View Full Version : natural poisons (inhaled)

2014-01-02, 01:09 AM
Is there any info/rules text anywhere on types of naturally occurring poisons in the air that could be deadly just by walking around in specific environments? Like swamp gas or something put off by plants? Where something that was immune to poisons or something of the like could get along just fine but other creatures would basically have a death wish to walk into a place like that 90% of the time (like those pesky humans)

2014-01-02, 10:18 AM
Is there any info/rules text anywhere on types of naturally occurring poisons in the air that could be deadly just by walking around in specific environments? Like swamp gas or something put off by plants? Where something that was immune to poisons or something of the like could get along just fine but other creatures would basically have a death wish to walk into a place like that 90% of the time (like those pesky humans)

Sandstorm p 24 discusses Volcanic Gasses.
Page 302 of the DMG discusses fumes from any large body of acid.