View Full Version : Into The Abyss

Yuki Akuma
2013-12-27, 06:29 AM

The new sanctum isn't particularly hard to find. Number 13 Salam Way, a small town house squeezed between two others. Powerful wards stop Sleepers from interfering with it, you've been told, but it's still somewhat disconcerting to have a sanctum - complete with library and Hallow - right in the middle of a residential street like this.

As keys are turned in the lock, there's the unmistakable sensation of magic being worked. The door opens with a hiss to admit the sanctum's new masters. Inside it's... slightly more spacious than it looks to be outside, likely due to Space magic. A corridor leading to the kitchen, drawing room and dining room, while the stairs lead to the two communal bunk rooms, the laboratory, and the library. Out of the kitchen door is the entrance to the Hallow, which is actually located nowhere near the sanctum - the actual garden can be accessed through the patio door in the dining room.

Whoever constructed this Sanctum liked Space magic.

On a small table by the door is a letter addressed to Ariadnos.

2013-12-27, 02:43 PM
Ariadnos entered the sanctum, first it seemed, with some trepidation. For five years "home" had been cheep hotel rooms and the back of someone else's car.

That had been expedient, he was always traveling.
That had been easy, luck like his meant never paying for the little things.
That had been safe, because there were no memories in such places.

He noticed the letter soon after he came in, but avoided it. First he took a walk of the house, scrutinizing the resonance carefully. It was not to his taste, but very little was. Even his own work was most often a failure in its maker's eyes.

Finally he took the piece of paper and opened it. The Ladder had seen fit to assign him here, and if this was to be his duty then he would carry it out as well as was possible. There was a certain accomplishment in a task well done, and a stillness of mind he had learned to seek out.

2013-12-27, 03:04 PM
Rex arrives in a rather expensive car, one of the few things he managed to keep from his seer days. He gets out the car with his black lacquered cane, wearing an absurdly expensive suit. He's a not unfit man with jet-black hair, sunglasses on, and a face made for derisive smirking.

He walks in, limping, brushing past the Therarch and taking a seat at the dining table, before throwing up a forces sight that lets him see through walls to study the house.

"So, this is how the other half lives? I knew the Pentacle didn't exactly live in luxury, but this is a bit lower then I expected." He sighs. "Oh well, nothing for it I suppose. I'll build a demense in this place shortly."

2013-12-27, 03:52 PM
Ariadnos didn't look up from his reading when he responded. "More a conscious decision than a necessity, a reminder not to become enmeshed in the Fallen and its distractions. If you like we can take an hour or so and redecorate more along the lines of Versailles."

Finishing he looked up.

"Glad to see you haven't lost that spark of yours."

2013-12-27, 04:13 PM
Rex leans back, happy to indulge in his flair for the dramatic. "Versailles was a place of power and opulence, home to a man who could claim he was the state, and have the power to back it up. It resonates strongly with the supernal. As above, so below."

He then gets up, checking around in the kitchen to see if there's supplies enough for tea, while hiding a smile. "Nice to see you as well."

2013-12-27, 05:26 PM
Istar arrives at the sanctum, pulling his bags out of the trunk of the taxi, and handing the driver a wad of cash. Activating his space mage sight, he takes a quick glance at the sanctum.

Let's see what we've got here...

His eyebrows raise with the sheer amount of Space magic that bleeds off of the sanctum.

Well, home sweet home, I guess.

Istar pulls his bags to the door, and upon entering, sees Ariadnos in the main room. Dropping his things, he steps forward and offers his hand.

"Hey, i'm Istar."

2013-12-27, 07:55 PM
"It also cost, conservatively, some two billions dollars, was stormed by a mob of starving peasant women who were demanding bread, had most of its furnishings sold off by the government that deposed its builder's, and is now a museum to a non-monarchical republic.

As above so below, but pride goes before a fall."

Ariadnos' tone was playful, to show that his response was more for sport than spite.

After the next mage entered he stiffened a little. While the newcomer might not know him by sight, his name would be a dead giveaway. He wanted at least a little time without his guard up.

He took the offered hand and shook it firmly, looking Istar in the eye.

"A pleasure to meet you."

2013-12-27, 08:38 PM
"That's the whole point to my story. The most enlightened person declaring themselves king and leading everyone? He was Pentacle through and through." says Rex, in a self-satisfied manner, as he turns to Istar.

"Hello. I'm Rex Servis, or Dwayne Greer if you want my real name. I'm a seer of the throne."

