View Full Version : Necromantic Item - not overpowered?

2013-12-30, 04:07 PM
So, here's the story, and I hope to make this as uncomplicated as possible.....

I'm currently DMing, and the party is in the middle of a dungeon crawl. I have plenty of cool treasures (gold, potions, weapons, etc) hidden around the place.

My own PC is a Dread Necromancer. I want one of the hidden items in the dungeon (behind two secret doors and a trap) to be Necromancer-y, but functioning mostly as a plot point.

To make a long story short: the party will be able to choose whether I get to keep the item or if it gets taken away from me. (I have already enabled the circumstances that will allow them to choose.)

I don't care if my PC doesn't get to keep it--like I said, it's a plot point. However, if the party allows me to keep it, I don't want it to be something overpowered and cheesy. Hence, I'm looking for a Necro magical item that isn't ridiculous.

I'm thinking one of the following:
Ring of Desecration (Lesser)
Rod of Undead Mastery
Scepter of the Netherworld

Are there others that aren't cheesy?

(Note: when the party's rogue was DM, he ended up with both a Cloak of Elvenkind and Elven Boots :smallconfused:)

Qc Storm
2013-12-30, 04:28 PM
So, here's the story, and I hope to make this as uncomplicated as possible.....

I'm currently DMing, and the party is in the middle of a dungeon crawl. I have plenty of cool treasures (gold, potions, weapons, etc) hidden around the place.

My own PC is a Dread Necromancer. I want one of the hidden items in the dungeon (behind two secret doors and a trap) to be Necromancer-y, but functioning mostly as a plot point.

To make a long story short: the party will be able to choose whether I get to keep the item or if it gets taken away from me. (I have already enabled the circumstances that will allow them to choose.)

I don't care if my PC doesn't get to keep it--like I said, it's a plot point. However, if the party allows me to keep it, I don't want it to be something overpowered and cheesy. Hence, I'm looking for a Necro magical item that isn't ridiculous.

I'm thinking one of the following:
Ring of Desecration (Lesser)
Rod of Undead Mastery
Scepter of the Netherworld

Are there others that aren't cheesy?

(Note: when the party's rogue was DM, he ended up with both a Cloak of Elvenkind and Elven Boots :smallconfused:)

DMing and playing at the same time? Not something you hear often.

The ring of undead mastery is pretty useful and cheap. As is the Minion Coffin.

2013-12-30, 04:33 PM
DMing and playing at the same time? Not something you hear often.

The group is small . . . we take turns DMing.

The ring of undead mastery is pretty useful and cheap. As is the Minion Coffin.

Difference b/w that and the rod? In which book is the ring located?

2013-12-30, 04:37 PM
The most useful item I've found for a Dread Necro is an enveloping pit. Answering the immortal problem: where do I pull all my minions?

Qc Storm
2013-12-30, 08:13 PM
The group is small . . . we take turns DMing.

Difference b/w that and the rod? In which book is the ring located?

My bad. It is called the Deadwalker's Ring. It gives a +2 HP bonus to all undead you raise, does not stack with desecrate.

It's from Complete Mage.