past, but got very little time to prepare the game, and got burned out. ("it began with a crash" campaign). and our trial with Fate Core (Post apocalyptic campaign) didn't succeed well either. So I've put up a thread dealing with this kind of problems. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?456769-Handling-real-life-family-pregnancy-children-and-the-desire-to-game&p=20047034#post20047034)

2) Changing character? Mad Dog's player has been thinking about changing characters. He came up with quite an interesting twist on how the new character will have mythic power- she will be a servant of the demons, that was transformed with an elixir, but managed to survive, and fight off the evil effect. So... A betrayer of demons? Might be cool!

I've been exchanging a few emails with him, as the change got me worried: I wanted to know why he wanted to change, but I was also worried of how this might affect the party, and story- In a previous campaign ("Facets of darkness") he played Google, a bruiser much like Mad Dog through most of the campaign, and then decided to change for a half orc archer ranger moments before one of the climaxes of the campaign (Siege battle of the Cathedral of The Silver Flame). Grum never felt quite belonging in the party, and they all missed Google, and party dynamics were damaged. Plus- it made the climactic scene somewhat lacking with his influence. He later quite regretted the switch.

This looked like a very similar situation- the party is very much invested with Mad Dog, and the Nocticula negotiations will be the most climactic scene so far in the campaign, and draws HEAVILY on past experiences, interactions and deeds of the party (I'll get to that later). Having a new character might make it all fill a bit... empty... a missed out experience.

And yet, I won't, and don't want him to play a character he doesn't like. I suggested to think about it- maybe we can make mechanical change, or story development. Or he might keep Google till the end of the negotiations (They will provide many opportunities to depart satisfyingly), and have his new character join after that?

We've talked about this a bit, but the player is thinking about it. He sent us all a message he'll keep playing Mad Dog for a while, but I want him to be sure. I'll go with whatever he wishes. It's his character after all.

3) Negotiations with Nocticula: I thought the players will get to that in this session, but... well, you've read it already. But it's almost certain that in this session they will. I imagine the negotiations to take up considerable time. They are a complicated matter, and I've worked quite a bit on them, but I'll detail the main themes/ concepts here. Obviously, I am changing this ENTIRELY from the module. There is real risk here, the party will be negotiating for no less than the fate of Golarion itself! :smallamused: A lot of these draw from threads I previously linked to in this log, though you need not remember them, or read them. I'm adding the main problematic points in bold, as questions.
- When the party does get Nocticula, a small portal will appear, with an agent from her (A sort of servant personal guard of Nocticula. A special succubi assassin sect), which will inform them that she wishes to see them. They'll have 5 minutes to prepare/ end their business in the city, before they are to step through the portal, into Nocticula's palace.

- Once they cross to the courtyard of the palace, they find they are not alone. The emmisaries of the demons have coem as well! and they are not your simple envoys...
Deskari sends non other than Areelu Vorlesh herself, The Worldwoudn witch! And the Storm King, the balor high general of his armies in the Worldwound, and slayer of the silver dragon Terendelev (The initial scene of the campaign)
Baphomet also sends two high emissaries: Hephazimerha, his own daughter and high priestess (The end boss of this module) and Minhago! The latter may have Arulashee in tow, not as a negotiator, but as an aid (and mostly as something to vex/ distract the party, as well as one who kbnows msot about them). She will look, and sense in other magical means or such (Such as Julian's vision)m as thoroughly and utterly corrupted and evil. Gone... If the party manages to somehow save her before then than good for them, but it is quite... Unlikely...
If I know Julian's player, he will very much like to know how each of the emissaries might look through his vision. I got a few ideas, but what would you imagine their souls might look like?

I imagine both sides to be surprise, and wish to start hostilities, but the agents of Nocticula stop them, and announce them all to be her guests, and thus under her protection. No hostile actions may be taken against any other. (Though sabotage, manipulation, espionage and more is cool). The idea here is to confront all of their big opponents, in a complex social and political negotiations, for the fate of the world, with lots of juicy interactions! :smallamused:

- The part is being led through Nocticula's marvelous palace (It has a few potential points of interactions), before they meet Nocticula. I won't go into details of how I'm planning on playing her, but for now I'll say I'm planning to play her mostly as an enigma, and a philosophical thinker. She does not say what she is interested in, but let the negotiators face each other in debates. Unlike the module, she has not already decided to forgo join in Deskari and Baphomet, but would listen to all. But first, all must represent themselves, and who they speak for. The demons will start, each starting they speak for their demon lord, under their authority. The party will need to present themselves as well, and whom they speak for. "For ourselves" or for "The crusade", may not be sufficient. Nocticula deals with divine entities, not with mere mortals. (I fully expect the party to only then realize this. :smalltongue:) Nocticula may grant a one time communication with the 5 gods of the crusade, though brief. I want to impart on the party the severe gravity of the negotiations- they will speak with the authority of the gods, and of the entire crusade, even Golarion itself.
If the party does commune with the 5 gods. How to illustrate such a communion? I'd like ti to be a bit similar to the end scene of the Hall of Heroes, where the gods blessed them, yet this time in a more urgent, and desperate matter. Ideas?

Also- Julian's player would also most likely ask how the demon lord looks to her, with her "soul sight". As befitting the demon lord of darkness and secrets, who is a real enigma, I'd like to present several images, each one covering the rest, (Like Shrek's onion metaphor! :smalltongue:) which Julian may try to "pierce through" (Will save? Charisma roll? Something else?) but with the potential of damaging her. If she fails, or if she peels these images (I'm thinking about 5 images), she is blinded by the demon's lord's soul, losing her sight entirely. At the end of negotiations, she will gain her sight back, perhaps with a newfound understanding/ revelation. If she does pierce the images, she is still truly blinded, but she gets a glimpse of the true core of Nocticula, which should supply with a significant clue to her personality.
What sort of images? (I have currently thought of a mirror, full of mist)
What sort of test to piece the images?
What is he core, true image, of Nocticula's soul? (A demon lord who might be seeking change, godhood, and redemption)

- The negotiations themselves are complex, and are not all that obvious. I have designed the following flowing elements, though these can easily change pace, timing:
1) Direct negotiations- Nocticula's trials: As there are 4 negotiators on each side (Arulashee counts as Minhago's aid/ lover), Nocticula will have each PC face a demon emissary, in a piece of negotiation. This is done for two three main reasons: So that the negotiations will not solely depend on the character with the best social skills, so that each PC and NPC will have a say in this crucial event, and so that the negotiations feel complex, rich, and not just a "say something and roll a dice". Yes, I know some players may find this more difficult (Mad Dog's player mostly), but the NPCs aren't played to perfection either. They have inbuilt mistakes about their negotiations.
Nocticula presents each party with 4 objects, one about each element of her portfolio- Darkness, Killing, Lust/ desire and Secrets. Each PC and each NPC choose an item, and the paired "couples by items" will face each other. Each such negotiation focuses on the element chosen, but more in a metaphysical philosophical manner. First, Nocticula asks them some questions (Open ended), where the answers may add a bonus to the negotiation or not. Then each emissary may present their arguments for Ncoticula. Each NPC emissary also has some weaknesses in character/ interaction or past the party might use upon. Arulashee, if present, will mostly try to damage the party's reputation and credit, striking on mistakes and "flaws in character" from her knowing them.

2) Entertainment in Nocticula's palace: In between the negotiations, the party will be entertained by the demon lord's staff. The "entertainment" have 3 purposes: First, they give more flavor and context to the demon lord's domain, and the feeling of "high court negotiations". Secondly, they give the party and NPCs time to interact "behind the scenes", including spying, framing and other creative stuff. And last, but not least, these events are also tests of character by Nocticula, albeit hidden ones. I got 3 main "entertainment interludes":
- A feast upon some powerful creature, but not just of it's flesh, but of it's soul. Devouring it's soul will grant power that may be crucial in the negotiations, but is quite evil...
- The party is given the luxury of indulging in most kind of delights they might imagine. Nocticula's palace has many of the bet forbidden desires and wants in the cosmos.
Any ideas for some interesting and cool delights? This is mostly for the players creativity and my improvisation, but having a "sample menu" to tingle their imagination would be fun! :smalltongue:
- A ball, with two main dances, fast paced. In the first they come to dance with the enemy NPCs, exchanging some few choice words in more privacy... The second is... The Dance Macabre! Inspired by Babylon's 5 "Night of the dead" chapter, each PC will find themselves dancing with 2 people who have passed away prior in the campaign! Friend, or enemy. I got a few in mind: Commander John, Mongrelman's chief Sul, Staunton Vhane, Nurah the spy, Jerribeth, The commander of the geriatric knights unit, Maybe even Harry? They may make simple talk, or maybe come with warnings and such...
Have you got suggestions for any memorable NPCs in the campaign, whom it might be fun to interesting to talk with here?

3) Behind the scenes Shenanigans: The party was warned not to harm the enemy emissaries with violence. But there are more ways... The emissaries will try to use Arulashee to distract/ baffle/ confuse/ enrage the party (Mostly Sena and Andera). They might try other stuff, like spying on them, maybe framing them? Risky business, and hwo knows how much Nocticula sees, and allow? She is a demon after all, chaos is expected... The party might try to spy or do other mischief as well. If they spy, I'd like the party to learn that the demons are not all that united, and maybe hints of the future project of Areelu Vorlesh, and maybe more of Arulahsee herself. (I fully expect Sena or Andera to try and find her and... do something.. .with her in between)

4) Which brings us to Arulashee herself: If she is in the negotiations, then she is the central and most important test of all. The campaign later discusses Nocticula's desire to perhaps change, and advance. I won't go into all of the details, but Arulashee's transformation, redemption, and long struggle is not a mere coincidence of the Paradox. She is in fact a sort of a... test case, of demonic redemption. For all appearances and behavior, Arulahsee will seem utterly corrupted, as with Minhago's magic, and Arulashee's basic demonic nature, she was broken. And Minhago stays very close to her, to both protect her "investment", and delight in seeing the party's anguish at their faiulre, and what it caused.
Yet, a tiny bit of Arulashee remains (Now holding her bow and arrow, thanks to Andera?!) If the party finds a way to bring her back, and redeem her, This will score BIG points with Nocticula. It's also Arulashee's last chance of redemption. If the party don't save her here (Even if they do succeed in the negotiations), The good in Arulahshee will be lost forever. Big stakes here as well. How to free Arulashee? I haven't thought of yet, though it will have to include some impressive roleplay. (I'll just note here that this wasn't a plan of mine to start with, but as the game progressed, and the secrets of Nocticula, along with the party's affection of Arulashee developed, this emerged)
I'd like to add a mechanic for finally saving Arulashee. A simple diplomacy roll? I feel it needs more... Also, I have no idea of how to use her spirit bow and arrow, given to her by Andera in this. Any ideas?

5) Final arguments: After all of these, both groups come in front of the demon lord once more, to deliver their final, closing argument/s. All of the tests before, will add some modifiers to the rolls, depending how well the party did, and how much they appeased Nocticula's... inquiring mind. The main speaker of each group (I imagine Julian vs. Areelu Vorlesh) will make the final roll, with party members potentially helping, but the main effect will be the modifiers added till now.
Though the exact result may vary, If the party wins- Nocticula secretly favors them, but plays herself impartial and neutral- She will not join the demons, but she will allow them to keep their mine, for a price. (Later on an agent of her directs them to a path to the mine itself), If the party fails though? Nocticula despairs of the efforts of the good gods, and decide to join forces with the demons. Either the party is obliterated there and then, or if by any chance they escape/ negotiate their way out, well... the entire campaign will get utterly off track, and I'll have to plan something new, against 3 demon lords now, won't I? :smalleek:... :smallamused:)

6) If the party manages, they get escorted to a secret path, a "shadow path", which will lead them at the end to the last local- the island where the Nyhadrian mine resides. (Nocticula won't take direct action right now, but she will assist the party so). On the path though, they meet Minhago, shamed, for a final conflict with her, only augmented with a few surprises by the 3 other emissaries. She won't make it out alive, but she will try her best to take them all down!

4) How to deal with the party's creativity from the last session? The party made two cool moves, but which I don't quite know how to deal with:
- Andera gave Arulashee her bow and a single arrow, in her dreams. I want this to be important, but how? As this will probably be reflected in their attempts to restore her, and this will probably involve a lot of improvisational roleplay, it is quite hard to plan for this. But I'd love to hear any cool ideas you might have... pretty please? :smallbiggrin:
- They hired Nezzerius. Most likely the negotiations will come FAST, much faster than he can track Arulashee. If so- is he wasted? I'd like to reward the party on this cool move in some other way, but how? i have two ideas: One is that he might slip into the palace in the negotiations, and deliver some key intel he learned of the enemy in his searches. A weakness, an observation, something... Another is that he comes to the final fight against the modified Minhago, and helps the party there. Any other ideas?

5) Saving Arulashee? The party has been discussing means of trying to find Arulashee. They know she is under serious protection from scrying and divination. But... Andera's palyer found a spell- Discren location, 8th level (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/discern-location), which seems to go through it all... They plan on finding someone who can cast this in this city, and do it. In a city this size, it stands to reason they CAN find someone to do this. (Most other locatiosn I'd have said no, but in Porphyry? The main Trading hub of the entire Abyss?). But if they do find someone of such power, I'd want it/ them to demand something in return. Something BIG, something they may have real qualms/ doubts about paying, quite possibly majorly evil. I have no idea who this NPC might be, or what it may require... thoughts?

6) Legends of Nocticula: Julian cast Vision last session, and I was a bit stumped for legends of Ncoticula. I'd love to supply the party with a few more. Any ideas?

In short, a lot to deal with, and plan for. I'd appreciate any help, as currently my fiance and me are more busy with plannign out a wedding/ union event, and doing whatever is needed for the pregnancy. All help would be great! Hope to hear from you,
Kol. :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2015-11-16, 04:51 AM
A small update: Mad Dog's player will keep his character. He is determined to work on his defense though.

Mad Dog is back, Madder than ever!

Kol Korran
2015-11-28, 05:37 AM
So, last Saturday we had our meeting, which was an absolute blast! One of the best we've had yet! :smallbiggrin: It started with a fast improvisational chaos, and then continued to a "scene" I've been working on for a long time- Negotiations in Nocticula's palace. The start involves a furious battle, but the rest involves some very nice roleplay. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as we had playing it! :smallamused:

Session 24, Part 1- Mayhem under the Battle Bliss arena

At the end of the last session the party has just killed the infamous gladiator of the Battle Bliss arena- Galderfang! But... he managed to slay Mad Dog as well.

The crowd was in shock, some cheered the party, some "booed" them (Is there such a word? :smalltongue:) They were mostly confused. But Imagraleth, the battle Bliss' owner and manager, stepped forth into the center of the ring, and called out: "Blood for the Battle Bliss! Cheer the new champions of the ring! Theeeeee Numerian Tigers!" A cheer, though a bit of a hesitant one, came up from the crowd of demons...

The party is not in a amused disposition. Sena looks over the crowd of demons, looking at this blood sport, and calls out to them: "We shall soon be back, and give you a GREAT honor, as you have given to us! Our beloved crowd of the Arena!" (Sena's intention of honor is starting to spam Holy Words... He's had enough). Imagraleth, who understands something is a bit off, none the less, directs the party, carrying the heavy body of Mad Dog into Galderfang's quarters, those befitting the ring's champion.

Back to Porphyry's background music- Planescape Torment soundtrack (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=dXF9I6OykBc&p=n)

They come to a fairly lavish room, with various furs, skins and such from various creatures, with two succubi lounging on the carpets, Galderfang's concubines. But they don't seem to miss him that much, as they quickly come for the party, all smiles, temptations and offerings. The party shoos them aside for a second, talking to the ring's manager. Imagraleth was impressed by them, and thinks about sponsoring them, with some profits from their winnings. He is worried about the anger Sena seems to be seething in, but they quickly bluff him to thinking this is because of Mad Dog's death.

As he lives them, Sena first send a sending to Queen Galifar: . "Until further notice, you cannot trust Arulashee, please notify Drezen, in order to protect the Sword of Valor."
The Queen replies shortly: "She betrayed us? (sounding quite angry) Kill her at the first opportunity! She knows too much! We soon arrive at Raliscard, all goes well. Stop the demon alliance!"
Sena grunts, and begin resurrecting Mad Dog.

As he does so, the party considers their options and plan. Julian reinstates their goals:
- Find Nocticula and stop the alliance.
- Find Arulashee, and if she's not too far gone- save her.
- Find the Nyhadrian mine, and put a stop to it.

Sena wishes to "draw attention" by going back to the ring, and just killing as many demons as possible, ESPECIALLY the ring master... "They arekeepign slaves to fight in these blood sports.". Julian thinks of perhaps contacting Minhago through a sending, and offering herself instead of Arulashee, to which the party responds "No way!". Andera's player mentions the Discern Location spell, an 8th level spell, that he thinks they'll be able to gain access to here, in Porphyry (Damn them! I forgot about that! :smalltongue:) They end up wanting to learn more of the arena itself. Andera goes sneaking, while Julian goes talking...

I... didn't quite expect this avenue, and the module doesn't touch on this, so... I was startign to improvise like crazy! :smallwink: Andera found an entrance to the underbelly of the ring. He learned that there is a circular corridor underneath, that holds maintenance rooms, beasts, slaves, and some visiting gladiator dens. he saw two doors, to the two ends of the circle. He see the lock, picks it, and goes inside, without even searching the door!

The alarm spell alerts Imagraleth, and he teleports with two guards. "Um, what exactly are you doing here? I thought you heroes were coming o get your... honors... at the ring?" Andera tried bluffing, that he was looking around, heard there were perhaps other contestants here. Imgraleth didn't like it, and ushered him outside. "I'll show you the grounds later on. Leave the upkeep of the ring to me, you just do the fighting, right?" The ring master was getting quite suspicious, and started inquiring about these newcomers, not yet willing to confront the killers of Galderfang. Andera saw him singing a tune to put the alarm and mage lock back on. "Hmmm... a bard..." (The module mentions him in a sentence- "Imagraleth, cambion bard 16") It seemed the party was taking an interest in the ring master. I was quickly trying to think up a 16th level bard... :smalleek:

Meanwhile Julian went to ask the two succubi, who quickly became very affectionate, very physical, their hands startingto move on Julians... "Yes love? How can we pleasure you? Hmmmm?"
J: "Well… that's nice. But business first. How long was GalderFang been the Champion?"
The succubi pouted "Oh! He's ancient news, you're the star now!".
J: "Answer my question!"
Onew of the succubi waved a dismissive hand "Him? About a year, maybe two years?"
Julian tried to impress them "You know, we are meant for greatness"
The succubus smiled their tempting smiles, redoubling their... efforts "Oh, we know you are!"
J: "And if you please us..."
S: "Oh, we will!"
J: "Then tell us of the opponents!" (It was at this point I understood the party must have thought that they are supposed to fight many gladiatorial fights. I was quickly trying to think of possible interesting opponents and such down below. Thankfully I have made various random encounters- for flavor and battle, so I was using/ reskinning those on the fly)
The succubi gave more pouting (Yes, I was making them too blunt and upfront, we just laughed about it) "Them? Oh, none can stand against you!" but at Julian's stern gaze they relented "Oh, there are some gladiators who come and go, there's a Shemhazain demon who wishes to prove itself, some Bebiliths, and we heard that Imagraleth has a few captured celestials, in his private vault. Keeps them for some sort of big battle, a big show? This is so boring! You would slaughter them all, my champion!"
Julian inquired more "What about slaves from Golarion?"
The succubi got a bit annoyed "That boring place? Oh, they bring some every so often, they fight, they scream they die. They get a good stock of cattle every few weeks we think?" Julian doesn't manage to find anyone of particular importance from questioning them further.
Julian petted them "You're starting to please me! Now go and appease me- go ask some questions, get me some more facts!" The succubus looked at her affronted, but pouting, they got up, changed their appearance, and went sniffing around...

The others got back just as Sen finished the 10 minute resurrection spell. With a flash of light, his owudns healed, and Mad Dog lives! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24QTiaPL7y8) :smallwink:
Mad Dog rose with a gasp "Ok! Where is he?!"
Sena leaned down at him "Oh, he's dead. But... we plan on a new massacre of demons, and we need YOU!"
Mad Dog grinned "Great!" Looking at his rejuvenated body, smiling with menace.
Sena handed Mad Dog his great sword. "I know how to make you happy! Now get up! We got work to do!"

Andera and Julian quickly relayed their findings, and they quickly discussed a plan:
Mad Dog "Wait, so our target is to free the celestials?"
Julian: "We have two objectives- to find Nocticula, and find Arulashee"
Sena: "i know how t oget her attention! Lets get outside, and start massacarign them all! This will get her to notice us!"
Andera: "We can't just massacre them! Shamira will just send her super guard, or herself, and come kill us!"
Julian thought "No... we need to kill select targets- She's the demon lord of assassination, right?"
Sena: "What about the ring master? Imagraleth?"
They give him some thought- on the one hand he is probably a high profile person, but will killing him attract Nocticula's attention, or Shamira's, for hurtign the city's entertainment?
S: "It will get us the attention!"
Julian and Andera were more cautious: "Not the RIGHT attention… But we could try and free the celestials, we can need any allies we can find."
Mad Dog: "Won't keeping freeing celestials and mortals will look like we're pro-celestials? Yeah, I know we want attention, but won't this make us look on the celestials side? Why should Nocticula deal with us then?"
Julian "We don't know, but the fact that she hasn't allied with the demons yet, might say we have a chance…"
Mad Dog: "Killing demons gets good attention, but freeing celestials? If I was a demon, that would put you on the wrong side."

None the less, the party decides to try and free the celestials. In my mind I try to quickly come up with a basic structure and fast made encounters... Well, improvising sure is interesting! :smalltongue:

To the rescue!

The party goes down to the door Andera saw before. A bit of detect magic, a couple of dispels, and the spells on the door are gone. "I can't believe you forgot to check for magic traps!" says the party.
Andera goes a bit in front, passing some maintenance and storage, till he hears some voices. He hears the voice of some demon talking with Babaus (Got a very distinctive voice) and some grunts of dretches. They seem to be moaning that they had to take care of the beasties and captives, and haven't witnessed the death of Galderfang. "Must have been some battle! We never get to see the good stuff!"

Andera goes back and relay the news. The party... AGAIN... discusses about options- attack? Sneak with invisibility or such? Bluff? Till Sena has it. "They are Babaus and dretches! We just storm in like we own the place!" (The party worried about any of them teleporting to alert Imagrleth). As they strut full force, the Cambion handlign the 2 babaus and the 3 few manure shovleign dretches, loosk up in wonder.
C: "Hey! Who are you?"
S: "The Numerian tigers! Who are YOU?"
C"I am Salaat what do you want?" (The party groaned at his name. "You need to come up with better ones! His name... does not bode well for him, you know?":smalltongue:)
Julian stepepd forth, with all of her charisma and majestic presence "We are just looking around, we're taking a tour, we have been allowed by Imagraleth…"
Salaat was offended, but totally fell for her bluff "We are never told anything! He shoudl tell us when he gets people down! So what do you want to see?"
Andera boasted: "We want to see who we gonna kill! Let us see the celestials first".
Salaat was a but hesitant. "um... He never let anyone see them He keeps them in his private section. I never got to see them".
Julian however smooths things, offering to remember him and so on, so Salaat and a babau leads them down the circular corridor. They pass some cells: A few giants, who look mutated, a few lizardian warriors, Some sort of a construct, 2 Bebiliths behind a force barrier, until they reach two big double doors. "They are beyond that door, but Only Imagrleth can open it. You're going to call him now? Put in a good word for me?"
"So, you call Imagraleth now?"
"Yeah, we'll tell him." they say, before Andera sneak attack, and Mad Dog and Sena finishes the duo quickly.

Standing before the door, they detect 5 magical influences on the door, and Julian uses 2 greater dispels to take them off. Andera sees the complex lock, and goes to work on it. He manages to unlock it, just when the trap springs! The two side walls tried to crush them between them, but they managed to step back just in time. Also, a deep vibration goes through the walls- an alarm! (The trap idea came from Baldur's Gate 2- in one of the more lethal dungeons there is a crushing walls trap, that just kill your entire party. I allowed for saves)
Ander'a player: "But we dispelled the traps!"
Me: "The MAGICAL traps. You didn't even look for the mechanical ones!"
The party groaned "We are such NOOBS!" :smalltongue: (My, it has been some time since we've done a proper dungeon!) The party was weary of the door and it's trap, unsure what to do now.

I started counting rounds. I envisioned Imagraleth and a few others getting down, and it tking them about 6 rounds to gt to their captives, and usher them to the teleportation circle inside, back to a safer place. The party didn't know that though.

The party started putting on mirror images, with Andera using his wand to put some on Mad Dog (They didn't want to repeat the performance in the ring).

A round later, 4 vrocks appeared behind them. (Part of Imagraleth response team. The idea was that they would delay the intruders, and that one would teleport back to him to report of the nature of the threat). But the vrocks don't get a chance to act. With Andera and Mad Dog delivering huge piles of damage, and Julian then casting a dazing fireball (Metamagic +3), they stand there dazed, with the party cutting them off quickly. Behind the door, they her something humongous getting behind it. They wait for it to open it.

They almost wait for too long, before Sena's keen ears manage to just barely hear rushed whispers behind the thick door. He hears, faintly Imagraleth' voice. "Quickly! Get them to the circle! Before those blasted angels come rescuing their friends! And you! Hold them On!" The gigantic thing just behind the door grunts in affirmation.

The party realizes they can't wait. Sena uses a mythic point to cast some spell, and go ethereal... He goes through the ether, beyond the door, past some Gargatuan bestial horrific demon, and into the main chamber, where he sees Imagraleth, with various magical energies around him, 2 succubi at the back with caster robes, and 3 vrocks around the ring master. He stands inside some magical circles, and waves to speed up a few more vrocks leading about 5 beings, hunched and covered.

We understand that we have no gargantuan miniature, so Andera's player quickly whips one. Julian seems to remember "The succubus talked about some demon gladiator.. .Shamhaz... something?" (Shamhazian demon) never the less, She has no time to waste, points the door, and disintegrates it! Mad Dog roars s he rushes at the Shamhazian brute demon, taking the burnt of his gaze, but slashes at it with his sword, taking out a good chunk! The demon full attacks the barbarian, yet thanks to Andera's foresight, it is mostly mirror images got taken down. (My bad- I forgot it had true sight at all times! :smallfrown:). Andera diverges his eyes, and tumbles inside...

Imagraleth, panicking, tries casting irresistible dance on Mad Dog, but he saves. Sean prepares reemerging from the ether, putting on few new buffs on himself, but Julian basically ends the battle- she casts dazing fireball again, but with her persistent rod to boot! :smalleek: All of the demons (Including Imgraleth) Are dazed, except for one succubus, just outside of the spell's area. I quickly think "Ok, she can cast dispel..." before Chandi dimension doors Andera next to her, who full sneak attack her, cutting her pieces.

Sena, a bit bummed, still emerges next to Imagraleth, making sure the celestials hear him, and unleashes a holy word! After Mad Dog manages to kill off the Shamhazain, the party quickly dispatches of the incapacitated demons. Julian comes in, stepping through the hole in the door, over the butchered demon. "Well, that went well!"

DM's thought- improvising the rescue
Thankfully, I could cobble this quick scene up from a few other scenes in from some other scenes I prepared for Porphyry, as part of the "sight seeing/ combat encounters". The only one I couldn't quite account for was Imagraleth himself. A 16th level bard is complex to plan and run. I quickly wrote a few base ideas and stats for it, and quickly looked up a few high level spells, but I didn't quite manage to flesh him out completely before Julian took him down. Oh well...

The Shamhazian was quite a disappointment though- his save DCs are quite low, but maybe that's due to the nature of mythic.

Taking credit for the rescue?

Now that there were the archons there, both Sena and Julian wanted to impress them, and get them to their respective causes. (Julian's new religion and Sena's new vision of the future) The players started joking about how they use effects (Angelic visage, slow or silence on each other) to sabotage each others' efforts! :smalltongue: Sena's player bemoaned jokingly, that he can make the most moving speeches, the most eloquent points, but Julian can just saunter in with her sky high charisma and social skills and either pick her nose or fart, and it will be so CHARMING they would still go with her! They kept on laughing about it, till it sounded something like this... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yP4iVSFyWQ4):smallwink:

The celestials proved to be 2 hound archons, 2 legion archons, and a trumpet archon! With her wings cut. Sena quickly cast regenerate on her, and they all thanked the party profusely. "Thank you majesties! Who are we in debt for our rescue? Who sent you?"

Julian replied: "No one sent us. No creature should be imprisoned. All should be free! "
The trumpet Archon spoke reverntly: "I am Adriel. (I had a different name, but the party asked for this one, easier to remember) I am a general of Sarenrae. We spied upon Shamira, who long ago seduced, corrupted, and then consumed one of her high angels. She was brought here by Nocticula, we sought to ascertain to what end, yet she ambushed us, and captured us, as her prize. She... Has a thing for Sarenrae's worshipers..." It became apparent that Shamira held her trumpet. Sena suggested confronting Shamira and getting it back, but the party quickly dissuaded him from that idea.
Sena asked them "Where do you wish to go?"
Julian had an idea, that would quell Sena and her friendly rivalry. "There is a great battle in Golarion. If you have no other duties, we would appreciate if you could join the crusade, especially our queen. She may need all the assistance that she can."
Adriel:"If this is your wish, I will aid you, and go to her, with your blessing, till the light of Sarenrae calls me elsewhere." The party is satisfied with this, and goes on looting! :smallbiggrin:

Sena's redemption?

Before sending her and her followers, Sena takes Adriel a bit to the side, speaking to her quietly. "I was once a follower of Sarenrae. I was her devotee all of my life. But... In light of some consequences, concerning a disagreement, I have probably made a mistake..." Sena looked ashamed.
Adriel inquired "What sort of a mistake?"
Sena relays the story of Drezen quickly, his argument with Sarenrae, and taking on Calistria's offer "I think I meant well, though I did wish for the tieflings to die, and did not include them in my prayer... I have since tried to amend my ways, and even managed to find the tieflings' souls stone."
Adriel looked at it, and explained he could free them with a casting of Dispel Evil.
Sena thanked her, and continued "I seek redemption. I have always was and have been a true believer of Sarenrae."
Adriel thought, and spoke to him clearly. "If you wish to go back to her fold, you'll need to take off the mark of Calistria. Her agreement with her lent her the power to take hold of you, a sort of ownership. And from what I hear, she is a covetous mistress. She has taken you as her own. Once you do so, you would find Sarenrae welcoming. She welcomes redemption. In order to be free, you must turn back from the path that led you to the trickster. For that is her hold of you."
Sena took it in, understanding this may be difficult. What a bind has he gotten himself into with Calistria? He reached and took Sarenrae's silver holy symbol, which he kept unto, and gave it to Adriel. "May this symbol serves you better than it did me. If you see her, please end her a word from me, and tell her... tell her that I have a new vision for the future, one where mortals, demons and more can work and live together." (he explains about it briefly)
Adriel is intrigued, so Sena takes out the tielfing stone, and casts dispel evil on it. The stone flashes, seems to expand slightly, and then implodes on itself, with a hiss going out, as some... things... get released.
Adriel bows to him, impressed "I will relay your words." She and her archons accept the pins symbolizing Sena's vision of the future (Made in Drezen, in the previous module or the interlude), before Sena banishes them to Golarion, towards the Queen's army. (The player then smirks at Julian's player. "Aha! I got them at the end!". The party laughed "You sneak!")

About the loot- I confess to the party that I have no idea what Imagraleht might have on him, and ask of them to give me time between sessions to think of something. Got me there!

