View Full Version : Classes with Extra Chakra

2013-12-31, 08:34 PM
Any classes that grant an extra chakra bind or a bonus feat that with which I can take extra chakra bind?

All I have found is Necrocarnate... any other clues?

2013-12-31, 08:59 PM
Well, you could argue that Totemist offers an "Extra Chakra", seeing as it offers the Totem Chakra. Also, Ironsoul Forgemaster has one of the best Bind progressions for a prestige class.

Big Fau
2013-12-31, 11:22 PM
Outside of the PrCs presented in MoI, nothing. The system wasn't supported outside of Dragon Magic, the MIC, and a very oblique reference in Five Nations.

The Open Chakra feats can provide additional chakra binds per day depending on how your DM reads them, and that reading is implied to be correct according to minor text later in the book.

2013-12-31, 11:26 PM
Outside of the PrCs presented in MoI, nothing. The system wasn't supported outside of Dragon Magic, the MIC, and a very oblique reference in Five Nations.

The Open Chakra feats can provide additional chakra binds per day depending on how your DM reads them, and that reading is implied to be correct according to minor text later in the book.

Wait, really? Colour me intrigued. Please, elaborate.

Big Fau
2014-01-01, 12:55 AM
Wait, really? Colour me intrigued. Please, elaborate.

The Thief of Life PrC grants essentia with one of it's class features. It doesn't do anything for an actual meldshaper due to not advancing meldshaping at all, but having an essentia pool and using a certain class feature of the PrC grants some temporary essentia.

Not really worth looking into.

@OP: Forgot to mention this; the Necrocarnate's bonus chakra binds are little different from taking Incarnate/Totemist levels. In fact, Incarnate 7/Necrocarnate 13 ends up with the same amount of chakra binds as Incarnate 20.

Fax Celestis
2014-01-01, 01:45 AM
The Open X Chakra feats aren't doing it for you?

2014-01-01, 02:31 AM
The Open X Chakra feats aren't doing it for you?

We play the more strict of interpretations, that, opening the chakra, is not the same as being able to bind the chakra (what else would a 'chakra bind' feat be for anyway?). And I am limited in chakra binds, so would like some more....

again.... necrocarnate gives an extra chakra bind... does anything else?

2014-01-01, 12:05 PM
Not being funny or wanting to create a problem, but why play those rules? The MoI rules are annoying, restrictive and at times self conflicting, illogically placed and on the whole comparatively underpowered compared to full casters.

Things like 24 requirment investiture into feats I often ignore in my games as well as the whole Chakra Binds etc. A 2 feat chain to open a Chakra and then be bound to (as well as likely Shape Soulmeld to make use of) is extraordonarily limiting. Waiting 4-7 levels to get any use out of the rarest 'resource' in the game is terrible.

The designers didn't care about MoI at this late stage: a few houserules go a long way to making MoI as multoclass friendly as it is.

2014-01-01, 12:10 PM
There are Open Chakra spells and a (scaling) Open Chakra psionic power, both of which last 24 hours so you can even get decent use out of scrolls and other items of them.

2014-01-01, 02:21 PM
Not being funny or wanting to create a problem, but why play those rules? The MoI rules are annoying, restrictive and at times self conflicting, illogically placed and on the whole comparatively underpowered compared to full casters.

Things like 24 requirment investiture into feats I often ignore in my games as well as the whole Chakra Binds etc. A 2 feat chain to open a Chakra and then be bound to (as well as likely Shape Soulmeld to make use of) is extraordonarily limiting. Waiting 4-7 levels to get any use out of the rarest 'resource' in the game is terrible.

The designers didn't care about MoI at this late stage: a few houserules go a long way to making MoI as multoclass friendly as it is.

Because we play by the rules, and it seems extraordinarily uncontroversial that you clearly need a chakra bind ability to go with your open chakra to bind it. People can play whatever made up rules they want...it's their tables... but why follow any of the rules at all if your all just going to make up whatever is convenient for you?

2014-01-01, 02:25 PM
He's right that MoI is a bit restrictive in some places though. Tying all save DCs to essentia invested makes any meld with a saving throw practically useless at its intended function. And I too dislike that feat investment is locked in every morning when everything else about the system is so fluid (melds, items, cast spells, even racials.)

2014-01-01, 02:59 PM
He's right that MoI is a bit restrictive in some places though. Tying all save DCs to essentia invested makes any meld with a saving throw practically useless at its intended function. And I too dislike that feat investment is locked in every morning when everything else about the system is so fluid (melds, items, cast spells, even racials.)

