View Full Version : Tisiphone vs. Arknid (The Crowd Calls for Blood)

2014-01-04, 08:01 AM
The crowd is in an uproar as the two contestants are brought into the arena and unshackled in their opposing corners. The gigantic gates behind each of them would usually close with a deafening din of metal and stone, but any sound the gates would make is drowned out by those seeking entertainment. Both of them knew to expect this, but actually experiencing it was something else entirely. As the two fighters prepare to defend their lives, Arknid is the first off the blocks! However, he sees...nothing. The arena guards had clearly entered and undone some shackles, but his opponent is currently unseen. The crowd begins to puzzle among themselves how this can be, and they are intrigued to see how Arknid will handle this.


Necroticplague, you're up! Failure to respond by 1/9/14 will result in holding your initiative. If you can't get up an IC post by Thursday, just check in to let us know.

Initiative Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16723586&postcount=897)

2014-01-04, 09:57 AM
Well, this is certanly not something Arknid expected. He is not new to gladiatorhood, but never has he had an arena this big (most often, the village pit was just a 10-foot circle). And all the people he'd fought before were like him: brawlers who loved to sink their hands into somebodies throat. But now, he appears to fight a coward who would hide themselves from him so as to not face him. Knowing he cannot merely stand waiting for a reveal but still it would be better to keep against the wall. He so dashes from one corner he stands in to one across, heading straight south until he finds himself in a different, defensible position, while calling out "Coward! Show yourself, so that we may fight man-to man!".

Full-round action:Run to T20.

2014-01-04, 10:42 AM
A lilting giggle escapes Tisiphone's corner her opponent bellows his challenge. "I'm not a man, dunderhead."

DC 20 UMD Roll:[roll0] Assuming success, use Magic Device Attunement feat to attune to the wand. Fly up 20' (taking up 40' of flight movement speed), then move 20' more to D17. Edit forthcoming for description of results.

A trio of magenta colored bolts dart from the gladiator's starting position and strike Arknid with unerring accuracy.

2014-01-04, 02:15 PM
Sorry, I'm missing what you're looking for a description of. You've flown up in the air and succeeded on your UMD check, but didn't indicate what wand you're activating. Can you let me know the spell so I know what happens?

2014-01-06, 07:45 AM
As Arknid runs along the perimeter of the ring, his unseen opponent giggles and attacks him with a spell of some sort. However, Arknid is unable to determine what the damnable thing is; all he knows is that it stings! The crowd begins to bark and shout, thrilled as they are to see someone wounded. They were hungry sharks, and the first drop of blood had just hit the water.


Arknid takes 9 force damage. You're up, Necroticplague!

2014-01-06, 08:44 AM
Arknid grits his teeth through the attack, shrugging it off to focus more on trying to find his enemy. Running towards where he saw the foe fire from, he gives a mighty leap partway through, his hands moving as if to throttle the unseen woman.

Full-round action:Run action to run to A20
Jump check to move the distance from E-20 to A-20 with a long jump (dc 20):[roll0]

If successful, grapple at the end (since was 5 feet above [as per long jump, peak is 1/4th horozontal distance] and came down on opponent, can initiate grapple), no AoO for attempt thanks to feat.
Miss chance for unseen(1 is hit, 2 is miss)[roll1]
Touch Attack:[roll2]
Grapple Check:[roll3]

2014-01-06, 12:37 PM
Arknid moves at breakneck speed across the arena, leaping through the air and pouncing in the corner. He lashes out with incredible vigor and grabs...nothing. There's nobody standing in the corner. Perhaps his unseen opponent had moved? Some in the crowd start to giggle at the sight of a combatant so consumed with rage at a foe he cannot find.

2014-01-06, 06:25 PM
A blast of arcane force emanates from somewhere above Arknid and streaks toward him, but his opponent remains unseen.

Eldrich Blast- [roll0] vs. Touch AC for [roll1] damage. Move to G 16, maintaining current altitude.

EDIT: Should add +2, assuming Arknid is sighted, and he would otherwise be denied his Dex bonus unless there is a mitigating factor.

2014-01-07, 06:08 AM
Faced with an opponent he literally cannot fight, Akrnid turns his back to the walls and puts up his guard, preparing for the next blast that comes his way.

Standard:Total Defense Action (+4 AC)

Since I seem pretty doomed anyway, just feel the need to ask: how the heck are you staying invisible while attacking? Even if you were using Walk Unseen, it would still suffer the limits of the spell, meaning you should *poof* into vision after the Magic Missile wand was used (I'm assuming full warlock, since that would be only way to access Walk Unseen, which explains why you were pre-buffed with it). And part of those limits are
The spell ends if the subject attacks any creature. For purposes of this spell, an attack includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area or effect includes a foe.

