View Full Version : Tales of the Planes(IC)

2013-12-29, 04:55 PM
It is a calm and gentle day, as is the Plane of True Neutrality's trend. The Sky was a beautiful blue-grey gradient starting at the horizon and ending in a deep royal blue overhead. There were no stars, nor a moon, only-- if one squinted and used their imagination a bit-- a distant glimmer from Sigil, City of Doors hovering over the gigantic obsidian spire at the center of all the Outlands, which was visible here as a thin needle marking the horizon like a compass spine.

Sigil, the Birdcage, the most beloved, hated, visited and avoided city in all the planes. It can be more dangerous than Gehenna, more crowded than Waterdeep, and more profitable than the Plane of Minerals. And sooner or later every Planar traveler ends up spending some time kicking around The Cage.
Just getting there is the dream of many a daydreaming planar. And that is where we find our heroes, having taken the first steps towards their grand adventure.

The Drunken Dabus is a tavern. Stepping through the great door, you see an almost square room, with torches along the walls, a fire pit opposite the door on the far wall, and several small flickering tharlarion oil lamps on some of the tables. Two steps of seamless stone lead down from the door to the main floor of the Tavern. By being slightly lower on the ground floor, the ceiling of the main room is higher than normal, dwarfing even the mightiest of Men. Beamed with wood for support, and black with the soot from the torches and lamps. The front of the room contains low round tables, the rear section of is dedicated to the kitchen. A chest high wooden counter, almost a bar, separates the kitchen from the rest of the room. The tavern is full of a mix of patrons.

The Drunken Dabus (Astoria Road, Market Ward) is the tavern that each of you find yourselves in at the Start.

2014-01-01, 01:11 AM
Niski Glimmermaid

Niski shoved into the tavern, gasping, and darted through the crowd towards the bar.

For a moment, she leaned against the bar stool, breathing hard. Despite standing little over three feet tall, she didn't seem like the type of girl who scared easily. She had two dainty axes at the small of her back and a larger, even more lethal half moon of steel resting on hip. All three rested easily, loose in their rings. The handles well polished and the blades shining. Rather than a normal outfit, she wore a fitted black top of boiled leather, low necked to bare a generous expanse of cleavage, but protecting her vulnerable waist with a half inch of rugged hide. Beneath that were snug leather pants and calf high boots. All were stained rich black, bringing out the silver in her pale hair, the lavender in her cupid's bow lips, the amethyst in her wide, round eyes.

“This place is insane,” she gasped, glancing back towards the door, then she sighed and scrambled up onto the bar stool, setting her fine leather pack and round shield carefully aside, she eyed the patrons dubiously. Slowly she started to relax. There were as many familiar beings as monstrous sitting around. More importantly, most of them were drinking, laughing, brooding, singing, or crying. All things she expected to find in a tavern.

After a moment, she waved the barkeep over and asked, “Do you have mead here? Sorry, this is my first time here. I'm really not sure what to except. This place is called Sigil, right?”

2014-01-01, 05:26 PM
The tall female in tight red leather out fit that shows off her large curves comes over to the other side of the bar.

" I'm Meera An'Renal a worker and bar tender here. Mead you say? I'm sure we don't have any of that. But if you want something with sugar in it I can give you a Acheron Alteration. It is made with lots of sugar.

She has a long redhair, fair skin and is a little more muscled then average for a female. Her eyes are slightly red, and she has fangs in between her teeth. Her only visible weapon is a black dagger strapped to her thigh.

"Yes your in Sigil. At The Drunken Dabus. Where are you from? A Primer? What brings you here?"

2014-01-02, 11:41 PM
A gaunt looking humanoid covered from head to toe in wool and silks leaned against the edge of the bar. 4 knives clearly displayed across his chest, all currently sheathed in a bandoleer. While his face is partially concealed by a scarf, his pale skin has a bluish hue and his hair is a mottled gray fur like that of some hyena or other mongrel canine.

He casually glances towards the gnome at the bar before turning back to the taproom; confident his keen hearing will catch snippets of the conversation despite the dimming effect of the revelry around them.

2014-01-03, 03:27 PM
As the night goes on, the crowd at the The Drunken Dabus gets bigger, as all sorts of folks show up for a drink or to socialize.

