View Full Version : What are all the different manners of long distance travel?

2013-12-26, 05:06 PM
Thorin, Roselenna, Dar, Isiah, Hercules - stay out!

The area where my players will need to get too is right around 3000-3500 miles away. And there is a sizable amount of ocean between them, around 100 miles or so.

Because i'm looking to make a really large chart with % based options, I would like to know any possible way that one could get from the red square to the green square. This is not eberron in setting, my world is a mish-mash of well all campaigns together.

I'm looking for all modes of travel, mundane to mythical. Assume walk-in magic mart.

They do not have to be modes of travel to get them from the two squares either, they just need to get to the big land mass at the very least. I'm trying to set my players up for a lot of options.


2013-12-26, 05:34 PM
The best way to travel extremely long distances is probably to get an Inifinite Improbability Drive. It will get you there in a nothingth of a second!

2013-12-26, 05:44 PM
The most obvious, and ignoring details.

Magic: Teleport (as well as Greater and Circle), Wind Walk, polymorph to something with a faster movement speed.
Flight: magical or using mounts
Sea: ships, possibly aquatic beings as steeds. Swimming, if you're really unkind or they are really good at it.
Overland: by foot, mounts, wagons/carriages. At some point they will have to resort to one of the other three.

2013-12-26, 05:48 PM
Flight on zombie mounts is probably the lowest level long distance transportation option, since zombies don't get tired and so they can just travel 24/7, or near to it, in a straight line from point A to point B. Deathmasters get it at level 3 through Animate Dead, Clerics at level 5 through the same. Fell Animate might open it up earlier, but then you run into CL & HD concerns.

Airships... depends upon the setting, really, but probably faster than most zombie mounts, IIRC.

Teleport (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/teleport.htm), of course, from around Level 9. Then its greater (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/teleportGreater.htm)version from Level 13. Then Teleportation Circle (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/teleportationCircle.htm) at 17. Lower of course with Artificers...

Shadow Walk (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/shadowWalk.htm) allows going through the Plane of Shadow, which opens up alternate cosmologies, potentially, a 5th level Bard Spell and a 6th level Wizard spell. IIRC, Beguilers get it as well.

Plane Shift (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/planeShift.htm) at 9th or 13th, Astral Caravan (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/astralCaravan.htm) at 5th, and (Lesser) Planar Binding a Nightmare at 9th level...

Maybe some kind of Ring Gate postage system if they're light enough or have someone who is light enough and all of them stuffed into a portable hole or something?

Lightning Trains in Eberron... I suppose you could also try making a sea train?

Of course there's ships and mundane mounts and walking, and if one has the necessary ranks in climb, one can just go directly through overland and just climb over Mount Everest if it gets in the way with ease after about level 6 or so. Might have a vessel pulled by a fast, big aquatic creature to go faster than mere sails could go, or magical ships that correspond to airships, only on the water.

Someone mentioned making magical highways that cast longstrider or the like on travelers here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=319947).

2013-12-26, 10:28 PM
Transport Via Plants.

Lesser Planar Ally something with teleport at will, order it to transport a Bag of Holding with you in it. Have the party jump into the bag of holding.

2013-12-26, 10:42 PM
Get some way of spamming Plane Shift (a planar bound couatl, maybe), then repeatedly jump back and forth to some relatively safe plane until you land tolerably close to your target, then walk (or use other methods) to go the rest of the way.

2013-12-26, 11:28 PM
What level and classes are they?

2013-12-27, 12:59 AM
Tree Stride (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/treeStride.htm) is sometimes useful, especially for getting through forested areas.

2013-12-27, 03:34 AM
3000-35000 miles is usually too far for Teleport which caps at 100 miles per caster level.

So, probably the best ways are Greater Teleport (no range limit or miss chance) and Transport via Plants for which you only need three things: a plant of the same species as grows in the destination area, direction and distance; sorry four things - an 11th level druid.

2013-12-27, 04:56 AM

wind walk spell(although I have no idea on the duration)

possible using gates if there happen to be sum convenient ones laying around

ruby slippers wishing you was home, assuming the destination they are going is home

wish spell

2013-12-27, 06:02 AM
3000-35000 miles is usually too far for Teleport which caps at 100 miles per caster level.

Casting teleport once a day is still pretty fast travel method (and comfortable).

EDIT: portals are DM-provided quick movement method.

