View Full Version : [3.5] Flanking Immunities

2013-12-29, 10:40 AM
I have been playing this game for a year now and although sessions are few and far between I have come to enjoy just making theoretical builds, trying to build weird combos and stuff. So while my knowledge of the game is growing when it comes to what you can build, my knowledge of what you can face is very limited.

I was looking at "Double Team" a feat from Dragoncompendium and I thought "That's a nice way to make sure you always flank, can be useful for sneak attack". But then I saw the bit that mentions creatures "immune to flanking", and while I have learned that your build should never be a one-trick pony, I thought that flanking was a save thing to rely on. So now I'm wondering, how often do flanking immunities come into play? Is it easy to get or do only specific creatures have it and can it be countered?

2013-12-29, 10:45 AM
There are some creatures that are immune to flanking (due to 360° vision or similar stuff) but it's not really common.
If your DM hates you any weapon user can get immunity by taking Exotic Weapon Profiency and fighting defensively with a longstaff (CAdv), but that's not really common either IME. :smalltongue:

2013-12-29, 11:26 AM
And are their ways to even flank the unflankable?

2013-12-29, 03:00 PM
The Darkstalker feat from Lords of Madness lets you flank foes with 360 vision, as well as lets you do the usual hide/MS vs. spot/listen game against foes with blindsense/sight, scent, and tremorsense.

It's basically a required feat for a rogue.

2013-12-29, 03:12 PM
Improved Uncanny Dodge as a class feature also makes you flanking immune, but your rogue level (as well as levels in classes that progress sneak attack) allows you to overcome that as long as its higher than the level of the uncanny dodger.