View Full Version : IC-Kallistrate

2014-01-02, 10:04 PM

As you awake, you realize the day has finally come. It is the day for the reaping of the 73rd games. A day that has stood out in your memory as long as you can remember.

You rise and dress for the occasion, as does everyone throughout the district. The nice clothes is a formality of course, but the district tends to treat it like a celebration. Congratulations will be spread about, with forced smiles on their face. But the truth is; Everyone knows that someone is going to die. Not today, but because of the events of today. It's a sobering fact.

Just like all the other children of the district, you line up with the children of your age. 18 of course. Girls on one side, boys on another. Your blood sample is taken as peacekeepers check everyone in for the reaping. Not that it matters. The silence everyone has is maddening. Along with those false smiles.

The time for Tributes has come. Please post your character's general appearance and his/her mannerisms as the reaping takes place. How it goes down is completely up to you.

2014-01-03, 04:33 AM
To Kallistrate, the ceremony is long and boring. Unlike in the nastier little districts, there's no tension - everyone knows exactly who is going to volunteer. There's a seat of honor prepared for her.

As the speaker after speaker heaps words of praise upon the Capitol, upon the Hunger Games, and even upon her and the male tribute, she casually searches the audience for her mother. There, on the front row - there's no mistaking the malice in those eyes.

Despite her mother's instances that she had always wanted a daughter (very understandable for a Drow), Kallistrate knows that she did not want a child so much as a doll that knew how to curtsy and babble and attend parties like a beautiful pet. When, as a child, Kallistrate announced that she was planning to fight in the Hunger Games, her mother scoffed. When she began taking intensive fighting courses, swimming, trapmaking, and gymnastics, her mother had glowered. When she formally volunteered to serve as tribute for District 2, the screaming argument echoed for streets around.

The gluttonous whore demanded that she withdraw, but both of them knew it was too late - Kallistrate, as athletic and dangerous as her mother wished she was beautiful, would live a murderer or die a victim.

Really, Kallistrate couldn't understand what her mother was so upset about. This was the highest of their ideals. She wanted to know what it was like to smash the head of an innocent little twelve year old. She wanted to taste the blood of her victims, still hot and fresh on her hands. She truly wanted to serve her hunger, like a good worshiper of Urgathoa.

Kallistrate leaned back, closed her eyes, and smiled. She didn't see the upcoming games as the end of her life, even if she lost. She was simply getting everything done in a compressed, concentrated fashion.

2014-01-05, 01:16 AM
Kallistrate takes the stage, an air of pride in her step. The district applauds her with every step. It is a sacrifice many have taken before her, but one that few truly want to take. Most simply settle for serving the capital and becoming peacekeepers. But Tributes are always shown the highest respect in district 2.

The Capital man shakes her hand. He is a new face this year, but not a young face. "Congratulations" Is all he says before signalling to the crowd that it is time to settle down.

Then he makes the motions, drawing the name from the bowl. No one really listens closely. They all wait for the male volunteer to step forward. None does. And the crowd silence turns to whispers. The capital man repeats the name. "Corvis Igriden". And then a boy steps into the open. He couldn't be more than 15.

Once more the crowd looks around. They are awaiting the volunteer to replace him. But one does not come. Finally the boy steps up onto the stage, and the capital man shakes his hand as well. But this time the crowd doesn't cheer. It's in shock. Young boys and girls aren't supposed to go to the games. Where is the volunteer that was arranged? It is the question on everyone's mind.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. I give you the tributes for District 2." The capital man says loudly and firmly. It's enough to snap everyone back to attention. The applaud once more before Kallistrate and Corvis is taken away.


We can go to the waiting rooms for visitors of your choice, or wee can skip to the train with no visitors. Your choice.

2014-01-07, 10:38 AM
Kallistrate keeps her normal blank expression while her mind works furiously.

No volunteer? But there had been such system, an institution, even for the girl's side. She'd had to be out competitors to win the honor of volunteering, but this little boy gets in without needing to do anything?

That's not the only bad news for her - even if he does turn out to be friendly to her and the careers, that's a major power loss for her and the others. It's practically like starting a man down.

She calms this nervous train of thought. In the end, there are only two options: She dies bravely in the arena, doing what she has desired for her whole life, or she wins and finds a new path afterwards. There is no time for distraction now - she'll simply have to get a better measure of him in training. Besides, her mentors should be able to sort everything out. She sits and waits patiently.

2014-01-12, 05:00 AM
The time in the waiting room is as expected for Kallistrate. Her mother comes to say goodbye. Her tone is still condescending of Kallistrate's decision. But it's clear she's sad to see her go.

Then the peacekeepers come, cold & faceless in appearance in their uniform. In other districts they would bark at the tributes to follow. In fact, Kallistrate can hear them talking to Corvis and it does sound slightly like that. But not to her. To Kallistrate there is a understanding and respect. "Your time is up" is all that is said. And all that need be said.

