View Full Version : Starter class for an Artificer diplomancer.

Elric VIII
2013-12-29, 03:56 AM
I'm making an artificer that will attempt to act as the party face. I'll use Able Learner to keep the social skills from a 1-level dip (since there's no good way to get them via feats AFAIK).

My first thought is a Factotum 1/Artificer 19. Is there a better starter class that grants me diplomacy and bluff?

Alternatively, I would consider a PrC that I could dip into at 6-ish to get the skills and complete later. IIRC, Artificer can enter any class with the "caster level X" requirement as long as it does not specify type of casting or any specific spells.


2013-12-29, 12:38 PM
Warlock (with the Beguiling Influence invocation, for +6) or Binder (Naberius, for taking 10 and rushed diplomacy) would probably be best.

Elric VIII
2013-12-29, 07:07 PM
Well, Warlock doesn't have Diplomacy, but Binder could work. Although it's a shame that it gets so few skill points.

2013-12-29, 09:23 PM
Why ar eyou taking Able learner?

Piggy Knowles
2013-12-29, 09:47 PM
Hard to beat changeling rogue for a level 1 Able Learner dip.

I've got a changeling rogue/artificer/ardent dilettante build kicking around my Google Drive somewhere as an "ultimate infiltrator" style build that I hope to play one day.