View Full Version : Shadows Over Nathir IC - Exalted Heaven's Reach

2013-12-30, 03:24 PM
The initial stage of the intro is for Yi Zhinan, Darosh En, Sunset Haze and, if she is around, Belnova.

The military shuttle transport is cramped, and the atmosphere is uneasy. The padded plastic seats are functional but uncomfortable, and the interior is illuminated only by pale blue transit lighting and what light can shine through the tinted windows from Ukhal's highest skyscrapers. The naval attache, a pale, gangly young man in a dark, pressed uniform, trying in vain to disguise his shaking hands, introduces himself as Sivish. The minders, black-masked and impassive, do not introduce themselves.

Sivish explains that a situation, a delicate situation has arisen. He goes to great lengths in a jargon-filled, meandering kind of way to explain how delicate it is, until the words delicate and delicacy have rather lost their meaning.

Raising his voice above the whine of the engines, Sivish confides that there is what he calls a federal security concern, which falls under the special response act. He nods knowingly, mostly to himself.

He tells you, in far more words than are necessary, that the Federation is calling in a favour for your service. Particulars will apparently follow presently.

The transit shuttle sets down at Fifth Circle, a naval facility in the plains outside Ukhal. From there, the Federation's guests are ushered inside the briefing hall, where company is waiting. Sivish suggests that you mingle, but please, please, don't start any fights.

Other characters are present here, unless you think they shouldn't be, in which case, let me know.

The briefing hall is a dome, hundreds of metres high and thousands broad. It is designed for large conferences and tactical simulations, projected by the network of Phantasmal Presence Relays along the arched ceiling. It is a wonder of Federation technology, and it is full to capacity.

The Nathir Federation's offer has been generous and widely broadcast. Payment in jade, in thalers, in property, ships, mining rights, anything and everything, to come to the system and defend it from the encroaching threat. Most mercenary outfits know the scent of desperation, and few, no matter how venal, have been turned away.

In the hall, you see a troop of Stal mercenaries rubbing shoulders with a group of indigo-uniformed pilots. A mechanical giant of lustrous dark metal casts a shadow over a group of Ratch cyborgs. A pair of grizzled twins in matching dragon armour stand alongside a regiment of featureless Jadeborn Sparti. A Weaver in a gem-encrusted jacket stands surrounded by his elemental servants. A contingent of Trading Clan legionaries and officers stands clear of a seven foot tall woman encased in brilliant golden plate, each of her eight hands forming a different mudra. Uvall jump infantry and messenger orbs flit overhead between groups. The rumble of conversation fills the hall.

A group of Nathiri naval personnel are preparing notes on a lectern atop the central stage. Apparently the address has not yet begun, and you have time to meet one another should you wish.

About time we got started.

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=316535)

2013-12-30, 04:50 PM
Rokha stood apart from the gathered Mercenaries, he was wearing a thick robe overtop of usual attire. He didn't know what he'd find when he arrived it certainly wasn't this. Dozens of different groups mostly Paramilitary, he heard something was going down but what and to what scale he certainly didn't.

Seven Fangs wasn't with him, walking in with a Celestial Lion at your side was a surefire way to get people talking, and for once Rokha The Sapphire Fist had decided to be subtle. He looked out at the crowd of soldiers. He lets the hood of his robe fall back, he was afraid his hair would stand out...boy was he wrong. Around his waist was wrapped The Ideal Lover, his Floating Ribbon. Unsure of his next move he simply waited, watched, and listened.

2013-12-30, 06:09 PM
Behind his obscuring mask Yi Zhinan's eyes narrowed.

Given me a week, a day, even an hour! and I will build you a navy worthy of the Lunargent Throne. I offer them all that, and they bring me here, among this... rabble, as though I am some common thug to be hired!

Then another voice answered the first in him mind.

Go ahead, unleash your power and be lord and master of a million souls or a billion if that pleases you better. What will it gain you? All these things that you do will be done in an hour, in an instant!, and will fall away just as swiftly. How will gaining any of those things prove your worth? How will a castle of sand and a kingdom of dust make you anything but rabble?

So he stood there, quietly, waiting for the mortals to realize that no price they offered was worth the time they even now wasted.

2013-12-30, 10:23 PM
Mikiki White Thorn

Mikiki really didn’t look like she belonged here.

Having exalted at nineteen—and still very much among the young at heart—she would be easily mistaken for her companion Auraura’s spunky side kick. The way she kept her bright purple hair up in high pig tails certainly didn’t help. Nor did the wideness to her bright blue-green eyes.

She didn’t dress away from the part of a skater girl enjoying her last year as a teenager either. Mikiki favored snug, off white cargo pants and matching ribbons to bind back her breasts. People who didn’t know her didn’t realize that the button down shirt—open in front to the naval—as actually something she’d added in deference to the seriousness of the occasion.

There were plenty of hints to her power, though, for those who knew what too look for. Though most of the gadgets that hung from her belt were computers, sensors, and diagnostic tools, the metallic body art grafted into her naval was clearly orichalcum, and the huge amethyst set therein a hearthstone. Bellow it, the cheveron on her belt was also orichalcum. The sizeable sword sheathed across her back actually had a glowing blade, and some might identify the many-faceted jewel nestled between her breasts as a yaasal crystal.

More telling still was the way her companions deferred to her—neither fearful nor fawning, just walking a half step behind at each shoulder, with looks on their faces that said they would follow her lead. One of the girls was a Nicholai—also underdressed, sleekly muscled and easy on the eyes. But she was about a foot taller than the other two girls. She was also heavily armed—a blaster pistol at one hip, and a coil of braided wire on each. One didn’t need to be familiar with Nicholia to realize that she was plenty dangerous without any weapons at all. Her three fingered hands ended in respectable talons. Her tail had a hooked blade at the end. The subtle hint of ozone that lingered around her like a perfume would remind any who forgot that her species were biologically gifted with the ability to generate electrical essence. Some could even control it!


The third girl was a flame duck. Typical enough for her kind, the spirit of flame had emerald green skin, fiery hair, and a hard little body barely covered by a long flowing loincloth and bikini top.

The lead girl glanced back at the flame duck and spoke softly, “Find us someone interesting to talk to.”

Her pine green lips twitched up and she nodded, then scanned the crowd.

Measure the Wind

2013-12-30, 11:33 PM
Most do not recognize the arrival of the Ogre Prince for what it is. First, they see Agni, the magma tiger.