2013-12-27, 06:39 AM
portals are DM-provided quick movement method.

true enough. sum worlds have known or hidden gates, op asked for all methods of travel

2013-12-27, 08:25 AM
walk-in magic mart...


"I wish for me and (character names), to be teleported now & safe (there) along with all our equipment we currently carry &/or touch"

well.. they maybe need to work on the phrasing , but i think, if they have the money to buy a scroll, or a ring, that is a pretty fast way

2013-12-27, 09:01 AM
They might find some White Hart, for a nicer ride than they'd get from a nightmare...

2013-12-27, 09:12 AM
Off the top of my head
Overland flight
Teleport chain
Plane shift like abilities
Wind walk
Polymorph chain
Summoning/binding etc
Various things from Eberron/planar handbook
Word of recall

As to the portal matter FR does have a craft portal feat iirc so its not solely a dm device.

2013-12-27, 10:08 AM
walk-in magic mart...


"I wish for me and (character names), to be teleported now & safe (there) along with all our equipment we currently carry &/or touch"

well.. they maybe need to work on the phrasing , but i think, if they have the money to buy a scroll, or a ring, that is a pretty fast way

Could happen, if they have the money, and the capable caster is available.

In this advanced city, for any in person transaction for spell casting, as seen here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#spellcastingAndServices).

Except it is in Platinum Pieces. That's their own premium, to maintain such an advanced city.

Here is the breakdown I've got so far.

1-39% chance of there being a level 1-5 caster.
40-59% for 6-10
60-79% for 11-15
80-94% for 16-20
95-96% for 21-25
97-98% for 26-30
99-100% for 30-35

Chance of them being in person is:

Chance that one of these casters has left something available for purchase:

From there I'm still working on some internal stuff.

This city, operates, almost like a really large hospital. There are interns, residences, rotations, wizards/druids/clerics and so on, on call, to teach, to take new spell casters out on "field exams", and so forth.

And overall, none of this may happen, they may ask for a ship lol.

2013-12-27, 10:22 AM
Could happen, if they have the money, and the capable caster is available.

So what level and classes are the party?

2013-12-27, 10:25 AM
Thorin, Roselenna, Dar, Isiah, Hercules - stay out!

The area where my players will need to get too is right around 3000-3500 miles away. And there is a sizable amount of ocean between them, around 100 miles or so.

Because i'm looking to make a really large chart with % based options, I would like to know any possible way that one could get from the red square to the green square. This is not eberron in setting, my world is a mish-mash of well all campaigns together.

I'm looking for all modes of travel, mundane to mythical. Assume walk-in magic mart.

They do not have to be modes of travel to get them from the two squares either, they just need to get to the big land mass at the very least. I'm trying to set my players up for a lot of options.


In order, fastest to slowest:

1. Greater or Interplanetary Teleport
2. Repetitive Teleport
3. Repetitive Tree Stride
4. Repetitive Shadowwalk
5. Repetitive Dimension Door cast by a high level caster
6. Repetitive Phantom Steed and other magically enhanced mounts
7. Repetitive Wind Walk or Overland Flight
8. Repetitive Fly
9. Regular old mounts
10. Taking a boat then walking/riding/flying
11. Taking a boat to land, then taking a carriage on the roads, then walking.
12. Repetitive Dimension Door cast by a low level caster
13. Walking/Swimming/Climbing
14. Swimming, then walking

Eh, in theory, if the party were light enough or could manage to survive in an extradimensional space, the commoner railgun would get them there fairly quickly. On the order or Greater Teleport.

Plane shift could also do it, but you would need teleport to reach your intended destination. It would cut out some distance in the middle though.

Oh, you could tame a Kaiju and use it to transport there. Alternately, use a Colossal.

You could travel by cannon as well. Fire each member of the party forward, using feather fall to prevent any damage when falling down (it's an immediate action, so you can do so right as you would hit the ground). You might need to find some way to arrange fire resistance or immunity. Then have a wagon drag the cannon to the landing zone and repeat. Probably slower than walking...

Oh, I hadn't even thought of flying carpets or cauldrons or brooms. That would work too, same speed as overland flight, but without the repetition.

Airships, I hadn't considered that either.

2013-12-27, 10:26 AM
While we're mentioning the psionic options there's Dream Travel (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/dreamTravel.htm) for 5 miles/minute (i.e. 300 mph.)

2013-12-27, 10:42 AM
Don't forget Master Earth (http://dndtools.eu/spells/magic-of-faerun--20/master-earth--1776/).