2014-01-04, 02:54 AM
“Meera?” The petite girl echoed, then half rose to shake the taller girl's hand. The teeth were a bit intimidating, but—while the sheer oddity of Sigil was startling—Niski was somewhat cosmopolitanism for a prime. “Nice to meet you.” The gnome's amythest eyes flashed down the barkeep's muscular and curvacious body with a hint of admiration.

“Something sweet does sound nice, yes. I'll give it a try.”

“Primer?” Niski arched a silvery brow. “Oh, referring to the Prime Material Plane? That's right. I'm from the Trielta Hills, on Faerun. I...” she shrugged. “I'm looking for someone. My great uncle said this would be a good place to start, and directed me to a standing stone in the forest. It got me here just a few minutes ago.”

2014-01-04, 01:21 PM
Meera An'Renal leans forward and shakes Niski hand. She, naturally, has quite a strong grip.

"Oh, by the Spire! Don't say that. ''Prime Material Plane'' it will really mark you as a clueless primer in no time. You are from, The Prime. Got it?"

Meera slides over a wooden cup of a dark liquid "One silver. So who are you looking for?"

2014-01-04, 02:39 PM
The gaunt humanoid slinks closer to the conversation, coming within inches of bumping into Niski on her left, seemingly not noticing the petite creature's presence before leaning over the counter. He points with one of his only 3 digits of his left hand towards the cheapest beverage. "I'll take one of those."

2014-01-05, 08:22 AM
Meera An'Renal smiles and fills a small wooden cup and hands it to the gaunt looking humanoid. "One Rot Grub Guts. One copper."

2014-01-05, 01:24 PM
He slowly pushes a copper piece along the bar and pulls down the scarf to allow himself to drink casually.

2014-01-06, 11:31 PM
“The Prime,” Niski echoed. “Got it, thank you.” She slid over a silver coin, then took a sip of the drink.

“It's kind of odd... I'm really looking for them.” She shook her head. “Sorry, let me explain. I'm a gnome. There are no goddess in our pantheon, only gods. Whenever we leave home, we tell our failies we're going to look for the lost goddesses. It's our way of staying connected, wherever we travel we're trying to do something for our kin.

“Well, I really am looking for them.”

2014-01-07, 07:15 PM
Meera An'Renal nods, "Interesting tongue tale you have there. And not one I have heard before."

2014-01-09, 09:22 PM
A large humanoid tortoise like humanoid moves around the main room, eying everyone in it.

2014-01-09, 09:40 PM
The petite silver haired girl took a long draw on her drink, then set it down carefully, eyeing first the great turtle shared being, then glancing over at the three fingered man beside her. "My goodness. I thought myself cosmopolatine for going shopping outside Everska. Forgive me for prying but, what are all these people?"

2014-01-11, 12:46 AM
Meera An'Renal People come in all shapes and sizes. I guess it can take a little getting used too. But some never get used to it. After all most of the people here are humanoid. Just wait until you meet people that are something else."

The large humanoid tortoise walks over to stand near Niski "Well Water to you. Sea say, might you by shore be looking for work? A job?"

2014-01-11, 11:11 PM
“The gods bless you with light laughter, sir,” the petite axemaid replied. “I am new in town and would be interested to find some work. I have skill in battle and Garl has blessed me with the gift of healing. What sort of work do you offer?"

2014-01-12, 12:27 AM
Torison Sandwater "Ah, good shells. I'm Torison Sandwater. I do have quite a tide of a job. I seek to reignite the Fire Fountain of Nuledzzar. I'd be willing to offer free access to any that help me do so. And to do so, I need the three keys. They are scattered about, and I need some divers to find them. Sound like something you'd want to take a swim at?"

2014-01-19, 11:43 AM
Torison Sandwater smiles and sits at the bar. He orders a Clearwater and drinks a bit and waits.

2014-01-22, 11:57 PM
The petite axmaid paid close attention to the odd creature with his charming dialect. Then she pondered, but after a few moments she nodded. “I’m afraid I’m not aware of the Fire Fountain of which you speak good mater Sandwater. But it sounds like I’d have to get around a little bit to do the work. That’s good for me, to be employed while I get my bearings.”