2014-01-07, 07:44 AM
Unable to find his unseen assailant, Arknid keeps his guard up and girds himself against further attacks.


Since I seem pretty doomed anyway, just feel the need to ask: how the heck are you staying invisible while attacking? Even if you were using Walk Unseen, it would still suffer the limits of the spell, meaning you should *poof* into vision after the Magic Missile wand was used (I'm assuming full warlock, since that would be only way to access Walk Unseen, which explains why you were pre-buffed with it). And part of those limits are

Suffice it to say there are ways to gain other effects to render yourself unseen beside Invisibility within the ECL limitations of this arena. The DM is aware of the limitations imposed by invisibility and analogs such as Walk Unseen. This is not that. If Postmodernist is comfortable revealing his character's tricks, that's up to him. However, he is under no compulsion to do so.

On the other hand, there are also ways to combat the tactic Postmodernist is using within the ECL limitations of this arena.

2014-01-07, 10:32 AM
Suffice it to say there are ways to gain other effects to render yourself unseen beside Invisibility within the ECL limitations of this arena. The DM is aware of the limitations imposed by invisibility and analogs such as Walk Unseen. This is not that. If Postmodernist is comfortable revealing his character's tricks, that's up to him. However, he is under no compulsion to do so.

On the other hand, there are also ways to combat the tactic Postmodernist is using within the ECL limitations of this arena.

Eh, as long as the limit was kept in mind I don't particularly care how. I just thought he was cheating, thus the question. Actually, this is kinda intriguing on a whole.

2014-01-07, 06:16 PM
:biggrin: Let's just say I employed some old character optimization tricks I learned at an old (now defunct) Arena thread on the WotC site. I'm sure my tricks will be revealed soon enough, but I shan't spoil the surprise just yet.

"Giving up so soon? I'll grant you a surrender if the judges deem you worthy of one," comes a voice from somewhere above Arknid. There is a pregnant pause as his opponent awaits a response.

If Necroticplague and OMG PONIES legitimately feel that Arknid has no means of effectively combating/defeating Tisiphone, then should we scrub the fight? I imagine it'll amount to little more than a lengthy series of attack and damage rolls until Arknid is whittled down. If so, then perhaps we should conclude this encounter. If not, I'm happy to continue firing assorted blasts at my opponent. For now, I'll hold Tisiphone's action until there is a reply from the arena's judges or the crowd or whomever might be appropriate.

2014-01-07, 06:31 PM
Arknid, surprisingly enough, laughs and smirks at the offer to surrender "Surrendering is for the kind of cowards who would hide themselves behind cloaks like you have. Even in situations like this, my head may be bloodied, but it remains unbowed."

I do have a couple plans so this isn't entirely hopeless for me.None are particularly good, but as long as there's a tiny chance, I'll go for it.

2014-01-07, 08:33 PM
"I admire your resolve warrior, for all it might do for you." Another blast comes forth from the empty air.

I've already spoiled my Eldritch Blast, so how about another one? [roll0] vs Touch for [roll1] damage. EDIT: :smallannoyed:

Ascend 10', move to H 19.

2014-01-07, 09:05 PM
As the streaking bolt manages to to touch him despite his efforts, continues his manaical grin as it barely even singes him, and proceeds to make wide attacks with his mighty fists...

Straight at the ground below him, driving large gouges into the earth below.

Full round attack at the 5 foot sections of ground below me, Power Attacking for +4 to damage.
Attack 1:[roll0]. Damage:[roll1]
Attack 2:[roll2]. Damage:[roll3]
Attack 3:[roll4]. Damage:[roll5]

No clue what the heck the hardness and HP of a square/cube of dirt are though

2014-01-08, 08:22 PM
The acrid smell of brimstone fills the air as another blast of arcane energy hurtles toward Arknid. "That's the spirit! Perhaps you can toss a pebble at me. Not that you're likely to hit."

Eldritch Blast vs touch: [roll0] for [roll1] damage. Move to F17.

2014-01-08, 09:01 PM
Arknid has little time for talking with this filth as he sets a quicker plan of action into motion running from his scratches in the ground, drawing the massive chunk of metal that qualifies for a sword on his back as he does. He then turns around with a mighty leap and brings his blade upon the ground, shattering it more than in one stroke than his fist's whole assault did. This damage is further pounded in when he repeats this whole action (minus drawing the sword again, because he already drew the darn thing).