The great beast's paws sizzle against the cold metal floors. Heat radiates from it's rippling skin, as if from a massive, black kiln. It's orange eyes, glowing like coals, glare fiercely at any who linger in his path. The assembled exotic mercs and motleys part begrudgingly, lest they be baked inside their armors.
Then they look up, and see the Ogre Prince.
He sits cross-legged across Agni's broad shoulders, clad in a vivid silken robe a kilt of striped animal pelt. Fine jewels hang on chains across his muscular physique. He drinks deeply from a broad, shallow dish.
His face is crude but handsome, with strong noble features accommodating pairs of large, tusk-like canines. Jet black hair, flowing down his back and over his shoulders, contrasts with blood-red skin. Bright green eyes, twinkling with humor and cunning, peer out from great twin horns.
From his vantage point, the Ogre Prince looks down on all assembled. He is a shocking, magnetic sight... like an archaic legend given form, or an avatar of nature, untamed and untameable.
With a slight raise in his eyebrow, and the hint of a smile, he glances at the flickering Flame Duck. Can he feel the essence-powered scrutiny of her stare? Or does he simply enjoy the attention from a being of similar aspect? It's hard to say.

2013-12-31, 01:02 AM
Shoukae wandered idly through the crowd. She wore her original form for once - a tall-ish, violet-skinned and inky-haired beautiful young ratch woman. She had thought about wearing some sort of armor, but, well, she didn't use it anyway. She instead went with a fine dress of blue and silver; it should honestly have impeded her movements, but clothing woven of her own Essence would not dare to hinder her.

As her eyes fixed on the purple-haired girl and her two companions, she began to make her way toward here. Here was an interesting sight - someone, most likely a Solar if the orichalcum was anything to go by, commanding the loyalty of a nicholai and a spirit of flame.

She paused at the sound of flame, and regarded the magma tiger and its rider with interest. Now that would be a fun shape to take, she mused. I wonder if it ever fills the air with its flames... the fire of something like that would make an excellent cloak. She set the musing aside for the moment - the rider would likely take it amiss if she stole his mount's flames, and she had not yet been hired.

Having taken a moment to take in the flaming new arrival, she made her way to the purple-haired girl, letting her habitual Essence-masking lapse as she did. In the span of a moment her Essence signature changed from that of a woman with a smidgeon of spirit in her biological makeup to that of the Lunar she was in truth.

"Hey there," she said, a faint smile on her face as she surveyed the mystery. "You look interesting. My name is Shoukae."

2013-12-31, 01:34 AM
Rokha laughed at the sight of the Raksha, Now it's a menagerie. He decided to keep his body covered but now he moved throughout the crowd. It looked like a few interesting people were starting to clot together. For his part Rokha stayed close but silent, pulling his hood back up and pulling it low.

2013-12-31, 01:56 AM
"Well, that's... garish," the leader of the IJU contingent comments on the burning tiger and its rider. "Hope the kitty's housebroken. I told you there was no such thing as overdressing at this meeting, Faolan. I was tempted to bust out the old mask and tights."

And indeed, in any other gathering, this man would likely draw all eyes, rather than just being one more startling sight among many. Marius has decided, on this occasion to cast subtlety to the wind, and dress to impress as much as possible; the big man wears a knee-length toga that wraps over one shoulder, leaving his impressively muscled arms and chest on display. Even more eye-catching than his body is the tunic itself, which appears to be woven of solidified light rather than cloth, emitting a soft glow in all the colors of the sunrise. These are only reflected and emphasized further by the silvery cape thrown back from his shoulders. Someone truly observant (or using essence sight) might note that the light composing his attire emanates from the orichalcum-and-moonsilver amulet around his thick neck, and that the gem set in his cape's clasp is not merely decoration. Broad wristbands of, apparently, golden leather give him a slightly martial appearance, and sandals of the same, their laces wrapped around his calves, complete the ensemble.

"I think the Avenger costume would have been a bit much, regardless, sir," the smaller, older-looking, man to his left says. He is dressed far more modestly, in a simple robe, the same iron grey as his hair. "We are trying to maintain civilization, after all."

"Oh, I don't know; it would have fit right in with some of the other guests," comments the tall, panther-lean redheaded woman on Marius' right. Commander NicBrannag's clothing, while not precisely a military uniform, still manages to give the impression of regulation dress greens. Pressed, fitted tunic and trousers, with a sidearm at her belt and decorations at the right breast. "Especially that bunch," she says with a nod at the "skater-girl" and her entourage, joined by the Ratchian beauty.

Marius looks the four of them up and down, with equal amounts of appreciation and appraisal. "In more ways than one. That's an awful lot of orichalcum for anybody but a Solar to be carrying," he muses, making a silent exception for Darosh. "Too bad Felicity's not here. I know she doesn't like crowds, but she'll hate missing the chance to see this many species and their different tech in one place."

They step into the crowd, Faolan splitting off to talk to a former client he spots. Marius and Chloe mingle, heading towards the Solar girl's group if no one else approaches them...

OOC: For those using essence sight or measure the wind, both of his companions are mortal. Marius' effective Appearance is 8, thanks to the Infinite Resplendence Amulet.

2013-12-31, 10:13 AM
Lights flicker. The air grows slightly colder for a brief moment. Static over someone's commlink, soon gone. A shadow cast across the entrance. All prelude for her arrival - she comes marching in, a smile across her purple-skinned face, her bloodied Imperial uniform brushed up for the occasion, medals in view - all either deformed by the impact of a bullet, the heat of a blaster, or a spot of blood. Two horns curve elegantly from her brow to the back of her head. Behind her walks her personal guard - half a dozen men in black uniforms, their eyes gleaming with life, but their features clearly that of the dead - stitches, patches of replacement skin, ashen grey features.

They recognize her. She is not nearly as blatant as the Ogre Prince or Marius - in fact, she is not really quite as recognizable as Marius - but here, in the wild places of the Threshold, less than a mile from her parked spaceship, she is known. The Dread Pirate Queen - tales of her plundering whims and terrible mercy are soon whispered through the hall. Her own magic bolsters this image, makes her presence alone a message - "this is a terrible pirate lord; challenge her at your peril." They know that should they lift a hand on her, they will pay a price in blood.

And she is smiling so cheerfully. She throws a taunting quip at the armored twins, a reminder of some old battle they lost against her; she compliments the mechanical giant on its troops, stops a few moments to discuss the comparative merits of cyborgs and zombies. And then her smiles turns predatory...

