View Full Version : Swiftblade, Somatics, and Weapon choice?

2013-12-28, 01:38 PM
I am currently planning out a Swiftblade. My plan so far is a Human Wizard (combat variant).

I had looked into using the weapon Elven Courtblade (1d10 dmg, 18-20/x2 crit, 2H, exotic, usable w/ weapon finesse). Combining both the power attack and weapon finesse feats seemed like a fun idea. Using a 2H weapon seemed like a better idea, since the two-weapon fighting tree is longish.

But, after looking into what somatic means for spells, I realize that I need at least one hand free to properly cast any spell. Many of the spells I will cast will be swift actions (e.g., haste, wraithstrike, bladeweave), so I need to be able to cast spells in combat.

What does this mean for my character, am I misinterpreting the rules, and are there any ways around them? (also, tips in general are welcome)

2013-12-28, 02:24 PM
When wielding a two-handed weapon, it's a free action to take one hand off the weapon (in order to gesture, do somatic components, etc), and a free action to put it back on. Wielding a weapon does not interfere with somatic components.

2013-12-28, 02:27 PM
Awesome, thanks for the info.

Subaru Kujo
2013-12-28, 03:34 PM
I am currently planning out a Swiftblade. My plan so far is a Human Wizard (combat variant).

I had looked into using the weapon Elven Courtblade (1d10 dmg, 18-20/x2 crit, 2H, exotic, usable w/ weapon finesse). Combining both the power attack and weapon finesse feats seemed like a fun idea. Using a 2H weapon seemed like a better idea, since the two-weapon fighting tree is longish.

But, after looking into what somatic means for spells, I realize that I need at least one hand free to properly cast any spell. Many of the spells I will cast will be swift actions (e.g., haste, wraithstrike, bladeweave), so I need to be able to cast spells in combat.

What does this mean for my character, am I misinterpreting the rules, and are there any ways around them? (also, tips in general are welcome)

You can definitely do casting with a 2handed weapon. How I'd fluff it is you actually flourish out the somantic components with your weapon before you strike (free actions if your DM wants to roll that way with it).

2013-12-28, 04:15 PM
If you're going to spend a feat for Exotic Weapon Profiency anyway you might want to look at the spiked chain, or the Drow Scorpion Chain if you want higher crit range.
Both are two handed, finessable reach weapons.

2013-12-28, 05:56 PM
You can definitely do casting with a 2handed weapon. How I'd fluff it is you actually flourish out the somantic components with your weapon before you strike (free actions if your DM wants to roll that way with it).

There's an actual feat that allows you to use weapons to perform somatic components of spells. I think it's called Somatic Weapon or something similar. I guess it's more useful for TWFers (Arcane Tricksters or Assassins, maybe) or Sword and Board kinds (Paladins, for instance), but it can come in handy.

2013-12-28, 06:24 PM
There's an actual feat that allows you to use weapons to perform somatic components of spells. I think it's called Somatic Weapon or something similar. I guess it's more useful for TWFers (Arcane Tricksters or Assassins, maybe) or Sword and Board kinds (Paladins, for instance), but it can come in handy.

Shield users can just get a Shield Glove (RoS iirc). It's exotic but if you get a mithril one it has ACP 0 meaning you don't need the feat. Otherwise it's identical to a large shield.

I'd say TWFers could just use a double weapon instead of wasting a feat slot but i'm not sure there are any double weapons that are finessable.
On the other hand TWF is rather feat intensive so you really don't want to spend an extra feat in a build for that.