Half my first move action:Move to e20
Free action during that: Draw my Greatsword
Other Half:Jump all the way back to A20, dc 20 jump check to cover that distance (formality, I succeed this on a nat1) [roll0].
Charge Attack (since as per the long jump rules, I was 5 feet high at the apex, thus I fell 5 feet onto it), Power Attacking for full:Attack:[roll1],Damage:[roll2](One of those points is acid damage).
Whatever that damage is is then tripled.

Move action:Move to E20, jump back to A20. Jump Check:[roll3].
Charge Attack (since as per the long jump rules, I was 5 feet high at the apex, thus I fell 5 feet onto it), Power Attacking for full:Attack:[roll4],Damage:[roll5](One of those points is acid damage).
Whatever that damage is is then tripled.

2014-01-09, 08:48 AM
I'm confused, it looks like you've posted two rounds of actions. Should I only be using the first set of actions this round, or do you have something that allows you to act twice? Also, please keep in mind that there are rules for locating invisible creatures via Spot and Listen.

2014-01-09, 09:18 AM
That was two move actions, something I can do in a turn. Since I have bab more than one, drawing the sword is part of a move action, and the charge occurs when I fall down onto something from a height.

2014-01-09, 09:47 AM
Arknid chips through another 8 inches of stone with two mighty leaps. Meanwhile, his opponent keeps taunting him from somewhere in the skies to the northeast. Arknid's ears aren't the keenest, especially with the crowd laughing and enjoying the battle, but he tries to pinpoint Tisiphone's location.


Arknid can't figure out exactly where she is, but he knows that she's floating somewhere to his northeast, and she's definitely hovering in the skys.

2014-01-09, 06:33 PM
"Impressive! Not that it'll do you much good, my wingless friend." Another bolt sears forth from the empty air and seeks Arknid.

Second verse, same as the first. [roll0] vs. flatfooted touch, for [roll1] damage.Ascend 10', move to A16

2014-01-09, 09:06 PM
"I may be wingless, but I put that a fair margin above being gutless like you are. First, you make yourself unseen, and then you make yourself out of reach? And you have the gall to call yourself a gladiator. You besmirch the name of this place by fighting here, and there will be great rejoice when I smear you corpse along the ground."As he goes on his rant he continues to run and drives sword into ground again and again, ablating away layer after layer of solid stone. Remember kids: Arknid is only doing this because it's a magic sword. Trying this with any normal sword is a very good way to turn a very good sword into a very useless chunk of metal.

Move action:Move to E20, jump back to A20. Jump Check:[roll]1d20+20.
Charge Attack (since as per the long jump rules, I was 5 feet high at the apex, thus I fell 5 feet onto it), Power Attacking for full:Attack:[roll0],Damage:[roll1](One of those points is acid damage).
Whatever that damage is is then tripled.

Move action:Move to E20, jump back to A20. Jump Check:[roll2].
Charge Attack (since as per the long jump rules, I was 5 feet high at the apex, thus I fell 5 feet onto it), Power Attacking for full:Attack:[roll3],Damage:[roll4](One of those points is acid damage).
Whatever that damage is is then tripled.

Yes, I am just copy-pasting at this point. Thus the nice banter as a free action to spice things up.

2014-01-09, 09:36 PM
"Besmirch this," taunts Arknid's invisible opponent, once again raining hellfire down upon the hapless warrior.

[roll0] vs flatfooted touch for [roll1].Move to E 16

2014-01-09, 10:00 PM
"Such razor whip, such originality! Tell me, do they teach you such things in the cowards training arena, the same place where the carefully removed liver and spine both?"

Move action:Move to E20, jump back to A20. Jump Check:[roll0].
Charge Attack (since as per the long jump rules, I was 5 feet high at the apex, thus I fell 5 feet onto it), Power Attacking for full:Attack:[roll1],Damage:[roll2](One of those points is acid damage).
Whatever that damage is is then tripled.

Move action:Move to E20, jump back to A20. Jump Check:[roll3].
Charge Attack (since as per the long jump rules, I was 5 feet high at the apex, thus I fell 5 feet onto it), Power Attacking for full:Attack:[roll4],Damage:[roll5](One of those points is acid damage).
Whatever that damage is is then tripled.

2014-01-09, 10:35 PM
"Wit," Tisiphone intones with a sigh, "you mean wit. I don't like what you're doing there. If you can't play nice, I'll have to take away your toys." There is a brief pause, and then the very air reverberates and seems to darken as an unholy sound emanates from the invisible gladiator. "Irmhhlg!" she bellows unnaturally, sending a shiver through Arknid's blade.

