View Full Version : Trying To Get Hit [3.5]

Morof Stonehands
2013-12-27, 05:25 PM
So I had a small idea for a character I might make for a game I'm in. It's based on a feat from Drow of the Underdark - Dutiful Guardian. As an immediate action I can switch places with an ally that I am protecting, when that ally is attacked.

So basically I'm putting myself in harm's way for them. All the time.

So I had an idea to, instead of trying to protect people, make a character who wants to get hit, maybe because I will get bonuses, or mostly, because bad things will happen to the attacker upon hitting me.

There is some armor from the Magic item Compendium, Retaliation, that deals damage to attackers. So that's a start.

Any other ideas?

2013-12-27, 05:29 PM
Robilar's Gambit allows you to AoO someone trying to hit you, Karmic Strike does something similar.

2013-12-27, 05:32 PM
There was a build on the old Wizards board based around getting hit called the Masochist. It seems to be gone now, but the basic premise was tanking your AC via Shock Trooper (and similar tricks) while using Robilar's Gambit, Karmic Strike, Retributive Amulet, and probably some other things to deal damage whenever you're hit. You'd also heal yourself on each hit via Claws of the Vampire, Wrathful Healing, and the like to prevent yourself from dying after a couple of fights. Based on the build's name, I'd guess that the spell Masochism was involved somehow, but even if it wasn't it's also worth looking at.

2013-12-27, 05:39 PM
Crusaders really like to get hit. They get bonuses from their delayed damage pool, and have a number of ways to heal and mitigate damage. The thicket of blades stance makes it hard for enemies to leave melee once they're in your threatened area.

A Wrathful Healing weapon (+3, Enemies and Allies) will let you annihilate the hp-attrition conflict which melee often becomes.

Masochists gain +1 to hit and damage if they take their hit dice in damage.