The crowd parts, knowing better than to stand in the way of this meeting, and the horned alien steps majestically, arms open wide, voice warm and happy. She is cutting his way towards the Solar girl, but does not seem to care. "Marius! My best enemy! My dearest archnemesis! You truly are gorgeous tonight. I thought I'd be the prettiest girl at the gala, but oh well..." A flourish of her dark blue hair sends a tingling cascade through the small metal ornaments and rings with which she has decorated the tendrils wrapped around her shoulders. "And I see you brought part of your harem with you. Delightful! It's nice to know someone in the middle of so many strangers. Tell me, how are truth, justice and the Solar Exalted way treating you all?"

Dread has an effective Appearance 6 and Influence 5 due to Mariner's Parable Defense (enhanced with Killing Words Curse).

2013-12-31, 12:41 PM
Two beauties one of each flavor. Actually he was surrounded by beauties now that he thought about it, If I could only get them all in one room... Rokha shook his head, No no no focus, you have mission...wait is that? Raising his eyebrow Rokha sighed as he recognized the Pirate Queen, he'd booked passage on her ship. But parted the moment they landed. Now here she was again,

"Must you make such a grand entrance Captain?" Rokha spoke, "I should have guessed you'd find your way here." He smirked as he stepped forward.

2013-12-31, 03:48 PM
Mikiki White Thorn

The green girl paused in her perusal as the fiery warrior and his mount held her eyes. She smiled, just a little, and shivers ran down her spine.

Then she turned to the skater girl—they were just the same height, and the action of her lips close to her ear was covered by their mingled hair.

The solar’s aqua eyes flickered around the room, as if taking note of the people the fire elemental was describing.

Then company began to arrive. The purple haired girl noted Marius and Chloe’s approach and beckoned them to join her. She offered her hand to the purple skinned girl in the lovely gown. “A pleasure to meet you, Shoukae. My name’s Mikiki Whitethorn.” This close, it was clear there was a small, woody man perched on her left shoulder. It peeked out from behind her hair with little berry-red eyes.

“My friend’s are Aurora Gianiski, formally of the Imperial scouts,” she indicated the girl with the tail, “and Brilliant Ember,” this the green girl.

“And this gentleman is my knight protector for the month, Sir Arathael Martel.” The small wood elemental rose on her shoulder and bowed, one hand on the hilt of his tiny sword, “Charmed, gracious lady of silver shadows.”

She glanced at the other two curiously and offered her hand to them as well.

2013-12-31, 09:25 PM
Oh gods it's her. Marius closes his eyes long enough to take and release a deep breath through his nose. CRAP, he does not give himself the luxury of saying aloud, however hard he may think it.

Marius looks at the small, horned woman in black with a very carefully neutral expression. "Thank you, Pirate," he greets her flatly. He's always refused to call the woman either "dread" or "queen," believing her ego is too large already without him feeding it, much less implying that she should be feared. Chloe simply puts a hand on her gun.

"Life is treating me well enough. I take it your grand larceny, terrorism, and casual cold-blooded murder are going well too, since nobody's managed to put you down while my attention was elsewhere. I suppose I'll have to give it another go once you're done pretending to be a legitimate mercenary. Are you actually considering hiring on, or is this more in the nature of casing the place?," he asks in a politely conversational tone at odds with his words.

His insincere smile turns genuine when he steps closer to Mikki. "A pleasure indeed, Miss White Thorn. Marius dan Beatha, of Xerxes." He takes her hand, but rather than shaking it, bends down and gives the back a courtly kiss. "Miss Gianiski, Brilliant Ember, likewise charmed. Well met, Sir Martel."

The military-looking redhead rolls her eyes in equal parts amusement and exasperation at her boss/lover's theatrics before shaking hands and introducing herself. "Chloe NicBrannag; we're from IJU. Are you all independents, or with a bigger outfit?"

2014-01-01, 01:14 AM
Would you that I go out and make merry in the carnival of poppinjays and vanities that these peasants have thrown up in vain mocker of immortal time? My pride is a thing mocked by urchins and spinsters, but must I become such a things as they are? I would find myself an abhorant thing should I make so vulgar a poppet from so hard woven a cloth, no matter how stained.

For a time his mind was quiet, for such discourse as he had with himself is not easily articulated even in thoughts. Yet at last a realization came upon him, and whelmed him entirely.

I am afraid.

So long had he been alone, for the thrones of god kings are set high that not even mightier seats may cast shadows upon them, that the art of conversation had withered in him.

Softly he said, "The serpent that bites his tail should not wonder why he is hungry."

2014-01-01, 11:18 AM
A hearty laugh, filling the air with her imposing presence. "You're right, Rokha, I apologize - I would not wish to steal the spotlight. But in my career of choice, one must always make an impression, you see?" Her smile shines brightly as she bows to the unassuming young Solar and her spirit cohort, stepping aside from between Marius and her. She shakes Mikki's hand - a firm handshake, eyes staring into hers for a few second with a hint of amusement in them.

"But to answer Marius's question - what more could one such as I wish, than a chance to receive legal accreditation by a stellar government to do my work? I will hire on this merry adventure, and I will be the scourge of Nathir's enemies - so many mercenaries here are as a dog on a leash, but I am a wolf cajoled by a desperate farmer, and I am lean and hungry. Winter has come." Then she laughs again. "I'm sorry, I am so dreadfully self-important. Where are my manners? Mikki Whitethorn, I am the Dread Pirate Queen. You can call me Dread, or Queen, or brigand, or pirate, or Captain. And this here is Rokha, formerly my passenger, and his safe arrival here proof that I honor my engagements. I am not anyone's enemy here tonight, so don't listen to Marius, he's an old bore. Now are there any drinks in this place, or what?"

2014-01-01, 02:01 PM
"And over what are you sovereign O terrible majesty? If you do not mind the ignorance of a stranger."

Truly, you are a master of social poise and refinement.

Shut up.

2014-01-01, 02:07 PM
"And who else do I have the pleasure... wait. I'm terribly sorry, I think I've seen you somewhere before, but I can't quite place it," Marius says to the lovely Ratchian woman who joined Mikki's group just before him.

He only raises an eyebrow at the pirate's easy promises of friendship. "And you'll swear an oath to that effect when they ask, Captain?"