DC 18 Will Save or Arknid's sword is Shattered. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/shatter.htm)Move to F 17

2014-01-10, 05:05 AM
(OOC:As much as I dislike it, it looks like I'm going to have to double post due to the importance of making this save on my action.)


2014-01-10, 06:17 AM
The sword seems at first to bend to the force of vibrations, but manages to weather the assault unharmed by the words of this pansy. "Wow. Unoriginal quips and now swearing. Your really moving all the way up the totem pole of language use." He sighs at the respite from the assault to lick his wounds as he continues breaking the earth.

Move action:Move to E20, jump back to A20. Jump Check:[roll0].
Charge Attack (since as per the long jump rules, I was 5 feet high at the apex, thus I fell 5 feet onto it), Power Attacking for full:Attack:[roll1],Damage:[roll2](One of those points is acid damage).
Whatever that damage is is then tripled.

Move action:Move to E20, jump back to A20. Jump Check:[roll3].
Charge Attack (since as per the long jump rules, I was 5 feet high at the apex, thus I fell 5 feet onto it), Power Attacking for full:Attack:[roll4],Damage:[roll5](One of those points is acid damage).
Whatever that damage is is then tripled.

2014-01-10, 05:49 PM
Irked, Tisiphone employs a new word. "N'gthrugh!" she howls, the words ringing a tone that resonates unnaturally again with the sword.

DC 18 Will save again or the the sword is shattered.I'm not moving. Just creating the impression that maybe I am.

2014-01-10, 09:28 PM
As the slab of metal within his hands shudders slightly in utter shock at the foul tongue of these vile enemy, Arknid simply chimes in "Insanity: Attempting to do the same thing more than once and expecting different results. If my sword didn't do anything than vibrate like a [redacted for decency] the first time, despite your fowl tongue, what makes you think it will start now?" He then proceeds to continue with his aerial assault of the ground.
Move action:Move to E20, jump back to A20. Jump Check:[roll0].
Charge Attack (since as per the long jump rules, I was 5 feet high at the apex, thus I fell 5 feet onto it), Power Attacking for full:Attack:[roll1],Damage:[roll2](One of those points is acid damage).
Whatever that damage is is then tripled.

Move action:Move to E20, jump back to A20. Jump Check:[roll3].
Charge Attack (since as per the long jump rules, I was 5 feet high at the apex, thus I fell 5 feet onto it), Power Attacking for full:Attack:[roll4],Damage:[roll5](One of those points is acid damage).
Whatever that damage is is then tripled.

2014-01-11, 10:28 AM
While they may not be exchanging blows, the combatants exchanging barbs has made this a comedic occasion for the crowd. They laugh at the insults exchanged by each, and some of them start in on the side of each of their favorite fighters. Some heckle Tisiphone, while others bark out jeers at Arknid. It doesn't sound like it, but they're having a great time. Arknid is about 3 and a half feet into the ground, but it's not stopping Tisiphone's invocations from affecting him. However, as the two exchange jabs his wounds seem to close themselves up, and he looks as well as he did when the fight began.


As per my ruling in the OOC chat, Battle Jump can be used 1x per round going forward. I figured it was easiest to allow the past actions, as they were just directed at the ground instead of your foe.

2014-01-11, 05:15 PM
"When you're right, you're right, my friend. Time to change tactics." Another three magenta streaks careen from the sky toward Arknid, striking him without effort.

Magic Missile from wand, no need to roll UMD due to attunement. [roll0]Descend 20'

Is Arknid wearing any obvious armor or carrying a shield? I never got a basic description of his appearance.

2014-01-11, 06:08 PM
yes, he clearly wears a shirt of chain beneath the patchwork of furs and straps that function as clothing. As for the lack of detail, that's intentional. Note that the sword was never mentioned until I drew the thing either.

2014-01-11, 06:27 PM
No problem. I just noticed that standard descriptions were given initially for most fights. Since my character is invisible, I had assumed it was simply overlooked for this fight. I believe the action is yours.

2014-01-11, 10:00 PM
These blistering bolts sear quite a bit than the puny attack of earlier, enough to actually make Arknid grit his teeth. Unwaveringly, however, he continues his relentless ground-smashing with focus, focusing only on his goal.

Full-round action:Move to e20, battle jump back to a20, same as all the other turns, only now with more actions!
Whatever that is is tripled, of course.

2014-01-11, 10:48 PM
Tisiphone once again calls out in an unholy language, "Gnthralaach!" though this time to cacophonous tones resonate with Arknid's armor.