There is a lot of useless and restrictive things in the book. The fun part is not just making it up yourself, as far as me and my table is concerned. I mean, if you want to do that, throw away the books and we can all just tell each other stories by the campfire.... nothing wrong with that! just... not the game *we* wanna play here.

RAW seems abundantly clear to me. You must have a chakra bind 'point' available to bind to a chakra, and that chakra has to be open to bind to it, and you can only bind or meld a certain number of soulmelds. A little complicated, but it really is a straight forward tier system of usuability. And I'm not going to cheat because I think its not fair.

If I want that Totem Avatar Bind on my shoulders to bump my 2 feral claws, my 2 tentacle attacks, my 1d8 behir bite and my 1d8 half minotaur gore, then I'm goign to have to pay for it. Fair. Enough.

The OP is, is there any classes out there that grant and extra chakra bind? Not open chakras, but the ability to bind them.

Big Fau
2014-01-01, 05:36 PM
You know, a strict reading of the Open Chakra feats doesn't preclude them giving additional Chakra Binds. Looking into the book reveals that they may have been intended to allow it, based on their wording and on page 108 of the MoI. Specifically, this section at the bottom left of that page:

You can bind a magic item to a chakra only if you already have the ability to bind a soulmeld to that chakra (from a class feature, a feat, or other special ability).

Edit: And, again, no. The MoI wasn't supported, and no PrCs outside of it provide a meldshaping progression.

2014-01-01, 05:40 PM
You know, a strict reading of the Open Chakra feats doesn't preclude them giving additional Chakra Binds. Looking into the book reveals that they may have been intended to allow it, based on their wording and on page 108 of the MoI. Specifically, this section at the bottom left of that page:

yeah, like, the 'Extra Chakra Bind' feat. Or perhaps the Extra Chakra Bind feat used in conjunction with the Shape Soulmeld feat and the Open Chakra feat, assuming you've somehow gained essentia points as well.

Big Fau
2014-01-01, 05:57 PM
yeah, like, the 'Extra Chakra Bind' feat. Or perhaps the Extra Chakra Bind feat used in conjunction with the Shape Soulmeld feat and the Open Chakra feat, assuming you've somehow gained essentia points as well.

The Open X Chakra feats have no language indicating that they don't provide an additional daily chakra bind exclusively for the chakra you selected with the feat. If anything they seem to indicate otherwise.

However, if you're that intent on doing this by some weird interpretation of those feats, a Venerable Dragonwrought Kobold can select the Extra Chakra Bind feat upon opening all 3 of his Lesser chakras.

2014-01-01, 08:47 PM
There is a lot of useless and restrictive things in the book. The fun part is not just making it up yourself, as far as me and my table is concerned. I mean, if you want to do that, throw away the books and we can all just tell each other stories by the campfire.... nothing wrong with that! just... not the game *we* wanna play here.

Could you stop with the fallacies for a minute? Wanting to houserule or tweak one thing in a poorly-edited splat is not expressing some secret desire to burn all the books and go freeform.

The OP is, is there any classes out there that grant and extra chakra bind? Not open chakras, but the ability to bind them.

The open chakra spells and feats do give additional binds. The RAW is abundantly clear to me too.

The Open Chakra line of feats say: "You can now bind a soulmeld or magic item to that chakra." If the feat gave no binds, this statement would be false and thus violate RAW.

The Open Chakra spells say: "You use magical energies to pry open one chakra, allowing a creature to form a chakra bind that it otherwise could not."

Both abilities specifically grant the ability to make the bind, not just open the chakra.

2014-01-01, 09:32 PM
The Open Chakra line of feats say: "You can now bind a soulmeld or magic item to that chakra." If the feat gave no binds, this statement would be false and thus violate RAW.

The Open Chakra spells say: "You use magical energies to pry open one chakra, allowing a creature to form a chakra bind that it otherwise could not."

I understand that now you can bind where you could not bind before. If you have a Chakra Bind 'point' to spend. Even with the free point, you clearly would not be able to bind to a unopened chakra. With free point, and an opened chakra, now you are able to form a chakra bind that you otherwise could not.

It's like passing gay marriage laws. You are allowed to marry a gender that otherwise you could not. This does not, in fact, make you married to that gender.

2014-01-01, 09:51 PM
The feats/spells give you that point. Otherwise you cannot actually form the bind and the RAW is violated.