View Full Version : Most Underrated Movies Ever

2007-01-19, 01:37 PM
So someone just posted a "Most overrated Movies of all time" thread, so I thought, let's try the opposite!

So, In you opinion, what are the most Underrated Movies of all time?

In my list:
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Rat Race (newest version)

2007-01-19, 02:08 PM
Hmm, I think this means "movies that I really like but not a lot of other people know about or like." So ...

Waking Ned Devine
Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed
Kelly's Heroes

That's all I can think of right now.

2007-01-19, 02:26 PM
Star Wars, Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Sure, it's horrible compared to the original trilogy, but taken on its own merits, it's actually a pretty decent movie. It's just cursed by being constantly compared to some of the greatest movies of all time.

Battlefield Earth
Make no mistake, this movie is bad. Really bad. Godawful, even. I mention it because the book it's based on is horrific to a literally indescribable degree. The book was so terrible, in fact, that making a Battlefield Earth movie watchable at all required one of the greatest feats of directing skill and creative genius in Hollywood history. So while the movie sucked, the competence and talent that went into making it is about as underrated as it gets.

Jack Squat
2007-01-19, 02:28 PM
this thread already exists (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30249)

2007-01-19, 02:56 PM
Some films, that IMHO, people need to see:

SciFi & Fantasy: Equilibrium - Gun Fu.
Escape From LA - Snake "Tijiuana Rules" Plisskin

Comedy: Grosse Pointe Blank - "I should've brought my gun".
Army of Darkness - "This is my BOOM stick!"
The Rundown - "Guns take me to a bad place"

Adventure: Big Trouble in Little China - Bad guys so angry, they explode!
Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade - Stupid Nazis ;D
The Goonies - Mouth translating. Too funny!

Drama: Shawshank Redemption - "Get busy livin', or get busy dyin'".

Sports Films: Necessary Roughness - Karate + Football FTW!
Johnny Be Good - Uma Thurman before she was famous.
Rudy - Inspiring. No really.

Romance: Notting Hill - What guy hasn't has a similar fantasy?
Ton's more, but that's it off the top of my head.

2007-01-19, 04:07 PM
this thread already exists (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30249)

Indeed it does.