MORE OF THE SAME. DC 18 Will or your chain shirt is shattered.Hover.

2014-01-11, 11:01 PM
Arknid's armor vibrates a bit in shock like his sword did before, but does not seem permanently harmed:the links stay firmly together and just as protective as ever. Arknid barely notes this as he again runs, cracking the stone another few inches with a mighty slam.

Full-round action:Move to e20, battle jump back to a20.
Whatever that is is tripled.

2014-01-11, 11:08 PM
No save? Or is this an indication that the armor is magic?

2014-01-12, 07:03 AM
No save? Or is this an indication that the armor is magic?

It's magic as well.

2014-01-12, 10:52 AM
Ok. Your action.

2014-01-12, 12:54 PM
The air shimmers above Arknid for a moment, revealing a tiny sprite with gossamer wings floating above him. She briefly whirls about in place, and addresses the arena's audience. "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!?" she bellows, arms outstretched, demanding attention from the crowd which had grown listless during the dull exchange of the past few moments. She barely pauses for effect before winking out of sight again.

Suddenly, an innocuous ball of fuzz materializes above Arknid and falls to the earth, accompanied by Tisihphone's tinny giggle. It sits on the ground for a moment before sprouting into a massive warhorse. The beast stamps its hooves momentarily upon the arena floor before leaping to attack.

Free: Speak, suppress and reactivate greater invisibility. Standard: Draw [roll0] warhorse (REALLY?!? REALLY) from Bag of Tricks, which appears in F17. Attack from animal forthcoming.Move to E15

2014-01-12, 12:59 PM
The warhorse, nostrils flaring with effort and hooves kicking up dust behind, charges the gladiator.

Horse charges Arknid. I'll allow Ponies to decide precisely which square(s) he deems appropriate for the animal to occupy.

[roll0] for [roll1] damage.

2014-01-12, 01:50 PM
"Slightly better. At least you showed your face for a second. But still:now you send dumb animals in your place to fight for you? What kind of gladiator will not fight on their own battles?" The kick in the chest manages to check his attention, though, so he turns all the titanic effort he has been putting into the ground at the horse. Given how the horse is not several feet worth of stone, this has a significantly more interesting effect, if you consider a horse getting bisected to be interesting, of course (given where we are, this is a distinct possibility).
Full-round action:Run 20 feet away, battle jump back 20 (jump check:[roll0]).
The Charge Attack:
Crit Confirm (if needed):[roll2]
Then, of course, the x3 from various multipliers.
The assurances of horse-bisection come from the fact even if I roll a 1 one everything, it's just enough to equal its ac, then do 66 damage. Even if it rolled a max HP of 44, that's dead as a doorknob.

The horse does get an AoO for my movement, for all the good it will do.

2014-01-12, 02:07 PM
The horse lashes out with a hoof as Arknid moves away from it.
[roll0] for [roll1] damage.

2014-01-13, 10:21 PM
Tisiphone zaps Arknid with a spell, then attempts an invocation that has little effect against his magical armor. Looking for other options, she summons a heavy warhorse from her bag of tricks. The horse whinnies and charges right for Arknid's ditch, which he's deepened to 4 feet by this point.

It connects with a hoof, and Arknid attempts to retaliate with another battle jump. However, without a running start he's unable to clear his own ditch. He lands back on his feet and is able to take a stab at the creature, but he's unable to charge. Instead, he deals the horse a blow that is strong, but far from lethal. As he tries to hop out of the hole, the horse kicks at him with a hoof that connects with his skull.


Your attacks on the stone have chipped away 4 feet of stone. However, you're unable to clear that with your most recent jump check, so you can't jump out of the pit and continue your movement. Unable to drop onto the horse, you're unable to battle jump it. Please let me know if you have any questions.


2014-01-14, 12:08 AM
The horse suffers a mighty blow but remains standing. Enraged, it rears up and lashes out with its forelegs, punctuating the flurry with a fierce bite. Another barrage of arcane force descends from on high, peppering the hapless Arknid.

Horse makes a full attack: [roll0] for [roll1], [roll2] for [roll3], and [roll4] for [roll]1d4+2[roll]. Magic missile for [roll5].Hover.