DM's thoughts- Sena's evolution
Sena surprised me here as well, but he wishes to evolve him further, in an attempt to go back to Sarenrae. I thought quickly, and basically Adriel's advice was for a few steps:
- Convince Calistria to let her control of him go. (He can't get powers from others till she does so). The problem is, Sena doesn't really understand what her game and interest int this is. He knows only, from past conversations through Commune that she has a special interest in him, and their mythical powers, that she seeks "to learn new things", and that she seems to not have a great stake in the struggle between crusaders and demon armies... A problem...
- Go back from his dedication to vengeance. This is what led him to Calistria. he needs to truly let it go, before coming back to Sarenrae.
- Have Sarenrae accept him back, though this seems to be the easiest step. He is worried about his "beyond morality" aura and soul. Sarenrae is dedicated goddess of good. Can she accept someone who is not so strongly so?

Now, all of this is what he understood from Adriel, which is... for the most part true... However, I do have somewhat of a surprise, later. :smallamused:

An invitation you cannot refuse!

As the party was gathering up the loot, and were starting to think what to do next, I decided to throw the Notoriety out of the window. I imagined that killing Imagraleth, and saving the celestials Shamira captured was good enough.

Suddenly, a great fiery light appeared from the corridor- Shamira herself, with anger and murder in her eyes! Yet, at the same time, another figure, looking a bit like a sort of a... priest? yet with eyes like pools of night, emerged from a nearby shadow.

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/meir_8/Lilith%201_zpsookrmkmc.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/meir_8/media/Lilith%201_zpsookrmkmc.jpg.html)

The figure held a hand towards the furious Shamira, who's fiery aura started scolding the very walls. "Visitors to The Midnight Isles. Your actions have gained the attention of the ruler of the realm, Our Lady Nocticula, the Lady in Shadow. She wishes your presence in her palace, as her guests.Finish your affairs here quickly if you have a pressing need to, but do not delay much, and come with me. The Lady awaits..."

Shamira seemed to be fuming (literally), but did not challenge the Lady's wishes. The party exchanged glances, and swallowed deeply. "We're ready" they told the Sister of The Last Embrace." She nodded, and... grasped a shadow by the wall, pulling it aside, like a curtain... revealing a sort of a dark path behind it, and motioned to the party. They walked inside, to the path that leads to the palace of the demon lord Nocticula... :smallamused:

I'll stop here. The next part (I believe I'll be able to finish it in one part) will deal with the various dealings inside Nocticula's palace. Quite a few surprises, some twists, and some beautiful moments. I hope I can find the time to write it soon! Stay tuned!

Kol Korran
2015-12-05, 04:47 PM
Right, I've been a bit delayed in writing this, so lets get into it. Are you ready? A bit of a warning about this part- I threw away about 99% of what the module did here, and did my own thing, which is a lot more elaborate, but I also think a lot more fun. There are no battles in this part, but a lot of quite cool roleplay, even from Mad Dog! Enjoy!

Session 24, Part 2- Nocticula's palace, Start of Demonic Negotiations

As Nocticula's messenger moved forward, the party followed on the dark path. They knew this was a sort of... a shadow plane, but made mostly of narrow paths, with but darkness beyond. They followed, weary, and before they could quite take the scene, the Sister of The Last Embrace reached into yet another shadow, and... pulled at it, revealing an opening, into a courtyard. The party entered.

The courtyard was huge, with towering statues, of many kinds, many races, creatures, all made with the same purple Porphyry stone of the city... Yet their attention was drawn to another shadow lifting, through which stepped an identical sister into the courtyard, and behind her followed some figures. As they party saw them, the blood boiled!

First entered an impressive powerful demon, wrathed in a small storm of fire and lightning, with an aura of command and power. all but Julian knew this demon, they have seen it at the start of their adventures, in the Clydewell Plaza, cutting off the silver dragon Terendelev's neck- It was no other than Khorzedah, the balor general, also known as The Storm King! (I will refer to him as such from now on).

Behind him followed an armored figure, with the horns of a minotaur, but with an air of cunning, wisdom, and feroctiy. They knew this one from description only- Hephazimerah, Baphomet's own daughter and high priestess, whom they know controls the Nuhadrian mine!

Behind her came another one of Baphomet's favored, or maybe not so much of lately, but which the party have met just recently- Minhgo herself! And on her arm was no other than... Arulashee, who seemed close, very close, to Minhago. The succubus gave them taunting wave, which almost made Sena charge.

But there was one last guest, whom all but Julian have met in person, but even she has seen her, only as the dooming introduction illusion to Drezen. Areelu Vorlesh, the Worldwoudn Witch, stepped forth. Last they saw her, she was burned, broken, nearly dead by the Wardstone's power. Yet now she seemed fully restored!

Mad Dog's player grinned with glee. "Init!" he yelled, yet even though both parties were surprised to see each other, both Sisters held up their hand. "This is our lady's palace! No hostilities may be used against her guests. You are both guests of our lady in shadow, do NOT displease her!"

Julian concentrated her new sight on the demonic emissaries. The Storm King looked to her like an image of unparalleled pillar of power, raging energies of destruction. Baphomet's daughter looked like a metallic sphere, with various contraptions, moving parts, and blades. Like a highly advanced and lethal lock or puzzle. Minhago looked like a fast shifting mask, but somewhat a broken one, which often shifted to expressions of anger, of shame. Arulashee looked... like any kind of another succubus, only more thoroughly corrupted. Julian concentrated ,seeking to see any of the former succubi, but found no trace... And lastly- Areelu Vorlesh. The witch looked like some sort of a vermin, of an unknown origin, sitting in the center of a huge web, spanning away, some of it disappearing, as if into other realities. She herself sat still, yet Julian could see sort of phantom limbs, pulling ,weaving, spinning...

Sena smiled, trying to taunt Areelu. "Why, aren't you looking better?" But the witch just laughed, and played a along. She gave a slight spin, spreading her new wing. "Why yes! Isn't it just marvelous?" Sena replied "it would look better on my wall!" Julian in the meantime silently cast a message to Arulashee. "We are still here! We will get you back!" to which the succubus laughed. "Sure you will!" and winked at them.

The Sisters looked at the parties. "The Lady Awaits. You have come to make your pleas and requests. We are Lilith. We shall guide you. Please, follow us." and the two sisters, led each party into the massive palace, through different routes.

Walk through Nocticula's Palace

Palace of Nocticula's music- Dreamgasm (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3GfZDed1do)
(The idea was for a music incorporating lust and danger. I didn't listen fully to it before settling on it. Some parts can be too... disruptive)

Lilith led them, as they went inside. They walked for an unknown time, for the palace was was immense, they estimated it might be the size of entire Kenabres or more! Many twisting paths, stairs, vast halls, small rooms. The place was baffling, but the sights and sounds were... quite disturbing... They first passed some halls, with bored succubi, some were in the midst of passionate carnal pleasures, some were in torture, with a multitude of slaves, some disfigured, some in ecstasy, only even that seemed too much- in their pleasure, they screamed, begging to stop... They passed through an immense library, dwarfing anything they have yet seen on the material plane. Amongst the shelves were ancient scrolls, writings, books made of exotic... uncertain materials, at some places carvings, at others writings in languages they knew were old, long forgotten, at some places just whispers, contained, seeking to be free... They passed vast armories, with exquisite and lethal looking weapons, ones seemed designed to inflict pain, more than kill, and horrific one at that... they passed along the borders of humongous arenas, in which what looked like small armies clashed, but not in a tactical battle, but in a desperate bloody and gory fight of mayhem and carnage, with multitudes dying...

The party was quite disturbed by all of this, with Julian visibly depressed. Her sight, senses, burdened her... Sena, worried, asked Lilith. "Can we... stop? Observe? Do something on the way?" Lilith didn't look back... "You may shortly, but do not delay. Do not keep The Lady waiting..." Sena stopped by what looked like an old temple. He ventured inside. The place was but one big circular room, dust covering it in it's entirety, with the dome of the place filled with carvings, symbols and depictions of all the gods he knew, some he just heard of, some hinted on, and some, many more, that he never even knew existed. Good, evil, neutral, all in between... Dust covered all, this place was not visited for a long time. A sort of museum of the divine, or perhaps graveyard? Fear gripped Sena, and he clutched Calistria's symbol, asking for her guidance, only to find to his terror that his connection to her is severed! Lilith spoke quietly. "Only the Lady's power exists here...". Troubled, Sena continued to follow her...

They continued on, passing great vasts of kitchens, with great boiling pots, with the scent making them drool, before hearing the screams of something... someone, roasted alive. They passed torture rooms, with instruments which their imagination could not grasp, could not understand, but which seemed cruel to the extreme, with the various sobs and pain of victims around... they passed crossed a long bridge, over a pit whose bottom they could not see, whee to it's walls were shackled hundreds, if not thousands of suffering souls. The party was quite depressed at this, and Julian and Sena briefly thought to try and free some, yet Andera stopped them. "I wish nothing more. But this is not the place, and the time. This will not help here..." Demoralized, they ventured after Lilith.

Further they walked. They passed by a great ball room, covered in shadows, were figures, powerful figures, seemed to dance and converse, yet their exact conversations were just out of reach. They passed by strange, geometrically impossible structures, were robed figures chanted in a strange language, doing untold rituals of dark magic and blood... Fresh blood... The road continued, on and on. How long have they traveled? Hours? Days? Time, sensation, perception seemed distorted here.

They came upon narrow upgoing stairs, as if in a slim turret, and started climbing up, up, after Lilith. She spoke to them, softly, but firmly. "We shall soon be in the lady's presence. As we arrive, you are expected to introduce yourselves. Who are you, whom do you speak for, and why have you come. Do not offend the hostess!" after a few more long moments, Lilith added "Think carefully of your words. Here, they carry more weight, more power, than all the swords and spells in your world..." The players looked at each other, tense... before thy reached Nocticula's audience.

This was mostly to set the atmosphere. I wanted the party to feel that the negotiations were at a much larger scale, not something ordinary, but something on a far bigger, far grander, far more dangerous level. The were coming into the big league. The palace gave a bit of a measure as to what it might mean visiting the realm of a demon lord. It was meant to partly awe, partly tense the party. Thankfully, they were getting into the mood of things, and were not making jokes, but taking it seriously. The feeling was tense!

First Audiance with Nocticula

The party reached a big plateau, and when they looked around, they saw it must have been at the top of the palace, with no edges, overlooking the Midnight Isles, and the vast Porphyry City below. They saw the demonic emissaries also emerging, but their attention was drawn elsewhere...

Nocticula's theme- Passion and Sensuality (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=uIwrawLO_O0&p=n)

For in the middle of the plateau was a deep pool, an immensely vast pool, of dark liquid. Only when they looked at it- it wasn't a liquid at all... it was the night, the sky, space... they could see stars in it, vast cosmic spaces... and white, soft, silvery mists were floating, caressing the "pool", like clouds of moonlight... and in the midst of the pool a figure swam. The figure of a pale skinned woman, nude, elegant, confident, assured, erotic, but not in a cheap, easy sleazy way, but in a sensuous, mature, alluring power... The figure swam in the cosmos, and slowly reached the end of the pool. Slowly, Nocticula rose from the "water"...


The picture is of Eva Green, in her role in Sin City 2. I Liked the look, and if the players identified the character, well.. .that gave the right feel as well! :smallamused:

As the naked Nocticula rose, the inky pool, and the white mists slid upon her body, covering her naked form like an misty inked half see through robe. She strode towards them, confident, powerful, yet at ease. As she strode, perceptions... changed. While before they looked down at her swimming in the pool, now she was descending a flight of stairs. As she came about 5-6 stairs above their position, she sat elegantly. As she did, the "robe" melted, shaping itself like a throne of velvet shadow, with the mists rolling softly under it. Nocticula sat there, naked, an image of superb womanhood, and looked down at them. They noticed that there was little color on her- her skin was white as ivory, her hair black as the rich night. The only vivid colors were her lips, which were passionately red, and her eyes, emerald green, and piercing. Yet... her look was unreadable, impassive, you could not read her, as she looked at the two groups. They stepped back, in awe of the presence of the demon lord, who did not appear as they thought it would.

And as they looked, Julian looked at her as well, with her own sight. Looking upon her was not easy though, and Julian could feel the strain, upon her eyes, upon her sanity, upon her soul. Yet she was determined to try and get some inkling into what and who Nocticula was, if it will get them any advantage. So she looked to the soul of the demon lord...

At first, she saw a mirror, and her own reflection looking back at her. Yet Julian felt there was more, so she looked further. In through the mirror, she fell into a big lake, and dove deeper, deeper, seeing sights, hearing sounds from different planes, different worlds, someone trying to compose some sort of a... music? But with confused tones... Yet Julian felt there was more, so deeper she looked. She got to the bottom of the lake, where there was a circle of statues, some of which she knew were images of Nocticula she knew, some she did not know, and there were many, but all were at the edges of the circle, looking out. In the middle of the circle there was a big stone, partly chiseled, but the figure of the statue was not yet complete. The strain was starting to hurt Julian, yet she felt there was more, so she looked further. Into the stone she bore, and found the stone was filled with holes, tunnels, and a black ink carving it's way inside, trying to get at different hollows, were other liquids were. Some it reached, and either backed from, or consumed and obliterated, yet with some it mixed... the black ink seemed to be breaching and... dancing? With a hot, thick, orange liquid, the two mixed with each other. Julian felt that she was close, there was more, but it might cost her. Still, she looked further. She dove to the center of the ink, to it's "heart", when she came into a still darkness... and in the middle of the darkness- a cocoon... (The party- "WTF?") and the cocoon was somehow still weaving itself, yet it had some sort of a sensory appendage. And that was focused on... something in the room! In the audience plateau! Julian could almost feel a held breath, as the cocoon's attention was nearly entirely on one thing! That was...

But with that her sight burned entirely, and Julian crumpled to the floor, now truly blind! Yet the memory of her glimpse stayed with her. But what occupied Nocticula's attention? Julian knew she had to find out!

DM design- Nocticula's appearance and Julian's sight
I decided not to use the image in the module, for that looked a bit too much like a super cliched succubus, what a child might expect. I wanted to present a more mature, lest "cartoony" image, something more befitting a demon lord of ageless power. I asked bout this in one of the former "help threads", and someone mentioned Eva green. I quite liked her appearance in Sin City, where she portrayed a sort of succubus really. But I also quite liked the black/ white imagery, and that she looked like a seductress, but a mature, interesting one. It provided a different feel than the demon look. The scene with her swimming in the pool provided inspiration for her initial appearance here, though I gave a few extra touches to make it feel supernatural, and a bit awe inspiring. Thankfully, the players were in the mood to play it, and not joke about it.

As to Julian's sight- I wanted to give the player a real benefit from what he added to the play, when she gained divine power. The player at times hindered his character and party due to her blindness (Not sure I talked about it, but for instance- her inability to view scrying, which made some teleportation impossible, or inability to target beyond her "echolocation" range, and so on) So I thought this might be cool. Mechanically, each "stage" of looking into Nocticula's soul demanded an increasing will save, for an increasing wisdom drain and level drain. Surprisingly, Julian's player rolled REALLY well on her saves (though she did use mythic surge 2-3 times), and failed only after viewing the last image! Which worked out quite nicely! Each image had some symbolism that could give hints to her character, but I let the party figure those out.

Formal presentations

Yet the audience did not stop for her to contemplate. Both Lilith spoke in unison "Emissaries! You stand before Lady Nocticula, ruler of The Midnight Isles. Present yourself, and state your affair with the Lady In Shadow!" The demon emissaries started.

"I am Areelu Vorlesh, emissary of Demon Lord Deskari, Lord of the Locust Host, Ruler of the Rasping Rifts. I am The Architect of The Worldwound, Initiator of the cataclysm to come. I speak in Deskari's voice, and has it's authority in these matters. I come to offer alliance, Lady in Shadow!"
"I am Hephazimerah, Daughter and emissary of Demon Lord Baphomet, Lord of labyrinths and secrets, ruler of The Ivory Labyrinth. I am favored of Baphomet's many offsprings, and have slayed many of them. Leader of the Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth, and creator of many great wonders and secrets. I speak in Baphomet's voice, and have it's authority in these matters. I come to offer alliance, Lady in Shadow!"
"I am Khoramzadeh, Second emissary of the Demon lord Deskri, Lord of the Locust Host, Ruler of the Rasping Rifts. I am High general of the World wound Army, ruler of Iz, I am The Storm King! I speak as Areelu Vorlesh Second. I come to seek alliance, lady in shadow!"
"I am Minhago, second emissary of the Demon lord Baphomet, Lord of Lbyrinths and secrets, ruler of The Ivory Labyrinth. I am the sower of discord, of mistrust of the crusade, Engineer of the mass betrayal and chaos in their ranks. I speak as Haphazimerah's second. I come to seek alliance, Lady in Shadow!"
"I am Arulashee, Master Spy for the Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth, a researcher of mortal heroes and their… bravery… (she said mockingly) I come as adviser, consultant and companion to Minhago, serving both great demons. I come to offer alliance, Lady in Shadow!"

It was the party's turn. They looked at each other. They didn't quite prepare anything... Sena decided to go first.

I am Senatef Aberdeen, High priest of Calistria, Goddess of shadows, betrayal and vengeance. I am the creator of the New way, where demon and mortal can work together, for a better future. I am here on the authority of Queen Galifar, and adviser of Calistria herself. I am here to seek counsel, and peace."

There was a tense silence. Nocticula nodded at the sisters. Lilith spoke a bit sternly, coldly. "We do not deal with mortal queens... we deal with higher beings... On who's authority do you speak?"

Sena gulped, and answered "I speak with Calistria's authority." Nocticula nodded.

Julian spoke next. "I am Julian Bearstorm , daughter of Diane Bearstorm, grabber of divinity, and mother to the forgotten ones, I am also one of the destroyers of the Ivory Labyrinth. (She glanced at Hephazimerah, who fumed), I represent those who refuse to yield, in Golarion and anywhere else. I have come here to ask for the denial of war."

Again, Lilith spoke: "But on whose authority do you speak for? You claim they gave their authority to you."

Julian retorted "I speak on Golarion's authority." Lilith responded "The world does not grant you authority."

Julian's eyes intensified. "I speak for the 5 gods of the crusade."

The Sister inquired. "You have their authority?" She answered "In this matter alone." The party exchanged nervous glances.

Next was Mad Dog. "I am John Mad Dog, I am here to speak for no one but myself, I am here to aid the others, for speaking is not my strength." (I quite liked it, and decided no to pursue more. Arulashee was an aid as well after all...)

Andera was next. "I am Andera of Numeria. I can speak on behalf of many people who seek to leave their life from tyranny and evil schemes. And as such I follow the path that Arulashee has led me here." He then turned to Nocticula, addressing her in person. "Our humble world, is a mere room in the vast palace of Lady Nocticula, so it will do her no harm if she won't let the other scheming demons to strengthen themselves over you."

Nocticula remained passive. Lilith spoke "On whose Authority do you speak?"
"I speak on the authority of Desna, who has led us all of this way."

Nocticula nodded, and both Lilith bowed to the party. "Now that formalities re over, we shall begin." At that time I reached and brought out a bottle of red wine, and some glasses, and poured them for the party, who were pleasantly surprised. "We shall commence the negotiations now, You are all guets of our Lady. The negotiations will take place in a few stages. Each will have his chance to speak, for you ll have a stake in this matter- The fate, of Golarion." With that, we all raised a glass, for now we the set was... set. We drank, saluted, and smiled.

DM's notes- introductions and celebrations
The introductions were both to remind the players of the opponents they fight against, who are their main opponents. It was also a chance to have them express themselves. This was stepping into "The Big Game", I wanted to give the party chance to voice them selves, their process, bit more clearly. bit of a defining moment. I think each had their own style... :smallamused:

Also, "On who's authority do you speak?" was meant to make the party realize the magnitude of the matter more, which they have had quite nicely.

Choices of opposition

After a drink, it ws Nocticula herself who spoke, not her Lilith. "Before me you stand, 4 and 4, and a companion" (She nodded briefly at Arulashee), as such, each one, shall speak against another." She nodded at the Lilith, who put a black cloth, and upon it several objects. I unwrapped a few items, and put them on the table, with the players taking quite a surprised interest- A black cloth blindfold, A bloody red knife, with speckles of white drops, a bottle of perfume, and a letter, with an enigmatic rune upon it. Each group got the 4 objects, yet then a fog separated them. Nocticula voiced. "Each of you, choose the representation of your test, of your negotiation. You will have chance to argue against your opponents, but I will have question you as well... Choose wisely."

The party quickly realized the objects represented Nocticula's domains, spheres of influence: Blindfold- darkness, Knife- assassinations, Perfume- lust, Envelope- secrets. But what to choose? Andera spoke "We need to consider what THEY will choose as well!"
They quickly deducted that The Storm King will probably take the knife. They thought Minhago will take either the perfume or the envelope. The other two? They were not so sure... Julian remembered Areelu's souls image- of the spider weaving the web, and deducted she will choose the envelope- secrets.

Julian used this chance to reveal her vision of Nocticula. "She is cocoon, looking for... something here. But what?"
Sena spoke. "Perhaps me? With what I have become?" Andera rolled his eyes. "Not everything is about you!" Sena blinked "Maybe Arulashee then?"
The players debated this a little. ("Admit it! You shagged her! She now carries some sort of a demonic sena larvae spawn!" :smalltongue:) Yet they came to no conclusion.
NOT you Sena!
Mad Dog returned their attention to the choice. "The matter at hand?"
They decided to each go with what they knew best. They decided as such: Andera chose the blindfold (Being sneaky in darkness), Mad Dog chose the knife, Sena chose the envelope (he always suspected people), and Julian chose the perfume (Due to her ability with words and her past part-time-succubus period (Before finding the Paradox).

When the fog dissipated though, they found what the demon emissaries have chosen, which surprised them, a bit- The Storm King indeed chose the knife, Minhago chose the perfume, but Hephazimerah chose the envelope, and Areelu Vorlesh chose the Blindfold.
Andera shivered "I'm going against Areelu Vorlesh?" He bluffed a smile at her. She smiled back. "Oh my..."

The party each surveyed their opponent. This was going to be... interesting. Nocticula raised her glass, and the Lilith both put the blindfold on Andera and Areelu Vorlesh. As the world grew dark (I had the player put on the blindfold) the first negotiation commenced. "In the beginning, before all, before the world, there was only Darkness. And there we shall begin as well..."

DM notes- Choosing a concept of negotiation
They partly surprised me too. The items were a bit of a nice touch. A light riddle, but not a game stopping one. Also, a bit of randomness. It proved to be a nice touch, making the session bit more special, a bit more memorable. :smallamused:
A bit more added tension, eh?

On Darkness...
As the dark enveloped Andera (And Areelu), they heard Nocticula's voice. "This. This is real Darkness- where you cannot see, cannot hear, cannot feel. When my voice is gone, there shall be nothing..." (We sat in silence for a sh
ort while). Nocticula then began her questions.
Andera thought, and then answered: "Opportunity. To start everything a new. When everything is suppressed, you have to find something new. I will find a way to navigate again. It is a place to start a new, a challenge.
Areelu answered as well: "What is to me real darkness? Darkness is the lesson of fear, and conquering it. In darkness there is only you, do you fear yourself, seeking light, a distraction? Or do you look inside, to your own darkness, to your own fear, and overcome it. Darkness is my teacher."

Nocticula questioned further: "What will you do when it engulfs you fully, with no ability of light? How will you face it?"
Andera: "I cannot tell you until I face it, for only when you face a new situation, you will know. But I won't be confused, whether it is the fear outside me or inside me." He said, mocking Areelu's answer.
She answered confidently: "I shall breath it in, as I have. Many times before. For in the dark, the unpleasant truth appears, but in confronting it, you either die, or grow. I have grown, many times!"

Then came Nocticula's last question. "What is the power and value of darkness for you?"
Andera: "The power of surprise, for I am better, covered, concealed. But it may be something new, a new advantage. I can't forsee what total darkness will be, but in it, I will find the advantage. This is what I do."
Areelu answered, a bit repeating her previous line. "The darkness is the fear. It is the primal lesson. A tool for those who fear it, a powers to those who embrace it."

It was then, that Nocticula addressed both, more pointedly to the negotiation:

Andera thought quickly, and improvised. ("What CAN we offer her?") "I offer you… to lessen the powers of the two other demons. We will take care to lessen their power. Maybe it will be your chance, to make an island out of them."
After a few moments of silence "Anything else?"
Andera thought a few more moments, and added "I think that the experiment on Arulashee isn't finished yet... Also, I offer a thought- Who do you trust better? My offer, or some evil scheming creature?"
Areelu laughed pleasantly "Someone whom she knows, can relate to, understands? What can Deskari offer you? I offer you plenty! I offer you the secrets of the hive mind! Deskari is the lord of swarms, and as such can offer you a mind pattern, a shape and power none other can! I offer you the power of true transformation, through the power of Nyhadrian crystals! We have tested it, and it shall grant you great power! And if that is not enough- I have studied the nature of planes, their boundries, their essence like no other! I will share my knowledge, my research, if you join us in alliance!

This stage of the negotiation has come to and end. Both parties rolled (Andera rolled diplomacy for Areelu as well). Despite well made arguments, Andera rolled a 1... and rolled better for Areelu. At the end, it seemed that her arguments persuaded Nocticula more. The Blindfold faded, and once more they were on the dark plateau. For the party, it lasted but a few seconds. Yet by Andera's frustration, and Vorlesh mocking bow, they knew who had won this round.

"Just my luck being the first, against her!" Andera's player grumbled. This was not a good start!

The negotiations for the fate of the world have started, but not well...

DM's notes- negotiations rounds
Each such round has 2 stages: At first, Nocticula asks 3 questions relating to the concept chosen. There are no right or wrong answers. Just those who seem to show some spirituality, some thinking, and which might impress her. I had the demon emissaries answers prepared, but they are not perfect. Each makes 1 or more mistakes. For each impressing answer, the negotiator gets a +3 to their diplomacy roll to this specific negotiation.

Then she asks (In all negotiations) what they can offer her. I wrote to myself the main things she is interested in (based on her motives, which are an enigma to the party so far, but also to the demons). Items can give a +5 to a +10 on the diplomacy roll, if they interest her. Lastly, Though not stated directly, if the party can touch on a weakness/ fault of the other side (Such as having defeated Areelu twice, which for some reason they didn't mention) they can subtract -5 from the other side.

Each negotiation won grants a hefty bonus to the final stage (later).
In Darkness:
3 questions: Andera got a +6 (Second answer felt evasive), so did Areelu (Last answer felt repetitive).
Offerings: Andera got +0. (Nothing really) but managed to snag on the betraying nature of demons (-5 to Areelu). Areelu however got a +5 (Nocticula was intrigued by the potential of transformation, though she is hesitant bout using the Nyhadrian power).

So all in all they quite canceled each other out, but the diplomacy rolls (and Areelu's hefty modifiers) proved victorious to the demons.

Negotiations: Party: 0, Demons: 1!

Unfortunately you have to finish here, due to a lack of time to write. i hope to finish up later this week. Hope you like it!

Kol Korran
2015-12-22, 02:35 PM
Grrrr! :smallmad: I've tried twice to write this last session log, and twice the computer froze and the work was lost. But I got it fixed now. Sorry for the long delay, with the computer problems and real life, it took me awhile. :smallsigh:

EDIT: Apparently this part is a bit long, so I've split it into tow parts (Sorry, at least the parts are shorter? :smallconfused:) Posting the last part immediately after this one. (Already written)

Ok, lets finish this!

Session 24, Part 3- The negotiations intensify, A Feast, Odd delights.

After the failure of the first round of debates, the Lilith motioned the two parties to follow them. "You have come a long way, and there is still along way to go. The Lady wishes you to dine, eat, and replenish your strength, for you will need it. Follow us." Somewhat depressed, with Andera leading the blind Julian, they followed, once more through the twisting paths and halls of the palace.

Nocticula's Palace music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3GfZDed1do)

As they walked, they talked quietly amongst themselves, after Andera told them of what happened. Julian contemplated. "So, she asks you both some questions about darkness, and then asked you what can you offer her?"
Sena was worried about this. "What CAN we offer her?" Julian and the others grew silent, trying to think of this, before they reached the dining hall...

First Interlude- A Feast for the Soul!

Both parties came to big, yet archaic looking dining hall. There was a big table at the center, and some chairs round it. The Lilith spoke "The lady have prepared a great feast for you honored guests. She has acquired dishes of the most exquisite tastes, from the best in the planes. Sit, Relax, enjoy. You are safe here." Nocticula herself did not join though. Soon, shadowy phantasms came carrying various foods and dishes, with the smell enticing.

Sena sought this opportunity to get closer to Arulashee, yet at her sides sat both Hephazimerah, and Minhago, who was quite... affectionate... with Arulashee, who was affectionate back.

The daughter of Baphomet glared at Sena "Go away! We are not your friends!"
Sena retorted "I do not seek your friendship, but I demand respect!"
As Hephazimerah rose to answer, Areelu Vorlesh raised a hand, calming her down. "Oh, we do respect you and your friends Sena. You have proven to be real worthy adversaries, The Lady wishes us to relax, so we shall. Come, sit, we shall reserve our... confrontations... to the negotiations." The witch gave Andera a smile...
Sena nodded at Vorlesh for second while sitting himself next to Arulashee "Thank you Vorlesh, for keeping your friends from falling." The sentence however was directed at Arulashee (His promise to her "If you fall, I will catch you.")
Arulashee herself seemed bemused by Sena, with Minhago, with her eyeless face, behind her. Arulashee spoke softly. "So, you have come a long way, both of us have. But..." And here sh stretched, and put an arm around Minhago. "I have finally arrived. I am finally free!"
Sena was trying to contain his fury. "It was all her fault! Her doing!" he glared at Minhago.
Arulashee was amused. "Was it? Oh, she helped, but the Arulashee you knew tried to be good for decades, and yet not succeeded. Yet, with but a few "nudges" from Minhago, I came back, and I'm fully here. Was she ever going to change?" Minhago then added with delight. "It was quite easier than I expected. There is nothing left..."

Sena, exasperated, cast Heal on Arulashee, trying to undo the Lilitu Brands Andera saw in his dream. Arulashee looked surprised, and then laughed, removing some of her armor, showing a few healed brands. "That was ticklish! The brands... helped, they got me to return swifter, but... they are not really needed anymore. Please, take them all off if you really think it might help. She told you- there is nothing left." She put her hand on Sena's miserable cheek. "Thanks to you..." Minhago chimed in as well. "Sometimes yo uwin, sometime you lose. Here? You have lost!"
This got Sena furious, yet his retort was cold "Here is your problem, you only see your games, struggles. You see this was only as conflict, while I see it as something bigger- a web of destiny, Of hope, of conquest, trickery, and more...You are so single minded, and because of that you will seal your doom. Do you even know what you are fighting for? You don't understand even yourself… You only talk with hollow words and nice speeches, but when I look at you, I most sincerely pity you. Thank you for your hospitality." Sena rose and went to join his own party "Respect is important."
Arulashee put her hand around Minhago "That's Sena- All the time, talk talk talk, so full of himself!"

Andera listened all of this while, but decided to now speak to the succubus: "Arulashee, There is some peace in losing independence, when you are told where to sit, who to speak with... You look like are happy now, but remember your own destiny, your own choices..."
Arulashee laughed, making a fake pose of damsel in distress "Oh, you have come free me as well, like your tieflings?" Minhago snarled "Don't worry, we shall enslave them again, and make them pay for their betrayal. By the time we finish with that sorry lot, their example will deter any further thoughts of... redemption."
Andera smiled his curious smile at Minhago "You won't survive that long"…

Withe the "pleasantries" aside, both parties got to the feast itself, eating in silence... the dishes were indeed exquisite, the tastes superb. After some time (It was hard to grasp it's passing in the palace) the Lilith asked for attention again. The shadowy figures brought strange contraptions, laying them near the plates, They looked like sort of strange, elaborate masks, with a sort of siphon at the mouth... "The Lady wishes you to replenish not just body and mind, but also soul. She offers a feast of soul- The Lady acquired and prepared a delicacy, a creaturee of great power, who's soul you will consume with the essence masks before you. It shall grant you vast power for the negotiations to come! Please, Feast, delight, and do NOT displease out hostess!"

