View Full Version : Campaign Idea Help

2013-12-30, 01:14 PM
I was going to attempt a Sandstorm like setting. where the PC's are on a caravan and get stranded at an outpost city (small city). surrounding them as the 'wastes' full of heat, few resources and lots of jerky like dead things.

the city is under marshal law to deal with the encroaching nonsense from the outside. they have erected an anti-magic zone that encompasses the city. all entering have to surrender weapons and anything deemed (by me) to be dangerous. (no your giant cant have a barrel on a chain as an improvised weapon)

most of the adventures will be to deal with little things in the city until the raging storms outside die down (clearly a magically created sandstorm from some powerful lich). this will also get them loot and xp for the time being...

i want the players to be resourceful and cunning. hence the anti magic zone/field whatever...and lack of the weapons they arrived with.

is this taking away of their #1 abilities too much? or would you appreciate the challenge?

2013-12-30, 01:38 PM
is this taking away of their #1 abilities too much? or would you appreciate the challenge?
If you let them know this is going to happen beforehand, sure, it should be fine. Otherwise, you'll get issues with casters literally not being able to DO anything because you decided magic doesn't work.

I'd say go for something more subtle, like some form of giant Magic Circle Against Evil that prevents the sandstorm from entering the area, but doesn't preclude magic. Taking away weapons should be fine, especially if you make it clear that the bad guys are using weapons, so they will have to use improvised weapons and stuff to apprehend them, or risk being thought of as bad guys themselves.

2013-12-30, 01:44 PM
good point. i didnt mention this before hand since all my caster players would throw up their hands and roll Psions hahaha.

i wanted casters to do something fun like crafting and planning and being the brains. but mostly i dont want to deal with casters full time. its too easy.

2013-12-30, 01:50 PM
my caster hating isn't supposed to be bitter i swear.

after last game of a Warblade a Cleric and Wizard i threw my hands up and gave up.