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View Full Version : Gamer Problems: Can't find a good miniature.

2013-12-28, 04:27 PM
We've all been there. We finish fleshing out a concept for a new campaign and excitedly rush to our FLGS to pick out a fresh mini to represent our fledgling character. Only after scouring shelves and peg-hooks do we discover that nothing quite embodies our concept the way we'd like. Online searches likewise prove fruitless. That's when we turn to the Playground!

As someone who normally enjoys searching for new miniatures, I find it humbling to ask for help. But I've exhausted my google-fu and am just getting frustrated now. I'm going to be playing a Scarred Witch Doctor in an upcoming Serpent's Skull campaign. One of the main features of this class is a "Fetish Mask" familiar. Needless to say, grotesque masks are not a particularly common feature on rpg minis. So far I've found two options:

Jigeke the Exile http://www.reapermini.com/graphics/gallery/4/60091_p_1_mj.jpg I'd like to avoid this one because the DM is going to need him.

And this Tiki guy from Pulp Miniatures http://agamemag.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/pss10.jpg Who only seems to be available as part of a set, and I don't think I'd ever use any of the others.

So does anyone know of something I've missed? Maybe a monster whose body could pass for human and a head that could be painted to look like a mask? It needs to be unarmored and weaponless or with easily removed weapons. I don't really care about the source or material as long as the scale fits a Pathfinder Medium Humanoid and preferably available as a single. Thanks in advance, everyone.

In the meantime, if anyone is finding himself in a similar situation, post your concept and I'll be happy to take a look for you!

EDIT: Ok, I have no idea how I missed the Warhammer Fantasy stuff until now, but Wurrzag is my new favorite.http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-EAPJva4HcCQ/TX1KjAt_YWI/AAAAAAAAAX8/tyTaBqqdIZY/s400/orcos%2B016.jpg

I'd still like to see what the Playground can come up with though! And I'll still search for other minis if anyone wants.

2013-12-28, 10:45 PM
Maybe this Gnoll Shaman by Ral Partha:


Or the Tharn Ravager Shaman on Privateerpress.com (http://privateerpress.com/hordes/gallery/circle-orboros/units/tharn-ravager-shaman):


Then there's the Bray Shaman:


You can find a lot of stuff on Miniature Market (http://www.miniaturemarket.com/)

2013-12-29, 04:24 PM
Then there's the Bray Shaman:


You can find a lot of stuff on Miniature Market (http://www.miniaturemarket.com/)

That model is not a "Bray Shaman" though, it is a "Dark Emissary (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/armySubUnitCats.jsp?catId=cat640011a&rootCatGameStyle=)". The actual Bray shaman models could work though.

Warhammer has a number of non-human wizards that might work. Wurrzag was something I thought of reading the OP description, but as an Orc he is somewhat larger and bulkier than a normal human.
A couple of this might work:http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/armySubUnitCats.jsp?catId=cat640010a&rootCatGameStyle=wh

2013-12-30, 12:39 AM
Wow, thanks for the tips, guys. I love that Tharn Ravager Shaman. It may look a bit too bloodthirsty for this particular character though. What I like about Wurrzag is the whimsy. Still, I looked up some more Tharn and there are a couple that I like. What's the scale like on those guys? They seem quite a bit taller than a human, but it's hard to tell from pics.

Thanks again!

2013-12-30, 06:50 PM
Step 1: Find a mini with a face that would make an epic mask.
Step 2: Find another mini that would be perfect if only he had a mask.
Step 3: Find an exacto knife.

The rest pretty much takes care of itself.

That said, yeah, warhammer fantasy stuff is pretty good for caniballizing.