2013-12-27, 10:51 AM
Though you said it's not Eberron, in a mishmash there could be…

Airships (powered), 480 miles a day
Coach, 40 miles a day
Caravan, 16 miles a day
Lightning Rail (magic railway), 720 miles a day
Sailing ship, 48 miles a day
Wind galleon (think air elemental powered hydrofoil ship), 480 miles a day

2013-12-27, 11:02 AM
Stormwalk has gone pretty unmentioned. It's a 6th level spell from stormwrack, page 122, and it represents one of the druid's better long distance teleportation options. It's not entirely clear whether stormwalk pulls its range and error chance from teleport, or if it's just perfect on those counts, but repeated castings can get a party just about anywhere given a bit of time. The nearby storm requirement is easy to fill with prior planning, given the surplus of weather creation spells that druids have access to. Also, it's apparent that a new storm forms in the target location, so if you need to cast multiple times, then you don't need a new storm creator for each iteration.

Kol Korran
2013-12-27, 11:30 AM
I will suggest something out of the ordinary, though it's not in a maigc mart, you can probably fit it in somehow...

The blood ship
From Eberron's Explorer's handbook I think... The ship comes to hose in need, if enough blood is shed, and they are near some body of water. The ship is huge, ancient, and has but one captain (some sort of a cursed fiend, can't remember) and propels itself by some old magical laws.

The ship can get ANYWHERE where there is fluid, (Be it water, lava, in the water, the celestial realms or the inside a dream) if you really need to go there. However, there is a price- you must face some sort of challenge, depicted by the Captain. This usually takes the form of some battle encounter, but in my campaign I gave them some heavy moral choices and such. Whatever you wish.

The book has more info on the ship, but I think it has a cool and mystical feel about it. The ship takes very little time to travel as well (About a day, no matter the distance traveling through some mist or the astral or something.)

2013-12-27, 12:25 PM
wind walk spell(although I have no idea on the duration)

possible using gates if there happen to be sum convenient ones laying around

wish spell

Wind Walk (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/windWalk.htm) is 1 hour/level, up to 60 MPH from the spell itself.

Portals can be acquired either naturally forming or from people with the Create Portal feat(Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, IIRC), though I don't recall the particulars of portal creation offhand, just that they're instantaneous travel.

Gate, the spell, can get one wherever one wants to go on the material plane in 2 castings, 1 casting if you're allowed to gate from one part of the material plane to another.

Wish allows for the least blockable form of teleportation effect, IIRC.

A note on Plane Shift, as long as you're either prepared by having everyone flying already, you can combo that with regular Teleport or other travel techniques in order to reduce the distance one has to actually travel to 500 miles at most.

2013-12-27, 12:33 PM
So what level and classes are the party?

L 8 for the barbarian/warhulk
L 9 for the rogue/master thrower
L 9 for the cleric
L 8 for the wizard (general)
L 8 for the fighter

2013-12-27, 01:07 PM
L 8 for the barbarian/warhulk
L 9 for the rogue/master thrower
L 9 for the cleric
L 8 for the wizard (general)
L 8 for the fighter

Clear out one more dungeon so the Wizard gets to level 9, then have him learn Teleport. As for the mishap chance, just teleport relatively short distances so you don't wind up in the middle of the sea. Also get a scroll or two so you can get out in case you find yourself somewhere dangerous with no 5th level spells left.

It's free (except for the scrolls, of course, but they're optional) and should take you a few days at most.

EDIT: Remember to scry on your target location prior to teleporting so you get into the "Viewed Once" category.

2013-12-27, 01:25 PM
Hmm, well maybe they could get a higher level druid to cast 'animal shapes' on them, and they could fly part of the way...

2013-12-27, 02:15 PM
Clear out one more dungeon so the Wizard gets to level 9, then have him learn Teleport. As for the mishap chance, just teleport relatively short distances so you don't wind up in the middle of the sea. Also get a scroll or two so you can get out in case you find yourself somewhere dangerous with no 5th level spells left.

It's free (except for the scrolls, of course, but they're optional) and should take you a few days at most.

EDIT: Remember to scry on your target location prior to teleporting so you get into the "Viewed Once" category.

Well, I won't tell them what to do :) They have the books, and the internet to view all the sources of tricks.

They do have one encounter coming up (see the gestalt thread I made a few weeks ago (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=315397)), that should give all the level 8s enough exp to go to level 9.