2014-01-14, 09:37 PM
It would seem the horse's earlier ability to damage him were flukes. This assault hammers itself against Arknid, but he doesn't even bother to move as his chain absorbs the hoof blows and his skin proves to be a little too tough for the horse to chew through. The attack as he tried to jump earlier, however still stung quite a bit. Almost exactly as much as the new volley of magenta bolts were. "Fine. No more stupid tricks. I don't need a force that cracks earth to bring down a measely equine." With that, he takes his massive sword, swinging it behind him for momentum, then upwards for an attack, following up this stab with an assault from his own fists in a rapid onslaught.
Full-round attack:
All are formatted like thus:
attack:attack roll, crit confirm, damage

2014-01-15, 06:20 PM
Arknid rains suffering down upon the warhorse. The beast snorts and paws the ground for a moment before succumbing to its wounds, a pool of blood dripping into the gouge the gladiator had torn into the arena floor.

"That's not very nice," offers Tisiphone,"you should be punished." A sulfurous reek fills the air as another bolt blazes toward Arknid.

[roll0] vs touch for [roll1] damage.Move to G 15

2014-01-15, 06:23 PM
[roll0] vs touch for [roll1] damage.

2014-01-15, 09:03 PM
However much he despises these underhanded tactics, Arknid realizes he won't win without evening this tilted field. With that in mind, he lifts the corpse of his slain enemy and uses it to form a lid for the hole he has made for himself, hiding beneath it so he can sort out his options and recuperate.

Move action;Manipulate Object:Drag the corpse over the hole, using it's Large body to break LoS and LoE to me in my medium little hole.
Standard Action:Ready an action.
Standard action to try and grapple if any part of the horse is lifted.
Concealment miss chance (1 hit, 2 miss):[roll0]

2014-01-15, 09:04 PM
Re-roll because I accidentally messed up one of the tags:

2014-01-17, 09:33 AM
Pause. Sorting out what happens to a creature summoned by a bag of tricks and slain before 10 minutes. Absent a response in the Simple RAW thread by tomorrow, I will stand by my ruling that it disappears and allow Arknid a retcon of his most recent action.

EDIT: I got a response (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16810694&postcount=801) in the Simple RAW thread. While the response includes some commentary on the RAI I'll not delve into, they agreed with my reading of RAW and I'll thus be upholding my ruling. The horse disappears upon the first of three conditions: 10 minutes passing, death, or being ordered back into the bag (in this case, death). Unpause.

2014-01-17, 08:51 PM
Or at least, that's what we would have done, were it not for the horse dissipating in a puff of logic as he reached out to grab it. With that plan out, he can only throw his back into hefting further, though things have managed to get deep enough it is taking some effort to haul himself out of it, bit it's getting easier to fall the proper distance.
Full-round action:Climb out the hole, move 10 feet, jump back into hole for a Battle Jump.
Climb (vs DC 15 (natural stone-10 for having another wall to brace against)):[roll0]
Jump to jump 10 feet without a running start (DC 20):[roll1]
Whatever that is is tripled, yada yada. Back to futilely smakin' the ground

2014-01-18, 01:05 AM
"I must commend you for having the most unorthodox battle tactics I have ever seen. Now do be a good lad and die." Arcane hellfire again rains down upon the gladiator.

Eldrich blast. [roll0] vs touch for [roll1] damage.

2014-01-18, 02:10 PM
For once in his life, Arknid actually manages to dodge one of these bolts, with this one dissipating harmlessly into the stone below. "Thanks for the offer, but I've heard dying tends to get in the way of killing. I'm afraid I must insist that you go first." full round action: climb out of the hole, then move 10 feet away and jump 10 feet back for a battle jump when I hit the bottom.
Whatever I get is tripled.For damage, not the other rolls.

2014-01-19, 09:21 PM
"This is absurd. Be a good boy and mucking about." Three more streaks of magenta hurtle from empty space and strike Arknid.

Damage- [roll0]

2014-01-19, 10:12 PM
"I think you missed a word in that sentence. Either way, I have no intention of dying now, after putting all this effort into not doing so.If you really feel this to be so infuriating, a simply solution lie by pointing your tiny finger at your own head instead of mine."
Full-round:Climb up, run, jump, smash again.
Climb DC15:[roll0]
Jump DC 20:[roll1]
Triple that damage roll.
Also, anyone know how deep I've gotten? Need to know how close I am to 10 feet.I lost track after about three feet.

2014-01-19, 11:35 PM
"You're right. I failed to say 'quit,' which is precisely what you ought to do, instead of digging up more of the lovely arena floor." Another salvo rains down. Tisiphone silently wonders whether or not the crowd has gone mad with boredom.

[roll0] damage.