Yuki Akuma
2013-12-27, 08:50 PM
The letter reads:


The location of this sanctum is no coincidence. At number 27, there lives a man. Known locally as something of a crackpot trying to invent an engine that can run on water, he seems to have recently succeeded.

The Free Council assures us that this is not their doing, so we are forced to suspect Abyssal involvement. Investigate.

Do try to acquire the engine while you're at it.


2013-12-27, 09:45 PM
Istar regards Rex with a guarded, quizzical look.

"A Seer, huh? Interesting... I was told to expect some unusual situations in this cabal... but frankly, this is surprising. Why are you here? Worried that the Abyss will ruin your precious prison?"

Istar heads to the kitchen, pours himself a glass of water, and comes back.

"If you're wondering, Versailles was the work of a Seer. Glamorous, ostentatious wealth, with a small elite keeping the rest in squalor and ignorance? Classic Seer MO."

2013-12-27, 11:03 PM
"Servis is an ex Seer, unless he wishes to crawl back to the bottom of the Iron Pyramid with me following after in shame.

I am more than a little surprised at you though. Such an admission as that has led to bloodshed, and more than once. What strangeness were you told to expect that you would so calmly consort with one of the great enemies' slaves?"

He inclined his head toward Rex "Present company excepting of course. You were more a flunky than a slave."

2013-12-28, 05:48 PM
Istar shrugs. "Dealing with the Abyss takes you some odd places."

Turning his attention back towards Rex "Ex-seer? What, did you decide you had enough of selling humanity out? Or did the pentacle offer you a higher price?"

2013-12-28, 06:08 PM
He smirks, taking the unkindness with serenity. "Let me paint you a picture. You are a newly awakened mage. You have powers beyond anything you've ever dreamed of, but no idea of how or what or why. Suddenly, some nice people show up and say that you are one of the kings of the lie, and will train you how to use your powers, expand them, and not invoke paradoxes. They give you excessive gifts, and you are taken away."

He raises his voice slightly, continuing. "That's how you become a seer. Do you think most inductees are told what the Pentacle represents, other then magical terrorists out to unmake reality? They get you, piece by piece, until you're so far into the pyramid you cannot get away. Then they reveal the things you have to do. Oppress. Lie. Murder. A reasonable claim that sleepers shouldn't have magic becomes grinding down all of humanity. There's no choice."

He calms back down, perfectly composed. "Good people died because of my defection. Just because they didn't know any better."

The kettle boils, and he gets up, hobbling over to it. "So, to answer your question....higher price. My soul."

2013-12-28, 06:25 PM
"And here I thought it was the stimulating conversation and generally higher level of physical attractiveness. Plus whatever the rest of the Pentacle had to offer."

After the kettle boiled he started walking over to the kitchen.

"Pour me a cup if you would please."

2013-12-29, 03:28 PM
Istar is somewhat bemused by Rex's speech. Well, he certainly has a talent for the theatrical. But it's clear that he'll need watching...

Turning to Ariadnos, Istar says:

"Well, now that I know who our little Seer friend is... What's your deal? I can't help but notice that you've specifically omitted your shadow name. Why?"

2013-12-29, 04:49 PM
Ariadnos was silent for a few moments after Istar asked his question. He looked into his tea then spoke up.

"In the Gospel of John, it is not until the second to last verse of the last chapter that the author reveals himself to have been the disciple Jesus loved. He did this so that readers would assess his words according to their own merit and not judge them by him, for good or ill."

Again he was quiet.

"I will say, that it is ill judgement I hope to forestall."

Lady Serpentine
2013-12-29, 07:41 PM
"Well. This is certainly an interesting thing to have walked into. And here I thought we were supposed to fight the Abyss, not each other..." Sacrifice says softly as she steps out of the door to the Hallow, which was barely cracked open for most of the conversation, the woman seeming, to Ariadnos's altered vision, to have a an elaborate red sigil glowing on her forehead, and a milky purple film over her eyes.

She frowns a bit, idly reaching up to stroke the rat that pokes its nose out of her jacket pocket as she finishes speaking, giving them all a glare, and stepping over to the kettle, looking around for a cup.

"Whatever our former affiliations, or lack thereof, the fact remains - we are now working together. If you wish a different assignment, then that is fair enough, but... I would suggest taking that up with your superiors, not taking it out on everyone else."

