View Full Version : need material for upcoming campaign

2014-01-02, 11:20 AM
so I was thinking, I need alot of encounters for my upcoming campaign. I thought to myself maybe some of you have some laying around complete and ready to use, any kind of encounter would do.

Thanks in advance :)

2014-01-02, 11:37 AM
What level?

2014-01-02, 11:44 AM
EL 4-10. Any would do.

2014-01-02, 12:52 PM
A is for Ankheg Farmer. A 5th level Hobgoblin Expert with a trio of domesticated Ankhegs. He used to use them in excavation work, but ever since the economy went down, he's been raiding the dwarven mines.

B is for Barghest Assassin. 3 levels in Assassin, in fact. He owns a +1 Spellstoring greataxe with Crushing Despair and is here to collect a bounty on one of the PCs.

C is for Cockatrice Mating Season, which is happening this fall. There is a breeding pair of adult Cocktrice with a clutch of a dozen eggs, 2d6 of which have already hatched into chickatrice (use the stat block for an owl) present.
If the PCs tend to the unhatched eggs, the resulting young will imprint on the
first person they see after hatching.

D is for a Drider with a cleric outrider, blocking the Colonel's way. Both are spellcasters with a fondness for arachnid-themed spells. Expect Web, Summon Swarm and fiendish spiders.

E if for Elementals, one of each kind. A turtle of clouds, a serpent of flame, a fish of stone and a bird of ice. All are large in size and rather confused by their current forms.

F is for Fiendish Fungus, purple in hue. Apply the Fiendish template to a patch of 1d4 violet fungi and 1d6 Shriekers.

G is for Gray Render, which has adopted the group. Periodically, it shows up with a dead Grick as an offering to the party.

H is for The Harpies, a brand new bard band holding a free concert on the edge of a cliff. Unsurprisingly, they are actual harpies and plan to lure concert-goers to their dooms.

I is for Imp, of which there are a half dozen. Unfortunately, they're hiding among a herd of two hundred pigs, in their boar forms.

J is for a Janni riding an elephant.

K is for Kobold and for Krenshar. Four of one is riding four of the other into battle.

L is for Lycanthrope, a wereswan in fact. It's guarding the lake and if you swim it will attack.

M is for Mimic, pretending to be a Treant. It's hoping to pick up Sheants with bodacious... foliage.

N is for a Nightmare named Mystered. It speaks Infernal and quests for the Apples of Dread.

O is for Owlbears, risen from the dead! These skeletal creatures fill you with dread.

P is for Phase Spider weaving an ethereal web. Caught within is a ghost that demands to be freed.

R is for Ravid riding atop a Dire Gazebo.

S is for Shocker Lizard and a shocking surprise: A golem of flesh healed by this reptilian ally.

T is for Troglodyte, a whole band of 50. They have javelins and stench a plenty.

U is for Unicorn, host to a party of sprites: 3 each of Nixie, Pixie and Grig. Along with them is a single Rod of Splendor.

V is for the Vargouille flock. Their leader seems to once have been head of a Roc.

W is for Worg all clad in mail. Along they march, this brave Knight and his trusty goblin rider

X is for Xorn, who wants to eat all your gold.

Y is for a Yeth Hound be chased by two Hellcats.

and Z is for the Zombies of twenty dire bats.

2014-01-02, 03:55 PM
The above post is full of win on so many different levels! Nice!