The diners than heard a great moan of pain, as two dozens of the waiters, carried into the hall on great platter, a huge bronze dragon, skewered unto the plate, yet still alive, in great agony, with strange runes carved into his flesh. The party was appalled, yet the demons grinned, and quickly put on the essence masks. The sufferign dragon was laid on the table.

(The players at the table:
Sena- "Crap, but we cannot offend her...".
Julian's player- "Screw this! We're not letting this happen!")
The two charcters exchanged glances, and Sena tried healing the dragon, while Julian tried banishing it, but the magic of the plate and flesh carved runes prevented both spells. Vorlesh grinned through her mask, and the 5 demons starts siphoning the dragon's soul, as if drinking it from a straw. The dragon gave a horrible roar of suffering.
Julian paled, Sena as well, but it was Andera who acted, quickly moving to it's neck, and killing the dragon releasing it's soul...

Lilith approached the party with disdain and reproach "You dare insult the generosity of the hostess?!" But Julian answered back quite masterfully "Does the hostess wishes to offend us specifically with such a..."feast? Is that how she treats her guests?!" The Lilith stood silent for a few moments, but then receded, though still angry. "Very well... The Feast has ended. We shall now resume the negotiations."

As the party filed after the Lilith once more, Sena was troubled. "I think we may have seriously upset her..." Julian spoke back. "We can't bend ourselves to fit her will. We are who we are, and she knows it.". Andera spoke as well. "We could not let that happen. What's done is done." Unsure of how they fared, the party continued in silence...

DM's design- The Feast
Between negotiations I designed a few interludes. This is the first. I had a few objectives here:
1. After meeting the demon emissaries in the courtyard, then the negotiations, I wanted to give the party a chance to talk to them, in less constrained conditions, more free form. A big part of the negotiations is to know the enemy more, and give it a bit more character, a bit more build up than just "boss encounters". This worked out decently enough, though the focus was on Arulashee, as was expected...
2. The dragon's soul: It indeed was intended as a test by Nocticula, though not a major one. It was supposed to be a simple test- do they offend the hostess/ seek power/ stay good? After the initial shock of negotiations, I wanted a simpler test, to give the players a feeling of more control, and to hint that their actions in the interludes may be important as well.

The party did well here. Nocticula wanted to see if they stay true to their nature, or do they bend to circumstances. They gained a +3 for the FINAL negotiation. Had they feasted on the dragon, they would have gotten power- 2 rerolls of mythic power, none replenish able. As Andera acted so quickly, I decided that the demons didn't mange to siphon enough dragon soul to gain this benefit.

I did have the Lilith be angry with them, because it's good to keep the players guessing. :smallbiggrin:

On Killing...
Once more through the pathways, this time to one of the earlier massive battle arenas, which could hold battles between small armies. And it seemed that it just had... Multitudes of bloody bodies and carnage was in the scene, the aftermath of battle. The floor was red with spilled blood... Both parties came to the center, and the They could see Nocticulas walking through the battlefield, anekd, confident, mature and beautiful, yet with splatters of blood all about her. She motioned Mad Dog and the Storm king forth. "Hold the knives". (Credit to the player, he took the knife, and held it along his arm, as if meditation and preparation! :smallamused:)

As Nocticula spoke, Mad Dog heard a thumping, from inside him, from the multitide of the dead in the place...

On killing- Heart beats sound affect. (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=NV_agWzGFK8&p=n)
(I put in to be quite loud, prominent in the scene)

Nocticula's voice, came as heart beats: "One knife, One target, One kill. You have shed a lot of blood on your path. Such is war. You are killers, mass killers, with the death of hundreds, if not thousands, or tens of thousands on your hands. Yet, what has killing taught you?"
Nocticula posed her first question "Who would you kill? When? How? And why?"
Mad Dog thought for a moment, and then answered in simplicity, with a quiet, reserved, humble voice. "I kill not from strategy or planning of long term consequences, I kill the enemy in front of me, I kill to help my friends, with my friends. I am not a great thinker, I open the way for them. Who would I kill? The biggest enemy I can, one who's death would matter."
The Storm King spoke next: "Who would I kill? These in front of me. They are the champions of their people, and the most successful so far. Their gods have invested their power in them. So destroying them would prove… disheartening, possibly fatal to our enemies. They are opponents of worth, cunning and power. They are a threat, and threats must be eliminated."

Nocticula continued, with the beats getting more pronounced. "Who would you protect? How? And why?"
Mad Dog: "I will protect those who cannot protect themselves, I will protect the other who travel with me. For they lack in strength, but will be able to deal with a greater enemy."
Storm King: "There are 3 I protect. Lord Deskari, The witch Vorlesh, and The Suture. (This last bit got the party confused "The What? Oh, he must mean The Worldwound." This in fact was a hint about a crucial part in the last module, and a Weakness of The Worldwound. The Storm King did not wish to mess with Nocticula, and so told the truth, but just tried to downplay it. The party didn't think much of it... :smalltongue:)

Nocticula's voice, the beating hearts rose, for the last Question: "In this struggle, of endless killing, slaying, murdering, butchering, of all these vast amounts of bloods and souls. What is your upmost guiding principle?"
Mad Dog thought for a moment, but then framed his answer in the form of an image. Himself in the Wordlwound, standing near a cliff, with a brown dragon flying overhead and himself coming out and calling at her "Come down here you Bitch!" (The player's initially thought to just answer "Charge!", but thought this would illustrate things better... :smallbiggrin: The party part laughed, part face palmed)
The Storm King, general of the Worldwound Army, thought answered more thoughtfully" Collect your info, plan accordingly, and time your assault. Timing is everything, and we demons have plenty of time..." (+3)

The heartbeats receded somewhat, and now they saw heard Nocticula's voice, powerful, clear, and demanding, just as she did with Andera and Vorlesh "WHAT DO YOU, OFFER ME?"
Again they came to this problem. Mad Dog thought, and answered truthfully "I have not that much to give. I can only kill your enemy… I do not hold the secrets of magic, of lore, no secrets or knowledge, what I have, is what I told you. If you wish me to kill an enemy, that I could give. If you wish to have the heads of demons, that I will give with pleasure!"
The Storm King came more prepared: "Join us Lady in Shadow, and there is much we would give! The vast armies of Deskari! A swarm of demons at your command! I also hold the city of Iz, with it's powerful masterful forges, to make tool like no other, and..." With this, the Storm King released control of his power, (Which he kept in check in the palace) and a storm of chaotic elemental powers- fire, cold, lighting erupted roiling around him. "I have mastered the combination of chaotic energy, and would give you it's secrets, unsurpassed, in return for your alliance!"
(The party, especially Sena's player were quite exasperated from this- "What the hell can we offer here in return? We got nothing! We're getting creamed here!" Julian's player was quite contemplative...)

Mad Dog's player rolled for himself and the Storm King, and for once his dice proved good, as he rolled very high for himself and very low for the balor (including surges. Forgot to write the exact numbers) With adding the modifiers (detailed soon) it came surprisingly to... a draw?! The party whooped and gave high fives! They were not expecting Mad Dog, from all people, to be able to come to to toe in negotiations with the balor!

The Hearts stopped beating, and Nocticula was no where in sight, but they heard her voice "You have made your arguments, and I shall consider both... We shall meet again later..."

Andera spoke to Vorlesh. "Not as one sided as it seemed, is it?" She was all smiles, but obviously pissed at her general, who didn't quite understand why what happened here. Frankly, neither did Mad Dog... :smallconfused:

2 rounds of negotiations:
Party: 0, Demons: +1!

DM's Design- On killing...
I quite expected Mad Dog's player to chose the knife. I knew he would have a hard time in social interactions, so thought to at least choose a theme that is easier for him, and fitted the story.

Tell the truth, we were all quite impressed with his answers, and roleplay. He quite outdid his usual blundering. We felt this conversation gave Mad Dog's character a bit more depth, as it showed him as humble, honest, and quite self aware, which didn't quite fit with the "rage! Kill!" stuff before... It was interesting to see...
As to the brek down of results:
3 Questions: Mad Dog got a +9, for all 3! His first 2 answers surprised Nocticula, and showed both restraint of a sort, and a place with in the group, a defined purpose, quite contrary to the mindless rage she was expecting from him. I contemplated about the 3rd answer, but decided to go with it both for the "cool factor", and that it displayed Mad Dog's willingness and desire to seek a great challenge, and call it forth, without fear. This spoke volumes of him.
The Storm King got only a +3, for the last answer. The first answer was quite expected, and didn't give Nocticula any new insight, as was the second.
Offerings: Both sides got a +0. Mad Dog didn't quite offer anything she couldn't accomplish herself, and though the Storm King's suggestions may have sounded quite tempting, none of them touched on her particular desires and motives...

So all in all, Mad Dog had a +6 to his roll compared to the balor. I still expected him to fail (The Storm King has a high Diplomacy modifier, even though it's downgraded somewhat from the 6th module), yet lucky rolls made the day! :smallwink: This turned out quite awesome in all, for Mad Dog actually contributed to the negotiations, more than was expected, by EVERYONE! (Himself included) :smalltongue:

Second Interlude- Strange Delights

As Nocticula's presence faded, the Lilith spoke again. "Half of the negotiations have ended. You have dined and talked, the lady now wishes you to enjoy, indulge, and accept the many sensations of her grand palace. In these halls exist more delights and experiences than the mind can encompass in a single life time. Speak of your wish, your desire, and we shall seek to ensure you are fuly satisfied..." The two groups shot some glances, as they departed again...

Nocticula's palace music again (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3GfZDed1do)

The party is quickly led to a small yet luxurious suite, with one main room, and adjoining room for each member. "You can rest here, talk, converse, it is safe. The place is protected from divination and scrying, you have privacy here." Andera was suspicious though "Full privacy? Won't Nocticula peer in on us?" Lilith smiled "The Lady promised you Privacy, and you shall have it." Andera was still unsure.

Julian was more intrigued at what she spoke before, about the delights, Lilith explained: "In this palace we have collected created the most elaborate and exquisite sensations one will encounter in the realms. It is The Lady's wish that you can indulge in these, a once in many life times opportunity. She is your hostess, and offers you full hospitality... Rest, and once you wish, each of you can call upon me, and ask for an experience, a delight, and I shall seek a way to make your desire come true... The only limitations is that you may not infringe on the Lady's privacy, or harm the other emissaries, they are under her protection as well." The party thanked her, trying to think of what to do, and went to rest.

Sena, who needed to rest for but an hour, called Lilith first. After about 20 seconds, she knocked on their door.
Lil: "Yes Senatef, what shall be your pleasure?"
S: "I want understanding"
Lil: "Such as?"
S: "I wish to understand Nocticula… I know I can't do it directly, but maybe something she wrote, a memory, a talk?"
Lil:"This the lady will not grant. Anything else?" (Sena's player shrugged his shoulders "Was worth a try")
S: "Hmmm... I'd like to make a spiritual experience. I'd liek to pray to my goddess, but I felt block here. Can I pray to her?"
Lil: "Will praying to your goddess will give you delight?"
S: "Yes."
Lilith: "Very well, We shall enable you to pray." She led him once more to the temple he stopped in when they first came- the round stone room, with signs of many divine beings on the walls, but with a heavy layer of dust upon all. Lilith left him alone.

Sena cast Commune, only to have his mask fall to the ground, unlike the previous times where it floated to Calistria's amused voice. This time the mask's features barely moved, as if the connection was coming from far away...
Cal: "You feel.. .very distant...Where are you?"
S: "I am in Nocticula's palace."
Cal: "Any sights worth seeing?" (Though she soudned far, Sena could hear her smiling)
S: "What can you offer me, to offer her?"
Cal: "To her? Hmmmm..." After a few moments, she came with a response. "One favor- One kill she cannot kill, one secret she doesn't know, one service. I am not sure however... that she will be interested..." (This is something the module does state Noctitula wishes- a favor from the other gods).
S: "I have something else I need to ask. You have a mark on me. If you'll let me, I will connect Sarenrae, we can give her something more worhtwhile."
Calis: "More worthwhile than my favor? My mark will stay ,you are mine! But... if you wish to commune with her, I will allow it."
Sena then Communed with Sarenrae. The mask burst in a soft, warm flame, but not a burning flame. Sena was confused by this, but continued
Sarenrae's voice came warm, comforting, if a bit sad "Yes Senatef, my lost one."
Sen:"It ws awhile before our last talk... I am in Nocticula's palace. I negotiate for the crusade..." He found it hard to speak. "Maybe I am lost, doomed, sealed. But if Nocticula will go against the crusade, our fate is sealed. What can I offer her?"
Sarenrae's voice burned softly after a few more moments "You can offer her the kindness and favor of the crusade gods."
Sen: An Amensty? Redemption?"
Sar: "More of a cosmic debt. When she will want it, we shall pay it. This we promise..."
Sen: "For my last question… What can I do for us to be departed no more? I have a debt to Calsitria, and I will repay it. But it deosn't mean you and me are enemies. On the contrary, I have tempered retribution and reprisal with mercy."
Sar: "I will accept you, when your heart is ready to accept me... You have strayed from the path, and you need to find it again. When you shall do so, I will be there..." The commune ended.
As a last attempt, Sena tried to commune with Nocticula, but felt nothing. He picked up his mask, still a bit warm, and put it back on his face.

Though Sena still had plenty of time, we skipped to Julian (Some hours later, after her rest) She called Lilith to her.
Lil: "Yes Julian, what shall be your pleasure?"
J: "Giving a message to the mistress. There is something important for her to know!"
Lil: "Will it please you?
J: "Very much so!"
Lil: "What is the message?"
J: "I spoke with Andera, who told me of what happened, In the presence of Areelu Vorlesh. And I was quite surprised, the essence of ascending demons, that she steals from her The Lady in Shadow herself?! From her own realm!?"
Lil: "Explain!"
Julian went and explained about the secret mine in Nocticula's Realm, and how the demons have been harvesting demonic essence, without her knowing. Lilith seemed tense, angry. "Is there anything else?"
Julina smiled. "No, that would be my delight. Thank you!"

We jumped to Andera, who again sought to feel a connection with Desna, and contact Arulashee in dreams, but it didn't work. Desna's connection was blocked here, and Arulashee was also better protected after the first attempt. We returned to Sena in the meantime. He called Lilith again. "You have been granted your delight", but Sena waved her. "it's not about that. I'd like to try and meet with one of the other emissaries, Arulashee specifically, alone." Lilith concentrated for a bit, communicating with the other Lilith. "Very well, she will meet you, alone, at a place we choose for you. Follow me. On the way Sena started casting buffs- protection from evil, magic vestment, eagle splendor, and such. The players joked with him. "Don't forget to take a condom as well!"

She waited for him in a homey room, sitting on a couch, her armor aside.
Arulashee smiled at him "You said you do not think of this as a struggle... So let us talk in a more pleasant manner. Do you wish to eat?"
Sen smiled "Does it seem you are afraid? We shared a meal at the Inn and Out, if your remember".
Arulshee smiled "Strange place we have come to."
Sena sat "Yes, indeed. How do you feel?"
Arulashee looked at him, amiable, yet still amused "You keep asking that, as if it will change the answer- I feel liberated, I feel wonderful, I am... whole again! I was sick, split, not my self. It was a great torment, which Desna put upon me... But now I'm free from it."
Sena spoke: "Yet you felt other things- compassion, regret, fear, love..."
Arulashee looked at him, like at an uncomprehending yet hopeful child. "Sena, I am a succubus- corruption, seduction, lust, and more... I am not those things, I never were, they are unnatural to me, a taint. I am not a mortal… I am concept given form. Yet you are cute in your hopeless hope, in wishing to "free" me... I am more free now than I ever was."
Sena nodded his head "I don't want you to be good or bad, evil or kind. Those words mean nothing for me…"
Arulashee was surprised "Then what is it that you want?"
Sena sighed, and spoke at length "I wish you to be happy with who you are. It wasn't just the paradox that caused this. The way you felt about your ways? It was always there…The change made you rise, towards a unity within yourself. You are not whole now, you are struggling. Something is wrong, and you know it. I can help you, if you wish. You need to be whole again. You other side won a battle, but you have lost the war. The same grievances in you exist, if you want it or not. I know that there is something else. It will rise again. My hope is dear lady, that when this time will come, it will not be too late..."
Arulashee looked at him, warmth in her eyes. "I am not whole now? The way you saw me before- I was fractured, tormented, insecure, lost. Are you trying to persuade me, or yourself?" She sighed, and rose. "I will avenge against Desna, the crusade, and what they have done to me! When the time will come in the negotiation, I will speak, and will seal your doom, the doom of the crusade, the world, and those gods! And without a single ping of regret..."
Sena was stunned a bit. "So you have no problem to seem e die, screaming for my life, it will not do anything to you?"
Arulashee shot a hateful look at him. "You? Who tried to pull me away from what I really am? It will cause me great pleasure see you self centered fool, and Andera, that coward, burn slowly!" yet, Sena's sense motive got just high enough to notice a bit of doubt, a subtle doubt, possibly an unconscious one in her answer. (Bloody huge modifiers and surge rolls! :smalltongue:)
Sena shaked his head. "Were it the other way, if you fall, I will catch you."
Arulashee came close to him, pressing her body to him. "Such a romantic. Come, when this is over, we shall probably never meet again. Let us join here, this time, for one night of passion, between old friends, old lovers..." Her hands started moving on him, but he pushed hr (gently) away. "For me it was never about the flesh. I saw you, and it was absolutely... beautiful, the soul inside. Never be something else." And with that he rose and left.

DM design- The balance of Arulashee's soul
The player asked me if this may have done anything. The party allready realized turning her back, if at all possible, may take another approach than just spells. In truth, even though Arulashee was central to the negotiations, I couldn't quite come up with a good mechanic to see if the party manages to redeem her back or not. I came up with a somewhat vague system for this:
The DC will depend on Minhago's influence (Social skills). As Minhagos' skills are very high, this proved quite difficult.
The character who will try to force the transition (whenever that happens), will be the one to roll.
Each attempt to "sway' Arulshee, that touches well enough on her core issues (A bit similar to aspects from FATE core), will grant a bonus to the decisive roll. (+3 for anything of import) swaying attempts are added from all attempts by the party.
Previous familiarity (As in the GiTP diplomacy rules) still comes into effect. Basically, Sena and Andera will have a +10 (Considered Intimate), while the other two get a +5 (Considered ally).

I considered Andera's previous "dream scene" to be worth 2 sway points. (His words, and using her specific equipment, giving it to her). Sena's healing the brands grant another point, and this conversation another 2 (Wanting her to be herself/ whole again, facing her with the prospect of him dying at her actions)
So Sena gained 3, Andera 2 (Though I forgot to tell him that)

Julian in the meantime had an idea- she pulled out The Lexicon of Paradox. She had an idea- part of the angel's essence that was transferred to Arulashee, was also transferred to Sena, so might it be possible to take Sena's part, and transfer it to her? I told the player that if he can come up with an interesting way of doing it, I will consider it. On similar lines of the last paradox riddle- Find a situation/ place where definitions become blurred, and sufficient power to cross the boundary into something else. The player began to think...

Meanwhile, Lilith came to the suite, and asked Mad Dog and Andera- "Is there nothing you wish for?"
Mad Dog did not, while Andera sighed, tired "I just want to feel everythign is nice, calm and good for a change, that nothing bd, alarming or dangerous happens, no one wishes to harm another…"
Lil: "You wish a delusion?"
An: "Sadly for now, yes…"
Lilith thinks, and then motions him to follow her. They traverse soem halsl and paths, and come to what smells and looks a bit like a drug house, with various people and demons, in hallucinogenic trances/ stupor. A wizened old tiefling comes, and hands the Lilith a potion. "I have contacted this master of alchemy. Drink, and get your desire... Worry not, for it will not have an effect on you later."
Andera looked at the potion inquiringly, but then sat on a cushion, and drank. (We decided the player will describe how it felt). Andera floated in warm, soothing waters, comforting waters, with soft sounds. No weight, no worries, no aches, all tension gone, away... soft and comfortable... Like Nocticula's pool, he drifted through the warm waters of comfort relaxation...
Yet all things come to an end, and after some time, he slowly awoke from his dream, back into the drug den in Nocticula's palace. Above him stood Lilith, with an oddly curious look on her face.
Lil "And now, how do you feel, that you have returned? Back to this world, back to this... imperfect reality?
Andera rose slowly "It can be addictive, and I might well have spent the restof my life there. But but it makes me wantto fight all the more to achieve this. It is a delusion, but we can accomplish this."

She led him back, and made on last attempt with Mad Dog "Is there nothing you wish? Intimate pleasures? A grand fight? An armory?" Mad Dog just nodded and declined "None of these I will enjoy. I wish to continue."

With all party members back, and done with their requests, Lilith spoke to them. "You have indulged in whatever delights you wished. We hope the Lady's hospitality suited you. We shall now continue to the third round of negotiations." And started leading them away.

DM design- Delights of the palace.
This was about halfway through the negotiations. I had a few objectives in this:
1. It is another test by Nocticula. As a former succubi, what people want can tell you lot about them. I decided interesting/ surprising/ impressive choices would grant a similar bonus. While Sena and Julian's choices were very tactically minded, Andera's cool roleplay choice (and dialogue), and Mad Dog' decline were interesting enough. Together they granted them another total of +4 for the final negotiations. (about Julian's message- though Lilith (and the demons) didn't know this, Nocticula already knew about the mine. This didn't add to the negotiations. She hasn't acted upon it for reasons that will become clear later)
2. It will greatly add to the feel of the scene, a chance to explore the palace and what it can offer.
3. It offer the party a lot of freedom to do their own ideas, and such. I expected either sway attempts with Arulashee, or trying to spy on/ sabotage the demons efforts. I had a few ideas, but it was all mostly improvisation here.
4. Originally, I had ideas for how the demons too will try to mess up with the party's efforts. I tried a bit in the end of Sena and Arulashee's conversation, but quite forgot about the rest in trying to run the session.

On secrets...

The party was led this time to one of the enormous libraries they've seen the way to Nocticula. There was a feeling of knowledge, sealed knowledge, secret knowledge in the place. Nocticula stood by one of the books. "Open your envelopes" she told Sena and Hephzimerah. As both did, the vast tomes of the library rustled, and whispers, secrets, started to be heard, on the verge of hearing...

On Secrets- Spectral Realm Whisper Voices (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=aaNYHeg9OSg&p=n)

Sena and Hephazimerah heard Nocticula's voice, like half whispered words. "Information is power. The one who knows, is the one who can influence and control. It is strong. The one who does not, is weak. Therefore, comes the need for the secret."
She asked her first question: "Tell me one secret, of great import. A trust, of your side…" (Sena knew this was for Nocticula's ears alone, that both him and Hephazimerah would not know each other's secrets)
Sena: "We have a tome. A book, something that cannot be true or false, exist and not exist. Soemthign that has the power to close the demon invasion completely, or open it to engulf All of Golarion. We posses it." (He did not hear Hephazimerah's secret)
Nocticula asked her second question."If there was one mystery in the world, you'd like to know the secret of, what shall it be? And why do you wish to uncover it? (This both sides heard)
Sena: "I will speak for my own self experience. I will desire to understand the mystery of love. No one can explain it, it can break any border, any allegiance, anything. Any knowledge is useless against it. No one understands it, yet I wish I did..."
Heph: "Your mind, Lady Nocticula, and what is it that you truly seek here…"
Nocticula asked her last question: "What secret should not be revealed, ever… why?
Senatef smiled: "Your Secret... I feel it is important enough..."
Hephazimerah answered differently: "The secret schemes of our great lord Baphomet, and the Ivory Labyrinth. I serve my lord loyally!"

The whispers subsided in volume, and yet felt more pressing, more ominous. Nocticula faced them both with her quandary- "WHAT DO YOU, OFFER ME?"
Senatef came more prepared than Andera and Mad Dog. "From my lady Calistria one favor- One kill you cannot kill, on secret you do not know, one favor. I speak also for the gods of the crusade, they offer a similar offer- a cosmic debt, of your choice. But... I don't think you want any of these, so I offer something more... Me. I've heard that I've become... something else, which no one fully understands. When this is all over, this war, I offer myself to you, to explore as you wish."
Hephazimerah had other offers: I offer you the secret passages between worlds and plains! The Ivory Labyrinth touches on many secret entrances to many worlds. I also offer my services. I am one of the most skilled artificers (Not the class!) and maker of great mysteries, wonders, and artifacts. I will craft any wonder you desire, if you give us your alliance!

Sena presented a good case, especially in his offers, and with a decent rolls, managed to overcome Hephzimerah! They had won this round! Nocticula spoke briefly. "You speak interestingly, servant of Calistria. The favors of the gods re not something to be taken lightly. As to your offer of yourself to me... It is irrelevant now..." This confused Sean, but he let it pass. :smalltongue:

Andera smirked at Vorlesh "Not so one sided now, is it?" Yet Vorlesh smiled back. "It's not over yet..."

DM design- On Secrets
This was fairly straightforward. I'll just break it down:
Questions: Sena got +9 for all 3 answers, Hephazimerah got +6 (The last answer did not appease).
Offerings: Sena got +10 for the deals of favors of the gods. Heph got +5 for the paths between worlds. So in total Sena had a +8 on Hephazimerah, enough to pass her impressive diplomacy with a decent roll.

Party: +1, Demons: +1! (It's a tie!)
Due to post length, I have to cut this part here. Now worries though, the last part coming up right up!

Kol Korran
2015-12-22, 02:37 PM
The end of this long, yet fun session.

Session 24, Part 4- Dances, A change, Final Negotiations

After the library, it was time for the third interlude in negotiations.

Third Interlude- Dances, Rivals, Bygone faces

Lilith led the path once more, in the twisting strange halls. The party felt excited at the last win, but Julian was mostly silent, for she knew she will be in the next, and final negotiations, against Minhago. The party finally arrived at a great hall, a dancing hall. There were ornaments, decorations, and big wide floor. There were also quite a lot of other figures there, mostly various important looking demons (Such as Vallexia was), but also other figures, some mortals, some... stranger...

The voice of conversations, of a party was all around, until Nocticula came. She strode to the center of the viewing stage, and sat,with her cloack of dark waters forming itself gain as a throne. The crowd grew silent. This night, My night, we celebrate. Dance, music, passion- that is life. Harmony, disharmony, change and rhythm. Put your mask on, choose a partner, and dance the night!" She looked at what must have been the band/ orchestra. "We shall commence with the dance of Leaves in the Storm!". The people quickly wentt to take masks.
Sena's player jokingly chose one of Guy Fox (From "V for Vendetta"), but then just went with his own mask of Calistria.
Mad Dog chooses the mask of a plain half elf. :smalltongue:
Andera takes a mask of a succubus.
Julian... decides she won't wear a mask.
The orchestra started playing...

Leaves in the Storm dance- Blackheart, Two Steps from Hell (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=EOrE2Qr1FMU&p=n)
(Thanks to Hawkstar for the great suggestion!

As the music started, winds started billowing through the dance hall, and the party, like many others, felt their limbs start to move, whirl, and dance! The dance was quite fast, and the people changed partners quite often, every minute or so, out of the magic of the dance. The party members found themselves with... strange dance partners!

Julian foudn herself dancing with... Areelu Vorlesh! As they twisted and jumped, they conversed briefly.
V: "Ahh! So you're the new one, aren't you? I didn't meet you last time I encoutered your group. An unexpected… twist? I have heard about your.... tranformation... I must say it is quite intriguing...
J: I have had a great teacher- you for example! Do you know your essence has pushed the powers of good?. (She's talking about Vorlesh teaching her through the Paradox) This is not something simply accomplished. (Look of understanding…)
Vorlesh laughed. "Oh, we all have wide reaching effects, but do you understnad? Who is pulling your strings? Who's toy, puppet you are?
It was Julian's turn to laugh: "Please! Such cheap tricks? I thought you were better! I can easily disgrace you in front of our hostess."
Vorlesh smiled "You're talking about the mine? Hmmm... I assure you, it will not prove a major point. However, I wasn't trying to trick. Done with that. But it seems we shall have to complete this dance, won't we?"
J: "Oh, it is such a DELIGHT dancing. I must say, it's so easy to manipulate you, I'm slightly disappointed!"
V: "Now who's trying the cheap tricks? But... It was very interesting finally meeting you Julian. I think I understand... (With a slight look of apprehension). And with the music, they changed partners.

Andera found himself dancing with Hephazimerah. The Minotaur priestess grunted in anger.
Heph: "You! I heard you led the purge against our spy netwrok. I have a long memory! I will keep a special place, a special torment for you, and your tiefling mewlings! You spread your power amongst many, and that will make you weak!"
An: "My, It seems like you're offended!
Heph: "I take pleasure in taking out obstacles like you, one piece at a time. You'll see!"
An: "Really? We've taken out any "obstacle" you've thrown at us so far. We're comign close to you, and your precious mine. YOU'LL see!"
Hephazimerah gave a disgusted grunt, and the dance switched partners.

Mad Dog found himself dancing (quite oddly) with The Storm King.
SK: "So killer, I have heard about you, your power, your rage, your thirst for blood. My oh my, you'd make a wonderful demon. These… talks… these... parleying. They are not much for us, are they? We belong on the field of battle! I would relish the change to cross blades with you, my most wonderful beast, and then make you my fighting pet. Blood is blood, isn’t it?
Mad Dog, a man of simple words, gave a nice answer: "Relish it not, and pet I would not be. Should we cross blades, a head would fall, yours or mine." (The party was quite impressed at this!)
The balor got it's fiery burning head inches from Mad Dog's face, who didn't flinch. "Yes, till we clash again!" and the dance changed...

Sena found himself dancing with Vorlesh as well.
V: "A long time since we last met, no? I remember clapping..."
S: "I see you're moving better now. How is the new wing?"
Vorlesh extended it as part of the dance. "Quite nice thank you? How is John, and your soldiers?"
S: "Oh, that old game? You're trying to make me do soemthing to upset our hostess?"
V: "Just a friendly inquiry! Hmmm... You may be the first to withstand my temptation, and yet… you seem to fall far father than the rest. Your soul… detached, darkned. I heard of your mantra. I'm on it, Ain't I?"
Sena laughed: "Oh, right t the top!"
Vorlesh nodded in acknowledgment: "I would be offended otherwise! Isn't vengeance delightful? Magnificent? It has given you so much power, without it you wouldn't have gotten half as far. I know... about vengeance. If you'd like, I can help (Looks at Arulshee, and then Minhago). Friendly wise, no strings attached."
Sena sighed "You seem to not understand me... you are blinded… I have manged to free a legion of your demons. This is the real revenge. Demons free from everything. This is the real threat to all of you, don't you see?"
But Vorlesh attention was drawn elsewhere, to the dancing Julian, with a thoughtful look upon her face. She answered none the less. "You have been most... interesting to watch... Thank you, thank you indeed!" and the dance changed.

Julian in the meantime was dancing with Minhago.
M: How is your mother? I allready have agents looking for her. Imgine her despair at gettign captured again? A bitliek your father really... (Julian was a bit surprised) Oh, you never knew him as well, didn't you? He was a mighty barbarian with a small clan of Sarkorians, in the Worldwound. It was fun hunting them down, again, and again, and again. They had so little pieces left when it was over…
Julian didn't rise to the bait:Talking about pieces. Why do you seem like a broken mirror, I have seen in you fear, shame... You're just a big pile of hurt, aren't you?"
Minhago was furious "Oh, I'll hurt you.."
J: "As a a mask master, you are so open… No matter your master was so disappointed with you…"
Minhago resumed her confident face. "I still have the ace, and we shall see in the final negotiation…"
J: I'm not worried, You kind of have a habit of losing".
And the dance changed.