2014-01-24, 11:23 AM
Torison Sandwater "Ah good, I thought you looked like the type. The fish swiming against the school." Torison says as he nods.

2014-01-25, 02:49 PM

Raven felt like she was tumbling, only there was no ground under her. The sensation only lasted a moment, however before she was back on solid ground. She realized almost right away that something was terribly wrong...

Now, while it could be said that Raven was easily prone to distractions, daydreaming and flights of fancy, it didn't take the sharpest of wits to realize that she was no longer aboard the Angel's Tear. "Emmie!!!" she called out, wanting to find her little pet reptile before she tried to wrap her head around what had happened to her. "Eemmmmiiieeeee!!!" she called out louder, and just then managed to catch a flash of green zipping down the street that lay ahead of where she stood.

She sprinted down the road and dove forward at the feet of some larger creature(but then most creatures were larger than Raven), "Got you!" she called out in triumph as she snuggled the reptile against her chest and took a moment to catch her breath. The rustling of chains and the tapping of a sickly gray foot brought her out of her reverie, and she slowly lifted her head to gaze up at the creature she had run into.

Her eyes widened, curiosity giving way to facination, and fascination quickly giving way to terror as she got a better look at the creature that towered so high over her. His skin was that sickly shade of gray everywhere she could see... which wasn't all that much because he was wrapped in what must have been miles of chain. She had heard stories of ghosts rattling their chains before closing in to consume their victims' souls, and that intense look in his eyes, he certainly did look hungry!

Bolting to her feet, she held the troodon close to her as she scrambled away as fast her little legs would carry her, sprinting for the nearest building where she hoped to get away from the monster. She almost tripped in her haste as she rushed through the door to the tavern, Emerald squeaking in agitation as he ducked his head behind Raven's arms. She glanced around, panting to catch her breath, "Monster...! Outside..." she muttered to anyone who might be listening, "some kind of ghostie..."

2014-01-25, 07:23 PM
A reasonably tallish man walks into the Tavern. Eyes flash with the color of sunset just as the sun drops below the horizon. Hair the color night. He appears fit but not overly muscled. His intense expression softens as he walks into the tavern allowing the light to wash over him as a small smile comes across his face. He walks with purpose to the Bar and orders the house ale and the house stew. He finds a place near the crowd and eats observing with interest.

His eyes follow the startled expression of this strange little girl that just walked into the tavern. She doesn't appear to be from around here and he has never see her kind around here before. His eyes fall on what she is carrying and wonder what it is. Who is she? how old is she? What is she? He thinks to himself. The temptation to ask is almost overwhelming, but he holds his tongue and observes for the moment.

2014-01-25, 09:50 PM
Niski loosened her axe nervously as the halfing girl entered, cuddling the odd pet closely.

“I’ll be right back,” she told the aquatic man next to her. “She looks just as lost as I felt an hour ago." The gnome hopped down from the bench and strode through the crowd towards the newcomer.

Raven saw a purple eyed girl approaching her, some six inches taller than herself, with an attractive face but slightly exaggerated nose. A silver ponytail, waist length—drifted out behind her. There was a large axe at her belt, two smaller ones crossed behind her back, and a shield slung over her back too. She was dressed in leather traveling garb with a fitted and scoop-necked breastplate of boiled leather.

The gnome girl touched her on the shoulder. “It’s okay. There’s a lot of weird people around this crazy place, aren’t there? I’m sure they’re not all friendly. My name’s Niski. Are you hurt? Do you need a drink?”

The insightful girl glanced momentarily at the newcomer she now felt watching them and offered a cheerful smile.

2014-01-25, 10:54 PM
Hendrix reaches into his pouch only to get that light feeling. Scratch that. He gets up and walks over the the little girl (Raven). "Excuse me, but I could help but over hear that you mentioned monsters. My name is Hendrix and I like to invite you both over to my table and talk about this monster of yours. Would join me?" Hendrix bows to the woman and little girl. an points with smooth motion to the table in question.

2014-01-26, 12:11 AM
Raven seemed to jump in startlement as each of the other two approached her, so fascinated was she by her surroundings that she didn't seem to notice either of them until they were right beside her.