2014-01-20, 12:20 AM
"Wouldn't be very warrior-like of me to do that, now would it? Even the most spineless of man can press on when the whole world is in his favor. The measure of a person can be shown when the deck is against them, how they act then. It is fitting enough that you fly, for in this, you show yourself unworthy of setting foot inside these walls."
Full-round:Climbing up, then dropping to charge (now deep enough I don't need to actually jump).
Climb (DC 15):[roll0]
Triple the damage.
Also, now that the hole is taller than me, having LoS or LoE means you'd have to be in A20 above me.

2014-01-20, 10:24 AM
Arknid destroys the horse, which promptly vanishes. He continues digging while Tisiphone continues pelting him with magic. Finally, Arknid digs more than 7 feet below the earth and disappears from view.


You've now done 1,484 damage to the stone. This translates to a depth of 5' 4.5" @ 23 damage per inch (8 hardness, 15 hp). You have now successfully broken line of sight with Tisiphone.

On an unrelated note, I just realized how scholarly Arknid sounds for a 4 INT creature :smalltongue:.

You're up, Postmodernist!

2014-01-20, 12:28 PM
"Big words from a man who has just hidden himself in a hole. I wonder how you plan to dig yourself out." Another ball of fluff emerges from the ether, and a snarling lion emerges, before charging towards Arknid.

Bag of Tricks [roll0]Ascend 20', use remaining movement to D 18.

2014-01-20, 12:35 PM
The lion pounces at Arknid, saliva dripping from its terrifying maw, claws glinting majestically in the arena sun.

Charge, full attack, higher ground, initiating Improved Grab grapple if an attack is successful.

Claw 1:[roll0] for [roll1] damage.
Claw 2:[roll2] for [roll3] damage.
Bite: [roll4] for [roll5] damage.

Grapple attempts: [roll6] Will roll additional OOC if necessary.

2014-01-20, 01:01 PM
The general who is skilled in defense hides in the most secret recesses of the earth; he who is skilled in attack flashes forth from the topmost heights of heaven. From this perspective, it would seem that they are equal , with the majestic lions roaring from above while Arknid stands within a tomb of his own demising. Most however, would assume that nature wins out in this scenario, being red in tooth and claw. Most, would then, forget that man did make his own claws and fangs and hides, forged them out of metal, and all tempered even beyond by the puts effort Man puts into his works. The effort of will like that of Arknid's scar-stitched hide which neither bends nor breaks under the claws, as its fangs that get uselessly tangled up among his armor. His retribution is a fair bit more lethal effective, with the lion driven to forward to defend itself properly.
Full-round: Make a full-round attack with my greatword and my three other attack. ame formatting a lat time.

2014-01-20, 06:50 PM
"Cat got your tongue?" Tisiphone grumbles, even as the series of blows brings the big cat down. Another barrage of magic harries Arknid further as he hides within his hole.

[roll0] damage. Move to A 20. Ascend another 20'.

2014-01-20, 08:51 PM
"Fortunately for me, it does not. Unfortunately for me, it doesn't have yours either." He continues with his pounding of sword into stone, making another few inches of stone chip away under his drop from the rim of his little blocken dugout.
Full round:climb up 5 feet, then drop down onto the floor charging it again.
Climb (DC15):[roll0]
Triple the Damage

2014-01-20, 09:04 PM
OOC: Do the lion and Arknid both have reach that exceeds 5 feet? Because if not, they can't reach each other now that Arknid's 7 feet down.

2014-01-20, 09:07 PM
Um, requesting a pause until this is sorted. If those attacks couldn't be made, then basically, the lion will be alive and didn't attack and Arknid will be in a 7' deep hole, right?

2014-01-20, 09:32 PM
As per the rules about jumping, the default vertical reach of a creature is 8 feet, so I can most certainly hit him. Or from a different rule-perspective: until I've dug deep enough to create a whole new square below me, I'm in a square that shares it's top with the floor, and can use my ability to hit adjacent targets to smack him, while he can do similarly to me.Unless I want to take squeezing penalties for cramming into a space to small for me to fit in. Yes, it's rather odd, but that's what you get when you try and split the world up into 5 foot cubes.

2014-01-20, 10:46 PM
Missed the vertical reach table before, mea culpa. Carry on. No need for a pause.

2014-01-21, 12:13 AM
Tisiphone shouts, "GAME ON!" and hurls more sorcerous pain towards her foe.

[roll0]Ascend 20'

2014-01-21, 05:39 AM
Tisiphone finally seems to fall to the constant assault Leaning against the wall of his own making, seemingly unconcious with his eyes just glazed over at the rim of the hole he made, sword once held tight now laying in a slack hand.
The spot and listen are to try and get a sense of her location as she moves in to finish me off. The bluff check is to convince her I'm unconscious (instead of disabled, which I am).
Ready a standard action:Grapple her if I sense her move within my reach
Concealment miss chance (1 is hit, 2 is miss):[roll3]
Attack (vs touch):[roll4]

He's only disabled, not unconcious.