2014-01-01, 02:29 PM
"I do not believe I've had the pleasure...? But no matter. Sovereign over what? Why, but the empty spaces between the stars, of course, the endless tides of the void, where I roam free, master of my own life and of those who come in my path! I am an emperor among scoundrels, a queen among villains. As for oaths... They can be so constraining. There is honor among thieves, and I will hold to my word to my last breath. For this reason I choose when to give it with great care. Let us see Nathir earn any oath I grant them."

2014-01-01, 03:19 PM
"Yi" he answered to her question, the slightest hint of mirth.

After her talk of honor he answered, "An oath takes no more freedom than the one who swears permits it to. There is always freedom to break it, even when witness by the Crowned Suns. Which is not to say that the Federation will or should not look to secure the services of a few."

2014-01-01, 03:32 PM
"Do any of you know why so many Mercenaries are gathered here? I knew this system was having troubles but To go through this expense and hire so many groups...what could merit such a response?" And what, He thought to himself. Happened to their own military...is it not large enough, untrained, or is it no longer standing? Rokha looked around again taking it all in. In his opinion something monumentus was happening. That thought sent a shiver up his spine, it was no coincidence that so many powerful entities and persons were assembled within the same system.

"...We're here for a reason..." he spoke aloud shaking his head again. Ah fate is indeed a fickle bitch.

2014-01-01, 04:02 PM
Yi turned toward Rokha and answered.

"Far too much of this galaxy's fate comes about only because it was first believed in. Let us not risk adding new dooms to those we are already caught in."

2014-01-01, 08:33 PM
After a smile to Mikki, Shoukae took note of the new arrivals and inclined her head to Marius. "I believe I encountered you a few years back, in Emeraphis. You were trying to find some sort of murderer, and seemed rather preoccupied." She paused, glancing at the pirate queen. "Do you have a name?" she asked curiously. "'Pirate Queen' just seems so... impersonal."

2014-01-01, 08:55 PM
"I could break an oath, tis true. Sometimes, when the one who made me swear turns out to have been deceitful, I do so. But as a rule, I follow my word." She turns around, as if already growing bored withe the subject, and stares at the assembled groups. "I can recognize some here who do not have even that much courtesy." She smiles hungrily as she recognizes some of the weaker or more venal groups out there; already the ruthless part of her makes plan for their inevitable desertion, where their treason will give her excuse to plunge on them and strip them for parts. That will be delightful. "Don't be fooled; the Nathir system are a weakling power, and they need to search outside of their own planets and troops to match external threats, so hired guns are to be expected. The quantity of mercenaries, however, says much about the magnitude of the threat..."

She clicks her tongue, her explanation already over, picking up and dropping subjects in a rather mercurial manner. She smiles at Shoukae: "I did have a name, once. On my good days I can even recall it, but it is not mine anymore. As an escapee of the Tomb-Stars, much has been taken from me. I am only my title now. Those few who believe themselves clever and go dig through old Imperial records to find my "real" name only rouse my anger. The woman who bore that name died a long time ago."

2014-01-01, 11:11 PM
The big man raises an eyebrow at Shoukae's reply. "That's it, I think I remember... a vigilante was carving a trail through the slave trade in the system. Local police never did find out who was behind it... and only got evidence on the 'victims' posthumously. You were involved there?"

After the Pirate Queen answers the question about their purpose, Marius trades a glance - and a grudging nod - with Chloe. The Abyssal may be a damn pirate, but what she says makes sense. "I hate to admit it, but that does have a certain amount of logic to it. Nathir's never been a major power, though from what I gather, they've been able to hold off small threats well enough. And no, I'm afraid I don't know what exactly we were asked here to do."

2014-01-01, 11:58 PM
"I was in the system," she told Marius with a shrug. She turned to the pirate queen, watching her with interest.

"Well... your old name might be gone, but that's no reason not to have a new one. Hmm..." she studied the horned woman for a moment, then nodded. "Pyra," she declared, as if it were a statement of fact.

2014-01-02, 01:13 AM
Rokha smiles at Yi. "Hee, I have to believe in fate. Part of the job Description." As the queen speaks he rubs his chin in thought. "Another Frontier system perhaps? Looking to expand it's borders."

2014-01-02, 06:01 AM
The little woody knight frowned as he noticed the Pirate Queen and whispered furiously to Mikiki. For a moment, her own lips twitched towards a scowl, a scowl that deepened as she took note of the Queen's undead escort. She nonetheless extended a polite hand of welcome to the Queen. “Charmed. I trust you've done something to contain the lower souls of your entourage? This world has quite a bit of trouble looming on the horizon. I don't like the thought of hungry ghosts prowling the streets.”

The skater girl's cheeks colored pleasantly at Marius's greeting. “A pleasure and an honor. May I call you Marius?”

She returned Chloe's handshake with firm confidence. “Truth be told, I'm more an archaeologist than a mercenary, and my patrons are mostly in academic fields. But sometimes I come across people in trouble whom I have the means to help. I've yet to turn anyone with legitimate need away.”

2014-01-02, 12:08 PM
"Lower souls? Pish posh, those are merely shell-hosts. My former officers had to be uploaded as roaming infolife after their unfortunate demise. So I picked up a bunch of smugglers who crossed my path on a bad day and use them to house my staff. What remains of them, anyway. Hey, Hector, show off for me!"

One of the walking corpses blinked in surprise, and opened his mouth hesitantly. Dread stares at him accusingly, tapping on her belt, and he cleared his throat.

"I'm, uh, trained in speaking various border dialects, and have a formal education as a communication officer. I can also possess computers and, well, corpses."

"Isn't he wonderful? And he can sing too! And he didn't have to abandon his name. Which is not Pyra." She scowls at Shoukae. "Look, I appreciate the effort, but you can't just randomly name me. I took this title as a reflection of my status and true self. It is more true to my real being than a normal name. I'm the Dread Pirate Queen. All the galaxy has heard of me! Pyra is nobody."

2014-01-02, 04:08 PM
Shoukae cocked her head at the horned woman. "You define yourself by what other people think of you?" Sad. She paused, then nodded. "You're right though, you're not a Pyra. More of a Daya, I think."

2014-01-02, 04:44 PM
"If the Queen says she has no name, then she has no name. Leave it at that."
A voice comes from over Shoukae's shoulder, a passing human woman in mercenary dress; nobody you know. She'd been walking by, stepping lightly through a crowd that barely notices her, to get a better view when the proceedings started, but she's turned now towards the conversation, putting on a stern frown.

