View Full Version : Were-Murder of Crows character?

2013-12-28, 10:44 AM
What would be your choice of class/race/build in general to go with a were-murder of crows?

2013-12-28, 12:34 PM
A Lycanthrope's base type does not change, and it only gains the Shapechanger subtype. A Lycanthrope that uses a swarm for its animal portion does not gain the swarm subtype. You would have to use a small or smaller base humanoid, and it would only be able to turn into a single tiny crow, not an entire swarm of them.

2013-12-28, 12:49 PM
There is a swarm based class...it's insect themed..or rat I forget the book but you could try to look that up.

At later levels its class ability allows it to become a swarm and also to teleport to the nearest swarm of whatever type you have chosen at the class creation

2013-12-28, 12:49 PM
Aww really? I'd heard it worked in other threads, and the idea sounded awesome.


Jeff the Green
2013-12-28, 12:55 PM
A Lycanthrope's base type does not change, and it only gains the Shapechanger subtype. A Lycanthrope that uses a swarm for its animal portion does not gain the swarm subtype. You would have to use a small or smaller base humanoid, and it would only be able to turn into a single tiny crow, not an entire swarm of them.

While you definitely don't gain the subtype, the rest is debatable. In fact, swarm traits, distraction, etc. are all special qualities and special attacks, so even though you wouldn't get the subtype, you arguably do get all the good things about being a swarm.

All that aside, you're going to have 4 RHD and +2 or +3 LA, which is going to suck. You do automatic damage to anyone whose space you occupy, though, so if you can get an attack in swarm form other than swarming Underfoot Combat and Confound the Big Folk could be good. Totemist could do it, as could any of the other ways of getting natural attacks. You'll also have decent Dexterity, so Shadow Blade and Weapon Finesse would likewise be a good idea (and since your scores only increase in swarm or hybrid form your Strength won't be too bad either).

2013-12-28, 01:00 PM
Master of flies

That was the class I was thinking about

2013-12-28, 01:02 PM
So you're saying I'd get to be a swarm without being a swarm?

I never thought of the finesse/totemist route, I had always tried to optimize swarm damage, which didn't yield much.

Is there anything a totemist can offer that shadow blade could work with?

EDIT: Actually what about a soulknife? Would a swarm be able to wield its short sword mind blade?

Jeff the Green
2013-12-28, 01:11 PM
Is there anything a totemist can offer that shadow blade could work with?

Only indirectly. Totemist will get you a bite, which will let you use a mouth pick spiked chain (or dagger or shortsword). There are a few other ways to get Dexterity to damage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125732), too. Unfortunately, being tiny, natural weapons aren't going to do much damage on their own.

2013-12-28, 01:16 PM
While you definitely don't gain the subtype, the rest is debatable. In fact, swarm traits, distraction, etc. are all special qualities and special attacks, so even though you wouldn't get the subtype, you arguably do get all the good things about being a swarm.

You don't get any of the traits of a type/subtype you don't have. An undead that gets resurrected doesn't retain the undead traits, for example. A swarm has the swarm traits because it's a swarm, if you can take the form of a swarm without being a swarm you won't get the swarm traits. As for the other special qualities, it's entirely up to your DM whether or not you would get to keep them. The Swarm subtype (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#swarmSubtype) is what allows you to be a single entity made up of many smaller creatures, so if you're lacking that then you would most likely have to track the hp, initiative, and actions of every crow separately.

2013-12-28, 06:08 PM
I love this idea...might use it to flesh out my BBEG more. This matches his powers and name too. Great idea! love to know how to do this too.