After she took a moment to calm herself down, and a few strokes to the little reptile's crest to calm him down as well, she turned to the two others. "I... I'm not hurt, at least I don't think I am. What I am is lost, it would seem. Terribly, terribly lost. You see, I was chasing Emmie through the ship, trying to get my necklace back, as it was a present from Daddy and I didn't want to lose it... he hates it when I call him that but I have a sinking feeling him and his crew might be rather far away... he told me to look after the necklace, that it was special, and I didn't believe it until it started to shimmer and then some kind of hole opened up on the deck..."

Pausing for a single breath, she continued, "so this hole opened up and I dove after Emmie, then next thing I know I'm in this... is it a city? I've been to lots of cities, on lots of worlds, but I've never been to this one. Then I finally caught Emmie and next thing I know I'm staring up at this ghost and he's rattling his chains at me, probably wondering how tasty I am, although as you can see I'm all skin and bones... such a waste, really... luckily he didn't chase me in here, or who know what he would have done!"

Finally she seemed to get a little winded and took a deeper breath. "Did you mention joining you at your table? I would love to, I need to sit down. And get something to drink- the stronger, the better." She dragged her walking stick along the ground as she walked over to the table. She hopped up into a stool and held the little lizard snugly in her lap as she swung her legs, smiling at the other two.

2014-01-26, 01:03 AM
Hendrix appears to be human, at least more human than most people in this tavern. He is trying to be a smooth talker but coming up a little short in an almost a cute sort of way. "Not to insult you, but aren't you a little young to drink the hard stuff?" with a mild concerned look on his face.

2014-01-26, 01:09 AM
With her back to the taller man, Niski met the halfling girl's--Raven's--eyes. She rolled her eyes in response to the man not realizing the girls he was talking too were both roughly the same 'age'.

Well, Raven wasn't as chesty as she, and that cleavage was covered by the little creature she as cuddling.

Niski mouthed, 'The air is too thin up there,' reiterating a tired halfling joke from home. But she couldn't help but smile at the tall man. She eyed him up and down, both in appreciation of his form and for well kept sword across his back. “Thank you, Hendrix. Please call me Niski.” She glanced to the Halfling, hoping for her name, but the raven haired girl was already heading to the table.

Looking back up to the handsome man—and feeling relieved to finally be chatting with a human—she added, “I’d be happy to join you. I’ve just lined up an adventuring job—do they say ‘divers’ here? Let me get my pack and tell my employer. Perhaps I should bring him over so he can make his pitch to you?”

Niski suited action to words then, and when her pack, hand axes, and shield were under this new table, hopped up into a chair at Hendrix’s right hand. She glanced across his chest to the raven haired girl. “What’s your name again?”

2014-01-26, 01:10 PM
Torison Sandwater sits at the bar, watching all the activity. He smiles and nods.

2014-01-27, 01:57 PM
Raven grinned at the human, having to crane her neck to do so. She wasn't all that insulted by his assumption, as many of the taller races seemed to mistake those of her kind for human children.

"I am older than I may look to those who do indeed have children who are bigger than I am. Certainly old enough to drink... I can actually hold my liquor better than you might think as well."

Her grin widened, and she giggled softly at the gnome's statement, although she seemed as nervous as she did amused. "It is so thin, indeed. So... Hendrix and Niski. It's nice to meet you guys. I'm Raven. And I have absolutely no idea where I am." The lizard snuggle against her less than modest chest seemed to be just as agitated as she was, making little squeaking noises and flicking its tail against her exposed midriff.

2014-01-29, 11:26 AM
Torison Sandwater finishes his drink and walks over to Niski "Friends and companions of yours? They seem perfect for my quest."

2014-01-30, 02:28 PM
The silver haired girl turned to look up tat the tall demihuman tortoise. "I've honestly just met them, Master Sandwater, but they do seem to be promising companions."

She looked back to the halfing and the human. "Master Sandwater is looking for the reagents necessary to relight a fiery fountain of some sort? He's looking to hire some adventurous sorts to find htem for him. perhaps you could be interested?

2014-01-30, 09:40 PM

Raven bit her lip, glancing around nervously.

Adventurous sorts? Hunting reagents? The diminutive traveler thought to herself, I just wanna go home...

But then she thought for a moment...