2013-12-29, 08:53 PM
"Ah yes. Teamwork, pull together, All for one, one for all." Rex provides the required cup.

"Anything relevant in the letter? Or should we just summon up our own abyssal creatures to beat them senseless?"

2013-12-29, 09:02 PM
Istar smiles and puts his hands up in a conciliatory gesture.

"You misunderstand my prying- I merely like to get to know whom I'll be working with. Forgive me of it seemed... disingenuous. You must be Sacrifice I presume? It's good to have some other Arrows onboard."

Istar looks around at the group assembled, furrowing his brow.

"That makes four of us... I was told to expect six here. Any idea where the other two are?"

2013-12-29, 09:55 PM
"I do not, though I had hoped to wait for them to discuss our assignment.

It seems one of our neighbors is working on a water powered engine which appears to actually work.

No one is claiming involvement, so our superiors would like us to investigate for Abyssal incursion and to acquire the device if possible."

2013-12-29, 10:15 PM
"Our neighbors just happen to have a potential Abysmal incursion? How serendipitous. Look, I say we take a few more minutes to get settled in, and then we take a look at this engine. We may not be able to do anything of consequence yet, but it'd be helpful if we knew what we were up against... if we're up against anything at all. Thoughts?"

2013-12-29, 10:22 PM
"I was thinking I would take a roll of singles and some blank paper and introduce myself as a representative of a major energy company looking to potentially invest in his work. The cash and credentials will hold up under mortal scrutiny, and I could carry something intimate enough to one of you to be scryed on."

2013-12-30, 12:06 AM
"That could work, unless he's keeping his invention a secret. In which case, he'd suspect you. I could just cut off his power, intercept his call for it to be fixed, then send you in with the credentials. That gives you an excuse to look around, then figure out what kind of abyssal intrusion it is."

2013-12-30, 12:52 AM
"That's a good point. I like this plan. I can give you my library card, which should have more than enough sympathy for me to scry on. Any objections?"

2013-12-30, 12:55 PM
"I've got none, just make sure you've got a good enough connection. Bleed on it if you must. I'll start making a demense, and from there I can just make a safe out of Prime."

2013-12-30, 02:26 PM
"Don't worry, it'll be more than enough." Turning to Sacrifice, he asks:

"Would you be able to speak to any of the local spirits, see if they've noticed anything out of the ordinary, anything bizarre about the house or the goings-on inside of it? We need to run down every potential avenue if there's even a remote chance that we're dealing with the Abyss."

Lady Serpentine
2013-12-31, 12:24 AM
"I was about to ask why that was not included in the plan in the first place, actually... I do believe I could even send in one, if you are willing to follow me? I already inspected the local Gauntlet, and it shouldn't be terribly difficult to access the local spirits, especially not with some preparation."

With that, Sacrifice turns and, unless stopped, heads out the door to the Hallow, apparently needing the energies of that place to do whatever it is she's planning.

2013-12-31, 12:50 AM
Rex already chanting in Atlantean, goes to complete the ritual that will dedicate half the sanctum as a Demesne, readying a teacup to be used as the soulstone, for reasons of appearing innocuous.

2014-01-02, 09:22 AM
Istar places his luggage upstairs (they'll have plenty of time to decide who sleeps where), grabs his knife and gun, hides them inconspicuously, and heads out after Sacrifice into the hallow.

2014-01-02, 12:49 PM
Ariadnos closed his eyes and concentrated on his clothing. His white shirt turned a working-class blue and stains from dust and oil spread out. The word "Mike" was over his left breast. Picking up the Istar's library card, after noting the name on it, he quickly covered its surface over with his image and false information for the local power utility.

"Let me know what the spirits find and how the call goes."

2014-01-06, 02:05 AM
It was a quiet, somber affair. The lights were turned off. Candles were lit at each corner of the room, and atlantean sigils were inscribed all around. Rex chanted in high speech for two hours straight, constantly over a teacup, his chosen vessel. He opened his eyes, and spoke.

"A prophecy then."

He pushes a hole through the bottom of the teacup, spilling it everywhere, speaking:
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Exarch, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

The house, for a moment, glows, flushed with mana, power, and truth. A demense has been created. Part of his soul has been removed.

He packs the teacup away, far in the back of the cupboards where nobody is likely to find it, and grabs his cane, heading out to the house and cutting the power, then, waiting, ready to intercept the phone call.