Andera found himself dacnign with Arulashee.
Ar: "Andera, the coward. You have looked for me so long, and yet in the end? You didn't have the guts to pursue me, and now it's all too late..."
Andera spoek a bit sadly,. "You know, This is our first dance ever. I wanted it to be special, waited for the first dance… And yet you found another interest…"
Ar: "You never even fought for me..."
Andera laughed bitterly "I am fighting this campaign only for you. I joined the crusades for you, hoping to give back to you what you once gave to me. To give you back your bow and arrow, you aim!"
Arulashee looked confused "What bow, what are you talking about?"
An: "Oh, I wasn;t talkingto you. Its' the other one, the one who asks questions. If for some unfortunate, you will lose, the questions will always be there. You won't be happy. The bow is there, remember it!"
Arulashee waved him off angrily "I will not listen to your trickery!"
Andera shot one last sentence before the dance swept them away. "I'm not trying to trick the succubus. I gave you the bow, try and use it, seek for the bow, seek for the bow that saved my life!"

(I quite liked how it went, so considered this another successful sway attempt).

Mad Dog found himself dancing with Hephazimerah.
Hephazimerh tried to provoke his anger, and his pride, as the group's champion, but Mad Dog just laughed. "I would love to crossword with you, but tonight, we dance at a tune of words. Neither one of us is very good at it, are we? But that is the lady's rule. And as for the greatest champion, you do not know where true power lies."

The dance of Leaves in the Storm has ended. But Nocticula called for yet another dance. "The night is young, and the heart will dance. I welcome past and gone, to join in this trance!" With that, the band started a new song!

The Dance Macabre! (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=YyknBTm_YyM&p=n)
(It's traditional really! :smallwink:)

The room filled with mists, and the party found themselves moving by the power of music once more, only this time moving straight from their bones, their skeletons, to the sounds. And in the mist, they again found... odd dancing partners.

Julian Found herself dancing with no other than... Dumas Ardent, Leader of the Silver Banner, who perished in the attack on Drezen!
The old (and dead!) warrior looked around surprised. "Why am I here amongst all these demons?! Oohhh! Some big ones! never matter! Some say outnumbered, I say target rich environment!"
Julian (and the player), broke up grinning. "I always liked you. It is a pleasure to meet you again!"
D: "Is it really you Julian? You have... (cough cough) changed a bit. My, you make this old body feel young again! Too bad my wife is probably at the dance too!"
Julian laughed. "I am delighted to be dancing with you! You always had the right spirit!"
D: "Aye, but I commanded my troops alone. You now seem to command... much more... Are you ready for this responsibility? You have made a safe place for them I've heard, but the war is not over, and you know they will follow you, blindly, to war. And the war will escalate, greatly, soon enough. I know you have our death on your shoulders, but you may have many, many more deaths joining them soon. Can you do that Julian? (He looked at her concernedly, a bit like a grandfather).
J: "Each and every death lies heavily on my heart. But I teach people to defend and stand for themselves, not just to live their life, but to stand for what they believe for."
D: "Good. There is limit to the responsibility you can take over them. You can teach them, guide them, but the choice is theirs. And if the cause is good, then accept they chose it."
Julian hugged Dumas: "Is there anything you'd like me to make for you in Drezen?! I'd love to do it!"
D: "You've already done far more than I would have ever imagined possible. We are proud of you, Julian..." and with that, he faded...

The party got real excited understanding what this dance was about, trying to guess who they might meet. Sena found himself dancing with a big, fat, and slightly rattish figure, with tumors on his face, though a big grin on them as well- Chief Sul, from the mongrelfolk of Kenabres.
CS: "Didna quite expect me, did ya?"
Sena grinend widely "No I didn't! But it's great seeing you!"
CS "Aye, I rest good in the afterlife. Sarenrae accepted. You have Taken my people to new places, for which you have friends brother Spirit. I hope Lann is doing alright, and my Opoli?"
Sena was a bit overcome, trying to relay everything that happened "Lann and Opoli are doing fine, your people are a nation unfolding! The impossible! They have inspired me, others, so many others! They are the seed of change for the world!"
CS: "Um, Spirit, I also come voicing a concern- Sarenrae is quite disturbed. People are worried, so is John… What has become of ye? You have become more... volatile, and we're worried..."
Sena was a bit embarrassed. "I've tried... trying... to do the best I can think of. It's a bit confusing, but... I..."
CS patted him on his shoulders, and grinned. "It's ok. Sometime you're a ******** and a shmuck, but you ARE trying to do best. Not easy, is it? You'll find a way, just try not to hurt, others, or yourself, too much on the way, ok?"
Sena was quite overwhelmed with emotion, so they just hugged, and CS whispered. "Doing good Spirit, be well!" and he faded.

Andera found himself dancing with a thin, agile, dark skinned man, with a serious look upon his face. However, the player could not remember who it was.
The man inquired. "Can't you guess Andera?"
Andera thought, but had to answer "I don't remember who you are..."
The man answered. "You came looking for me, and have found my dead body. You've worn my ring, the ring of our order, ever since." Aandera then remembered the ring of shadow flame, and the man he came to Kenabres looking for.
An: "So you are... Solvanus Senest, the Raat Mukdir!" He was surprised. "It is an honor."
SS: "No, it is my honor. You have saved Kenabres, and since then... Well, you have done more than I could have ever imagine. And you have been able to purge the Baphomet spy network! You are indeed proven yourself to be the new head of our order!"
Andera was humble here: "I havenotdone this alone, we have all fought hard for this..."
SS: "Yes... But I tried to appear here not to just congratulate you. I also come bearign warnings. The first is about the witch Vorlesh- We suspect her schemes go fr beyond just converting demons into tougher demons. All that you've encoutnered so far with the Nyhadrian crystals, the monsters, Drezen, Even the attempt on Kenabres... We suspect these are just trials, experiments, for something... bigger. What little divinations that werenot blocked, and spies we have, seem to indicate she is looking for soem sort of an extra special material/ concept/ something for her final plan. Of recent she tried to tempt and converse with high priests of the crusade gods."
Andera took the news grimly. "We never underestimated her. Do you know wht she might be looking for?"
SS: "No. That we could not ascertain. We are not sure she knows herself... As to Nocticula- The demon is no longer fully who she was. Do not take her ploys as simple. She is something else, but beyond our capability. In the after death some inquire of her. She seeks some profound and deep philosophy. Contacts and spies, secret envoys tried to spy or contact some of the neutral gods. Some even say she seeks celestials. But for what purpose?"
Andera responded softly "We've gained simialr information. We may know more, by the end of the negotiations. I do not trust her, not one bit!"
SS: "I know. As the head of the Raat Mukdir, and one of it's last surviving members, I bid you success in your efforts, and future struggles. Much depend on you all."
Andera, though dancing, managed to bow a little. "Either we rest peacefully ,or etenrenlly… All of us."
With that, Solvanus Senest dissolved...

Mad Dog found himslef dancing with a succubus, that he did not recognize. It gave him a wink, and a mischevious smile. "Hello there big fella, can't you guess?"
Mad Dog's eye brows frowned. "Um... no. I killed you once?"
The succubus laughed, and changed shape mid dance, to a more familiar form, that of the halfling traitor, Nurah Dendiwhere. The agile halfing danced around the mass of Mad Dog, between his legs, on his back... "Well, I guess I got my reward for my last failure. Currently I'm not that a major demon, but this fits my talents well. I'll work up the ranks..."
Mad Dog was frustrated by her quick and annoying dance. "Will you stop that! I don't care for the dead!"
But Nurah was having fun. "Heard you took out the entire spy network? Damn! We worked quite hard on that! How does dear Queeny fare? And the war effort?"
Mad Dog replied simply. "Well... Better than you?"
Nurah laughed. "Well, Mr. Grumpy developed a sense of humor at last? Took you awhile! Heard your troops are even moving to Raliscard by now?"
Mad Dog, who never really kept up with the news replied. "I guess. We're movign to end you demons, on all fronts."
Nurah laughed, twirled around the confused barbarian, and gave a wink. "So you are... so you are..." and dissolved.

Julian found herself dancing with another ghost, but more ghostly than then the others. Small of stature, but strong looking, firm, with the ghostly images of an armor, a helmet, and a big hammer. She looked into the grey glowing eyes of Staunton Vhane.
SV: "You have grown into a new light. I am finally gone. My torture eternal, yet I did as was my duty. Now I shall await the end of time..."
J: "Was it worth it? I have failed in getting you back… Your brother is doing well. As does your cousin. Your family is not gone!"
SV: "Yes... I have heard of my kin... Thank you for my… family… perhaps they will do better than me. I am gone, far gone… You seem to always come to the darkest of places. In Drezen, in my darkness, you sought the Sword of Valor, and found something… unexpected. Something that was not what it seems. In this place of far deeper darkness, there may still be a hidden light, hidden very very well, even if it looks like something else…"
Julian thought deeply on this. "Yes, one small light, can end up lighting the entire world. Can you give me a clue as how this light can be... freed?"
SV spoke gravely. "Think back to The light you once freed. What is the essence of The Sword of Valor, why hve you sought it? What did it bring the crusade?"
Julian answered with one word. "Hope!"
SV nodded. "And now I must return to my own darkness, which I have earned. Bring new light to darkness..."
As he faded, Julian implored "You are not beyond redemption!" but the ghostly remains faded completely...

Sena found himself with one he's expected to be dancing with since this dance began.
S: "Hello John. I've been missing you!"
The old commander smiled warmly at him. "Ah, Senatef, my child. You have learned so much in these past few months. Not all of these have been... easy truths. Some were quite... painful. I worry how this have changed you. You have developed fast..."
Sena sighed. "So many seem to worry about me... I know Sarenrae's court is worried. I am Searching ,seeking, at unrest, but that is my spiritual journey, even if I made some mistakes along the way...
J: "We worry the lengths you might go to, to pursue your journey..."
S: "I have been seeking to return to Sarenrae's fold. I've spoken with her about this!"
J: "In order to do so, you'll need to forsake the one path that led you away.
Sena sighed. "Well, that is for me to do. But John, I just wish you to finally rest easily.
J: "I will rest, when you will, my dear child." he caressed Sena's cheek, as he slowly faded away "We shall meet again, if the world doesn't end..."

Andera found himself dancing with a stunning looking woman, in a green dress, only splattered in blood in the middle, and with dazzling green eyes.
Jerribeth: "Well, that went not as well as I expected...Look what you did to my dress!"
Andera smirked "Well, it is funny to dance with you, now that you're dead. I wouldn’t want you alive... Also, I just danced with your sister. Can I take my wish now?"
Jerribeth grinned evilly: Perhaps I have underestimated you, but Vorlesh won't. She is craftier than me. I know you have a secret… A certain tome? No, don't worry, I won't tell- I rather she fries!"
Andera was surprised: "Oh? I thought you worked together?"
Jerribeth scolded him: "Us? Don't be an idiot! I'd rather have here quartered and butchered, the hag! The demons of Baphomet and Deskari never quite liked each other. Remember Xanthir Vang? Oh, we play ok, but we always scheme to take each other down a peg or twenty..."
Andera thought "Hmmm... Well, if so, would you like to help us take her down? I think Arulashee is in the middle of this. Can you tell me of your sister? To hurt Vorlesh?
Jerribeth was amused. "Hmmmm, well, the main thing she was always extremely independent, always hd her own mind, acted on her own decisions. Wouldn't take authority well, did my sis. If she is playing Minhago's game now, it's because she has her own plan, her own motives in this... Try shaking her up?"
Andera grunted "We're trying..."
Jerribeth started to fade. "You know, your really should have accepted my offer for a wish, you'd make such a lovely overlord! Now, I really got to change this dress..."

As the mists roiled more, Mad Dog found himself increasing soemwhat in size, and then dancing with an odd partner, a dragon! A dragon he killed before- Scorsizore!
The angry dragoness roared! "You? Dragon slayer! That sword comes from my hoard! Thief! You won, and on the way of becoming a true monster, a true dragon! A hoarder, a killer, an annihilator!
Mad Dog just stayed silent, unimpressed.
Sc: "Your people have a saying about dragons- pride cometh before the fall. Always remember- there are bigger teeth than yours."
Mad Dog: "Never said there aren't..."
Sc: "Here, in this place, there are teeth, hunger, want big enough to eat up the whole world! (She looked at Nocticula, and then Vorlesh) "Are you plnnign so be their slayer as well?"
Mad Dog shrugged. "If I get the chance..."
Scorsizore bared her teeth in a snarl. "Well dragon. You might just get it. Fare well, Slayer..." and the dragon faded as well...

And the music stopped, and the mist dissipated. Nocticula spoke briefly "The dance is done. The night begun..."

The dances had a few objectives:
1. Again, enhance the feeling of being on diplomatic mission, in a very supernatural place.
2. Since this is the last interlude, it is amongst the last chances for the party to converse with their enemies.
3. The "dance macabre" idea came from the Babylon 5 chapter "Night of the dead" (5th season). I wanted to do this for 2 reasons: The Negotiations are an important point in the campaign- a move into "the big league", where even divine entities play. Things are going to escalate quite fast in the next two modules, and I'm not sure if I'll have time to pull something like this off. I wanted the party to have a bit of time to reflect back on their past, before the big mess starts rolling fast. Also, this is our 24th session, which was our last session in the "Many facets of darkness" campaign, which had a somewhat similar encounter (The mirror room), which I wanted to incorporate as well.

The players LOVED the dance encounters. It was real fun!

Not done here yet...

As the dance hall empties, Julian asks Andera to give her the holy sign of Desna. "I probably won't give it back, but hopefully, it will be worth it." Andera gives it to her, and Julian sends a message to Arulashee, seeking to meet her outside the hall, alone. Arulashee is quite apprehensive, but Julian sends one last note. "I will wait outside the Hall's door. No trickery, if you do not come, you are lost."

Sena, with his keen ears, manages to hear the quick huddled conversation of the demon emissaries.
V: "... The second plan. This is your last chance to get Baphomet's favor. Do you understand? Have you made the modifications?"
Heph: "Yes, I have."
SK: "I have contributed my power to it…"
V: "Good. This Julian, she has… inspired me. I now know what was missing. Contact your father, and enact the plan! This will end soon! When we have it, we shall finally be ready!"

Sena quickly came and alerted the party. They discussed this briefly, wondering if the demons plan on attacking Nocticula somehow if the negotiations fail! Sena seek Lilith, and tells her as well. She assures him no one can attack her in the palace, and if so, they will face lethal re precautions.

Julian waited outside the hall, until she heard Arulashee's voice. "First Sena, then Andera, and now you probably want to trick me as well? I told you- she is gone!"
Julian sighed, and came slowly towards Arulashee, as if musing. "I remembered once a very happy Arulashee, A single moment that I saw you truly happy, and gave me a hug, after one noble thing you have done- helping us save the captive aasimar at the Inn and Out. You remember tht? How happy you've felt?" Arulshee was bit stunned, and Julian used this moment. "I wish to hug you back!" Though blind, she managed to do so, just before Arulashee pushed her away, confused. Julian grabbed her hand, and put Desna's symbol in it, pressing it in."There is always hope, remember remember there is always hope." For a moment Arulashee stared at the symbol, and then threw it t the wall and stormed back to the other demons. Another sway attempt.

Lilith came to the 4 of them. "It is time for the fourth round of negotiations, and started leading the way.

On desire...

This time they were led to a sort of boudoir, with one big bed in the middle. On it,Minhago and Arulashee were allready waiting, scantly clad. Nocticula sat near the head, with the pefumes of the place intoxicating, urging, wanting... SHe motioend to Julian, who hesitted for a second, before slippingof most of her clothes, and joining in. As the 3 figures were on the bed, mists surrounded it, blockign the view. (The rest of the party: "Oh, C'MON!" :smalltongue:)

On desire- Enigma, principles of lust (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=CJ-TLZcS0Es&p=n)
(The party: "Really? You coudln't choose something cheesier? I thought it was good! :smallfrown:)

AS the perfumes started inciting their urges, and bodies touched bodies, they heard Nocticula's intoxicating voice. "Lust of the flesh is the game of the simple succubi. I deal with want… desire… craving… temptation. All beings want… All beings desire… And that desire can drive them to do… What would not have been done otherwise…"
The demon lord asked her first question: "What do you think of lust, of want, of desire? Do you favor or disfavor it, and why?"
Julian answered: "The power of words, body and mind, is the power to influence others and manipulate them, in a most enjoyable way, not only physically, but mentally."
Minhago answered similarily: "Desire is power. It is a motivation, like no other. It can make the great, it can make the cursed. It is a tool, and a constant challenge. It is the string by which you are pulled, or by which you pull…"

Nocticua's second question came, as they felt themselves heating, sweating, moving, breathing... "What is your own desire, craving, lust? What do you want?"
J: "I lust to be powerful enough to fulfill my vision…"
M: "To regain my favor In the eyes of my lord, and bring great suffering to those who have wronged me or my lord!"
Arulashee also joined in. "To rid myself of the righteous taint once and for all, and to revenge against the goddess and fools who dared try and convert me! That pathetic puppy eyed Sena, with all his self importance,self centered, and impotence, (Sena: "HEY!") and Andera, who cannot ever decide whether to trust, love, or be cautious, and refrain. Merely a coward, and a self righteous one! I want to see them suffer, see their souls torment, annihilate, and anguish through eternity!"

It was getting hard to concentrate, with flesh, yearning, desire evoking want. "When will you conquer your lust? How?"
J: "I will conquer lust, when I will be the one who pulls the strings. The way will be my vision, and my loyalty to my true self. (Huh? :smallconfused:)
M: "I have been arrogant once, proud once, overconfident. I have conquered it, and will act when ready. I have learned to be patient… Bide my time… Venegeance will be served, in it's time…"

The need started to dissipate a bit, the intoxication waned, when Nocticula asked her knwon question. WHAT DO YOU, OFFER ME?
As Sena, Julian came prepared. "I offer you the knowledge I have learned to ascend to divinity, the path that no other have discovered. The way to form the cocoon of the butterfly."
Minhago offered thus: "The lord of the Ivory Labyrinth, like you, has been gathering secrets for a long time. I offer to share with you these secrets, of Golarion, of the planes, of demon lords, of the gods! Also, the war will garner many souls for the demon planes, and we offer you the prime pickins of it, as you desire!"

Yet Minhago's words proved futile, agaisnt Julian's powerful presence, and the offer she has made. She has indeed touched on a matter of great interest to Notcticula. As the msit lifted and the 3 have resumed their attire, it was clear Julian won this round! The party ws thrilled. "Wait? So we've won?"
Yet Lilith calmed them. "This round, Yes, but there remains the final negotiations, to which we'll go, and where each of the parties can summarize their plea. Come, the Lady Awaits..."

Negotiations: Party +1, Demons +2!

DM design- On desire
3 Questions: Julian's aanswers weren't that impressive, and sort of touched on vague saying, with little that felt personally interesting. so she got +0. Minhago and Arulshee got +6 (For the first and last questions)
Offerings: Julian got a +10 for her offer, While Minhago got a +5. So in total Minhago's side got a +1 to their roll, but Julian used every charisma booster she had (Mostly from mythic shenanigans), and quite crushed her!

Final Negotiations!

Both parties made their way for the last time. They reached the escalating stair way, and climbed till they reached the great plateau, under the midnight sky, overlooking Porphyry, and The Midnight Isles. Nocticula sat on her throne of darkness and mists. The party felt her presence emanating from the throne, and knew that the time for the final decision was imminent.

Nocticula's theme- Passion and Sensuality (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=uIwrawLO_O0&p=n)

The Demon Lord spoke clearly. "Both of you have come to me. Offering alliance, and offering I withhold my alliance. I have heard your answers, pleas, requests and offers. Before I make my final decision, you may speak. Make it count."

Vorlesh knelt before the throne: "We have come offering alliance, my Lady in Shadow. With our combined forces, the outcome of the war in Golarion is clear- We shall be unstoppable! We have offered you much, and what have these... heroes... offered in return? A favor of their gods? They share different morals, different values, different beliefs, while we share the same. Can you trust those "promises" when the time comes? Yes, I am aware that you've been told of the mine operating in secret in your territory, and we shall compensate you, with the great riches it offers. Together, the 3 demon lords, the alliance will surely fall! Their defeat is guaranteed, and the spoils of such a victory... Join us, join the winning side! We shall conquer Golarion, then the planes, and then... the gods themselves! Isn't that what you really want, Lady In Shadow?"

The Storm King stepped forth as well: "The crusades have weakened greatly during this century. They have relied upon the Wardstones to protect them, and those are gone. Yes, they have withstood us since, but that is only due to those you see here before you. All of their successes, re because of them. You can end it all right here, right now. Join us in alliance, crush these... "heroes", and all opposition falls! All will crumble!"

Though the emissaries of Baphomet thought to speak, Vorlesh gave a quick sign for them not to. The party figured their previous failures in the negotiations have earned her ire.

Julian rose, majestic, speaking with a powerful voice: "I heard one Representative that fully confessed she cheated you once, and will cheat you again. One that says of unstoppable power, yet... If so, why are they offering you so much? Why would they need your help? And about conquering the gods? Are they serious?"
The next words were directed at the demons, as well a Nocticula. "As to us "mere heroes", there is a big difference- we speak the truth, with our hearts, and our words, and those you can trust... As to what we can offer- you have heard what I can have offered you. all of their great boasts- you already have these, but what I can give? None of them can do so... It is a hole in their strategy, and their knowledge and understanding. I offer you something new. As they would look for the solution in ignorance, look into their dark hole, I will be there, smiling..."

Sena added his piece: I heard the offers of Areelu Vorlesh and The Storm King... I hear hollow sentences. They keep speaking if they will win so easily, yet they make such desperate offers... Is the victory so certain? I know the workings of demons- through trickery, and at the end a betrayal. Just look! Now that their lie surfaced, they talk about compensations! Can you trust someone who has lied once? We can be trusted. None of our actions shows mistrust!

Andera finished the party's arguments: "Think about it- the demons have outnumbered us the entire time, but they haven't won. Why? Because demons are unchanging, while we change, adapt, and because of that we will win!"

Nocticula then turned her eyes to Arulashee, who stepped back a bit surprised under the intensive look. "And you, little succubi? You have been to both sides, know them both, probably better than all of them. What would you advise, one of mine, as I was long ago?"

The party, realizing that she was probably the focus of Nocticula's interests the entire time, decide to press Arulashee.
Julian: "I beg to differ my friend. I think Arulashee is a great example that she can still change, and will change. Arulashee you have changed, I believe in you."
Sena joined in: "I believe in you"
Andera finished: "Tell us rulashee, tell us now- have you changed?"

We decide Sena will roll. He gets a +21 for all of the 7 sway attempts, and manages to pass Minhago's influence enough to succeed! Arulashee seems in conflict, before she suddenly gasps, and an arrows pierces her from... the inside? it protrudes from her chest, and she falls to the ground, heaving. All eyes turn to her, before she rises, only this time her eyes are no longer red, but silver, and she is holding her bow! (Party: "Yeah!")

Arulashee straightens her gaze at Nocticula, who's gaze finally shows "some" emotion- that of rapt attention, and interest. Arulashee speaks with conviction. "Yes, I do know these heroes well. Part of me would say that they are reckless, they act without much planning, rush ahead, not thinking well of their consequences, but I would call it courage, caring, and daring to act and endanger themselves for what they believe. Part of me would say they have too many inner conflicts between them, but I would say they each have a voice, and that they listen, and work out their differences, for something that works for all. Part of me would warn about their unknown qualities, but I would say they have the markings of destiny- they make the impossible possible- They have saved the doomed Kenabres, Conquered the unconquerable fort of Drezen, found the Sword of Valor, found and destroyed the Ivory Sanctum, and they have redeemed the nonredeemable succubus, who know stands before you! Yes, they are but 4 heroes, against the demon swarms, but if I were you, I would put my trust in them!"

DM's design- Arulashee's speech
Nocticula has a vested interest in Arulashee' transformation. I have decided this in the middle of the 3rd module, though I assumed she would be redeemed far before now. As it turned out, the party botched a few saves for her (2-3 if I'm not mistaken?) on the way, and once I got the idea of Minhago trying to capture and corrupt her, well... the idea that she might be more pivotal to the negotiations became more interesting...
Having her redeemed and speaking for the party grants a +10 (The same as a great offer), having had the party not redeemed her, she would speak against them (Basically, all of the negatives she mentioned by saying "a part of me would say...") and would grant them a -10 to their final negotiation.

It was time for Nocticula to make her decision. Julian rolled Vs. Vorlesh, both using their show of charisma.
Modifiers for the party. +8 winning previous negotiations. +3 from the feast. +4 from the delights (Andera and Mad Dog's choices), +10 from Julian's offer, +10 from Arulashee's redemption. In total, a +35. Julian has a +26 to her diplomacy, +20 from show of charimsa, +1d8 from her surge. Or in total a 1d20+ 1d8+ 81
Vorlesh offers gives her a +5. But she has a Diplomac bonus of +30, and +20 from her own show of charisma, and a +1d0 from surge. for a total of 1d20+1d10+ 55.

Julian won, with a great margin! The party was ecstatic! Nocticula spoke: "You have spoken, and spoken well. Yet none of your arguments interest me. I have no real interest in your struggle. I will join no side. As to the mine..."
Here Areelu Vorlesh, knowing she was defeated, rose to her full height, and looked at the Demon Lord in defiance. "You my not join our alliance Lady in Shadow, but the mine will stay! We shall pay you tribute, and but do not incur the wrath of Deskari!" The party was surprised at Vorlesh audacity and nerve, but styaed silent.
Nocticula stopped for a second, but then continued. "I will leave the mine be, as long as I get my fare share of the crystals, and the secrets of refining it. I WILL come collecting!" She faced Vorlesh, who stood defiant, confident, unflinching. Nocticula waved them away. "And now, our business is at end. you will leave now, to your respective planes. I will assure your safety out, but from then, you are on your own. Do not disturb me further!" With that, Nocticula turned, nd started descending once more, into the pool of Midnight Sky...

Andera gloated a bit. "Well well, look who just lost... again!" Yet Vorlesh just smiled a tight little smile. "See you soon..." and turned to the other demons, having them make haste, following their Lilith. The party was very pleased, only Sean worried "Wait, what now?"

The party has gained enough XP toget to 15th level. Also, they passed two mythic trials at once (Redeeming Arulshee, and winning he negotitions), which put them into 6th tier (With one extra mythic trial won).

Each PC's XP: 641,144- 15th level, 6th tier!
We've ended this here! All in all, a very fun, tense, and successful session. I worked quite a lot on the negotiaitons (As soem of you may have seen in thehelp threads), and though I might have changed a few things, all in all I think it went splendidly well! :smallbiggrin:

The players later commented this was one of the best sessions they've ever had. Great, for things are gone be a roller coaster from soon afterwards! Hope you enjoyed, and sorry for the lengths and delays in updates. RL complicates stuff, I hope you understand. :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2015-12-27, 02:24 PM
Our next session is on Friday, it just took me quite some time to update the log. I apologize for that, but RL has been getting in the way. I assume I've lost most if not all of the readers by now (it's no fun having to wait that long for an update), but I'll keep this none the less, even if it but for my own memories, and DMing process. So...

Between Sessions 24 and 25

I have gotten only a little time to actually write stuff for the next few sessions, but I've been thinking of some major issues:
1. Arulashee's role: She has become important to the party, and the overall story, and yet I think she may start to draw to much attention from the group dynamics. I'm wondering what to do with her? She can have many possible roles: Adventuring companion. Sena's lover, Nocticula's adviser/ concern, prophet for demon redemption, and more. We will decide this with the group.

2. Experience? Reading ahead I stumbled on a problem- the party is one level ahead than planned. Not fully sure how this came to be, possibly due to more challenging encounters, maybe the Vazgral Island, maybe the fact that the module doesn't include XP for fights in Porphyry, not sure. And this is before defeating Minhago... I will need to find a way to adjust for this. My current thought is to cut away many of the "just combat fillers" encounters on the way. I wonder if other DMs came to this problem? :smallconfused:

3. The Colphyer mine: Next stage in the module, which has a bit of travel in the island, and then a small dungeon. I haven't really rad into this previously, but as I did this past month... Bleh... most was uninspiring. I think I'm going to skip nearly the entire river ride, and the omox queen. I may have the party arrive near the dungeon's entrance. A few ideas I quite liked though:
- The strange runic stone, with the flayed angel, and abyssal harvester (Quite a cool fight this might be).
- The Umbral Dragon. I'd like to have a dragon, but not sure if I will use her as written (Where the party can ambush her first, and she starts with very poor tactics). Not sure of how to incorporate her yet, but much leaning into having it work WITH Hephazimerah, possibly as her mount? A much more challenging battle, no? :smallamused:
- I loved the description of the Nyhadrian essence seeming partly alive, and that it can retreat into the mine. It gave me an idea- to have the mine, the central essence of the demon lord's soul, infect the terrain, the walls, the atmosphere. I want them to feel like delving into evil demonic essence! Not sure how to represent it yet, but I 'll get to that...
- The mine's plan? quite crappy really... And Hephazimerah's tactics even crappier. Going to change this somewhat, though not sure how yet. i love the idea of the mythic half fiend minotaurs (Especially the improved version in the Scorpion files). I'll think of this. Thinking of maybe turning this place into a small, yet complex maze, with closing walls, changing rooms and such... not sure...

4. Start of the fifth module: This draws real close- end of the next session, or early in the following session. The module basically have the party meet with Iomedae, who sends them on a rescue mission. But I want to make this a bit more- My idea will have a new twit of a sort, and put the crusade once more in distress. I'd like meeting the deities involve all 5 gods of the crusade, but in a stressful stage- Abducting the Herald (The Queen in my case) also enables the demons to affect it's lords to affect through it/ her it's power source- Iomedae itself. She will be sickened, and the crusade falters, with the loss of it's Queen. and weakened goddess. (There is more to that, but more on that when we get there). This is done for 3 main reasons:
- explain why the gods don't just go and save their herald.
- Have the party also consider the crusade on Golarion before going to The Ivory Labyrinth. Perhaps more interaction with the previous NPCs, maybe taking the new Drezen forces into something more significant. I'm contemplating acting out a mass combat here, maybe a retreating one, Not sure yet... i need to see if the party even would want to play such a thing. Also, I think the rules will break quickly under the new powers of the team, especially the casters...
- With Julian and Sena in the team, and their new semi divine status, this will place a greater onus on them, and their development as future deities, by helping the deities in their time of need.

5. Sena's redemption: I have something planned along the big reveal at the start of the fifth module, which I hope he'll like. And Sena may face a choice, but not between tow lesser evils, but rather a choice of.. .creativity, and responsibility. I think he may like it.

6. Character updates: Julian and Mad Dog already sent me their improved character sheets. I'm waiting for them all to do so, before posting the table of Level 15, Tier 6! :smallsmile:

Good night to you all! :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2016-01-02, 05:12 AM
For those who might be interested...

Level 15, Mythic Tier 6

I'm including some purchases made by the party in Nocticula's palace in the session we played yesterday, as this came quite soon after leveling.

Main changes:
- 15th level Feat: Improved two weapon fighting
- 6th Tier path ability: Precision critical.
- New Trick: Mage bane (rogue talent)

- 15th level Feat: Metamagic Maximize.
- 6th Tier path ability: Arcane Metamastery II
- School power (From bloodline): +2 to necromancy DC.

Mad Dog:
- 15th level Feat: Raging Vitality.
- 6th Tier path ability: Perfect Strike.
- Rage power: Energy absorption.

- 15th level Feat: Greater spell penetration.
- 6th Tier path ability: Mythic spells.