This woman can be noticed with a Dodge MDV+Appearance of 15 or higher, 3 less for Outsiders (Lunars, Abyssals, Fae, etc.) or a Willpower.
Then, since she's actually talking to you, she can be noticed as a stranger. If circumstances add up to it, her armored uniform matches a pair of other swords for hire who are lounging near the entrance to the hall. The disguise is visually Perfect, and to other senses: [roll0]
This woman has the essence profile of an Enlightened Martial artist.

2014-01-02, 05:16 PM
If hell is other people, then the furthest reaches of the maimed Stellar Intelligences would be better than the interior of the military shuttle to Darosh En. The stench of rancid sweat and over-recycled air, the heat and humidity against Varna's exoskeleton, the constant whispers turned to shouting match by his sharp hearing.

The Godshell endures, for their brother had asked them to do this.

The opening of the shuttle doors and the ending of Sivish's tirade is a blessed release, and Darosh struggles to keep himself from bolting out, limiting himself to a brisk walk.

As the group are left to mingle, Darosh takes the opportunity to catch Sivish before the man leaves, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You are heard by us, herald Sivish. Should any altercations occur, we will report them to guards and assist if necessary."

The Godshell nods to the naval attache, and then slips into the crowd as seamlessly a possible. Which, for a nearly seven foot humanoid plated in what doesn't quite look like orichalcum, means not very seamlessly at all. He freezes briefly and angles his head towards the Ogre Prince and his steed when they arrive, rather than turning to face the fae.

Marius' voice immediately catches Darosh's attention when the Eclipse arrives, and the Godshell begins slowly weaving his way through the crowd towards his comrade.

When he gets close, the faint aroma of death hanging around the Pirate Queen gives him a moment's pause, before stepping in immediately behind Marius and his companions.

"We hear you, Marius. You are heard by us, Commander NicBrannag, Director Demetrius," he intones, voice deep and resonant, his head pointed directly forward rather than facing any particular speaker, before he angles his head towards each of the group of strangers in turn. "We can discuss business momentarily, we think, but we would hearken to those before us first."

2014-01-02, 08:34 PM
Marius nods to Shoukae's noncommittal reply. "Perhaps we spoke, then; I talked to a lot of people, trying to get to the bottom of all that. One of the few times we were stumped, wasn't it, Chloe?"

He smiles at the young, skater-looking girl, holding her hand just a second longer. "Of course... if I may call you Mikki," he says. "An archaeologist, and occasional good-deed doer? Sounds like an interesting life. The pursuit of knowledge, combined with putting it to use. Not too dissimilar to our line of work, actually; though we focus more on legalities than antiquities. You've probably got the less dry of the two," he finishes with a chuckle.

Marius's lip curls in disgust, however, and he can't quite stop a shiver from running down his spine, at the Queen's display of her undead minions. "Captain, please, we're in polite company here. I'm sure you can at least pretend to be civilized for a little while?"

He disguises a laugh at the Ratch's teasing of the pirate, and examines the new arrival curiously, not sure what yet to make of her. He's about to speak to her when the massive, golden figure clanks up. "Darosh! We hear you, brother, and glad you could make it. I'm sorry about the shuttle; I hope the trip down wasn't too hard on your ears?"

2014-01-02, 08:44 PM
"I traveled on her ship, trust me these dead a more civilized than most living."

2014-01-02, 10:22 PM
"Thank you! It's good to know that some people have basic courtesy. The dead deserve no less respect than the living, after all, and I can have no name if I damn well want. Now that's a lot of newcommers all of a sudden; I don't recall ever seeing you before, girl. And you... whatever the hell you are, it looks interesting. New people! New stories to share! That would be the best evening in a while if we had a goddamn table and drinks, tombs and stars!"

2014-01-02, 11:20 PM
With quiet grace despite it's massive bulk, Agni and his rider have moved to a few feet from the congregation of interesting folks. The Ogre Prince leaps down casually, cracks his neck and shoulders, and approaches the group. His smile is broad and happy, but there is something of the hungry wolf in how he looks down at the group.

He speaks in a low and pleasing tone, addressing the group as a whole"Good day. I don't mean to intrude upon your conversation, but I felt compelled to ask you...
"Are you Exalted?

2014-01-03, 12:02 AM
Marius looks up at the giant mounted on the fiery feline. "I am, and I believe some of the others are as well. Why do you ask?"

2014-01-03, 12:21 PM
"Our skin crawled with a thousand sensations, but we live, brother," he replies, falling silent as the Ogre Prince approaches.

"We are Darosh En ka Varna, Godshell of the zennya. What are you, steel-rider? You smell neither dead nor living."

2014-01-04, 11:31 AM
The Ogre Prince has dismounted, approaching the group on foot. He looms over the assemblage, a foot taller than anyone but Darosh. He surveys the team, his eyes lingering for a moment on Marius, Shoukae, Mikki, Yi, and the Pirate Queen.

One of his hands moves to cover his face. He seems to shudder... then he starts chuckling. Soon, a full and triumphant laugh echoes through the auditorium, as the Ogre Prince pumps his arms toward the sky. His voice is giddy and exultant.

"Yes! Yes yes YES, oh I had hoped against hope that such a gathering would get the attention of one or two, but this kind of turnout is beyond anything I could've expected. The Lords of Earth, the Princes of the Stars! It's indeed a pleasure to make your acquaintances!"

The Ogre Prince moves rapidly among the Exalted, grabbing their hands in a massive fist and shaking them vigorously.

2014-01-04, 01:19 PM
"I'd prefer not to say, there is someone I am looking for and it best he not be aware of my presence." Rokha raises an eyebrow as the prince starts to shake the hands of the other chosen. "That is an odd thing for a Raksha to desire is it not?"

2014-01-04, 02:34 PM
Yi did not offer his hand to the creature.

"To my mind they came forth from their howling dark for but two reasons. The first was to tear down what the sun kings had built that chaos of destruction should permit their domains to be increased. The second was because they sought to die, though they claimed it was to seek glory, and sally forth as sheep to be slaughtered by sword and gun and the Order Affirming Blow.

I wonder which errand moves this one."

2014-01-04, 04:18 PM
"A raksha," a voice from behind Darosh clarifies, "one of the lifeforms native to another dimension of reality. The interstellar canals weaken the laws of our universe, and the raksha take the opportunity to cross over. Or are produced by the interaction between dimensions. The distinction is. Unclear to me."