You are walked to the train, a loose patrol of peacekeepers ahead and behind you. A fence has been erected to separate the platform, but it is stuffed with Kallistrate's former classmates. They cheer her name. But not Corvis' name.

Walking through the doors of the car, Kallistrate is greeted by a train car that can only be described as elegant. Technology of every kind is available throughout the large car, and what isn't technology is the fanciest of quality. A table of a fine wooden make sits at the center, filled with such a variety of food that it would impress anyone.

At the opposite end of the car is a small hallway leading out. The mentors Brutus and Lyme, both in their 40's, stand crowded there talking quietly. The bald headed Brutus seems rather angry.
"...I don't understand the point of this."
"You don't need to understand it" Lyme says, her voice sounding annoyed. "Others will. People who aren't you."
"And what about him? Are you going to explain it? Because I know I can't."
"What a shock there..." She says snidely, before noticing Kallistrate and Corvis. The two silence quickly. Walking into the car, she says coldly. "Welcome aboard. Don't mind us. I'm Lyme. This is Brutus. We'll be your mentors. But a heads up, we don't see eye to eye on everything. Later on we'll be splitting up. One for each of you. But for now, we're both here to help you."
Kallistrate notices Brutus silently sizing both the new tributes up, but he refrains from adding anything.

2014-01-12, 09:45 AM
Kallistrate attempts to saunter casually to the table of food, but anyone who knew her could see the look of pure longing in her eyes. Though her family not been poor in the least, her diet was heavily restricted by both personal choice and the orders of her nutritionist and trainer. Of course, her mother insisted on exceptions to try her favorite foods - strange fungi, roasted bats, odd-smelling meats that she hadn't dared to ask the origin of, and every other foul thing that grew deep underground.

But this...Platters of fresh fish! Wild rice with a savory stew to ladle over it! Breads and buns and muffins! Why, she hardly knows the names of half these fruits!

She struggles hard to just pick up one handful of berries before address her mentors.

"Hello, Miss Lyme," she says, trying to salvage her manners a little. "I hope you remember me - it's been a few years since we've talked. You spoke at our school about the importance of defending District 2. I watched the 43rd Hunger Games that night - you were incredible!"

- - - -

Kallistrate waits for an opportunity to address Corvis, but she takes her time: Making a good impression on her mentors is far more important. When the time comes, she speaks warily. "Are you ready for this?"

2014-01-15, 12:49 AM
Lyme gives a slightly warmer smile to Kallistrate, but she's clearly still flustered. "Thank you Kallistrate. District 2 traditionally performs incredibly in the games. You're both very lucky for this opportunity." Brutus snorts, obviously agitated at Lyme.
"I'll let you do basics. I'm not feeling hungry for some reason..." Brutus says, directing it at the other mentor. He excuses himself from the cabin without another word.
"Don't mind him. He stresses easily. So we should be in the capital by the morning. Now is the time to ask any questions about the days to come."


Corvis looks her over, and it's clear he's not filled with self confidence. However he tries to put that facade up as he speaks. He scoffs "Are you kidding? Everyone is lucky this happened. I was top of my class. If I had waited til I was 18, no one would have stood a chance. This is the only way anyone else has a fair chance...

What about you? Are you up for this?"



2014-01-15, 09:11 AM
"Would you be willing to mentor me?"

Kallistrate then waits a little while before asking, "When will we be meeting up with the other tributes? We're going to need to start talking strategies as soon as possible."

2014-01-16, 12:36 AM
Make a sense motive check

She pauses for a moment, contemplating how to answer. "Both Brutus and I will be the mentors for these games. We are both your mentors. They'll be some time for training in a few days, and if you like then I can work specifically with you. But for the moment, we are both your mentors."


"You'll get some glimpses of the other tributes over the next few days. I'd recommend you don't start alliances right away. Watch to see who is worth your time. They'll be doing the same."

2014-01-16, 01:41 PM

It didn't work properly the last time because I didn't have ten characters -_-

2014-01-16, 09:10 PM
As you'd imagine, Kallistrate finds Lyme's cold demeanor impossible to read.

2014-01-22, 07:48 PM
The speeding train catches your attention as it suddenly begins to slow. For the last hour the train has been speeding along mountains and shooting through tunnels. Finally it comes out of a final tunnel and the sun shines down upon it. With it now slowing, the train track curves to the side and allows you to see in the distance the capital.

A gigantic metropolis, it is comprised of countless metal buildings that stretch into the sky towards the clouds. Never in your life have you seen such tall buildings. Scattered along the skyline are floating ships that hang in the sky.


The train continues to slow, and eventually closes into the city. People line the track, waving to you as the train enters the capital. The capital citizens are an odd bunch, all dressed in bright colors with bizarre hairstyles and some even have odd grafts on their bodies. The sheer number of them decorating the pristine streets is mind boggling to you.


Once the train stops, your chaperone takes you to a nearby building. There a team of highly trained capital employees take over cleaning you. They scrub you clean on a level you've never felt before, removing a layer of skin from your body, thoroughly washing your hair, waxing body hair, and picking any specks of dirt that may be under your nails.