StatAnderaJulianMad dogSena
RaceHumanHumanHalf elfAasimar (human scion)
ClassNinja 15Sorcerer 15Barbarian 15Cleric of Calistria 15
Mythic pathTricksterArchmageChampionHierophant
AlignmentCGCGCGBeyond Morality
HP175196 (Due to improved Campaign trait- +3 hp/lvl226156
Abilities (Heroic scores)10 (14 with belt)
27 (33 with belt)
14 (18 with belt)
13 (15 with headband)
18 (20 with headband)10 (12 with belt)
14 (18 with belt)
14 (18 with belt)
12 (18 with headband)
12 (16 with headband)
28 (34 with headband)28 (30 with belt)
14 (16 with belt)
18 (20 with belt)
10 (12 with Breastplate)
10 (12 With Breastplate)16
10 (14 with belt)
10 (14 with headband)
26 (32 with headband)
18 (20 with headband)
TraitsImproved Chance encounter
group fighterImproved Exposed to awfulness
Arcane temperImproved Stolen Fury
Demon slayerImproved Touched by divinity
eyes and ears of the city
Special class features:Skirmisher archetype.
Tricks: Vanishing trick
Sacred sneak attack
Wall climber
Sudden disguise
Bleeding attack
Invisible Blade
Ghost step
Master disguise
Magebane attckArcana Bloodline
Green sting scorpion familiarRage powers: Superstition
Intimidating glare
Witch hunter
Fire resistance
Greater fire resistance
Eater of magic
Energy absorption
Domains: Deception
Good (Divine source)
Liberation (Divine Source)
School power: Necromancy +2
Path signature abilitySurprise attackWild arcanaSudden attackInspired spell
Path abilityDefensive Move
Legendary Weapon (Chandi)
Mirror Dodge
Menacing Whisper
Minor Artifact (Chandi)
Precise critical
Enduring armor
Eldritch Breach
Arcane metamastery 2
Legendary item
Divine Source
Show of charisma (Extra path ability)Flash of rage
Burst through
Penetrating damage
Titan's rage
Perfect StrikeHeathen slayer
Faith's reach
Enduring spell
Sleepless (Extra path ability)
Beyond Morality
Divine Source (Extra path ability)
Display of intelligence
Mythic spells
Regular featsWeapon finesse
Two weapon fighting
Shadow strike
Blind fight
Extra ki
Step up
Follow step
Step up and strike
Improved critical (Wakizashi)
Improved two weapons fightingEschew materials
Spell penetration (+ greater)
Improved Counterspell
Expanded arcana (X2)
Metamagic- silent, still, persistent, selective, dazing, quicken, MaximizedSkill focus (Survival)
Power attack
Finishing cleave
Weapon focus (Great sword)
Improved critical (Great sword)
Critical focus (Great sword)
Furious Focus
Intimidating Prowess (Breastplate)
Raging vitality
Combat casting
Selective channeling
Heavy armor proficiency
Alignment channel (Vs. Chaotic evil)
Demon hunter
Channel Smite
Divine Interference
Spell Penetration (+Greater)
Mythic featMythic weapons finesse
Mythic blind fight
Mythic improved criticalSpell lore x2 (Mythic spell)
Extra path ability (Display of Cha)Mythic power attack
Mythic improved critical
Mythic dodgeExtra mythic power (Sleepless)
Extra path ability (Divine Source)
Mythic heavy armor
Top skillsStealth +34
Disable Device +35
Acrobatics +27
Escape artist +28
Climb +21
UMD +22
Bluff +30
Diplomacy +27
Intimidate +19
Know (Arcana) +19
Spellcraft +19Intimidate +26 (Breastplate)
Perception +24
Survival +19
Acrobatics +12Diplomacy +22
Sense Motive +22
Perception +22
Knowledge planes +14
Signture Magic ItemsChandi- Minor Artifact (Through universal path)
Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 10
Eternal bond
Wakizashi of the planes
Precise Strike
Ghost touch
Holy (Imbued by Amulet of the Bond)
Dimension door 3/day
True strike 3/day
Brilliance- Legendary Item
Headband Cha +6, int +6, Wis +4
Spell casting (Cleanze)
MetamagicianWarlord's Breastplate +4
Int, cha +2
Gain Intimidating Prowess
Heroism 3/ day (Only on others)
Defiant (Evil outsiders)
Sword of Paradox-
+2 transformative (One handed blade)
+2 worth of abilities, changed by wielder (currently Holy)
Swift action- change material and alignment
Considered Epic for DR purposes.
Path signature abilitySurprise attackWild arcanaSudden attackInspired spell
Main magic itemsBelt and headband (Above)
+1 spell storing cold iron wakizashi
Mithral shirt +4, shadow
Daredevil boots
Cloak of resistance +4
Ring of protection +3
Ring of major fire resistance
Gloves of storing (Holding the second Wakizashi)
Amulet of the Bond (Add +2 worth abilities to weapon. Currently holy)
Bag of holding II
Wardstone Fragment
Lots of wands
Lots of arrows
Belt and headband (Above)
White robe of the magi
Amulet of natural armor +2
Ring of protection +3
Rod of Persistent spell
Lesser rod of maximize
Lesser rod of empower
4 spell knowledge pages
Flying carpet 5x10
Handy Haversack
Lexicon of Paradox
Belt of Dwarven kind (Also +2 Str and Dex)
Great sword cold iron +2 evil outsiders bane
Heaven's Fall (Staunton Vhane's earthbreaker)
Ring of Protection +5
Amulet of natural armor +3
Cloak of resistance +2
Helmet of the fortunate soldier
Ring of inner fortitude (Minor)
Boots of Flying
AmbrosiaHeadband and belt (Above)
Mithral Full plate +4 of speed (Glammered)
Light wooden shield (To hold rod)
Cloak of resistance +5
Rod of quicken spell
Boots of jumping and striding
Mitre of the Heirophant
Malleable holy symbol
Bag of holding III
2 Incense of meditation
20K+ gp worth of diamond dust
5,000 gp worth of incense
Scroll of resurrection
Scroll of raise dead
Lots of scrolls

2016-01-04, 11:57 AM
Our next session is on Friday, it just took me quite some time to update the log. I apologize for that, but RL has been getting in the way. I assume I've lost most if not all of the readers by now (it's no fun having to wait that long for an update), but I'll keep this none the less, even if it but for my own memories, and DMing process. So...

Hey Kol, I don't have anything to add but I just wanted to let you know that I'm still reading and enjoying your log. I'm sure there are others as well.

2016-01-04, 01:37 PM
Hey Kol, I don't have anything to add but I just wanted to let you know that I'm still reading and enjoying your log. I'm sure there are others as well.

Indeed, there are. I was just about to come into the thread and post as much.

Such encouragement! Much excitement! More adventure!

I love this campaign log, love the characters and, most of all, love the DM that is bringing this epic adventure to life! :smallwink:

Kol Korran
2016-01-10, 12:25 PM
Thanks ComaVision, Eldonauran! It is quite encouraging to hear you are enjoying the read. Sorry for responding with a delay, but RL has been hectic and busy.
.Is hope to be able to write a log of our last session later this week. Hopefully on Wednesday or such.

Thanks again for the kind words!

2016-02-03, 03:51 AM
Finally I catched up again with your Log.

The negotiations were really great. I love the idea of the different aspects.

Kol Korran
2016-02-04, 07:42 AM
Finally I catched up again with your Log.

The negotiations were really great. I love the idea of the different aspects.

Glad you liked it! The players loved it, it was quite tense, gave a lot of place for self expression, and they loved the dances as well...

On another note- We played another session, a little while ago, which went... Weird... A lot has happened in the group in RL since, but with RL swamping me, I didn't get enough time to sit down and write it down in the log. I hope I will get there, a bit later in the week...
Or the next.

2016-02-08, 03:08 PM
Well, whenever RL gives you a chance to regale us with the adventures thus far, we will be eagerly awaiting. :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2016-02-13, 04:54 AM
Thanks Eldonauran! RL has been taxing- My new life partner, her pregnancy (She's now 21 weeks pregnant), preparing for the future, My internship, and more... I'm mentioning this because this didn't only affect my ability to write the log, but alongside other matters, it has affected the game considerably.

This will be the last session logged for a while. For reasons I'll explain after the session is logged, we re taking a hiatus of the campaign, for an unknown time. We are trying out something new (I'll talk about it later). I have wondered whether or not to write a log for this session (As the last session seemed a good stopping point), but this is not just a story log, but a game group log, and as such, I thought I should include it. I will talk about the discussions, reasons, decisions and future, after this session's log. With that said, it is time for the session itself...

Session 25, Part 1- Last dealings with Nocticula, boons and departing

At the end of the last session, the party just won the negotiations, after finally redeeming Arulashee. We've started with the ending scene:

Nocticula spoke: "You have spoken, and spoken well. Yet none of your arguments interest me. I have no real interest in your struggle. I will join no side. As to the mine..."
Here Areelu Vorlesh stepped forth. "You may not join our alliance Lady in Shadow, but the mine will stay! We shall pay you tribute, and but do not incur the wrath of Deskari!"
Nocticula continued. "I will leave the mine be, as long as I get my fare share of the crystals, and the secrets of refining it. I WILL come collecting!"
Nocticula waved them away. "And now, our business is at end. you will leave now, to your respective planes. I will assure your safety out, but from then, you are on your own. Do not disturb me further!" With that, Nocticula turned, and started descending once more, into the pool of Midnight Sky...

Vorlesh just smiled a tight little smile. "See you soon..." and turned to the other demons, having them make haste, following their Lilith. The party's Lilith bowed to them, and motioned them to follow her.

Nocticula's palace theme (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3GfZDed1do)

The party talked amongst themselves. They were quite unsure of what to do now.
Andera: "We go back to Golarion now? We still need to get to the mines!"
Sena was worried about something else: "I think we may have assassins on our tail- Nocticula assured our safety here, but I bet Vorlesh was not pleased... She said she'll see us soon. We need to be prepared!"
Julian though commented: "I agree, but I think it's not over yet... We'll get to the chambers and think out strategy."
Sena inquired of the Lilith: "Can we buy things here? We would like to exchange some of our loot."
The Lilith was amused "The Palace of Silken Shadows holds many artificers, makers, and bounty from all of creation. You will be given freedom to pursue your... mercantile endeavors."
Sena though had another question: "Would I be able to contact Shamira?"
This surprised me (and the rest), but Lilith responded. "I will be able to convey a message to her. Whether she decides to meet respond or not, is The Ardent Dream's decision".

But in their own chambers, a surprise awaited- Nocticula was waiting for them...

Nocticula's theme, passion and Sensuality (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=uIwrawLO_O0&p=n)

Tell the truth, Sena's player quite expected it as well. "So, now we really talk with her!" Nocticula stood in the luxurious quarters, her robe of mists and shadows wrapped around her form. As she spoke, a bit of her formality and distance were lessened, her voice was a bit more personal, a bit... "You have impressed me. Which along the eons, the times, have been... rare… In return, I have come to educate you, thank you, and assist you, in a small manner at least."
Julian spoke directly " What sort of assistance? Material assistance? For we could really use your help in this war."
Sena also wished to speak. "What is your goal in this?"
Yet Nocticula started pacing, and answered their inquiries in her own way. "I cannot act against Deskari directly at this time (Sena: "THIS time?"), for Vorlesh threat was not an idle one."
Andera burst. "Why not? You're the demon lord of assassinations after all!"
Nocticula continued pacing, speaking in a level tone. "Yes, yet it is not an easy matter. It will not be easy to just... assassinate, and my plane may suffer greatly, had I even contemplated about it. Deskari's form is not quite easy to assassinate..."
Julian inquired "Explain please."
Nocticula came to the sofa, and in one fluid motion sat on it. "All divine beings, demon lords included, shape, and are shaped, by he concepts and ideas they affect. I take the form of a seductress, Baphomet takes the form of a cunning minotaur, and Deskari? Deskari is the devouring swarm. It is Hunger given form, and as his influence grew ,so did the many demon vermin composing it's hive mind. Not to mention the ever growing vast armies it gathers. In the past century, his forces has been gathering more and more demons to his army ,with the lure of invading Golarion a great appeal."
Sena grimaced learning's this, but Andera was boastful. "So what! His "Vast Armies" couldn't beat the crusade for a whole century! We shall beat them!"
Nocticula raised an eyebrow. "You think those were it's armies? Then I DO need to educate you. You see, while the Worldwound enables demons to travel to Golarion by means other than summoning, it is volatile, and dangerous to those who pass it, the stronger the demon, the deadlier the portal. So most of what you see are weaker demons. yes, some powerful ones have managed it, but the vast majority of the armies..." here she paused, then reached and lifted a bottle of champagne, and shook it slightly. "The bottle is The Rasping Rifts, Deskair's plane.". She made her fingernail elongate, to a pin point, and pierced the cork down. A slight fizzly liquid bubbled through the hole. "This is the Worldwound, and it's affect on your world." She then pulled the cork free, and the champagne rushed out, and overflowed over her hand. "And this is what will happen, if the Worldwound raptures entirely..."
Julian spoke "So that's Vorlesh' plan? To tear up the Worldwound?" Yet Sena had another theory "I think she is playing Deskari. I think she wishes to sap power from the gods, and become one herself! She's just using it's powers."
Nocticula nodded. "It may be. I do not know of the Witch's motivations, yet she does seem to have... her own plans. Of mortals, she is indeed a very, very cunning one. She was the one who suggested and incorporated Baphomet's help. A hired cunning. Yet their alliance has had... problems, since you have come and undid a lot of the Minotaur Lord's work. Yet your point, Sena, may have some merit. Did you even think, why they approached ME? There are hundreds of demons lords, more approachable ones. Did you consider this?"
Julian replied almost instantly. She seemed to have thought about it. "They wish you to assassinate the gods themselves." Nocticula nodded. "That would be my guess. Now, which god?" Julian continued. "Iomedae probably."
Nocticula rose, and started pacing again. "That would be my guess as well, though we never quite talked about the exact "assistance" they wished for their prizes. Iomedae has taken the mantle of divinity following the death of her god- Aroden, the god of humanity, a bit more than a century ago. Deskair managed to get to Golarion a short time before that, yet it was killed by Aroden, killed on that plane... A Demon Lord can fully die only if killed on it's own plane. Yet I'd wager that Deskari would fear committing his entire forces, itself, to Golarion, before Aroden's successor was... dealt with. And of all the gods, Iomedae is the one still sticking to her natural form the most, the one who has meta morphed into the form of her ideals the least..."

I felt this was a good point to bring the party into the "bigger scope" of things. They have just dealt well with inter planar politics, and so in my eyes, they were in "The Big League", and should be treated as such.

Now, expositions can be hard- You need to keep the players from tuning out. My idea was to write to myself a few key info bits I wished to deliver (Why she can't act, Deskari's form, Deskari's armies, the limitations of the Worldwound, Vorlesh having another plan and such). and start a conversation. I gave some info, and within it some open questions, and let the party try to lead it. Thankfully my party took a good interest, and pursued the conversation. It felt more of them inquiring, then her info-dumping on them.

Gratitude of Nocticula
This felt heavy to the party, and they went into a a bit of silence, contemplating. Nocticula's eyes however came to rest on Arulashee, with her new silvered eyes, and tall posture. "Hmmmm... And you, my child, have probably intrigued me the most. Come here, I would like to take a look at you, one of my own." Arulashee gasped for a moment, feeling a pull form the demon lord, yet Sena instinctively came between them "Leave her be!" (The party was surprised "you got the balls to stand up to a demon lord?!") Nocticula released her "I was just... curious. I would love to see what will become of her,how she will develop, I would love her to come to stay in my palace, as an adviser, a companion. She is... something new, unexpected, a precedence..."
Yet Arulashee had her won mind to speak. "I am not yours. I am my own. Now fully, more than ever before. Yet this is not the end, but a beginning. Now I must choose my path. I... am not sure what I will choose. I will think it through."

Nocticula smiled, and turned to the rest. "Before we continue, I wish to thank you each." She spoke to them in the order they faced in the negotiations.
First, she turned to Andera. "You spoke that in Darkness you will find opportunity, a challenge, a possibility to make things better, and the element of surprise. You speak the words of defiant hope. At the time, I was more moved by The Worldwound witch arguments, as she also understands other aspects of it. But for you, your crusade, those words may serve well. You bring your hope inside of you, instead of outside sources, though you explain it a bit more poorly... (Andera: "Damned diplomacy roll!" :smalltongue:) People may listen to you less than your comrades, but keep giving your counsel, for it is wiser in ways than most. And keep watching the shadows…"
Andera just responded "Thank you."
Nocticula continued "I must say when the Lilith informed me of your desires during the break in negotiations, I was surprised. It is not an easy thing to do- to both seek but solace, and then to coem back from it, after having tasted it. Most people who reach your power, who are active enough and seek to change the world, do not seek to just to relax, and let all be well. You are a man of action, and most such men thrive in it, and are not well suited to live in the world that they wish to make... While your friends sought an advantage, it was your request that inspired me the most…" Here Nocticula for a moment closed her eyes, and sighed. "An end to battle, to relax. I have met many heroes in the past, yet few ones has yet charmed me such in their requests." She smield at him, warmly, and caressed his cheek for a moment, a silken touch. "And most who do taste… of my pleasures… never cease. It is refreshing to find a person of enough self will and vision to propel him out of what he WANTS to do, to what he NEEDS to do."
Andera was a bit speechless, yet then managed to crack a wiry smile and respond "This is an endless struggle, sometimes you need to relax... before you die."

Nocticula nodded smiling, and then turned to Mad Dog: "For one who says he is poor with words, you make good use of those you have. I have heard you were tainted by demon rage before, and yet here you speak with honesty, humility, and simplicity. Some mistake simple for stupid, yet you have shown it is not so. Many would boast, call of their power, their greatness, their self-importance to me, especially against such rivals. Yet you do not fall to the bait… This too impressed me nicely. And you have the courage to call up dragons from the sky, and speak up to balor generals from the abyss, and not flinch back. This…" She smiled a mischievous smile "greatly amuses me. I will watch your clashing of swords…"
Mad Dog just nodded. "And clash we shall."
Nocticula's face turned curious. "I must ask though- When I offered you all a delight of the palace, was there nothing that you wanted, or did you fear that my palace offers will somehow entrap you?"
Mad Dog answered simply, and beautifully. "A man should know his limits... and his temptations."

Nocticula nodded, and turned to Sena:
"As Caslitria's disciple, I ws not sure if I'd even let you inside my palce. I do not like having the followers of vengeance come here. It makes for poor judgement, poor decisions, but this was… a special case…"
Sena grew tense. "Well, at the moment I joined her cause it was a moment of great weakness, a sacrifice. (He explained the scene on Drezen' Tower again, where he turned from Sarenrae to Calistria) I thought that some must be sacrificed for others to be saved. I thought it was a revelation, now I see it as a burden."
Nocticula continued "You have told me of a secret, of a tome, of Paradox. Now that we are here, alone, I would like to see it.
The party was alarmed, they didn't want to do this. Yet, they didn't wish to piss her either. Grudgingly, Andera pulled the Lexicon of Paradox out of his holding bag.
Nocticula's gaze was expressionless, yet her words surprised the party. "It has been awhile".
Julian: "Just how long has it been?"
Nocticula raised an eyebrow: "How long? If that is your question then it shows you do not fully understand. But this is not the time. Please, put it back." Andera did this, thoguh the party was confused.
Nocticula turned to Sena again. "Paradox… the impossible possible. But You have made yourself an avatar of that. But for what purpose? This can be for good, and worse. It was used by Areelu Vorlesh herself, who followed it's teachings and opened the Worldwound. You follow it as well. Will you be as her? Do you even understand what is the paradox? What does it… want?"
Sena thought for a moment: "I think I am in the path of learning. I do not understands it fully. I am on the path… It will be arrogant to presume that I understand the way of paradox. And Areelu Vorlesh herself doens't fully understands it. But... I am from the other side of the coin…"
Nocticula let it be. "As to the secret you wish to understand- to understand love… I'll give you a chance." She smiled, taking a glimpse at Arulashhe. "Though speaking as one who dealt with love extensively, perhaps that's the one secret that's better left unknown."
She finished with Sena saying one thing "As to the favor of the gods. I do intend to collect it."

She then turned to Julian: "In talking about Desire, your words... take considering. You tread a difficult path- Great power, and the thought of doing good, yet with deadly means. You have spoke of power to fulfill your vision, of desire to be the one pulling the strings, to hold to no one but yourself. In none of these have you spoken of your followers, of your people. Do you know how they fare... goddess? How has things been on Golarion since you've left?"
Julian did not like being reprimanded " I don't know… As one who came from the mud of the streets, I know of the poor and deprived. Therefore improving my cause will improve their cause. I came not from a palace."
Nocticula still pushed on. "And yet the means to your end... You react in anger, and with deadly means. Think about it. More rely on your actions, then you and your party alone."
Julian fumed a bit.
Nocticula continued: "As to your offer- You seek to teach me. I have already made a transformation long ago. I know some about it. But in transforming to the divine, you lose some of the self. As you influence your aspects, your ideals, you also partly become them, merge with them. You are less your own. Do you understand that?"
(She went on explaining a bit about the 3 types of divine beings, and the transition into more cosmic powers, and less of self). The new gods though, the mortals become gods, are a bit different, so it may differ in your case as well. Iomedae, for example, holds her humanity close to her, and strive to keep it. Yet be warned- such transitions changes your very being, ties you to it.
Julian didn't fully like what she heard. "Thanks for the warning. I'll need to think about it."

I wanted to have the players know a bit what she thought of their arguments and offers. I thought Andera did quite well, despite being the first to negotiate, and having the bad luck of facing Vorlesh. I wanted to boot Mad Dog's confidence aout speaking up, as he did great job I think, and we loved his roleplay last session. As to Sena and Julian, who were more "roleplay heavy", and had big issues to deal with, I wanted to show that these were considered, even by a demon lord.

On assistance, boons, and last days in the Palace
Having thanked them, Nocticula turned more business like again. "And now for my assistance. While I cannot ct against Deskari and Baphomet directly. I know of the mine, but due to Vorlesh threat, I cannot be seen to be involved in it. But you can.... You have proven resourceful, and have managed to surprise many... So, if you "happen" to find the mine on your own, nd put an end to it? Well... That is all for the best. When you have rested, and finished here, I will show you a path, a fast path, by the shadow paths my Lilith use, to get to the island of Colphyr, where the mine operates, within the transformed heart of Colphyr, the demon lord of poisoned waters and dragons. When you re done, ask for me, and I will open the way there."

"Also, as part of my gratitude, I will offer you each a boon, if you wish. Surprise me... A gift, no strings attached." (I discussed with the party this will be about the same power of a wish spell, but if possible, more with story/ flvor purposes). The party thanked her, and said they will think of it.

With that, Nocticula departed. I thought the party will rest for a "night", and will depart, but the party wished to use the palace facilities, mostly to buy/ craft stuff. They figured out (Correctly), that the palace will be the best chance to upgrade their equipment. Lilith enabled them to contact the master artificers and some master merchants. The group spent some time handling loot. I'm writing some of their purchases and such in the spoiler for those interested.

First of all, The Battle Bliss ring master's loot:
Mithral +2 glamoured, headband of cha +4, gloves of storing, cloak of resistance +4, various wands, bag of holding +3 with some money. They sold most of it, though Andera kept the gloves of Storing, putting his second magical Wakizashi in it.
Apparently they haven't allocated nearly any loot since the start of the module (Including the fane. That long? :smallconfused:) After selling tons of stuff (Including the ring of telekenisis? Really?) each got 52,437.5 gp.
Improvements and purchases made:
- Julian: improves Brilliance to +6 int and improved her belt another +2 to con.
- Mad Dog: buys a ring of inner fortitude minor. And improves his dwarf belt with +2 str, +2 dex.
- Andera merged some belts to +6 dex,+4 str,+4 con
- Sena: improved headband to +6 wis, +4 int, +2 cha, bought a malleable symbol (His got destroyed on Valzgar), improved his armor bonus to +4 and improved his belts +2 con.
- They spend quite some resources on diamonds and such, expecting ressurections...
- At the end Julian has but 5 gold left... :smalltongue: [/Spoiler]

While in the palace, a few more noteworthy things took place:
- A matter of style!"Sena had an idea for new clothes for his order (Uniform?), Which are basically high quality white robes and tunics, They are inspired by the Assassin's Creed Brotherhood clothes (We didn't play the game, but he loved the pics and traieler he's seen). Each uniform has a place for a personalized symbol on the shoulder and a bit in the fore front. His symbol is the wing (Such as in the pic) He bought one for himself, and 4 more (The others and Arulashee).


- A matter of trumpet: The party wonders what to do with the Book of Infinite Spells (A minor artifact they found on Lady Vallexia). Sena comes up with an idea, the rest of the party agrees with. He asks Lilith to send Shamira a message "Am artifact, for a broken archon's trumpet (That they rescued under the Battle Bliss Arena). A day later The Lilith brings him a package, with a long object in it, wrapped in cloth. He gives her the book, and opens the cloth. Inside there is the trumpet, but a few words glimmer in the air above it "Look above you!" he looks up, when a meteor swarm descends on him. He suffers the damage, but lives. More words appear "Just cause I like you!" He grumbles at Shamira's... sense of humor, though the rest of the party laughs ("I can't believe we STILL don't look for traps!") as he gets the archon's trumpet. (I was fast improvising this, knowing well that he'll survive this. Also, there is a story behind Shamira as well...) Sena sends her a message: "Thank you!"

- A matter of Arulashee: After some meditation and reflection, Arulashee calls the party to consult with them.
Arulashee: Now that I have... awoken.. .fully, I need to consider my path. You have all helped me greatly along, so I would wish to hear you. I have thought of it- though I have enjoyed your company, I think in your path, I may prove more of a hindrance. Your future deals with great powers, some of which I am not sure I can handle, and I may be a liability, as was proven with Minhago. I will continue to follow you, if you wish, and help as best I can. But... It may be that now, I need to guide myself, and use my awakening on a different path.
Julian seems to have thought of this as well. "You know yourself, and you will know your path. I have full confidence in you. If you want my advice? There is a war going on. Go join the queen, or the forces of Drezen. They will need such a great warrior as you, with such knowledge of demons, and an inspiration.
Andera added his thoughts. "You can make the best effect with the tieflings- They too wish to change, and they can. You can show them how."
Arulashee hugged him. "Thank you, you saved me once, and saved me again, from my darkest, We shall remain friends. Taking out your message of hope against the darkness."
She asked Mad Dog's advice, but he didn't know what to add.
Lastly, she turned to Sena: "You guided me through faith, and your new vision. You have guided me through devotion, hope, and love. What do you think?"
Sena was perplexed: "It is strange that now, after all of the changes that you made, you seek our decision?"
Arulashee responded. "I do not seek your decision, but your opinions, as valued friends."
Sena spoke thoughtfully: "If so, it is extremely odd, that the process Andera started with the tiefligns, affected me as well. It seems both of us have the same vision. Maybe it seems like I don't like Andera, we are different people, yet I admire him, and what he has done, and I think his idea was the best one, I would vote for his idea as well."
Arulashee smiled, and hugged Sena tightly. "I will go to Drezen, they will see a succubus, but a changed succubus. I no longer hide. I will be myself!"
Julian was worried. "Ok... But I think we should send them before you go."
She hugs each one in turn, and kisses each on the forehead, except for Sena, which she kisses passionately, lovingly on the lips. She speaks to them all "This is my gift, you can contact me through it, no matter the distance." (Mechanics wise- this is the changed Arulashee's anarchic gift power as described in the 3rd module. I decide that the +2 stat bonus can't go to the highest attribute. Sena adds to charisma. Mad Dog to Constitution. Julian to Wisdom. Andera also gains charisma.)

Arulashee then takes Sena by the hand, into more private chambers. "The Lady of Shadow has given us a night here, before we depart. it has been a long time coming, has it not?"
Alone, Sena is quite... surprisingly awkward of the intimacy. "I wish to give you gifts. The first of your new place, the second more... personal." First, he gives her one of the new uniforms, which she loves and promises to wear when she comes ot Drezen, as a messenger for his vision. He is a bit quiet, thoughtful before presenting the second gift."I want to give you something that is very dear to me. He was my Mentor, and he showed me the way from when I was a child to whom I was before Drezen. This is the only material possession I have from him. As it helped me, I hope it will help you." With great reverence, he places John's holy symbol in her hands. Arulashee is a bit shocked, gets a bit teary ,and gives him a strong, loving embrace.
Sena, still awkward, starts mumbling upon her new way, the vision, and so, but she quickly shushes him. "We have been through that, and there will be time in the future. For now, let us love. We have this rare time, this one night, to be with each other. Shall we?" Sena, for once, his stumped for words.
The rest happens behind the scenes, not for this log... :smallwink: We agreed that is is not smutty, but loving, and that Sena is quite bit too self aware, a bit naive, but that matters very little. A time with far less words, but wit ha great deal of true communication... :smallsmile: (not that it stopped the players making a lot of... expected funny remarks. Grow up people! :smalltongue:)

As I mentioned in previous posts, I thought that with the growing complexity of mechanics, it was time to have Arulashee depart .She will still influence the story and game, but less as a party member. This was discussed between sessions with the party, as I wanted them to influence her fate and role. W had a few ideas, but this seemed like the best one.

However, I felt Sena's player missed her coming along. I did say that she will appear later (probably several times), but it seemed like he was a bit bummed by this none the less...

Time to go- Boons and partying words
It took several days for the artificers to improve the party's equipment (I ruled that they are SUPREME artificers, or else by RAW the time spent to improve all of those things would have taken too much time. We settled for bout a week, which was far more than I planned for anyways... Oh well..). When they were ready to leave, they spoke with Lilith, who then led them to meet Nocticula, before they would leave.

They found themselves on great balcony, overlooking what looked like an enormous, life like map of the Midnight Isles.
Nocticula spoke "I am pleased that you have found the hospitality of my palace to your liking. It is time for you to continue on your path. Have you given thoughts to your boons?"
Julian: "Several says ago You asked what would be my pleasure. When we came here, I saw multitudes of pits, with both people or their souls trapped there, prisoners to suffer. My first instinct would be to release all of the slaves you have in captivity, yet I realize that would be impossible. Now I ask of you- Release as much as you can from them and let them make way to Drezen. For me this will be the grandest boon. Send those who care, who do not give up, those who will inspire… If you do this, I will forever be in your debt." Nocticula raises an eyebrow, yet respond. "A demon lord of my stature, will not do well to release their prisoners. There is a matter of appearances and expectations in the demons world.... Yet, if you happened to make your way int one of the pits, having stolen the charm to unlock it's magical chains, and happened to also have a scroll of a portal to send them away, and then vanished from my palace? Well, I will be VERY angry, but you will be away, won't you?" Julian nodded, understanding the politics and compromise requested. Nocticula continued. "Yet, you will probably be able to free only one pit. Choose." Julian disliked the choice, but agreed. She was offered a few choices, but after a bit of inspiration, chose to free prisoners sold to Nocticula a long time ago. Prisoners with a life long span, coming from a religious order. That of The Hammers of Heaven (Staunton Vhane's unit, which was comprised from dwarven paladins and clerics).
We decided to not play through the rescue, and just spoke of how she and the others came there, tricked most of the guards, quickly disposed of the few remaining ones, freed the shocked slaves, and that Julian used the scroll given to her by Nocticula to open a portal to Drezen, sending yet more forces to help them!

Mad Dog wished her to grant him strenght (+1). Some people have simple tastes. :smalltongue:

Andera had an interesting request "As the struggle goes deeper into darkness, I have though of the debate... I wish I could see in the darkness, so I can improvise better, and find my way better…" i liked the request. Nocticula put her handover his eyes, and when she removed it, the eyes were dark. Andera got Darkvision to 90 ft, and a +2 to perception.

Sena spoke after some contemplation. "As you know, and I think you realize it also, we are in the beginning of a new age. An age that may spell a sure peace, one that is vulnerable to unworthy men. I travel In a path that I do not completely understand. I seeks to understand the way of the paradox."
This surprised me a bit, but I tried to improvise, not very well. "The paradox in itself is a tool, a means, a way. it seeks to manifest itself, yet it has no goals concerning good or bad. That is for the user of the Paradox to decide." The player was frustrated by this. He he hoped for something more philosophical, more eye opening.

The module have Nocticula offer a boon at the end of the negotiations with her, material magic item of up to 15K or so I think. This is quite... unimaginative I think, when you just spoke to a demon lord. So I gave them something more free form, basically in the limits of a wish or so. I must sy I REALLY liked Julian's request, and tried to work with her to make it happen. Also Andera's request was very fitting for the scene. I didn't do well with Sen's player, yet this happens.

With the boons concluded, Sena got the group together, and offered his new suits. The party was surprised, and most accepted, except for Andera. "I don't wear another man's uniform." It seemed the player was resistant against Sena's player attempts at easing up the tensions and compromise Sena wished to show that they are all one, with the same goal, yet Andera suspected it was meant to symbolize they were part of HIS vision. Still, the others accepted.

Nocticula lifted them by flight from the balcony, and they rose above the map. They flew toward the distant Isle of Colphyr, Which looked heavily grown with jungles, with one big river coming from the mountain at the center, making it's way through the jungles. Nocticula grabbed a shadow by the island, and... pulled it away, revealing a long shadowy path, similar to the one they used to travel into the palace. "Follow the road, and reach Colphyr. Farewell, emissaries of Golarion."

Knowing very well that this may be the last leg of their journey through the Midnight Isles, and remembering well Vorlesh last words, they ventured into the shadow path...
Starting to write the second half now. Hopefully will finish quickly. :smallamused:

Kol Korran
2016-02-27, 06:40 AM
Hopefully will finish quickly. Yeah, right!:smallannoyed:
With some computer problems, and very few opportunities to actually sit and write, I haven't quite managed to get this written yet. Here we go!

Session 25, Part 2- Ambush on the shadow path, Coplhyr and Melazmera

The party started their way towrads the island of Colphyr, the Nyhandrian mines. The path was about 25 ft wide, but outside of it there was... nothing... Other than a few paths that crossed their own path, there seemed to be mostly void. The colors as well were... diminished. Julian concluded "This must be Nocticula's version of a shadow plane for her own. I get my sight back, and all we see is black and white, great!"

A few hours have passed, yet suddenly they heard a shout in their mind, a sort of telepathic shout. "Incoming assassins! Now!"

I demanded the players tell me immediately what their characters do. Julian cast mirror image, Andera vanished, Sena activated some spell (Eagle soul I think?) and Mad Dog stood alert and ready to strike. And on the path ahead, Minhago appeared, only... changed, deformed somewhat, from the multitude of nyhadrian crystals embedded in her flesh!

Shadow path ambush music- Post Haste Music- Imminent Danger (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=1-kCNYVDOwc)

Showdown with Minhago!

The Lilitu demon yelled a challenge "You shamed me again!" Her skin seemed to crack at places, an eerie glow coming from within. "This sends here! My final sacrifice for Baphomet!" she seemed unstable, both physically and mentally. She flew towards the party, coming close, when suddenly Andera reappeared! (Andera: "What the hell?!". It's an active invisibility purge, from her ring), and she activated mirror image, which made Mad Dog groan, with about 8 more illusory Minhagos floating round.

At their back though, the mystery ally appeared, as shadows conformed into a semi ethereal shadowy figure, loading a crossbow. "Nezzerius?" asked Sena in surprise. But more shadowy creatures approached from further behind, quite a few dreaded wraiths! "Aye! I'll hold these off! You deal with the rest!"

Next was Julian, who wished to see past Minhago's illusions. She quickly cast true sight, and discovered "the rest"- two Sisters of The Final Embrace, personal guardians to Nocticula, like both Lilith they encountered, invisible and lunging at them. "Crap!" muttered the party. (Unfortunately they rolled really crappy on init).

Sena focused on Minhago first, Using his quicken rod and his own actions to cast 2 successive dispel magic on her, taking down her unholy aura, true sight and flight. She came down on the path, angrier then before!

It was then that the sisters attacked, and when the party learned a bit more about their training and nature... Sena was struck, and felt as if his life almost ended, but he managed to live through the Death attack just barely. Julian who saw the invisible assassins didn't have to deal with that, yet both casters had to deal with 2 negative levels, as the vampires drew out their life force. (Party: "Vampire succubus assassins?!" :smalleek:) The invisibility though didn't wear off- improved invisibility. The party cursed, as only Julian saw them. She breathed in, knowing this battle could easily prove fatal!

Andera and Mad Dog flank Minhago, and they try to take out her images. Mad Dog takes down 3, but she then strikes back with ferocity, yet her instability makes her less focused... Still she manages to hit a few times, once a crit, but Mad Dog's lucky helm diverts the crit into a normal attack (he got the helm from Soltengrabbe's treasure, in Drezen!).

Yet then the party is caught by surprise by the nature of the crystals- Minhago... erupts, in a nova of cold and fire (each dealing 60 damage), and only part f the party manages to evade the damage. Even Minhago is hurt. In fact, it seems like the energies are degrading her, yet she seems bolstered by it! "The Storm King's gift! To end you all!" She yells. Andera notices alarmingly that the energy with in her starts building up again, quickly...

Sena after having felt the energy drain, Unleashes Channel energy to hit them, but barely affects the Sisters. Nezzeirus in the back summon his doubles, who get entangled with the dread wraiths. Andera gets his other sword from his new gloves, and strikes 5 times, or 5 misses... The Nyhadrian crystals provide Minhago with increased deflection, raising her AC to 50+!

Julian casts selective empowered mythic fireball (She and her shenanigans! :smalltongue:), but the sisters easily evade, and uses Brilliance to quicken a mythic disintegrate on a sister, but they save against that as well. Julian is astounded by their high saves. "Um... Vampire succubus assassin... anti-paladins..." (The party: :smalleek:) The duo focus on her (As she alone can see them), and without many protections (They go straight through the images, with ointments of true sight themselves), Julian loses more levels, and is in a bad shape!

The party gets stressed "This doesn't look good!"

Mad Dog grows big and rages, trying to take down more images, and even manages to hit Minhago twice! and both are crits! (Party: "Yay! Go Mad Dog! She's going down! :smallamused:) But she wears fortification armor, and both crits are negated. (Party: :smallsigh: Andera: "There go my sneak attacks... :smallfrown:)

Nezzerius yells from the back. "Ama gonna earn my pearl!" yet even he it is hit hard, and though some wraiths go down, so do some clones. Sena Sena grumbles. "The Ambush! They are too well prepared!" and goes back to his support role, casting heal on Julian.

This gets an attention of a sister, who uses her round to cast true strike(This is how they managed to hit Sena in the first place), but the other keeps hitting Julian. She goes white, weak, with only a few levels left... gasping, She casts selective prismatic spray, and but though some wraiths are affected, the sisters easily save against all effects. The player gets really frustrated by this! "I can't even affect them with my strongest spell!"

Mad Dog keeps on taking down images, and hits Minhago again, only this seems to unleash her nova again (This time twice fire, 60 each), Julian fails both saves, taking 120 hit points (She has a lot due to her improved campaign trait) she nearly falls down... :smalleek: And the rest are badly wounded as well... Minhago yells in triumph. "Baphomet! I will do your bidding! I will prove glorious to you!" Sena, through the pain and chaos perceives something quite alarming- the shadow bridge is affected by the energies as well, and part of it seems to unwind... Still stable enough, but not sure how much it would take...

Yet Andera seems even more determined. "Chandi! Help me hit her!" and the eager sword casts true strike, (It's spell casting ability, along with dimension door) and manages to hit her, even through the fortification! The sneak attacks hits her hard. With a sudden attack he hits again, and Minhago is utterly surprised by the scoundrel, who manages to hit her even harder than Mad Dog!

Minhago, enraged, shouts as she tries to attack both Mad Dog and Andera, yet both manage to evade her strikes ( Mad Dog mostly due to Mythic Dodge), and Nezzerius comes down to the last Two Wraiths, though it is not looking that well either.

Sena, seeing how badly hurt Minhago is, but also how badly hurt Julian is, uses his quicken rod, and spread his arms, one to each. From one comes white energy, which heals Julian, from the other hand drak energy, which harms Minhago and... kills her!

The party goes "YEAH!" but Minhago's death, holds one last surprise and sacrifice- The Storm King embedded in her the force on final thores, which with the nyhadrian crystals coalesce into a nova od dark energy! Andera saves, so does Julian (Though she would have died if Sena didn't heal her), and Mad Dog uses his "eater of magic" ability to survive.

Yet Sena doesn't manages to save, and his victory smirk turns into a surprised agonized expression, as the nova snuffs out his life. Sena collapses on the bridge, and dies... :smallfrown: The player took this very hard, along with his previous frustration, gotten angry and moody. (:smallannoyed::smallmad:) The party took this as shock as well! (:smalleek:)

And the rest are doing poorly as well. They barely scratched the sisters so far! Andera grits his teeth, and goes invisible again (With Minhago dead, the invisibility purge ends as well). Julian goes to Sena's body, evades AoO using mythic, and uses a scroll of limited wish to raise Sena form the dead . (Forgot which specific spell it made- raise dead? breath of life? Unsure) Sena' player is no less pissed...

Mad Dog tries to pinpoint but fails. "First images! now invisibility! Can't hit them!" Yet Andera, with mythic improved blind fight does locate a sister and hits her hard! Sena heals himself, and uses the last charge of the quicken rod to cast true sight on Mad Dog. He doesn't get up from the floor, just mumbles. "We should have done it at first place... Now, lets sit and watch..."

Mad Dog grins at the sister. "Ok bitch! Do your worst!" She hits him a bit, but then, he hits her back... he damages her heavily, but before she can act Andera Sneak attacks her and crits! Now, Andera has precise SA now, which means that on a crits he also multiplies his Sneak attacks damage! He pierces the sister through the heart, and she crumbles to dust... The other, understanding the battle is lost, teleports away...

The battle is won, but just barely, and the atmosphere around the table is glum, frustrated, and bummed...

Design of Show down with Minhago, and the Shadow Ambush
This was a very tough and nearly TPK. I designed it as really difficult, for several reasons:
1. In my planning, if the party to this far, it meant they succeeded in the negotiations, which, as I assumed, meant that they just scored a major victory against the demons, but I needed to show the demons are a serious threat still.
2. I wanted to show that the demons learn as well, and have learned the party's abilities and tactics. lot of the encounter was geared specifically against the characters abilities. I rarely do this, but this felt like the right time, with all that happened before.
3. I wanted to bring Minhago's arc to an end, with her actually cracking, yet with some twists. I also wanted to show how she became a tool for the others (Who basically sacrificed her), but also the length the demons will go to take the party down now.
4. I wanted the party to deal with an ambush. Till now, for the most part, the initiative was theirs. I wanted to show the other side takes actions as well.

As to the design of enemies:
- Minhago was changed by the crystals- more to AC (deflection), but less to hit (Due to her being unstable). I increased her hp to 420, but she lost some each round. And she also got partially hit by the Unstable Aura. This effect meant that once every 1d4 rounds, she unleashes a nova in 60 ft, from two random energies, each causing 60 damage, but the party can save for each. When Minhago was hit, there was a 1 in 4 chance to unleash a nova again. When she died she basically mimicked the Balor's death thores, only with negative energy.

- Sisters of the Last Embrace: They are succubus vampires anti paladin 2, assassin 4, with a few added spell like abilities, usable 3/ day (Improved invisibility, true strike and 1-2 others) They also had a few magic items, which upped their death attack, and enabled them to counter some of the party's abilities. How did the demons get their help? Vorlesh had sufficient magic (Which... the party didn't even think to find and counter...)

- Dread Wraiths: In my original design these were supposed to be part of Vorlesh spells as well, sort of semi shadow images of the party, but when thinking of how to incorporate Nezzerius, I had him "Earn his keep" by battling them, and just wrote their battle progression to myself on the side. This turned out important, because if the party had to battle them as well, it might very well have been a TPK! :smalleek:

-The last bit was the bridge itself, though that didn't come into light. Any energy damage the bridge got inflicted with, reduced it's hit points. Had it vanished, the party would have been taken out of the shadow paths, into Nocticula's realm (About half way there, middle of the seas). This was to add a complications with Minhago's energy bursts (And limit area energy spells), but I didn't' assess the bridge hit points, and it never came to actual danger).

Dealing with hard feelings

The battle was very fierce, and the emotions which rose from it needed to be dealt with. We decided to take a humus break and talk things out.

The two players of Sena and Julian were really frustrated, and somewhat pissed off by the battle. Julian's player felt that almost all enemies have saves or SR too difficult to beat, despite investing heavily in being able to penetrate these, and Sena's player felt ineffective, and that they need to rely on Mad Dog to kill things, and that his character was mostly support. This impression joined to his general feel that a lot of his attempts to affect stuff didn't succeed very well (His vision, with Arulashee, and more). Also, the player really hates being resurrected, it feels like he has lost, and now he is cheating.

Both players thought about changing characters. Julian's player felt his character isn't effective, and that it "doesn't quite feel like a rising goddess", and Sena's player felt frustrated about dying, being ineffective and not being able to promote mostly roleplay themed initiatives.

I could relate to some of what they said, but was utterly surprised by their feelings of inadequacy, when their characters solved quite a lot of the challenges in the campaign. I tried to give many examples in the past, yet for some reason, the impression both players got was that their characters were mostly for support. When mentioned they could have worked better as a team Julian's player got annoyed "She's a mage, with great magical power, and I want to feel that she is overcoming her enemies on her own, not just resorting to buffing others, or countering the enemies abilities". Sena's player kind of echoed this. "Yeah, Sena can buff, debuff, but basically, we take down enemies defenses, and boost up Mad Dog or Andera, and they do the killing..."

This quite surprised Mad Dog and Andera's players, who felt that they were sort of second fiddle to the casters! Andera player spoke "We can't teleport, incapacitate enemies, go through walls, fly and more, we hit stuff, but about half of the enemies die before we even get to them! I can vanish, and I can hit stuff, and it takes a lot of planning an effort, while you use some of your magic and just get it done."

Mad Dog's player just summarized "Look, it was tough, and we didn't fight well. We didn't coordinate and forgot a lot of stuff. Can happen when we play once a month." Andera's player was mostly silent and talked mostly in emails after the session, but he got pissed by Julian and Sena's reactions. He thought they were acting a bit like cry babies, when once they are faced with challenges they couldn't just easily magic away, and can't just waltz through, when he and Mad Dog have to face considerable difficulties and many times play sort of second fiddles to their magic, but didn't complain as much.

When hearing them, I go the impression the battle was perhaps too tough to my group's tastes. This is especially true when we meet only about once every 4-5 weeks, so they come to feel good, feel successful, feel competent, a bit of a fun power trip and escapism. The battle was supposed to feel party f the ongoing campaign, and it's context within the long struggle, with ups and downs, but here it felt dominating the session, setting the tone for it.

Tactically, In truth, I think the party handled the battle really bad. They didn't act as a team, left Julian to face both sisters alone, and didn't really counter or think creatively against an enemy so well prepared. (Undoing the sisters invisibility, hampering movements, maybe undoing Vorlesh enchantment on the sister, helping Nezzerius so it could join the fight or more). But perhaps, as Mad Dog's player said, with sessions happening so far off, with the players forgetting some of their characters abilities, and with each one wanting to shine and feel bad ass in this once a month or so escapist hobby, the experience here felt quite bad... :smallfrown:

I myself was quite tired by it. I worked quite a lot on this encounter, and seeing it fell quit badly, when I thought it would be a high light, felt bad. :smallsigh: There were quite a lot of unresolved feelings there, and it felt they didn't all stem from the battle itself. We understood this, but decided to move on, and talk about this after the session. We wanted to move things on, get to new experiences, and hopefully they would prove better.

Aftermath of the battle

Mad Dog helped Sena get up. He looked pale, worse for the experience, yet he greeted Nezzerius when the shadowy demon approached. "Glad to see you! How did you come here?"
Nez: "Ama know of the shadow paths. Use them as well. And I know some in the palace. They told me Minhago, which you hired me to find, came out, so ama followed her. This other, the witch Vorlesh brought her others- the sisters, which was... quite odd. And the shadows. There were two others, and the Balor invested a lot of power, chaotic power, into crystals the horned on put inside Minhago's flesh. Ama was worried, but followed. And then you all come, so ama shout a warning!" (I decided that the benefit of hiring Nezzerius will be his warning, that gave them one action before the battle started, and fighting the dread wraiths."

In the loot of the dusted sister and the scorched remains of Minhago, they charge her spell storing ring and give it to Mad Dog (He keeps it in his pocked, since he allready has2 rings. Might need to exchange), and spread some ointments of true sight and a few other tools between them. The sister has a few note worthy items. First, a glamoured +3 improved shadow mithral shirt, which Andera takes, and her glove is a "glove of final embrace" (+2 to death attack, +5 to final embrace ability, causes bleeding 5. Homebrewed for the sisters, made from descriptions of a few other magic items). They decide to exchange this with the pearl they gave Nezzerius (pearl of power level 6, more than a fair exchange). Nezzerius bows, and bid them farewell.

The party is beat. Sena heals the party, and they rest an hour there for him to regain his spells (Surprisingly the rest don't want to use their recuperate abilities. Mythic points are just too damn precious! And they feel they need to hurry, since by the ambush, it's obvious the enemy knows they are coming). After Sena is rested, they restore Julian and his negative levels, and move on, quite grimly...

Island of Colphyr

A few hours later, by the speed of the shadow paths, the party reached the end of the trails. They reached, and pulled away a shadow like curtain, and stepped into the island of Colphyr. It felt a bit like when they first entered The Midnight Isles, on the island of Vazgral- here too there were vast jungles, and the feel, the taint of evil, and the Starless skies above... Strange archaic chaotic charges appeared ahead, and the party heard the scream and screeches of flocks of wild vrocks, in their frenzy, in their dancing, in their madness...

Colplhyr Island- Diablo 1 caves music (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=B8klPYjS3ws)

Wait? A jungle? Shouldn't the party be near a waterfall? A beach? the shore?
I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that I decided to skip through the entire "river road" mentioned in the module, where they have about 3-4 battle encounters as they trudge their way up the river from the shore if the island to it's center. Why? 3 reasons:
1- The battles are a laugh, most are boring, and they add very little to plot or game. They are just "filler XP".
2- I prefer fewer encounters, but more difficult, and with some meaning. So a before, I crunched some encounters and added the XP for other stuff.
3- The party is assumed to avoid taking flight, due to the masses of vrocks flying in the skies. But, at these levels, the party would most probably find an easy way with a spell or two to bypass that (Wind walk again? Maybe with some invisibility or such? I'd trust they would find some idea...) So planning all of that just to have them sidestep it quite easily seemed foolish, and very time consuming.

I did keep some of the ideas, which I found appealing. See soon...

As they arrived, I was quite surprised by their first action, which showed some responsibility. Sena cast Sending to the Queen." Arulashee saved us. Through her, Nocticula won’t ally with demons. She is completely redeemed in our side. Please inform Drezen. She will come. How goes the campaign?"
Shortly aftera reply came. "Contact failure for 9 days! Army lays siege on Raliscard. Taking losses, inflicting more. Demon resistance heavy, moral high, making good progress, though with cost. Nocticuila's matter? Your situation?"
They used a scroll to contact her again: "Notcticula is out from the game for now. Continuing to second objective. Tell archon Adrial, I have her trumpet." (The one they saved from under the Battle Bliss)
The Queen replied. "Will do. Great aid to our forces! Her and companions. Powerful cleric! You continue to amaze me! great news! Shall inform Drezen!"

I must say I was quite pleased at them initiating the contact! It shows they do care about the war effort, and have not lost sight of it. Also, they seem to have a good relationship with the queen, which is important for the next part. This was a success.

Not knowing where to go, they listened, and quickly heard the river, they came close to it and started trudging up. They knew they would be teleported close, and indeed, after about 15- 20 minutes, they could hear a waterfall, and see a sharp rise in the mountain, the top of Coplhyr Island.

Yet in their way, they could feel a strange repelling force, and as they approached, they felt it stronger. Yet it did not manage to affect them. Upon coming closer, they saw large, weirdly shaped and alien looking rock jutting from the jungle high, covered in odd, shifting runes. Julian realized this is the source of the sensation they kept feeling, and this close could identify it- A permanent Antipathy effect, only spread out over a very large area...

I'll need to explain the scene a bit, as this changes from the module. The party has basically come upon the waterfall and cave entrance to the mines. But the initial encounter in the module on Colphyr incorporates a special feature- The Qlippoth stone, which emanates the Antipathy spell, and also has... a nasty surprise. I incorporated the 2 encounters here together. The Stone stands near a small lake just outside the cave entrance. Also, I got rid of the Omox filth queen. The inhabitant of the cave still resides... :smallamused:)

Tentacles, angels, and Melazmera!

The party expected the place to be guarded, so they tried to look ahead. Mad Dog managed to see a figure just inside the shadow of the cave entrance, a large figure, a humanoid of a sor, with wings? "Must be some guardian demon." Said Andera. They decided he would sneak ahead to get a batter look.

He then snuck right next ot the Qlippoth stone (Wait? You don't even examine it? :smalleek:) His stealth was high enough that the creature observing through the stone didn't notice him. (Which the party mistook for it being safe! :smallsigh:) Andera got a much better look, and spotted that it was no demon, in fact it looked like an angel, with no head... (The party: "What the hell?") He got back, informed the team, before sneaking up ahead of them again abotu 30 feet ahead, as hey followed.

Andera is sneaky... the rest? Less so...:smalltongue: As they got about 15- 20 feet from the Qlippoth rock, The Abyssal Harvester who watched through it, sent out it's gargantuan tentacles and hit the 3 nicely, even grappling both Sena and Julian (This... did not add to their mood). This in turn alerted the headless angel, (The Flayed one in the module) and the resident within...

Sena uses Freedom call (Domain power, I think from liberation?), and both him and Julian fall. The grappling is basically ineffective from now on... :smallannoyed: Which renders the harvestr mainly as a beat stick... (Ineffective cleric, eh?) Julian quickly dimension doors back, out of reach.

Mad Dog gets mad, and starts hacking off tentacles... The headless angel flies towards Sena, trying to hit him, but fails again and again. Yet, his profane Aura encompasses both Andera and Mad Dog, which lowers their AC (I'm using Scorpion's stats, As mentioned before. And Sena is beyond morality). Inside the cave, Melzamera casts two buffs, one regular, the other quickened...

The Abyssal Harvester proves as a surprisingly effective beat stick! It starts pummeling Mad Dog with tentacles, and luckily for him a crit is averted by Sena's Divine Intervention. The barbarian in turn keeps hacking at the tentacles with fury! (Why does he keep in range? :smalleek:)

Julian tries a disintegrate but fails due to miserable dice, and the the other three keep hacking with the angel and the tentacles. Sena uses Dimensional blade to pass most defenses of t he angel, and charges his attack with channel energy. Together with Andera, they damage it nicely! Mad Dog, despite having cut some tentacles, get pommeled hard, till he decides to back away... Meanwhile, Melazmera in the cave keeps casting some more buffs, till she is ready, and teleports to the battle field.

The party gasps as the Guargantuan ancient umbral dragon appears on the battle field! "Intruders to my realm! Die!" before she cast a quickened fireball (Which the party saves against). Most of the party groans. "Oh crap!" But one player beams. Mad Dog grins "Well, that's more like it!" Andera however, fails the save against her frightful presence, and runs away! ("Man! I have to upgrade this save!")

What? Wait... No! Not again!

The Abyssal Harvester recoils his remaining tentacles into his realm, not wishing to be hitby Melazmera's breath or spells. And it seems she has many, with various protections around her, including mirror image, haste, displacement and more.

But not for long- Julian casts Greater dispel and takes out all off her spells other than shield. Sena casts heal on Mad Dog, and uses hi divine intervention to block the dragoness AoO on him. "you go dog!" Mad Dog charges, grows, hit her once, hit her again, one crit, cutting about half of her hit points away.

Alarmed, She casts quickened mirror image again, and uses her shadow breath (hoping to reduce all of their strength), but both Sena and Mad Dog save, and Julian is JUST out of reach. She rolls her eyes. "Another spell? Please!" And uses another greater dispel, taking out the images, and the shield. Mad Dod then crits again... and gut the ancient umbral dragon, in 2 rounds, without her dishing out ANY damage! :smallsigh:

Julian then turns to the Flayed angel, who is still crossing swords with Sena. "I've had enough of this!" and with a disintegrate ends the battle. The party pulled back to regroup, and the abyssal harvester quickly sent some of it's remaining tentacles, grabbed the dragoness' body, and pulled it into it's realm.

Mines' entrance battle
For this encounter I used 3 elements: The dragon, the flayed angel and the harvester. All used Scorpion's stats. I hoped incorporating the 3 would solve action economy.

I also moved the Qlippoth stone here. In the module the harvester can't for some reason draw the grappled victims into it's lair. I think this is mostly due to it being introduced at the end of the river, so a grappled victim gets transported a long way away, and gets severely cut off the party. If the PC dies, it will take the party a long way to get to resurrect it. If it lives, it brakes up the party so it's very difficult to negotiate between the two sub parties. I think the designers wished to avoid that). Unlike the module, I intended that the harvester COULD draw the grappled opponents inside it's lair. (It's lair is A bit after Melazmera's cave, after the entrance. It could cause a short term separation, and even might cause a very daring rescue, mid battle. (The harvester is a beast if faced alone).

But... Sena's freedom call and the subject is mute... :smalltongue:

The entrance seemed clear, next come the mines. Hephazimerah is waiting, deep in the heart of a demon lord' grave and essence...

Each PC's XP: 755,288.

We ended the session here. As mentioned before, due to this session, and a following discussion in the two weeks after (I'll detail this in the next post), this will be the last session, at least for a long while. We are putting the campaign on hiatus, though I can't promise that we'll resume playing it. I apologize for the somewhat abrupt ending, but this was for the health of the party and myself.

I have debated with myself of whether to write this session at all, or just end "with a bang!" after the negotiations, which seemed a more... fitting stopping point. (Or even upon embarking unto the shadow path, at the end of the first path). But... this is not just a story log, but a gaming log, and as such, it deals with problems nd difficulties, as well as successes. And what happened here helped illuminate the discussion we had later on, and the reasons we stopped the campaign currently.

Despite the difficulties, the party did have great fun playing the campaign, and I had great fun running it so far. Yet the difficulties proved too much for now.

What's up next? In the next post or two I will discuss several things: The discussion we had and why did we decided to stop, my thoughts on the campaign as a whole so far and the challenges it presented for my particular group, a brief summary of the plans I had for running the rest of the campaign, and our groups' gaming plans for the future! No, we haven't broken up, but we decided to make some big changes!

I hope you enjoyed this so far. I'd like to thank all who commented, encouraged, and helped with advice on this thread, or many other "side threads". Thanks for reading! :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2016-02-27, 12:51 PM
In this post I'll try to discuss some issues that relate to the campaign, our own experience in it, and potential future plans, both in the campaign, and in our gaming group. I will divide this to several sections
In this post I'll write about:
1. Why did we stop?
2. Challenges in running and playing the campaign.
In the next post I'll write about:
3. My rough sketches as to running the rest of the campaign.
4. Our group's plans for the future.

So... Why did we stop? What went wrong?

So... Our group have stopped playing the campaign. We might continue some day (All were quite invested) but there is a good chance that we won't as well. Checking the first post, It was written in December 2013, so we have invested a significant amount of time and effort into this, and for the most part it was great fun! So what happened?

Well, running (and playing) this campaign proved challenging on several levels. Through the campaign some of these were touched upon, and some I realized in our discussion in the two weeks after the last session. I have had some time to think of these, and i will try to summarize. I think the difficulties in the campaign stem from a few sources:
Our group's composition, circumstances
The ages of our group members range between 35 to 40+. This means we are all quite busy- families,careers, jobs, and other projects we're involved in. Which means we meet about once every 4-5 weeks or so. (though when we meet, we play for 8-10 hours, and we PLAY!). this has several influences: First, people forget stuff- mostly long term story lines, more minor NPCs, or even their character capabilities (Spells, powers, magic items, feats and such). This can lead to frustration, but our group has dealt with this in many ways, to a partial success.

Yet for the DM in this case, this is tougher. I like DMing, and my group likes me DMing, but for the past several years, my real life has become more and more busy. I was a med student, but now I'm nearing the end of my internship, and will start my residency. I've been involved in some volunteer projects, and more. We tried different approaches in the past trying to deal with this- Julian's player DMed for awhile (But he got too bust as well), We tried FATE core (A simpler game from the mechanics perspectives), but didn't quite manage to understand it yet, and so we decided to try using someone's else work- a published campaign. My initial thought was: "Hey, someone already did all the writing, stats, treasure and such, I'll just need to read a bit before we play, and that's it!" But, as Andera's player warned me- Running a published adventure actually requires MORE time in order to run well (I'll touch on that later). Though I did love the process of figuring out the designers intentions, finding a way to better them to fit my group, and so on, it did take a big toll,in terms of time spent planning ,of effort, and though a lot of it was fun, a lot of it was frustrating. As we ventured into higher levels, and into less well designed portions of the AP (Again, I'll touch in it later) The burden has become more and more...

And I've met a woman nearly a year ago, and fell deeply in love, and we moved in together, plan on getting married, and she is pregnant. that and starting a residency, means my own time slims more and more, and I can devote less and less time for the party. My group used to laugh that I always over planned, and that they never came close to the end of my prepared materials. in the past year they started getting real close. In the last session they did. I didn't even have Melazmera's treasure, barely a hastily scratched map of her cave, in case they come in. Other than ideas, I didn't have anything in terms of game mechanics actually planned for the mine.

And I got less and less time to develop and implement ideas that my players wanted to explore, from Sena's interaction with the gods, his vision and Arulashee, Julian's rise to deity-hood, or Andera's growing character. And yet, I didn't want to disappoint my players. I liked playing with them, giving them a good session, seeing them happy, having fun. Yet there were signs of burnout... usually after DMing a session, I was exhausted,but felt elated, but in the few instances where things didn't go well, and the party left unsatisfied, I felt utterly drained.

In the discussion in emails after the session, Sena's player said he'd quit the group (Due to reason of play style being problematic with the adventure, I'll get to that), At first I was upset, and wanted to find a way to solve this, but a part of me was relieved... A part of me longed to stop DMing,to rest for awhile. But I was hesitant to disappointing the group. Luckily, I have great players, and better friends. Julian's player (Who is quite savvy about people) felt what I was going through, and talked with me, with the others and at the end we decided that mostly for my sake, the groups sake, and some other problems, that we will stop here, and change the system, and change the DM! I took a bit of time off, and Andera's player ran an introduction adventure to the group in Shadowrun, which went fantastic! This went quite well, and I joined a session after. Tell the truth? it's great relief to me, and I have more time to breath, and enjoy, and so does the group.

Group's play style vs. Running an Adventure Path
This is the first time we ran an adventure path. Yet after conquering Drezen, some of the party started having new projects, new ideas, things they wanted to explore. Be it from Sena's many conversations, interactions, and his vision for the future, Julian's Sleepless eye, or ascension to godhood, or even Andera's interaction with tieflings. Yet, I couldn't quite find a decent way to put these in the context of the campaign, as the campaign NEEDED TO GO THIS WAY, and the characters more personal goals needed to be put aside, or downplayed for this to happen. Now, some groups are more fine with this, but at least two of my players (Sena and Julian) got frustrated more and more, about their core issues not being addressed. I think this is a problem with most APs, who have to deal with more general groups, but for my particular group this was a big problem.

Oddly enough, in previous campaigns, where there was no strict PATH, we felt far more at ease to explore the characters own goals, motivations and such. But when there was an adventure path, Andera and Mad Dog's player seem to desired more to move the campaign along, to proceed on it's path. This was a goal unto itself- to finish the campaign and the main story. This caused some friction within the group, which I've touched upon at times. The need to adhere to the AP just didn't fit with my groups play style.

