View Full Version : Outsider (evil) - Lowest ECL

2013-12-28, 11:50 AM
I want to find a race of evil outsiders that have the least impact on ECL or find a way to add the evil subtype to an outsider without changing the character's alignment to evil. Plans are to make the character Lawful Neutral.

Also, easy ways to gain immunity to fatigue. Non-living and races with questionable anatomy (like the warforged) are not viable options. The character needs to be able to eat, breathe and sleep even though having the option to not do so is always preferable.

2013-12-28, 12:15 PM
Neraphim is a 0 LA outsider.

Savage species has a ritual to add the evil subtype as I recall.

Are you trying to enter fiend of possession?

2013-12-28, 12:25 PM
Negative. Plans are for Fiend of Corruption with a Lawful Neutral twist. I plan on the character to make ample use of Fiendish Symbionts, and other kinds as well.

... Along those lines. I suppose I need a easy way to get rebuke aberration and rebuke undead high enough to effectively control a max 4 HD undead/aberration and probably around a total of 16HD total. Evil outsider too, now that I think about it...

We don't want those Symbionts getting uppity, do we?

2013-12-28, 12:30 PM
The Ritual of Alignment to gain the evil subtype costs 56,000 gp and 2,240 xp, so you shouldn't be able to afford it until 11th level spending all your WBL, or a bit past 13th level sending only half your WBL. It's not really a viable option unless playing at the very high levels.

Kaorti in the Fiend Folio have 2 HD and a +2 LA.

A Bladeling in MM2 is +1 LA per the Update Booklet (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dnd/20030718a), and its 1 HD gets replaced by its first class level. It's an Outsider [Lawful], but if you make it a Divine Minion (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050209a) of Sebek that gets switched to [Evil]. That's a total +2 LA and it only racial HD gets replaced by your first class level.

2013-12-28, 12:33 PM
I want to find a race of evil outsiders that have the least impact on ECL or find a way to add the evil subtype to an outsider without changing the character's alignment to evil. Plans are to make the character Lawful Neutral.Any devil or demon will do. "Always Lawful/Chaotic Evil" still allows statistically insignificant exceptions that are not Lawful/Chaotic Evil.

Those creatures that are "Any Evil" are a bit more tricky, because the rules do not fiat the loophole above.

An Imp/Quasit or Vargouille would do, or do you need it for a PC?