View Full Version : Making a Mobile Gish!

2013-12-29, 04:24 PM
At the moment I am planning a mobile gish. This is my first attempt at planning ahead, and I know that they people here know much more than I, so thanks! Concept revolves around transportation, teleportation, speed, dexterity, and mobility, and possible job as a courier. I have come up w/ ideas, but I want to know if I am missing anything, or if there are better ways to do this.

I am pretty much set on the Swiftblade PrC at level 7. My base class will probably be a Wizard (combat variant - replaces fighter feats at first and every 5 levels for wizard feats and scribe scroll).

Weapon might be the Elven Courtblade, as it is 2H and allows Weapon Finesse. That way Power Attack will still do 2x dmg. Only problem is that it is exotic. stats: 1 d10 dmg, 18-20/x2 crit, piercing or slashing

If I'm a human, my feat progression so far may be:
1) Expeditious Dodge, Power Attack, Elusive Target
3) Weapon Finesse
5) Exotic Weapon Proficiency – Elven Courtblade
6) Mobility
9)Arcane Strike

I haven't quite hammered out the spells I want to pick up, tell me if there are any I definitely need for my character concept.

Most important to me is staying true to the character concept, and I may use not-so-good feats/spells/etc... if they are entertaining or fun.

Thanks all!

2013-12-29, 04:31 PM
At the moment I am planning a mobile gish. This is my first attempt at planning ahead, and I know that they people here know much more than I, so thanks! Concept revolves around transportation, teleportation, speed, dexterity, and mobility, and possible job as a courier. I have come up w/ ideas, but I want to know if I am missing anything, or if there are better ways to do this.

I am pretty much set on the Swiftblade PrC at level 7. My base class will probably be a Wizard (combat variant - replaces fighter feats at first and every 5 levels for wizard feats and scribe scroll).

Weapon might be the Elven Courtblade, as it is 2H and allows Weapon Finesse. That way Power Attack will still do 2x dmg. Only problem is that it is exotic. stats: 1 d10 dmg, 18-20/x2 crit, piercing or slashing

If I'm a human, my feat progression so far may be:
1) Expeditious Dodge, Power Attack, Elusive Target
3) Weapon Finesse
5) Exotic Weapon Proficiency – Elven Courtblade
6) Mobility
9)Arcane Strike

I haven't quite hammered out the spells I want to pick up, tell me if there are any I definitely need for my character concept.

Most important to me is staying true to the character concept, and I may use not-so-good feats/spells/etc... if they are entertaining or fun.

Thanks all!

Check out the swiftblade (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327) prestige class. It's perfect for what you want to do.

Edit: And now I see that you already mentioned swiftblade. The derp is strong in this one today.

Have you considered dragonwrought kobold? It's cheesy, but it'll work well for a swiftblade.

2013-12-29, 04:34 PM
... you do know he mentioned going to Swiftblade at level 7 right?

2013-12-29, 04:51 PM
Do you have your heart set on being a wizard? An Ardent/Elocator/Slayer makes for a pretty great mobile Gish and has the added benefit of being psionic (inherently more cool than arcane or divine magic).

The Elocator gets to teleport around for spring attacks and they can tell gravity to bugger off whenever they want.

Ardent can manifest some of the best mobility powers in the game including psionic lions charge, hustle, and my personal favorite telekinetic thrust.

The way ardents work, even with the manifested levels lost from slayer and Elocator you can still easily get 9th level powers

2013-12-29, 05:51 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone, I'll be looking into them sometime today more closely.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-12-29, 05:53 PM
I would suggest you to take a lool at the Chrono-legionarie (http://community.wizards.com/comment/20300291#comment-20300291), hands down one of the best gish builds ever done.

2013-12-29, 07:24 PM
Thanks for the reply Dusk. I looked at the post that you referenced, but I think that it is a bit too involved for me at this time (lots of prestige classes, etc). Since this is my first attempt at even a prestige class, I will keep it simple with the swiftblade.

Thanks for the comment.