"I... sure!" she perked up, realizing that this could be a wonderful opportunity to see what was out there from beyond the deck of her father's ship. Wherever... there... happened to be, anyway.

"I would love to join your venture if your boss would have me. Can someone tell me where I am, though?"

2014-01-31, 02:29 AM
Hentrix looks Master Sandwater up and down. "Does this job come include having ones tavern bill paid? If it does, then I am in. No self respecting person would let two such charming women go on such a dangerous adventure with out companionship."

2014-02-02, 12:50 PM
Torison Sandwater, A large tortoise like humanoid, "Why good lady you are in Sigil, of course. Unless your from a real backwater,you should have at least know of it.

2014-02-03, 09:45 PM
The halfling swung her legs innocently, while the small lizard she was holding peeked its head out. She took a moment to scratch his head, his eyes slitting in contentment as a cat would do.

"I can't say that I have ever heard of it. I sort of arrived here by accident. I should try to find a way home, but..." she leaned back and stretched out her arms, as if she was truly in no hurry, "I may as well have a look around and see what trouble I can get into while I am here!"

2014-02-06, 07:25 PM
Torison Sandwater "I can offer you adventure and a fine reward, but trouble you will need to find yourself." He says

2014-02-06, 11:45 PM
"If it pays well I am in as long as the ladies are involved. I could use something to do as my funds are on the low side, Master Sandwater" Hentrix winks and the Raven and Niski.

2014-02-08, 11:10 AM
Torison Sandwater nods at Hentrix. "And what say the rest of you?

2014-02-08, 07:36 PM
Raven nodded, flashing her new prospective companions a bright smile. "Adventure and reward are too tempting to pass up. Count me in as well!"

She snuggled her pet lizard, clutching it possessively as it apparently decided to take that moment to try to run off again. It's legs could be seen dangling and flailing from under when the halfling held on to it, before it finally calmed down again. She petted its crest and smiled to the others, "And well... I'm sure trouble will find me eventually... it usually does."

2014-02-09, 10:46 PM
Torison Sandwater "Oh, good waters. Flow with me." he says as he waves and moves to one of the empty booths on the far side of the room. He pulls a large sea shell out of a pouch and sets it on the table, then waits for all of you to come over.

2014-02-12, 11:17 AM
Torison Sandwater "So I take it from all your utter silences that you all agree to take the job. Agree to pay me for you doing the job, and agree to give me all treasure you might find while doing the job? Correct? " he says with a big smile

2014-02-14, 08:14 AM
The gnome girl chuckled and shook her head. “Good master Sandwater, I do believe we have all agreed to do the job, twice in some of our cases. Under normal terms, of course, not the ones you just jested about.

“I would like to know more. What is this fire fountain you wish to relight? What do you need to accomplish this, and what sort of places will we go to retrieve these items?”

2014-02-14, 05:12 PM
Raven bounces excitedly, "I said you could count me in!" Her little reptilian pet squeaks as she wraps her arms around him almost too tightly for a moment. Then the halfling seems to realize what she is doing and she relaxes just a little bit.

She's about to nod to his last bit too, when she pauses mid bounce, tilts her head and glares up at him. "Heeeeeyy.... are you just trying to make sure we are paying attention or something?"

2014-02-15, 09:56 AM
"I agreed to take your job, we have not talked terms. Neither have any of us been silent. Insulting us is not a good way to earn our trust." Hendrix says with fire in his eyes. His demeanor changes slightly he gets a hard edge in his voice.

Hentrix closes his eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath and lets in out slowly as if trying regain his composure and stop himself.

"If you have proposal and terms to discuse? Lets talk, otherwise i have two very beautiful woman i would like get to know sitting right here." Looking directly at Master Sands.

2014-02-15, 11:41 AM
Torison Sandwater "Sorry, Sorry. Just making a funny. Not trying to scratch anyone shells.

I do have quite a tide of a job. I seek to reignite the Fire Fountain of Nuledzzar. I'd be willing to offer free access to any that help me do so. And to do so, I need the three keys. They are scattered about, and I need some divers to find them. Sound like something you'd want to take a swim at?