I want them all at level 9 before going into the age of worms campaign, a gathering of winds. :smallsmile:

2013-12-27, 02:59 PM
Well, I won't tell them what to do :) They have the books, and the internet to view all the sources of tricks.

Yeah, that's just what I would do if I was playing that Wizard. Life gets a lot easier when you can literally snap your fingers and appear wherever you want. Makes vacations a lot easier too.

2013-12-27, 03:30 PM
A flying Construct or Undead can move pretty fast since they can run indefinitely. Though skeletons that can fly can be hard to find.

Though, since most of this seems to be over land, skeletal horses would be cheap enough. Ideally some sort of floating carriage would be best, but if that's not possible then Cargo Kites would work (Races of the Wild).

Vulnerable to attacks on the ground by those that dislike undead horses flying kites. But...I'd imagine most people would just stare for a few rounds...which nicely avoids most bandits (I think). This is made much easier (again) if you can find something to fly.

A zombie flyer can work too, but the distance travelled is reduced by a factor of 4 (since they only get one move action). But it is easier to find natural flyers.

A Simulacrum of a Dragon or other massive flying creature should be able to work. Depending on how you treat non-lethal damage.

2013-12-27, 04:03 PM
Remember that in life, that journey is often more important that the destination. With that said I think the party should travel by rickshaw pulled by a monk with persisted haste cast upon him.

2013-12-27, 04:05 PM
Remember that in life, that journey is often more important that the destination. With that said I think the party should travel by rickshaw pulled by a monk with persisted haste cast upon him.

That's just what people who can't instantly arrive at their destinations say.

Good idea on the monk, but we can do a lot more optimizing than that for speed.

2013-12-27, 04:10 PM
I didnt chose a monk for speed. I chose him as punishment for his poor life choices.

2013-12-27, 04:13 PM
I didnt chose a monk for speed. I chose him as punishment for his poor life choices.

Since it's a class feature, make sure you turn him into something embarrassing and faster than a humanoid to put all that monk stuff on top of.

2013-12-27, 04:37 PM
I didnt chose a monk for speed. I chose him as punishment for his poor life choices.

Maybe he's pulling rickshaws until he can afford class retraining?

2013-12-27, 05:04 PM
Maybe they all can wear belts of battle, and have ready drink helms with potions of Expeditious Retreat, and chug them as the duration runs out.


2013-12-27, 07:36 PM
One Skeletal Elephant with Horseshoes of Speed can do the land travel in a 5 days or so. It should be able to carry all of them.

Horseshoes of the Zepher would let them go across the Ocean too, but unless they combined them, then it would be about 10 days.

That's moving with no breaks of course (hence why I suggested the cargo kites).

A Planar Binding or similar spell could get them the services of flying creatures to do the same work.

Pathfinder's rules for making Animated Object-based constructs are pretty cool as well. They have the easiest way to make a flying castle that I've seen.

2013-12-27, 07:46 PM
One Skeletal Elephant with Horseshoes of Speed can do the land travel in a 5 days or so. It should be able to carry all of them.

Horseshoes of the Zepher would let them go across the Ocean too, but unless they combined them, then it would be about 10 days.

Elephants can't wear horseshoes. They aren't ungulates.

2013-12-27, 10:35 PM
Elephants can't wear horseshoes. They aren't ungulates.

Elephant Galoshes then? I think most DMs would allow some sort of equivalent.

2013-12-27, 10:48 PM
Elephants can't wear horseshoes. They aren't ungulates.They can if you awaken them and give them ranks in UMD.

2014-01-09, 05:04 PM
Ok, so I finally had some time to look over all these.

More than likely, knowing my players, they will probably pick a ship. IF they do, I want some feed back on something.

The last time they used a ship to get somewhere, I expected them to be just a one and done thing so it was a special ship, powered by stone golems. Which allowed them to make trip fairly quickly I think I said they made it there in a month (which is super fast for a d&d ship), and it took the entire session. It was a one of a kind ship, really special and I don't want another one to show up, this next one might be as flash on the inside service wise but it'll still just be a normal yacht more than likely.

Now, I know this will take longer and I have lots of lots of story, gaming, sea combat, and all that to keep them busy, and I plan keeping most of the trip in at least one session (we're talking at least 7 hours of solid gaming to at most 8.5 hours).

I am thinking I may even take up two sessions.

What would you do?