The owner of the voice is a woman: tall, red-haired, wearing an impartial expression and standing with a kind of military straightness. Except... no, there's something a little off about both posture and expression, the same kind of subtle wrongness that gives away sub-standard android replicants. Her eyes hold no hostility, but also no particular warmth, as she glances over the Ogre Prince. "In this region, I believe they are known as the Shrieking Hordes."

This question addressed, she returns her gaze to the Dread Pirate Queen. An unknown quantity. Death-essence. Far more interesting.

2014-01-05, 12:38 AM
"Exalted? I sure am. Abyssal, they call me." She does not take his hand - nor does she grant him one of her unsettling smiles; she stares coldly at this beast. "But before I was Exalted, I was an imperial officer, and I had to kill your kind time and again, and to put down the shells of humans you left behind." She gauges him, and the hands of her officers tighten on their blasters.

Then she shrugs. "I guess I don't have a leg to stand on here, I have a staff of corpses. Welcome to this merry adventure. Please don't leave too many empty shells in your wake or I'll happily take up my old ways once more." When she smiles, her smile is as cold as her eyes. "You must have a death wish to show up here. Let me know when you want to fulfill it." Then she turns, paying no mind to the grand and terrible monster she just threatened, and staring at the newcommer. "And who might you be? No, don't tell me, I'll never keep track of all those names anyway. Tell me what you are, that should stick to my mind more easily."

2014-01-05, 02:41 AM
The Ogre Prince's hands are very hot to the touch, as if his blood was boiling under his skin. He raises no complaint at the withheld hands, merely nodding in their direction.

"How observant! I am one of the Raksha, as you call us. We go many names in the World of Stars... but I'll thank you to refrain from using "Shrieking Hordes" in front of me." His expression is dark for a moment, before returning to a toothy smile.

"My purpose? I am pilgrim, explorer, knight-errant. I wander in search of a home for my people, who are lost and drifting in the cold light... perhaps by my service, I can earn them a place in the Nathir system."

The Ogre Prince slowly looks to Yi Zhinan. "But as to why I should be glad to see the Exalted, it is because I have faith. Faith in the fierce princes of earth, the comely and unknowable silver shadows... and of course the majestic golden lords. I have faith that they, beings of unrivaled virtue, will abide by the oaths they swore."

2014-01-05, 03:30 AM
"What I am. That is. Complicated."

The Queen is treated to several more moments of blank staring, as Sunset Haze ponders her answer. What are you is a more difficult question than who are you, it seems. "I am a Solar, but tainted. Damaged. My chakras and Essence circuits have been partially reshaped. To explain fully would require," a longer pause, "technical and political digressions."

She tilts her head slowly as she looks back to the Ogre Prince. "Ah. The term is derogatory?"

2014-01-05, 04:12 AM
"Either you're a solar or you aren't." Rokha took a moment to take in a short breath. Once there was a Lusty maiden...Who desired the Ideal Lover. His Gaze cut across the newcomer the Sunset Haze. He saw her anew, his mind cleared of everything but the moment. His eyes widened with what he learned.

"You're not a Solar...I don't know if there is a name for what you are. But it isn't that, you might have been once but you are something other now. Your Essence isn't just tainted it's like it's been rewoven."

Into Infinite Depths -6m's Personal.

The_Snark. I learn: What Manner of Being the Target is, IE: what your Exalt Type is, which martial arts styles you know at least one charm from, which martial art style you know up to the Form-type charm. And any martial arts you have mastered.

Because Infernals aren't widely known I'm not using any exact names. Only that you're not a solar anymore. and using flowery language to show her essence is messed up.

2014-01-06, 04:48 AM
Sunset Haze transfers her stare to this latest speaker, sizing him up before giving a reply. "Accurate enough. Though I would argue that I am in a transitional state. Partway between Solar and. Something else. Enough of my old Essence-patterns remain intact to create dissonance with the new state."

Re names/flowery language: makes sense to me. If her self-description seems oddly negative, remember that she used to be an Essence 6+ Dawn Caste warrior and general, and also has snippets of memory from various Stellar Intelligences. She feels weaker because she kind of is.

Also, note that she's using Insignificant Embers Intuition and Essence-Dissecting Stare to examine people, which includes little green flashes in her eyes that sharp-eyed characters might notice. I'm not sure how recognizable Infernal Charms are in this setting; obviously the Yozis are around, but I'm not sure about akuma. If they do exist, they presumably draw more from the Borg and Mass Effect-style indoctrination than the traditional selling-your-soul story...

2014-01-07, 01:23 AM
Marius shakes the Ogre Prince's hand, raising an eyebrow as he does. It isn't often he meets a grip stronger than his own... at least without Charms, and he's not here for macho posturing. So he only matches the raksha's strength exactly.

Okay, maybe a little posturing.

"For once, I agree with... her," he says, with a jerk of his head towards Queen. "I've heard of your kind before, Ogre Prince, and mostly didn't like what I heard; on the other hand, I haven't actually encountered many. I'll withhold judgement until I see your actions. For now, welcome."

"Now, you, ma'am, I've never heard of anything like that, except some disturbingly plausible rumors about the Abyssals. I must admit, I'm curious... and sorry. It sounds distressing, being caught betwixt and between like that. What shall we call you?"

2014-01-07, 05:06 AM
"You make it sound as if you're sick." Rokha looked at Sunset Haze with pity. He had no idea what he could do for her, he'd never heard of a transition like this. The Abyssals were tainted by death, the popular theory was that they are inversions of the Solars.

But this wasn't an inversion it was re-writing on a motonic scale. And frankly thinking about it made Rokha's head hurt. He rubbed his head and tried to think of something else there were others more qualified than he to weigh in on her predicament.

Ah and what do those charms tell you about Rokha? He's purposefully not revealed his nature thus far.

2014-01-07, 06:28 AM
"Sickness is an apt analogy," she replies, oblivious to the tones and expressions of pity directed her way. By her tone, she might be discussing a mechanical defect in an appliance. "It began as a type of spiritual cancer. Virus. I do not know the proper technical term in this language. I believe my condition is stable at present, but it is disorienting. My old skills have atrophied. I am still adjusting. Re-learning."

"You can call me Sunset Haze. It is a transitory name. But it will do for now. What of you? Who and what are you?" It's not quite clear whether this last is addressed to Marius, Rokha or the Dread Pirate Queen.