Edit: Disregard this, he's out cold.

2014-01-21, 09:36 AM
The way I've got it, you're absolutely unconscious. You started the turn at -6 HP, but your fast healing brought you to -3 HP and stabilized you. However, it did not make you conscious...there's still only a 10% chance of that until you get back to at least 0 HP (which will happen next turn if Tisiphone doesn't damage you). Did I miss a round of fast healing?

Relevant rules text:

If any sort of healing cures the dying character of even 1 point of damage, he stops losing hit points and becomes stable.
Healing that raises the dying character’s hit points to 0 makes him conscious and disabled. Healing that raises his hit points to 1 or more makes him fully functional again, just as if he’d never been reduced to 0 or lower...A character who becomes stable on his own (by making the 10% roll while dying) and who has no one to tend to him still loses hit points, just at a slower rate. He has a 10% chance each hour of becoming conscious.


Pause for rules clarification.

2014-01-21, 10:15 AM
@ ponies
Sorry, looks like I got confused. I thought being stable meant disabled. Looks like I'm clearly wrong there. So I'm stable, but still out (since no diehard.we do disagree on exact hp though. My math is having me at 5 hp, get knocked to -4, heal back to -1.

2014-01-21, 11:57 AM
I'll have to review when I'm not at work and have access to your sheet. For now, it sounds like we agree that you're stable, but unconscious. If Tisiphone doesn't do any more damage to you, you'll heal enough to act in the next round.


2014-01-21, 05:45 PM
As per the OOC thread's orders:

Attack one and two are claws, while attack three is an unarmed strike.

2014-01-21, 06:22 PM
I'm confused. Are you wielding the sword in one hand or two? This is for my own edification, as natural attack/iterative/manufactured weapon questions always make my head spin, but I was under the impression that you couldn't make natural off hand attacks if you were dual-wielding or using a two handed weapon (and factoring in Multiattack into this usually just confuses me more). The answer isn't terribly important, I just want to further my own understanding of how this stuff works.

Additionally, is the fight over after an opponent is rendered unconscious? Tisiphone won't be flying down for a coup de grace; she's smart, she knows her physical limitations, and she's seen Arknid regenerate. Is a ranged coup de grace possible, or will this essentially result in a bunch of eldritch blasts/magic missile salvos being fired off? If so, if Arknid is down for the count, I can expedite this process by rolling a bunch of attacks or something like that.

2014-01-21, 07:47 PM
I'm wielding one two-handed weapon in my two hands. However, the rules don't actually state anything about not attacking with a natural weapon when you attack with a weapon in that hand. A lot of monster statblocks follow that rule, but it isn't actually stated anywhere. As for making multiple attacks. Also, there is no such thing as a natural off-hand attack. However, if using a weapon, all natural weapons are downgraded to secondary natural weapons. The penalties for several natural attacks are constant regardless of number: exactly zip for primary natural weapons, and a constant -5 for secondary. Secondary natural attacks only do half strength damage (note greater damage with the full-attack against stone than with sword+them). Looking aat the other games "the crowd calls for blood" and it most certainly isn't over till I'm dead. And coup de graces can't be done from a distance, so if you want that' you'll have to get up close and personal :smallwink:. As for just doing a bunch of other rolls, I don't think that would necessarily be fair, since I could recover and am not willingly surrendering and just taking it. Of course, that is most certainly subject to DM ruling.

2014-01-22, 12:24 PM
I found this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=154194) which led to my curiosity. Not sure if anything is clarified, and the point is probably irrelevant anyway.

Tisiphone sees her opponent collapse, though he still appears to be breathing. She attempts to finish him off with another volley of magic.


Descend 20'

2014-01-22, 12:51 PM
And Arknid's said breath leaves him, not to return in this life.

Tisiphone Victory!

2014-01-22, 05:52 PM
Good game, sir.

2014-01-23, 07:07 AM
The crowd erupts into raucous applause--whether or not it was a fair fight was a question they never bothered to ask. Instead, they were merely satisfied that it was a long fight. The crowd begins to exchange guesses as to Tisiphone's nature, trying to figure out what kind of invisible creature could pelt her enemy with bolts of energy and summon forth creature after creature. Unfortunately, the members of the audience are a little dumb and a lot drunk, so most of the conversations deteriorate into slurred shouting matches.

Tisiphone wins!...but you already knew that.