View Full Version : Divine City

2013-12-31, 03:23 PM
Okay, so in an upcoming campaign I plan to run one of the big nations in the world is run by a church composed of a pantheon of 8 deities who correspond to the 8 alignments (excluding TN) (Side note: Detect Alignment spells and similar don't exist and the gods are not at each others throats and are working together for vast cosmological reasons that have no relevance here)

In any event, the nation itself is situated in the frozen Northern continent of the world and is composed of solely 8 large megacities with no settlements in between. I've already determined the clergy keeps their cities protected with vast endure element wards (though I'd appreciate some mechanical ways for them to have done so since currently its DM fiat) and they also have Create Food & Water traps as per Tippyverse that provides for the general needs of the people thus eliminating the need for farming. I also have assumed that clergy are a big factor in building structures via stone shape and the like.

So what I'm looking for is this, are there any other divine tricks or spells (any domains are welcome too though not arcane or Druid as the church isn't exactly friendly with either of those groups) that would make the cities even better for the people living in them/more advanced? Assume a pretty high OP, not break the game OP but skirting close and sometimes crossing into Tippyverse style world building.

2014-01-02, 12:07 AM
I've already determined the clergy keeps their cities protected with vast endure element wards (though I'd appreciate some mechanical ways for them to have done so since currently its DM fiat)...

I would think the Wondrous Architecture rules from page 70 of the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook would help here.

2014-01-02, 12:28 AM
Definitely a good start but I don't know how to address how such a thing would work since there isn't an Endure Elements Mass spell and it's 1 creature touched. I imagine each household would need a dispenser that could apply the spell to the people but that's getting expensive fast and having public endure element dispensers is slow and ungainly.

Are there better ideas to ward a city against the extreme cold?

2014-01-02, 12:38 AM
Isn't there one large-scale control weather device? You could refluff an orb of storms (I think that was the name) or one of those devices to keep the weather warm instead of causing constant storms. The pricing would likely get cheaper, if anything.

2014-01-02, 01:04 AM
Sounds good, though Druid-y but that can be ignored somewhat. Any idea where this device might be found book-wise?

2014-01-02, 01:06 AM
Are there better ideas to ward a city against the extreme cold?

I would probably start with the Control Weather (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/controlWeather.htm) spell. I don't know how big your cities are, but a Druid could cover a pretty good sized space with a single casting (or maybe even consider someone dropping the Widen feat onto it. It'd take some work, but looks doable to me.)

Even if you don't want someone to have to cast it each day, it may give you somewhere to start.

2014-01-02, 09:28 AM
I'm liking the look of Control Weather more and more especially since I now see it's a cleric spell. So I think that's how I'll handle fending off the freezing temperatures within the cities. Thanks everyone!