2014-02-17, 03:51 AM
http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb440/Khadavla/Vivi_magnussen1_zps240b6603_resized_zps2f4dc37e.jp g
Niski Glimmermaid

“I'd like a bit more information, sir.” Niski spoke up. “For starters, what do you mean by free access? I've just arrived from the Prime so there's still a lot I don't know.”

She offered the crab man her best charming smile, “I'd also like to know what this firefountain is and where to find it?”

2014-02-17, 12:29 PM
Hendrix looks at the crabman as if he is just wanting the right boiling pot of water and lots of butter. However for some reason his voice remains calm and controlled "I would like the information as well. What is this free access worth and were does it lead?"

2014-02-17, 02:30 PM
Torison Sandwater "The Fire Fountain of Nuledzzar is located on the plane of Endless Fire. The fountain, when lit and flowing, condenses the potential of Elemental Fire into a useable energy form. It is deep magic. When lit, you can step into the flow and tap the potential energy. And with that energy, you can do anything. Alter reality.

And by free access I mean free access. Any time you'd want to use the fountain, you would be able too.

Now the Fire Fountain of Nuledzzar was snuffed and locked long ago. The lock has three keys that are all needed to open it. A yellow, orange and red ball of fire. I need you to get the keys. The keys have been lost and found and lost again over the years. I know one is on Acheron, but I'm still looking for the other two."

2014-02-18, 02:54 AM
Raven bounced up in her seat, so the taller ones could see and hear her. "So all we have to do is get these orbs and bring them back to you? And we will get to use this flaming thing-a-majig to alter reality?"

She swung her legs and her eyes misted for a moment, her voice becoming uncharacteristically quiet, "Could... could I even use it to send me back home?"

2014-02-18, 07:53 PM
Torison Sandwater "Well, the Alter Reality has limits...but sure it can send you home. " Says as he shrugs.

2014-02-21, 10:56 PM
http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb440/Khadavla/Vivi_magnussen1_zps240b6603_resized_zps2f4dc37e.jp g

"Fascinating..." Niski whispered, violet eyes dancing in excitement. "What could I do with that?"

Being no other than she was, Niski was not envisioning herself dripping in gems and jewels, or winning the hearts of men and maids, or even healing the sick and raising the dead. No, she didn't actually wish to change reality, she just wished to know where to find the wife of her beloved god--Garl Glittergold--and the other lost goddesses, so she could bring the joy of love and companionship back to their spiritual patriarchs.

After a moment, though, the silver haired girl's eyes widened. "Is there anything i particular you wish to do with this power? More importantly, will others be contesting you for it? Or trying to stop us from assembling the keys?"

She glanced at the fascinatingly volatile but handsome human. "Also, while you've made a very fine offer, i'm afraid I must ask for a little more from you in return for our service. Specifically room, board, basic resupply and traveling expenses for the duration of our service. I trust that's not unreasonable?"

"Acheron... Acheron..." the gnome girl whispered contemplatively, then paused. "Oh... Oh, my. Is that place half as dangerous as I believe it to be? I mean, I've read it is a land of eternal warfare? A place of punishment or reward for those who live by the sword for it's own sake, and do violence for no other reason than to impose their will on those weaker than themselves? The gods of the orcs reside on that plane, yes? And the gods of the goblins a well?"

2014-02-22, 11:30 AM
Torison Sandwater "Of course many seek the power to Alter Reality. My shell of silence keeps us safe here. But don't go waving this around like the tide.

I guess it not unreasonable to ask for support. I have and idea or two to float.

And yes, that is Acheron. Not my kind of place at all. But that is where I have divined the first key."

2014-02-25, 12:38 PM
Torison Sandwater places a clay cup on the table. "Water placed in this cup will flow towards the key. Just fill it with water once you get to Acheron."

2014-03-01, 10:59 AM
Torison Sandwater "So what would you like to cover expenses? Metal roundels? Or something else?" he asks with a blink.

2014-03-02, 01:07 AM
http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb440/Khadavla/Vivi_magnussen1_zps240b6603_resized_zps2f4dc37e.jp g
Niski noted that their employer didn't say anything about what he wanted to do with the fountain himself, but there was nothing innately wrong with desiring power. Certainly increasing her own ability to channel her deities might was something she worked towards herself!

Still, she made a private note to keep an eye on their employer and try to get a better feel for his character, and with it an idea of what he would do with this fountain once it was usable.