Yuki Akuma
2014-01-06, 05:07 PM
The first thing one notices about house number 27 is that all of the plants in its garden are dead. The second is that all of the windows are boarded up, although a small sliver of light can still be seen through them...

That is, until the power is suddenly shut off. Nothing appears to happen for several minutes, before the front door is opened. A man, early fifties, wearing a vest and boxer shorts, stares out for a moment - before the door is slammed shut again.

And then... there's the call.

2014-01-06, 05:11 PM
Rex casts Transmission once more, changing the phone's signal into his cellphone(An exclusive model with a production run in the double digits). He then tosses it over to the other master of Prime.

"Good luck."

Yuki Akuma
2014-01-07, 09:17 PM
A voice comes in over the telephone. "Hello? Is this the electric company? My... my power's gone. What's going on? I've got a really important... thing... going on and I really need power..."

The voice sounds... anxious, for whatever reason.

2014-01-07, 10:00 PM
"Hello, and thank you for calling. Before we begin, I need to inform you that this call may be monitored for quality assurance and training purposes.

My name is Mike, and I am your local repair and response technician. I'm not seeing a general blackout in your area. Can you please describe what happened so I can best advise you in what steps to take next?"

Yuki Akuma
2014-01-10, 04:09 PM
"What? I just told you. My power's gone! All the lights and all of my, uh, equipment, just shut off! There wasn't no flickering lights or anything, everythign just shut off."

He still sounds rather agitated. "Look, can you fix this, like, in an hour, or am I gonna have to go out and get a generator?"

2014-01-12, 04:41 PM
"I am sorry to hear about your situation and would like to ensure you that we are working to find and correct the problem. If you can please let me know at what times you will be home from now until next Friday I can schedule an at home appointment.

We are glad to report that all our at home technicians are up to date on all building and electrical codes and can offer inspection services. This is one of the many ways that we hope to improve your customer experience."

Yuki Akuma
2014-01-14, 09:02 AM
"God damn it," the man swears, and then promptly hangs up. Five minutes later, the front door opens again to admit the man - now dressed in appropriate attire - who promptly leaps into a car and drives off. Rather recklessly. He's got to have committed at least three misdemeanors before even leaving the street.

The front door swings shut with a click. Probably on a latch. Not that that'll do much to foil a Mage...

2014-01-14, 07:26 PM
"Well, he is both out of the house and alive. Shall we get on with the breaking and entering? While we are talking, how are we going to be sure we aren't doing this again in a month when he builds another one?"

2014-01-14, 07:33 PM
"Well, he is both out of the house and alive. Shall we get on with the breaking and entering? While we are talking, how are we going to be sure we aren't doing this again in a month when he builds another one?"

Rex shrugs. "We live near him, watch him. If it really is abyssal, get a mind mage to wipe the memory from his mind. I'm fairly certain a Guardian would be ethically obligated to do it."

With that, Rex walks up towards the house, looking at the door, and suddenly realizing he doesn't have a covert way to undo locks. He instead scans the house with forces and prime sight, checking for security systems, magical or not.

2014-01-15, 03:59 AM

Active Spells: Temporal Dodge (3 Armor)
Mana: 11?

It was right about then that the prodigal cosplay mode finally reached the scene.

A mid sized SUV pulled up into the driveway of the chantry house. A girl in her early twenties peeked out the window, noting someone crossing from the place she'd been assigned to the house next door.

She emerged quickly, 5'5”, hard bodied and curvacious, with wavy fiery red hair that the wind couldn't resist running it's fingers through. The girl wore a pair of snug dark blue jeans, a black tube top, and a brown leather jacket. A petite hand waved to those of her future circle mates who were out of the house as she slung a heavy lap top case over one shoulder, followed by a very long gym bag, and started into the house.

If greeted, she'd extend her hand and offer, “Call me Ronia. Sorry I'm late. The traffic getting out of Denver was hell. What did I miss?” She glanced in the direction of the neighbors. “I'm guessing something important. Are we expecting trouble next door?”

She settled her gym bag down in the kitchen, unzipped it, and drew out a hand and a half sword in a leather scabbard.

2014-01-16, 09:47 PM
Rex goes back to his car, and after a quick moment of searching, finds a paperclip and a bobbypin that should work for his task.

A few seconds later, there's a slight click, but no real results.

"Anyone have a better way of doing this?"

2014-01-17, 10:43 AM
Istar turns to Rona, eyebrow raised.

