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View Full Version : Counter-Strike [PF]

2013-12-29, 07:16 PM
No, I'm not talking about the game.
I'm talking about the kind of action you would take if your opponents attacks caused Attacks of Opportunity, I know that there are ways for you to get improved combat abilities by letting your opponents take attack of opportunities by your attacks (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/rage-powers/paizo---rage-powers/come-and-get-me-ex). But what I'm wondering is.

Is it possible to cause your opponents attacks create attack of opportunities?and if there is, is there a recommendation to perfect this?

That's my question, any comments are always appreciated :D
Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day.

2013-12-29, 08:23 PM
Aww man.. And here I was all psyched up to stat out Counter-Strike weapons for Pathfinder.

2013-12-29, 08:39 PM
Aww man.. And here I was all psyched up to stat out Counter-Strike weapons for Pathfinder.

Don't let that stop you, I mean, hey, smoke 'em if you got 'em.
It won't help me any but you might get to use them at some point.

2013-12-29, 11:14 PM
Well, if you're ok using 3.5 material there's Karmic Strike (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-warrior--61/karmic-strike--1708/) or Robilar's Gambit (http://dndtools.eu/feats/players-handbook-ii--80/robilars-gambit--2465/). Both let you attack enemies after they attack you, though Karmic Strike only works if the enemy attack is successful.

2013-12-29, 11:19 PM
Panther Style (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/panther-style-combat-style)/Claw (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/panther-claw-combat)/Parry (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/panther-parry-combat) is what you're after I think.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-12-30, 12:16 AM
Well, if you're ok using 3.5 material there's Karmic Strike (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-warrior--61/karmic-strike--1708/) or Robilar's Gambit (http://dndtools.eu/feats/players-handbook-ii--80/robilars-gambit--2465/). Both let you attack enemies after they attack you, though Karmic Strike only works if the enemy attack is successful.

Come and get me (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/rage-powers/paizo---rage-powers/come-and-get-me-ex) is Robilar's Gambit in rage power from, sadly it needs 12 Barbarian levels to get (hey what do you know, you can get it at the exact same level you could get Robilar's Gambit, what a coincidence?)

2013-12-30, 12:25 AM
Come and get me (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/rage-powers/paizo---rage-powers/come-and-get-me-ex) is Robilar's Gambit in rage power from, sadly it needs 12 Barbarian levels to get (hey what do you know, you can get it at the exact same level you could get Robilar's Gambit, what a coincidence?)

Yeah, I linked to Come and Get Me in my first.

2013-12-30, 12:27 AM
Come and get me (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/rage-powers/paizo---rage-powers/come-and-get-me-ex) is Robilar's Gambit in rage power from, sadly it needs 12 Barbarian levels to get (hey what do you know, you can get it at the exact same level you could get Robilar's Gambit, what a coincidence?)

It's actually way better since it resolves before the enemy attack rather than after. And since you're a Barb you might very well splatter that enemy before they get a chance to hit you.

2013-12-30, 12:31 AM
Panther Style (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/panther-style-combat-style)/Claw (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/panther-claw-combat)/Parry (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/panther-parry-combat) is what you're after I think.

Not quite - those give you a retaliatory attack when YOU provoke (by moving through their threatened area.) They don't do anything if you are simply attacked normally.

Snake Fang and Snapping Turtle Clutch are closer to what the OP is looking for, but those require the attack to miss.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-12-30, 12:34 AM
Yeah, I linked to Come and Get Me in my first.

Oops :smalleek:

Edit: You could use Wing Style to force a miss to use Snake Fang, though you'd need to dip at least 1 level of Master of Many Style for this to work.