Insignificant Embers Intuition provides the aspect and strength of the target's Essence, relative to your own - so Rokha would read as a Sidereal with Essence equal to hers, a Dragon-Blooded mercenary with E3 would register as a weaker Terrestrial, and a hypothetical elder Solar would register as a more powerful Solar. So far, she's analyzed the Ogre Prince, the Dread Pirate Queen, Rokha and maybe Marius too (it's free).

Essence-Detecting Stare is just All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight under another name; it lets Sunset perceive flows of Essence and makes Charm use Obvious to her senses. But pretty much everyone here is an Essence-user, so it's not like that alone will set you apart.

2014-01-07, 07:09 AM
Shoukae, after exchanging a brief handshake with the Ogre Prince, simply took a step back and watched. Sometimes she chose to speak, but in times like these it was simply fun to watch the show unfold.

Her eyes flicked from Marius (amusingly oblivious), to the strange orichalcum alien (unfamiliar, worth investigating), to Mikki (cute), to the Prince (interesting), to the nameless pirate woman (sad, lost), and then to Rokha (boring, unsubtle) and Sunset Haze (disconcerting).

She glanced around, curious. Now where is Kamai? She's not usually quite this late, unless... oh. She caught sight of her friend across the hall, speaking avidly with a woman flanked by heavily armed automata. Distracted again, I see. She contemplating catching the other woman's attention, but decided against it. She'll find her way here eventually. She turned back to the group of Exalts (and aliens, and Raksha, and spirit-programs), and watched events unfold. The unsettling woman was talking about some sort of Essence-cancer, apparently. Maybe that would prove worth listening to. Or just make her creepier.

2014-01-07, 02:39 PM
Rokha smiled, "Well as I said I'm trying to keep a low profile." But it was too much, all these overblown people around larger than life and here he was, a man known for enjoying live to it's fullest trying to keep a low profile. He needed to find that Drug Lord, but it was too much of a temptation too much of a set up. He bit his lip trying to fight his natural inclinations. But in the end he lost. Seven's words echoed in his mind, Ah Rokha you're your own worst enemy.

"Well I am glad you asked, I was getting a little jealous of you all being able to make an entrance." In one swift motion Rokha rips his drab grey robes off and sends them flying through the crowded room, and everyone sees what he was hiding underneath them. Long flowing expensive looking robes of Violet and Azure, with delicate embroidery and small but well cut gems as accents. Wrapped around his waist is what looks like a long starmetal ribbon. His wrists and ankles are likewise wrapped in starmetal, though a trained eye would see they are more than what they seem. Set in the right starmetal bracer is a shining golden color gem. Rokha bows with a flourish, "Rokha Sohei, the Sapphire Fist, the man of many posisitons, The Celestial Manslut. Depending on who you're asking." He looks up with a wry smile and his eyes sparkle with Sapphire stars.

2014-01-07, 04:46 PM
The Ogre Prince crosses his arms, looking slightly indignant. "I think I've been rather gracious, considering my surroundings. The simmering, savory anxiousness, the blazing ambitions... It's a veritable banquet."

He sidles over to the revealed Rokha, resting an elbow on his shoulder as he leans in. "This is another reason I am excited to meet the Chosen. The enduring passions, the heightened emotions, buoyed up on great drafts of essence... just being in your presence can be..."


2014-01-07, 10:26 PM
"Well, I'd say that makes up for any lack of an original entrance," he says to Rokna. "And an... interesting title." He gives the Sidereal a dubious look; Chloe's is rather more interested.

They share a quick glance at the Ogre Prince's comment. Creepy.

2014-01-08, 11:48 AM
"He tried to hit on me. Five times. And one of my officers. Who was dead. "She shakes hear head, sighing. "There is no stopping the Celestial Playboy." No, she's not going to call him by his normal "title." Manners.

The Queen had remained silent for a while, observing the raksha and the newcommers. The Ogre... Didn't seem too bad. Maybe she wouldn't need to crash a ship into him. It'd take at least that to take down that monstrous steed of his.

And then suddenly she is patting Sunset Haze in the back with a strength that would knock a mortal down. "My sister!" she says smiling brightly and cheerfully. "I did not recognize it at first; clearly whoever or whatever toyed with the functions of your Exaltation did not the share the aesthetic preferences of my own former patron. But sisters we are!" She steps aside, moving her hands up and down as if showing her own body as proof of evidence. "See, my own power, I am told by the weird brainiacs in Terminus, probably came from Solar shards harvested in some obscure way that it's probably better not to think about to hard. Then the Tomb-Stars and their servants infused them with dark matter, or something similar. Bottom line is, I received power similar to that of a Solar Exalt, but tainted by the influence of Terminus." She looks at Sunset Haze with strange intensity. "You are probably the same. Some force corrupted your Solar core. My advice is to embrace and have fun with life, while trying not to be a complete jerk. It's what I did, and it worked out!" Now she's beaming at Marius. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you while you figure out the extent of your 'corruption' and how to turn it to your advantage for fun and profit."

2014-01-08, 02:39 PM
"Ha you are a hard nut to crack Queen, though that Data Ghost on the other hand was eager." he laughs at the queen's nickname. "I take my other nickname with a grain of salt, Tequila and a slice of lime." He smiles giving a short leap up to sit ontop of the Ogre Prince's mount's head. "Those are just nicknames though, my proper title is 'The Sapphire fist'. But please just call me Rokha, preferably inbetween breathy moans or gulps of fine liquor."

Half turning he smirks at the Prince. "Enjoy your repast, I give freely all things I can." He winks at the prince before turning back to the others. "Now that is a philosophy I can endorse, even we die someday. Why live buried in regret and sorrow." He rests his head in his hand. "Trust me when I say that embracing yourself will do you better in the long run." he frowns at the Queen's ending words. "Alas with me she was interested only in my bulging...coin purse."

So...while I was tempted to turn up the Social charms, I've found that, that never goes well with other PC's so for now he won't be busting out the Essence to try to charm any of the other PC's.

2014-01-09, 08:15 PM
"Apparently our definition of 'complete jerk' differs somewhat. I suspect a faulty translator somewhere along the line," Marius replies to Queen dryly. "So long as you use the version that doesn't involve murder for fun and profit, that's surprisingly not bad advice, though. You're defined by what you do, not what you are."

"How'd you get the title, out of curiosity?," he asks Rokha. "The official one, that is. I can guess the other," he adds with a chuckle.

