View Full Version : Help Me Design a Weapon Inspired by Baldur's Gate 2

2013-12-28, 05:13 PM
Hey All:

So I recently picked up BG2EE, and I have decided to incorporate one of my favorite characters from the game into my current Forgotten Realms 3.5e game.

So, in BG there is a sentient sword you can find that has the personality of a notoriously dumb adventurer named Liralcor. This sword has some nice buffs (immunity to charm, domination, and hold effets), but the best reason (or worst, depending on your pov) to use the weapon is that it randomly banters. It insults you, enemies, talks about how it was once a moodblade and its brother was a +12 hackmaster -- it is, in short, pure comedy gold.

In BG2, I always had Minsc, the "sort of a ranger but also sort of a barbarian who has a miniature giant space hamster animal companion" weild Liralcor. In my PnP game, I've decided that the sword is sort of a "soul sink" that captures an image of a person's soul that becomes the personality of the weapon. Minsc was the last character with a strong enough personality for this to happen.

So, playground, and fans of BG2 -- what sort of abilities should the MinscBlade have? I am looking to build a lesser artifact type weapon that is sort of like a weapon of legacy (w/o the downsides). That is, it gains benefits as you level up and perform heroic deeds.

Any ideas are welcome!

2013-12-28, 05:34 PM
Ahh, Lilarcor, how I loved that sword. I have one of it's quotes as my SMS tune on my phone :P

Not what you're planning to do, it seems, but you should be able to easily imitate the Lilarcor using the Intelligent Items rules in the SRD. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/intelligentItems.htm)

I'd go for 14 in WIS and CHA, 10 in INT, speech, 120 ft. vision and hearing and 2 lesser powers. This would give it an Ego of 6+ enhancements and special abilities.

You could tack on the "Slay all" special purpose for an extra +4 to Ego.

2013-12-28, 05:51 PM
Ahh, Lilarcor, how I loved that sword. I have one of it's quotes as my SMS tune on my phone :P

Not what you're planning to do, it seems, but you should be able to easily imitate the Lilarcor using the Intelligent Items rules in the SRD. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/intelligentItems.htm)

I'd go for 14 in WIS and CHA, 10 in INT, speech, 120 ft. vision and hearing and 2 lesser powers. This would give it an Ego of 6+ enhancements and special abilities.

You could tack on the "Slay all" special purpose for an extra +4 to Ego.

I'll have to stay away from teh rules a bit, since Minsc wasn't exactly known for being super-bright.

I was thinking some rage based lesser powers, and maybe some that might let you handle animal better or speak with animals?

2013-12-28, 06:04 PM
I have that game too, it's great, but I have other stuff to do.

As for your idea, get a +whatever (so you can enchant it) Screaming sword
Screaming is +1 enhancement from MiC, d4 sonic damage. It can scream insults, random catchphrases, you name it. Much roleplaying fun to be had with the +X Screaming _____sword (whatever type of enhancement bonus and type of sword you want)

2013-12-28, 06:18 PM
I always loved this sword and the One from NWN Underdark Expanison. I made one based of the NWN from the DMG using teh ego scores, he was a Rapier and his name was Alabar and each day I would roll a d6 according to a chart I had made which desided it's ego, Special ablilities and what type of creature it completely and unterly detested! One of those was undead and we had a half-Vampire in the party the only time the Swashbuckler failed the save.... He used to use qoutes from both BG2 and NWN good times!