View Full Version : Diplomacy: How to lose friends and conquer Europe

2013-12-27, 05:09 PM
I'm a Diplomacy fan and I just found out about a neat free droid app called Droidippy. Waiting to join a game and figured I'd start a thread for Diplomacy fans.

Rank your favorite nations! Tell hilarious stories of betrayal and skullduggery! Argue over Army vs Navy Italy variants! Defend Christendom from the resurgent Turks!

Favorite nations:
1) Italy
2) Austria-Hungary
3) England
4) Turkey
5) Russia
6) Germany
7) France

2013-12-29, 05:36 PM
1) England
2) Turkey
3) Germany
4) Russia
5) France
6) Austria-Hungary
7) Italy

I've only ever played a few games to completion, but one time I managed to, as England, set Russia up for the most fantastic stab. I cooperated with Germany to hold France back, while talking Russia into going south with me "securing" the Nordic countries from German aggression. Eventually he got bogged down in the Balkan quagmire, while I set things up so that his northern fleet supported me against Germany...right into a spot where I could support myself into St. Petersburg and Warsaw.