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View Full Version : I have no idea what class to play...help please? [pf]

2013-12-27, 02:22 PM
Hello all! first post here so hope this goes well!

So At the end of Jan I will be entering a campaign at my school that is more focused towards investigation and puzzle solving over combat (combat will still be a part so need to be somewhat helpful in combat) and I am at a loss for what class I want to play.

So far the line up is a gray guard palladin, an inquisitor, a machinesmith (3rd party is allowed) and then a pugilist with the vow of poverty. So at first glance they are missing a spellcaster, but I don't really enjoy playing them too much. I will if it is really needed but I don't like having to deal with all the spells and keeping track of information.

I was leaning towards a doctor or healer of some kind then, we work for this investigation office and I figured I could be on the medical staff but get sent out to the field or something, backstory is pending. I was looking at the vitalist to fulfil this role but it seems like its a complicated for a campaign that isn't going to be too combat heavy. So my other idea was an alchemist, they have plenty of archetypes to change em up so I have options (he would be more, watch your liver at night he might take it, kind of character)

Are there any other options you guys know about that may work? I would like to be a bit of a skill monkey so the vitalist is kinda meh on that part. Sorry for the wall of text! Thanks for your time!

TLDR: Need help picking a doctor class that is very useful outside of combat and that may fulfil the spellcaster role

2013-12-27, 02:25 PM
How about a Bard?

2013-12-27, 02:27 PM
TLDR: Need help picking a doctor class that is very useful outside of combat and that may fulfil the spellcaster role

Inquisitor (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/inquisitor)
6 Skill points/level for out-of-combat
3/4 Bab + Judgement for in-combat
2/3 Spontaneous Divine Caster (so you don't have to worry about what to prepare)

2013-12-27, 02:32 PM
I thought about a bard too, really stupid question though, is there an archetype that's not all.... attention seeking? I don't know the whole having to preform thing always drove me away from picking the class, I love the idea of music and magic intertwining together but was never sure how to make it a quiet party type of character.

And to Grarrg, we already have an inquisitor, we had a talk about what not to do and they specifically said don't make the same class as someone else but better lol but thanks for the suggestion!

2013-12-27, 02:34 PM
As you already have Inquisitor covered...

How about Alchemist? Great flavour, many options besides spellcasting, still nicely high Int.
Bombs + discoveries for control/damage, Healing Bombs Discovery for healing, Infusion for keeping the party rolling. Plenty good Archetypes around like Chirurgeon (easier healing), Crypt Breaker (Trapfinding), Mindchemist, Psychonaut (scyer).

Then Bard has plenty of great Archetypes as well. For example Archivist gets tons of Int-stuff and Trapfinding as well, or Detective for just that, Archaeologist is like a combat Rogue w/o SA, Sandman even gets SA, etc...

2013-12-27, 02:40 PM
Oracle might fit your party's needs pretty well. It is a Spellcaster, though.

Manly Man
2013-12-27, 02:42 PM
Be a Psion (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/psion) who specializes in psychometabolism (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/psion/psionic-disciplines/psychometabolism), if you're allowed to use psionics. Considering that third-party stuff's allowed, these should too, since Dreamscarred Press has a reputation for putting out good stuff.

2013-12-27, 03:06 PM
thanks for the input all!

Im gonna look into making an alchemist (I have an oracle going for another campaign just havent gotten to play her yet) I had an alchemist a long time ago but only played one game with him. A prestige class I dont think many people know about is the Sighted Seer, pretty much lets you skim minds in a crowd to find your mark, I was going to be that but the entry for it is fairly combat intensive and well it did not seem worth the investment for a few tricks