2014-01-09, 11:42 PM
"'The Sapphire Fist', well it wasn't my idea. A former rival, and lover of mine came up with it to mock me you see." Rokha sighs and cracks his neck as he speaks. "Exaltation's are programmed with certain aptitudes. Mine was supposed to be more...artistic, song art, forging, wordcraft etc etc. However, I had a talent for the Martial Arts. I've pushed my mortal abilities to their limits and managed to master a full style to it's pinnacle. As well as begin studying the higher arts. I'm an artist wrapped in a Sapphire veil who speaks with his fists." Rokha shrugs. "Turns out to be less of an insult than he intended."

2014-01-11, 06:20 PM

The pronounced throat-clearing is heard equally well by everyone in the hall. The sound is not amplified, exactly, it just sounds as though the speaker is standing next to everyone at once.

On the raised stage in the centre of the room, behind a moulded glass lectern, stands a Nathiri officer in a white, pressed uniform. His bluish colouration and a slightly draconic cast to his features mark him as a Terrestrial.

"I am Vodin. Welcome to Nathir. Most of you are already aware of the situation. For those that are not, we should recap."

The lights above flicker and bend, forming a three dimensional star map, showing waypoints throughout the subsector before zooming in on a star.

"Reya Vashtu, semi-isolated system, mining interests, population of around 1.6 billion, majority human. Minimal strategic defences. One month ago, there was a communications blackout. Deep field Essence arrays detected the star going dark. No further emissions. Anything entering through the Canal immediately goes dark too."

The map refocuses to an insignia superimposed over a small flotilla of capital ships.

"1091st Imperial task force investigates, and vanishes without a trace."

The map shifts again, another system. "Azoch, Uvall colony world, minor trade hub, few exports. Population just under two billion. No strategic defence to speak of. Two days later, also dark."

The map snaps back into place.

"You will notice that Azoch and Reya Vashtu are not directly connected by canal paths. For this reason we believe that the enemy are travelling by some alternative drive means."

A battered orb with long dorsal spines appears in the display.

"Unlike Reya Vashtu, Azoch managed to send out a manual distress beacon, although its contents were badly distorted and nobody has been able to retrieve any useful information."

A third system appears.

"Kiregon, major colony system of the Deleshen Collective. Population 51.2 billion. Major commercial interests, moderate strategic defences. Kiregon border defences were on passive alert at the time of attack. Also dark."

A second, much larger fleet appears with a different insignia.

"Deleshen third expeditionary fleet is sent in response. Also nothing."

A series of images flickers rapidly over the screen.

"You get the picture. Imhaven, Shos Minor, Otug Phe, Cheaige, Attis Aleph. We have recieved no verifiable information on our adversary. At best, we have managed to calculate their course and organize mass evacuations. Nineteen systems have gone dark. Our best guess is that Nathir has a little over a week remaining before the attack, so we're on a tight schedule. The Federation Government has decided to defy recommendations from our neighbours and make a stand of it."

He doesn't add that most of the Federation Government has already evacuated.

"You have all, for whatever reason, answered our call, and we are grateful. Organize into groups as best you can, and we'll try to determine some kind of chain of command."

2014-01-11, 11:49 PM
Rokha listens his good humor rapidly vanishing, "Nineteen systems...and from what's being said no confirmation on who or what the enemy is....that's troubling." Rokha stood up and spoke out to the men on the stage.

"Do you have any information on who the foe might be? Sightings, blurred pictures....a scared child reciting a word over and over you know the usual evidence."

2014-01-12, 03:42 PM
"Well... that's not good," Marius sayswith passable understatement. "Chloe, message the fleet. All fighting ships on high alert, coordinate with the local defenses and other mercenaries as much as possible. All the others, prepare to render aid to civilians."

2014-01-15, 03:58 PM

Mikiki whispered quickly to the slightly more mature and vastly more intimidating soldier girl who was her assistant and best friend. Aurora nodded, “Certainly. I'll be right back.”

The imposing alien made her way to the podium and tapped the speaker on the shoulder. (Her claws were sheathed.) “Excuse me, sir.” If she knew his rank, she addressed him by it instead and used an appropriate salute. “Petty Officer Aurora Gianiskiki. Imperial navy scouts, retired. Professor White Thorn would like to look to use your best computers and look at the garbled transmission you mentioned. She hopes that she can enhance it. She'd also like me to inform you that if you have any major uncapped demesne she may be able to make functional manse in the time allotted. Failing that, where would it be most useful to have the aid of a few elementals for the coming conflict?”


Meanwhile, Mikiki stayed with the group of exalts. “I'm far more of a teacher than a commander,” she offered, “But I can keep a ship together in a firefight, or point me towards some infantry and I can take them down. Just let me know how I can help.”

2014-01-16, 10:23 PM
Shoukae let a slow smile cross her face at the news. Now this would be interesting.

"I can infiltrate or fight rather easily, and aboard my ship," she caught Kamai's eye, gesturing her friend over, "we can scout rather effectively. Put me on a ship that rams or boards, and I'd be rather useful." She drummed her fingers on her hip for a moment before turning to Mikiki and continuing. "Of course, it's hard to do any planning without knowing what we're up against, so it would probably be prudent" she said the word with distaste "to wait until you can determine any further information."

2014-01-16, 10:26 PM
"Maybe we can do that while being just a bit un-prudent..." Marius muses.

He raises his voice to be heard by the Nathir representative. "Master Vodin! Do we have any idea of the invaders' path of travel? Enough for a scout ship or two to intercept and take a better look at what we're up against?"

2014-01-18, 08:44 PM
The Ogre Prince pumps his arms in excitement. "YESSS! Combat, adventure, conquest! Put me on a ship and shoot me to the enemy!"
Agni roars exuberantly, expelling a rich plume of smoke at the thought of battle.

2014-02-02, 01:54 PM
It took out a whole Imperial Task Force in a presumably direct confrontation. That's not actually easy to do, she knows from experience. And then the same with the larger and better prepared Deleshen fleet.
Alternative FTL drive. These people are quite advanced, and their drive technology might well have some application as a weapon. The Federation will likely lose worlds, even if we can hold it. And if they're not coming from a canal we likely can't get scouts to them in the coming week.

The mercenary woman considers calling out to Vodin, but he surely has too many questions to answer to hear. She steps up towards the magma tiger and its overenthusiastic rider.
"I doubt we'll find much conquest. The fun is in unraveling the mystery of our enemies."
As for a chain of command, well, the Pirate Queen is alright, and perceptive enough to serve under if such is really necessary. She suspects it will quickly become too desperate for organization.