"Istar. I think I've seen you around. You're Arrow, right? One of the neighbors seems to be playing around with things Man Was Not Meant to Know. Do you happen to know how to pick a lock?"

2014-01-21, 08:08 PM
Rex pockets the improvised tools. "I swear, one matter mage would solve this problem so quickly..."

2014-01-22, 05:45 AM
“Nice to meet you, Istar,” Ronia replied with an easy smile on dusky pink lips. She offered the other her hand to shake. “That’s right, I’m with the arrow. Let me gear up right quick and I’ll see how I can contribute.”

She tucked a sheathed dagger into one boot, belted her sword around her trim little waist, and then carefully adjusted it ‘til she could throw a longcoat over it. This was hardly an effective way of concealing the rather large steel blade, but hopefully would give her a moment’s leeway to try something trickier.

“Let’s go.” The redhead strode down the stairs, jacket still open a little ways in front, and headed across to the other house. She waved as she approached. “Good afternoon. Ronia with the adamantine arrow. Sorry I’m late. How can I help? I’m no good with locks, but if someone knows the basics I could maybe make the tumblers visible too you?”

2014-01-22, 03:06 PM
"I'm fairly certain that, if you're a matter mage, you could just unlock it."

Rex steps back. "Go on, give it a shot."

2014-01-25, 10:30 PM

Active Spells: Temporal Dodge (3 Armor)
Mana: 6

“Hm…” Ronia shrugged. “Okay, I’ll give it a try.” The ginger girl closed her eyes and bit her lower lip in concentration. Her mana welled up in her. She tried to shape, maneuver it, and reached out towards the lock…

The energy poured out of her, grasping and flailing for the tumblers…

And then it was gone.

She shook her head and shrugged. “Guess we either need to do this the old fashioned way or find another way in.”

She took a step back and positioned herself to make conversation with the others, but where she would obscure the view of the door from the street.

2014-01-26, 01:59 AM
Rex scowls. "No. I've had enough of this."

He points his cane at the door, and drains it of mana, rendering it to ash.
He then gently opens the door and walks inside. "That was a waste of time."

2014-01-26, 09:36 PM
Ariadnos said nothing, but privately agreed with the ex-Seer.

If they insist on sending children to combat the Abyss, they are reprehensible in addition to being fools.

2014-01-27, 07:44 PM
"Right. Make sure you've got your shields up, your vision spells on, and any other reasonable precautions. Be careful, and for the love of god, don't touch anything."

Rex pauses a moment to make sure his spells are all in order.

Active spells: Prime sight, Forces Sight, Prime shield

"Right then. Into the Abyss."

Lady Serpentine
2014-01-28, 05:39 PM
"And there went our plan of 'go in quietly'," Sacrifice notes dryly, letting out a quiet sigh as she steps in behind the others. "Or do you think that he won't notice when he finds his lock reduced to a pile of dust? There is only so much that can be covered up with clever lies, and that is hardly one of them, now is it?"

She shrugs, eyes hard and cold as she looks around the room, her perpetual bad mood having returned in full measure now that things have started to go off the rails, reflected in the tension stiffening her back and the short, sharp, movements she uses, almost mimicking a bird.

"I'd have thought that you, of all of us, would care more for subtlety, given the plan you suggested. And what you were, for that matter," the Life mage jeers, letting her nerves bleed out, as much as she can, though her voice is still soft, as she's not willing to risk anyone else detecting their presence here. "Or is it simply that you can't control your temper? That's a dangerous trait, in someone we're supposed to trust. What if you lose it again, when it matters more?

Oh, I'm not saying you'd try to harm one of us, not deliberately, but what if you get us found when we need to sneak in, or rage at someone we must persuade? Those skills of yours are useful for disposing of bodies, but that won't help us much when we can't ask the right questions... Certainly, I can talk to shades, but how much do you think I can get out of someone who hates us all for removing them from the world?"

2014-01-28, 05:53 PM
"How, exactly, will a sleeper find out that I turned his lock to ash? To stay safe, Someone stay on lookout, or someone with the most basic proficiency in time or fate magic can stop him from finding us while we're busy.

If there really is a manifestation in here, we'll need to kill or mindwipe him anyway, so it's irrelevant. If he's innocent, we leave, and he never finds out due to there being no evidence leading back to us whatsoever."

He lets out a breath dismissively. "It's a sleeper. They're not important. Letting abyssal manifestations live for longer then they have too? That's a priority."