The petite maiden smiled at her employer and replied, “I see you’re abilities with divination are quite impressive.” She took the cup. “Well, let’s see. I wish I knew what more about where we were going. Off of the top of my head, I’d say we each need a week of rations, 10 gold coin allowance for information gathering, bribes and tolls, 25 for living expenses, and—if it’s within your means—a potion of healing each. If the last is not, enough coin to hire a local priest to cast cure light wounds on each of us three times. This is subject to rennegotion for the next job. Anything left over from the first sum we’ll bank towards the next job or return, but any excess from the other two accounts are ours to keep if we live modestly enough to do so, and if I manage to keep us healthy enough not to need the potions or hired healers. Does that sound appropriate to the rest of you?”

She paused, then smiled, “Oh, and don’t’ forget that Hendrix wants you to pay for this meal.”

She smiled and looked around, clearly excited. “If that’s acceptable to everyone, I can start as soon as we’re done here.”

2014-03-05, 12:19 PM
Torison Sandwater "Sounds like fair water.

Torison pulls out a bag and starts counting out small piles of sea shells. Each sea shell is about the size of a marble and a quite colorful and sparkle. He then slides each of the three piles of 11 sea shells each across the table.

"And potions I can do. My people have great skill at alchemy and water magic.

He pulls three small leather flasks out of a pouch and sets them on the table.

2014-03-05, 05:10 PM
Raven bounced excitedly as they talked of power and conflict, of this other place called Acheron. She had never heard of it before, and it sounded pretty scary, but then again adventure was always a little scary. She chuckled as she remembered her father telling her that a little healthy fear was a good thing, and might prevent her from doing something utterly foolish someday.

The chuckle became a slight sniffle as she wondered if she would ever see him or the rest of the crew again, but she held those feelings back and gazed at Niski while the other girl went through her litany of demands.

"Umm... yeah..." she sat up tall and tried to look and sound as serious as she could. "all of that... and... and a little extra to feed Emmie!" her pet dinosaur took that moment to make a very hungry sounding squeal, and she petted him on the head to hopefully quiet him down.

2014-03-09, 01:28 PM
Torison Sandwater "We can keep in contact here at this tavern. It is a good spot.

I only know one doorway to Acheron. Down Crosscut Street is a gnome weapon shop,The Bad Axe. The back door is an Acheron portal. The key is any weapon with some fresh blood on it. I have never been though the portal so don't know where it goes."

2014-03-10, 02:30 AM
Hendrix has been silent for most of the conversation trying to ascertain whether Master Sand was being honest with the group. Still not sure but willing to follow the lead of the lovelies. "Mmm any blooded weapon."

2014-03-14, 10:05 AM
Torison Sandwater "Yes, any weapon, even like a club. But the blood must be fresh. Less then an hour or so old. Most just cut there hand, but you can kill something like a chicken."

2014-03-16, 11:21 PM
Niski nodded attentively. “Will the same key opeon the portal from the other side?”

The gnome girl carefully divided the shells. She took a peak at the potions to see if they would surprise her in any way. Then she divided them as well and put hers in a place where she'd have easy access.

Once they were done with their dinner, she started towards the eapon shop in question, asking Hendrix questions about the locals as they went. She tried to find a place to buy more rations on the way.

2014-03-18, 12:01 AM
Torison Sandwater "Yes, the portal is two way, and has the same key for both sides. On the Archeron side it's a free standing stone arch surrounded by thorn bushes. Make sure you mare the spot well, so you can find your way back to it."

2014-03-21, 03:55 AM
Raven squirmed in her seat as Sand spoke to them of having to cut their hand or slice open a chicken. The halfling wasn't sure which squicked her out more! It wasn't like she had never seen battle, but to shed blood so purposefully.. she shivered as she thought about it.

"I... um.... ok..." she muttered and then fell silent. She remained silent as she followed the others out. Gazing out at the city, it hit her for really the first time just how far away from home she was.

She shivered and held Emerald close to her chest, the little dinosaur seeming to sense her mood and actually behave for once, making a soft trilling sound as he cuddled against his owner.

"Yes... food... a good idea..." she muttered, still a little out of sorts as they wandered down the street.