View Full Version : Hercules!!! [pf]

2014-01-03, 01:01 AM
Hey there! So as a fun thought experiment, I'm statting up a version of Hercules using the Pathfinder Mythic rules. One thing I want to do is give him an item that is reminiscent of each of his twelve labors. I have some of them figured out, but I'm stumped on others! I've submitted myself to the playground in hopes of some assistance!

Here's what I've got so far:

Task 1—Nemean Lion (Nemean Hide Armor)
The nemean lion had a hide that was impenetrable, and in the stories Hercules specifically tried to skin the beast to use its hide as armor, so this one's pretty easy. It would probably have a very high enhancement bonus, as well as heavy fortification and some other properties.

Task 2—Lernean Hydra (Hydra blood poison/Mythic blade)
Another easy one, as Hercules is stated in the stories to have dipped his arrows in the hydra's blood in order to poison them. Additionally, in some versions the hydra's middle head was immortal, and Hercules could only defeat it using a magical, golden blade he got from Athena. I'm thinking about giving him both in this case.

Task 3—Ceryneian Hind (???)
I have a couple of ideas here, but I'm iffy on them. The first is boots of speed made from the hind's fur (this character isn't technically Hercules, so the fact that Hercules didn't technically kill the hind doesn't matter :smalltongue:), or have his bow be made from its antlers and have special properties (he chased it for a year, and deer naturally shed their antlers every so often; who's to say he didn't find a shed pair to make a bow out of?). I'm open to better suggestions, though.

Task 4—Erymanthian Boar (???)
Honestly, I have no idea here...

Task 5—Augean Stables (Decanter of endless water)
In the stories, Hercules wrestled a nearby river into flowing through the stables, cleaning them out. If we assume "Mythic" embellishment, then a decanter of endless water could achieve a similar effect.

Task 6—Stymphalian Birds (Drums of Panic/admantine arrows + daggers)
Another one where I have two ideas. In some versions of the story, Hercules was given a rattle with which to frighten the birds so he could shoot them, so I thought a drum of panic would work nicely to fit that role. He also could have taken some of the birds' feathers after they died and made arrowheads or daggers from them. Another one that could be both.

Task 7—Cretan Bull (???)
Once again, no idea...

Task 8—Mares of Diomedes (???)
Also no idea...

Task 9—Bely of Hippolyta (Belt of physical prowess +6)
Another easy one! The belt was even given to Hippolyta by Ares, so making it a belt of physical prowess +6 to boost all physical ability scores works perfectly!

Task 10—Cattle of Geryon (???)
In the stories, Hercules received a "golden cup" from Helios that Helios used to sail across the ocean each night to get back to the east to rise again. I have no idea what sort of item this might be, though. Isn't there a folding ship type thing? That might work...

Task 11—Apple of the Hesperides (???)
Another I'm not sure on. Both version of the story (tricking Atlas or slaying the dragon) seem like they have potential, but I'm unable to think of what it might be. The apple itself seems like the obvious answer, but most of the time apples (or food in general) as magic items need to be consumed to work, so having a permanent magic item the character can use as a "memento" of the task doesn't work so well when it needs to be consumed...

Task 12—Cerberus (???)
I'm thinking something that gives protection from [Death] spells or negative energy, as Hercules had to learn techniques to enter the underworld in order to achieve this task, but that's all I've got so far.

Now, I'm not going for optimization, here. I basically only have 2 criteria for the items: that they be able to be used more-or-less simultaneously (aka they don't occupy the same body slot as another item, weapons excluded), and they are either tied to the stories themselves, or thematically appropriate for the task.

Okay, what do you all think?


2014-01-03, 12:46 PM
No takers :smallfrown: ? I'll give this one more chance...

2014-01-03, 01:03 PM
Boar bristles makes nice hair brushes... Perhaps some CHA based item or permanent bonus like Alter Self ability?

2014-01-03, 03:45 PM
The hydra could make a magic bow or quiver of infinite arrows with a strong poison effect.

The metal feathers of the birds could be made into a cloak (i.e. wings of flying or feather fall plus a natural armor bonus)

Any or all of the labours involving animals could be turned into a unique figurine, (i.e. mares = nightmare, cauchmar, bull and boar could summon a gorgon/razor boar; you could adv their HD as seems appropriate), you could also make a single artifact that could summon all of the animals one at a time or all at once

Folding boat does seem most appropriate for the cup, power it up however you like.

The Apples could become an item (i.e. bag/pouch) that duplicated the Heroes' Feast spell, X times per day (i.e. cl11, 11 apples per use, each character immediately gains the benefits of the spell for 23hrs after eating an apple)

Cerberus could become an item allowing a method of plane travel as a nod to his ability to get to the underworld and back (i.e. Amulet of the planes)

Hope that helps,


2014-01-03, 04:31 PM
I've seen a few different variants of the Nemean Lion story, but one of them told how he used a club to stun it and then strangled it to death - maybe the lion hide armor could give high DR/bludgeoning?

2014-01-03, 06:07 PM
Make the lion hide armor OP as a minor artifact.

+5 Heavy Fortification. Freedom of Movement as well if you fancy.

Have it also grant Pounce, and if you REALLY wanna push it, have it designate itself as a target of shared pain, which the wearer benefits from, an have it be listed as being something that can only be destroyed by a very short list of effects/items. Thus, it basically makes it so the wearer get's "Always take half damage when you get hit.".

For Cerberus, A coin, perhaps, that grants immunity to Death Effects, Negative energy, Level loss/drain and ability score Loss/drain/damage/so on?

The harpies, I personally like the idea that he got the feathers and they grant flight, really good flight, maybe with a superb bonus too your fly skill check. After all, it doesn't have to be strictly perfectly translated, so that seems a good place to take a liberty to two.

And then there's the Apples. Maybe he has a small pouch that produces 3/day apples that work as potent consumable magic items. Like, Potions of High Level Spells or 3/day potions of any 1,2 or 3 spells of the players choosing for that day? That's all I've got off the top of my head.