Campaign design problems
I took a lot of effort to redesign stuff, which might have been avoided in a better designed product. I'd like to note right here, that I think some of the problems are inevitable when designing APs (I'll touch on that later), and that i really appreciate and commend Paizo's stuff for the work they did. Still, some things either could be better designed, or didn't fit my group. I'll touch on these later, when talking about challenges running this campaign.

Long pauses, infrequent sessions
Due to our ages and busy schedule, we met rarely. This meant that when people did come to play, they needed their "Gaming dose". I've talked about this a bit before, but designing such session is quite different from designing weekly meetings, since each session needs to provide a full enough experience, and the "dose" until next time. People come with some expectations, and a want for escapism. If that is not meet (and it means different things to different people), then the player gets frustrated, and the experience drags on till the next session, which is a long way off. This means that a session played mostly "On the way to somewhere", that doesn't get the players a feel of competence, and of some closure, often ends up as a not successful session. but this is a lesson that took ae some time to learn, and it is quite hard to implement, mostly in the terms of a long ongoing story, with goals quite different apart. Our group probably needs shorter, more tangible, more accessible goals, and resolutions, that can be done in 1 session.

Challenges running the campaign
I'm talking about more general challenges, not strictly ones for my group. I'll talk about 4 layers here: Running a Paizo AP, running a high level game, running a game with mythic rules, and running this specific AP- Wrath of The Righteous.

Running a Paizo AP
I'll start with saying that this is the first Paizo AP I've ran, and I've only read some others, and talked about others with other forumists and gamists. I haven't ran any other modules or campaigns of other sources as well, so this may not be true of other material.
Paizo APs usually cater for a group of 4 players, with low- mid optimization level. They do try to give focus on a specific theme for a campaign, and they divide their campaigns to about 6 modules, each spanning about 3 levels or so, give or take. They do seem to pose some very specific problems though:
1. As a DM, you are basically running someone's else material, which means you are nto well familiar with it, nor the design purposes always. As no group is like the other, this means that except for very rare cases, you ALWAYS have to adjust the AP to your group. This may mean little tweaks, or larger ones, but rarely you just run the AP exactly as written.
2. Lack of long term continuity and themes: This stems from different writers writing different parts, with a different focus, and different ideas. This also stems from the fact that the modules are also meant to be potnetially played on their own. This leads to a significant lack of inter connection between modules, or keeping major themes going. There are many examples in this campaign:
- The 4 major NPCs of the first module get more and more downplayed as the campaign progresses, with later designers almost writing them off.
- No real buildup for major antagonists (Vorlesh appears briefly in the first module, and then as one battle in the end? The Major opponent of the campaign? Really?)
- Factions and accomplishments get forgotten/ trivialized when inconvenient:
We saved Kenabres! Ok, time to move ahead.
We conquered Drezen! Well, now others rule it, go back to dungeon delving!
We rescued Arulashee, which is built to be a romantic ally! Well, she leaves you on the next module.
We made A demon lord ally! Yeah, forget about her...
It takes a real hard effort to build enough consistency and continuity for players who want it.
3. Many parts are railroaded: Yora touched upon this in another thread, but most of Paizo's modules have a very strict order of things that happen, with only very small places that can be more freely played, and then with quite... crappy support. The ruins under Kenabres have ONE path. The road to Drezen has ONE road. and so on... More then that though, as the modules all assume that the game will progress one way, and demand success at previous efforts. This leaves very little, if any, wiggle room. In our Campaign this mostly became evident after conquering Drezen. The party had a base, with resources, people and more. They had plans, but the modules basically had their idea of what the PCs should be doing, which really didn't fit most.
4. A big problem for our play style, and that of quite a few others I've talked with, is that we have little time for play, and so we value it, and like things to matter. Many of the modules seemed to have quite a great deal of "filler encounters"- which means just battle encounters, usually with little actual threat, just for the sake of earning XP. They aren't important for plot development, they aren't really challenging, not even interesting. Just... Fodder battle XP. A certain kind of play style promotes this, even benefits from this, but not ours.

Running a high level game
We never before reached beyond level 12/13 in previous campaigns, and even then it felt to us like this was quite epic already, and heavy magic effects were already evident. I've heard the claim that high level games tend to breakdown or lag, and this in some way proved true with us as well. In the later parts, battles dragged on considerably. But more than that- with the vast options (Mostly of the casters), Planning a suitable challenge became quite difficult .The Modules didn't deal with this well, as it seemed that they basically continued to play practically the same game (Quests to reach a place, find something/ kill something/ save something), but put quite railroady limitations on the high level magic that enabled passing these problems. And the party still felt like "fetch boys"... At these high levels, the game itself should feel... different. Maybe it's just our group, but the game got very complicated rules wise, and very lethal as well... Which we don't quite like, as coming back from death feels like it cheapens the challenge. (Both Mad Dog and Sena wished to quit playing their characters after dying, but ended up to keep playing, due to requests of the party).

Running a Mythic game
Our experience with mythic is... odd. The mythic rules change the game, mostly the ability of casters to cast any spell on their list, and various other powers (Like Mad Dog's combos that made him a crit monster, or Andera's ability of undetection, which basically made him nearly impossible to hit). These abilities makes challenging players far more difficult. The first instance was in the trap room in Drezen. "Magical poison? Wait, I got just the spell for that". I think it quite bogged down the casters creativity, as later on,they just kept pouring through books to find the perfect spell for each situation, and didn't quite think with the tools they allready had. It makes the game very hard to handle.

I'd like to point out a few of the abilities that seemed very themed for flavor, but had deep roleplay and campaign implications. Mainly the ability to become divine entities (Forgot it's name), and Sena's "Beyond Morality" ability. Sure, these can be played for mechanical benefits (Beyond Morality was SUPER effective in this campaign), but they also entirely change what the campaign, and the PCs are about. The ability to create legendary items/ artifacts also had great potential, and Chandi was starting to become an interesting minor character, and in ways developed Andera quite a lot. Thing is, These are usually meant to be (In my opinion), things the character develops into for a long time, and something that is supposed to be integral to the campaign design, and character design. But with mythic? "hey, it's part of the rules. It's an ability", which made it both unexpected, and felt like it should be a viable option. It felt odd though.

Also an odd observation- the "universal path" abilities usually had more use, and more impact on the campaign than the path specific abilities. (Other than the signature abilities).

Mythic also tends to vastly increase the speed of leveling. Why? Well, the characters have power beyond their level, and so the DM either lets them steam roll everything, or they upgrade the challenges, which grant more XP, to lower levels, which makes them level faster (Usually also gaining mythic tiers by trials), face even tougher challenges, and so on... The speed which we leveled felt at least to me and some players quite dazzling. You haven't even gotten used to all of the names of the abilities of the previous level, and you leveled again!

In short, Mythic play to my opinion is intended for truly epic sounding games, tremendous stakes, but require very skilled DMs, not for every one.

Wrath of The Righteous Campaign
I have ambiguous feelings about the campaign. I think the basic concepts were quite amazing, quite inspiring, and a could at both be played as simple "good vs. eviiiilll!" or as something deeper. But, I think they fail at execution of many of their wonderful concepts. A few main problems, not covered in the "Running a Paizo AP":
1. For a campaign that speak of mythic and epic deeds, they seem to coddle, protect and make sure the party succeeds, which... bugs me. From making the Gray Garrison a joke, Making Vorlesh feel like a moron when she fails to kill them (Note: I suggest not even putting her there. The players kept feeling smug about that for the entire campaign. Her first impression? A failure.), making Nurah so easy to spot, making Drezen defenses laughable, as well as Staunton Vhane, Minhago and more main adversaries, I've allready talked at length about Nocticula, and so on... I have no problems with the players feeling bad ass, but if you coddle the mall the way, some of the taste is lost, at least to us.
2. Beyond the second module, the AP seems like it was not written with Mythic rules in mind. from the CRs (When the rules themselves note that the tiers count half their levels towards the party's APL), soem ability to replace a lost mythic PC (Since the AP links the mythic power to the singular event at the end of the first module). Actually ,other than throwing enemies with mythic abilities themselves at a time, the modules don't really deal with the PCs being different from others... They become something else, not just "stronger heroes"... They become mythic and... that's it. No other indication that this is a major part of the campaign, their very nature,their gift... This is a BIG miss in the planning...
3. I feel that other than the second module, where the party leads an army, they are frankly quite left out of the major war... Up until a bit in the last module, the AP goes out of it's way to provide them tasks that are not related to the direct war effort. It's not that the task are not important, but the Player's guide, and the entire history sparks ideas of being in the military, fighting a war, and more. Heck, 3 out of the 5 characters built their backgrounds with that in mind! (Andrew, Sean and Andera)
4. The campaign tries to promote a lot of their additional rules for "mini games" (Down time, exploration, mass combat), but does it quite poorly, and then neglects almost all of it. Which stings... like bad form. Out of these the mas combat, along with the previous rules, feels the worst. You put such a big emphasis on this in the second module, PCs expend resources on such abilities (Skills at the least), and even promise to have a big battle at the end module, only to... not have it?
5. The campaign traits. I've talked about this at length before, but unlike other APs, here the traits are tied to specific mythic paths, and thus tie to very specific sets of classes, which kind of forces a trait on a character, not to mention forcing the story on her, which is bad enough. More than that, the resolutions in the 3rd module are... sorry, just plain bad. They feel like the writer there was forced to write resolutions for them, and came out with half baked ideas for each. This was not done well...

Enough for now... Gotta go. next are rough plans I had for the rest of the campaign (Including major changes), and what otr gaming group plans on playing next, the changes and shifts we've made. :smallamused:

Kol Korran
2016-02-29, 03:32 PM
Ok, the last issues left for this log- The future planned, the future in reality.

Rough sketches for the rest of the campaign.

If any of my players is reading this, I highly advise NOT to read the following. You know... As to the rest of you, well, the following are rough plans. Major themes/ changes Intended to implement.

End of the 4th module- The Nyhandrian Mines
Battling In the mine:
I quite disliked the mines as written, and it seemed like the battle there would easily develop into all of the mine coming to defend it. Now, If you remember the battle of the Ivory Sanctum, and how hard it was to handle that battle, I don't wish to repeat that. I wished to lower the types of opponents. Also, Delving into the center of the essence of a slayed demon lord... Hmmm... This will be the closest the party will ever get to the raw essence of the Nyhadrian power, so I wanted to play on that. So, to sum it up, a few major changes:
- The mine as a trap: As mentioned, the demons pretty much anticipate the party to come. So while they hurry up to "close shop", they also prepare it as a trap. This includes preparing places for it to collapse, booby trap "Nyhadrian bombs", and so on...
- Fewer enemies, simpler battle: Basically I was thinking about Hephazimerah, the minotaurs (Using the stats by Scorpion. The minotaurs can freely teleport within the mine, making them quite challenging. Also, Maybe I'll get to use their Oubliette power for once. :smalltongue: The Minotaurs pack quite a punch with their mythic feats and so (Mythic improved vital strike for example). And maybe some acolytes, for magical and summon support. All the rest (the other more minor demons) I'm gonna leave out.
- The very soul of Evil: I wish to make the essence of the demon lord a force in the mine, like some sort of a semi intelligent awareness. The party might be bale to interact with it (perhaps use it, since the demons have been excavating it), but definitely feel the ancient power, the menace. Not sure how I'd do it, but the very evil presence will have a serious effect, even Sena might be affected, though less than the others.
- Daugher of Baphomet: Hephazimerah isn't working on a shard as in the module. she starts quickly buffing when an alarm is set, and comes buffed up. I hate it when they intentionally handicap the main antagonists, especially in very... stupid way.

About the end of the module, Baphomet and Nocticula
The ending I quite disliked when reading it. Felt like a cut scene, and an annoying one. And the party is just handed a mythic trial for it, while doing nothing... My idea was as follows:
Baphomet does come, and the party has to fight it! Though at the end of the first round, their hear a telepathic message: "Three...". This is Nocticula counting, the assassin's 3 round of "studying the target". The party has to survive 3 rounds against the demon lord. (Not an easy task considering they re probably fairly depleted after the mine battle!) After which Nocticula does come and assassinate Baphomet, which returns to it's plane. She then explains that she sort of used the party as bait to draw it here. The party will meet her shortly again, at the fifth module.

5th module- Herald of The Ivory Labyrinth
I will detail my problems and the my proposed changes in points:
1. The Herald: When I first read about this, I felt quite disappointed- there is practically zero emotional investment in this quest, unless a character is very much attached to Iomedae's causes. So I made a switch I hinted at in previous posts- The herald is not some outsider being, It is the Queen itself... While attacking Raliscard, and once Vorlesh learsn the party is t Nocticula's realm (And gains some idea from seeing Julian's transformation), they contact Baphomet to attack and take the Queen into his realm. The Crusade suffers a heavy blow, but more than that- The demons use the connection between the queen to Iomedae, to sort of poison the goddess through the process of corrupting the queen. This connection cripples Iomedae, and some of her ability to bestow power on her followers also falters... The attack on Raliscard turns into a mess, and the army suffers heavy losses, and is forced into retreat.

The 3 main changes here are:
- A stronger emotional investment with the queen, the party knows the priosner of the labyrinth. As an option, some of the prisoners found through the module mightbe parts of her retinue and so.
- Explains why the goddess Iomedae can't just use her godly powers to kick Baphomet's ass.
- Makes the antagonsits more competent looking, and inserts another sense of urgency and distress into the crusade and campaign.

2. Coming back from the Midnight Isles: In the module it seems like the party comes back, maybe finish some projects, buy/ sell stuff, and then meet Iomedae. There is little to no real interaction with Goalrion again, which is a shame. The change I propose is as follows:
The party comes back to chaos! After the revelation in the Nyhadrian mines, the party rushes back and gets to the retreating remains of the Queen's army from Raliscard. They come to help them retreat, when their queen is gone, and Iomedae's power falters...

I'm not fully sure how to implement this, but a few thoughts:
- I'd like to play another Mass Combat, against vastly superior forces, with very low moral. The party's high level is crucial to be bale to escape. I think of having the demons general be either the merilith general or the storm king itself mentioned in the 6th module. Perhaps insert the corrupted phoenix from there as well. Bit battle, with the party's high level and powers tilting the balance back.
- I'd love to somehow enable the changes the party worked for come into effect in this dire situation, whether the first new recruits of Julian's order, perhaps units of tieflings under the banner of Sena's new vision, maybe some of the allies they saved (The archons, the Valkyrie, the souls of paladins from the pits of Nocticula), perhaps some info gained by the Sleepless Eye. In short, I'd like to bring in the effects of Drezen (Who was so far spared from the main conflict) to help "save the day".
- The party sort of become the crusade de-facto leaders! Yet they themselves need to leave it soon... So, They need to appoint new leadership. With many of the crusades leaders gone/ dead when the queen was killed, I'd love for them to find a way to deal with this, most likely by appointing some of the NPCs they worked with so far, as temporary leaders/ rulers, till the crisis ends. Could lead for quite interesting roleplay I think, and a feeling of empowerment, and development...

3. Interview with Iomedae: Now, this is huge. I feel the module doesn't deal with it very well. Some of my ideas:
- Not just Iomedae: The module assumes heavily that the party will follow Iomedae, but in my case, none do... Sena worshiped Sarenrae, and moved to Calistria (More on that soon), Andera semi worships Desna, and Julian has a problem with all of the gods, Iomedae especially. Also, I felt the rest was under presented. So, instead of just meeting her, they meet all of the five gods of the crusade, as they did briefly in The Hall of Heroes...

As mentioned, Iomedae is sickened/ cursed/ affected by the corruption of the queen, and is struggling to lend her support, and to her troops, but her power is diminished. The other 4 came to her aid, but as will be explained soon, both Sarenre and Desna will have their hands full, and most of so the power of them 5 to help the crusade is diminished, which is why they need the PCs. Yet i imagine the party will have enough chances to interact with all of the gods (With some interactions planned).

- "Your mission, if you choose to accept it..." The Big Reveal, Part 1: The party hears that the queen was not just kidnapped for the lulz, but that it looks like the demons have a serious purpose in this- the process of corruption includes sapping her divine essence, and through it some of Iomedae's own essence (Which is why she is sick/ affected), for some other purpose. Some quick theories might come to the conclusion that Vorlesh tries to make the impossible possible again, and needs the god's own essence, with the demon lords essence (Nyhadrian essence) to make her goal possible- open the Worldwound fully! This puts an extra burden on stopping the corruption. However, the gods have different ideas on this- to try and save the queen, even if this means Iomedae suffers, and this may fuel the Worldwound ritual? Or to seek to kill her swiftly? Ad this is the major moral quandary of this module, I'd like to emphasize it, and have a debate of the gods, and PCs. The soul of the leader, vs. the fate of the world...

I also intent to put the module on a time frame, with two main effects: First, It affects the chances of reversing the queen's corruption, and secondly, it may affect how far Vorlesh has completed her ritual in the 6th module or how strong her defenses will be.

- A surprise guest/ not whom you thought/ The Big Reveal part 2: Another divine entity comes in- Nocticula! She uses her favor from the gods for an audience with the gods, and for their favor. Sarenrae and Desna support her, and the three reveal quite a few things of the past, and some surprises for Sena:
In short, Nocticula has been trying to develop into something else than she is, Her emissaries have contacted both Desna and Sarenrae, who decided to explore this... potential... They mostly talked philosophy, yet also bargained. Remember The burning succubi who rules Porphyry? (Forgot her name, damnit!), well, She is at least partly Sarenrae's representative, and part of the deal she made with Nocticula. It enables Sarenrae to contact her, and in return the angel in demon's disguise started putting forth some of Sarenrae's beliefs and philosophy (Subtly, secretly) into the major demon city of the Abyss.

Yet a demon lord is hard to change, and so before she will undergo a change, Nocticula wished to test. So with the 3 came up with a certain plot, which in which Nocticula revealed the location of an artifact (Lexicon of Paradox), for the chance to test a creature similar to her own self- A succubus. This led to the first expedition, who summoned one an angle to help unlock the secrets of Paradox, yet ended up with part of it's essence transferred to Arulashee... Yet the Expedition itself failed, and Arulashee took a long time to redeem, without the real help of morals.

Yet years later, a new opportunity presented itself- A band of heroes, who seemed to manage the impossible, and one of them even shared a spark of the angel, a sortof siblign to Arulashee... The goddesses and demon lord watched closely.

And when that priest called forth to Sarenrae, they 3 decided to play a little trick- Sarenrae will turn him down, yet another will intervene. It was never Calistria whom Sena worshiped, But Nocticula herself! She played as her, but they affected each other. She felt his struggles, and as the follower is affected by the divine, so is the divine affected by the follower, and as Sena changed, so did Nocticula, in subtle ways, as he was her first follower of her changing form. They kept it from Sena, and sought to see the paths he will choose, and in amny ways, his changes (Becomign beyond morality, his new vision of Drezen, him helping arulashee and redeeming her, and his desire to return to worship Sarenrae) changed Nocticula herself.

I imagine Sena' player would LOVE this twist, even if he has been played for awhile. But what now? Well, Nocticula has finally decided to make the change, and by killing Baphomet has aligned herself squarely on the crusade's side. Yet, she is not yet fully ready. So she will undergo... metamorphosis, and go into a cocoon, (of a sort), and will emerge a new. She seeks the help of the gods while she is vulnerable.

So Iomedae is trying to hold her power, supply support to the queen, and help the crusade. Sarenrae tries to heal and help her, and Desna goes to guard Nocticula's transformation. Torag and Shellyn, the two lesser active gods stay to guard Iomeadea, and help as much as they can with the crusade, still, the divine support for it is quite weakened...

- Emerging Divinity: And so here come both Julian and Sena. Julian is asked to help, and spread her belief wider, with her new followers starting to support the crusade as well. There may well be a bargain to help her become on of the gods, possibly replace Iomedae if she falls... And Sena? As might be understood, Sena had the supprort of both Sarenrae and Nocticula all the way, but in his way he has shown them both a new way- his vision. He becomes a sort of a god of his own new vision, with powers and core beliefs coming from both gods, yet he now is his own power source, though he my well share philosophies from both. I think both players would love the change of status...

I Imagine Iomedae might have an interesting conversation with Julian, about the roles of godhood, where they can intervene, and when not, and the responsibility of mortals as well, some talk about leadership, and more... Julian's player wished to play Julian as first defiant, but once a goddess she would see things from the other end as well, and will understand (The player himself quite like Iomede's teachings I believe, Andrew after all was Iomeade's paladin)

4. The Ivory Labyrinth- finding the prison: Now, after reading the module's intro, about the love of mazes, labyrinths, and mysteries, I was looking forward a complex maze, puzzle and a really difficult exploration of finding the prison! But... instead of that, the location is practically handed to the players in one of the two encounters in the main city of the Labyrinth. This was SUCH a disappointment! I don't exactly know how I would change this, but actually learning of the prison's location should be a very difficult and complex challenge, requiring a lot of planning and creativity. Not sure what exactly, but it is a majot part of the module.

5. Baphomet's involvement: This is his realm, yet for nearly the entire adventure it sits on it's arse, and just comes for the final confrontation. I intend to play it differently, that due to him dying so recently, he is less powerful, but still exerts influence on it's realm. It will have a certain pool of points, which the DM can use to make the party's life difficult, themed on his domains and powers: blocking their paths, confusing them, summoning creatures, and more... The idea is to have the party feel that they are in HIS domain, and that he can affect it, and also increase the build up with him, up to the final confrontation.

6. The prison itself: I'm not quite sure how to handle it, but by the module it feels VERY similar to the rest of the Ivory Labyrinth, only instead of mostly open spaces, it is more limited. Yet again it feels like wandering about, till they bump into things. I haven't fully though of this, but I'd like to make it feel like The Tightest Security in The Abyss, and not just a walk in the park, with some weird demon guards at times...

7. Major officers and the end battle: The module seems to urge the party to do 2 things before the end battle: Dispose of major players in the prison (or else they teleport to the Herald's room when they get there), and recruit some help (Various prisoners or shady characters). I'd really like to make this a point of balancing the need to prepare, vs. the time limit (mentioned earlier), and the prison's increasing security. Things should feel quite stressful, not a leisure walk...

6th module- City of Locusts
A few major changes:
1. The Doomsday clock, and Threshold defenses: 5 days sound like a hell of a lot of time. This is the end game, there shall be very little time here. Thinking more like 3 days or so... The party will need to see what sort of Plot Items they decide to risk for till the final confrontation, and what they'll pass, according to time.

2. Fate of The Queen: not sure exactly how, but either saving the queen or killing her will have good and bad effects. if saved, she may not yet be fully redeemed, and her continued corruption may enable the demons to still draw from Iomedae some essence ,making the challenge tougher. Yet, she may know some crucial information, raise moral quite a lot, and may help the party in the final ritual. Pros and Cons.

3. Demons' assault: Not sure what to do about the first battle. I think the merilith (If she survived the mass battle of the previous module), will not go for Drezen, but for the Capital, perhaps to try and silence the queen if she's been saved. Otherwise, Not sure.

4. Gaining the Chisel: Not sure how to go about it, but the entire scene with the strange brothel in Iz seems... very unlikely to me... In these high levels, treating this as infiltration or a dungeon seems very odd. I imagine the party to use some powers to circumvent nearly all, or this very quickly devolving into a big battle.

5. Killing the Storm King: Him Appearing just after gaining the Suture feels like one of the lousiest entrances of major campaign villain ever... and him being protected from being found? He is the general for god's sakes! He needs to lead armies and such! He isn't exactly hiding in a bunker! And the party has 9th level mythic spells! They can't find him? really?! And why does the general come to to battle them alone, with most of his army occupying the entire city? I'm not saying to bring in every Babau and dretch, but at least some major officers and such?

6. the suture: The module inserts wonderful challenge and complication (keeping the mythical dretch alive), but then completely undoes it when suggesting to put it into extra dimensional storage space. No... just no. I intend that making keeping the miserable bugger's life a challenge, with many of the opponents strategy focused on killing it. not fully sure how, but I want to keep this very unique and cool challenge potent.

7. Attacking Threshold: This somewhat goes back to the Grey Garrison's problem- a place the party is expected to take in several forays, attacking and regrouping. But.. .this close to the end? A static dungeon? And again they are expected to go and kill all of the other special monsters before trying to close the portal, even if that is THE major issue here, the point of the ENTIRE campaign, and The Doom of Us All...

I intend to make it shorter, fiercer, and a hell of a challenge. Main thoughts:
- Every resource coems into play, hopefulyl a lot of effects from the campaign- be it NPCs advice/ help, The Queen, Arulashee and others possibly joining, help from the gods, help from Drezen, and more. Wil ldepend heavily on how things revolve till then, but I am keeping notes! :smallbiggrin:
- Less encounters, but more difficult ones: As explained through out my log.
- Battle at the Worldwound's room: I hope to make it more engaging then described. Also, Intend for it to be fought on BOTH sides of the portal, In Golarion, and the Rasping Rifts themselves. (Intend to have 2 maps, with the opponents able to cross it by expanding movement or some resource
- I want the Worldwound tear itself to play a major part here, a chaotic tear in reality. Not sure exactly how, but the biggest magical effect the entire campaign revolves around should be felt like more than just a static portal...
- I want some... interaction with the idea of the Paradox again. One of the campaign's main themes is "To make the impossible possible", and many of the vents here were linked to the Lexicon, but more than that- to what it represents. I want this to be addressed to somehow...

8. Deskari! I've heard in nearly every group that faced it, that beating it is a cake walk... :smallmad: I intend to have him attack WHILE the party tries to close the portal, quite possibly joining the battle with other major demons, and possibly Vorlesh herself. I intend to make him... different though... As Nocticula mentioned- his form, as the demon lord of the locust swarm, is that of a swarm made of thousands of major demons. That's the idea, though I;m not sure how to implement it. But I want the party to fight the mother lord of Hive Mind Swarms ever! :smallamused:

Where do we go from here? Or... Anyone up for Shadowrun?

So, we come to the end of the log (At least until we return to the campaign, and of course you can still comment and ask questions). So what have we decided to do?

Well, we're doing a big change. We decided to shuffle things up- We're leaving Pathfinder for now, and start playing a new system for most of us- Shadowrun, 4th edition. Julian's player realy wishes to DM it, but he has very little experience in the system (Read: No actual play, just read the rules book), and so Andera's player (Who has quite extensive experience in it, as well as DMing it), will DM for awhile, probably a short campaign, after which he might continue, or Julian's player will take charge.

I will be a player! :smallbiggrin: This is a big relief for me, as I seriously need a break, and I don't have the time to prepare adequately no more. I wil be playing a sort of a trickster mage. Yay! :smalltongue:

Most have us have little to no experience with the system, so it's a new experience for us. Andera's player (I should really call him the GM from now), already ran an intro adventure for the rest of them (I was busy), Which went quite splendid, with great roleplay and a lot of enthusiasm. I joined for one session so far, which was a hoot, though very different.

We also have a new player, an old friend of the DM who knows SR well, and whom I've played with on occasion- A really cool player, very inventive and creative!

A log you ask? :smallwink: Well, I hope to get to it. I've written notes for most of the first session, but I will need to find time to write it (it took me long enough to finish here after all!). It will be somewhat different, fro ma player's perspective, getting to know a new system better, and a different play style (SR is quite different from PF). I will most likely post the log on the general roleplay forum.

So far, the change seems to have done good for the party, and the first session experience (And into adventure for the rest), seems to have gone great! So, here hoping for the best! :smallbiggrin:

That's it for now. No more to write... I loved the game we had, despite difficulties, and I'm a bit saddened to let it go, but it's for the group's sake, and my sake as well... I hope you've enjoyed the read so far, and would love to have you read the next log. I have written one player's POV log in the past ("It began with a crash"), which seemed to have garnered good interest.

As always, if you have any comments, questions, remarks or such, feel free to post away! I am still keeping this log subscribed (Duh!) so I will see when new posts come up.

Thanks to all who helped,advised, and encouraged, it is always nice! :smallbiggrin: And last but not least- Thanks to my wonderful group, who makes DMing worthwhile!

Happy gaming to you all!
Kol. :smallsmile:

2016-03-01, 05:19 PM
Alas, the fate of so many games... To be placed lovingly on the shelf for a brief time and to fade into memory under a fine layer of dust.

But in all seriousness, the adventure never left me wanting for more. If I could offer any advice to your players as they cusp the line of high level play, it would be this: Surviving at that level requires a serious dedication to stubbornness. Spellcasters are grasping the electrified power line of the universe at that level, being whipped back and forth over a highly conductive pool of water, hoping their toes don't brush its surface. In this game, Failure is an option because death is not the end of the battle. Most creatures don't respond to raise dead spells. They are done with that hard life. Adventures have the gall to get back up and say that they are not done!

Thank you for taking the time to detail the adventures of you and your group, and sharing your thoughts for the future adventures in this adventure path. I'll be keeping an eye out for any other adventure logs you post. :smallbiggrin:

Kol Korran
2016-03-08, 02:32 PM
Alas, the fate of so many games... To be placed lovingly on the shelf for a brief time and to fade into memory under a fine layer of dust.
Yes, I believe this is what will happen. If we take a long enough hiatus, I think it may be hard coming back to the game. Also, other than me possibly having more time, the other problems aren't likely to be resolved...

But in all seriousness, the adventure never left me wanting for more. Thanks! :smallamused: That's a very nice compliment! I'm very glad you liked it! :smallbiggrin:

If I could offer any advice to your players as they cusp the line of high level play, it would be this: Surviving at that level requires a serious dedication to stubbornness. Spellcasters are grasping the electrified power line of the universe at that level, being whipped back and forth over a highly conductive pool of water, hoping their toes don't brush its surface. In this game, Failure is an option because death is not the end of the battle. Most creatures don't respond to raise dead spells. They are done with that hard life. Adventures have the gall to get back up and say that they are not done!
Hmmmm... death is a particular issue with my group. Out of the 8-9 game aesthetics,the one that all the group shares is that of Challenge- they need to know that the challenge is fair, and that failure is a true option. For most of them, at least in combats, death IS the failure. A loooong time ago, Julian's player DMed a long campaign for us, but at some point it turned quite lethal, and 1-2 PCs would die each session. Yet we were loaded with money, and so the mage teleported us and the bodies back to a major temple, we got raised, and got back. And yet... we quickly lost a feeling of connection to the game, and it failed cheapened for us... At least for some of us, an actual failure should be an option, and one after which you don't get to fight back anymore... The parry sort of accepts "Last breath" spells and such (As sort of "last chance") but most reaaaallly dislike being raised.

As to failure, in a broader scope- It really bugs me that in order for the story to progress, the module assumes the PCs MUST win always. The demons side almost, or never wins, and as such they will feel as incompetent. And there is no place for continuing of something failed. This leads to making SURE they would succeed (Not me, but the modules), or else the game stops... I didn't like that, not one bit...

Thank you for taking the time to detail the adventures of you and your group, and sharing your thoughts for the future adventures in this adventure path. I'll be keeping an eye out for any other adventure logs you post. :smallbiggrin:And thank you for the kind words. It gladdens me, and makes me smile! :smallsmile: I'll post the next log, when I get a bit more time. 2 sessions so far, but very, very entertaining!

2016-05-17, 10:25 AM
First of all I'd like to thank you very much for sharing this log, full of details, well writen and so on.
Secondly, I apologize for my poor english as the french guy i am.

I run this campaign for 6 months now, and I wanted to say that I take a lot of inspiration from your log : I feel the same pb about the original design, and I must admit you have resolved those pretty well.

My group is about to reach the Gray garrison, at the end of the first book, so I'm about to tie some part of background, mainly linked to the "campaign traits". The resolution of this in the 3rd module is ... well I dont know polite english words to describe my feeling about it. Again I found your version of those events (and the way you made a link between all the characters) a very good way to explain things.

So is the reason for this post (and the reason why I created an account here !) : Would it be possible for you to resume the story behind your "lost expedition" ? I understood the major thing, but I guess the details (and the answer to my questions) are explained trought the whole adventure. I 've already read a lot here but not all for the moment, and my understanding of english is too weak to get the essential quickly (and there is a loooot to read here !)

It would help me to get my own version of these events, and to put the right elements in time to make my players discover it little by little.

Thank in advance, and again you've done a amazing job ! Too bad you decided to stop so close to the end :smallfrown:

Kol Korran
2016-05-18, 12:19 AM
First of all I'd like to thank you very much for sharing this log, full of details, well writen and so on.
Secondly, I apologize for my poor english as the french guy i am.

I run this campaign for 6 months now, and I wanted to say that I take a lot of inspiration from your log : I feel the same pb about the original design, and I must admit you have resolved those pretty well.

My group is about to reach the Gray garrison, at the end of the first book, so I'm about to tie some part of background, mainly linked to the "campaign traits". The resolution of this in the 3rd module is ... well I dont know polite english words to describe my feeling about it. Again I found your version of those events (and the way you made a link between all the characters) a very good way to explain things.

So is the reason for this post (and the reason why I created an account here !) : Would it be possible for you to resume the story behind your "lost expedition" ? I understood the major thing, but I guess the details (and the answer to my questions) are explained trought the whole adventure. I 've already read a lot here but not all for the moment, and my understanding of english is too weak to get the essential quickly (and there is a loooot to read here !)

It would help me to get my own version of these events, and to put the right elements in time to make my players discover it little by little.

Thank in advance, and again you've done a amazing job ! Too bad you decided to stop so close to the end :smallfrown:

Hi there! J'oublies beaocoup Francais, pardon moi!
French aside, thanks for replying and the kind words! We didn't stop close to the end, we stopped near the end of the 4th module, so about.. .64-65%?

A few comments about your questions, regarding the traits and last expedition, as well as some thoughts about the Grey Garrison. Some of these are copy pasted from An earlier post of mine, (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19693753&postcount=188)Which detailed some thoughts I had, while already GMingthe fourth module, while trying to give advice for another player.

About using the traits:

Originally by Kol Korran:
2) The Campaign Traits: These are... quite badly done... both mechanically (My players barely used them) but also in terms of story and character development. Let me explain:

The character traits force a major event or so in the character's life, not exactly something the player envisioned for their character. Player have ton of ideas, but by using the stories in the campaign traits, it forces them to include elements that they didn't really want to incorporate. More than that, the Campaign traits tie directly to type of classes and Mythic paths, meaning that if you play a certain kind of class, you practically MUST pick one trait only (Chance encounter for sneaky types, Divinely touched for Divine casters and so on). In my group, one player (The one playing Andrew and later Julian) happen to choose a different trait than the one fitting his class, since another character (Harry) already had it. I allowed him to not tie it to the mythic path, and I think it enriched his options, and made his character much more interesting, and even made the mechanical benefits more useful, and more balanced.

Past APs if I understand used the campaign traits to tie the group together, but here belonging to the crusade and the initial events are enough of a binding factor.

More over, the campaign traits are supposed to be dealt with in the third module, but their handling is... crappy at best. Basically, each character has a certain location/ encounter in which a bit more is revealed about their campaign trait, and this counts as a mythic trial for her. The conclusions are quite badly written, unsatisfying, and feel quite like the author was told "You need to include this in the module!" and just wrote something offhandedly. Since most players didn't envision such elements in their characters to begin with, this adds little if anything to the game.

Mechanically, the improved traits are... mostly uninspiring, mostly due to them being tied to the. They strengthen the already very strong aspects of the character, and thus create one of two results- either it makes the character more extreme, and more unbalanced, or it doesn't really add anything significant to an already strong capability, and is thus useless.

Julian's player, who took the trait belonging to the guardian path, got useful abilities for a mage (Ability to reroll for incapacitating attacks, and later om +3hp/lvl), which was much more useful. Andera used his trait ONCE in the entire campaign. Sena not even that. Mad dog got a bit more overpowered by his improved campaign trait. Their benefits are for the most part- boring.

So, enough Jabber. My suggestions?
- Forgo the campaign traits altogether. Let the party have the entire selection of traits to make more varied and interesting characters. Tie the background THEY write and want to play into the story somehow.
- If you do use the traits, I'd suggest to disconnect between trait and mythic path. You'll get much more interesting characters, and much more useful traits this way. (A warrior with the Chance encounter powers, A Rogue who is divinely touched, and so on)
- If you do use the campaign traits, Work out a better story resolution for them in the third module. I've tied the campaign traits into one big story and location, as you might see through the build up in my work on the second module, and in the third module with the Lost Expedition, which also ties the story of Arulashee, Jerribeth and the Lexicon of Paradox. Find whatever suits your party, not what suits the module.

Story of tying the traits, The Lost Expedition, and the campaign as a whole:

This was a story that was made up as I read more of the modules, tried to tie them all together, and the damned traits. The modules have very little continuity in them. I must say that some of these fitted my specific group, due to their stories, and may or my not work for your group. Also, the entire "Lost Expedition" story came about due to trying to pull most of the 3rd modules "trait quests" (Which were immensely weak, and uninspiring), tie in The Lexicon of Paradox (Which is an artifact that "just appears" in the possession of the queen at the start of the 4th module), and the bigger stuff- Vorlesh, The gods, Nocticula and more...

I'll try and detail the story from past,to the adventure modules:
- Centuries ago, Nocticula, demon lord of Darkness, Lust, Assassination and Secrets, one of the oldest, and most powerful demon lords in existence, slowly comes to the realization that she seeks to change. Yet demon lords, as semi-deities, are already quite bound to their idea/ theme, and are influenced by it, as they influence it. (In Julian's search for godhood, I've delved a bit into the nature of the divine and so on, and made my own rulings/ understanding of the matter. You can look in this post (Under "First two excerpts and first vision" and "Third excerpt and second vision"). Nocticula started seeking a way to do the impossible- to change a deity' nature, her own nature. She withdraws from handling The Midnight Isles into her palace, and uses her powers and connections to seek, discuss and probe about philosophical matters...

- Nearly a century ago, the witch Areelu Vorlesh is imprisoned in the Threshold tree, where the most powerful mages of the land are being held. She contacts two powerful mages- Wyvern the necromancer, and Opon the summoner/ God Caller (These people are mentioned only in the last module, despite being quite influential to it's start!) With them she discusses divinity, possibility, and doing the impossible. They reveal to her their work- the writings, experiments, theories and more of the hundreds of captive mages hereon Threshold- People who sought to explore, how to "Make the Impossible Possible" (The major recurring theme and Moto of the campaign). Their work, which also binds much of their life force and power, is a tome called "The Lexicon of Paradox". Areelu Vorlesh tricks the two mages to help her, and the three use the Paradox to perform a ritual...

Too late in the ritual, Wyvern and Opon realize Areelu Vorlesh intent- removing the barrier to the abyssal planes! Letting the Abyss join with Golarion! They manage to stop the ritual in the middle, when Wyvern attacks and combats Vorlesh, while Opon grabs the Lexicon and flees the place... Wyvern combats her long enough to let him evade her, yet the ritual is not a total bust- a great portal opens, and Vorlesh uses her power to link it to one Abyssal plane- The Rasping Rifts, the plane of Deskari. She has her own machinations for the demon lord... The portal is strong enough to let demons through, though it is unstable enough to make the travel dangerous- The stronger the demon, the greater the change for a mishap, so mostly weaker demons traverse the portal, with fewer and fewer stronger ones.

Vorlesh is furious, and puts her best efforts to try and find the Lexicon once again, to finish her work, and exact vengeance upon Opon...

- Opon, who knows the power of Vorlesh, flees upon the wild, and pleas for whatever power to help him! Help him hide the damned Lexicon! He is answered, by a curious figure, one who has been drawn to the sudden tear in the world, one who sought to make the impossible possible- Nocticula. Under guise, she contacts Opon, and helps conceal him even from Areelu Vorlesh powerful scrying. He finds a small grove, with an old Thane tree (Though not as big as the one in Threshold) and uses his power, (And various other powers in the land, as you wish) and the powers of Nocticula, to mask the place from the prying eyes of demon kind and their followers. The place remains hidden for a long time. Vorlesh does catch Opon, as he goes out, yet Nocticula erases the knowledge from his mind, and so the secret is kept safe.

Vorlesh turns her efforts to try and find another way to open the portal further. She seeks our more power, and with Baphomet's help, come upon the idea of the Nyhadrian Crystals and mines.

- Nocticula tries to learn and understand The Lexicon of Paradox, but quickly understands the danger in it. Slowly it affects it's guardians, twisting them... She keeps it, yet turns her attention on a new... opportunity- the gods of the crusade, which become more and more desperate in their fight against the demons. Especially after the disastrous second crusade. She makes secret contact with two of them- Desna and Sarenrae, and after some discussions, debates and more, the two are intrigued by the possibility of changing/ redeeming the demon lord. Nocticula sets up a "compensation" for their assistance, as well as an experiment- An expedition to find the Lexicon of Paradox.

- Nocticula, under guise, slips in enough hints about the location of the powerful artifact,that big expedition (100+ forces) travel into the Worldwound, trying to find it. Amongst the expedition are a few characters related to the campaign traits:
- Parents of the "Child of the Crusades" (Originally, Andrew's parents) who lead the expedition.
- Partial parents of the "touched by divinity". (Why partial? We'll get to that).
- Mage support: The leader of The Black Wing Library (Quendis I think?), and a few apprentices, one of them is the father of "Riftwarden Orphan".

They reach the local, and manage to defeat some of the defenses, and reach the Lexicon of Paradox. Yet the Lexicon wouldn't budge! It keeps eluding them.

- Nocticula sets up her experiment: She enable two of Baphomet's elite demons, the sisters Jerribeth and Arulashee, to find the place. They are both intrigued by the expedition (As well as how they haven't found the place before!) Both demons change their appearance to that of local barbarian women, and help the expedition as scouts. Slowly, they infiltrate it. And learn more of the secret the expedition came to find!

- The expedition leaders with the mages, are exasperated. Unable to solve Paradox' riddles, the expedition starts transforming, both from the Worldwound's affects and The Lexicon's own powers... In a bit of desperation, they call forth a powerful celestial, to bothprotect them from the corrupting effects, and help them solve the riddle.

- Meanwhile, Jerribeth and Arulashee learn of the object of the search, and manage to consult with/ corrupt/ subvert the exploration of a brilliant genius young mage (Father of Riftwarden orphan). He understands more of the nature of Paradox, it's transforming qualities. They manage to persuade him that in order to survive the Worldwound, one needs to be part demon. He does a few... experiments, which partly infuse some crusaders with such energy,secretly... They quickly go mad, and are put down. Yet the mage is obsessed with the knowledge" For the Greater good", and experiments more. Yet, afterlearning enough, Jerribeth has another idea...

- She and Arulashee unleash the mage's experiments upon the expedition, turning many to monstrous semi-demonic horrors. In the ensuing chaos, they try to capture the celestial. In desperation, and with the "help" of The Paradox energies, part of the celestial's essence trades places with part of Arulashee's essence, making the celestial part demon, and instilling with her part celestial, which begins the succubus transformation... SHE is Nocticula's experiment- can a powerful succubus change her nature? Can the impossible become possible?

Yet an odd thing occurs, not even one that the goddesses and demon lord planned- one of the woman in the crusade, who became pregnant, is struck by the celestial essence as well, and a baby is born ("Child of divinity"), who is then rescued by one of the last surviving members of the Lost expedition (Which becomes a slaughter house), and which makes sure to bring it back to Kenabres. It is, in a way, a sort of sibling to both Arulashee and the new guardian of Paradox- the demon/ celestial/ paradox. (Which the party last meet at the end room of the Lost Expedition dungeon, and must either convince or fight a deadly battle).

- The expedition is lost, The corrupted mage is turned slain by Child of the Crusades parents, yet then returned to life as The Worm That Walks- Xanthir Vang. (Truth be told, I haven't quite though why he didn't tell of this to Vorlesh, yet there can be many reasons- shame, memory loss due to the trauma, and more). The lost remains of the expedition (Most notably who rescued Touched by Divinity, Parents of Child of the Crusade perhaps, and possibly Quendis), return to Kenabres, but vow to keep it a secret, believing the place was cursed, and also to hide the shame of what happened...

- But it's not over yet! Jerribeth, who wishes to undo Vorlesh, and further her place with Baphomet, keeps the expedition a secret. She sends many forces and more to try and undo Paradox riddle, but to no avail. In the meantime, she uses the knowledge she learned from the mage, one of corruption, and infusing demonic essence, in her own... experiments (The results are the Stolen Fury and Exposed to Awefulness traits). Yet most are quite unstable, many die, many go mad, to Jerribeth's frustration!

- Strangely enough, it is these experiments that draw Vorlesh attention, who builds upon their knowledge, to her own experiments. She uses the Nyhadrian elixirs, along with the knowledge from Jerribeth's experiments, to transform many demons into powerful mythic demons. Yet this is but one stage. At the start of the campaign comes another experiment- trying to transform the armies through the Wardstone fragment, and later on, once she learns more of Paradox (In my campaign, through viewing the PCs making the impossible possible, mainly Julian, but also Sena), she comes to the final piece of the puzzle, which involves abducting the herald (In my campaign- the queen), and finishing what she started- Opening the portal fully.

- Yet there is also Arulashee- Despite being infused with celestial essence, her struggle to redeem herself is a long one. Her first act of redemption is initiated by Desna, (The Chance encounter trait), yet despite a long attempt at redemption, she doesn't succeed on her own. For her internal essence is that of demons. It takes another involvement, that of mortals (The PCs) to enable the final transformation (I've changed how she redeems and how they interact with Nocticula in the 4th module a GREAT deal), and thus convince Nocticula this could be done. This starts her final transformation (The cocoon), as she realizes finally that the true potential of change is from the mortals, and thus she learns from THEM! (In my campaign Sena became a partial focus for that, as can be read in one of my last few posts, about the big reveals in the start of the 5th module), and the rest (As described there as well).

When the party fids and claim The Lexicon of Paradox, they both gain the means to close the Worldwound, but also make it susceptible to be found by Areelu Vorlesh. Up to you!

On the Grey Garriosn, On Areelu Vorlesh, and Minhago

Originally by Kol Korran:
4) The attack on the grey garrison: The module gives a hell of a crappy reason why none of the major demons protect the Wardstone, the KEY to turning the entire crusade army into demons. With such importance, you'd think they'd put some more defenses around it, no? It always irked me... In my campaign, in the last session when the party met Minhago briefly (And I had to remind them of her part in the protection of the Wardstone), the issue of the demon side seeming utterly incompetent ,pathetic and laughable in that scenario came up again. This single event breaks up any sense of a capable, dangerous, competent foe. They are considered fools, idiots, cartoon villains... I have realized that to a point, this has colored the rest of the campaign so far...

The module goes even further suggesting the party attack in waves, retreating, resting, attacking again and so on. Now I ask you- if you knew someone was attacking the key point to your whole super evil plan, would you leave it so poorly defended? Thankfully, this point is easier to fix, since the party by that point is quite capable of taking the entire garrison in one attempt, even though at some difficulty. I roleplayed it's encounters close to the real thing, with a bit of an added difficulty, and it went ok.

But what about the first problem? The demon side leaving no serious defense of the Wardstone feels just so... inexcusable... After this last session I gave this a great deal of thought, and if I had to do it again, I would do it as this:

Minhago, the lilitu, a CR 17+ demon (Depending on the version you use) Is the one protecting the Wardstone. She has an underling (Jaclyn) who helps in doing atrocities around the city, and raising skeletons and such. But Minhago is the definite guardian of the Wardstone.

As the party travel in the city they hear rumors of the two, mostly of Minhago, some of Jaclyn. You know- build up. Once they reach the Defender's Heart, They hear from the leaders of the rebellion of Minhago, her reputation, her superbly overpowering them and everyone here. Though an attack on the Garrison may be possible, It is impossible with Minhago there. She could obliterate them all (You can have Minhago be aware of the forces at Defender's Heart. She does not consider them a real threat, and also looks forward to the corruption of the Wardstone turning them into demons)

Now, either the NPCs suggest it, or the PCs come up with it, but the rebellion, instead of it being used as a diversion for the forces surrounding the garrison, it is used to divert Minhago's attention. Basically, the rebellion needs to create a diversion, to draw out Minhago to a different location, and enable the PCs to attack and destroy the Wardstone.

What can such a diversion be? I suggest to have some options, but let the PCs try to think up their own. There might be some locations Minhago cares for in the city, which she will protect if attacked on mass, or maybe an item she covets, or such. In general principle, I'd try to have the party research Minhago's history, story and personality, and then use part of her demonic personality characteristics to draw her out (Her greed, her devotion, her hatred, her contempt, her pride and so on). This will make her downfall all the more potent, as the party used the demonic flaws to gain their victory.

A passing thought, but it could be cool if the entire rebellion other than the PCs and accompanying NPCs will be needed for such a distraction. A suicide mission really, since they have no real hope of defeating Minhago when she appears, just to occupy her time, enough for the party to succeed. You might add that the expected results of destroying the Wardstone is releasing so much magical energy, that it will destroy everyone near, so the party is also on a sort of a suicide mission (Depending on whether you think the party will like this kind of theme). This grim but fatal effort, to save the rest of the crusade, may give a real heroic and righteous feel to the end of the module, with a twist of the Wardstone turning them to mythic instead of destroying them.

How to play it in session? One way is to just have the party run the grey garrison after someone tells them Minhago has been lured out. I think though, that if I could, I would place two grids- On one you play out the Grey Garrison, on the other you play the scene of the rebellion fighting Minhago (Each player gets to control some red shirts, which are quickly recycled as Minhago cuts a swath of destruction), You can really play out Mihago's power and cruelty here, and also her failings. You can even use the mongrelfolk as something that greatly piques her interest (She may wonder as to these strange "half demons" who all with the crusaders) It gives her much more presence, and gives the excursion a much more pressing time limit.

At the end battle, I'll have Jaclyn staying behind as the protector, not wanting to Alert Minhago to avoid her anger. But near her death or when the party gets 1-2 rounds away from the Wardstone, you pull the twist! Jaclyn (Or maybe a status spell or an alarm spell around the Wardstone) alerts Minhago, who immediately teleports back to the room!

Expect an "Oh Sh*t!" moment from the group! There is no way in hell they can beat her, but thankfully there is another "win" button- destroying the Wardstone! The party acts in 1-3 crucial rounds, trying to just get close enough to the stone using superior numbers, trickery, diversion, or just glorious foolish bravery to get the to the stone and destroy it! I think this will make a bloody epic ending! Minhago is almost destroyed (or is destroyed but is brought back), and the party meets her later on, with a far more intense background between them.

(Minhago as built makes quite a fitting opponent- though at this level she is practically unbeatable, she lacks any area attacks, and most of her spell powers either require long casting, can be stopped with protection from evil, are protective in nature, or have an effect in a campaign, not just in a battle. For the most part she can function as a melee beast, but melee fighters can be maneuvered around...)

It makes the capturing of the garrison so much more rewardring, makes sense, and memorable. First tricking Minhago out, which takes some clever thinking, as well as a great deal of courage and sacrifice. It takes battling Minhago at the end, who did not just desert her post, which is a unique, memorable, and thrilling challenge, a suitable ending to the module, and a suitable challenge for a mythic ascension. And it keeps the enemies as a real powerful, competent, and not an idiotic threat.

5) Areelu Vorlesh: Again, the end of the module makes her look pathetic, incompetent, and a laughing butt. My party still makes jokes on her, even though I tried a different approach than in the module, who didn't work quite so well admittedly. I'm not fully sure how to deal with this, though if you include Minhago or some other powerful guardian, you may opt to leave the Areelu encounter out altogether. You can have her image appear before the Queen and the party, or some other threat and the like, but not be defeated as overwhelmingly as this. Not a failure of this magnitude be tied with her directly...

I got no certain solution here, but you really need to consider this. This set the tone for the rest of the campaign, and how serious the group takes the enemy.

Good luck to you! :smallsmile:

2016-05-18, 04:25 AM
Thank you very much for your (wow... detailed) answer!

For the record, my players have some particularities which guide me through some choices I made:

- They are all new players in D&D-like, so they don’t seek the same things than some of your players. Simple story and epic battles seem to fit them quite well (for the moment). They don’t seem to be interested in vast role play (a little, but that’s it) and they have not many ideas how to deal with complex problems (thus linear story-line and major NPC to advice them is good for them). Furthermore they did not make deep background so using the campaign traits proved to be easier for the building of their characters (I have added 3 additional traits to fit ideas they had).

- I decided not to use the mythic rules (they are new to the game, I don’t want to drown them with additional content), so I will not force they mythic path according to the campaign trait they have chosen.

- I have some characters whose stories (made by them) fit pretty well with those traits and choices you made/things you’ve added: one of them (inquisitor who have made bad things being too zealous) wanted to play the conflict between good nature/evil thoughts... perfect for the chance encounter trait and the story of the redeem of Nocticula (which I loved when I read it BTW, I think this add a lot to this major NPC and the plot line!).
Another one wanted to play a life oracle of Sarenrae, and to play with the theme of the redemption (touch by divinity and the Celestial/not that much being), and another wanted a barbarian with demonic power (exposed to awfulness!). So using the traits seemed a good idea for me, but it needs a better link with the main plot, and a better ending. You find a perfect way to improve those!
Another wanted to play an alchemist addicted with demon-blood, turning him into demon. The last one made a sorcerer with abyssal lineage. All of this will make a major theme for my game: redeem and finding the line between good and evil.

I’m glad you answer to my original question, because you even gave me more good advices (I’m about to play the Gray garrison, so I will thought about the Minhago thing). If you have more advices, or some things you would have played differently knowing what you know now, I will take everything could help me to improve my game!

Good luck for your next campaign, I secretly hope you will finally come to finish this one :smallbiggrin:
(PS: I hope it’s not too hard to read my english :smallfrown:)

Kol Korran
2016-05-18, 04:56 AM
Thank you very much for your (wow... detailed) answer!

For the record, my players have some particularities which guide me through some choices I made:

- They are all new players in D&D-like, so they don’t seek the same things than some of your players. Simple story and epic battles seem to fit them quite well (for the moment). They don’t seem to be interested in vast role play (a little, but that’s it) and they have not many ideas how to deal with complex problems (thus linear story-line and major NPC to advice them is good for them). Furthermore they did not make deep background so using the campaign traits proved to be easier for the building of their characters (I have added 3 additional traits to fit ideas they had).

- I decided not to use the mythic rules (they are new to the game, I don’t want to drown them with additional content), so I will not force they mythic path according to the campaign trait they have chosen.

- I have some characters whose stories (made by them) fit pretty well with those traits and choices you made/things you’ve added: one of them (inquisitor who have made bad things being too zealous) wanted to play the conflict between good nature/evil thoughts... perfect for the chance encounter trait and the story of the redeem of Nocticula (which I loved when I read it BTW, I think this add a lot to this major NPC and the plot line!).
Another one wanted to play a life oracle of Sarenrae, and to play with the theme of the redemption (touch by divinity and the Celestial/not that much being), and another wanted a barbarian with demonic power (exposed to awfulness!). So using the traits seemed a good idea for me, but it needs a better link with the main plot, and a better ending. You find a perfect way to improve those!
Another wanted to play an alchemist addicted with demon-blood, turning him into demon. The last one made a sorcerer with abyssal lineage. All of this will make a major theme for my game: redeem and finding the line between good and evil.

I’m glad you answer to my original question, because you even gave me more good advices (I’m about to play the Gray garrison, so I will thought about the Minhago thing). If you have more advices, or some things you would have played differently knowing what you know now, I will take everything could help me to improve my game!

Good luck for your next campaign, I secretly hope you will finally come to finish this one :smallbiggrin:
(PS: I hope it’s not too hard to read my english :smallfrown:)

I think it was a good choice to not use mythic with new players. It complicated lot of my veteran players, and myself included! But you may need to make some adjustments, especially to mythic creatures. However, other than them, the 3rd module and above should be fine as their are, monsters statistics wise.

A note about incorporating Minhago in the Grey Garrison. While I think it would have been a good idea with my group, I cannot tell if that is the case with yours. Minhago is FAR above their powers. (CR 17+ !!), so if they face her directly, she will slaughter them without a blink. Be careful on how you use her. Emphasize, in no uncertain terms, the power difference.

The Chance Encounter trait focuses more on the relation with Arulshee than Nocticula (In my party Andera was too suspicious of her, so Sena became more pivotal). Nocticula is something that the great group may aspire to affect. Note that she doesn't let anyone else (Other than the 2 goddesses) know this, not until the 5th module (In my version at least). The party should come fully expecting to deal with one of the major forces of evil there is! Makes for a much better game.

Good luck with your game! :smallwink:

2017-01-10, 12:42 PM
I'll give this a go, eventually

2017-02-13, 05:44 AM
Hi Kol Korran!

A few months after my previous post, I just wanted to make some feedback: We're now in Drezen and all went pretty well :)

First, the Grey Garrison: It was really epic! I have followed the ideas you gave me and have started to build up Mingho. The party had to find a way to make some diversion before entering the garrison, and they thought of Radiance (Yaniel’s sword) to attract the demon out and force her to fight the resistance (they didn’t know about the Minagho/Yaniel story, but they knew the lilithu sought the sword badly). I added there a way for the party to see the consequences of their past actions: for each significant action they made (rescuing NPCs, getting help from the mongrelfolk, finding the cultist locations, clearing some areas full of demons, finding a way to attract Minagho, losing no time in the garrison etc.), they had % chances to loose NPC (I added and built up some more, not just the 6/7 original ones). The PCs and majors NPCs were linked together (kind of powerful version of the “message” spell) so the party was able to realize how powerful Minagho is, and how fast the diversion turned into a slaughter (the party did well and lose “only” 4 NPCs out of 15, but they had an opportunity with the Queen arrival to resurrect one of them). At the end (I also redesigned the last room...), Minagho finally appeared in front of them and scarred them pretty much (great “oh sh*t” moment ;))! They rushed into the stone to cancel its power and finally made it! The party felt great before meeting Vorlesh and realized the true power of their opponents (I made her failure less pathetic and I think it worked).

After that, we tried mass combat. I made some changes in the original rules, and gave the party an opportunity to build a "team of armies", so each player could lead one. However, after three battles, we decided to give mass combat up, and find another way to deal with this (kind of "fight of leaders").

Through the journey, I added some "interactives visions" where the PCs get in the body of crusaders, 20 years ago, to start founding out why THEY are here, and why THEY were chosen (by Terendelev at the start, by the Gods through the wardstone etc.). With the hints I put in here and there, the party started to wonder what happened with them. I plan to make some partial revelations soon: it works much better than in the original module (which “final” pops up in the third module, and in a quite disappointing way).

Since the beginning, I think I managed to build up some major opponents: Mignaho, Staunton Vhane and Jerribeth. You were right about this: I think it is important to build them up so the party don't discover them during the (final and only) encounter and avoid things like “ok we killed him, he seemed to be quite an important character, but what's his name already?”

Thank you for your advices, and once again, hope you can read my English!

Kol Korran
2017-02-16, 12:22 PM
Glad to hear your campaign is doing well RING3R!

I'm quite intrigued by the way you played Minhago. The idea came to me only when playing the 4th module (In which she makes a reappearance). I thought it a cool idea, but also immensely risky... Sounds like your character pulled it off!

You brought 15 NPCs into the game? Nice! More than the module gives, if I remember correctly. Sounds like your party takes the game and people seriously. Nicely done.

I'd like to her how you ran Drezen. For my group I think that was the highlight of the campaign, other than the negotiations with Nocticula. They still remember Staunton Vhane as a very memorable antagonist. (Sena and Julian's players apparently even had ideas of getting his soul back from Deskari...). Good luck to you.

Note that for us, the game started falling apart in the 3rd module. It is... somewhat aimless... They ended up doing very little actual exploration of the wild, and most of their interests lay IN Drezen (looking back, they spend nearly 40% of their time there, interacting with NPCs and such). A lot of GMs mentioned in other logs that the 3rd module feels... "out of place/ out of context". I'd suggest t give it more aim, more context, in order to make it work.

There is a problem after conquerign Drezen, with all the investment in NPCs, troops and so on, that many parties wish to play ruling it, making projects and more, and some groups have some ideas of how to aid the war effort (Such as attacking other demon bases?) It feels like the module loses the momentum... I haven't given it much thought afterwards, or came up with an idea of how to salvage it, but good luck to you!

2017-02-17, 05:14 AM
Glad to hear your campaign is doing well RING3R!

I'm quite intrigued by the way you played Minhago. The idea came to me only when playing the 4th module (In which she makes a reappearance). I thought it a cool idea, but also immensely risky... Sounds like your character pulled it off!

Well I build her up so the PCs could get no doubt she was able to kill them in one round, so they play carefully. Nevertheless, they had to play a "destiny trick" (I use te "Paizo Plot twist cards" - one of the many ways for me to compensate the mythic rules I don't use) to make Minagho focus one Jeslyn first (with very few HP left) to punish her for her failure. It took one round to move across the room, and a single shot to kill her. The PCs knew then there was no chance they could do something against her. They did the job they came for quickly and the wardstone finally saved them (i planned it could resurrect those who unfortunately died against Minagho but it was not necessary)

You brought 15 NPCs into the game? Nice! More than the module gives, if I remember correctly. Sounds like your party takes the game and people seriously. Nicely done.
Well, some important ones from the original module (Aravashnial, Anevia, Irabeth and Horgus who did not came with the PCs after once in Kenabres because of the way they treated him, Millorn but the PCs didn't face him and ran), some in the module but just mentioned, with no statblock, whom the party liked and get close to (Quednys who died during the final fight against Minagho, Lann, Chief Sull and Opoli from Neathholm), 2 former PCs who quit the came early, and finally I added some other for plot or flavor purpose. Of course, I allowed only one NPC at the time during fight and such.

I'd like to her how you ran Drezen. For my group I think that was the highlight of the campaign, other than the negotiations with Nocticula. They still remember Staunton Vhane as a very memorable antagonist. (Sena and Julian's players apparently even had ideas of getting his soul back from Deskari...). Good luck to you.
A PC (who join the party at the second module) has his story closely tied to Staunton (she is a dwarf who fought with him during the fall of Drezen 75 years ago, and so was betrayed by him when he stole the Sword of Valor). So I could build him up, and I guess the final encounter will do the job! I redesigned him to make him more "final boss" of Drezen, and I will relocate the shadow demon.

Note that for us, the game started falling apart in the 3rd module. It is... somewhat aimless... They ended up doing very little actual exploration of the wild, and most of their interests lay IN Drezen (looking back, they spend nearly 40% of their time there, interacting with NPCs and such). A lot of GMs mentioned in other logs that the 3rd module feels... "out of place/ out of context". I'd suggest t give it more aim, more context, in order to make it work.
I plan to make the third module mainly about discovering what happened with the "first expedition", so I hope the PCs will enjoy it (they are very interested in their personal stories). They start to look forward to find out what happened with them. We'll see !

There is a problem after conquerign Drezen, with all the investment in NPCs, troops and so on, that many parties wish to play ruling it, making projects and more, and some groups have some ideas of how to aid the war effort (Such as attacking other demon bases?) It feels like the module loses the momentum... I haven't given it much thought afterwards, or came up with an idea of how to salvage it, but good luck to you!
It's very "party dependent" and knowing mine, I doubt that they will spend time ruling a city. I plan to allow them to send groups of NPC to help them explore the wild, and report "we found that but it seems to be too dangerous for us to go nearer" etc. As they DONT want to play army anymore, I doubt they will think about attacking major demon's places... but again we'll see :)

If you're interested, I will leave some more feedback !