View Full Version : Quick Leadership question

2013-12-26, 11:13 PM
I know that regardless of your Leadership Score you can not gain a cohort more than your level-2 (baring feats, class features, ect). What about followers? Say for argument's sake that at level 10 you managed to have a leadership score of 25, would you have followers listed as your level would normally entail or what your leadership score aloted?

Normally, I know this would be largely irrelevant, but in this instance I have use for it. So, since there isn't a truly clear cut answer in the SRD or PHB aat least to me, I turn to the wisdom of the playground.

2013-12-27, 12:32 AM
The followers are dependent on the level of your cohort, so by limiting the level of the cohort, the levels of the followers are also limited.

2013-12-27, 01:11 AM
The followers are dependent on the level of your cohort, so by limiting the level of the cohort, the levels of the followers are also limited.

I have no idea where you got this from. I have never seen any rule to indicate followers are dependent on cohort level. Please provide a citation if you can find it.

Until then, according to the SRD, the number of followers you are able to lead is determined strictly by your Leadership score. You still have to be 6th level to take the feat. You also only attract new followers when you gain a level ("when a character with Leadership attains a new level, the player consults the table...to determine if she has acquired more followers").

So if a 6th level character somehow has a Leadership score of 25, they would be able to lead 2 6th level followers, 2 5th level followers, 4 4th level followers, etc. Their cohort could only be 4th level.

2013-12-27, 09:17 AM
To get a score that high, something unusual is happening, but technically it works. Your cohort level is hardcapped at 2 below, but the follower level, while suggested to be at least 5 below, is not ever mechanically stated as such. Enjoy your army!

2013-12-27, 11:44 AM
well, poor assumption on my part then XD

2013-12-27, 11:58 AM
It happens to us all Xervous and i do see your logic, im curious as to how you could pull that off, i mean at lvl 6 lets assume your an Aasimar Sorc with a Cha of 24, 18 +2 racial+4 Enhancement, ok so you have a 13 leadership right there, now you have a castle, theres another +2, and your really nice a +1 IIRC so we are only at 16 right there, where is the +9 coming from???

2013-12-27, 12:06 PM
If you take undead leadership as opposed to regular leadership, that's another +2 for undead minions. Just make all yor followers necropolitans and problem solved.

2013-12-27, 12:09 PM
This (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=140325) thread has 2 builds in it which get 2 level 6 followers at level 6, in case anyone was wondering if it was possible

2013-12-27, 12:42 PM
I didn't mean that I had a build that could achieve a leadership score of 25 at lvl6. It was merely to demonstrate a large gap between what would be expected and what could be achieved to show a marked difference in what once could hope to rreceive from the feat.

Main reason I asked is that for a game I am joining the DM agreed to let me chain leadership so I could run my own city. I can only use PC classes for the cohorts. The followers all have to use NPC classes. I had intended (as per our agreement) to stat out my entire city. So I was working out how many of each level I had, and how I would arrange them to get a giant boon for the party that wasn't directly obvious.

So I have been designing the city and organizing its inhabitants to suit our needs rather well. Only annoying part is using cohorts for crafting because Magewright and adept don't give so great for magic item crafting. Otherwise it has been a fun bit of prep work me.

We may not have an entire city worth or army to charge our foes, but considering that our base is rather difficult to get into and can supply us with most anything we could need reasonably well I am happy. Also, not needing worry about it being destroyed easily due to monster tamers is rather comforting.

2013-12-27, 12:53 PM
The book Power of Faerun separates the number of Followers from the Cohort level for Leadership.

It's all the way in the back of the book as well as being referred to repeatedly throughout. It's basically the 'Big Book of Leadership' for 3.5.

Cohorts still follow the normal 'two levels lower' rule, but Followers can be gained all the way into the previously epic only chart.

Additionally, if you're looking to run a City you could look at the feat Extra Followers (HoB 97) and the Running a Business rules in DMG2.

Edit: The Apprentice/Mentor feat(s) from DMG2 pg176 gives an additional Cohort at level 5 even if you already have Leadership.

Followers and Cohorts can buy Magebred (ECS295) Warbeast (MM2pg219) animals and animals can be trained to use the Teamwork Benefits. Teamwork benefits can be found in PH2, DS, DMG2, and HoB.

You could also summon Mirror Mephits (EttDP208) or otherwise utilize Simulacrum (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/simulacrum.htm) to increase the number of citizens in your city. Which could also lead to interesting simulacrum's rights advocacy groups springing up.

Awaken Sand (Sa), Minor Servitor (SS), Awaken (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/awaken.htm), Awaken Undead (SC), and Awaken Construct (SC) are all spells that will make permanent free-willed citizens of your city who are automatically friendly to their creators as well.

2013-12-27, 01:06 PM
There's also a feat, Close Cohort, which makes your cohort only one level behind instead of two levels behind.

Uncle Pine
2013-12-27, 01:12 PM
This (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=140325) thread has 2 builds in it which get 2 level 6 followers at level 6, in case anyone was wondering if it was possible

Actually, a venerable dragonwrought binder kobold with the magic-blooded template, the festering anger disease, one flaw and the chance to chaos shuffle two useless feats for Might Makes Right and Epic Leadership can get infinite followers at 6th level. Thank you Naberius.

How to get Cha 25 at 6th level: 18 (base stat) + 3 (venerable) + 2 (magic-blooded) + 1 (4th level increment) + 2 (cloak of charisma +2, 4.000 gp) = 26

EDIT: Beware the flying UA, RotD, BoVD and ToM if you try to populate your own city with this method, though.

2013-12-27, 01:58 PM
I was already doing the magebred war trained horrid animal thing. I am not looking to spend more than two feats on this, so leadership and landlord are it. All cohorts have leadership and landlord as well (When they qualify for them).

This isn't meant to be an optimized town to handle our missions for us. Mainly it is a safe place to regroup and resupply. I have set aside most of the followers to run various businesses that suit adventurers, as well as hospitals for healing.

I also refuse to go TV with it and use TCs or resetting spell traps.

2013-12-27, 02:08 PM
I was already doing the magebred war trained horrid animal thing. I am not looking to spend more than two feats on this, so leadership and landlord are it. All cohorts have leadership and landlord as well (When they qualify for them).

This isn't meant to be an optimized town to handle our missions for us. Mainly it is a safe place to regroup and resupply. I have set aside most of the followers to run various businesses that suit adventurers, as well as hospitals for healing.

I also refuse to go TV with it and use TCs or resetting spell traps.

If the goal is to in fact chain Leadership then the feat suggestions still stand, if not for your character then for your Cohor(s) and Followers.

The last time I chained was with Thrallherd which admittedly nets fewer total units. But from what I remember it takes more than simple Leadership to populate an entire city. Though with the right feats one could populate a quite large city with only Orcs IIRC.