View Full Version : SAW sequels?

Fat Daddy
2007-01-19, 09:22 PM
Okay so I know I'm a little behind the times here but I just watched SAW. (I have small children so that's not really the type of movie we watch during family time). I really enjoyed the movie. My question is are the sequals any good? Or do they just degenerate into slasher movies?

2007-01-19, 09:24 PM
The second one was just as good as the first. Haven't seen the third yet, I hear it's just as good, but signifigantly more gory. I watched the first two with my mom :P

2007-01-20, 11:54 AM
I saw the second but didn't think it was as good as the first. It just lacked something. Still a very good film though and the best "thinking man's horror flick" out there.

General Leitmann
2007-01-20, 12:11 PM
In my opinion, which you may very well choose to ignore, as is your right, Saw II sucked so much. I was gravely dissapointed in that film. You could see the ending comming a mile away, and the acting was the quality of a third-rate highschool play. Sorry if it sounds like I'm being over critical, but I honestly think that is among the top three worst sequels of a good movie of all time.

- General

2007-01-20, 04:32 PM
Haven't seen them myself, but have talked about them with one of my (slasher-flick junkie) gaming mates. She says "Saw 2" is a well-executed rehash of the first film, while "Saw 3" is almost a psycho-drama. The third film seems to stand in the same relation to the first as, say, "Hannibal" did to "Manhunter/Red Dragon".
Hope that makes at least an iota of sense to you.

2007-01-20, 04:36 PM
My sister has seen all of them (she laughs at horror films. So creepy...).
According to her, they're all rather good, but Saw III is the goriest of the lot.

2007-01-20, 04:55 PM
In my opinion, which you may very well choose to ignore, as is your right, Saw II sucked so much. I was gravely dissapointed in that film. You could see the ending comming a mile away, and the acting was the quality of a third-rate highschool play. Sorry if it sounds like I'm being over critical, but I honestly think that is among the top three worst sequels of a good movie of all time.

- General

The acting in the first movie was far, far worse. Saw had some of the worst acting I'd ever seen, enjoyable as it was.

2007-01-22, 03:38 PM
I've seen all three.

If I were starting a horror movie collection, I'd definitely pick up the first.

I might pick up the second and third. They telegraph too much, I think: you can see the end coming from at least 30 minutes out, if you're paying attention, if not more, wheras, with the first one, it was much harder to predict, because we didn't have a pattern to build on.

Worth watching, but nothing to get overly excited about. Still much better than most of the 'horror' drek out there.

2007-01-23, 07:53 PM
Coming from a person that doesn't like gory movies, I enjoyed Saw but Saw 3 made me nauseated within the first five minutes. That's not an exaggeration either. No, I most certainly didn't like it. If you enjoy brutal violence, go for it. I haven't seen the second one.

2007-01-25, 08:10 AM

Saw was a good film. Good plot, etc. Saw 2 was quite possibly one of the worst sequels ever. It was terrible. The plot was about as predictable as the sun rising, the characters were just bad and half the footage was ripped out of the first one.

I really wish I had never seen it.

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2007-01-25, 01:52 PM
First off, I have only seen the original. Personally, for me, the plot was too rediculously complicated to be believable, and that was what turned me off to the movie. That, and as realistic violence goes in horror movies, I thought it took things to a whole new level. I don't go to horror movies for violence. I go to horror movies to be freaked out, and prefer suspense-type horror movies (such as Silence of the Lambs, quite possibly the best thinking mans horror movie ever) not to see slasher flicks. Now, I have not seen Saw II, but from those I know who have seen it say it is more violent than the first.

2007-01-25, 07:28 PM
I love saw 1&2. Can't wait to see 3.

2007-02-08, 01:35 AM
Saw One was amazing, Saw Two not so much. Completely different direction, unfortunately the third one wouldn't make as much sense without it.
I generally don't like horror movies, the Saw series is the only exception (that comes to mind right now anyways), but my BF drags me to them anyways

2007-02-10, 02:10 PM
Anyone who says SAW2 sucked is being fair I suppose... it wasn't as good as the first one... but it was still friggin awesome! And the third one is well worth a watch after youve seen the second one... though with all sequels (or almost all) I dont think they originally planned to have more after it... its like SAW you get to know these two guys and the psycho-path and its really good... and then SAW 2 & 3 has the same basis, but with some new characters in different circumstances... and SAW 3 wasn't as gory as everyone said it was... so I recommend you watch them... and even if you dont like the second one, watch the third one anyway... thats just my abbreviated opinion, enjoy :smile: